Yeah this video has a way more high budget which makes it feel more like a decision by a corporation, but the Colleen one, she actually thought it would be a good idea to play the ukulele on her couch 😂
Nah, this is still by far the worst apology video because no point was made. People thinking the new one is worse just have recency hype bias. This shit was straight up diabolical.
@@apexreactions4231 nah. As someone that’s older than Colleen - the recent one is much weirder - bc she was 36 years old when she did it. Sienna at least has the idiocy of youth on her side.
Her saying “go watch my videos with Jack. We’re touching, kissing, etc,” is just about the worst excuse you can bring up. You can still be a victim of SA by a romantic partner. I’m not saying throw your girlfriend in jail for a kiss on the cheek while you’re asleep, but she literally is straddling and making out with an unconscious person who can’t give any sort of consent. The worst part about it is you can tell she never got told “no” while growing up, so she feels like she can do whatever she wants. Gross.
Ik and she tries to justify it and at the same time say she did not do anything, that makes no sence if she was not doing anything she should not be trying to justify it.
@@theoriginalbeanboy If the genders had been reversed he wouldn't even be afforded the opportunity to make any sort of "apology" or denial on video/social media. He'd be (quite rightly) locked up and cancelled... Incredible sense of privilege on display by her, and the fact she still has a platform demonstrates how as a society we tolerate negative behaviours from some people, but flat-out reject them when perpetrated by others.
The worst part is she got away with it, which is crazy. She did NO reflection and learned nothing, and you can tell she has no concept of how much damage she caused, or that she doesn’t care. It’s pretty frustrating to say the least.
If the genders were reversed...well I dont have to say what would have happened. Edit: most seems to believe I'm trying to point out that men don't get away with SA but women do. I did not say that. Atleast its my understanding that men are judged more harshly by society and more easily vilified before their conviction. Please don't twist my remarks. In the end of the day SA is henious and should be treated as such regardless of gender.
@@Soundeagle3456 you can't say that because people like those lopez brothers are still on the platform, tiktok clearly doesn't want to lose their bigger creators so they'll find any excuse to not ban them
i think they try and relate in their heads to things like in porn when partners wake each other up with head or something, although the context of this is they weren't even partners, let alone he was straight up out and not asleep.
@@MariOmor1 Wonder what gave it away 🤔 was it the goofy dancing? The song choice?? The fact she so hilariously went on a whole rant about thanking her sponsor’s on an apology video? - this is a joke
I’m genuinely convinced none of these people can say the word “sorry”. It’s like when Squidward tried apologising to SpongeBob after playing a cruel prank on him but genuinely couldn’t even fumble out “sorry”
Even then Squidward actually felt guilt and remorse, he just couldn't handle the literal apology. This is actually cartoonish to the point that, if not sociopaths, these non-apologies come from people actually blind to reality
She literally outed his assault by another person that he confided in her about before she went crazy molesting stalker bitch in her "defense" video. It was infuriating.
“People you think are friends, you’ll ignore a lot of red flags for” very true words Charlie. I think almost everyone has experienced this in some way or shape
One of the things that scare a narcissist to death is the idea of apologizing, they will find a way to say they don't want to apologize even if the evidence piles up high to the skies they will say No I am not the one at wrong here. Its sad honestly.
Apparently, admitting your mistakes and saying "sorry" is as hard as trying to solve a math equation. I don't remember apologizing being the equivalent of rocket science but, here we are.
It is honestly crazy how little sexual assault against men is talked about. Sexual assault to anyone should be punished with equal repercussions, but apparently not in the eyes of both the law and the public. Even some judges don’t believe men can be sexually assaulted. I’ve heard people legitimately say “well it happens more often to women anyway so it doesn’t matter” as if that means jack shit.
That's like if I said "Because MY house is more likely to burn down we won't send the firefighters out when YOURS is burning" It's getting more normalized to talk about SA against female victims (emphasis on more and not completely, sadly) but we need to go a LONG way when it comes to male victims. There is so much victim shaming and denial :((
It's completely awful. I have no idea why "No one should be sexually assaulted" seems to be a controversial take. It doesn't matter the gender of the perpetrator or the gender of the victim, if someone committed sexual assault they should be in jail. At least we're seeing some change...
Yeah, a lot of men took advantage of the “boy will be boys “ too excuse sexual harassment (maybe more a few years ago and less so right now) but this as the added effect that now a lot of people assume that all men are somehow sexual deviant that ALWAYS want sex. And obviously female rapist jump on the opportunity to perpetuate that false idea that all men are obsessed with sex so obviously they “consented”. It’s gross just how many people excuse that type of behaviour as if it was normale. Not only that but the amount of victim blaming that happens when these type of thing happens make me sick too my stomach:/ I seriously hope things get better and that the idea that people have that “all men want sex anyway” completely disappear soon.
@@Dinnyeify Only if your house is actually basically equally likely to burn down. There've been studies going back to the 90s (at least) suggesting that there are roughly equal numbers of male and female sexual offense victims (the last study I read didn't differentiate different types of sex offenses; it looked at them collectively, in part because of how *ridiculously* difficult it is to prove certain female-on-male offenses). But because modern society so *incredibly* heavily stigmatizes male victims of sex crimes, the hulking majority of sex crimes *against* men go entirely unreported, or are wildly misinterpreted. For example, it's only *very* recently that a male teen having an adult female partner was viewed as inappropriate in the slightest; historically the response has been some variation of, basically, 'you go dude'.
Honestly, I can see him getting a kick out of it. Sure, there are 13 year olds that still support her, but the majority? She's trash. Absolute garbage. I bet he's getting quite the thrill on THOUSANDS of people tearing her down and making her a meme. He made it public for a reason, to ruin her and to warn off others. He did both.
@@RobotronSage Do you want a sexual assaultor to continue being a public inspiration/model for other people? Same thing about the Johnny defamation trial - In the face where male survivors of SA/abuse is practically downplayed and given injustice, you unfortunately have to push out of your comfort zone in order for people to believe you. One of the worst feelings is actually have something horrible happen to you, yet people refuse to believe you; it undermines the severity of the experience and diminishes your self-esteem. Even if showing the public all of your vulnerability makes you feel incredibly bad, it's all for the sake for people to know the truth, especially one you're very involved with.
I can relate in my own way. My assaulter convinced people at school it was consensual and I was trying to just get him in trouble. When the detective questioned my "friends" it made me look like a liar even though there was evidence and a witness, I ended up moving to another city which saved my soul but it still really bothers me that people believed him and those people never heard my side of things. Still to this day he's a guy everyone likes, and although years later he called me and apologised it didn't justify him continuing this lie. Some people just don't want go admit they are predators, they care about what they look like and don't care about anyone but themselves and how it suites them which hurts the victim even more. The victim may not even speak up because they feel powerless. I really feel for this child... imagine how scary that must have been he didn't even consent and it just makes Sienna look so bad she was pretty much grooming him
Proclaiming her innocence by stating she wasn't sexually molesting him while criticizing his brother for filming instead of stopping her sexually molest him... that's a bold strategy Cotton, let's see how it work out for her.
i love how she promotes the idea of no one being perfect yet she can't admit that she fucked up and instead has to make herself be a perfect angel in this case
@@fls128 agreed, that was really poor word choice. also that makes it so much worse imo. if she's being honest and genuinely doesn't see how she's in the wrong when this is so objectively awful, that's a way worse look than lying to cover her ass up. in no situation is she not a piece of shit so she might as well own up to it and apologize instead of digging her grave deeper and deeper
It infuriates me that she got away with it. This man is going to be left with emotional damage for probably the rest of his life not only from the SA itself, but having to watch his abuser stay afloat and live her disgusting little life of fame.
@@WadeWilsonDP i wouldn't say privileged but male privilege is not a thing either both have their downsides this is an example of a downside of being a man
Especially when you consider that, given how many times this apparently happened, she might literally be talking about the SA and trying to downplay it
She is so lucky he didn't press charges, because, even with the typical legal bias against male SA victims, he had genuinely the most solid case of anyone I've ever seen for Sexual Assault, Sexual Harassment, and, arguably, Stalking. Hell, add misuse of copyright with the C&Ds, too, just as a little cherry on top. He had solid video evidence, tens of witnesses, so much evidence. It would have been an open and shut case. EDIT: People saying that there is no bias against male victim of SA, there is, in fact, bias against all SA victims, which is slightly stronger against men, likely due to a pervasive belief that men cannot be victims of SA. There are many studies on this and all it would take a 12 second Google to confirm that. To the people pointing out that there is a strong bias against women, too, I am very well aware. I was not coming at this comment from the perspective of someone completely disinterested in these things, I consider myself a feminist. To the people using this to disparage women, eat shit and go away.
@@rasmusAbricot there is an actual SA video of jack passed out and sienna assaulting someone drunk. That’s definitely solid evidence. She can’t dance her way out of that lmao.
@@wayln2591 'there are no laws against men' guess what a lot of countries legalize female-on-male rape. its also very common for said rape with these gender roles to be avoidedly called rape.
"Jack is a victim of SA, but not by me!" Yes your honor, this victim was murdered, but not by me despite I was there with the gun and there were witnesses.
"in the context of our relationship, this was normal" I'm sure that's also what every rapist spouse thought was normal before they outlawed marital rape.
