You taught me at 17 when I began studying Small Ball. It overhauled my game and gave me a $100k net worth in my mid-twenties. Now you're aiding me again in my early 30's. Thank you Sir.
I'm relatively new to poker, but I've really gotten into it since watching Daniel. He's really animated and generally happy even if he's losing. He's insane at reading people and calling their hands. I've been in a rut recently trying to develop my skills but had a hard time finding exactly where I'm at to develop from there. This video has really helped me to understand some ideas which may be basic to others, but I now have an idea of where I'm at and where I want to go.
ive played for a living for over 10 years and the game got so more complicated because where theres money to make it will attract people. people started giving poker lessons so the field got much better. to have an edge on better players you needed to evolve your game and balance it so it becomes less predictable. so to make a living of out poker in 2018 you need to be very advanced or find good games like the lower limits like 1-2. still there you'll need to know how to exploit your opponents.
You can tell he knows what he’s talking about. He’s able to talk about this continuously without “uhm” “uh” or “you know.” Definitely worth a listen even if you already have a good idea about ranges
I love how intellectual this game is. I've been watching a bunch of videos of you and it amazes me when you look at someone and practically know their hand.
@@jchensley7211 I was playing NLH on pokerstars and went all in with AK and lost to A3 it was pretty annoying. People in ring games are calling stations
I misread the title, I read it as "Poker Rages Explained". I was looking for you to explain Mike Matusow & Phil Hellmuth. Might have been a good video.
Thanks for this Daniel. I was really big into poker pre-2009 but have not paid attention to it for a long time. You have always been one of my favorite players and this is like having you as a coach!
Great Explanation of the evolution of poker and ranges, I thing is the best one I have seen so far. I allready knew this stuff but it was hard for me to explain it to somebody. you made it simple. thanks.
Thank you for your dedication to the game and for helping those who haven't had the opportunity to enhance their skills like you have and sharing your knowledge. It's been a great advantage, thanks!
For those of us who actually appreciate the fact, humble enough to listen, a most gratuitous Thank you. The modesty in which you share your information Makes it so much easier to understand. I consider myself a very good poker player, and I find myself being transparent to better players. Thank you for taking the time And giving us aspiring not for the money, but to be good at the game . Hope to play with you one day . 👊
the perfect lesson for my level; understood everything and learned two interesting things ... the AK vs AA, KK, QQ counting when holding lower pair like JJ and potentially C-betting when I might not have the cards but I have the range advantage; JJ might also block the straight for AK but 99 might not
My dad taught me five card draw poker when i was around 8 and then texas hold'em around 9. That was 20 years ago. I've always loved playing poker but i've never really watched poker tournaments nor have i really thought about "trying my luck" at it. But i've watched a lot of videos these past weeks where you are playing. You're really good, and nearly always "know" what cards your opponent has. To a point where i would call it amazing. Only found your channel now, great video! i've subscribed and looking forward to watch all your vids. Good luck with everything !
Just proves to me how complicated this easy to learn but difficult game to play is , why we love it and why some players do better than others . Knowledge is always power I think . Thanks . great insightful video .
Absolutely loved this video... Can't wait for more high end nuanced strategy break down. I'm normally playing with what's my hand Vs what I think theres is, the concept of calculating the ranges the opponent could have and how many card combinations could beat my range is fantastic. I want to get to a higher level of poker can't wait to apply some basic probability and math to my hands.
I feel you here, it’s actually pretty fascinating once connections start being made upstairs 🧠 when applying all these things I’m seeing pros do online.
Super helpful thank you - switch from old school to new school feels quite overwhelming but starting to get my mind around it through videos like this and WSOP vlogs really helps so thank you for taking the time!
Ted A It’s from his advertisement for his MasterClass. A few months ago, that was the first sentence you’d hear before you could skip his ad and watch your poker TH-cam video. “Everything you do at the table-conveys information-You can’t be all loosey-goosey eating a sandwich-HOOH BABY I LOVE IT” *skip ad*
Thank you for these videos Kid. I had fallen out of love with poker after 2 years of terrible play, and some bad beats. But your consistency and beautiful personality are getting me back in the game piece by piece. I count my poker Idols on a small list... starting with my Grandfather, and having Doyle, Ivey, Helmuth and yourself now competing for 2-5! Quarantine... here I come!!!
