From Canada with peace, love and respect for the People's Convoy. God Bless America and thank you for your loyalty to freedom. On this daily pilgrimage we have seen and experienced that amazing humans do exist. I pray the world joins with us in a global effort for truth, purpose and liberty.
Remember this is just one convoy because there are others on the way plus there's the people's convoy that's waiting until Monday to move out and are picking up more as time goes on . The peoples convoy wasn't about truckers only it's about vehicles of all kinds that joined together and there are more vehicles then there are truckers right now . They had a problem at one point where a group got separated from the main group and had to catch back up and because of that the news said it was only a few vehicles ( around 100 or so ) which wasn't even close even with the one group getting separated there was still more then 100 vehicles . 2 days ago another convoy from California left to join up in D.C. so as of now we don't know how many are on the way because they pick up people along the way .
@@sassylady2001 That's awesome !!! I've been watching Oreo since their arrival in NM and a few others but haven't seen anything for elsewhere and have only heard about a few from up north
Teamsters were corrupt but about pay and retirement money. this is a waste of time and fuel. Not a freedom issue but public health issue. I would guess 100% of these "patriots" are vaccinated for mumps, measles, and polio. Yet the "Trump" vaccine is somehow related to freedom? Sad.
A two truck convoy of misfits and anti socials means nothing to me and most Americans. Those that wish us harm will be arrested and be dealt with by the legal system. All I see is normal folks giving them the bird and yelling the Snake Island Salute.
Change fuel resources give me a break.. big convoys need fuel and they are paying the price and feeding the beast... what a joke the love that they are paying for this high priced fuel... when ya see a trucker thank the for delivery of groceries and fuel... seeing how we are thanking them thank truckers for all the weapons and missiles and ammo for any of the wars going on as well... no truckers no ammo
I agree 💯👍😌 with the freedom convoy they are what keeps American feed and fueled, I am so proud of them and their stance for the people and freedom!!! You go boys, All the way, whatever it takes. I'm very proud to be an American at this moment with what you boys are doing, it brings me to tears....
@@blackstrat02 Ya bending over grabbing your ankles? That's what happens when you're taught standing and peeing makes a man. What color they put out when you were born?
Teamsters were corrupt but about pay and retirement money. this is a waste of time and fuel. Not a freedom issue but public health issue. I would guess 100% of these "patriots" are vaccinated for mumps, measles, and polio. Yet the "Trump" vaccine is somehow related to freedom? Sad.
@@raybbaby back to when grown-ass men didn't sit and moan about how they are oppressed in the country that has the most freedom and opportunity no matter your color, creed, religion, economic status. Don't acknowledge your mistakes and attitudes that got you where you are. You have never felt oppression boy! Your ancestors did but open a book and every creed, color, nationality can make that case. Hell, none of your ancestors weren't thrown into gas chambers were they? You are the stupid xiden voters who are too dumb to think for yourself so cnn does it for ya. Did you see the video when xiden was calling black people the n word in congress, how about the 94 crime bill he was so proud of that locked majority of black Americans up. Answer this question smart guy what did Obama do in 8 years to help the black community or anyone but the gay community? At least trump signed into law the first step act, billion-dollar urban revitalization for urban communities, and that's off the top of my head. What has xiden done while VP and now after 2 yrs? Let me guess you like your bank account being drained for 3times the price for a gallon of gas which started on his 3rd day of potus by ending the keystone pipeline, it must be the empty grocery stores, WW3? I've never seen people with soo much prideful ignorance like you won because another puppet white man got in the WH. What have you won? They all are crooked red, blue different wings of the same bird. I don't know why I even try to help you see how you and me are being played like idiots and it's about to get alot worse wait until hyperinflation hits and your not prepared at all because xiden told ya everything is great.
@@pickakacamperjohn2262 MAKE me go China you geetar strummin', sister marryin', tabacky chawin', harmonicky playin', grit suckin, orange cult member lol.
Michigan man of 46 years here and I LOVE the combo flag!!! Haters resent our spirit of unity and our demonstration of Civility. They must feel awful and beaten down by fear.
There are literally millions of truckers out there and they only come up with 100 truckers and they're taking America back...LMFAO...delusional orange slob supporters...
@@dandemaio5994   EDUCATION Is liberalism really a mental illness? Getting right in the head September 15, 2020 | 7:22 pm  Jack Nicholson, Danny DeVito and other mental patients in One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest (1975) Written by: Patrick Fagan Share   Conservative pundits like Michael Savage and Mark Dice like to ruffle feathers by claiming that liberalism is a mental disorder. Well…is it? No. Of course not. It’s crude and dangerous to pathologize the political beliefs of half the population - beliefs which have often changed the world for the better. However, this pathologizing has been done to conservatives since the end of World War Two. In his theory of anti-democratic authoritarianism, Theodor Adorno identified a number of ‘symptoms’ of an authoritarian personality ‘syndrome’, including sexual inhibition, support for conventional values, and admiration of toughness and power. The political bias of the concept was sealed by psychologist Bob Altemeyer in 1981, when he coined the hugely popular concept ‘right-wing authoritarianism’. Since then, psychologists have condemned conservativism as dysfunctional. For example, Van Hiel, Mervielde and De Fruyt (2004) investigated the link between right-wing ideology and ‘maladaptive personality’; right-wing beliefs are routinely linked to prejudice (e.g., Ekehammar et al., 2004); and studies have reported that conservatives have, on average, lower IQs (e.g., Onraet et al., 2015; a rare example of leftist academics admitting that IQ tests do measure intelligence and that group differences in intelligence do exist). Meanwhile, the esteemed American Psychological Association has endorsed pseudoscientific leftist ideas like toxic masculinity and white privilege. Psychological interventions likewise seem strangely often to tend towards left-wing goals. For example, Broockman and Kalla (2016) used ‘deep canvassing’ (encouraging empathetic perspective-taking during door knocking) to increase voter support for transgender bathrooms, without ever considering whether it was ethical to do so. More recently, psychologists