''marital rape'' becomes a rather ambiguous term when coercion is considered violence. If you don't want to have sex, then you shouldn't take off your clothes to have sex. If ''coercion'' is violence then so is seduction and no relationship can be formed without some sort of contractual agreement. Kinda takes the romance out of it really. Instead of arousing your wife (violence) you're supposed to plead? Funny how marital rape only seems to apply to women? If coercion is rape then so is (for example) using sex as some sort of bargaining chip in the relationship really. ''i will only have sex with you if you obey my demand'' that's coercion. It's rape. At least according to the definition of marital rape i just spent 15 minutes reading into.... I'm surprised really. Maybe i'm missing something too, but a word such as ''rape'' brings some really, really heavy connotations. I don't think it's fair to classify an act of convincing someone to have sex with you, whereby they voluntarily remove their clothes, and have voluntary sex, involving quite literally 0 violence, as rape.
@@RobotronSage from a woman’s perspective I think that sex can seem consensual to the man on occasion but not to the woman. Women, or at least speaking for myself, don’t know what men could be capable of if turned down. Many women will “consent” and “choose” rape over something worse. There was a point where I did chose to remove my clothes and I did “consent” but I did not want to have sex with this person and was crying the entire time obviously not wanting it. But I still went through the motions because what else can you do when you are the vulnerable one. A persons clothes don’t have to be ripped off of them for it to be rape in my opinion. Hope that helps give some perspective! I do see what you are saying to some extent.
She did not rape him OMG. All she did was kiss him while he was sleep?? It’s not that serious. And I say this because jack initiated so many kisses with sienna on camera. If he wants to be a victim to sienna kissing him when he kissed her with consent all the time that’s whatever but he isn’t some innocent angel. This is what sienna means in the context of “this was our relationship” he def led her on and seems shady as hell.
Even if you are dating someone it is totally sexual assault if you do stuff to them while they are passed out or asleep. Unless there is pre approved consent like some people who like to be woken up with sex or something but that HAS to be discussed beforehand
Wasn't the main thing about that is because the guy didn't like that? I mean the guy didn't gave her consent in the end, whether or not it has to be discussed beforehand.
I mean... I've never once complained about getting woken up by being groped or "surprised" by my girlfriends (some random girls here and there from parties and whatnot, and my now wife. I always thought that was a kind of normal thing that happens. Girl randomly waking you up sexually, etc. BUT... then again, these were all girls I was with or WANTED to be with and sleep with anyways, so I guess that's a MAJOR difference lol.
@@strikeforcek9149 even if it’s someone u like or are dating/married to that’s something that has to be discussed beforehand or it’s nonconsensual. I would be scared and uncomfortable if that was done to me
@@strikeforcek9149 Shit, some people are into grape scenarios and allow to be groped while unconscious. But this case, it's completely clear that they're not even in a relationship, they never had or are comfortable with sex (at least one of them seems to be), and seeing as it's to the point that his twin brother records it out of concern, meant he knows that his twin wouldn't want to be treated like this while unconscious. Even if we say he did want to be with her, it has to be out of a sensible and healthy set of decisions. You're completely comfortable because you don't mind and it seems consensual on both parties given the settings and context, in this guy's settings and context? He's passed out of his mind, they're not seriously sexually involved with each other, he was still unsure whether he likes her or not, not even in legal age, yet she still proceeds to SA him despite knowing all of this. At the very least you seem composed, this guy's practically just a teenager who likely tried to push his own boundaries because this woman told him to.
fucking sucks to see she got away with it and ppl are just saying she "crossed boundaries" instead of sexually assaulted someone women sexual assaulters are treated like they just stole some pokemon cards from walmart so crazy how its 2022 and ppl still cant treat women sexual assaulters like sexual assaulters
@@humanhuman5024 A friend of mine got expelled from our school because he fell onto a girl and she said he sexually assaulted him (with no evidence may I add)
@@Swinkkk my comment also was a real thing that happened apparently some guy bumped this girl because they were both waiting in line and she claimed sexual assault I know he was arrested but I don’t know if he went to prison or not
@@fis4712 the fact that you have to state you're not sexist is the problem. Women just can't possibly have power over men, they're so oppressed. Men gotta man up, they can't be hurt and they deserve to be hurt because they're oppressors.
It is absolutely disgusting that some people think that men can't be sexually assaulted. A friend of my husband was once blackmailed into having sex with a woman, whom he had been dating for a few weeks, who said she would tell everyone that he r*ped her if he did not sleep with her. He, feeling he had no choice in the matter, slept with her. She actually had the nerve to mock him when he cried afterwards, it was his first time and he had told her that he wanted to have a meaningful relationship and connection with someone before he had sex. It had a negative emotional affect on him and she laughed at him, calling him a p*ssy and then telling her friends about it. There is nothing wrong with a man having boundaries, not every man wants to sleep around with any girl he sees. Some men want something emotional and meaningful.
tf?? Usually I don't wish ill will on people but I truly hope karma gets her. You have to be on the highest levels of messed up to think it's okay to threaten someone with a heavy accusation like that...and it's more sadder because she probably knows that she'd win in that situation (tho if there's a silver lining its that people are starting to take male victims seriously thanks to Depp trial). I hope your friend's gotten better and is having meaningful relationships with actual, decent women. I send my best wishes to him, and hope that "woman" truly has it coming to her.
this broke my heart. telling her friends about it too like her friends also enabled that horrible behavior, what a disgusting bunch of human beings. I really fucking hope that something gets to her, karma I hope. My boyfriend was friends with someone a year ago and they were best friends for a little until they both got drunk and she forced himself onto him. She kept wanting to have sex but he said no because they were just friends, but he woke up and figured out that he was raped and cut her off. He was scared and whenever we have sex now he gets really hesitant. Rape and a case like your husbands' friend show a light that men are not seen as victims at all when it comes to SA. I hope he has found some help with his case. Poor guy.
'Jack was victim of sexual assault, but not by me.' You can really see how she's trying to victimise herself, really can hear how much she cares for literally nothing but herself
FudgePudge: Well especially since she didn't say at any point WHO was the one who actually assaulted him, so the only thing we can do is assume it was a complete lie.
@@Stettafire if i was a cop, an you called the cops on this, i would literally laugh and walk out the door. this shit is so not a big deal, i cant rap my head around what the big deal is lol.
Don't forget the "I'm just a kiiiid, man. A 32 year old kiiiid. I didn't know no better (even if I went to indescribable lengths to cover up my horrible actions). I'm still learning :("
I'm a man who was drugged and assaulted by a woman. I would go to sleep clothed and wake up naked for example. People knew what she was doing, discussed it with me but when I needed them to back me up they wouldn't. I was toxic because I was a man making accusations about a woman. It gave me CPSTD. My therapist says it's not uncommon for young men who are abused to have the same experience. It has literally made me not interested in women anymore because I'm that scared of them. They can just lie about you and get away with anything. Anyways I just wanted to leave a comment to say, if you see this kind of dynamic going on with someone you know, please step in, get the police involved and TELL THE TRUTH. Thanks
That’s crazy how come I never meet a man that doesn’t want sex before marriage? All I meet is nasty creeps where are the good ones I see in the comments?
@@Vampirekittiz huh? What a weird thing to say. Quirky invite ? “His trauma made him a better partner for someone like me?”That’s a very bizarre reply sir or ma’am. I always encourage who ever is going through something whatever it is to seek a therapist or maybe a psychiatrist. It’s nice to enjoy a conversation with someone with out thinking that person is out to get you, or has últerior motives.
It's such a shame that this guy had to deal with this. This is a prime example of the stigma that men aren't affected by S/A. I truly hope he will be able to cope with this event.
Saddly he will be haunted by it. I have had something similar too however no legal was ever done I was 15 it was my first relationship school counselor didn't do anything parents didn't listen friends left me because they took her side. It was a hole mess I have one friend who stayed he's is my best friend and he stood up for me in my darkest moment. My view of women has been altered sense just by one bad one.
Also not only him, but his friends suffered too. To have s-x in the same room with other people around who hadn't given any consent to participate in it is also se-ual abuse.
13:35 what Charlie says is so incredibly true. We tend to ignore red flags when it’s the people we trust the most. We continually give these people the benefit of the doubt bc we don’t want to accept the idea of realizing we allowed that person to stay in our lives and allowed them to continue taking advantage of us. Jack cared for the girl and tried to reconcile her actions as someone who was just more touchy-freely than him bc he genuinely did care about her as a friend.
Charlie said one of the most important things about toxic relationships I've ever heard and immediately followed it with "I am holding in a peepee really badly though". I love this man.
They should change the age from which minor can get punished harshly. 15-16 seem like a good enough age for them to know what they're doing and the implications of it.
Quick reminder for the kids at home: just because you’re dating someone, it doesn’t give you the right to touch them without their consent, that’s how my ex assaulted me and now I got PTSD, thank you and goodnight
...the way Sienna justified kissing him sounded like a justification commonly used in marital r*pe cases, along the lines of "this is our dynamic, so clearly it is okay for me to do things to them while they are unconscious/without their consent," which... isn't true nor right in the slightest.
The only time it’s okay is when the person tells you “I want to be woken up with a kiss”. Some folks like it but a lot of folks don’t. Get consent regardless. My fiancé likes to be woken up with kisses but I would never do that if it was nonconsenual.
