@Karwan Ahmed Lol, first off Jackson didnt take any land. Second if you are gonna complain about land the US took you would have to demonize just about every Country, they all have fought for land. Saying yet you dont mind taking other countries land shows how illogical your mind is. Let's say you're talking about how bigger countries take land from tribes or people who have not advanced. You would have to go back hundreds of years to get that. Today many Countries in power protect indigenous people. All the Countries and powers that be are not going to dissolve because they took land and feel bad about it. Creating a civilized, protected and educated populace requires borders, always has throughout history. Why do you think China built the great wall? Just for fun? Now you may say but the US founding fathers wanted the states to be for everyone. Technically that is false but I wont get into that racism shit that was popular back then. Yes it is for everyone but after a vetting process. Why are you so against vetting is the real question? Would it not be a good thing to have them vetted before they became your neighbor? Before they are around your kids?
@The Empress Yes, yes of course. Your knowledge and intelligence amazes me. Of course you are right and have found the truth in things. I bow before your wisdom.
Paul Condie he was on TV, on a lil show called Duck Dynasty. He was removed from the show because some yuppies came to interview him and asked him about homosexuals and he quoted the Bible about sinning. Those yuppies didn’t like that and got offended by Phil and demanded that they continue the show without Phil.
Excuse me, Paul Condie, Sir,....TH-cam IS Tv. Haven't you ever heard of "TH-cam Tv" before? Catch up with the rest of us, WILL YA?!! Geez,.......pfffff.
Joh 10:1-8 Jesus said, "It is certainly true that when a man enters the sheep pen, he should use the gate. If he climbs in some other way, he is a robber. He is trying to steal the sheep. ut the man who takes care of the sheep enters through the gate. He is the shepherd. The man who guards the gate opens the gate for the shepherd. And the sheep listen to the voice of the shepherd. He calls his own sheep, using their names, and he leads them out. He brings all of his sheep out. Then he goes ahead of them and leads them. The sheep follow him, because they know his voice. But sheep will never follow someone they don't know. They will run away from him, because they don't know his voice." Jesus told the people this story, but they did not understand what it meant. So Jesus said again, "I assure you, I am the gate for the sheep.
Shared this with family and friends.... I was smiling the whole time because it makes perfect sense; crazy to think that there are so many out there against our need for a new border wall.
I used to work for a state prison. I can say for a fact that walls, fences, and gates are pretty darned effective at restricting the movement of certain people from one area to another.
There's a difference between putting one around a prison and putting one along the border. The latter is economically impossible and extremely unpragmatic.
My last name is Rodriguez. But I'm not a Mexican. I am a descendant of Mexican people but I was born and raised in the United States. Therefore I am American. Respect your ethnicity but Love your nationality.
Great man really knows his stuff only problem is desperate people do desperate things like jump over or dig under and break the rules because their country has let them down. Government make laws and the more laws they make, it stands to reason that more laws will be broken a barrier is only effective if it works to meet its demands too much or too many it becomes superfluous and therefore sises to exist.
That's so true. I could listen to Phil for days. He's filled with Godly wisdom and good old common sense which is sadly lacking in the minds of people these days.
@@-wretched1 if the authorities are threatening your family and faith it's a different deal. Think China. Think God wants them to denounce their faith a bow to their tyrants? What is a martyr?
@@Dagio32 I can still remember the day the walls lost all of their powers..........it was in the fall of 2016, the 8th of november if im not mistaken...... I was told by the most trusted name in news C.N.N., that the cheapest and most effective means of stopping intruders since well, the dawn of time, had became ineffective and too expensive......... If we cant trust the self-titled most trusted name in news C.N.N., then who are we to trust?!?......Math?..... Science?... Logic? Its 2018! Get with the times that stuff is sexist and homophobic, we must trust an old book written by a guy, a genius!, karl marx. He has the holy answers to guide us to our salvation, OH MARX,....OH MARX,..... PRAISED BE THY NAME! SHOW THE UNBELIEVERS THE JOYS OF YOUR WRITINGS! TEACH US HOW TO SLEEP ON OTHERS COUCHES AND MOOCH, YES TO MOOCH, IS TO TRULY KNOW THE WAY! Dont be a dummy, K.A.G.A. 2020
Thank you Phil for taking the time to formulate words for issues that used to be self-evident. The minds of many have become confused by the poison of deception fueled by fear. The mind of the sinful man is fear and death but the mind guided by the Spirit is peace and life. We choose.
i understand you want legal immigration, but im not dwn with the wall its so fucking stupid jajajaja Ive been living here 20 years and just now working on my status, my parents didn’t walk the desert it was all legal and most people i know cross over legally so the wall will just be a waste of tax payers money! My tax paying money! So its fucking stupid!! Drugs come in the same way btw Haha very lil drug crosses through the desert😂
Oh no I did not no Glen Beck bought crtv! They should have said no to him! This station is awesome. No BS. Only tells the truth. Common sense. Love it!
