miredita trima kjo plaka e kendon me zemer kengen tone te lumt goja plak e bekuar madheshtore te falenderoi me plot hare e pergezoi = ) bariu i trojes delmat i atdheut tone e uroi shum bukur ................
zoti ju bekon me keta kenget e bukura nga atdheu i jone me tere trojet e tona i pegezojna = ) uro uro rro gjaku ilirise arberore shqiperore .......................e uroi me zemer flake si zjarri me flakeron zemra = )
Gezuar gjithashtu. E di mire se c'toka. Ato te Dropullit qe ua dha Verua, e me vone Salihi falas. Gjirkastritet u kane sjelle per ti punuar tokat. Jo se kam ndonje deshire te vecante per ti share Dropullitet se vete si njerez jane si te gjithe... nga ti shpjere era, pa shkolle, dhe jo shume te mprehte. Po qe kur u ka hyre kisha, jane bere vendas 20,000 vjecar. Biles i kam pare dhe te ai filmi i ri. Megjithate, baballaret si hedhen dote poshte ;) Medoj se e di mire.
Të thuash qe kto njerëz nuk flasin Shqip është njësoj si të thuash Italianët nuk flasin Italisht.. To say that these people don't speak Albanian, is like saying that Italians don't speak Italian. Vetëm popujt me histori false si Greket e kanë paftyrësinë ta thonë një gjë të tillë.. Only nations with false history like Greeks have the impertinence to say such a thing like that. FREEDOM FOR SOUTHERN EPIRUS !
o mos u mezit bre burre se jan shiptar 100% am punuar me keta ne lamia njeri nga kta me pati thene hape nje shkolle shipe ne lamia spo ja them emrin se e vrasin fashistat po se pranojne se arvanitja eshte shqip
God bless you. I am still stunned that there are so many narrow minded commentators on those pages concerning Greeks and Albanians that don't realise that the most authentic feature of one's level of CIVILITY is ther sense of Peace(fullness) with others, with those that are different. So , i couldn't agree more. The beauty of this video is Albanians and Greeks celebrating together. Hope the haters on both sides get contaminated by this, at least a little. Peace.
Ore MusicOfEpirus ne radhe te bare urime per videon se eshte kenga ime e preferuar,po thuam nje gje keta qe kendojne nga jane vella se i shoh qe flasin greqisht kur nuk kendojne,mos jane gje Himariote?
laberia is the birth place of poliphony, ancient chaonian lands, there's nothing mor pure vocally than albanian poliphony, its a very powerfull chant, soldiers used to cahnt before going into battle, it was a purifying act, enchanting.
Ket lloj kenduari nuk munesh me msu duhet me lind ne ate vend ku knohen kto kang,ni Zot i madh e din sa mijra vjet knohen kto kang ,kang shume te mira za te mire respekt,pershendetje nge Shala e Bajgores KOSOVE
jane dropullite... grek te ardhur ne shqiperi si argate me kohe. rrine ne disa fshatra te gjirokastres... sigurisht, qe dhe kendojne si gjirokastritet. ketu jane ne greqi qe po japin nje festival dhe tregojne traditat shqiptare.
When Albanians sing and dance, Greeks shut up and watch. For they know that from us comes only GOLD. And they want to label it Greek as soon as possible, so they can't afford to lose time and not listen.
+Roland Berisha o mjeshter , ata rumun qe thua ti kan ardh shpejt ne shqiperi ata jan ilir te ikur shpejt nga iliria, jan autokton kudo qe kan vajtur nuk i kan perkatur asnje shteti po kan rrojtur ter historine e tyre maleve me bageti e arme ne brez , si ne greqi shqipri, vllehe ke gjysmet e patriotave qe kan dhen jeten per lirine e kombit tone , poeta,,qe kan luftuar qofte me pene edhe me arme per memen shqipri,, po te dish pak nga historia ,, nuk ka vend te botes qe ska cobenj,, po kryesisht malet e thella e te larta te evropes po ti hysh muhabetit te kerkosh ta jap me jet qe dalin cobenj,,
po po e di se kam lexuar per wallahine ose origjinen e vlleheve, kane patur princ shqiptare me mbiemer gjika ose ghica po ashtu dhe pjesa e moldavise dhe keta kane luftuar qe e kane bere rumanine kaq te madhe sa eshte sot qe morren pjesen e transilvanise e shume territore te tjera. Shume figura te shquara rumune jane me origjine nga kjo familje Ghica ose Gjika
@petrosexual polyphonic singing is found throughout albania (north and south) where as it isnt found in Romania (if this was a Vlah tradition) it isnt found elsewhere in Greece either, other than the occupied Albanian lands which u call Epirus
Ka gjithmone e ma pak shqiptare qe i kendojne keto kenge... kur cdo minut greket bejne prova si ti kopjojne se e dine qe jane pjese e Historise se Epirit, dhe pa kopjuar folklorin NUK e marrin dot EPIRIN. 20 vjet i jap, dhe gjysma e shqiperise jo vetem do jete Greqi por edhe njer nuk do mbaj ment qe ka qene ndonjehere Shqiperi.
