It was an honor to do this interview with you, brother - and what a cool backdrop! Thank you for all of your work and for your friendship, brother. Much love to you and your family.
Justin its very bad in Australia Bethel growing and reformed churches are very different to america they dont care about Leaders message on strange fire. They want to do their own thing like the charismatics.
I've been watching you for several years, I've really learned a lot of great things from you, especially about your seminar "Clouds without water" and the dangers of apostolic prosperity teachings of heretics. Thanks to you and more of God's immeasurable blessings🙏
Hey Mr.Peters, what the best way to get in touch with you? I’ve emailed a couple times with no response yet. I’m sure you’re busy, just wanted to ask a couple questions. Thanks!
When I first got falsely saved, I started praying that God would heal my lazy eye. I am a woman, and it was embarrassing to have it. I happen to talk to a lady about it in a Pentecostal church. She informed me that it was my lack of faith that caused me not to have my eye healed. I can’t begin to tell you how that set me on such a whirlwind of in and out of the church for 20+ years and how that damaged my walk with the lord. But praise God through the reading of scripture John MacArthur, Justin peters fighting for the faith and other amazing pastors like yourself. I am now walking with Christ not by feeling or emotion or experience but by faith God is good. God bless you brother.
Two God fearing men who don't compromise scripture and stay true to God's word. Especially making us aware of false teachers. I thank God for both of you.
Bcoz of Justin Peters, i had learned so much bout d scripture & my walk with d LORD. Wish i could meet him in person 1 day, God willing ☺️ Tqvm brethren
Brother Costi, really appreciate you and your ministry. Minister Peters is special, I've learned an immense amount from his ministry too - God bless you both!
The fact is, JP is not a Christian. He is a Godless man of the Godless world/church and its 100% counterfeit (antichrist) christianity. You have all been deceived.
I am so blessed to been introduced to these Godly men,helped tremendously in my Christian walk.I did have the opportunity to visit Costi Hinns church in Arizona and meet him....God bless you two,and your teachings... Thanks for helping to be discerning and watching out for false prophets.
I used to watch Joyce Meyer all throughout the week for several years up until maybe 2014 or 2015, and Joel Osteen, as well. I was still periodically going back to listen to Joel up until 2020, I believe, because he was just so encouraging and could always be counted on for a pick me up when needed - every message (which, in hindsight should have been a red flag as sin, repentance, the reality of suffering as a Christian are simply not discussed). But, I started to listen less and less as I began listening more and more to sound doctrine and actually reading more of the Bible, for myself. I grew up going to church, which I loved, attended Christian schools, and yet so much of the Bible I was unaware of. It was a painful break up, because I respected both of them, as well as trusted them, for so many years as teaching the truth of God’s word. But, as I learned more about the prosperity gospel, and as someone pointed out to me the false teachings of Joel Osteen, and as I began to research for myself, I found this the warnings to be based in biblical truth. I listened to an older teaching of Joyce Meyer where she taught that Jesus went to hell after being crucified and was basically stomped on by demons; that He was no longer the Son of God while on the cross up to where he commended His spirit to our Father; and that He was the first human to be born again, just as Justin mentioned. Yet, she also refers to Him as sinless in the same teaching elsewhere, which is confusing. I actually do think she’s taught some biblically sound messages, but there’s just too much that is not sound for me to continue listening to her. Honestly? It still saddens me.
I can relate to your comment. It was very overwhelming when I first heard the WOF & Prosperity teachers exposed. It took some time for me to get over the shock of being lied to, deceived, and manipulated.
Thank you for a great interview Mr. Hinn! I have followed Justin now for about 2yrs and he and others have enabled me to see through the Charismatic Movement quite clearly. May both your ministries continue to prosper.
You make a good point that people need to have these "religious experiences", a new spiritual "high", to see proof, to go onto to the next thing. Those are all a replacement for the real thing, that is focusing on our obedience to Christ and walking right with Him. There are many lows in the beginning doing things God's way. It takes patience and faith that in "His time" He'll do for you all that He's promised. We spend all of the first part of our walk with Him wandering the wildernesses of Sin and Sure. But He will eventually settle and establish you in the promised land if you stop running your own life and give it entirely to Him.
I didn’t know what a false teacher was until I saw Justin Peters break them down. Not just with name calling but actually playing the sermons and then opening up the Bible which thankfully I read often and then 20:02 showing the contradictions. These people are called charismatic because they are charismatic,well spoken, well dressed and very likable. Unfortunately they are not who they portray themselves to be because they are leading their flocks in the wrong direction which is closer to them and further from Christ. The Bible warns us of false teachers because it’s true. Be careful 🙏
Thankyou so much, Costi.Will appreciate your views on Craig Hill, please. We have family and friends that follow his teaching of ancient Jewish secrets. Thankyou very much.
Thank goodness I left the false movement because of videos like these. For years I was fleeced by the false pastors, getting angry and disappointed with God on why he didn’t heal me or bless me financially only to find out later that God didn’t owe me anything. He only promised me eternal life if I trusted in Jesus and repented from my sins. Thank you to the “real” teachers of the word….
