I’ve been in my role for only 10 months (Associate Director) and notice that I do not get included in important conversations, ignored when I send important emails or introduce new projects, have had a coworker take credit for my work. It’s been very discouraging. Totally opposite of micro-managing but I feel just as shitty.
One more sign.. you get to do projects, involved in everything, given praises... And didn't even get any increment when some other colleagues did. This is worse, you're just the workhorse while $$$ goes to others
I was marked down for attitude for not always agreeing with my boss and not being positive 100% of the time. I busted my ass all year for a $1.22 raise.
We were told that were such a high performing team and my supervisor told me it was actually all because of how I removed barriers for my team. My team knows it too. It’s time for contract negotiations and my supervisor’s boss said “why would I give her a raise when this other person is producing more..” While my supervisor continues to say to my boss that I’m the reason we are performing so well but he won’t believe her. Time to leave
(I edited this as I had some mistakes in the over all verbiage) In the REAL WORLD, what happened to me is the real truth. Any company you work for, you are not valued for your work. You are just a number, and replaceable. What you really need to do, is change your MINDSET when working. I'll give you a REAL example. I worked for years in retail, generate many multiple thousands of compliments for customers and generated repeated sales because of that. Some employees, I found that they use to try to steal that away from me as in credit for sales. I also had supervisors that treated me really poorly because management always saw that I how well I did in sales and with customers. I did this for many years until I realized that I could pursue other lines of work and bring the same skill sets to a new employer with a less workload on myself. After I gave my notice, my work place gathered all it's employees together and gave me a small metal brass engraved award plaque with my years of service. I told all of them "Thank You, this is the nicest drink coaster that I ever owned." - Which I got a lot of laughs from. But every day since then, I put my coffee cup on that brass award plaque that I have laying flat on desk, face up.. Just to remind myself that it does NOT matter if my efforts are really recognized or not because I'm just a number to any company that I work for, and replaceable. And also YES I am happier because after changing my job as I do get paid more and my work load is 50% less, but still my mindset is still the same and I don't focus on getting notice by my company, I just focus on ME. That friends is something you need to learn early on in your respective careers.
@@Swisstriplet The reason why people are afraid to admit it, is that people get stuck in their ways. Even if a job situation is bad.. Sometimes because it's familiar to that person they get "stuck" and comfortable. I was like that for years until I got fed up with all the B.S... And that will happen to a lot of people, you get to a point, you stop and REALLY think about what matters most and what they are doing and how to fix it.
This all started to happen to me the moment we got a new manager overseeing the team. I am now doing the minimum and waiting for my contract to be up for renewal so I can move on with my life after they decide to not keep me on anymore!
I concur. 98% of bosses out there aren’t even worthy of that position and got there through who they know or how well they bull shit. The good employees that should be in that position aren’t ever promoted because it would cause more work for the current boss in replacing you
Lack of transparency, isolating people to frustrate them, subjective words that mislead the team, not offering a growth to people who work hard, allowing things to normalize when they won't be normalized in a healthy environment, no mentoring or fair critique, favoritism, being a product of influence (influenced by the loudest) ===> bad management. It does not matter how 'nice' the person is. They extremely bad for your career and mental health.
I have executive dysfunction. No matter how much I try to wrap up my work easily, I just can't. This always backfires on me in cases when I try to finish the work and others don't give me any credit siting the other places I was slower. No project is objectively looked at.
In school doing my project,everyone who decided to volunteer is walking downstair but suddenly, my friend stop me and said "what are you gonna do??" I'm just gonna help them fold some paper but he didn't stop the other then he let me through, while I was walking pass him he says to himself that's he looking for someone talented and that shattered me...
I just resigned I feel used after they used me now they’re complaining that “I don’t do my job well “ really? After 10 months? All of a sudden im not performing well? I resigned today and will go full time entrepreneurship.