@Brad Pike Makes perfect sense to most. There is no fence or gate in some places at the border. The fence says your not welcome to come on this property. If you do cross without permission, you pay the price if/when caught. It could also be explained with your house. You have walls and doors to keep those not welcomed out. I'm more then sure your doors aren't open to anyone whom may wish to come in, you open the door and let only those you wish to come in. Why not do the same at our borders? Obama just built a new home and has a 10 foot wall around it, why is that I wonder?
@Brad Pike What the country can't afford is the continuing illegal immigrant problem. It is costing us more the the wall! It is running our education system broke, it's running social security broke, it's lowering wages in our industries. That's what this country can no longer afford!
@Brad Pike I understand what you're implying but disagree with you. Flying in and staying is what ICE is for, let them do their job. Digging under the wall, it could happen but there will be other measures to monitor these activities. We have to start somewhere and putting a barrier is the first step, then we can improve on it. I think walls work really well, Obama is the perfect example of that, along with hypocrisy! The walls on my home work well keeping those not welcomed out.
ahh yes, something you will never hear on the news. this man is simple and to the point, and i love every bit of it. thank you Phil for being you, and god bless
And soon, feels like we're circling the drain!!! To many are ready to sell us out and trick us out of our Rights. Don't forget the Republican government wants those bump sticks back!!!
Very well said, Phil! My husband works on the border & he sees things that most people would be traumatized from. It’s no game & we MUST have border security/walls. Common sense does go a very long way! Why make simple things complicated?!🤦🏻♀️
Thank you Mr. Robertson for explaining this as Simple terms maybe some Folks can understand what a wall, gate is for❤ to you and your family, God Bless.
Hey JJ . It's simple bi*ch ...people like Mr. Robertson built this country as a place for peace-loving citizens to live and raise families... people like you are tearing it down.
Life & Life more Abundantly acts17:26 kjv From one man he made all the nations, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he marked out their appointed times in history and the boundaries of their lands.
@@rsar61 That's right. The so called elite's agenda is from the devil. They are attempting what God will actually do in His own time as He rules as King of Kings.
Life & Life more Abundantly You know there are many people rebelling against the trump administration not knowing that they’re in fact rebelling against GOD Roman13:1Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. 2 Consequently, whoever rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves. 3 For rulers hold no terror for those who do right, but for those who do wrong. Do you want to be free from fear of the one in authority? Then do what is right and you will be commended. 4 For the one in authority is God’s servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for rulers do not bear the sword for no reason. They are God’s servants, agents of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer. 5 Therefore, it is necessary to submit to the authorities, not only because of possible punishment but also as a matter of conscience. 6 This is also why you pay taxes, for the authorities are God’s servants, who give their full time to governing. 7 Give to everyone what you owe them: If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor.
Let me try to explain this for all yours, United States of North America don’t respect any frontier of any country, have military bases in basically all around the world, wants control all the resources of the countries just because the want $$$$$.Then what you talking about??USA is the biggest trespassers of the planet !!!
Yes sir God Bless you and all true Americans who are for there fellow Americans if someone comes to your house do you want them coming in the front door or go around back and sneak in through a window?🤯🤔
M998 pony up Mexico isn’t paying, trump should pony up as well... isn’t he a billionaire... 5 billion is what he’s asking from tax payers.... when trump gives the first billion maybe I’ll pony up Mexico can reimburse me when trump makes them pay! Not holding my breath.
M998 we give Mexico aid money? Wow I never knew that. I always thought American drug addicts funded Mexico by purchasing illegal drugs.
6 ปีที่แล้ว +1
@@TORNTOA , Yes, WE give Mexico over $480 MILLION every year in AID MONEY also give illegal and WELFARE recipient's here in the states over $500 MILLION a year. Money that should be used to build that WALL.
Mexico is paying indirectly..... Remember only one country sends billions to other countries to support them............
6 ปีที่แล้ว +1
@Brad Pike , Wholly SHIT!!! What the F is the matter with you??? The Government needs to DEPORT the ILLEGALS, the WALL will keep the freeloaders from coming back, It is the demoRATS that keep giving the illegals taxpayers MONEY in order to get votes.
M Schoenfuss There are 12 gates with 12 names on those gates. Which are names of the 12 tribes of the Nation of Israel. You Gentiles and other Nations are going to Heaven. But you're going as slaves.
Part of the reason houses have walls it to keep out people that are not welcome, the front door to your house is there to let in those you want to let into your house and keep out those you don't want in your house. For those of you that feel walls don't work why don't you leave your front door, the opening to your wall wide open since walls do not work.
@@richardashby6364 It's an analogy I've been saying for a while now and is similar to his gate analogy but most people don't think of the walls protecting their house in the same way as a perimeter wall on a property but in reality it is the same thing.
