So this is an interesting point that led me to not do a re-review. It's possible to claim that those are "near correctly rated" because they were in fact 1 star compared to Demon Hunters. It would make for a very subjective and non-scientific review.
Trump yeah I can see that. I'm just saying because in wild, those two cards basically single handedly made discard Warlock a high tier 2/tier 1 deck. But I suppose you dont really consider wild things when making these, since you are primarily a standard player
"I will continue to be fearless in my ratings, because someone out there must take a stand and not rate all cards, has potential, 3 stars" Bullying Kripp so hard he retroactively stopping doing ratings altogether
Well Krips predictions were more accurate, Going out and being fearless is awesome on his part but like... seriously? You also have to remove bias from your reviews too which he clearly didn’t do on some cards. Trump has a history of being completely wrong about cards that most people can agree on
@@zacharynyberg7007 Actually Trump has always beaten Kripp on card review accuracy, bot mathematician from hearthstone mathematics has averaged the scores from multiple sets and Kripp has never beaten him
@@zacharynyberg7007 Trump has historically beaten kripp and most other middle of the road 3 star simps. For evidence look at most of the year of the dragon.
"I was 'wrong' about warglaives of azzinoth because it was bad at first but then demon hunter was so good its other 5 drop cards got nerfed to 6 so now people run it"
@@GoldenFelix yeah, of all the stupid OP cards DH had (Eyebeam, Skull of Guldan, Battlefiend, Priestess of Fury) the Aldrachi Warblades really weren't the problem.
The only reason that is a meme is because Trump actually makes concrete meta predictions. Other reviewers are like “this card might be good, maybe not” or “this card seems really strong” so they are technically never “wrong.”
It’s because he doesn’t review cards in a vacuum. If a card is good but won’t fit in any decks in the meta, it will get a low score. It become less about predicting what card will be good, but rather a prediction on what the meta will be
@@willsics7203 Not before the last patch. Before the patch it was just a strong deck. Now it is unplayable. Now that it is nerfed no new decks emerged. Stop repeating every stupid stuff you see on reddit. :)
1 mana draw 5 would have to somehow be REALLY bad...And I just don't see that happening. Any Rogue deck would love that kind of draw for a single mana.
I disagree with his analysis here that if there were no day 1 nerfs, Warglaives would eventually have been run. Umberwing and Aldrachi Warblades at 3 durability crowded it out more than Antaen.
I'm disappointed that we're missing out on an hour-long Trump video because DHs ruined hearthstone for an expansion but at least this was a good replacement.
People only meme about his bad calls because he's the only reviewer who actually uses a concrete system of meassurement that you can verifiably check his ratings against after the fact. Everyone else just vaguely hedges their bets. And maybe because he also occasionally goes out on a limb for cards like Magtheridon. And also the original doctor boom; The community is never gonna let him live that one down
@@Gahnt999 control warlock was a tier 4 deck during KotFT, so defile wasn't seen at all, it only got played when KaC got released, people always forget that
@@Gahnt999 He might be best reviewer best definitely not the most accurate. In fact he scores "just ok" and 87% is number taken out of blue sky. Still I somehow like his reviews the most.
The OG fuckup was the original doctor boom. That card ended up being, probably, the most ubiquitous card in HS history. Every deck ran doctor boom; control, combo, aggro, midrange
@@Galaord Wasn't OG Quest Rogue actually bad in the expansion it was released in? It only became horrifying when stuff like Frozen Throne and Kobolds and Catacombs kicked it into high gear IIRC.
@@Rynjinivar Whilst statically speaking it had a below average WR% it was in the same category as Patron Warrior, aka a hard to pilot deck, which in the hands of a good player, made it a completely busted deck that was nerfed in the expansion it was released. So no it wasn't bad, just too hard to play for your average Joe.
Magtheridon is actually a very good tech card in warlock after sac pact was nerfed. Easy trigger with the felwing dragon and hell fire. Spell druid and demon hunter have no out to it. Not a five star card but low-key help me reach legend for the past two months kekw.
In terms of raw power, aye Magtheridon is certainly playable. Sure maybe not optimal, but you're probably helping some match ups provided you play it right
Magtheridon may have a home with warrior with the new scythe weapon that can cleave. Play the weapon first, then slam Mag down and apply a cheap spell to activate the cleave and then have a possible early mag and a clear board. I saw that on a video and it don't seem too terrible, but I don't know if it is viable.