They do not value or appreciate anyone at my work. No meetings, no recognition days, no holiday.parties, nothing. They communicate procedure changes in a email and says if we have any additional questions to email them or stop by their office. What they do with us during Christmas is print up a sign at the door that reminds you to pickup your burger and fries as you leave at the end of the day. I'm not joking either.
Im given important projects, covering resignations multiple times, spoke to the boss multiple times, but they’re all words. Instead they’re telling me “oh we have to promote this person first before we can promote you”
I quit working all together and found other means to make a decent living, i want nothing to do with the detrimental modern workplace, so superficial and meaningless.
Micromanaging is almost always a lack of trust.. not usually about performance. So it’s probably that your manager doesn’t trust you. There are some ways to build trust with them, but it takes time for sure
Been at the same place for sixteen years, been doing the same work over 24. Couple years ago had a hiring push, hired a bunch of younger people who think they don't have to take advice, want to do things their own way even if its unsafe. They like to go behind coworkers back all the way to the top and complain instead of following the chain of command. This happened to me, believed I was being treated like I was the new staff. Admin doesnt say anything. Supervisors dont say anything; but it was obvious I was being devalued though I have a ton of experience. Find out one of the supervisors who started six months before me, worked with me, was going around bad mouthing me to not only other supervisors, admin and regular staff. One day he tears into me right in front of fellow staff and basically put me down about everything from calling in sick, I cant train newer staff because Im a poor role model, then his face turns red, points his finger at me and yells " If it was up to me you would be fired"! At this point I seriously thought he wanted to fight me.I was stunned at his behavior. He challenged another staff years prior to meet him in the parking lot. I told my supervisor what he did and said to me and their only response was, "Well, he does things differently than me". Nothing happened to him. 8 months later he gets promoted to assistant director at another facility.
I used to work in parks where I often felt devalued when patrons would ask me if I was a volunteer even though it was my primary source of income and health insurance at the time.
I was working in a company where the management was not happy with almost 70% of employee's performance but they were not firing them just because they themselves didnt care about the quality and performance much. All they wanted was the output on the table and billing from client. No matter if the output has good quality or average and as long as you are justifying your salary then you are fit even if you dont grow up to the mark.
Or you are a high performer and they are taking you for granted. They forget not everyone can do what you do. It’s happened to me in the past and is again happening right now, so I am planning on leaving my job soon.
I have seen coworkers that started working same time as me being given the chance to take part in projects that are never offered to me at all. Already mentioned this to the boss and said something will be done but its been almost a year since that and situation is still the same... Im not sure if I should mention it again or simply start looking for something else, I dont want to waste my time in a place that doesnt offer me proper experience.
If you're able to, start your own business. Advance yourself. Why seek validation from your employer? Times have definitely changed. Stores are closing by the numbers and it's probably because of smaller companies with owners who worked for companies that just weren't doing things right.
I was assigned to do more complicated work which takes time and afford to do. Supervisors also refused to do, and teammates also refused to do it. Guess what, in the quarter, someone else was promoted :( . Not fair at all.
Lol my issue is being too dependable.Everyone does less work with equal pay, yet these fuckers seem to promote. The Superiors benefit from my dependability and reward the jobs and projects with more to do, while everyone is taking a less stress route by being unreliable
I feel so underappreciated. I'm just hardware employee at a store. If I was to do a bay a day and Carhartt everyday; then I wouldn't be able to face, stock, do returns and help other departments. Theres just no way. But if I don't help then other departments get clogged up. If I don't flag for the drivers then those associates can't do their jobs. If I don't cashier then theres a line out the door of very upset people. If I don't help in electrical or plumbing or paint, then I get screamed at by customers and pulled into the office for bad reviews. How am I supposed to sit my ass down and count/stock/face skrews (takes 2 hours) and stock/face Carhartt (1+ hour) on top of facing and stocking all aisles and putting away returns, if half of my shift is spend covering other departments or fixing everyone elses fuck ups?
