@@IbrahimIbnkhas protesting students and people called a new event named "March to Dhaka" which means everyone throughout the whole country will come Dhaka and join the massive protest against the dictatorship of Haseena... Meanwhile the autocratic govt. imposed a curfew from this evening in order to resist them to join the protest...
Please help us, be with us....keep your aware eyes on the deadly scenario created by only governments ...............and disclose globally to keep pressure of the world leaders ....................... In protest, we lost, but Govt wants to stay in power Dead -------- 1000 Injured --------3000 Detained in Jail in fake allegation to spoil the protest --------15,000 Victim by accusing in false legal cases to opposition who may try to join the student - 120,000 Reason of Hundred people joining to the movement Unelected period of ruling - 15 years Inflation = 15% for last 5 years Unemployment rate = 25%, more for higher degree. Highly unequal distribution of country wealth and corruption is the only means everywhere-- from PM house to local Bazar Fund Transfer to foreign ---200 billion total in 15 years Bad loan is --25% of total Bank deposit High Govt Debt = 100 Billions Puppet Govt of India working against country interest,,,,,,,,,,,,, Much more even we can list......... This is time to ✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌ ✌✌
Stop burning your own country. Go home. Demonstrate all you want. Your country is poor. You are burning down everything, especially public transportation, your only metro rail, ambulances, and hospitals. How are you helping? You want justice for the death of young students. Ok, understandable. It takes time to investigate. You can't just demand things to be done overnight. You young bangladeshi are hurting yourself. Stop burning down your own country and go home.
এই ছাত্র আন্দোলনের সমন্বয়কারীরা কোনো রাজনৈতিক দলের সাথে সম্পৃক্ত হওয়া উচিত নয়। সব রাজনৈতিক দলই দুর্নীতি ও গণহত্যার অপরাধ করেছে। এখন শিক্ষক, অভিনেতা এবং অন্যান্যরা আন্দোলনকে সমর্থন করছে-তারা আগে কোথায় ছিল? আপনাদের এক দফা দাবি পূরণ হলে, কেবলমাত্র ছাত্র ফ্রন্টই সরকার গঠন করার অধিকার রাখে। কোনো রাজনৈতিক দল আপনাদের জোটের অংশ হওয়া উচিত নয়। এটি আপনাদের বিপ্লব; এই আন্দোলন যেন কোনো স্বার্থান্বেষী চক্র দ্বারা কুক্ষিগত না হয়ে যায়। বাংলাদেশকে মহান করুন। The coordinators of this student movement should not associate with any political party . All political parties have committed corruption and genocide. Now, teachers, actors, and others are supporting the movement-where were they before? After your one-point demand is successful, only the student front should form the government. No political parties should not be part of your coalition. This is your revolution; This movement should not be hijacked by any vested interests. Make Bangladesh Great.
Please help us, be with us....keep your aware eyes on the deadly scenario created by only governments ...............and disclose globally to keep pressure of the world leaders ....................... In protest, we lost, but Govt wants to stay in power Dead -------- 1000 Injured --------3000 Detained in Jail in fake allegation to spoil the protest --------15,000 Victim by accusing in false legal cases to opposition who may try to join the student - 120,000 Reason of Hundred people joining to the movement Unelected period of ruling - 15 years Inflation = 15% for last 5 years Unemployment rate = 25%, more for higher degree. Highly unequal distribution of country wealth and corruption is the only means everywhere-- from PM house to local Bazar Fund Transfer to foreign ---200 billion total in 15 years Bad loan is --25% of total Bank deposit High Govt Debt = 100 Billions Puppet Govt of India working against country interest,,,,,,,,,,,,, Much more even we can list......... This is time to ✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌ ✌✌
My favorite country is Bangladesh. Applause to the brave people of Bangladesh. Please stay safe and stay united. I pray for peace and happiness for Bangladesh from Japan 🇧🇩🤝🏽🇯🇵
Hasina , a dictator who murders 1,000+ students is committing a heinous atrocity, demonstrating an utter disregard for human life and a perverse abuse of power. This brutal act of violence not only destroys innocent lives but also assaults the very future of a society, revealing the dictator's ruthless and monstrous nature.
@@muzammil292 The Razakars were a paramilitary force in what was then East Pakistan (now Bangladesh) during the 1971 Bangladesh Liberation War. Formed by the Pakistani government, the Razakars supported the Pakistani military and were involved in committing numerous atrocities against Bengali civilians, including widespread violence, torture, and murder. Their actions are remembered as some of the darkest chapters in the history of the war for Bangladesh's independence. But now, dictator government use it as a weapon against any voice over them.
No im a Bangladeshi, almost 500 people were killed at 4th August but they hiding the actual death toll. Im from dhaka almost 56 were killed at my area then how it can be 90 or 100 in whole Bangladesh? Please help us, save us from this government
@@SanzanMahmudZisanJomadar That is, there is no one beside us except Allah Can't see anyone from UN today but why are they not on our side illegitimate government is closing their eyes with their money 10 killed in sri lanka people are occupying public buildings but we are killed 100 daily Allah will judge you
@@ubermensch_1111Not Muslim countries. Asian countries where majorities are Muslim.Why? Maybe because of colonialism where the British came enslaved everyone then stole the resources leaving Bangladesh with a corrupt and oppressive leader.Please do research before being racist and leaving your unwelcome comments here!