Honestly AoO was just a weird expansion because there were in theory so many very strong cards that got released that had a lot of potential to be some of the strongest cards in the meta but they all got smashed by DH. Not saying that the addition of DH is bad or anything, I think it was a great continuation for a game that had been trying to reinvigorate itself after the Year of the Raven fell somewhat flat, its just funny to see how much the strong new class influenced the meta and interesting to think where the game would have been without DH.
absolutely true. The prime minions for one just got shoved out of the meta (save for zixor) bc they didn't do enough early. As Trump said, quest druid could've been awesome but it was too slow. Even the death rattle rogue deck that was tried out the first week just got mowed done by relentless agro decks. So many other decks never even got a fair shot with demon hunter.
i was totally fine with DH being very strong on day 1 of the expansion. but 5 balance patches in one expansion is the most they've ever done, so they clearly need to either work on their balancing or be upfront about planning to patch much more regularly.
@@derrickbrown2019 Oh, no... The primes do enough early (they cost the same or even less than Zixor Prime). They got shoved out of the meta because Zixor is the only one who had not once, but TWO ways to tutor it. Surprise, surprise!
@@TheTomoyaNagase no you have a point, I actually forgot about that. However, as far as tier 1 decks go, highlander mage got pushed to tier 2 I think. What I really meant was the only tier 1 deck w/ a prime was highlander hunter.
The more control-based the meta is, the better Magtheridon is gonna be. Even over two turns I think only Shaman and Rogue reliably have ways to play around him going off?
You are using 3 cards to clear a board and develop a 12/12 that is just getting destroyed, sapped, frozen or whatever. I don't think there is hope to Magtheridon
@@amethonys2798 I dunno if I'd call that reliable necessarily. But point taken. You pretty much know if your opponent has a chance at having a witchy lackey or not, tho. And you're not using three cards for Maghteridon. You're developing a weapon, you're using a spell (probably Sword & Board or maybe Shield Slam or Corsair Cache or Athletic Studies) which has benefits of it's own. And a 12/12 isn't actually that easy to get rid of.
@@llljjj007 Trump said it himself. It's not an accusation. To put things clear so no misunderstandings - he neither lied or pulled of that number out of blue sky, he just made counting extremely favorable for him and having nothing in common of counting practice in that materia. Rewatch intro if you need and probably you need if you asking for proof. I also somewhere above explained more directly why 87% is just pure fantasy.
@@DonFreeq Υou're talking straight out of your ass. He was right or almost right about the vast majority of the cards from this set and has been for pretty much every set before. People smarter than you have done the math and he's consistently been the most accurate card reviewer so go cry somewhere else.
@@fanis1414 Sorry to disappoint you but there aren't that many people smarter than me in analysing hs stats. 5 years doing this week by week and being in pro crew as a statguy for 2 years means something.You may think whatever you want but facts are facts and if you deny them you are just an idiot. And fact is Trump on it's own admitted how 87% was achieved which wasn't especially fair. In that system somebody who never played hs will score 75%, maybe even 80% acc. It's against rules of how predictions are normally rated. As for being consistently most accurate also false as he wasn't. He was good but far from that good. Chump f.e scored often better though probably not this expansion. Amazing, "people smarter than me"... do you seriously believe math at that channel is done by objective and competent people? You are so naive. They made that system to inflate scores cuz they look better, make higher hype and suggest set is strong. It's pure cynical, marketing decision against rules of rating predictions and guess what... noone will figure anyway that your Grandma would score here over 75%. And actually they are right cuz some of you deny even when given explanation. Also noone besides me pointed that out though after I made posts I saw few have understood it. I guess not everybody are such fanatics as you.
I wish people paid to make predictions about much more important social / economic / tech issues had as much integrity in reviewing their work as you have for holding yourself to account for a children’s card game.
@@Stealthsei zoo lock is a tier 3 deck so his system has them in realtiy at 3 star cards. i guess at this point we're arguing if he should have included more than just the few 5 stars that were 1 stars and 1 that were 5s
@@Teal_. Actually it's bottom t.2 not t.3. When you checking t. for decks you can't just see what is their placement at hsreplay tierlist. You should check if it's accurate as well. Gan'arg indeed 3 stars, but 5 and 3 is large miss. Nightshade 3 stars and Hand I would argue maybe 4 stars as deck defining card.
