D&D Players, What was your funniest "rolled a 1" moment? #3
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D&D players, what way did you use a "useless" spell in a good way? #2
D&D Players, What was your best "Wait...what?!" moment?
What's the biggest mind-f**k you've seen during a DND campaign?
What's your worst loot stories?
What's the saddest death that you have ever encountered while playing D&D?
What's the funniest way you spoiled a important plot element in your campaign?
DND players, what was your funniest “rolled a 1” moment?
DMs, What is a plotline you've always wanted to run?
Ever had another PC kill your character?
DND Players, What is the coolest character you have ever played?
DND players, what was your funniest “nat 20” moment? (r/askreddit)
DND players, what’s your best Stories of Rope? (r/dndstories)
D&D Players, what's the most screwed up thing you've ever done in a game?
What's the worst TPK you've experienced?
D&D Players, what's the most screwed up thing you've ever done in a game?
DND Nope Moments #1
What’s your best Tarrasque story?
What's the funniest thing PC's latched onto?
What is the most unexpected damage you've ever done as a PC or DM?
What is the smallest way your DM has driven home how "evil" a villain is? - บันเทิง
Like the video or I'll make your next seduction roll a Nat 1.
What if I'm trying to seduce a rock
@Scorpious187 Jokes on you I get nat 1's all the time.
Eeeerrrm, at the risk of affirming a stereotype.... I'm a nerd, all my seduction rolls are NAT ones and I have a -3 charisma modifier
Jokes on you I don't roll for seduction
But.. I'm the Bard! I can't roll Nat 1 on seduction! Please, I liked!
Years ago, my sisters and I were playing with my dad as the dm. We come across a giant worm and on it's first turn, my dad rolled a 1 for the worms attack and all he said was "it killed.. itself..."
So I never really played DND but I've tried to, I was getting off a wagon and... I tripped, I tried to "shield" and rolled a Nat 1 and lost half my HP.
Sounds like a not so fun dm
@@stickytim64 Yeah, no kidding. Roll for getting out of a wagon? That's pretty ridiculous.
Shit DM moment
Was the wagon careening out of control?
You should give it another try, that just sounds like your DM was a complete ass.
Not sure if it counts as a "Nat 1", but here it is:
It was literally our first session starting a new campaign. All our characters level one, gathering on a tavern to answer the king's call for adventurers, and we begin to introduce ourselves. It all goes well, jokes being cracked, etc, until it's the sorcerer's turn to introduce herself. You see, she was playing a rather... outgoing character, who decided to show off a little with her magical abilities, and decided to make a little show with fire by casting Control Flames.
And then... proceeded to roll a 'Nat 1' on the Wild Magic dice. For those who don't know, rolling a '1' on a d20 for Wild Magic check means it's a Wild Magic surge. Which means she gotta roll on the Wild Magic table. She proceeded to roll ANOTHER natural one, this time on a d100. What does that mean? That means for an entire minute, she would have to roll on the Wild Magic table at the start of her turns. Her very next Wild Magic roll? A 07 on the d100.
*FIREBALL* centered on herself.
Complete and instant TPK within the very first hour of the campaign. While everyone was still merry and happy in the tavern. Our characters died in the fire, while we, the players, almost died laughing. Seriously, we just couldn't stop laughing for almost ten minutes.
So this is either made up, or that sorcerer is REALLY unlucky
Also rip the team
That sorcerer was probably a liability anyway with that luck
If I was the DM, I would probably just say "let's take a break, [Sorcerer player], try to alter your luck somehow, like, chug an energy drink or something, and let's try again when we return in a bit."
@@guacotaco4349highly doubt it’s made up
Even if it's made up, it's still funnay af
Reverse "seduce the BBEG" situation. The shapeshifting ancient green dragon disguised itself as my PC's love interest. Rolled a Nat 1 on Insight to see if anything was off, ended up having a nice dinner date in which party info was acquired by the dragon. Another Insight check when the cheque comes, another nat 1, and the dragon comes back to his place, stealing a spell scroll of Regeneration. One more Insight check for sanity's sake, nat 1, and my cleric wakes up the next day very confused with a dragon scale on his pillow. We all knew what was going on but I'm not gonna metagame dammit
Good on you for not meta gaming
So this time the Dragon seduced the Bard lol
@@Lostangel1000 Funnily enough I used that exact same subversion of expectations for what wound up becoming my campaign's final boss, and I _also_ wound up rolling a Nat 1. On the very first turn of the fight, one of my players, a Druid, cast Polymorph on the dragon, and I rolled a Nat 1 on the save, causing the Adult Red Dragon to be turned into a crab. Of course, the fight continued when that player squished the crab, thereby returning the dragon to her true form, but it was still a wild moment.
In Soviet Russia the dragon seduces you
Clerics need dragussy, too
Not me, my friend. He is a Dragonborn Fighter, who multiclassed into Artificer (we play 5e). Anyways, we have to make some Wisdom saves, because of Hypnotic Pattern by an enemy Yuan-Ti. He has a +0 to Wisdom, and a -1 from an old Raise Dead spell. Nat 1. He rolls with inspiration. Nat 1. He rolls with inspiration again. Nat 1. At this point, the entire table is laughing. Not one, not two, but THREE successive 0s. Needless to say, he was about as good a fighter as a 2 day old Taco Bell dinner for the entire combat.
I'm not sure what they rolled, maybe it was a 1, but I THINK they were trying to use Bardic inspiration to stealth, so the Dm said they started singing "sneak, sneak, sneak past the Ogre!" and it was f*ing HILARIOUS.
I fell into a trap that two goblins biult
My favorite nat 1 moment was while I was the DM. At the start of quarantine I decided to DM a Legend of Zelda Majora's Mask campaign for something for myself, my mom, and my sister to do. At one point they decided to try to slip past some monsters because they wanted to save their strength for the dungeon they knew was coming up. My mom got a nat 1 on her stealth. So instead, she yelled at the monsters "Hey we're gonna sneak past you please don't look over here". Needless to say they looked and initiative was rolled.
