Big up Sweet Anita for giving such honest answers to our nosy questions! What questions do you have about Tourettes syndrome that you want Sweet Anita to answer? 🇳🇺
Think that's funny talking about it death like this, yous are not funny blowing your own trumpets, giving a platform for terribly mis informed reality!! Who does this bitch think she is. Well guess what am wanting to be offensive to your and this podcast, this is just disgusting invite me on this show to let me ask the shallow little questions you are asking,
@@004lucas4 They literally started off by saying they asked her beforehand, and asked for permission again before they started if it was okay and she said yes. What the fuck is your problem......Dont watch the damn content if it pisses you off because shes very clearly open and okay talking about it or else she would have said no. Youre the problem here buddy.
To think of all the horrid shit she's been through and yet she still has a sense of humour and has a positive outlook on life. I've had a pretty horrendous year not even considering covid and lockdowns etc, and it's nothing compared to so much of her life. She is truly an admirable person.
As someone that has tics I really appreciate how respectful everyone has been, also how open the conversation is. I need to listen to the full podcast cos it’s brilliant.
Really appreciate you making this video and spreading information! I’ve had tourettes for about 13 years and for a long time people have completely misunderstood it. Sweet Anita is a really good representative for a lot of us that have it and I’m really glad that she’s helping bring it into the mainstream!
yes there is, it was literally named after a dude called Tourette. same like for example jakes garage or grannys apples. whatever. how do you not even use a google search before typing such utter bullshit.@@apfelbasket
The first time I heard about tourette's was while watching the movie " In front of the class". It's a beautiful movie that depicts this syndrome and made me empathize with the people who have it. Watching her talk and joke about is entertaining but doesn't take away from the fact that it's disruptive to regular life and she has to live with it everyday, so much respect to her.
I know this video is about ticks, but just from a production side, there are a few quite nasty ticks in the audio which have caused my speakers to switch off a few times. They should be visible on the waveform to the person who edits this, and there are plenty of click removal options, in audition and audacity if needed. Just for if it occurs in the future :) Great episode by the way
Never seen this podcast before, but I appreciate how candid this conversation was. It was answers to common ignorance and that's all the guys wanted. This podcast wrote itself. No malice, just being open and kind.
Person with Tourette's here, great entertaining video shining positive light on the subject. One thing to keep in mind is that many people with Tourette's don't have tics that involve blurting out words or phrases. That's actually a bit more rare even though its the type of tic (understandably) that gets the most media attention. Even without this the struggle is very real. I sometimes have painful muscle aches from flexing or moving in a certain way from tics hundreds of times a day. I definitely have a harder time falling asleep because of them, not to mention the impact on snuggling where the arm my wife's head is on is flexing every 30 seconds. Many people think I'm winking at them or have something in my eye when it's just a tic.
She is absolutely stunning - both personality and looks. And I love her explanation for some of the ticks - that it's often what you fear the most. That makes a lot of sense..
Just discovered this clip and had to comment and subscribe too. I have Tourettes myself and could not stop laughing through this one, mostly because of her wit and honesty. Loved the reactions from the boys but yeah loved her for sure. Your Fellow Australian Massacist...
OMG, this is so awesome, my neighbor has Tourettes and it is so hard to understand, her talking through this is eye opening. It's nice to see her so open with it.
I outgrew my tics (for the most part) but I have to say, she is very accurate on the thinking vs. feeling part. Tourettes is so hard to explain to someone who doesn't have it because of the false assumptions. It was so hard growing up - I will always respect anyone who speaks on this subject.
@@williamfrazier3822 i don't care about you for the record, i like being informed Btw im not trying to be mean either, sorry if my comment felt aggressive
🆔ⓈⒺⓍⓈⒽⓄⓅ🔞↷ᶜˡⁱᶜᵏˡⁱⁿᵏ👇 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 🔞 👉 ❤ TH-cam: This is fine Someone: Says "heck" TH-cam: Be gone однако я люблю таких рыбаков Интересно забавно девушка смешная 垃圾 ライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!この日のライブ配信は、かならりやばかったですね!1万人を超える人が見ていたもんね(笑)やっぱり人参最高!まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした!今後は気を付けないとね. . ! 💖🖤 ❤️#今後は気をライブ配信の再編あり がとうです!#この日のライブ配信は、#かならりやばかったですね!#1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(#笑)#やっぱり人参最高!#まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした,.💖🖤 #在整個人類歷史上,#強者,#富人和具有狡猾特質的人捕食部落,#氏族,#城鎮,#城市和鄉村中的弱者,#無`'#守和貧窮成員。#然而,#人類的生存意願迫使那些被拒絕,#被剝奪或摧毀的基本需求的人們找到了一種生活方式,#並繼續將其DNA融入不斷發展的人類社會。.#說到食物,#不要以為那些被拒絕的人只吃垃圾。#相反,#他們學會了在被忽視的肉類和蔬菜中尋找營養。#他們學會了清潔,#切塊,#調味和慢燉慢燉的野菜和肉類,#在食品市場上被忽略的部分家用蔬菜和肉類,#並且學會了使用芳香的木煙(#如山核桃,#山核桃和豆科灌木 #來調味食物
once I got past the stunning looks I totally fell for the personality and intelligence. what an impressive human. not a usual reaction for me. you have absoloubtly earned your success
I’ve looked after someone who had this syndrome. It’s quiet fascinating. They tend to say funny things sometimes. I think this should be taught in schools
I had tourettes from 6 or 7 yrs old to 18 or 19. Prime development years. It hurt my confidence a lot and people had little knowledge of tourettes back then. Glad to see that more people are able to learn about it now.