I have reason to believe I'm not valued--or very well admired--at work. Do you know how often I said dumb things? I stupidly mentioned a man’s right to hit a woman for self-defense, and a new coworker proposed a new topic. And I know she doesn’t like me, because when I was casually chatting with a baker while waiting for the desserts, she entered and said “harassing the baker, John?” I asked why she thought that, and she said “Because you’re John.” Or how about the time I told a coworker (whom I didn’t think would resent this, since he’s clownish and once made a weight joke to a guy) “put a sock in your àss. I mean mouth.” Shockingly, he actually did resent that and told me I can’t speak to him that way. I didn’t intend harm; he had interrupted a question of mine to another worker to, if I remember correctly, playfully diss me. I guess I was annoyed with the clownish interruption, but I didn’t mean for it to be obvious. But when it was, I approached him and apologized. But he replied unfairly: “you’re good, man. You just need to learn how to speak to people.” Way to make an apologetic person who already feels bad feel worse, hypocrite And a jocular dick giving me the lecture feels worse. In fact, he's actually quite popular and well-liked at work. I've seen him have fun and get along so well with my coworkers, while acting like I don't exist at all. We pass each other in the hall or wherever, and he doesn't speak to me. Of course, I'll admit that I started the silence, since his hypocritical rudeness that one time, but I don't know for sure if he's giving me the silent treatment or anything. Either way, I'd say I'm not on his "good buds to joke with" list. I know he likes my coworkers better than me. Just the concept of being ignored hurts, and it doesn't help when they show admiration for the guy whom I think is obnoxious. And that's not the worst part about my stupid ASD. I was taken to my supervisor's office with her and a high-ranking chef. They (or mostly the chef) told me that I've been touching my coworkers too much. Not THAT type of touch, of course not! Just casual ones, like on arms or shoulders. I was always very outgoing at work. When I asked her if anyone reported a complaint, she said it didn't matter (so I assume that means yes). She told me that we need the workers to be comfortable in a good work environment, and that I pretty much shouldn't talk about anything other than work and school (I work at a university's catering service). She told me I shouldn't tell my stories because they may be inappropriate to my coworkers. Now yeah, I pretty much don't have a filter, and sometimes I guess I do say inappropriate stuff at work, but not horribly nor intentionally. I like to joke around and have fun with my coworkers, but I guess it isn't like that after all (more or less). I really didn't get specific information from the chef about what and who. She understands and likes that I'm outgoing, but she made it sound risky and in need of limits, for good behavior and my coworkers' sake. And again, that I shouldn't touch my coworkers (shoulders or arms) without their consent. But seriously, I'm not a creep! I don't randomly hug people or anything like that. I didn't mean to be so "handsy" (I say loosely). I'm so embarrassed about the office lecture. I am not like Biden at all. I'm really not. Have I really gone that far at work? I already hate being on the spectrum, and sometimes I actually hate myself. I kind of even wish I had been some kind of accident that day or the next, to make the boss and chef suddenly see the good in me and not see me as this obnoxious, creepy guy. If a person I disliked was in some accident, I wouldn't care at all about their unlikeable moments, I would just want them okay. If I EVER have a kid who inherits my disorder, I'm gonna do what I can to raise them right and as normal as an autistic person can be. I won't let him or her make the same mistakes I have.
If they're increasingly ignoring you and interrupting in meetings for months and you're speaking pretty loud and clear - likely time to move on. Nobody should tolerate that Also when the individual one-on-ones are friendly and yet the same folk suddenly become your haters in a group... too fake, time to go.
It’s definitely illegal to not pay at all which would be a breach of contract. But for a late payment, there’s not usually a ton that you can do. You could get small claims court involved, but by the time you got to trial you probably would have gotten paid. I’d make sure you are politely pushy in telling your company that you have bills that are contingent on you getting paid on time.. and bring it up to accounting/finance/payroll that you’re not getting paid on time
Business was opened with my practice number, now my boss wants to use a younger physio with her practice number and im supposed tp work under her. She has her masters and i dont buy i have years more experience than her.