MVP,....The fact is, you are every bit as blind, lost, and deceived as you ever were. These guys are 100% false teachers. You have only gone from one deception right into another deception and fake christianity. Repent!
EDK,.....These guys are only brothers to fake christians. They do not belong to the Jesus of the Bible, they belong to the fake jesus of the apostate church.
I like what you said about preachers who talk about themselves a lot. Recently I had to listen to John Bevere as part of a group. I used to like him many years ago, but something doesn't sit right any more. He often talks about himself and his experiences. He also really pushes church authority, in other words, you must do as I say without question. I just feel like I'm listening to a used car sales man. Another that didn't sit right with me, though many people love, was Tim Keller. He just seemed to see some things from a perspective that grated against me. Why? I could not put my finger on it. I did not agree with his Prodigal God perspective and have since found out he had leanings towards the acceptance of abortion and homosexuality, though I heard that second hand, so cannot really attest to that. Thank you both for your sound teachings. I find today that I'm safer listening to very old sermons from teachers in the 1600's, 1800's and early 1900's and of course, the Bible itself.
Ok, I have heeded your message and cut ties with Elevation, Bethel, Church of the Highlands (that hurt), Jesus Culture, Jensen Franklin, Paula White, and the Charismatic movement…now what? Where do I go now? Cannot do Southern Baptist. No growth in Reformed Baptist? Not Catholic or Episcopalian! Where do I go to church now?!
If you are not rooted and grounded in God's Word you will easily fall into false teachings and these false teachers aren't getting any less, but we know that the Trusth will always overcome falls doctrine.
I used to have nightmares about benny hinn being a false teacher an i would wake up crying cause he was my favorite one as a little girl but when u called him out i knew you were speaking the truth 😢
Absolutely you need to preach the right Jesus in truth and spirit not a jesus that conforms to the things of this world ruled by Satan. Justin Peeters is absolutely doing work that is absolutely necessary to protect the gospel.
David, here are links to the two previous episodes Justin has been a special guest on:
He must correct those who are in opposition with “courtesy and gentleness” in the hope that God may grant that they will repent and be led to the knowledge of the truth [accurately understanding and welcoming it], and that they may come to their senses and escape from the trap of the devil, having been held captive by him to do his will.” 2 Timothy 2:25-26 AMP
Mike gendron said there's a certain things that evangelism is not its not imposing our beliefs its not getting people to accept Jesus we want them to trust Jesus to believe in Jesus to have faith in Jesus
And mike gendron said two Approaches to witnessing God's way Goal- make disciples tell them God our creator has absolute claims on his creatures and then explain what he requires of us glorify Jesus by sharing all of the saviors attributes call them to repent and believe the gospel to be reconciled to God mans way Goal- get decisions tell them God loves us and has a wonderful plan for our life ask them to Repeat a sinners prayer and accept Jesus mans way leads to false converts
Hey guys, those folks that you spoke about or against have never spoken back or called your names out till now… Isn’t it obvious that they knew how to walk in love better than you…
God as you say, still does miracles. When a person has truly given themselves to God, God Anoints them with the Gifts of the Holy Spirit. You cannot teach this. You can only teach a person to discipline their flesh, their mind, so they get out of the way of God & believe, trust, hope & have confidence in God. The Supernatural work is only from God, not the flesh. So how can they have a Supernatural College? Re Bill Johnson - As you point out, this man's wife died of cancer. And you pointed out elsewhere his son is deaf & I think you said a child died?....& I'm happy you're exposing fakes. Because they are wolves & snakes in the grass. People don't understand, they are fooled. It's the duty of those who know to make others aware. I tried to tell people for the last 20 years, since I saw him, he has no healing power, but they didn't believe me. OK God works 'through' us in a sense, but we don't do it - God does it. We step aside. God is mysterious & hard to understand, we must humble ourselves.
The only problem is JP is also a false teacher. Just in different ways. Don't believe me? Ask him if you can take the Mark of the Beast and still have salvation
Annoyingly noisy sound recording. Do the job properly next time. Also when it comes to this. Regards >Jack (sound engineer). Thanks to both of you, for all the sound teaching!
Are you serious or just tore out most of the pages out of your Bible that the word Elect happens to be ? God Sovereignty not ours. But you obviously orchestrate the Works of Creation.
I pray for Justin Peters and I thank God for his ministry and calling out false teachers. So many are purposely led astray and are on the wide road of destruction because of wolves in sheep's clothing that use God's Name for their own vain and gain.
I'd probably agree that some of the people these two have called out are false, but they (these two) are also Calvinist, false teachers. They believe in all the doctrines of Calvinism that are easily disproven using the bible alone. Example - Jesus did not die for everyone. The things they believe are not in the bible unless you view it with a Calvinist lens, then twist it to fit your doctrine.
