ひとつだけ変えた - One Change 低い雲 鈍い空 Clouds hang low Sky looms grey 降りやまぬ ものは? What is this That won't stop falling? 繰り返す 一日に Another day Comes and goes 今日は何 しようか Wonder what I'll do today? 並んだドアの どれもが Doors await Every single one 別の夜になる Becomes a different night 擦り抜けるたびに 何かが Each time I slip through Something はなれてくような Becomes distant いつも 同じ Always the same 変わりなく ある為に In order to Stay the same ひとつだけ 変えた I chose to make One change 古い音 好きな歌 Old sounds Favourite songs 鳴りやまぬ ものは? What is this That won't stop ringing? 選んだドアの どれもが Doors opened Every single one 別の朝になる Becomes a different morning 振り返るたびに 何かを Each time I look back Something 忘れてくような Is forgotten いつも 同じ Always the same 今日の 終わり End to the day 遠くまで ゆく為に In order to Get further ひとつだけ 変えた I chose to make One change
I think this music talks about a daily life in capitalism, they look at your eyes and it's only a signature in the paper, a number, always working, and then you sit a little while, and now you have a little time to yourself and your thoughts, and then you ( 4:28 ), you leave all these things like work go away from your mind, and then you're free ( 5:05 ), now you can express yourself and then you became only music, that is what remain, your feelings in form of art. this is probably art made by someone, who had that time. (English it's not my first language.) In portuguese: Essa música fala sobre a vida cotidiana do capitalismo, sempre trabalhando, como vocês podem ver no início os olhos dele são uma assinatura, essa que sempre mudando, ou seja, são vários homens, não apenas um, então ele tem um tempo para si, para pensar, senta um pouco, e faz uma reflete sobre a vida, e tudo que restou daquele homem cansado de um uniforme que tomou vida própria se torna música, e está ali a sua única forma de expressar, o que resta destes homens cansados, é apenas a arte.
ひとつだけ変えた - One Change
低い雲 鈍い空
Clouds hang low Sky looms grey
降りやまぬ ものは?
What is this That won't stop falling?
繰り返す 一日に
Another day Comes and goes
今日は何 しようか
Wonder what I'll do today?
並んだドアの どれもが
Doors await Every single one
Becomes a different night
擦り抜けるたびに 何かが
Each time I slip through Something
Becomes distant
いつも 同じ
Always the same
変わりなく ある為に
In order to Stay the same
ひとつだけ 変えた
I chose to make One change
古い音 好きな歌
Old sounds Favourite songs
鳴りやまぬ ものは?
What is this That won't stop ringing?
選んだドアの どれもが
Doors opened Every single one
Becomes a different morning
振り返るたびに 何かを
Each time I look back Something
Is forgotten
いつも 同じ
Always the same
今日の 終わり
End to the day
遠くまで ゆく為に
In order to Get further
ひとつだけ 変えた
I chose to make One change
You're welcome. Glad I've been useful
To everyone who likes listening to their songs (like me). It is currently available on spotify and most of their albums are there as well! 👍
Love how this is minimal in multiple ways while gradually picking up a bit of noise and nice harmonics, in which it finally culminates.
路山 たまにわくこういうポエマーほんとキツい
路山 なんかすごいわかります
U 感じたことを文字に起こすことを恥ずかしく感じるそういう価値観本当寂しいし、大人になりきれない人みたいで残念。
不思議だな この曲をどういう気持ちで聴いてるのかな
Please permit me to buy this in the US. Beautiful song and animation.
I think this music talks about a daily life in capitalism, they look at your eyes and it's only a signature in the paper, a number, always working, and then you sit a little while, and now you have a little time to yourself and your thoughts, and then you ( 4:28 ), you leave all these things like work go away from your mind, and then you're free ( 5:05 ), now you can express yourself and then you became only music, that is what remain, your feelings in form of art.
this is probably art made by someone, who had that time.
(English it's not my first language.)
In portuguese: Essa música fala sobre a vida cotidiana do capitalismo, sempre trabalhando, como vocês podem ver no início os olhos dele são uma assinatura, essa que sempre mudando, ou seja, são vários homens, não apenas um, então ele tem um tempo para si, para pensar, senta um pouco, e faz uma reflete sobre a vida, e tudo que restou daquele homem cansado de um uniforme que tomou vida própria se torna música, e está ali a sua única forma de expressar, o que resta destes homens cansados, é apenas a arte.
When could it be on Apple Music? Looking forward to it!
love this song.
Perfecto para días de lluvia ❤
Can anyone out there give a rough translation or synopsis of the lyrics here? Many thanks!
Lyrics please.
Hello me from the past.
Olá eu do passado.
Anyone can translate the tittle in english? Thank you:)
Mothia Shafira Andriani it's "only changed one person" if i translated it right..
iqbal luviantino "only changed one thing"
Thank you guys!
そうかもね そうじゃないかもね
もっとこう 生きてくうえでのことかもね
Love it, but bring back the odd field recordings, samples and minimal electronic beats!