have found that magnets, applied to certain areas of the brain, can ‘cure’ religiosity and in-group preference (Holbrook et al., 2016). The adoption of this tech is foreshadowed today by ‘unconscious bias training’ corporate seminars. It’s not enough to control your behaviors: progressives now want to get right inside your brain and eradicate what they don’t like there, too. If you thought censorship of conservatives on Twitter and Facebook was bad enough today, consider whether Silicon Valley would draw the line at shadow-banning your thoughts before they happen. Outside of academia, the corporate media likewise deifies liberals and demonizes conservatives. As just one illustration, the press ridiculed ‘tradwives’ (called ‘radicalized’ by the Times of London, with ‘a dark heart’ by the Guardian), while speaking in gushing terms about Bella Thorne’s $1 million OnlyFans payday (The Mirror talked about her ‘smashing records’ while the Mail reported on how she ‘celebrated’ her ‘success’). The media promotes a Sex and the City lifestyle, while ignoring the fact that the show’s writer, Candace Bushnell, said she regrets choosing a career over children and is now ‘truly alone’. This is despite number of premarital partners longitudinally predicting substance abuse (Ramrakha et al., 2013), and some research suggesting that frequency of casual sex predicts suicidal thoughts later in life (Sandberg-Thoma and Dush, 2013). Anyway, the narrative is clear: right-wing bad, left-wing good. This is not to say that the aforementioned points are not valid; conservative beliefs likely are correlated with certain disorders in the population at large. Rather, the issue here is the weight of focus on conservatism compared to liberalism - unsurprising, given that liberals outnumber conservatives in psychology academia by a ratio of 14:1 (Duarte et al., 2015). Indeed, a search on Google Scholar returns almost six times as many results for ‘right-wing violence’ as it does for ‘left-wing violence’. As radical Marxists burn, loot and murder across the US, would anyone seriously argue that leftist violence is not equally worthy of study? Of course it’s right to analyze Hitler’s pathologies - but what about those of Mao or Stalin? Fortunately, academics have recently started to explore the psychopathologies of the left. Thirty years ago, a typical paper on the subject would be that published in Political Psychology under the title ‘The Myth of Left-Wing Authoritarianism’ (Stone, 1980). Yet, by 2018, the tide had started to turn: in their paper ‘Finding the Loch Ness Monster: Left-wing Authoritarianism in the United States’, Conway and colleagues (2018) found evidence that left-wing authoritarianism - as measured through items like, ‘The only way our country can get through the crisis ahead is to get rid of our “traditional” values’ - was a viable construct’. Even more recently, the ‘horseshoe hypothesis’ was supported by a study finding that authoritarianism exists on both the far-right and the far-left (Costello et al., 2020). Indeed, this year, endorsement for totalitarian COVID-19 measures (e.g., increased government powers, immunity certificates, banning the sale of firearms) has been predicted by both left- and right-wing authoritarianism (Manson, 2020). Evidence is plentiful, therefore, that pathology can exist on both sides of the political spectrum. However, there is also evidence that liberalism may be associated with its own unique disorders. Firstly, the modern self-identified strain of ‘liberalism’ is explicitly correlated with mental illness. Studies of the mentally ill have found that they tend to vote less conservative and more liberal (Howard and Anthony, 1977; Kelly, 2014) . One paper, for example, found that 78 percent of mental illness outpatients in Germany preferred liberal political candidates, compared to just 56 percent of the general public. More recently, Kirkegaard (2020) analyzed the General Social Survey data and found that extreme liberals had a 150 percent increase in the rate of mental illness compared to moderates. Conservatives - even extreme conservatives - were 17 percent and 24 percent less likely than moderates, respectively, to have been diagnosed with mental illness. Meanwhile, Pew Research Center’s March 2020 American Trends Panel Survey similarly showed that 38 percent of ‘very liberal’ whites have been told by a doctor that they have a mental health condition (compared to 20 percent of moderates and 15 percent of the ‘very conservative’). More broadly, the same strain of (illiberal) ‘liberalism’ has been associated with destructive and unhealthy behaviors. Conservatives tend to be happier (Napier and Tost, 2008), healthier (Subramanian and Perkins, 2009), and - you guessed it - more attractive (Peterson and Palmer, 2017). Believing, as they do, that they have personal responsibility for their lives, they also tend to live longer (Kondrichin and Lester, 1998; Smith and Dorling, 1996). Studies suggest that liberals, meanwhile, are more likely to drink alcohol (Yakovlev and Guessford, 2013), take drugs (Nour, Evans and Carhart-Harris, 2017), and be promiscuous (Hatemi, Crabtree and McDermott, 2017). These unhealthy behaviors perhaps share a common neurobiological root with liberal political beliefs. A disorder called the behavioral variant of frontotemporal dementia (bvFTD) sheds some light. Miller and colleagues (2001) reported on a 63-year-old patient who was conservative before developing bvFTD. She then became ‘politically opinionated’ about her anti-conservative political beliefs, to the point of confronting strangers; she started dressing in a more casual manner; and she developed an interest in animal rights; altering her preference for collecting jewelry to collecting stuffed animals.
God bless we must unite as a nation! But Canada and the USA are brother and sister. I love the USA. I have family there. I love Florida we've always vacationed there. I pray we can return again once they drop all the mandates. God bless Canada and USA!! Stay safe and God be with you all!!
The American Convoy Good luck and God bless you all. We have Always known,that America loves their freedom,liberty,values,choices,as do we.Its slipping away,but you guys are gonna tip the scales in a most profound way. Oh Canada we stand on guard for thee..And the home of the brave. Don't we just have the 2 most beautiful national anthems on the planet. God blessed our countries,in the most generous of ways. And,we know it !!! first line of Canadian Charter of Rights is as follows Whereas Canada is founded upon principles that recognize the "Supremacy of God" and the rule of law. nation under God I'd say freedom wins keep on truckin it's gonna rock the foundations of lies
Teamsters were corrupt but about pay and retirement money. this is a waste of time and fuel. Not a freedom issue but public health issue. I would guess 100% of these "patriots" are vaccinated for mumps, measles, and polio. Yet the "Trump" vaccine is somehow related to freedom? Sad.
News talking heads just can't stop telling things in their own spin. People's convoy is to remind government that freedom is not to be messed with!! We the people will not stand by and let tyranny remain.