I have Tourette’s syndrome physical Tourette’s and Doesn’t affect a single thing of mine but it’s. A Hard thing to live with. They are so hard to live with and make work so much more tiring and exhausting but suppressing them is hard
The fact that its 2024 and with all the sources of media we have literally at our finger tips, wether its social media, youtube or just good old tv, but yet some people still don't know what Tourettes syndrome is, is just staggering to me. I grew up just as the internet was being introduced, but I knew exactly what tourettes was long before. How do people still not know or even heard of it?
I have to find one, It would be impossible to ever be depressed around a woman like this. Also can we take a second to appreciate the perfect bubble sound she can make.
Well done guys, amazing video, and kudos to Anita for partaking in this, she is the best. Love the answers, and this should go viral as it outlines a very unusual problem that people just laugh about.
I had intrusive thoughts in my 20's, possibly the worst time of my life, I never knew if I really said those things or I was hallucinating saying them but I couldn't take responsibility, especially for those things that you don't think or believe and are just offensive but it was just so awful. Im so impressed, I bow to the clearity of this girl mind who gets so much out of life.
yep and i'm pretty sure if your dating her, the problem would be annoying yes, but then again the problem comes with a very good looking sexy adorable woman, so yea you can probably put up with a lot.
Coming from a guy with Tourette’s I personally never had any of my tics occur during its only before we would have a “good time” but it’s interesting to hear another person with Tourette’s especially the lady perspective
That bit about anxiety sometimes having context and other times not having context hits home. Ive had countless therapists ask me what is cousin my panic attacks. Ive tried tto explain to them that most of the time there is no cause that i can see. They've all insisted that there must be something im thinking about or doing to cause the panic attacks. Its frustrating when you know theres no thought or actions causing them but the therapist treats you as if you're lying or just dont know.
She is so good at explaining the condition and making it understandable. Maybe I’m just an idiot or I can’t think of the word but her giving examples of what it’s like really helped ☺️
That's what I was thinking. Aside from being lovely and well-rounded with a lovely attitude, she's also stunning. She kind of reminds me a bit of the singer, Shakira :)
Vey intelligent lass. cracking' sense of humour, bubbly personality, awesome banter on such a serious topic and a killer smile. I laughed my guts out - Thanks Anita
The "I've got a bomb" thing is a particularly sticky issue, because in certain kinds of situations there's an actual bona fide public safety issue: statements like that, shouted into a crowd, can cause the kind of panic that results in people being crushed or trampled to death. I don't know that the specific room you were in was necessarily at such a level (most aren't, obviously), but there would be some circumstances wherein they actually would legitimately *need* to remove you, regardless of whether you can help what you're saying or not. Problematic scenarios would be ones featuring large, standing crowds, limited lighting or otherwise poor visibility, and few or narrow exits or bottlenecks, among other things. I have difficulty imagining an airport TSA screening line where yelling "bomb" would qualify as a genuine public-safety issue, for example, (although I can easily imagine a TSA screening agent *thinking* that it does). A court room... I don't know, there are some pretty old courthouse buildings out there, so it's at least vaguely plausible, but on the other hand public buildings like that *usually* have rather wide hallways and pushbar-equipped double-door exits, even when they're old. And there's basically NO real public safety issue unless the crowd is large enough that someone can hear what was shouted and not be able to tell who shouted it.
It's not what she's thinking but it's what society says you're not allowed to say, and she has the urge to say it. She doesn't personally believe it but the harder she tries the more it builds then tick, she's exploring society, involuntarily through her involuntary ticks
I have tourettes syndrome (involuntary movement) some vocal sounds. I remember seeing kids at children's hospital when I was a kids n remembered thinking I was lucky. She is adorable n im so happy to see ppl embrace her
I had an acquaintance in High School that had severe tourettes syndrome. All the verballization, major body movements, etc. Great guy. I haven't seen him in 50+ years but I hope he's had a good life.
Even in 2022 tourettes is not known to the public as it should have been. I can only imagine what people with tourettes went through 50 , 100 or 200 years ago. Probably people thought they were possessed or something.