"Hunter: The Reckoning" game from like 25+ years ago at this point. My hunter had a shotgun, and on the first round of combat, I rolled a critical failure, causing the shotgun to jam. On my next round, I dropped it and attempted to quick draw a pistol, but I rolled a critical failure on that as well. I lost my grip on the pistol, and the momentum from the draw basically made me fling it through the air and off into the distance. So, in two rounds I managed to completely disarm myself, and the comical image of both of these failures happening (especially the gun fling) still makes me laugh to this day.
Ok imagine if you will: A magical auto shotgun that works by focusing a thunderwave through a mithril tube. Now imagine that you've been blueballed about this weapon for all of two campaigns, wondering if it even exists, being told it doesn't and then hearing hints that it may exist after all. Now imagine it's the end of the second campaign, you're the fighter who's just been handed this beast of a weapon, Doomguy music is playing over discord and you've just burst down a door to a room full of guardsmen. And then you roll a Nat 1 and your weapon jams.
I did what I had to do, made up some BS about how the fighter deserved an inspiration for something that didn't deserve inspiration and then the mfucker turned the whole room into a Jackson Pollock painting during his surprise round because I really didn't have all the extra attacks a fighter can make in mind when I built this weapon.
The second I read "Imagine if you will" I immediately read the rest of the comment in Rod Serling's voice
this just happened tonight. We're traveling through hell, and got attacked by 16 swarms of bats. My character recently acquired bagpipes, with zero skill to use it. I decided to intentionally play my bagpipes terribly to distract the bats' echolocation. I rolled a nat 1. DM said I punctured the bag. I argued that since my intention was to play terribly, that a nat 1 should act as a nat 20, and he agreed.
I, as a DM, gave one of my players (Wood Elf Ranger) the Oathbow. He used the oath on a boss, but the boss escaped. So, for the foreseeable future, he was cursed to roll at disadvantage on any attack with the bow against people who aren't his target. You can see where this is going.
Within that period of time, the party went in a dungeon and ended up clearing it. It was in that dungeon, however, that the player rolled 2 double nat 1's in a row, and on the next two turns, rolled I believe 1-2 more nat 1's. In that dungeon, he also rolled about 3 nat 1's on acrobatics checks, which he was good at, while a child npc who was with the party at the time straight up wall jumped when he couldn't even hobble xD
So yeah, safe to say, he's cursed. He always rolls the most nat 1's lol
I rolled a nat one to save a friend and just instead smashed his head. Simple I know, but I’m also known for never rolling nat 1’s amongst them, doesn’t matter what die I roll.
Last session, we were working in the mines as punishment for an “assault”. I rolled a Nat 20 on my first check, and walked away with a significant amount of gold off of our debt, but the second check was a Nat 1 - I ended up missing so wildly I put my pick through a worker’s helmet.
Now thats a hard knock to the noggin...go pick on somethin else
Love your content! Glad to see the “rolled a one” videos are back
This video is just great, many enjoyable stories!
Glad to see the responses! Share this one around and get us more stories, we'll do another one soon!
The funniest instance that I can think of is when I was in the Waterdeep story. We were crawling through a sewer lair and had just defeated some trash mobs. I wanted to see if there was anything worth looting in the room so I rolled a nat 20 perception and found a secret door. I open the door and roll perception again to see what's inside. I roll a nat 1. The DM decided that because I rolled a nat 1 I not only didn't see what was on the other side of the door, I had also forgotten I had even found and opened the door in the first place. Good times
Ooh! I have a favorite for this;
It was a homebrew game, original world, original classes, original items, etc, and the party had been meeting nearby a large fort that served as the HQ for an army they had hoped to join. They had been helped by one of the leaders of this army, a total badass demon hunter, so they looked to join in for a taste of similar power. They heard the flapping of wings, a roar, and in front of them landed a Byakhee, which in this case was part demon, part dragon, part eldrich horror. This was a juvenile, so nowhere near full power, but they didn't know what to do. The biggest idiot in the party, the barbarian, attempts to intimidate. He rolls a nat 1. He looks into the eyes of the thing and immediately shat his pants. The stench made the whole party lose thier nerve, and immediately after the aforementioned army leader strolls up and introduces the party to his new pet Byakhee, Kita.
We were playing a Warforged only party (because haha Warforged go brrr), the party consisted of Myself (Artificer), a Rogue, a Wizard, and a Paladin. Our rogue attempts to use his thieves tools quietly and rolls a one. He says out loud "Activating primary lockpicking protocol" after failing for the third time he says "Initiating secondary lockpicked protocol" he proceeds to take out his warhammer, and smash the damn lock. WE WERE IN A PUBLIC AREA AND EVERYONE WAS WATCHING US.
One time the party I was the dm was dying to not the BBEG, not the traps, not ANYTHING that was DESIGNED to hurt them, but the fact that the healer was SO bad at healing that they were somehow DAMAGING the party. So when it came time for the next BBEG, the rogue had an idea, what if the healer healed the BBEG? The healer then promptly rolled a crit fail on healing the BBEG which eviscerated half of their health
One of my players has an ability called "gambler's luck." I'll randomly have him roll a 1d2 for good luck or bad luck. which is which changes each time. then he rolls a 1d100 for how extreme the results are. Very first battle, he got a bad luck roll and roll a 1 for extremity. His pants fall down mid fight and he trips and falls. the running joke before we have him roll for his luck now is to ask him if he has a belt.
belt and undergarments. Hopefully.
Kicks a downed enemy breaks two toes and throws back out. Pretty simple.
I always enjoy listening to these DnD stories even though I'm no DnD player myself, but it does give me the interest to give the game a try one day. And every ending to each video will always be a serotonin for me. Keep it up!
"Stray wounds were had aplenty when all was said and done,
Including one rogue arrow... in the sorceress's bum."
I rolled a nat 1 on my save to not absolutely LOVE the end of the video speech. You rock Brian. I wish I could one day play a TTRPG with you! You seem so genuine and fun
The party reached the bandits' hideout we were looking for, without being detected. My character, a half-orc barbarian, decided to kick in the hideout door, wanting to take the bandits inside by surprise.
I rolled a nat 1.
