She sounds like many University lecturers I have had the misfortune to be lectured by. Have lived their entire working life in echo chambers, are paid sufficiently well to not have had to do life hard and believe that their thoughts overrule the rule of law. Dangerous people indeed.
Otago Uni(Professor/s) had removed my rational and reasonable and polite thoughts on another matter 3 times for no good reason. A complaint process has been a wild mongoose chase. They do not abide by their own charter. And having listened to Janine's own utterances, it's all starting to make sense as to why things have devolved so much: youth being inducted through such complete and utter unilateral nonsense.
you didn't listen to her speech did you. Where in her words did she say anything that overruled the 'rule of law'. Go ON big balls ANONYMOUS COWARD TROLL, I dare you.
@@NZ-ms3vcno, a treaty doesn’t imply a partnership at all. It certainly doesn’t imply any kind of enduring relationship. It can simply be a formal agreement of terms. It seems to me that the Treaty is an agreement of rights and obligations signed at one moment in time to signify a change in status from a before state to an after state. Done. A great example would the Treaty of Versailles. This imposed harsh terms on Germany and established the League of Nations. It wasn’t an “enduring partnership between two peoples”. Also, the Treaty of Waitangi could easily have established a “partnership” or a framework for cooperation, but it didn’t.
Awblax is right. Whether its a 'partnership' or not isn't important. Its just semantics. The problem is the rights and obligations HAVN'T been upheld, hence the inequality between Pakeha & Māori (don't waste anyones time refuting that, just look at the statistics). Removing the teeth of the only legislation protects that is a sure way to let the inequality slip backwards again. If someone is actively supporting moves that will knowingly harm an already unequal group like that, then they have some problems around empathy.
@@geofflewis8599 - there is an urgent need to clean house at our universities an other public institutions. Our PM needs to sign an Executive Order like Trump has!
I support the TP Bill!! We 'The People' want and need a binding referendum. Janine Haywood and other academics who are indoctrinating the students in their care, should be stood down asap. Go DAVID SEYMOUR Go!
Well said Michael. Right on. One thing that's coming out in all this is that a whole bunch of people do not want ordinary New Zealanders to have our say on the treaty principles bill. Hmmmm
You always imply that 'Most ordinary new Zealanders' support Seymours Bill, except the only public actions taken have been enormous protests against it.
@@how.why.what.who. Thats misinformation. Your adding 'undecided' into the 'support' group. Its about 1/3rd for, 1/3rd against & 1/3rd undecided. Source
A mistake is not knowing somthing when you do it. She knows what she is doing. Especially being a professor of politics. Do not give these people the benefit of the doubt.
You mean the 30+ years of reading original historical facts & accounts of actual events that happened around the treaty. Researched & edited many books on the topic. Or we should listen to you Mr ANONYMOUS COWARD troll.
And Laws graduated from the same University of Otago. I place my trust more in the hands of Hayward than a sensationalist internet host looking for populist support.
!80million last year 15 million for cuppa haka per year and so on, local councils giving money to Maori. where in the treaty We the people will be separated and pay any money to the Māori . This bullshit needs to stop !!!
Thanks for the presentation. I am a medical graduate of the University of Otago. I am appalled at the reported content of the speech made by Janine Haywood. I have always treated people of all races equally and expect that to happen in our society. As a 5th generation New Zealander, NZ is my home. It would appear some New Zealanders do not want race equality to continue. I support the bill if it gives all of us a guarantee of equal rights.
Well said and I think the same. I'm having to get my head around realising that a lot of 'Maori' do not want equal rights. I'd never really thought of that before now.
@@rangihuia16agreed. It was supposed to happen, that's the treaty which was signed. And the Waitangi Tribunal was set up to identify and remedy breaches of the Treaty.
@@rangihuia16oh go on Rangi, have the courage of your convictions, state your case so everyone can see that your comment is based on substance we should be concerned about rather than the never ending victim hood and entitlement that is the norm from the various special identities today.
On point as always Mr Laws. This country is on a collision course thanks to the Waitangi tribunal and exaccerbated by comrade ardern and her merry wokesters. Tough times ahead. We must stand up against all this BS!
Lawyers and judges should declare a conflict of interest as they stand to significantly gain by their insider knowledge and fraudulent 'Create a problem get paid for it', 'win-win' 'Either way bent double sided coin' . Greedy lawyers and judges..."the once fine upstanding pillars of society" have always lusted after money and have no scruples in how they get it and waste no compassion on victims.
Well said. That university woman clearly a left wing and speaks for herself only because real New Zealanders want a say and that’s equality for all. Not co governance not apartheid
@drednorzt Nothing pre conceived just based on practices that I have seen from the Maori Party. For example the Maori Parties Dodgy funding through Tamahere's lot is hardly upstanding and trustworthy. All they do is make a lot of noise and achieve very little for their people. I have respect for Dame Tariana Turia, this current lot is not in the same league.
@@TheAllEngineering But you aren't concerned about the American neo-liberal funding behind ACT, orders of magnitude larger than that of Te Pāti Māori? Funding for TPM is dwarfed by that of the Wright Family (The Platform), the TPU, the FSU, Hobsons Pledge and all the ATLAS affiliates funding and supporting ACT. The Māori Party have a vested interested in protecting New Zealand because this is the only place in the world fundamentally home to Māori. The people that ACT represent have no interest in New Zealand other than removing protections (for both you and me AND our incredible environment) to extract as much wealth as possible.
@@stevebarrett6767 The descendants of the settlers on confiscated land making wealth for generations are the original gravy train passengers and they stole the train too.
Yeah hand over to country's future to the waitangi tribunal and the courts to decide on the principles of the treaty, but the people of this country are being denied their right by way of referendum to decide on the TOW. the treaty is dividing and destroying NZ.
I don't agree that the Treaty is dividing and destroying NZ. The Treaty is a fairly simple document. It's the modern add-ons, like this partnership bs, that are the problem. The Waitangi Tribunal should stick to identifying, and finding remedies for, breaches of the Treaty. There is plenty of work just in that. Doing what it was set up for.
This woman is has made total fool of herself, we the people are tired of people like her telling us what to think, we need a trump to run for office in this country
We need to run our own Treaty workshops cos that's how they brainwashed everyone into a lie and they took that shite back into the workplace, 40 years of these racist workshops have ruined out Country
Have you read any other comments under Platform videos? You all parrot each other non-stop, endlessly repeating the same misinformation. Its a strange way to be thinking for yourself.
Heres a list of some other regimes who prosecuted the academics. The CCP. The third reich. The Khmer Rouge. Still think its the academics who are the threat to democracy?