@@blakeyon2asd But why make it easier for them, if someone were to walk into my house in the middle of the night as I slept because I left the front door wide open I might not have time to prepare my defense but if they had to break in and I had ten seconds or more warning there is a good chance they would never be able to break into anyone's house again. The same thing applies at our border, the chances of them being caught or injured trying to scale the wall go up so fewer will try crossing. By that same logic a bank should just leave all their money in a big pile on the floor because if someone were to rob the bank they would likely be successful, they may or may not get caught but bank tellers usually are instructed to hand over the money and let the police catch them later.
Exactly. Anyone is welcome except in THEIR house. Complete hypocrisy. I do not see Bernie Sanders or Nancy Pelosi taking in any of these "migrants" (invaders) from the caravan and helping them.
And why will Bernie not share his millions of dollars with me??? What kind of bs Socialism is that? It's not fair. I want some of those millions. So it is only fair that we share them all just like he tells us we should. But oh yeah, that's for everybody else EXCEPT HIMSELF.
@@TheJester39 Go live in a country where Liberty is irrelevant then. The Plaque on the statue was put there long AFTER the statue was given to the USA and you forget all the people who migrated then were vetted by Government criteria.
@@simiancavecreature7699 Hahahahahahah! Well, I really don't give much thought to Liberals anymore. I USED to be a card carrying, liberal hippie, Leftist until I saw the light...literally- Jesus! Hahahah! So I am absolutely aware of how they think. It is scary times we live in right now.
@@TheJester39, you say you "were" in the military. Did you have to leave because of your transgender condition? I smell stolen valor. I thought mom jokes were what teenagers used when they have nothing else. Must be hard being so low IQ.
@@mrg8255 it's very easy logic..try to keep up..and I'll 'splain it to you..your post said go Phil go..the schill wrote something about a hole..then I replied to him..that opposites attract.. if you are to go die in a hole then maybe schillbilly was born in one..I assumed by his rhetoric that he was born in a butt because he has been quite an ass..hense the corn in his snooty hole and fro.. (meaning he still has undigested corn in his afro).. Hope that helps.. go phil go!! Lol Sometimes I really wonder if our Republic will survive the de-evolution of our species?
@@hectorcastillo2670, Hispanic Hector if you don't like it get on your donkey and go back to Mexico, I'm quite sure you are here illegally, because good decent Hispanics are in favor of keeping bad Mexicans out
😂😂😂😂😂😂 you go right on ahead bud. I’m sure you guys will get it paid for in 20 or 30 years but by all means. I’ve been laughing my ass off since I saw the go fund me 😂😂
Man White people are so racists but it's been embedded in them since way back they forget there not American at all,nothing but mixed European ties,america is filled with these racists/foreigners thinking there 100% american😂the more the hate the more the debate at the gates"see you in hell hopefully it has the biggest fkn wall there to satisfy your affection for em
If you cant just fly in to a country without someone knowing where you are going and where you came from. Then you damn sight shouldn't be able to walk into a country without someone knowing the same !
Redman you're a perfect example of why it was so easy to take this country over lol. Oh and Indians where not native to the Americas originally anyway. They also migrated here dumbass. Far as the trail of tears and slaughtering of natives I totally think that was some bullshit myself. You take history and learn from it so not to repeat it. Crying about it will never get you any place.
He makes a great and valid point. However, that said let's keep reapairing and fortifying the barriers we already have and put the $5.7bn toward American interests such as the homeless. How is it that men and women who have served in our military are left on the street? We speak about all this money, yet none for American Citizens who desperately require assistance.
@@Jesus1stalways Yes I living in central Europe (Czech republic). I visit USA for 1 month 2 years ago and I love USA. I want go to USA after this christmas and visit my relatives in Nebraska and visit local farms and local people. But in my area where I live have much hogs in this season and destroy fields and pastures and I must go hunting very often. I like hunting 👍🏻 My biggest life dream is buy beef farm in USA and live in USA with patriots around me like Phil in this video 👍🏻
Anyone is welcome if they do it the right way.....my ancestors stopped of at Ellis island......barriers are needed if you don't follow the law........other countries will shoot you if you legally enter......love you mr. Robertson
Little girl go put your clothes on!! What's matter with you posting all of what God gave you out there for all the world to see. Sad.. if that ain't your pic that's SOMEBODYS GIRL... no good....
As soon as Crowder comes back and addresses this fiasco merger I will exit CRTV, I'm staying (for now) , I paid my 100.00 but not again. I just want to know if Crowder is a sell out.
Tisha Morgan you think Phil will continue this if he wasn't on CRTV? I hope you're right but I assume he would just stop doing it. He doesn't even have a cell phone or Internet. He's not gonna make videos unless someone else handles the distribution.
That was far more intense and educational than I anticipated. Mr. Robertson just said a lot, some without words. Heck ya, I liked this very much.