My latest annoying tick is that I've been doing for the last few years is to constantly say the day of the week. The funny part is that most of the time I am not even saying the correct day. It's like each day I will get a certain weekday stuck in my head, and I will say it over and over at least 500 times a day, no lie. For example, it usually goes like this... Wednesday, wed ness day, Wednesday, waday waday waday waday waday waday, its wednesday, today is wednesday, tommorow is wednesday, wednesday is my day off (even though it's not), wednesday gotta go to bed, gotta work tomorrow on wednesday, waday waday waday waday waday waday, today is tuesday tomorrow is wednesday. This is a very common session of how my entire day goes. As I am saying wednesday, I also visualize the word in my head as well. You can imagine how this affects my sex life with my wife! I usually can't finish because I am always taking myself out of the moment because I start busting out the day of the week, and visualizing it as well. On top of this, I also turn my eyes as hard as I can to one side, I slam my mouth closed smacking my teeth ( and always chipping the ones in the back), I shake my head ( causing headaches), my tongue sticks out more often than my dogs, along with much other fun stuff! I know from you guys reading this you would never want to be around me because I sound crazy (maybe I am), but I feel blessed to be healthy and I wish I could somehow help out others going through the same thing. I would like to help children because I know what It's like growing up with tourettes. In Jr.high school I would have 10 classmates at the same time all making fun of my head shaking tic, and it continued into high school. Somehow It never bothered me too much and the kids making fun of me noticed that, and they eventually stopped giving me shit and actually felt bad. My mom said my tics started when I was around 5 years old. She took me to a doctor and she still has the notes he wrote about me. He said I was showing strong signs of an abused child, there are bits in there about my dad hitting me. I never turned to drugs and alcohol. Even though people know I have it, I am so embarrassed about it and pretend I am normal. I can get pretty loud inside my house when I feel no one is around, but I feel embarrassed when I see my neighbors because I know they have heard me. In my head I am normal, but I think what they would think about me, they probably say there is the crazy guy. It's sad, but nothing really I can do about it.
I can only imagine how frustrating this must be for you & from the way she describes it i can imagine its a bit like a pressure cooker (sorry if i got that wrong). What i can say is this: you are normal! Everyone has differences, its just that yours are externalised so more noticable (im trans so i can relate a bit) but from reading your post i think whats overlooked is how internally you sound very compassionate & empathetic! Not a bad flipside to have & hopefully you are/will be surrounded by people who see that 😘
I don’t have Tourettes but I do have Aspergers (autism spectrum) and I know how difficult it can be to explain how you struggle with certain things, especially when people don’t ever experience them for themselves I’ve had my fair share of tics as well, in the form of eye squinting to the point I’ve lose my vision for full minutes at a time, breath holding to the point where walking is impossible for a short period of time, head tilting (to the side in a subtle jerking motion,) along with many more Tics can get better but in the moment it can get worse when you’re worried about them occurring in front of others who may not understand When you worry about what others think too much and take into account what they think of you it makes it happen When you discontinue your worries about what they’ll think about you WHEN it happens you’ll actually notice a boost of confidence and see yourself doing those less That’s my experience however. I’m tic free for 10 years now and couldn’t be more grateful to have had people to help me through it through the highs and lows. My mom, bless her soul, struggles with Bipolar and raised me by herself because my Dad died in a car crash when I was a baby. To know that she was not only able to navigate her own life but also micromanage mine with my struggles and problems the whole time and gave me the understanding I have of myself is nothing short of miraculous. All this to say that while I may not know everything you go through or all the details of Tourette's I know something about how it may feel like. I commend you for stepping up and not being afraid to admit some embarrassing things about your experiences and even laugh at them. More power to you. Excellent interview and you should be proud of yourself
I really love some of the shit she says. I understand that Tourettes is different for each person that suffers from it, but her ticks are the most unique ones I've ever seen. The few people I've known with Tourettes never really made a specific noise like she does. They would usually just kind of have tremors. Their whole body would react like someone that had a quick chill and they would make a sound but not like her popping sound. So its interesting to me to see how Tourettes manifests itself in different people.
3:01 here you can see how much she’s holding it back cause it stops in the middle and she doesn’t hit her chin. I have physical tics, not with words but I understand her feeling of holding them back and it’s really painful, I just hope here she was focused and comfortable and it calmed down her tics, cause holding them back for so long would have been really painful
I love the part where she says if she were a dude it would be much more different, its so true society is so cruel towards men overall thats why anita is so pure like she knows how it is.
i mean tbf because a bigger person is much more intimidating like a 5'0 girl screaming is gonna be less scary than a 6'5 man screaming it's kinda just how our brains work, not saying its 'fair' but
@Cian Women in construction also exist. And other sciences as well? Your comment really comes off as very dismissive about the things women contribute to society. And men don't have to deal with monthly pains just for being men, plus that's without even going into motherhood and childbirth and all the expectations society has for women.
@Cian Women DO NOT have it easy. It is literally the opposite. Women cannot even go outiside safely during the night because of the constant danger of being sexually harassed/assaulted. Heck, in many countries women are not even considered as living beings, but rather objects. The point made by Anita is that, as a woman, she is not considered dangerous by others. Because of that, it is more likely thar her ticks ("nice tits!" is a great example) would not make people offended, but rather confused or even amused.
@@PistenDeer That's really not a good assessment of that division between the sexes because if you wanted to do a statistical breakdown of all the unfortunate things that happen based on gender then you'd have to factor in violence, suicide, homelessness, workplace deaths, risky jobs, etc all of which are overwhelmingly male (all over 75%+) . Both sides pay the price just in different ways due to biology and the culture built around those fundamental basis of the human condition. Anita is actually an example of those differences because she's small, attractive and soft spoken in general. A large average looking dude with that level of tourettes would likely be kicked off the platform regardless of the condition.
