Totally Heartbreaking News

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 17 ก.ย. 2024
  • We got doubly heartbreaking news. First, the return of a medical condition and then it’s implications for the babies.

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  • @hugstoyou7
    @hugstoyou7 2 ปีที่แล้ว +415

    First, can we all just take a minute to "see" the hearts flowing out of baby girls eyes as she watches her daddy talk

    • @faithevrlasting
      @faithevrlasting 2 ปีที่แล้ว +35

      So beautiful seeing Truly gaze at Daddy and smile as he talked. Over and over. Take a look at the video Guys. It's beautifu.

    • @lrcnew7061
      @lrcnew7061 2 ปีที่แล้ว +26

      When you said 'I feel that I lost my sweet self', I shed a tear for you and me. Huge hug from me. Lorraine in Portugal. You are in my prayers.

    • @Grimmarox
      @Grimmarox 2 ปีที่แล้ว +9

      That was the best scene.

    • @tammyvaughn6662
      @tammyvaughn6662 2 ปีที่แล้ว +10

      Yes, I noticed that too.

    • @territn8871
      @territn8871 2 ปีที่แล้ว +14

      I was watching her too! My heart was melting seeing her smiling at daddy!!🥰 Sweet, sweet babies!

  • @sharongreen2163
    @sharongreen2163 2 ปีที่แล้ว +104

    I’m 74. Raised my kids, foster kids, adoptive kids. Helping raise a grandchild. Just lost my husband to dementia after 52 years of marriage. I’m sad, but somewhat wiser than I used to be. My words of wisdom…life always goes in cycles…good and bad. Sometimes, in the bad times, you just have to get through the day…each day at a time. Until things improve. Your best is good enough. Always…and it’s always ok to ask for help when you are tired, discouraged, or sad. Take a break if you need it. Do things you enjoy, until the joy returns…and it will. Much love.

    • @ladonnahowell7151
      @ladonnahowell7151 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Well said Sharon. My thoughts and prayers are with you, art and bri for peace, healing, and continued strength.

    • @JeremiahsLot
      @JeremiahsLot 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Awesome advice for all of us! Thank you 😊

    • @denisetrudeau9040
      @denisetrudeau9040 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      This a wonderful recommendation!

    • @brendabuckley9077
      @brendabuckley9077 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      We miss you all...Prayers continue for your family. I hope things are improving. It breaks my heart for you Bri & I know alot has happened in the last year. Tears are away of cleansing your soul. We all need that & prayers. 💕🙏

    • @valmac1234
      @valmac1234 ปีที่แล้ว

      Great advice

  • @diannemiller4754
    @diannemiller4754 2 ปีที่แล้ว +131

    They are so adorable and have come a long ways since coming home.
    Praying for your health and peace Bri. Praying for God's healing touch on your eyes. We as Christians know how to pray for you and your family as you share with us.

  • @not2tees
    @not2tees 2 ปีที่แล้ว +123

    As a formula-fed baby, I can say that in the long road of life, I was none too handicapped by formula. There were many worse things to happen to me! But life itself is a super powerful river that carries each of us on and on and over all the rocks with just a bit of white water. The twins and all your kids will be well served by a Mom with full vision. This is my little opinion, but I'll send it to you with lots of love and I will say prayers for God's good outcome, which will arrive with grace and perfect timing. Thank you for sharing the heart feelings. Much respect.

    • @colliecoform4854
      @colliecoform4854 2 ปีที่แล้ว +22

      My son was formula fed from the age of three months on. He is forty two now, healthy, fit and a husband and father of two.

    • @XPALYDO
      @XPALYDO 2 ปีที่แล้ว +11

      I was a formula baby too. I remember being jealous of my brother because he wasn’t. Those babies are lucky they got any! But I love the nurses suggestion to pump and dump until it clears this time…and this can just be a little break until you can attend to your own health! Those lovely kids would prefer a healthy mama!

    • @jamjar5716
      @jamjar5716 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Not2tees, you gave the advice I wanted to give worded better than I could have.

    • @AliJaeJR
      @AliJaeJR 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Shes not worried about formula on itsown... its the Bonding and value of breastmilk and the fight she put up to give these little ones the best she could to fight off illnesses and have the benefits of breastmilk ... Bri hang in there..I wish I had the answer.. or the Drs had a different way to address the issue.

    • @countycalling
      @countycalling 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      It’s not about the formula, it’s the antibiotic and bonding that comes with breast milk and breast feeding! If you haven’t ever put in that love and work you will never understand the loss of that. Being one that had that loss your comment was quite insulting and rude.

  • @gemininorn4657
    @gemininorn4657 2 ปีที่แล้ว +14

    Dear Bri, my heart goes out to you. I watched this video and I kept thinking about the saying "You can not pour from an empty cup". You are giving so much to your family, you are always there for them and this can be at your own cost (breastfeeding twins will take a lot out of your body). Take this time to look after yourself, fill your cup so you can pour again, recharge and pick your battles. Your eyesight is important. Sending you love and prayers 💖

  • @ladyinthemountains2527
    @ladyinthemountains2527 2 ปีที่แล้ว +177

    Dear Bri, I know you want to continue nursing, but here’s another perspective. Seeing your children with your relatively healthy eyes for years to come might outweigh nursing for a season. The babies will thrive, having had the benefit of your antibodies thus far, and the care and love of their Mom, Dad and all their sweet brothers and sisters. Life really sucks sometimes, I’m not gonna lie. The little rays of sunshine that peak through each day are great, but they don’t always cover the bad moments. Some days it’s just grit your teeth, hug your kids, and smile at the funny things they do. Treat yourself whenever you can. Throw guilt out the window and don’t let it back in your house. You have no time for that demon. You have SEVEN precious souls to raise and you’re doing a heckuva job! BOTH of you, 🥰🥰

  • @katiegutenkauf795
    @katiegutenkauf795 2 ปีที่แล้ว +167

    Praying for you guys! Remember, there's no shame in grief. We'll grieve with you when it's time for grieving, and we'll rejoice with you when it's time for rejoicing. We love you and support you.