That Marshhydra rated 4! Nightshade and Hand of Guldan 1? I think predictions for that set were insanely difficult. That said... Definitely a few cards that will probably work out better in the next set.
Trump, you misspoke when you were talking about Warglaives and said "24 damage to minions". Another thing that made it so oppressive is that it CAN hit face unlike Fool's Bane. Meaning it eats up taunts and other threats and then hits face. You can even increase your attack, break the weapon on a minion and THEN hit the face for -3 attack.
Well it's not exactly 87% ^^ It's 87% if you give yourself 100% accuracy check on cards you missed rating by 1 star which is slight cheating in my opinion =D In other words someone who never played HS and would give ALL cards 3 stars would score around 75-80% accuracy. It's not exactly fair to give yourself full accuracy check if you missed rating by 1 star.
Honnest re-review. Always fun to see people show what they were wrong about. Just 1 point I want to come back to is the 1 Mana warlock spell that deals 3 damage. Saw quite some play in quest warlock. Rather a 3 stars than 1 in my opinion
Magtheridon actually has a chance with Warrior next expansion. With Reaper's Scythe, you can set up a boardclear + 12/12 late game. You can do it as early as turn 5 if --you're lucky-- you believe in the hearth of the cards!
Fun fact: Shadow Council does not work with the rouge quest, even so you get deamons from another class. In case you get this card with discover etc. .
I really like this video, it's nice to admit that the "experts'" opinions are sometimes crap. Just open you packs, enjoy making your decks with the cards YOU like, and let the meta set itself
Understand the reason for the change in format but hope to see Trump Reviews Trump Reviews back for Scholomance provided there aren't a bunch of patches
Oh man I forgot Trump rated Corsair Cache 1 Star. Bomb + Pirate Warrior was one of my favorite decks of the expansion. Felt so good to get an extra draw for pirates or even to just make it so I was more likely to get full value from Blastmaster Boom.
Kinda hope this isnt the new norm. I like the review of the expansion and seeing how things turned out. But to be fair this expansion was too confusing.
Other day I saw some DH main guide who reached thousands of games and top legend both at wild and standart, he said he play urzul at his wild builds and it's awesome.
It's sad because Magtheridon is such a badass card for a Neutral. Combo it with anything that can deal 3 damage to 3 targets and you're just set. Hellfire combos with it to do a full clear of the board leaving you with a 12/12 for only 8 mana. Most classes have 2-card combos for 10 or less mana that will clear the board and give you a 12/12. There are metas where half the classes WOULD run the card, especially a meta with so many Highlander decks.
Why didn't he mention Nightshade Matron and Hand of Gul'dan?? Zoo is firmly tier 2 right now even after being nerfed and literally every zoo deck ran/runs the discard package. Both are 4 stars at least, and he gave both 1 star. That's egregiously wrong.
In wild Maiev is 4-5 star based on Trump's own rating, as a way to disable major taunts and other problematic minions (it's especially evil against even shaman due to a bug). So yeah props to Trump for taking a risk with his ratings. It's difficult to predict a meta, and what excels in one is useless in another.
Grog No? I have not seen a single Maiev played in any games from diamond or above, not even in gold. If aggro decks want a silence effect, they would go for either spell breaker or that 2mana 2/1 silence a taunt minion.
Is NA meta that much different than EU one? During Ashes of Outlands I've been to legend once and the other months i have finished in diamond. During this time I haven't seen Warmaul Challenger played even once. Also from my experience Quest Druid had been quite unplayable even before Ashes of Outlands, definitely not a tier 1.
@@520_metal But are these lists even popular? From what I understand, Warrior is dominant in high legend, but I don't think these decks were picked up by general playerbase. During this expansion Warrior has been my second least common matchup on the ladder(beating only Shaman) and most of them were Pirate. Even on HSReplay Enrage/Egg Warrior seems to be a Tier 2/3 deck.
Filip Kordus I mean if you have access to hsreaply you can just look at the Popularity of the card. I honestly don’t know if warmaul should be there but that is what trump uses for most of his Research.
Interesting video I enjoyed it. I realize this was from a Standard perspective but there were so many low rated cards that are just powerhouses in Wild.
Bruh what about the 4 mana 5/5 rush and hand of Guldan in Warlock? You rated those 1 star and they are powerhouses
So this is an interesting point that led me to not do a re-review. It's possible to claim that those are "near correctly rated" because they were in fact 1 star compared to Demon Hunters. It would make for a very subjective and non-scientific review.
