I think one aspect of this fight that alot of people forget is megumi knowledge about blood manipulation could be a problem. If megumi doesnt know that choso is a cursed womb he might make the same mistake nayo did vs his fight vs choso. Where he assume that after so many blood moves he was low on blood not knowing choso can keep using blood aa long as he has CE.
theres also the fact that itadoris resistance is likely due to him also being a creation of kenjaku. And the fact that in kenjaku vs choso (something ronin didn't cover to appeal to more anime onlys) kenjaku states that piercing blood loses speed the further it travels so close ranged piercing blood is faster. also the fact that megumi is not nearly as fast in combat speed as yuji which should be clear due to megumi stating him and every student in jjk would lose in a fight if they had no cursed energy. the toji in shibuya is also likely not as strong as the toji we see in hidden inventory as toji in shibuya does not have the heavenly restricted body of tojis which is why most people using that as a direct line of scaling for megumi are doing ignorantly.
All this talk about megumis abilities is nice but we know that as soon as megumi gets into any amount of trouble hes gonna go "with this divine treasure i summon" and the battle turns into megumi and choso vs mahoraga
pre Origin Of Obedience arc Megumi would summon Mahoraga, any arc after that Megumi would give it his all in any fight. The only reason he summoned Maho in Shibuya was because of pettiness and because he thought thst he was gonna die anyway (as he had just finished a DE and fighting Toji prior to his final Shibuya fight), and why he tried to summon Maho in CG against Sukuna was because Sukuna told him that if he hurts anyone he will suffer the consequences of breaking a binding vow so Megumi tried to use that to his advantage. Please leave illiterate fandom joked away from Megumi.
If its post kenjaku fight choso, hes absolutely bodying megumi. His tracking blood to supernova shift he used on kenjaku would catch megumi completely pff guard and megumi wouldn't have a counter
@MrMaples1996 his domain isn't a be all end all. He needs an enclosed place to fully manifest his domain, if they're fighting in an open space he wouldn't be able to activate it
@@MrMaples1996 Choso can flood a large area with blood because he can use blood as long as he has CE so Choso's probably the worse guy for Megumi to do that against also all it takes for Choso to win is just simply cut one of Megumi's hands off and the main thing of Megumi's technique is basically gone cause every summon so far (that Megumi tamed not Sukuna) required two hands and Choso's blood is poisonous so that alone can take Megumi out
@@BrokenRonin Yaga was in no way on par with the strength of a Special grade, You’re ignoring the fight with Reggie too much, That was the strongest we’ve ever seen Megumi and he got his ass kicked. Choso and Geto clear Megumi. I love the character but he genuinely can’t stack up to the stronger characters in the verse.
@@tjtrudel3091 Yaga was suggested to be a special grade tho, all im saying is that you need feats yo back that grading up, which the geto i put Megumi against doesn't have.
the problem I see with the Max Elephant thing is that the water needs to actually hit the blood for the blood to disperse. If the water doesn't hit the blood, Choso can still use all of his blood techniques. When we saw Megumi use Max Elephant to create water (pre-shibuya), he wasn't able to get it very high because the area they were fighting was very open and wide. Also, the winner is also gonna be VERY dependant on the surrounding area. If the area they're fighting is closed off, Megumi will have an alot easier time because he can use Chimera Shadow Garden. Because of this, I think that if they're fighting in an enclosed space that's not super large, Megumi could win; But if they're fighting in an open space like where Choso fought Itadori or something like that, Choso could win with relative ease.
Assuming they’re fighting in Shibuya station then it would be an enclosed space so Megumi could use Chimera Shadow Garden as well as use max elephant to flood the area
@@Dell-ol6hbyeah if it’s the same circumstance but megumi runs into him not choso then megumi wins, but if it’s let’s say we’re choso fought naoya I think he looses
Isn't Choso's blood poisonous because it's non-human blood? I doubt Megumi's resisting it when we have characters like Uraume (way more experienced), & Naoya with little to no resistance to it.
@@BrokenRoninsukuna’s vessels aren’t immune to poison. Sukuna is referred to as the king of poisons in the fight vs eso so his vessels are w to poison because of him
Choso bodied noaya a top 3 fastest character in the series megumi really isn’t catching choso lackin and Choso isn’t that dumb as we seen in his fight against yuji, noaya and kenjaku Choso knowns his limits and the full capabilities of ct he has a move to counter megumi in every instance and remember megumi said himself yuji could take everyone in hand 2 hand combat and still win no ce and with ce Choso bodies yuji in hand to hand And at the end of the day megumi needs to be close range to do the finishing blow and with convergence and stack he not sneaking Choso and mid range Choso has way more finishing moves and also megumi isn’t a good vessel like yuji, yuji is the 1 and million to hold sunkna while megumi is just another body to take over completely and yuji is built different biology wise like literally him having poison resistance is cuz he is the vessel of sunkna the king of poisons, his body being beyond human limits, Choso being his actual brother so same blood wouldn’t really do nun 2 him the poison think with megumi really just doesn’t make sense and for max elephant unless he gets Choso in a small room he’s not gon be able to stop the blood out of his body since max elephant needs lots of ce to summon a bunch of water and it still didn’t stop a weaker blood ct user while all Choso has to do is keep range and when fighting a Shikigmai everyone knows not to play his game since it’s not a 1v1 megumi just don’t have enough skills to evade the range mismatch with Choso and not enough ce to drag the battle out long enough to catch Choso slipping
So if you give Megumi an enclosed space, resistance to poison, and reaction speed to dodge Piercing blood he can win. Yeah I’m taking Choso mid-high diff. That poison statement has never been proven ever so saying Megumi has it is just headcanon. We know Kenjaku is resistant to the poison because he’s Choso’s father. Yuji was basically made to house Sukuna. That’s why he was abnormally strong before becoming a sorcerer. He’s also Choso’s brother which means the poison wouldn’t work on him. I feel like your saying Megumi wins based on a bunch of “if’s”. “IF he has poison resistance and IF he can dodge piercing blood and IF he can hit Choso with an attack that puts him down immediately he can win.”
agreed, megumi needs so many "ifs" and head canon to even give him a chance at winning, choso takes 7 out of 10 easy and the 3 are only megumi if megumi can get a domain off
Choso wins Low-Mid diff during shibuya. Megumi’s AP scaling compared to Yuji during shibuya just isn’t there, “Oh he was fighting relatively to Yuji against the Inversion guy” yeah Megumi was giving it his all to keep up, Yuji was just casually doing it, also the inversion guy reacted less to Yuji’s stronger punches than to Megumi’s strongest attack so Yuji is just stronger pretty blatantly. Not to mention when Yuji is pushed into a corner he gets stronger it’s just how he fights in general, and he really was fighting a losing battle against choso very badly and after getting that resolve amp and putting everything into one punch, Choso just has good enough BIQ to stack blood and tank it. Even if Megumi uses his domain it’s not perfect and all Choso needs is a little bit of a break and piercing blood which Megumi is getting one shot by because of poison. If Choso really just hits him once the poison is taking care of it.
the difference though is intelligence, like yuji had no idea how blood manipulation works, right out the gate as soon as megumi sees convergence he knows how the technique works and knows that if he uses max elephant he can nullify the technique, then it just comes down to megumi using the devil dogs, nue, the ox, and even mahoraga if he needs it. He can pin choso down using the frog summons or he can use chimera shadow garden to weigh him down, and it is a borderless domain and theyre in a subway so immediately megumi has the advantage, and he can slip into the shadows to dodge any of his attacks, he might not be fast enough to dodge the blood that choso shoots but he can use rabbit escape to create a cover and stop choso from seeing where hes moving and even if he is hit he can use the deer for RCT. And again if all else fails he can just unleash mahoraga and its game over.
@@logan-vq3dm While I agree with many of your points I believe if we replace Yuji and Megumi in the exact same scenario, encountering Choso in the subway, then it’s just instantly game over. Choso saw Yuji right before he hit the ground from jumping, and in that small span of time, an instant piercing blood at full power which Yuji just couldn’t dodge and only blocked strictly because of instinct. Megumi just doesn’t have the reaction time to see a piercing blood coming at him right before he hits the ground, analyze the situation, determine the best Shikigami to use, summon it, and survive the first attack. Also Todo was more or less unaffected by Megumi pinning him down using shikigami and a weakened, demoralized, at “40%” soul Yuji was just superior to todo, and Choso was beating Yuji in hands when he was at 100% and then he got help from mechamaru. Also Choso’s feats against Kenjaku. Megumi’s spamming shikigami and high BIQ is amazing however he just lacks the raw stats to fight Choso and depending on the situation, he can’t even use his domain. And for Max Elephant, does Megumi even know it stops blood manipulation I really can’t remember, and if so it’s not a continuous stream from every direction, so Choso could just move his convergence orbs away and piercing blood spam.
@@logan-vq3dmDumb take Megumi is not summoning Mahoraga because it would kill him too like why do people keep mentioning it? Mahoraga isn't a wincon. Choso is able to keep up with Kenjaku, Megumi doesn't have the feats near close to compete. One piercing blood and bro's done for. Choso has better overall speed, strength, versatility and adaptability.
