I would love White Castle right now. Love the 80’s cars and clothing, Cleveland was a little behind the trends in 87 but I’d go back for a week if I could.
Thats crazy, thats Adam Curry the Podfather. He had one of the first ever podcasts on the internet and is still going today and does regular appearances on Joe Rogans show. I was pretty young and didnt watch MTV in the 80s but he looks so ordinary nowadays to see him like that is a trip!
I remember that McDonald's!! 😊
I would love White Castle right now. Love the 80’s cars and clothing, Cleveland was a little behind the trends in 87 but I’d go back for a week if I could.
i feel you, i'd destroy my firstborn just to go back then again for a day
The guy with the 1970's Farrah Fawcett hairstyle looks like the "nerd" now.
Adam Curry was a nerd too. Enough to invent podcasting. Brilliant dude.
Great upload. The thing is, the MTV goof with the puffed up lady hair is now the one that looks ridiculous.
Thats crazy, thats Adam Curry the Podfather. He had one of the first ever podcasts on the internet and is still going today and does regular appearances on Joe Rogans show. I was pretty young and didnt watch MTV in the 80s but he looks so ordinary nowadays to see him like that is a trip!
They should always keep some of those original McDonalds buildings.
Only one left. In California.
He was thin then, when they filmed American Splendor in 2003 he had a huge belly.
uhh i'll take grass over a slider any day dude, you craaaaa