I agree 100% Common Sense decision making to protect the land of the USA
@Karwan Ahmed Lol, first off Jackson didnt take any land. Second if you are gonna complain about land the US took you would have to demonize just about every Country, they all have fought for land. Saying yet you dont mind taking other countries land shows how illogical your mind is.
Let's say you're talking about how bigger countries take land from tribes or people who have not advanced. You would have to go back hundreds of years to get that. Today many Countries in power protect indigenous people. All the Countries and powers that be are not going to dissolve because they took land and feel bad about it. Creating a civilized, protected and educated populace requires borders, always has throughout history. Why do you think China built the great wall? Just for fun?
Now you may say but the US founding fathers wanted the states to be for everyone. Technically that is false but I wont get into that racism shit that was popular back then. Yes it is for everyone but after a vetting process. Why are you so against vetting is the real question? Would it not be a good thing to have them vetted before they became your neighbor? Before they are around your kids?
@The Empress Yes, yes of course. Your knowledge and intelligence amazes me. Of course you are right and have found the truth in things. I bow before your wisdom.
Phil's explanation should be put on TV! Very well said!
Paul Condie it doesn't matter. They are so closed minded that they would point fingers call names and go about the way they are. It's sad but true
Paul Condie it wont happen unfortunately because it’s too true
Paul Condie he was on TV, on a lil show called Duck Dynasty. He was removed from the show because some yuppies came to interview him and asked him about homosexuals and he quoted the Bible about sinning. Those yuppies didn’t like that and got offended by Phil and demanded that they continue the show without Phil.
@@ryanmccarthy7572 i know I've seen the show. I meant like as a commercial where everyone would see it. Good stuff!!!
Excuse me, Paul Condie, Sir,....TH-cam IS Tv.
Haven't you ever heard of "TH-cam Tv" before? Catch up with the rest of us, WILL YA?!! Geez,.......pfffff.
Even heaven has a gate, in Jesus Christ. "No one comes to the father, except through me."
Michael Walsh this has nothing to do with heaven😭😭
Amen my brother!!!
Joh 10:1-8 Jesus said, "It is certainly true that when a man enters the sheep pen, he should use the gate. If he climbs in some other way, he is a robber. He is trying to steal the sheep.
ut the man who takes care of the sheep enters through the gate. He is the shepherd. The man who guards the gate opens the gate for the shepherd. And the sheep listen to the voice of the shepherd. He calls his own sheep, using their names, and he leads them out. He brings all of his sheep out. Then he goes ahead of them and leads them. The sheep follow him, because they know his voice. But sheep will never follow someone they don't know. They will run away from him, because they don't know his voice." Jesus told the people this story, but they did not understand what it meant. So Jesus said again, "I assure you, I am the gate for the sheep.
Shared this with family and friends.... I was smiling the whole time because it makes perfect sense; crazy to think that there are so many out there against our need for a new border wall.
I used to work for a state prison. I can say for a fact that walls, fences, and gates are pretty darned effective at restricting the movement of certain people from one area to another.
There's a difference between putting one around a prison and putting one along the border. The latter is economically impossible and extremely unpragmatic.
Im mexican but i agree with Mr.Phill
You must be legally in America
My last name is Rodriguez. But I'm not a Mexican. I am a descendant of Mexican people but I was born and raised in the United States. Therefore I am American. Respect your ethnicity but Love your nationality.
@The Empress thank you.
@nikola zazzoslki Sounds like you hate a lot ... good Buddy !
Juan Ochoa being Mexican is irrelevant. The wall applies to anyone in the U.S. illegally.
Man... he is awesome. Wisdom and logic flows like milk and honey from the lips of this great sage... this great and God fearing American. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
Great man really knows his stuff only problem is desperate people do desperate things like jump over or dig under and break the rules because their country has let them down. Government make laws and the more laws they make, it stands to reason that more laws will be broken a barrier is only effective if it works to meet its demands too much or too many it becomes superfluous and therefore sises to exist.
That's so true. I could listen to Phil for days. He's filled with Godly wisdom and good old common sense which is sadly lacking in the minds of people these days.
@@tracy85777 godly wisdom?
The only being with Godly wisdom is God.
That’s a disgusting comment to make.
Damn I’m not a trump supporter but phill made me look at the wall a different way.
@@-wretched1 now Biden is so we must love and trust
@@sethfreakinrollins4897 i dont allow dog shit, biden shit, clinton shit or you.
@@sethfreakinrollins4897 Biden is nobodies neighbour - he's more of a burglar.
You couldn't understand what a wall does until Phil Robertson explained it????
@@-wretched1 if the authorities are threatening your family and faith it's a different deal. Think China. Think God wants them to denounce their faith a bow to their tyrants? What is a martyr?
If walls weren't effective why are prisoners locked in behind them?
Good one
A K, best example I’ve heard. Good for u AK. 👍
If walls, barriers, and security checkpoints aren't effective then why do congressional buildings have them?
