+Nick Joslin You can't exercise your way out of specific nutrient deficiencies. However you can burn off pretty much as many calories as you can be bothered with.
Eat healthy for weight loss, and exercise for fitness. For half a year I tried exercise to lose weight and it had little effect. Then the next half year I continued to exercise but also cut carbs and lost 4 times as much weight in the same amount of time. People also seem to think that they have to go to a gym to work out when one can do cardio and toning exercises that don't require equipment at home for free.
Sorry but I’m calling BS. It’s the complete opposite. I’ve been eating healthy for months, and my body has still been flabby. I started working out just 3 weeks ago, and I immediately put on muscle and burn fat and now I’m in athletic shape. Exercising is most important
With that said, I don’t know why people feel the need to split hairs. I guess the reason is because they’re secretly lazy and they want to find rationalizations to not work out. But the simple fact is that you do need to do BOTH if you want to get in shape
For me, my only reason for not exercising the past few years is because I had an injury. I’m not naturally a lazy person, once I got the injury fixed I got back in the gym. I think there’s just people that are lazy and don’t wanna exercise
I used to be a personal trainer when I was younger, like 8 years ago, before I became successful in business. The guy who made this video is so wrong on the science. Let me explain why: he said “if you eat 1000 cal and you exercise off 350 cal, then you still have 650 cal extra.“ This is incorrect, because it’s not as simple as total number of calories. When you exercise, it causes physiological changes in your body that cause you to digest food differently and also, to excrete out (poop out) unneeded food/calories. There’s 2 things that determine how your body digests food: 1) whether you are in “fat storage” mode or “fat burning” mode, (metabolism speed) and 2) whether you are in a “catabolic” state or an “anabolic” state (anabolic = you’ve been exercising and your muscles have hypertrophied and you’re in process of building back stronger muscle. Catabolic = muscle is currently wasting away, not being built back stronger). Hard athletes and bodybuilders are in a constant “anabolic” state; this is why they won’t get fat, no matter how much they eat, provided what they eat is reasonably healthy. Have you ever seen the really skinny Chinese guy, that could eat 50 hotdogs and he was still super skinny? He would win all of the hot dog competitions. He didn’t throw it up afterwards. His body just had a high metabolism, so he pooped it all out. When you’re anabolic and high-metabolism, your body simply poops out the excess calories. It really is that simple! Since I began exercising and *lifting weights* (necessary) like 3 weeks ago, I’ve been eating a lot more but still lost a lot of fat and my muscles have grown. Amazing how our bodies work!
While watching netflix use a rebounder, stationary bike, treadmill, or an elliptical. They are quite cheap on craigslist, or ask your family and friends.
Adding significantly more muscle mass and controlling my caloric intake was what did it for me. Being leaner and stronger felt great and made moving more enjoyable. The fitter I got, the more I moved, the more I moved, the fitter I got. My appetite did increase but so did my basal metabolic rate from the increased muscle mass. For anyone who is able, I think exercise but specifically strength training is critical for overall health and well being.
I have a similar experience. I do understand the muscle contributes only modestly to BMR/RMR, but I think it's grossly underestimated how much strength can impact TDEE. I was winded more easily and sitting down a lot more when I was weak in my 20s (now in my 40s). Now I dash up the stairs and prefer that to elevators. If my wife needs me to lift something heavy, I just lift it instead of trying to push it around and take rests. I'd estimate as a former calorie tracker that I burn at least 500kcal/day more on average (factoring in lazy seasons and vacations) than I did in my 20s.
I totally agree with you! The more strength exercise I do, the more my metabolism changes and the slimmer I get. The problem is when I have stopped exercising. But this method has helped 3 times now!
A few years ago, I lost over 30 lbs once I started running regularly. I'm NOT saying it's due to the exercise alone, but how my body responded afterwards. Strange as it is, my cravings for fatty and starchy almost completely go away after I exercise. So, depending on your body type, exercise may help control your eating habits.
When I cut snacks and put smaller proportions of food on my plate I lost TEN POUNDS in a a month and I was super psyched! It was thrilling to see what a small chance in diet can do
I still think that physical activity is still helpful. Not exercise per se, but overall daily activity. I currently live in Houston, where getting anywhere without a car is pretty much impossible, which means that a day in lives of most people around here consists of sitting at home, then sitting in the car as they go to work or wherever else, then sitting there - very little actual physical activity. Compare that to the cities in Europe, or even cities like Chicago or New York, where walking and public transportation are viable ways of getting places - the lower obesity rates in those places can't just be due to difference in diet, can they?
+114Freesoul He did made it clear that exercise is definitely helpful and a necessary element for health and wellness overall. And of course, someone being a little active over completely sedentary is MUCH healthier. But, the problem with people try to lose weight is that they think if they go do their half hour or hour at the gym a couple times a week they don't have to be as rigid with their diet because "they do some running or jogging" now. There's a fundamental misconception (esp for those that are heavier and struggling with weight) that, bc that jog was really exhausting and difficult, that they must have burned a TON. ...and can therefore eat whatever they want for dinner that night. Which, can even lead many to gaining weight by eating more than they would have before. The thought behind this video is to acknowledge that it's bing more widely accepted and believed that if you just work out, you'll lose weight.....or, you don't have to give up what you love so long as you start exercising more. For healthy people that might be reasonably true bc what "they love" may only be a few little extra snacks here and there -- but that's not the case for those eating an abundance daily and won't give that up under the assumption some exercise is gonna fix their weight. It's interesting to watch how many people struggling with obesity will grossly underestimate how many calories are in their meals, and then overestimate what they think that half hour or hour at the gym burned OFF. So, it's a recipe for their failing at weight loss. I don't believe any of this was at ALL to say or suggest that exercise holds no value or is unhelpful, or that people shouldn't try to be more active wherever they can be. But it's not the KEY to losing weight. It's not the secret, not the magic trick, not the cure all, or life addition that makes fat just melt off you. It's not the one and only thing every obese person NEEDS to lose weight. They need activity and exercise for their improved health and well-being, but not *specifically* for their weight loss goals. The exercise is futile if the eating is still terrible.
I live in Toronto and do not have a car. I walk everywhere I do not go by public transit. It has not prevented me from getting to the highest weight in my life and, thanks to COVID-19, I have not even been able to find out if it could have been helpful in shedding half of that weight.
I lost 25lbs with no exercise. I have a physical job as a scuba instructor but no intentional exercise. My weight was maintained at 210+lbs. Then one day I just decided to try eating less. I stopped drinking soda and sugary drinks for the most part. Aside from that I eat all the same stuff I used to. I just eat less than before.
'What you don't eat is much important than exercising'. A lot of the time people think that they can eat whatever they want as long as they exercise.Though it is important to exercise, they are not burning as many calories as they think they are. People burn less calories and increase their calories intake. It is important to know that exercise increase appetite. research shows that when you burn off calories the body signal you to replace them. Also when you lose weight, metabolism often slows. Weight loss seem easier when you start but decrease over time. This video is very informative and important to know for people who are trying to lose weight, and exercise regularly as a result. The video stated that people who work and exercise feel that after a long day it is hard to be motivated enough to cook. However, if people knew that the eating part was more effective then the exercising part; their motivation might change. I agree with the initial response a hundred percent, 'You can't exercise your way out of a bad diet'. Promotions about working out should also make people aware how eating correctly is even more important. Also, I found that people often stop eating real meals and eat fiber bars as a replacement, a full coures meal helps more, and it more healthy for the body.
I can relate to this. I lost three stone by doing no exercise but I hardly ate a thing as I was in shock following my husband leaving me. I was reeling and lost my appetite. It was initially very hard but when the shock and depression lifted, I felt wonderful! It changed my views on the exercise/diet weight loss lie.
Was it just my computer, or did the camera start warping on occasionally, when he was on the right side of the frame? It seems to be repeatable by refreshing or even just rewinding the video. example: 4:53
Here's an idea (hey, Mike!): promoting exercise instead of food reduction is because of consumer capitalism. Reducing the amount of food means less money spent on food, less things being consumed. If you instead focus on exercise you can keep or even increase your profits (gym memberships, fitness equipment, sport clothing etc). I'm not saying there's a global conspiracy...OR IS THERE?!
***** No need for a conspiracy, it's just business. It's like why social gyms, like LA Fitness, have pizza parties or sell 600 Cal smoothies, they keep their patrons from losing weight too quickly, so they can keep paying their dues.
DigGil3 But that's not necessarily what's best, and therefore, not effective. The most effective would the workout that one continues to do, and some work best with that motivation. I hate running, severe hay fever and it can't keep my interest, and calisthenics are too easy or they aggravate old injuries (separated shoulder), but weight training, particularly heavy weight training is fantastic, and can be designed to suit my needs. For example, the regular bench press causes my bad shoulder to pop and hurt, so I do dumbbell bench presses, which allows for a more natural range of motion. For squats, I use neoprene sleeves on my knees to warm the joints and enhance blood flow, especially to my left knee, which suffered a fair amount of ligament damage.
The first time I started tracking the calories I ate compared to the calories I burned during my workouts, I was amazed. It takes a lot more than one more lap around the block to burn off a cookie. You cannot out run your fork.
Let me start of by saying that Aaron I completely agree with, I had wished I knew those about four to five years ago. When I graduated high school I weighted at 231 pounds. When I left to collage in Medina, Saudi Arabia there is not much for a man who is not married to do. So I thought of losing weight. I signed up for a gym and started working out in an intense four hours a day, six days a week routine. Since I do not know how to cook and I had lived alone I always ate out and because I am a college student with low income it is usually fast food. But I had milk, juice and few fruits at my place. At the end of the school year I had lost about 50 pounds and then when I decided to move to the united states three months later I was at 165 pounds, the lowest I have ever been. But two months in the united states, winter was really cold for me in Michigan so I stopped going to the gym. And of course ate American food and I’m at 185 now. Main point is I wished I had a better diet because that would lead to a more stable and a long term plan to stay in shape. Exercise is important, very actually, but a diet is more valuable for the long run. As the evidence stated, people are exercising more but more people are gaining weight, why? Because less diets are being developed into routine. And people just think exercising is going to solve the whole weight lose issue. As the study in 2012 mentions that a systematic review looked at how people complied with exerciser programs showed that people over time wound up burning less energy with exercise than predicted and also increasing their caloric intake.
It excites me to see videos like these that debunk myths and misconceptions of how our activities affect certain aspects of out health. As a high school athlete, I believed all of the misconceptions of increasing exercise alone to lose weight, or that just eating less would get me where i needed to be to be a lighter, faster athlete. Now that I'm in college and have taken nutrition and physiology classes, I can appreciate how much the things we put into our bodies affect the way we look, feel and perceive our surroundings. Armed with this information, I've been able to help friends with weight problems and eating disorders to change their life in a positive way and when I see videos like these it just helps me affirm what I know and continue to help others!
I think your video stabilizer (or something like that) is going a little haywire in this video. Occationally there are weird distortion effects whenever Aaron is in view. Example: 3:03
DLWormwood Due to the way it skews, I would agree with you. It holds the perspective of something like that. However, if you look in the base of the lamp (when he pops over to the other side), you can see his reflection as he moves.
So true! I lost a little over 100 lbs and never exercised...I just never enjoyed it and due to my bad diet, had no energy to do it. The weight still came off because I changed my eating habits. Did the intermittent fasting which is an incredible protocol. Seems obvious now, but I really never considered that I could just stop eating! Seriously. I thought we had to eat EVERY day and 3 meals. Boy, was I wrong! I love not having to eat every day and I'll never be the same. The bonus is that it is the easiest thing I have ever done and I'll never go back. I've been fighting this battle since I was in my 20's and I'm now 67 and finally feel like I've found the pot of gold. So thankful!!!
I agree with a majority of this video, what I find troubling- is the way that a lot of the data in this video is presented. A lot of people may watch this and be really turned off from exercising- because let's face it, most people exercise to try and lose weight not to become healthier. My favorite part of the video was when it was mentioned how little calories are burned when doing cardio such as running. A lot of people think because running is so hard, that they are burning a lot of calories. I wish this was the case, but sadly it is not. People mistakenly think this and over-eat after exercising- then get discouraged when they are not losing weight. Let's face it, a majority of us have done exactly that. I think exercising is very important and absolutely helps with weight loss- however it will not work if your diet is extremely poor. Building muscle is important and helps burn more fat, but it can only do so much if the amount of calories going in is excessive. I found this video to be very informative and brought up many excellent points, I just hope people watch the other video about how important exercise is to overall health- and are not turned off by it from this video.
I’ve lost 35 pounds in 2020. Know that you will spend lots of time doing dishes after all the home cooked meals! Lol I hardly exercised and it’s still coming off :)
Let me tell you the key to weight loss: Doing a 12 month physics course in 7 weeks, while being bombarded by friends and family with invitations to do fun stuff which you are forced to decline, and having _promised_ to help fix up and repair a house but ending up helping only minimally. Worst summer in my life. I hope weight is the only thing I've lost..
Herr Hansen Bummer, I did a similar thing with the Theory of Politics. Never again. I had to read Plato's The Republic in 2 weeks instead of 3 months like they normally get and I took 3 political courses that summer. Ughhhh I feel you man, but you'll survive.
I realised this after 2 years of running ragged at the gym 2 hours or more didn’t lose weight gained infact did intermittent fasting looked worse. Now focus on my meals 85% percent and include little exercises and guess what change !! You don’t need to work hard and strong you need to eat healthy and proper portions 😊
The statement "Exercise is NOT the Key to Weight Loss" is fine, but some people take it too far and go with the statement "Exercise does not cause Weight Loss". The biggest things in these studies that have to be noted is the very short amount of time that we talk about when talking about exercise. While 30 minutes of exercise per day is GREAT for health, as the video talks about, it is not enough to cause any real weight loss. Change 30 minutes to 2 hours, and now we are talking. On a personal level, where I have crazy weight loss is when I go backpacking. I do 10-12 miles per day up and down mountains but I also eat a lot of VERY calorie rich foods and generally push my self to eat as much as my body will allow. I generally lose a pound per day. The math is straight forward. I am a big guy, 225lb and 6'5", with a ~40lb pack burn ~650 calories per hour and am hiking for ~6 hours, burning 3900 calories, plus the ~2 hours of activities at camp; pumping water, setting up camp, finding wood ect. for another 500 calories, plus my RMR of ~2400 Calories per day. Generally, I will eat ~3000-4000 calories per day, but it leaves me in a caloric deficit of 2800 to 3800 calories per day. It also should be noted that losing weight by increasing exercise rather then lower calories is healthy for you, but losing weight by lower calories is easier and less time consuming.