DM: "With a mighty roar of confidence, you kick open the door with such force that it bangs off the wall and slams closed again. The bandits might have been caught off guard for a moment, but now it sounds like they're getting ready for a fight."
This is both a mix of a nat 20 and a nat 1, but in a recent campaign I was in, the cleric of the party tried clearing debris out from infront of a door, failing horribly, and the kenku bard who was 2/3 of the clerics height, due to a nat 20, walked up the the pile, lifted it up with no effort and threw it to the side, all whilst staring at the cleric, right after almost dying to a slime that kidnapped said kenku
This happened yesterday we are in a seafaring campaign and the roll was to disguise our pirate ship as a fishing vessle so we didn't raise too much suspicion. I rolled to gather information and see where I could get a license nat 1. I slapped a sign on the ship that said this a fishing boat and called it a day. Another player rolls to disguise the ship another nat 1. Another player rolls a 2. So we ended up disguising our pirate ship as an even bigger pirate ship! XD Thankfully I invested in bluff.
I was playing a Gnome Rogue that wielded 2 hatchets, and the party was fighting a group of Kinku bandits. I had just killed one by rolling a Nat 20, decapitating it, when another came running at me; it went to attack, but the DM rolled a Nat 1, and said it tripped and went prone. Excited, I jumped, planning on burying both hatchets into it, but what do I roll? A Nat 1! So the DM said my jump wasn't high enough, and I landed face-first, just inches from hitting it! Talk about extremes! Needless to say, the table erupted into laughter, including me! Good times...
Keep up the great work! Love hearing all the different sides of your channel, and prefer the ones where you narrate, instead of the text-to-speech ones; your personal touch makes them so much better!
Dragonborn cleric with 4 int attempts to investigate a wall. I rolled a -2. My cleric starts investigating the floor.
Rolled a nat 1 on looting. My barbarian pc got a paper cut while checking the bandit's pockets and sustained 5 damage as well as poison and sleep.
I played my first proper DnD game tonight!!! I've been watching videos on your channel for a laugh and to get a unique idea of what DnD can be like.
Tonight was our first session and I managed to roll a 1 on my 2nd time ever rolling. Funnily enough, I didn't even need to partake in the action I did and ended up facing consequences from doing so.
We were essentially just riding a carriage from one place to another, and on the carriage were 5 other members from our party. To pass the time, one member pulled out a joint..... And began smoking it. We all had a laugh and I asked if they were okay to to share, which they obliged to. The DM then asked us to roll for constitution. They rolled a 16 and were essentially fine. I was not so lucky, rolling a 1. I blacked out and was unconscious for the entire rest of the ride and the party member who originally shared their sacred herb with me ended up robbing me completely blind.
It was a hilarious session, so I have no regrets. But it did teach me a lesson about taking completely unnecessary risks!
I rolled a natural one on a perception check and didn't notice that the forest we were in was clearly haunted and dangerous. As a joke, I said that I would roll to relax while everyone else was investigating the situation. The DM actually made me follow through, and thanks to another natural one I ended up getting a rock lodged somewhere uncomfortable when I sat down. Those were my first two rolls of my first D&D session.
I love these videos and fall asleep to them often, my wife and I are new to dnd and we are in love, our party is awesome and our DM is ALWAYS making sure we are having fun and that its a good challenge for us. We had a great "Mission Failed Successfully" story from our last session. We are in Luskin for our own reasons but our party bonded protecting the boat we sailed in on so we are all sympathetic to eachothers goals. We visited a tavern and one of our rouges noticed a man sitting by himself and looking suspish, turns out he is a master of disguise and we chase him all over the smuggling tunnels underneath the city solving puzzles and tracking him. Tons of fun for the whole party. Well, we get to the secret entrance to a tavern our druid was able to track him to (wildshaped as a direwolf and tracked his scent) and my wifes character (minotaur rouge, Seaodra Stouthoof) sees him insert himself in someone elses conversation. she approches the table wearing her best disguise (tough to disguise a minotaur I imagine) and tries to convince the guy hes talking to to "Go get mama a drink", hoping to clear the table enough to confront him. Roll for persuasion, Nat 1. Crit fail. The guy gets so mad he cusses the both of them out and storms off collecting his friends in the proccess and leaving the bill for our party. Mission failed, successfully. 😂
We still talk of the Gnome. The Gnome who, after being insulted by a local politician, tried to douse him in water, he gets a nat 1 and casts fire instead, burning down the mansion of the mayor...
And he didn't get caught.
Then he did it again on purpose this time at an Insane Asylum.
And he still didn't get caught.
D&D 5e. Playing as a Dhampir Tabaxi Rogue. Go to attack an enemy. Nat1. DM rolls on a fumble chart. The rapier he was using breaks. Thankfully, Artificer uses Mending to fix it after the encounter.
Fast Forward to last session. My guy is in a sparring match with a female dwarf warrior - safe weapons, as it were. First to 3 strikes wins. She hits my guy. Okay. My guy tries to hit her - Nat 1. Worse than that, DM has me roll again - for a 1! My guy's wooden Rapier breaks, the shaft hitting my guy, and thus, he now has 2 blows against him.
Luckily, her next several swings miss, and his wooden shortsword makes its hits. Her father, a former adventurer himself, was impressed enough to give my guy a nice book.
Happened to me on Friday. My group consist of me, my sister a former coworker and some of his friends (consider them now mine as well). We are playing Sword Coast and we're preparing to storm the monastery. During down time, my sister (Kiku cleric for Hermes who is a seeker of knowledge) and I (Human bard) were playing poker. Little backstory I had to write an epic poem for a Town Festival. In character I asked her if she knew any history about the town. DM: roll a history check. My sister: Nat 1. DM: you can't remember anything because you're focused on playing your hand and get really nasty about it. My sister to me (IC): no fucking history lessons, cards now!
So one that happened recently was during a session at my school. We were being attacked by an assassin and since there were only two of us, and we were both lvl 1 my partner died. I killed the assassin and looted his body, then looted my partners body. Now I was playing a jackass so I attempted to cut up my partner for food, despite having found jerky on the assassin...I rolled a 1. Ended up carrying around a mutilated body in a bag until I eventually just tossed him in a bush fire I made. Fun times.
