Jul2024 : loss of control by residents smart meters can be run in CREDIT MODE & PREPAYMENT MODE Get behind in paying your bills then supplier can just switch u over to prepayment meter (pay before u use). Yes basically they can even switch off your supply (gas electric) when they want to. They can do this without reference to you or any legal court order. Keeping your analogue meter is a priority
@@smith077906 Yeah, in that case, it is good idea to throw away your smart phones as well. Living offgrid, isolated would be the best idea. If we think installing smart meter makes our lives controlled by other, when we have more powerful things that are controlling our lives everyday, every moment, it is difficult to understand, how our thinking and analysing system works.
The real reason they are installing these meters is in the future electric companies will be able to dictate how much electricity we will be' entitled' to use on a daily basis. In other words they may only give a small allowance of power, this will be to meet the governments emissions quotas.
Don't forget to control Bill payers Late payment they switch you to higher energy cost prepayment mode on smart meter Just business if u can't pay their extortionate tarrifs & bills.
Hello I'm looking for help my gas and electric supply holding me hostage they are saying they won't split the payments the government energy bill.e gas and electric unless I install a smart Meter is this illegal is it blackmail I need some help please
The last thing you want is a smart meter. They can reprogram it remotely. They can charge you more at peak times. They can switch you off remotely. They send a reading back every few mins. Why on earth do they need to do that. They know what you are using when you switch it on and off. They can be hacked into. So people know when your not there. And most people seem to get bigger bills.
I totally agree with all you say. I would add, it cuts out fraud of those who bypass a meter (benefit only to the supply company). I also don't want a transmitting device in my property. 'It tells you your energy usage.' Wow! It's not rocket science to turn off anything you're not using. The vast part of my energy bill is due to an electric oven which I use very carefully. Don't need to obsess constantly viewing a small screen displaying energy usage. I've got better things to do. Smart meters are one giant attempted con.
You forgot to mention how much radiation they have and how bad they are for our health and how we will have no privacy at all! Not to mention higher bills! Resist the smart meters !!!
@@martynblackburn1977 Would you want a phone broadcasting next to your ear 24/7? As for them omitting less radiation than a phone- without more information that is like saying how long a piece of string is.
Like agile electricity. If you have an electric car you can set to charge during the middle of night when the price of electricity is lower so charging you car is cheaper.
@@paulminshall8793the smart meter is really just a conduit from you to them ...data collection in real time is not a conspiracy its a real thing Jul2024: just seen something...currently we're generating about 500mb of data a day per person...in 5years time it will be 60GB of data a day per person The use of ai will ensure all that data will be collected & processed so THEY (the elites) will be able to control you anytime anywhere. Imagine all your home devices talking to the world ...u setup a wi-fi firewall but data leaks out via the smart meter connection.
Please Which? we know your reviews are brought so please respond with some sources regarding the claim "The government has called on energy companies to replace old-style gas and electricity meters with smart meters." did you just make this part up ?
Not sure what you mean by 'brought'. All of our content is 100% independent and funded solely but the subscriptions that our individual members pays is. There is a good guide here on the timeline for Smart Meter rollout www.which.co.uk/reviews/smart-meters/article/smart-meters-explained/smart-meter-roll-out and if you want specific reports from the Government then you can see the results of the smart meter strategy consultation here assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/450167/Smart_Meters_Rollout_Strategy_Government_response_FINAL.pdf
@@which Ok Which? Is it not true that this project is being paid for by all domestic users with increased charges whether you have smart meters or not. I thought you were the consumer champion. This is like going to the supermarket and getting a charge at the checkout for someone else's groceries.
First month after installation electricity usage increased 25%, they said our old meter wasnt capable of recognizing small usage like leds on tvs and monitors etc. so you need to turn off devices every time you stop using them... When they said they will reduce electricity usage I thought it will happen automatically and not by forcing me to unplug a fucking microwave cus it has a clock.