Stop being a drama queen . There isn't any tyranny in the US if you want to find out what " tyranny is about you only need to look to Russia or Ukraine . Ukrainian are real freedom fighters while spoiled Americans make a big production about nothing because they are looking for a cause and being forced to wear a face mask at wallmart is the best thing they can come up with to complain about something. Currently no trucking company requires its drivers to be vaccinated
Go AMERICA Go ! In God WE Trust ! Be safe out there , brothers & sisters , God Bless , & God speed ! Time to turn this ship around ! Enough is enough !
How, exactly does them blocking traffic do that? It's the exact thing that conservatives said was traitorous when they claimed people protesting the actual killing of citizens were causing traffic issues.
Teamsters were corrupt but about pay and retirement money. this is a waste of time and fuel. Not a freedom issue but public health issue. I would guess 100% of these "patriots" are vaccinated for mumps, measles, and polio. Yet the "Trump" vaccine is somehow related to freedom? Sad.
contrary to what certain unin F ormed young people think there are still Many states still forcing masks and Jabs regardless of health status OR personal choice judt to work, shop or travel!
contrary to what certain overprivilaged and uninformed young people think there actually Are still Many states still forcing masks and Jabs regardless of health status OR personal choice judt to work, shop, go to school OR travel! Its like were in a 3rd world communist country
Sure can if you morons would stop viewing this as a political agenda and treat it as the medical pandemic it is we could beat covid vaccines have already lowered infections and deaths and for the most part thanks to those efforts most mandates have been or are being lifted so let's all jump on the right wing band wagon of ignorance and ride it to the end of this nation
Our great nation was never a theocracy, or a dictatorship, and has never had an overthrow of the government. What can you possibly be talking about? Remember also that fat, white older americans don't reproduce as much as young americans do. So don't be stupid.
Exactly!! Our local news is not covering it. Quit watching that channel. So gratefull people are posting online. Been watching several times a day. I'm going to be calling to find out why they are not covering.
@@cynthiabyer4874 that is the correct way to handle it everyone should start doing the same I live in northwest Indiana in a Democrat area very near Chicago there is not one local station that will give you the truth I have no choice but to go online and find Independent news sources!
God bless you truckers ! Thank you for standing up for our freedoms ! Hopefully more people start doing their own research into what the science is actually showing !!
I'm pretty sure God doesn't support evil or those that wish us harm. I've done my research. I believe in vaccines, masks and mandates as needed. Anti social behavior drags us all down.
If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen. If ever a time should come, when vain and aspiring men shall possess the highest seats in Government, our country will stand in need of its experienced patriots to prevent its ruin.... (Samuel Adams) When Injustice becomes law resistance becomes Duty. Dangerous Freedom over peaceful tyranny, Give me liberty or give me de_th
@@carloscarlos7044 ... Go back to sleep Carlos. Better yet, climb back into that rock you`ve been hiding under all these years, and enjoy your self induced coma.
@@jamminjoe44 Kool-aid. A reference to cult followers committing mass suicide. Not exactly a useable reference to someone in favor of people living longer. However, people repeating rhetoric use during the seat belt laws about "lost freedoms" isn't exactly promoting health and prosperity. And again, the truckers want to be allowed to cough on people without worry. But why this mandate? What is it about not being allowed to accidentally let a bodily fluid reach another person that is something worth fighting for? Especially since protests by others in the past were deemed unpatriotic.
It's called the Peoples Convoy. People want freedom not just from the mandates. Everyone is tired of the government trying to control them. God Bless the truckers and America. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
I say thank you.... Yes I am the Tim in the video... You people are the blessing you truly are. We could not do this with out the Help of Good People Like You soooooo THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR LOVE AND SUPPORT. Keep it coming cuz You People have moved Us and We DO NOT INTEND TO LET YOU DOWN!
Gene sokolik cz To all AMERICANS that love freedom,we support you .Thank You to the Canadians, for starting this Great Awakening for freedom . Poor or Rich all are promised freedom by are laws from the founding of this great country. GOD be with us all.
Thank You for covering the arrival of the convoy. It has to do with more than the mandates its also about the loss of our Freedoms being stolen by our government. Government has forgotten and need to be reminded They Work For Us 🇺🇸 🇺🇸
Stand strong keep the faith and stay peaceful. Have the police take any trouble makers away. Require the Emergency Covid Order be rescinded. It passed the Senate now in the house. Hope and pray for everyone to see the light and do the right things for everyone not just themselves. My opinion
No, it just shows a tiny slice of U.S. truckers who seem to be auditioning for the part of the Scarecrow in the The Wizard of Oz, and also all the cowardly truckers who don't have anything better to do with their days. (Hint: you could haul goods like you're paid to do instead of whining about the rules that surround your profession. Or you could quit trucking and leave it to the men and women of the road who are too busy making money to worry about your sorry selves.)
Thank you 🙏🏽 for standing up for freedom of choice!! #MyBodyMyChoice #FreedomConvoy2022 #ThePeoplesConvoy #SaveOurChildren #TruckersForFreedom #TruckersLivesMatter #FarmersLivesMatter #EveryChildMatters #StopGovernmentTyranny #ForcedVaccineIsMedicalRape 🙏🏽❤️✌️🇨🇦🤝🇺🇸🚚👼🪄
Teamsters were corrupt but about pay and retirement money. this is a waste of time and fuel. Not a freedom issue but public health issue. I would guess 100% of these "patriots" are vaccinated for mumps, measles, and polio. Yet the "Trump" vaccine is somehow related to freedom? Sad.
Those poor fools. They remind me of all the runners behind Forrest Gump when he decided to quit runnin'. But.... what do we do now? Sorry you're just mad, life can be like that. Right now, the way the world is this minute, we got other things that need doing. But, hold that thought.
No kidding. If these idiots could spend just one hour in Ukraine right now, they would figure out quickly that there is more to worry about in the world than protesting that our election was rigged or that they can get free vaccines to protect their health.
