English: At the airport

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 29 ก.ย. 2024
  • This video is not my property:)
    [Scene: An airport in New York.]
    Rachel: (Running to the ticket counter) Ooh, ooh, ooh,ooh,ooh. (Slightly out of breath) Hi.
    Ticket Agent: (Cheerfully.) Hello.
    Rachel: (Faking cheerfulness.) Hello. Umm, when is your next flight to London?
    Ticket Agent: (looking at her computer terminal) There's one leaving in thirty minutes.
    Rachel: Ohh, good.
    Ticket Agent: And I do have one seat left.
    Rachel: Ohh, thank you, thank you, thank you.
    Ticket Agent: The last minute fare on this ticket is twenty seven hundred dollars.
    Rachel: (looking through her wallet.) Ohh, I just don't think I have enough left on my credit card.
    Ticket Agent: Well you can split it with another credit card.
    Rachel: Ohh, okay, how about five. (She hands her all the credit cards.) Ohh, thank you.
    Ticket Agent: I'm just going to need to see your passport.
    Rachel: (Looking through her purse.) Okay, you know what? I don't have it, but I can tell you exactly where it is on my night stand, and...okay. But you know what? I have my drivers license and I have a twenty. (She slides it across the counter.)
    Ticket Agent: (Slides the twenty back and tosses her credit card onto the counter.)
    [Scene: The airport. Rachel runs up to the ticket counter.]
    Rachel: Hi, I'm back. Listen, I need to...
    Ticket Agent: Hello.
    Rachel: Hello. I need to get on the 11 o'clock flight.
    Ticket Agent: Oh I'm afraid that plane has already pulled away from the gate.
    Rachel: Okay, you know what/ You're going to have to call that plane and tell them to swing around and come and pick me up.
    Ticket Agent: I can't do that.
    Rachel: Sure, you know what? Come on, we'll just tell them that there was like a problem with like the "engine".
    Ticket Agent: I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to step aside, Miss.
    Rachel: Look, If I don't get to London!! He is going to marry that other girl!!!
    Ticket Agent: I can't imagine why.
    Rachel: All right, you know what? I am not leaving here, until you call that plane back!! (She pounds her hand on the counter twice. The ticket agent counters by placing the closed sign on the counter and tapping it twice.)

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