Regardless of the ToW and whether it has been soted out or not is not the issue today. The reality is less than 15% of the country will never agree to any completion of this matter because it empowers them artificially. The real reality is that these New Zealanders of mixed race have a modicum of so called maori blood/DNA in them elevating them above the other 85%. Never in any commercial, natural or other situation have less than 15% been given control of the majority, especially when their claims are ridiculous manufactured tales that have no legitimate base. There was no written language, no governance, no buildings or technology that endured just a collective of angry primative tribes that could not coexist in peace.
Sun Tsu in his book "The Art of War" is where the quote "Never interrupt your enemy while he is destroying himself." came from a thousand or so years before Napoleon.
The treaty was written in English and translated to Maori, even if the Maori didn’t have a direct translation for the concept of sovereignty it’s clear that the intent is contained in the English version, being the original.
And this is where the UN insists that the version in te Reo takes precedence. But also, everyone makes it seem like the Maori chiefs were forced to sign at gun point. But that’s simply not the case. Some even voyaged to London to see England for themselves before signing. Many were still very happy with the arrangements decades later, as it brought mostly peace and prosperity. The idea that Maori were fooled by some perceived translation error seems silly.
@gothkidd8712 replaced by a 215m handout to Phillip Morris to aid people getting cancer 👍 I'll take whale music all day, least it's not killing people. And don't start with the 'it's a choice' crap, it is a choice but hard to stop and certainly doesn't need handouts.. cos it kills you.
Well said, Michael. Well said. Would like you to review Marilyn Waring and some of the others. I was hearing prose from a Barrister, ludicrous opinions from others, Maori singing and whakapapas, and some real arrogance from the Left questioning from the Panel. Elizabeth Rata and the next four or so we're brilliant. I find if I can follow it, it makes sense. But if it's a word salad, then it seems to be obfuscation. I'd like to say otherwise but I'm unable to.
Thank you for this, Michael! I had the (un)lucky moment to listen to Janine Hayward professor inaugural speech. It was not important what she said but how she said it. What came through was that her life was all too easy. Nevertheless, she was the only professor who did not respond to the Māori Department’s congratulatory email at all. 😮
We ALL have Treaties with the Crown which specifically enshrine Equal Rights, Advantages and Privileges for ALL subjects. The Crown was a "Treaty Partner" (to utilise woke terminology) with many other "Treaty Parties" well before Maori were added as English subjects in the Maori version of the 1840 Treaty of Waitangi. These Treaties include the 1215 Magna Carta, the 1267 Treaty of Montgomery (Wales), the 1706 Treaty of Union (Scotland) and the 1800 Treaty of Union (Ireland), and their respective enactments. The "Treaty of Waitangi" is actually the 1840 Treaty of Union (New Zealand). In 1840 the "Crown" was already a "Partnership" with several "First Nations Partners" - ie. the Crown of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. The Union Flag was specifically created by Article 1 of the 1706 Treaty of Union to represent the Union of "Treaty Parties". The 1840 Treaty of Waitangi was specifically signed over the Union Flag to represent this. This is like a going concern which has several existing partners, taking on another partner and absorbing their concern into a greater whole - with each partner being on an exactly equal footing. Article 1 of the 1707 Act of Union (Scotland) states; "That the two Kingdoms of Scotland and England, shall, upon the first Day of May next ensuing the Date hereof, and for ever after, be united into one Kingdom by the Name of Great-Britain, and that the Ensigns Armorial of the said united Kingdom, be such as her Majesty shall appoint; and the Crosses of St. Andrew and St. George be conjoined in such a manner as her Majesty shall think fit, and used in all Flags, Banners, Standards, and Ensigns, both at Sea and Land." Several Articles of these Treaties require that all citizens have equal rights, advantages and privileges and that no new party added should be given exclusive ones. For example, Article 4 of the 1707 Act of Union (Scotland) states; "That all the Subjects of the united Kingdom of Great-Britain shall, from and after the Union, have full Freedom and Intercourse of Trade and Navigation, to and from any Port or Place within the said united Kingdom, and the Dominions and Plantations thereunto belonging; and that there be a Communication of all other Rights, Privileges, and Advantages, which do or may belong to the Subjects of either Kingdom, except where it is otherwise expressly agreed in these Articles." Also for Example, Article 6 of the 1801 Act of Union (Ireland) states; "That it be the sixth article of union, that his Majesty’s subjects of Great Britain and Ireland shall, from and after the first day of January, one thousand eight hundred and one, be entitled to the same privileges, and be on the same footing as to encouragements and bounties on the like articles, being the growth, produce, or manufacture of either country respectively, and generally in respect of trade and navigation in all ports and places in the united kingdom and its dependencies; and that in all treaties made by his Majesty, his heirs, and successors, with any foreign power, his Majesty’s subjects of Ireland shall have the same privileges, and be on the same footing as his Majesty’s subjects of Great Britain." As above, these Treaties bound, and continue to bind, the Crown and all of its successors, such as the "Crown of New Zealand". Several legal precedents have been made dating back to at least the Union of the Crowns of England and Scotland in 1603 confirming that subjects under the Crown must be treated equally. This includes Calvin's Case (1608), 77 ER 377, (1608) Co Rep 1a, also known as the Case of the Postnati. The Crown cannot even begin to envision unequally restricting, or granting more, Rights, Advantages and Privileges of one or more "Treaty Parties" without being in breach of these Treaties. However, the Crown has increasingly been acting in breach of these Treaties and needs to immediately honour them. For example, Article 25 of the 1707 Act of Union (Scotland) states; "That all Laws and Statutes in either Kingdom, so far as they are contrary to, or inconsistent with the Terms of these Articles, or any of them, shall, from and after the Union, cease, and become void, and shall be so declared to be, by the respective Parliaments of the said Kingdoms." The pre and post 1840 "Treaty Parties" who have equal Rights, Advantages and Privileges within the Crown of New Zealand include English, Welsh, Scottish, Irish, Australian, Dutch, French, Moriori, Maori, and subjects of the Realm of New Zealand. The Crown has no doubt learnt its lesson when historically trying to breach the rights of some of these subjects. Rather than the "Treaty" situation being like two halves of an apple (ie the Crown and Maori), the real situation is like an orange, wherein each of the segments represent the numerous equal "Treaty Partners" and the protective and encapsulating skin represents the Crown. The only question is how much power the "Crown" has (ie. how thick is the skin of the orange) but each "First Nation" "Treaty Partner" segment is identical. This does not in any way reduce the "Treaty Rights" of any one "Treaty Partner". It simply extends them to all. The Crown is the only one who can lose rights, or conversely have more rights granted to it by the people - as long as those affect all equally. New "communities" can be envisioned as the new growth segments between the original segments (as in an orange) but always within the protective skin of the "Crown" and its powers. In fact, the segments near the centre of the orange have become fused together as populations merge and therefore subjects usually have more than one treaty in their lineage. In fact it is these earlier Treaties, for example Article 2 of the 1706 Treaty of Union (Scotland) which specifically defines the "Crown" and who exactly reigns and succeeded as the sovereign. If these earlier treaties are breached by the "Crown", tried to be ignored by "Treaty Deniers", or an attempt made to try and undermine or demote their relative importance by "Treaty Bigots", then the legitimacy of the current monarchs themselves would be jeopardised (and the Monarch over the Water - ie the Stuart dynasty, would therefore need to be re-established). There can be no apartheid under these Treaties and the time has come to honour them equally.