Keep on Trucking! God bless America! Father, We pray,for the freedom convoy for “WE THE PEOPLE” to be a safe, peaceful, truthful, productive in love for all! Father, we thank You for the freedoms we enjoy in America. As some in our government have tried to encroach on these freedoms we appeal to You for help. As thousands let their voices be heard this week we pray for their safety and protection. In the name of Jesus, we bind spirits of violence, anger, and chaos. We ask for Your shalom to hover over them and their gatherings. May they, as well as those who oppose them, be controlled by love. We pray for the police who will be called upon to ensure peace and safety. Protect them, and give their leaders wisdom. Please override any attempt to stir up violence against them, and keep them from overreacting to any situation that arises. We pray for clarity of message, and for truth to be exalted. We ask that the liberal media and politicians not be able to distort the message of the protestors. And we ask You to cause the unfair and unreasonable mandates of our government to stop. We ask that foolish, even evil, decisions by our government surrounding the Covid issue stop. Some decisions have been made because of mammon, political gain, and evil ideologies. Lives have been lost, livelihoods have as well, our children have and continue to suffer, and further division has come to our nation because of this evil. Please help us end it. Lord, God’s will be done, according to the prayer above for WE THE PEOPLE,peaceful, Love and Truth! I humbly pray Father, God also has highly exalted the Anointed Savior’s, name, and given him a name which is above every name: That at the name of Yeshua Mashiach (Jesus Christ) every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; praying God’s will be done! With thanksgiving to our Lord our Righteousness Father God! So be it! 🙏Amen!🙏 Amen!🙏🏼Amen!I humbly pray! Have faith in God’s will be done!
God-bless you all and your families on this journey.. And God-bless the United States of America and Canada your citizen Stand with you.. Thank you for making our voices heard!!!🇺🇸💞🇨🇦
Teamsters were corrupt but about pay and retirement money. this is a waste of time and fuel. Not a freedom issue but public health issue. I would guess 100% of these "patriots" are vaccinated for mumps, measles, and polio. Yet the "Trump" vaccine is somehow related to freedom? Sad.
From Canada with peace, love and respect for the People's Convoy. God Bless America and thank you for your loyalty to freedom. On this daily pilgrimage we have seen and experienced that amazing humans do exist. I pray the world joins with us in a global effort for truth, purpose and liberty.
Remember this is just one convoy because there are others on the way plus there's the people's convoy that's waiting until Monday to move out and are picking up more as time goes on .
The peoples convoy wasn't about truckers only it's about vehicles of all kinds that joined together and there are more vehicles then there are truckers right now .
They had a problem at one point where a group got separated from the main group and had to catch back up and because of that the news said it was only a few vehicles ( around 100 or so ) which wasn't even close even with the one group getting separated there was still more then 100 vehicles .
2 days ago another convoy from California left to join up in D.C. so as of now we don't know how many are on the way because they pick up people along the way .
Some small convoys of 4 or 5 still coming. The big surprise will be the SE and NW convoys still on the way. ( probably 100 cars and 120 trucks )
@@robinwilliams2309 I heard about the one from the NE but didn't know about the one from the SE
@@sassylady2001 That's awesome !!!
I've been watching Oreo since their arrival in NM and a few others but haven't seen anything for elsewhere and have only heard about a few from up north
Thank you truckers!!!! This means EVERYTHING to EVERYONE!!! Awesome sight people!!
Teamsters were corrupt but about pay and retirement money. this is a waste of time and fuel. Not a freedom issue but public health issue. I would guess 100% of these "patriots" are vaccinated for mumps, measles, and polio. Yet the "Trump" vaccine is somehow related to freedom? Sad.
A two truck convoy of misfits and anti socials means nothing to me and most Americans. Those that wish us harm will be arrested and be dealt with by the legal system. All I see is normal folks giving them the bird and yelling the Snake Island Salute.
@@bucksnort2216 F your corrupt legal system. We're fighting for your dopey ass too.
@@theblade9024 keep snorring.
May God provides anything truckers need for them! Keep them safe!
@dick Tom ass
How can you type with that giant dick in your ass
@Rick Thomas
@Rick Thomas
They are my brothers, I'm praying for them.
@Rick Thomas
I will pray for you too, so you can come out of your ignorance !!!
@Rick Thomas
I'll still pray for you, don't worry !!!
While you're at it truckers, protest the government's actions on America's fuel resources!
Brilliant 100%
Your all laughed at and won't change a thing.. Stop crying babies
Change fuel resources give me a break.. big convoys need fuel and they are paying the price and feeding the beast... what a joke the love that they are paying for this high priced fuel... when ya see a trucker thank the for delivery of groceries and fuel... seeing how we are thanking them thank truckers for all the weapons and missiles and ammo for any of the wars going on as well... no truckers no ammo
I live in Arizona..This is the first news agency that reported accurately . Y'all should be proud.
I've seen several others
I don't think so. They made it sound a lot smaller.
@@sharonabbott9588 NY Post and Daily Mail both are covering it.
I agree 💯👍😌 with the freedom convoy they are what keeps American feed and fueled, I am so proud of them and their stance for the people and freedom!!! You go boys, All the way, whatever it takes. I'm very proud to be an American at this moment with what you boys are doing, it brings me to tears....
Wasting time and diesel fuel causing pollution and not delivering shit
@@blackstrat02 Ya bending over grabbing your ankles? That's what happens when you're taught standing and peeing makes a man. What color they put out when you were born?
Teamsters were corrupt but about pay and retirement money. this is a waste of time and fuel. Not a freedom issue but public health issue. I would guess 100% of these "patriots" are vaccinated for mumps, measles, and polio. Yet the "Trump" vaccine is somehow related to freedom? Sad.
@@richvanek1363 ? Psychosis?
@@Grace-tc1lq Knee pads?
The media sucks balls and can eat shit for all I care! MSM is the real threat to humanity!!
United We Stand ! God bless the USA, the Patriots and all the truckers! Hammer down, we're taking our Country back!
The fuk you are... losers for America...