@dimitger1 Omg bist du HOHL :D die fustanella ? die ist 100 prozentig NICHT ursprünglich aus griechenland xD mal ohne spaß du kannst bisschen versuchen das recht auf deine seite zu ziehn aber das ist viel zu hart :D .. erst nachdem die griechen unabhängig wurden, haben sie die fustanella eingeführt und zwar haben sie die fustanella von den albanern/arvaniten übernommen ..
Both cultures influenced each other, after all where did you get your scales from? Also remember Albania was under Roman rule for many centuries right up to the 7th Century AD. This type of music can also be attributed to the Vlax speaking people of Epiru near the Border of Albania and Greece. The Vlax Language is Latin and these people believe that they are Greek's but from the ancient Roman period. Most of the melodies we share with Albania come from Ancient Greek, Roman and Ottoman music.
Je mi ne regull nu ka problem :). Ndodhi nje keqkuptim! une per fjalen "llai" e bera lidhjen me gjuhen vllahe e cila prap ska asnje lidhje me gjuhen greke (megjithese ghuha vllahe ka influence dhe fjale te mara nga greqishtja,shqipja etj sipas zonave ku jane te vendosur vllehet. nuk di ta shpjegoj gramatikisht po perpiqem. LLai eshte si thirrtime psh : O, ORE,etj.. LLai FICIOR(ore djale) LLAI TINI(ore ti)LLAI XHONE(ore trim) Vllahcja eshte gjuhe qe po humbet me gjenratat e reja.Shendet
Ja si eshte e verteta vella: Greqia eshte shtet Fetar Orthodox. Kisha Orthodokse eshte institucjoni nga e cila varen te gjitha institucjonet politike, si dhe sherbimet sekrete, ministrite etj. Dmth, Kisha ne Greqi eshte themeli i Greqise. Ne kishen Greke e kemi aktive ne te gjitha trojet e Shqiperise se Jugut. C'mendon ti se bejne keta njerez? Pergjigjia eshte, tjetersimi/Greqizimi Ortodoks i popullates.
Vella, she's Albanian from Dropulli, an area heavily influenced by the Greek Church and now from the Greek business and economic superiority. That is why we have to be the best in everything! We have to bring back hope to our own people. Our number one private concern for now should beclimbing the most influential corporate ladders... investment banks, law firms, powerful political organizations, and head multibillion dollar businesses like large energy, automobile, and developing corporations
Ferizajcity Die verstärkten griechischen Einflüsse zeigen sich besonders in der Entstehung und im Ausbau der befestigten Höhensiedlungen zu städtischen Zentralorten (z. B. Byllis und Berat). Das zu albanischen monumente. In Athen und Peloponnes gibt es kein Arvaniten auch nicht in Norden oder Westen,Osten Sueden des Landes und sind nie in der Grieschischen Geseelschaft aufgegengen. Filmchen bilden ist nicht meine Sache.
Because Epirus is Albania. Scanderbeg was Prince of Epirus, Northern Albania, and Mecedonia. Some of them are from Dropulli, therefore Greek immigrants (argats)... but they know Albanian just like you and me.
I hate when people dont use their logic when is about nation, tradion and culture. the guardians in greekparliament wear Albanian clothes '' Fustanella'' and the other details are copied from Marko Bocari and other suliots or cameria, all north greek music is stolen from cameria or to be more honest the people who play that music are Albanians. to understand really this go protest to take down the law of war and than you will see what decision will take the tribunal of haga for north Greece, who is the real owner of those nice lands from preveza until ianina. another fact that shows you are not helen is the language you speak today has nothing to do with helenic language, the indipendence you won with Ali pasha and his mans, with suliot people, with camerias people. how you can be such assholes to dont see this facts and after to come to comment here. you are barbar people you killing such amazing traditions that come from very old time from Illyria. How you can be so hatefull with all your neighbors? with Makedonia you have problems, with Albania problems, with Turkey problems. how can it be we all are so wrong and you are so right? you are just lucky that the old bitch ( europe) support you more than you deserve thats it. Please stop bullshiting now and read to learn at least what you are and where you come from because your DNA doesnt belong to that territory where you are but in persia
Ferizacity 1. es heisst Markos Mpotsaris. 2. Wie kann es sein das Mpotsaris nach deiner Meinung ein Arvanit am 21/8/1823 ein Heer mit Albanern und Arvaniten angegrifen hat. Komisch oder? Theodoros Kolokotronis ist im Peloponnes geboren wo es keine Arvatniten gab und gibt. Wegen Alexander den Grossen sei dir nicht so sicher!!!!