@ no I don’t hence David Seymour trying take this Racist ideology out of NZ policy. Māori are no longer isolated warriors that dont understand European society. They no longer need to be treated differently and if we continue down the path the Māori party want to go we have two different societies in nz one for Māori and one for everyone else. Wouldn’t be long before we go so far backwards it becomes a 3rd country or at the very least we fall far behind countries that don’t have separate laws and regulations depending on Race.
@ Māori make up 17% of the population how are board members and judges 80% in the tribunal if it’s not racial motivated? I know you from Huntly but surely you understand this
Referendum now! Let's us people speak. She can have her opinion, its okay with me but we as peoples also have the right to our own opinion. Let's have a say through referendum
So according to Prof. Haywood we should trust the likes of our wonderful Solicitor General Ms. Una Jagose RC, who is a known radical to decide treaty laws...puh!!!
It is not what it ought to be, it is what actually is, as it is written in the Treaty itself. As for the WT and Courts deciding what the Treaty says - on that front they have failed so badly to date that there should be charges bought under Section 73 (e) & (f) of the Crimes Act.
right on Micheal. I completely and totally disagree with Academic Hayward's thesis. She is just in cuckoo land. Trust in academics drops further still! Why do they get so much undeserved attention?
Seemingly she has Michael & your undeserved attention - seemingly the joke is on you. Either that or you didn't listen to her submission just Michael's misogynist summary, which kinda makes you look like a dick.
More prolonged interpretation of the world according to Laws. Of course the Govt is elected by a democratic process, but Te Tiriti is signed by 2 parties, one of which is not part of Parliamentary process. The Maori Party are not the official voice for Treaty issues.
False statement from Laws. The government, nor all of parliament, are not the Crown. They acting for the Monarch, who approves (or may decline) all legislation processed by the NZ parliament, via his representative, the Governor General. We will need the change to a republic for that not to be the case.
Um, you clearly don't know how that works. It's true that the Governor General signs off on legislation but that is symbolic only. NZ has been independent of the UK since the Statute of Westminster Adoption Act 1947, and the New Zealand Constitution Amendment (Request and Consent) Act 1947 received the Royal assent on 25 November 1947. Heck, the King doesn't have any real authority over the Parliament in Britain - let alone out here in the antipodes.
@ Not in NZ. The Governor General can, under certain extreme circumstances, exercise reserve powers to dissolve a Government or dismiss a Prime Minister - but not at the behest or whim of the King.
You missed one thing Michael: she said that the government isn’t in a position to determine what the Treaty means because it’s only one partner. Of course implying that Maori aren’t represented by Parliament. Again, suggesting that she doesn’t believe that Maori ceded sovereignty, which of course is a veiwpoint that currently carries significant personal advantages.
The Courts and Politicians have failed -- people now need to have an open debate and referendum -- David Seymours proposals actually enhances the Treaty on democracy and equality -- to say to the contrary is simply saying -- no to democracy and equality --- Mr Luxon has a duty of care to every New Zealander to ensure we have fredom of speech, freedom of choice and the right to protest peacefully --- inaddition with 160 plus other ethnic races in NZ -- we cannot engage with racial, colour, or creed inequalities --- by the very Grace of God -- we are blessed for David Seymours tenacity.
If that is the best the Maori agenda activists have to promote the "Save the Treaty, the Waitangi Tribunal and dont mess with our privileges" brigade then the inevitable referendum will deliver the One Nation, one government, one set of laws, no privileges by race, genger, religion etc.
@paullecomtenz charter schools are not just for the wealthy nor are race-based students. They are an option for all New Zealanders. We all are awre that our Educatipn system is failing to produce an appropriate qualty to an international and indeed national standard. This need to be addressed across the board to concentrate on core subjects for all and not waste money or resource on vanity or valueless subjects.
As a 65 year old maori male... let me just say Michael... you nailed it brother!! One need only look at what happened in the last US election and the way that people spoke at the ballot box and said... "were done with that over liberalise elitist 'CRAP' and resoundingly kicked it to the kerb, in favour of the guy whom purportedly had amassed and was convicted on no less than 40 something charges. 😂😅 ... all while bewildered at the outgoing leader (who was the real criminal) that blanket pardoned a whole bunch of time and money wasters of tax dollars and resources. The upside to that if you weren't watching is it highlighted the guilty. The really really ironic and funny side to those pardons is that if called before a congressional hearing... the pardoned (as l understand it and correct me if l'm wrong) no longer have the right to plead the 5th ammendment😂🤣
The Waitangi Tribunal made it clear that their 'principles' were invented to address injustices they had been listening to a lot, and that those 'principles' were not set in stone but would change according to circumstances (i.e. political interests of Maori). The Select Committee process for this Bill has been corrupted by Luxon's lot. Putting a Labour anti-bill activist as chairman of one of the subcommittees and favouring anti-Bill submitters.
If only Dr Lyndsay Head, former Lecturer in Indigenous and Maori Studies at the university of Canterbury, was available for interview, you would get a totally different academic viewpoint.
Oh Michael, I have to get out the door this morning and waiting for you to get on and read what Hayward said, and you went on a whole big roundabout. Oh.... Here we go 😊
2025 and the Tiriti is what everyone is talking about because of 1 man and his party. You don’t into someone’s house and not only make yourself at home but you don’t tell someone on their own property I want half of your backyard because you have more room than me 😂😂😂 p off outta here
Michael, you say you want the state, and presumably its supporters to justify themselves. She did that. Reasonably, you weren’t impressed. It failed the brief. Whether she represents a ‘academic culture’ is an ad hominem attack. Why should she run for govt - its not a rational standard. The bill isn’t necessary? Well, it doesn’t solve the prevailing problem. Parliament doesn’t trump the courts; least of all concerning a matter that pre-dates a statutory sanction by the court. i.e. This is a common law issue. A better tact would be questioning the legitimacy of the Maori or Crown to address the issue. No sovereignty is possible if you treat everyone as ‘members of a collective’. Sovereignty has to be personal. You seem to have no restraint in your support for democracy. That isn’t the system we have. Courts in fact rule. They are the final word. That’s the system. It isn’t a well-conceived system. But the folly doesn’t hinge on these academics, even if they struggle to recognise the problem. Philosophers since Plato have recognised the shortcomings of democracy. The presumption is the remedies adopted have ‘solved these problems’, and that ‘any other concerns are beyond us’, and have to be socialised. So, it is actually the NZ system that gives the courts that unreasonable power. Address that! You reasonably start to do that by acknowledging the influence of Willie Jackson. Run with that! The system is flawed.