Walls became obsolete around 2016, didn't you know that?
@@Dagio32 I can still remember the day the walls lost all of their powers..........it was in the fall of 2016, the 8th of november if im not mistaken...... I was told by the most trusted name in news C.N.N., that the cheapest and most effective means of stopping intruders since well, the dawn of time, had became ineffective and too expensive......... If we cant trust the self-titled most trusted name in news C.N.N., then who are we to trust?!?......Math?..... Science?... Logic? Its 2018! Get with the times that stuff is sexist and homophobic, we must trust an old book written by a guy, a genius!, karl marx. He has the holy answers to guide us to our salvation, OH MARX,....OH MARX,..... PRAISED BE THY NAME! SHOW THE UNBELIEVERS THE JOYS OF YOUR WRITINGS! TEACH US HOW TO SLEEP ON OTHERS COUCHES AND MOOCH, YES TO MOOCH, IS TO TRULY KNOW THE WAY!
Dont be a dummy,
K.A.G.A. 2020
why do normal Americans make more sense than our politicians??? this is a problem. a bigger problem than people think.
Politishions never ever had a Real Job nor a Real Life.
You couldn’t make it any more simple
EXACTLY, but no one ever accused a liberal of having common sense!
I’m afraid that the younger people just don’t seem to grasp this simple concept
Im a Democratic supporter, however I believe we need a wall too.
I will always respect the views and beliefs of others. God Bless
So simply put! Thank you Mr. Robertson, the VOICE and REASON for us Americans.
God Bless America and God Bless our President
Thank you Phil for taking the time to formulate words for issues that used to be self-evident. The minds of many have become confused by the poison of deception fueled by fear. The mind of the sinful man is fear and death but the mind guided by the Spirit is peace and life. We choose.
Couldn't have said it any better myself. GOD BLESS YOU PHIL
Preach .. God Bless America and the Robertsons
Most sense I've heard on youtube! More valid points and in your face information, That's what America is all about, TRUTH!!
You are spot on 100% correct! Thank you for all that you do to help keep America Great!
we need the wall to protect us from evil
@@juanalegria13 are you stupid?
This is the kind of man, we need running our country.
TRUMP 2o2o
Phil 2o24
Sounds like a winning hand to me
i'm all in
Phil 2024
Id vote for Phil for president
Lord Jesus Bless this man!
God bless Phil and all the Robertsons.
Thank you Phil for explaining to everyone the simple truth of gates and boarders. Now, let's build the wall AMERICA!
@qt12384 hmmm....another brilliant and highly educational response. Typical. You dumb fuck.
i understand you want legal immigration, but im not dwn with the wall its so fucking stupid jajajaja Ive been living here 20 years and just now working on my status, my parents didn’t walk the desert it was all legal and most people i know cross over legally so the wall will just be a waste of tax payers money! My tax paying money! So its fucking stupid!! Drugs come in the same way btw Haha very lil drug crosses through the desert😂
@@markedwards3312 he is . Really. Wait until u read.
When I saw Phil locking the gate and carrying an AR-15 I wish I could give it a two thumbs up!
Respecting others boundaries is important in all relationships.
spoken like a true American.Phil Robertson for president
Man I hate Glenn Beck bought CRTV. He is going to ruin it and cause these fine Americans like Phil to leave. God Bless you Phil.
Oh no I did not no Glen Beck bought crtv! They should have said no to him! This station is awesome. No BS. Only tells the truth. Common sense. Love it!
@@sweeet313 time to unsub he fired Gavin Mcinnes
Smoky that’s what I’m doing right now.
@@sweeet313 Mark Levin sold his soul for Blaze's access to more traditional media forms.
@@smokyofstormwind420 What! Free Gavin Mcinnes!
Common sense isn’t too common.
especially in Washington.
@Brad Pike
Makes perfect sense to most. There is no fence or gate in some places at the border. The fence says your not welcome to come on this property. If you do cross without permission, you pay the price if/when caught. It could also be explained with your house. You have walls and doors to keep those not welcomed out. I'm more then sure your doors aren't open to anyone whom may wish to come in, you open the door and let only those you wish to come in. Why not do the same at our borders? Obama just built a new home and has a 10 foot wall around it, why is that I wonder?
@Brad Pike
What the country can't afford is the continuing illegal immigrant problem. It is costing us more the the wall! It is running our education system broke, it's running social security broke, it's lowering wages in our industries. That's what this country can no longer afford!
@Brad Pike
I understand what you're implying but disagree with you. Flying in and staying is what ICE is for, let them do their job. Digging under the wall, it could happen but there will be other measures to monitor these activities. We have to start somewhere and putting a barrier is the first step, then we can improve on it. I think walls work really well, Obama is the perfect example of that, along with hypocrisy! The walls on my home work well keeping those not welcomed out.
Mr Opinion excellent point.
