"Science and religion are both in fact mysterious." I like that statement and I tend to agree. Maybe someday the mysteries will be better understood. In the meantime, I'm open -minded to the adventure of science and the revelation of God.
That assumes that the engineer is involved in the intricate design from end to end. What if the engineer has only started the process and has tweaked the parameters and is watching how it unfolds.
@@prasada1280 These fool's see this way; there is the reverse way it's self to show how end to end he works Look at all woman with period bloods month after month, our hair, our fingerprints never doubled, eye, heart with 4 chambers 2 eyes that are nothing but a photon receiving camera that is more biologically formed together, ears, amegdela, tacos and bananas(to be able to tell you you came from this brunch), the pleasure with taco and banana where the creator desire is, should I keep going to length x
@@prasada1280 "That assumes that the engineer is involved in the intricate design from end to end. " That's what theists assert about their god. Clearly he is either careless, incompetent or absent.
The three are completely different. Careless, incompetent, absent. Careless he could be, indifferent yes he could be so what? Aren't we indifferent and careless too. In fact thats what I meant in my reply. Dont rush so much to the absent part - I am not too sure of that yet.
If a man were to worship and nurture a tree, and prayed every day for that tree to bear him fruit for consumption, and that tree did bear him good fruit: Then that tree would be his god. Since the tree is real and existing that would mean that his god is a real and existing god. Christians worship the Supreme God which is, ‘the cause of all creation’. Love of Christ in our hearts leads to community’s prayers which are answered with blessings including prosperity. The Holy Spirit gives us moral strength and is recognized as the Christian communities guiding influence. From a science perspective; ‘the cause of all creation’, originates from the laws of Nature. Social morals and ethics give rise to a stable society capable of social endeavors. In addition, Emotional Intelligent is responsible for the needed communication in any complex social environment. From a scientific viewpoint the worshiped Christian God is a real and existing Supreme God. Sustaining the universe, this all-powerful, present and knowing God is described by the Laws of Nature. The included source of All -Good is made evident when the Laws of Nature are used solely for the benefit of man’s survival and prosperity. The Holy Spirit accommodates this process of moral goodness and advanced communication. With this understanding, Atheism is no longer considered rational as there is now scientific evidence for the opposite view. It must be said that this view of God is not the regular supernatural view of God since science does not associate with the supernatural. With this understanding the Christian God is a real, existing God; Not supernatural. It is the lack of knowledge of the natural universe that has led to the terms, ‘supernatural’ and ‘miraculous’, to explain the unknown. Many Believers will not comprehend or endorse this view of a non-supernatural supreme God. Regardless, science evidence reveals that, 'Worshiping Christ which is in your heart leads to answered prayers'.
Michal Shermer and Dyson positions is 100% spot on no matter of ones beliefs . They should be teach to every human being . (one of the best episodes in the serie btw)
This is very clarifying and helpful. ❤️ Thank you so much for these beautiful videos. 🥰 I need to know where people are in their thinking in order to interface the correct ideas in order to save people from their fear and ignorance. The biological damage caused by the deceptiveness and ease of using words as tools bottom-up instead of learning and seeing by them top-down in an expanded universe of meaning. Which of course is the only path of life. “Complexity” is not a good or valid word to use. It’s extremely confusing of the basic issues. Coherence is a much better word. So is intelligibility. The people who argue from design are frustrating because they use arguments like the “complexity” of the eye and other such nonsense. The eye is absolutely KEY to the best arguments for god when we understand them properly IN CONTEXT. As a functional symbol. I write about that in my book “The Textbook of the Universe: The Genetic Ascent to God”. And in a new much more expanded book coming out soon under my new transgender name putting the whole universe in that context specifically and in detail because people are so used to thinking about things in the old way. Thanks 🙏🏻
Or just sloppy and distracted. He's probably got a shed filled with half finished universes he got bored with. He managed to slap enough cosmic duct tape on this one to hold it together for a few trillion years. Then it's on to the next shiny thing.
I am inverting Weinberg's argument on its head and I say that the fact that we find nothing that refers us humans, that gives us guidance and life in general, to the Universe is precisely a strong argument that we, and all life, is not a product of chance. If the opposite were true, i.e that our existence would be directly attributable to teh universtse, then I would argue that we are just physical products that have no meaning and that we our motions are equivalent to those of elementary particles. But we are not! In short, how de we expain the fact that a pointless Universe, a IUnivrese without purpose or goal produce beings that function (apparently) in a goal-directed manner? How do we exlain this contradiction? Thanks for your wonderful videos. I truly enjoy them.
Humans have purpose because we can think about the future. The Universe does not have a purpose because it there is not anything that limits the Universe.
Francisco Ayala is a brilliant biologist… but he doesn’t know that for most of human existence wisdom teeth were not a problem? Hunter-gatherers jaws were robust enough for them to fit nicely. Even agriculturalists did okay with wisdom teeth, for the most part. It’s really the Industrial Revolution that spread wisdom tooth problems around the world. Factory-made processed foods that are soft and don’t require much force from our chewing prevents our jaws from developing properly. Doesn’t prove design, but proves that well-qualified experts can make easy mistakes.
@@derekallen4568 this is not evolution, it is purely a change in our diets that evolution has not caught up with. If we ate a stone age diet are jaws and muscles would be bigger to deal with the tougher food. Our jaws are smaller purely due to diet and so we still grow the teeth made for larger jaws.
"Having sex in a rectum is ok" Right. Love of your own stupidity Addapt and not mind the smell of your own fart that would make others make a mocking of you
I find it fascinating how some can lock eyes with you the entire time while they're talking. I always need to look away to gather my thoughts and words. It's kind of odd to gaze into someone's soul the entirety of a conversation 👁️👁️
It is sometimes an intimidation technique used by malignant narcissists. And if you break eye contact they will spin it that you are being deceptive, not that they are being manipulative.
Claiming that the human body is merely the product of undirected material processes is as silly as claiming that systems such as computers, robots and washing machines have merely "evolved!"
This was an excellent compilation of views. I remain intrigued with the argument from design. Let's go back to the period when no organisms had eyes as we know them, it take thousands of mutations to create even the most rudimentary organ that sense light so after the 1st, 10th and 500th mutations its not clear that the mutant organism would have an evolutionary advantage...so how does the mutation progress to finally develop a full-featured capability that then advantages our candidate?
It seems it is one of three most likely possibilities. 1) A god like presence orchestrating even in the minutia. 2) the simple will to want to travel faster / jump higher/ be more aware of your surroundings etc is enough to push evolution along towards these focused on goals. Actually pushed along by the subject itself. 3) it is simply a numbers game. Immense quantity of life / mutations / extinctions /selective breeding etc ( survival of the fittest) . Dwindled down the species without these advantages leaving the .0000001 % more developed eye subject to find more food/ breed / become more viable over and over. I lean towards the third option mostly. And I think one of the most difficult things for us to do as humans. Is imagine that amount of time. To a larger degree .. imagining how large the universe is. We have never needed to think in those scales. And it leads us to want to believe things seem more unlikely than they are because of this.
@@Squeegeeee That's the oversimplification that some scientists rely on. It takes thousands of mutations to develop a rudimentary eye. If 99% of those convey no competitive advantage why does mutation proceed to create a functioning organ? When you look at the actual math you realize that the mutation process seems directed towards a predetermined outcome and that makes no sense.
@@alexproctor5960 The same process happened with cephalopods, you can find simple eyes throughout the animal kingdom. Don't be fooled by the creationists, all evidence shows that evolution happened, the end.
@@Squeegeeee You aren't responding to the argument. A functioning eye, even a simple one is the product of thousands of mutations. Clearly having eyes is adaptive and confers a competitive advantage but the first 10 mutations to develop an eye likely convey no advantage, so how does evolution explain the continued development toward functioning organs?
One question I have for Hume: If God is incomprehensible to our puny human minds, than how can we assume He is complex, or anything else, just because His creation is complex?
How is meaning related to purpose? Purpose or goal is an endpoint, a simple or complex ideation that may or may not be understood by the human mind. Are there purposes or goals that can be understood by other minds, but not ours? If there are meaning is the understanding of the beginning that leads to a certain end; and the understanding of the inability to apprehend the beginning and the end that are related, but cannot be conceived. Meaning is the comparison and contrast of knowledge and ignorance, purpose and bewilderment.
I don't get why everyone I hear speak on the subject believes evolution and creation have to be mutually exclusive. Who's to say some creator didn't just sow the universe with the seeds necessary for all that is, then just sit back to see how everything unfolded? No help, no hindrance -- merely observing. That would explain unanswered prayers, all the bad events and tragedies that are considered to be the result of evil, why good things happen to bad people and bad to good, the lack of true justice or Karma, the lack of free will, a crooked preacher's utter disregard for, and lack of wrath from, the very god he tells us we should fear.... on and on. I _want_ to believe it's all a creation, not just random. I also _need_ to believe some form of us goes on after death, a form that remembers at least parts of this life and the people we cared most about. Without that memory, existing in such a state would be exactly the same in every meaningful way as returning to the oblivion of pre-birth after we die. If we live some afterlife without having the memories of those who showed us love and basic human warmth in this one, there is absolutely no point to the life we're all leading now, or to any potential one to come. If those memories *are* lost to us post-death, give me to oblivion; even though the thought of it terrifies me beyond all reason or logic.
The science method uses the real physical world when determining experiments and definitions of the natural universe. The view of Causality as an unknown natural event has led to the evidence of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit effects Christian life by dwelling within believers, guiding them into a righteous and faithful life. Any definition that describes the Holy Spirit as a feeling; a presences, an influence or guiding companion, has a natural event for Causality associated with this effect. Science has confirmed the benefits of being spiritual as seen in the studies by Harold G. Konenig; 'Religion, Spirituality, and Health'. Spirituality of religious people has proven health benefits over the non-spiritual. Spirituality's association with diminished egocentrism is responsible for the successful communications found in every culture and society. Emotional Intelligence includes; self-regulation, motivation, empathy and social skills. All of these traits arise naturally from successful Religious Systems in the form of individuals developing into Spiritual persons. Science studies prove the existents of the 'Holy Spirit' by means of the benefits associated with the Holy Spirit. Scientific evidence for the existence of the Christian God has been found.
It will never be conclusive ,you take the leap like when you see your child for the first time ..... I am more convinced about God than my parent or child.