I was just thinking about your Funniest Rolled a Nat 1 series! Thank you!
It's been far too long, we'll make sure the next part comes out sooner!
I have played a big strong barbarian and there was a rusty metal wall in front of our group. So i obviously wanted to punch through it. I rolled a 1 and everyone on the table agreed that this idea was so stupid that my charakter just punched himself in the face XD. He even got the damage from that. We still make jokes about this today. One of the best campaign's ive ever had
Not a player, but a DM here. Kinda new to the game so not many stories, but favorite one so far was the team was investing to find the hidden barracks of the Redknights. The team gets ambushed by a rain of arrows as they came close to the barracks. Team rolls for perception. Rogue rolls a nat 1, so I tell him he doesn't understand what an arrow is, so he thinks his friend, who failed the dex save check and took an arrow, fell from the clouds, so he always looking to the sky to see if the clouds had any more arrows to offer them.
PANR has tuned in.
hey... thanks for the bit at the last. could relate a lot. thank you.
I once had a Nat. 1 in my head, as a DM...
Long, LONG story short(er), my group was a few years into a LONG D&D 3.5 campaign, where I would give them a reward after each session, based on how well they role-played. They would get some playing cards to divide amongst themselves that gave them 1-time bonuses such as an extra D20 on a skill check, a 1-round damage reduction, a reroll. Stuff like that. Sometimes they would use them, often they would forget about them.
At the time of our story, the campaign was culminating in chasing and catching Vecna, the fledging god of Death and Magic. They had followed the trail to a huge circle of standing stones (think Stone Henge x 20), in the center of which was an archaic teleportation circle which led to a small demi-plane that was used by Vecna as a museum of his collectables. Off course, this was explored and ransacked by the players, and they found several discarded old body parts of Vecna, such as his left toe, right ear, etc. etc. All parts which he had lost in fights over the years, had regenerated with magic, but kept as powerful mementos. They discovered that, like the Hand and Eye of Vecna, they could cut of a bodypart from themselves and replace it with Vecna's counterpart, thereby gaining a small measure of his power ÁND protection against his magic (this becomes important later).
A few sessions later, a friend of the group expressed his interest in D&D and wanted to join the group. He rolled a character (a Druid I believe), I inserted him in a village they came across, introduced him, and the now larger group continued on their way. After 2 fun sessions, the group had bonded and the new player choose to remain as a permanent member. It was at this time they caught up to Vecna (or rather, his Avatar), and a huge fight ensued. And here comes my Nat.1....
A few rounds into the fight, Vecna declared that the fight bored him, and that he had better things to do. So he charges up for a few rounds for a MASSIVE attack. Imagine an Epic Kamehameha version of Disintegrate, aimed at the WHOLE party. My plan was for the party to discover that grafting Vecna's leftover body parts would provide them enough protection to (barely) survive that attack, and live to run away to fight another day. However, the new player DID NOT HAVE one of those grafted body parts..... I facepalmed myself so hard.....
Que the ENTIRE group dumping EVERY card they had collected over that past year on the table onto the new player's character to give him MASSIVE bonuses on EVERYTHING.
He got half a dozen rerolls on every saving throws, got double movement for 1 round, could change 1 Nat. 1 into a 20, could speak with animals for 1 round, could charm a salesman to give 50% off on 1 sale, could breathe water for 5 rounds, had his sense of smell improved and many, MANY more buffs which made no sense, but he got them anyway.
Suffice it to say, after the blast there was a HUGE hole in the ground, with 1 small, scared Druid kneeling in the middle.
Despite my Nat.1
So this was last week. Our first session in a new campaign was chaotic to say the least.
Anyways in character, friend 1 was trying to get friend 2 drunk by holding a flask of beer ( it makes you extremely shit-faced after you hold it for atleast 5 seconds ).
Friend 2 gets drunk, and friend 1 tries to get me drunk. Friend 2 slapped the flask out of my hands before I got drunk. ( Friend 2 in character is my older brother )
Friend 1 needed to get his flask back before he got the withdraw from the flask ( becoming sober and getting a splitting migraine ).
Friend 1 reached for his flask, rolled poorly, and fell on the table knocking it down.
Friend 1 tried again to get it, but rolled a nat 1. He fell towards the flask on the ground, getting it, but also causing some damage to himself.
Fun times.
In my first campaign (still doing it) I am a full plate armour paladin. Now, during a travel through a cavern, the rogue sneaks through past a ton of goblins, making myself, the bard and the cleric have to fight all of them. If this wasn’t annoying enough, he tripped a trap resulting in the bandit water dam leaking and flooding the floor of the cavern, there the other three of us were. Everyone else got over 15 and made it out unscathed, and you guessed it, a 1. So I get hit with 20 metric tonnes of water, almost killing me and leaving me at 1 hp, where I shout to the others “IM STILL ALIVE AHA” then I had to roll to leave the basin, where I rolled ANOTHER ONE. what proceeded to happen was a arrow from a bandit managed to nail me right in the helmet
I’m fine since a party member had revify but it was a huge hit to my paladins ego, and now he doesn’t speak much during encounters with other characters unless he has to. This might also be because his armour is a tad rusty
The nat 1 and 20 videos always have such hilarious stories in them.
Funniest nat 1: I was sitting in for our DM while running Rime of the Frost Maiden. The party was in a custom dungeon that the DM made. In one of the rooms were 2 frost giants. Combat was flowing well, until it was time for one of the giants to attack. While trying to hit the dragonborn paladin, the giant rolled a nat 1, causing catastrophic damage to itself. This was how I described it: "the giant's axe glanced off the paladin's shield in such a way, that it lost control of its follow-through and accidentally buried the axe blade deep into its own groin, killing itself." We couldn't play for 3 minutes after that.
Lizard gets lit on fire, tries to put it out with a bucket. Rolls a one a grabs a bucket of pitch instead, hilarity insues.