Haha Michael you sound disturbed by the fact she got time in front of the select committee. Unlike you as mamy other followers like you. What a shame! 😂
Another rant by Laws who is afraid of the youth vote and making huge efforts to disparage their educated voice, despite the fact that he graduated from Otago Uni and studied post grad at Victoria.
Whatever anyones personal ideology or beliefs about gods or God it should never be made mandated for all that's ridiculous. Personal choice is important so if I decide I don't want to go to a racist Treaty workshop then I should have the ability to refuse without penalty but now it's a pre-requisite for most jobs which discriminates against those who do not agree. It removes freedom and bonds people up and it all comes from a 'Pakeha are born privileged' view which is totally disgusting!
😂🎉🎉🎉 They act like we're not in the same country it's like a toxic marriage forced onto them omg crashing the party poppers now this country would be boring and clueless without us ae pono Kia ora NZ @@LrZkNZ
As soon as you had said had a political science degree I thought shes probably a progessive if not far left. Same as the people that get gender studies degrees i understand. You gotta watch em.
What has become crystal clear is that a LOT of New Zealanders care very deeply about this issue so therefore it will not go away. Luxon is dead in the water if you ask me, the essence of the bill - equality for all - will go on and on.
Universities all over the western world have been responsible for the indoctrination of people. Much of the communist ideas came out of professor's at universities. Most are left wing.
No they're not, isn't it wonderful. On one hand they're indoctrinating students, on the other hand there are so many here in this thread who didn't get indoctrinated, what's it to be. So confused
Hayward's position is a classic case of "it's ok when my team does it." Waitangi Tribunal - created by Parliament, 1975, apparently fine; Constitution Act - created by Parliament, 1986, apparently fine Senior Courts Act - created by Parliament, 2016, apparently fine, RMA, MACA, .... So, Parliament is ok to legislate on Tribunals, Constitutions, higher courts etc, but not on a Treaty Principles Bill?
She sounds like many University lecturers I have had the misfortune to be lectured by. Have lived their entire working life in echo chambers, are paid sufficiently well to not have had to do life hard and believe that their thoughts overrule the rule of law. Dangerous people indeed.
Paid by the tax payers to promote for forfeiture of tax payers' right in the name of tax payers?
Yes I had those idiots trying to teach me at uni too. The ones with no life experience.
Clocked ittttt💯
Otago Uni(Professor/s) had removed my rational and reasonable and polite thoughts on another matter 3 times for no good reason. A complaint process has been a wild mongoose chase. They do not abide by their own charter. And having listened to Janine's own utterances, it's all starting to make sense as to why things have devolved so much: youth being inducted through such complete and utter unilateral nonsense.
you didn't listen to her speech did you. Where in her words did she say anything that overruled the 'rule of law'. Go ON big balls ANONYMOUS COWARD TROLL, I dare you.
The Treaty did not create a partnership. It was a treaty, and it conferred rights and obligations on the parties who signed it.
Thank you. It is sad to see people repeating it without having any understanding of the facts.
Isn’t a treaty a formal, concluded and ratified agreement between two groups? A partnership?
@@NZ-ms3vcNO !
@@NZ-ms3vcno, a treaty doesn’t imply a partnership at all. It certainly doesn’t imply any kind of enduring relationship. It can simply be a formal agreement of terms. It seems to me that the Treaty is an agreement of rights and obligations signed at one moment in time to signify a change in status from a before state to an after state. Done. A great example would the Treaty of Versailles. This imposed harsh terms on Germany and established the League of Nations. It wasn’t an “enduring partnership between two peoples”. Also, the Treaty of Waitangi could easily have established a “partnership” or a framework for cooperation, but it didn’t.
Awblax is right. Whether its a 'partnership' or not isn't important. Its just semantics. The problem is the rights and obligations HAVN'T been upheld, hence the inequality between Pakeha & Māori (don't waste anyones time refuting that, just look at the statistics). Removing the teeth of the only legislation protects that is a sure way to let the inequality slip backwards again.
If someone is actively supporting moves that will knowingly harm an already unequal group like that, then they have some problems around empathy.
What needs to be understood is the support given for Maori racist-nationalism by feminists in the tertiary institutions and the public services.
@@geofflewis8599 - there is an urgent need to clean house at our universities an other public institutions. Our PM needs to sign an Executive Order like Trump has!
Yeah get rid of himself !!
so a racist AND misogynist - there's a surprise ANONYMOUS COWARD troll.
@@iainseymour-hart3347 you sound like a fascits there Iain Seymour Hart of England. You're not a fascist are you Ian?
@@iainseymour-hart3347 Go on then do it Breen
I support the TP Bill!!
We 'The People' want and need a binding referendum.
Janine Haywood and other academics who are indoctrinating the students in their care, should be stood down asap.
Grow a set, election now, or are you scared😮😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
@gordoncooke6785 election now would be great, would mean that ACT and NZ First could run the country without National.
Of course you would Iain Seymour Hart from Wallasey, England.
You're not natural to these lands🤷
@@iainseymour-hart3347 we the people, you stole americas homework🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
@_.Marz._ neither are you
Well said Michael. Right on. One thing that's coming out in all this is that a whole bunch of people do not want ordinary New Zealanders to have our say on the treaty principles bill. Hmmmm
You always imply that 'Most ordinary new Zealanders' support Seymours Bill, except the only public actions taken have been enormous protests against it.
@@drednorztNot implied. All polling and stats show at least 2/3rds of NZers support the bill. Labour, national, and act voters alike
@@how.why.what.who. Thats misinformation. Your adding 'undecided' into the 'support' group. Its about 1/3rd for, 1/3rd against & 1/3rd undecided.
@@how.why.what.who.yet not one of you are a signatory to the treaty. You dont get a say.
@@SimoneMcAllister-l3h Noone alive is a signatory, your statement is irrelevant
A mistake is not knowing somthing when you do it.
She knows what she is doing. Especially being a professor of politics. Do not give these people the benefit of the doubt.
Heres a thought. Maybe she knows more about it than Micheal does. One job revolves around race relations, and the other is a reactionary radio host.
You mean the 30+ years of reading original historical facts & accounts of actual events that happened around the treaty. Researched & edited many books on the topic. Or we should listen to you Mr ANONYMOUS COWARD troll.
And Laws graduated from the same University of Otago. I place my trust more in the hands of Hayward than a sensationalist internet host looking for populist support.
Referendum and NOW
Stoppit or do something instead of writing a stupid comment boomer. Decolonization will be hard for you but you are not young my friend
This is the exact reason majority of NZ have had enough of the treaty as it stands and the treaty tribunal.