Also, gaining muscle does increase your "Resting Metabolic Rate" or RMR. With all other things equal, if a man puts on 10lb of muscle, is RMR will increase ~88 calories per day. That is not huge, but if you run a caloric deficit of just 88 calories per day for a year, that is the loss of almost 9lb of fat. Though it should be noted that this is NOT an easy thing to do at all.
Loathomar I'm guessing that the studies were done on ordinary people, not hikers, cross-country skiers, or wildland firefighters. Also, I'm not sure you would see a difference at the six-month or one-year mark unless you're sustaining that intense level of exercise for that entire period, which is out of the question for the vast majority of mere mortals.
John Harvey That was not a study, just first putting in data to a RMR calculator for the change for 88 calories per day for me. Then it was assuming a unchanged caloric intake, so a 88 calorie deficit per day for a year, which is ~32,000 calories. Then 1lb of fat per 3,500 calories for a lose of ~9lb of fat in one year. And that "unchanged caloric intake" is a big assumption. Though I did not talk about it here, but gaining 10lb of lean mass is not easy, and would take about 6 months of serous strength training for a male beginner.
Loathomar I wasn't referring to your example as a study; I was talking about the studies in the meta-analyses cited in the video. What I mean is that "exercise is NOT the key to weight loss" is still true for the vast majority of the population, who aren't involved in rigorous physical activity for hours at a time on a daily basis, and that such physical activity isn't a viable solution (or even necessarily safe) for the general population.
John Harvey Oh, sorry. Yes, I agree that most people don't have the time to do enough exercise to be the key to weight loss. I was just pointing out that serous exercise can have huge effects on weight lose. And some people take this idea too far and don't know the type of exercise talked about in these studies are only short exercise routines that almost everyone can do. There is nothing wrong with the studies, but people show know the context because it is not for exercise, but instead, what is considered reasonable for most working people.
I think about it this way. Someone trying to bulk up actually needs to eat more or they can lose that muscle BUT they need to stay on a strict diet. Exercise helps those who want to stay fit or bulk up but not so much on the weight loss aspect without changing diet. It's also not easy keeping up a daily exercise routine unless you already do so. I'm not saying it won't/can't help weight loss and strongly believe everyone needs some exercise for reasons other than weight loss, but you would have to exercise over the calorie intake. Exercising to burn off the equal calories would only keep the same weight (I know it's not that simple but that's how I like to think about it). Great video.
Exercise helps me to feel better overall and when I lift weights, I never feel any type of overwhelming hunger that causes me to overeat. Eating well does help for sure and gives me the energy to move which shifts those inches. For me it's about balance. Doing hours and hours of exercise will just leave you exhausted and ragged, but doing 30 mins to 1hr of even just walking daily, helps with a lot including sleep, health and wellbeing and if those things are OK, you will want to eat better. Works for me
He does not dispute that. He is only saying that it is less than helpful for losing weight, and he is right. I just spent almost a whole day trying to find a credible meta-analysis that showed clinically significant weight loss thanks to exercise. All I got for the effort was irritation and no meta-analysis.
I agree with Dr. Carroll's argument. People can't just believe that exercise alone will help them lose weight. Diets are what help lose weight overtime. Exercise can't and will not be effective if eating habits stay the same. I'm not saying exercise isn't helpful at all, its just you really have to be willing to do more to see results. I don't mean exercise more, I mean change bad habits and add beneficial ones. I've seen for myself through friends and my own experience that just going to the gym to exercise 2-3 times a week does not benefit any weight loss if you're going to continue to eat the same things and the say way you did before. Those studies that show exercise and diet combined leads to more sustained weight loss should make people realize that eating habits need to change for weight loss. Like Dr. Carroll said, many complain about not having enough time to cook a healthy meal, instead of spending two hours at the gym spend one of those at the grocery store buying healthier food options to prep before you go to they gym, that way you'll already have it to prepare after you leave the gym.
According to the video, rather than excercising too much, you are probably eating too little (if you are actually under weight, I have no way of knowing that of course).
Thanks for posting this. People definitely put too much emphasis on exercise. Unless you're a pro athlete, exercise probably won't burn off an entire cake worth of calories in one day.
I really agree with the points discussed in this video. Personally, when thinking about how I get lose a few pounds, I immediately think of how often I go to the gym versus how often I SHOULD be going to the gym. The absolute last thing I want to focus on is what I eat. Counting calories and staying away from things like pop sounds a lot more difficult than just going to the gym a few extra times a week. Granted, a good exercise routine isn't always hard to stick too either, but when it comes to snacks, I have a harder time limiting myself. For this reason, I completely understand where people go wrong in assuming that working out (without paring it with some kind of diet) will effectively cause them to lose weight or become more physically fit. Exercise is not a bad thing by any means. We should all be trying to exercise daily and get our heart rates up, but if weight loss is the goal, exercise is not the only ingredient. This is why studies confirm that between 2001 to 2009, the number of Americans who were sufficiently physically active increased, but so did the number of obese Americans. Obesity is caused by a number of things, including overeating, lack of exercise, etc. The truth is, in order to lead a healthy life style and to lose a few extra pounds, you need both a healthy diet AND a regular exercise routine.
Eeh. I stopped eating candy, ice-cream and cookies/cake/pastries. In about two month I've lost about 10kg. And I'm not an active person. I do believe exercise might help losing weight since bigger muscles burn more even when resting. But the key to losing weight is eating less and identifying what habits you need to limit or stop. Oh, and drinking more water.
My cravings are gone, I have energy for exercise, but not jittery. My mood is consistently upbeat and I feel I am just motivated and accomplishing more of the little things that I usually avoid or postpone. I would recommend Weight loss green store tea to everyone. I have lost two pounds in one week and did not fee like I was stressed out over dieting.
Cooking your own healthful meals from scratch does wonders for weightloss. My lady is on the AIP (very strict version of Paleo) Diet for a medical condition, and lost a lot of weight in a shorter time than she ever has by exerciseing by itself. It works damn well, but there is a plateu in weightloss. We're looking into diet-compliant ways to boost her metabolism again.
I absolutely love this video and agree with it 100%. Some people think that if they work out and still eat the same junk, they will lose weight. This does not happen most of the time. Exercising is a very small factor in weight loss. It helps a little, but the main factor in weight loss is eating healthy and cutting junk food out of your diet. It is pointless to exercise if you are just going to keep on eating the same junk...you are totally defeating the purpose.
This video is great. I’ve unknowingly been following this guide (eat healthy, move more), and have found great results. Built muscle mass, shed a good amount of unnecessary weight (mostly fat). I also do have to credit the wake up call from my pediatrician, who found that I had brain cancer, as well as my team of PT, OT, and other therapists who pushed me while I was inpatient back in 2011-2013 in a good way to exercise, and eat right after I was discharged. What’s more is that, it really doesn’t take much to do this. I’m not one of those “gym rats” who virtually lives at the gym. I do body weight exercises, and just take a look at what I’m eating. Rocket science not necessary.
I quit drinking all sodas as my new years resolution for 2015. Up to this day, I haven't drank a drop of soda. The occasional alcoholic drink or something, sure, but no soda. Since then, I've lost like 20 pounds from that alone. No other changes in my lifestyle. It's just because I stopped drinking soda and all I drink normally is water. Basically, I lost 20 pounds for free. I'm sure my teeth are also much happier too now.
Exercise improves health in so many ways, there is never a good reason to discourage it. In fact there is evidence that an overweight person who exercises regularly actually circumvents weight-related health problems. Also, if a person is already eating healthy to lose weight then adding exercise is extremely helpful! Firstly, you cannot look at weight alone because initially there is gain in muscle mass at the same time there is loss in fat tissue. Second, if you already have a decent diet then you can lose an additional 2000 calories each week from exercise. That is an additional 2 pounds/month, or 24 pounds/year of weight loss. Also, the type of exercise you do is very important. At least for me, weight training increases my appetite, whereas running long distances decreases my appetite. And then there is the huge impact exercise can have on mood. Not only does it improve neurotransmitter levels in the brain, but also one can track progress. If one sticks to an exercise program for 6 months, they will see huge improvements in performance, not to mention the progressively increasing number of calories burned. A person might burn 200 calories each exercise bout their first month and 700 calories each exercise session during their 6th month. The single best thing anyone can do to improve health is not smoke and not drink excessively. After that eating healthy and exercising are extremely beneficial in so many ways!!
Okay, but serious question here: What are the benefits of losing weight at all? Not "healthy eating," not exercise, just weight loss. I realize that being in the higher BMI categories is associated with increased mortality or whatever, but say that someone in the "overweight" or "obese" category already exercises, is fit and eats the recommended diets. What benefit would they gain from losing weight? And are they at more risk than someone who is in the "normal" category but who doesn't exercise or eat healthy? Secondly, is long-term weight loss even possible? I've read studies that showed that the majority overweight people who dieted eventually (after 2-3 years) regained their weight even though they were still eating at a calorie deficit compared to before they started dieting. Long-term studies of weight loss show that only like 5% of people don't regain the weight.
Rebecca Johnson I'm not sure how much excess weight you'd have to have before this happens, but some possible side effects of obesity even if you're fit: fat around vital organs potentially affecting their effectiveness (heart, liver), abdominal fat interfering with insulin absorption, stress on joints and bones. There are also some conditions triggered by excess weight that have nothing to do with fitness. I ended up with pseudotumor cerebri as a result of obesity. I lost 150lbs (with no change in my exercising habits) and the pseudotumor went away. Long term weight loss is only possible if you don't revert back to your previous eating habits after you've lost the weight. Temporary diets don't work long term; you need to make a permanent lifestyle change.
Rebecca Johnson It's true that studies suggest that long-term weight loss is impossible. But, it's important to remember that at the end of the day, it's a choice - do you want to remain healthy or go back to your old habits? We all have the ability to choose, regardless of what the studies say. There are probably some general health concerns associated with obesity regardless of how fit you think you are. I would still lose weight. Plus there's the benefit of looking better; that matters to a lot of people.
Rebecca Johnson Good question. My wife asks this question regularly. She is in the slightly overweight category (20-30 pounds by the BMI), but exercises 3-5 times a week. We eat healthy fresh home-cooked food most meals. She would like to lose 10-20 pounds, but on the whole is pretty healthy. I wonder if she really needs to lose more weight to gain any health benefits. I also have about 20-30 pounds extra, but I can run for 30 - 40 minutes. I don't want to lose weight for cardio or pulmonary health, just to put less pressure on my joints as I get older.
The key failure one can attribute to most people is the choice of 2 extremes. Either they eat barely anything and do no exercise or eat ALL the things and think exercise is all that matters, putting in over 3 hours at a gym. Establishing Balance between the two is what is right and tends to be more effort intensive because it works. Eat in Moderation, learn what foods do what and when to eat them, and some cardio (less than an hour, few times a week) and light strength exercises.
I tell people all the time that what you eat accounts for 90% of your success in weight management as well as muscle growth. In my own experience this is absolutely true. When I was in my early 30s I did at least 5 days a week of weight training plus 45 minutes of cardio per day. I ate what I wanted (though I have always had pretty consistent nutrition, lots of leans meats, fruits, veggies, grains, not a lot of soda or fast food) I was consuming around 3500 calories a day on average. While I gained muscle my overall fat percentage didn't change. Most recently, before my 43rd birthday, I decided to get the same level of activity with more focus on my diet. I ate the same foods, just less of it. I know my BMR & TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure) and I kept my calories in that range, just enough to support my health & activity level. And what happened? At 43 I got down to 6%ish body fat while gaining muscle. I wish I had known in my 30s what I know now. Not that it's necessary to be at that low of a body fat percentage it was just a goal. Nutrition is the key. I am still below 10% body fat almost a year later. I do exercise several days a week and while I am not as strict with my diet I am still conscious of what I eat. I put a few videos on TH-cam last year about my progress. Only 4 videos (staying motivated to make videos is harder than diet & exercise IMO ;) ) but you can check them out if you want. Search for "Lean Muscle Grind."
Honestly I agree with this video because I don't believe exercising is the main thing that help you lose weight. it there to help you but not as quickly as people wish the process would be. when exercising you have to be dedicated and really make sure you are doing it right and try to go at least everyday depending on how much weight you want to lose. really the main thing is to watch what you eat and portion the sizes when your eating. having a good diet and also follow a good workout plan can really help cut down some weight that you have been trying to lose. many people think that once they are seeing themselves gaining weight they can just go to the gym and lose it but don't change anything else and that's where many people go wrong. you have to make sure you are not over eating or taking in too many calories and you definitely cant stop eating because that could just lead to other bad problems.
Many times, when people say they want to lose weight all they’ll do is just exercise daily and that is all. Although that is an important factor in weight loss balancing a healthy diet is far more important. Portion control and knowing what to eat and not to eat can be difficult but once it becomes a habit it is a lot easier to continue to work on. Working out is indeed very good for you but watching what you eat is the key in a healthy weight loss. Activity and exercise are unlikely to be the cause of differing obesity rates. I know from experience that you can work out every day but if you still keep your eating habits unhealthy it is much harder to see results. According to this video people wound up burning less energy with exercise than predicted and also increasing their caloric intake. When you go to the doctors and ask for different ways to get some weight off the first thing they will say is to keep a healthy diet. Eating healthy makes one feel so much better than pigging out on unhealthy foods in my opinion. I do know that eating healthy can be hard and not necessarily always taste the best but it will help you out in the long run. Although I believe that eating healthy will do huge amounts to one’s health in the long run I do think that people need to continue to exercise regularly also. As long as the calories consumed does not exceed the calories lost, then weight will not be gained. Exercising helps many relieve stress and other emotions while doing so and I think that’s important in keeping one’s body healthy. Adding exercise to diets can be beneficial and this video states a review on a trial that helps prove this theory.