Our campaign took place in the Fey Wilds, where my character encountered some Sprites riding atop Corgis. I am pretty new to DnD, and I wasn't exactly sure if I could take on 6 sprites solo(action economy and all that), so I asked to make a nature check to see if I could tell how strong they might be, and if I could take them on(they had knocked out two npc allies and I didn't want to leave them) and I rolled a nat 1, which with my -1 modifier was a big fat 0. I was now suddenly aware that these 6 Sprites would tear me to shreads, and after the encounter my character believed Corgies were secretly super powerful(he nearly went on a side quest to hunt down wild corgies and make a corgy army).
So today was the first time I have ever played d&d so you know. Anyway me and the group walk in a room it was like a dining room and there was a chandelier I decided that I wanted to throw my boomerang at the chandelier, so I could knock it down on the dinner table to see if I could find a trapdoor to find a basement to fight a monster. Nat 1. The Dungeon master described of how my boomerang flew around the chandelier and flew right into my face dealing one 1d4 damage my character almost got knocked out. tldr i throw a boomerang and i almost get knocked out in the process. btw this was my first nat one AND the first real role of a d20.
My funiest nat 1 was during a raid ona wereboar lair. Our party just got silver to put on our weapons so we could damage the enemies. First fight, nat 1 on the veyr first attack. My axe flew accross the corridor and into a room. Being a dwarf warrior it took me the length of the fight to retrieve it and on my way I relized that my axe flew into the kitchen so with my friends we jocked about having killed the wereboar cook. Our DM, a stricked by chill guy, gaves us the satisfaction of our joke becoming real. And this is how I killed a weraboar chef by rolling a nat 1.
It made a comeback at last!
Wow thanks for the talk near the end about education
My paladin had made a personal rival out of one of the group’s enemies, confronted him and used Detect Thoughts to determine exactly what he was up to, and went on a long intimidating (and rehearsed) monologue about how his days are numbered and I know all and he will receive holy punishment delivered by me personally, so on and so forth. Roll for intimidation, I have +5 on it so I was sure I was fine. Nat 1. 6 with the modifier. Our villain laughs in my face, pats me on the shoulder, and walks out still chuckling. From a narrative perspective, it’s probably for the better that he doesn’t believe we know his plans, but the sheer humiliation my paladin felt was immense.
Damn, another nat 1 video! Love them!❤❤❤
Ah yes, the bucket. It will go down in history for my campaigns.
My first ever character was a monk who had like a plus 8 to acrobatics and Dex saves and they were notorious for always rolling 1s whenever making a Dex save or using the acrobatics skill
8:21 It was a fun night 🤣
Party enters the small, swamp village. Some dude standing in front of the tavern smoking some kind of weed.
- "Hello ladies. Wanna wiff?"
My half-elf bard pushing between our ladies
- "Don't mind if I do"
and takes a huge dose of whatever dude was smoking.
Nat 1 on Con Save. As a person I don't do drugs or really drink that much. But that bard had a really fun few hours. Rolling Acrobatics to sit on a chair, Using Prestidigitation to change taste of the soup to same taste but a bit more salty, getting into a fight with some lizardmen. That nat1 was probably the first time I totally immersed myself into being a character in DnD. Good times.
So, I'm the DM of a homebrew campaing where some people try to find the 9 pieces of a legendary weapon.
There was a session where there were only three of them, so they went to the birthday party of a king duck (from one of the players backstory).
At the party, the team finds a ghost like Kenku called Hunter that they start pissing off (it happened because they were asking to many questions and he wasn't liking that). Eventually they stop bothering him after noticing he was kinda strong.
After that one of the players started dancing and i asked for a performance check (just for fun and to see how go she was gonna damce).
Nat 1...
She danced so bad that she, without any intention, bumped with the kenku...
He killed her by only touching her...
It was pretty terrifying for them and pretty funny for me.
They ended up reviving her, but now they are affraid of Kenkus.
Rolled a 1 to save versus aging, so ended up playing dementia, a sore back, and a failing bladder until someone found a wish scroll lol.
I think the highlight was when I came down the inn stairs and the group asked me if I was going to wear pants that day. 😆
8:21 *fangirl screaming* THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!!
In our DnD we have that if you roll a 1, whatever it is you are rolling for, you lose a toe, and if you lose all 10 then you die.
I play a Chaotic Evil Skeleton Rouge so obviously the entire time I have been trying to steal from the other party members. 6 sessions of asking if I can try to steal from party and the DM finally says yes but I would have to roll petty high. So I grab my dice to roll and rolled a Nat 1. The artificer of our group then decides to Gibbs smack me and rolls at Nat 20. I lost over half of my health and all of my dignity. Needless to say I have never tried to steal from party members again.
I failed a stealth check for the party to sneak into a goblin occupied cave. "You step on a twig which snaps, spins through the air and plunks into the creek, which startles a fish into jumping out of the water, which catches the attention of a nearby hawk who swoops down to catch it, drawing the guards' attention. They immediately spot you."
I remember I was playing a Druid named "Alexian" and we were fighting a Necromancer, I told the DM that I wanted to turn into a hydra and fight him...
She said: Roll for it then
I rolled
Nat 1
Then she told me that during my transformation I grew 3 heads and lost my legs (temporarily) and Necromancer struck at Alexian and they lost 10 hp 💀
Years ago,we were playing second edition.One of us decided playing a samurai,using the oriental adventures book.We were playing close to Waterdeep,so the guy was far from "home".In a single gaming session,we had 2 major fights,where he rolled 3 "1"!He broke his naginata.His katana.And his wakisashi.Poor guy was crushed.he only had his long bow(daykyu?)left...
I have a house rule where a natural 1 on a saving throw causes the damage (if there is any) to be rolled like a crit. Had my first boss get shredded by two natural ones. Mind you, my players would've tpk'd if not for the wizard's quick thinking, and it was a really cool fight.
