Oktoberfest in Mwanza: Better Than Munich's in 2020

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 20 ต.ค. 2020
  • We were feeling like we needed a party, so the Mwanza Yacht Club threw an Oktoberfest.
    We brought in some craft beer, for a much-needed change on the beer scene. We had a Halloween party for the kids. And of course, there was music and German food.
    To throw a bit more fun into the fray, we hosted the first annual Beer Kilometer (it started off as a mile, but no was one going to be up for that). The rules were simple, chug a beer, run two 125m laps.
    We really got into it, even down to the lederhosen we had made out of local fabric.
    It was an amazing time!

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  • @CptnWinkee
    @CptnWinkee 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Looks like a good time. Toby will be proud. Except the lederhosen. He will shame you for your German inspired pajamas until the day you die.