Corporations with the ability to dictate how long and how much use can be gotten from their products would enjoy more profits and more stable profits. New products generally have chips that can be turned on or up, up or down... or fried.. by remote control using the wireless transceivers forced on your home. Probably this plan is something that will develop over time... and very carefully as people get used to having less freedom and privacy.. Smart meters can control whole sections of the country... or whole blocks.. or one home.. click, click.
They are data source worth a fortune in the right hands. If you want to find out when a property is empty just look at the data they provide. It's insane we can't seem to grasp this.
“If you don’t want one, you can just refuse it”… NOT! I cannot speak for the UK as I am from the US. But last year (July 2018) we had 21 smart meters installed in our 3 story condo building. I was the only one to opt out. At the time, my local utility told me I could opt out. But just this month, I get a call from them saying that because my building has more than four units in it, I am now required to get a smart meter. What’s more, our state Utilities Commission backs them up. Their lousy excuse is something about a tariff policy that had not yet been set in place regarding smart meter opt-out last year. But now, as of January 2019, this tariff has been set in place, stating that I have the option of opt out only if I live in a building with four or fewer units in it. But I don’t recall anything about any mention about number of units in the building when I was told that I could opt out last year. Also, when the utility called me just this month (July 2019), they tell me that they have just recently been made aware of that tariff change.I feel reneged upon!
Here in the UK we can legally refuse/decline having smart meters fitted. the utility companies often bombard us with letters/emails worded in such a way that makes you think you HAVE to have them fitted but we most definitely don't HAVE to if we don't want them.
im scared... Im only 29 years old and a few months ago they plassed smart meters on our home, I god sick the first day and now worse, im in so much pain I cry at night in my bed with chest discomphort.. Ive told everyone that smart meters did this to me, and every one thinks im crazy. I may die sone please pray for me my names Jonathon Garvick, a sufferer caused by ignorance and lack of love..
Who's laughing at you tell then to do research online and that these things don't switch off they constantly send signals that can cause serious problems. Get help brother and get that thing removed asap or destroy it
You may find a smart meter saves you money. The estimated bills will likely assume that you are home more than you are and that you are using more energy than you are.
In the UK, you do not pay at the point of installation, it will be installed by your provider, however there is a surcharge on everyone's bill to cover the cost of the roll-out, so technically you do pay.
@@allanpaterson9999 Well, it's clearly mentioned in the middle of the video, but maybe people don't have the attention span to get 1:00 minute into a video these days before commenting.
As consumer your choice really stuck between the astronomical bill estimate without smart meter , or the high bill charge Mistake which is always work in the favor of the energy supplier if you have smart meter in many cases .
Correction! They don't work off WiFi they need a mobile signal! I have brilliant fibre broadband but no mobile signal, so, Smart Meter is out of the question and my energy supplier has had the decency to tell me as such. If you are in this sitiuation, lobby the goverment quango (DCC) who has sole control over the role out and signal availability. With targets having been reached there is little incentive for DCC to cater for the remaining few percent of the UK which will never get the signal for a smart meter to work!
I repeatedly told my supplier that I didn't want one not now, not ever, they actually said "You cannot say that, what ever you say think or do we will keep on at you until you give in! You will give in before wr do we will never stop! RESISTANCE IS FUTILE! YOU WILL BE ASSIMILATED! WR ARE THE BORG!:
I moved Into a new home recently and found out I have a smart metre and I want it removed sap I don't want it ..... i was told it's not connected at the momment as there is no wifi , does it only work If it's connected to the internet...
Smart meters have many disadvantages (1)The internet network should be healthy 24X7, and in India, WIFI is a must and sad to tell WIFI as I found out is(a)Site and frequency selective. Site, even at your own perimeter, the signal is weak at some room and fine near WIFI (2)Cyber security is a problem. (3)As found SM turns dumb (4)Switvhing energy suppliers a problem and at times stop reading. In UK, Canada and other EU countries It is not compulsory but in India sadly it is not optional but compulsory. Actually, any new comers should have guarantee for 20 years or more. What advantage if any is they every 30 minutes keep you informed persay they gloat that we would use economically but can SM change our habits. The world is entirely run by corporate and if it is optional then it OK but if it is compulsory then just pray for the better
Smart meters are only any good if the supplying company fit their SIM cards. If you change supplier then they do not work. You have to do manual readings.
