Plotting Rarefaction Curves in R (UPDATE)

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 29 ธ.ค. 2024
  • In this video I demonstrate how to do rarefaction using the rarefy () function in the vegan package in R and plot rarefaction curves.
    Here's the code I ran in this video, but NOTE that TH-cam does not allow angled brackets in video descriptions, so I could not type the assignment operator ("less than sign" plus "hyphen"):
    Example code for generating and plotting a rarefaction curve
    John Sakulich
    5 August 2024
    Read in a data set
    These data are from Colorado Breading Bird Survey
    for all individuals counted in the BBS in 1978 and 2018
    birds -read.csv("Birds!.csv")
    Calculate Species richness for each survey year (1978 and 2018)
    abundance.2018 - sum(birds$abundance_2018)
    abundance.1978 - sum(birds$abundance_1978)
    richness.2018 - sum(birds$abundance_2018 != 0)
    richness.1978 - sum(birds$abundance_1978 != 0)
    Load in the vegan package
    library (vegan)
    rarefied.2018 - rarefy(birds$abundance_2018, 15905, se = TRUE)
    Generate values for 2018 BBS data (221 total species)
    rare.2018 - rarefy(birds$abundance_2018,seq(1, 63594, by = 250) , se = TRUE)
    trare.2018 - t(rare.2018)
    rare.2018.df -
    rare.2018.df$se.high - rare.2018.df$.S + rare.2018.df$.se
    rare.2018.df$se.low - rare.2018.df$.S - rare.2018.df$.se
    rare.2018.df$N - seq(1, 63594, by = 250)
    Generate values for 1978 BBS data (143 total species)
    rare.1978 - rarefy(birds$abundance_1978,seq (1, 15905, by = 64) , se = TRUE)
    trare.1978 - t(rare.1978)
    rare.1978.df -
    rare.1978.df$se.high - rare.1978.df$.S + rare.1978.df$.se
    rare.1978.df$se.low - rare.1978.df$.S - rare.1978.df$.se
    rare.1978.df$N - seq (1, 15905, by = 64)
    Plot the 2018 BBS rarefaction curve with standard errors
    plot (rare.2018.df$N, rare.2018.df$.S, type = "l", xlim = c(1, 10000), lwd = 2, col = "firebrick4", cex = 2, xlab = "abundance level", ylab = "species richness", main = "Colorado Breeding Bird Survey 1978 and 2018")
    lines (rare.2018.df$N, rare.2018.df$se.high, type = "l", lty = "dashed", col = "firebrick4")
    lines (rare.2018.df$N, rare.2018.df$se.low, type = "l", lty = "dashed", col = "firebrick4")
    Add the 1978 BBS data to the plot
    lines (rare.1978.df$N, rare.1978.df$.S, type = "l", lwd = 2, lty = "solid", cex = 2, col = "dodgerblue")
    lines (rare.1978.df$N, rare.1978.df$se.high, type = "l", lty = "dashed", col = "dodgerblue")
    lines (rare.1978.df$N, rare.1978.df$se.low, type = "l", lty = "dashed", col = "dodgerblue")
    legend (40000, 75, legend = c("BBS 2018", "BBS 1978"), col = c("firebrick4","dodgerblue"), lty=1:1, lwd = 2)

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