Daniel. Great video, you are explaining this perfectly. Keep these more detailed ones coming! The "math side" of poker is the most exhilarating part of the game for me along with taking that risky call or bluff. Keep these quality vids coming!
Great instruction. I’m starting to understand ranges more and more. I lost a hand on the button to AQos. I raised she called . W hit the flip. She bet. I raised. She called. A hit the turn. Yup. Trip Qs. Next outing booked a nice win using ranges. So powerful. Thx Daniel. Love watching you play. You always keep it professional.
DNegs is such a natural at the game and puts in a lot of work. I can see just by his mannerisms during play that he's doing at least 4-6 permutations and scenarios at the same time. It all boils down to the feel of the game that some of us simply don't have and the calcs-calculations where you just go off the probabilities. Thank you for this video.
So what kind of a range should I put the guy on if he is all loosey-goosey having his sandwich? Edit: Wow! 2K likes! Wish my mom knew I'm breaking the internet.
"Probably: A High Hand-To Winning: The Pot!"-(I Won: 11 Pots!-So I Know!):(Hold-On The Nuts&Use a Card Protector&Win The Pots!)-Raymond "Mike" Hong of Oakland, CA&UC Berkeley's Caldining Employee!
You're the freakin best bro!! I use so many of your breakdowns and actual hands for non-poker situations in everyday life. Very valuable stuff both on and off the table. Thanks brotha.
Yeah its pretty simple. Whats the chance for my opponent, who raises with a tight range from all positions, to have an 8 if he raised preflop to take a simple example, on a board like 88K? Pretty low i believe.
I appreciate this concept. One of the collateral benefits for me is that the mental process keeps me engaged in the game when I am not on a hand, when I get coolered, and so forth.
Definitely need this kind of training. I watch a lot of poker videos, but none have showed in depth, how to guess your oponents ranges/outs. Yes please continue and thNk you for sharing your poker wisdom Daniel!
This is mostly against other pros, in a home game just stick to old school style of play and you will do fine. I always over analyzed and did poorly mucking mediocre hands just for the two remaining players showdown with low pairs 😂
you dont have to understand ranges in order to raise or call a raise with AK preflop. Playing ranges doesnt mean that other person has to understand ranges, these are just basic premium hands that people will play according to their value. People who bet half the hands with garbage do it not because they dont understand the value of their hand but because they think that they can get away with bluffs easier than they actually would. If someone youre playing doesnt use ranges as part of their strategy, would simply not have any idea what you might be holding. SO what youre implying here would only work to your advantage not against you.
Playing normal people can be boring since you have to play standard tight poker. As others have said, you can limp in with looser hands if everyone is scared of betting pre-flop but generally, you'll bluff way less (if at all) and rely on premium hands. Once you watch some showdowns you can begin to put players on their own weird selective ranges.
Informative, instructional and intuitive on your part, Daniel. I have been a big fan of how you keenly read people's hands to the letter. I know you don't win everything, but you have a really good insight into the game. I'll look forward to more videos, good sir!
The guy who got me into poker. Just started watching some of the world series plays and you are truly the most fun to watch play. I hope to see more in the future and to watch and learn from your vids!
Are you kidding this is great stuff! Thank you so much. Obviously, I'm Getting started back into poker. Oh, I'm buying your book. Thanks again, I hope you'll have a lot more to come.
Compelling, informative video Daniel. Great to see you explain how the game analysis has gone to a deeper level since the early 2000's. Looking forward to more leading edge commenrary on poker theory as well as your explanation of the seemingly complex world of game theory applied to poker. Any useful explanation of how important decisions are made in the "heat of battle and the fog of war" in this fun game of poker is appreciated. All the best in your upcoming WSOP season.
its 3 years old and still have valuable information. i hope to see more content like this. this is really good information to have in mind when you trying to bluf
Great information. I've been reading more about ranges and this was pretty helpful. Definitely keep going with the videos as it can help a rec player like myself get better and understand a little more of what the pros see.
Can't wait for the WSOP VLogs!!!!!! Best Vlogs on youtube hands down. Last year was awesome. I hope it's not too much trouble for you though. Good luck too. I hope you get a bracelet or two ;D
It takes a special person to be a great ambassador of a game. First you have to prove yourself at that game. Then you must be able to spread the word to the world in a manner that a new player can grasp with little or no extra studying. This needs done by a good looking and well spoken individual. Yes, you are ideal. The game is much bigger and better because of you. Thanks.