Even if he wasn't asleep in that video he could've been waiting for her to stop, possibly hoping she would if he feigned sleep. People assume that all victims will scream "get off of me" or cry for help, but there's victims who will put up with it in a silent way because, although they're being assaulted, they don't want to make the conflict worse by calling attention to it. You're the prey that's hoping the predator will leave if it doesn't sense movement.
yeah, that's what happened when I was assaulted by my ex. I didn't want anybody to know, i practically buried the memory, i tried to act as if nothing happened.
i had a similar experience where when it happened it was just so sudden and i was so confused it was only ig groping but nonetheless it was by someone id respected and trusted for all my life and having that done to me felt disgusting and she didnt let me move away what made it worse was that she forced me to answer a question she asked during it which kind of brought me out of that confused and fearful state into more reality yk thought id give my take bc its not just not wanting to make the conflict worse fight flight or freeze could absolutely kick in and for some ppl like for me its unfortunately freeze lol
“I sexually assualted my boyfriend, and a few months after I did that he posted allegations of me, resulting in me taking a break off the internet. Now i'm back.” “ *It's time to bust out the fuckin' macarena.* “
"He's so nice and kind to me no matter if I'm mean to him or not." I get that it's a joke, or at least phrased as one, but I seriously question people who say these things without doubt or overt sarcasm in their voice. I don't trust people who admit that they're mean 'but that's okay, he's/she's always so sweet'. It's. Just. Weird.
"This video is missing context" There is quite literally no context that could ever change the fact that the guy was not into her, was unconscious, and was being kissed and groped brazenly. Not to mention that she is clearly shown to have an intense infatuation with him which serves as her motive.
i think the "context" was that they had this dynamic already where they are physically affectionate all the time, like how some people think it cant be rape if the two are married
People watch too many bad romcoms with terrible plots that have more holes in them than a Chicago Typewriter victim and think real life works like that.
How is it so hard for her to just say sorry. I can’t believe how she thinks making thousands of excuses will make a literal video of her assaulting Jack alright. Disgusting
You can’t abuse your husband and insinuate mistakes and forgiveness. Smiling while dancing was like it wasn’t a big deal for her. Her approach was more like a motivational video actually. Pretty bad.
@@SmokeyOwOs God, there was even one comment on that shitty dance saying; 'Okay but if this was a guy you'd be saying good job, you're all just sexists' like what in the fuck? Every sensible female and male on this planet can agree that that was text-book definition sexual assault. And you care more about the fucking dance? Also fucking hate it that they shifted the blame to men. You care more about your fucking ego than the actual situation? Are you serious? All this speaking from another damn woman.
"Better than Amber Heard's lawyer" To be fair, they could have pulled a hobo off the street, make him watch a couple episodes of Law and Order, and he'd probably do a better job than Turd's whole legal team put together.
Gotta give Heard’s lawyers SOME credit for having the courage to take an absolutely one sided case. Why they took the case? Money. But it’d probably their last paycheck 💀
@@amorfatikhb same thing as the dudes in school who'd say they got an n-word pass and it was like yeah like 5 years ago a friend said I could say it around him so now it's part of my normal vocabulary
Girly really thought that dance showed the meaning of Christmas, revived Jesus Christ, re-united One Direction, brought Jenna Marble back, and solved climate change
I’ve been watching since his video on Bo Burnham and god he’s a great fucking story teller and explainer. Never disappoints, I don’t watch him much today, only because the world is already messed up as it is rn so I’d rather not just hear other serious things like that
It's also thanks to societal bullshit that let women get off easy with stuff when, if the roles were reversed, man would go to prison for life or some shit. I hate society, man lmao
@Yeolvrr if it was the hottest man in the world he would still get arrested. And now women say that they have less freedom... Bruh, women are literally using this thing to get money knowing they aren't gonna even get punished.
It is so true that you'll ignore a lot of red flags when it's about friends, untill something goes wrong and you realize they are not the person you thought they were
I love how everytime someone does something fucked up, they say how they need therapy or whatever the fuck. Even if she was suffering from some sort of a mental illness, using it as an excuse is still a shitty thing to do.
Yes, unless the mental illness directly effects the thing. If you have autism, social interactions are never easy. If you have adhd you forget things. No mental illness can be the cause of blatantly hurting others
@@Strawberrypocky911 and if someone did have schizophrenia to the highest degree they'd be too out of their mind to even acknowledge their guilt in the first place...
As a male who was assaulted repeatedly by an ex, let me make a few things abundantly clear. 1. Charlie is 100% correct. You will ignore red flags for someone you love and think loves you. You may not let your best friend watch you undress, but you'll sleep naked with your significant other. 2. If you honestly believe men "can't be assaulted" in this way, you need to crawl back under the rock you came out from under and go back to the dirt and shit you know. My ex despised me and attempted to get pregnant so I'd be stuck taking care of her and the child. Would be a literal beehatch to me and then berate and belittle me for not wanting to have sex. Said she was on the pill, yet turned violent when I pulled out saying "I'm on the pill, it doesn't matter" but began screaming and hitting me when I said, "then it doesn't matter I pulled out, right? The result is the same." My current girlfriend who I have known for nearly 20 years(been dating 5 months) has had to fight tooth and nail to get me out of my shell and convince me to move in with her and start attempting to return to the person she knew(we hadn't seen each other for nearly 10 years before we met up again and started dating). So yes, it does happen to men. And if you say it doesn't and believe it, and belittle men that it happens to, while coddling and white knighting for women like this, then you're a piece of shit simp, nothing more
The female predators getting exposed nowadays really rush one after the other to make bigger clowns of themselves than the last. Before Amber Turd's trial, I really thought half-naked inspirational dance apologies were peak clownery. What next? Admitting to all your charges in court via a High School Musical style flash mob?
I always apologize for my mistakes by dancing in my underwear to music. Drives my co-workers crazy. Eventually, people just stop calling me out on stuff to avoid me apologizing.
his twin recording the situation was the right thing IMO if he didn't and just straight up went to her and pushed/beat her like she said her brother would do he would have no evidence of her touching jack inappropriately and he would be blamed for assaulting her so, in the end, she would act like the victim and jacks twin would suffer
Yep, he recorded it so she couldn't manipulate the situation because of concrete evidence. Her saying "why would you just sit there and record"? is just shitty gaslighting.
"If my brother saw me getting assaulted he would take him off and beat the shit out of him not film it." Imagine if that would have happened ... she would have cried she got assaulted and the dude would have no proof so him filming was the right choice.
The thing that creeped me out the most about her dance video is that it felt like she was trying to seduce the audience into forgiving her. "C'mon, guys I couldn't possibly be a bad person! Look how hot I am! Would a perpetrator of SA have a body like this?" 🤢
Charlie’s choice of wording in these “drama” videos are one of the main reasons why I started watching him. There so fucking hilarious. I swear Charlie is one of a kind, no one else on any platform could do the stuff he does.
@@Strawberrypocky911 yes!! Women get away with some horrible behaviour simply because they're women. It's a horrible double standard that hopefully will be reduced in the future
Seems a bit extreme to me but really what ticks me off is that if the (gender) roles were reversed Jack would be beaten up and thrown in jail and then beaten up some more.....
If you reversed the roles for this diabolical situation, Jack would be in jail and would be given no chance to appeal for his case. Shit makes me sick man
not true, many sexual assaulters who were men were never put in jail, have many sexual assaults on their hands, and still aren't put in jail. let's not invalidate one sexual assault victim over others, please. we should invalidate both sexes to speak up about their sexual assault to the police, not bring down women that had no fault experiencing it. women also have a higher likelihood to get raped than men, which is why there are more cases for women that speak up which grants more press of sexual assaulters being put in jail when in fact only 60% of assaults are reported to the police. we should have more men speaking up about it and create a less stigmatized environment of a man "can't get raped" and other terms to bring survivors down. I'm seeing many comments bringing women reports down, lets's bring both women and men, survivors, up because something as serious as rape should not be compared.
I would disagree. Tiktokers seem to exist in some limbo world where the things they do don't have any legal ramifications. Like Tony Lopez or whatever his name is
As a male who was groomed as a youth, I'm gonna come out and say that people like her are the reason why I have severe trust issues and can't bring myself to stay in a relationship for more than a year.
@@wizardsyndicate5505 No disrespevt intended but you have clearly lived an extremely easy and trauma free life if you can't understand why they would feel this way even after a year.
@@baltic1940 I think that Gigabro meant that relationships lasted a year or less, but Wizard thought they meant that relationships would repeatedly last a year and then break down after that time had passed?
I know.. I feel so much empathy for Jack… male SA victims suffer so much after the fact… the way society treats them is usually almost as traumatic as the original assault… men are under attack in society at the moment..
Bullying isn't bad, it's just a tool that's being wielded by the wrong people. Bullying people like this is pretty much the only alternative to vigilante justice
Anyone watching this after the ukulele Colleen not-apology fiasco? It was recommended to me, so I figured I'd take a look and find out about the infamous dance "apology".
I have an armchair psychoanalytic theory that the reason Sienna seems to have no sense of boundaries, nor regret, stems from not having any boundaries set during her childhood. She probably had everything given to her by her parents from a young age, and as a result never had any concept of them. This might also be the cause for her narcissism. The other option is emotional neglect during childhood, which is even more depressing.
*commits sexual assault*
"I did nothing wrong"
*starts dancing*
*refuses to elaborate further*
LMAO underrated comment
Chad moment, am I right?
she really danced her way out of this XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
the design is very woman
I was gonna say gigachad but nah Sienna doesn’t deserve the Chad title, she’s a gigavirgin
"Hey, I may be a rapist, but I'd never *film* it. I'm not a weirdo."
@@GippyHappy bruhhhhhh 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀
@@GippyHappy lmao
“I would of picked the person up and beat the shit out of him” If he did that she would of called that SA💀
"if you didn’t film me i would’ve got away with it and nobody would know, so actually it’s your fault 🤓"
The dance was the worst part. Imagine being a victim of SA and then seeing this circus show as a response to your allegations 💀
Ratio + yb better + I didn’t ask + this u 🤓🤓👨🏼💻👶🏽👨🏼💻
@@forgivezharion6989 Ratio+Mid+Video+L person+L parents+Kid+Spam+Bozo=🤡
She basically did the dance equivalent of "Fuck you nerd"
What do you expect? She’s literally a clown.