    • @justkimdg2
      @justkimdg2 2 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      Well said!

  • @mountaingirl8124
    @mountaingirl8124 2 ปีที่แล้ว +27

    P.S. These are the moments as a homesteading community that I wish I could load my van up with groceries, freezer meals and diapers and deliver it to your doorstep. You are NOT a victim sweet girl. You have had a ton on your plate, you have TWIN newborns and with all that you have been through, staying in survival mode and just getting a meal on the table some days IS enough. Let people help you. Let people pray for you. Our grandmothers and great grandmothers were strong women (as are you), enduring wars, Dust Bowls, farming trials, The Great Depression, etc. I think of mothers in foreign countries who can't feed their children or watch as their children waste away from malnutrition. I think of mothers during wars who had to send their children away because they couldn't feed them or protect them. I think of farmers during the Dust Bowl who lost everything. You are NOT alone. You will come out of this and God will make you stronger for it, even though it doesn't seem like it. We have all been through trials where we didn't know how we could make it through. Our hearts, prayers and deepest sympathies are with you as you take each day at a time. Hugs!!!

    • @rdo575
      @rdo575 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      ❤ ❤

  • @learnaswegrow-CA
    @learnaswegrow-CA 2 ปีที่แล้ว +15

    I recently went through a time of so much struggle and so much sadness and stress. I was like you, not only feeling so broken but also being so angry at myself for not handling things better. My sadness and stress was compounded by guilt and anger towards myself for feeling SO “negative”.
    It wasn’t until I realized and acknowledged that hey, you know what, I HAVE been through a lot of really hard things and it’s OKAY for me to feel this way. Anyone with a heart would feel similar. I finally gave myself permission to feel the feelings and give myself a break from my own criticisms and guilt about it all.
    It was then that I could finally work through the emotions, feel them fully, and start trying to heal. I didn’t rush myself but it helped to stop being so hard on myself.
    I wish you peace and positivity. I know your treatments are important and although challenging, you’re doing the right thing. You are an amazing mother who will continue to bond and connect with your babies. They’ll still thrive, mama. ❤️

  • @kirstyking1636
    @kirstyking1636 2 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    Sending you love and prayers. Keep processing your feelings as they come up. They are all valid and need to be released. Praying for good news and a softer season for you x

  • @missylearned9821
    @missylearned9821 2 ปีที่แล้ว +81

    Prayers for you, Bri. It’s such a difficult choice to make that I can’t even imagine, but you have to take care of your whole body so you can be there long term for all 7 of your children. My mother suddenly became a young widow with 4 children under the age of 10. Although she was a quietly strong person, she was like you in that she was willing to sacrifice her health for her children until her mother guided her into realizing she had to be there wholly for her children and had to put herself first in a certain situation. We’re all so grateful 50 years later she did so. 🙏🙏🙏

  • @marilynnew2189
    @marilynnew2189 2 ปีที่แล้ว +130

    Prayers coming your way. I too, had to give up nursing early due to a medical problem. It is one of the hardest things a mother could do. Forgive yourself for feeling dark Bri, you are still riding out pregnancy hormones and you are still that beautiful positive woman. You are loved by many!

  • @aquillawallace7979
    @aquillawallace7979 2 ปีที่แล้ว +26

    Praying for you Bri. You can never have a hardened heart. God has some amazing blessings for you and your family. Your ability to love is so effortless and we are all sending you strength and peace. Hang in there you got this!

  • @Lymelady08
    @Lymelady08 2 ปีที่แล้ว +43

    I’m sending you guys lots of love and prayers. While I haven’t been through this same situation, I personally do understand what its like to have your body turn against you and feeling like there is no light at the end of the tunnel. I’m disabled from Lyme disease and it’s hard to not feel syndical like you were saying. Listing your blessings is a great idea btw. I’m grateful for you both sharing your story. There are so many watching that are going through struggles that are encouraged by what you share. Just know we are here for you if you need anything. Remember God is right there walking through you with this. God bless you both!

    • @justembraceit1
      @justembraceit1 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Do NOT feel guilty for feeling broken down! In every season I've lived in that state of "broken", I have emerged stronger and more purposeful after that brokenness subsides...and it will Bri!
      Not being able to breastfeed will hurt, it is a loss, grieve it... but you will feel okay once the grief has passed. Breastfeeding is never a forever journey, but being able to see is!!!

    • @sarahjackson7889
      @sarahjackson7889 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Hi i like this coment the lord is thinking of you and all your family

  • @chrisannkorchnak756
    @chrisannkorchnak756 2 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    I’m so sorry y’all have been through so much. I’ll be praying for you, Bri. May God bless you with His peace and comfort.

  • @kulickfamilyfarm4333
    @kulickfamilyfarm4333 2 ปีที่แล้ว +103

    A couple of things… Joyful is such a sweetheart! She is a a duplicate of you, Bri. She’s got such a kind and loving heart and is full of positivity and energy. Also, seeing Truly gazing up at her Daddy (at 17 minutes) was so sweet to see. The babies are growing so perfectly. I’m sorry about the potential loss that you are feeling… with both the possibility of losing your vision or losing the ability to nurse your babies. I salute you for all of your amazing work of working so hard to keep up your milk supply and teaching your babies to nurse. You are an amazing woman and a wonderful Mother! These struggles are REAL and you have the right to express your feelings and I hope that anyone who has negative thoughts will keep them to themselves and move on….
    Please lean on your friends and family for support and don’t feel ashamed if you need to seek professional help! You deserve to feel happy and I pray that things will get better and easier for you.