Perfect vid for me. Explaining some basic stuff and showing it on screen really helps me. I'm a new player and trying to understand the fundamentals, and this kind of breakdown is fantastic for me
Daniel, you're my favorite player. I saw that picture of you recently and I know you're hella fit but you looked like you needed to eat something. I'm an old guy, 70, and I'm a pretty fair poker player. I would say I win or break even 65% of the times that I go to the casino. When I'm losing I'll quit playing if it keeps happening over and over. Sometimes it's just not my night. But I sure do like your explanations. It's helping me to keep up with them young whippersnappers.
thank you, this video touches on a perspective not addressed by most instructors you make advanced concepts appear simple even though its taken you years to harness your skills you share them in such direct to the point manner that even a novice like my self can grasp the concept so again thank you
great content Daniel thanks for sharing! cant wait for more around this topic as well as the Daily WSOP VLOGS i wached ALL the previous ones last year every morning!! Thanks keep it up :)
COMBINATRIX: "If you take the blue pill, you will return to your old life... You will forget about anti-blockers, bluff calls, and triple range merges. ... But if you take the red pill... you will see how deep the rabbit hole g-" No. I'm sorry. I just can't do this. It's "combinatorics."
The combinatrix puts you on a pocket pair. She puts your face on that pocket pair with her bootheel on your skull. Next time you bust before the final table, she will make you eat what remains of your roll. You thought you could be a professional, you worm? Go back to living in your car and grinding the 1/2 at the Flamingo until you realize your mom was right. She'll be in the Tower Suites at the Aria getting it on with some Phil while you wait plaintively for her at Le Cirque. And you'll pay her anyway.
Perhaps you have read that A5s is a good hand to 5b bluff shove with because you block AA/AK/AQ etc and when you get called you have decent equity. BUT what they do NOT tell you is that you ALSO block A5s/55/54/56 and so on. So, combinatrixally, you block more than you might think. In addition, A5s is a great hand to CALL a 5b shove with because you BLOCK A5s, so it is more likely your opponent is 5b bluff shoving with hands like A2-A4s, which you dominate.
Thank you Daniel for this information and just for being somebody intelligent and entertaining to watch over the years you have been televised. I know you'll never read this but if you do, I think you're the best.
I’ve struggled for years to understand this concept. Thank you for unlocking it. Please go slow and elaborate on the specifics…my brain really wants to learn this!!
Nice job I though it was alot of what I do playing now as well in early 2000 .... But you still have the alot of bad lucky players. That never go by this. I stay relaxed till there luck runs out.
This is fascinating, Daniel. You are describing poker “rules” or “ranges” just as I learned to play bridge. There is an expected response I am supposed to give my partner to let them know how strong or weak my hand is. But the team we are playing knows the same rules, therefore they also know how weak or strong my hand and partners hands are. I see no advantage to “play by these rules” in poker because I then don’t have an advantage if I bet a particular way based on ranges if the other players roughly know what my hand is. This is why newer players piss Phil H. off because they don’t play “by the ranges”. In my never to be humbled opinion. Great stuff, Daniel. I loved watching you against so many others, especially Phil H. I would love to read your response to my comparison to bridge.
This was WONDERFUL, and absolutely presented in a way that I "a poker fan / newer player,online " could digest. Thank you so much, really it's perfect.
great work daniel.. are you going to do a combos video? i get the concept of combos and i do think about it when i play, but how the number of combos effects my decisions is where i need to work on. thanks and keep it up!
Think I'm going to use this process to figure out what my wife is thinking, and why I'm always in trouble with her... and that's maybe winning an argument once in awhile
That was a Master Class. I feel like I was actually able to follow him. It can be complicated but he did a great job of touching on all the relevant points. If you were paying attention, you got enough information to go further in your learning.
Love the videos. Some move a little quick for dumb old me BUT I do have the advantage of the pause feature to stop it and allow a strategy to sink in a little before moving on. You are the one guy I will always stop whatever I’m doing to watch you play. You’re incredibly entertaining to watch with all your chatter.
Even a bigger problem is that room he's recording in, big, open, no sound absorption (softener). The information is GREAT though. Thank you for adding to the arsenal @Daniel
" describe the hand in a very elementary way for the most part, so that you will understand it"..... in other words... you all jus' aint dat bright....