I think the actual sexual assault was way worse
Can’t believe that this video has been dethroned and it is no longer the worst apology video
Yeah this video has a way more high budget which makes it feel more like a decision by a corporation, but the Colleen one, she actually thought it would be a good idea to play the ukulele on her couch 😂
Nah, this is still by far the worst apology video because no point was made. People thinking the new one is worse just have recency hype bias. This shit was straight up diabolical.
@@apexreactions4231 nah. As someone that’s older than Colleen - the recent one is much weirder - bc she was 36 years old when she did it. Sienna at least has the idiocy of youth on her side.
Nah, I think this one is still the worst
Her saying “go watch my videos with Jack. We’re touching, kissing, etc,” is just about the worst excuse you can bring up. You can still be a victim of SA by a romantic partner. I’m not saying throw your girlfriend in jail for a kiss on the cheek while you’re asleep, but she literally is straddling and making out with an unconscious person who can’t give any sort of consent. The worst part about it is you can tell she never got told “no” while growing up, so she feels like she can do whatever she wants. Gross.
Not only that but those r skits that they most likely agreed to mutually.
Ik and she tries to justify it and at the same time say she did not do anything, that makes no sence if she was not doing anything she should not be trying to justify it.
@@mariarodriguez9280 True.
it isnt his girlfriend, they werent dating, he had made it clear to her that he didnt want that, and yeah that sense of entitlement she has is absurd.
If the genders had been reversed he wouldn't even be afforded the opportunity to make any sort of "apology" or denial on video/social media.
He'd be (quite rightly) locked up and cancelled... Incredible sense of privilege on display by her, and the fact she still has a platform demonstrates how as a society we tolerate negative behaviours from some people, but flat-out reject them when perpetrated by others.
Her apology video wasn’t even an apology, it was this motivational video that had nothing to do with what she was apologizing for.
Ratio + yb better + nobody asked + this you 🤓🤓👶🏽👨🏼💻👨🏼💻
Bruh these Bots are actually driving me insane
She doesn’t apologize all she does is literally Dance to a music that says I have done nothing wrong I am young
And it wasn't even motivating
the song in the video even goes:
The worst part is she got away with it, which is crazy. She did NO reflection and learned nothing, and you can tell she has no concept of how much damage she caused, or that she doesn’t care. It’s pretty frustrating to say the least.
If the genders were reversed...well I dont have to say what would have happened.
Edit: most seems to believe I'm trying to point out that men don't get away with SA but women do. I did not say that. Atleast its my understanding that men are judged more harshly by society and more easily vilified before their conviction. Please don't twist my remarks. In the end of the day SA is henious and should be treated as such regardless of gender.
@@JasterViewer Amber Turd*
@@fakenamesam7453 guys get away with it all the time too, let’s not all become incels here.
@@ThymeofGhost example?
It’s disgusting to see how she’s just been welcomed back to TikTok like she shouldn’t be put in jail
And why all know why she got welcomed back
@@fexbd the apology video?
@@MultiChrisjb Certain priviliges
@@fexbd ahem cough cough women cough cough
@@Soundeagle3456 you can't say that because people like those lopez brothers are still on the platform, tiktok clearly doesn't want to lose their bigger creators so they'll find any excuse to not ban them
I feel bad for Jack, there are actual people out there who don't believe him despite all of the video evidence of Sienna's behavior towards him.
Ratio + yb better + nobody asked + this you 🤓🤓👶🏽👨🏼💻👨🏼💻
Ratio + yb better + nobody cares + this u 🤓🤓👨🏼💻👨🏼💻👶🏽
i think they try and relate in their heads to things like in porn when partners wake each other up with head or something, although the context of this is they weren't even partners, let alone he was straight up out and not asleep.
@𝗦𝗮𝘃𝗲𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 (𝗚𝗥𝗘𝗔𝗧𝗘𝗦𝗧 𝗩𝗜𝗗𝗘𝗢𝗦) Ratio + yb better + didn't ask + this u 🤓🤓👨💻👶🏽👨💻
Everyone: Sienna you sexually assaulted someone.
Sienna: Live laugh love.
Everyone: You cant just do that and get away with it!!
Sienna: *busts a fat move and calls it even*
~Just live in the moment guys~
Espically laugh
but I’m young and free
*insert trisha paytas “laugh out loud”*
Sienna mae is the absolute definition of "I'm only sorry I got caught".
Ratio + yb better + I didn’t ask + this u 🤓🤓👨🏼💻👶🏽👨🏼💻
All the npcs in the comments lmao
@@fluffyhellspawn fr. I'm always curious to see what people are saying then it's all bots :/
I should know better by now but it still gets me
@@fluffyhellspawn Bruh TH-cam gets rid of Dislikes but not Bots and Spam channels
She literally emoted after commiting a crime
wtf this is so underrated
So basically, a taunt?
@@MariOmor1 Wonder what gave it away 🤔 was it the goofy dancing? The song choice?? The fact she so hilariously went on a whole rant about thanking her sponsor’s on an apology video? - this is a joke
She provoked a firefight and then thought default dancing was the best strat.
I’m genuinely convinced none of these people can say the word “sorry”. It’s like when Squidward tried apologising to SpongeBob after playing a cruel prank on him but genuinely couldn’t even fumble out “sorry”
Ratio + yb better + nobody asked + this you 🤓🤓👶🏽👨🏼💻👨🏼💻
There's a word for that, its called being a sociopath.
no its just that saying sorry would be admitting you did something wrong and her point is that she did nothing wrong
Yess spongebob reference
Even then Squidward actually felt guilt and remorse, he just couldn't handle the literal apology. This is actually cartoonish to the point that, if not sociopaths, these non-apologies come from people actually blind to reality
What doesn’t make sense to me is her saying,
“He was assaulted but not by me”
But then saying,
“Oh it was just the relationship we had so it was ok”
She literally outed his assault by another person that he confided in her about before she went crazy molesting stalker bitch in her "defense" video.
It was infuriating.
The judge: "Ma'am you are being charged with assault"
Sienna Mae: *Takes of shirt and starts moonwalking*
Why does this remind me of creepsmcpasta
@@liammcallister726 i still cant believe he is a peed0ugh
@@jlancov8890 *then starts saying "hehe" and "woo" while Billie Jean plays in the background*
The worst part of the whole interpretive dance "apology" is that you can see her smiling throughout it. No remorse, no accountability. Disgusting.
And she gets away with it, largely because she is a girl.
“People you think are friends, you’ll ignore a lot of red flags for” very true words Charlie. I think almost everyone has experienced this in some way or shape
Unfortunately true. -_-
I am about to butcher this line but…
When you are wearing rose tinted glasses red flags just look like flags.
@@MrSqurk butchered or not, I like the quote.
It's similar to the halo effect.
That's extremely true yeah
It's not good but yeah, it happens a lot
One of the things that scare a narcissist to death is the idea of apologizing, they will find a way to say they don't want to apologize even if the evidence piles up high to the skies they will say No I am not the one at wrong here. Its sad honestly.
Ratio + yb better + I didn’t ask + this u 🤓🤓👨🏼💻👶🏽👨🏼💻
Nice 3 bots above me
Closest I ever got was one saying they were sorry that they didn't realize I was "too sensitive" to let their insults slide.
@@Casocki yet they probably dont let anyone else insults slide huh 💀
Apparently, admitting your mistakes and saying "sorry" is as hard as trying to solve a math equation. I don't remember apologizing being the equivalent of rocket science but, here we are.
Ratio + yb better + I didn’t ask + this u 🤓🤓👨🏼💻👶🏽👨🏼💻
Dont read my name 😑, ,
damn bro, every bots in your comment
Like no apology video I’ve seen has contained the word “sorry.” That’s the least you can do and you can’t do that
@@Sonicsaber25 it comes to bs and self promo. I hate comment sections now
It is honestly crazy how little sexual assault against men is talked about. Sexual assault to anyone should be punished with equal repercussions, but apparently not in the eyes of both the law and the public. Even some judges don’t believe men can be sexually assaulted. I’ve heard people legitimately say “well it happens more often to women anyway so it doesn’t matter” as if that means jack shit.
That's like if I said "Because MY house is more likely to burn down we won't send the firefighters out when YOURS is burning"
It's getting more normalized to talk about SA against female victims (emphasis on more and not completely, sadly) but we need to go a LONG way when it comes to male victims. There is so much victim shaming and denial :((
It's completely awful. I have no idea why "No one should be sexually assaulted" seems to be a controversial take. It doesn't matter the gender of the perpetrator or the gender of the victim, if someone committed sexual assault they should be in jail. At least we're seeing some change...
Yeah, a lot of men took advantage of the “boy will be boys “ too excuse sexual harassment (maybe more a few years ago and less so right now) but this as the added effect that now a lot of people assume that all men are somehow sexual deviant that ALWAYS want sex.
And obviously female rapist jump on the opportunity to perpetuate that false idea that all men are obsessed with sex so obviously they “consented”.
It’s gross just how many people excuse that type of behaviour as if it was normale.
Not only that but the amount of victim blaming that happens when these type of thing happens make me sick too my stomach:/
I seriously hope things get better and that the idea that people have that “all men want sex anyway” completely disappear soon.