    • @trudycash94
      @trudycash94 2 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      Praying. Knowing that there is nothing impossible for God to do. Luke 1:37.
      Praying for a miracle for your eyes and your ability to continue breast feeding.
      Leaning on John 14:14

  • @TheTinkerersWife
    @TheTinkerersWife 2 ปีที่แล้ว +42

    Praying you will receive the Lord's comfort and grace to walk through this difficult time. Bri, may you find His purposes amid your tears. You both have been through a whole lot and layers of things. My prayer is you will find the facets of God's love that are only seen in such a place and be comforted by the discovery. I'm praying for you both, and your children too. ~Patty~

  • @JV_Farms2020
    @JV_Farms2020 2 ปีที่แล้ว +16

    "People on youtube can also be kind and encouraging" What a sweet soul! Praying for peace, comfort and encouragement for y'all during this time. God is faithful!

  • @PhilandAlex
    @PhilandAlex 2 ปีที่แล้ว +19

    Praying for your healing🙏🏼

    • @TSis76
      @TSis76 2 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @dianenetsch4381
    @dianenetsch4381 2 ปีที่แล้ว +14

    Praying for your health, Bri. I’ve lost the sight in one eye and life is still very good for me and I confidently drive a car. Hang in there! The Lord is with your every step and will help!

  • @saundramorris7270
    @saundramorris7270 2 ปีที่แล้ว +145

    God knows right where you’re at Bri. I hear the pain in your voice and can see the heart of a real momma coming out. No one can understand where you’re at or what you are going through, so don’t listen to those that aren’t encouraging to you all. You share because it is a silent call for focused prayers. I have had surgeries on both my eyes to keep my vision, but I didn’t have to make a choice of nursing precious babies, or seeing. I am just going to mention one verse… “I can do ALL THINGS, through Christ that gives me strength.” Trust that you will make it through this trial and still have the all your hearts desire. Prayers from Missouri.

    • @christinaburnside4310
      @christinaburnside4310 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Prayers from Clarksburg WV

    • @rhondadavis1483
      @rhondadavis1483 2 ปีที่แล้ว +6


    • @marking-time-gardens
      @marking-time-gardens 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Amen...Prayers from Holland Ohio

    • @kathyshaw730
      @kathyshaw730 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Praying for your concerns, anxiety, faith testings, 🙏 just know that God hears your cry...keep taking these to His feet. He loves ❤ you and your beautiful family.

  • @jfarm8854
    @jfarm8854 2 ปีที่แล้ว +74

    You are both amazing, Art’s empathy, Bri - your strength is apparent. That doesn’t mean a strong person like you can’t just get too much on their plate. Admitting how you feel is so strong! Hugs and prayers sent.

    • @Lucky_5090
      @Lucky_5090 2 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    • @mamamode1312
      @mamamode1312 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      You are an amazingly loving family and your network of friends are so like minded and like hearted.
      It is wonderful that you have one another.

    • @katnip2u
      @katnip2u 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      I was thinking the very same! Plus, emoting, crying is not necessarily a sign of weakness, just releasing the pent up emotions, which, if left inside, would hurt you more. Just the fact that you have BEAUTIFUL AMAZING 7 kids speaks VOLUMES to your strength as a parent, Brie, among many other things!!!
      You're being tested to the next level right now and your asking for help via prayer is also coming from a strength, the spiritual one.
      Love you, Brie, and Art and your whole family!!!
      Prayers sent...

  • @hannahfield1498
    @hannahfield1498 2 ปีที่แล้ว +25

    Hey Bri I just wanted to say that you are incredibly strong for recognizing that you're having a hard time right now, and still trying. ALSO that you're allowed to have a hard time, you're allowed to be overwhelmed, and you're allowed to be angry. Your life is hard right now in this season, and you're allowed to feel the emotions that come with that. This hard season is just that, a season, and it will pass. I hope that you find peace soon and that this season of hard passes quickly. 💛 much love to you and the family. Those babies sure are sweet.

  • @twistedponies7480
    @twistedponies7480 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Thank you Bri, for being so brave. It does encourage those of us who are also struggling to see that y’all are hanging in there….it helps to know one is not struggling alone.
    Thanks for being of good courage ❤️

  • @janeschmidt9611
    @janeschmidt9611 2 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    Bri, you’ve had more than your share of struggles and I will pray for guidance, strength and healing for you. Thank you for sharing your life with us. 🥰

    • @JudyWarren-w6n
      @JudyWarren-w6n 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I am praying for you and family

  • @dianaoquinn3417
    @dianaoquinn3417 2 ปีที่แล้ว +26

    Joyful is such a sweet blessing! Bri, the struggle is real. I understand the devastating loss of not being able to breast feed due to medical issues. The grief is real. Please take time to rest and focus on your health and family. I will pray for healing, comfort, and peace for your whole family.

  • @meganmcdonald8938
    @meganmcdonald8938 2 ปีที่แล้ว +18

    i have been watching for years way back. all i have seen from you Bre is strength. tears are not a sign of weakness or complaining its just another way of portraying your feelings. you have done an amazing job as been a mum and you can tell by the way your kids have grown up. the twins will grow up in a house of love and will turn into wonderful children. take care

  • @darlenedouglas5148
    @darlenedouglas5148 2 ปีที่แล้ว +30

    I'm keeping you in my prayers for God's healing power for recovery once again to your eyes. I remember what you went through and was as hopeful as you were so I am going to have Positivity guiding you through this journey . God's Blessings for you and your family during this rough period!!

  • @susanradovsky2639
    @susanradovsky2639 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I'm Type 1 Diabetic, for 46 years, and I went through this with my eldest daughter 27 years ago. I had 12 laser surgeries on my eye to treat it and it worked! It may be worth asking about this! Your concerns are very real and I wish you all the best in the new year! Hang tough!!!

  • @thefarmerswifecanada
    @thefarmerswifecanada 2 ปีที่แล้ว +86

    My heart just breaks for you Bree. I broke down seeing this, because I’ve been where you are emotionally. I’m on the other side now and I am a different person than I was before, no question of that. But I have a strength that I carry with me that I didn’t have before. You will be ok. You love those babies so much! But I think you will be a much better mother to your kids in the future if you can see. Your babies won’t necessarily remember being breastfed. But they will always remember the love you gave them. You got this Bree! I’m rooting for you.