Big up Sweet Anita for giving such honest answers to our nosy questions! What questions do you have about Tourettes syndrome that you want Sweet Anita to answer? 🇳🇺
Think that's funny talking about it death like this, yous are not funny blowing your own trumpets, giving a platform for terribly mis informed reality!! Who does this bitch think she is. Well guess what am wanting to be offensive to your and this podcast, this is just disgusting invite me on this show to let me ask the shallow little questions you are asking,
@@004lucas4 They literally started off by saying they asked her beforehand, and asked for permission again before they started if it was okay and she said yes. What the fuck is your problem......Dont watch the damn content if it pisses you off because shes very clearly open and okay talking about it or else she would have said no. Youre the problem here buddy.
@@004lucas4 lmao look at this internet badman
She is absolutely adorable. Love her 😁
Women have many advantages in life but that menstrual cycle and pregnancy evens things out.
She's a fantastic spokesperson for tourettes she explains it so well it really does educate people on the syndrome and shes so likeable
Thanks hun! xx
Stfu did I ask
Shut up will yeah
To think of all the horrid shit she's been through and yet she still has a sense of humour and has a positive outlook on life. I've had a pretty horrendous year not even considering covid and lockdowns etc, and it's nothing compared to so much of her life. She is truly an admirable person.
A lot of people use humour as a coping mechanism, I reckon it’s probably developed in that sense
Yes one could logically deduce shes a gifted bullshit artist who is playing on the soft touch public who think anxiety is a payable emotion.
@@karljames7318 That's a lot of words for "I was never hugged as a child"
I reckon the big ass paycheck does wonders for keeping spirits high. Just sayin'. But yeah, I agree with you.
@@calistusjay60 the most og reply i've ever seen
As someone that has tics I really appreciate how respectful everyone has been, also how open the conversation is. I need to listen to the full podcast cos it’s brilliant.
Recently she visited Emiru and can see it coming. Suddenly, both hands pointed and she yelled, "WHERE'S YOUR ASS?!"
She's so sweet & real. Such a lovely girl ❤️
69 likes right now. The irony
Has she got a TH-cam channel it would be fucking crazy 😝
@@TheLegendaryDefaultTeam sweet anita on twitch and youtube
@@saturn5072 I know seen her getting exposed loads lately thanks buddy
The way she educates people is good, I always enjoy listening to her 🤝
Mad seeing you here
@@jaybeeonyt why? 😭
I didn't expect to get an education. Damn I learned a lot.
That girl don't have Tourettes
She's delightful! And as so many others have commented, she's a very effective spokeswoman for tourettes.
Thank you.
Really appreciate you making this video and spreading information! I’ve had tourettes for about 13 years and for a long time people have completely misunderstood it. Sweet Anita is a really good representative for a lot of us that have it and I’m really glad that she’s helping bring it into the mainstream!
She’s very sweet. Hope she finds happiness
Hence the name sweet Anita
Honestly Anita is unreal for doing all this, really makes you understand Tourettes better
t is Tourette, not Tourette's! There's no ownership in the word.
It's not Cold's of Flu's.
@@apfelbasket Gilles de la Tourette. Tourette's syndrome
@@apfelbasket t is tourette?
@@apfelbasket there is ownership, Tourette's syndrome
yes there is, it was literally named after a dude called Tourette. same like for example jakes garage or grannys apples. whatever. how do you not even use a google search before typing such utter bullshit.@@apfelbasket
She is amazing.
Lovely young lady, great sense of humour and clearly a tremendous spokesperson for tourettes 👍
t is Tourette, not Tourette's! There's no ownership in the word.
It's not Cold's of Flu's.
@@apfelbasket because those are not named after a person 😂 i.e. your "ownership"
@@apfelbasket doen't "Tourette's" come from "Tourette's disorder" or sum like that
The "hes gonna burnnn" bit made me laugh so hard
The first time I heard about tourette's was while watching the movie " In front of the class". It's a beautiful movie that depicts this syndrome and made me empathize with the people who have it. Watching her talk and joke about is entertaining but doesn't take away from the fact that it's disruptive to regular life and she has to live with it everyday, so much respect to her.
My bad I thought you were talking about Deuce Bigallo male Gigallo
t is Tourette, not Tourette's! There's no ownership in the word.
It's not Cold's of Flu's.
@@apfelbasket Wikipedia says otherwise, what's your source?
@@joshuatift4640 😂😂😂😂😂😂
She’s actually got a pretty awesome personality around it, it’s great to see.
i didnt think there would be such good chemistry in this episode
I wonder how long Jaack’s been waiting to ask this question 😂
@@lillian5982 ref
A few weeks... 🐰👍
I know this video is about ticks, but just from a production side, there are a few quite nasty ticks in the audio which have caused my speakers to switch off a few times. They should be visible on the waveform to the person who edits this, and there are plenty of click removal options, in audition and audacity if needed. Just for if it occurs in the future :)
Great episode by the way
Thought is was my headset... Almost painful these nasty audio ticks
@@egbertsluiter defo. I checked on my phone before commenting 😅
Yeah it's kind of insane how much the audio fucks up
The audio was horrible, I kept having to turn it up and down depending how loud they were being
maybe its the sound crew playing a meta joke ;)
Never seen this podcast before, but I appreciate how candid this conversation was. It was answers to common ignorance and that's all the guys wanted. This podcast wrote itself. No malice, just being open and kind.