I definitely agree that exercise is not the key to weight loss. I am still learning that myself. I love to exercise and if exercise was the key to weight loss, I would be at my goal already. But its not the key, and I love food way too much. It's frustrating because it makes it seem like exercise does nothing for losing weight, and if you eat McDonalds once it seems like you gain 5 pounds just like that. Food is so key to being healthy and eating right because that is where you get all your energy and calories from and exercising isn't going to change that. Eating healthy is the hardest part for most people, and is the reason why our country is so overly obese, and it is getting worse. I also know from experience that exercising makes me want to eat more. Sometimes I wonder if I would lose more weight by not exercising because I would eat fewer calories overall. But exercise has so many other benefits than just weight loss, so I keep doing it. They do complement each other, it is just statistically shown that your diet is so much more important to losing weight.
100%. Couldn't agree more. From competing in a NPC bikini show, I know that the importance of exercise is key to build muscle, but the key to lose weight is a diet. Not even losing weight but maintaining a healthy weight needs a balanced diet with moderate exercise. "You can't out exercise a bad diet." Calories are not a bad thing. Calories are energy. People have such a negative connotation about calories that they must burn so many and eat less. This is attainable for only a very short amount of time because after a while, without a strict diet and mindset, people binge back to the ways they used to eat and give up because weight loss takes more time than they want. Exercise is critical so that we can maintain a healthy metabolism and cardiovascular system, as well as producing endorphins to improve mood and behavior.
I 100% agree with what this whole video is about. I do believe that people put a huge emphasis on exercise and not on the dietary part of trying to lose weight. If a person is up late at night, I am sure they have ran into an info commercial about the newest exercise program on TV. Often times, the newest and improved exercise program is talking about how a person can lose so much weight in such a short period of time. A person hardly hears about the diet that is needed to go along with the weight loss. I have also seen the show the Biggest Loser and couldn't agree more with the fact that they mostly emphasize exercise. They may play a short little section about the person who lost the weight saying they stay away from junk food and keep up with their diet plan, but that's about it. In my own experience, when I am exercising I often look at the calories I have burned during that half hour period. I always notice that it never seems to be that much because I think about the food that I intake or what I drink and think about how many calories that has as well. I have noticed that after I exercise I seem to be hungry because my body wants to but those calories I lost back into my body. I never knew that your metabolism slows down after exercising for a while making it seem harder to lose weight after exercising for a period of time. I believe that the diet is more important than the exercise when trying to lose weight. I believe that a person still needs to exercise, but what that person eats and drinks will help them lose the weight they want to lose. A person can exercise as much as they want, but if their diet unhealthy they will see no weight loss.
As someone else mentioned, the problem here is the kind of exercise at which these studies are analyzing. 30 minutes a day on a treadmill, elliptical, and maybe some isolation machines is not going to benefit people the way they think it will. It's true that you can lose loads of weight by eating at a caloric deficit, but what good is a weak skinny body with no training and little muscle mass? I would highly recommend anyone add strength training for the best results from exercise. Now, I'm NOT promoting bodybuilding (that's an entirely different animal than strength training), but I would suggest everyone add at a least a basic routine involving the main (and utmost sacred) compound lifts, like squats, deadlifts, bench, barbell rows, etc... to your diet and exercise regimen. Total health is the key here. Be the best human you can be.
I totally agree with what you're saying doc. The numbers with weight doesn't go down with exercise, because, I think that the fat is replaced with muscle, which weighs more, or the same as fat, making the net outcome equal, or a bit off, on the weight gain side. Maybe exercise doesn't cause weight loss, but, like you mention, it is healthier for the individual.
Absolutely true. Talking from own experience. I lost about 10kg in 2,5 months without any exercise. I also didnt and don't feel hungry. I was vegetarian but became vegan 3 months ago. On my menu are potatoes, pasta, tortillas, lots of fresh tomatoes, onion, beans, mushrooms, spinach.. But zero oil, zero nuts and zero white bread. When i reach my wished weight, it means to lose - 7kg more, i will add some olive oil into my regular diet. I don't say that exercise is not beneficial for body, but it really isn't neither closely so important for weight loss as it is popular to claim.
but muscle grow especially through weight exercise increases your metabolism by a lot for 24-48h. doesn't this have any effect? also muscles are heavier than fat, so for me, intensive exercise doesn't make me lighter but definitely slimmer. does the study take this into account?
Thank you so much for clearing that up for me. But now, can you do a video on how to loss weight properly? I have lost just over 50 pounds of weight by diet AND exercise but am now feeling feeling the affects of the slower metabolism. I am finding it harder and harder to continue losing the weight. Is there something I can do about the slowing metabolism? I still would like to loss a little more (25 pounds) weight to reach my goal.
Sure, in theory, it's not critical to exercise in order to lose weight, but it is extremely critical when it comes to weight maintenance. First, as you mentioned, calorie reduction causes your metabolism to slow down which means that the more weight you lose, the less can you eat without gaining weight and for morbidly obese people, this slow down can be extreme. If you don't exercise, not only are you going to have to reduce your calories below what a never obese person of the same weight is supposed to eat, but studies have shown that strength training can increase metabolism and make the slowing down of your metabolism less dramatic when losing weight. Basically, some ex obese people only burn 1500 calories at rest even though their peers of the same weight who have never been obese burn 2000 calories at the same weight, if you exercise and burn perhaps 300-500 calories per day on average you can eat a more normal amount of food without gaining the weight back. After all, the majority of dieters will gain back their weight within two years. Obviously it's difficult to burn 500 calories per day, but I personally think that in the long run, it's more sustainable than eating as little as 1500 calories per day even after reaching your goal weight. **TL;DR: Exercise is extremely important for weight maintenance after weight loss because that's when you need those few hundred calories of leeway the most. It's not that difficult to lose weight, but it's incredibly difficult to keep the weight off due to slowed metabolism and out of wack hunger/craving hormones such as ghrelin and leptin. Exercise can help with this.**
No, the metabolic changes aren't the same for all groups that diet. There was some study that compared a few groups, one below 800 calories each day, one intermittent fasting and one with something like 25% cut in calories (not as low as 800/day) with exercise. I can't remember the exact details anymore, but the one point I remember clearly is that the study demonstrated that the exercise group was the one that best prevented the long-term "metabolic damage" from the diet that often causes people to gain the weight back easier later. So exercise to keep your metabolism going, eat so that you are in a calorie deficit, but not too little (like famine mode at 500 calories per day for 3 months) and you will have good results. I walked 1 hour almost every day, and 2 hours on some days. I dropped all sugars (even juices) all crap like candy, chips, cookies just all of it and basically drank just coffee, tea and water and ate basic healthy food and I lost about 10kg easily in 3 months and now 3months after, still haven't gained any of it back and could actually easily lose more.
If your client doesnt have at least 15 mins to lift weight this means hes not serious about his change . Yes diet comes first but adding a small muscles here and there is a must . a beginner going to a gym 10 mins will make his body change a lot even if hes doing every exercise wrong . usually obese human body forget that muscles exist and a small reminder helps a lot . i myself go to gym for max 15 mins and it helps a lot
It seems to be common thought that if one exercises regularly then they can eat whatever they want; I've heard the quote "anything will burn if the furnace is hot enough." I'm glad that this video explained otherwise. I've found it's quite commonly known that muscle weighs more than fat, and this is a point not made by the video. If one exercises regularly, especially with weight bearing activities, they will develop and tone muscles they hadn't in the past. If one is solely just paying attention to the number on the scale, it will be discouraging because their fat is being replaced by muscle and they are not losing pounds. Especially if one isn't pairing exercise with a healthy diet, their fat will continue to cover the muscle, and they will see no physical change. Not to mention, a healthy diet provides the vitamins, minerals, and nutrients that are optimal for your body to change. One thing I wish this video did was explain that exercise might not be the key to weight loss, but it is incredibly important in overall health. One should exercise, not to lose weight, but to be in shape and keep their body healthy and active.
There is one very important point, not just any type of exercise but strength training will increase your muscle mass, while reducing the body fat percentage. With exercise, just by looking at the number on the scale you may not seem to lose weight but actually the composition of your body is changing. Like eight years ago I was 86 kg, and had a huge belly. Now I'm at the same weight but I have much more muscle and I can lift much heavier, and I have much much smaller belly. The number on the scale doesn't tell all.
Woo Cheol Shin As someone who only drinks coffee and soda (I haven't drank pure water in 11 months) - I'm still 130lb at 5'11". So, it can't be that bad.
I have a question. I want to lose weight, but in many attempts, I find that my appetite gets the better of me. What's a good way of curbing one's appetite while also controlling one's portion sizes?
Healthcare Triage Could you give a list of the sources for this video? I'm currently pursuing a PhD in physical education, and many of my classes, professors, and professional organizations do not seem to be aware of this research. We follow the ACSM's position stand on the subject where 1.5 hours of aerobic activity increases adipose tissue loss if done at least 5 times a week. I would be interested in comparing these. Also the "The Incidental Economist" link is broken.
I'm 16 years old and currently 50 pounds overweight, thank you health triage for giving me an excuse to further my procrastination to exercise, I'll just lower my calorie intake and jog 15 to 20 minutes a week, I'll lose 50 pounds of fat in no time! 😊
I lost 80 lbs over a year while in a wheelchair (which they said MS would force me to be in forever but I've been walking since Feb ALSO diet! Wahls Protocol!) by changing my relationship with food. No HFCS, no processed foods, no gluten, no artificial sweeteners and no soda for starters! All natural and organic fruits veggies nuts and meats. Period. I'm healthier and happier now than I've been since my early 20's! It's ALL about what you eat.
I couple gradual increase in activity with gradual improvement of diet with a lot of patience slathered over the top. It has taken me 10 years but I am in the best shape of my life and I am going to be 47 this year. My overall next goal: to be in the best shape of my life when I turn 65. If you are patient and make changes on both diet and activity gradually over time, it isn't that hard (not easy though). Where I think most people screw up is they want the change and they want it now. That's very hard and most of the time backfires.
I would like to put my .02¢ in just to say that building muscle mass, while not good for losing weight, is excellent in the long term for keeping excess or fat weight off, increasing your basal metabolic rate (i.e. how many calories you can freely eat even with no activity). I think this can be a victory on two fronts for previously untrained people. 1. Work on eating healthier with a very slight caloric deficit 2. Focus on muscle hypertrophy which means limited cadio (don't get rid of it, but don't be running 3+mi every other day either, focus more on HIIT on lift days, and run for 20mins on off days) and focusing on weightlifting with lower reps and higher weight. While for maximum hypertrophy you'd want to go for 2-6 reps per set, a happy medium between calorie burn, lower pain (from soreness), lower chance for injury, and hypertrophy is in that 6-10 rep range. This is the ultimate combo for improving health and losing fat long term. By increasing your muscle mass, you will be jacking up your basal metabolic rate meaning you won't have to work as hard to limit your calorie intake, while also (for untrained folks) turning much of that fat into muscle
This has been my weight loss philosophy over the last couple of years: small sustainable changes that I can live with (such as replacing the suger-water popsicles with frozen juice cups, because frozen stuff is essential if I want to keep being able to swallow food or water, and working in more salad and celery to replace calorie dense foods like chips, and I've long since given up almost all soda). Over the last two years, I've lost 25-30 pounds. No, it's not as fast as a fad diet, but the way I see it, any progress (even slow progress) is better than staying overweight, or worse, gaining weight. But, imo, if changes aren't sustainable, then you're just boarding the weight roller coaster (and that can't be healthy).
The thing I can remember back when I was an athlete was that when I knew I was exercising the next day it would effect what I wanted to eat. I didn't want to eat junk food or stuff that might make me feel heavy or maybe even make me sick after my race ( i was a rower). I started to gear towards healthier foods that you can have inside you and not feel like crap when moving your body quickly. Now that I dont exercise the bag of cheetos I might eat doesnt come with physical pain the next day. Its just cheetos and none of the other side effects of working out with crap food in your system.
For most of my life, I ate very poorly and I still do. But I recently have started exercising and that has push me to eat better. Why would I ruin my workout by eating dessert? For me, exercise is the impetus to eat better and I have lost weight because of this combination.
All I can tell you is excersize works for me. One the days that I don't excersize I don't think I have balanced my calories once. On the vast majority of days I excersize I meet my calorie aim. To some extent I think just being out of the house when I'd otherwise be at home tempted to eat might be part of it. Also I often don't feel like eating the first few hours after strenuous excersize.
This all ties into the most famous equation in physics: E=mc2. That "speed of light squared" part is the most important bit: A little bit of mass contains a hell of a lot of energy. You'll lose more weight by eating less than by exercising more (although it's reccomended to do both).
I agree with most things in this video - but I do have to admit, when I didn't have a car and was forced to walk 3-5 miles a day, I didn't gain weight, even if I splurged. Once I got a car, I put on the pounds quickly and didn't make any changes in my diet before. Also when I worked in a mail room and delivered across a University campus, my app that showed me all the steps I took showed me I walked 5 miles a day on average. Never worried about my weight than either. Walking sure does works wonders.
I always knew that the use of a good dietary plan was good for you, but didn't know that the excising or going to the gym didn't really effect weight loss, but more of loss of energy obviously from exerting the body. The body needing a good diet to lose weight is something that changed my perspective on the losing weight and made it seem more important to eat to lose weight instead of run of the excess weight in a way of losing it, or as the running to sweat it off and lose pounds. This idea that eating good is the key behind losing weight should be told to all those trying to lose weight to concentrate more on their diet instead of trying to make it to the gym.
The problem is that the American diet has low satiety per calorie, so exercise causes increased hunger meaning more calories eaten. Also America measures standard of living in terms of gdp per capita so making people fat then selling them drugs to fix it is better than a good diet. Look at youtube for the blue zones (5 places where people live to 100, and copy their diet) Cooking is time consuming, so I suggest: * Microwave tubers (sweet potato, potato, etc...), but put potatoes in the fridge before eating them. Putting potatoes in the fridge makes it more difficult to digest the potato so its less likely to spike your sugar. * Eat more popcorn without butter * Eat beans from cans * Get an electric pressure cooker and cook lots and lots of beans and store them in the fridge and freezer for the long term * Get a hot water dispenser and go crazy with teas, hot cocoa, and black coffee (learn to drink without milk) - these reduce hunger * Peppermint reduces hunger * Use half as much sweetener (it can increase hunger in the long term) * Drink diluted vinegar * Eat unsweetened yogurt as its bacteria eats sugar * Go crazy with spices especially tumeric, cinnamon, chili, black pepper, ginger, lemon * Eat a little bit of a bad tasting food like grapefruit every day, after 2 weeks it won't taste as bad (in fact might taste good)!