@@keith3362 you can’t make any valid argument if you have not read and study the Bible in its entirety, it’s not about John Calvin, he was a man, it’s about God and his word, it’s beyond clear that He chooses whom He pleases too, read all those verses, it’s very clear and simple. Question, we are called the slaves of Christ, do masters choose their slaves or they wait for them to come on their own will? No one will go to Christ unless He brings them. This is not my opinion, it is Scripture.
@@OlgaSmirnova1 the means for salvation is Jesus dying and redeeming us. The requirement is leaving the sinful life and putting your faith in Jesus. It’s not a magic lottery. I can prove that all over the new and Old Testament. In Him, you also, after listening to the message of truth, the gospel of your salvation-having also believed, you were sealed in Him with the Holy Spirit of promise, (Ephesians 1:13, NASB) But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, even to those who believe in His name, (John 1:12, NASB) He who believes in the Son has eternal life; but he who does not obey the Son will not see life, but the wrath of God abides on him.” (John 3:36, NASB) He who believes in Me, as the Scripture said, ‘From his innermost being will flow rivers of living water.'” (John 7:38, NASB) For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek. (Romans 1:16, NASB) For what does the Scripture say? “ABRAHAM BELIEVED GOD, AND IT WAS CREDITED TO HIM AS RIGHTEOUSNESS.” (Romans 4:3, NASB) Now to the one who works, his wage is not credited as a favor, but as what is due. (Romans 4:4, NASB) But to the one who does not work, but believes in Him who justifies the ungodly, his faith is credited as righteousness, (Romans 4:5, NASB) that if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved; (Romans 10:9, NASB) But the Scripture has shut up everyone under sin, so that the promise by faith in Jesus Christ might be given to those who believe. (Galatians 3:22, NASB) And Paul literally said HE made himself a slave - ‘For though I am free from all men, I have made myself a slave to all, so that I may win more’. (1 Corinthians 9:19, NASB) You really have to be blinded by the doctrines of Calvinism to not see the truth. Because to see the truth you have to let go of Calvinism.
@@OlgaSmirnova1 no I can answer all of those by the scriptures I posted of which you commented on NONE. The elect are the ones who believe in Jesus. We are saved BY FAITH, THROUGH GRACE. Calvinist doctrine is you are saved by election not faith.
Justin proclaiming the true gospel? All i every hear this guy do is bash other pastors. Im willing to bet he dosent like faith healing churches or charsmatic churches (& yes i have seen some miracles happen in church) because he is butthurt that he cant get up & walk
saw Justin Peter's video re Bethel School. He showed what goes on there. Rock music with dozens of college kids doing 'fire tunnel, head butting' 'male necking' & puppet biting people.' What's going on? Laughing like mad. It was kind of a college age acting crazy party, high on drugs & alcohol. Having fun. But how is this a school? I don't get it. It does not seem to be a school teaching about God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, anything of the Higher Dimension. Don't know how Bill Johnson gets away with it. There are times when we 'have fun' but there are times to learn about God. This seems 'fun' but not God. Who in their right mind believes in this school?
I don't know what video you are talking about. But I attended the Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry for two years. A part from a 'fire tunnel' and some laughing (of which I was an observer, not a participant), I never witnessed anything else that which you are describing. It would seem to me that Justin Peters is cherry picking for his videos. My overall experience at BSSM was a positive one. I had a bible reading plan and took notes for the lectures everyday. Many that I've saved on my computer. I spent a full term on basic orthodoxy and biblical history. I took many electives on different subjects - like a historical study in the book of Daniel to the practical applications of church planting. I could go further into my experiences but that's just a drop in the bucket for you.
OK...let's talk about JUDGING. Just don't do it the WORD of GOD says. Even if it is obvious to your physical eye that someone may appear to be wrong. DON'T DO IT the Bible says. Let's see why. The best example of a person that deserved to be judged but wasn't was the woman caught in adultery passage. They caught her in the act. RED HANDED. Dragged her out to the city gates to stone her and Jesus comes upon this and saves her life with the famous quote, "HE WHO IS WITHOUT SIN CAST THE FIRST STONE." Meaning of this was...OK you CAN stone her if you are sinless. Of course ONLY Jesus is sinless and that is WHY HE WILL JUDGE BOTH THE LIVING AND THE DEAD the Bible says. So I was watching a TH-cam video exposing false prophets right... Sounds informative. But God's WORD reminded me that judging ANYONE is wrong because we don't know the thoughts and intentions of any person. ONLY THE LORD DOES. It may look obvious to you that you are OK in saying someone is NOT a CHRISTIAN but it is NOT BIBLICAL TO DO THIS. God' Holy WORD says DON'T JUDGE. And I know that everyone uses and abuses this. BUT IT DOESN'T CHANGE ITS MESSAGE. People rightfully run to this...backsliders, sinners, adulterers...because it ISN'T a condoning verse to sin but it recognizes an important TRUTH: JESUS ALONE IS THE JUDGE. The BIBLE even says to regard the LOG in your own eye (in other words look at and examine your own sin first) before you expose the speck in your brothers eye. Now, a warning... THE MEASURE BY WHICH YOU JUDGE OR EXPOSE OTHERS WILL BE THE MEASURE OF JUDGEMENT UPON YOU BY THE LORD JESUS CHRIST. So, no matter how obvious the sin or how horrible the matter if they are a preacher that is in sin or a prostitute in obvious error....WE ARE TO JUDGE NO ONE unless we also want to be JUDGED back the same by JESUS CHRIST. I hope that if you have been exposing others and judging others that this warning has awakened you to the truth. STOP. You are only piling on judgment for yourself later. JESUS is the JUDGE. HE alone is the DOOR to salvation for all. And HE is fully aware of where everyone is. SO let JESUS draw, clean, and sanctify the LOST without you giving HIM a hand. God BLESS you and have a great day!!!