@@ubermensch_1111 Such situation hardly happens in Arab countries, Indonesia, Malaysia. Amd no, situations are much more extreme in non Muslim countries. No democracy in China. No democracy in North Korea. No freedom. Atleast we are far better. Atleast we are able to fight
Please help us, be with us....keep your aware eyes on the deadly scenario created by only governments ...............and disclose globally to keep pressure of the world leaders ....................... In protest, we lost, but Govt wants to stay in power Dead -------- 1000 Injured --------3000 Detained in Jail in fake allegation to spoil the protest --------15,000 Victim by accusing in false legal cases to opposition who may try to join the student - 120,000 Reason of Hundred people joining to the movement Unelected period of ruling - 15 years Inflation = 15% for last 5 years Unemployment rate = 25%, more for higher degree. Highly unequal distribution of country wealth and corruption is the only means everywhere-- from PM house to local Bazar Fund Transfer to foreign ---200 billion total in 15 years Bad loan is --25% of total Bank deposit High Govt Debt = 100 Billions Puppet Govt of India working against country interest,,,,,,,,,,,,, Much more even we can list......... This is time to ✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌ ✌✌
রাতারাতি একটা জেনারেশন কেমনে পাল্টে গেলো, তাইনা! প্রায় এক মাস থেকে কেউ মেম শেয়ার দেয়না, কেউ গান বাজনা পোস্ট করেনা, কেউ খেলাধুলা নিয়ে ভাবেনা, প্রিয়জনের ছবি স্টোরি দেয়না, কেউ ছেঁকা খাওয়া পোস্ট দেয়না, বিকেলে খেলতে যায়না, কেউ পড়তে বসে না, ঠিক মত ঘুমায় না!সবার কেবল একটাই চিন্তা নিজের দেশ। একটাই নেশা স্বাধীনতা! স্বাধীনতা!! স্বাধীনতা..🤲🏻✊🏻🇧🇩
@@xhaikhrobi4041 That's a total nonsense. We only need Allah's help. Why beg for help to foreigners? It's pathetic. Have some honour and dignity. Fight for your rights amd ask for Allah's help
Please help us, be with us....keep your aware eyes on the deadly scenario created by only governments ...............and disclose globally to keep pressure of the world leaders ....................... In protest, we lost, but Govt wants to stay in power Dead -------- 1000 Injured --------3000 Detained in Jail in fake allegation to spoil the protest --------15,000 Victim by accusing in false legal cases to opposition who may try to join the student - 120,000 Reason of Hundred people joining to the movement Unelected period of ruling - 15 years Inflation = 15% for last 5 years Unemployment rate = 25%, more for higher degree. Highly unequal distribution of country wealth and corruption is the only means everywhere-- from PM house to local Bazar Fund Transfer to foreign ---200 billion total in 15 years Bad loan is --25% of total Bank deposit High Govt Debt = 100 Billions Puppet Govt of India working against country interest,,,,,,,,,,,,, Much more even we can list......... This is time to ✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌ ✌✌
Please help us, be with us....keep your aware eyes on the deadly scenario created by only governments ...............and disclose globally to keep pressure of the world leaders ....................... In protest, we lost, but Govt wants to stay in power Dead -------- 1000 Injured --------3000 Detained in Jail in fake allegation to spoil the protest --------15,000 Victim by accusing in false legal cases to opposition who may try to join the student - 120,000 Reason of Hundred people joining to the movement Unelected period of ruling - 15 years Inflation = 15% for last 5 years Unemployment rate = 25%, more for higher degree. Highly unequal distribution of country wealth and corruption is the only means everywhere-- from PM house to local Bazar Fund Transfer to foreign ---200 billion total in 15 years Bad loan is --25% of total Bank deposit High Govt Debt = 100 Billions Puppet Govt of India working against country interest,,,,,,,,,,,,, Much more even we can list......... This is time to ✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌ ✌✌
Esses vagabundos querem ficar 20 anos na função e explorando o povo q fica na miséria. Que isso sirva de lição para aqueles q querem se perpetuar no poder e gastando o dinheiro dos pagadores de impostos sem controle algum😮😮😮😮
@@jhumurfaraziema1987 Who would save us and how? Ask Allah to save us. Why ask foreign media, people and page for help. They can't help us in anyway. Don't be a coward and go around begging for help in random places
Stop calling them students. Students don’t destroy government property. Bangladesh is facing some rogues hiding behind the name of student. These people have already killed 25 police officers among them one was pregnant. Stop calling them student.