It's easy to disregard the need for a gate or a wall when you aren't responsible enough to own anything.
AMEN, brother man.i agree 100%
Love this family. No holds barred. Hits everyone's level
I love Phil Robertson. He is so correct.
It's a shame common sense is in such short supply. Wtf happened to ppl,?
@@FedUpSouthernGirl People turned their backs on God. Prayer and Bible was taken out of schools. The void has been filled with craziness.
Can I get some subscribers I’ve got a very patriotic channel🇺🇸🚜 merry Christmas yall🎄🦅
@@tractornation4714 Subscribed. Thanks for the invitation.
@Katherine McCormick thank you🇺🇸🚜🎄🦅
ahh yes, something you will never hear on the news. this man is simple and to the point, and i love every bit of it. thank you Phil for being you, and god bless
GOD BLESS United States of America 🇺🇸
And soon, feels like we're circling the drain!!! To many are ready to sell us out and trick us out of our Rights. Don't forget the Republican government wants those bump sticks back!!!
Mr Phil you are 100 percent correct
He speaks the truth. God Bless!
Well spoken Mr. Robinson.
I'm right there with you Mr. Robinson. God Bless you all.
I agree the wall---I'm in southern California the wall can only help
John Clark Hey Neighbor, agree with you 100%. We in So CA see them harming and stealing from US, us
Very well said, Phil! My husband works on the border & he sees things that most people would be traumatized from. It’s no game & we MUST have border security/walls. Common sense does go a very long way! Why make simple things complicated?!🤦🏻♀️
I love how he explained it ❤
Your home doesn't have open borders. Why should your country?
Parker Huisjen nobody’s home has open borders. It doesn’t keep the burglars away right?
Parker Huisjen nobody’s home has open borders. It doesn’t keep the burglars away right?
Jesus Flores ...Nope, and that’s why you defend your home and family with lethal force.
Its called a fenced yard
This makes perfect sense. I can’t understand why so many people don’t get this.
People are overly sensitive and naive they thing all people are good people
I can’t understand why so many people don’t understand that most come over by plane.
Gage Spanny your missing the whole point
What’s the whole point?
Who’s paying for it?
Exactly perfectly put sir. Thank you so very much.
Thank you Mr. Robertson for explaining this as Simple terms maybe some Folks can understand what a wall, gate is for❤ to you and your family, God Bless.
Right on Phil Robertson!🖒
Simply brilliant... 💪😎👍
I just love this simple no fuss straight truth.
How can people not understand this???
Well Mr. Robertson , may the Lord keep on eye on you and your`s and let`s kick some butt putting up this wall to protect all of our kids and family !
Merry Christmas Robinson family. God bless America.
Justin James MATTHEW 7:1 Judge not, that ye be not judged. God bless.
Hey JJ . It's simple bi*ch ...people like Mr. Robertson built this country as a place for peace-loving citizens to live and raise families... people like you are tearing it down.
@@TheJester39 Justin I hope you have a great life. Only a true idiot would call a person they know nothing about names.
@@TheJester39 wow..you seem to be excited about Jesus and His followers since you have become one..your everywhere..lol
Christmas is for Heathens. Why would you do a practice that enslaved the Israelites?
Ole Phil, what a GREAT God fearing American
Great explanation on how private property is similar to what a nation has to be like. Psalms 33: 12 KJV
Life & Life more Abundantly acts17:26 kjv From one man he made all the nations, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he marked out their appointed times in history and the boundaries of their lands.
@@rsar61 That's right. The so called elite's agenda is from the devil. They are attempting what God will actually do in His own time as He rules as King of Kings.
Life & Life more Abundantly You know there are many people rebelling against the trump administration not knowing that they’re in fact rebelling against GOD
Roman13:1Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. 2 Consequently, whoever rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves. 3 For rulers hold no terror for those who do right, but for those who do wrong. Do you want to be free from fear of the one in authority? Then do what is right and you will be commended. 4 For the one in authority is God’s servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for rulers do not bear the sword for no reason. They are God’s servants, agents of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer. 5 Therefore, it is necessary to submit to the authorities, not only because of possible punishment but also as a matter of conscience.
6 This is also why you pay taxes, for the authorities are God’s servants, who give their full time to governing. 7 Give to everyone what you owe them: If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor.
Let me try to explain this for all yours, United States of North America don’t respect any frontier of any country, have military bases in basically all around the world, wants control all the resources of the countries just because the want $$$$$.Then what you talking about??USA is the biggest trespassers of the planet !!!
Ryan A hahahaja you are so fanatic comparing GOD with Dump oh trump. Take you wife and daughter and giving to him.
great job... Never give up or give in
Lets go through Oprahs, or Ellens gates. And see if you welcomed!!!
Better yet..... Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi property's for that matter!! You bet your ass they dont want any of us just walking around!!
Bet your ass they all have gates and armed security guards but say we don't need them.