I disagree with Max Elephant hampering Piercing Blood unless Megumi were to use it like a sprinkler. The only reason water worked for Yuji was because it kept pouring, if Megumi uses the water like with Kamo, it wouldn't affect Choso at all And also Choso could keep up with Naoya which leads me to believe that he could do the same with devine dog
@@Jonco1337 what if megumi trapped Choso in his domain and use the Elephant to pour water from the shadows on top ? It would be a hard bet as he would just have a little opening to attack but if there is anybody intelligent enough to do this, it’s Megumi
Choso low diffs. It's not even a question. Yuji was stated to be at the caliber of Grade 1 Sorcerer multiple times and no such assessment was passed for Megumi. Yuji has him completely crushed in combat feats. Divine Dog was able to hurt Hanami's INJURED arm and even then, wasn't much. Killing a Finger Bearer isn't a grand feat considering the bad guys sent Eso and Kechizu fully confident they'd be able to handle a single finger without an issue. Choso taking significant damage from 3 hits says more about Yuji's power than his own durability. A weaker version of Yuji was still able to damage Hanami--the most durable of the Disaster Curses. Max Elephant is not going to negate Choso's convergence for more than a moment. Megumi notes even in the Culling Games that Max Elephant takes a lot out of him. He isn't going to be spamming its attacks to keep Choso restricted. Megumi resisting Choso's blood is a stretch, as Yuji has 2 reasons he was able to do so: 1) Sukuna and 2) He has Choso's blood flowing through his veins as he is also a child of Kenjaku. Saying Megumi could resist it since he could be a vessel for Sukuna lacks any support behind it when it wasn't stated that Yuji HAD to be resistant to poison in the first place. Even if Megumi is immune to Choso's poisonous blood, he is still going to get one-shot if Piercing Blood or Supernova comes into contact with him. Piercing Blood was already going to kill Yuji even with him blocking. And Megumi is definitely not as fast as Yuji, who could keep up with and avoid Hanami's attacks, meanwhile Megumi didn't even realize he got struck by Hanami's CT. And if Domain comes into play, Choso still has the advantage in power and has wide-area attacks that can deal with the Shikigami spam. Only Divine Dog wouldn't be one-shot, and Megumi would be amp'd to 120%, but that still wouldn't be enough to compete with someone who could beat Yuji straight-up. And even if Megumi or Divine Dog get a clean hit and cut Choso, they'll end up being surrounded by his blood even worse than before. Megumi calls out Mahoraga... that's the only way he's getting a "win", even though he dies.
@@redroman4214 "overqualified" lol. His Domain is incomplete and he is FAR from mastering his techniques. Choso at least has feats of straight up beating Grade 1 Sorcerers despite his lack of experience. Even managed to trick Kenjaku twice in their fight--a special grade. Megumi has literally nothing outside of numbers.
@@cincameron I want to clarify that I'm not arguing about Megumi being a Grade 1 sorcerer compared to Chouso. By the simple fact that Megumi has attained a Domain, he has to be at Grade 1 level. He literally dispatched a Special Grade cursed spirit alone when he activated his domain for the first time. Let me reiterate again that what I took issue with your statement is Megumi not being considered a Grade 1 sorcerer when he has feats and attained the pinnacle of Jujutsu albeit incomplete.
On Megumi being resistant to poison I believe in order to ingest and become a vessel for sukuna you have to be resistant to Sukuna UNLESS he willingly lets you become a vessel. There is no reason Sukuna would believe Megumi could resist poison yet he still believes he could be a vessel, and Sukuna in any other circumstance wouldn’t want a vessel, which leads me to believe the Poison part is willingly from Sukuna which is why Megumi survived.
i feel like thats not how it works just cause to me it seems like sukuna wants to be incarnated no matter what. he was super excited when yuji ate the finger after all
the only win con for megumi is the divine dog, one hit should severely injure choso. However, if Choso pops his blood flow stack he can definetly perceive it and be able to avoid its attacks. This fight depends on if Choso can land a blood attack on Megumi and considering the fact choso was able to land these hits on Naoya who has the fastest technique possible and nearly hit Kenjaku with a supernova, somebody who has lived for a thousand years. I would have him winning majority of the times and somehow catching Megumi offguard with a delayed hit.
@@jadenndanga-gx3hj😭😭😭 fr megumi will need to keep him in a in close space and if he’s using max elephant I don’t Choso would let that happen cuz he could just make a wave of poisonous blood
@@jadenndanga-gx3hj he can’t he’ll get caught just like reggie did. Megumi’s domain can literally drown anybody in shadow. Did ya not read the reggie fight?
@@moodyjunior867 in a domain choso is defenseless, he’d have to deal with shikigami clones and megumi clones and the shadows drowning him if he wants to escape
@@swagman2001 buddy if you really did watch the video it goes into legitimate depth on how the fight is close while the guy lists off valid points💀 meanwhile u come to the comment section and Insta glaze choso
@@kaseyboomer6800 Not legitimate tho he has to make a lot of "ifs" just for Megumi to stand a chance. Like saying he wouldn't be affected by the poisonous blood or he could somehow evade piercing blood even tho he never showed feets to do so
@@kafelca To be fr tho, if megumi was vulnerable to poison, his body wouldn’t of been capable of resisting Sukuna, let alone being possessed or he would’ve just died on the spot. He has just as much immunity to poison as yuji. If Megumi also got choso in his domain, choso is suffering a major beat down by not just megumi or his clones, but his shikigami too which he could easily spawn anywhere within his domain
Choso probably wins like 8-9 out of 10x. You're being way too generous to Megumi, for no reason. 1) Using him keeping up with Yuji in that fight isn't a good argument. Yuji was pretty obviously not taking the fight that seriously at all, and Megumi said he was struggling to keep up. No way was the pace Yuji was using against that old man anything compared to the pace he had no choice to keep up against Choso. Choso was also frequently out pacing a desperate Yuji. Choso could also react to Naoya... Megumi can't do much here. 2) Max Elephant isn't useful against Choso, at all. The restroom was an enclosed space with water constantly spraying everywhere. ME would need be used as a sprinkler, but even then Choso can just leave the vicinity based on the space he has. 3) ***SPOILERS!!!*** Kenjaku literally says he's immune to Choso's poison, because Choso is his son. Guess who else is Kenjaku's kin? Megumi being a vessel of Sukuna, has nothing to do with poison resistance.
Although Megumi was shown to keep up with Yuji in combat, he did say that keeping pace with Yuji in the first place was extremely difficult. This was also a Yuji who, arguably, wasn't giving his all in that particular fight (not nearly the way he did against Choso immediately afterward). Although Megumi has fought Blood Manipulation before, he was barely able to keep pace with a Red Scale Kamo, and even realized that Kamo had been holding back. Even with his Shikigami to aid him, Choso is just all-around faster and stronger. If even Yuji only had a 50% chance to avoid Piercing Blood, Megumi's chance is much lower. Knowing something is coming doesn’t mean that you can avoid it. The big determining factor for this fight is whether or not Megumi is able to counteract Convergence before Choso can snowball him with higher speed and AP.
I think Choso wins more often than not. Even if we assume Megumi is immune to poison, which is a very big “if”, Kenjaku, who is actually confirmed to be immune to Choso’s poison and a lot more powerful and smarter than Megum, opted to reveal his gravity technique (something he didn’t want to do) instead of taking Choso’s attack point blank. Despite being much weaker, Choso was able to fight and out maneuver Kenjaku to the point that he managed to set up the attack that forced Kenjaku to use gravity. This feat is very important when debating Choso vs Megumi since Kenjaku was using curses similar to how Megumi would use his shikigami. If Choso can do this to Kenjaku he should also be able to do it to Megumi and win the fight. Also, regarding Max elephant’s water, it would need to release a constant stream of water to hinder Choso, just getting him wet won’t do anything. Megumi got Kamo wet using the same technique but that didn’t stop Kamo from later using piercing blood. Not to mention that it is not at all guaranteed that Megumi would figure out Choso’s water weakness, Mechamaru who is far more familiar with blood manipulation wasn’t sure it would work. Finally, just how Naoya’s knowledge of blood manipulation backfired, the same thing can happen with Megumi, first because it is not made clear if he knows Choso doesn’t run out of blood and second, Choso’s piercing blood is overall more powerful than Kamo’s, which might catch Megumi off guard and cause him to time the attack incorrectly.
Sorry but Megumi gets bodied if they fight during Shibuya. He's probably not immune to any poison, it even affected Uraume who is arguably stronger. If we jump into head cannon, would the prized cursed technique of the Zenin clan be a secret? Choso would be well aware of ALL shikigami. The only realistic win-con for Megumi would be Mahoraga, and that's a tie since they'd both die.
I sincerly think Choso would take the fight. Durability wise Megumi can't tank a single good hit from Choso while Choso can pretty much tank everything but an unguarded divine dog. Just bc of that i would give the edge to Choso.
Close Combat: Choso Dominates with blood armor and red flow scale stack Medium Range: Most of Meg’s shikigami are mid-ranged fighters and are capable of closing distance. Sniper Range: Choso’s blood meteorite, piercing blood and supernova so he outclasses
It took continuous water for the blood to stop working so it would come to reason that max elephant could stop attacks but not the ability. Choso’s sleeves do come into play here as a trump card to catch Megumi off guard.
I feel like the scenerio you set up makes a lot of assumptions. First of all, Megumi beimg immune or even resistant to poisons feels like a reach. Sukuna is referred to as The King of Poisons, so at least to me, it stands to reasok that Sukuna is what grants such a resistance. Along with that, Blood Manipulations weakness to water doesn't appear to be a widely known thing. I think Megumi could figure it out, being as smart as he is. But his knowledge of Blood Manipulation may also be a disadvanatage to him. Blood Manipulations biggest weakness is that it uses the users blood. Which is a weakness that Choso doesn't have. This leads to an issue for Megumi, if he chooses to approach the battle the same way that Naoya did, then he's gonna be in trouble. And the final thing woukd be Megumi's reaction speed. Simply put, I don't believe he has the speed to consistently dodge Piercing Blood. Sure, Megumi is comparable to Yuji in speed, but I wouldnt call them relative or equal. And Megumi definitely doesn't have the durability to tank a Piercing Blood like Yuji did. I honestly don't think he would survive even a single one. And regarding The Divine Dogs win condition for Megumi. If Choso saw fit to make his blood armor when fighting Yuji, I think he would come to the same conclusion when seeing a Domain. And even if he lacks experience, Choso is much smarter than a Finger Bearer. I really don't see Megumi winning more than he loses. Maybe he wins 3-4/10 times? But I feel like Choso is just stronger than him.