Please help us, be with us....keep your aware eyes on the deadly scenario created by only governments ...............and disclose globally to keep pressure of the world leaders ....................... In protest, we lost, but Govt wants to stay in power Dead -------- 1000 Injured --------3000 Detained in Jail in fake allegation to spoil the protest --------15,000 Victim by accusing in false legal cases to opposition who may try to join the student - 120,000 Reason of Hundred people joining to the movement Unelected period of ruling - 15 years Inflation = 15% for last 5 years Unemployment rate = 25%, more for higher degree. Highly unequal distribution of country wealth and corruption is the only means everywhere-- from PM house to local Bazar Fund Transfer to foreign ---200 billion total in 15 years Bad loan is --25% of total Bank deposit High Govt Debt = 100 Billions Puppet Govt of India working against country interest,,,,,,,,,,,,, Much more even we can list......... This is time to ✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌ ✌✌
I'm a Bangladeshi.Hundreds of people are dying every day in 64 districts. Thousands of people are getting injured. Media is under Hasina government. Media does not tell actual death toll.Nobody wants this goverment.we want democracy.Please stand with us.
আমাকে দমিয়ে রাখতে পারবেনা,আমি উত্তরা থেকে যাচ্ছি,, খুবই জ্বর এসেছে,দুইটা নাপা এস্ট্রা খেয়েছি,প্রয়োজনে এক পাতা নাপা সাথে সাথে নিয়ে যাব বিজয় নিয়ে তবেই ঘরে ফিরব 🇧🇩💪💪❤
Bai [Ace XR] medicine khan in sha allah taratari kome jabe napa take balo aita . And take care of your health. In sha allah all the students and normal people will win 💪🏻❤
Please help us, be with us....keep your aware eyes on the deadly scenario created by only governments ...............and disclose globally to keep pressure of the world leaders ....................... In protest, we lost, but Govt wants to stay in power Dead -------- 1000 Injured --------3000 Detained in Jail in fake allegation to spoil the protest --------15,000 Victim by accusing in false legal cases to opposition who may try to join the student - 120,000 Reason of Hundred people joining to the movement Unelected period of ruling - 15 years Inflation = 15% for last 5 years Unemployment rate = 25%, more for higher degree. Highly unequal distribution of country wealth and corruption is the only means everywhere-- from PM house to local Bazar Fund Transfer to foreign ---200 billion total in 15 years Bad loan is --25% of total Bank deposit High Govt Debt = 100 Billions Puppet Govt of India working against country interest,,,,,,,,,,,,, Much more even we can list......... This is time to ✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌ ✌✌
Please help us, be with us....keep your aware eyes on the deadly scenario created by only governments ...............and disclose globally to keep pressure of the world leaders ....................... In protest, we lost, but Govt wants to stay in power Dead -------- 1000 Injured --------3000 Detained in Jail in fake allegation to spoil the protest --------15,000 Victim by accusing in false legal cases to opposition who may try to join the student - 120,000 Reason of Hundred people joining to the movement Unelected period of ruling - 15 years Inflation = 15% for last 5 years Unemployment rate = 25%, more for higher degree. Highly unequal distribution of country wealth and corruption is the only means everywhere-- from PM house to local Bazar Fund Transfer to foreign ---200 billion total in 15 years Bad loan is --25% of total Bank deposit High Govt Debt = 100 Billions Puppet Govt of India working against country interest,,,,,,,,,,,,, Much more even we can list......... This is time to ✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌ ✌✌
Who would save us here?🤣 We have to save ourselves with the help of Allah. Ask Allah to save us. Do not beg in random places. Where's your honour? Where's your dignity? We only need Allah's help. Ask for his help. That's it
@@SanzanMahmudZisanJomadaryou are the only one who I found sensible। They don't understand this। Did the foreign country helped Gaza? But yea they donated for them or nothing else। And most of the people of bd were unaware of those people of Gaza never tried to know always ignored them। Now why they're doing this। Sometimes I feel it's right I mean the way they ignored them now they're being ignored
What nonsense is this? Why are you asking help here? Who would help us from here and how? Ask help from the right place. Ask for Allah's help. That's more than enough
@@SumaiyaAkter-v1j People in Bangladesh need Allah's help and each other’s cooperation. Don't go begging for help here and there. It's pathetic. How would they help us anyway?
1500+ Killed
20000+ Arrested
10000+ Injured
Help us🇧🇩🇧🇩🇧🇩
Fake Bro 🙂
@@SP-cl4ep yep
Just like chatro league er bap er porichoy er moto
@@SP-cl4epwhat's the real news? Let's know it from you?
And who are you?
You fake@@SP-cl4ep
@@SP-cl4epyour fake slave of hasina
ইতোমধ্যে ঢাকায় ছাত্র-জনতার জনস্রোত ঢুকতেছে।
আগামীকাল ১ কোটি মানুষ ঢাকায় থাকবে ইনশাআল্লাহ।।
Army ra atkai ditese re vai
@@Xibd69tor mar vuda bore dibo
সারা বাংলায় খবর দে,
সৈরাচারের কবর দে..
Tomorrow is a big day for us Bangladeshis
Please pray for us🇧🇩
Why is it a big day?
@@IbrahimIbnkhas protesting students and people called a new event named "March to Dhaka" which means everyone throughout the whole country will come Dhaka and join the massive protest against the dictatorship of Haseena...
Meanwhile the autocratic govt. imposed a curfew from this evening in order to resist them to join the protest...