Person with Tourette's here, great entertaining video shining positive light on the subject. One thing to keep in mind is that many people with Tourette's don't have tics that involve blurting out words or phrases. That's actually a bit more rare even though its the type of tic (understandably) that gets the most media attention. Even without this the struggle is very real. I sometimes have painful muscle aches from flexing or moving in a certain way from tics hundreds of times a day. I definitely have a harder time falling asleep because of them, not to mention the impact on snuggling where the arm my wife's head is on is flexing every 30 seconds. Many people think I'm winking at them or have something in my eye when it's just a tic.
t is Tourette, not Tourette's! There's no ownership in the word.
It's not Cold's of Flu's.
@@apfelbasket spam bot
@@apfelbasketTourette's was named after the first person who diagnosed it.
@@ChristopherPrice24 What was their name? What year was it? Why don't we say Swan's Flu or COVID's? Know what you're talking about, don't assume.
@@apfelbasket Georges Gilles de la Tourette was their name. He was a French neurologist, and he first diagnosed it in 1885.
I love this! A honest, civil discussion on something the majority of us only have a "movie view" on. The woman is awesome with her honesty.
She is absolutely stunning - both personality and looks. And I love her explanation for some of the ticks - that it's often what you fear the most. That makes a lot of sense..
The sleep talking makes me curious. Do people with tourettes dream that they have tourettes? Or are their tourettes non existent in their dreams?
I get both, some dreams I have tics and others I don’t
Now this is a good question
I have them, for the last 39 years. I never tick in my dreams.
most of my dreams i tic, but there was one recently that i didn’t.
@@gr0ss.385 a relief? Or no?
Interesting stuff. She seems pretty cool and that actually answered alot of the questions I had about Tourettes syndrome. Keep up the great work
t is Tourette, not Tourette's! There's no ownership in the word.
It's not Cold's of Flu's.
@@apfelbasket You didn't capitalize your sentence.
Just discovered this clip and had to comment and subscribe too. I have Tourettes myself and could not stop laughing through this one, mostly because of her wit and honesty. Loved the reactions from the boys but yeah loved her for sure. Your Fellow Australian Massacist...
Don’t have Tourette’s thankfully but can kind of understand the psychology of anxiety and trying to suppress thoughts particularly intrusive ones.
t is Tourette, not Tourette's! There's no ownership in the word.
It's not Cold's of Flu's.
I could listen to her talk all day, what a sweet lady, so polite. 💕
OMG, this is so awesome, my neighbor has Tourettes and it is so hard to understand, her talking through this is eye opening. It's nice to see her so open with it.
t is Tourette, not Tourette's! There's no ownership in the word.
It's not Cold's of Flu's.
@@apfelbasket spam bot
That Tracer impression was actually on point
Sweet Anita was the funniest person on Sidemen tinder and that says a lot aha
From my opinion, she was the worst.
Hello sailor
@@decent620 that is what brought me here.......
second funniest
no one will ever be funnier than harry on sidemen tinder
@@justsean6199 how tho? xD she wasnt even close to being worst... this Emmz bltch was or whatever this fake talentless "girl gamer" was
HES GUNNA BURRRRRN!!! I’m sure she’d be an amazing person to have in your life, she’s so open and hilarious with it, it’s so attractive
I outgrew my tics (for the most part) but I have to say, she is very accurate on the thinking vs. feeling part. Tourettes is so hard to explain to someone who doesn't have it because of the false assumptions. It was so hard growing up - I will always respect anyone who speaks on this subject.
t is Tourette, not Tourette's! There's no ownership in the word.
It's not Cold's of Flu's.
@@apfelbasket Feel better now? Do you have grammatical tic's???
@@williamfrazier3822 there nothing wrong with educating people, you feel better calling people out for being grammatically correct ?
@@jannesquivel It looks to me like Kurtis was calling out. However you see it doesn't matter to me. Have a great day!
@@williamfrazier3822 i don't care about you for the record, i like being informed
Btw im not trying to be mean either, sorry if my comment felt aggressive
Aww Anita, she's so sweet and beautiful. I can't wait to listen to the full podcast
It's already out mate 🙂
@@chrisgeorge5609 I know. Just not got the chance to listen to it in full yet.
@@insertgenericusernamehere2402 Oh
@@chrisgeorge5609 thanks though
I would
This was one of the best podcasts you guys have done yet
🆔ⓈⒺⓍⓈⒽⓄⓅ🔞↷ᶜˡⁱᶜᵏˡⁱⁿᵏ👇 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 🔞 👉 ❤
TH-cam: This is fine
Someone: Says "heck"
TH-cam: Be gone
однако я люблю таких рыбаков Интересно забавно девушка смешная 垃圾
ライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!この日のライブ配信は、かならりやばかったですね!1万人を超える人が見ていたもんね(笑)やっぱり人参最高!まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした!今後は気を付けないとね. .