Megumi wouldnt be able to keep max elephant up permanently, so he would intermittently be able to shot off piercing blood, which is almost alone an instant loss, then we add ontop that nue wont be able to maneuver if the space is the same or similar as the one yuji and choso fought in means that choso will never be forced to use supernova. This results in megumi successfully rotating from max elephant into rabbit escape into wolf and tries to go for the sneak attack, resulting in 4 supernovas destroying wolf and almost killing megumi, choso then finishes him easily unless megumi summons mahoraga. In choso's fight with yuji he was consistently hitting yuji while yuji barely got any hits. So choso is faster and better in melee then yuji, but with much less power. So he easily reacts, counters and beats megumi and wolf in a melee surprise attack.
megumi being more experience does not mean his experience was equal to Yuji who was getting ragdolled in combat. Comes to shove each punches from choso would hurt Megumi to the point where his ten shadows wouldn't be useable as we know the more damage megumi takes, the more unstable it is
@@MeltedEirlysthat is inexperienced caught off guard Megumi at best, i'm surprised he didn't try to summon Mahoraga lmao. As shown with Finger bearer & Reggie fight though, Yuji made up for his lack of Tech with superhuman strength & on-command Div. Fist. Megumi can manage.
You seem to think that one dousing by the water jet is enough to shut down Choso's external blood manipulation. It is not. In the Shibuya fight water was continuously pouring on him.
Doubt Megumi have poison resistance. Sukuna choose to reincarnate into Megumi which is completely different than someone taking that chance by eating a Sukuna finger with the high possibility of dieing from that
If I'm very generous with Megumi, he wins 3 out of 10 bouts (If all conditions align positively) - The main reason being choso always has several Blood Balls floating around For Convergence at his disposal for either Supernova or Piercing Blood!!
Max elephants water would hit choso but the water needs to stay consistently to remove convergence. This means choso just needs to avoid after and piercing blood away. Also max elephant consumes lots of CE (stated by megumi) so he might not be able use it much
I do wonder how it would go if Megumi would approach the fight at any point the same way Naoya did since he has a few methods of cutting and slashing, would he assume Choso was human and go for a cutting attack thinking it would make Choso have to focus on his blood maintenance and get caught up in a flood. Max elephant is a major factor but both of them are nasty in a closed space.
I don't think Megumi actually has an innate poison resistance like Yuji, because Sukuna wanted his technique so in due time he wouldn't kill Megumi when he possessed him of course. I feel like the poison aspect of ingesting a Sukuna finger is just quality control for the search of a proper vessel that Sukuna could use, like he wouldn't want someone like Ijichi someone with no talent for a sorcerer and would likely just die upon ingesting a finger. Sukuna chooses his vessels and filters out low quality vessels for himself is my head canon.
Megumi would take one Piercing Blood and fall on all fours after a few moments of exchanged blows, his shikigami fall back into shadow, and Megumi is forced to use Mahoraga against Choso.
I’m fairly sure the reason Yuji wasn’t poisoned by Choso is because they are brothers. Kenny also shares blood with Choso and I believe Choso states in their fight that he is resistant to the poison for that reason. So it’s likely that Megumi would get poisoned imo but idk. Nice vid too 👍
Dodging a whole ass man is different that trying so see a beam with the diameter of a quarter come at you head on. He also can’t slow the beam down by dunking it in shadows if it’s coming straight at him. I just don’t see him dodging piercing blood. Especially since the only piercing blood he’s seen is Kamos and his was some weird shuriken thing and ALOT slower. He’d realistically underestimate choso and lose an arm after being caught off guard by its power. Kinda like a hakari/kashimo scenario where he can see it but he can only move a few inches before it hits him
@@cringemeat9430 if you meant way instead of ear then, no that's deadass just a lie, a car going at 60, while easier to notice is both faster and larger than the rock, also it's not really in proportion to the difference between tojis speed and piercing bloods speed It's more like a guy running towards you at 20 mph in comparison to a car actively trying to ram into you at 100 mph
Megemi is honestly really disappointing when u think about it, his best feats are beating reggie (lol) beating the finger bearer and….figuring out kirara’s technique
@@doubleedge2422 Gege never confirmed he was dead nor alive, let's not make vague assumptions but instead, be patient with what the upcoming chapters are impose
Tbf It was 3 vs 1 in Reggie situation before takaba appeared Megumi already took an off guard explosion and a stab from scorpion hair girl while Reggie was a full HP He killed Reggie and wolverine dude
@@firstlegend5105 No I have to Disagree with you Megumi has potential if he can take Mahoraga but highest potential goes to Yuta, Yuji, the lawyer Higuruma, Hakari and maybe Megumi
The issue with the poison statement is that Sukuna can choose his vessel so he very likely didn’t even let the poison affect Megumi, though I will say that doesn’t count Megumi out in that regard given he’s referred to have the potential he a cage like Yuji is which by default means he’s a suitable vessel
for me its choso 7 out of 10 times easy 1. having megumi be resistant to poison is weird to me because of the specific reason why yuji is able to be sukunas vessel 2. megumi isnt weak physically but hes not close to yuji either, divine dog is the only thing damaging an ungaurded choso and we know he's cautious with that last yuji attack 3. megumi is gonna have a real hard tome avoiding piercing blood unless he uses rabbit escape or the frog to pull him out, but choso can just wait like he did with yuji, but ill give it to megumi that rabbit escape could keep piercing blood off him 4. all choso needs is one good hit and the fight is pretty much over, if megumi takes a hardened blood fist, piercing blood, or slicing exorcism he's dead or just about dead 5. max elephant is a very risky move because he has to hit all of choso's external blood to get rid of it and he cant use other shikigami while max elephant is out
imo, megumi either wins or draws, he is very hasty when putting mahoraga on the table as a possibility, i think he could get a massive advantage with max elephant and also i think that his domain expansion would help him alot, i dont think its impossible for him to get to the point where he's on the cusp of loss but at that point, mahoraga comes out and choso is not winning that fight
Yuji was created by Kenjaku and is Choso's brother which is why he could resist the poison. You could say that becoming Sukuna's vessel makes you poison resistant but Megumi wouldn't have that resistance without Sukuna's influence.
My only thing is I don’t know if sukunas fingers are a poison, megumi doesn’t have a reason to be “immune” to poisons and yuji was immune becuase it’s his own blood. Sukuna fingers being poisonous could have been folk lore on what happened if sukuna didn’t choose you to be a vessel
I don't think it's wrong to say that Megumi has the same poison resistance as Yuji. But I do think that the main reason that Sukuna was able to make Megumi his vessel is because the finger wasn't from Sukuna's original body, it was Yuji's finger imbued with enough cursed energy to turn it into a cursed object and Sukuna is more than likely a soul rather than a being which contains poison so personally I don't think Megumi will be able to survive the poison if he we're to eat Sukuna's original 20 fingers
A few add-ons (spoilers below): Megumi may not have poison resistance because Geto/Kenjaku stated that Sukuna can control the lethality of the poison. Him being a vessel is a testament to his ability to bond with Sukuna, and nothing else. The reason why Yuji is immune to poison is that he was "built different" by Kenjaku, amd also shares the blood of the Cursed Wombs. Megumi would need to maintain Max Elephant always out, to cancel Blood Manipulation. You can't simply get Choso wet to stop it, you have to have water constantly pouring in (like the sprinklers in the bathroom). So Megumi would be forced to keep the Elephant out, which drains him so much that he can't summon other shikigamis (outside of the domain). Megumi knows about Blood Manipulation, but just the basics. Because of his nature and meditation on the technique, Choso uses it so freely that it's almost something else entirely, both in refinement, quantity of blood, potency and efficiency. Just not knowing about Supernova (a Choso-original move) means he'll get hit by it, and the poison will do the rest. Piercing blood is easier to dodge when it's turning FOR FAST PEOPLE. Yuji, Kenjaku and Naoya can, but they're EXTREMELY fast. If Megumi relies on small bursts of speed thanks to his shikigami, afterwards he'll either be still or on his feet, and the ongoing Piercing Blood will catch up to him. And finally, with Piercing Blood Choso can take out probably any of his Shikigami but Max Elephant, meaning that Megumi will lose options fast.
i think its clear choso wins 8/10 times. with the max elephant thing i think he could possibly use the trunk n have it spray kinda rain like. unless he straight up tries to drown choso. but just being honest choso more likely to win u have to give megumi too much leeway
You're like giving everything to megumi here wtf "oh he'll think of that" "oh he'll use that" "oh he'll resist that" "oh he'll dodge that" When literally there's 0 facts about him being able to do any of it or you're assuming he could do it which btw is soo delusional 🙄 Also after choso's fight with kenjaku I'm sorry but megumi doesn't have even a slightest chance of winning this choso is too beastly don't u remeber any of the scenes from that fight his change from technique to technique his new skills and abilities how can u even compare them i don't understand if megumi comes back he needs a huge boost if he wants to be relevant cause these characters are way above 1st grade sorcerers now This vid looks more like i like megumi more so I'm giving him boosts 1st grade sorcerer lvl fighter like megumi ain't standing against choso bruh Also about poison bro sukuna can let the other person eat the finger without dying OR u gotta have resistance to sukuna itself sukuna wouldn't be here like "hmm whatever happenes happenes" and yuji was resistant to poison BCS he was sukunas vessel 😑 btw water doesn't keep coming after max elephants attack 😂 and one flood ain't doing nothing to choso it has to keep coming for his blood to not work just like how it was in the bathroom and this was back in shibuya arc sheeesh 😬 this vid too biased As the fan of both characters i gotta say this vid ain't really your best 😄 but good effort nonetheless
I have no idea how you can compare these two without bringing up their feats with Kenjaku and Reggie star. Choso has more techniques that are even more powerful than what you brought up. Also, megumi has insane physical strength that he shows later on
I think the only issue with your arguement is that so much of what youre saying is based on a conclusion of a conclusion of a conclusion. Its easily possible that the canon text was lost or mistranslated in the translation which puts long, linear theories like megumi being resistant at high risk of being nullified. I do agree that youve layed out incredibly sound reasoning but I highly doubt megumi posseses poison resistance simply from the fact that Yuji is a creation of kenjaku specefically meant to house sukuna, the king of poisons and curses. So poison resistance on the level of yuji's is either unique to himself, or so incredibly rare that youd be blessed to see two sorcerers in one generation with it. I would counter your point by offering a counter conclusion. I wouldnt disagree with megumi possesing no poison resistance as may have inherited some sort of constitutional features from Toji. But Yujis resistance is far too insane to be realistically applied to other charcters. (especially sense iori said itadori is basically a cursed object now from being steeped in suk's CE. Megumi would at bare minimum, be able to win 1 time out of ten by using mahoraga. But his wincons rely on far too much theory and creative liberties in the text, than hardcore proof. It's also important to remember Chosos has been training his technique for *150 years*. So his mastery of his technique is infinently higher than Megumi. realistically speaking, who would win? A master blood manipulator who has cultivated his technique and posseses the ability to regenerate his blood so long as he has CE, or a young ten shadows sorcerer who hasnt even tamed all of his shikigami. It paints a much bleaker picture in that regard doesent it? And its also important to remember that even NAOYA misread Choso as a death painting. Its highly likely Megumi would misread Choso and assume that he would become hindered or die from blood loss like Kamo would, and as a result give Choso the opening to kill him. As shown in the Naoya fight, he is definetly aware of how to capitalize on that. And since it seems only Gojo *a six eyes user* could tell he was a death painting. There is no way in hell megumi could realize Choso wouldnt run out of blood. So the fight is 90-10 in chosos favor.