Trump yeah I can see that. I'm just saying because in wild, those two cards basically single handedly made discard Warlock a high tier 2/tier 1 deck. But I suppose you dont really consider wild things when making these, since you are primarily a standard player
Technically the most correct rating was 1 star for everything other than demon hunter class cards
@@sylvanadvocate1858 Trump's reviews are specifically only standard, he doesn't consider their impact on wild when giving them their ratings.
@@bowietsang920 Pretty much yes
"I will continue to be fearless in my ratings, because someone out there must take a stand and not rate all cards, has potential, 3 stars"
Bullying Kripp so hard he retroactively stopping doing ratings altogether
and regis
Well Krips predictions were more accurate, Going out and being fearless is awesome on his part but like... seriously? You also have to remove bias from your reviews too which he clearly didn’t do on some cards. Trump has a history of being completely wrong about cards that most people can agree on
I enjoy trumps reviews the most. Regis is Hella quick. Kripp does it begrudgingly. Trump makes me want to play the game.
@@zacharynyberg7007 Actually Trump has always beaten Kripp on card review accuracy, bot mathematician from hearthstone mathematics has averaged the scores from multiple sets and Kripp has never beaten him
@@zacharynyberg7007 Trump has historically beaten kripp and most other middle of the road 3 star simps. For evidence look at most of the year of the dragon.
The summary of most of this video is; "Demon hunter's sped up the meta so much that I was wrong about 20 cards""
Trevor Kies that’s actually the real title
"I was 'wrong' about warglaives of azzinoth because it was bad at first but then demon hunter was so good its other 5 drop cards got nerfed to 6 so now people run it"
@@IEatYourSandwiches Also Aldrachi Warblades was much stronger as a weapon before it got (unjustly) nerfed
@@GoldenFelix yeah, of all the stupid OP cards DH had (Eyebeam, Skull of Guldan, Battlefiend, Priestess of Fury) the Aldrachi Warblades really weren't the problem.
The accuracy of this comment tho
As much as I love the meme of Trump being wrong, his accuracy is impressive to me.
He hasnt been massively off for a while now. Sure he gets some big things wrong but hearthstone is volatile enough that its fine
He’s the polar opposite of Regis when it comes to reviews lol
The only reason that is a meme is because Trump actually makes concrete meta predictions. Other reviewers are like “this card might be good, maybe not” or “this card seems really strong” so they are technically never “wrong.”
It’s because he doesn’t review cards in a vacuum. If a card is good but won’t fit in any decks in the meta, it will get a low score. It become less about predicting what card will be good, but rather a prediction on what the meta will be
@@Butdonutt Lul Regis, what a meme.
We've been spoiled with Trump videos these last few days.
Good cause i hate when hes not posting and when he does, its another gamr
Yeah, wish it was gameplay
I appreciate Jens putting the old-timey filter on the old reviews, cause April 2020 does feel like 100 years ago.
Back just before the real world started looking like Outland!
Makes sense why we're skipping rereviews this season. Demon hunters got soooo many (deserved) nerfs.
The last one was undeserved.
Johnbad1000 no it wasn’t demon hunter destroyed every fun control deck because it was so aggro
@@willsics7203 Not before the last patch. Before the patch it was just a strong deck. Now it is unplayable. Now that it is nerfed no new decks emerged. Stop repeating every stupid stuff you see on reddit. :)
When you think about it, going by the usual trump ratings review Felfin Navigator would up ended up as a 5 star card
@@johnbad1000 Demon hunter's by no means unplayable, it's still the third best class in the game.
Takes a man to highlight where you were wrong, even if it just a game like Hearthstone. Respect :)
Or woman
@@somebodyiusedtoknow2012 I think Trump's a man
Дмитрий Ильясов it’s for all the little girls who want to grow up to make hearthstone videos
@@somebodyiusedtoknow2012 sure
I think Trump should also get the chance to gloat about cards he correctly guessed when he was going against the grain
That be a good vid, must underestimated cards Trump called
For real. He deserves credit where it’s due.
True but it is more funny to see the cards he was wrong about.
Would take too long.
Someone should do the research on that
Video is 5*, just like Magtheridon
Watch secret passage actually end up being 1 star
God weeps when 1 mana draw 5 is not playable
That depends entirely on what other tools rogue has available. In wild for example I can only see it doing well in most rogue decks.
Most people expect it to be good. Kripp bet it'll be nerfed in 8 days.