I’ve missed some days due to an illness and that’s all they care about they don’t care I work hard when I’m hear so I’m no longer giving my all I’m looking for jobs daily at this point
Problem you do all the work with another Worker but never get Praise //\\ Gifts or any Recognition, but you and the worker gets the blame if other people screw up.
Don't forget to watch my FREE Career Roadmap training to help you find your passion: benjaminpreston.com/free-training
I’ve been in my role for only 10 months (Associate Director) and notice that I do not get included in important conversations, ignored when I send important emails or introduce new projects, have had a coworker take credit for my work. It’s been very discouraging. Totally opposite of micro-managing but I feel just as shitty.
“Director “ that’s your first clue
One more sign.. you get to do projects, involved in everything, given praises... And didn't even get any increment when some other colleagues did. This is worse, you're just the workhorse while $$$ goes to others
I was marked down for attitude for not always agreeing with my boss and not being positive 100% of the time. I busted my ass all year for a $1.22 raise.
How I’m feeling right now.
We were told that were such a high performing team and my supervisor told me it was actually all because of how I removed barriers for my team. My team knows it too. It’s time for contract negotiations and my supervisor’s boss said “why would I give her a raise when this other person is producing more..” While my supervisor continues to say to my boss that I’m the reason we are performing so well but he won’t believe her. Time to leave
Thank you for this video. I have all these signs and I suddenly realized that I need to press the restart button.
(I edited this as I had some mistakes in the over all verbiage)
In the REAL WORLD, what happened to me is the real truth. Any company you work for, you are not valued for your work. You are just a number, and replaceable. What you really need to do, is change your MINDSET when working. I'll give you a REAL example. I worked for years in retail, generate many multiple thousands of compliments for customers and generated repeated sales because of that. Some employees, I found that they use to try to steal that away from me as in credit for sales. I also had supervisors that treated me really poorly because management always saw that I how well I did in sales and with customers.
I did this for many years until I realized that I could pursue other lines of work and bring the same skill sets to a new employer with a less workload on myself. After I gave my notice, my work place gathered all it's employees together and gave me a small metal brass engraved award plaque with my years of service. I told all of them "Thank You, this is the nicest drink coaster that I ever owned." - Which I got a lot of laughs from. But every day since then, I put my coffee cup on that brass award plaque that I have laying flat on desk, face up.. Just to remind myself that it does NOT matter if my efforts are really recognized or not because I'm just a number to any company that I work for, and replaceable. And also YES I am happier because after changing my job as I do get paid more and my work load is 50% less, but still my mindset is still the same and I don't focus on getting notice by my company, I just focus on ME. That friends is something you need to learn early on in your respective careers.
That is the real world. I don’t understand why so many people are terrified to admit it.
@@JoJo-mm8sn You are Welcome, Happy Holidays and Happy New Year.
@@Swisstriplet The reason why people are afraid to admit it, is that people get stuck in their ways. Even if a job situation is bad.. Sometimes because it's familiar to that person they get "stuck" and comfortable. I was like that for years until I got fed up with all the B.S... And that will happen to a lot of people, you get to a point, you stop and REALLY think about what matters most and what they are doing and how to fix it.
really need this thanks
I felt all these signs on my last job, i left friday and start my new job next week.
Update: loving the new environment.
This all started to happen to me the moment we got a new manager overseeing the team. I am now doing the minimum and waiting for my contract to be up for renewal so I can move on with my life after they decide to not keep me on anymore!
Leave before contract up
Talking to your boss never works
It definitely didn't work for me.
It doesn't...that's why more people are staying home getting a check from the gov every month
It never does
I concur. 98% of bosses out there aren’t even worthy of that position and got there through who they know or how well they bull shit. The good employees that should be in that position aren’t ever promoted because it would cause more work for the current boss in replacing you
You guys absolutely on point.
I am invisible at work. That's why I have been there for 17 years on good pay. Out of sight out of mind.