You taught me at 17 when I began studying Small Ball. It overhauled my game and gave me a $100k net worth in my mid-twenties. Now you're aiding me again in my early 30's. Thank you Sir.
congrats bro. what format did you win money on if you don't mind me asking?
@@Dopamine-87strip poker, he sells his victims clothes
@@Dopamine-87 damn im pretty curious on what he did too. lets hope bro responds
@wingsofheartproblems6400 lol, shut your mouth boy.
@dopamine-87 Cash, 1/2 and up to 5/10 NLHE
I'm relatively new to poker, but I've really gotten into it since watching Daniel. He's really animated and generally happy even if he's losing. He's insane at reading people and calling their hands. I've been in a rut recently trying to develop my skills but had a hard time finding exactly where I'm at to develop from there. This video has really helped me to understand some ideas which may be basic to others, but I now have an idea of where I'm at and where I want to go.
Read Super place to start. Turned me from a loser to a consistent winner in small cash games inside a month or so
Thanks Daniel for trying to make poker understandable to us mere mortals! Please keep doing vids like this I know others like me really appreciate it.
Better Call Saul bro this is tuco level. U wanna get to gus fring or heisenberg, watch doug polk
ive played for a living for over 10 years and the game got so more complicated because where theres money to make it will attract people. people started giving poker lessons so the field got much better. to have an edge on better players you needed to evolve your game and balance it so it becomes less predictable. so to make a living of out poker in 2018 you need to be very advanced or find good games like the lower limits like 1-2. still there you'll need to know how to exploit your opponents.
I thought you said thank you for making poker adorable
This guys is a absolute machine, wtf! The speed he splain that perfectly without a break, a cut or a edit. No errors. Just perfect.
You can tell he knows what he’s talking about. He’s able to talk about this continuously without “uhm” “uh” or “you know.” Definitely worth a listen even if you already have a good idea about ranges
"Splain?" The fact that you use that word shows me why you're so enamored
There literally are cuts thougg?
There are a ton of cut edits.
I love how intellectual this game is. I've been watching a bunch of videos of you and it amazes me when you look at someone and practically know their hand.
And then you play on the internet and the range you're facing is infinite
Depends what games you are playing tbh
people will go all-in with 27o
@@gurgen5165 good ez work then
@@gurgen5165 you want those shoves especially if you have a nice hand.
@@jchensley7211 I was playing NLH on pokerstars and went all in with AK and lost to A3 it was pretty annoying. People in ring games are calling stations
I misread the title, I read it as "Poker Rages Explained". I was looking for you to explain Mike Matusow & Phil Hellmuth. Might have been a good video.
Hahahah so did I for a second. Then I reread it and then it wasn't quite as fun cause honestly, can anything be funnier than that?
Jeff Shaffer ur normal gay married couple! 😀
could anyone explain that?
I misread the title, I read it as "Power Rangers Explained".
I read it as "Power Rangers Explained" and wondered that negreanu has to say
Thanks for this Daniel. I was really big into poker pre-2009 but have not paid attention to it for a long time. You have always been one of my favorite players and this is like having you as a coach!
Great Explanation of the evolution of poker and ranges, I thing is the best one I have seen so far.
I allready knew this stuff but it was hard for me to explain it to somebody. you made it simple.
"I keep it pretty elementary so that you'll understand it" well dammnnn
Him: " i kept it pretty elementary so that youll understand it" my dumbass: proceeds to not understand shit
I was the 420th like ;)
That is not what he said
He needs more pictures.
@@rioranger5268 that's so cool isnt it?
You should do a MasterClass
I think this was a troll lol
Why johnny vango looks like somebody just stepped over your grave
@@billyd5301 -islike. thankfully he yanked his comment
He has subsequently done one, and it's great. I'm slowly working my way through it.
I love that you’re addressing concepts that are relevant to today’s game. I’m starving for advanced concepts. Keep it up!
Thank you for your dedication to the game and for helping those who haven't had the opportunity to enhance their skills like you have and sharing your knowledge. It's been a great advantage, thanks!
I wonder if Daniel turned your $2 into $100 yet 🤔
The way you phrased it actually helped "open that door", so to speak, that I think may help me break past a plateau. Thanks so much!
For those of us who actually appreciate the fact, humble enough to listen, a most gratuitous Thank you.
The modesty in which you share your information Makes it so much easier to understand. I consider myself a very good poker player, and I find myself being transparent to better players.