Unless Megumi pulls Mahoraga right away, he's getting pieced tf up. There's no world where he keeps up with, tanks poisonous hits, has time to strategize and win on his own. His domain expansion wouldn't change anything either. The whole convoluted reasoning for him being resistant to poison wouldn't even matter, he simply isn't durable enough to survive hits from Choso and isn't fast enough to evade said hits either. Being resistant doesn't matter when your body can't tank the hits like Yuji, and they just pierce holes in you. Also, the whole thing with "Megumi is knowledgeable about blood manipulation" is irrelevant, Kenjaku is probably the most knowledgeable about that particular CT as he was once a Kamo for presumably decades, and he struggled with Choso. Mahoraga, or it's wraps in like 5 moves. I get it, Megumi and Yuji being in a similar tier would be cool but he simply isn't, not on his own at least.
The thing is that battle with Yuji wouldn't even be high diff if Mechamary didn't help him and think of a strategy to negate Chosos range and 90% of his abilities, Mechamary gave the advantage to Yuji and gave him a hand to hand fight but even so Yuji still lost, so without Mechamary Yuji would've been destroyed mid to low diff.
10:30 actually, id argue megumi is one of the best in terms of pushing through injury. like, considering his less than stellar endurance, hes able to handle a lot of punishment while still fighting well
Being a vessel for Sukuna doesn't mean you were immune to poisons before becoming said vessel. Megumi said in chp 1 its a deadly poison bc he was going under the assumption Yuji was a normal human, not a Kenjaku experiment made to house Sukuna. Because Sukuna is the the king of curses and poisons Yuji and now Megumi is immune. Megumi would not be immune to the poisonous blood. In fact the only humans that are immune to Choso's blood are those that are related to him or anyone who knows advanced RCT.
I think Choso would win, because i don't believe Megumi really has the poison resistance at the level to nullify it. He's gonna get hit and be weaker by every second of a fight. It's gonna be High diff Choso victory in 7/10. Also, he's nowhere near Choso level in close combat, he's gonna get crushed in 10 seconds.
kenjaku legit made him to make sukunas vessel, the only other person i see surviving this are ppl with high amounts of cursed energy being gojo and yuta.
@@lanceshadow7335 he is able to supress sukuna, and thats what makes him special. Other sorcerers would probably survive but not really be in control yk
If the divine dog attemts to backstab choso then choso should have the reaction speed to make the attack hit a less vital area then he would use blood armor to mideegat the divine dogs attack and regenerate and then just simply out last megumi but megumi will always win if he pulls out mahoraga.
Ok the problem that i have with your explanation on megumi winning, is that you are giving him basically plot armor, just like a lot of batman fans do, megumi to win needs like 30 different factors, seriously megumi is neither as fast, strong, durable or as good in hand to hand like itadori, and most of his wincons you talk about is basically, giving megumi a closed space so he can use his domain, or he just finds one random, instead of the battle being in a neutral space to not give anyone any advantage, you also talked about how if megumi gets hit even once by that blood fortificated punch of choso hes fucked, you also dint talk about how choso could use his flowing red scale to enhance his eyesight to such a level he could keep up with naoya, a character that seconds ago was blitzing him now with flowing red scales on his eyes choso could keep up with naoya, the same naoya that speed blitzed itadori, choso to win barely needs any advantages, or factors to beat megumi, megumi to win needs 2 factors that we dont even know for sure they are correct, they fighting on a enclosed space or convenitely being able to run away from chso for long enough to find an enclosed space to activate his domain, and even them needing to be able to catch choso off guard with divini dog to kill him, and you idnt even talk about how he used his brothers powers to fight kenjaku, eso wing king, kechizu creativity to literally be able to extend his arm (which caught EVEN KENJAKU OFF GUARD) so he can grab the enemie on a long distance, or making multiple piercing bloods that if the opponet somehow dodges he can also send multiple supernovas using piercing blood as a way to make supernova travel faster to the opponents location and turn them into cheese " WHICH ALSO CAUGHT KENJAKU OFF GUARD AND MADE HIM USE OTHER CT BESIDES CURSE MANIPULATION) so i see choso winning like 7 out of 10 battles minimum
I don't think Megumi is resistant to choso's poison. Kenjaku in his fight against Choso suggests it's because they're related so Megumi cannot afford to get hit at all
Saying that Megumi demonstarted physical stats that would allow him to replicate what Yuji did in his fight with Choso when it was explicitely stated, that Megumi found it hard to keep up with Yuji during Awasaka fight, was fighting Hanami who was holding back, just standing there and did not even use his second hand is NUTS to me. I get that you are a Megumi fan, but this level of wank defies all logic and feats displayed. Also, Yuji being resisitant to poison does not have to do anything with Sukuna, who's title as a king of lethal poison was a mistrtanslation. He is indeed naturally immune due to his special body, relation to Choso and being made by Kenjaku. Not only that, he is the only one who is able to actively supress Sukuna. Moreover, Sukuna's fingers, which are special grade objects, are poisonos not because they are Sukuna's fingers, but because they ARE special grade objects. Every SG object is a lethal poison, so it requires ANY human ingesting it to have some level of tolerance for it, and Sukuna is the only one, who can chose or reject his vessel. Now, on top of that, Yuji is physically stronger, can overpower Sukuna's soul, AND is related to Choso, which makes him, like Kenny, immune to Choso's poison and .... still lost against Choso. Megumi does not survive piercing blood, nor is he capable to dodging it if Yuji and Uraume could not. And unlike Yuji or Uraume, he does not have any RCT and he is not built as the tank that Yuji is. His best bet is open DE in a building, and die after multiple piercing bloods or supernova make him a sieve or he succumbs to poison.
against higoruma he actually just gonna battle him in court because his IQ is high enough to potentially win the case. Against mahito he might just summon mahoraga and idk if it would work or not but i think using the deer he could use the positive energy to kill him like yuta did against the cockroach, but thats speculation
I take choso winning 6 out of 10 fight just because of his showing with kenjaku. Also at best megumi got resistance to poison but hes not immune to it.
Glad to see a video where it isn't just a complete stomp. Most jjk vs videos are like, "Why Gojo, the disaster curses, Geto, Sukuna, Yuji, Toji, Kenjaku, And Yuta vs a fly head isnt close
"Megumi takes one hit" With this divine treasur-
choso will have him wanting to summon mahoraga hahah
Nah. *megumi sees convergence* with this-
*Megumi tripping before seeing choso* “with this treas-“
*Megumi stubs his toe* "With this treas-"
Megumi sees a roach:
“With this sacred treas-“
I think one aspect of this fight that alot of people forget is megumi knowledge about blood manipulation could be a problem. If megumi doesnt know that choso is a cursed womb he might make the same mistake nayo did vs his fight vs choso. Where he assume that after so many blood moves he was low on blood not knowing choso can keep using blood aa long as he has CE.
theres also the fact that itadoris resistance is likely due to him also being a creation of kenjaku. And the fact that in kenjaku vs choso (something ronin didn't cover to appeal to more anime onlys) kenjaku states that piercing blood loses speed the further it travels so close ranged piercing blood is faster. also the fact that megumi is not nearly as fast in combat speed as yuji which should be clear due to megumi stating him and every student in jjk would lose in a fight if they had no cursed energy. the toji in shibuya is also likely not as strong as the toji we see in hidden inventory as toji in shibuya does not have the heavenly restricted body of tojis which is why most people using that as a direct line of scaling for megumi are doing ignorantly.
@@cult9107 He does have tojis body, it brings them back into their peak. thats how the technique works.
@@cult9107 he is actually stronger than hidden inventory one
All this talk about megumis abilities is nice but we know that as soon as megumi gets into any amount of trouble hes gonna go "with this divine treasure i summon" and the battle turns into megumi and choso vs mahoraga
pre Origin Of Obedience arc Megumi would summon Mahoraga, any arc after that Megumi would give it his all in any fight. The only reason he summoned Maho in Shibuya was because of pettiness and because he thought thst he was gonna die anyway (as he had just finished a DE and fighting Toji prior to his final Shibuya fight), and why he tried to summon Maho in CG against Sukuna was because Sukuna told him that if he hurts anyone he will suffer the consequences of breaking a binding vow so Megumi tried to use that to his advantage. Please leave illiterate fandom joked away from Megumi.
@@rule9730 jjk fans simply cannot read
Gosh dang people can’t just take a joke like dang if it’s overused just say that and leave don’t write a hole paragraph
joking has gone out of style i see@@rule9730
Nah. He dogged it out with Reggie and the finger bearer.