keta kendojn shqip po flasin greqisht un se kuptoj pse e eqin veten per grek kta ndyrsirat apo jan te krishter prandaj?apo nga ato 300 euro ne muaj qe i jep qeverria greke pension?
Ferizajcity Erstmal lern mal Geschichte. Die Revolution fand in Peloponess statt ungefaehr 800 km vom heutigen Albanien. Im heutigen sueden Albaniens gab es und gibt es Griechen darum habt Ihr auch die Fustanella. Und Pontos ist keine Tracht sondern ein Gebiet in der heutigen Tuerkei. Nenn mir bitte ein Monument bei Namen das die ganze Welt kennt.
Pastaj per cdo rezistence qe tregon popullata Shqiptare, njerez dhe "gazetare" te sabsiduar dhe sponsorizuar nga Kisha Greke, krijojne nje "Minoritet Interneti" dhe nje imazh extremist dhe jotolerant Shqiptar kundrejt ketij "minoriteti". Ata njerez jane ketu ne youtube me 20 konto secili per vetem 2 arsye: 1) Ndarja psikollogjike e popullates Shqiptare (krijimi i ndjenjave neveritese kunder Shqipetareve mysliman) 2) Nxitja e Shqiptareve qe nuk pranojne kete infiltrim (qe te perdoret me tej)
Welche Kultur? Sag mir ein altes monument albanischer Herkunft? Z.b China Aegypten Griechen Roemer haben was fuer die Nachwelt hinterlassen. Griechen haben sich nicht in albanische Kultur integriert.
yes and why isn;t it found among the Romanians in Romania, come on the Vlaxs came in these territories in the 15-16 century. They sing only the Tosk's polyphony why don't they sing the Lab's polyphony, exactly the same you are hearing here. It is recognized worldwide as Albanian tradition and is protected from UNESCO as a world heritage and named Albanian Iso Polyphony. You want a piece of the pie go take it in Romania.
Maybe some greeks apreciate albanians history,and traditions,and recognise them well.. Njera nga kenget eshte per cobenjte :P thot llai llai cobane (llai = more) :D
Jo... gjysma jane nje grup Shqiptar, gjysma tjeter jane nje grup Dropullit. Greqisht kendojne vetem ata te tavolines tjeter dhe kjo plaka dropullite... shqiptaret e shohin me dyshim, po skan c'bejne dhe kendojne se jane ne nje darke muzikore.
@ValaDrinit OK if your really want to be close minded for the sake of clinging to identity then go ahead. The beauty of this video is Greeks and Albanians celebration song and culture together. If you really want to know the truth all European's especially eastern European (including Greece) have had so many invaders, changed kingdoms and migrations that it would be absolutely stupid to think we have not influenced each other or have been influenced by others both culturally and genetically.
@BlizzardRoach lies noch einmal die geschichte!!! slawen haben auch im heutigen albanien siedlungen gehabt!! ihr habt nichts mit den Illirian gemeinsam den die waren Griechen!!! ihr seit tuerkalbaner!! eure relegion beweist es und die vielen mischehen. und nur so zur info wir Griechen haben mehrfach die Sprache synchroniesiert!!! und in den albanischen dialekt gibt es auch ein paar wenige tuerkische woerter also nichts ist mit 2000 jahre die gleiche sprache!!! lol
Remember that both Albanian and Greece have been conquered by both Roman and Ottoman rule and we have both been influenced by them. Of course we cant forget how much ancient greek music has influenced both Greek, Roman and Albanian music. Does it not make more sense to both be unified and proud of these shared wonders we both have rather then argue like children over invisible boundaries. Your missing the Heart behind this video. Its about cultural unity not about nationalistic propaganda.