MG,...The fact is, these two are indeed fellow brothers to all the phony preachers in all the other churches. Like all the apostate churches phony preachers, these two have nothing whatsoever to do with the God, Jesus, nor Christianity of the Bible. You are completely deceived. Repent!
The false teachers themselves may never turn away from their foolishness. But ☝🏻 I have seen many a comment about how people were once deceived by a false teacher and was convicted and therefore turned away. So I think in large part, Justin does this for those people.
@@Karen_Rollins89 Many comment does not mean they come from a local church. Cause its not changing the land and charismatic dont even know about Justin and dont want to know. Also its been going on for a long time so why i asked what is the point? And what is the point for us too? Have you spoke to a charismatic friend about what Justin has said? Its like all these warning but it cant be used. Do you see? Not even pastor can use it! Like strange fire it just got back log from leader like Dr Brown. Its very disheartening.
SIC,....You have been totally deceived. These two like the charismatics they expose also have nothing to do with the Bibles Christianity. These guys are false teachers and are also completely outside of the kingdom of God.
Matthew 15:14 (KJV) Let them alone: they be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch. Justin is confusing correcting a fellow brother with calling out a leader . Shows poor understanding. Hebrews 5:12 (KJV) For when for the time ye ought to be teachers, ye have need that one teach you again which [be] the first principles of the oracles of God; and are become such as have need of milk, and not of strong meat.
If you guys are that good, please go get the unsaved … or do something more meaning… don’t waste time here trying to get christians to choose side … or just trying to get followers to follow you and support you financially (come on, ppl know what are you guys up to)
It was an honor to do this interview with you, brother - and what a cool backdrop! Thank you for all of your work and for your friendship, brother. Much love to you and your family.
Justin its very bad in Australia Bethel growing and reformed churches are very different to america they dont care about Leaders message on strange fire. They want to do their own thing like the charismatics.
I've been watching you for several years, I've really learned a lot of great things from you, especially about your seminar "Clouds without water" and the dangers of apostolic prosperity teachings of heretics. Thanks to you and more of God's immeasurable blessings🙏
Thanks for sharing the pure gospel and truth.
Justin, you do not call out Preachers that you like… now do you?
Hey Mr.Peters, what the best way to get in touch with you? I’ve emailed a couple times with no response yet. I’m sure you’re busy, just wanted to ask a couple questions. Thanks!
When I first got falsely saved, I started praying that God would heal my lazy eye. I am a woman, and it was embarrassing to have it. I happen to talk to a lady about it in a Pentecostal church. She informed me that it was my lack of faith that caused me not to have my eye healed. I can’t begin to tell you how that set me on such a whirlwind of in and out of the church for 20+ years and how that damaged my walk with the lord. But praise God through the reading of scripture John MacArthur, Justin peters fighting for the faith and other amazing pastors like yourself. I am now walking with Christ not by feeling or emotion or experience but by faith God is good. God bless you brother.
Sister, I am sorry but you’ve made me laugh, praying over your lazy eye.
Please do t take it wrong, I just find it very funny.
Two God fearing men who don't compromise scripture and stay true to God's word. Especially making us aware of false teachers. I thank God for both of you.
I consider Justin my brother in Christ, as well as a new friend, who has a ministry that is very, very much needed in our time!
Very solid take as always. Thankfully Justin Peters and Costi Hinn are will to speak out against false doctrine and false teachings.
I've been saved for two years now, American Gospel is where I first heard of both of you. Thank you both for your honest labor for the gospel.
How we need biblically wise, mature teachers who are grounded in The Word and rightly divide that Word. Thank you.
Keep blowing the Trumpet Justin
Bcoz of Justin Peters, i had learned so much bout d scripture & my walk with d LORD. Wish i could meet him in person 1 day, God willing ☺️ Tqvm brethren
Brother Costi, really appreciate you and your ministry. Minister Peters is special, I've learned an immense amount from his ministry too - God bless you both!
The fact is, JP is not a Christian. He is a Godless man of the Godless world/church and its 100% counterfeit (antichrist) christianity. You have all been deceived.
I am so blessed to been introduced to these Godly men,helped tremendously in my Christian walk.I did have the opportunity to visit Costi Hinns church in Arizona and meet him....God bless you two,and your teachings...
Thanks for helping to be discerning and watching out for false prophets.