    • @terryjp3050
      @terryjp3050 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      just send money thats the bottom line.

  • @jenniferelizabeth3996
    @jenniferelizabeth3996 2 ปีที่แล้ว +22

    I’m so sorry Bri, I wish I could give you the biggest hug. I can relate to having a hard year and wanting to be strong but it’s so hard at times and not letting my heart be hardened. I’m sending you so much love and prayers y’all’s way. Please remember this too shall pass and lean into God he loves you and wants to help you through this.❤️🤗❤️

  • @bekkasplanet
    @bekkasplanet 2 ปีที่แล้ว +51

    Being through a "Drama" time in my life of when will this ever end!? I'm here to tell ya it will. But I also understand you don't want to hear it from me. It's like how am I to tell ya I've been in the same boat, we are different?
    But do take this to heart. WE, your people, are here for you. We want to hear about your day. That's why we are here. Don't apologize for who you are. Tell your story. We love you and send you all our extra love and prayers in your time of need. You'll get through it and well be riding the ride with you. Lots of love Bri and the gang (sounds like a rock group)

  • @gaylef3477
    @gaylef3477 2 ปีที่แล้ว +19

    Prayers and well wishes for this beautiful family, and the medical staff making decisions for your eyes, Bri. May the Lord hold you in the palm of His hand and give you peace in the decisions made.
    Thank you for sharing your life and family with us, you are a true blessing, and praying that we can all be a blessing to you, flooding you with prayers.

  • @heidimoore4981
    @heidimoore4981 2 ปีที่แล้ว +14

    You are so wonderful Bri, give yourself some grace, allow our strength to flow to you.
    As a Mumma who has been through a 5 year journey with serious mental health issues of one of my children, I know how each day is a challenge and each day brings it’s own joys. My daughter and I got through that extremely long journey together, some days I just wanted to melt into a puddle because it was just too hard but knowing my child was relying on me to hold her through her trauma and her struggles, knowing that no one else could do the job, that got me through each day. And now 5 years later she is a mostly happy healthy young woman who is having her 18th birthday tomorrow.
    You, Art and your children will get through this, hold each other and allow yourselves to grieve, give each other strength and breathe through the hard moments. You got this Mumma. Xoxoxoxox

  • @lauriecollins5588
    @lauriecollins5588 2 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    Bri. You have done the best you can. A counselor once told me to make a list of everything I have done right as a mom. It totally changed my perspective.

    • @lucyjane103
      @lucyjane103 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      This is not healthy for her older kids.....

  • @debbiesmith2533
    @debbiesmith2533 2 ปีที่แล้ว +29

    I will be praying for you Bri. I can't begin to imagine how difficult these many months have been. As I was listening to your heart cry, the hymn "He Giveth More Grace" by Annie J. Flint, began going through my mind. You are probably familiar with the song. When you have a moment to look up the song and read the words, I pray the truths there will be an encouragement, a balm for your weary heart and mind and body.
    Prayers for you all! ♡

  • @shelbyscego2791
    @shelbyscego2791 2 ปีที่แล้ว +13

    We will continue to pray for your family! You have been through so much and God is still by your side. Thank you for being so open and honest. You are an encouragement for my family in a horrible season too.

  • @rootsrocksfeathers1975
    @rootsrocksfeathers1975 2 ปีที่แล้ว +38

    Oh my gosh, my husband who is almost 69 years old, is going through that right now, in *both* eyes. I remember Bri's eye issue, but I didn't recall that it was the same. He is in the middle of the series of shots now and it's driving him crazy. He never lost vision. In fact, he has superior vision in both eyes, but they found the issue during an eyeglass exam at the VA (he had no idea he had any problems). Though I realize you really are sad about having to stop breastfeeding the babies, it's a blessing that they've had months of that nourishing superfood. Will be thinking about you, wishing you the best with your eye situation. Life really throws curveballs, doesn't it?

    • @danielafurlan322
      @danielafurlan322 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Prayers for your husband and strenght to you.... Be safe out there.

    • @myraprice3893
      @myraprice3893 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Bri and Daniela, prayers for both of you and the paths you are each walking. Just know that our Lord will be walking with you. And those of us who love and watch you every day feel the pain and are storming the gates of Heaven for you both. Our children are older than you, Bri, we could be your parents or older. I have a long time friend, my children’s age who has been blind in one eye since age 3. Her good eye has more than compensated for the other. I had another friend who passed in 2019 at age 99 who had injections in her eye for years because of macular degeneration. I have had surgery for a detached retina 20 years ago. I hope this helps give both of you hope for your futures. 🙏🏻❤️🙏🏻. Nana and GranPa in Texas.

    • @albanymountainhomestead
      @albanymountainhomestead 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      How long will he require getting shots? Weeks, months? Asking as a means of maybe making a suggestion

    • @rootsrocksfeathers1975
      @rootsrocksfeathers1975 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@albanymountainhomestead If you're asking about my husband, he's had two rounds of shots and needs two more, then the doc will assess the situation at that time. He has fabulous eyesight for a guy at his age, doesn't even need glasses, only readers up close. It was a shock that there was anything wrong. They say it was probably a BP spike that started it before he got it under control with herbal supplements (actual meds did no good for 30 years).

  • @TheTexasBoys
    @TheTexasBoys 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Look at those beautiful babies!!!!

  • @poolfield2
    @poolfield2 2 ปีที่แล้ว +23

    I am going through a diagnosis of a different degenerative condition and anxiety which has now led to depression and I think Bri without a doubt you are suffering from depression. There is no shame in having a mental health condition and seeking treatment, I am seeing a psychologist and after resisting for a while I am now on mild antidepressants while I learn to reprogram my thinking patterns.
    I felt guilty that as a Christian I was struggling with mental health, surely my faith should have got me through but I have moved on from there now. I’m sure you can feel all the love and prayers of all your viewers x

  • @cyndibrown491
    @cyndibrown491 2 ปีที่แล้ว +11

    Praying for you and the entire family. You have been through a whole lot, but always remember God is faithful. As you stated in your video, you all are running on little sleep, a lot of responsibility, and very little fellowship with others. This combination makes any of us vulnerable!! My heart was hurting for you all and if I were a close friend, I would come and give you a big hug!!! Praying, Praying, and more praying for all of you!!