Ultimately, nobody can prove anything to anyone else. There's just too many unknowns. F. Ayala's phrase, "tactical mistake", i.e., using science, to prove a "designer" ("God"), is a good description of the mistake. How often have theologians used the "God of the gaps" as an explanation, only later to give way to a naturalistic explanation. "Elan vital" (life force) was one such case. It now gives of way to DNA (RNA, proteins), metabolism, biochemistry, cell biology, evolution ... Also, the traditional notions of laws, chance, and teleology seems to be too rigid, and black and white. They are not mutually exclusive. Stephan Wolfram has demonstrated, computationally, how even simple (rigid) rules, can lead to complex patterns. Now add stochasticity to the mix, such as used in today's reinforcement learning algorithms, e.g. AlphaGo discovering new creative solutions to the game of Go. You have a general optimization objective ("teleology"), but not a micro managed ("designed") strategy to achieve the objective. This has to be "learned" by the machine. There's a lot of experimentation. There are a lot of failures. But the few strategies that succeed, can succeed spectacularly. And this is with the help of "chance". In the case of evolution, you have zillions of massively. parallel molecular experiments. The "optimization objective", is adaptation to one's environment. One finds a plethora of forms, as well as vestiges of many failed experiments. If there is a "God", it seems to set the general objective, then lets the machinery run on its own. But it would not be the "personal God", people would find comforting.
About the would it satisfy pple? That question. Jesus said in revelation book My people. In proverb8 My delight is in the beings of human In Enoch Says that he conceived a cunning idea to say "I created you out of earth" that is stated in genesis 1 As a omnipotent bullshit tag name tagged by foolish men on Aravat that is the father. GRAND-GREAT GRAND FATHER OF BOTH OF US. he is a pple leader, community testosterone higherach competitor. Who knocks out one that gets his lower in competition. I love him. He loves me when I am weak. Talks to me when I am despaired. He is fucking great experience a man could ever take a shot at to check experience of Google like knowledge just like the movie limitless Anything about everything and so deep with those fine details. Like Jeremy said Who would believe us
What looks like laws are interactions which emerge from the bottom up. Quantum effects are random indeterminate events -- vacuum fluctuations, tunneling, entanglement, superposition, wave/particle duality. Do the 4 fundamental interactions (gravity, strong and weak force and electromagnetism) prove the existence of a lawgiver? More likely it proves confirmation bias in those who think so. Swinburne's argument is countered by the Anthropic Principle.
@@MrFunMonk Reductio ad absurdum, logical fallacy. My life doesn't need ""meaning"" to have value to me and to the people who love me. It's the only one I have and you tell me to end it. That's f*cked up. Theist, I bet. It's will all work out in the NEXT world. But what if this is the only world?
@@MrFunMonk "What's really messed up is you took what I said seriously, when it was meant to be absurdly satirical. " What? You took my apparent affront seriously? It was obviously satirical. But nevertheless, the _why don't you just kill yourself argument is stupid and is a reductio ad absurdum fallacy, with emphasis on the DUMb. Because while you were joking, many use that very justification to commit religious violence. So not only is a false argument, it is offensive as well. But ha ha ha ha ha anyway. Now back to reality. The universe does not need meaning to exist and my life does not need meaning for it to have value.
The best arguments are not the existence of laws, which are merely logical, a set of ones and zeroes, or that the universe is such that it brings about mankind, since the favorite atheistic theory says that God is not required. But rather that anything exists at all out of nothing, and that the complexity of the universe from the smallest particles to galactic fillaments cooperate with supreme harmoneous organization, and that life exists at all, and that the universe is perfect for life not only to exist, but to thrive in abundance and great variety, and be in harmoneous balance for millions of years, is what proves God's existence. That evolution remains to be unproved continues to be a major hurdle for atheists. That molecular machines of greater complexity, and yet more brilliant simplicity, than any machine mankind can create are responsible for our continued existence from moment to moment, all proves God's existence. Steven Weinberg's view is what is tragic. He knows it is tragic and does nothing but try to find humor in it like a man going to his death. That it is tragic in itself proves that it is not true and that we are built for seeking a longer life having meaning. Otherwise, the need for seeking meaning would be antithetical to happiness, evolutionarily speaking. The question of God's existence has been left to us individually in order to let us choose whether we want God in our lives or not. If we are willing to have him in our lives unconditionally, then the abundant evidence for design and God's personality is sufficient to prove his existence and have a relationship with him through prayer and reading His words. If we are unwilling to accept a Creator, then no evidence or quantity of such will ever be sufficient. If we want God to be as we want him to be, then we accept the evidence of his existence, but reject evidence of any perception of him that disagrees with how we think he should be. These latter two cannot know God.
It is an assumption that God has not comunicated with us because, if he had, there would be only one religion. But the third point I mentioned shows that many simply want to create God in their own image, and so many contradict and/or reject God's Scriptures and even write their own to stand against it. Those who seek truth will be able to distinguish truth from myth. The Bible is a historical book with archaeological support, has prophecies that are being fulfilled today, and give a completely different view of God than all other polytheistic, pantheistic and spiritistic writings, and even explains their source being writings inspired by and about God's former angels. Then there are those Like Freeman Dyson who are simply happy to have a purpose, but just don't care.
There is no tangible data that points to God. Science does not say the Universe evolved from nothing. They say the Cosmos was once in a dense state then as space expanded all of history unfolded. Science also does no say there was nothing before the Big Bang. According to the Big Bang Theory there was no before meaning there was no nothing. The Cosmos was curved and wrapped around itself causing time to stand still. Then when the Cosmos started to expand time began.
@@kos-mos1127 If you are going to argue for atheism, try not to be a hypocrite. Everything you just said has alternate theories and zero evidence (data). The universe's clockwork complexity that I laid out IS data. That it all defies the universe's natural tendency toward disorganization IS data. That atheists ignore all the data in support of God is their CHOICE, but make no mistake, it IS a choice. That the matter of the universe always existed is just a stand-in for God and is unsupported conjecture that has less data than God's existence. True honest scientists admit "We don't know where it came from." The Big Bang is a theory that is losing ground with atheists scientists because the more they look at it, the more it points to God. The universe curving around on itself is a stopgap with no data and contradicts the data that has consistently told us that space is flat. (Gravity causes curvature of a specific type in a limited volume. It does not cause a taurus or any other recursive shape.) Roger Penrose's theory is that the universe is eternally expanding in such a way that it makes the past look so tiny that it looks like a starting point of a big bang. But this merely pushes back in time where it is all expanding from. So if time stood still, how could it get going again? How can the cosmos expand if time stands still? Since all this has data, why don't you present the data? I'll wait.
@@Dismythed There is zero evidence of the clock work Universe. "he Big Bang is a theory that is losing ground with atheists scientists because the more they look at it, the more it points to God. The universe curving around on itself is a stopgap with no data and contradicts the data that has consistently told us that space is flat. (Gravity causes curvature of a specific type in a limited volume. It does not cause a taurus or any other recursive shape.) Roger Penrose's theory is that the universe is eternally expanding in such a way that it makes the past look so tiny that it looks like a starting point of a big bang. But this merely pushes back in time where it is all expanding from." The Big Bang Theory is not losing ground. What is really happening is scientist are looking for alternatives the Einsteins General Theory of Relativity because the of adhocs like Dark Matter and Dark Energy which says the theory is not general enough. The Big Bang Theory does not describe the Big Bang and what they need is more data to move forward which is different from not having any evidence or any explanatory power. God is a failed hypothesis that does not explain anything it merely fills in the gaps to explain away.
IF and I mean IF there is a God he did a rotten job of creating the human being. The only creature on this planet that knows how to make such a disgusting mess of its surroundings.
@@francesco5581 God is perspicascious. He is acutely aware. I used to mock people who believed in God. Jokes on me. Like we can laugh and cry at the same time God can rest and multitasking at the same time. He has the advantage of knowing the past, present and major expansive parameters of the future. Let me know if you solve the Einstein Rosen bridge equation. P.S. since 8.4.2015 God spoke to my right ear from Heaven 20 times. He told me to make Israel One. It means to bring peace and reconciliation between Jew, Christian, Muslim,cousins by Abraham. My Hebrew name Jacova is the female form of Jacob. I was born March 11th in a Bethlehem. 8.4.2015...God's first words to my right ear from Heaven were, I'm sorry I wasn't sure you were the one. Be the girl you were in 2010. Take a leap. People have worked very hard. People earn what they learn. When you notice something there is a reason. Don't give anything away. In a hedge to my left was a burning spider web the size of my hand that did not burn. The words that God spoke to me are in your heart and mind and His words you know more current now....and are now words from your lips. P.S. entanglement.
@UCP7xQozRGeinpaDT-_c1S6Q eternal inflation theory is just like multiverse. Something that cant never be verified and is thrown there because of that. Both born to counter the obvious fine tuning of the universe. Also are specific processes that require even more a intelligent causation. Regarding Harris question, you would really want a God that helps only who prays to him ? That is also a very personal representation of God, a bit naive.
@@toni4729 ..No. I wasn't upset. I was getting ready to do a crossword puzzle in the newspaper and drinking chair tea morning 8.4.2015...When God first spoke to my right ear. That night I sat under the stars and towards 11 pm I heard Tibetan music from the Heavens that I knew no one else could hear. I usually work in film editing. God has a sense of humor. I worked on the editing of Jacob's Ladder with Tim Robbins. I went to my first Easter service at St Thomas church. I told no one I was going. During service God spoke to my right ear from Heaven. He said, where is your Mary Magdalene. I stood up and walked outside and immediately got a text asking me, where is your Mary Magdalene. To be Enlightened you travel thru your feelings.
Science simply can never confirm or deny the question of God because His existence lies outside the universe he created. That said belief is based either on faith or LOGIC. Either explain how the laws that made the universe came about by chance OR deduce that laws and by extension the universe cannot simply create themselves. It’s quite simple when you remove human self arrogance from the equation.
This is a false alternative fallacy. There are other possibilities, we just don't know how universes come to existence. There is not a single example of anything actually coming to existence from nothing.
"It’s quite simple when you remove human self arrogance from the equation." You should realize that religion is 100% about human arrogance. _The universe was created FOR us, by a being in whose image we are created and who is preparing a special place for his special people to live forever..._ blah blah blah... Doesn't get more arrogant than that.
you say, "because His existence lies outside the universe he created." It seems you have no objectively verifiable evidence for the existence of a god in this world, therefore you posit itsd existence in another world, and you have no verifiable evidence for ITS existence either. Then you require "faith." Are you claiming faith is a reliable path to truth? If faith is a reliable path to truth, how does that explain all the thousands of gods that man has had "faith" in during the history of our own existence? Did they not also have faith? Why do I suspect that your claim of reliance on "faith" is going to morph into epistemological arguments and flawed "logic" based on unsupportable premises and "illegal" conclusions?