Back to when? the 1930s? 🤡
@@dandemaio5994 You don’t like the USA take your ass Joe and the Hoes with you to China
@@raybbaby back to when grown-ass men didn't sit and moan about how they are oppressed in the country that has the most freedom and opportunity no matter your color, creed, religion, economic status. Don't acknowledge your mistakes and attitudes that got you where you are. You have never felt oppression boy! Your ancestors did but open a book and every creed, color, nationality can make that case. Hell, none of your ancestors weren't thrown into gas chambers were they? You are the stupid xiden voters who are too dumb to think for yourself so cnn does it for ya. Did you see the video when xiden was calling black people the n word in congress, how about the 94 crime bill he was so proud of that locked majority of black Americans up. Answer this question smart guy what did Obama do in 8 years to help the black community or anyone but the gay community? At least trump signed into law the first step act, billion-dollar urban revitalization for urban communities, and that's off the top of my head. What has xiden done while VP and now after 2 yrs? Let me guess you like your bank account being drained for 3times the price for a gallon of gas which started on his 3rd day of potus by ending the keystone pipeline, it must be the empty grocery stores, WW3? I've never seen people with soo much prideful ignorance like you won because another puppet white man got in the WH. What have you won? They all are crooked red, blue different wings of the same bird. I don't know why I even try to help you see how you and me are being played like idiots and it's about to get alot worse wait until hyperinflation hits and your not prepared at all because xiden told ya everything is great.
@@pickakacamperjohn2262 MAKE me go China you geetar strummin', sister marryin', tabacky chawin', harmonicky playin', grit suckin, orange cult member lol.
Wonderful Truckers and Support Driving for Freedom and Peace ! 100% Support from Australia !!!!
Please drive to the US to support them
Those American/Canadian flags are just beautiful. It's great that we are together trying to get our freedom back. Thank you from Canada!
Yeah, nothing says patriotic like wanting to be allowed to cough on people without restriction. Wait, why is that a good thing?
Who lost their freedom? I’m from New England. I’m free as a bird….
@@MarkBlance We'll all hold our breath around you. You'll be just fine cornflake. Breathe deep and relax.
Michigan man of 46 years here and I LOVE the combo flag!!! Haters resent our spirit of unity and our demonstration of Civility. They must feel awful and beaten down by fear.
@@MarkBlance wear a mask then.
This is such a blessing. Freedom supporters. We're more than we thought
There are literally millions of truckers out there and they only come up with 100 truckers and they're taking America back...LMFAO...delusional orange slob supporters...

Is liberalism really a mental illness?
Getting right in the head
September 15, 2020 | 7:22 pm

Jack Nicholson, Danny DeVito and other mental patients in One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest (1975)
Written by:
Patrick Fagan

Conservative pundits like Michael Savage and Mark Dice like to ruffle feathers by claiming that liberalism is a mental disorder. Well…is it?
No. Of course not. It’s crude and dangerous to pathologize the political beliefs of half the population - beliefs which have often changed the world for the better.
However, this pathologizing has been done to conservatives since the end of World War Two. In his theory of anti-democratic authoritarianism, Theodor Adorno identified a number of ‘symptoms’ of an authoritarian personality ‘syndrome’, including sexual inhibition, support for conventional values, and admiration of toughness and power. The political bias of the concept was sealed by psychologist Bob Altemeyer in 1981, when he coined the hugely popular concept ‘right-wing authoritarianism’.
Since then, psychologists have condemned conservativism as dysfunctional. For example, Van Hiel, Mervielde and De Fruyt (2004) investigated the link between right-wing ideology and ‘maladaptive personality’; right-wing beliefs are routinely linked to prejudice (e.g., Ekehammar et al., 2004); and studies have reported that conservatives have, on average, lower IQs (e.g., Onraet et al., 2015; a rare example of leftist academics admitting that IQ tests do measure intelligence and that group differences in intelligence do exist). Meanwhile, the esteemed American Psychological Association has endorsed pseudoscientific leftist ideas like toxic masculinity and white privilege.
Psychological interventions likewise seem strangely often to tend towards left-wing goals. For example, Broockman and Kalla (2016) used ‘deep canvassing’ (encouraging empathetic perspective-taking during door knocking) to increase voter support for transgender bathrooms, without ever considering whether it was ethical to do so. More recently, psychologists have found that magnets, applied to certain areas of the brain, can ‘cure’ religiosity and in-group preference (Holbrook et al., 2016). The adoption of this tech is foreshadowed today by ‘unconscious bias training’ corporate seminars. It’s not enough to control your behaviors: progressives now want to get right inside your brain and eradicate what they don’t like there, too. If you thought censorship of conservatives on Twitter and Facebook was bad enough today, consider whether Silicon Valley would draw the line at shadow-banning your thoughts before they happen.
Outside of academia, the corporate media likewise deifies liberals and demonizes conservatives. As just one illustration, the press ridiculed ‘tradwives’ (called ‘radicalized’ by the Times of London, with ‘a dark heart’ by the Guardian), while speaking in gushing terms about Bella Thorne’s $1 million OnlyFans payday (The Mirror talked about her ‘smashing records’ while the Mail reported on how she ‘celebrated’ her ‘success’). The media promotes a Sex and the City lifestyle, while ignoring the fact that the show’s writer, Candace Bushnell, said she regrets choosing a career over children and is now ‘truly alone’.
This is despite number of premarital partners longitudinally predicting substance abuse (Ramrakha et al., 2013), and some research suggesting that frequency of casual sex predicts suicidal thoughts later in life (Sandberg-Thoma and Dush, 2013).
Anyway, the narrative is clear: right-wing bad, left-wing good.
This is not to say that the aforementioned points are not valid; conservative beliefs likely are correlated with certain disorders in the population at large. Rather, the issue here is the weight of focus on conservatism compared to liberalism - unsurprising, given that liberals outnumber conservatives in psychology academia by a ratio of 14:1 (Duarte et al., 2015). Indeed, a search on Google Scholar returns almost six times as many results for ‘right-wing violence’ as it does for ‘left-wing violence’. As radical Marxists burn, loot and murder across the US, would anyone seriously argue that leftist violence is not equally worthy of study? Of course it’s right to analyze Hitler’s pathologies - but what about those of Mao or Stalin?
Fortunately, academics have recently started to explore the psychopathologies of the left. Thirty years ago, a typical paper on the subject would be that published in Political Psychology under the title ‘The Myth of Left-Wing Authoritarianism’ (Stone, 1980). Yet, by 2018, the tide had started to turn: in their paper ‘Finding the Loch Ness Monster: Left-wing Authoritarianism in the United States’, Conway and colleagues (2018) found evidence that left-wing authoritarianism - as measured through items like, ‘The only way our country can get through the crisis ahead is to get rid of our “traditional” values’ - was a viable construct’. Even more recently, the ‘horseshoe hypothesis’ was supported by a study finding that authoritarianism exists on both the far-right and the far-left (Costello et al., 2020). Indeed, this year, endorsement for totalitarian COVID-19 measures (e.g., increased government powers, immunity certificates, banning the sale of firearms) has been predicted by both left- and right-wing authoritarianism (Manson, 2020).