! 💖🖤 ❤️#今後は気をライブ配信の再編あり
がとうです!#この日のライブ配信は、#かならりやばかったですね!#1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(#笑)#やっぱり人参最高!#まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした,.💖🖤 #在整個人類歷史上,#強者,#富人和具有狡猾特質的人捕食部落,#氏族,#城鎮,#城市和鄉村中的弱者,#無`'#守和貧窮成員。#然而,#人類的生存意願迫使那些被拒絕,#被剝奪或摧毀的基本需求的人們找到了一種生活方式,#並繼續將其DNA融入不斷發展的人類社會。.#說到食物,#不要以為那些被拒絕的人只吃垃圾。#相反,#他們學會了在被忽視的肉類和蔬菜中尋找營養。#他們學會了清潔,#切塊,#調味和慢燉慢燉的野菜和肉類,#在食品市場上被忽略的部分家用蔬菜和肉類,#並且學會了使用芳香的木煙(#如山核桃,#山核桃和豆科灌木 #來調味食物
I came for the laughs. But I learned a lot. Great show. Awesome girl.
Oh my godd her laugh always makes me melt
once I got past the stunning looks I totally fell for the personality and intelligence. what an impressive human. not a usual reaction for me. you have absoloubtly earned your success
This lovely lady was the most interesting, most intelligent person you’ve had on the pod boys. I will never look at a hot dog bun the same ever again!
I’ve looked after someone who had this syndrome. It’s quiet fascinating. They tend to say funny things sometimes. I think this should be taught in schools
I had tourettes from 6 or 7 yrs old to 18 or 19. Prime development years. It hurt my confidence a lot and people had little knowledge of tourettes back then. Glad to see that more people are able to learn about it now.
People put too much meaning into words that other people say, that's the problem most of the time....
Bless her soul.
fuck you just described my life.
I have Tourette’s syndrome physical Tourette’s and Doesn’t affect a single thing of mine but it’s. A Hard thing to live with. They are so hard to live with and make work so much more tiring and exhausting but suppressing them is hard
She’s amazing. I need more content from her asap. What a doll!
The fact that its 2024 and with all the sources of media we have literally at our finger tips, wether its social media, youtube or just good old tv, but yet some people still don't know what Tourettes syndrome is, is just staggering to me.
I grew up just as the internet was being introduced, but I knew exactly what tourettes was long before.
How do people still not know or even heard of it?
I have to find one, It would be impossible to ever be depressed around a woman like this. Also can we take a second to appreciate the perfect bubble sound she can make.
She actually has a really nice voice and cute laugh
Well done guys, amazing video, and kudos to Anita for partaking in this, she is the best. Love the answers, and this should go viral as it outlines a very unusual problem that people just laugh about.
That's because it's funny
I had intrusive thoughts in my 20's, possibly the worst time of my life, I never knew if I really said those things or I was hallucinating saying them but I couldn't take responsibility, especially for those things that you don't think or believe and are just offensive but it was just so awful. Im so impressed, I bow to the clearity of this girl mind who gets so much out of life.
Sweet Anita really is the sweetest person on this platform
yep and i'm pretty sure if your dating her, the problem would be annoying yes, but then again the problem comes with a very good looking sexy adorable woman, so yea you can probably put up with a lot.
Coming from a guy with Tourette’s I personally never had any of my tics occur during its only before we would have a “good time” but it’s interesting to hear another person with Tourette’s especially the lady perspective
Anyone else listening with headphones hearing static noise at random times in one ear? very annoying
Yeah I thought my headphones were just broken
yes it sounds like their audio switching program is having an issue with the way things are plugged in
That bit about anxiety sometimes having context and other times not having context hits home. Ive had countless therapists ask me what is cousin my panic attacks. Ive tried tto explain to them that most of the time there is no cause that i can see. They've all insisted that there must be something im thinking about or doing to cause the panic attacks. Its frustrating when you know theres no thought or actions causing them but the therapist treats you as if you're lying or just dont know.
Loved that girl ever since she said hello sailor to Josh
Anita's emotionally intelligence is so great, and she is awesome at explaining.
great interview thank you for interview sweet Anita 👍👍👍
She is so good at explaining the condition and making it understandable. Maybe I’m just an idiot or I can’t think of the word but her giving examples of what it’s like really helped ☺️
She's incredibly attractive alongside intelligent, what else could be more gracious?
That's what I was thinking. Aside from being lovely and well-rounded with a lovely attitude, she's also stunning. She kind of reminds me a bit of the singer, Shakira :)
Good to see Pedro Pascal on the podcast
Vey intelligent lass. cracking' sense of humour, bubbly personality, awesome banter on such a serious topic and a killer smile. I laughed my guts out - Thanks Anita
She’s absolutely adorable and completely enjoyable to listen to. She didn’t allow Tourette’s to dictate her life. Cheers.
"Like suppressing a sneeze." Nailed it. You explained it so well.
