In 2013, a Malayalam film named '5 Sundarikal' was released, consisting of 5 short stories directed by 5 different directors. Back then, such storytelling was a trend not just in Malayalam but also in Bollywood. Now, almost after 10 years, we can see the same pattern however in this case the writer is the same. Mr. M.T.Vasudevan Nair is a famed Malayalam writer and many of his novels have been made into films that have won accolades.
In 2013, a Malayalam film named '5 Sundarikal' was released, consisting of 5 short stories directed by 5 different directors. Back then, such storytelling was a trend not just in Malayalam but also in Bollywood. Now, almost after 10 years, we can see the same pattern however in this case the writer is the same. Mr. M.T.Vasudevan Nair is a famed Malayalam writer and many of his novels have been made into films that have won accolades.
Also Kerala Cafe came before that with 10 short movies
Looking forward
Mollywood actors giving tribute the GOAT writer of all time.
One and only M. T Vasudevan Nair.
Check out the malayalam music video Ballatha Jaathi
Namaste Ji🙏
M T my neighbour