Petropolis101 there is nothing Roman here. This is pure illyrian/Albanian here. It runs in our blood to keep our culture and language alive no matter how many invaders have invaded we will still manage to keep our language an culture alive.
You think Vetetima your skin is more wk=hite that my? i have seen lot albanians in germany there are look like turkish and i can talk so much i want in germany we have the right to do this
E na vjen shume keqe per gjuhen vllehe sepse çdo gjuhe ne bote eshte nje thesare qe pasurone kulturen boterore,veçese kane Bollanon ne Himare qe la gjuhenvllehe dhe mesoje Greqishten.
Per 3000 lesh mbase. Ik mo na caj bithen tani, gomar muti. U bene argatet e surretrit e vrare te thone se cilat jane tokat e tyre. Skane pasur buke goje te hane. U dhame shtepira, toka, pasuri... te gjitha ja falem, tani u bene te marren dhe ato qe su takon. S'keni faj jo se keni kapur Salhin nga topet. Gjerat do nderrohen. Toka rrotullohet. Shume shpejt do ua qime temat sic ju a kemi qire ju Dropulliteve. Rraca bastarde duket qe ne te hapur te gojes.
@dimitger1 du swein ich kom aus holland und rede zo gut deutsch redest du hollandisch wie ich deutsch rede , pena. das stammt aus griechenland, wieso sind nur albaner die diese music machen. du weist ganix fon albaner das is alles albaner. fustanella is albaner. souliote is albaner arvanite sind albaner. du griechen habe die busoekoe muziek geh weg hier. was machst du hier kanst du das verstehn das sind honderd procent albanisher musik . pena. geh weg geh nach ein griechien youtube page.
they speak greek but if they are greek, why do they sing old albanian song from Arvanitika? ;) They are real arvanites-albanians :) if they was greek, they would't sing albanian... now documents proved that arvanites are albanians... half of greece are arvanites folks, some of them are assimilated and someone of them aren't assimilated... when some greek say that he or she are arvanites, then thats mean he or she are albanian not greek nowday.. by the way greeks people never exist 1821...!
Ajo pla nuk kendon vetem greqisht nqs e degjive mire dhe me sa shoh une eshte nje si tip takimi dhe manifestimi i traditave te secilit se po kendojne dhe shqip dhe greqisht.. dhe ai burri me kemishe flet greqisht aty ajo plaka sikur sja mban mire ne te tera kenget..
hahahahaha!!! What happened, you got struck by a lightening? lol Why don't you go back to the fake Greek minority documentation and creation in Albania?
Because Epirus is Albania. Scanderbeg was Prince of Epirus, Northern Albania, and Mecedonia. Some of them are from Dropulli, therefore Greek immigrants (argats)... but they know Albanian just like you and me.
This is beautiful Albanian music and most of all this belong to the world and is world heritage.
albanian music real ancient illyrian music polyphonic
miredita trima kjo plaka e kendon me zemer kengen tone te lumt goja plak e bekuar madheshtore te falenderoi me plot hare e pergezoi = ) bariu i trojes delmat i atdheut tone e uroi shum bukur ................
zoti ju bekon me keta kenget e bukura nga atdheu i jone me tere trojet e tona i pegezojna = ) uro uro rro gjaku ilirise arberore shqiperore .......................e uroi me zemer flake si zjarri me flakeron zemra = )
Gezuar gjithashtu.
E di mire se c'toka. Ato te Dropullit qe ua dha Verua, e me vone Salihi falas. Gjirkastritet u kane sjelle per ti punuar tokat.
Jo se kam ndonje deshire te vecante per ti share Dropullitet se vete si njerez jane si te gjithe... nga ti shpjere era, pa shkolle, dhe jo shume te mprehte. Po qe kur u ka hyre kisha, jane bere vendas 20,000 vjecar. Biles i kam pare dhe te ai filmi i ri.
Megjithate, baballaret si hedhen dote poshte ;)
Medoj se e di mire.
O zot Sa bukur. Jeta shum e bukur ka qon perpara neper fshate
JU LUMTE GOJA. Na beni te gjith shqiptareve krenar.