If its post kenjaku fight choso, hes absolutely bodying megumi. His tracking blood to supernova shift he used on kenjaku would catch megumi completely pff guard and megumi wouldn't have a counter
I don't know if I can agree to that. How's Choso going to counter act the DE from Megumi? Megumi can hop in and out of shadows as well.
You forgot that with This Divine Tr-
@MrMaples1996 his domain isn't a be all end all. He needs an enclosed place to fully manifest his domain, if they're fighting in an open space he wouldn't be able to activate it
@@MrMaples1996there’s no sure hit so choso could possibly dodge around
@@MrMaples1996 Choso can flood a large area with blood because he can use blood as long as he has CE so Choso's probably the worse guy for Megumi to do that against also all it takes for Choso to win is just simply cut one of Megumi's hands off and the main thing of Megumi's technique is basically gone cause every summon so far (that Megumi tamed not Sukuna) required two hands and Choso's blood is poisonous so that alone can take Megumi out
I can’t trust Ronin’s scaling for megumi after he said Megumi would win vs a literal special grade sorcerer in Geto
Yaga was also made to be a special grade btw, being a special grade doesn't necessitate being stronger than someone without the same rank
@@BrokenRonin Yaga was in no way on par with the strength of a Special grade, You’re ignoring the fight with Reggie too much, That was the strongest we’ve ever seen Megumi and he got his ass kicked. Choso and Geto clear Megumi. I love the character but he genuinely can’t stack up to the stronger characters in the verse.
@@tjtrudel3091 Yaga was suggested to be a special grade tho, all im saying is that you need feats yo back that grading up, which the geto i put Megumi against doesn't have.
@@BrokenRonin Which Geto is that? Volume 0 or hidden inventory?
@@tjtrudel3091 Hidden Inventory
the problem I see with the Max Elephant thing is that the water needs to actually hit the blood for the blood to disperse. If the water doesn't hit the blood, Choso can still use all of his blood techniques. When we saw Megumi use Max Elephant to create water (pre-shibuya), he wasn't able to get it very high because the area they were fighting was very open and wide. Also, the winner is also gonna be VERY dependant on the surrounding area. If the area they're fighting is closed off, Megumi will have an alot easier time because he can use Chimera Shadow Garden. Because of this, I think that if they're fighting in an enclosed space that's not super large, Megumi could win; But if they're fighting in an open space like where Choso fought Itadori or something like that, Choso could win with relative ease.
Assuming they’re fighting in Shibuya station then it would be an enclosed space so Megumi could use Chimera Shadow Garden as well as use max elephant to flood the area
on top of that i think in shibuya megumis cant use any other shikigami when he's got max elephant out
@@Dell-ol6hbyeah if it’s the same circumstance but megumi runs into him not choso then megumi wins, but if it’s let’s say we’re choso fought naoya I think he looses
and then megumi summons mahoraga and both of them die
Isn't Choso's blood poisonous because it's non-human blood? I doubt Megumi's resisting it when we have characters like Uraume (way more experienced), & Naoya with little to no resistance to it.
It is
Regardless of the reasons it poisonous, assuming Sukuna vessels are resistant to poisons and toxins as a pre-requisite, it wouldn't matter
@@BrokenRonin I fear this is a bad argument for me. Both my goats are fighting, I lose either way I fear
@@BrokenRoninsukuna’s vessels aren’t immune to poison. Sukuna is referred to as the king of poisons in the fight vs eso so his vessels are w to poison because of him
@BrokenRonin i thought the only reason yuji could combat chosos blood is bc hes his brother similar to kenjaku (love the vid btw)
Megumi after getting hit once and realizing he's cooked: "With this sacred treasure i summon"
Choso bodied noaya a top 3 fastest character in the series megumi really isn’t catching choso lackin and Choso isn’t that dumb as we seen in his fight against yuji, noaya and kenjaku Choso knowns his limits and the full capabilities of ct he has a move to counter megumi in every instance and remember megumi said himself yuji could take everyone in hand 2 hand combat and still win no ce and with ce Choso bodies yuji in hand to hand
And at the end of the day megumi needs to be close range to do the finishing blow and with convergence and stack he not sneaking Choso and mid range Choso has way more finishing moves and also megumi isn’t a good vessel like yuji, yuji is the 1 and million to hold sunkna while megumi is just another body to take over completely and yuji is built different biology wise like literally him having poison resistance is cuz he is the vessel of sunkna the king of poisons, his body being beyond human limits, Choso being his actual brother so same blood wouldn’t really do nun 2 him the poison think with megumi really just doesn’t make sense and for max elephant unless he gets Choso in a small room he’s not gon be able to stop the blood out of his body since max elephant needs lots of ce to summon a bunch of water and it still didn’t stop a weaker blood ct user while all Choso has to do is keep range and when fighting a Shikigmai everyone knows not to play his game since it’s not a 1v1 megumi just don’t have enough skills to evade the range mismatch with Choso and not enough ce to drag the battle out long enough to catch Choso slipping
So if you give Megumi an enclosed space, resistance to poison, and reaction speed to dodge Piercing blood he can win. Yeah I’m taking Choso mid-high diff. That poison statement has never been proven ever so saying Megumi has it is just headcanon. We know Kenjaku is resistant to the poison because he’s Choso’s father. Yuji was basically made to house Sukuna. That’s why he was abnormally strong before becoming a sorcerer. He’s also Choso’s brother which means the poison wouldn’t work on him. I feel like your saying Megumi wins based on a bunch of “if’s”. “IF he has poison resistance and IF he can dodge piercing blood and IF he can hit Choso with an attack that puts him down immediately he can win.”
agreed, megumi needs so many "ifs" and head canon to even give him a chance at winning, choso takes 7 out of 10 easy and the 3 are only megumi if megumi can get a domain off
Choso wins Low-Mid diff during shibuya. Megumi’s AP scaling compared to Yuji during shibuya just isn’t there, “Oh he was fighting relatively to Yuji against the Inversion guy” yeah Megumi was giving it his all to keep up, Yuji was just casually doing it, also the inversion guy reacted less to Yuji’s stronger punches than to Megumi’s strongest attack so Yuji is just stronger pretty blatantly. Not to mention when Yuji is pushed into a corner he gets stronger it’s just how he fights in general, and he really was fighting a losing battle against choso very badly and after getting that resolve amp and putting everything into one punch, Choso just has good enough BIQ to stack blood and tank it. Even if Megumi uses his domain it’s not perfect and all Choso needs is a little bit of a break and piercing blood which Megumi is getting one shot by because of poison. If Choso really just hits him once the poison is taking care of it.
the difference though is intelligence, like yuji had no idea how blood manipulation works, right out the gate as soon as megumi sees convergence he knows how the technique works and knows that if he uses max elephant he can nullify the technique, then it just comes down to megumi using the devil dogs, nue, the ox, and even mahoraga if he needs it. He can pin choso down using the frog summons or he can use chimera shadow garden to weigh him down, and it is a borderless domain and theyre in a subway so immediately megumi has the advantage, and he can slip into the shadows to dodge any of his attacks, he might not be fast enough to dodge the blood that choso shoots but he can use rabbit escape to create a cover and stop choso from seeing where hes moving and even if he is hit he can use the deer for RCT. And again if all else fails he can just unleash mahoraga and its game over.
@@logan-vq3dm While I agree with many of your points I believe if we replace Yuji and Megumi in the exact same scenario, encountering Choso in the subway, then it’s just instantly game over. Choso saw Yuji right before he hit the ground from jumping, and in that small span of time, an instant piercing blood at full power which Yuji just couldn’t dodge and only blocked strictly because of instinct. Megumi just doesn’t have the reaction time to see a piercing blood coming at him right before he hits the ground, analyze the situation, determine the best Shikigami to use, summon it, and survive the first attack. Also Todo was more or less unaffected by Megumi pinning him down using shikigami and a weakened, demoralized, at “40%” soul Yuji was just superior to todo, and Choso was beating Yuji in hands when he was at 100% and then he got help from mechamaru. Also Choso’s feats against Kenjaku. Megumi’s spamming shikigami and high BIQ is amazing however he just lacks the raw stats to fight Choso and depending on the situation, he can’t even use his domain. And for Max Elephant, does Megumi even know it stops blood manipulation I really can’t remember, and if so it’s not a continuous stream from every direction, so Choso could just move his convergence orbs away and piercing blood spam.
@@logan-vq3dmDumb take Megumi is not summoning Mahoraga because it would kill him too like why do people keep mentioning it? Mahoraga isn't a wincon. Choso is able to keep up with Kenjaku, Megumi doesn't have the feats near close to compete. One piercing blood and bro's done for. Choso has better overall speed, strength, versatility and adaptability.
Low diff is cap, but yeah Choso definitely wins unless Megumi pulls out Mahoraga, at which point it's a draw
Ap what? My guy divine dogs claws was tearing trough hanami casually
Megumi destroys choso
One domain and its gg
I disagree with Max Elephant hampering Piercing Blood unless Megumi were to use it like a sprinkler.
The only reason water worked for Yuji was because it kept pouring, if Megumi uses the water like with Kamo, it wouldn't affect Choso at all
And also Choso could keep up with Naoya which leads me to believe that he could do the same with devine dog
Red Blood Cells experience osmotic pressure in any body of water
@@NiceuRiceu yes, but megumi has no way to get a consrant stream of water. choso can just move the orbs up and wait for the water to disperse
@@Jonco1337 what if megumi trapped Choso in his domain and use the Elephant to pour water from the shadows on top ? It would be a hard bet as he would just have a little opening to attack but if there is anybody intelligent enough to do this, it’s Megumi
The Megumi glazing is strong in this one
Even more so than the vs teen Geto one
Choso low diffs. It's not even a question.
Yuji was stated to be at the caliber of Grade 1 Sorcerer multiple times and no such assessment was passed for Megumi. Yuji has him completely crushed in combat feats. Divine Dog was able to hurt Hanami's INJURED arm and even then, wasn't much. Killing a Finger Bearer isn't a grand feat considering the bad guys sent Eso and Kechizu fully confident they'd be able to handle a single finger without an issue.