@@Dinnyeify Only if your house is actually basically equally likely to burn down. There've been studies going back to the 90s (at least) suggesting that there are roughly equal numbers of male and female sexual offense victims (the last study I read didn't differentiate different types of sex offenses; it looked at them collectively, in part because of how *ridiculously* difficult it is to prove certain female-on-male offenses). But because modern society so *incredibly* heavily stigmatizes male victims of sex crimes, the hulking majority of sex crimes *against* men go entirely unreported, or are wildly misinterpreted. For example, it's only *very* recently that a male teen having an adult female partner was viewed as inappropriate in the slightest; historically the response has been some variation of, basically, 'you go dude'.
Incels are right and correct that women are demons that can get away with crimes
She wasn't "cancelled" she committed a fucking crime, Jack was unconscious. That's was sexual assault.
Someone call agent 47
Jack needs Saul Goodman
Bring cancelled and commiting a crime isn’t mutually exclusive lol
She's a woman. And society is dumb so..
Mind your own business dude you dont know any of them
as a survivor i cannot imagine the trauma of having the details of ur sa debated online. it’s sick. i wish the best for him
Then why make it a public matter????
Honestly, I can see him getting a kick out of it. Sure, there are 13 year olds that still support her, but the majority? She's trash. Absolute garbage. I bet he's getting quite the thrill on THOUSANDS of people tearing her down and making her a meme. He made it public for a reason, to ruin her and to warn off others. He did both.
@@RobotronSage because he doesnt want her to keep going on like nothing fucking happened?
@@RobotronSage Do you want a sexual assaultor to continue being a public inspiration/model for other people?
Same thing about the Johnny defamation trial - In the face where male survivors of SA/abuse is practically downplayed and given injustice, you unfortunately have to push out of your comfort zone in order for people to believe you. One of the worst feelings is actually have something horrible happen to you, yet people refuse to believe you; it undermines the severity of the experience and diminishes your self-esteem. Even if showing the public all of your vulnerability makes you feel incredibly bad, it's all for the sake for people to know the truth, especially one you're very involved with.
I can relate in my own way. My assaulter convinced people at school it was consensual and I was trying to just get him in trouble. When the detective questioned my "friends" it made me look like a liar even though there was evidence and a witness, I ended up moving to another city which saved my soul but it still really bothers me that people believed him and those people never heard my side of things.
Still to this day he's a guy everyone likes, and although years later he called me and apologised it didn't justify him continuing this lie. Some people just don't want go admit they are predators, they care about what they look like and don't care about anyone but themselves and how it suites them which hurts the victim even more. The victim may not even speak up because they feel powerless. I really feel for this child... imagine how scary that must have been he didn't even consent and it just makes Sienna look so bad she was pretty much grooming him
Like what Charlie says, it's not an apology video if you don't apologize for what you did in the first place.
Ratio + yb better + I don’t care + this u 🤓🤓👶🏽👨🏼💻👨🏼💻
@@forgivezharion6989 I don’t see a ratio, the only one i see is the one that I’m doing to you
He does have a point
@@forgivezharion6989 L
@@forgivezharion6989 640 comments of that same comment. Either ur a bot or ur impressive
Proclaiming her innocence by stating she wasn't sexually molesting him while criticizing his brother for filming instead of stopping her sexually molest him... that's a bold strategy Cotton, let's see how it work out for her.
When will people learn that replicating squidward's masterful interpretive dance does not equal a valid form of apology
Ratio + yb better + nobody cares + this u 🤓🤓👨🏼💻👨🏼💻👶🏽
She doesn’t even dance well
Holy fuck only one person who’s not a bot
@@shaemingaming5615 ill add myself to the not a bot group
I'm not gonna lie, if someone did some shit to me but then busted out a perfect squid dance, you know I might just have to let it slide.
i love how she promotes the idea of no one being perfect yet she can't admit that she fucked up and instead has to make herself be a perfect angel in this case
She's the type of person that kisses it's own reflection in a mirror
@@AshleyBeeidk it's
tbf repeatedly sexually assaulting someone is more than just "oops I fucked up"
@@fls128 agreed, that was really poor word choice. also that makes it so much worse imo. if she's being honest and genuinely doesn't see how she's in the wrong when this is so objectively awful, that's a way worse look than lying to cover her ass up. in no situation is she not a piece of shit so she might as well own up to it and apologize instead of digging her grave deeper and deeper
@@spookieolive she was drunk so it wasn’t intentional
It infuriates me that she got away with it. This man is going to be left with emotional damage for probably the rest of his life not only from the SA itself, but having to watch his abuser stay afloat and live her disgusting little life of fame.
What goes around comes around
@@Ryan-kb6xp not always sadly
Being a young, attractive female is the biggest privilege you can have today.
@@WadeWilsonDP i wouldn't say privileged but male privilege is not a thing either both have their downsides this is an example of a downside of being a man
Ikr, it's horrible
I can't believe Sienna Mae was dethroned for the worst apology video of all time.
By who?
How lucky we are to live in the golden age of terrible apology videos 😬
@@Mets2015WorldSeries also the ukulele apology, you can look that one up
@@rift7573 I’ve seen that one. Did you see that someone said “stop, you playing a minor is how you got here”?
Asked what she likes most about him:
"He's always kind to me even when I'm mean to him!"
Yeah, that's called a toxic relationship.
Thats crazy
I thought the same thing
Yeah, I went, ":/"
Especially when you consider that, given how many times this apparently happened, she might literally be talking about the SA and trying to downplay it
Yeah, I mean there’s playful mean and then there’s SA
She is so lucky he didn't press charges, because, even with the typical legal bias against male SA victims, he had genuinely the most solid case of anyone I've ever seen for Sexual Assault, Sexual Harassment, and, arguably, Stalking. Hell, add misuse of copyright with the C&Ds, too, just as a little cherry on top. He had solid video evidence, tens of witnesses, so much evidence. It would have been an open and shut case.
EDIT: People saying that there is no bias against male victim of SA, there is, in fact, bias against all SA victims, which is slightly stronger against men, likely due to a pervasive belief that men cannot be victims of SA. There are many studies on this and all it would take a 12 second Google to confirm that.
To the people pointing out that there is a strong bias against women, too, I am very well aware. I was not coming at this comment from the perspective of someone completely disinterested in these things, I consider myself a feminist.
To the people using this to disparage women, eat shit and go away.
as a disinterested party, i can say without bias, that the video is not "solid evidence". It's absolutely useless in court.
@@wayln2591 there doesnt have to be laws for their to be bias
@@wayln2591 the judges/jury who decide are biased
@@rasmusAbricot there is an actual SA video of jack passed out and sienna assaulting someone drunk. That’s definitely solid evidence. She can’t dance her way out of that lmao.
@@wayln2591 'there are no laws against men'
guess what a lot of countries legalize female-on-male rape. its also very common for said rape with these gender roles to be avoidedly called rape.
Good on homie for talking about his experience. Usually male victims get swept under the rug.
Ratio + yb better + I don’t care + this u 🤓🤓👶🏽👨🏼💻👨🏼💻
@@forgivezharion6989 no u
@@forgivezharion6989 lol imagine posting the same message on more than one comment. You're a clown, Congrats
I mean hes still been swept under the rug regardless but atleast people know about it.
@@breadfork ducked him up
"Jack is a victim of SA, but not by me!"
Yes your honor, this victim was murdered, but not by me despite I was there with the gun and there were witnesses.
"in the context of our relationship, this was normal"
I'm sure that's also what every rapist spouse thought was normal before they outlawed marital rape.
''marital rape'' becomes a rather ambiguous term when coercion is considered violence.
If you don't want to have sex, then you shouldn't take off your clothes to have sex.
If ''coercion'' is violence then so is seduction and no relationship can be formed without some sort of contractual agreement.
Kinda takes the romance out of it really. Instead of arousing your wife (violence) you're supposed to plead?
Funny how marital rape only seems to apply to women? If coercion is rape then so is (for example) using sex as some sort of bargaining chip in the relationship really. ''i will only have sex with you if you obey my demand'' that's coercion. It's rape. At least according to the definition of marital rape i just spent 15 minutes reading into....
I'm surprised really. Maybe i'm missing something too, but a word such as ''rape'' brings some really, really heavy connotations. I don't think it's fair to classify an act of convincing someone to have sex with you, whereby they voluntarily remove their clothes, and have voluntary sex, involving quite literally 0 violence, as rape.
@@RobotronSage Bro this is kinda gross. Coercive rape can be a lot of things, and many of them are serious.
@@RobotronSage from a woman’s perspective I think that sex can seem consensual to the man on occasion but not to the woman. Women, or at least speaking for myself, don’t know what men could be capable of if turned down. Many women will “consent” and “choose” rape over something worse. There was a point where I did chose to remove my clothes and I did “consent” but I did not want to have sex with this person and was crying the entire time obviously not wanting it. But I still went through the motions because what else can you do when you are the vulnerable one. A persons clothes don’t have to be ripped off of them for it to be rape in my opinion. Hope that helps give some perspective! I do see what you are saying to some extent.
@@RobotronSage how the FUCK did you just compare coercion to seduction and think you made a point?
She did not rape him OMG. All she did was kiss him while he was sleep?? It’s not that serious. And I say this because jack initiated so many kisses with sienna on camera. If he wants to be a victim to sienna kissing him when he kissed her with consent all the time that’s whatever but he isn’t some innocent angel. This is what sienna means in the context of “this was our relationship” he def led her on and seems shady as hell.
Even if you are dating someone it is totally sexual assault if you do stuff to them while they are passed out or asleep. Unless there is pre approved consent like some people who like to be woken up with sex or something but that HAS to be discussed beforehand
Wasn't the main thing about that is because the guy didn't like that? I mean the guy didn't gave her consent in the end, whether or not it has to be discussed beforehand.