@@JoeHarkinsHimself So true. Theists trade marked the term "uncaused cause" so now the qualities of merely existing with a beginning, can ONLY be applied to their gawd. The universe can't simply exist, without cause, because they called dibs on the concept.
This world is definitely designed, and only those who believe it is designed to fit their expectations get so disappointed that they choose to deny design. The actual fact is that being a distorted reflection of the real world, this world is as deceitful as a mirage in the desert.
Arguments from religion never stand up to scrutiny. Where something can seem designed it just developed through natural selection over a very long time.
Arguing "design" as a basis for "God" is fallacious. If a complex marvel like the human brain , for example, requires a design from "God" to explain it, this 1) begs the question of how an even more complex thing like "God" could simply exist without explanation, and 2) why there are obvious flaws in both human and animal design, that an ordinary human can point out, and know how to improve. On the other hand, infinite randomness could eventually produce any seeming "design", without any real plan in mind.
We are here to obey and worship the owner of universe until our appointed time of death. If we refuse to worship him than one should be ready to face God in the grave, which will be too late to do anything. There will be no second chance after death. And the punishment will be eternal.
You are getting in specifics to the right question by saying "so what is the reason of this; I see 3 reasons." ANSWER CHECK : WRONG I will make a video on this, not tell it here😃
Great show. Freeman dyson is amazing. Mysteries are OK science and religion can and do coexist but fundamentalists with rigid dogmas and and scientists with different dogmas always conflict. New atheists and radical fundamentalists have no common ground. Freeman has the right idea I think. Honesty,openindedness and a willingness to avoid dogma is pathway to new knowledge.
Someday I wish someone would build an argument about the designed universe based on the Ilia/V'Ger assertion (from "Star Trek The Motion Picture") that conscious beings are just a carbon infestation. Why does everyone assume that conscious beings are the center of everything (and I don't mean just the Christians)? What if we approach creation from the perspective that we are not the point. Since we are such a small spec in the universal grand scheme, perhaps there is some other point and we are just along for the ride?
@@eriksaari4430 Your question is valid whether conscious beings are the point of the universe or not. If you believe there would be no need for creation if humans were not the point (as it seems you do) then the burden of proof is on you to show why not. For example, why is it impossible for the point of the universe to be the creation of the heavy elements from hydrogen and helium? Perhaps the point of the universe is to be a factory for heavy elements and the fact that it also created humans from them is just a side note -- a contamination if you will.
"The argument for design is an a posteriori argument, deploying contingent truths about apparent design garnered from experience. Indeed, the argument can't even be deductively valid, as there is no valid inference from apparent design to intentional design." The argument for design was debunked by Hume way back in the mid 1700's. Let's finally put this nonsense to bed.
The fact that is working, that have consciousness inside, that there is no tracing back to a causation, that is complex, that there are laws, that have colors, sounds, morals , should be enough to remove the "randomness" option. If your remove it then you need to find some strange rule that say that reality can be just like that. Good luck .
Without an intentional design there would be extreme chaos and haphhazardness and unpredictableness. There would not even be sustained existence. Particles (why should there be just a few sorts of paricles in the first place?) will appear and vanish.There is just no justification for its continual purposeless existence. One is not preferred over the other.
I'll say this. Your comment proves your point. There is no intelligence from something that wasn't previously designed. I'm sorry they did this to you. I'm sure there's no way out for you then. I'm sorry. Now let us pray 🙏 for someone else who does have a soul. It's the least we can do. I so sorry. I sorry. 😭
Lord, this is sad. Having a intelligent design argument without Steven Meyer is disappointing. All the arguments that folks like Shermer give simply mischaracterize Meyer's position. ID is not an argument from religious authority, no scripture involved. If anything, it is just a common sense forensic analysis based upon know processes in nature that result in uniform and repeated observations.
i agree with Meter but i find Shermer and Dyson positions (at least as explained here) very wise and understandable. Until you arent 100% sure a leap of faith in every direction is required.
@LeoB but those are questions that can be answered by an higher consciousness ... the other option is "we were lucky that there was matter, elements, gravity, atmospheres, dna, abiogenesis, time to evolve etc etc etc"
" ID is not an argument from religious authority, no scripture involved. :" That's only a vain attempt to preserve credibility. We all know the ideological foundation of ID. It is Christian creationism in a dirty lab-coat.
@@timetravlin4450 Evolution is the interaction of two dynamic systems that change randomly. Organisms have random mutations so they change randomly. Environments also change randomly. When these two dynamic systems interact that is evolution.
"There is no reason for Cosmos" I like how this is questioned Prov 8 30 Then I was by him, as one brought up with him: and I was daily his delight, rejoicing always before him; 31 Rejoicing in the habitable part of his earth; and my delights were with the sons of men. (Now; which tribe did Jesus came from the 12 son's of Jacob? Ya, yes, yes) 32 Now therefore hearken unto me, O ye children: for blessed are they that keep my ways.(because he can. How do you dare say so? "Intelligence is to choose between" yes. ok that is too very amusing too. What about Jesus when he said In the book of Enoch 30:12 I conceived a cunning saying to say, I created man from invisible and from visible nature, of both are his death and life and image, he knows speech like some created thing, small in greatness and again great in smallness, and I placed him on earth, a second Angel, honourable, great and glorious, and I appointed him as ruler to rule on earth and to have my wisdom, and there was none like him of earth of all my existing creatures. 31:2 I made the heavens open to him, that he should see the Angels singing the song of victory, and the gloomless light. 32:2 Then I can again receive you at My second presence.
_I know that science has data and testable models to explain reality, but let me counter that with random quotes from a dubious anthology of ancient religious opinions, fables and poetry._
@@con.troller4183 how did then poul once said The scriptures are written for our instructedness, knowledge and under-standing. Standing not far, near, outside but stand under the cover. Inside in the box, figuring out whats and hows. Then Jesus once also said Because you don't know the scriptures and texts, you miss. Directly what sin is. Miss, sin. Chose the wrong one's. Yes. There is right. If feeling is big thing we live for, by, on Then how will you stand when the person that is higher than Jesus wished to end the world by burning it with stone from his palm. You gonna say no that's poetry? It's also other frustration to think on how to open chat room for you and he like i do have. Actually allowed to all. Jesus said. Nobody needs to teach you about God or me, he teaches you. Monkey mind is disturbbiiing meeeee. Why not disturb you, you are not well at your shot or ship shipping directions because of your knowledge. Your thinking is wrong from the general truth that is there that can't be dictionary declared by voice of the majority... There is a community of God governing the earth. Sadly to me, they also like the stealth to harvest more. See, there is reason for this and that Just the value or that "x" is what's hard to get to. Specially. Aim right and get right arrive or insert.
I feel like there is a shadow consciousness My immediate reaction to this thought was that is a fine line to walk. That line of thinking could lead to something like schizophrenia, but there is also the wondering of what if it isn’t though. In this instance while contemplating this I realize that the urge to explore the subject comes from the subject itself and I don’t know if there is name for that. Not the motivation but the essence of its existence is a fundamental part of the structure of the reflection. The hand drawing itself. As I probe this shadow consciousness I realized I have seen it before. I have felt it buzz when doing wim Hoff breathing exercises. It isn’t this aware and reflective part of me but it is closely tied into who I am when I must move out into the world. It stirs and awakens at new experience. It can slumber and it can find interest in things. For me it’s very catchy songs that will literally almost fully play in my head. It is this unending stream of interests and ideas. It’s almost like a compartmentalized version of the child I was within a larger structure. I don’t think it likes being contemplated or me writing about it very much and I can literally feel my insides churning. This is what I mean. Is this the door to insanity? This feeling that there is a piece of me inside that is a bubbly spirit of joy. Like a mischievous fairy that temps my interest and seeks small pleasures above all else. Is it just songs in my head or there something alive behind it inside of me? The reason I started writing this is because I had this idea. What if it is a shadow of THIS awareness reflected on the collective consciousness (the holy spirit)?? This dancing amalgam of lower self. I often let it control me in full because it is absolutely rapturess to be a wave that breaks upon a shore. But then what is this? This mind that writes these words. This mind that fills in the missing lines in its own interpretations of this reflection or shadow. So that sometimes it feels as if a dialogue exists within based on the same voice interpreting this spirit within and that if you lean into this dialogue you can discover greatness and that is the temptation and promise, but if you do there is the fear that you could get lost completely and so the analytical mind remains in control because of the constructs of the environment itself. Because the environment informs the Frame of mind and I am starting to believe there are many deeply engrained “Frames of consciousness” that are genetically passed down and maintained via the process of evolution that allow the human mind to function in many various ways depending on the Amount of power needed to survive. It is out of having a life that is mostly comfort and consumption that I am able to reflect in these ways and that my mind functions in this way. Speculation as a function of defense against the unknown. Where if my environmental and genetic conditions varied slightly it would be a very different frame of mind. This observation is in my opinion is an argument for equality of conditions for all human beings as a goal of the United Nations and that steps be taken so that civilization can function in a civil and human way all over earth. These challenges must be met for our civilization to enter the next era. The way to do this is to truly free the markets from back handed interest and use the taxes to pinpoint resources to areas that enable and support the population in their efforts to be trained or to create jobs. We have the technology and AI to do this and then with a strengthened population impose sanctions and conditions on those regimes who do not allow their citizens to uplifted and empower those citizens from beneath them as we have been doing in US for so long already. We must continue this crusade but the focus now needs to be the political system and it’s functions within business. Ending the modern monopoly with sweeping regulatory and financial systems and stock market reform to change the way the game is played to incentivize competition again. The gradual rigging of the United States political system can and will be reversed. The free market must be unleashed across all of the earth with the balance of empowering a new generation of not first world or third world children but as humans with dignity and with the basic right of care for there health and education from the global community. All of this is possible and more. Empowering education systems is easy. Create competition. We can form a new world with a new a constitution for all the peoples of earth for all intelligent beings. We must demand a world where all children no matter the nation are seen as the global communities responsibility. Children can be adults as well. This definition is tied up in age but in my mind it has more to do with opportunity. Adults are those who feel in control of their world. Some peoples growth is stunted by trauma. They need help and the new batch of kids need more resources to reduce the trauma. We need to invest in the new generation like never before and build a world we could never dream of by growing a generation of informed and decisive independent and powerful adults who can do wonders we never dreamed of!
@@iHardscope68 I know all of that stuff. I tell people it was when I realized I am not real that I stopped to fear death. People always ask me why I am so happy.
@@iHardscope68 I think of what you are describing as the dance of eternity. The ether of all interlocking mechanisms. The data book of the gods. The gray matter of God. As above so below.