Love from Minnesota ❤
2 awesome God fearing men who not only Expose the FALSE but preach the TRUTH
Justin calls it as he sees it !!! 🙏❤️
LV,....JP is a false teacher and is not a Christian. You have been deceived. Repent!
Just found your ministry through your short videos! Praise God! God bless you!
Thank you, Costi and Justin, so much. ❤ from Australia 🦘🪃🤗🇦🇺
I used to watch Joyce Meyer all throughout the week for several years up until maybe 2014 or 2015, and Joel Osteen, as well. I was still periodically going back to listen to Joel up until 2020, I believe, because he was just so encouraging and could always be counted on for a pick me up when needed - every message (which, in hindsight should have been a red flag as sin, repentance, the reality of suffering as a Christian are simply not discussed). But, I started to listen less and less as I began listening more and more to sound doctrine and actually reading more of the Bible, for myself. I grew up going to church, which I loved, attended Christian schools, and yet so much of the Bible I was unaware of. It was a painful break up, because I respected both of them, as well as trusted them, for so many years as teaching the truth of God’s word. But, as I learned more about the prosperity gospel, and as someone pointed out to me the false teachings of Joel Osteen, and as I began to research for myself, I found this the warnings to be based in biblical truth. I listened to an older teaching of Joyce Meyer where she taught that Jesus went to hell after being crucified and was basically stomped on by demons; that He was no longer the Son of God while on the cross up to where he commended His spirit to our Father; and that He was the first human to be born again, just as Justin mentioned. Yet, she also refers to Him as sinless in the same teaching elsewhere, which is confusing. I actually do think she’s taught some biblically sound messages, but there’s just too much that is not sound for me to continue listening to her. Honestly? It still saddens me.
I can relate to your comment. It was very overwhelming when I first heard the WOF & Prosperity teachers exposed. It took some time for me to get over the shock of being lied to, deceived, and manipulated.
Love Justin Peters.
We need more people like you and justin coming out on tv too, because a lot of this is not getting to all the outside world.
Wonderful may God bless your faithfulness glad to hear from pastor Justin Peter's..God bless your ministry
Thank you for a great interview Mr. Hinn! I have followed Justin now for about 2yrs and he and others have enabled me to see through the Charismatic Movement quite clearly. May both your ministries continue to prosper.
Wonderfully interview, thank you Justin and Costi, thank you for your faithful teaching.
Love all the content from this ministry! Thanks Costi!
These videos are amazing!! Thank you!
Thank you for your ministries, both of you. I highly valued this🙏🏻ALL GLORY TO GOD.
This is because you do not understand the Bible. These two are both false teachers. You have been deceived. Repent!
You make a good point that people need to have these "religious experiences", a new spiritual "high", to see proof, to go onto to the next thing. Those are all a replacement for the real thing, that is focusing on our obedience to Christ and walking right with Him. There are many lows in the beginning doing things God's way. It takes patience and faith that in "His time" He'll do for you all that He's promised. We spend all of the first part of our walk with Him wandering the wildernesses of Sin and Sure. But He will eventually settle and establish you in the promised land if you stop running your own life and give it entirely to Him.
I didn’t know what a false teacher was until I saw Justin Peters break them down. Not just with name calling but actually playing the sermons and then opening up the Bible which thankfully I read often and then 20:02 showing the contradictions. These people are called charismatic because they are charismatic,well spoken, well dressed and very likable. Unfortunately they are not who they portray themselves to be because they are leading their flocks in the wrong direction which is closer to them and further from Christ. The Bible warns us of false teachers because it’s true. Be careful 🙏
I’d go as far as saying, that “some false teachers are actually demons”. God bless all with the full armor of the Lord.
Thankyou so much, Costi.Will appreciate your views on Craig Hill, please. We have family and friends that follow his teaching of ancient Jewish secrets.
Thankyou very much.
This was timely as a Christian friend just told me it isn’t right to call out false teachers. Sending her this.
CD,....The problem is, these two are just as false as are those they point out. They are just the pot calling the kettle black.
Thank goodness I left the false movement because of videos like these. For years I was fleeced by the false pastors, getting angry and disappointed with God on why he didn’t heal me or bless me financially only to find out later that God didn’t owe me anything. He only promised me eternal life if I trusted in Jesus and repented from my sins. Thank you to the “real” teachers of the word….
MVP,....The fact is, you are every bit as blind, lost, and deceived as you ever were. These guys are 100% false teachers. You have only gone from one deception right into another deception and fake christianity. Repent!
Love the content! Is there maybe someone who can remove the low rumbling room noise in future videos?
I enjoyed that conversation !
Love listening to you both ❤ Thank you!
Thank you both brothers in Christ 😊
EDK,.....These guys are only brothers to fake christians. They do not belong to the Jesus of the Bible, they belong to the fake jesus of the apostate church.
I like what you said about preachers who talk about themselves a lot. Recently I had to listen to John Bevere as part of a group. I used to like him many years ago, but something doesn't sit right any more. He often talks about himself and his experiences. He also really pushes church authority, in other words, you must do as I say without question. I just feel like I'm listening to a used car sales man.