Thank you for taking the time
And giving us aspiring not for the money, but to be good at the game .
Hope to play with you one day .
the perfect lesson for my level; understood everything and learned two interesting things ... the AK vs AA, KK, QQ counting when holding lower pair like JJ and potentially C-betting when I might not have the cards but I have the range advantage; JJ might also block the straight for AK but 99 might not
This is a great video! Please continue this line of thought
Yes... extrapolate if you would
Great video? Its so lame... and everyone must know that, and people bet every 2 hands in this spot
My dad taught me five card draw poker when i was around 8 and then texas hold'em around 9. That was 20 years ago.
I've always loved playing poker but i've never really watched poker tournaments nor have i really thought about "trying my luck" at it.
But i've watched a lot of videos these past weeks where you are playing. You're really good, and nearly always "know" what cards your opponent has. To a point where i would call it amazing.
Only found your channel now, great video! i've subscribed and looking forward to watch all your vids. Good luck with everything !
Have always loved the way Daniel explains poker. He is very personable and speaks in plain, common sense language.
Just proves to me how complicated this easy to learn but difficult game to play is , why we love it and why some players do better than others . Knowledge is always power I think . Thanks . great insightful video .
Absolutely loved this video... Can't wait for more high end nuanced strategy break down. I'm normally playing with what's my hand Vs what I think theres is, the concept of calculating the ranges the opponent could have and how many card combinations could beat my range is fantastic. I want to get to a higher level of poker can't wait to apply some basic probability and math to my hands.
I feel you here, it’s actually pretty fascinating once connections start being made upstairs 🧠 when applying all these things I’m seeing pros do online.
@@mattp283 I just lost 50$ should I quit poker
@@bluedonkey180 why would you quit ? Play some games for less money, or even play money. Get experienced first before playing for money / big money.
@@bryanb9636 bro there's games for like 2 dollars, wth is the point of that
Super helpful thank you - switch from old school to new school feels quite overwhelming but starting to get my mind around it through videos like this and WSOP vlogs really helps so thank you for taking the time!
Daniel help us understand that anything you do in a poker table conveys information
Haha let's bully negreanu
I would rather have him explain how more rake is better.
Can you explain this joke I see it a lot and I’m missing the reference
Ted A It’s from his advertisement for his MasterClass. A few months ago, that was the first sentence you’d hear before you could skip his ad and watch your poker TH-cam video. “Everything you do at the table-conveys information-You can’t be all loosey-goosey eating a sandwich-HOOH BABY I LOVE IT” *skip ad*
I just got into poker last year. This sings very intense never would have thought this much thought process would go into the game
I am starting to dig deeper thanks to you. You are a simple, happy, positive person. Many thanks #1.
Thank you for these videos Kid.
I had fallen out of love with poker after 2 years of terrible play, and some bad beats. But your consistency and beautiful personality are getting me back in the game piece by piece.
I count my poker Idols on a small list... starting with my Grandfather, and having Doyle, Ivey, Helmuth and yourself now competing for 2-5!
Quarantine... here I come!!!
I am far too stoned for this
Daniel. Great video, you are explaining this perfectly. Keep these more detailed ones coming! The "math side" of poker is the most exhilarating part of the game for me along with taking that risky call or bluff. Keep these quality vids coming!
Great instruction. I’m starting to understand ranges more and more. I lost a hand on the button to AQos. I raised she called . W hit the flip. She bet. I raised. She called. A hit the turn. Yup. Trip Qs. Next outing booked a nice win using ranges. So powerful. Thx Daniel. Love watching you play. You always keep it professional.
DNegs is such a natural at the game and puts in a lot of work. I can see just by his mannerisms during play that he's doing at least 4-6 permutations and scenarios at the same time. It all boils down to the feel of the game that some of us simply don't have and the calcs-calculations where you just go off the probabilities. Thank you for this video.
So what kind of a range should I put the guy on if he is all loosey-goosey having his sandwich?
Edit: Wow! 2K likes! Wish my mom knew I'm breaking the internet.
Bro I see that ad so much 😂😂😂😂
"Probably: A High Hand-To Winning: The Pot!"-(I Won: 11 Pots!-So I Know!):(Hold-On The Nuts&Use a Card Protector&Win The Pots!)-Raymond "Mike" Hong of Oakland, CA&UC Berkeley's Caldining Employee!
