What I can say is that we are all not perfect and judging when you yourself is not perfect hana yako inofanira kurova. Vazhinji murikuti hee chiwenga adayi, Muparinga adayi but only God knows and searches the heart. Pano pakazara ma Examiner zveshuwa. A good believer with a discerning spirit should just hear what the spirit is saying for the word of God is spirit. Izvi zvekuda kumaka zvese zvinoitwa nevaparidzi ndozvichatishayisa denga.
Vafanana naChivenga apo pakushora maProphets on issue yema1 on 1...Mukavashora zvamaita apo mafanana naChiwenga vamuri kushora...1 on 1 is worth it Baba...Even in the BIBLE prophet vaivaona nemari or Offering
Ndarwadziwa i used to listen to this man. Now I believe Apostle Chiwenga this man is now confused. How can he lie that he doesn’t have a church. You will know then by their works. He had forgotten that he was invited by DJ Olla.
Chiwenga anenge ari right paanoti you don't have 2 fathers How can you seek spiritual guidance from another man who created by God ,why cant you ask God himself, haaa ndedze kushaya dzimuparinga idzi
Kwana iwe mutongo upi waunoziva indava uchida kumhanya kuti munhu atongwe, shamhu yaMwari unonyatsoiziva iwe? Nemisikanzwa yako yese unoda here mutongo waMwari,? Grow up and let go of this hatred!
I respect Muparinga's preaching. This man is gifted in terms of preaching.
Va Muparinga makatumwa , mharidzo dzenyu dzinoropafadza
So powerful, thanks you for the word today
Very powerful, ndinotenda nemazwi
i like evangelist muparinga hama 🙌
I like this man
Apostle Chiwenga anonamata asina love
Chii chinonzi love kuna Mwari in one word
God is good all the time
Ini hangu pesenari shoko ravaMuparinga ummm ndinoona Mwari munyambo dzavo imomo he preaches the truth and zvirikutoitika mukurarama
Jesu akaba dhongi nyambo dzacho
Anogona uyu ❤
Comedian shuzhing in the studio
He's a good guy
Amen powerful
Candy kkkkkk the way she asks questions
Evangelist Muparinga moto wega wega
What I can say is that we are all not perfect and judging when you yourself is not perfect hana yako inofanira kurova. Vazhinji murikuti hee chiwenga adayi, Muparinga adayi but only God knows and searches the heart. Pano pakazara ma Examiner zveshuwa. A good believer with a discerning spirit should just hear what the spirit is saying for the word of God is spirit. Izvi zvekuda kumaka zvese zvinoitwa nevaparidzi ndozvichatishayisa denga.
Discernment of spirit inoto judger baba but it judges rightly
Pamweya ndandisati ndakuonna but pameso ndaiona
Muparinga anoda kufushirwa arimupenyu igava rinoshamisa
Baba muribenzi declare zveMan u
Mwana akanaka uyu ndopera mweya sekutamba
(kkkk anoda nguva yakadini kuti vakure nhy evangelist
Public hero but a private failure, noted.
Chi Canddy cake❤
Kumasowe unenge uchiparidzei nokuti kunonamatwa Gabhurona nengirozi
when was this vedio done. I know evangelist vane Church inonzi embassy of God ministries what happened to it
Kana wanzwa zvekunzi ndaka declare man United win against Brentford chibva waziva interview was done in September
This year 2024
In October this year.
Ngaakwane muparinga. Few are chosen
Few does not mean one kaaa
@@ronmurenha7470True dat!!!
Kkkkkl hanzi ndaka declare ndiripo 😂
😂😂😂 hanzi pannyama ndaitoona kuti simbi iyo
Kkkk vane churche ava ndatomhokuyenda,myb vakazovhara zvavo
Vafanana naChivenga apo pakushora maProphets on issue yema1 on 1...Mukavashora zvamaita apo mafanana naChiwenga vamuri kushora...1 on 1 is worth it Baba...Even in the BIBLE prophet vaivaona nemari or Offering
Kubhadharisa 1 on 1 ini ndoona zvesizvo hanku mkoma
Please give us scriptures , uri gava iwe
Hamuna zvamunoziva comrade
lol ndiyo evangelist taurai henyu
Muparinga unovaitisa ma journalists aya ko vanozivei
❤ powerful
Chiwenga is real muparinga maakudhunya
Kkkk Chiwenga i student ya Muparinga
Kkkk maseka
Muparinga mukurasika munonogara making domestic yanjuzu
I used to respect but maakurasika
Self contradiction....
Hanzi ndineshamwari dzinoenda kubhawa what fellowship has light and darkness ......come out from among them and be you separate says the Lord
Those who are well has no need of physician but those who are well
Ndosaka uchizoundurwa na apostle chiwenga .last time wakambopfugamira mai Matimbira l don't know kuti waiti ukuda kupiwa power rei
Powerful but where he said apostle chiwenga not from God I'm not sure is true,he's from God
Ndarwadziwa i used to listen to this man. Now I believe Apostle Chiwenga this man is now confused. How can he lie that he doesn’t have a church. You will know then by their works. He had forgotten that he was invited by DJ Olla.
As long uri supporter ya Chiwenga you've nothing good to say about this man coz baba venyu vanokudzidzisai kuvenga vanuu 😅
Hauna nyaya, data rekutambisa
@@yangpeeofficial966ukutaura chokwadi munhu wese anoda Chivenga anobva atoti wese anoparidza haazive Mwari Nepo vanhu ava vese vakadaidzwa nebasa kuti mumwe mudzvari mumwe anosakura asara ndiye anomeresa ANOVA Mwari
Maybe he dissolved the church ,eversince vati havagare pasi vanenge vachifamba
Haiwa munotevedzerwa here vanhu vekwa Chiwenga basa kungotsvaga zvakashata chete pamunhu...Saka pa everything zvataurwa wangobata pekuti arikunyeba chete. Chandinongofarira hangu ndechekuti Mwari havasi vaChiwenga & havagari kudzimba kwenyu
The most polarised and confused religion.
Uyuwo uyu
Wabata mboni yeziso raMwari
Asi vanhu vose vanogara pama chair anotendenderera anokunakidzai zvkuti mukagara zviri stable hamunzwe boe hre
Chiwenga anenge ari right paanoti you don't have 2 fathers
How can you seek spiritual guidance from another man who created by God ,why cant you ask God himself, haaa ndedze kushaya dzimuparinga idzi
Kumasowe kunoparidzwa hre iwe kwana unorasisa vanhu uchawana mutongo wako
Kwana iwe mutongo upi waunoziva indava uchida kumhanya kuti munhu atongwe, shamhu yaMwari unonyatsoiziva iwe? Nemisikanzwa yako yese unoda here mutongo waMwari,? Grow up and let go of this hatred!
@jerryhuios tsek
You learn thru the Holy Spirit not ubert angel
So why are trying to teach us that's it's the Holy Spirit who teaches .. let the Holy Spirit teach us not you !
Muparinga anoda kufushirwa arimupenyu igava rinoshamisa