You won't be charged for installation but the cost will be added to everyone's bill I'm not that clever but that sounds like a loan to me meaning your charged for installation.
Can you inform us about 2 areas that I am concerned with: A. Privacy. Do they use my home internet to send data. Can they invade your home privacy via their network. 2. Safety. Are they safe? I have heard some scare stories about their radioactivity and indeed, their high giga (radioactive) count.
I can answer both of these. 1. No. These devices communicate across a Home Area Network. This is a local wireless network provided by one of the two smart meters (gas or electric). This then talks put to a wide area network covering multiple properties. So it never talks to your in home WiFi. Equally you cannot "hack into" a smart meter. There is no surface for an attack to exist on. Similar to trying to "hack into" the clock on your oven. It would potentially be possible to listen in on the communications but the data is encrypted and therefore irrelevant. 2. Smart meters have no radioactive components giving off alpha, beta or gamma radiation. ( Even if they did you would have to shove your face into the device to be effected). They transmit mircrowaves in the same way that your mobile, TV, WiFi, laptop, tablet, FM radio, car, etc all do. It is NOT a brainwashing, tumour factory. As part of the testing process for the comms system there are great banks of smart meters in a room with technitians ensuring that the correct comms can be sent to the correct device. Those techs are perfectly healthy. Having 1 device on your property Vs a hundred in the same room is arguably 100 times safer still.
Advertizing the use of smart meters is all very well at explaining how you can take a more active stance in what you do, but something is i think being missed on purpose from all the adds. For those who dont know all this modern technollogy come at a price, in fat the highest price we can pay, OUR HEALTH. Smart meters are not smart enough to evade interference in our health and they do it in a big way. Having someone build a microwave tower across the road from you may cause you to complain strongly, but nobody told you that the smart meter is doing the very same amount of damage to your health.. Today, you would have thought that people would be a lot more aware of the dangers of mircro wave, but that is proven not to be the case, how many people do you know who wall around with a cell phone in their pocket, when in fact most makers make very sure that its all in very very small print in the instructions that you should not have a cell phone within an inch of your skin, and even more, how many people know that a tablet or pad is no different than your cell phone when it comes to radiation. Of course nobody who makes them is going to make a big point of telling you that this is the case. In the light of al this I would strongly advise that people become a little more aware by taking an interest in finding out for themselves rather than what i have seen myself in todays world, that is the amount of people with it seems a mobile phone constantly stuck to their ear instead of using earphones that today are usually provided with the phone, did nobody wonder why they where given the ear phones in the first place???
Almost everything that needs to have "smart" as part of its name, aren't smart. Just another move to that social credit system, while energy companies continue to rip customers off.
Your wrong Which? Please tell the truth rather sucking up to the energy suppliers. Eon smart meters do not work or will ever work. Their customer service refuses to even admit there is a problem.
Smart meters are insidious. The claims they damage you health that seem to be popular here are not credible, nor backed by any testing. Their danger lies in the way that electricity companies can alter the way in which they calculate your usage. You may not change your behaviour but your bill could rise considerably when (not if) they decide to meter on the basis of perceived power usage, rather than actual usage. The reasons are a bit technical, but it's to do with the fact that it's measuring an alternating supply. They can penalise you for any difference between the voltage supplied and the current used, millisecond by millisecond. Motors (such as in your fridge and other household devices) are particularly prone to this behaviour, as are cheap LED lights.
All this nonsense about smart meters when, in fact, electricity should be free! Wasn't it Donald Trump's grandfather who was friendly with Nikola Tesla who gave him the recipe for totally free electricity? I recall Donald Trump mentioning free electricity several times. The technology is out there - let's go and get it!!
