Im from Los Angles CA I have kid who was born with Gastrochisis and I move to Houston s few years ago and Surgeon Pimpawar did a surgery in my kid that transform his life for better he repair his intestines and now his able to eat like never before they have a magazine doctors and advanced technology
Can't wait to start my career there in January 2018
Thanks for everything
T.H.C is a good hospital.
Heather Bruen ywyrgegegre
Pool P m.yeyryeyeyeyryhehryreyryeyeyeydyefyeyeehhrheyr
Heather Bruen dysdwhesfa
Kassandra Oborny stfu
Im from Los Angles CA I have kid who was born with Gastrochisis and I move to Houston s few years ago and Surgeon Pimpawar did a surgery in my kid that transform his life for better he repair his intestines and now his able to eat like never before they have a magazine doctors and advanced technology
I love this hospital
Very nice
Love Texas children’s
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Good for Texas but not in par with the best hospitals in NY or Boston.