I mean... I've never once complained about getting woken up by being groped or "surprised" by my girlfriends (some random girls here and there from parties and whatnot, and my now wife. I always thought that was a kind of normal thing that happens. Girl randomly waking you up sexually, etc.
BUT... then again, these were all girls I was with or WANTED to be with and sleep with anyways, so I guess that's a MAJOR difference lol.
@@strikeforcek9149 even if it’s someone u like or are dating/married to that’s something that has to be discussed beforehand or it’s nonconsensual. I would be scared and uncomfortable if that was done to me
@@strikeforcek9149 Shit, some people are into grape scenarios and allow to be groped while unconscious. But this case, it's completely clear that they're not even in a relationship, they never had or are comfortable with sex (at least one of them seems to be), and seeing as it's to the point that his twin brother records it out of concern, meant he knows that his twin wouldn't want to be treated like this while unconscious.
Even if we say he did want to be with her, it has to be out of a sensible and healthy set of decisions. You're completely comfortable because you don't mind and it seems consensual on both parties given the settings and context, in this guy's settings and context? He's passed out of his mind, they're not seriously sexually involved with each other, he was still unsure whether he likes her or not, not even in legal age, yet she still proceeds to SA him despite knowing all of this. At the very least you seem composed, this guy's practically just a teenager who likely tried to push his own boundaries because this woman told him to.
fucking sucks to see she got away with it and ppl are just saying she "crossed boundaries" instead of sexually assaulted someone
women sexual assaulters are treated like they just stole some pokemon cards from walmart so crazy how its 2022 and ppl still cant treat women sexual assaulters like sexual assaulters
I'd love to see people's reactions if a guy says "It wasn't harassment, I just crossed a boundary"
@@humanhuman5024 A friend of mine got expelled from our school because he fell onto a girl and she said he sexually assaulted him (with no evidence may I add)
@@humanhuman5024 You so happen to glance or feel the presence of said woman and she can claim you assaulted her in your mind.
@@Swinkkk my comment also was a real thing that happened apparently some guy bumped this girl because they were both waiting in line and she claimed sexual assault I know he was arrested but I don’t know if he went to prison or not
@@fis4712 the fact that you have to state you're not sexist is the problem. Women just can't possibly have power over men, they're so oppressed. Men gotta man up, they can't be hurt and they deserve to be hurt because they're oppressors.
“I would play with his nutsack when he was having nightmares” greatest sentence ever uttered
In order to ease his mind 😂
i didn't watch the video till the end before reading comments and W H A T
She looked goofy as hell in that vid 💀
Dont read my name 😑, ,
didn’t even watch the whole vid yet
I did nothing wrong I am young is literally the Lyrics of the music in her apology video 🤦♂️
Ratio + yb better + nobody cares + this you 🤓🤓👶🏽👨🏼💻👨🏼💻
It is absolutely disgusting that some people think that men can't be sexually assaulted. A friend of my husband was once blackmailed into having sex with a woman, whom he had been dating for a few weeks, who said she would tell everyone that he r*ped her if he did not sleep with her. He, feeling he had no choice in the matter, slept with her. She actually had the nerve to mock him when he cried afterwards, it was his first time and he had told her that he wanted to have a meaningful relationship and connection with someone before he had sex. It had a negative emotional affect on him and she laughed at him, calling him a p*ssy and then telling her friends about it. There is nothing wrong with a man having boundaries, not every man wants to sleep around with any girl he sees. Some men want something emotional and meaningful.
holy shit, I hope karma gets to her
Is the criminal pressed charges against?
what the fuck that's so terrible
tf?? Usually I don't wish ill will on people but I truly hope karma gets her. You have to be on the highest levels of messed up to think it's okay to threaten someone with a heavy accusation like that...and it's more sadder because she probably knows that she'd win in that situation (tho if there's a silver lining its that people are starting to take male victims seriously thanks to Depp trial). I hope your friend's gotten better and is having meaningful relationships with actual, decent women. I send my best wishes to him, and hope that "woman" truly has it coming to her.
this broke my heart. telling her friends about it too like her friends also enabled that horrible behavior, what a disgusting bunch of human beings. I really fucking hope that something gets to her, karma I hope. My boyfriend was friends with someone a year ago and they were best friends for a little until they both got drunk and she forced himself onto him. She kept wanting to have sex but he said no because they were just friends, but he woke up and figured out that he was raped and cut her off. He was scared and whenever we have sex now he gets really hesitant. Rape and a case like your husbands' friend show a light that men are not seen as victims at all when it comes to SA. I hope he has found some help with his case. Poor guy.
'Jack was victim of sexual assault, but not by me.' You can really see how she's trying to victimise herself, really can hear how much she cares for literally nothing but herself
Time to call agent 47
@@Tufflewithyourballs183 good evening, 47
In other words, the average female
@@IkesPimpHand "female" bro...
FudgePudge: Well especially since she didn't say at any point WHO was the one who actually assaulted him, so the only thing we can do is assume it was a complete lie.
Watching this Apology after Coleen's "hi" blows this one out of the water.
Jack should just sue the crap out of her. That'd shut her up real quick.
IDK if you sue in a case like this. I think you just call the cops. You don't sue for assault cus it's a criminal case not a civil one
@@Stettafire hmm. interesting,
@@Stettafire if i was a cop, an you called the cops on this, i would literally laugh and walk out the door. this shit is so not a big deal, i cant rap my head around what the big deal is lol.
@@trope5105 are you a rapist?
@@trope5105 what?
It's so crazy how ppl say "believe the victim" until it's a male being assaulted by a woman
Yeah like how Johnny Depp had all these allegations on him and bro STILL won
I was the 69th like, Nice
So true
but no one believes sienna mae tho [except maybe some fans of her idk], so in this case I don't think what you said applies
People don’t believe women either where are y’all getting this lol
**gets charged with sexual assault**
Sienna: “Oh yeah?”
Apology videos aren’t apology videos unless they contain:
-I’m not sorry
-I did nothing wrong and I’m a human who makes mistakes
-buy my merch
Don't forget the "I'm just a kiiiid, man. A 32 year old kiiiid. I didn't know no better (even if I went to indescribable lengths to cover up my horrible actions). I'm still learning :("
@@lockerbuddy2039 exactly. It’s just really upsetting how people don’t take responsibility for what they did, especially if it’s extremely messed up
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@YeaMan damn if u gonna program a bot to shit on someone, at least spell "paige" right 💀
You forgot the heavy sigh and the "Wish I'd never have to make this video"
I'm a man who was drugged and assaulted by a woman. I would go to sleep clothed and wake up naked for example. People knew what she was doing, discussed it with me but when I needed them to back me up they wouldn't. I was toxic because I was a man making accusations about a woman. It gave me CPSTD. My therapist says it's not uncommon for young men who are abused to have the same experience. It has literally made me not interested in women anymore because I'm that scared of them. They can just lie about you and get away with anything. Anyways I just wanted to leave a comment to say, if you see this kind of dynamic going on with someone you know, please step in, get the police involved and TELL THE TRUTH. Thanks
Youll never walk alone, friend. Sorry you had this happen to you. I hope life treats you well
That’s crazy how come I never meet a man that doesn’t want sex before marriage? All I meet is nasty creeps where are the good ones I see in the comments?
@@Vampirekittiz huh? What a weird thing to say. Quirky invite ? “His trauma made him a better partner for someone like me?”That’s a very bizarre reply sir or ma’am. I always encourage who ever is going through something whatever it is to seek a therapist or maybe a psychiatrist. It’s nice to enjoy a conversation with someone with out thinking that person is out to get you, or has últerior motives.
@@michelleamaya6446 saying someone’s trauma makes them a “better partner” is fucked. Get some help before you hurt someone.
@@Mrpokemon718 I didn’t say that. I was quoting the person above me.
It's such a shame that this guy had to deal with this. This is a prime example of the stigma that men aren't affected by S/A. I truly hope he will be able to cope with this event.
nm what he will always be affected might not show it but he will be haunted by it forever anyone will in response to something so tragic
Saddly he will be haunted by it. I have had something similar too however no legal was ever done I was 15 it was my first relationship school counselor didn't do anything parents didn't listen friends left me because they took her side. It was a hole mess I have one friend who stayed he's is my best friend and he stood up for me in my darkest moment. My view of women has been altered sense just by one bad one.
Same, that experience seemed to affect him in such heartbreaking way. I really hope he gets better.
Also not only him, but his friends suffered too. To have s-x in the same room with other people around who hadn't given any consent to participate in it is also se-ual abuse.
13:35 what Charlie says is so incredibly true. We tend to ignore red flags when it’s the people we trust the most. We continually give these people the benefit of the doubt bc we don’t want to accept the idea of realizing we allowed that person to stay in our lives and allowed them to continue taking advantage of us. Jack cared for the girl and tried to reconcile her actions as someone who was just more touchy-freely than him bc he genuinely did care about her as a friend.
Charlie said one of the most important things about toxic relationships I've ever heard and immediately followed it with "I am holding in a peepee really badly though". I love this man.
What he say
@@stuff3890 I think he is talking about the when he says “People you think are friends, you’ll ignore a lot of red flags for” at 13:27
See if he kept holding it that would have been a red flag, no one should have to hold in a peepee really badly for anyone. Excellent point charlie.
Being young or being kids should not exempt someone from being punished
If a 4 year old steals a chocolate bar, they get a pass from me. If an older teenager assaults someone, that’s a no.
They should change the age from which minor can get punished harshly.
15-16 seem like a good enough age for them to know what they're doing and the implications of it.