Long march Dhaka 5 th August
Please help Bangladeshi students and peoples
Insha-allah insha-allah insha-allah
Bhagg Kanglu
@@sk.jawadashab334Haseena ×
Hasina √
1500+ killed
20000+ arrested
10000 injured
Help us Bangladesh
Eat pig
Chal bc ISI dehshatgard
I went to Bangladesh two times. The people are so beautiful hearted. I said free the people. I am supporting the people of Bangladesh.
Dal nome sembri ipocrita israeliano mentitore cronico, guerrafondaio con la vita degli altri, ecc. Bella la palestina è, goditela
Thats because you are muslim 😂
I stand with the students and people being oppressed
1500+ killed
20000+ Arrested 10000+ injured
Please save our Bangladeshi students 🥹
@@rjarfinsabbir8982 shame on uuuu
জারজ যেমন হয় @@rjarfinsabbir8982
পৃথিবীর শেষ্ট মিথ্যাবাদী শেখহাসিনা আর তার দল কুত্তালীগ
People in Bangladesh need your help very much.
Thank you so much Al Jazeera ❣️
no. you need to vote and cease the mayhem in the streets. no shame.
Peope in Bangladesh are ok and fine. Thanks to Seikh Hasina.
All are supporting her except few rejakars
We are not support also Bnp Khaleda zia 😂😂.we want bangladeshi next pm on Mizamur rhmam Azahari❤❤.
@@omikhan6411 You are also Sheikh Hasinas killer man.
@@SRRMCS Dude you keep posting this. You think that kind of totalitarian government will agree to referendums or new elections without violence?
I am a Bangladeshi. Foreign brothers and sisters pray for our Bangladeshi brothers and sisters.
Prayer 🙏 from America ❤
i am vietnam, i always think of you
My videos are better
Congratulations ❤
We don't pray for terrorist supporter 😢😢😢
Thanks Al Jazeera ❤
Please save Bangladeshi student 😢
1500+ killed
20000+ arrested
10000+ injured
Help us Bangladesh ❤
Please help us, be with us....keep your aware eyes on the deadly scenario created by only governments ...............and disclose globally to keep pressure of the world leaders .......................
In protest, we lost, but Govt wants to stay in power
Dead -------- 1000
Injured --------3000
Detained in Jail in fake allegation to spoil the protest --------15,000
Victim by accusing in false legal cases to opposition who may try to join the student - 120,000
Reason of Hundred people joining to the movement
Unelected period of ruling - 15 years
Inflation = 15% for last 5 years
Unemployment rate = 25%, more for higher degree.
Highly unequal distribution of country wealth and corruption is the only means everywhere-- from PM house to local Bazar
Fund Transfer to foreign ---200 billion total in 15 years
Bad loan is --25% of total Bank deposit
High Govt Debt = 100 Billions
Puppet Govt of India working against country interest,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Much more even we can list.........
This is time to ✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌
Islamic emirate should establish on immediate basis.
Peace will establish like Afghanistan
Omg This is Bangladesh Revolution we from the Philippines support bangladesh democracy student fight for their rights keep resilience guys and
🙏 🙏 🙏
thanks for support
They are bunch of lunatics.
Studenti 🐒bangla = 💩di 🐕=filippine=🐕di usa=💩 fate🤮
Not 200 but almost 3000 people died and many are still missing those days.
Please pray for our Bangladeshi students🇧🇩🥺
Rip Bangladesh.
many sources say this is clearly funded by Pakistani agencies
Prego che gli danno quello che meritano uno per uno, non sono studenti
Prayers from American 🇺🇸 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
1500+ killed
20000+ Arrested
10000 + injured
Help us Bangladesh
Stop burning your own country. Go home. Demonstrate all you want. Your country is poor. You are burning down everything, especially public transportation, your only metro rail, ambulances, and hospitals. How are you helping? You want justice for the death of young students. Ok, understandable. It takes time to investigate. You can't just demand things to be done overnight. You young bangladeshi are hurting yourself. Stop burning down your own country and go home.
এই ছাত্র আন্দোলনের সমন্বয়কারীরা কোনো রাজনৈতিক দলের সাথে সম্পৃক্ত হওয়া উচিত নয়। সব রাজনৈতিক দলই দুর্নীতি ও গণহত্যার অপরাধ করেছে। এখন শিক্ষক, অভিনেতা এবং অন্যান্যরা আন্দোলনকে সমর্থন করছে-তারা আগে কোথায় ছিল? আপনাদের এক দফা দাবি পূরণ হলে, কেবলমাত্র ছাত্র ফ্রন্টই সরকার গঠন করার অধিকার রাখে। কোনো রাজনৈতিক দল আপনাদের জোটের অংশ হওয়া উচিত নয়। এটি আপনাদের বিপ্লব; এই আন্দোলন যেন কোনো স্বার্থান্বেষী চক্র দ্বারা কুক্ষিগত না হয়ে যায়। বাংলাদেশকে মহান করুন।
The coordinators of this student movement should not associate with any political party . All political parties have committed corruption and genocide. Now, teachers, actors, and others are supporting the movement-where were they before? After your one-point demand is successful, only the student front should form the government. No political parties should not be part of your coalition. This is your revolution; This movement should not be hijacked by any vested interests. Make Bangladesh Great.
