I've had Serena from a local rescue for 6 years and she is finally comfortable enough to lay or sleep on my lap. She would let me pet her and sometimes sleep at the foot of my bed while I was sleeping. Otherwise, she would have her space and I had mine. So just be patient, I had just accepted who she was and she decided otherwise.
I've had Serena from a local rescue for 6 years and she is finally comfortable enough to lay or sleep on my lap. She would let me pet her and sometimes sleep at the foot of my bed while I was sleeping. Otherwise, she would have her space and I had mine. So just be patient, I had just accepted who she was and she decided otherwise.
Is there a reason the narration sounds like Jackson Galaxy?
Fake AI voice trying to sound like Jackson Galaxy.
Drove me crazy. Had to turn it off.
All Cats r Not alike u have to meet them on there level