@@iHardscope68 the fact that you know what I mean by the shadow makes me giddy. I tried to explain it to my wife. It is the reflection of my illusion against the mindstream like you say
Richard is warm and you are getting warmer. One question please 🙏, can Jesus Christ be a scientist and can a scientist be Jesus Christ?. Spiritual Vs science!. Worship the key to the answer
Exactly. Design arguments are the strongest 'proofs' the apologetics gang came up with until now. I think it will never be surpassed due to the intuition that immediately appears when one studies some complex physical mechanism such as the workings of the atom.
@@con.troller4183 It’s either life happened by accident or it happened because it was intended to happen. Which one is more reasonable? The more we learn about science the more it points in the direction of a creator.
@@TyrellWellickEcorp We don't know enough to say there are only those two options. In fact, calling abiogenesis an "accident" is a false representation of the actual science. Your false dichotomy is a narrative spun by theists. and it is basically an argument from ignorance, we don't know, therefore god. And which creator are you rooting for?
The snakes wondered why God waited so long to allow them to travel and visit other intelligent snakes on the many planets. Throughout history, the dinosaurs nor the apes could do it.
The biggest argument against Intelligent Design is, it seems, an attack on “God”. Just listen to Richard Dawkins. But what if the designer is not a religious god? What if the intelligence was “Mother Nature”?
God didn't make a world with human beings to live in because we didn't live in it when it was made and if he made the physical laws of nature he forgot to put himself in there. Didn't he..
Never had it in you🤔 the clue of the intentional concept structure, reason well how will it look designed? You never walked out of a little old town, never saw a car. Boom you saw one few feet away from you just parked you wouldn't see it as a design. The purpose of covering long distance than live in a little town as a family only That is the object I see before me is a design. Statement of knowledge resulting A concept purpose or intention. Humanity has one I like not to tell it that easy but if you insisted I might be moved to.
Ii figured it out i was created designed and built to unlock purgatory. Its in my eyes and brain the ones above all and the ones below all where playing right our wrong. You had to do right and wrong ive got it need to be studied
That God may have purpose for the universe may not be intellectually discernable to humanity? God's purpose for the universe could be more experiential than intellectual? The universe is physically intelligible, and at the same time the purpose (if that is meant by design) of the universe could be experience, and finding meaning?
the best explanation for species it is to be designed ;by looking to them as example in absence of the link. the argument from design reduce the number of hypothesis in absence of empirical evidence ,therefore there is a designer .
This now appears that we will never fully know. Never know the truth of creation, the universe, GOD! In the end, it will all resort back to theories and faith
There are no particles, only a single quantum field in the whole universe, possibly... that's why all "particles" seem to behave the same... Do not reach out to conclusions without understanding, big mistake!
Intelligent Design Hypothesis for the cosmos is a possibility among a multitude of possibilities Random Natural Processes is another possibility pre existing universes multi universes infinite space eternal so much we still don't know
Everything that is possible will one day happen. So, if God does not exist now it will exist in the Future just as a possibility, I think this does explain the purpose issue, If we are about to create more intelligent beings "AI" then intelligence is exponential. God will reconstruct them self in this manner? I do not know.
Hey who made that watch over there? A watchmaker. Did this book randomly write, bind and publish itself? No. Who made this incredibly complex double helix, and the human eye which are vastly more complicated than the watch or book? 1 Corinthians Chapter 1 reveals the answer.
You say it all happened in six thousand years. The world was totally silent three hundred years ago. No engines, no radios, nothing. We've been to the outside of the local planets sinse then and we've made a hell of a lot of noise. Imagine what we're going to do in another three hundred years. So what has happened in the last fourteen billion years. WAKE UP!
The machine analogy ... is a natural phenomena .. meaning it has a scientific explanation and obeys the laws of nature. The analogy is not the proof ... but the tested hypothesis from the analogy becomes the proof. Newton said the Universe ( & Life) is like a watch, and therefore requires a watchmaker to exist & to work as "designed." The Hypothesis for Newton's observation is "The Universe is a Function, composed entirely of Functions, that requires specific matter, energy, space, time, laws of physics and INFORMATION to exist & to function." This Hypothesis fully explains the Machine Analogies where we today compare Natural processes(functions) to man-made processes(functions). All data shows that anything that is a Function, has to be unnaturally made by an intelligence who must provide the INFORMATION to impart a purpose & rules to matter, energy, space, time, and the laws of physics. Everything makes sense ... when everything is an abstract ( time, space, laws) or physical(matter, energy) function.
@@abelincoln8885 Fourteen billion years made everything on this planet. It clearly hasn't worked you up yet but your forgiven. The watchmaker thing has been laughed at for decades so give it up.
@@abelincoln8885 All data shows the Universe behaves like universal turing machine which is a machine capable of bringing anything into existence. It has been proven that a machine such as that is not feasible to design because it would have an infinite resources. The function analogy is way off. Essentially the Universe is a learning machine orders of magnitudes above anything that can be practically designed. There is the machinery of nature which contains the environment and programming capability. Then the spark of life which activates these natural machines. In physical systems the machinery of nature can self activate. In biological systems like mammals the machinery of nature and activation of nature are specialized.
@@toni4729 Clown. Do you even know what a natural phenomena is? Or the the Scientific Method and the purpose of Science? Numbnut. We today compare life to machines ... and ... people 500 years from now will compare life to machines ... cuz .... Life & machines are Functions. And the Watchmaker Analogy was simply an OBSERVATION. You idiots thought an observation is evidence. lol.
Do you have objectively verifiable evidence for the existence of a god? I am not asking for counter-questions, cosmological or ontological arguments, preaching religious beliefs, links to websites and videos or personal comments. Just the evidence, please.
Did God design all the pathogens that have afflicted humanity since the beginning? In that case a form of reparation (monetary is welcomed) is warranted
Why is our Earth rotational spin so uniquely stable, at 23 hours, 56 minutes and 4.09 seconds, every day, every year and every century? The slowing down of our Earth rotation is measured to be 1.8 milliseconds per century because the Earth is not the one rotating. The stability comes from the angular momentum of the universe rotation around a fix earth. Please interview Dr. Robert Sungenis.
@@nigh7swimming, you are missing my point. The planet Venus rotation has slow down about 6.5 minutes in only 16 years. All planets are slowing down their rotation over time much more than the earth seeming stable rotation. The only reason why earth seemingly stable rotation is slowing down is because it is the universe that is rotating. The 1.8 milliseconds of rotational slow down every century is actually because the rotating universe is expanding. There is no need to imagine dark energy for the expansion. And the reason why galaxies are spinning 10 times faster than Newtonian calculations is because galaxies are acquiring angular momentum from the rotating universe. Again there is no need to invoke dark matter to account for the increase spin rate of galaxies.
@@nigh7swimming, forget about me, listen to scientist, Dr. Wolfgang Smith on the geocentric universe. You will be informed. Seriously, take the time to listen. th-cam.com/video/71i22w5G9KE/w-d-xo.html
The earth is rotating along with the solar system and galaxy. How would the Universe spin if it includes all of space. Things within the Universe can spin but the Universe itself is still.
I always believed that dismissing the intelligent design argument, for the existence of GOD, is a very arrogant position. I like the position of scientists, like freeman dyson, from science and religion, it is very well balanced.
The Source of Truth is the Bible. Because the author of the Bible is our Almighty God. Before science discovered somethings its already written in the Bible. Example. Why we learned to talk is because someone talk to us when are a baby. God first talk to Adam, the first man on earth, and passed to Eve and their offspring and so on.
To me, this interview lessens you as an interviewer. Let the religious idiots spin their wheels as they may, but do not dignify them with interviews. It sullies your reputation.
omg who else gets so excited when there's a new episode???
"Science and religion are both in fact mysterious." I like that statement and I tend to agree. Maybe someday the mysteries will be better understood. In the meantime, I'm open -minded to the adventure of science and the revelation of God.
Robert, love your videos…..and the music in them is just first rate! Thanks for creating them….😊👍🎄🌷
Ayala: _'An engineer who did not design a jaw big enough for the teeth would be fired!'_ 😂😂😂
Was it a mistake? The jaw
That assumes that the engineer is involved in the intricate design from end to end. What if the engineer has only started the process and has tweaked the parameters and is watching how it unfolds.
These fool's see this way; there is the reverse way it's self to show how end to end he works
Look at all woman with period bloods month after month, our hair, our fingerprints never doubled, eye, heart with 4 chambers 2 eyes that are nothing but a photon receiving camera that is more biologically formed together, ears, amegdela, tacos and bananas(to be able to tell you you came from this brunch), the pleasure with taco and banana where the creator desire is, should I keep going to length x
@@prasada1280 "That assumes that the engineer is involved in the intricate design from end to end. "
That's what theists assert about their god. Clearly he is either careless, incompetent or absent.
The three are completely different. Careless, incompetent, absent. Careless he could be, indifferent yes he could be so what? Aren't we indifferent and careless too. In fact thats what I meant in my reply. Dont rush so much to the absent part - I am not too sure of that yet.
If a man were to worship and nurture a tree, and prayed every day for that tree to bear him fruit for consumption, and that tree did bear him good fruit: Then that tree would be his god. Since the tree is real and existing that would mean that his god is a real and existing god.
Christians worship the Supreme God which is, ‘the cause of all creation’. Love of Christ in our hearts leads to community’s prayers which are answered with blessings including prosperity. The Holy Spirit gives us moral strength and is recognized as the Christian communities guiding influence.
From a science perspective; ‘the cause of all creation’, originates from the laws of Nature. Social morals and ethics give rise to a stable society capable of social endeavors. In addition, Emotional Intelligent is responsible for the needed communication in any complex social environment.
From a scientific viewpoint the worshiped Christian God is a real and existing Supreme God. Sustaining the universe, this all-powerful, present and knowing God is described by the Laws of Nature. The included source of All -Good is made evident when the Laws of Nature are used solely for the benefit of man’s survival and prosperity. The Holy Spirit accommodates this process of moral goodness and advanced communication.
With this understanding, Atheism is no longer considered rational as there is now scientific evidence for the opposite view. It must be said that this view of God is not the regular supernatural view of God since science does not associate with the supernatural. With this understanding the Christian God is a real, existing God; Not supernatural. It is the lack of knowledge of the natural universe that has led to the terms, ‘supernatural’ and ‘miraculous’, to explain the unknown.
Many Believers will not comprehend or endorse this view of a non-supernatural supreme God. Regardless, science evidence reveals that, 'Worshiping Christ which is in your heart leads to answered prayers'.