এবার নাহলে আর কখনোই না,😭😭😭🥳
This real
Please help us, be with us....keep your aware eyes on the deadly scenario created by only governments ...............and disclose globally to keep pressure of the world leaders .......................
In protest, we lost, but Govt wants to stay in power
Dead -------- 1000
Injured --------3000
Detained in Jail in fake allegation to spoil the protest --------15,000
Victim by accusing in false legal cases to opposition who may try to join the student - 120,000
Reason of Hundred people joining to the movement
Unelected period of ruling - 15 years
Inflation = 15% for last 5 years
Unemployment rate = 25%, more for higher degree.
Highly unequal distribution of country wealth and corruption is the only means everywhere-- from PM house to local Bazar
Fund Transfer to foreign ---200 billion total in 15 years
Bad loan is --25% of total Bank deposit
High Govt Debt = 100 Billions
Puppet Govt of India working against country interest,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Much more even we can list.........
This is time to ✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌
My favorite country is Bangladesh. Applause to the brave people of Bangladesh. Please stay safe and stay united. I pray for peace and happiness for Bangladesh from Japan 🇧🇩🤝🏽🇯🇵
One point, one demand, the resignation of the killer Hasina
how about voting dear
Obviously. 💝🇧🇩
A rigged system at best @@SRRMCS
@@SRRMCShere voting don't work only she stands for the vote and also he get auto fake votes
❤❤❤❤Seikh Hasina Best❤❤❤❤
Everything is fine in Bangladesh. Thanks to Seikh Hasina. And these peoples are not students
Hasina , a dictator who murders 1,000+ students is committing a heinous atrocity, demonstrating an utter disregard for human life and a perverse abuse of power. This brutal act of violence not only destroys innocent lives but also assaults the very future of a society, revealing the dictator's ruthless and monstrous nature.
students or razakars?
@@Nidhi_Tripathiiiiii they all are students
And there is no rajakar in Bangladesh. she killed every rajakar a long ago.....
@@Nidhi_Tripathiiiiii Students
What is razakars
@@muzammil292 The Razakars were a paramilitary force in what was then East Pakistan (now Bangladesh) during the 1971 Bangladesh Liberation War. Formed by the Pakistani government, the Razakars supported the Pakistani military and were involved in committing numerous atrocities against Bengali civilians, including widespread violence, torture, and murder. Their actions are remembered as some of the darkest chapters in the history of the war for Bangladesh's independence.
But now, dictator government use it as a weapon against any voice over them.
Thank you @Mohammad Ashrafuzzaman for saying the absolute truth. "YOU" became the voice of many .
1500+ killed
20000 +arrested
10000 +injured
Help us 🇧🇩😥
Chal bc ISI dehshatgard jamaati terrorists
The situation here is really worse than other times. More than 91 were killed today. Please save our students, teachers and general people.🇧🇩🇧🇩
No it's true 😢😢 please help us
No im a Bangladeshi, almost 500 people were killed at 4th August but they hiding the actual death toll. Im from dhaka almost 56 were killed at my area then how it can be 90 or 100 in whole Bangladesh?
Please help us, save us from this government
@@jannathussain4789 There's a limit in lying.. these death toll is reported by Jamuna news and they even mentioned how much died from each parties.
@@miskatulmashabi659 33 AL member, 13 police and the rest others (student, bystanders etc). 96 deaths
Save Bangladeshi Students 🇧🇩
Stop begging bro. It's pathetic. Who would save us? Ask Allah to save us not someone else
@@SanzanMahmudZisanJomadar That is, there is no one beside us except Allah
Can't see anyone from UN today but why are they not on our side illegitimate government is closing their eyes with their money 10 killed in sri lanka people are occupying public buildings but we are killed 100 daily
Allah will judge you
Why always in MUSLIM country this sort of extreme situation happens ?? Why your can't save you ?? I think he is fake
@@ubermensch_1111Not Muslim countries. Asian countries where majorities are Muslim.Why? Maybe because of colonialism where the British came enslaved everyone then stole the resources leaving Bangladesh with a corrupt and oppressive leader.Please do research before being racist and leaving your unwelcome comments here!
@@ubermensch_1111 Such situation hardly happens in Arab countries, Indonesia, Malaysia. Amd no, situations are much more extreme in non Muslim countries. No democracy in China. No democracy in North Korea. No freedom. Atleast we are far better. Atleast we are able to fight
Please protect us bangladesh🙏🙏
Please help us, be with us....keep your aware eyes on the deadly scenario created by only governments ...............and disclose globally to keep pressure of the world leaders .......................
In protest, we lost, but Govt wants to stay in power
Dead -------- 1000
Injured --------3000
Detained in Jail in fake allegation to spoil the protest --------15,000
Victim by accusing in false legal cases to opposition who may try to join the student - 120,000
Reason of Hundred people joining to the movement
Unelected period of ruling - 15 years
Inflation = 15% for last 5 years
Unemployment rate = 25%, more for higher degree.
Highly unequal distribution of country wealth and corruption is the only means everywhere-- from PM house to local Bazar
Fund Transfer to foreign ---200 billion total in 15 years
Bad loan is --25% of total Bank deposit
High Govt Debt = 100 Billions
Puppet Govt of India working against country interest,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Much more even we can list.........
