Is Pikmin 4 Too Easy? (Is that a bad thing?)

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 28 ก.ย. 2024
  • What do you mean the game released 2 months ago? I'm right on time!!
    Realistically I couldn't really figure out how I wanted to cover Pikmin 4. I love the game so much but haven't been good at collecting my thoughts on it in any cohesive way. This is my attempted compromise so I at least make SOMETHING about my game of the year.
    #pikmin #pikmin4

ความคิดเห็น • 38

  • @kantackistan
    @kantackistan ปีที่แล้ว +26

    "With difficulty mods" - that's the kicker. Knowing how easy it was to implement optional difficulties when it came to Pikmin 3 Deluxe, why couldn't they have continued that trend? That could have preserved everything this video holds up, and also provided more challenge overall for veterans.

  • @TheManOfManyNames.
    @TheManOfManyNames. ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Imagine the reaction of people who have only played Pikmin 4 entering Pikmin 2 with no experience

  • @brynge.
    @brynge. ปีที่แล้ว +7

    you forgot to mention night expeditions! I wish we ended up getting more of them as well since they got fairly difficult during the later stages. If we get a challenge expansion pack I'd love for those to be included and expanded too.

  • @mitchellmoschini3772
    @mitchellmoschini3772 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    I like your view point on the difficulty, but I also feel you missed some big points for why the game is not challenging;
    I find pikmin deaths largely don't matter in the game most of the time since you can go back to caves at anytime to any floor and just farm the wild pikmin which respawn, making the need to grow more to replace the ones you lost not a factor.
    Knockouts to your captains don't matter because you can just walk over and revive them with no cost as many times as you want.
    The biggest thing is the rewind feature and how if you make even the smallest mistake it will put it in your face to use, all these choices makes almost nothing really matter and I personally found half way into the 3rd area that I slowly stopped caring and found myself unengaged and just going through the motions.
    The last thing is how the pikmin have been made much smarter overall leading to you not needing to pay attention to them nearly as much from the improved path finding and how rarely they will get stuck on things which in turn makes it another thing to not care about.
    All this just left me with feelings of the game just wanting to get itself over with as quickly as possible and asking myself why should I care about any of it, I don't think the game is bad but it did sour my experience and makes this personally my least favorite, that's just my opinion though.

    • @SessleIsosceles
      @SessleIsosceles ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Difficulty DOES matter

    • @Borti_Ovi
      @Borti_Ovi ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I’m with you, but I would like to argue a couple of things still at the expense of Pikmin 4.
      First off, the rewind feature. In Pikmin 3, that feature is consistent: you can go back to whatever amount of days you have done prior like a computer System Restore. I do not know what triggers the checkpoint system in Pikmin 4! Sometimes, you can go 10 minutes back, 5 minutes, 2, even 1, but it’s all based whatever the game feels like setting a checkpoint. The checkpoint system is “easier” but once you begin to rely on it, especially for no death runs, you realize how mechanically broken the feature really is.
      Secondly, the Pikmin intelligence. I wouldn’t say they’re “smarter”, just more streamlined. I would argue they’re still complete !d!ots except this time, the environmental mechanics are more against them than ever before. In 2, if an object is in the way of the Pikmin’s carrying path, regardless of the object’s weight it will ALWAYS be pushed aside. Buggy at times, yes, but it’s a guarantee that Pikmin will bring the object to the base unless attacked. As for 4, forget about it! The Pikmin will indefinitely try to either keep carrying the item or try to first carry the unwanted obstacle, thus wasting even more time. If only you can throw in extra Pikmin in case that ever happens, but NOPE! Apparently, overthrowing is something Nintendo does not want you to do!
      Pikmin carrying in 4 is also bugged as h3ck! Sometimes, even after throwing the exact number of necessary Pikmin, some just refuse to carry and remain idle. Yeah, they’re TOUCHING the necessary object but refuse to do everything else. Rather ironic because most of the time, Pikmin are way too eager to do absolutely anything no matter how far away they are from the target! I have a whistle, ALLOW ME TO CALL THEM WHEN I WANT THEM!!
      A finally, the fetching. When Pikmin finds an item meant for the captain, they’ll do everything in their power to find the captain no matter the distance and no matter the hazards between them. The final challenge was HORRIBLE strictly because of the auto-targeting and necessary bomb rocks which turns Pikmin into walking kamikaze once they find one buried in a hole.
      But that’s only a fraction of problems I have with the game. It gives me an itching feeling the reason why they made the game so artificially easy is to hide how busted their engine became. It was not even like this in 3 Deluxe!

  • @MooshPaw
    @MooshPaw ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I think since Pikmin 3 they shifted the difficulty to be more "self imposed" and make the player challenge itself to collect as much fruit/treasure as possible in a single day
    Now I do wish that there were more enemies and they respawned, because the areas get kinda empty when they're gone, but I much prefer the multitasking satisfaction than anything Pikmin 2 had to offer

  • @TheTretex
    @TheTretex ปีที่แล้ว

    I love pikmin 4 and it was my introduction to the series. I went back and played all the other games after beating it, and then I played through Pikmin 4 again. The time it took me to beat it got cut in HALF and also I got platinum on the dandori battles/challenges and sage trials. If only for some more replayability and people who are seasoned pikmin veterans, I hope that in the future we can get selectable difficulties added as a free update. Mods I'm sure will do alot of legwork, things like oatchi not being rideable and removing auto lock-on; but most people won't go out of their way to mod their game.