  • @eaccristo
    @eaccristo 2 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    Been there done that. I tell everyone I live under a dark cloud… then they spend a day with me and can’t believe how weird things are for me…I laugh and say “I am earning my wings”. Now it is impossible for me to ever think of you Bri with a hard bitter heart…
    You’ve given the twins the BEST start…they will survive on formula. They need their mama…take care of yourself now…..thank GOD for Arthur.. I send you hugs.

  • @liznyp6209
    @liznyp6209 2 ปีที่แล้ว +13

    Ahh Bri I hope you can feel all the hugs that we are sending your way! And Art, you are so strong. I hope you all get through this and get a much deserved peaceful new year in 2022.

  • @debbieschaffner2581
    @debbieschaffner2581 2 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Prayers for you and your family! May you feel God's arms around you, supporting you. Praying for your hearts and minds and a time of rest for you emotionally. I see you Bree and hear your pain and heart longings. Thank you for your vulnerability and sharing. I see your courage and strength shining. Prayers for encouragement and peace for your soul.

  • @blindpugh12
    @blindpugh12 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Dear Bri, thank you for being so emotionally honest. Having been a traveled on your road myself, I can totally understand and have no 'do this' answers for you. All my wife and I can offer is prayer and hope. The Lord Bless you, Arthur and you family.

  • @lauriesickles5393
    @lauriesickles5393 2 ปีที่แล้ว +50

    Had to turn this off twice and cry my eyes out for ya'll. Praying for peace and rest and healing for your whole family as you move forward. My husband who knows nothing of your channel even listened to me share about your whole story and his heart goes out to you guys. Thanks for being real, we are here for you guys! Wish I could run over from Vancouver, Washington and babysit and let you guys rest❤️

  • @cathleenhamby4723
    @cathleenhamby4723 2 ปีที่แล้ว +15

    From a place of appreciation of all that you have been through, I just want to say that you are truly blessed with your new twins and all of your beautiful children. Life brings us struggles--but you have both done everything to make the best decisions for yourselves and all of your children. Those precious babies are benefitting from the mother's milk they have received--and they will thrive regardless of whether you are able to continue nursing them. You must also have the strength to take care of yourself! Hoping your visit tomorrow will give you some peace and also a new path toward healing!

  • @lisapearson6528
    @lisapearson6528 2 ปีที่แล้ว +11

    Praying for you! It is ok to feel beaten down, it is ok to feel overwhelmed. Give yourself permission to experience these emotions. Keep putting one foot in front of the other even though the pain is so huge. You will get to the other side of this valley of darkness.
    When I went through my valley, I started a gratitude journal where I had to write down a new item every day for 365 days that I was grateful for. It was a life line as it helped me remember that no matter how hard things got, I could always find one more thing that was good and that I could hold onto.
    You are both so amazing in your humanity and honesty. Thank you for sharing.

  • @kimlittleton4943
    @kimlittleton4943 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Praying for your heart to heal and physical healing as well. Truly was so cute watching her daddy talking. It was so precious. God Bless and I continue to send you positive energy.

  • @scclif
    @scclif 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Father God we give this to you . 🙏 She needs you to take this seemingly impossible situation, though not for you. Lead and guide Breanna and these doctors taking into consideration these precious babies and their needs .. Help Breanna to see you and not this situation.. Lord God we speak to the mountain . In Jesus name..Amen

  • @i2iFX_Colleen
    @i2iFX_Colleen 2 ปีที่แล้ว +17

    Bri - Sweetie, your dear body has given life SEVEN times.... YOU are an amazing woman.
    I actually think that you shouldn't feel 'broken down' - I have PVD, its similar to what you have but I am not having to have injections or give up an integral part of my intimate life, and I am an old woman.
    What I think you are feeling is that this is the one last part of your female life that isnt able to just be taken away (like your uterus) - and here it is, happening!
    Of course you are going to grieve for this part of your life!
    Keeping going is what YOU are going to be able to do, YOU are such a strong and focussed woman and such an inspiration to so many, like me!
    I am just going to ask the Universe to give you something good out of this!
    Sending love and warmth and strength XO C:

  • @TS-wb4xc
    @TS-wb4xc 2 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    Praying for you🙏❤️ I had to stop nursing my son because I needed emergency surgery, but it saved my life and my son and I still bonded and he’s healthy.

  • @heathersullivan8494
    @heathersullivan8494 2 ปีที่แล้ว +59

    I’m praying for healing. Praying there is a solution that doesn’t take away your ability to continue breastfeeding your babies. I will continue to pray for you Bri. May God grant you just this one little miracle. May he heal your eye. I’m sorry things have been tough. Hang in there. You have each other and believe me that’s a lot. Praying 🙏🏻

    • @lornaharris5327
      @lornaharris5327 2 ปีที่แล้ว +10

      He can heal you.. you know that. So just claim it! The crying just helps wash the soul.. your not weak.. your human. Just love them all, and give it all to Him, in Jesus name.. love ya's 💕

  • @debbieb.8708
    @debbieb.8708 2 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    That's really nothing to get so upset about. The babies will be fine. You can always continue to pump so when you're done with the meds you can continue to breast feed them. You are stressing over something that you don't need to be. That isn't doing you any good if stress is,what causes this condition. Breathe and just be thankful for what you can do.

  • @kimnavrotsky5278
    @kimnavrotsky5278 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Please go to the doctor and get this treatment that you need. My goodness. I am a nurse and I always feel so bad when patients wait and then find out they could have been treated and been better off than waiting. Bless you and know there are always options medication wise.

