“I’m Still Standing - Elton John & Macron” (Anti Police Riots Paris Early summer 2023)

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 8 ก.ย. 2024
  • France is walking from one episode of riots to the next. Allready for years now. It looks like after Ukrain, also France is about to call in help from it’s allies in Europe.... Because.... A bank can burn, we can all see this, yet the bankers systems has to be protected from burning down, incidents is not what the elite cares about, yet the big steal has to go on.
    A dangerous cocktail of rascism, to much immigration, to litle social justice again and again lights the fire. France is heading for marshall-law, and who knows what more.
    And, again, Macron does not seem to be on the ball, or doesn’t seem to care, or both. Please note, everything this bankers darling does is in order to protect the best intrerests of the bankers. These riots, they work for the elite a lot more then for the people.
    This is what the makers of the video are seeing: the rise of insanity. If we see riots like this, then there’s no way in which the call for social justice will winn against the call for more repression? Usually, the main crowd will support the power, or stay out of actions against the system, when there are riots like this. Maybe just like in 2018 to 2020 the people will unite against the cause - which is the elite - maybe the elite darling Macron will winn this, time will tell, yet the game Macron is playing is this one: first cause the problems, then be the one to solve them. Possibly, if this time the French Police can’t handle the situation, this will be ‘solved’ with the help of police from other nations in the EU.
    Great times we’re lifing in!
    Source 1: www.you tube.com/watch?v=1mZA2KQ4lXk
    Source 2: www.you tube.com/watch?v=5CyKechDSK8
    Source 3: www.you tube.com/watch?v=Z0WbJffDiRo
    Source 4: www.you tube.com/watch?v=ZHwVBirqD2s

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