Të thuash qe kto njerëz nuk flasin Shqip është njësoj si të thuash Italianët nuk flasin Italisht.. To say that these people don't speak Albanian, is like saying that Italians don't speak Italian. Vetëm popujt me histori false si Greket e kanë paftyrësinë ta thonë një gjë të tillë.. Only nations with false history like Greeks have the impertinence to say such a thing like that. FREEDOM FOR SOUTHERN EPIRUS !
o mos u mezit bre burre se jan shiptar 100% am punuar me keta ne lamia njeri nga kta me pati thene hape nje shkolle shipe ne lamia spo ja them emrin se e vrasin fashistat po se pranojne se arvanitja eshte shqip
God bless you. I am still stunned that there are so many narrow minded commentators on those pages concerning Greeks and Albanians that don't realise that the most authentic feature of one's level of CIVILITY is ther sense of Peace(fullness) with others, with those that are different. So , i couldn't agree more. The beauty of this video is Albanians and Greeks celebrating together. Hope the haters on both sides get contaminated by this, at least a little. Peace.
Pershendetje ju kendofte zemra perjet na kenaqet
Ore MusicOfEpirus ne radhe te bare urime per videon se eshte kenga ime e preferuar,po thuam nje gje keta qe kendojne nga jane vella se i shoh qe flasin greqisht kur nuk kendojne,mos jane gje Himariote?
laberia is the birth place of poliphony, ancient chaonian lands, there's nothing mor pure vocally than albanian poliphony, its a very powerfull chant, soldiers used to cahnt before going into battle, it was a purifying act, enchanting.
Ket lloj kenduari nuk munesh me msu duhet me lind ne ate vend ku knohen kto kang,ni Zot i madh e din sa mijra vjet knohen kto kang ,kang shume te mira za te mire respekt,pershendetje nge Shala e Bajgores KOSOVE
ajo gjyshja thoji ta uli pak zerin se gjunah.. e prishi gjithe pjesen e bukur..
Ju kendofte zemra 👏
Awesome! I don't even know what's going on!! But it's so ethnic!! Awesome!
shum bukur ju lumt goja!!kjo tradit kaq e bujur dhe e lasht duhet te trasmetohet ne brezat qe vin qe mos te humbas kur!!!
jane dropullite... grek te ardhur ne shqiperi si argate me kohe.
rrine ne disa fshatra te gjirokastres... sigurisht, qe dhe kendojne si gjirokastritet.
ketu jane ne greqi qe po japin nje festival dhe tregojne traditat shqiptare.
Te ardhur jane Camet jo Greket ne Epiro
Çamëria toke shqipe 🇦🇱
Albanian music is the best music in the world.
If you people hear the Greeks, they are singing either in unison of two voices. I don't know why they call them polyphonic singers.
Did papa Stavro Giorgi tell you to do that?
He's druling over the Albanian coastiline :)
When Albanians sing and dance, Greeks shut up and watch.
For they know that from us comes only GOLD.
And they want to label it Greek as soon as possible, so they can't afford to lose time and not listen.
wow thats sounds great. we need more of that to teach our kids. not to forget our rich history.
dhe gjithe te mirat !
hahahah me shkrive me kte komentin :P, me ke meresh :P
As old as the earth that holds them.
are they singing about ciobani? sheperd?
Çobani i malit.. means Shepherd of Mountains.
SubcarpatiRO Çobani is the same like in romanian language. And the romanians that moved in Albania long time ago we call Çobani or vllahi.
+Roland Berisha vllahi=vëllazëri!
+Roland Berisha o mjeshter , ata rumun qe thua ti kan ardh shpejt ne shqiperi ata jan ilir te ikur shpejt nga iliria, jan autokton kudo qe kan vajtur nuk i kan perkatur asnje shteti po kan rrojtur ter historine e tyre maleve me bageti e arme ne brez , si ne greqi shqipri, vllehe ke gjysmet e patriotave qe kan dhen jeten per lirine e kombit tone , poeta,,qe kan luftuar qofte me pene edhe me arme per memen shqipri,, po te dish pak nga historia ,, nuk ka vend te botes qe ska cobenj,, po kryesisht malet e thella e te larta te evropes po ti hysh muhabetit te kerkosh ta jap me jet qe dalin cobenj,,
po po e di se kam lexuar per wallahine ose origjinen e vlleheve, kane patur princ shqiptare me mbiemer gjika ose ghica po ashtu dhe pjesa e moldavise dhe keta kane luftuar qe e kane bere rumanine kaq te madhe sa eshte sot qe morren pjesen e transilvanise e shume territore te tjera. Shume figura te shquara rumune jane me origjine nga kjo familje Ghica ose Gjika
well said.
south albanian language tosk dialect south illyrian ppl
If they are greeks why do they sing in Albanian ??! Because i'm albanian and I understand all the words of the songs, do you understand them ??
topallia you got my message?