Another that didn't sit right with me, though many people love, was Tim Keller. He just seemed to see some things from a perspective that grated against me. Why? I could not put my finger on it. I did not agree with his Prodigal God perspective and have since found out he had leanings towards the acceptance of abortion and homosexuality, though I heard that second hand, so cannot really attest to that.
Thank you both for your sound teachings. I find today that I'm safer listening to very old sermons from teachers in the 1600's, 1800's and early 1900's and of course, the Bible itself.
Is this the right place to confess I started watching because I read Costi Hinn was talking with Jordan Peterson about false teachers 😂
Justin Peters
@@jilllowry2962 yes thanks I got that fairly quickly 🤭
Thank you for this.
Ok, I have heeded your message and cut ties with Elevation, Bethel, Church of the Highlands (that hurt), Jesus Culture, Jensen Franklin, Paula White, and the Charismatic movement…now what? Where do I go now? Cannot do Southern Baptist. No growth in Reformed Baptist? Not Catholic or Episcopalian! Where do I go to church now?!
Hi Jane have you found a solid biblical church?
If you are not rooted and grounded in God's Word you will easily fall into false teachings and these false teachers aren't getting any less, but we know that the Trusth will always overcome falls doctrine.
1 Timothy 6, 2 Timothy 4, 1 John 4, Mathew 7:15-20. To name a few
I used to have nightmares about benny hinn being a false teacher an i would wake up crying cause he was my favorite one as a little girl but when u called him out i knew you were speaking the truth 😢
And Pastors, who do not Preach about Hell and Damnation as well as Repent for there Sins,Get Baptize, and Spread the Gospel!
Absolutely you need to preach the right Jesus in truth and spirit not a jesus that conforms to the things of this world ruled by Satan. Justin Peeters is absolutely doing work that is absolutely necessary to protect the gospel.
Wow! You are so right my Brothers!
So what podcast was he on with you prior? You mention that in the beginning. I’d like to listen to that
David, here are links to the two previous episodes Justin has been a special guest on:
@@forthegospelmin thank you!
Great video. ^•^
He must correct those who are in opposition with “courtesy
in the hope that
God may grant that they will repent and be led to the knowledge of the truth [accurately understanding and welcoming it], and
that they may come to their senses and escape from the trap of the devil, having been held captive by him to do his will.”
2 Timothy 2:25-26 AMP
Wolves in churches are rampant. Beware of False Apostles (2 Corinthians 11:13). False Prophets (Matthew 7:15). False Teachers (2 Peter 2:3). False Motives (Philippians 1:18). False Humility (Colossians 2:18). False Love (Romans 13:10). False Faith (Matthew 7:21). False Hope (Ephesians 5:6). False Light (2 Corinthians 11:14). False Christ (Mark 13:22). Many ministers can walk, talk and look like Christ Apostles. Watch out for the next Judas.
Mike gendron said there's a certain things that evangelism is not its not imposing our beliefs its not getting people to accept Jesus we want them to trust Jesus to believe in Jesus to have faith in Jesus
Certain men and women have crept in!
people are always hungry to see the 'tangible' they keep following the 'new thing'..:(
And mike gendron said two Approaches to witnessing God's way Goal- make disciples tell them God our creator has absolute claims on his creatures and then explain what he requires of us glorify Jesus by sharing all of the saviors attributes call them to repent and believe the gospel to be reconciled to God mans way Goal- get decisions tell them God loves us and has a wonderful plan for our life ask them to Repeat a sinners prayer and accept Jesus mans way leads to false converts
Doubt looking for proof 👍
Hey guys, those folks that you spoke about or against have never spoken back or called your names out till now… Isn’t it obvious that they knew how to walk in love better than you…
And yet, the false doctrine of remarriage on "biblical grounds of divorce" continue.
Don’t forget Jesse Duplantis.
God as you say, still does miracles. When a person has truly given themselves to God, God Anoints them with the Gifts of the Holy Spirit. You cannot teach this. You can only teach a person to discipline their flesh, their mind, so they get out of the way of God & believe, trust, hope & have confidence in God. The Supernatural work is only from God, not the flesh. So how can they have a Supernatural College? Re Bill Johnson - As you point out, this man's wife died of cancer. And you pointed out elsewhere his son is deaf & I think you said a child died?....& I'm happy you're exposing fakes. Because they are wolves & snakes in the grass. People don't understand, they are fooled. It's the duty of those who know to make others aware. I tried to tell people for the last 20 years, since I saw him, he has no healing power, but they didn't believe me. OK God works 'through' us in a sense, but we don't do it - God does it. We step aside. God is mysterious & hard to understand, we must humble ourselves.
Discipline the Flesh? hoodwinked by Satan where you believe your perfectionism won’t fail you.
JP calls out others because he has no other message.
Because it’s low hanging fruit
In addition wolves in churches all mention Jesus but they have hearts of Betrayal.