When seeking protection against the potentially harmful radiation emitted by Smart Meters, the only smart meter cover, smart meter shield, or smart meter guard, available with true Published Laboratory Tested Data is the RF Meter Shield. A copy of the published Attenuation Data can be found at www.rfmetershield.com.
After a year of nagging me to get them, British Gas called and told me my current meters are reaching end of life and if I want regular meter replacements I'll have to pay £150-200...
All meters do need replacing every 25 years or so. I understand non smart meters are no longer being made. This is the smart meter conspiracy. You can thank Ed Miliband for this scam.
Definitely do not have smart metres fixed your Home, and these will double your normal bills and you will have nothing but trouble from them take it from me I have had one absolute nightmare👎👎👎
😂😂😂funny scammer on customer 😂 U have to pay 💰 unlimited internet 🛜 access and payment extras electric ⚡️ bills 💸 to recharged the wireless 🛜 Bluetooth device
Thanks for info, now I am definitely sticking with my old school classic analog meter
What was it specifically in *this* video that made you *definitely* want to stick with the old ones?
Control. Our lives will be controlled by the few.
Jul2024 : loss of control by residents
smart meters can be run in CREDIT MODE & PREPAYMENT MODE
Get behind in paying your bills then supplier can just switch u over to prepayment meter (pay before u use).
Yes basically they can even switch off your supply (gas electric) when they want to.
They can do this without reference to you or any legal court order.
Keeping your analogue meter is a priority
@@smith077906 Yeah, in that case, it is good idea to throw away your smart phones as well. Living offgrid, isolated would be the best idea. If we think installing smart meter makes our lives controlled by other, when we have more powerful things that are controlling our lives everyday, every moment, it is difficult to understand, how our thinking and analysing system works.
The real reason they are installing these meters is in the future electric companies will be able to dictate how much electricity we will be' entitled' to use on a daily basis.
In other words they may only give a small allowance of power, this will be to meet the governments emissions quotas.
no they want to kill us all with radiation all day long. population control
Nail on the head.
Don't forget to control Bill payers
Late payment they switch you to higher energy cost prepayment mode on smart meter
Just business if u can't pay their extortionate tarrifs & bills.
no mention of what wireless protocol or total RF power output power
Remember people VAT on top of your bill and services charges too.
Hello I'm looking for help my gas and electric supply holding me hostage they are saying they won't split the payments the government energy bill.e gas and electric unless I install a smart Meter is this illegal is it blackmail I need some help please
The last thing you want is a smart meter. They can reprogram it remotely. They can charge you more at peak times. They can switch you off remotely. They send a reading back every few mins. Why on earth do they need to do that. They know what you are using when you switch it on and off. They can be hacked into. So people know when your not there. And most people seem to get bigger bills.
I totally agree with all you say. I would add, it cuts out fraud of those who bypass a meter (benefit only to the supply company). I also don't want a transmitting device in my property. 'It tells you your energy usage.' Wow! It's not rocket science to turn off anything you're not using. The vast part of my energy bill is due to an electric oven which I use very carefully. Don't need to obsess constantly viewing a small screen displaying energy usage. I've got better things to do. Smart meters are one giant attempted con.
You forgot to mention how much radiation they have and how bad they are for our health and how we will have no privacy at all! Not to mention higher bills!
Resist the smart meters !!!
Nicky81 Luxembourg is finish in 2020
The radiation emitted is apparently less than your mobile phone.
@@martynblackburn1977 give it a rest martyn pal. seems you know very little about phones and smart meters. will you also be saying 5g is not that bad?
@@mowvu It's just what I am told. I know nothing about smart meters and very little about phones.
@@martynblackburn1977 Would you want a phone broadcasting next to your ear 24/7? As for them omitting less radiation than a phone- without more information that is like saying how long a piece of string is.
So this is from the top down and not the customer or energy companies choice?
