Just one (or 4 total with multiple fixtures) 3w uv led is not going to make a room glow, though it is a great feature for making other colors pop. Source: own 2 adj eco uv dmx bars, which are not quite enough to make a crowd of 200 glow, just the first few rows.
Using master and slave mode, you should be able to. All of ADJ's lights take a very similar infrared wavelength, so even remotes not made for the specific light should trigger something. ADJ also sells a universal infrared remote.
daisy chaining power cables will work. From what I understand, the tripar does not have an infrared receiver, so dmx will have to link the tripars to an IR fixture and use master/slave modes.
Does these lights work with the adj airstream dmx?
what size par is the American DJ Mega Flat Pak Plus
Just one (or 4 total with multiple fixtures) 3w uv led is not going to make a room glow, though it is a great feature for making other colors pop.
Source: own 2 adj eco uv dmx bars, which are not quite enough to make a crowd of 200 glow, just the first few rows.
it's a little sad that they messed up the IEC and dmx ins and outs....
Can I daisy chain mega par and mega par plus and use remote
Using master and slave mode, you should be able to.
All of ADJ's lights take a very similar infrared wavelength, so even remotes not made for the specific light should trigger something. ADJ also sells a universal infrared remote.
will it work with the ADJ 3c led controller??
The tripar does not have an IR receiver, but it is DMX enabled.
Can I useMega Tripar Profile Plus with an ADJ RGB 3C IR?
daisy chaining power cables will work. From what I understand, the tripar does not have an infrared receiver, so dmx will have to link the tripars to an IR fixture and use master/slave modes.
want it now!
@adjlighting Do these come with power cords? I want to buy The American DJ Mega Flat Pak Plus but I want to know if the come with power cords.
George Munoz are you serious? do they come with power cords?
is anybody listening to the background song? I NEED this song #adj
I'd rather have white and amber and no uv.