Evidence is plentiful, therefore, that pathology can exist on both sides of the political spectrum. However, there is also evidence that liberalism may be associated with its own unique disorders.
Firstly, the modern self-identified strain of ‘liberalism’ is explicitly correlated with mental illness. Studies of the mentally ill have found that they tend to vote less conservative and more liberal (Howard and Anthony, 1977; Kelly, 2014) . One paper, for example, found that 78 percent of mental illness outpatients in Germany preferred liberal political candidates, compared to just 56 percent of the general public. More recently, Kirkegaard (2020) analyzed the General Social Survey data and found that extreme liberals had a 150 percent increase in the rate of mental illness compared to moderates. Conservatives - even extreme conservatives - were 17 percent and 24 percent less likely than moderates, respectively, to have been diagnosed with mental illness. Meanwhile, Pew Research Center’s March 2020 American Trends Panel Survey similarly showed that 38 percent of ‘very liberal’ whites have been told by a doctor that they have a mental health condition (compared to 20 percent of moderates and 15 percent of the ‘very conservative’).
More broadly, the same strain of (illiberal) ‘liberalism’ has been associated with destructive and unhealthy behaviors. Conservatives tend to be happier (Napier and Tost, 2008), healthier (Subramanian and Perkins, 2009), and - you guessed it - more attractive (Peterson and Palmer, 2017). Believing, as they do, that they have personal responsibility for their lives, they also tend to live longer (Kondrichin and Lester, 1998; Smith and Dorling, 1996). Studies suggest that liberals, meanwhile, are more likely to drink alcohol (Yakovlev and Guessford, 2013), take drugs (Nour, Evans and Carhart-Harris, 2017), and be promiscuous (Hatemi, Crabtree and McDermott, 2017).
These unhealthy behaviors perhaps share a common neurobiological root with liberal political beliefs.
A disorder called the behavioral variant of frontotemporal dementia (bvFTD) sheds some light. Miller and colleagues (2001) reported on a 63-year-old patient who was conservative before developing bvFTD. She then became ‘politically opinionated’ about her anti-conservative political beliefs, to the point of confronting strangers; she started dressing in a more casual manner; and she developed an interest in animal rights; altering her preference for collecting jewelry to collecting stuffed animals.
@@dripdropfamily Ain't nobody reading a syllable of your uni bomber manifesto lol.
@@dandemaio5994 you obviously don’t have the ability to comprehend. This is one of a group that will be joining the larger convoy in DC.
@Ralph Anderson Amen Spot on!
God bless we must unite as a nation! But Canada and the USA are brother and sister. I love the USA.
I have family there. I love Florida we've always vacationed there. I pray we can return again once they drop all the mandates. God bless Canada and USA!!
Stay safe and God be with you all!!
I think if the cops come and try to take fuel etc. like they did in Canada that American truckers will be much less polite about it.
The American Convoy
Good luck and God bless you all.
We have Always known,that America loves their freedom,liberty,values,choices,as do we.Its slipping away,but you guys are gonna tip the scales in a most profound way.
Oh Canada we stand on guard for thee..And the home of the brave.
Don't we just have the 2 most beautiful national anthems on the planet.
God blessed our countries,in the most generous of ways.
And,we know it !!!
first line of Canadian Charter of Rights is as follows
Whereas Canada is founded upon principles that recognize the "Supremacy of God" and the rule of law. nation under God
I'd say freedom wins
keep on truckin
it's gonna rock the foundations of lies
That's a whole lot of awesome going on, thank you to this news channel for Sharing a true story.
Teamsters were corrupt but about pay and retirement money. this is a waste of time and fuel. Not a freedom issue but public health issue. I would guess 100% of these "patriots" are vaccinated for mumps, measles, and polio. Yet the "Trump" vaccine is somehow related to freedom? Sad.
News talking heads just can't stop telling things in their own spin. People's convoy is to remind government that freedom is not to be messed with!! We the people will not stand by and let tyranny remain.
Stop being a drama queen . There isn't any tyranny in the US if you want to find out what " tyranny is about you only need to look to Russia or Ukraine .
Ukrainian are real freedom fighters while spoiled Americans make a big production about nothing because they are looking for a cause and being forced to wear a face mask at wallmart is the best thing they can come up with to complain about something.
Currently no trucking company requires its drivers to be vaccinated
Go AMERICA Go ! In God WE Trust ! Be safe out there , brothers & sisters , God Bless , & God speed ! Time to turn this ship around ! Enough is enough !
Freedom convoy heroes are standing up for all our freedom!! Thank God for all the people who are standing up!! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🚛🚛🙏🙏🙏💖💖💖
God bless our Truckers and all people who are fighting for freedom 🙏🇨🇦💐🇺🇸👍
How, exactly does them blocking traffic do that? It's the exact thing that conservatives said was traitorous when they claimed people protesting the actual killing of citizens were causing traffic issues.
Who’s not free?
Teamsters were corrupt but about pay and retirement money. this is a waste of time and fuel. Not a freedom issue but public health issue. I would guess 100% of these "patriots" are vaccinated for mumps, measles, and polio. Yet the "Trump" vaccine is somehow related to freedom? Sad.
contrary to what certain unin F ormed young people think there are still Many states still forcing masks and Jabs regardless of health status OR personal choice judt to work, shop or travel!
contrary to what certain overprivilaged and uninformed young people think there actually Are still Many states still forcing masks and Jabs regardless of health status OR personal choice judt to work, shop, go to school OR travel! Its like were in a 3rd world communist country
Big support from SOUTH AFRICA - to all AMERICANS and CANADIANS at forefront in fight for FREEDOM
I am here at the convoy. Canada is very much on our mind. I have both flags on my truck.
Hundreds?. We are thousands.
Thank You CANADA for leading the way!
God bless the truckers and all who stand with them in their effort to bring back/keep our precious freedom‼️
Send your prayers to Ukraine, not these guys
@@anthonycampos8057 we can do both
@@DemonDog444 no we cant. These people are fine. They don't even know what they're protesting.