'...access to new products and services in the future' Like what?
when you poop
@@DARK_AMBIGUOUS also causes paranoia and susceptibility to spouting bullshit conspiracy theories, without evidence.
Like agile electricity. If you have an electric car you can set to charge during the middle of night when the price of electricity is lower so charging you car is cheaper.
Freedom of choice? I don't think so.
@@paulminshall8793the smart meter is really just a conduit from you to them ...data collection in real time is not a conspiracy its a real thing
Jul2024: just seen something...currently we're generating about 500mb of data a day per person...in 5years time it will be 60GB of data a day per person
The use of ai will ensure all that data will be collected & processed so THEY (the elites) will be able to control you anytime anywhere.
Imagine all your home devices talking to the world ...u setup a wi-fi firewall but data leaks out via the smart meter connection.
Iv just moved into a property that has these anyone know if I can revert back to a non smart meter
Yes at your request
@@crouchingtiger5431 ok can you come round then
@@comfortablynumb8832 put the kettle on then mate
I think u need to change energy Company and request non smart meter and direct debit or key it is possible however they may try and fob u off
@@crouchingtiger5431 yeh these smart meters are a wet dream for them, think I’ll get a sparkie to revert it back, thanks for the help
If it's added to your bill how much is it going to cost to have it installed
It's hidden away in the green levies which are also hidden away in the cost of the energy and the standing charges, so you'll never see it.
Please Which? we know your reviews are brought so please respond with some sources regarding the claim "The government has called on energy companies to replace old-style gas and electricity meters with smart meters." did you just make this part up ?
Not sure what you mean by 'brought'. All of our content is 100% independent and funded solely but the subscriptions that our individual members pays is. There is a good guide here on the timeline for Smart Meter rollout www.which.co.uk/reviews/smart-meters/article/smart-meters-explained/smart-meter-roll-out and if you want specific reports from the Government then you can see the results of the smart meter strategy consultation here assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/450167/Smart_Meters_Rollout_Strategy_Government_response_FINAL.pdf
Where did they bring their brought reviews to?
@@which Ok Which? Is it not true that this project is being paid for by all domestic users with increased charges whether you have smart meters or not. I thought you were the consumer champion. This is like going to the supermarket and getting a charge at the checkout for someone else's groceries.
@@whichhe means, you get paid for positive feedback, these smart meters are rubbish.
First month after installation electricity usage increased 25%, they said our old meter wasnt capable of recognizing small usage like leds on tvs and monitors etc. so you need to turn off devices every time you stop using them...
When they said they will reduce electricity usage I thought it will happen automatically and not by forcing me to unplug a fucking microwave cus it has a clock.
Corporations with the ability to dictate how long and how much use can be gotten from their products would enjoy more profits and more stable profits. New products generally have chips that can be turned on or up, up or down... or fried.. by remote control using the wireless transceivers forced on your home. Probably this plan is something that will develop over time... and very carefully as people get used to having less freedom and privacy.. Smart meters can control whole sections of the country... or whole blocks.. or one home.. click, click.
They are data source worth a fortune in the right hands. If you want to find out when a property is empty just look at the data they provide. It's insane we can't seem to grasp this.
“If you don’t want one, you can just refuse it”… NOT!
I cannot speak for the UK as I am from the US. But last year (July 2018) we had 21 smart meters installed in our 3 story condo building. I was the only one to opt out. At the time, my local utility told me I could opt out. But just this month, I get a call from them saying that because my building has more than four units in it, I am now required to get a smart meter. What’s more, our state Utilities Commission backs them up.
Their lousy excuse is something about a tariff policy that had not yet been set in place regarding smart meter opt-out last year. But now, as of January 2019, this tariff has been set in place, stating that I have the option of opt out only if I live in a building with four or fewer units in it. But I don’t recall anything about any mention about number of units in the building when I was told that I could opt out last year. Also, when the utility called me just this month (July 2019), they tell me that they have just recently been made aware of that tariff change.I feel reneged upon!