Lack of transparency, isolating people to frustrate them, subjective words that mislead the team, not offering a growth to people who work hard, allowing things to normalize when they won't be normalized in a healthy environment, no mentoring or fair critique, favoritism, being a product of influence (influenced by the loudest) ===> bad management. It does not matter how 'nice' the person is. They extremely bad for your career and mental health.
I have executive dysfunction. No matter how much I try to wrap up my work easily, I just can't. This always backfires on me in cases when I try to finish the work and others don't give me any credit siting the other places I was slower. No project is objectively looked at.
In school doing my project,everyone who decided to volunteer is walking downstair but suddenly, my friend stop me and said "what are you gonna do??" I'm just gonna help them fold some paper but he didn't stop the other then he let me through, while I was walking pass him he says to himself that's he looking for someone talented and that shattered me...
People that are intimidated by your potential will sabotage you
I just resigned I feel used after they used me now they’re complaining that “I don’t do my job well “ really? After 10 months? All of a sudden im not performing well? I resigned today and will go full time entrepreneurship.
They do not value or appreciate anyone at my work. No meetings, no recognition days, no holiday.parties, nothing. They communicate procedure changes in a email and says if we have any additional questions to email them or stop by their office. What they do with us during Christmas is print up a sign at the door that reminds you to pickup your burger and fries as you leave at the end of the day. I'm not joking either.
Im given important projects, covering resignations multiple times, spoke to the boss multiple times, but they’re all words. Instead they’re telling me “oh we have to promote this person first before we can promote you”
They’re jerking you, time to update that resume and take somewhere where it’ll be better valued.
I quit working all together and found other means to make a decent living, i want nothing to do with the detrimental modern workplace, so superficial and meaningless.
What if they only micromanage you especially if you've been there a a while😡😡
Micromanaging is almost always a lack of trust.. not usually about performance. So it’s probably that your manager doesn’t trust you. There are some ways to build trust with them, but it takes time for sure
Leaving is best option if you value your time
This video just ticked all the boxes oh my god
Been at the same place for sixteen years, been doing the same work over 24. Couple years ago had a hiring push, hired a bunch of younger people who think they don't have to take advice, want to do things their own way even if its unsafe. They like to go behind coworkers back all the way to the top and complain instead of following the chain of command. This happened to me, believed I was being treated like I was the new staff. Admin doesnt say anything. Supervisors dont say anything; but it was obvious I was being devalued though I have a ton of experience. Find out one of the supervisors who started six months before me, worked with me, was going around bad mouthing me to not only other supervisors, admin and regular staff. One day he tears into me right in front of fellow staff and basically put me down about everything from calling in sick, I cant train newer staff because Im a poor role model, then his face turns red, points his finger at me and yells " If it was up to me you would be fired"! At this point I seriously thought he wanted to fight me.I was stunned at his behavior. He challenged another staff years prior to meet him in the parking lot. I told my supervisor what he did and said to me and their only response was, "Well, he does things differently than me". Nothing happened to him. 8 months later he gets promoted to assistant director at another facility.
I like your content I'm looking forward to seeing more of your videos in the future.
I used to work in parks where I often felt devalued when patrons would ask me if I was a volunteer even though it was my primary source of income and health insurance at the time.
I work so much i was almost ill end of 2024
i dont want to put myself in this kind of position anymore
can t die for a work
Expected to do a responsible role including key holding but being paid for a less experienced role.
If you're not valued at work, you're on your way to termination.
I was working in a company where the management was not happy with almost 70% of employee's performance but they were not firing them just because they themselves didnt care about the quality and performance much. All they wanted was the output on the table and billing from client. No matter if the output has good quality or average and as long as you are justifying your salary then you are fit even if you dont grow up to the mark.
@@riddheshzaveri8103 Classy!
Or you are a high performer and they are taking you for granted. They forget not everyone can do what you do. It’s happened to me in the past and is again happening right now, so I am planning on leaving my job soon.