Honestly I think moderate exercise is the way to go. Moderate exercise doesnt make you as hungry as vigorous exercise. I walked like 20,000 steps per day and didnt feel hungry at all. Combined with a significantly healthier diet I managed to lose 25 pounds in three months.
can you talk about pcos and its effects on being able to lose weight. i have noticed that it used to be a lot easier for me to lose weight.. but wasn't sure if it was pcos making it harder.. or getting older (im 27 now) or both.
Exercise is very important but what is key is muscle targeting. look at your legs and arms compared to the rest of the body. This muscles are used every day more than the belly and back muscle. It seems like the body is not able to provide energy to specific sectors and unleash it all over the body, the muscles that use it stay skinnier than those that dont. muscles require a lot of energy to maintain. A mix of muscle activation with some cardio and staying away from sugar and bread will help you lose weight in a very efficient way. Sugar and bread are nutrients the body can process easily, turning it into fat in no time. focus on foods that take longer to digest. stay away from exercise past the 30 min mark as it increases your food intake. 10 min of "high intensity" cardio followed by 10 min of muscle targeting. Dont focus on results, as fat dilutes away, your skin will look flabbier but later the skin will contract. what is key is a life style change, own it at your pace, enjoy it, put some music, watch some tv but do it. a clogged body will also take longer so drink plenty of water thru out the day, shugging down a gallon doesn't work. not so simple as exercise = weight loss, in fact, muscle is heavier than fat so expect to increase a couple of pounds before you lose any so dont fret, that is fat eating weight. The first day is always the hardest.
Here is the secret to loosing weight, backpacking. I did a section hike on the Appalachian trail and I met a man who was hiking the whole trail (2200 miles). He was generally a heavier guy at the time. But hee lost 40 pounds in 1 mounts of continuous hiking. I understand that 90% of the population can’t do this but if you ever get the opportunity to hike for 3 or more days, do it. I lost 9 pounds in a week while hiking and it was the greatest 9 pounds I ever lost. It was fun, good for my mental and physical health, and I met a lot of cool people doing it. This is just my story for what really worked for me.
I actually find it much, much easier to rely on exercise instead of nutrition for weight loss. It might vary from individual to individual. What I prefer to do is eat at approximate maintenance calories/macros for my sedentary self, then rely on training to create a caloric deficit rather than going hypocaloric with my nutrition. One of the pros of doing it this way is that you can gain some muscle and lose fat somewhat simultaneously (ex: you can have a heavy cardio day where you're at a deficit followed by a resistance day near maintenance or mild surplus). I prefer that over the long periods spent bulking and cutting that bodybuilders do because I hate becoming so fat in the first place that I can't even see my abs so clearly. I start to feel kind of sick when I get that fat so I hate the notion of dedicating a whole season to bulking and then having to cut away the fat. Especially since I'm in my 40s, I don't think my body can handle it so well to bulk and cut and bulk and cut. So I like to do them at the same time. Another is that if you get lazy for a season (or injured), since you're used to eating at a maintenance level for your sedentary self, all that happens is that you maintain weight. When you're not lazy and train hard, you lose fat and/or gain muscle. Also if you want to lose more fat/weight then you just do more cardio. If you want to gain more muscle then you just do more resistance and less cardio. You don't have to constantly be fiddling around with your nutrition.
I think it's worth noting that exercise (specifically strength training) is important if you want to specifically target fat for weight loss (which is 100% of people who want to lose weight), also it increases your resting metabolic rate. More active people generally have a higher maintenance calorie level (i.e they can eat more without gaining weight).
I agree that eating less is the key to weight loss but if you are the exercising type and if you were active at some point in your life, exercise is an equally important tool to faster/healthier weight-loss. When I am trying to loose weight, I manage to accumulate a 500 Calorie negative intake per day just by exercising which adds up to 1lb/week. And one good thing about exercise is that it gets easier every day therefore allowing you to burn even more calories in lesser amount of time.
It's a little outside the scope of this particular video, but "exercise" here isn't really specified. Personally I do a mix of weight training, calisthenics, and High Intensity Interval Training. Every once in a while I throw in some yoga or steady-rate cardio. People need to create a regimen that is specific to their goals and needs, and seek out that information, which is readily available on the internet.
NictraSavios Which is irresponsibly vague, as an active lifestyle does help in the long run. He's really talking about going to the gym thrice weekly to shed pounds, not strenuous physical activity as the norm, and he should have said so.
If you guys actually payed attention to the video he says there are many health benefits to exercise, but weight loss is not one of them. He devoted an entire video to the benefits of exercise. In fact if you look at the "Up Next" section you will see the video right there.
The information presented in this video explains that, for the most part, everything we have been told about weight loss and exercise is incorrect. It instead suggests that diet is the best thing to alter when attempting to lose weight. However, most think that the only way to lose weight is to exercise rather than diet, which is what most would prefer to do. So, if we attempt to lose weight, rather than spend extra hours in the gym, we should spend that time in the kitchen preparing healthy meals. This does not mean that we should not still exercise however. Exercising promotes our health and creates a more positive outlook on life. It makes us feel better about ourselves, but it is not the sole fix to body image.
Personally, I think whether diet or exercise works better at maintaining/obtaining one’s desired weight depends on the individual. I used to use exercise quite successfully to lose body fat, gain lean mass, or maintain my body composition, but after I had an accident that left me with chronic pain exercise has not been very accessible, and although now I am trying to use caloric intake I find it difficult limiting my consumption. I very much miss the days of long/hard bike rides, swims, and trail hikes/runs and validating that second teriyaki salmon burger for dinner or two pieces of guilt-free cheesecake for dessert! I think your video should’ve also pointed out that many people who look at how many calories they burn during exercise are NOT evaluating that number properly; they really should subtract out how many calories they would’ve burned if they didn’t do that exercise!
A lot of good points, but it is important to specify what sort of "exercise" is in question. Resistance training builds muscle, which burns fat even when a person is not active. Cardio and aerobics are a different beast entirely.
Even though you have to eat right if you want to loose weight exercise is still a necessity if you want to loose weight. He says 30 minutes of jogging or swimming might burn 350 calories but if you are working out you are most likely are going to exercise for at least an hour especially if they are trying to loose weight. He says many people fat or fit can’t keep up a strenuous 30- minute workout but if they take the proper amount of time in-between sets they will not be as tired and can exercise longer. If people eat right AND exercise it is only going to help them. All I am saying is that exercise is a necessity in daily life to stay healthy. The problem with eating healthy is that it is more expensive to buy groceries that are better for you. Families that may not be able to afford these groceries turn to fast food or cheaper alternatives that are not good for you at all.
"Exercise is NOT the Key to Weight Loss." I believe this to be a very true statement because, from personal experience, I have lost more weight by watching what I ate than by exercising two or three times a week. Many people tend to think that exercising every day helps you to lose more weight than eating right does. As explained in the video, exercising causes you to burn calories which in turn makes you want to eat because your body needs to replenish the calories that you just burned off. This is why if weight loss is the ultimate goal then a healthy diet is the key, not exercise. If people knew that swimming or running for 30 minutes burns the same amount of calories that two cans of soda contained maybe they would reach for a water instead of a soda. This just proves that by adjusting your diet, you can achieve or even surpass your goal of weight loss more easily than exercising. Although a healthy diet is more effective than exercise alone, it is still beneficial to one's health to exercise.
Everyone SHOULD exercise. Weight loss or not. And I also agree with it not being the key to weight loss by itself. Also, you gotta consider what KIND of exercise you're doing because it they will affect your body differently. Weight training? Swimming? Cycling? Yoga? Sports? One shouldn't lump all exercises together like they are all the same.
I understand your point, but wouldn’t you say it depends upon *how much* exercise you do? With the Pandemic, I no longer have to burn an hour a day commuting, so I’ve gone up from ~1hr 20min per day (pretty much every day since I have the exercise equipment at home) to 2hr 20min. That can’t possibly not be helping, assuming that I don’t eat more as a result, as you pointed out.
When i look at my Fathers Pics from the 80s when he was in his mid - late 20s, he and his friends had all well defined ABS and Hollywood actor looks even tho they never did any sports or watched exactly what they ate. When i ask my father what did he eat and what sports did he do back then, he says that he was smoking cigarettes most of the time, drank 4-5 black coffes per day and ate everyday by Grandma(eggs, beans, self made cheese and other self made stuff) and coz nobody was rich and cars were expensive to them they walked most of the time...Walking was the only "sport" he did
When I saw the title of this video, I just had to click on it and watch it because I did not believe what it was titled. However after watching it I can definitely see what he means. Whenever I think of losing weight I always think of exercising first. I always think of how I need to be more active and what I can do in order to drop the extra pounds. Next in my head is eating right, this is important to but it is always a runner up to exercising. When I was younger my family and I would always watch the Biggest Loser together, why? I'm not exactly sure, but it was just something we would always watch. However, I would always just see the highlights of Julian yelling at the contestants and making them cry and then Bob coming over and comforting them and saying that it was all okay and they were strong enough to push through and make it. I do remember one episode however where all of the contestants were in the house together and one of the team members decided to eat a pizza or something of the sort and it was a huge ordeal that someone would jeopardize their team and eat unhealthy foods. The coaches even had to come in and have a sort of intervention with this contestant. This is just one way that I think of how important it is to also eat right when trying to lose weight. Because what is the point of putting in the work to become less fat if all you do is go back home and eat a Big Mac? You are simply just balancing out what you are eating bad with all of the hard work you just had at the gym and you will not receive the results you want because of this.
This is great information, but no matter who you are, as long as you have determination to keep pushing yourself to the limits. You can lose a lot of weight with excursive. Its all about willpower and keeping hydrated of course. Anyone is capable of anything.
Exercise is the key to weight loss if you wish to enjoy your life and not worry about what you eat at restaurants. Dieting is just a form of punishing yourself, and although it works, why feel miserable in not being to eat your favorite dishes? The key to weight loss and exercise is to exercise more and with increased intensity, instead of jogging just 4 miles a day, run 8 miles a day! Perform a high intensity workout, "constant motion with no rest - like running" for at least an hour a day, and kiss weight gain goodbye!
I was wondering why am I not losing weight until I saw this video th-cam.com/video/cHZFAirKdTc/w-d-xo.html which cleared my doubts on weight management I’ve even taken their panchakarma at home which helped me detoxify my system like never before thank you Jyovis
In my opinion, I still think that exercise is important along with a healthy diet. Yes, it is important to take time out of the day in order to prepare a healthy meal, but I believe that it is important to stay active. Weight loss is an important goal for most people, but staying physically fit and healthy should also be their goal.
I found this video after looking for convincing studies that show that exercise is great for weight loss. I didn't find any, and was hoping to find something useful on TH-cam. I didn't find much, but I found this video. It might help a few people I am in contact with, although, they are really living in Lala land and don't want to hear about reality. I think that part of the problem might be that many people don't seem to be able to understand that while weight loss and health are related, they are not one and the same.
Like the saying goes, "You can't exercise your way out of a bad diet." Couldn't be more true.
Nick Joslin challenge accepted.
This was not true for me; i lost 30kg on a bad diet with proper exercice but gained it all back on no exercice but the cleanest diet imaginable
+Nick Joslin
You can't exercise your way out of specific nutrient deficiencies.
However you can burn off pretty much as many calories as you can be bothered with.
+Mudget86 I like to say you have to exhale every calorie you intake. it's a good thing to remember.
+Nick Joslin I love how +1337penguinking +DasZuckerhaus and +Mudget86 seem to have missed the video.
Eat healthy for weight loss, and exercise for fitness. For half a year I tried exercise to lose weight and it had little effect. Then the next half year I continued to exercise but also cut carbs and lost 4 times as much weight in the same amount of time. People also seem to think that they have to go to a gym to work out when one can do cardio and toning exercises that don't require equipment at home for free.
+back2s0ul I bet you couldnt get enough sleep though.
Sorry but I’m calling BS. It’s the complete opposite. I’ve been eating healthy for months, and my body has still been flabby. I started working out just 3 weeks ago, and I immediately put on muscle and burn fat and now I’m in athletic shape. Exercising is most important
With that said, I don’t know why people feel the need to split hairs. I guess the reason is because they’re secretly lazy and they want to find rationalizations to not work out. But the simple fact is that you do need to do BOTH if you want to get in shape
For me, my only reason for not exercising the past few years is because I had an injury. I’m not naturally a lazy person, once I got the injury fixed I got back in the gym. I think there’s just people that are lazy and don’t wanna exercise
I used to be a personal trainer when I was younger, like 8 years ago, before I became successful in business. The guy who made this video is so wrong on the science. Let me explain why: he said “if you eat 1000 cal and you exercise off 350 cal, then you still have 650 cal extra.“ This is incorrect, because it’s not as simple as total number of calories. When you exercise, it causes physiological changes in your body that cause you to digest food differently and also, to excrete out (poop out) unneeded food/calories.
There’s 2 things that determine how your body digests food: 1) whether you are in “fat storage” mode or “fat burning” mode, (metabolism speed) and 2) whether you are in a “catabolic” state or an “anabolic” state (anabolic = you’ve been exercising and your muscles have hypertrophied and you’re in process of building back stronger muscle. Catabolic = muscle is currently wasting away, not being built back stronger).
Hard athletes and bodybuilders are in a constant “anabolic” state; this is why they won’t get fat, no matter how much they eat, provided what they eat is reasonably healthy.
Have you ever seen the really skinny Chinese guy, that could eat 50 hotdogs and he was still super skinny? He would win all of the hot dog competitions. He didn’t throw it up afterwards. His body just had a high metabolism, so he pooped it all out.