  • @joshua784512
    @joshua784512 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I love playing Pikmin 4. Playing the game through again for the third time right now! I'm... not great at the Dandori challenges, but I get golds on most of them (I barely get past the first couple of the hidden levels though).
    I do wish enemies respawned in the overworld. Unless I missed something, I don't remember seeing anything outside a cleared dungeon respawn, and that makes me sad. I enjoy having stuff to fight, even at a basic level monster on the overworld and having to recheck areas after I've left the map for a few days is fun, imo.
    Also, not a huge fan of the 'retcon' of the main story line, but that's just fluff and not a big deal.
    Now back to more Pikmin 4!

  • @pikminman13
    @pikminman13 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I think that, while the game is an absolute snooze if you use every tool the game throws at you, you often aren't forced to use them except for Oatchi. Oatchi is absolutely an issue and I feel that you should be limited in how much you can do with his rush, but other than that, you can safely ignore a lot of the easy mode stuff. I didn't touch the shop except for one ice bomb I used in Engulfed Castle because I didn't know you could lure the Slooch into the water like you could the Bulblax and I didn't touch Glow Pikmin at all outside of night missions. Sprays are way too easy to get, but again, I can at least ignore them. To me, they're carry assists, not enemy assists.
    This is still a large contrast to, say, modern Pokemon games, which force you to use their baby mechanics (friendship) to where people actively feed their pokemon bitter things just to prevent themselves from getting the unfair buffs.
    The exception to Oatchi being too strong is the dandori missions, as he is completely balanced around those, to where I'm struggling to beat the Purple Jewel with a severely underpowered dog (I got all platinums before). There are plenty of tweaks I would make to the game, but at least if you go for speed the game is completely enjoyable all the same.

  • @motorizedbarofsoap6601
    @motorizedbarofsoap6601 ปีที่แล้ว

    I play a lot of challenging games. Not directly because they are hard but i often find hard games do a better job of getting you to really engage with the games systems and mechanics.
    I have never played any pikmin game before 4 so i have no past experiences with the series. Pikmin 4 is really easy but as someone who loves hard games i still could not put this game down it was an incredibly fun experience for me start to finish (im still finishing up sage leaf trials cause ive done everything else). My favorites parts were still defenititly thr dandori challenges but even with the game being so easy it was such a blast. I see why some vets wouldnt like the difficulty but this game is designed to get new people into the franchise and i could definitely see why some vets wouldnt like that but in my eyes its better for the franchise because the past games are really old. Atleast 1 and 2 are

  • @hanimeme9304
    @hanimeme9304 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Great video, keep it up Dookas!

  • @pauvi0303
    @pauvi0303 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I actually made a no-oatchi run and i have to admit, the goolix was a bit challenging.

  • @Gaspe19
    @Gaspe19 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Pikmin 4 should have had co-op and difficulty modes like 3 deluxe did. Overworld enemies not respawning is another major step back from the previous entries and while dandori was fun the mission modes from pikmin 3 where much better and more numerous. While I loved Pikmin 4 and have already replayed it multiple times it hurts knowing that some intentional decisions held the game back from toping 2 or 3 in my opinion.

  • @Markm8
    @Markm8 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Not really, irs hard enough also upgradeless and deathless exist for difficulty. I wish they would shut the hell up about the time rewind crutch

  • @ryan_wizzmr
    @ryan_wizzmr 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Yes the game overall isn't very difficult but I struggled with cavern for a king and the sage leaf trials. Overall i would say pikmin 3 deluxe is easier than 4

  • @davidmullinax37
    @davidmullinax37 ปีที่แล้ว

    You are truly brilliant! Underated video honestly

  • @kiwiplaysvr6798
    @kiwiplaysvr6798 ปีที่แล้ว

    honestly if they just have auto lock on toggle ill be happy i absolutely hate it

  • @Shiny_goomy_real
    @Shiny_goomy_real ปีที่แล้ว +1

    The only thing that isnt easy in pikmin 4 is the fricking dandori

  • @tomblunty
    @tomblunty ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Easy, yes ! But now lets talk about the 10 commandements of Dandori cause that made me lose my shit xD

  • @dontworry4945
    @dontworry4945 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    2:00 nope.
    i hate him. cannot stand him.
    he sucks.
    pikmin 4 is an oatchi game first and a pikmin game second.
    ruined the first play through for me.
    on the second play through i left him at the base every time and i actually enjoyed the game. until i was required to use oatchi to jump up a cliff. 😡
    and i really don't think he's cute.
    not even a little bit.
    i waited 10 years for a pikmin game and i got an oatchi game. 😡

