Something about it makes me a little sad knowing that these places are long gone and these are only replicas. It's nice to see them for sure, but so much time has passed since.
Unfortunately, it was Michael Landon who had the outdoor sets blown in the "last farewell" as apart of the story line for the last episode. It was all a part of the plan to reset the land back to its original condition (as a ranch), per the contract with BigSky Ranch. It was inevitable. Plus with as many wildfires as this area has had since 1984, if they remained (and not blown up), They would have been taken by fire by the 1990s.
Thanks for the tour!
Something about it makes me a little sad knowing that these places are long gone and these are only replicas. It's nice to see them for sure, but so much time has passed since.
Unfortunately, it was Michael Landon who had the outdoor sets blown in the "last farewell" as apart of the story line for the last episode. It was all a part of the plan to reset the land back to its original condition (as a ranch), per the contract with BigSky Ranch. It was inevitable.
Plus with as many wildfires as this area has had since 1984, if they remained (and not blown up), They would have been taken by fire by the 1990s.