The gun range 😂
dude where does this quote come from? I legit see it on every poker video xD
@@Stringfreak hahaha I see thanks man
You're the freakin best bro!! I use so many of your breakdowns and actual hands for non-poker situations in everyday life. Very valuable stuff both on and off the table. Thanks brotha.
Yeah its pretty simple. Whats the chance for my opponent, who raises with a tight range from all positions, to have an 8 if he raised preflop to take a simple example, on a board like 88K? Pretty low i believe.
All I've understood is that I'm too understudied to play poker professionally
Playing professionally is stupid to me at most levels. If you’re not fairly confident you’re the best person at the table, leave.
I appreciate this concept. One of the collateral benefits for me is that the mental process keeps me engaged in the game when I am not on a hand, when I get coolered, and so forth.
Saw your videos today and applied your tips in pokerstars but with play money. Multiplied my chips 8 times in 1 hr. Took a lot of discipline.
Definitely need this kind of training. I watch a lot of poker videos, but none have showed in depth, how to guess your oponents ranges/outs. Yes please continue and thNk you for sharing your poker wisdom Daniel!
What about when I’m playing with my buddies who don’t understand a thing about ranges and will bet on half of every hand
i lose every single time when i play with my irl friends because i can just never tell what they are holding.
Play a little more tight but see flops for cheap if they let you. If they're loose, you should be able to take them for a ride when you hit.
This is mostly against other pros, in a home game just stick to old school style of play and you will do fine. I always over analyzed and did poorly mucking mediocre hands just for the two remaining players showdown with low pairs 😂
you dont have to understand ranges in order to raise or call a raise with AK preflop. Playing ranges doesnt mean that other person has to understand ranges, these are just basic premium hands that people will play according to their value. People who bet half the hands with garbage do it not because they dont understand the value of their hand but because they think that they can get away with bluffs easier than they actually would.
If someone youre playing doesnt use ranges as part of their strategy, would simply not have any idea what you might be holding. SO what youre implying here would only work to your advantage not against you.
Playing normal people can be boring since you have to play standard tight poker. As others have said, you can limp in with looser hands if everyone is scared of betting pre-flop but generally, you'll bluff way less (if at all) and rely on premium hands.
Once you watch some showdowns you can begin to put players on their own weird selective ranges.
Informative, instructional and intuitive on your part, Daniel. I have been a big fan of how you keenly read people's hands to the letter. I know you don't win everything, but you have a really good insight into the game. I'll look forward to more videos, good sir!
First video on TH-cam that ive EVER had to turn down! Lol
Thanks! Jesus it's awesome to be able to hear clear and loud! 😎👍
The guy who got me into poker. Just started watching some of the world series plays and you are truly the most fun to watch play. I hope to see more in the future and to watch and learn from your vids!
Are you kidding this is great stuff! Thank you so much. Obviously, I'm Getting started back into poker. Oh, I'm buying your book. Thanks again, I hope you'll have a lot more to come.
whats his book? How was it?
Yeah we're wondering here
We're still wondering here.
Continuing to wonder
Compelling, informative video Daniel. Great to see you explain how the game analysis has gone to a deeper level since the early 2000's. Looking forward to more leading edge commenrary on poker theory as well as your explanation of the seemingly complex world of game theory applied to poker. Any useful explanation of how important decisions are made in the "heat of battle and the fog of war" in this fun game of poker is appreciated. All the best in your upcoming WSOP season.
Simplifying the combinatorics And judging the cards range to ensure better ROI sounds Understandable 👍
its 3 years old and still have valuable information. i hope to see more content like this.
this is really good information to have in mind when you trying to bluf
I used to think I understood poker, now I know I have to start all over again. Thank you for this.
Great information. I've been reading more about ranges and this was pretty helpful. Definitely keep going with the videos as it can help a rec player like myself get better and understand a little more of what the pros see.
Just wait till you start getting into balancing your range, more big info to figure out lol
Can't wait for the WSOP VLogs!!!!!! Best Vlogs on youtube hands down. Last year was awesome. I hope it's not too much trouble for you though. Good luck too. I hope you get a bracelet or two ;D
"or someone else who's smart, will explain to you"
It takes a special person to be a great ambassador of a game. First you have to prove yourself at that game. Then you must be able to spread the word to the world in a manner that a new player can grasp with little or no extra studying. This needs done by a good looking and well spoken individual. Yes, you are ideal. The game is much bigger and better because of you. Thanks.