Here in the UK we can legally refuse/decline having smart meters fitted. the utility companies often bombard us with letters/emails worded in such a way that makes you think you HAVE to have them fitted but we most definitely don't HAVE to if we don't want them.
They told me it's a requirement for my tariff, nothing in writing when I signed up to it, I refused.
Just like the phoney pandemic these meters will control your life
@@dorothy1329how the situation now??.
@@mauriceosullivan6832 same, still don't have smart meters, they've stopped harassing me now too.
im scared... Im only 29 years old and a few months ago they
plassed smart meters on our home, I god sick the first day and
now worse, im in so much pain I cry at night in my bed with chest
discomphort.. Ive told everyone that smart meters did this to me,
and every one thinks im crazy. I may die sone please pray for me
my names Jonathon Garvick, a sufferer caused by ignorance and lack
of love..
Who's laughing at you tell then to do research online and that these things don't switch off they constantly send signals that can cause serious problems. Get help brother and get that thing removed asap or destroy it
Please tell me you went to the doctors you lunatic.
Isaac Wright stfu
i wouldnt recommend smart meters or utilita takes them 45 mins to pick up a phone
Do u have to have 1?? Because I don't want 1,i work 12 hours a day so not at home a great deal
You may find a smart meter saves you money. The estimated bills will likely assume that you are home more than you are and that you are using more energy than you are.
@@which funny how u have to sell it.
You may not be using much gas and electricity, but just check on your bill and see how much you're now paying in standing charges just for supply.
Hi, may I know it need capacitor for performance?
No only brain drad people who have them fitted
do i have to pay to get one fitted
In the UK, you do not pay at the point of installation, it will be installed by your provider, however there is a surcharge on everyone's bill to cover the cost of the roll-out, so technically you do pay.
@@which Funny this is not mentioned from the start!
@@allanpaterson9999 Well, it's clearly mentioned in the middle of the video, but maybe people don't have the attention span to get 1:00 minute into a video these days before commenting.
I love the design of this video! :)
As consumer your choice really stuck between the astronomical bill estimate without smart meter , or the high bill charge Mistake which is always work in the favor of the energy supplier if you have smart meter in many cases .
Why would you have an "astronomical bill estimate"? Just read your meter and send it off every month like most everybody else has for decades.
@@puddle_puddle You are taking to a 21st century Luddite.
Correction! They don't work off WiFi they need a mobile signal! I have brilliant fibre broadband but no mobile signal, so, Smart Meter is out of the question and my energy supplier has had the decency to tell me as such. If you are in this sitiuation, lobby the goverment quango (DCC) who has sole control over the role out and signal availability. With targets having been reached there is little incentive for DCC to cater for the remaining few percent of the UK which will never get the signal for a smart meter to work!
To me DCC will always mean Digital Compact Cassette. Personally I preferred Minidisc.
So that's why they didn't work at my old house. We maybe got 1 bar of 3g on a good day. And of course the screen thing didn't work
Fibre is spreading. If smart meters need wífi they might go dumb.
If it's going to be on the bill it's not really free not so smart
And what about the effext on our health?
I repeatedly told my supplier that I didn't want one not now, not ever, they actually said
"You cannot say that, what ever you say think or do we will keep on at you until you give in! You will give in before wr do we will never stop! RESISTANCE IS FUTILE! YOU WILL BE ASSIMILATED! WR ARE THE BORG!:
I moved Into a new home recently and found out I have a smart metre and I want it removed sap
I don't want it .....
i was told it's not connected at the momment as there is no wifi ,
does it only work If it's connected to the internet...
@@starseedlightwarrior8244would also like to know that!
Smart meters do not save money. In fact they are costing every home in the UK £40 in the hope they will save £11. That is just crazy.
Sounds about right.