It will most likely be nerfed to 3 mana
1 mana draw 5 would have to somehow be REALLY bad...And I just don't see that happening. Any Rogue deck would love that kind of draw for a single mana.
Warglaives of Azzinoth: 1 STAR!
Flashbacks to release demon hunter when warglaives were seen as "too slow"
@@smash3331 that moment when the class was so op you don't play the busted card because you need space for other cards that are even more busted
bruh moment+ flash back to getting beaten up by dh on ladder
At the very beginning warglaives wasn't even needed...
I disagree with his analysis here that if there were no day 1 nerfs, Warglaives would eventually have been run.
Umberwing and Aldrachi Warblades at 3 durability crowded it out more than Antaen.
Magtheridon will always remain 5 stars in our hearts :'(
I'm disappointed that we're missing out on an hour-long Trump video because DHs ruined hearthstone for an expansion but at least this was a good replacement.
If you look at the other ratings he really nailed most of them. I still think he is the best reviewer
People only meme about his bad calls because he's the only reviewer who actually uses a concrete system of meassurement that you can verifiably check his ratings against after the fact. Everyone else just vaguely hedges their bets. And maybe because he also occasionally goes out on a limb for cards like Magtheridon. And also the original doctor boom; The community is never gonna let him live that one down
Because he is
@@Freekymoho and Defile. It's like you said: he is the only one who takes risks
@@Gahnt999 control warlock was a tier 4 deck during KotFT, so defile wasn't seen at all, it only got played when KaC got released, people always forget that
@@Gahnt999 He might be best reviewer best definitely not the most accurate. In fact he scores "just ok" and 87% is number taken out of blue sky. Still I somehow like his reviews the most.
My favorite review memory will always be DEFILE 1*
The OG fuckup was the original doctor boom. That card ended up being, probably, the most ubiquitous card in HS history. Every deck ran doctor boom; control, combo, aggro, midrange
@@Freekymoho Another really famous one is OG Quest Rogue 1*, he really missed the mark on that one.
@@Galaord Wasn't OG Quest Rogue actually bad in the expansion it was released in? It only became horrifying when stuff like Frozen Throne and Kobolds and Catacombs kicked it into high gear IIRC.
Whilst statically speaking it had a below average WR% it was in the same category as Patron Warrior, aka a hard to pilot deck, which in the hands of a good player, made it a completely busted deck that was nerfed in the expansion it was released. So no it wasn't bad, just too hard to play for your average Joe.
No lmao it was broken from the moment it was released and got nerfed like.. I think two weeks later.
Trump throwing shade at the other youtubers for hedging their rankings, I'm here for it
I love that the common Frozen Shadoweaver turned out to be more impactful than the legendary Shadowsong. shows the true value of 1 mana.
Honestly much prefer this format
I like these video's, admitting you were wrong and explaining why is actually very interesting
Top notch editing right here. Nice job Jens
Magtheridon is actually a very good tech card in warlock after sac pact was nerfed. Easy trigger with the felwing dragon and hell fire. Spell druid and demon hunter have no out to it. Not a five star card but low-key help me reach legend for the past two months kekw.
In terms of raw power, aye Magtheridon is certainly playable. Sure maybe not optimal, but you're probably helping some match ups provided you play it right
The dragon and hellfire clear both spell druid and dh minions anyway
@@MrFlip738 but mag kills the death rattle and also stick a 12-12 body that is gonna end the game in two turns
hahahahahahahaha XD
Magtheridon may have a home with warrior with the new scythe weapon that can cleave. Play the weapon first, then slam Mag down and apply a cheap spell to activate the cleave and then have a possible early mag and a clear board. I saw that on a video and it don't seem too terrible, but I don't know if it is viable.
Honestly AoO was just a weird expansion because there were in theory so many very strong cards that got released that had a lot of potential to be some of the strongest cards in the meta but they all got smashed by DH. Not saying that the addition of DH is bad or anything, I think it was a great continuation for a game that had been trying to reinvigorate itself after the Year of the Raven fell somewhat flat, its just funny to see how much the strong new class influenced the meta and interesting to think where the game would have been without DH.
absolutely true. The prime minions for one just got shoved out of the meta (save for zixor) bc they didn't do enough early. As Trump said, quest druid could've been awesome but it was too slow. Even the death rattle rogue deck that was tried out the first week just got mowed done by relentless agro decks. So many other decks never even got a fair shot with demon hunter.
i was totally fine with DH being very strong on day 1 of the expansion. but 5 balance patches in one expansion is the most they've ever done, so they clearly need to either work on their balancing or be upfront about planning to patch much more regularly.