This is time to ✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌
I am with Bangladeshi 🇧🇩 people from Pakistan 🇵🇰, may Allah protect you and your loved ones
Today 100+ students died. We want Justice. Step down sheik Hasina
Non credo proprio, al massimo erano terroristi 🐕di usa
রাতারাতি একটা জেনারেশন কেমনে পাল্টে গেলো, তাইনা!
প্রায় এক মাস থেকে কেউ মেম শেয়ার দেয়না, কেউ গান বাজনা পোস্ট করেনা, কেউ খেলাধুলা নিয়ে ভাবেনা, প্রিয়জনের ছবি স্টোরি দেয়না, কেউ ছেঁকা খাওয়া পোস্ট দেয়না, বিকেলে খেলতে যায়না, কেউ পড়তে বসে না, ঠিক মত ঘুমায় না!সবার কেবল একটাই চিন্তা নিজের দেশ।
একটাই নেশা স্বাধীনতা! স্বাধীনতা!! স্বাধীনতা..🤲🏻✊🏻🇧🇩
Aikhane ai doroner comment kn kortecen...copy post r koto comment korn...parle hasinar ottacharer kotha tule doren
কপি করা বন্ধ কর। একই কথা আর কত?
So true
এই আন্দোলনের কোনো মানে হয় না, ছাত্ররা আসল রাজাকারের ফাঁদে পা দিছে সুতরাং বিএনপি জামাত কে আর সুযোগ না দিয়ে আন্দোলনের এখানেই ইতি টানা উচিৎ
1500+ killed
20000+ Arrested
10000+ injured
Help us world leaders.
1500+ killed
10000+ injured
Please help Bangladesh students.
People in Bangladesh need your help very much.
Thank you so much Al Jazeera
really. are you a victim? you are committing mayhem in the streets and attacking police. vote in the next election.
@@xhaikhrobi4041 That's a total nonsense. We only need Allah's help. Why beg for help to foreigners? It's pathetic. Have some honour and dignity. Fight for your rights amd ask for Allah's help
Mr.Mohammad Ashrafuzzaman you've explained this all perfectly brother. Thanks from Bangladesh .
Thousands of students have been killed by police firing in Bangladesh😢🇧🇩🇧🇩
Please Save Bangladesh Student's
Last week we lost 500+ students
Yesterday we lost 100+ brothers 😭
No ISR involvemnet, no world concern, sorry!!!
@user-dp1bt9ql2m where is your humanity... Are you a human being?
No nostri gratelli ma 🐕usa
I didn't know you spoke for the world u troll. @@johnMcHale-j5s
Please help us, be with us....keep your aware eyes on the deadly scenario created by only governments ...............and disclose globally to keep pressure of the world leaders .......................
In protest, we lost, but Govt wants to stay in power
Dead -------- 1000
Injured --------3000
Detained in Jail in fake allegation to spoil the protest --------15,000
Victim by accusing in false legal cases to opposition who may try to join the student - 120,000
Reason of Hundred people joining to the movement
Unelected period of ruling - 15 years
Inflation = 15% for last 5 years
Unemployment rate = 25%, more for higher degree.
Highly unequal distribution of country wealth and corruption is the only means everywhere-- from PM house to local Bazar
Fund Transfer to foreign ---200 billion total in 15 years
Bad loan is --25% of total Bank deposit
High Govt Debt = 100 Billions
Puppet Govt of India working against country interest,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Much more even we can list.........
This is time to ✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌
110+ student killed today in Bangladesh 🇧🇩 please, help us.we are helpless.We want Justice.
Please help us, be with us....keep your aware eyes on the deadly scenario created by only governments ...............and disclose globally to keep pressure of the world leaders .......................
In protest, we lost, but Govt wants to stay in power
Dead -------- 1000
Injured --------3000
Detained in Jail in fake allegation to spoil the protest --------15,000
Victim by accusing in false legal cases to opposition who may try to join the student - 120,000
Reason of Hundred people joining to the movement
Unelected period of ruling - 15 years
Inflation = 15% for last 5 years
Unemployment rate = 25%, more for higher degree.
Highly unequal distribution of country wealth and corruption is the only means everywhere-- from PM house to local Bazar
Fund Transfer to foreign ---200 billion total in 15 years
Bad loan is --25% of total Bank deposit
High Govt Debt = 100 Billions
Puppet Govt of India working against country interest,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Much more even we can list.........
This is time to ✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌
*Bangladesh🇧🇩 need new Prime Minister, Sheikh Hasina 20years in office.*
Esses vagabundos querem ficar 20 anos na função e explorando o povo q fica na miséria. Que isso sirva de lição para aqueles q querem se perpetuar no poder e gastando o dinheiro dos pagadores de impostos sem controle algum😮😮😮😮
Congratulations Bangladesh
এই সময় ছাত্রদের পাশে থাকা যমুনা টিভিকে জানাই অসংখ্য ধন্যবাদ আমার সাথে কেকে এক মত 👍👍❤❤❤
95 people died today in bangladesh 💔
Plzzz help
We want justice
Save Bangladeshi students
Save Bangladeshi children’s
Save Bangladeshi teachers
YOU right
No studenti ma teppisti fascisti 💩di 🐕
101 students killed today in Bangladesh 🇧🇩 please, the world, help us. We are helpless. We want Justice.