Just played my first session tonight. My party and I were in a tavern having drinks after a successful heist (around 500gp) the BBEG was also in said tavern and a bar fight broke out between my party and the BBEG’s bodyguards. One player is a Dragonborn Paladin and the other is a Human Druid. Because of all the drinking, the Druid would randomly change forms to his animals and he turned into a squirrel because of it. The Paladin asks the DM “can I throw the Druid at the bodyguard?” DM says “make an Athletics check” and the Paladin rolled a Nat 1. We all burst out in laughter and the DM says “you immediately throw your Druid into the ground” followed by the DM saying “Remy (the druids name) make a death saving throw.” The Druid also rolled a Nat 1, but was saved when used Spare the Dying
So i was playing a campaign where the friend group decided it was a great idea to have chatgtp be the DM. I was a pyromancer and could cast flames in different ways. we were heading into a dark cavern/dungeon and instead of using a torch i decided it was a great idea to use my fire magic as a light source. i rolled a nat 1 and burned to death. the funniest thing is, i had been telling my group the entire playthrough thus far "its a fire resistance, not immunity". i was a victim of my own catch phrase.
I know this is an old video but I'm going to go ahead and add mine anyway. I was dming a Star Wars game and one of my players was playing an anzellan ( those little engineer guys from Rise of Skywalker and the Mandalorian) who was an engineer. And they had just moved a planet cracking bomb safely away from the planet so that when it would explode it wouldn't hurt anyone but he wanted to confuse it because it's core was very valuable. The party put him out into space in a suit helmet attached to a Droid that he flew around on. And he tried to diffuse the bomb he didn't succeed in diffusing it but he did succeed in opening it and getting to some of the valuable materials at its core. He rolled too low to avoid increasing the bombs timer. So he began to flee back to the ship however the bomb went off while he was still slightly in its blast radius. I asked him to roll a D100. This was to ascertain the damage done to his helmet that was protecting him. It was a nat 1.
Pugu died in the cold vacuum of space and his remains were kept in the freezer on the ship until the barbarian accidently ate him.
I've got one. I was playing in a fallout campaign set in the Mojave wasteland and I was playing a sentient deathclaw dwarf (basically a deathclaw the size of a super mutant, with the intelligence of a human) and I needed to sneak into the ncrcf for whatever reason. I rolled stealth, and got a nat 1. The description was as follows: "as you silently slink through the shadows, you find your foot coming to rest on a branch in the sand, breaking it. But the sound of the stick is not what alerts the guards. The broken branch ends up flipping the power switch on a half buried radio next to it, and the speakers begin to blare at full volume BONGO BONGO BONGO I DONT WANNA LEAVE THE CONGO OH NO NO NO NO NO"
I didn't initially think of this story as a nat 1 story, but here it is.
My group is a group within a school DnD club, so we're reworking things to continue our campaign into the summer. This was our DM creating a scenario to whisk our characters off into a new campaign, because this one was getting kinda stagnant but we're all attached to our characters. I missed the session right before this one, so I'm not totally sure how we got here, but here goes nothing.
This campaign is a homebrew pirate style campaign, basically we got a boat and went island hopping for various reasons after getting stranded in an archipelago. We're a party of a bard, two rouges (assassin, arcane trickster), two warlocks (idk anything about warlocks. I think something about fiends?), a fighter, and an artificer. So we're back in the starting town after finishing a dungeon, just milling about. My character, along with two others, are at the inn. Two others are shopping, and I'm not sure what the final character was doing. I don't know why or how, because I wasn't there, but the party got into a conflict with some dude who summoned a Kraken down on this tiny island town.
So the townspeople are freaking out and running away, and we're all just kinda standing there while the DM asks if there's anything we do in the 10 seconds before it reaches us. We'd just gotten to level 5, and my character is a Drow, so I cast darkness on it to try to blind it. (It lands but doesn't do anything because Krakens have True Sight). And then time's up and we roll initiative.
One of our warlocks goes first, casting mirror image to make three clones of himself. He cast another spell, but I don't remember what it was other than it just did minor damage to the Kraken. The other warlock (who is canonically 8) goes next, summoning a tentacle (we've affectionately named it the "hentacle") and orders it to attack. It misses, and so does the following eldritch blast. The artificer's turn comes up, and he gives the dragonborn fighter an experimental potion, which comes up on the ability to fly (60 ft per turn) for 10 minutes. Awesome, as the fighter already knew he couldn't really do much to the Kraken and had brought up the idea of running back to the tavern and taking alcohol to pour on the Kraken and light it on fire. Hold onto that idea. Then he enchants? his weapon to deal poison damage and lands a hit on the beast.
So the Kraken's turn is next, hitting the first warlock, my character (Drow rouge), and the fighter. It hits one of the warlock's clones, but the other two of us get grappled. It's my turn, and I crit fail a strength check to get out of the grapple. Luckily our DM is nice and didn't make me get squished.
Then the other warlock player remembers that he never used his character's familiar to attack. So the DM lets him roll for it. His familiar is a pseudo-dragon whose attack poisons if you fail a con save. This pseudo-dragon's poison makes you fall unconscious if you fail by 5 or more and the time spent unconscious varies by how much you fail by. So the attack lands and the DM rolls for the Kraken.... Nat 1.
The Kraken is now unconscious for 1 hour unless it takes damage. So everyone starts booking it into town to grab all the alcohol we can to stuff into and on the Kraken. Except my character, who first throws 100 ghost berries into its mouth before running off.
So our DM calculates the number of barrels one player could grab in 58 minutes worth of turns, not per person because that would be too many even for the absurdity we were already dealing with. We end up 2 minutes before the beast is set to wake up. Our fighter's breath weapon is fire, and he's been waiting for this basically all session. His character walks up to Kraken, unconscious and laying on beach, stuff to the brim and covered in alcohol, and just yells at the top of his lungs "FUCK YOU!!!!!!" while using his breath weapon.
Our DM pauses the session to calculate damage, and apparently the dice rolling bot we got cannot handle 1600 dice rolls at once. By the end, the fire, which she treated as fire bombs I believe, and the 9 crit con fails for the berries, totaled 1245 damage.
Our characters just look as this hulking beast bursts into flames, killing it instantly. As the flame erupt from the Kraken, they see that the mountains, the town, and the entire island is engulfed in flames as they are taken by a God into another realm. Everything goes dark.
And then the warlocks spend a couple turns trying to counterspell a god to let the stay.