Those two women are nuttier than squirrel turds. That is the land of rainbows and glitter farting unicorn‘s.
There not welcomed
Left-wing liberals who want open borders should host and pay for these illegals.
Well put Phil!!!!!
Very well explained! I love it!
Yes sir God Bless you and all true Americans who are for there fellow Americans if someone comes to your house do you want them coming in the front door or go around back and sneak in through a window?🤯🤔
Ends the video with an AR-15! Love this man! God bless you, Brother!
Wise words from a wise man.
Love from 🏴
Back in my day, it was called trespassing and was prohibited by law. .....just saying.
Well said, Phil. Simple and to the point
Thank you Mr. Phil and God bless.
100% correct Phil
M998 pony up Mexico isn’t paying, trump should pony up as well... isn’t he a billionaire... 5 billion is what he’s asking from tax payers.... when trump gives the first billion maybe I’ll pony up Mexico can reimburse me when trump makes them pay! Not holding my breath.
M998 we give Mexico aid money? Wow I never knew that. I always thought American drug addicts funded Mexico by purchasing illegal drugs.
@@TORNTOA , Yes, WE give Mexico over $480 MILLION every year in AID MONEY also give illegal and WELFARE recipient's here in the states over $500 MILLION a year. Money that should be used to build that WALL.
Mexico is paying indirectly..... Remember only one country sends billions to other countries to support them............
@Brad Pike , Wholly SHIT!!! What the F is the matter with you??? The Government needs to DEPORT the ILLEGALS, the WALL will keep the freeloaders from coming back, It is the demoRATS that keep giving the illegals taxpayers MONEY in order to get votes.
That is the best way I have seen it described 4 somebody who doesn't understand what's really going on
That was beautifully explained!
Someone also mentioned that HEAVEN has a gate...... hmmmmm.... cant be more clear than that!!!
M Schoenfuss There are 12 gates with 12 names on those gates. Which are names of the 12 tribes of the Nation of Israel. You Gentiles and other Nations are going to Heaven. But you're going as slaves.
Daniel U ima native man and I get what your saying but time to move on brother
Okay you still believe heaven is in the clouds with a gate? Maybe it's time to grow up.
@Jamal Vines you mean Native Americans. This isn't India. LMAO
Thank you Phil
Truth for Who ???
God bless you and your family I love your show from a fellow hunter hunter love America God bless our president up Easter to you and your family
Part of the reason houses have walls it to keep out people that are not welcome, the front door to your house is there to let in those you want to let into your house and keep out those you don't want in your house. For those of you that feel walls don't work why don't you leave your front door, the opening to your wall wide open since walls do not work.
Phill Huddleston Did you just copy the words from the video and rewrite them as your own as a comment?
@@richardashby6364 It's an analogy I've been saying for a while now and is similar to his gate analogy but most people don't think of the walls protecting their house in the same way as a perimeter wall on a property but in reality it is the same thing.
Lol the issue is you can still bust a window and crawl through. If someone wants into a house or a country they’ll get in.
@@blakeyon2asd But why make it easier for them, if someone were to walk into my house in the middle of the night as I slept because I left the front door wide open I might not have time to prepare my defense but if they had to break in and I had ten seconds or more warning there is a good chance they would never be able to break into anyone's house again. The same thing applies at our border, the chances of them being caught or injured trying to scale the wall go up so fewer will try crossing. By that same logic a bank should just leave all their money in a big pile on the floor because if someone were to rob the bank they would likely be successful, they may or may not get caught but bank tellers usually are instructed to hand over the money and let the police catch them later.
Nancy Pelosi have walls around her house? Absolutely!!!! LOL.
Liberal mentality would mean anyone can walk through anyone's door at anytime! But not THEIR door for sure!
Exactly. Anyone is welcome except in THEIR house. Complete hypocrisy. I do not see Bernie Sanders or Nancy Pelosi taking in any of these "migrants" (invaders) from the caravan and helping them.
And why will Bernie not share his millions of dollars with me??? What kind of bs Socialism is that? It's not fair. I want some of those millions. So it is only fair that we share them all just like he tells us we should. But oh yeah, that's for everybody else EXCEPT HIMSELF.
@@TheJester39 Go live in a country where Liberty is irrelevant then. The Plaque on the statue was put there long AFTER the statue was given to the USA and you forget all the people who migrated then were vetted by Government criteria.
@@simiancavecreature7699 Hahahahahahah! Well, I really don't give much thought to Liberals anymore. I USED to be a card carrying, liberal hippie, Leftist until I saw the light...literally- Jesus! Hahahah! So I am absolutely aware of how they think. It is scary times we live in right now.
@@TheJester39, you say you "were" in the military. Did you have to leave because of your transgender condition? I smell stolen valor. I thought mom jokes were what teenagers used when they have nothing else. Must be hard being so low IQ.