@petrosexual polyphonic singing is found throughout albania (north and south) where as it isnt found in Romania (if this was a Vlah tradition) it isnt found elsewhere in Greece either, other than the occupied Albanian lands which u call Epirus
Ka gjithmone e ma pak shqiptare qe i kendojne keto kenge... kur cdo minut greket bejne prova si ti kopjojne se e dine qe jane pjese e Historise se Epirit, dhe pa kopjuar folklorin NUK e marrin dot EPIRIN.
20 vjet i jap, dhe gjysma e shqiperise jo vetem do jete Greqi por edhe njer nuk do mbaj ment qe ka qene ndonjehere Shqiperi.
@dimitger1 Omg bist du HOHL :D die fustanella ? die ist 100 prozentig NICHT ursprünglich aus griechenland xD mal ohne spaß du kannst bisschen versuchen das recht auf deine seite zu ziehn aber das ist viel zu hart :D .. erst nachdem die griechen unabhängig wurden, haben sie die fustanella eingeführt und zwar haben sie die fustanella von den albanern/arvaniten übernommen ..
Jemi shume vone Andrea.
Kur ne nuk na ze gjumi 99 te tjere kane lindur duke fjetur.
Both cultures influenced each other, after all where did you get your scales from? Also remember Albania was under Roman rule for many centuries right up to the 7th Century AD. This type of music can also be attributed to the Vlax speaking people of Epiru near the Border of Albania and Greece. The Vlax Language is Latin and these people believe that they are Greek's but from the ancient Roman period. Most of the melodies we share with Albania come from Ancient Greek, Roman and Ottoman music.
Ju bekofte perendia, keshtu ju pafsha , me kenge ne goje.
me sa kam degjuar une vlonjatet u nisen me 50 e ca makina per ne himare dhe ishin ndaluar nga ushtria.
Je mi ne regull nu ka problem :).
Ndodhi nje keqkuptim! une per fjalen "llai" e bera lidhjen me gjuhen vllahe e cila prap ska asnje lidhje me gjuhen greke (megjithese ghuha vllahe ka influence dhe fjale te mara nga greqishtja,shqipja etj sipas zonave ku jane te vendosur vllehet. nuk di ta shpjegoj gramatikisht po perpiqem.
LLai eshte si thirrtime psh : O, ORE,etj.. LLai FICIOR(ore djale) LLAI TINI(ore ti)LLAI XHONE(ore trim) Vllahcja eshte gjuhe qe po humbet me gjenratat e reja.Shendet
Epirus este Greke edhe Arvanitet sjane Sqipetar
Shut up when you listen them singing.
If they are greek as you, then you must be albanian!!!!???!!!!
jepi jepi
Ja si eshte e verteta vella:
Greqia eshte shtet Fetar Orthodox.
Kisha Orthodokse eshte institucjoni nga e cila varen te gjitha institucjonet politike, si dhe sherbimet sekrete, ministrite etj.
Dmth, Kisha ne Greqi eshte themeli i Greqise.
Ne kishen Greke e kemi aktive ne te gjitha trojet e Shqiperise se Jugut. C'mendon ti se bejne keta njerez?
Pergjigjia eshte, tjetersimi/Greqizimi Ortodoks i popullates.
lol... bravo lab vellau! :D
Vella, she's Albanian from Dropulli, an area heavily influenced by the Greek Church and now from the Greek business and economic superiority.
That is why we have to be the best in everything! We have to bring back hope to our own people. Our number one private concern for now should beclimbing the most influential corporate ladders... investment banks, law firms, powerful political organizations, and head multibillion dollar businesses like large energy, automobile, and developing corporations
Die verstärkten griechischen Einflüsse zeigen sich besonders in der Entstehung und im Ausbau der befestigten Höhensiedlungen zu städtischen Zentralorten (z. B. Byllis und Berat).
Das zu albanischen monumente.
In Athen und Peloponnes gibt es kein Arvaniten auch nicht in Norden oder Westen,Osten Sueden des Landes und sind nie in der Grieschischen Geseelschaft aufgegengen.
Filmchen bilden ist nicht meine Sache.
Because Epirus is Albania.
Scanderbeg was Prince of Epirus, Northern Albania, and Mecedonia.
Some of them are from Dropulli, therefore Greek immigrants (argats)... but they know Albanian just like you and me.