Perfect vid for me. Explaining some basic stuff and showing it on screen really helps me. I'm a new player and trying to understand the fundamentals, and this kind of breakdown is fantastic for me
Why did Daniel dunk himself in the bath before recording?
😂😂 (First time I comment a comment on youtube but I had to!)
Brilliant 😂
Omg lol haha
You put into words exactly what I was confused about
Lost a bet to Scotty Nguyen
Daniel, you're my favorite player. I saw that picture of you recently and I know you're hella fit but you looked like you needed to eat something. I'm an old guy, 70, and I'm a pretty fair poker player. I would say I win or break even 65% of the times that I go to the casino. When I'm losing I'll quit playing if it keeps happening over and over. Sometimes it's just not my night. But I sure do like your explanations. It's helping me to keep up with them young whippersnappers.
Good to hear that sir! Keep it up!
I'd take your cash easily old man.
It's the very best I've heard strategy on playing JJ posted in this video. Thanks Dan!
If this is just elementary, then I'm screwed.
7:40 This exact second goes out to our friend Phil Hellmuth.
This explains why Tom Dwan is the hardest player to play against. Just watching him play frustrates me.
Him and Ivey would scare me the most
Ivey is the silent assassin. It must be scary to play against him.
He's probably the best I've seen
Yes because he doesn't use ranges, odds and percentages. He just gambles
@@greer8288 he’s a mixture of both that’s why he’s so unpredictable
thank you, this video touches on a perspective not addressed by most instructors you make advanced concepts appear simple even though its taken you years to harness your skills you share them in such direct to the point manner that even a novice like my self can grasp the concept so again thank you
Amateur player here. Very good video, Daniel. Im a true fan. Cheers from Brazil!
really great Video Daniel 😍😍💪🏼 Amazing graphics 🤘🏼😍
Bro, I was playing lossey goosey eating a sandwich and lost! His spiting bars
Great Vid will keep watching and rewatching as I learn from your channel. Thanks
Out of poker since 2004 here. This topic is a good one for me to begin working on. Thanks Daniel for a great intro to new methods.
Nice video Daniel. I've really enjoyed watching you play poker since the early 2000s. Your ability to read people is incredible!
Can you do a video about poker tells and betting patterns plz??
look up mike caro
great content Daniel thanks for sharing! cant wait for more around this topic as well as the Daily WSOP VLOGS i wached ALL the previous ones last year every morning!! Thanks keep it up :)
"If you take the blue pill, you will return to your old life... You will forget about anti-blockers, bluff calls, and triple range merges.
... But if you take the red pill... you will see how deep the rabbit hole g-"
No. I'm sorry. I just can't do this. It's "combinatorics."
I pictured the COMBINATRIX as a dominatrix who dominates your range....
James Lourenco You're just a hater kid
The combinatrix puts you on a pocket pair. She puts your face on that pocket pair with her bootheel on your skull. Next time you bust before the final table, she will make you eat what remains of your roll. You thought you could be a professional, you worm? Go back to living in your car and grinding the 1/2 at the Flamingo until you realize your mom was right.
She'll be in the Tower Suites at the Aria getting it on with some Phil while you wait plaintively for her at Le Cirque. And you'll pay her anyway.
Perhaps you have read that A5s is a good hand to 5b bluff shove with because you block AA/AK/AQ etc and when you get called you have decent equity. BUT what they do NOT tell you is that you ALSO block A5s/55/54/56 and so on. So, combinatrixally, you block more than you might think. In addition, A5s is a great hand to CALL a 5b shove with because you BLOCK A5s, so it is more likely your opponent is 5b bluff shoving with hands like A2-A4s, which you dominate.
Matt Vaughan ii
Thank you Daniel for this information and just for being somebody intelligent and entertaining to watch over the years you have been televised. I know you'll never read this but if you do, I think you're the best.
I’ve struggled for years to understand this concept. Thank you for unlocking it. Please go slow and elaborate on the specifics…my brain really wants to learn this!!
Daniel! The OG from Toronto!!!!
Teo G Poker he’s Canadian?? That’s depressing.
Cris Davis he's Romanian but moved to Toronto when he was young. Inspiration to all.
Teo G Poker Romanian? That’s even more depressing..
pretty sure he's born in toronto lol
oTenZ Very depressing!