Depends on the age and what they did
You working again, John?
Quick reminder for the kids at home: just because you’re dating someone, it doesn’t give you the right to touch them without their consent, that’s how my ex assaulted me and now I got PTSD, thank you and goodnight
Thanks for your wisdom
Im sorry for asking that question, but... Was that a real story of yours ?
@@Arnex19 yup, I even got screenshots showing my ex admitting it and I got a witness.
@@wooderlyn2224 Oh... Sorry... If only i could help somehow.
@@Arnex19 eh, its not your responsibility to fix what my ex did. It’s all good
and still someone managed to top this
...the way Sienna justified kissing him sounded like a justification commonly used in marital r*pe cases, along the lines of "this is our dynamic, so clearly it is okay for me to do things to them while they are unconscious/without their consent," which... isn't true nor right in the slightest.
The only time it’s okay is when the person tells you “I want to be woken up with a kiss”. Some folks like it but a lot of folks don’t. Get consent regardless. My fiancé likes to be woken up with kisses but I would never do that if it was nonconsenual.
Add me to that list
yeah it reminded me of that too its insane she said that thinking it would make her look good. "this was the dynamic we had" are you INSANE
Even if he wasn't asleep in that video he could've been waiting for her to stop, possibly hoping she would if he feigned sleep. People assume that all victims will scream "get off of me" or cry for help, but there's victims who will put up with it in a silent way because, although they're being assaulted, they don't want to make the conflict worse by calling attention to it. You're the prey that's hoping the predator will leave if it doesn't sense movement.
yeah, that's what happened when I was assaulted by my ex. I didn't want anybody to know, i practically buried the memory, i tried to act as if nothing happened.
@@memeyartist5591 Sorry to hear that, hope you are alright
i had a similar experience where when it happened it was just so sudden and i was so confused
it was only ig groping but nonetheless it was by someone id respected and trusted for all my life and having that done to me felt disgusting and she didnt let me move away
what made it worse was that she forced me to answer a question she asked during it which kind of brought me out of that confused and fearful state into more reality yk
thought id give my take bc its not just not wanting to make the conflict worse
fight flight or freeze could absolutely kick in and for some ppl like for me its unfortunately freeze lol
Adrenaline response too. If you didn't know they added "freeze" to fight or flight
some victims freeze in fear yeah you're right more people need to know about it
The fact that she comes off with an aggressive approach on some "non-apology" video shows everything.
Women ☕
I was finally able to move out of my moms basement by choreographing apology dances!!!
😂😂I’m happy for your new profession
@@Town_Country96 You should see my dance for Nadia doxxing apology. ;)
@@cappakrunchcappakrunch9681 I would love to😂😏
“I sexually assualted my boyfriend, and a few months after I did that he posted allegations of me, resulting in me taking a break off the internet.
Now i'm back.”
“ *It's time to bust out the fuckin' macarena.* “
That's not very nice of you french avocados I hope you find god.
@@popo-vt4bj She literally sexually assaulted her boyfriend in his sleep without consent. French Avocado made a hilarious comment.
@@popo-vt4bj I think he's mocking the abuser, po po
@@drysoup3017No, I think he's being very serious and unsanctimonious, Dry Soup.
@@popo-vt4bj I agree
"He's so nice and kind to me no matter if I'm mean to him or not."
I get that it's a joke, or at least phrased as one, but I seriously question people who say these things without doubt or overt sarcasm in their voice. I don't trust people who admit that they're mean 'but that's okay, he's/she's always so sweet'.
It's. Just. Weird.
'He's so nice and kind to me no matter if I'm mean to him or not."
I feel like this is the mentality of most women in general tbh
Agreed. Like, there's calling someone forgiving and sweet then there's straight up bragging about being abusive without retaliation. It's awful.
@@RobotronSage haha women bad
@@RobotronSage female big no-no
@@RobotronSage Honestly, I think this is the mentality of most men. Since we're being sexist anyway.
"This video is missing context"
There is quite literally no context that could ever change the fact that the guy was not into her, was unconscious, and was being kissed and groped brazenly.
Not to mention that she is clearly shown to have an intense infatuation with him which serves as her motive.
"Your honor, for all we know this is just a staged comedy routine"
@@wicked5999 w
Even if he was into her, what she did was wrong no matter what feelings they had with each other before she did it
i think the "context" was that they had this dynamic already where they are physically affectionate all the time, like how some people think it cant be rape if the two are married
Coming back to this after Colleen is just insane. How do people think that shitty “art” is a response to genuine allegations? I am baffled by humanity
People watch too many bad romcoms with terrible plots that have more holes in them than a Chicago Typewriter victim and think real life works like that.
How is it so hard for her to just say sorry. I can’t believe how she thinks making thousands of excuses will make a literal video of her assaulting Jack alright. Disgusting
It's hard when you don't feel any remorse.
If you say sorry, then you're admitting that you did something wrong
@@ItsJohnBomb yeah and she did obviously
People like this hate to be wrong so they’d rather make endless excuses then actually apologize since to apologize would be to admit you were wrong
Admitting doing sexual assault might not be your best bet if you are trying to avoid going to jail.
You can’t abuse your husband and insinuate mistakes and forgiveness. Smiling while dancing was like it wasn’t a big deal for her. Her approach was more like a motivational video actually. Pretty bad.
And apparently it worked sadly
@@SmokeyOwOs God, there was even one comment on that shitty dance saying; 'Okay but if this was a guy you'd be saying good job, you're all just sexists' like what in the fuck? Every sensible female and male on this planet can agree that that was text-book definition sexual assault. And you care more about the fucking dance?
Also fucking hate it that they shifted the blame to men. You care more about your fucking ego than the actual situation? Are you serious? All this speaking from another damn woman.
It wasn’t like a motivational video it was a motivational video
"Better than Amber Heard's lawyer"
To be fair, they could have pulled a hobo off the street, make him watch a couple episodes of Law and Order, and he'd probably do a better job than Turd's whole legal team put together.
He doesn’t even need law and order to be better then amber turds legal team
Gotta give Heard’s lawyers SOME credit for having the courage to take an absolutely one sided case. Why they took the case? Money. But it’d probably their last paycheck 💀
Ratio + yb better + nobody cares + this u 🤓🤓👨🏼💻👨🏼💻👶🏽
I mean Amber has no case, it's pretty hard to come up with good arguments for someone like that.
3 episodes of L&W and they would be better then turd's lawyer,
this is now the second worst
It's almost like the guy admitted to not consenting. Weird how she forgot that detail
She was tryna argue that just bc he consented once, that gives her a forever pass to continue 💀💀 The logic is…
@@amorfatikhb same thing as the dudes in school who'd say they got an n-word pass and it was like yeah like 5 years ago a friend said I could say it around him so now it's part of my normal vocabulary
@@amorfatikhb fr
@@Mystic-Midnight free speech has nothing to do with sexual assault
Consent for one sexual act doesn't mean consent for all sexual acts
You can't consent while asleep or otherwise compromised
She assaulted him
Girly really thought that dance showed the meaning of Christmas, revived Jesus Christ, re-united One Direction, brought Jenna Marble back, and solved climate change
i like the idea that re-uniting One Direction and solving climate change are of equal priority
@Esh I also like your phrasing which would imply that the return of Jenna Marbles is more important.
I liked that you mentioned "re-united one direction" along with other very important things. Priorities
@Esh Yeah the return of Jenna Marbles is a lot more important.
Girl saw sucker punch and was like bet
Its honestly disgusting that she got away with it
j aubrees video was honestly so well put together, im glad everything is getting the attention it deserves
Ratio + yb better + I didn’t ask + this u 🤓🤓👨🏼💻👶🏽👨🏼💻
@@1_FLASKFAN lmao
I’ve been watching since his video on Bo Burnham and god he’s a great fucking story teller and explainer. Never disappoints, I don’t watch him much today, only because the world is already messed up as it is rn so I’d rather not just hear other serious things like that
Holy actual fuck, these bots are out of control.
This is why social media is a problem. The only reason she’s getting away with this is because of her supporters on social media
let’s be honest, even without the media and following. she would still get away with it bc she’s a girl and she’s hot sooo🤷🏽♂️
If a guy did this he would have been in prison and rotten by now
It's also thanks to societal bullshit that let women get off easy with stuff when, if the roles were reversed, man would go to prison for life or some shit.
I hate society, man lmao
@Yeolvrr if it was the hottest man in the world he would still get arrested. And now women say that they have less freedom... Bruh, women are literally using this thing to get money knowing they aren't gonna even get punished.
Don't forget the woman part, you know damn well that influences all of this.
The judge: “Ma’am you are being charged with assault”
Sienna Mae: “🕺🏽🕺🏽💃🏼💃🏼🦟🦗🦟🦗🦟🦗”
Animorphs cover page be like
@@meepmeep9943 i love those books💀
@@meepmeep9943 W reply
@Kai Kai five nights at sienna mae’s
It is so true that you'll ignore a lot of red flags when it's about friends, untill something goes wrong and you realize they are not the person you thought they were
Gah that hits real close to home for me right now.
don't I got something to tell you
I love how everytime someone does something fucked up, they say how they need therapy or whatever the fuck. Even if she was suffering from some sort of a mental illness, using it as an excuse is still a shitty thing to do.
Yeah, unless somebody has 24/7 schizophrenia or delirium they need to take responsibility for themselves and their own actions and fully own it.
She suffers from extreme narcissism and psychopathy
Yes, unless the mental illness directly effects the thing. If you have autism, social interactions are never easy. If you have adhd you forget things. No mental illness can be the cause of blatantly hurting others
@@Strawberrypocky911 and if someone did have schizophrenia to the highest degree they'd be too out of their mind to even acknowledge their guilt in the first place...