I have seen coworkers that started working same time as me being given the chance to take part in projects that are never offered to me at all. Already mentioned this to the boss and said something will be done but its been almost a year since that and situation is still the same... Im not sure if I should mention it again or simply start looking for something else, I dont want to waste my time in a place that doesnt offer me proper experience.
Excellent presentation Benjamin Sir,👍👏
Thank you! I appreciate you watching :)
What happens is they say your pitches and ideas aren’t good yet they’ll use them and give another staff member the praise for it.
If you're able to, start your own business. Advance yourself. Why seek validation from your employer? Times have definitely changed. Stores are closing by the numbers and it's probably because of smaller companies with owners who worked for companies that just weren't doing things right.
I was assigned to do more complicated work which takes time and afford to do. Supervisors also refused to do, and teammates also refused to do it. Guess what, in the quarter, someone else was promoted :( . Not fair at all.
How do you know if your salary is fair since you can’t discuss with colleagues
Lol my issue is being too dependable.Everyone does less work with equal pay, yet these fuckers seem to promote. The Superiors benefit from my dependability and reward the jobs and projects with more to do, while everyone is taking a less stress route by being unreliable
I always gotta do the hard labor or cleaning like im a crack head. I be thinking its me. 😢
I feel so underappreciated. I'm just hardware employee at a store.
If I was to do a bay a day and Carhartt everyday; then I wouldn't be able to face, stock, do returns and help other departments. Theres just no way.
But if I don't help then other departments get clogged up. If I don't flag for the drivers then those associates can't do their jobs. If I don't cashier then theres a line out the door of very upset people. If I don't help in electrical or plumbing or paint, then I get screamed at by customers and pulled into the office for bad reviews.
How am I supposed to sit my ass down and count/stock/face skrews (takes 2 hours) and stock/face Carhartt (1+ hour) on top of facing and stocking all aisles and putting away returns, if half of my shift is spend covering other departments or fixing everyone elses fuck ups?
Congrats 1k subs
Thanks, Ali! Now just waiting to get monetized :)
It's ok I will stay positive
Being unappreciated makes me want to stop trying so hard!!😢😢
Your boss shaving your time off your time sheet (which they claim "time clock theft") is another way you're not valued enough and that's wage theft!
Report it that’s against the law
Or say like other workers getting raises and you not getting no raise that’s a sign they not your favorite and it’s time to get out of there
I have reason to believe I'm not valued--or very well admired--at work. Do you know how often I said dumb things? I stupidly mentioned a man’s right to hit a woman for self-defense, and a new coworker proposed a new topic. And I know she doesn’t like me, because when I was casually chatting with a baker while waiting for the desserts, she entered and said “harassing the baker, John?” I asked why she thought that, and she said “Because you’re John.”
Or how about the time I told a coworker (whom I didn’t think would resent this, since he’s clownish and once made a weight joke to a guy) “put a sock in your àss. I mean mouth.” Shockingly, he actually did resent that and told me I can’t speak to him that way. I didn’t intend harm; he had interrupted a question of mine to another worker to, if I remember correctly, playfully diss me. I guess I was annoyed with the clownish interruption, but I didn’t mean for it to be obvious. But when it was, I approached him and apologized. But he replied unfairly: “you’re good, man. You just need to learn how to speak to people.” Way to make an apologetic person who already feels bad feel worse, hypocrite
And a jocular dick giving me the lecture feels worse. In fact, he's actually quite popular and well-liked at work. I've seen him have fun and get along so well with my coworkers, while acting like I don't exist at all. We pass each other in the hall or wherever, and he doesn't speak to me. Of course, I'll admit that I started the silence, since his hypocritical rudeness that one time, but I don't know for sure if he's giving me the silent treatment or anything. Either way, I'd say I'm not on his "good buds to joke with" list. I know he likes my coworkers better than me. Just the concept of being ignored hurts, and it doesn't help when they show admiration for the guy whom I think is obnoxious.