Daniel, is more range better? =)
Nice job I though it was alot of what I do playing now as well in early 2000 .... But you still have the alot of bad lucky players. That never go by this. I stay relaxed till there luck runs out.
I just like hearing Daniel talk. He's so knowledgeable.
Thank you Daniel! Your videos have helped me an incredible amount in my poker career. I now have my own apartment!
-Previous homeowner
Lol when I glanced at the video title I thought it said "Power Rangers Exposed"
This video is from back when life was simple and Dnegs never asked anyone to step to him
Old school poker was way more fun than nowadays
Why ?
@@rabitozoctuikalon943 because you could win so much more
You mean when players weren't such thinkers. Lol
Fun yes , competitive, no.. now a days some casual $100 tournament players are really good . Even 1-3 players. And for me , competition is Fun
This is fascinating, Daniel. You are describing poker “rules” or “ranges” just as I learned to play bridge. There is an expected response I am supposed to give my partner to let them know how strong or weak my hand is. But the team we are playing knows the same rules, therefore they also know how weak or strong my hand and partners hands are. I see no advantage to “play by these rules” in poker because I then don’t have an advantage if I bet a particular way based on ranges if the other players roughly know what my hand is. This is why newer players piss Phil H. off because they don’t play “by the ranges”. In my never to be humbled opinion. Great stuff, Daniel. I loved watching you against so many others, especially Phil H. I would love to read your response to my comparison to bridge.
Very very helpful. You explain things on a level that is understandable. Really appreciate and enjoy your videos. Thanks
Instructions unclear. Am now homeless.
4:00 Hanson went all in with Jacks and the guy with A-K CALLED? With nothing?
AK is the bane of amateurs lol
Thank you for the upload monsieur
Crazy how informative this is, and it’s free. Amazing content, thank you!
This was WONDERFUL, and absolutely presented in a way that I "a poker fan / newer player,online " could digest. Thank you so much, really it's perfect.
great work daniel.. are you going to do a combos video? i get the concept of combos and i do think about it when i play, but how the number of combos effects my decisions is where i need to work on. thanks and keep it up!
Think I'm going to use this process to figure out what my wife is thinking, and why I'm always in trouble with her... and that's maybe winning an argument once in awhile
I think you'll have more chance of winning the WSOP!
Stick to the facts, when women are right they stick to facts, when they are wrong they go off subject try and distract you
@@donsolos nailed it. They turn to emotional outbursts when theyve been had.
Damn misread that title, thought it was "Poker Rake Explained." Can't find such information here, now can we!
That was a Master Class. I feel like I was actually able to follow him. It can be complicated but he did a great job of touching on all the relevant points. If you were paying attention, you got enough information to go further in your learning.
Love the videos. Some move a little quick for dumb old me BUT I do have the advantage of the pause feature to stop it and allow a strategy to sink in a little before moving on. You are the one guy I will always stop whatever I’m doing to watch you play. You’re incredibly entertaining to watch with all your chatter.
Mic is wayyyy too amplified.
Yeah it's clipping slightly.
Even a bigger problem is that room he's recording in, big, open, no sound absorption (softener). The information is GREAT though. Thank you for adding to the arsenal @Daniel
Red = Bad.
Also why the slight reverb lol
@@ColeCoonce Better dead than red ;)
turn gain to 15% pls i see the bar on the top f that yeti, your next to it its overblown.
Jesus, are you recording in an auditorium?
Nah its just his massive fucking house.
Table mic is a prop; he's using the camera mic, so it picks up the whole room. Noob mistake... :)
Bob Jones 😂
Cap10VDO Or he just has the mic turned up and it's also picking up the room
I love going over the content you put up. It helps so much in my game. One step at a time. Thanks for everything
Bro, I absolutely love all of your videos. You are such a legend.
" describe the hand in a very elementary way for the most part, so that you will understand it".....
in other words...
you all jus' aint dat bright....
i read this as, "Power Rangers Explained"
So to make my range hidden, I should focus on giving away as little information as possible.
To protect your range, fold everything.
You are the greatest at breaking people down to open their guard
Your explanations were spot on and very helpful. I really appreciate you dumbing this down for me where it makes perfect sense. Many thanks!
This guy seems to know what hes talking about, I wonder has he made any money from the game?
like 44,000,000,000 usd
I think you added 3 extra 0s
Charlie viii last I saw, I think 42 million total in his career