Choso taking significant damage from 3 hits says more about Yuji's power than his own durability. A weaker version of Yuji was still able to damage Hanami--the most durable of the Disaster Curses.
Max Elephant is not going to negate Choso's convergence for more than a moment. Megumi notes even in the Culling Games that Max Elephant takes a lot out of him. He isn't going to be spamming its attacks to keep Choso restricted.
Megumi resisting Choso's blood is a stretch, as Yuji has 2 reasons he was able to do so: 1) Sukuna and 2) He has Choso's blood flowing through his veins as he is also a child of Kenjaku. Saying Megumi could resist it since he could be a vessel for Sukuna lacks any support behind it when it wasn't stated that Yuji HAD to be resistant to poison in the first place. Even if Megumi is immune to Choso's poisonous blood, he is still going to get one-shot if Piercing Blood or Supernova comes into contact with him. Piercing Blood was already going to kill Yuji even with him blocking. And Megumi is definitely not as fast as Yuji, who could keep up with and avoid Hanami's attacks, meanwhile Megumi didn't even realize he got struck by Hanami's CT.
And if Domain comes into play, Choso still has the advantage in power and has wide-area attacks that can deal with the Shikigami spam. Only Divine Dog wouldn't be one-shot, and Megumi would be amp'd to 120%, but that still wouldn't be enough to compete with someone who could beat Yuji straight-up. And even if Megumi or Divine Dog get a clean hit and cut Choso, they'll end up being surrounded by his blood even worse than before.
Megumi calls out Mahoraga... that's the only way he's getting a "win", even though he dies.
Megumi has a domain, which is said to be the pinnacle of Jujutsu. He definitely passes for a Grade 1 Sorcerer seeing as he's overqualified.
@@redroman4214 "overqualified" lol.
His Domain is incomplete and he is FAR from mastering his techniques.
Choso at least has feats of straight up beating Grade 1 Sorcerers despite his lack of experience. Even managed to trick Kenjaku twice in their fight--a special grade.
Megumi has literally nothing outside of numbers.
@@cincameron I want to clarify that I'm not arguing about Megumi being a Grade 1 sorcerer compared to Chouso. By the simple fact that Megumi has attained a Domain, he has to be at Grade 1 level. He literally dispatched a Special Grade cursed spirit alone when he activated his domain for the first time. Let me reiterate again that what I took issue with your statement is Megumi not being considered a Grade 1 sorcerer when he has feats and attained the pinnacle of Jujutsu albeit incomplete.
On Megumi being resistant to poison I believe in order to ingest and become a vessel for sukuna you have to be resistant to Sukuna UNLESS he willingly lets you become a vessel. There is no reason Sukuna would believe Megumi could resist poison yet he still believes he could be a vessel, and Sukuna in any other circumstance wouldn’t want a vessel, which leads me to believe the Poison part is willingly from Sukuna which is why Megumi survived.
Sukuna said that Megumi had the potential to be a cage as well, that's why Sukuna waited so long and didn't just have him eat a finger.
Basically what I came down here to say.
i feel like thats not how it works just cause to me it seems like sukuna wants to be incarnated no matter what. he was super excited when yuji ate the finger after all
Where was it stated willingly?
the only win con for megumi is the divine dog, one hit should severely injure choso. However, if Choso pops his blood flow stack he can definetly perceive it and be able to avoid its attacks. This fight depends on if Choso can land a blood attack on Megumi and considering the fact choso was able to land these hits on Naoya who has the fastest technique possible and nearly hit Kenjaku with a supernova, somebody who has lived for a thousand years. I would have him winning majority of the times and somehow catching Megumi offguard with a delayed hit.
@@shotspotter7882Chose can literally just walk out of it.
@@jadenndanga-gx3hj😭😭😭 fr megumi will need to keep him in a in close space and if he’s using max elephant I don’t Choso would let that happen cuz he could just make a wave of poisonous blood
@@jadenndanga-gx3hj he can’t he’ll get caught just like reggie did. Megumi’s domain can literally drown anybody in shadow. Did ya not read the reggie fight?
@@moodyjunior867 in a domain choso is defenseless, he’d have to deal with shikigami clones and megumi clones and the shadows drowning him if he wants to escape
Yeah megumi is getting ragdolled choso is just so well balanced it ain’t fair
did you even watch the video??
@@kaseyboomer6800 yes I did stupid and he still get ragdolled
@@swagman2001 buddy if you really did watch the video it goes into legitimate depth on how the fight is close while the guy lists off valid points💀 meanwhile u come to the comment section and Insta glaze choso
@@kaseyboomer6800 Not legitimate tho he has to make a lot of "ifs" just for Megumi to stand a chance. Like saying he wouldn't be affected by the poisonous blood or he could somehow evade piercing blood even tho he never showed feets to do so
@@kafelca To be fr tho, if megumi was vulnerable to poison, his body wouldn’t of been capable of resisting Sukuna, let alone being possessed or he would’ve just died on the spot. He has just as much immunity to poison as yuji. If Megumi also got choso in his domain, choso is suffering a major beat down by not just megumi or his clones, but his shikigami too which he could easily spawn anywhere within his domain
Choso probably wins like 8-9 out of 10x. You're being way too generous to Megumi, for no reason.
1) Using him keeping up with Yuji in that fight isn't a good argument. Yuji was pretty obviously not taking the fight that seriously at all, and Megumi said he was struggling to keep up.
No way was the pace Yuji was using against that old man anything compared to the pace he had no choice to keep up against Choso. Choso was also frequently out pacing a desperate Yuji. Choso could also react to Naoya... Megumi can't do much here.
2) Max Elephant isn't useful against Choso, at all. The restroom was an enclosed space with water constantly spraying everywhere. ME would need be used as a sprinkler, but even then Choso can just leave the vicinity based on the space he has.
Kenjaku literally says he's immune to Choso's poison, because Choso is his son. Guess who else is Kenjaku's kin? Megumi being a vessel of Sukuna, has nothing to do with poison resistance.
Although Megumi was shown to keep up with Yuji in combat, he did say that keeping pace with Yuji in the first place was extremely difficult. This was also a Yuji who, arguably, wasn't giving his all in that particular fight (not nearly the way he did against Choso immediately afterward). Although Megumi has fought Blood Manipulation before, he was barely able to keep pace with a Red Scale Kamo, and even realized that Kamo had been holding back. Even with his Shikigami to aid him, Choso is just all-around faster and stronger. If even Yuji only had a 50% chance to avoid Piercing Blood, Megumi's chance is much lower. Knowing something is coming doesn’t mean that you can avoid it.
The big determining factor for this fight is whether or not Megumi is able to counteract Convergence before Choso can snowball him with higher speed and AP.
"Keep up"
Yuji was just matching to Megumi's rhythm.
I think Choso wins more often than not.
Even if we assume Megumi is immune to poison, which is a very big “if”, Kenjaku, who is actually confirmed to be immune to Choso’s poison and a lot more powerful and smarter than Megum, opted to reveal his gravity technique (something he didn’t want to do) instead of taking Choso’s attack point blank.
Despite being much weaker, Choso was able to fight and out maneuver Kenjaku to the point that he managed to set up the attack that forced Kenjaku to use gravity.
This feat is very important when debating Choso vs Megumi since Kenjaku was using curses similar to how Megumi would use his shikigami.
If Choso can do this to Kenjaku he should also be able to do it to Megumi and win the fight.
Also, regarding Max elephant’s water, it would need to release a constant stream of water to hinder Choso, just getting him wet won’t do anything. Megumi got Kamo wet using the same technique but that didn’t stop Kamo from later using piercing blood. Not to mention that it is not at all guaranteed that Megumi would figure out Choso’s water weakness, Mechamaru who is far more familiar with blood manipulation wasn’t sure it would work.
Finally, just how Naoya’s knowledge of blood manipulation backfired, the same thing can happen with Megumi, first because it is not made clear if he knows Choso doesn’t run out of blood and second, Choso’s piercing blood is overall more powerful than Kamo’s, which might catch Megumi off guard and cause him to time the attack incorrectly.
Sorry but Megumi gets bodied if they fight during Shibuya. He's probably not immune to any poison, it even affected Uraume who is arguably stronger. If we jump into head cannon, would the prized cursed technique of the Zenin clan be a secret? Choso would be well aware of ALL shikigami. The only realistic win-con for Megumi would be Mahoraga, and that's a tie since they'd both die.
bruh if choso was able to catch that certain person of all people off guard he for sure catching megumi off guard and 1 shotting him
It take a lot of « if » for Megumi just to have a chance to win…
I sincerly think Choso would take the fight. Durability wise Megumi can't tank a single good hit from Choso while Choso can pretty much tank everything but an unguarded divine dog. Just bc of that i would give the edge to Choso.
Close Combat: Choso Dominates with blood armor and red flow scale stack
Medium Range: Most of Meg’s shikigami are mid-ranged fighters and are capable of closing distance.
Sniper Range: Choso’s blood meteorite, piercing blood and supernova so he outclasses
if he gets the divine dog sneak attack he won't bleed to death due to blood manipulation
It took continuous water for the blood to stop working so it would come to reason that max elephant could stop attacks but not the ability. Choso’s sleeves do come into play here as a trump card to catch Megumi off guard.
The glazing is crazy
I feel like the scenerio you set up makes a lot of assumptions. First of all, Megumi beimg immune or even resistant to poisons feels like a reach. Sukuna is referred to as The King of Poisons, so at least to me, it stands to reasok that Sukuna is what grants such a resistance.
Along with that, Blood Manipulations weakness to water doesn't appear to be a widely known thing. I think Megumi could figure it out, being as smart as he is.
But his knowledge of Blood Manipulation may also be a disadvanatage to him. Blood Manipulations biggest weakness is that it uses the users blood. Which is a weakness that Choso doesn't have. This leads to an issue for Megumi, if he chooses to approach the battle the same way that Naoya did, then he's gonna be in trouble.