When you’re anabolic and high-metabolism, your body simply poops out the excess calories. It really is that simple! Since I began exercising and *lifting weights* (necessary) like 3 weeks ago, I’ve been eating a lot more but still lost a lot of fat and my muscles have grown. Amazing how our bodies work!
"I don't have the time to cook a meal or exercise!"
=watches 2 hours of Netflix=
While watching netflix use a rebounder, stationary bike, treadmill, or an elliptical. They are quite cheap on craigslist, or ask your family and friends.
@@aoeu256 or dumbbells
@@aoeu256 already have a stationary bike, nordic track and rebounder. Just need to do as you mention and use them
This is me LMAO I hate that I’m like this!!!! It’s my own fault!!!!!!
Adding significantly more muscle mass and controlling my caloric intake was what did it for me. Being leaner and stronger felt great and made moving more enjoyable. The fitter I got, the more I moved, the more I moved, the fitter I got. My appetite did increase but so did my basal metabolic rate from the increased muscle mass. For anyone who is able, I think exercise but specifically strength training is critical for overall health and well being.
I have a similar experience. I do understand the muscle contributes only modestly to BMR/RMR, but I think it's grossly underestimated how much strength can impact TDEE. I was winded more easily and sitting down a lot more when I was weak in my 20s (now in my 40s). Now I dash up the stairs and prefer that to elevators. If my wife needs me to lift something heavy, I just lift it instead of trying to push it around and take rests. I'd estimate as a former calorie tracker that I burn at least 500kcal/day more on average (factoring in lazy seasons and vacations) than I did in my 20s.
I totally agree with you! The more strength exercise I do, the more my metabolism changes and the slimmer I get. The problem is when I have stopped exercising. But this method has helped 3 times now!
I really love that you folks have started putting sources in the actual video itself. Kudos.
A few years ago, I lost over 30 lbs once I started running regularly. I'm NOT saying it's due to the exercise alone, but how my body responded afterwards. Strange as it is, my cravings for fatty and starchy almost completely go away after I exercise. So, depending on your body type, exercise may help control your eating habits.
When I cut snacks and put smaller proportions of food on my plate I lost TEN POUNDS in a a month and I was super psyched! It was thrilling to see what a small chance in diet can do
Exercise makes you more hungry. Glad you pointed that out!
I still think that physical activity is still helpful. Not exercise per se, but overall daily activity. I currently live in Houston, where getting anywhere without a car is pretty much impossible, which means that a day in lives of most people around here consists of sitting at home, then sitting in the car as they go to work or wherever else, then sitting there - very little actual physical activity. Compare that to the cities in Europe, or even cities like Chicago or New York, where walking and public transportation are viable ways of getting places - the lower obesity rates in those places can't just be due to difference in diet, can they?
+114Freesoul He did made it clear that exercise is definitely helpful and a necessary element for health and wellness overall. And of course, someone being a little active over completely sedentary is MUCH healthier. But, the problem with people try to lose weight is that they think if they go do their half hour or hour at the gym a couple times a week they don't have to be as rigid with their diet because "they do some running or jogging" now. There's a fundamental misconception (esp for those that are heavier and struggling with weight) that, bc that jog was really exhausting and difficult, that they must have burned a TON. ...and can therefore eat whatever they want for dinner that night. Which, can even lead many to gaining weight by eating more than they would have before.
The thought behind this video is to acknowledge that it's bing more widely accepted and believed that if you just work out, you'll lose weight.....or, you don't have to give up what you love so long as you start exercising more. For healthy people that might be reasonably true bc what "they love" may only be a few little extra snacks here and there -- but that's not the case for those eating an abundance daily and won't give that up under the assumption some exercise is gonna fix their weight. It's interesting to watch how many people struggling with obesity will grossly underestimate how many calories are in their meals, and then overestimate what they think that half hour or hour at the gym burned OFF. So, it's a recipe for their failing at weight loss.
I don't believe any of this was at ALL to say or suggest that exercise holds no value or is unhelpful, or that people shouldn't try to be more active wherever they can be. But it's not the KEY to losing weight. It's not the secret, not the magic trick, not the cure all, or life addition that makes fat just melt off you. It's not the one and only thing every obese person NEEDS to lose weight. They need activity and exercise for their improved health and well-being, but not *specifically* for their weight loss goals. The exercise is futile if the eating is still terrible.
He already covered this in the video that exercise helps lol
I live in Toronto and do not have a car. I walk everywhere I do not go by public transit. It has not prevented me from getting to the highest weight in my life and, thanks to COVID-19, I have not even been able to find out if it could have been helpful in shedding half of that weight.
I lost 25lbs with no exercise. I have a physical job as a scuba instructor but no intentional exercise. My weight was maintained at 210+lbs. Then one day I just decided to try eating less. I stopped drinking soda and sugary drinks for the most part. Aside from that I eat all the same stuff I used to. I just eat less than before.
'What you don't eat is much important than exercising'. A lot of the time people think that they can eat whatever they want as long as they exercise.Though it is important to exercise, they are not burning as many calories as they think they are. People burn less calories and increase their calories intake. It is important to know that exercise increase appetite. research shows that when you burn off calories the body signal you to replace them. Also when you lose weight, metabolism often slows. Weight loss seem easier when you start but decrease over time. This video is very informative and important to know for people who are trying to lose weight, and exercise regularly as a result. The video stated that people who work and exercise feel that after a long day it is hard to be motivated enough to cook. However, if people knew that the eating part was more effective then the exercising part; their motivation might change. I agree with the initial response a hundred percent, 'You can't exercise your way out of a bad diet'. Promotions about working out should also make people aware how eating correctly is even more important. Also, I found that people often stop eating real meals and eat fiber bars as a replacement, a full coures meal helps more, and it more healthy for the body.
I got freaked out @ 4:53 when the camera, or background (or both) moved a little. I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me at first.
Same here! they should really invest in a tripod :)))
I can relate to this. I lost three stone by doing no exercise but I hardly ate a thing as I was in shock following my husband leaving me. I was reeling and lost my appetite. It was initially very hard but when the shock and depression lifted, I felt wonderful! It changed my views on the exercise/diet weight loss lie.
Was it just my computer, or did the camera start warping on occasionally, when he was on the right side of the frame? It seems to be repeatable by refreshing or even just rewinding the video. example: 4:53
SangoProductions21 I think it's the background moving.
SangoProductions21 TIL that Aaron uses a background. I thought he was actually somewhere
aimelle3 I think it's Hank adjusting the camera... It's not only the wal, but also the table moving.
luckyluke013 Aaron is actually somewhere, we've seen him move stuff in the background before. it's just the video stabilizer.
SangoProductions21 I saw it as well (and I suspect the many likes your comment got indicates that others saw it too).
Here's an idea (hey, Mike!): promoting exercise instead of food reduction is because of consumer capitalism. Reducing the amount of food means less money spent on food, less things being consumed. If you instead focus on exercise you can keep or even increase your profits (gym memberships, fitness equipment, sport clothing etc). I'm not saying there's a global conspiracy...OR IS THERE?!
***** Conspiracy? No. Just smart business
***** No need for a conspiracy, it's just business. It's like why social gyms, like LA Fitness, have pizza parties or sell 600 Cal smoothies, they keep their patrons from losing weight too quickly, so they can keep paying their dues.
Also, exercise is often a public virtue. Meal planning is a private one.
***** Actually, if you are smart you don't need gyms or fitness equipment for exercise. But people like things to be handled for them.
DigGil3 But that's not necessarily what's best, and therefore, not effective. The most effective would the workout that one continues to do, and some work best with that motivation.
I hate running, severe hay fever and it can't keep my interest, and calisthenics are too easy or they aggravate old injuries (separated shoulder), but weight training, particularly heavy weight training is fantastic, and can be designed to suit my needs. For example, the regular bench press causes my bad shoulder to pop and hurt, so I do dumbbell bench presses, which allows for a more natural range of motion. For squats, I use neoprene sleeves on my knees to warm the joints and enhance blood flow, especially to my left knee, which suffered a fair amount of ligament damage.
The first time I started tracking the calories I ate compared to the calories I burned during my workouts, I was amazed. It takes a lot more than one more lap around the block to burn off a cookie. You cannot out run your fork.
Let me start of by saying that Aaron I completely
agree with, I had wished I knew those about four to five years ago. When I graduated
high school I weighted at 231 pounds. When I left to collage in Medina, Saudi Arabia
there is not much for a man who is not married to do. So I thought of losing
weight. I signed up for a gym and started working out in an intense four hours
a day, six days a week routine. Since I do not know how to cook and I had lived
alone I always ate out and because I am a college student with low income it is
usually fast food. But I had milk, juice and few fruits at my place. At the end
of the school year I had lost about 50 pounds and then when I decided to move
to the united states three months later I was at 165 pounds, the lowest I have
ever been. But two months in the united states, winter was really cold for me
in Michigan so I stopped going to the gym. And of course ate American food and I’m
at 185 now. Main point is I wished I had a better diet because that would lead
to a more stable and a long term plan to stay in shape. Exercise is important,
very actually, but a diet is more valuable for the long run. As the evidence
stated, people are exercising more but more people are gaining weight, why? Because
less diets are being developed into routine. And people just think exercising
is going to solve the whole weight lose issue. As the study in 2012 mentions
that a systematic review looked at how people complied with exerciser programs
showed that people over time wound up burning less energy with exercise than
predicted and also increasing their caloric intake.
It excites me to see videos like these that debunk myths and misconceptions of how our activities affect certain aspects of out health. As a high school athlete, I believed all of the misconceptions of increasing exercise alone to lose weight, or that just eating less would get me where i needed to be to be a lighter, faster athlete. Now that I'm in college and have taken nutrition and physiology classes, I can appreciate how much the things we put into our bodies affect the way we look, feel and perceive our surroundings. Armed with this information, I've been able to help friends with weight problems and eating disorders to change their life in a positive way and when I see videos like these it just helps me affirm what I know and continue to help others!
Can you do a video on thyroid issues?
Ivan Gomez yeah!
Ivan Gomez So few people are aware that thyroid issues can be responsible for no more than 20 lbs.
liltonyabc That's completely false, I have family memebers who had lost or gained over 50 lbs due to thyroid hormone imbalances.
Yes please! I think I may be suffering from hypothyroidism. (Will go to a doctor to get tested)
Look i suffer from thyroid issues too and let me explain they are not the EFFING REASON YOU ARE FAT dont play the blame game
I think your video stabilizer (or something like that) is going a little haywire in this video. Occationally there are weird distortion effects whenever Aaron is in view. Example: 3:03
Kram1032 Good, it wasn't just me who saw the distortion. For a moment I thought breakfast was sending me on a trip.
+Douglas Gerlach what do you eat for breakfast?
Maybe the office desk behind him is a backdrop or curtain than a real set. The studio the Greens use to film this stuff isn't that big...
DLWormwood No, it's real. We've seen him move stuff around on it before.
DLWormwood Due to the way it skews, I would agree with you. It holds the perspective of something like that. However, if you look in the base of the lamp (when he pops over to the other side), you can see his reflection as he moves.
So true! I lost a little over 100 lbs and never exercised...I just never enjoyed it and due to my bad diet, had no energy to do it. The weight still came off because I changed my eating habits. Did the intermittent fasting which is an incredible protocol. Seems obvious now, but I really never considered that I could just stop eating! Seriously. I thought we had to eat EVERY day and 3 meals. Boy, was I wrong! I love not having to eat every day and I'll never be the same. The bonus is that it is the easiest thing I have ever done and I'll never go back. I've been fighting this battle since I was in my 20's and I'm now 67 and finally feel like I've found the pot of gold. So thankful!!!
I agree with a majority of this video, what I find troubling- is the way that a lot of the data in this video is presented. A lot of people may watch this and be really turned off from exercising- because let's face it, most people exercise to try and lose weight not to become healthier. My favorite part of the video was when it was mentioned how little calories are burned when doing cardio such as running. A lot of people think because running is so hard, that they are burning a lot of calories. I wish this was the case, but sadly it is not. People mistakenly think this and over-eat after exercising- then get discouraged when they are not losing weight. Let's face it, a majority of us have done exactly that. I think exercising is very important and absolutely helps with weight loss- however it will not work if your diet is extremely poor. Building muscle is important and helps burn more fat, but it can only do so much if the amount of calories going in is excessive. I found this video to be very informative and brought up many excellent points, I just hope people watch the other video about how important exercise is to overall health- and are not turned off by it from this video.
I’ve lost 35 pounds in 2020. Know that you will spend lots of time doing dishes after all the home cooked meals! Lol
I hardly exercised and it’s still coming off :)
How did you do it? What were you eating? I just dont get weight loss at all. Its depressing...
Let me tell you the key to weight loss: Doing a 12 month physics course in 7 weeks, while being bombarded by friends and family with invitations to do fun stuff which you are forced to decline, and having _promised_ to help fix up and repair a house but ending up helping only minimally.
Worst summer in my life. I hope weight is the only thing I've lost..
Herr Hansen That's far too specific to be the key. - also, anecdote != data.
NictraSavios It was more of an exclaimation of frustration and dispair than anything else. But I'm quite confident you understood that to begin with,
Herr Hansen Bummer, I did a similar thing with the Theory of Politics. Never again. I had to read Plato's The Republic in 2 weeks instead of 3 months like they normally get and I took 3 political courses that summer. Ughhhh I feel you man, but you'll survive.
Kate You know, when you tell someone how you feel and they say "Yeah.. I know.", it is strangely comforting..
Thank you. :-)
-All of you.
I realised this after 2 years of running ragged at the gym 2 hours or more didn’t lose weight gained infact did intermittent fasting looked worse. Now focus on my meals 85% percent and include little exercises and guess what change !! You don’t need to work hard and strong you need to eat healthy and proper portions 😊
The statement "Exercise is NOT the Key to Weight Loss" is fine, but some people take it too far and go with the statement "Exercise does not cause Weight Loss". The biggest things in these studies that have to be noted is the very short amount of time that we talk about when talking about exercise. While 30 minutes of exercise per day is GREAT for health, as the video talks about, it is not enough to cause any real weight loss. Change 30 minutes to 2 hours, and now we are talking.