  • @redbarnhomestead7384
    @redbarnhomestead7384 2 ปีที่แล้ว +13

    It’s good to let yourself feel! Bri, the part of you that can see beauty, have compassion and delight in life is DIRECTLY connected to your capacity to feel. Let it be hard (because it is) and lean into help. Your heart matters. Compounded grief is complex and needs to be expressed in order to work it out. One step at a time.

  • @mjperkolator8854
    @mjperkolator8854 2 ปีที่แล้ว +14

    Babies are getting cuter and cuter every day!Hugs.💕

  • @nanajack8527
    @nanajack8527 2 ปีที่แล้ว +26

    I can't imagine what you are going through, just the thought of it terrifies me. Please know that you and your family are in my prayers and thoughts. Your babies...of all ages!....Will be just fine. As long as they have you to love and guide them they will be the happiest kids around.

    • @wordswritteninred7171
      @wordswritteninred7171 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      AMEN! Perfectly stated!

    • @renitadabreo283
      @renitadabreo283 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Hi bree & art have been watching you from India ( Mumbai ) for a long time.
      I am confident all this trauma shall also pass by.
      Praying that only God who is our healer can completely ,& totally heal you .
      Pls don't give up there is still hope all is not over .
      And yes those little babies are going to bring a healing in ur lives.
      I have gone tru a worse trauma & have survived.

  • @millesoc
    @millesoc 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I'm so sorry you are going through all of this. Sending you love and light to surround you with strength and peace.

  • @tammieshapiro2260
    @tammieshapiro2260 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Prayers for total recovery from this condition! I pray that your stress will be a lot better and God will really help you. Love you guys as a friend and sister in Jesus. Tammie Shapiro

  • @bdrummond5414
    @bdrummond5414 2 ปีที่แล้ว +31

    Bri- I completely get your feelings on not being able to breastfeed through this journey. My milk supply crashed a few months after my second son. I tried everything, but it turned out I had cancer and didn’t know it. It’s hard, but the effort got you and them this far! The guilt will be there, but the bigger picture will come into focus when you least expect it. All of these experiences either make us or break us. Your girls are going to be such strong women, because of you momma!
    Art-stay strong and keep the positivity flowing!

  • @peggymcthompson261
    @peggymcthompson261 2 ปีที่แล้ว +28

    Bri and Art my heart goes out to you. Bless Joyful’s sweet heart 💜. You have done everything in your power to do everything you could for those babies. And anyone that would dare to criticize just needs to shut their mouth and go away.

  • @donnafuller3226
    @donnafuller3226 2 ปีที่แล้ว +56

    Sweet Bri, not being able to nurse is not the end of the world. Your beautiful babies will still thrive. Saving your eyesight is the most important thing now. Being able to see your babies is more important than nursing. Their loss of not breast feeding is minor compared to your eyesight. Your stressing more worrying about everything. God Bless you and your family at this time. Prayers sent to you.❤

    • @portialancaster3442
      @portialancaster3442 2 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      I agree. My 2nd child was lactose intolerant and I had to stop nursing. Lactose intolerance was not undersood in the 1980's and he was diagnosed as "failure to thrive". That was like a knife in my heart. A chance encounter with a Amish man in the doctor's waiting room turned me on to soy milk. My baby thrived on it and I learned I didn't need to breastfeed to feel like a successful mother. Bri will be surprised how bottle feeding will free up her hands and time. Also, sharing the feedings with the older children will bring them great joy. I hope Bri can now take the antidepressants she obviously needs. Maybe then she'll be able to accept God's will over her own desire to breastfeed. As a side note, I had a stroke in July and lost (permanently) some of my sight. I'm horrified she's still driving.

    • @MTknitter22
      @MTknitter22 2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      absolutely @Donna, we must concentrate on the many blessings!!! The babies will be absolutely blessed, healthy and fine. The fact they can do much to help your eyesight is so wonderful.

    • @letmework6254
      @letmework6254 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      It was NOTHING short of miraculous that you have been able to nurse the babies. Pump and dump if you can but you being stressed out about all of this will be more unhealthy for them then feeding them formula. Depression in a mother is much more devastating to their health then formula. When our 17 year old son died suddenly in an accident when our youngest of 8 children was 6 weeks old I lost my milk in a course of a few days. And for the first time after fighting to breastfeed all 8 children I had no more fight in me. You have given them an immeasurable gift by breastfeeding them so far. And if you must stop for a while then do it. Our baby turned out just fine after only being breastfed six weeks.

  • @lanas5340
    @lanas5340 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    It is not such a big deal , bottle feeding babies with formula . I think you are tired and every little disapointment looks huge. Your eyes are priority at this time . Your babies would be in far bigger loss if you lose the eyesight.

  • @reddirtshack
    @reddirtshack 2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Many prayers for healing, comfort and for Bri to find some peace during this time. I pray for a hedge of protection around her from the top of her head to the tips of her toes.

  • @TheHomesteadingHobbit
    @TheHomesteadingHobbit 2 ปีที่แล้ว +22

    I remember you talking about you losing your vision a couple years ago. Oh guys....I'm so sorry..I praying!!!! ❤️❤️❤️

  • @HomesteadWhereImPlanted
    @HomesteadWhereImPlanted 2 ปีที่แล้ว +11

    Bri, you don’t have to be strong all the time! Your kids see you as a beautiful strong mom & wife! But I also believe it’s okay for our kids to see us with tears in our eyes and scared! It the way we handle it! I would love to tell you some stories about myself! 🤦‍♀️ God got me through it!!
    You’re a great wife and mother!!! Please don’t be so hard on yourself! Love ya and love your mother’s heart. 💜

  • @kristylynn4099
    @kristylynn4099 2 ปีที่แล้ว +58

    Is Rebecca still nursing??? Or Meg??? They might be able to help and you know them well. My niece has been giving her milk to a friend who couldn’t produce. She has a freezer full literally full.