“We just get bigger chain until they can’t get through.” Lol😂
Yeah he said it all, but I'm afraid there is a great lack of common sense in Congress these days
Thanks Phil
Go Phil go
@@TheJester39 opposites attract..seems you were born in one..do you still have undigested corn in your snooty nose and fro?
william copeland try having an intelligent discussion. Then I might understand you
@@mrg8255 it's very easy logic..try to keep up..and I'll 'splain it to you..your post said go Phil go..the schill wrote something about a hole..then I replied to him..that opposites attract.. if you are to go die in a hole then maybe schillbilly was born in one..I assumed by his rhetoric that he was born in a butt because he has been quite an ass..hense the corn in his snooty hole and fro.. (meaning he still has undigested corn in his afro)..
Hope that helps.. go phil go!! Lol
Sometimes I really wonder if our Republic will survive the de-evolution of our species?
Go to, we the people will fund that wall. Let's show them real American people want that wall built
Amen brother! I'd love to help with my tax money and so would millions of other Americans. Sign me up!
@@hectorcastillo2670, Hispanic Hector if you don't like it get on your donkey and go back to Mexico, I'm quite sure you are here illegally, because good decent Hispanics are in favor of keeping bad Mexicans out
@@johndoe-cc9cw don't do it with tax money if you really want to build the wall do it with money out your pocket hahahahaha
😂😂😂😂😂😂 you go right on ahead bud. I’m sure you guys will get it paid for in 20 or 30 years but by all means. I’ve been laughing my ass off since I saw the go fund me 😂😂
Man White people are so racists but it's been embedded in them since way back they forget there not American at all,nothing but mixed European ties,america is filled with these racists/foreigners thinking there 100% american😂the more the hate the more the debate at the gates"see you in hell hopefully it has the biggest fkn wall there to satisfy your affection for em
This is my favorite TH-cam video EVER!!! Like he said, “Common sense...”
Well said sir. Well said.
It's common sense...but it's not so common anymore.
93Cobra,You beat me to that comment.
Listen to the wise old saga in the woods and hear the wisdom of your elders
If you cant just fly in to a country without someone knowing where you are going and where you came from. Then you damn sight shouldn't be able to walk into a country without someone knowing the same !
@@n54ster92 the flying illegals are what ice is for
Redman you're a perfect example of why it was so easy to take this country over lol. Oh and Indians where not native to the Americas originally anyway. They also migrated here dumbass. Far as the trail of tears and slaughtering of natives I totally think that was some bullshit myself. You take history and learn from it so not to repeat it. Crying about it will never get you any place.
He makes a great and valid point. However, that said let's keep reapairing and fortifying the barriers we already have and put the $5.7bn toward American interests such as the homeless. How is it that men and women who have served in our military are left on the street? We speak about all this money, yet none for American Citizens who desperately require assistance.
Wisdom is with you
We need this people like Phil in Europe 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 Europe need a wall too!!! Hello to US patriots from Europe 👋🏻
Are you speaking from and live in Europe?
@@Jesus1stalways Yes I living in central Europe (Czech republic). I visit USA for 1 month 2 years ago and I love USA. I want go to USA after this christmas and visit my relatives in Nebraska and visit local farms and local people. But in my area where I live have much hogs in this season and destroy fields and pastures and I must go hunting very often. I like hunting 👍🏻 My biggest life dream is buy beef farm in USA and live in USA with patriots around me like Phil in this video 👍🏻
Love it will said my friend , I also have gates and dogs on my property!!! (&guns)
Anyone is welcome if they do it the right way.....my ancestors stopped of at Ellis island......barriers are needed if you don't follow the law........other countries will shoot you if you legally enter......love you mr. Robertson
Your ancestors my ass. You're not a real American. You're a fake account, like the rest of these bozos.
And YOU'RE an inbred, mouth breathing IDIOT!
The Best Explanation Ever as to Our Need for a Wall...That Trump Guy Needs to take notes from Phil....
Thanks , Everyone has a fence to keep people out period, The wall is the same dam thing
Well CRTV, its been fun. We had a good run, but Glenn Beck is gonna ruin it.
Sad but true
Little girl go put your clothes on!! What's matter with you posting all of what God gave you out there for all the world to see. Sad.. if that ain't your pic that's SOMEBODYS GIRL... no good....
As soon as Crowder comes back and addresses this fiasco merger I will exit CRTV, I'm staying (for now) , I paid my 100.00 but not again. I just want to know if Crowder is a sell out.
Will vote for Phil Robertson as president
God vets the gate to heaven also
Build That Wall
I hope Phil leaves the Blaze so that I can watch him again. Only disliking video due to the recent merger.
Tisha Morgan you think Phil will continue this if he wasn't on CRTV? I hope you're right but I assume he would just stop doing it. He doesn't even have a cell phone or Internet. He's not gonna make videos unless someone else handles the distribution.
Yes we do need the wall
"Are you understand what I'm telling you" 🤣