The "I've got a bomb" thing is a particularly sticky issue, because in certain kinds of situations there's an actual bona fide public safety issue: statements like that, shouted into a crowd, can cause the kind of panic that results in people being crushed or trampled to death. I don't know that the specific room you were in was necessarily at such a level (most aren't, obviously), but there would be some circumstances wherein they actually would legitimately *need* to remove you, regardless of whether you can help what you're saying or not. Problematic scenarios would be ones featuring large, standing crowds, limited lighting or otherwise poor visibility, and few or narrow exits or bottlenecks, among other things. I have difficulty imagining an airport TSA screening line where yelling "bomb" would qualify as a genuine public-safety issue, for example, (although I can easily imagine a TSA screening agent *thinking* that it does). A court room... I don't know, there are some pretty old courthouse buildings out there, so it's at least vaguely plausible, but on the other hand public buildings like that *usually* have rather wide hallways and pushbar-equipped double-door exits, even when they're old. And there's basically NO real public safety issue unless the crowd is large enough that someone can hear what was shouted and not be able to tell who shouted it.
right but she can suppress it when needed. presumably she would in those potentially dangerous situations
I love how open she is
Wow.Anita is a legitimate darling. She has a lovely personality, a delightful voice and is beautiful.
Top notch intermingling of human spirits here
Well done
From AZ, US 🙏🌏🤙
It's not what she's thinking but it's what society says you're not allowed to say, and she has the urge to say it. She doesn't personally believe it but the harder she tries the more it builds then tick, she's exploring society, involuntarily through her involuntary ticks
Interesting perspective!
I have tourettes syndrome (involuntary movement) some vocal sounds. I remember seeing kids at children's hospital when I was a kids n remembered thinking I was lucky. She is adorable n im so happy to see ppl embrace her
she's so class i'm almost tempted to start using twitch.
@@Cal0506 I'm saying the streamer is charming but not enough to make me start using the platform they stream on. would you like it in french next?
@@indexpictures imagine not using twitch must be a boomer I guess lol
@@TBK7 some people aren't terminally online bro
@@TBK7 twitch is shit
Awesome interview, she is awesome and explains things so well.
She is so open, so honest, so likeable, I hope she enjoys life to the fullest! 🧡
What a wonderful lady, and good spokesperson for the condition.
What a sweet attractive girl she is. I really learned a lot about Tourettes. Even though I knew someone with it, she explains it so well.
t is Tourette, not Tourette's! There's no ownership in the word.
It's not Cold's of Flu's.
@@apfelbasket spam bot
Im absolutely roaring at this !! 🤣🤣 please more people come forward and spread awareness!!
She’s honestly gorgeous
@@C-U-IN-H3LL saying someone's gorgeous is really simping...
What a refreshing take on this. My daughter has it too
Such a genuine person
I had an acquaintance in High School that had severe tourettes syndrome. All the verballization, major body movements, etc. Great guy. I haven't seen him in 50+ years but I hope he's had a good life.
is anyone else getting popping in their headphones from this video?
It's one of her ticks
@@MrSignalPlus no it's the audio 0:37
shes such a beautiful sweet person, love watching her never a dull moment! one of my favorite streamers
Even in 2022 tourettes is not known to the public as it should have been. I can only imagine what people with tourettes went through 50 , 100 or 200 years ago.
Probably people thought they were possessed or something.
I wonder how many biblical stories was just a poor bastard with Tourette syndrome.
4:40 Thank You for saying that !!
And that tension intensifies ticks.
I was raised Baptist, and now I walk down the street screaming, "Goddman the Baptists!" i literally cannot help it.... I understand how this happens.
Great show!!
My latest annoying tick is that I've been doing for the last few years is to constantly say the day of the week. The funny part is that most of the time I am not even saying the correct day. It's like each day I will get a certain weekday stuck in my head, and I will say it over and over at least 500 times a day, no lie. For example, it usually goes like this... Wednesday, wed ness day, Wednesday, waday waday waday waday waday waday, its wednesday, today is wednesday, tommorow is wednesday, wednesday is my day off (even though it's not), wednesday gotta go to bed, gotta work tomorrow on wednesday, waday waday waday waday waday waday, today is tuesday tomorrow is wednesday. This is a very common session of how my entire day goes. As I am saying wednesday, I also visualize the word in my head as well. You can imagine how this affects my sex life with my wife! I usually can't finish because I am always taking myself out of the moment because I start busting out the day of the week, and visualizing it as well. On top of this, I also turn my eyes as hard as I can to one side, I slam my mouth closed smacking my teeth ( and always chipping the ones in the back), I shake my head ( causing headaches), my tongue sticks out more often than my dogs, along with much other fun stuff! I know from you guys reading this you would never want to be around me because I sound crazy (maybe I am), but I feel blessed to be healthy and I wish I could somehow help out others going through the same thing. I would like to help children because I know what It's like growing up with tourettes. In Jr.high school I would have 10 classmates at the same time all making fun of my head shaking tic, and it continued into high school. Somehow It never bothered me too much and the kids making fun of me noticed that, and they eventually stopped giving me shit and actually felt bad. My mom said my tics started when I was around 5 years old. She took me to a doctor and she still has the notes he wrote about me. He said I was showing strong signs of an abused child, there are bits in there about my dad hitting me. I never turned to drugs and alcohol. Even though people know I have it, I am so embarrassed about it and pretend I am normal. I can get pretty loud inside my house when I feel no one is around, but I feel embarrassed when I see my neighbors because I know they have heard me. In my head I am normal, but I think what they would think about me, they probably say there is the crazy guy. It's sad, but nothing really I can do about it.