    • @helengarrett6378
      @helengarrett6378 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      I witnessed a child when I had my first. Thiscwasbthe new son of a man whom my husband supervised. The baby was not thrivingcand his mother's milk dried up entirely. So I fed him along with my boy. He grew and eventually a formula he could tolerate was found. BUT IT IS NOT THE SAME FOR THE POOR WOMAN WHO COULD NOT GIVE HER NEW AND BELOVED CHILD WHAT HE NEEDED.

    • @thelittlebrownranch9105
      @thelittlebrownranch9105 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      That's what I was thinking too - alternatives. I'm wondering if she has to stop completely or can she pump and dump for a week or month or ... and then when the drug is out of her system she can start breastfeeding again.

    • @tammyt870
      @tammyt870 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      I think she's sad to lose the connection of nursing more so than the restriction of not being able to give the babies her milk. :(

    • @lydiamitchell6814
      @lydiamitchell6814 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@thelittlebrownranch9105 yes!

    • @shirleycourtney8034
      @shirleycourtney8034 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      This is a wonderful idea!

  • @TheTexasBoys
    @TheTexasBoys 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I had to stop nursing one of my babies at 4 months old. It was aweful but he was able to drink goat milk.

  • @dawnmerlino5491
    @dawnmerlino5491 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I always tell myself "God Bless the Ordinary Day". Because so much happens that isn't. I fully understand your devastation at the possibility of stopping nursing your babies. Not everyone can or wants to but those of us who have know how very special this gift from our bodies is to our babies. It comforts and nutures. It makes you stop doing anything else but focus and bond with the baby. You cannot fully describe how important it is to your mothering style. You have given both babies such a good healthy 6 months. If you must stop to keep your vision you will have done the very best you could. Have faith in reasons for all that happens. Your blessings are many but the constant hammering of non-blessings can be louder and hard to deal with. Let us hope your appointment goes better than you think. And Bri you will never let the trials of life rob you of your loving sweet personality. It just will not happen. Godspeed 💕

  • @erinescence13
    @erinescence13 2 ปีที่แล้ว +19

    Wishing you so much love and healing from this season in your life. When Joyful came up to you and gave you a hug I burst into tears. What a sweet child and you are an amazing mother and your heart will definitely stay soft. You and your family are truly inspiring and I'm wishing you all the best. You're an amazing strong mama and you're surrounded by so much love and joy. Much love to you

  • @loritanner4478
    @loritanner4478 2 ปีที่แล้ว +27

    I know exactly how you are feeling Bri. It feels like we're in a hole and people are shoveling dirt over us. That's how I've been feeling. And I've forgotten how it feels to be happy. I have to force myself to find the light at the end of my tunnel. It's been so hard. I'm so sorry you are having to go through this too.

    • @thuff1947
      @thuff1947 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Prayers for you Lori- keep going

    • @loritanner4478
      @loritanner4478 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@thuff1947 thank you. One foot in front of the other.

  • @jessicamckay9463
    @jessicamckay9463 2 ปีที่แล้ว +20

    I can relate to this on so many levels. After I had my second daughter I developed a blood clot in my leg. I was also breastfeeding and my options were not ideal, I ended up having to stop breastfeeding due to the medication I was on. I cried so hard in the ER room and had a nice nurse that just held me. I am so sorry you are going through this. I truly believe that your heart will recover ♥ I will say some prayers that you are wrapped in comfort and relief.

    • @maryholder6426
      @maryholder6426 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Dear Bree I am so sorry to hear of this disaster! I have two suggestions I learned that I am allergic to the shots that are given in the eye. So please read the side effect sheet it comes with the medication. A dear friend gave me a tip and that is purchase and Apple tablet because it has a built-in program for site impaired and blind individuals. It has brought me a lot of comfort. I just wish that I could do something to help you.

  • @marinigrey4913
    @marinigrey4913 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    We are all with you no matter what you choose to do.. I am standing right beside you darling... You are a strong Momma Bear... You got this honey...

  • @sarahjewel04
    @sarahjewel04 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thank you for sharing. I pray God gives you and your family strength, comfort and peace. He is with the broken hearted and binds up their wounds. 🙌🙌🙌

  • @ljmike5519
    @ljmike5519 2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Bri, you do not have a hard anything in your being. You are so full of love and compassion plus a healer on many levels. Praying for you and sending hugs. Blessings

  • @anna7118
    @anna7118 2 ปีที่แล้ว +34

    Bri - my heart goes out to you! It’s ok to feel tired from being strong through so much…and I any know the portion you share online. You definitely have hard choices before you. God is there for you to turn to in the midst of the pain. I wish I could just reach out to you with a hug. Joyful was wise with her words of encouragement. I will definitely be praying for you.

  • @crochetcatcrafty
    @crochetcatcrafty 2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Dear Bri, I wish I could hug you. My husband has the same eye condition as you are experiencing. He had sepsis in 2015 and had many awful things happen as a result. At one time he only had a 30% chance of surviving the sepsis. Not having much sleep can really affect your entire life in addition to all of the other struggles you and Art experience. Just remember - Her children will rise up and call her blessed. You are showing your children that you can experience heartbreak and that some day soon you will recover. You have so much love in your heart. I will keep you and Art and your children in my prayers.

  • @brookeboswell6612
    @brookeboswell6612 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Friend, so much of what you shared speaks to where my heart is as a mother and a wife. Thank you for sharing. I will be praying for you and claiming The Lord's Shield of protection around you and your family!!

    • @brookeboswell6612
      @brookeboswell6612 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Also, my baby suddenly quite breastfeeding at 17 months during a very stressful time and I was not ready. It was not the plan. I always said I would follow her lead but I miss it greatly.

  • @rosemarys2465
    @rosemarys2465 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    You have such good children...they love you. That's a big gift. I pray that your eye heals completely. Deep breaths.

  • @Grimmarox
    @Grimmarox 2 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    Art & Bri prayers for the chaos to come to an end. May the upcoming year be filled with many happy and joyful memories. You both have raised a beautiful family and with that you can always trust that God's grace is always close.