And the final thing woukd be Megumi's reaction speed. Simply put, I don't believe he has the speed to consistently dodge Piercing Blood. Sure, Megumi is comparable to Yuji in speed, but I wouldnt call them relative or equal. And Megumi definitely doesn't have the durability to tank a Piercing Blood like Yuji did. I honestly don't think he would survive even a single one.
And regarding The Divine Dogs win condition for Megumi. If Choso saw fit to make his blood armor when fighting Yuji, I think he would come to the same conclusion when seeing a Domain. And even if he lacks experience, Choso is much smarter than a Finger Bearer.
I really don't see Megumi winning more than he loses. Maybe he wins 3-4/10 times? But I feel like Choso is just stronger than him.
Perfect answer W
Megumi wouldnt be able to keep max elephant up permanently, so he would intermittently be able to shot off piercing blood, which is almost alone an instant loss, then we add ontop that nue wont be able to maneuver if the space is the same or similar as the one yuji and choso fought in means that choso will never be forced to use supernova. This results in megumi successfully rotating from max elephant into rabbit escape into wolf and tries to go for the sneak attack, resulting in 4 supernovas destroying wolf and almost killing megumi, choso then finishes him easily unless megumi summons mahoraga. In choso's fight with yuji he was consistently hitting yuji while yuji barely got any hits. So choso is faster and better in melee then yuji, but with much less power. So he easily reacts, counters and beats megumi and wolf in a melee surprise attack.
megumi being more experience does not mean his experience was equal to Yuji who was getting ragdolled in combat.
Comes to shove each punches from choso would hurt Megumi to the point where his ten shadows wouldn't be useable as we know the more damage megumi takes, the more unstable it is
he's smarter than Yuji, 10 shadows exist so he doesn't have to tank choso punches
@@shotspotter7882 yeah, and how did tanking punches with Ten Shadows go with Todo again?
@@lavans5721 in chapter 17 when he wasn’t even trying and only used the frogs at the end of the fight. Get the fuck outta here
@@lavans5721 ngl that's the best point, "Yeah how'd that work against Todo?"
@@MeltedEirlysthat is inexperienced caught off guard Megumi at best, i'm surprised he didn't try to summon Mahoraga lmao.
As shown with Finger bearer & Reggie fight though, Yuji made up for his lack of Tech with superhuman strength & on-command Div. Fist.
Megumi can manage.
You seem to think that one dousing by the water jet is enough to shut down Choso's external blood manipulation. It is not. In the Shibuya fight water was continuously pouring on him.
Once Megumi sees Choso and gets grazed by a Piercing Blood we know what hes doing.
With this treasure…. 😂😒
Doubt Megumi have poison resistance. Sukuna choose to reincarnate into Megumi which is completely different than someone taking that chance by eating a Sukuna finger with the high possibility of dieing from that
"Isn't close" got stale so now we're using synonyms 😂😂😅
I don't think Hanam's durability should be compared to anyone elses, since her durability is abnormally high among her team.
His team
@@jyg5745 no confirmed gender
His team
@@Bruh-fy1jk his
Her team
Megumi gets lightly scrapped by piercing blood and summons mahoraga
If I'm very generous with Megumi, he wins 3 out of 10 bouts (If all conditions align positively) - The main reason being choso always has several Blood Balls floating around For Convergence at his disposal for either Supernova or Piercing Blood!!
Max elephants water would hit choso but the water needs to stay consistently to remove convergence. This means choso just needs to avoid after and piercing blood away. Also max elephant consumes lots of CE (stated by megumi) so he might not be able use it much
I do wonder how it would go if Megumi would approach the fight at any point the same way Naoya did since he has a few methods of cutting and slashing, would he assume Choso was human and go for a cutting attack thinking it would make Choso have to focus on his blood maintenance and get caught up in a flood. Max elephant is a major factor but both of them are nasty in a closed space.
I don't think Megumi actually has an innate poison resistance like Yuji, because Sukuna wanted his technique so in due time he wouldn't kill Megumi when he possessed him of course. I feel like the poison aspect of ingesting a Sukuna finger is just quality control for the search of a proper vessel that Sukuna could use, like he wouldn't want someone like Ijichi someone with no talent for a sorcerer and would likely just die upon ingesting a finger. Sukuna chooses his vessels and filters out low quality vessels for himself is my head canon.
Megumi is not faster or as fast as yuji so his chances of dodging are significantly less
Megumi would take one Piercing Blood and fall on all fours after a few moments of exchanged blows, his shikigami fall back into shadow, and Megumi is forced to use Mahoraga against Choso.
😢 😭 poor Megumi
I’m fairly sure the reason Yuji wasn’t poisoned by Choso is because they are brothers. Kenny also shares blood with Choso and I believe Choso states in their fight that he is resistant to the poison for that reason. So it’s likely that Megumi would get poisoned imo but idk. Nice vid too 👍
being sukuna's vessel gives yuji resistance to all poisons. this is revealed when junpei tries to poison him with his shikigami
“Are you resistant to poisons because you’re Sukuna’s vessel or are you Sukuna’s vessel because your resistant to poisons?” - Geto
@@elite1093 that's not why tho
@@ShayFK 🔥
@@noway6133 it is thoo
Dodging a whole ass man is different that trying so see a beam with the diameter of a quarter come at you head on. He also can’t slow the beam down by dunking it in shadows if it’s coming straight at him. I just don’t see him dodging piercing blood.
Especially since the only piercing blood he’s seen is Kamos and his was some weird shuriken thing and ALOT slower. He’d realistically underestimate choso and lose an arm after being caught off guard by its power. Kinda like a hakari/kashimo scenario where he can see it but he can only move a few inches before it hits him
The whole ass man you're talking about is way faster than piercing blood 😭
@@goobeeeer it’s easier to jump out the ear of a car going 60 than it is dodging a rock thrown at you going like 30
@@cringemeat9430 if you meant way instead of ear then, no that's deadass just a lie, a car going at 60, while easier to notice is both faster and larger than the rock, also it's not really in proportion to the difference between tojis speed and piercing bloods speed
It's more like a guy running towards you at 20 mph in comparison to a car actively trying to ram into you at 100 mph
One is a special grade while the other is recommended for grade 1.Thats all you need to know
all i’m saying if your gonna use some manga megumi feats bring up chosos too
Choso vs megumi; how much do we have to handicap choso to make this battle interesting
Megemi is honestly really disappointing when u think about it, his best feats are beating reggie (lol) beating the finger bearer and….figuring out kirara’s technique
You have to be patient, there's a reason he has the highest potential but isn't using his abilities to the max
@@firstlegend5105 is he even still alive at this point
@@doubleedge2422 Gege never confirmed he was dead nor alive, let's not make vague assumptions but instead, be patient with what the upcoming chapters are impose
Tbf It was 3 vs 1 in Reggie situation before takaba appeared
Megumi already took an off guard explosion and a stab from scorpion hair girl while Reggie was a full HP
He killed Reggie and wolverine dude
@@firstlegend5105 No I have to Disagree with you Megumi has potential if he can take Mahoraga but highest potential goes to Yuta, Yuji, the lawyer Higuruma, Hakari and maybe Megumi
The issue with the poison statement is that Sukuna can choose his vessel so he very likely didn’t even let the poison affect Megumi, though I will say that doesn’t count Megumi out in that regard given he’s referred to have the potential he a cage like Yuji is which by default means he’s a suitable vessel
for me its choso 7 out of 10 times easy
1. having megumi be resistant to poison is weird to me because of the specific reason why yuji is able to be sukunas vessel
2. megumi isnt weak physically but hes not close to yuji either, divine dog is the only thing damaging an ungaurded choso and we know he's cautious with that last yuji attack
3. megumi is gonna have a real hard tome avoiding piercing blood unless he uses rabbit escape or the frog to pull him out, but choso can just wait like he did with yuji, but ill give it to megumi that rabbit escape could keep piercing blood off him
4. all choso needs is one good hit and the fight is pretty much over, if megumi takes a hardened blood fist, piercing blood, or slicing exorcism he's dead or just about dead
5. max elephant is a very risky move because he has to hit all of choso's external blood to get rid of it and he cant use other shikigami while max elephant is out
only way Megumi wins is if bro summons Disneyhoraga
imo, megumi either wins or draws, he is very hasty when putting mahoraga on the table as a possibility, i think he could get a massive advantage with max elephant and also i think that his domain expansion would help him alot, i dont think its impossible for him to get to the point where he's on the cusp of loss but at that point, mahoraga comes out and choso is not winning that fight
Yuji was created by Kenjaku and is Choso's brother which is why he could resist the poison. You could say that becoming Sukuna's vessel makes you poison resistant but Megumi wouldn't have that resistance without Sukuna's influence.
If Megumi gets hit by Chosos blood/exposed like Naoya did....he will be in a huge amount of trouble.
My only thing is I don’t know if sukunas fingers are a poison, megumi doesn’t have a reason to be “immune” to poisons and yuji was immune becuase it’s his own blood. Sukuna fingers being poisonous could have been folk lore on what happened if sukuna didn’t choose you to be a vessel
I don't think it's wrong to say that Megumi has the same poison resistance as Yuji. But I do think that the main reason that Sukuna was able to make Megumi his vessel is because the finger wasn't from Sukuna's original body, it was Yuji's finger imbued with enough cursed energy to turn it into a cursed object and Sukuna is more than likely a soul rather than a being which contains poison so personally I don't think Megumi will be able to survive the poison if he we're to eat Sukuna's original 20 fingers
A few add-ons (spoilers below):
Megumi may not have poison resistance because Geto/Kenjaku stated that Sukuna can control the lethality of the poison. Him being a vessel is a testament to his ability to bond with Sukuna, and nothing else. The reason why Yuji is immune to poison is that he was "built different" by Kenjaku, amd also shares the blood of the Cursed Wombs.
Megumi would need to maintain Max Elephant always out, to cancel Blood Manipulation. You can't simply get Choso wet to stop it, you have to have water constantly pouring in (like the sprinklers in the bathroom). So Megumi would be forced to keep the Elephant out, which drains him so much that he can't summon other shikigamis (outside of the domain).