Why do TBN Cater to False Preachers?As Black Theology, Social Theology, and to the Snuggle Theology, lol!!!
The only problem is JP is also a false teacher. Just in different ways. Don't believe me? Ask him if you can take the Mark of the Beast and still have salvation
Annoyingly noisy sound recording. Do the job properly next time. Also when it comes to this. Regards >Jack (sound engineer). Thanks to both of you, for all the sound teaching!
This is not sound teaching. It is false teaching from two fake christians.
Yes, call out false teachers and question how biblical Calvinism is at the same time! Amen.
Are you serious or just tore out most of the pages out of your Bible that the word Elect happens to be ? God Sovereignty not ours. But you obviously orchestrate the Works of Creation.
I pray for Justin Peters and I thank God for his ministry and calling out false teachers. So many are purposely led astray and are on the wide road of destruction because of wolves in sheep's clothing that use God's Name for their own vain and gain.
Like smoke from the abyss, the majority of today’s false teachers have risen up from the depths of the rapture-centred dispensational movement. ✔️
Listening to Justin brought me out the charismatic hole that was terrible
I'd probably agree that some of the people these two have called out are false, but they (these two) are also Calvinist, false teachers. They believe in all the doctrines of Calvinism that are easily disproven using the bible alone. Example - Jesus did not die for everyone. The things they believe are not in the bible unless you view it with a Calvinist lens, then twist it to fit your doctrine.
Have you skipped all these?
Romans 8:29-30, Ephesians 1:4-6, Mathew 11:27, John 6:35-39, 60-65, IIThessalonias 2:13-14
@@OlgaSmirnova1 No I haven’t. You have to be reading the Bible with a Calvinist lens to think they support Calvinism. They don’t.
@@keith3362 you can’t make any valid argument if you have not read and study the Bible in its entirety, it’s not about John Calvin, he was a man, it’s about God and his word, it’s beyond clear that He chooses whom He pleases too, read all those verses, it’s very clear and simple.
Question, we are called the slaves of Christ, do masters choose their slaves or they wait for them to come on their own will?
No one will go to Christ unless He brings them.
This is not my opinion, it is Scripture.
@@OlgaSmirnova1 the means for salvation is Jesus dying and redeeming us. The requirement is leaving the sinful life and putting your faith in Jesus. It’s not a magic lottery. I can prove that all over the new and Old Testament.
In Him, you also, after listening to the message of truth, the gospel of your salvation-having also believed, you were sealed in Him with the Holy Spirit of promise, (Ephesians 1:13, NASB)
But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, even to those who believe in His name, (John 1:12, NASB)
He who believes in the Son has eternal life; but he who does not obey the Son will not see life, but the wrath of God abides on him.” (John 3:36, NASB)
He who believes in Me, as the Scripture said, ‘From his innermost being will flow rivers of living water.'” (John 7:38, NASB)
For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek. (Romans 1:16, NASB)
For what does the Scripture say? “ABRAHAM BELIEVED GOD, AND IT WAS CREDITED TO HIM AS RIGHTEOUSNESS.” (Romans 4:3, NASB) Now to the one who works, his wage is not credited as a favor, but as what is due. (Romans 4:4, NASB) But to the one who does not work, but believes in Him who justifies the ungodly, his faith is credited as righteousness, (Romans 4:5, NASB)
that if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved; (Romans 10:9, NASB)
But the Scripture has shut up everyone under sin, so that the promise by faith in Jesus Christ might be given to those who believe. (Galatians 3:22, NASB)
And Paul literally said HE made himself a slave -
‘For though I am free from all men, I have made myself a slave to all, so that I may win more’. (1 Corinthians 9:19, NASB)
You really have to be blinded by the doctrines of Calvinism to not see the truth. Because to see the truth you have to let go of Calvinism.
@@OlgaSmirnova1 no I can answer all of those by the scriptures I posted of which you commented on NONE. The elect are the ones who believe in Jesus. We are saved BY FAITH, THROUGH GRACE. Calvinist doctrine is you are saved by election not faith.
Tim Ross is false as well
Justin proclaiming the true gospel? All i every hear this guy do is bash other pastors.
Im willing to bet he dosent like faith healing churches or charsmatic churches (& yes i have seen some miracles happen in church) because he is butthurt that he cant get up & walk
saw Justin Peter's video re Bethel School. He showed what goes on there. Rock music with dozens of college kids doing 'fire tunnel, head butting' 'male necking' & puppet biting people.' What's going on? Laughing like mad. It was kind of a college age acting crazy party, high on drugs & alcohol. Having fun. But how is this a school? I don't get it. It does not seem to be a school teaching about God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, anything of the Higher Dimension. Don't know how Bill Johnson gets away with it. There are times when we 'have fun' but there are times to learn about God. This seems 'fun' but not God. Who in their right mind believes in this school?
I don't know what video you are talking about. But I attended the Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry for two years.
A part from a 'fire tunnel' and some laughing (of which I was an observer, not a participant), I never witnessed anything else that which you are describing. It would seem to me that Justin Peters is cherry picking for his videos.