It was an absolutely amazing session and end to campaign. We're now working things out schedule wise and getting ready for a new campaign. Our DM has started working on the next campaign being an amnesia arc, where our characters lose all but one memory in the world, with triggers for different characters regaining different memories. I'm really looking forward to it!
Player of mine enters the general of the bbeg room, and makes a history check if he recognizes him, Nat 1, that's your companion from your training years ago, and he role plays it perfectly and defends him from the party for 3 turns...
So, in 3.5/Pathfinder, if you roll a nat 1 on a saving throw vs an area of effect spell, it damages all of your equipment too. this has resulted in a very angry dwarf standing butt naked with his beard burnt off.
My charecter, the only one with a fear of heights, fell to his death after a nat 1 trying to climb down an elevator shaft.
Party was captured by orcs (we intended to be in order to gather intel for kingdom). Fighter decides he wants to bullrush an orc off the side of the ramp leading down into the rock quarry we were being lead into. Rolls nat 1. DM: Roll reflex save to catch yourself in time not to go face first over the edge. Fighter managed to save. DM: You caught yourself in time and stopped before going over the edge, but you only managed to gently caress the guard's backside then come to a stop when the guard spun around and you're now looking right in the face way way up in his personal space, he is uncomfortable and the other guards are staring disapprovingly.
I was playing a shadow sorcerer for a one shot using point-buy for stats. We were fighting a small hoard of swamp monsters that all ducked underwater at the end of their turn. I asked the DM if I could roll an intelligence check to see if using fireball could hit enemies fully submerged (if the sphere of the spell extended into the water). Thanks to my min/maxed character with an intelligence score of 8, I ended up with a 0.
The best part part off the story is that I tried again my next few turns for frost, lightning, thunder, acid, and poison damage since I had the transmuting spell metamagic.
All of these also ended with a total of 0.
That's six (almost) consecutive nat 1s in one sitting. I even swapped dice a few times.
To my character, the surface of the water was an impenetrable plane that would block any magic that I could throw at the enemies fully submerged underwater. I don't think he even took a single step into the water, or touched it at all. He also may have gotten a mild case of hydrophobia.
First roll of the campaign, in a coastal port town the Druid wanted to smell their way to the tavern and rolled a 1.
So naturally they smelled fish and only fish- they absolutely hate fish and now they can never get the smell of fish out of their nose.
Ah, I have a good classic from early in my Friday group's campaign. Now, at the time we had a Bugbear Echo Knight fighter named Grub who loved to cook, but had no sense of taste. He cooked for the party, and we all had to make Con saves.
Shardan, my half-elf Trickery cleric, got a NAT 1 and was sick for the rest of the day, and therefore quite irritable. He was the ONLY one to fail the con save, on top of that.
He's never lived down that nat 1, ever.
Was playing a DND type game, and everytime the enemy rolled a one, they would screw up so horribly that they would basically kill themselves.
We had an orc stab himself once. We also had an orc miss so badly he killed three of his goblin compainions.
As one who is in education…man I needed to hear that man, thank you
Dear people at MrRipper, I've recently started watching y'all's videos, and they've made me want to get into DnD. I've always kind of had an interest in it, but didn't know how to get into it. How would you suggest starting my DnD adventure? I don't know if it matters, but I know how to role play since I voice act as a hobby, and I'm I massive theatre kid and nerd. I also love various types of video games. I'll be starting high school this year, so there is some info for me. Thank you guys so much for the amazing content!
So definitely a game breaking moment. Half way through a brutal homebrew campaign. I was a player for this. We just found out a major plot point and have half of the mission essential times. We just killed a loot goblin and are dividing the loot. I managed to get a sword with 3 wish spells and a 9th level spell scroll. Also want to mention I managed to get half way through without ever get hit. Anyway once everyone but one is content. The last guy decides to scoop up the remaining loot with a bag of holding. No biggie except that in the pile is another bag of holding and 3 bags of devouring. Fool creates a black whole killing the entire party and destroying the floating island we are on
I was the DM for a homebrew game via roll 20, when party came across a ogre and managed to convince him there were there to invite him to a birthday party (Weird because they didn't know, but it was the dad of the little Ogre they threw a birthday for in session 1, 6 irl months prior). Excitedly the Ogre told them to hurry up and ran down the road passed them, telling them to hurry. Kay Oss the Barbarian: "I want to attack him, as soon as he has his back to all of us."
This caught me off guard, so gave him advantage to hit. He missed. The Wizard somehow rolled a high persuasion to convince the Ogre it was just a dropped hammer. The Ogre told them to hurry up and turned back round.
Kay: "I attack him again!"
Double Nat1 and after a solid minute of uncontrolled laughter by me, and a few dice rolls, I told Kay his war hammer slipped out his hands and he hit the monk 20ft away. He rolled max damage, which was the only damage Kay dealt that session.
Not DND but Call of Cthulhu Modern.
I was playing a retired championship boxer that took an invite to an art exhibition as a way to "soften" my usual tough guy persona. The other members of this horror show were a famed archeologist, a small-time actor whose biggest credit was "that one guy in that one episode in that one show everyone knows", and a stoner who just got hired on waitstaff. I won't bore you with the story too much here.
When we started, I realized the stats everyone rolled left me with the only physical character in the group so I thought I would be crucial to our survival at some point. Once we were trapped, we tried to find an alternative route out of the exhibit and came across a locked door towards the back of one of the floors. The archeologist pulled out a pair of lockpicks (that he thought to pack in the toolkit he brought to an art exhibit) and started working at the lock. No luck. Then the actor decided to give it a shot as he had a skill for that. Still nothing. So, I asked to give it a try. I was asked by the GM if I invested in that type of skill and I told him "As I get handed the lockpick, I gonna try to kick the door in."
So, the goal in CoC is to roll low on most occasions and as my idea was to play a tough meathead, I invested a lot in melee and athletic attributes. I roll the percentile dice and in the first active roll I have in the game, I get a 100 (a zero and a double zero) which is like the CoC equivalent of a Nat 1. I go for the kick, misjudge the placement and tear my ACL to shreds.