8.64% and dropping is not the majority, your math ain't mathing
!80million last year 15 million for cuppa haka per year and so on, local councils giving money to Maori. where in the treaty We the people will be separated and pay any money to the Māori . This bullshit needs to stop !!!
Ok stop making money from our resources and we'll stop taking hand outs
@@tamatiepa4172Maori are immigrants from all around the Pacific rim.
@@tamatiepa4172Maori were Nomads shaky ground to argue sovereignty from.
NOT Your Resources Bro !
You don't own the resources if you don't own the land 92% of the land was sold .so stop claiming something is yours when you don't own it
Thanks for the presentation. I am a medical graduate of the University of Otago. I am appalled at the reported content of the speech made by Janine Haywood. I have always treated people of all races equally and expect that to happen in our society. As a 5th generation New Zealander, NZ is my home. It would appear some New Zealanders do not want race equality to continue. I support the bill if it gives all of us a guarantee of equal rights.
Race equality in NZ has never happened
Well said and I think the same. I'm having to get my head around realising that a lot of 'Maori' do not want equal rights. I'd never really thought of that before now.
It was supposed to happen, that's the treaty which was signed.
And the Waitangi Tribunal was set up to identify and remedy breaches of the Treaty.
@@rangihuia16oh go on Rangi, have the courage of your convictions, state your case so everyone can see that your comment is based on substance we should be concerned about rather than the never ending victim hood and entitlement that is the norm from the various special identities today.
Well said John.
On point as always Mr Laws. This country is on a collision course thanks to the Waitangi tribunal and exaccerbated by comrade ardern and her merry wokesters. Tough times ahead. We must stand up against all this BS!
Judges and lawyers ARE Maori activists.
& you are a racist
Lawyers and judges should declare a conflict of interest as they stand to significantly gain by their insider knowledge and fraudulent 'Create a problem get paid for it', 'win-win' 'Either way bent double sided coin' . Greedy lawyers and judges..."the once fine upstanding pillars of society" have always lusted after money and have no scruples in how they get it and waste no compassion on victims.
And the uneducated bottom feeder racists are people like you
Brilliant, you absolutely nailed it, Michael.
@@marinedrive5484 racist views again
@@rangihuia16 Fom Janine Hayward, yes, I totally agree.
Referendum for all NEW ZEALAND is the only way to go to many trying to thwart this ,its the only way to sort it they did it in Australia
In Victoria Australia they are pursuing idea of a treaty with first nation people
@@dominic1956gotta flaggin bloke?
@@dominic1956not the public. That’s the thing.
go and live in Australia 😂😂
Go to oz then
Well said. That university woman clearly a left wing and speaks for herself only because real New Zealanders want a say and that’s equality for all. Not co governance not apartheid
I want equality for all, but given their track record, white politicians (Seymour included) are not who I would trust to provide that.
@@drednorzt I would not trust the maori party at all !!!
@@TheAllEngineering I never mentioned the Māori party. The fact you made that assumption suggests you've got a lot of preconceived ideas.
@drednorzt Nothing pre conceived just based on practices that I have seen from the Maori Party. For example the Maori Parties Dodgy funding through Tamahere's lot is hardly upstanding and trustworthy. All they do is make a lot of noise and achieve very little for their people. I have respect for Dame Tariana Turia, this current lot is not in the same league.
@@TheAllEngineering But you aren't concerned about the American neo-liberal funding behind ACT, orders of magnitude larger than that of Te Pāti Māori?
Funding for TPM is dwarfed by that of the Wright Family (The Platform), the TPU, the FSU, Hobsons Pledge and all the ATLAS affiliates funding and supporting ACT.
The Māori Party have a vested interested in protecting New Zealand because this is the only place in the world fundamentally home to Māori. The people that ACT represent have no interest in New Zealand other than removing protections (for both you and me AND our incredible environment) to extract as much wealth as possible.
Fantastic Micheal couldnt agree more.
If we didnt have a treaty she might have to get a real job.
& pre tell what is a 'real job'?
@ well nothing to do with the treaty gravy train for a start.
If te tiriti wasn't here you wouldn't be here, the irony in your comment is so demure
@@stevebarrett6767 The descendants of the settlers on confiscated land making wealth for generations are the original gravy train passengers and they stole the train too.
Judges are the most out of touch people in this country. They should be nowhere near any sort of decision making in my opinion.
I agree. Judges and the Waitangi Tribuanl should not be making these decisons
@paullecomtenz so says who? You? Mr TH-cam expert 😂
Yeah hand over to country's future to the waitangi tribunal and the courts to decide on the principles of the treaty, but the people of this country are being denied their right by way of referendum to decide on the TOW. the treaty is dividing and destroying NZ.
I don't agree that the Treaty is dividing and destroying NZ.
The Treaty is a fairly simple document. It's the modern add-ons, like this partnership bs, that are the problem.
The Waitangi Tribunal should stick to identifying, and finding remedies for, breaches of the Treaty. There is plenty of work just in that. Doing what it was set up for.
@@bobmasefield317 the treaty is the only reason why you and your generations exist
This woman is has made total fool of herself, we the people are tired of people like her telling us what to think, we need a trump to run for office in this country
@@Thebuilder-v7q - she should be cancelled! Anti-democracy activist - potentially very dangerous.
We need to run our own Treaty workshops cos that's how they brainwashed everyone into a lie and they took that shite back into the workplace, 40 years of these racist workshops have ruined out Country
Speak for yourself, man. Trump don't like you foreigners.
Have you read any other comments under Platform videos? You all parrot each other non-stop, endlessly repeating the same misinformation. Its a strange way to be thinking for yourself.
@@drednorzt you must be be a lefty or don’t you believe we all should have the same rights,race based politics always fail
The example of the Marx through the institutions.
It shows how little many of the academics in the country care for democracy now.
Heres a list of some other regimes who prosecuted the academics. The CCP. The third reich. The Khmer Rouge.
Still think its the academics who are the threat to democracy?
Regardless of the ToW and whether it has been soted out or not is not the issue today. The reality is less than 15% of the country will never agree to any completion of this matter because it empowers them artificially. The real reality is that these New Zealanders of mixed race have a modicum of so called maori blood/DNA in them elevating them above the other 85%. Never in any commercial, natural or other situation have less than 15% been given control of the majority, especially when their claims are ridiculous manufactured tales that have no legitimate base. There was no written language, no governance, no buildings or technology that endured just a collective of angry primative tribes that could not coexist in peace.
Pretty sure the Alawites, in Syria, are around 15% of the population 😂
Sun Tsu in his book "The Art of War" is where the quote "Never interrupt your enemy while he is destroying himself." came from a thousand or so years before Napoleon.
The treaty was written in English and translated to Maori, even if the Maori didn’t have a direct translation for the concept of sovereignty it’s clear that the intent is contained in the English version, being the original.