  • @jraff2735
    @jraff2735 ปีที่แล้ว

    My problem with the games difficulty isn't the difficulty itself, but WHY it's easy, I have no problem with Pikmin 3 being easy, and it has the highest skill cap (maybe aside from 2's bosses), but Pikmin 4 introduces a lot of power creep which I fear will (and already has) negatively impacted the series, while Pikmin 4s focus on Dandori is nice, it sacrifices the other elements of the game for it (and even then 3 did it better in most aspects).
    Comparing it to 3 further, it's high skill cap is the icing on the cake, it has a good combat system not riddled with powercreep and decently challenging enemies along with huge areas to explore (keep in mind they are NOT really open), 5 different types each with their own entirely unique and distinct qualities (Aside from Blues), which were all nice fillings, Pikmin 4 feels like a cake made of nothing but icing, with open maps that can be crossed in under 5 minutes and bad combat, enemies with rushed designs (Gameplay wise) ,and a lot more missing, with nothing but more icing (Dandori challenges) to compensate, Ost further shows these problems by having a significantly shorter timer, which has no purpose other than to hurry the player along, which seems redundant especially for "postgame" content. And night expeditions felt like they needed a LOT more fleshing out, especially how most of them just spam 2 or 3 enemy types, and when I finally got to the final boss, I didn't feel accomplished, I just felt as if the game had wasted my time, and with how many hard caps (and even more soft caps) the thing has, it only strengthened my thoughts on the game.

  • @someguy1894
    @someguy1894 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    start- snorese
    mid- okay gotta wakey wakey
    end- dandori overload

  • @witchhatter
    @witchhatter ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I feel like it would be nice to offer more experienced players bigger challenges from the game itself rather than leave them to rely on self-imposed rules.
    Most ideas for such I can think of leave some parts inaccessible or impossible.

  • @texasarttoast4238
    @texasarttoast4238 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Great video! I also found the game to be enjoyable despite the lack of difficulty. Though I think it would be cool if there were extra difficulty options, preferably ones that change up enemy layouts and resources (fewer spicy sprays, less Pikmin found in caves, etc.).

  • @damieldampier6669
    @damieldampier6669 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    "Is pikmin 4 too easy?"
    *my 4 purple pikmin seeing the Pain from that final boss*

  • @SwankemasterSupreme
    @SwankemasterSupreme ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Haven’t played it, but I can see the “Dandori” thing getting pretty overwhelming.
    Also, I honestly liked having to roam around the map, and Oatchi’s charge might make things too easy. (Yes I know you talked about that in the video)

  • @agreedboarart3188
    @agreedboarart3188 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Removing difficulty from Pikmin just removes the point of playing Pikmin for me. They dropped the ball twice, but I'll at least give 3 some points for at least still having fun and engaging level design, better presentation, and insanely hard challenge stages.

  • @cliffandjane540
    @cliffandjane540 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    No. It never was

  • @rustyshackleford234
    @rustyshackleford234 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Zelda fans finally getting a sequel they’ve waited 5 years for: 😃
    Pikmin fans finally getting a sequel they’ve waited 10 years for: 😃
    F zero fans finding out Nintendo knows they even exist: 😃
    Super Mario fans getting a movie and a new 2D platformer for the first time in 11 years: 😃
    Splatoon fans getting updated every few months and a massive DLC: 😃
    Mario kart fans getting 34 new courses and tons of new characters every few months: 😃
    Paper Mario fans getting a remake of their favorite game: 😃
    Kirby fans still eating well from all of last years’s stuff: 😃
    Pokémon fans getting like 200 mediocre games and DLCs a year still: 😃
    So yes, 2023 was a REALLY great year for gaming… particularly with Nintendo surprisingly.

  • @Gaspe19
    @Gaspe19 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Its kind of weird that pikmin 2 was the only game in the series to include plants (excluding Onion, Flarlic, Spiderwort, and Candypop bud) in the piklopedia. It was also a shame that the piklopedia map couldent be changed like it could in Pikmun 2.

  • @mortalview2072
    @mortalview2072 ปีที่แล้ว

    Why are people complaining about difficulty modes when the game made it easier than ever to impose challenges on yourself. You can literally choose your max Pikmin count by only getting a certain number of flarlic, you can choose what onions to grab and what to leave. You can choose how powerful Oatchi is and you can choose to get items and power ups or not. This gives the game a lot of replayability, as well as something more difficult for veterans

    • @agreedboarart3188
      @agreedboarart3188 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Refusing to engage with game mechanics in order to make it challenging is not a sign of good game design.

  • @Markm8
    @Markm8 ปีที่แล้ว

    Yea dude pikmin 2 is bullshit and thats why I fucken love it so much. Feels like a real life world

  • @GodOfWheatRiceBall
    @GodOfWheatRiceBall ปีที่แล้ว

    I wonder how they would do with oatchi when pikmin 5, will it be totally different game? I feel like there's nothing they could improve more for next the game.

    • @Jettmingin
      @Jettmingin 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      oatchi and moss team up and theres no more pikmin at all

  • @meatclaw7292
    @meatclaw7292 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Pikmin4 ...rubbish. sold it 2 days after bought. Back to 1,2,3

    • @Dookas
      @Dookas  ปีที่แล้ว +6

      awesome comment