@@derrickbrown2019 I thought that only mage is actually playing it's prime.
@@derrickbrown2019 Oh, no... The primes do enough early (they cost the same or even less than Zixor Prime). They got shoved out of the meta because Zixor is the only one who had not once, but TWO ways to tutor it. Surprise, surprise!
@@TheTomoyaNagase no you have a point, I actually forgot about that. However, as far as tier 1 decks go, highlander mage got pushed to tier 2 I think. What I really meant was the only tier 1 deck w/ a prime was highlander hunter.
That Regis call out at the end, damn
I mean, that's a lot of Hearthstone reviewers. You get either the hedge ratings or the "Yes Man" reviews which rate every card amazing.
@@DatMageDoe They aren't manly enough to commit.
Yeah I think that was really a call out on most of the Community not really one person
Funnily enough, Magtheridon + the new warrior weapon might actually be insane.
Nick Georgiev that’s actually true, you just need to play a small spell and you literally just clear the whole board
The more control-based the meta is, the better Magtheridon is gonna be. Even over two turns I think only Shaman and Rogue reliably have ways to play around him going off?
@@Aldrius any deck with lackeys can screw it over due to witchy lackey.
You are using 3 cards to clear a board and develop a 12/12 that is just getting destroyed, sapped, frozen or whatever. I don't think there is hope to Magtheridon
@@amethonys2798 I dunno if I'd call that reliable necessarily. But point taken. You pretty much know if your opponent has a chance at having a witchy lackey or not, tho.
And you're not using three cards for Maghteridon. You're developing a weapon, you're using a spell (probably Sword & Board or maybe Shield Slam or Corsair Cache or Athletic Studies) which has benefits of it's own.
And a 12/12 isn't actually that easy to get rid of.
87% is a pretty good accuracy
Well it's not his true accuracy. Just a number he made to look well. Not classy from him.
@@DonFreeq Do you have any proof for your accusation?
@@llljjj007 Trump said it himself. It's not an accusation. To put things clear so no misunderstandings - he neither lied or pulled of that number out of blue sky, he just made counting extremely favorable for him and having nothing in common of counting practice in that materia. Rewatch intro if you need and probably you need if you asking for proof. I also somewhere above explained more directly why 87% is just pure fantasy.
@@DonFreeq Υou're talking straight out of your ass. He was right or almost right about the vast majority of the cards from this set and has been for pretty much every set before. People smarter than you have done the math and he's consistently been the most accurate card reviewer so go cry somewhere else.
@@fanis1414 Sorry to disappoint you but there aren't that many people smarter than me in analysing hs stats. 5 years doing this week by week and being in pro crew as a statguy for 2 years means something.You may think whatever you want but facts are facts and if you deny them you are just an idiot. And fact is Trump on it's own admitted how 87% was achieved which wasn't especially fair. In that system somebody who never played hs will score 75%, maybe even 80% acc. It's against rules of how predictions are normally rated. As for being consistently most accurate also false as he wasn't. He was good but far from that good. Chump f.e scored often better though probably not this expansion.
Amazing, "people smarter than me"... do you seriously believe math at that channel is done by objective and competent people? You are so naive. They made that system to inflate scores cuz they look better, make higher hype and suggest set is strong. It's pure cynical, marketing decision against rules of rating predictions and guess what... noone will figure anyway that your Grandma would score here over 75%. And actually they are right cuz some of you deny even when given explanation. Also noone besides me pointed that out though after I made posts I saw few have understood it. I guess not everybody are such fanatics as you.
In this season it makes sense, but please more Trump Reviews Trump Reviews in the future!
I wish people paid to make predictions about much more important social / economic / tech issues had as much integrity in reviewing their work as you have for holding yourself to account for a children’s card game.
The difference might be that Trump does this out of passion and fun. Get a look at his theorycrafting on stream, he really loves his job.
Major respect for showing where you’re wrong. But overall you’ve gotten so many cards right! You’re one of the best card reviewers out there by far.
I love this format! Hearing Trump's reflection on the previous season is really interesting.
Impressive accuracy, but whats more impressive is that you can reflect on your wrong predictions. Great vid!
Okay, that intro was fire. hats off to you, Jens.