And this is where the UN insists that the version in te Reo takes precedence. But also, everyone makes it seem like the Maori chiefs were forced to sign at gun point. But that’s simply not the case. Some even voyaged to London to see England for themselves before signing. Many were still very happy with the arrangements decades later, as it brought mostly peace and prosperity. The idea that Maori were fooled by some perceived translation error seems silly.
She is actually a critical social justice theorist, masquerading as an political academic.
Maori colonization has a lot to answer for!
Wtf are you talking about 😂
Maoris migrated to NZ and colonized by force.
@Freeeedumb bro you're a descendant of cannibalism. Do some research my g
Worse Still. These so called Proffesors are Getting a HUGE Salary to talk Bullshitt
NZ needs to sort this Treaty mess out. It's an embarrassment at a global level.
And is holding NZ back
What happens if the bill is approved? Talk me through how and what it's going to fix
@@Freeeedumb no more $4 million handouts for whales to sing to trees is a starter.
@gothkidd8712 replaced by a 215m handout to Phillip Morris to aid people getting cancer 👍 I'll take whale music all day, least it's not killing people. And don't start with the 'it's a choice' crap, it is a choice but hard to stop and certainly doesn't need handouts.. cos it kills you.
Happily the academics and the tribunal are not the government - at this stage. 😅
Excellent thank you
Well said, Michael. Well said.
Would like you to review Marilyn Waring and some of the others. I was hearing prose from a Barrister, ludicrous opinions from others, Maori singing and whakapapas, and some real arrogance from the Left questioning from the Panel.
Elizabeth Rata and the next four or so we're brilliant.
I find if I can follow it, it makes sense. But if it's a word salad, then it seems to be obfuscation. I'd like to say otherwise but I'm unable to.
Thank you for this, Michael!
I had the (un)lucky moment to listen to Janine Hayward professor inaugural speech. It was not important what she said but how she said it. What came through was that her life was all too easy.
Nevertheless, she was the only professor who did not respond to the Māori Department’s congratulatory email at all. 😮
@ oh, the “not important what she said” refers to her university inaugural lecture, not her submission.
We ALL have Treaties with the Crown which specifically enshrine Equal Rights, Advantages and Privileges for ALL subjects.
The Crown was a "Treaty Partner" (to utilise woke terminology) with many other "Treaty Parties" well before Maori were added as English subjects in the Maori version of the 1840 Treaty of Waitangi.
These Treaties include the 1215 Magna Carta, the 1267 Treaty of Montgomery (Wales), the 1706 Treaty of Union (Scotland) and the 1800 Treaty of Union (Ireland), and their respective enactments. The "Treaty of Waitangi" is actually the 1840 Treaty of Union (New Zealand).
In 1840 the "Crown" was already a "Partnership" with several "First Nations Partners" - ie. the Crown of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. The Union Flag was specifically created by Article 1 of the 1706 Treaty of Union to represent the Union of "Treaty Parties". The 1840 Treaty of Waitangi was specifically signed over the Union Flag to represent this.
This is like a going concern which has several existing partners, taking on another partner and absorbing their concern into a greater whole - with each partner being on an exactly equal footing.
Article 1 of the 1707 Act of Union (Scotland) states; "That the two Kingdoms of Scotland and England, shall, upon the first Day of May next ensuing the Date hereof, and for ever after, be united into one Kingdom by the Name of Great-Britain, and that the Ensigns Armorial of the said united Kingdom, be such as her Majesty shall appoint; and the Crosses of St. Andrew and St. George be conjoined in such a manner as her Majesty shall think fit, and used in all Flags, Banners, Standards, and Ensigns, both at Sea and Land."
Several Articles of these Treaties require that all citizens have equal rights, advantages and privileges and that no new party added should be given exclusive ones. For example, Article 4 of the 1707 Act of Union (Scotland) states; "That all the Subjects of the united Kingdom of Great-Britain shall, from and after the Union, have full Freedom and Intercourse of Trade and Navigation, to and from any Port or Place within the said united Kingdom, and the Dominions and Plantations thereunto belonging; and that there be a Communication of all other Rights, Privileges, and Advantages, which do or may belong to the Subjects of either Kingdom, except where it is otherwise expressly agreed in these Articles."
Also for Example, Article 6 of the 1801 Act of Union (Ireland) states; "That it be the sixth article of union, that his Majesty’s subjects of Great Britain and Ireland shall, from and after the first day of January, one thousand eight hundred and one, be entitled to the same privileges, and be on the same footing as to encouragements and bounties on the like articles, being the growth, produce, or manufacture of either country respectively, and generally in respect of trade and navigation in all ports and places in the united kingdom and its dependencies; and that in all treaties made by his Majesty, his heirs, and successors, with any foreign power, his Majesty’s subjects of Ireland shall have the same privileges, and be on the same footing as his Majesty’s subjects of Great Britain."
As above, these Treaties bound, and continue to bind, the Crown and all of its successors, such as the "Crown of New Zealand". Several legal precedents have been made dating back to at least the Union of the Crowns of England and Scotland in 1603 confirming that subjects under the Crown must be treated equally. This includes Calvin's Case (1608), 77 ER 377, (1608) Co Rep 1a, also known as the Case of the Postnati.
The Crown cannot even begin to envision unequally restricting, or granting more, Rights, Advantages and Privileges of one or more "Treaty Parties" without being in breach of these Treaties. However, the Crown has increasingly been acting in breach of these Treaties and needs to immediately honour them.
For example, Article 25 of the 1707 Act of Union (Scotland) states; "That all Laws and Statutes in either Kingdom, so far as they are contrary to, or inconsistent with the Terms of these Articles, or any of them, shall, from and after the Union, cease, and become void, and shall be so declared to be, by the respective Parliaments of the said Kingdoms."
The pre and post 1840 "Treaty Parties" who have equal Rights, Advantages and Privileges within the Crown of New Zealand include English, Welsh, Scottish, Irish, Australian, Dutch, French, Moriori, Maori, and subjects of the Realm of New Zealand. The Crown has no doubt learnt its lesson when historically trying to breach the rights of some of these subjects.
Rather than the "Treaty" situation being like two halves of an apple (ie the Crown and Maori), the real situation is like an orange, wherein each of the segments represent the numerous equal "Treaty Partners" and the protective and encapsulating skin represents the Crown. The only question is how much power the "Crown" has (ie. how thick is the skin of the orange) but each "First Nation" "Treaty Partner" segment is identical.
This does not in any way reduce the "Treaty Rights" of any one "Treaty Partner". It simply extends them to all. The Crown is the only one who can lose rights, or conversely have more rights granted to it by the people - as long as those affect all equally.
New "communities" can be envisioned as the new growth segments between the original segments (as in an orange) but always within the protective skin of the "Crown" and its powers. In fact, the segments near the centre of the orange have become fused together as populations merge and therefore subjects usually have more than one treaty in their lineage.