I hate when people dont use their logic when is about nation, tradion and culture. the guardians in greekparliament wear Albanian clothes '' Fustanella'' and the other details are copied from Marko Bocari and other suliots or cameria, all north greek music is stolen from cameria or to be more honest the people who play that music are Albanians. to understand really this go protest to take down the law of war and than you will see what decision will take the tribunal of haga for north Greece, who is the real owner of those nice lands from preveza until ianina. another fact that shows you are not helen is the language you speak today has nothing to do with helenic language, the indipendence you won with Ali pasha and his mans, with suliot people, with camerias people. how you can be such assholes to dont see this facts and after to come to comment here. you are barbar people you killing such amazing traditions that come from very old time from Illyria. How you can be so hatefull with all your neighbors? with Makedonia you have problems, with Albania problems, with Turkey problems. how can it be we all are so wrong and you are so right? you are just lucky that the old bitch ( europe) support you more than you deserve thats it. Please stop bullshiting now and read to learn at least what you are and where you come from because your DNA doesnt belong to that territory where you are but in persia
1. es heisst Markos Mpotsaris.
2. Wie kann es sein das Mpotsaris nach deiner Meinung ein Arvanit am 21/8/1823 ein Heer mit Albanern und Arvaniten angegrifen hat. Komisch oder?
Theodoros Kolokotronis ist im Peloponnes geboren wo es keine Arvatniten gab und gibt.
Wegen Alexander den Grossen sei dir nicht so sicher!!!!
keta kendojn shqip po flasin greqisht
un se kuptoj pse e eqin veten per grek kta ndyrsirat apo jan te krishter prandaj?apo nga ato 300 euro ne muaj qe i jep qeverria greke pension?
Erstmal lern mal Geschichte.
Die Revolution fand in Peloponess statt ungefaehr 800 km vom heutigen Albanien.
Im heutigen sueden Albaniens gab es und gibt es Griechen darum habt Ihr auch die Fustanella.
Und Pontos ist keine Tracht sondern ein Gebiet in der heutigen Tuerkei.
Nenn mir bitte ein Monument bei Namen das die ganze Welt kennt.
Pastaj per cdo rezistence qe tregon popullata Shqiptare, njerez dhe "gazetare" te sabsiduar dhe sponsorizuar nga Kisha Greke, krijojne nje "Minoritet Interneti" dhe nje imazh extremist dhe jotolerant Shqiptar kundrejt ketij "minoriteti".
Ata njerez jane ketu ne youtube me 20 konto secili per vetem 2 arsye:
1) Ndarja psikollogjike e popullates Shqiptare (krijimi i ndjenjave neveritese kunder Shqipetareve mysliman)
2) Nxitja e Shqiptareve qe nuk pranojne kete infiltrim (qe te perdoret me tej)
I dont say that this songs at that video are Greek.
I told to topillar to read the history and ohter statistics he knows what i mean.
Welche Kultur?
Sag mir ein altes monument albanischer Herkunft?
Z.b China Aegypten Griechen Roemer haben was fuer die Nachwelt hinterlassen.
Griechen haben sich nicht in albanische Kultur integriert.
We are all balcans, enjoy the Music....
borders are made from people that dont like music......
yes and why isn;t it found among the Romanians in Romania, come on the Vlaxs came in these territories in the 15-16 century. They sing only the Tosk's polyphony why don't they sing the Lab's polyphony, exactly the same you are hearing here. It is recognized worldwide as Albanian tradition and is protected from UNESCO as a world heritage and named Albanian Iso Polyphony. You want a piece of the pie go take it in Romania.
The ruler of Greeks in Epirus??
You need some serious Geography lessons.
(btw, Jesus doesn't appreciate foul words)
here si kungull here si pjepen
Maybe some greeks apreciate albanians history,and traditions,and recognise them well..
Njera nga kenget eshte per cobenjte :P thot llai llai cobane (llai = more) :D
Akoma s'qenke rritur domethene.
Duhet te te veje mustaqja pas veshit, pa ea.
ajo eshte
(shqiptare prape... po e rritur me "frymen e shenjte")
Jo... gjysma jane nje grup Shqiptar, gjysma tjeter jane nje grup Dropullit.