I dig this new format definite 5 stars from me. See yall back here with Secret Passage in a few months.
16:41 What a dig at Regis LMAO
87% though is a pretty insane number, great work it's what I like to see : )
I'd love to see more of these after every expansion
1:32 Let’s not forget the infamous OTK demon hunter where that card is the engine to winning.
03:44 "It is really f**ksable..."
Good video, sir. Fair re-assessment of each card, too.
Should've added a short segment about cards he got the most right.
The accuracy was astounding.
When you swing for the fence sometimes you strike out. And TrumpSC's misses are always spectacular ;)
Mad respect that you do this. To be fair, you should do the hot takes you were right about.
I think Magtheridon’s time could still come, possibly in the Soul Fragment DH deck
That call out in the end is the best part lmao gj trump
I mean, you gave Imprisoned Gan’arg 5 star as well...
and it's played occasionaly in a tier two deck so i should be 3 stars. not a huge miss rate imo
@@Stealthsei zoo lock is a tier 3 deck so his system has them in realtiy at 3 star cards. i guess at this point we're arguing if he should have included more than just the few 5 stars that were 1 stars and 1 that were 5s
@@Teal_. Actually it's bottom t.2 not t.3. When you checking t. for decks you can't just see what is their placement at hsreplay tierlist. You should check if it's accurate as well. Gan'arg indeed 3 stars, but 5 and 3 is large miss. Nightshade 3 stars and Hand I would argue maybe 4 stars as deck defining card.
@@Stealthsei Only good in wild, and he's a standard player so actually didn't miss it. Hand of guldan is very trash in standard.
Honestly Magtheridon is far from the worst card in the set, it did find a niche in control mage decks since it fits really well with Flame Ward
But... I'm not gonna lie, Trump Reviews Trump Reviews are my highlight of any new set. Please don't give up this amazing format for good =(
That Marshhydra rated 4! Nightshade and Hand of Guldan 1? I think predictions for that set were insanely difficult. That said... Definitely a few cards that will probably work out better in the next set.
One of your better videos in a long time. Enjoy the victory lap and keep being bold.
Trump, you misspoke when you were talking about Warglaives and said "24 damage to minions". Another thing that made it so oppressive is that it CAN hit face unlike Fool's Bane. Meaning it eats up taunts and other threats and then hits face. You can even increase your attack, break the weapon on a minion and THEN hit the face for -3 attack.
Trump reviews trump reviews is my favourite and I'll miss it. This is a good alternative with the card updates these days!
Any 3+ mana card:*exists*
Trump: I can see this being played in highlander decks
87%??? holy crap no wonder your reviews are so respected in the community
Well it's not exactly 87% ^^ It's 87% if you give yourself 100% accuracy check on cards you missed rating by 1 star which is slight cheating in my opinion =D In other words someone who never played HS and would give ALL cards 3 stars would score around 75-80% accuracy. It's not exactly fair to give yourself full accuracy check if you missed rating by 1 star.
Enjoyed this new format! I would also enjoy a video on the opposite end "Cards I WAS MOST RIGHT ABOUT" etc. Brag a little, it's ok!
Honnest re-review. Always fun to see people show what they were wrong about.
Just 1 point I want to come back to is the 1 Mana warlock spell that deals 3 damage. Saw quite some play in quest warlock. Rather a 3 stars than 1 in my opinion
Magtheridon actually has a chance with Warrior next expansion.
With Reaper's Scythe, you can set up a boardclear + 12/12 late game. You can do it as early as turn 5 if --you're lucky-- you believe in the hearth of the cards!
This video is the best moment of the whole card review season!
Fun fact: Shadow Council does not work with the rouge quest, even so you get deamons from another class. In case you get this card with discover etc. .
Love the editing, love the commentary, love the videos
Keep it up!
Makes sense, that 2-legged doppelganger surely only possesses a fraction of the true Magtheridon's powers.
loved this format
Pretty crazy looking at the rest of his responses in the background- he really was quite accurate with this set.
I really like this video, it's nice to admit that the "experts'" opinions are sometimes crap. Just open you packs, enjoy making your decks with the cards YOU like, and let the meta set itself
Do the Trump review for Schoolamance
Understand the reason for the change in format but hope to see Trump Reviews Trump Reviews back for Scholomance provided there aren't a bunch of patches
Oh man I forgot Trump rated Corsair Cache 1 Star. Bomb + Pirate Warrior was one of my favorite decks of the expansion. Felt so good to get an extra draw for pirates or even to just make it so I was more likely to get full value from Blastmaster Boom.