And that's not the worst part about my stupid ASD. I was taken to my supervisor's office with her and a high-ranking chef. They (or mostly the chef) told me that I've been touching my coworkers too much. Not THAT type of touch, of course not! Just casual ones, like on arms or shoulders. I was always very outgoing at work. When I asked her if anyone reported a complaint, she said it didn't matter (so I assume that means yes). She told me that we need the workers to be comfortable in a good work environment, and that I pretty much shouldn't talk about anything other than work and school (I work at a university's catering service). She told me I shouldn't tell my stories because they may be inappropriate to my coworkers. Now yeah, I pretty much don't have a filter, and sometimes I guess I do say inappropriate stuff at work, but not horribly nor intentionally. I like to joke around and have fun with my coworkers, but I guess it isn't like that after all (more or less). I really didn't get specific information from the chef about what and who. She understands and likes that I'm outgoing, but she made it sound risky and in need of limits, for good behavior and my coworkers' sake. And again, that I shouldn't touch my coworkers (shoulders or arms) without their consent. But seriously, I'm not a creep! I don't randomly hug people or anything like that. I didn't mean to be so "handsy" (I say loosely). I'm so embarrassed about the office lecture. I am not like Biden at all. I'm really not. Have I really gone that far at work? I already hate being on the spectrum, and sometimes I actually hate myself. I kind of even wish I had been some kind of accident that day or the next, to make the boss and chef suddenly see the good in me and not see me as this obnoxious, creepy guy. If a person I disliked was in some accident, I wouldn't care at all about their unlikeable moments, I would just want them okay. If I EVER have a kid who inherits my disorder, I'm gonna do what I can to raise them right and as normal as an autistic person can be. I won't let him or her make the same mistakes I have.
If they're increasingly ignoring you and interrupting in meetings for months and you're speaking pretty loud and clear - likely time to move on. Nobody should tolerate that
Also when the individual one-on-ones are friendly and yet the same folk suddenly become your haters in a group... too fake, time to go.
Talk to your boss😂
Again, you speak generally about a large office with an HR office and many employees.
Um, if they want you OUT, you're OUT. There are NO "conversations." Ever.
That’s another reason I don’t do notice just up and leave when I quit and I tell ppl that too
Talk to your boss? I wish that worked
they dont pay on time, i am hungry too down 99 lbs to date due to limited food
isnt illegal not to pay in US?
It’s definitely illegal to not pay at all which would be a breach of contract. But for a late payment, there’s not usually a ton that you can do. You could get small claims court involved, but by the time you got to trial you probably would have gotten paid.
I’d make sure you are politely pushy in telling your company that you have bills that are contingent on you getting paid on time.. and bring it up to accounting/finance/payroll that you’re not getting paid on time
Another significant sign at work where you're not valued is when customers/patrons say you don't have a "real" job.
Business was opened with my practice number, now my boss wants to use a younger physio with her practice number and im supposed tp work under her. She has her masters and i dont buy i have years more experience than her.
I’ve missed some days due to an illness and that’s all they care about they don’t care I work hard when I’m hear so I’m no longer giving my all I’m looking for jobs daily at this point
When you work for an employer that encourages slow moving average performers who spend more time talking than working. It's time to move on
Loyalty is not rewarded today. Get a new job every 2-5 years. It’s the best way to get a raise
Or if you do get a project. They will kill your project and won’t even tell you. Or secretly pass it on to someone else.
I'm there for the customers
This guy sounds like a planted corporate cringe agent
Never chase your boss down on everything
What if you're a receptionist, or a gofor and you were hired BECAUSE it's dead end job? Those are the VAST MAHORITY OF JOBS IN THE USA.
Problem you do all the work with another Worker but never get Praise //\\ Gifts or any Recognition, but you and the worker gets the blame if other people screw up.
Customer service oriented
I’m not valued, not given any thing to do ...its humiliating
Great 👍 hit over 900 subs
Thanks, Ali!
Maybe 😢
They might not think the same way
I definitely hate some of the people at work and higher level officials that own the company
Many coworkers have normalized interrupting you
They just don't know it yet
There is favoritism and high egos
Bad video