Greqisht kendojne vetem ata te tavolines tjeter dhe kjo plaka dropullite... shqiptaret e shohin me dyshim, po skan c'bejne dhe kendojne se jane ne nje darke muzikore.
polifonik müziğe alışınca bizimkisi biraz boş gelir:)
@ValaDrinit OK if your really want to be close minded for the sake of clinging to identity then go ahead. The beauty of this video is Greeks and Albanians celebration song and culture together. If you really want to know the truth all European's especially eastern European (including Greece) have had so many invaders, changed kingdoms and migrations that it would be absolutely stupid to think we have not influenced each other or have been influenced by others both culturally and genetically.
this is albanian and not greek
tani na fole
lies noch einmal die geschichte!!!
slawen haben auch im heutigen albanien siedlungen gehabt!!
ihr habt nichts mit den Illirian gemeinsam den die waren Griechen!!!
ihr seit tuerkalbaner!! eure relegion beweist es und die vielen mischehen.
und nur so zur info wir Griechen haben mehrfach die Sprache synchroniesiert!!!
und in den albanischen dialekt gibt es auch ein paar wenige tuerkische woerter also nichts ist mit 2000 jahre die gleiche sprache!!! lol
Remember that both Albanian and Greece have been conquered by both Roman and Ottoman rule and we have both been influenced by them. Of course we cant forget how much ancient greek music has influenced both Greek, Roman and Albanian music. Does it not make more sense to both be unified and proud of these shared wonders we both have rather then argue like children over invisible boundaries. Your missing the Heart behind this video. Its about cultural unity not about nationalistic propaganda.
Petropolis101 there is nothing Roman here. This is pure illyrian/Albanian here. It runs in our blood to keep our culture and language alive no matter how many invaders have invaded we will still manage to keep our language an culture alive.
You think Vetetima your skin is more wk=hite that my?
i have seen lot albanians in germany there are look like turkish and i can talk so much i want in germany we have the right to do this
E na vjen shume keqe per gjuhen vllehe sepse çdo gjuhe ne bote eshte nje thesare qe pasurone kulturen boterore,veçese kane Bollanon ne Himare qe la gjuhenvllehe dhe mesoje Greqishten.
well done you make the albanian's proud, there is not such a place called{ grece} is all Albania mbani traditat se do vi dita edhe per ata gay greke
Per 3000 lesh mbase.
Ik mo na caj bithen tani, gomar muti.
U bene argatet e surretrit e vrare te thone se cilat jane tokat e tyre. Skane pasur buke goje te hane. U dhame shtepira, toka, pasuri... te gjitha ja falem, tani u bene te marren dhe ato qe su takon.
S'keni faj jo se keni kapur Salhin nga topet.
Gjerat do nderrohen. Toka rrotullohet.
Shume shpejt do ua qime temat sic ju a kemi qire ju Dropulliteve. Rraca bastarde duket qe ne te hapur te gojes.
ashtu kam edhe une.. dhe se gjysem bektashi
u duhet shuar fara fare
po dhe ju nuk jeni me te mire
jojo... ti je ne rregull
e kisha me stavro papajorgjin lol
Sot thojn te gjith jan grek 😂😂😂😂😂
da bist voellig falsch!!
aber was sollst so seit ihr alber eben nichts faehig nur klauen!!!
dont tuch chameria (epirus) grekistano or armenian chameria is albanian blod out from chameria grekistanos
@dimitger1 du swein ich kom aus holland und rede zo gut deutsch redest du hollandisch wie ich deutsch rede , pena. das stammt aus griechenland, wieso sind nur albaner die diese music machen. du weist ganix fon albaner das is alles albaner. fustanella is albaner. souliote is albaner arvanite sind albaner. du griechen habe die busoekoe muziek geh weg hier. was machst du hier kanst du das verstehn das sind honderd procent albanisher musik . pena. geh weg geh nach ein griechien youtube page.
they speak greek but if they are greek, why do they sing old albanian song from Arvanitika? ;) They are real arvanites-albanians :) if they was greek, they would't sing albanian... now documents proved that arvanites are albanians... half of greece are arvanites folks, some of them are assimilated and someone of them aren't assimilated... when some greek say that he or she are arvanites, then thats mean he or she are albanian not greek nowday.. by the way greeks people never exist 1821...!
These are Greeks NOT Turkoalbanians!
Why do they sing in Albanian?
Ajo pla nuk kendon vetem greqisht nqs e degjive mire dhe me sa shoh une eshte nje si tip takimi dhe manifestimi i traditave te secilit se po kendojne dhe shqip dhe greqisht.. dhe ai burri me kemishe flet greqisht aty
ajo plaka sikur sja mban mire ne te tera kenget..
What happened, you got struck by a lightening? lol
Why don't you go back to the fake Greek minority documentation and creation in Albania?
Because Epirus is Albania.
Scanderbeg was Prince of Epirus, Northern Albania, and Mecedonia.
Some of them are from Dropulli, therefore Greek immigrants (argats)... but they know Albanian just like you and me.