In fact it is these earlier Treaties, for example Article 2 of the 1706 Treaty of Union (Scotland) which specifically defines the "Crown" and who exactly reigns and succeeded as the sovereign. If these earlier treaties are breached by the "Crown", tried to be ignored by "Treaty Deniers", or an attempt made to try and undermine or demote their relative importance by "Treaty Bigots", then the legitimacy of the current monarchs themselves would be jeopardised (and the Monarch over the Water - ie the Stuart dynasty, would therefore need to be re-established).
There can be no apartheid under these Treaties and the time has come to honour them equally.
😂😂😂 ffs
The Tribunal is 80% Māori and couple pakeha who had towed the Māori Bias, seriously that’s a professor at our university? What a Joke
Yeah but that implies people mainly vote/side with people of the same or similar ethnicity.
@ oh so a board of 80% Māori and two pakeha who have been on the board over a decade will not Vote in Maori Favour? genius!
@@thomasr246 do you vote mainly based on ethnicity over policy?
@ no I don’t hence David Seymour trying take this Racist ideology out of NZ policy. Māori are no longer isolated warriors that dont understand European society. They no longer need to be treated differently and if we continue down the path the Māori party want to go we have two different societies in nz one for Māori and one for everyone else. Wouldn’t be long before we go so far backwards it becomes a 3rd country or at the very least we fall far behind countries that don’t have separate laws and regulations depending on Race.
@ Māori make up 17% of the population how are board members and judges 80% in the tribunal if it’s not racial motivated? I know you from Huntly but surely you understand this
Referendum now! Let's us people speak. She can have her opinion, its okay with me but we as peoples also have the right to our own opinion. Let's have a say through referendum
Great video ✌️
The self appointed clergy of the TOW are now on show for the people of this country to judge...that`s what I call justice.
This lady adheres to the party doctrine according to the book 1984. I know some can see it. But many, the voting populace, cannot.
@paullecomtenz buy a dictionary
Where’s our Donald trump this country is going down hill fast luxon needs to be out fast.
@ hope so but needs more then just act party
So according to Prof. Haywood we should trust the likes of our wonderful Solicitor General Ms. Una Jagose RC, who is a known radical to decide treaty laws...puh!!!
Well said Michael😊
Your assessment is disturbingly very accurate.
It is not what it ought to be, it is what actually is, as it is written in the Treaty itself. As for the WT and Courts deciding what the Treaty says - on that front they have failed so badly to date that there should be charges bought under Section 73 (e) & (f) of the Crimes Act.
It's amazing she didn't include climate hocus pocus 😂🤣😂🤣🤣🤣🤣
We have a choice, populism for the people or the same old uniparty managed decline, choose wisely.
lets put that to the vote shall we, will ACT get more than 9% at the next election.
right on Micheal. I completely and totally disagree with Academic Hayward's thesis. She is just in cuckoo land. Trust in academics drops further still! Why do they get so much undeserved attention?
Seemingly she has Michael & your undeserved attention - seemingly the joke is on you. Either that or you didn't listen to her submission just Michael's misogynist summary, which kinda makes you look like a dick.
Do you think Trump might like our golf courses...?
I think He'd like any Golf course , He loves playing 👍
No surprises here, just another taxpayer funded expert on cultural marxist ideals.
More prolonged interpretation of the world according to Laws. Of course the Govt is elected by a democratic process, but Te Tiriti is signed by 2 parties, one of which is not part of Parliamentary process. The Maori Party are not the official voice for Treaty issues.
@@paullecomtenz Parliament consists of the Sovereign and The House of Representatives. Together they constitute Parliamentary process.
False statement from Laws. The government, nor all of parliament, are not the Crown. They acting for the Monarch, who approves (or may decline) all legislation processed by the NZ parliament, via his representative, the Governor General. We will need the change to a republic for that not to be the case.
Um, you clearly don't know how that works. It's true that the Governor General signs off on legislation but that is symbolic only. NZ has been independent of the UK since the Statute of Westminster Adoption Act 1947, and the New Zealand Constitution Amendment (Request and Consent) Act 1947 received the Royal assent on 25 November 1947. Heck, the King doesn't have any real authority over the Parliament in Britain - let alone out here in the antipodes.
@jeffappleton926 the King can still dismiss a government in the Commonwealth!
@ Not in NZ. The Governor General can, under certain extreme circumstances, exercise reserve powers to dissolve a Government or dismiss a Prime Minister - but not at the behest or whim of the King.
Those who can't do, teach
& those who can't teach make ANONYMOUS COWARD TH-cam Troll accounts & listen to misogynists waxing lyrical about absolute bollocks
You missed one thing Michael: she said that the government isn’t in a position to determine what the Treaty means because it’s only one partner. Of course implying that Maori aren’t represented by Parliament. Again, suggesting that she doesn’t believe that Maori ceded sovereignty, which of course is a veiwpoint that currently carries significant personal advantages.
The Courts and Politicians have failed -- people now need to have an open debate and referendum -- David Seymours proposals actually enhances the Treaty on democracy and equality -- to say to the contrary is simply saying -- no to democracy and equality --- Mr Luxon has a duty of care to every New Zealander to ensure we have fredom of speech, freedom of choice and the right to protest peacefully --- inaddition with 160 plus other ethnic races in NZ -- we cannot engage with racial, colour, or creed inequalities --- by the very Grace of God -- we are blessed for David Seymours tenacity.
Case by case. That says it all.
Academically qualified but severe lacking of intelligence and integrity
@@paullecomtenz Oh bless. Appeals to authority are meaningless.
If that is the best the Maori agenda activists have to promote the "Save the Treaty, the Waitangi Tribunal and dont mess with our privileges" brigade then the inevitable referendum will deliver the One Nation, one government, one set of laws, no privileges by race, genger, religion etc.
@paullecomtenz charter schools are not just for the wealthy nor are race-based students. They are an option for all New Zealanders.
We all are awre that our Educatipn system is failing to produce an appropriate qualty to an international and indeed national standard.
This need to be addressed across the board to concentrate on core subjects for all and not waste money or resource on vanity or valueless subjects.
Why can't the country vote on the members of the tribunal when we vote for our political representatives? 🤔
As a 65 year old maori male... let me just say
Michael... you nailed it brother!!
One need only look at what happened in the last US election and the way that people spoke at the ballot box and said... "were done with that over liberalise elitist 'CRAP' and resoundingly kicked it to the kerb, in favour of the guy whom purportedly had amassed and was convicted on no less than 40 something charges.
😂😅 ... all while bewildered at the outgoing leader (who was the real criminal) that blanket pardoned a whole bunch of time and money wasters of tax dollars and resources.
The upside to that if you weren't watching is it highlighted the guilty.