159 bro
Who does not want Hasina's government?❌
People in Bangladesh need your support very much
Thanks al jazzera
Save Bangladesh students Please
@@jhumurfaraziema1987 Who would save us and how? Ask Allah to save us. Why ask foreign media, people and page for help. They can't help us in anyway. Don't be a coward and go around begging for help in random places
2500+ killed
20,000+ arrested & 10,000+injured.
Plz save Bangladeshi Students.🥹
Thanks a lot Alzazeera.
Stop calling them students. Students don’t destroy government property. Bangladesh is facing some rogues hiding behind the name of student. These people have already killed 25 police officers among them one was pregnant. Stop calling them student.
In 4th august, we lost 105 brothers😢😢
Support Bangladeshi student ❤
105 Rajakars 😂😂😂
কিরে তুই তো দেখি সব জায়গায়@@omikhan6411
@@omikhan6411বান্দির বাচ্চা দালাল। এখনও সময় আছে দালালি ছেড়ে মানুষ হয়ে যা 😡😡😡
@omikhan6411 what is rajakars
Love Form Bangladesh 🇧🇩
Please Save Bangladesh student 😢🔴
today almost 120+ students killed by police and the terrors of Government
Yes,its true
Don't make stories. They are rajakars. Not students 😂😂
Again people like u shame@@omikhan6411
@@omikhan6411they are your mother Vatar
159 people were killed today(4th August)😢
1500+ killed
20000+ Arrested
10000 + injured
Help us Bangladesh
Please please please
You are rights Please help Bangladesh 😢
Right 😢
Please help us, be with us....keep your aware eyes on the deadly scenario created by only governments ...............and disclose globally to keep pressure of the world leaders .......................
In protest, we lost, but Govt wants to stay in power
Dead -------- 1000
Injured --------3000
Detained in Jail in fake allegation to spoil the protest --------15,000
Victim by accusing in false legal cases to opposition who may try to join the student - 120,000
Reason of Hundred people joining to the movement
Unelected period of ruling - 15 years
Inflation = 15% for last 5 years
Unemployment rate = 25%, more for higher degree.
Highly unequal distribution of country wealth and corruption is the only means everywhere-- from PM house to local Bazar
Fund Transfer to foreign ---200 billion total in 15 years
Bad loan is --25% of total Bank deposit
High Govt Debt = 100 Billions
Puppet Govt of India working against country interest,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Much more even we can list.........
This is time to ✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌
@@K.M.SABBIRAHMEDSHANTOgive your mom her phone back lil timmy
Lots of duas for our Bangladeshi brothers and sisters from Pakistan
No argue
No voice
Step down Hasina
The only demand is Hasina's resignation.
1500+ killed
15000+ Arrested
10000+ injured
Pls help us 🇧🇩🇧🇩🇧🇩
I am from bangladesh
Already 1500 student dead😢😢
Please pray our Bangladesh Student 🤲🤲
Jesus Cristo 😢😢😢
I'm a Bangladeshi.Hundreds of people are dying every day in 64 districts. Thousands of people are getting injured. Media is under Hasina government. Media does not tell actual death toll.Nobody wants this goverment.we want democracy.Please stand with us.
We want Justice 🇧🇩
I Wish to all the brave great warriors Bangladeshi people freedom and prosperity from Nazifascist Hasina and their criminal allies
The situation in Bangladesh is worse than what is being shown in media
Please save Bangladeshi students 🙏
We want justice... Please step down Hasina.....
save Bangladesh and save students
What nonsense? Who would save us here? Ask Allah to save us not some foreign people, media or page. It's pathetic. Have some honour.
No one will come to save us. We will have to help ourself. They will just observe.
Pray to the Almighty.
Save Bangladesh 🇧🇩 save people 🇧🇩 removed Sheikh hasina😡
20000+ arrested
10000+ injured
Help us Bangladesh 🇧🇩🇧🇩
We want Justice ✊🇧🇩
Save Bangladesh Students 🇧🇩😢😢
Thanks AL Jazeera.🥰🥰🥰
Don’t understimate the power of students.
Don’t understimate the power of common man.
Salute all protestors.
thank you for Al Jazeera
আমাকে দমিয়ে রাখতে পারবেনা,আমি উত্তরা থেকে যাচ্ছি,, খুবই জ্বর এসেছে,দুইটা নাপা এস্ট্রা খেয়েছি,প্রয়োজনে এক পাতা নাপা সাথে সাথে নিয়ে যাব বিজয় নিয়ে তবেই ঘরে ফিরব 🇧🇩💪💪❤
Vai, take care. Age sustho thakun.
Bai [Ace XR] medicine khan in sha allah taratari kome jabe napa take balo aita . And take care of your health. In sha allah all the students and normal people will win 💪🏻❤
As a general student of Bangladesh we want Justice. We need international support
On August 4, 2024, 101 people were killed in Bangladesh. Please save the people of Bangladesh.