How do you see the wifi
Smart meters have many disadvantages (1)The internet network should be healthy 24X7, and in India, WIFI is a must and sad to tell WIFI as I found out is(a)Site and frequency selective. Site, even at your own perimeter, the signal is weak at some room and fine near WIFI
(2)Cyber security is a problem. (3)As found SM turns dumb (4)Switvhing energy suppliers a problem and at times stop reading. In UK, Canada and other EU countries It is not compulsory but in India sadly it is not optional but compulsory. Actually, any new comers should have guarantee for 20 years or more. What advantage if any is they every 30 minutes keep you informed persay they gloat that we would use economically but can SM change our habits. The world is entirely run by corporate and if it is optional then it OK but if it is compulsory then just pray for the better
Smart meters are only any good if the supplying company fit their SIM cards. If you change supplier then they do not work. You have to do manual readings.
You won't be charged for installation but the cost will be added to everyone's bill I'm not that clever but that sounds like a loan to me meaning your charged for installation.
It’s all about collecting data and selling it.
What that I use electricity?
Red mobile phone companies know that anyway. Unless you leave your house without taking your phone. Your phone is registered when you go past a mast.
@@craigr07572 mobile phones know when you go for a shit? Flush your toilet? Take a shower??? Nope i dont think so...
@@micah.101 wow aren’t we paranoid - tell me how does a smart meter know if your having a number one or two?
@@craigr07572the phone can smell it of course.
Can you inform us about 2 areas that I am concerned with:
A. Privacy. Do they use my home internet to send data. Can they invade your home privacy via their network.
2. Safety. Are they safe? I have heard some scare stories about their radioactivity and indeed, their high giga (radioactive) count.
@Ceridwen I'll look in to this 5G. I have seen some worrying headlines but need to dig deeper.
Fires and explosions?
I can answer both of these.
1. No. These devices communicate across a Home Area Network. This is a local wireless network provided by one of the two smart meters (gas or electric). This then talks put to a wide area network covering multiple properties. So it never talks to your in home WiFi. Equally you cannot "hack into" a smart meter. There is no surface for an attack to exist on. Similar to trying to "hack into" the clock on your oven. It would potentially be possible to listen in on the communications but the data is encrypted and therefore irrelevant.
2. Smart meters have no radioactive components giving off alpha, beta or gamma radiation. ( Even if they did you would have to shove your face into the device to be effected). They transmit mircrowaves in the same way that your mobile, TV, WiFi, laptop, tablet, FM radio, car, etc all do.
It is NOT a brainwashing, tumour factory.
As part of the testing process for the comms system there are great banks of smart meters in a room with technitians ensuring that the correct comms can be sent to the correct device. Those techs are perfectly healthy. Having 1 device on your property Vs a hundred in the same room is arguably 100 times safer still.
The brain works on electromagnetic waves and its all part of the larger 5G smart grid!
Don't have one , you will regret it.
Advertizing the use of smart meters is all very well at explaining how you can take a more active stance in what you do, but something is i think being missed on purpose from all the adds.
For those who dont know all this modern technollogy come at a price, in fat the highest price we can pay, OUR HEALTH.
Smart meters are not smart enough to evade interference in our health and they do it in a big way.
Having someone build a microwave tower across the road from you may cause you to complain strongly, but nobody told you that the smart meter is doing the very same amount of damage to your health..
Today, you would have thought that people would be a lot more aware of the dangers of mircro wave, but that is proven not to be the case, how many people do you know who wall around with a cell phone in their pocket, when in fact most makers make very sure that its all in very very small print in the instructions that you should not have a cell phone within an inch of your skin, and even more, how many people know that a tablet or pad is no different than your cell phone when it comes to radiation.
Of course nobody who makes them is going to make a big point of telling you that this is the case.
In the light of al this I would strongly advise that people become a little more aware by taking an interest in finding out for themselves rather than what i have seen myself in todays world, that is the amount of people with it seems a mobile phone constantly stuck to their ear instead of using earphones that today are usually provided with the phone, did nobody wonder why they where given the ear phones in the first place???