The really really ironic and funny side to those pardons is that if called before a congressional hearing... the pardoned (as l understand it and correct me if l'm wrong) no longer have the right to plead the 5th ammendment😂🤣
Whats good about all of this NewZealanders are at last waking up to whats really happening in NewZealand
The Waitangi Tribunal made it clear that their 'principles' were invented to address injustices they had been listening to a lot, and that those 'principles' were not set in stone but would change according to circumstances (i.e. political interests of Maori).
The Select Committee process for this Bill has been corrupted by Luxon's lot. Putting a Labour anti-bill activist as chairman of one of the subcommittees and favouring anti-Bill submitters.
The legislature created the very notion of treaty 'principles', so how can it not be allowed to uncreate it now?
If only Dr Lyndsay Head, former Lecturer in Indigenous and Maori Studies at the university of Canterbury, was available for interview, you would get a totally different academic viewpoint.
NewZealand politics is sooo fkn boring,
All the National party will go into the realm of the private world while the Labour Party goes into the realm of public, enough said.
Oh Michael, I have to get out the door this morning and waiting for you to get on and read what Hayward said, and you went on a whole big roundabout. Oh.... Here we go 😊
there was no principles until 1975 lets sort it out once and for all
So there are principals there now, but you don't like them so change them. It's pretty much sorted once & for all.
This woman expert is living in la la land
2025 and the Tiriti is what everyone is talking about because of 1 man and his party. You don’t into someone’s house and not only make yourself at home but you don’t tell someone on their own property I want half of your backyard because you have more room than me 😂😂😂 p off outta here
Yes give the power back to the people thats the way its meant to be,isnt it?
The Anthropic Principle cannot be transcended. Catch up koro.
Michael doesn't like maori but he likes making money from them
Voters around the world with common sense are saying no thanks no more to the woke left liberal Grievance attitudes.
Michael, you say you want the state, and presumably its supporters to justify themselves. She did that. Reasonably, you weren’t impressed. It failed the brief. Whether she represents a ‘academic culture’ is an ad hominem attack. Why should she run for govt - its not a rational standard. The bill isn’t necessary? Well, it doesn’t solve the prevailing problem. Parliament doesn’t trump the courts; least of all concerning a matter that pre-dates a statutory sanction by the court. i.e. This is a common law issue. A better tact would be questioning the legitimacy of the Maori or Crown to address the issue. No sovereignty is possible if you treat everyone as ‘members of a collective’. Sovereignty has to be personal.
You seem to have no restraint in your support for democracy. That isn’t the system we have. Courts in fact rule. They are the final word. That’s the system. It isn’t a well-conceived system. But the folly doesn’t hinge on these academics, even if they struggle to recognise the problem. Philosophers since Plato have recognised the shortcomings of democracy. The presumption is the remedies adopted have ‘solved these problems’, and that ‘any other concerns are beyond us’, and have to be socialised.
So, it is actually the NZ system that gives the courts that unreasonable power. Address that! You reasonably start to do that by acknowledging the influence of Willie Jackson. Run with that! The system is flawed.
Haha Michael you sound disturbed by the fact she got time in front of the select committee. Unlike you as mamy other followers like you. What a shame! 😂
Sun Tzu: The Art of War; never interrupt your enemy while they make a mistake.
100% again Michael
Another rant by Laws who is afraid of the youth vote and making huge efforts to disparage their educated voice, despite the fact that he graduated from Otago Uni and studied post grad at Victoria.
What Maori Health inequalities? My health is my responsibility, mostly, so what inequalities are we talking about??
@ inequalities or lack of personal responsibility?
Hey Micheal you are one of ten ! One of the ten people who still buy newspapers ! 😄
Whatever anyones personal ideology or beliefs about gods or God it should never be made mandated for all that's ridiculous. Personal choice is important so if I decide I don't want to go to a racist Treaty workshop then I should have the ability to refuse without penalty but now it's a pre-requisite for most jobs which discriminates against those who do not agree. It removes freedom and bonds people up and it all comes from a 'Pakeha are born privileged' view which is totally disgusting!
@@StGammon77 now you know what it’s is like to be Palestinian haha
😂🎉🎉🎉 They act like we're not in the same country it's like a toxic marriage forced onto them omg crashing the party poppers now this country would be boring and clueless without us ae pono Kia ora NZ @@LrZkNZ
As soon as you had said had a political science degree I thought shes probably a progessive if not far left. Same as the people that get gender studies degrees i understand. You gotta watch em.
So, who is your enemy Michael?
Any one out there complaining whom voted for National, Labour,Greens or NZ first,my suggestion is zip it and vote Act next election.
If it is a lasting legacy then I think David Seymour can be very happy.
I agree with evrything she said and would challenge anyone who disagrees.
Nicely put but I think you may have been biting your tongue a bit 😅
And guess what some dumb arse will listen how bloody sad
I did, because Seymour is trying to make us more & more like America, and look how that place is turning out.
Michael, your over enunciation and dramatic pauses and emphasis undermine what is otherwise a fair argument.
This Bill is dead in the water, but Laws goes on and on, yes he likes the sound of his own voice..
What has become crystal clear is that a LOT of New Zealanders care very deeply about this issue so therefore it will not go away. Luxon is dead in the water if you ask me, the essence of the bill - equality for all - will go on and on.
there are peoples who live there lives with the spiritual aspect ?
Not all academics at universities are like the Professor you critique today.
Universities all over the western world have been responsible for the indoctrination of people. Much of the communist ideas came out of professor's at universities. Most are left wing.
No they're not, isn't it wonderful. On one hand they're indoctrinating students, on the other hand there are so many here in this thread who didn't get indoctrinated, what's it to be. So confused
She will be typical of people that will be picked out to make submissions on the Treaty Principles Bill so it fails, Luxon will see to that.
Him an seymour both quoting Napoleon regarding this matter is strange
Strange that two people are well read?
@@gsd4me00 Well said!!
Its usually a bit sus when your role model is an emperor ay 🤔
..better than quoting Der Fuhrer.
@juliusschwencke142 you mean like musk did n a salute 🫡, free Palestine 🇵🇸
Keeping it real Mr Laws👍
Who is this silly old fella?
Wasn't he fired for forging something ?
Hayward's position is a classic case of "it's ok when my team does it."
Waitangi Tribunal - created by Parliament, 1975, apparently fine; Constitution Act - created by Parliament, 1986, apparently fine
Senior Courts Act - created by Parliament, 2016, apparently fine, RMA, MACA, ....
So, Parliament is ok to legislate on Tribunals, Constitutions, higher courts etc, but not on a Treaty Principles Bill?
I have missed listening to Michael's musings.
U need drink lemon juice look like yr blood pressure going high matr slow down if u go fast u crash n u end uo in oma😅😅😅
I congratulate Professor Janine Hayward for her submission.
I congratulate the honourable Winston Peters.
I congratulate PM Christopher Luxon.