On a personal level, where I have crazy weight loss is when I go backpacking. I do 10-12 miles per day up and down mountains but I also eat a lot of VERY calorie rich foods and generally push my self to eat as much as my body will allow. I generally lose a pound per day. The math is straight forward. I am a big guy, 225lb and 6'5", with a ~40lb pack burn ~650 calories per hour and am hiking for ~6 hours, burning 3900 calories, plus the ~2 hours of activities at camp; pumping water, setting up camp, finding wood ect. for another 500 calories, plus my RMR of ~2400 Calories per day. Generally, I will eat ~3000-4000 calories per day, but it leaves me in a caloric deficit of 2800 to 3800 calories per day.
It also should be noted that losing weight by increasing exercise rather then lower calories is healthy for you, but losing weight by lower calories is easier and less time consuming.
Also, gaining muscle does increase your "Resting Metabolic Rate" or RMR. With all other things equal, if a man puts on 10lb of muscle, is RMR will increase ~88 calories per day. That is not huge, but if you run a caloric deficit of just 88 calories per day for a year, that is the loss of almost 9lb of fat. Though it should be noted that this is NOT an easy thing to do at all.
Loathomar I'm guessing that the studies were done on ordinary people, not hikers, cross-country skiers, or wildland firefighters. Also, I'm not sure you would see a difference at the six-month or one-year mark unless you're sustaining that intense level of exercise for that entire period, which is out of the question for the vast majority of mere mortals.
John Harvey That was not a study, just first putting in data to a RMR calculator for the change for 88 calories per day for me. Then it was assuming a unchanged caloric intake, so a 88 calorie deficit per day for a year, which is ~32,000 calories. Then 1lb of fat per 3,500 calories for a lose of ~9lb of fat in one year. And that "unchanged caloric intake" is a big assumption.
Though I did not talk about it here, but gaining 10lb of lean mass is not easy, and would take about 6 months of serous strength training for a male beginner.
I wasn't referring to your example as a study; I was talking about the studies in the meta-analyses cited in the video. What I mean is that "exercise is NOT the key to weight loss" is still true for the vast majority of the population, who aren't involved in rigorous physical activity for hours at a time on a daily basis, and that such physical activity isn't a viable solution (or even necessarily safe) for the general population.
John Harvey Oh, sorry. Yes, I agree that most people don't have the time to do enough exercise to be the key to weight loss. I was just pointing out that serous exercise can have huge effects on weight lose. And some people take this idea too far and don't know the type of exercise talked about in these studies are only short exercise routines that almost everyone can do. There is nothing wrong with the studies, but people show know the context because it is not for exercise, but instead, what is considered reasonable for most working people.
interestingly for me, when i exercise regularly, i find myself hungry considerably less often, and tend to overeat less.
I think about it this way. Someone trying to bulk up actually needs to eat more or they can lose that muscle BUT they need to stay on a strict diet. Exercise helps those who want to stay fit or bulk up but not so much on the weight loss aspect without changing diet. It's also not easy keeping up a daily exercise routine unless you already do so. I'm not saying it won't/can't help weight loss and strongly believe everyone needs some exercise for reasons other than weight loss, but you would have to exercise over the calorie intake. Exercising to burn off the equal calories would only keep the same weight (I know it's not that simple but that's how I like to think about it). Great video.
Exercise helps me to feel better overall and when I lift weights, I never feel any type of overwhelming hunger that causes me to overeat. Eating well does help for sure and gives me the energy to move which shifts those inches. For me it's about balance. Doing hours and hours of exercise will just leave you exhausted and ragged, but doing 30 mins to 1hr of even just walking daily, helps with a lot including sleep, health and wellbeing and if those things are OK, you will want to eat better. Works for me
He does not dispute that. He is only saying that it is less than helpful for losing weight, and he is right. I just spent almost a whole day trying to find a credible meta-analysis that showed clinically significant weight loss thanks to exercise. All I got for the effort was irritation and no meta-analysis.
I agree with Dr. Carroll's argument. People can't just believe that exercise alone will help them lose weight. Diets are what help lose weight overtime. Exercise can't and will not be effective if eating habits stay the same. I'm not saying exercise isn't helpful at all, its just you really have to be willing to do more to see results. I don't mean exercise more, I mean change bad habits and add beneficial ones. I've seen for myself through friends and my own experience that just going to the gym to exercise 2-3 times a week does not benefit any weight loss if you're going to continue to eat the same things and the say way you did before. Those studies that show exercise and diet combined leads to more sustained weight loss should make people realize that eating habits need to change for weight loss. Like Dr. Carroll said, many complain about not having enough time to cook a healthy meal, instead of spending two hours at the gym spend one of those at the grocery store buying healthier food options to prep before you go to they gym, that way you'll already have it to prepare after you leave the gym.
This might be my favorite Healthcare Triage video yet, because I've been yapping about this topic for years and very few people seem to listen.
Great to hear. I run all the time and I'm super skinny so I was scared that it was causing me to lose the little fat I have.
According to the video, rather than excercising too much, you are probably eating too little (if you are actually under weight, I have no way of knowing that of course).
+Spartacus Just eat whenever you're hungry. You'll be fine.
Thanks for posting this. People definitely put too much emphasis on exercise. Unless you're a pro athlete, exercise probably won't burn off an entire cake worth of calories in one day.
I really agree with the points discussed in this video. Personally, when thinking about how I get lose a few pounds, I immediately think of how often I go to the gym versus how often I SHOULD be going to the gym. The absolute last thing I want to focus on is what I eat. Counting calories and staying away from things like pop sounds a lot more difficult than just going to the gym a few extra times a week. Granted, a good exercise routine isn't always hard to stick too either, but when it comes to snacks, I have a harder time limiting myself. For this reason, I completely understand where people go wrong in assuming that working out (without paring it with some kind of diet) will effectively cause them to lose weight or become more physically fit. Exercise is not a bad thing by any means. We should all be trying to exercise daily and get our heart rates up, but if weight loss is the goal, exercise is not the only ingredient. This is why studies confirm that between 2001 to 2009, the number of Americans who were sufficiently physically active increased, but so did the number of obese Americans. Obesity is caused by a number of things, including overeating, lack of exercise, etc. The truth is, in order to lead a healthy life style and to lose a few extra pounds, you need both a healthy diet AND a regular exercise routine.
Eeh. I stopped eating candy, ice-cream and cookies/cake/pastries. In about two month I've lost about 10kg. And I'm not an active person. I do believe exercise might help losing weight since bigger muscles burn more even when resting. But the key to losing weight is eating less and identifying what habits you need to limit or stop. Oh, and drinking more water.
My cravings are gone, I have energy for exercise, but not jittery. My mood is consistently upbeat and I feel I am just motivated and accomplishing more of the little things that I usually avoid or postpone. I would recommend Weight loss green store tea to everyone. I have lost two pounds in one week and did not fee like I was stressed out over dieting.
+Elena Have you ever heard of the placebo effect? How about water weight?
Cooking your own healthful meals from scratch does wonders for weightloss. My lady is on the AIP (very strict version of Paleo) Diet for a medical condition, and lost a lot of weight in a shorter time than she ever has by exerciseing by itself. It works damn well, but there is a plateu in weightloss. We're looking into diet-compliant ways to boost her metabolism again.
I absolutely love this video and agree with it 100%. Some people think that if they work out and still eat the same junk, they will lose weight. This does not happen most of the time. Exercising is a very small factor in weight loss. It helps a little, but the main factor in weight loss is eating healthy and cutting junk food out of your diet. It is pointless to exercise if you are just going to keep on eating the same junk...you are totally defeating the purpose.
This video is great. I’ve unknowingly been following this guide (eat healthy, move more), and have found great results. Built muscle mass, shed a good amount of unnecessary weight (mostly fat). I also do have to credit the wake up call from my pediatrician, who found that I had brain cancer, as well as my team of PT, OT, and other therapists who pushed me while I was inpatient back in 2011-2013 in a good way to exercise, and eat right after I was discharged. What’s more is that, it really doesn’t take much to do this. I’m not one of those “gym rats” who virtually lives at the gym. I do body weight exercises, and just take a look at what I’m eating. Rocket science not necessary.
I quit drinking all sodas as my new years resolution for 2015. Up to this day, I haven't drank a drop of soda. The occasional alcoholic drink or something, sure, but no soda.
Since then, I've lost like 20 pounds from that alone. No other changes in my lifestyle. It's just because I stopped drinking soda and all I drink normally is water. Basically, I lost 20 pounds for free. I'm sure my teeth are also much happier too now.
Exercise improves health in so many ways, there is never a good reason to discourage it. In fact there is evidence that an overweight person who exercises regularly actually circumvents weight-related health problems. Also, if a person is already eating healthy to lose weight then adding exercise is extremely helpful! Firstly, you cannot look at weight alone because initially there is gain in muscle mass at the same time there is loss in fat tissue. Second, if you already have a decent diet then you can lose an additional 2000 calories each week from exercise. That is an additional 2 pounds/month, or 24 pounds/year of weight loss. Also, the type of exercise you do is very important. At least for me, weight training increases my appetite, whereas running long distances decreases my appetite. And then there is the huge impact exercise can have on mood. Not only does it improve neurotransmitter levels in the brain, but also one can track progress. If one sticks to an exercise program for 6 months, they will see huge improvements in performance, not to mention the progressively increasing number of calories burned. A person might burn 200 calories each exercise bout their first month and 700 calories each exercise session during their 6th month. The single best thing anyone can do to improve health is not smoke and not drink excessively. After that eating healthy and exercising are extremely beneficial in so many ways!!
Okay, but serious question here: What are the benefits of losing weight at all? Not "healthy eating," not exercise, just weight loss. I realize that being in the higher BMI categories is associated with increased mortality or whatever, but say that someone in the "overweight" or "obese" category already exercises, is fit and eats the recommended diets. What benefit would they gain from losing weight? And are they at more risk than someone who is in the "normal" category but who doesn't exercise or eat healthy?
Secondly, is long-term weight loss even possible? I've read studies that showed that the majority overweight people who dieted eventually (after 2-3 years) regained their weight even though they were still eating at a calorie deficit compared to before they started dieting. Long-term studies of weight loss show that only like 5% of people don't regain the weight.
Rebecca Johnson I'm not sure how much excess weight you'd have to have before this happens, but some possible side effects of obesity even if you're fit: fat around vital organs potentially affecting their effectiveness (heart, liver), abdominal fat interfering with insulin absorption, stress on joints and bones. There are also some conditions triggered by excess weight that have nothing to do with fitness. I ended up with pseudotumor cerebri as a result of obesity. I lost 150lbs (with no change in my exercising habits) and the pseudotumor went away.
Long term weight loss is only possible if you don't revert back to your previous eating habits after you've lost the weight. Temporary diets don't work long term; you need to make a permanent lifestyle change.
+aimelle3 I'm glad to hear that weight loss helped you! I knew somebody with pseudotumor cerebri, and it was pretty bad.
Rebecca Johnson It's true that studies suggest that long-term weight loss is impossible. But, it's important to remember that at the end of the day, it's a choice - do you want to remain healthy or go back to your old habits? We all have the ability to choose, regardless of what the studies say.
There are probably some general health concerns associated with obesity regardless of how fit you think you are. I would still lose weight. Plus there's the benefit of looking better; that matters to a lot of people.
Rebecca Johnson Good question. My wife asks this question regularly. She is in the slightly overweight category (20-30 pounds by the BMI), but exercises 3-5 times a week. We eat healthy fresh home-cooked food most meals. She would like to lose 10-20 pounds, but on the whole is pretty healthy. I wonder if she really needs to lose more weight to gain any health benefits.
I also have about 20-30 pounds extra, but I can run for 30 - 40 minutes. I don't want to lose weight for cardio or pulmonary health, just to put less pressure on my joints as I get older.
The key failure one can attribute to most people is the choice of 2 extremes. Either they eat barely anything and do no exercise or eat ALL the things and think exercise is all that matters, putting in over 3 hours at a gym. Establishing Balance between the two is what is right and tends to be more effort intensive because it works. Eat in Moderation, learn what foods do what and when to eat them, and some cardio (less than an hour, few times a week) and light strength exercises.
I tell people all the time that what you eat accounts for 90% of your success in weight management as well as muscle growth. In my own experience this is absolutely true.
When I was in my early 30s I did at least 5 days a week of weight training plus 45 minutes of cardio per day. I ate what I wanted (though I have always had pretty consistent nutrition, lots of leans meats, fruits, veggies, grains, not a lot of soda or fast food) I was consuming around 3500 calories a day on average. While I gained muscle my overall fat percentage didn't change.
Most recently, before my 43rd birthday, I decided to get the same level of activity with more focus on my diet. I ate the same foods, just less of it. I know my BMR & TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure) and I kept my calories in that range, just enough to support my health & activity level.
And what happened? At 43 I got down to 6%ish body fat while gaining muscle. I wish I had known in my 30s what I know now. Not that it's necessary to be at that low of a body fat percentage it was just a goal.
Nutrition is the key. I am still below 10% body fat almost a year later. I do exercise several days a week and while I am not as strict with my diet I am still conscious of what I eat.
I put a few videos on TH-cam last year about my progress. Only 4 videos (staying motivated to make videos is harder than diet & exercise IMO ;) ) but you can check them out if you want. Search for "Lean Muscle Grind."
Honestly I agree with this video because I don't believe exercising is the main thing that help you lose weight. it there to help you but not as quickly as people wish the process would be. when exercising you have to be dedicated and really make sure you are doing it right and try to go at least everyday depending on how much weight you want to lose. really the main thing is to watch what you eat and portion the sizes when your eating. having a good diet and also follow a good workout plan can really help cut down some weight that you have been trying to lose. many people think that once they are seeing themselves gaining weight they can just go to the gym and lose it but don't change anything else and that's where many people go wrong. you have to make sure you are not over eating or taking in too many calories and you definitely cant stop eating because that could just lead to other bad problems.