Please help us, be with us....keep your aware eyes on the deadly scenario created by only governments ...............and disclose globally to keep pressure of the world leaders .......................
In protest, we lost, but Govt wants to stay in power
Dead -------- 1000
Injured --------3000
Detained in Jail in fake allegation to spoil the protest --------15,000
Victim by accusing in false legal cases to opposition who may try to join the student - 120,000
Reason of Hundred people joining to the movement
Unelected period of ruling - 15 years
Inflation = 15% for last 5 years
Unemployment rate = 25%, more for higher degree.
Highly unequal distribution of country wealth and corruption is the only means everywhere-- from PM house to local Bazar
Fund Transfer to foreign ---200 billion total in 15 years
Bad loan is --25% of total Bank deposit
High Govt Debt = 100 Billions
Puppet Govt of India working against country interest,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Much more even we can list.........
This is time to ✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌
Thnak you!❤
I am froom Bangladesh 🇧🇩
Now it’s a global concern about democracy, please do something to stop genocide in Bangladesh 🇧🇩
people in Bangladesh needs your help Very much. 😢
we need Justice and democracy 😢
বাংলাদেশ ছাত্রদের পাসে দাঁড়ানোর আহ্বান করছি সকল শ্রেণী পেশার মানুষের
Save and help Bangladesh.
Thanks Al Jazeera for publishing the news of the circumstances of Bangladesh.
The longer you wait , the heavier price you have to pay 😢 prayers from Pakistan ❤
4 August here are 109 students who died in this protest. We all students need help.
Killed -1500
Arrested -20000
Places help Bangladesh student! 🙏🇧🇩
Thanks Al Jazeera to keep in your eye on Bangladesh! Keep it up.
Save Bangladesh student 🙏
Thank you Al Jazeera ❤
Thanks al Jazeera for supporting Bangladesh 🇧🇩
Not 200 but almost 3000 people died and many are still missing during those days
From Bangladesh..
Situation is very bad,,,,
Please save Bangladesh
We want justice... Pray for Bangladesh
Please pray 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 for us🇧🇩🇧🇩🇧🇩🇧🇩🇧🇩
Ya Rabbul Alamin please protect students and peoples of the Bangladesh. 🇧🇩💗🇧🇩
Sapete come vi comprtate in italia?
Come i 🐕
1500+killed 20000+ arrested 10000+ injured help us 🇧🇩🇧🇩🇧🇩
Please help us, be with us....keep your aware eyes on the deadly scenario created by only governments ...............and disclose globally to keep pressure of the world leaders .......................
In protest, we lost, but Govt wants to stay in power
Dead -------- 1000
Injured --------3000
Detained in Jail in fake allegation to spoil the protest --------15,000
Victim by accusing in false legal cases to opposition who may try to join the student - 120,000
Reason of Hundred people joining to the movement
Unelected period of ruling - 15 years
Inflation = 15% for last 5 years
Unemployment rate = 25%, more for higher degree.
Highly unequal distribution of country wealth and corruption is the only means everywhere-- from PM house to local Bazar
Fund Transfer to foreign ---200 billion total in 15 years
Bad loan is --25% of total Bank deposit
High Govt Debt = 100 Billions
Puppet Govt of India working against country interest,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Much more even we can list.........
This is time to ✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌
1200+ killed
5500 seriously injured
20000+ arrested
This is my Bangladesh 😢😢😢❤❤❤
Save Bangladesh students
they are committing mayhem and crimes in the streets . so why? they need to vote.
Who would save us here?🤣 We have to save ourselves with the help of Allah. Ask Allah to save us. Do not beg in random places. Where's your honour? Where's your dignity? We only need Allah's help. Ask for his help. That's it
@@SanzanMahmudZisanJomadaryou are the only one who I found sensible। They don't understand this। Did the foreign country helped Gaza? But yea they donated for them or nothing else। And most of the people of bd were unaware of those people of Gaza never tried to know always ignored them। Now why they're doing this। Sometimes I feel it's right I mean the way they ignored them now they're being ignored
Thank you Aljazeera for published the real things. Please support the students, something will happen today
Save Bangladesh
1500+ killed
20000+ Arrested 10000+ injured
Please save our Bangladeshi students
Please help us. We are helpless 🇧🇩🙏🙏🙏
What nonsense is this? Why are you asking help here? Who would help us from here and how? Ask help from the right place. Ask for Allah's help. That's more than enough
দেশটা কারো বাপের না, দেশটি ১৮ কোটি মানুষের, তাই এই দেশকে রক্ষা করতে সবাইকে এগিয়ে আসা উচিত
Step down Hasina
1500+ killed
20000+ Arrested
10000+ injured
Hello us 😢
People in Bangladesh need your help very much
@@SumaiyaAkter-v1j People in Bangladesh need Allah's help and each other’s cooperation. Don't go begging for help here and there. It's pathetic. How would they help us anyway?
We want justice 🇧🇩🇧🇩🇧🇩
@@bhavyabhatnagar-00490 Pajshit 🐖
@@bhavyabhatnagar-00490Cap 🤡
This is real journalism. We love Aljazeera.
Save Bangladesh student and people
Internet may blackout anytime..Bangladeshi students needs each of you..Please spread the news