I don't know how this saves any money. The IHD must be plugged in or run off batteries. I just send in the metre reading on my phone or pc.
Put a plant next to one and tell me what happens after a few days!
Won’t even work in our house … no signal
I'd rather use my 2017 key meters as they still work fine
Don't get one
Do not have a one. They are Evil.
My so called smart meter has my worked since march last year
Can also knock it off " remotely" there's a reason the government wants yiu to have it and it isn't for your own benefit 😂
Almost everything that needs to have "smart" as part of its name, aren't smart. Just another move to that social credit system, while energy companies continue to rip customers off.
Using tax dollars? Is this propelled by the United Nations?
Western world is too comfortable to actually care what the government does.
Your wrong Which? Please tell the truth rather sucking up to the energy suppliers. Eon smart meters do not work or will ever work. Their customer service refuses to even admit there is a problem.
...items compatible
Smart meters are insidious. The claims they damage you health that seem to be popular here are not credible, nor backed by any testing. Their danger lies in the way that electricity companies can alter the way in which they calculate your usage. You may not change your behaviour but your bill could rise considerably when (not if) they decide to meter on the basis of perceived power usage, rather than actual usage. The reasons are a bit technical, but it's to do with the fact that it's measuring an alternating supply. They can penalise you for any difference between the voltage supplied and the current used, millisecond by millisecond. Motors (such as in your fridge and other household devices) are particularly prone to this behaviour, as are cheap LED lights.
..hypnotic system
we better watch out just in case skynet takes over the system
Skynet is a UK military communication satellite system, nothing to do with smart meters.
@@jonmac3995 Lol that went past your brain didn’t it duh
@@randomz1267 Duh, wot's a brain ?
If you fall behind they swap you to prepay
All this nonsense about smart meters when, in fact, electricity should be free! Wasn't it Donald Trump's grandfather who was friendly with Nikola Tesla who gave him the recipe for totally free electricity? I recall Donald Trump mentioning free electricity several times. The technology is out there - let's go and get it!!
You're a special breed of nitwit, you are.
@@squirrlykinssquirrel1359 free electricity is a thing
Squirrlykins Squirrel shut up you communist
Iliqn Monev Stop being a moron, you can’t trust a thing Donnie says haha
nobody else feels like they are over bearing? i must be the only american here
Soooo many tin foil hats ... Amazing
like every country other than UK and the States doesent have this shit and doesent need them,just a thought
I know talking about jumping on the bandwagon
kuat makan karan usms ani
The electric company said if I opted out of this, I'd be charged $12/month extra. Then if I sold my house, I'd have to pay $50 to have one installed.
Whose wearing their tin foil hat?
high tech slavery
When seeking protection against the potentially harmful radiation emitted by Smart Meters, the only smart meter cover, smart meter shield, or smart meter guard, available with true Published Laboratory Tested Data is the RF Meter Shield. A copy of the published Attenuation Data can be found at www.rfmetershield.com.
This is like putting a sealed bag over your head to protect against car fumes.
More people out of work
After a year of nagging me to get them, British Gas called and told me my current meters are reaching end of life and if I want regular meter replacements I'll have to pay £150-200...
I CALL THIS,Forced Illness
All meters do need replacing every 25 years or so. I understand non smart meters are no longer being made. This is the smart meter conspiracy. You can thank Ed Miliband for this scam.
A load of lies, and they should be taken to court for false information
Smart but not so smart
Definitely do not have smart metres fixed your Home, and these will double your normal bills and you will have nothing but trouble from them take it from me I have had one absolute nightmare👎👎👎
No thanks. Kills jobs for people.
SSE are trying their best to convince me to get one.
😂😂😂funny scammer on customer 😂
U have to pay 💰 unlimited internet 🛜 access and payment extras electric ⚡️ bills 💸 to recharged the wireless 🛜 Bluetooth device
they help u save money by making you spend all your money on them so then ur broke and u have to save to actually buy food and stuff
how do smart meters work? Answer, they don't.