Many times, when people say they want to lose weight all they’ll do is just exercise daily and that is all. Although that is an important factor in weight loss balancing a healthy diet is far more important. Portion control and knowing what to eat and not to eat can be difficult but once it becomes a habit it is a lot easier to continue to work on. Working out is indeed very good for you but watching what you eat is the key in a healthy weight loss. Activity and exercise are unlikely to be the cause of differing obesity rates. I know from experience that you can work out every day but if you still keep your eating habits unhealthy it is much harder to see results. According to this video people wound up burning less energy with exercise than predicted and also increasing their caloric intake. When you go to the doctors and ask for different ways to get some weight off the first thing they will say is to keep a healthy diet. Eating healthy makes one feel so much better than pigging out on unhealthy foods in my opinion. I do know that eating healthy can be hard and not necessarily always taste the best but it will help you out in the long run. Although I believe that eating healthy will do huge amounts to one’s health in the long run I do think that people need to continue to exercise regularly also. As long as the calories consumed does not exceed the calories lost, then weight will not be gained. Exercising helps many relieve stress and other emotions while doing so and I think that’s important in keeping one’s body healthy. Adding exercise to diets can be beneficial and this video states a review on a trial that helps prove this theory.
I definitely agree that exercise is not the key to weight loss. I am still learning that myself. I love to exercise and if exercise was the key to weight loss, I would be at my goal already. But its not the key, and I love food way too much. It's frustrating because it makes it seem like exercise does nothing for losing weight, and if you eat McDonalds once it seems like you gain 5 pounds just like that. Food is so key to being healthy and eating right because that is where you get all your energy and calories from and exercising isn't going to change that. Eating healthy is the hardest part for most people, and is the reason why our country is so overly obese, and it is getting worse. I also know from experience that exercising makes me want to eat more. Sometimes I wonder if I would lose more weight by not exercising because I would eat fewer calories overall. But exercise has so many other benefits than just weight loss, so I keep doing it. They do complement each other, it is just statistically shown that your diet is so much more important to losing weight.
100%. Couldn't agree more. From competing in a NPC bikini show, I know that the importance of exercise is key to build muscle, but the key to lose weight is a diet. Not even losing weight but maintaining a healthy weight needs a balanced diet with moderate exercise. "You can't out exercise a bad diet." Calories are not a bad thing. Calories are energy. People have such a negative connotation about calories that they must burn so many and eat less. This is attainable for only a very short amount of time because after a while, without a strict diet and mindset, people binge back to the ways they used to eat and give up because weight loss takes more time than they want. Exercise is critical so that we can maintain a healthy metabolism and cardiovascular system, as well as producing endorphins to improve mood and behavior.
I totally agree with this. I do think exercise should be done for mental health and just to stay strong.
I 100% agree with what this whole video is about. I do believe that people put a huge emphasis on exercise and not on the dietary part of trying to lose weight. If a person is up late at night, I am sure they have ran into an info commercial about the newest exercise program on TV. Often times, the newest and improved exercise program is talking about how a person can lose so much weight in such a short period of time. A person hardly hears about the diet that is needed to go along with the weight loss. I have also seen the show the Biggest Loser and couldn't agree more with the fact that they mostly emphasize exercise. They may play a short little section about the person who lost the weight saying they stay away from junk food and keep up with their diet plan, but that's about it. In my own experience, when I am exercising I often look at the calories I have burned during that half hour period. I always notice that it never seems to be that much because I think about the food that I intake or what I drink and think about how many calories that has as well. I have noticed that after I exercise I seem to be hungry because my body wants to but those calories I lost back into my body. I never knew that your metabolism slows down after exercising for a while making it seem harder to lose weight after exercising for a period of time. I believe that the diet is more important than the exercise when trying to lose weight. I believe that a person still needs to exercise, but what that person eats and drinks will help them lose the weight they want to lose. A person can exercise as much as they want, but if their diet unhealthy they will see no weight loss.
As someone else mentioned, the problem here is the kind of exercise at which these studies are analyzing. 30 minutes a day on a treadmill, elliptical, and maybe some isolation machines is not going to benefit people the way they think it will. It's true that you can lose loads of weight by eating at a caloric deficit, but what good is a weak skinny body with no training and little muscle mass? I would highly recommend anyone add strength training for the best results from exercise.
Now, I'm NOT promoting bodybuilding (that's an entirely different animal than strength training), but I would suggest everyone add at a least a basic routine involving the main (and utmost sacred) compound lifts, like squats, deadlifts, bench, barbell rows, etc... to your diet and exercise regimen.
Total health is the key here. Be the best human you can be.
Why do you keep jumping to different parts of the screen?
To keep your attention, his style of vlogging wil probably evolve over time.
I totally agree with what you're saying doc. The numbers with weight doesn't go down with exercise, because, I think that the fat is replaced with muscle, which weighs more, or the same as fat, making the net outcome equal, or a bit off, on the weight gain side. Maybe exercise doesn't cause weight loss, but, like you mention, it is healthier for the individual.
Absolutely true. Talking from own experience. I lost about 10kg in 2,5 months without any exercise. I also didnt and don't feel hungry. I was vegetarian but became vegan 3 months ago. On my menu are potatoes, pasta, tortillas, lots of fresh tomatoes, onion, beans, mushrooms, spinach.. But zero oil, zero nuts and zero white bread. When i reach my wished weight, it means to lose - 7kg more, i will add some olive oil into my regular diet. I don't say that exercise is not beneficial for body, but it really isn't neither closely so important for weight loss as it is popular to claim.
but muscle grow especially through weight exercise increases your metabolism by a lot for 24-48h. doesn't this have any effect?
also muscles are heavier than fat, so for me, intensive exercise doesn't make me lighter but definitely slimmer. does the study take this into account?
Thank you so much for clearing that up for me. But now, can you do a video on how to loss weight properly?
I have lost just over 50 pounds of weight by diet AND exercise but am now feeling feeling the affects of the slower metabolism. I am finding it harder and harder to continue losing the weight. Is there something I can do about the slowing metabolism? I still would like to loss a little more (25 pounds) weight to reach my goal.
Sure, in theory, it's not critical to exercise in order to lose weight, but it is extremely critical when it comes to weight maintenance. First, as you mentioned, calorie reduction causes your metabolism to slow down which means that the more weight you lose, the less can you eat without gaining weight and for morbidly obese people, this slow down can be extreme. If you don't exercise, not only are you going to have to reduce your calories below what a never obese person of the same weight is supposed to eat, but studies have shown that strength training can increase metabolism and make the slowing down of your metabolism less dramatic when losing weight.
Basically, some ex obese people only burn 1500 calories at rest even though their peers of the same weight who have never been obese burn 2000 calories at the same weight, if you exercise and burn perhaps 300-500 calories per day on average you can eat a more normal amount of food without gaining the weight back. After all, the majority of dieters will gain back their weight within two years. Obviously it's difficult to burn 500 calories per day, but I personally think that in the long run, it's more sustainable than eating as little as 1500 calories per day even after reaching your goal weight.
**TL;DR: Exercise is extremely important for weight maintenance after weight loss because that's when you need those few hundred calories of leeway the most. It's not that difficult to lose weight, but it's incredibly difficult to keep the weight off due to slowed metabolism and out of wack hunger/craving hormones such as ghrelin and leptin. Exercise can help with this.**
No, the metabolic changes aren't the same for all groups that diet. There was some study that compared a few groups, one below 800 calories each day, one intermittent fasting and one with something like 25% cut in calories (not as low as 800/day) with exercise. I can't remember the exact details anymore, but the one point I remember clearly is that the study demonstrated that the exercise group was the one that best prevented the long-term "metabolic damage" from the diet that often causes people to gain the weight back easier later. So exercise to keep your metabolism going, eat so that you are in a calorie deficit, but not too little (like famine mode at 500 calories per day for 3 months) and you will have good results. I walked 1 hour almost every day, and 2 hours on some days. I dropped all sugars (even juices) all crap like candy, chips, cookies just all of it and basically drank just coffee, tea and water and ate basic healthy food and I lost about 10kg easily in 3 months and now 3months after, still haven't gained any of it back and could actually easily lose more.
agreed! it's better to not eat 1000 calories in the first place than have to try and burn 1000 calories.
Yes! I always recommend that my clients focus on nutrition rather than exercise, particularly if they're really busy
If your client doesnt have at least 15 mins to lift weight this means hes not serious about his change .
Yes diet comes first but adding a small muscles here and there is a must .
a beginner going to a gym 10 mins will make his body change a lot even if hes doing every exercise wrong .
usually obese human body forget that muscles exist and a small reminder helps a lot .
i myself go to gym for max 15 mins and it helps a lot
It seems to be common thought that if one exercises regularly then they can eat whatever they want; I've heard the quote "anything will burn if the furnace is hot enough." I'm glad that this video explained otherwise. I've found it's quite commonly known that muscle weighs more than fat, and this is a point not made by the video. If one exercises regularly, especially with weight bearing activities, they will develop and tone muscles they hadn't in the past. If one is solely just paying attention to the number on the scale, it will be discouraging because their fat is being replaced by muscle and they are not losing pounds. Especially if one isn't pairing exercise with a healthy diet, their fat will continue to cover the muscle, and they will see no physical change. Not to mention, a healthy diet provides the vitamins, minerals, and nutrients that are optimal for your body to change.
One thing I wish this video did was explain that exercise might not be the key to weight loss, but it is incredibly important in overall health. One should exercise, not to lose weight, but to be in shape and keep their body healthy and active.
There is one very important point, not just any type of exercise but strength training will increase your muscle mass, while reducing the body fat percentage. With exercise, just by looking at the number on the scale you may not seem to lose weight but actually the composition of your body is changing. Like eight years ago I was 86 kg, and had a huge belly. Now I'm at the same weight but I have much more muscle and I can lift much heavier, and I have much much smaller belly. The number on the scale doesn't tell all.
Oktay Pocan Every body builder I know gets really fat in the winter and then cuts their diet down to almost nothing to cut for summer.
Soda served in US contain just way way too much sugar. It's insane.
Woo Cheol Shin Don't drink soda. It's an unhealthy snack, drink water or tea or coffee when you're thirsty.
Woo Cheol Shin As someone who only drinks coffee and soda (I haven't drank pure water in 11 months) - I'm still 130lb at 5'11".
So, it can't be that bad.
NictraSavios You're exactly the same size as me. Both height and weight.
Woo Cheol Shin Drink diet soda instead...
***** Yeah, obviously I was talking about the soda that contain sugar.
I have a question. I want to lose weight, but in many attempts, I find that my appetite gets the better of me. What's a good way of curbing one's appetite while also controlling one's portion sizes?
Healthcare Triage Could you give a list of the sources for this video? I'm currently pursuing a PhD in physical education, and many of my classes, professors, and professional organizations do not seem to be aware of this research. We follow the ACSM's position stand on the subject where 1.5 hours of aerobic activity increases adipose tissue loss if done at least 5 times a week. I would be interested in comparing these.
Also the "The Incidental Economist" link is broken.
I'm 16 years old and currently 50 pounds overweight, thank you health triage for giving me an excuse to further my procrastination to exercise, I'll just lower my calorie intake and jog 15 to 20 minutes a week, I'll lose 50 pounds of fat in no time! 😊
So how did it work out
I lost 80 lbs over a year while in a wheelchair (which they said MS would force me to be in forever but I've been walking since Feb ALSO diet! Wahls Protocol!) by changing my relationship with food. No HFCS, no processed foods, no gluten, no artificial sweeteners and no soda for starters! All natural and organic fruits veggies nuts and meats. Period. I'm healthier and happier now than I've been since my early 20's! It's ALL about what you eat.
Check out my TH-cam channel for the progress videos
I couple gradual increase in activity with gradual improvement of diet with a lot of patience slathered over the top. It has taken me 10 years but I am in the best shape of my life and I am going to be 47 this year. My overall next goal: to be in the best shape of my life when I turn 65. If you are patient and make changes on both diet and activity gradually over time, it isn't that hard (not easy though). Where I think most people screw up is they want the change and they want it now. That's very hard and most of the time backfires.
I would like to put my .02¢ in just to say that building muscle mass, while not good for losing weight, is excellent in the long term for keeping excess or fat weight off, increasing your basal metabolic rate (i.e. how many calories you can freely eat even with no activity).
I think this can be a victory on two fronts for previously untrained people.
1. Work on eating healthier with a very slight caloric deficit
2. Focus on muscle hypertrophy which means limited cadio (don't get rid of it, but don't be running 3+mi every other day either, focus more on HIIT on lift days, and run for 20mins on off days) and focusing on weightlifting with lower reps and higher weight. While for maximum hypertrophy you'd want to go for 2-6 reps per set, a happy medium between calorie burn, lower pain (from soreness), lower chance for injury, and hypertrophy is in that 6-10 rep range.
This is the ultimate combo for improving health and losing fat long term. By increasing your muscle mass, you will be jacking up your basal metabolic rate meaning you won't have to work as hard to limit your calorie intake, while also (for untrained folks) turning much of that fat into muscle
You used "healthful"! I am so happy!!! The proper use of healthy/healthful is my number one pet peeve.
This has been my weight loss philosophy over the last couple of years: small sustainable changes that I can live with (such as replacing the suger-water popsicles with frozen juice cups, because frozen stuff is essential if I want to keep being able to swallow food or water, and working in more salad and celery to replace calorie dense foods like chips, and I've long since given up almost all soda). Over the last two years, I've lost 25-30 pounds. No, it's not as fast as a fad diet, but the way I see it, any progress (even slow progress) is better than staying overweight, or worse, gaining weight. But, imo, if changes aren't sustainable, then you're just boarding the weight roller coaster (and that can't be healthy).
The thing I can remember back when I was an athlete was that when I knew I was exercising the next day it would effect what I wanted to eat. I didn't want to eat junk food or stuff that might make me feel heavy or maybe even make me sick after my race ( i was a rower). I started to gear towards healthier foods that you can have inside you and not feel like crap when moving your body quickly. Now that I dont exercise the bag of cheetos I might eat doesnt come with physical pain the next day. Its just cheetos and none of the other side effects of working out with crap food in your system.
For most of my life, I ate very poorly and I still do. But I recently have started exercising and that has push me to eat better. Why would I ruin my workout by eating dessert? For me, exercise is the impetus to eat better and I have lost weight because of this combination.
