The important question to ask is not: 'how much power does someone have?' Rather, it's more useful to know what sorts of power they have. Thank you for watching - please do subscribe to the channel and, to join my community, sign-up at
Interesting interpretation. I've always followed somewhat similar pattern, but it differs in a key area - power by itself is useless, its just a capacity. An atom has the power to fuse, but is useless without the brain to do so productively. So instead of "power" I use "leadership" as its more fitting (IMHO of course). Leadership comes from two factors - granted and earned. You've pretty much nailed the granted part, with only one clarification - none of those elements are inherently "good" or "bad" and any leader uses all of those elements, its just a matter of balance and personal conscience. Earned part is somewhat more tricky, but fundamentally boils down to trust and that itself breaks down into two more parts - experience/training and personal charisma.
Hi, Dark Art I would absolutely agree that power in this context is a capacity influence events. And I agree that leadership is different. This video is very much about power - I have plenty of others about leadership. Yes, leaders do use all forms of power - and which they use is a matter of context and judgement. I also agree that none is inherently 'bad' - but some do lend themselves more readily to abuse! I do also have videos here and on our sister channel (Management Courses) on trust. However, I don't agree that charisma is necessary for trust - it can be fickle. It does, however, add to personal (referent) power.
The important question to ask is not: 'how much power does someone have?' Rather, it's more useful to know what sorts of power they have.
Thank you for watching - please do subscribe to the channel and, to join my community, sign-up at
Interesting interpretation. I've always followed somewhat similar pattern, but it differs in a key area - power by itself is useless, its just a capacity. An atom has the power to fuse, but is useless without the brain to do so productively. So instead of "power" I use "leadership" as its more fitting (IMHO of course). Leadership comes from two factors - granted and earned. You've pretty much nailed the granted part, with only one clarification - none of those elements are inherently "good" or "bad" and any leader uses all of those elements, its just a matter of balance and personal conscience. Earned part is somewhat more tricky, but fundamentally boils down to trust and that itself breaks down into two more parts - experience/training and personal charisma.
Hi, Dark Art
I would absolutely agree that power in this context is a capacity influence events. And I agree that leadership is different. This video is very much about power - I have plenty of others about leadership. Yes, leaders do use all forms of power - and which they use is a matter of context and judgement. I also agree that none is inherently 'bad' - but some do lend themselves more readily to abuse! I do also have videos here and on our sister channel (Management Courses) on trust. However, I don't agree that charisma is necessary for trust - it can be fickle. It does, however, add to personal (referent) power.
This is a great breakdown for Power and Influence
Thank you, Frank.