My overall experience at BSSM was a positive one. I had a bible reading plan and took notes for the lectures everyday. Many that I've saved on my computer. I spent a full term on basic orthodoxy and biblical history. I took many electives on different subjects - like a historical study in the book of Daniel to the practical applications of church planting.
I could go further into my experiences but that's just a drop in the bucket for you.
OK...let's talk about JUDGING.
Just don't do it the WORD of GOD says. Even if it is obvious to your physical eye that someone may appear to be wrong. DON'T DO IT the Bible says. Let's see why.
The best example of a person that deserved to be judged but wasn't was the woman caught in adultery passage. They caught her in the act. RED HANDED. Dragged her out to the city gates to stone her and Jesus comes upon this and saves her life with the famous quote, "HE WHO IS WITHOUT SIN CAST THE FIRST STONE." Meaning of this was...OK you CAN stone her if you are sinless. Of course ONLY Jesus is sinless and that is WHY HE WILL JUDGE BOTH THE LIVING AND THE DEAD the Bible says.
So I was watching a TH-cam video exposing false prophets right...
Sounds informative.
But God's WORD reminded me that judging ANYONE is wrong because we don't know the thoughts and intentions of any person. ONLY THE LORD DOES. It may look obvious to you that you are OK in saying someone is NOT a CHRISTIAN but it is NOT BIBLICAL TO DO THIS.
God' Holy WORD says DON'T JUDGE. And I know that everyone uses and abuses this. BUT IT DOESN'T CHANGE ITS MESSAGE. People rightfully run to this...backsliders, sinners, adulterers...because it ISN'T a condoning verse to sin but it recognizes an important TRUTH: JESUS ALONE IS THE JUDGE.
The BIBLE even says to regard the LOG in your own eye (in other words look at and examine your own sin first) before you expose the speck in your brothers eye.
Now, a warning...
THE MEASURE BY WHICH YOU JUDGE OR EXPOSE OTHERS WILL BE THE MEASURE OF JUDGEMENT UPON YOU BY THE LORD JESUS CHRIST. So, no matter how obvious the sin or how horrible the matter if they are a preacher that is in sin or a prostitute in obvious error....WE ARE TO JUDGE NO ONE unless we also want to be JUDGED back the same by JESUS CHRIST.
I hope that if you have been exposing others and judging others that this warning has awakened you to the truth. STOP.
You are only piling on judgment for yourself later.
JESUS is the JUDGE. HE alone is the DOOR to salvation for all. And HE is fully aware of where everyone is. SO let JESUS draw, clean, and sanctify the LOST without you giving HIM a hand.
God BLESS you and have a great day!!!
John 7:24
Judge righteously. Jesus said so.
@@dons1177 thank you...always open to learning from the Word of God
"Why you throwing stones at fellow brothers and believers?"
Cringy. Those charlatans are anything, but that.
MG,...The fact is, these two are indeed fellow brothers to all the phony preachers in all the other churches. Like all the apostate churches phony preachers, these two have nothing whatsoever to do with the God, Jesus, nor Christianity of the Bible. You are completely deceived. Repent!
BUt what the point of speaking it when the charismatic wont listen??? And never will??? Falling on death ears. We dont need it but they do?????
The false teachers themselves may never turn away from their foolishness. But ☝🏻 I have seen many a comment about how people were once deceived by a false teacher and was convicted and therefore turned away. So I think in large part, Justin does this for those people.
@@Karen_Rollins89 Many comment does not mean they come from a local church. Cause its not changing the land and charismatic dont even know about Justin and dont want to know. Also its been going on for a long time so why i asked what is the point? And what is the point for us too? Have you spoke to a charismatic friend about what Justin has said? Its like all these warning but it cant be used. Do you see? Not even pastor can use it! Like strange fire it just got back log from leader like Dr Brown. Its very disheartening.
SIC,....You have been totally deceived. These two like the charismatics they expose also have nothing to do with the Bibles Christianity. These guys are false teachers and are also completely outside of the kingdom of God.
This actually is false teaching !
Actually? 😂
Matthew 15:14 (KJV)
Let them alone: they be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch.
Justin is confusing correcting a fellow brother with calling out a leader .
Shows poor understanding.
Hebrews 5:12 (KJV)
For when for the time ye ought to be teachers, ye have need that one teach you again which [be] the first principles of the oracles of God; and are become such as have need of milk, and not of strong meat.
JH,....Yes, these scriptures apply to these two false preachers. They are nothing but the blind leading the blind.
Their pride will never let them come to truth .
If you guys are that good, please go get the unsaved … or do something more meaning… don’t waste time here trying to get christians to choose side … or just trying to get followers to follow you and support you financially (come on, ppl know what are you guys up to)
Truth in Scripture alone❤
My point is: Why do you guys make a career out of killing others ?
Modern day Pharissees run run 🏃♂️
Are y’all still celebrating pagan holidays Costi? All this knowledge and still haven’t learned the truth?