I can only imagine how frustrating this must be for you & from the way she describes it i can imagine its a bit like a pressure cooker (sorry if i got that wrong). What i can say is this: you are normal! Everyone has differences, its just that yours are externalised so more noticable (im trans so i can relate a bit) but from reading your post i think whats overlooked is how internally you sound very compassionate & empathetic! Not a bad flipside to have & hopefully you are/will be surrounded by people who see that 😘
So awesome that she has embraced and is able to tell her story so we the rest of us become educated.
Love it . Wonder if her skill can be used to destroy your enemies. Especially if their easily embarrassed.
Very interesting interview.
She’s an absolute legend 😂🤙🏼
Man, she really has a nice laugh! God bless her.
She was actually wicked. one of my top guest for sure. nice work !
I don’t have Tourettes but I do have Aspergers (autism spectrum) and I know how difficult it can be to explain how you struggle with certain things, especially when people don’t ever experience them for themselves
I’ve had my fair share of tics as well, in the form of eye squinting to the point I’ve lose my vision for full minutes at a time, breath holding to the point where walking is impossible for a short period of time, head tilting (to the side in a subtle jerking motion,) along with many more
Tics can get better but in the moment it can get worse when you’re worried about them occurring in front of others who may not understand
When you worry about what others think too much and take into account what they think of you it makes it happen
When you discontinue your worries about what they’ll think about you WHEN it happens you’ll actually notice a boost of confidence and see yourself doing those less
That’s my experience however. I’m tic free for 10 years now and couldn’t be more grateful to have had people to help me through it through the highs and lows. My mom, bless her soul, struggles with Bipolar and raised me by herself because my Dad died in a car crash when I was a baby. To know that she was not only able to navigate her own life but also micromanage mine with my struggles and problems the whole time and gave me the understanding I have of myself is nothing short of miraculous.
All this to say that while I may not know everything you go through or all the details of Tourette's I know something about how it may feel like. I commend you for stepping up and not being afraid to admit some embarrassing things about your experiences and even laugh at them. More power to you. Excellent interview and you should be proud of yourself
That tracer impression was incredible 😂
Loved this, this is something I know that's out there but never really figured out how their lives are.
Every time she does the bubble sound with her lips I think it’s Facebook Messenger
OMG, she actually did a really good Tracer impression!
I really love some of the shit she says. I understand that Tourettes is different for each person that suffers from it, but her ticks are the most unique ones I've ever seen. The few people I've known with Tourettes never really made a specific noise like she does. They would usually just kind of have tremors. Their whole body would react like someone that had a quick chill and they would make a sound but not like her popping sound. So its interesting to me to see how Tourettes manifests itself in different people.
t is Tourette, not Tourette's! There's no ownership in the word.
It's not Cold's of Flu's.
@@apfelbasket spam bot
@@apfelbasket Don't educate people, educate yourself and learn proper grammar.
Anita is a treasure! Many thanx guys 👍👍
guys you need to sort out the audio there is clicking noise in the video throughout
She has ticks man 🤦♂️
@@notoriousmigz2427 bro I’m not talking about that there’s an actual audio issue in the video at some parts
The little sound blips of static are killin me
Being an attractive girl get’s you far in life
3:01 here you can see how much she’s holding it back cause it stops in the middle and she doesn’t hit her chin. I have physical tics, not with words but I understand her feeling of holding them back and it’s really painful, I just hope here she was focused and comfortable and it calmed down her tics, cause holding them back for so long would have been really painful
I love the part where she says if she were a dude it would be much more different, its so true society is so cruel towards men overall thats why anita is so pure like she knows how it is.
i dont think thats the point that was being made
i mean tbf because a bigger person is much more intimidating like a 5'0 girl screaming is gonna be less scary than a 6'5 man screaming it's kinda just how our brains work, not saying its 'fair' but
@Cian Women in construction also exist. And other sciences as well? Your comment really comes off as very dismissive about the things women contribute to society. And men don't have to deal with monthly pains just for being men, plus that's without even going into motherhood and childbirth and all the expectations society has for women.
@Cian Women DO NOT have it easy. It is literally the opposite. Women cannot even go outiside safely during the night because of the constant danger of being sexually harassed/assaulted. Heck, in many countries women are not even considered as living beings, but rather objects.
The point made by Anita is that, as a woman, she is not considered dangerous by others. Because of that, it is more likely thar her ticks ("nice tits!" is a great example) would not make people offended, but rather confused or even amused.
@@PistenDeer That's really not a good assessment of that division between the sexes because if you wanted to do a statistical breakdown of all the unfortunate things that happen based on gender then you'd have to factor in violence, suicide, homelessness, workplace deaths, risky jobs, etc all of which are overwhelmingly male (all over 75%+) . Both sides pay the price just in different ways due to biology and the culture built around those fundamental basis of the human condition.
Anita is actually an example of those differences because she's small, attractive and soft spoken in general. A large average looking dude with that level of tourettes would likely be kicked off the platform regardless of the condition.