Michal Shermer and Dyson positions is 100% spot on no matter of ones beliefs . They should be teach to every human being . (one of the best episodes in the serie btw)
Very true. I also recommend professor Joseph Campbell and The Prophet by Gibran.
I also recommend the final question by Isaac Asimov.
arent they basically saying NOMA?
Religion is a matter of faith. Science is a matter of fact. That’s the biggest contradiction between two
Then whoever wills let him believe, and whoever wills let him disbelieve.
As of January 2nd, 2025 ‘only’ 17,000 views and 320 comments? That’s puzzling! Thank you for creating this video and youtube channel.
This is very clarifying and helpful. ❤️ Thank you so much for these beautiful videos. 🥰
I need to know where people are in their thinking in order to interface the correct ideas in order to save people from their fear and ignorance. The biological damage caused by the deceptiveness and ease of using words as tools bottom-up instead of learning and seeing by them top-down in an expanded universe of meaning. Which of course is the only path of life. “Complexity” is not a good or valid word to use. It’s extremely confusing of the basic issues. Coherence is a much better word. So is intelligibility.
The people who argue from design are frustrating because they use arguments like the “complexity” of the eye and other such nonsense. The eye is absolutely KEY to the best arguments for god when we understand them properly IN CONTEXT. As a functional symbol.
I write about that in my book “The Textbook of the Universe: The Genetic Ascent to God”. And in a new much more expanded book coming out soon under my new transgender name putting the whole universe in that context specifically and in detail because people are so used to thinking about things in the old way. Thanks 🙏🏻
Mr Dyson was superb as always.
21:25 hahah. I suspect Shermer thought they would cut this part. But they didn't.
Like I said before, I believe in ID (Idiotic Design NOT Intelligent Design).
Ah-derp, Brudder!
For those short on time, at 17.00 Francisco Ayala sums it all up brilliantly
Design is one of the worst possible apologetic arguments. If this universe is designed it's designer is seriously incompetent
To paraphrase Winston Churchill on democracy... "Design is the worst apologetics argument, apart from all the others".
@@con.troller4183 And in the morning Madam, I shall be sober
@@user-gk9lg5sp4y LOLz
".. and you Madam, shall still be a creationist!"
Please look deeper for God he there but you need your heart to find him with true love God Bless
How could one approach this topic without mentioning the function and intention of DNA?...EVEN while speaking with a geneticist???!!!
If there's a designer, it's an evil one.
Or just sloppy and distracted. He's probably got a shed filled with half finished universes he got bored with. He managed to slap enough cosmic duct tape on this one to hold it together for a few trillion years. Then it's on to the next shiny thing.
I am inverting Weinberg's argument on its head and I say that the fact that we find nothing that refers us humans, that gives us guidance and life in general, to the Universe is precisely a strong argument that we, and all life, is not a product of chance. If the opposite were true, i.e that our existence would be directly attributable to teh universtse, then I would argue that we are just physical products that have no meaning and that we our motions are equivalent to those of elementary particles. But we are not! In short, how de we expain the fact that a pointless Universe, a IUnivrese without purpose or goal produce beings that function (apparently) in a goal-directed manner? How do we exlain this contradiction? Thanks for your wonderful videos. I truly enjoy them.
Humans have purpose because we can think about the future. The Universe does not have a purpose because it there is not anything that limits the Universe.
Excellent episode, as usual. Thank you and your staff.
Francisco Ayala is a brilliant biologist… but he doesn’t know that for most of human existence wisdom teeth were not a problem? Hunter-gatherers jaws were robust enough for them to fit nicely. Even agriculturalists did okay with wisdom teeth, for the most part. It’s really the Industrial Revolution that spread wisdom tooth problems around the world. Factory-made processed foods that are soft and don’t require much force from our chewing prevents our jaws from developing properly. Doesn’t prove design, but proves that well-qualified experts can make easy mistakes.
If hips were any wider for childburth then women wouldn't be able to run effectively too.
@@iain5615 and we would not marry them either ... :D
Yes it's called evolution. Our jaws have become smaller and our brains bigger. Future generations won't have wisdom teeth.
@@derekallen4568 regarding the brains ive still some doubts !!
@@derekallen4568 this is not evolution, it is purely a change in our diets that evolution has not caught up with. If we ate a stone age diet are jaws and muscles would be bigger to deal with the tougher food.
Our jaws are smaller purely due to diet and so we still grow the teeth made for larger jaws.
If you see design in nature , you are looking down the wrong end of the telescope . Ture it around and you will see evolution
"Having sex in a rectum is ok"
Love of your own stupidity
Addapt and not mind the smell of your own fart that would make others make a mocking of you
I find it fascinating how some can lock eyes with you the entire time while they're talking. I always need to look away to gather my thoughts and words. It's kind of odd to gaze into someone's soul the entirety of a conversation 👁️👁️
It is sometimes an intimidation technique used by malignant narcissists. And if you break eye contact they will spin it that you are being deceptive, not that they are being manipulative.
Can experience explain complexity and diversity in nature, that things develop differently?
Dyson sums up the issue. Science is the how, the mechanism, of the universe. It cannot speak to the motivation or the why of the universe.
The universe doesn't need a "why". People need a "why".
@@con.troller4183 That's true but that's the essence of the issue.
You Guys Make Physics Fascinating 💯🖤
Claiming that the human body is merely the product of undirected material processes is as silly as claiming that systems such as computers, robots and washing machines have merely "evolved!"
Is energy needed for the physical laws of nature? And energy might also bring about mathematics?
Hope is everything
This was an excellent compilation of views. I remain intrigued with the argument from design. Let's go back to the period when no organisms had eyes as we know them, it take thousands of mutations to create even the most rudimentary organ that sense light so after the 1st, 10th and 500th mutations its not clear that the mutant organism would have an evolutionary advantage...so how does the mutation progress to finally develop a full-featured capability that then advantages our candidate?
It seems it is one of three most likely possibilities. 1) A god like presence orchestrating even in the minutia. 2) the simple will to want to travel faster / jump higher/ be more aware of your surroundings etc is enough to push evolution along towards these focused on goals. Actually pushed along by the subject itself. 3) it is simply a numbers game. Immense quantity of life / mutations / extinctions /selective breeding etc ( survival of the fittest) . Dwindled down the species without these advantages leaving the .0000001 % more developed eye subject to find more food/ breed / become more viable over and over. I lean towards the third option mostly. And I think one of the most difficult things for us to do as humans. Is imagine that amount of time. To a larger degree .. imagining how large the universe is. We have never needed to think in those scales. And it leads us to want to believe things seem more unlikely than they are because of this.
Simple eyes detect just light or dark, it starts there and then goes on.
@@Squeegeeee That's the oversimplification that some scientists rely on. It takes thousands of mutations to develop a rudimentary eye. If 99% of those convey no competitive advantage why does mutation proceed to create a functioning organ? When you look at the actual math you realize that the mutation process seems directed towards a predetermined outcome and that makes no sense.
@@alexproctor5960 The same process happened with cephalopods, you can find simple eyes throughout the animal kingdom. Don't be fooled by the creationists, all evidence shows that evolution happened, the end.
@@Squeegeeee You aren't responding to the argument. A functioning eye, even a simple one is the product of thousands of mutations. Clearly having eyes is adaptive and confers a competitive advantage but the first 10 mutations to develop an eye likely convey no advantage, so how does evolution explain the continued development toward functioning organs?
One question I have for Hume: If God is incomprehensible to our puny human minds, than how can we assume He is complex, or anything else, just because His creation is complex?
How is meaning related to purpose? Purpose or goal is an endpoint, a simple or complex ideation that may or may not be understood by the human mind. Are there purposes or goals that can be understood by other minds, but not ours? If there are meaning is the understanding of the beginning that leads to a certain end; and the understanding of the inability to apprehend the beginning and the end that are related, but cannot be conceived. Meaning is the comparison and contrast of knowledge and ignorance, purpose and bewilderment.
I don't get why everyone I hear speak on the subject believes evolution and creation have to be mutually exclusive.
Who's to say some creator didn't just sow the universe with the seeds necessary for all that is, then just sit back to see how everything unfolded? No help, no hindrance -- merely observing.
That would explain unanswered prayers, all the bad events and tragedies that are considered to be the result of evil, why good things happen to bad people and bad to good, the lack of true justice or Karma, the lack of free will, a crooked preacher's utter disregard for, and lack of wrath from, the very god he tells us we should fear.... on and on.
I _want_ to believe it's all a creation, not just random. I also _need_ to believe some form of us goes on after death, a form that remembers at least parts of this life and the people we cared most about. Without that memory, existing in such a state would be exactly the same in every meaningful way as returning to the oblivion of pre-birth after we die. If we live some afterlife without having the memories of those who showed us love and basic human warmth in this one, there is absolutely no point to the life we're all leading now, or to any potential one to come.
If those memories *are* lost to us post-death, give me to oblivion; even though the thought of it terrifies me beyond all reason or logic.
The science method uses the real physical world when determining experiments and definitions of the natural universe. The view of Causality as an unknown natural event has led to the evidence of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit effects Christian life by dwelling within believers, guiding them into a righteous and faithful life. Any definition that describes the Holy Spirit as a feeling; a presences, an influence or guiding companion, has a natural event for Causality associated with this effect.
Science has confirmed the benefits of being spiritual as seen in the studies by Harold G. Konenig; 'Religion, Spirituality, and Health'. Spirituality of religious people has proven health benefits over the non-spiritual. Spirituality's association with diminished egocentrism is responsible for the successful communications found in every culture and society.
Emotional Intelligence includes; self-regulation, motivation, empathy and social skills. All of these traits arise naturally from successful Religious Systems in the form of individuals developing into Spiritual persons. Science studies prove the existents of the 'Holy Spirit' by means of the benefits associated with the Holy Spirit. Scientific evidence for the existence of the Christian God has been found.
It will never be conclusive ,you take the leap like when you see your child for the first time .....
I am more convinced about God than my parent or child.
Ultimately, nobody can prove anything to anyone else. There's just too many unknowns. F. Ayala's phrase, "tactical mistake", i.e., using science, to prove a "designer" ("God"), is a good description of the mistake. How often have theologians used the "God of the gaps" as an explanation, only later to give way to a naturalistic explanation. "Elan vital" (life force) was one such case. It now gives of way to DNA (RNA, proteins), metabolism, biochemistry, cell biology, evolution ...