For the rest of the game, I had a major wound on my character sheet as he limped around trying to run from unspeakable horrors. I even got the archeologist inadvertently captured as he tried to find a crutch for me. But in the end, I did become crucial to our survival as the dice paid me back with an extreme success and max damage to shoot the villain point blank in the face.
Rolled dual nat ones on perception when goblins where shooting arrows at me. Had an outline of arrows around my character when she noticed it. Also rolled a nat one on sneaking by a building so naturally she knocks on the door.
As Korin once said; “t’was never a matter of if, *sips tea* only when”
Great one I heard in a podcast I listen to (NADDPOD)
PC gives a fake name
Nat 1 deception (with a minus one making it a dirty 0)
NPC, drawing sword: "HOW DID YOU KNOW MY REAL NAME?!"
For context: In a previous campaign, my DM let one of the players run a Christmas one shot. The premise was that we had to save Christmas. My character was a dwarf and the rest of the party characters grew up in a dwarven city. Because I'm the only dwarf player in the campaign, the players/DM generally ask me what the dwarves would do.
The one shot starts, and immediately I get asked if dwarves celebrate Christmas. Now the premise of this session is that we have to save Santa and Christmas, but instead of answering yes, I decided to let fate decide and rolled for it.
Natural 1.
Turns out dwarves are Jewish, thus the party lost all motivation to save Santa. Great start to the Christmas one shot.
I once played a table top RPG that an old friend of mine set in my own city during a zombie apocalypse. We played as ourselves and were given certain abilities that affected our game play. I chose an ability where I could ommit putting a physical damage counter on the table to track my damage as long as I wasn't called out on it by the DM. Also instead of dice we used a Jenga tower for checks; how hard an action is determines where we can take the block from and if the tower falls we fail the check.
My "rolled a one" moment was when I failed to do a check to jump a 3 foot fence took 1 damage which resulted in my death(I basically had 1HP left). At the next turn, I pointed out to the DM that I did not place any damage counters for my character, thus I was still alive. The ability was called "b*tch I'm Jesus"
4:50 ...That's one way to hilariously Fail your Task Successfully.
this just sounds like the lore to Mad Rat Dead lol
In a campaign where it took ages irl to get somewhere and decide on something, i rolled four ones in a row in a random fight. Game over.
I was the DM, the barbarian decided to try to open a door by kicking it in, rolled strength check and got a nat 1. I ruled that he miss judged the distance and was to far away so when he did hit the door with his foot it caused him to hyperextend his knee so he did not kick the door in and was now hobbling around in pain. The rogue went to check if the door was locked, rolled decently high. Me "You notice the door is actually a pull door".
a new player joining our campaign as a drunk paladin. As we walk up a dirt track someone noticed a trap up ahead. The paladin steps up and says "can I roll to set the trap off to keep us safe? I think this might impress the group and help them trust and accept me" I agree he can try. 1. "not only do you fail to set the trap off you fall down beside it looking the opposite way and vomit. Rest of the group walk on the grass beside the trap to avoid it while he slurs "Did i do good guys?"
I was playing DragonBorn Warlock when my fellas and I arrived in a new town by wagon. I decided to look outside to see if I could find any taverns for us to rest. The GM gave me advantage on a Perception check and I proceeded to take two nat 1s in a row. The GM narrated that my character, Freya, "decided to stick her head out and was suddenly knocked out by another wagon traveling in the opposite direction." I was unconscious for 30 minutes without a tavern that night.
One of mine is after beating a boss I got a mechanized crab as loot to which my sorc friend used dispel magic on making it fall apart. I, in character, stated I ran to him and try to punch him in the face, rolled a one. DM stated that I got up and began to charge at the sorcerer to only make 2 steps and trip on a rock face planting into the stone floor
I had one where my group was investigating a crime that had happened at a mansion. I was roleplaying a fairly greedy character that was always looking for valuable items that he could justify taking. Not like he would grab everything he saw, but if something was valuable enough he would try to justify taking it. Anyway he rolled a 1 and decided that some drapes were made of pure gold and stole them. Then reached the library and saw some books that were valuable in these glass cases. They were banned books so that was all the justification I needed to take them. Asked the thief if they thought they could break into the cases, they rolled really low and thought they could, then they rolled to see if they found any traps and rolled low again so they didn't find any. I even tried to get out of it and rolled to see if I thought there would be anyway that the guards would know that we were the thieves, I rolled a 1 myself.
So we broke into the first safe, of course we set off the trap, the DM rolled to see how bad it was and rolled a 1 herself. It set off all the traps in the room, basically blew the entire room up and set everything on fire. Some of the books were still okay since it was lightning traps, but lots of fire. I was a fire elemental so I proceeded to roll to see if I thought I could get the books out, rolled a 1. So there I was diving into the fire trying to grab books, nearly died. Finally I dive out of a window holding a couple of valuable books, only for the guards to have arrived due to the fire. They took the entire party in for questioning and I stuck to my guns the entire time. I was only trying to save the books and there was definitely no way the guards could know that we had been trying to steal the books, I knew this for a fact because I had asked and rolled before we ever tried to steal anything. The DM ended up making us pay for damages and turn over the books. It was still a great session though.
I have two stories:
1)not mine, but a friend's. He was playing a DND game for the first (and the last because of it).
He cleared the dungeon and went towards the exit. While leaving the dungeon he ran into a "random event" that DM put around the place. Rolled nat1, his character tripped, fell, hit their head on the stone and died on the spot.
2) not exactly nat1, but interesting combination of rolls.
I was playing one shot homebrew dungeon raid campaign. The game was mostly about the curses and when when party got to the boss we had a fox beastman air mage, anthro dragon warrior and small, basically classless kobold (the lizard variation, close to dwarf fortress cutebolds)
The party decided to distract the dragon boss by throwing a Kobold into his face as a combo move.
Mage rolled low
Warrior rolled low
Kobold rolled 19 or so.
DM: "the warrior failed to throw the screaming Kobold far enough and mage, while helping the Kobold to reach the boss, missed the face and kobold hit the leg of the boss, immediately grabbing it as hard as she can!"
The boss was distracted. But only for that turn, which obviously wasn't our plan.