This YTer has potential. Three stars.
Hey as long as you understand why you were wrong and explain to the plebs like me out here, you're doing great work.
I've seen Kibler get RUINED by Magtheridon in Warrior thanks to Reaper's Scythe.
Shadow Council wasn't just bad, it was the single worst winrate card printed in the set (of the cards that got enough play to have reliable data).
furious felfin was run in the original tempo demon hunter before any nerfs tbf
Song at 16:36?
i wonder if Gonk would have been good if it came out for deamon hunter
I like the stab on regis at end. Mr 3 starsbin
Kinda hope this isnt the new norm. I like the review of the expansion and seeing how things turned out. But to be fair this expansion was too confusing.
I love how he says Rustseed Raider's name wrong in different ways in the past and present
That's the thing about Roaststeed Raider, it's really hard to get its name right.
Strong last statement!
Tfw a common card outshines a legendary, nice.
B PLUS VALUE TOWN Better than Average, thank you Trump sama, keep up the good work and thanks for the fantastic content!
Also warglaives wasnt run in the oringal tempo demon hunter list as well
He says that in the video....
Magtheridon simply needed to pair up with an old friend. Now with DH post Scholomance he will be UNLEASHED!
Other day I saw some DH main guide who reached thousands of games and top legend both at wild and standart, he said he play urzul at his wild builds and it's awesome.
You should have predicted that demon hunter would've been the most broken thing since pre nerfed undertaker.
Mag is going to be OP in scholomancy. Warrior is going to rock it with their new cleave weapon
I really appreciate these videos, I hope other hs players follow this.
Finally, a Trump with integrity
Oh my god, I already forgot Skull of Guldan used to be FIVE frickin' mana; well done Blizz.
The Humility is why we love you
It's sad because Magtheridon is such a badass card for a Neutral. Combo it with anything that can deal 3 damage to 3 targets and you're just set. Hellfire combos with it to do a full clear of the board leaving you with a 12/12 for only 8 mana. Most classes have 2-card combos for 10 or less mana that will clear the board and give you a 12/12. There are metas where half the classes WOULD run the card, especially a meta with so many Highlander decks.
hmm.. do you think shadow council will work in the new xpac?
this format it's awesome, keep up please!!
Damn this reminded me how slow the meta was before the demon hunter release
but what would be the new/correct ratings?
Why didn't he mention Nightshade Matron and Hand of Gul'dan?? Zoo is firmly tier 2 right now even after being nerfed and literally every zoo deck ran/runs the discard package. Both are 4 stars at least, and he gave both 1 star. That's egregiously wrong.
In wild Maiev is 4-5 star based on Trump's own rating, as a way to disable major taunts and other problematic minions (it's especially evil against even shaman due to a bug).
So yeah props to Trump for taking a risk with his ratings. It's difficult to predict a meta, and what excels in one is useless in another.
Grog No? I have not seen a single Maiev played in any games from diamond or above, not even in gold. If aggro decks want a silence effect, they would go for either spell breaker or that 2mana 2/1 silence a taunt minion.
Immolation aura was good in the combo DH before any nerfs
Is NA meta that much different than EU one? During Ashes of Outlands I've been to legend once and the other months i have finished in diamond. During this time I haven't seen Warmaul Challenger played even once. Also from my experience Quest Druid had been quite unplayable even before Ashes of Outlands, definitely not a tier 1.
Warmaul challenger was played in every single competitive warrior list. You must be misremembering.
@@520_metal more in tempo and egg,in control(bomb) dont have space for it
@@520_metal But are these lists even popular? From what I understand, Warrior is dominant in high legend, but I don't think these decks were picked up by general playerbase. During this expansion Warrior has been my second least common matchup on the ladder(beating only Shaman) and most of them were Pirate. Even on HSReplay Enrage/Egg Warrior seems to be a Tier 2/3 deck.
Filip Kordus I mean if you have access to hsreaply you can just look at the Popularity of the card. I honestly don’t know if warmaul should be there but that is what trump uses for most of his Research.
Trump really has the courage reviewing cards and committing to continue makes me respect
What time will the expansion release tomorrow?
Interesting video I enjoyed it. I realize this was from a Standard perspective but there were so many low rated cards that are just powerhouses in Wild.