Also, the traditional notions of laws, chance, and teleology seems to be too rigid, and black and white. They are not mutually exclusive. Stephan Wolfram has demonstrated, computationally, how even simple (rigid) rules, can lead to complex patterns. Now add stochasticity to the mix, such as used in today's reinforcement learning algorithms, e.g. AlphaGo discovering new creative solutions to the game of Go. You have a general optimization objective ("teleology"), but not a micro managed ("designed") strategy to achieve the objective. This has to be "learned" by the machine. There's a lot of experimentation. There are a lot of failures. But the few strategies that succeed, can succeed spectacularly. And this is with the help of "chance". In the case of evolution, you have zillions of massively. parallel molecular experiments. The "optimization objective", is adaptation to one's environment. One finds a plethora of forms, as well as vestiges of many failed experiments.
If there is a "God", it seems to set the general objective, then lets the machinery run on its own. But it would not be the "personal God", people would find comforting.
Deism or Pantheism...at best.
About the would it satisfy pple?
That question.
Jesus said in revelation book
My people.
In proverb8
My delight is in the beings of human
In Enoch
Says that he conceived a cunning idea to say "I created you out of earth" that is stated in genesis 1
As a omnipotent bullshit tag name tagged by foolish men on Aravat that is the father.
he is a pple leader, community testosterone higherach competitor.
Who knocks out one that gets his lower in competition.
I love him. He loves me when I am weak. Talks to me when I am despaired.
He is fucking great experience a man could ever take a shot at to check experience of Google like knowledge just like the movie limitless
Anything about everything and so deep with those fine details.
Like Jeremy said
Who would believe us
What looks like laws are interactions which emerge from the bottom up. Quantum effects are random indeterminate events -- vacuum fluctuations, tunneling, entanglement, superposition, wave/particle duality. Do the 4 fundamental interactions (gravity, strong and weak force and electromagnetism) prove the existence of a lawgiver? More likely it proves confirmation bias in those who think so.
Swinburne's argument is countered by the Anthropic Principle.
Could understanding the universe indicate an ability to make meaning of the universe, if not an actual purpose to the universe?
Does it need meaning or purpose?
@@con.troller4183 humanity has meaning, whatever the purpose of the universe?
@@MrFunMonk Reductio ad absurdum, logical fallacy. My life doesn't need ""meaning"" to have value to me and to the people who love me. It's the only one I have and you tell me to end it.
That's f*cked up.
Theist, I bet. It's will all work out in the NEXT world. But what if this is the only world?
@@jamesruscheinski8602 And what is the meaning of humanity?
@@MrFunMonk "What's really messed up is you took what I said seriously, when it was meant to be absurdly satirical. "
What? You took my apparent affront seriously? It was obviously satirical.
But nevertheless, the _why don't you just kill yourself argument is stupid and is a reductio ad absurdum fallacy, with emphasis on the DUMb.
Because while you were joking, many use that very justification to commit religious violence. So not only is a false argument, it is offensive as well.
But ha ha ha ha ha anyway.
Now back to reality. The universe does not need meaning to exist and my life does not need meaning for it to have value.
The best arguments are not the existence of laws, which are merely logical, a set of ones and zeroes, or that the universe is such that it brings about mankind, since the favorite atheistic theory says that God is not required. But rather that anything exists at all out of nothing, and that the complexity of the universe from the smallest particles to galactic fillaments cooperate with supreme harmoneous organization, and that life exists at all, and that the universe is perfect for life not only to exist, but to thrive in abundance and great variety, and be in harmoneous balance for millions of years, is what proves God's existence.
That evolution remains to be unproved continues to be a major hurdle for atheists. That molecular machines of greater complexity, and yet more brilliant simplicity, than any machine mankind can create are responsible for our continued existence from moment to moment, all proves God's existence.
Steven Weinberg's view is what is tragic. He knows it is tragic and does nothing but try to find humor in it like a man going to his death. That it is tragic in itself proves that it is not true and that we are built for seeking a longer life having meaning. Otherwise, the need for seeking meaning would be antithetical to happiness, evolutionarily speaking.
The question of God's existence has been left to us individually in order to let us choose whether we want God in our lives or not. If we are willing to have him in our lives unconditionally, then the abundant evidence for design and God's personality is sufficient to prove his existence and have a relationship with him through prayer and reading His words. If we are unwilling to accept a Creator, then no evidence or quantity of such will ever be sufficient. If we want God to be as we want him to be, then we accept the evidence of his existence, but reject evidence of any perception of him that disagrees with how we think he should be. These latter two cannot know God.
It is an assumption that God has not comunicated with us because, if he had, there would be only one religion. But the third point I mentioned shows that many simply want to create God in their own image, and so many contradict and/or reject God's Scriptures and even write their own to stand against it.
Those who seek truth will be able to distinguish truth from myth. The Bible is a historical book with archaeological support, has prophecies that are being fulfilled today, and give a completely different view of God than all other polytheistic, pantheistic and spiritistic writings, and even explains their source being writings inspired by and about God's former angels.
Then there are those Like Freeman Dyson who are simply happy to have a purpose, but just don't care.
There is no tangible data that points to God. Science does not say the Universe evolved from nothing. They say the Cosmos was once in a dense state then as space expanded all of history unfolded. Science also does no say there was nothing before the Big Bang. According to the Big Bang Theory there was no before meaning there was no nothing. The Cosmos was curved and wrapped around itself causing time to stand still. Then when the Cosmos started to expand time began.
@@kos-mos1127 If you are going to argue for atheism, try not to be a hypocrite. Everything you just said has alternate theories and zero evidence (data). The universe's clockwork complexity that I laid out IS data. That it all defies the universe's natural tendency toward disorganization IS data. That atheists ignore all the data in support of God is their CHOICE, but make no mistake, it IS a choice.
That the matter of the universe always existed is just a stand-in for God and is unsupported conjecture that has less data than God's existence. True honest scientists admit "We don't know where it came from."
The Big Bang is a theory that is losing ground with atheists scientists because the more they look at it, the more it points to God. The universe curving around on itself is a stopgap with no data and contradicts the data that has consistently told us that space is flat. (Gravity causes curvature of a specific type in a limited volume. It does not cause a taurus or any other recursive shape.) Roger Penrose's theory is that the universe is eternally expanding in such a way that it makes the past look so tiny that it looks like a starting point of a big bang. But this merely pushes back in time where it is all expanding from.
So if time stood still, how could it get going again? How can the cosmos expand if time stands still?
Since all this has data, why don't you present the data? I'll wait.
@@Dismythed There is zero evidence of the clock work Universe.
"he Big Bang is a theory that is losing ground with atheists scientists because the more they look at it, the more it points to God. The universe curving around on itself is a stopgap with no data and contradicts the data that has consistently told us that space is flat. (Gravity causes curvature of a specific type in a limited volume. It does not cause a taurus or any other recursive shape.) Roger Penrose's theory is that the universe is eternally expanding in such a way that it makes the past look so tiny that it looks like a starting point of a big bang. But this merely pushes back in time where it is all expanding from."
The Big Bang Theory is not losing ground. What is really happening is scientist are looking for alternatives the Einsteins General Theory of Relativity because the of adhocs like Dark Matter and Dark Energy which says the theory is not general enough. The Big Bang Theory does not describe the Big Bang and what they need is more data to move forward which is different from not having any evidence or any explanatory power. God is a failed hypothesis that does not explain anything it merely fills in the gaps to explain away.
@@kos-mos1127 "There is zero evidence of the clockwork universe."
Best laugh I had all day and I just watched Mario Lopez's salt trick. 🤣
Human behavior can vary from person to person and from group to group?
I'm not into the god squad business but i enjoyed this vid.
The only law that really matters and that we don't need any evidence for, is called LOVE !!!
"God = Love and Love = God"
IF and I mean IF there is a God he did a rotten job of creating the human being. The only creature on this planet that knows how to make such a disgusting mess of its surroundings.
Considering in terms of logic and science a question not subject to either logic or science.
'Francisco Ayala' - I love this name. Sounds like a contender for some boxing title.
These kind of adventures are like a circle circling in its circle, it becames an infinite loop! God is in the mirror just look into it.
i rather not be a narcist
Thank you Richard Swinburne. I agree 111%....p.s. Nothingness is God's vacation spot.
i agree, but the question is "Does God knows why there is him instead of nothing ?"
@@francesco5581 God is perspicascious. He is acutely aware. I used to mock people who believed in God. Jokes on me. Like we can laugh and cry at the same time God can rest and multitasking at the same time. He has the advantage of knowing the past, present and major expansive parameters of the future.
Let me know if you solve the Einstein Rosen bridge equation.
P.S. since 8.4.2015 God spoke to my right ear from Heaven 20 times.
He told me to make Israel One. It means to bring peace and reconciliation between Jew, Christian, Muslim,cousins by Abraham. My Hebrew name Jacova is the female form of Jacob. I was born March 11th in a Bethlehem.
8.4.2015...God's first words to my right ear from Heaven were, I'm sorry I wasn't sure you were the one. Be the girl you were in 2010. Take a leap. People have worked very hard. People earn what they learn. When you notice something there is a reason. Don't give anything away. In a hedge to my left was a burning spider web the size of my hand that did not burn. The words that God spoke to me are in your heart and mind and His words you know more current now....and are now words from your lips.
P.S. entanglement.
@UCP7xQozRGeinpaDT-_c1S6Q eternal inflation theory is just like multiverse. Something that cant never be verified and is thrown there because of that. Both born to counter the obvious fine tuning of the universe. Also are specific processes that require even more a intelligent causation. Regarding Harris question, you would really want a God that helps only who prays to him ? That is also a very personal representation of God, a bit naive.
@@jacovawernett3077 Who died and made you believe. Something must have upset you.
@@toni4729 ..No. I wasn't upset. I was getting ready to do a crossword puzzle in the newspaper and drinking chair tea morning 8.4.2015...When God first spoke to my right ear. That night I sat under the stars and towards 11 pm I heard Tibetan music from the Heavens that I knew no one else could hear.
I usually work in film editing.
God has a sense of humor.
I worked on the editing of Jacob's Ladder with Tim Robbins.
I went to my first Easter service at St Thomas church. I told no one I was going. During service God spoke to my right ear from Heaven. He said, where is your Mary Magdalene. I stood up and walked outside and immediately got a text asking me, where is your Mary Magdalene.
To be Enlightened you travel thru your feelings.
Science simply can never confirm or deny the question of God because His existence lies outside the universe he created. That said belief is based either on faith or LOGIC. Either explain how the laws that made the universe came about by chance OR deduce that laws and by extension the universe cannot simply create themselves. It’s quite simple when you remove human self arrogance from the equation.
This is a false alternative fallacy. There are other possibilities, we just don't know how universes come to existence. There is not a single example of anything actually coming to existence from nothing.