  • @kristylynn4099
    @kristylynn4099 2 ปีที่แล้ว +14

    May God increase your faith to trust His plan for your family. He is good and He knows. My Dad was blind in one eye 👁, lived a fine life with one eye.

  • @p.j.sstitches346
    @p.j.sstitches346 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Dear Bri, I feel your pain! I also have a eye condition that will eventually end in vision loss. Mine is a very slow process and not so quickly as yours. We are praying for a healing and to give you the peace that you need!

  • @almostafarm6394
    @almostafarm6394 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Bri, you're crying for all your losses. Arthur is feeling all the same pain for you and with you. His load is huge as the leader of your family. Sometimes, people don't get to lower their stress because there are so many "have to's." But those of us who love you are feeling so angry with you. May heaven intervene and surround you.

  • @Good-DaySunshine
    @Good-DaySunshine ปีที่แล้ว +2

    My Mom has been getting those shots for years...both eyes; she uses the best Dr in our state. You shouldnt feel the shot at all...and the numbing stuff is a sting. She's 96 now and can still see. Last appt the doc said her eyes had improved and she skipped the shot. It will be ok, just try to keep calm- also when you go to sleep put a cool damp cloth on your eyelids to keep the swelling away.

  • @enosyodermattieyoder4298
    @enosyodermattieyoder4298 2 ปีที่แล้ว +37

    Could you pump and dump the milk until the treatment is over? My heart breaks for you! Life has been rougher than usual for you and it's not your fault. You've been so strong and brave. You don't need to feel guilty about the emotional side of things. You are going through a lot. I just love you for being so real and I hope there's going to be others that will be helped by your vulnerability

  • @cindyboard7816
    @cindyboard7816 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Prayers for you!!!🙏 My dad had the very same diagnosis in the 70s!!! At that time NOTHING was known about the cause and the treatment was only experimental!! He had laser surgery several times and one winter had to stay off his feet for 6 weeks to prevent his Retina from detatching!! As a dairy farmer in his mid twenties the condition, diagnosis and poor prognosis was devastating!! Thank you for sharing your story!!! Please know you are in our thoughts and prayers!!! Sending positive thoughts your way from Kentucky!!

  • @janebush2478
    @janebush2478 2 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    Bri, you have a wonderful family, and you are an amazing mom! Give your worries and fears to God and he will keep your heart soft. You need that gentle heart for your children. If you have to stop breastfeeding just hold them close and nurture them when feeding them from the bottle and they will still have that sweet connection. I will pray for you and your family sweet girl.

  • @katiengland1529
    @katiengland1529 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Blessings to you and your family! Bri, I have been through a lot of traumatic events the past two years. My heart aches for you during this time and I will continue to pray for you and your family. I do want to share one positive thing that I found during that time and it has been a life saver, truly. By the grace of God I found a therapist that does Satir therapy. I’ve done therapy off and on over the years with some positive results, but nothing even came close to the progress I experienced with Satir therapy. I do it vis telehealth from the comfort of my bedroom each week. It was on my heart to share this will you. Prayers and hugs!!

  • @lailabradley7454
    @lailabradley7454 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Praying for you, Bri, and your family in this very difficult time. Praying for a huge miracle for healing on your eyes and for your little ones to be able to keep breastfeeding. I have really been encouraged watching you all over the past years! And another miracle answered, is your two precious little bundles from heaven on your laps that have continued to thrive and bless all those around them and those of us who watch them on your channel! Bless each one of you in this New Year! You have become like family to me! Don't give up, God has something very special in store through all of this! We all love you guys!

  • @scarletbluefield2542
    @scarletbluefield2542 2 ปีที่แล้ว +11

    So sorry, Bri. You've been through so much in the past few years. I had to give up nursing sooner than I wanted with my youngest.

  • @mountaingirl8124
    @mountaingirl8124 2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Praying for you mama Bri. My heart goes out to you. Finding joy in the trials is so hard. That's why we need to continue leaning on the Lord's strength and not our own. He is enough. The twins are deliciously DARLING! You both are doing a good job! You are in our prayers. Blessings.

  • @EmilyMaltas
    @EmilyMaltas 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Watching you two has helped me pull through some hard things.
    I so want to give you a hug hunny.

  • @lorayejones1203
    @lorayejones1203 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    It is scary. Praying It will work. My mother in law had macular for years. It took years for her to be legally blind. She did not slow her down too much. But she was In her 60’s . She was happy God did not take it all from her. Sending prayers🙏🏻

  • @rhondallyons9842
    @rhondallyons9842 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    The fact that your precious twins can't have your milk is devastating. I will be praying for a miracle. Hugs, you have worked so hard to nurse those babies. So glad you have such a loving and caring husband. God knows how hard you have fought. 🥲🙏💕

  • @KTplease
    @KTplease 2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Love you, guys. PRAYING for some peace and REST! Bri, I can relate to your situation in a lot of ways, so I feel your hurt and grief and guilt along with you. It’s okay to not be okay for a while longer. You are an amazing mother, and you will make it! Jesu has you! He will bear you up! Love you, sweet mama ❤️

  • @leewillis2908
    @leewillis2908 2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    My husband and I are praying for you guys, and especially you, Bri. Praying that everything will work out for the best for the twins, for YOU, and the whole family. Lord right now, please touch Bri’s heart, and keep it soft as she requests. We ask that there would be another option. Mostly, we pray for healing, of vision, of heart and of mind - that she would be filled with Your perfect peace.

  • @dunderdalej
    @dunderdalej 2 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    OMG the way Truely looked at Art at 17,05 melted my heart :) stay strong and positive guys, you've got this, god is watching over you , sending love and prays from th e UK

  • @barbikinkin
    @barbikinkin 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Both of kids were bottle fed and were rarely sick and have grown up very well with a wonderful connection to their mother. It is not the end of the world. You are alive with the ability to see your children...that is the most important thing.

  • @sandraderby1628
    @sandraderby1628 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    My identical twin boys are 24 now! I see them, police officer and mechanical engineer, and I'm thinking, I have twins! 💜 Even 24 yrs later...