@@anthonycampos8057 correction." You" dont know what they're protesting for.. good little slave.
@G Bob the constitution and the rights enumerated there in is fascism now.. what a genius you are, or a good little slave one of the two...🤣
When we all stand together we can accomplish anything.
Sure can if you morons would stop viewing this as a political agenda and treat it as the medical pandemic it is we could beat covid vaccines have already lowered infections and deaths and for the most part thanks to those efforts most mandates have been or are being lifted so let's all jump on the right wing band wagon of ignorance and ride it to the end of this nation
More than a hundred...try thousands. Get with the program before freedom catches up to you
Thank You to the Democrat for Uniting our Great Nation. Your Policies have galvanized America to Vote You all out.
Our great nation was never a theocracy, or a dictatorship, and has never had an overthrow of the government. What can you possibly be talking about? Remember also that fat, white older americans don't reproduce as much as young americans do. So don't be stupid.
if mainstream media tell me there were about 100 trucks or so then it's safe to assume that there were at least a thousand and probably a lot more
Exactly!! Our local news is not covering it. Quit watching that channel. So gratefull people are posting online. Been watching several times a day. I'm going to be calling to find out why they are not covering.
@@cynthiabyer4874 that is the correct way to handle it everyone should start doing the same I live in northwest Indiana in a Democrat area very near Chicago there is not one local station that will give you the truth I have no choice but to go online and find Independent news sources!
Out of three and a half MILLION. DUH.....
Freedom! If this lot really cared about freedom they would be standing up for freedom in the Ukraine.
Just because you're stupid doesn't mean everyone is.
Well Michelle, I’ll let your comment speak for itself.
@Geoffrey Walter That's what it's meant to do.
Hundreds of people?? 😂🤣😂🤣😂. You mean THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
Love. All the support these truckers are getting. Thanks to the people’s donations. That’s the way to do it.
Standing with the Road Runners United we,stand divided we fall.bringing it to the Capitol. Carry on Convoy.
Hold the line!!! We won't be distracted. We won't be dissuaded. We will have bodily autonomy without repercussions!
Everyone is laughing at the fools and giving them the Snake Island Salute.
The People are sending our representatives!!
Actually, there are THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE ... need to count ALL vehicles
God bless you truckers ! Thank you for standing up for our freedoms ! Hopefully more people start doing their own research into what the science is actually showing !!
I'm pretty sure God doesn't support evil or those that wish us harm. I've done my research. I believe in vaccines, masks and mandates as needed. Anti social behavior drags us all down.
What freedoms are they standing up for? Freedom from having a job or contributing to society?
💯% GO TRUCKERS GO! From Sudbury, Ontario, Canada. 🇺🇸🇨🇦
Don't fall in the trap boys.! Recon missions have been performed today. They better get with the Hagerstown Maryland boys. Plans have changed.. over
You people say hundreds when it's thousands. 🤣
Enough mandates. We want to be Free.
Wow, I'm proud of you guys! Reporting with honesty what the mainsream media refuses to show
They repeatedly say more than 100 people. When there are hundreds of thousands. They too are lying propaganda machines.
@@paulnolan6702 if you add up enough hundreds you get 1000s. I was just happy to see they covered it and didn't say anything
@@paulnolan6702 why don’t they show us then?
If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen. If ever a time should come, when vain and aspiring men shall possess the highest seats in Government, our country will stand in need of its experienced patriots to prevent its ruin.... (Samuel Adams) When Injustice becomes law resistance becomes Duty. Dangerous Freedom over peaceful tyranny, Give me liberty or give me de_th
I pray both convoys unite. UNITED WE STAND, DIVIDED WE FALL!!
Support for the Russian convoys is un-American. When you stand for evil you fall hard.
Thank you for standing for my freedom.
Three and a half million truckers and these 100 are whining about their feelings OMG, next they will demand that trucks stop at red lights.
God bless the truckers! Mandates must end!
Yeah, safety measures are evil. Seatbelts, clean water, it's all just lefty plot to make us live longer. Wait, why is that bad?
@@MarkBlance ... You sound like a left over from Guyana, and the Jim Jones followers. Have another glass of kool-aid son :)
There aren't any mandates for American truckers to be vaccinated ,. What's the problem ?
@@carloscarlos7044 ... Go back to sleep Carlos. Better yet, climb back into that rock you`ve been hiding under all these years, and enjoy your self induced coma.
@@jamminjoe44 Kool-aid. A reference to cult followers committing mass suicide. Not exactly a useable reference to someone in favor of people living longer.
However, people repeating rhetoric use during the seat belt laws about "lost freedoms" isn't exactly promoting health and prosperity.
And again, the truckers want to be allowed to cough on people without worry. But why this mandate? What is it about not being allowed to accidentally let a bodily fluid reach another person that is something worth fighting for? Especially since protests by others in the past were deemed unpatriotic.
100 people 😆. This is global!!!! 🌎 WE LOVE THE FREEDOM MOVEMENT!
To All Truck Drivers Thank you and thank you for what do for our country. Goodluck out there!!!
It's called the Peoples Convoy. People want freedom not just from the mandates. Everyone is tired of the government trying to control them. God Bless the truckers and America. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
Thank you so much Patriot Truckers. You are terrific. GOD bless you.
What a sad waste of fuel.
Thank you truckers! We love and support you. We stand behind you 💯.... FREEDOM over fear... 🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲
Thank you for covering this!
I say thank you.... Yes I am the Tim in the video... You people are the blessing you truly are. We could not do this with out the Help of Good People Like You soooooo THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR LOVE AND SUPPORT. Keep it coming cuz You People have moved Us and We DO NOT INTEND TO LET YOU DOWN!
God bless you and keep you all in safe travels. Thank you! 👍🇺🇸🍁🗽
Gene sokolik cz To all AMERICANS that love freedom,we support you .Thank You to the Canadians, for starting this Great Awakening for freedom . Poor or Rich all are promised freedom by are laws from the founding of this great country. GOD be with us all.
What freedoms did you lose?
Thank You for covering the arrival of the convoy. It has to do with more than the mandates its also about the loss of our Freedoms being stolen by our government. Government has forgotten and need to be reminded They Work For Us 🇺🇸 🇺🇸
Protest the fuel prices too
First unbiased MSM report I've seen. Welcome to the RIGHT side.