Hah I like that! So it is a behavioural pattern thing? You usually work out after dinner and desert makes you slow or something?
But what about the fact that the more muscle you have, the more calories you burn in general? Is that a myth?
All I can tell you is excersize works for me. One the days that I don't excersize I don't think I have balanced my calories once. On the vast majority of days I excersize I meet my calorie aim. To some extent I think just being out of the house when I'd otherwise be at home tempted to eat might be part of it. Also I often don't feel like eating the first few hours after strenuous excersize.
This all ties into the most famous equation in physics: E=mc2. That "speed of light squared" part is the most important bit: A little bit of mass contains a hell of a lot of energy. You'll lose more weight by eating less than by exercising more (although it's reccomended to do both).
RKH1502 or.... more likely the case for humans.... Energy = mass * (Energy density of fat), or E = m * (9000 food calories / kg).
I agree with most things in this video - but I do have to admit, when I didn't have a car and was forced to walk 3-5 miles a day, I didn't gain weight, even if I splurged. Once I got a car, I put on the pounds quickly and didn't make any changes in my diet before. Also when I worked in a mail room and delivered across a University campus, my app that showed me all the steps I took showed me I walked 5 miles a day on average. Never worried about my weight than either. Walking sure does works wonders.
I always knew that the use of a good dietary plan was good for you, but didn't know that the excising or going to the gym didn't really effect weight loss, but more of loss of energy obviously from exerting the body. The body needing a good diet to lose weight is something that changed my perspective on the losing weight and made it seem more important to eat to lose weight instead of run of the excess weight in a way of losing it, or as the running to sweat it off and lose pounds. This idea that eating good is the key behind losing weight should be told to all those trying to lose weight to concentrate more on their diet instead of trying to make it to the gym.
The problem is that the American diet has low satiety per calorie, so exercise causes increased hunger meaning more calories eaten. Also America measures standard of living in terms of gdp per capita so making people fat then selling them drugs to fix it is better than a good diet. Look at youtube for the blue zones (5 places where people live to 100, and copy their diet)
Cooking is time consuming, so I suggest:
* Microwave tubers (sweet potato, potato, etc...), but put potatoes in the fridge before eating them. Putting potatoes in the fridge makes it more difficult to digest the potato so its less likely to spike your sugar.
* Eat more popcorn without butter
* Eat beans from cans
* Get an electric pressure cooker and cook lots and lots of beans and store them in the fridge and freezer for the long term
* Get a hot water dispenser and go crazy with teas, hot cocoa, and black coffee (learn to drink without milk) - these reduce hunger
* Peppermint reduces hunger
* Use half as much sweetener (it can increase hunger in the long term)
* Drink diluted vinegar
* Eat unsweetened yogurt as its bacteria eats sugar
* Go crazy with spices especially tumeric, cinnamon, chili, black pepper, ginger, lemon
* Eat a little bit of a bad tasting food like grapefruit every day, after 2 weeks it won't taste as bad (in fact might taste good)!
Honestly I think moderate exercise is the way to go.
Moderate exercise doesnt make you as hungry as vigorous exercise. I walked like 20,000 steps per day and didnt feel hungry at all. Combined with a significantly healthier diet I managed to lose 25 pounds in three months.
can you talk about pcos and its effects on being able to lose weight. i have noticed that it used to be a lot easier for me to lose weight.. but wasn't sure if it was pcos making it harder.. or getting older (im 27 now) or both.
Exercise is very important but what is key is muscle targeting. look at your legs and arms compared to the rest of the body. This muscles are used every day more than the belly and back muscle. It seems like the body is not able to provide energy to specific sectors and unleash it all over the body, the muscles that use it stay skinnier than those that dont. muscles require a lot of energy to maintain. A mix of muscle activation with some cardio and staying away from sugar and bread will help you lose weight in a very efficient way. Sugar and bread are nutrients the body can process easily, turning it into fat in no time. focus on foods that take longer to digest. stay away from exercise past the 30 min mark as it increases your food intake. 10 min of "high intensity" cardio followed by 10 min of muscle targeting. Dont focus on results, as fat dilutes away, your skin will look flabbier but later the skin will contract. what is key is a life style change, own it at your pace, enjoy it, put some music, watch some tv but do it. a clogged body will also take longer so drink plenty of water thru out the day, shugging down a gallon doesn't work. not so simple as exercise = weight loss, in fact, muscle is heavier than fat so expect to increase a couple of pounds before you lose any so dont fret, that is fat eating weight. The first day is always the hardest.
Here is the secret to loosing weight, backpacking. I did a section hike on the Appalachian trail and I met a man who was hiking the whole trail (2200 miles). He was generally a heavier guy at the time. But hee lost 40 pounds in 1 mounts of continuous hiking. I understand that 90% of the population can’t do this but if you ever get the opportunity to hike for 3 or more days, do it. I lost 9 pounds in a week while hiking and it was the greatest 9 pounds I ever lost. It was fun, good for my mental and physical health, and I met a lot of cool people doing it. This is just my story for what really worked for me.
I actually find it much, much easier to rely on exercise instead of nutrition for weight loss. It might vary from individual to individual. What I prefer to do is eat at approximate maintenance calories/macros for my sedentary self, then rely on training to create a caloric deficit rather than going hypocaloric with my nutrition.
One of the pros of doing it this way is that you can gain some muscle and lose fat somewhat simultaneously (ex: you can have a heavy cardio day where you're at a deficit followed by a resistance day near maintenance or mild surplus). I prefer that over the long periods spent bulking and cutting that bodybuilders do because I hate becoming so fat in the first place that I can't even see my abs so clearly. I start to feel kind of sick when I get that fat so I hate the notion of dedicating a whole season to bulking and then having to cut away the fat. Especially since I'm in my 40s, I don't think my body can handle it so well to bulk and cut and bulk and cut. So I like to do them at the same time.
Another is that if you get lazy for a season (or injured), since you're used to eating at a maintenance level for your sedentary self, all that happens is that you maintain weight. When you're not lazy and train hard, you lose fat and/or gain muscle. Also if you want to lose more fat/weight then you just do more cardio. If you want to gain more muscle then you just do more resistance and less cardio. You don't have to constantly be fiddling around with your nutrition.
I think it's worth noting that exercise (specifically strength training) is important if you want to specifically target fat for weight loss (which is 100% of people who want to lose weight), also it increases your resting metabolic rate. More active people generally have a higher maintenance calorie level (i.e they can eat more without gaining weight).
I agree that eating less is the key to weight loss but if you are the exercising type and if you were active at some point in your life, exercise is an equally important tool to faster/healthier weight-loss.
When I am trying to loose weight, I manage to accumulate a 500 Calorie negative intake per day just by exercising which adds up to 1lb/week. And one good thing about exercise is that it gets easier every day therefore allowing you to burn even more calories in lesser amount of time.
It's a little outside the scope of this particular video, but "exercise" here isn't really specified. Personally I do a mix of weight training, calisthenics, and High Intensity Interval Training. Every once in a while I throw in some yoga or steady-rate cardio.
People need to create a regimen that is specific to their goals and needs, and seek out that information, which is readily available on the internet.
Also Known As Its not specified because he talks about exercise in general - saying that the entirety of anything labeled as exercise is not the key.
NictraSavios Which is irresponsibly vague, as an active lifestyle does help in the long run. He's really talking about going to the gym thrice weekly to shed pounds, not strenuous physical activity as the norm, and he should have said so.
Actually, he said "exercise' as a general term - and I don't think you're qualified to speak on his behalf.
NictraSavios Oh, and you are? I'm perfectly qualified to understand the English language.
If you guys actually payed attention to the video he says there are many health benefits to exercise, but weight loss is not one of them. He devoted an entire video to the benefits of exercise. In fact if you look at the "Up Next" section you will see the video right there.
The information presented in this video explains that, for the most part, everything we have been told about weight loss and exercise is incorrect. It instead suggests that diet is the best thing to alter when attempting to lose weight. However, most think that the only way to lose weight is to exercise rather than diet, which is what most would prefer to do. So, if we attempt to lose weight, rather than spend extra hours in the gym, we should spend that time in the kitchen preparing healthy meals. This does not mean that we should not still exercise however. Exercising promotes our health and creates a more positive outlook on life. It makes us feel better about ourselves, but it is not the sole fix to body image.
Personally, I think whether diet or exercise works better at maintaining/obtaining one’s desired weight depends on the individual.
I used to use exercise quite successfully to lose body fat, gain lean mass, or maintain my body composition, but after I had an accident that left me with chronic pain exercise has not been very accessible, and although now I am trying to use caloric intake I find it difficult limiting my consumption. I very much miss the days of long/hard bike rides, swims, and trail hikes/runs and validating that second teriyaki salmon burger for dinner or two pieces of guilt-free cheesecake for dessert!
I think your video should’ve also pointed out that many people who look at how many calories they burn during exercise are NOT evaluating that number properly; they really should subtract out how many calories they would’ve burned if they didn’t do that exercise!
A lot of good points, but it is important to specify what sort of "exercise" is in question. Resistance training builds muscle, which burns fat even when a person is not active. Cardio and aerobics are a different beast entirely.
Even though you have to eat right if you want to loose weight exercise is still a necessity if you want to loose weight. He says 30 minutes of jogging or swimming might burn 350 calories but if you are working out you are most likely are going to exercise for at least an hour especially if they are trying to loose weight. He says many people fat or fit can’t keep up a strenuous 30- minute workout but if they take the proper amount of time in-between sets they will not be as tired and can exercise longer. If people eat right AND exercise it is only going to help them. All I am saying is that exercise is a necessity in daily life to stay healthy. The problem with eating healthy is that it is more expensive to buy groceries that are better for you. Families that may not be able to afford these groceries turn to fast food or cheaper alternatives that are not good for you at all.
"Exercise is NOT the Key to Weight Loss." I believe this to be a very true statement because, from personal experience, I have lost more weight by watching what I ate than by exercising two or three times a week. Many people tend to think that exercising every day helps you to lose more weight than eating right does. As explained in the video, exercising causes you to burn calories which in turn makes you want to eat because your body needs to replenish the calories that you just burned off. This is why if weight loss is the ultimate goal then a healthy diet is the key, not exercise. If people knew that swimming or running for 30 minutes burns the same amount of calories that two cans of soda contained maybe they would reach for a water instead of a soda. This just proves that by adjusting your diet, you can achieve or even surpass your goal of weight loss more easily than exercising. Although a healthy diet is more effective than exercise alone, it is still beneficial to one's health to exercise.
Everyone SHOULD exercise. Weight loss or not. And I also agree with it not being the key to weight loss by itself. Also, you gotta consider what KIND of exercise you're doing because it they will affect your body differently. Weight training? Swimming? Cycling? Yoga? Sports? One shouldn't lump all exercises together like they are all the same.
I understand your point, but wouldn’t you say it depends upon *how much* exercise you do? With the Pandemic, I no longer have to burn an hour a day commuting, so I’ve gone up from ~1hr 20min per day (pretty much every day since I have the exercise equipment at home) to 2hr 20min. That can’t possibly not be helping, assuming that I don’t eat more as a result, as you pointed out.
When i look at my Fathers Pics from the 80s when he was in his mid - late 20s, he and his friends had all well defined ABS and Hollywood actor looks even tho they never did any sports or watched exactly what they ate. When i ask my father what did he eat and what sports did he do back then, he says that he was smoking cigarettes most of the time, drank 4-5 black coffes per day and ate everyday by Grandma(eggs, beans, self made cheese and other self made stuff) and coz nobody was rich and cars were expensive to them they walked most of the time...Walking was the only "sport" he did
contact me i can help you
When I saw the title of this video, I just had to click on it and watch it because I did not believe what it was titled. However after watching it I can definitely see what he means. Whenever I think of losing weight I always think of exercising first. I always think of how I need to be more active and what I can do in order to drop the extra pounds. Next in my head is eating right, this is important to but it is always a runner up to exercising. When I was younger my family and I would always watch the Biggest Loser together, why? I'm not exactly sure, but it was just something we would always watch. However, I would always just see the highlights of Julian yelling at the contestants and making them cry and then Bob coming over and comforting them and saying that it was all okay and they were strong enough to push through and make it. I do remember one episode however where all of the contestants were in the house together and one of the team members decided to eat a pizza or something of the sort and it was a huge ordeal that someone would jeopardize their team and eat unhealthy foods. The coaches even had to come in and have a sort of intervention with this contestant. This is just one way that I think of how important it is to also eat right when trying to lose weight. Because what is the point of putting in the work to become less fat if all you do is go back home and eat a Big Mac? You are simply just balancing out what you are eating bad with all of the hard work you just had at the gym and you will not receive the results you want because of this.
I lost so much weight due to a change in my diet. I lost much weight, and much later I lost hunger for great amounts of food.
This is great information, but no matter who you are, as long as you have determination to keep pushing yourself to the limits. You can lose a lot of weight with excursive. Its all about willpower and keeping hydrated of course. Anyone is capable of anything.
Exercise is the key to weight loss if you wish to enjoy your life and not worry about what you eat at restaurants. Dieting is just a form of punishing yourself, and although it works, why feel miserable in not being to eat your favorite dishes? The key to weight loss and exercise is to exercise more and with increased intensity, instead of jogging just 4 miles a day, run 8 miles a day! Perform a high intensity workout, "constant motion with no rest - like running" for at least an hour a day, and kiss weight gain goodbye!
I was wondering why am I not losing weight until I saw this video th-cam.com/video/cHZFAirKdTc/w-d-xo.html which cleared my doubts on weight management I’ve even taken their panchakarma at home which helped me detoxify my system like never before thank you Jyovis
In my opinion, I still think that exercise is important along with a healthy diet. Yes, it is important to take time out of the day in order to prepare a healthy meal, but I believe that it is important to stay active. Weight loss is an important goal for most people, but staying physically fit and healthy should also be their goal.
I found this video after looking for convincing studies that show that exercise is great for weight loss. I didn't find any, and was hoping to find something useful on TH-cam. I didn't find much, but I found this video. It might help a few people I am in contact with, although, they are really living in Lala land and don't want to hear about reality.
I think that part of the problem might be that many people don't seem to be able to understand that while weight loss and health are related, they are not one and the same.