"It’s quite simple when you remove human self arrogance from the equation."
You should realize that religion is 100% about human arrogance. _The universe was created FOR us, by a being in whose image we are created and who is preparing a special place for his special people to live forever..._ blah blah blah...
Doesn't get more arrogant than that.
you say, "because His existence lies outside the universe he created." It seems you have no objectively verifiable evidence for the existence of a god in this world, therefore you posit itsd existence in another world, and you have no verifiable evidence for ITS existence either.
Then you require "faith." Are you claiming faith is a reliable path to truth? If faith is a reliable path to truth, how does that explain all the thousands of gods that man has had "faith" in during the history of our own existence? Did they not also have faith?
Why do I suspect that your claim of reliance on "faith" is going to morph into epistemological arguments and flawed "logic" based on unsupportable premises and "illegal" conclusions?
@@JoeHarkinsHimself So true.
Theists trade marked the term "uncaused cause" so now the qualities of merely existing with a beginning, can ONLY be applied to their gawd.
The universe can't simply exist, without cause, because they called dibs on the concept.
This world is definitely designed, and only those who believe it is designed to fit their expectations get so disappointed that they choose to deny design. The actual fact is that being a distorted reflection of the real world, this world is as deceitful as a mirage in the desert.
The world is not designed.
Nature is intelligent,it's just people who get confused.
Good (god) is the opposite of greed and it's ignorance (hate).
Woww such a good ep
Arguments from religion never stand up to scrutiny. Where something can seem designed it just developed through natural selection over a very long time.
Arguing "design" as a basis for "God" is fallacious. If a complex marvel like the human brain , for example, requires a design from "God" to explain it, this 1) begs the question of how an even more complex thing like "God" could simply exist without explanation, and 2) why there are obvious flaws in both human and animal design, that an ordinary human can point out, and know how to improve.
On the other hand, infinite randomness could eventually produce any seeming "design", without any real plan in mind.
We are here to obey and worship the owner of universe until our appointed time of death. If we refuse to worship him than one should be ready to face God in the grave, which will be too late to do anything. There will be no second chance after death. And the punishment will be eternal.
You are getting in specifics to the right question by saying "so what is the reason of this; I see 3 reasons."
I will make a video on this, not tell it here😃
Great show. Freeman dyson is amazing. Mysteries are OK science and religion can and do coexist but fundamentalists with rigid dogmas and and scientists with different dogmas always conflict. New atheists and radical fundamentalists have no common ground. Freeman has the right idea I think. Honesty,openindedness and a willingness to avoid dogma is pathway to new knowledge.
Someday I wish someone would build an argument about the designed universe based on the Ilia/V'Ger assertion (from "Star Trek The Motion Picture") that conscious beings are just a carbon infestation. Why does everyone assume that conscious beings are the center of everything (and I don't mean just the Christians)? What if we approach creation from the perspective that we are not the point. Since we are such a small spec in the universal grand scheme, perhaps there is some other point and we are just along for the ride?
why would it need to be a Creation then?
@@eriksaari4430 Your question is valid whether conscious beings are the point of the universe or not. If you believe there would be no need for creation if humans were not the point (as it seems you do) then the burden of proof is on you to show why not. For example, why is it impossible for the point of the universe to be the creation of the heavy elements from hydrogen and helium? Perhaps the point of the universe is to be a factory for heavy elements and the fact that it also created humans from them is just a side note -- a contamination if you will.
"The argument for design is an a posteriori argument, deploying contingent truths about apparent design garnered from experience. Indeed, the argument can't even be deductively valid, as there is no valid inference from apparent design to intentional design."
The argument for design was debunked by Hume way back in the mid 1700's. Let's finally put this nonsense to bed.
The fact that is working, that have consciousness inside, that there is no tracing back to a causation, that is complex, that there are laws, that have colors, sounds, morals , should be enough to remove the "randomness" option. If your remove it then you need to find some strange rule that say that reality can be just like that. Good luck .
Without an intentional design there would be extreme chaos and haphhazardness and unpredictableness. There would not even be sustained existence. Particles (why should there be just a few sorts of paricles in the first place?) will appear and vanish.There is just no justification for its continual purposeless existence. One is not preferred over the other.
@@credterfe That is a truth claim that is has not been demonstrated.
@@francesco5581 claims claims claims
No evidence
I'll say this. Your comment proves your point. There is no intelligence from something that wasn't previously designed. I'm sorry they did this to you. I'm sure there's no way out for you then. I'm sorry. Now let us pray 🙏 for someone else who does have a soul. It's the least we can do. I so sorry. I sorry. 😭
Lord, this is sad. Having a intelligent design argument without Steven Meyer is disappointing. All the arguments that folks like Shermer give simply mischaracterize Meyer's position. ID is not an argument from religious authority, no scripture involved. If anything, it is just a common sense forensic analysis based upon know processes in nature that result in uniform and repeated observations.
i agree with Meter but i find Shermer and Dyson positions (at least as explained here) very wise and understandable. Until you arent 100% sure a leap of faith in every direction is required.
@LeoB but those are questions that can be answered by an higher consciousness ... the other option is "we were lucky that there was matter, elements, gravity, atmospheres, dna, abiogenesis, time to evolve etc etc etc"
" ID is not an argument from religious authority, no scripture involved. :"
That's only a vain attempt to preserve credibility. We all know the ideological foundation of ID. It is Christian creationism in a dirty lab-coat.
Evolution is design without a designer.
How does something just evolve? What caused something to act a certain way?
@@timetravlin4450 Evolution is the interaction of two dynamic systems that change randomly. Organisms have random mutations so they change randomly. Environments also change randomly. When these two dynamic systems interact that is evolution.
Could information develop from a mathematics that is physical or has substance?
No it can’t. Darwinism is a failed theory.
Is intelligence epistemology, while design is ontology?
11:22 Just brilliant!
RIP Steven.
"There is no reason for Cosmos"
I like how this is questioned
Prov 8
30 Then I was by him, as one brought up with him: and I was daily his delight, rejoicing always before him;
31 Rejoicing in the habitable part of his earth; and my delights were with the sons of men. (Now; which tribe did Jesus came from the 12 son's of Jacob? Ya, yes, yes)
32 Now therefore hearken unto me, O ye children: for blessed are they that keep my ways.(because he can. How do you dare say so?
"Intelligence is to choose between" yes.
ok that is too very amusing too.
What about Jesus when he said
In the book of Enoch
30:12 I conceived a cunning saying to say, I created man from
invisible and from visible nature, of both are his death and life
and image, he knows speech like some created thing, small in
greatness and again great in smallness, and I placed him on
earth, a second Angel, honourable, great and glorious, and I
appointed him as ruler to rule on earth and to have my
wisdom, and there was none like him of earth of all my existing
31:2 I made the heavens open to him, that he should see the
Angels singing the song of victory, and the gloomless light.
32:2 Then I can again receive you at My second presence.
_I know that science has data and testable models to explain reality, but let me counter that with random quotes from a dubious anthology of ancient religious opinions, fables and poetry._
@@con.troller4183 how did then poul once said
The scriptures are written for our instructedness, knowledge and under-standing. Standing not far, near, outside but stand under the cover. Inside in the box, figuring out whats and hows.
Then Jesus once also said
Because you don't know the scriptures and texts, you miss. Directly what sin is.
Miss, sin. Chose the wrong one's.
Yes. There is right.
If feeling is big thing we live for, by, on
Then how will you stand when the person that is higher than Jesus wished to end the world by burning it with stone from his palm.
You gonna say no that's poetry?
It's also other frustration to think on how to open chat room for you and he like i do have.
Actually allowed to all.
Jesus said. Nobody needs to teach you about God or me, he teaches you.
Monkey mind is disturbbiiing meeeee.
Why not disturb you, you are not well at your shot or ship shipping directions because of your knowledge. Your thinking is wrong from the general truth that is there that can't be dictionary declared by voice of the majority...
There is a community of God governing the earth.
Sadly to me, they also like the stealth to harvest more.
See, there is reason for this and that
Just the value or that "x" is what's hard to get to. Specially. Aim right and get right arrive or insert.
@@Show_Ethiopia This is a bunch of nonsense
@@kos-mos1127 Well at least the second rant was original, free-form nonsense, not scriptural nonsense.
I feel like there is a shadow consciousness
My immediate reaction to this thought was that is a fine line to walk. That line of thinking could lead to something like schizophrenia, but there is also the wondering of what if it isn’t though.
In this instance while contemplating this I realize that the urge to explore the subject comes from the subject itself and I don’t know if there is name for that. Not the motivation but the essence of its existence is a fundamental part of the structure of the reflection. The hand drawing itself.
As I probe this shadow consciousness I realized I have seen it before. I have felt it buzz when doing wim Hoff breathing exercises. It isn’t this aware and reflective part of me but it is closely tied into who I am when I must move out into the world. It stirs and awakens at new experience. It can slumber and it can find interest in things. For me it’s very catchy songs that will literally almost fully play in my head. It is this unending stream of interests and ideas. It’s almost like a compartmentalized version of the child I was within a larger structure. I don’t think it likes being contemplated or me writing about it very much and I can literally feel my insides churning. This is what I mean. Is this the door to insanity?
This feeling that there is a piece of me inside that is a bubbly spirit of joy. Like a mischievous fairy that temps my interest and seeks small pleasures above all else. Is it just songs in my head or there something alive behind it inside of me?
The reason I started writing this is because I had this idea. What if it is a shadow of THIS awareness reflected on the collective consciousness (the holy spirit)?? This dancing amalgam of lower self. I often let it control me in full because it is absolutely rapturess to be a wave that breaks upon a shore. But then what is this?
This mind that writes these words. This mind that fills in the missing lines in its own interpretations of this reflection or shadow. So that sometimes it feels as if a dialogue exists within based on the same voice interpreting this spirit within and that if you lean into this dialogue you can discover greatness and that is the temptation and promise, but if you do there is the fear that you could get lost completely and so the analytical mind remains in control because of the constructs of the environment itself.
Because the environment informs the Frame of mind and I am starting to believe there are many deeply engrained “Frames of consciousness” that are genetically passed down and maintained via the process of evolution that allow the human mind to function in many various ways depending on the Amount of power needed to survive. It is out of having a life that is mostly comfort and consumption that I am able to reflect in these ways and that my mind functions in this way. Speculation as a function of defense against the unknown. Where if my environmental and genetic conditions varied slightly it would be a very different frame of mind.