Stand strong keep the faith and stay peaceful. Have the police take any trouble makers away. Require the Emergency Covid Order be rescinded. It passed the Senate now in the house. Hope and pray for everyone to see the light and do the right things for everyone not just themselves. My opinion
Keep going guys. You're doing great! Be strong. Hold the line! Keep the Spirit alive. From your friends up North. 🇨🇦💪🇺🇸
We ❤️ you, Canada! 🇺🇸❤️🇨🇦
We ❤️ you, Canada! 🇺🇸❤️🇨🇦
God Bless the People's Convoy! This shows you what the people think of Joe's SOTU
No, it just shows a tiny slice of U.S. truckers who seem to be auditioning for the part of the Scarecrow in the The Wizard of Oz, and also all the cowardly truckers who don't have anything better to do with their days. (Hint: you could haul goods like you're paid to do instead of whining about the rules that surround your profession. Or you could quit trucking and leave it to the men and women of the road who are too busy making money to worry about your sorry selves.)
American Freedom Convoy 2022 🇺🇸
Let’s Go Brandon 🇺🇸
This will end in amazing deals at police auctions just like Canada❤️ can’t wait 😆
Thank you 🙏🏽 for standing up for freedom of choice!! #MyBodyMyChoice #FreedomConvoy2022 #ThePeoplesConvoy #SaveOurChildren #TruckersForFreedom #TruckersLivesMatter #FarmersLivesMatter #EveryChildMatters #StopGovernmentTyranny #ForcedVaccineIsMedicalRape 🙏🏽❤️✌️🇨🇦🤝🇺🇸🚚👼🪄
Go Truckers!
Yes yes yes, let's take back the Capitol! The national guard can't stop big rigs!
Teamsters were corrupt but about pay and retirement money. this is a waste of time and fuel. Not a freedom issue but public health issue. I would guess 100% of these "patriots" are vaccinated for mumps, measles, and polio. Yet the "Trump" vaccine is somehow related to freedom? Sad.
Fake New 100’s of trucks I think they are missing a few zeros
Those poor fools.
They remind me of all the runners behind Forrest Gump when he decided to quit runnin'.
But.... what do we do now?
Sorry you're just mad, life can be like that.
Right now, the way the world is this minute, we got other things that need doing.
But, hold that thought.
Love your Truckers!!! 💓
Lot more than 100 trucks. The people’s army
Real problems in the world but here at home a parade of fools.
No kidding. If these idiots could spend just one hour in Ukraine right now, they would figure out quickly that there is more to worry about in the world than protesting that our election was rigged or that they can get free vaccines to protect their health.
Awesome... should have seen every major city in Canada 🇨🇦 today...
Sitting here in a tent right now. Totally peaceful so far...
Thank you truckers. God bless you!!!!
Keep on Trucking! God bless America!
Father, We pray,for the freedom convoy for “WE THE PEOPLE” to be a safe, peaceful, truthful, productive in love for all!
Father, we thank You for the freedoms we enjoy in America. As some in our government have tried to encroach on these freedoms we appeal to You for help. As thousands let their voices be heard this week we pray for their safety and protection. In the name of Jesus, we bind spirits of violence, anger, and chaos. We ask for Your shalom to hover over them and their gatherings. May they, as well as those who oppose them, be controlled by love.
We pray for the police who will be called upon to ensure peace and safety. Protect them, and give their leaders wisdom. Please override any attempt to stir up violence against them, and keep them from overreacting to any situation that arises.
We pray for clarity of message, and for truth to be exalted. We ask that the liberal media and politicians not be able to distort the message of the protestors. And we ask You to cause the unfair and unreasonable mandates of our government to stop. We ask that foolish, even evil, decisions by our government surrounding the Covid issue stop. Some decisions have been made because of mammon, political gain, and evil ideologies. Lives have been lost, livelihoods have as well, our children have and continue to suffer, and further division has come to our nation because of this evil. Please help us end it.
Lord, God’s will be done, according to the prayer above for WE THE PEOPLE,peaceful, Love and Truth!
I humbly pray Father, God also has highly exalted the Anointed Savior’s, name, and given him a name which is above every name: That at the name of Yeshua Mashiach (Jesus Christ) every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; praying God’s will be done! With thanksgiving to our Lord our Righteousness Father God! So be it!
🙏Amen!🙏 Amen!🙏🏼Amen!I humbly pray!
Have faith in God’s will be done!
God bless from Colorado.
God bless the Freedom truckers!
Beautiful!!!! 💪🏼🇺🇸🇨🇦💪🏼
I'm all for it i been truckin 44 yrs just shut down don't move like our Brothers in Canada that hurts Government slow rolls do nothing SHUT DOWN
Look at those rigs. In total admiration love from Canada.
Thank you American brothers and sisters from Canada!
Look what you Canadians have started! I hope you're Proud of yourselves because I am GRATEFUL!
Also for freedom.wwg1wga
Thank you People Freedom Convoy 💕😍✝️🔊🚛🚛♥️🗽🗽🗽💯from AZUSA
Go truckers!! Wwg1wga
Thanks for your reporting
God-bless you all and your families on this journey.. And God-bless the United States of America and Canada your citizen Stand with you.. Thank you for making our voices heard!!!🇺🇸💞🇨🇦
Teamsters were corrupt but about pay and retirement money. this is a waste of time and fuel. Not a freedom issue but public health issue. I would guess 100% of these "patriots" are vaccinated for mumps, measles, and polio. Yet the "Trump" vaccine is somehow related to freedom? Sad.
Bunch of morons
You are very important actitud for this world. GOD bless you and American people
Bravi bravi BRAVISSIMI❗
Un grande abbraccio dall'Italia 🇮🇹
God bless you
american brothers 🇺🇸🇨🇦
Fuerza Fuerza Fuerza freedom freedom freedom
Kentucky representing!!!! God bless these truckers and the USA!!!!
Thumbs up for your Convoy!!! Love you!
Keep on trucking my friends! WE THANK YOU and APPRECIATE ALL YOU ARE DOING!
Nice from Germany 🇺🇸🇩🇪💪
Maybe Biden will come out and support "the working people "
Biden has to go