As a male who was assaulted repeatedly by an ex, let me make a few things abundantly clear.
1. Charlie is 100% correct. You will ignore red flags for someone you love and think loves you. You may not let your best friend watch you undress, but you'll sleep naked with your significant other.
2. If you honestly believe men "can't be assaulted" in this way, you need to crawl back under the rock you came out from under and go back to the dirt and shit you know.
My ex despised me and attempted to get pregnant so I'd be stuck taking care of her and the child. Would be a literal beehatch to me and then berate and belittle me for not wanting to have sex. Said she was on the pill, yet turned violent when I pulled out saying "I'm on the pill, it doesn't matter" but began screaming and hitting me when I said, "then it doesn't matter I pulled out, right? The result is the same."
My current girlfriend who I have known for nearly 20 years(been dating 5 months) has had to fight tooth and nail to get me out of my shell and convince me to move in with her and start attempting to return to the person she knew(we hadn't seen each other for nearly 10 years before we met up again and started dating). So yes, it does happen to men. And if you say it doesn't and believe it, and belittle men that it happens to, while coddling and white knighting for women like this, then you're a piece of shit simp, nothing more
So say we all, king.
Sorry that happened to you man. Hope you’re doing good now
He isn't.
@@meldrickedwards1892 actually, I am. Nice try though
@@maverickgameinitiate4433 good for you man. Stay with it.
Sienna: "Why did they take a video instead of beating me up"
Brother: "Because you're a lying psychopath"
Also if Jack’s brother had put his hands on Sienna he is now also in the wrong since he would’ve beaten up a girl
From the future here, this is no longer the worst apology video ever. (Ukelele)
truth (train)
@@belle_may_kickahhsmanipulation station 🚉
whats up with a lot of popular people doing weird stuff
The female predators getting exposed nowadays really rush one after the other to make bigger clowns of themselves than the last. Before Amber Turd's trial, I really thought half-naked inspirational dance apologies were peak clownery. What next? Admitting to all your charges in court via a High School Musical style flash mob?
I hope. I wholeheartedly hope so.
This has happened some months ago
@@baltstop2702 that’s why he said “dance apologies were an all time clowning” then I saw Amber’s trial
I honestly would pay to see someone admit to their crimes via flash mob. That would make my day
Apology videos are just fucking awful…
They should apologize for the apology videos
Ratio + yb better + I didn’t ask + this u 🤓🤓👨🏼💻👶🏽👨🏼💻
Dont read my name 😑, ,
@@MbitaChizi Ummm No
She's just gonna do another dance video
An apology for an apology makes the whole world cringe
I always apologize for my mistakes by dancing in my underwear to music. Drives my co-workers crazy. Eventually, people just stop calling me out on stuff to avoid me apologizing.
rewatching this after the Colleen video gave me a seizure ngl
his twin recording the situation was the right thing IMO if he didn't and just straight up went to her and pushed/beat her like she said her brother would do he would have no evidence of her touching jack inappropriately and he would be blamed for assaulting her so, in the end, she would act like the victim and jacks twin would suffer
Yep, he recorded it so she couldn't manipulate the situation because of concrete evidence. Her saying "why would you just sit there and record"? is just shitty gaslighting.
I have no doubt that he wanted to rip her off of him, but the evidence he got made sure that she couldn't twist the narrative.
"If my brother saw me getting assaulted he would take him off and beat the shit out of him not film it."
Imagine if that would have happened ... she would have cried she got assaulted and the dude would have no proof so him filming was the right choice.
She essentially said “you shouldn’t have filmed me, you should’ve beat me up!”, which is a strange response, but go off I guess, Sienna...
I don't care if we're married, if you're doing this shit to me when I'm unconscious it's assault
Guess you've never up to a BJ jkjk. Not that I have but idk if I'd complain xd. If I was married that is.
Wrong, if they were married it would've been alright.
@@jazzabighits4473 nope that's not how consent works, that's what we call sexual assault.
@@jazzabighits4473 that's not how it works. stay away from women, for their sake.
So your wife can't kiss you on the cheek while you're sleeping?
Craziest thing is that she is walking free with undeniable evidence
Pretty privilege and female privilege are powerful things.
@@apexreactions4231 You’re missing wealth and fame.
I love that her whole argument is “wah, he kisses me when he’s awake, so I’m allowed to assault him when he’s asleep, it’s simple”
The thing that creeped me out the most about her dance video is that it felt like she was trying to seduce the audience into forgiving her.
"C'mon, guys I couldn't possibly be a bad person! Look how hot I am! Would a perpetrator of SA have a body like this?" 🤢
Fr she gives off Dalia Hawthorne vibes
@@alexhiser4073 bro you're literally spot on with that 😭😭😭
@@alexhiser4073 holy shit, phoenix wright reference ?!
@@JohnWilliams-ie8db holy shit phoenix wright reference indeed
11:00 the goofy sound effects over this is the funniest shit I've ever seen
Charlie’s choice of wording in these “drama” videos are one of the main reasons why I started watching him. There so fucking hilarious. I swear Charlie is one of a kind, no one else on any platform could do the stuff he does.
I don’t care that she’s a minor. She should have gotten charged.
I’m a female but I’m tired of the double standards… I want her to face prison time!
@@Strawberrypocky911 you are wonderful human being thank you for being a decent human being stay safe and have a wonderful day
@@Strawberrypocky911 yes!! Women get away with some horrible behaviour simply because they're women. It's a horrible double standard that hopefully will be reduced in the future
The worst part is that she isn't. She's 18.
Seems a bit extreme to me but really what ticks me off is that if the (gender) roles were reversed Jack would be beaten up and thrown in jail and then beaten up some more.....
If you reversed the roles for this diabolical situation, Jack would be in jail and would be given no chance to appeal for his case. Shit makes me sick man
Not necessarily true. Tiktok seems weird in that it's predators get off Scot free
Ik this world is f,d up
not true, many sexual assaulters who were men were never put in jail, have many sexual assaults on their hands, and still aren't put in jail. let's not invalidate one sexual assault victim over others, please. we should invalidate both sexes to speak up about their sexual assault to the police, not bring down women that had no fault experiencing it. women also have a higher likelihood to get raped than men, which is why there are more cases for women that speak up which grants more press of sexual assaulters being put in jail when in fact only 60% of assaults are reported to the police. we should have more men speaking up about it and create a less stigmatized environment of a man "can't get raped" and other terms to bring survivors down. I'm seeing many comments bringing women reports down, lets's bring both women and men, survivors, up because something as serious as rape should not be compared.
I would disagree. Tiktokers seem to exist in some limbo world where the things they do don't have any legal ramifications. Like Tony Lopez or whatever his name is
No he wouldn’t if that was the case why are the Lopez brothers still free,
As a male who was groomed as a youth, I'm gonna come out and say that people like her are the reason why I have severe trust issues and can't bring myself to stay in a relationship for more than a year.
If you don’t mind, why is it that u struggle after a year? Wouldn’t you trust that person more after a year?
@@wizardsyndicate5505 No disrespevt intended but you have clearly lived an extremely easy and trauma free life if you can't understand why they would feel this way even after a year.
@@baltic1940 I think that Gigabro meant that relationships lasted a year or less, but Wizard thought they meant that relationships would repeatedly last a year and then break down after that time had passed?
@@baltic1940 you don't get to say no disrespect intended before leaving an ignorant and disrespectful comment to someone simply asking a question
Never thought another apology video could top this tbh.
We have really reached true insanity whats next? Someone does a daredevil sunt after being accused of stealing children information online.
"Part of me wants to blame myself....." just heartbreaking to hear, and what follows🥺
I know.. I feel so much empathy for Jack… male SA victims suffer so much after the fact… the way society treats them is usually almost as traumatic as the original assault… men are under attack in society at the moment..
@@RIPmichael22 the opinions of people who don't mean anything to you can only affect you as much as you let them though
And people say we shouldn't bully anyone online. To me, it's perfectly justifiable to bully her career to the ground.
I'm about to end this man's whole career.
Bullying isn't bad, it's just a tool that's being wielded by the wrong people. Bullying people like this is pretty much the only alternative to vigilante justice
justified and non physical bullying is actually a good thing for people who do not understand their mistakes
@@yYkoooo00 bullying by definition cannot be justified
@@miketaya8128 it can
To think, Harvey Weinstein could've dodged it all by dancing in his underwear with a voiceover talking about how brave and inspirational he is....
No Harvey Weinstein would ruin his case even further by dancing in his underwear, let’s be honest. He’s not a hot girl. 😂
Anyone watching this after the ukulele Colleen not-apology fiasco? It was recommended to me, so I figured I'd take a look and find out about the infamous dance "apology".
I have an armchair psychoanalytic theory that the reason Sienna seems to have no sense of boundaries, nor regret, stems from not having any boundaries set during her childhood. She probably had everything given to her by her parents from a young age, and as a result never had any concept of them. This might also be the cause for her narcissism.
The other option is emotional neglect during childhood, which is even more depressing.
She's a pretty girl who grew up in financial comfort, she probably never had anyone refuse her advances or desires before.
i cant imagine the pain of being sexually abused, then seeing your abuser playing themselves off as the victim
Sienna: gets caught SA'ing someone
Also Sienna: Time to hit em with a boogie woogie woogie
Second Worst Apology Video Ever*
15:54 holy shit he is so right...imagine a guy talking about how obsessed he is and planning on marrying her, while not even dating?!
A shimp a female simp