This observation is in my opinion is an argument for equality of conditions for all human beings as a goal of the United Nations and that steps be taken so that civilization can function in a civil and human way all over earth. These challenges must be met for our civilization to enter the next era. The way to do this is to truly free the markets from back handed interest and use the taxes to pinpoint resources to areas that enable and support the population in their efforts to be trained or to create jobs. We have the technology and AI to do this and then with a strengthened population impose sanctions and conditions on those regimes who do not allow their citizens to uplifted and empower those citizens from beneath them as we have been doing in US for so long already. We must continue this crusade but the focus now needs to be the political system and it’s functions within business. Ending the modern monopoly with sweeping regulatory and financial systems and stock market reform to change the way the game is played to incentivize competition again.
The gradual rigging of the United States political system can and will be reversed. The free market must be unleashed across all of the earth with the balance of empowering a new generation of not first world or third world children but as humans with dignity and with the basic right of care for there health and education from the global community. All of this is possible and more. Empowering education systems is easy. Create competition. We can form a new world with a new a constitution for all the peoples of earth for all intelligent beings.
We must demand a world where all children no matter the nation are seen as the global communities responsibility. Children can be adults as well. This definition is tied up in age but in my mind it has more to do with opportunity. Adults are those who feel in control of their world. Some peoples growth is stunted by trauma. They need help and the new batch of kids need more resources to reduce the trauma. We need to invest in the new generation like never before and build a world we could never dream of by growing a generation of informed and decisive independent and powerful adults who can do wonders we never dreamed of!
@@iHardscope68 I know all of that stuff. I tell people it was when I realized I am not real that I stopped to fear death. People always ask me why I am so happy.
@@iHardscope68 I think of what you are describing as the dance of eternity. The ether of all interlocking mechanisms. The data book of the gods. The gray matter of God. As above so below.
@@iHardscope68 the fact that you know what I mean by the shadow makes me giddy. I tried to explain it to my wife. It is the reflection of my illusion against the mindstream like you say
Richard is warm and you are getting warmer. One question please 🙏, can Jesus Christ be a scientist and can a scientist be Jesus Christ?. Spiritual Vs science!. Worship the key to the answer
Exactly. Design arguments are the strongest 'proofs' the apologetics gang came up with until now. I think it will never be surpassed due to the intuition that immediately appears when one studies some complex physical mechanism such as the workings of the atom.
RIP Steven Weinberg. The only honest statement in this video was made by you.
Does intelligent design, among other things, deal with question if the universe is intentionally made for humanity to understand it?
That is what it pretends to prove, that the universe was made for us, because we are so special...
@@con.troller4183 It’s either life happened by accident or it happened because it was intended to happen. Which one is more reasonable? The more we learn about science the more it points in the direction of a creator.
We don't know enough to say there are only those two options. In fact, calling abiogenesis an "accident" is a false representation of the actual science.
Your false dichotomy is a narrative spun by theists. and it is basically an argument from ignorance, we don't know, therefore god.
And which creator are you rooting for?
Say the universe is pointless is so much ignorance, reason they don’t even know what is life. Stay on the bright side.
The snakes wondered why God waited so long to allow them to travel and visit other intelligent snakes on the many planets. Throughout history, the dinosaurs nor the apes could do it.
If or when you find an answer...
Love God this is all that matters ask Jesus for forgiveness God Bless
The biggest argument against Intelligent Design is, it seems, an attack on “God”. Just listen to Richard Dawkins. But what if the designer is not a religious god? What if the intelligence was “Mother Nature”?
God didn't make a world with human beings to live in because we didn't live in it when it was made and if he made the physical laws of nature he forgot to put himself in there. Didn't he..
I’ve never thought that the universe looked designed.
Never had it in you🤔 the clue of the intentional concept structure, reason well how will it look designed?
You never walked out of a little old town, never saw a car.
Boom you saw one few feet away from you just parked you wouldn't see it as a design.
The purpose of covering long distance than live in a little town as a family only
That is the object I see before me is a design. Statement of knowledge resulting
A concept purpose or intention.
Humanity has one I like not to tell it that easy but if you insisted I might be moved to.
Ii figured it out i was created designed and built to unlock purgatory. Its in my eyes and brain the ones above all and the ones below all where playing right our wrong. You had to do right and wrong ive got it need to be studied
More I watch “CloserToTruth” more convinced I become there is none
And why are we discussing "intelligence" without mentioning "intention???? Come on, guys....
That God may have purpose for the universe may not be intellectually discernable to humanity? God's purpose for the universe could be more experiential than intellectual? The universe is physically intelligible, and at the same time the purpose (if that is meant by design) of the universe could be experience, and finding meaning?
Humans need meaning. Universes don't need meaning.
the best explanation for species it is to be designed ;by looking to them as example in absence of the link. the argument from design reduce the number of hypothesis in absence of empirical evidence ,therefore there is a designer .
Might there be an experiential design for the universe, which universe is physically intelligible?
This now appears that we will never fully know. Never know the truth of creation, the universe, GOD! In the end, it will all resort back to theories and faith
There are no particles, only a single quantum field in the whole universe, possibly... that's why all "particles" seem to behave the same... Do not reach out to conclusions without understanding, big mistake!
Who created the Universe & Us?
The only answer is the Creator who is Everlasting.
It is mandatory & you can not find any other option.
So the principles of nature leads to creative beings but not the other way around? Ever heard of simulation theory?
Intelligent Design Hypothesis for the cosmos is a possibility among a multitude of possibilities Random Natural Processes is another possibility pre existing universes multi universes infinite space eternal so much we still don't know
Everything that is possible will one day happen. So, if God does not exist now it will exist in the Future just as a possibility, I think this does explain the purpose issue, If we are about to create more intelligent beings "AI" then intelligence is exponential. God will reconstruct them self in this manner? I do not know.
Hey who made that watch over there? A watchmaker. Did this book randomly write, bind and publish itself? No. Who made this incredibly complex double helix, and the human eye which are vastly more complicated than the watch or book?
1 Corinthians Chapter 1 reveals the answer.
You say it all happened in six thousand years. The world was totally silent three hundred years ago. No engines, no radios, nothing. We've been to the outside of the local planets sinse then and we've made a hell of a lot of noise. Imagine what we're going to do in another three hundred years. So what has happened in the last fourteen billion years. WAKE UP!
The machine analogy ... is a natural phenomena .. meaning it has a scientific explanation and obeys the laws of nature.
The analogy is not the proof ... but the tested hypothesis from the analogy becomes the proof.
Newton said the Universe ( & Life) is like a watch, and therefore requires a watchmaker to exist & to work as "designed."
The Hypothesis for Newton's observation is "The Universe is a Function, composed entirely of Functions, that requires specific matter, energy, space, time, laws of physics and INFORMATION to exist & to function."
This Hypothesis fully explains the Machine Analogies where we today compare Natural processes(functions) to man-made processes(functions).
All data shows that anything that is a Function, has to be unnaturally made by an intelligence who must provide the INFORMATION to impart a purpose & rules to matter, energy, space, time, and the laws of physics.
Everything makes sense ... when everything is an abstract ( time, space, laws) or physical(matter, energy) function.
@@abelincoln8885 Fourteen billion years made everything on this planet. It clearly hasn't worked you up yet but your forgiven. The watchmaker thing has been laughed at for decades so give it up.
@@abelincoln8885 All data shows the Universe behaves like universal turing machine which is a machine capable of bringing anything into existence. It has been proven that a machine such as that is not feasible to design because it would have an infinite resources. The function analogy is way off. Essentially the Universe is a learning machine orders of magnitudes above anything that can be practically designed. There is the machinery of nature which contains the environment and programming capability. Then the spark of life which activates these natural machines. In physical systems the machinery of nature can self activate. In biological systems like mammals the machinery of nature and activation of nature are specialized.
@@toni4729 Clown. Do you even know what a natural phenomena is? Or the the Scientific Method and the purpose of Science?
Numbnut. We today compare life to machines ... and ... people 500 years from now will compare life to machines ... cuz .... Life & machines are Functions.
And the Watchmaker Analogy was simply an OBSERVATION. You idiots thought an observation is evidence. lol.
Do you have objectively verifiable evidence for the existence of a god? I am not asking for counter-questions, cosmological or ontological arguments, preaching religious beliefs, links to websites and videos or personal comments. Just the evidence, please.
Simple wow.
Did God design all the pathogens that have afflicted humanity since the beginning? In that case a form of reparation (monetary is welcomed) is warranted
Ofc he did. The morons will probably say it is a consequence of the original sin, for which we all continue to pay.
@@theamalgamut8871 yes, they will, and they will incur into a theological conundrum, because baptism is supposed to take care of the original sin.
Why is our Earth rotational spin so uniquely stable, at 23 hours, 56 minutes and 4.09 seconds, every day, every year and every century? The slowing down of our Earth rotation is measured to be 1.8 milliseconds per century because the Earth is not the one rotating. The stability comes from the angular momentum of the universe rotation around a fix earth. Please interview Dr. Robert Sungenis.
Nothing about Earth's rotation is stable, that's why we need to adjusts clocks every so often to add or subtract milliseconds.
@@nigh7swimming, you are missing my point. The planet Venus rotation has slow down about 6.5 minutes in only 16 years. All planets are slowing down their rotation over time much more than the earth seeming stable rotation. The only reason why earth seemingly stable rotation is slowing down is because it is the universe that is rotating. The 1.8 milliseconds of rotational slow down every century is actually because the rotating universe is expanding. There is no need to imagine dark energy for the expansion. And the reason why galaxies are spinning 10 times faster than Newtonian calculations is because galaxies are acquiring angular momentum from the rotating universe. Again there is no need to invoke dark matter to account for the increase spin rate of galaxies.
@@richardhernandez6937 yeah you clearly have no idea what you're talking about. Sad.
@@nigh7swimming, forget about me, listen to scientist, Dr. Wolfgang Smith on the geocentric universe. You will be informed. Seriously, take the time to listen. th-cam.com/video/71i22w5G9KE/w-d-xo.html
The earth is rotating along with the solar system and galaxy. How would the Universe spin if it includes all of space. Things within the Universe can spin but the Universe itself is still.
I always believed that dismissing the intelligent design argument, for the existence of GOD, is a very arrogant position. I like the position of scientists, like freeman dyson, from science and religion, it is very well balanced.
The Source of Truth is the Bible. Because the author of the Bible is our Almighty God. Before science discovered somethings its already written in the Bible. Example. Why we learned to talk is because someone talk to us when are a baby. God first talk to Adam, the first man on earth, and passed to Eve and their offspring and so on.
To me, this interview lessens you as an interviewer. Let the religious idiots spin their wheels as they may, but do not dignify them with interviews. It sullies your reputation.
Jaws are a stupid argument against intelligent design