Megumi knows about Blood Manipulation, but just the basics. Because of his nature and meditation on the technique, Choso uses it so freely that it's almost something else entirely, both in refinement, quantity of blood, potency and efficiency. Just not knowing about Supernova (a Choso-original move) means he'll get hit by it, and the poison will do the rest.
Piercing blood is easier to dodge when it's turning FOR FAST PEOPLE. Yuji, Kenjaku and Naoya can, but they're EXTREMELY fast. If Megumi relies on small bursts of speed thanks to his shikigami, afterwards he'll either be still or on his feet, and the ongoing Piercing Blood will catch up to him.
And finally, with Piercing Blood Choso can take out probably any of his Shikigami but Max Elephant, meaning that Megumi will lose options fast.
Choso better one hit megumi b4 he pulls out "With this divine treasure, i su-"
BR back with his Megumi bias.
Idk why u think the Mahoraga merchant is so strong? Red scales stacked victim.
every show needs an arc where it puts everybody noteworthy with a name in a city or a place and have the antagonist give them a reason to fight
I think this is why alot of anime have a "tournament arc" to kinda show off everyone and who they actually scale to.
But thats just an assumption
@@MeltedEirlys Jjk has culling games for this reason 😂
Just me thinking tho, I could be wrong
@@g1lbert68 actually yeah. Culling games is definitely JJKs tournament arc
@@MeltedEirlys guessing we both are right
i think its clear choso wins 8/10 times. with the max elephant thing i think he could possibly use the trunk n have it spray kinda rain like. unless he straight up tries to drown choso. but just being honest choso more likely to win u have to give megumi too much leeway
Mahoraga: It's Chosover
Why would megumi be resistant to choso's poison? Yuji was imune was immune due to being sukuna vessel znd related to choso,same goes for kenjaku.
You're like giving everything to megumi here wtf
"oh he'll think of that"
"oh he'll use that"
"oh he'll resist that"
"oh he'll dodge that"
When literally there's 0 facts about him being able to do any of it or you're assuming he could do it which btw is soo delusional 🙄
Also after choso's fight with kenjaku I'm sorry but megumi doesn't have even a slightest chance of winning this choso is too beastly don't u remeber any of the scenes from that fight his change from technique to technique his new skills and abilities how can u even compare them i don't understand if megumi comes back he needs a huge boost if he wants to be relevant cause these characters are way above 1st grade sorcerers now
This vid looks more like i like megumi more so I'm giving him boosts 1st grade sorcerer lvl fighter like megumi ain't standing against choso bruh
Also about poison bro sukuna can let the other person eat the finger without dying OR u gotta have resistance to sukuna itself sukuna wouldn't be here like "hmm whatever happenes happenes" and yuji was resistant to poison BCS he was sukunas vessel 😑 btw water doesn't keep coming after max elephants attack 😂 and one flood ain't doing nothing to choso it has to keep coming for his blood to not work just like how it was in the bathroom and this was back in shibuya arc sheeesh 😬 this vid too biased
As the fan of both characters i gotta say this vid ain't really your best 😄 but good effort nonetheless
Is this specifically shibuya choso? Cause he skipped over his feats against kenjaku
Choso wins 8/10 if Megumi is resistant to poison and 10/10 if hes not
Hes poisin is due to his related blood to kenjaku, so he would get poisoned
The most literal title I’ve ever saw for a video
*Megumi after one hit*
roses are red, weapons against me won't prosper, with this sacred treasure i summon big raga the opp stoppa
Nah bro if Megumi gets hit by this 14:58 he's just summoning mahoraga LMFAO
I have no idea how you can compare these two without bringing up their feats with Kenjaku and Reggie star. Choso has more techniques that are even more powerful than what you brought up. Also, megumi has insane physical strength that he shows later on
Glazing so he forgets he’s dead
I think the only issue with your arguement is that so much of what youre saying is based on a conclusion of a conclusion of a conclusion. Its easily possible that the canon text was lost or mistranslated in the translation which puts long, linear theories like megumi being resistant at high risk of being nullified.
I do agree that youve layed out incredibly sound reasoning but I highly doubt megumi posseses poison resistance simply from the fact that Yuji is a creation of kenjaku specefically meant to house sukuna, the king of poisons and curses. So poison resistance on the level of yuji's is either unique to himself, or so incredibly rare that youd be blessed to see two sorcerers in one generation with it. I would counter your point by offering a counter conclusion. I wouldnt disagree with megumi possesing no poison resistance as may have inherited some sort of constitutional features from Toji. But Yujis resistance is far too insane to be realistically applied to other charcters. (especially sense iori said itadori is basically a cursed object now from being steeped in suk's CE.
Megumi would at bare minimum, be able to win 1 time out of ten by using mahoraga. But his wincons rely on far too much theory and creative liberties in the text, than hardcore proof. It's also important to remember Chosos has been training his technique for *150 years*. So his mastery of his technique is infinently higher than Megumi. realistically speaking, who would win? A master blood manipulator who has cultivated his technique and posseses the ability to regenerate his blood so long as he has CE, or a young ten shadows sorcerer who hasnt even tamed all of his shikigami.
It paints a much bleaker picture in that regard doesent it? And its also important to remember that even NAOYA misread Choso as a death painting. Its highly likely Megumi would misread Choso and assume that he would become hindered or die from blood loss like Kamo would, and as a result give Choso the opening to kill him. As shown in the Naoya fight, he is definetly aware of how to capitalize on that. And since it seems only Gojo *a six eyes user* could tell he was a death painting. There is no way in hell megumi could realize Choso wouldnt run out of blood. So the fight is 90-10 in chosos favor.
with this treasure i summon..
I guess this is anime only vs match?? Cause based off later in the manga choso should win low diff, mid diff max
Well yea. He's kinda over scaled Megumi in that video.
Unless Megumi pulls Mahoraga right away, he's getting pieced tf up.
There's no world where he keeps up with, tanks poisonous hits, has time to strategize and win on his own.
His domain expansion wouldn't change anything either.
The whole convoluted reasoning for him being resistant to poison wouldn't even matter, he simply isn't durable enough to survive hits from Choso and isn't fast enough to evade said hits either.
Being resistant doesn't matter when your body can't tank the hits like Yuji, and they just pierce holes in you.
Also, the whole thing with "Megumi is knowledgeable about blood manipulation" is irrelevant, Kenjaku is probably the most knowledgeable about that particular CT as he was once a Kamo for presumably decades, and he struggled with Choso.
Mahoraga, or it's wraps in like 5 moves. I get it, Megumi and Yuji being in a similar tier would be cool but he simply isn't, not on his own at least.
I was right predicting this vs battle
megs is so cooked why is this even a debate
The thing is that battle with Yuji wouldn't even be high diff if Mechamary didn't help him and think of a strategy to negate Chosos range and 90% of his abilities, Mechamary gave the advantage to Yuji and gave him a hand to hand fight but even so Yuji still lost, so without Mechamary Yuji would've been destroyed mid to low diff.
Megumi bout to be in these comments like "with this treasure I summon"
10:30 actually, id argue megumi is one of the best in terms of pushing through injury. like, considering his less than stellar endurance, hes able to handle a lot of punishment while still fighting well
We need an end of series Yuji vs the culling games.
Being a vessel for Sukuna doesn't mean you were immune to poisons before becoming said vessel. Megumi said in chp 1 its a deadly poison bc he was going under the assumption Yuji was a normal human, not a Kenjaku experiment made to house Sukuna. Because Sukuna is the the king of curses and poisons Yuji and now Megumi is immune. Megumi would not be immune to the poisonous blood. In fact the only humans that are immune to Choso's blood are those that are related to him or anyone who knows advanced RCT.
I think Choso would win, because i don't believe Megumi really has the poison resistance at the level to nullify it.
He's gonna get hit and be weaker by every second of a fight.
It's gonna be High diff Choso victory in 7/10.
Also, he's nowhere near Choso level in close combat, he's gonna get crushed in 10 seconds.
Ronin my brother please come back up for a breath, you're doin tricks on it
I think nearly any sorcerer would survive sukuna's fingers. The one in a million thing is probably under the assumption that yuji was a normal person.
Also made to be sukunas vessel
kenjaku legit made him to make sukunas vessel, the only other person i see surviving this are ppl with high amounts of cursed energy being gojo and yuta.
@@lanceshadow7335 he is able to supress sukuna, and thats what makes him special. Other sorcerers would probably survive but not really be in control yk
If the divine dog attemts to backstab choso then choso should have the reaction speed to make the attack hit a less vital area then he would use blood armor to mideegat the divine dogs attack and regenerate and then just simply out last megumi but megumi will always win if he pulls out mahoraga.
Mahoraga isn't a win con, as Megumi didn't have him tamed, it's more of a draw/suicide.
@@origin7754 sorry forget he dies as well.
he would see choso do some weird shi with his blood and immediatelyy " with this trea-"
The poison thing is a huge stretch BR
Ok the problem that i have with your explanation on megumi winning, is that you are giving him basically plot armor, just like a lot of batman fans do, megumi to win needs like 30 different factors, seriously megumi is neither as fast, strong, durable or as good in hand to hand like itadori, and most of his wincons you talk about is basically, giving megumi a closed space so he can use his domain, or he just finds one random, instead of the battle being in a neutral space to not give anyone any advantage, you also talked about how if megumi gets hit even once by that blood fortificated punch of choso hes fucked, you also dint talk about how choso could use his flowing red scale to enhance his eyesight to such a level he could keep up with naoya, a character that seconds ago was blitzing him now with flowing red scales on his eyes choso could keep up with naoya, the same naoya that speed blitzed itadori, choso to win barely needs any advantages, or factors to beat megumi, megumi to win needs 2 factors that we dont even know for sure they are correct, they fighting on a enclosed space or convenitely being able to run away from chso for long enough to find an enclosed space to activate his domain, and even them needing to be able to catch choso off guard with divini dog to kill him, and you idnt even talk about how he used his brothers powers to fight kenjaku, eso wing king, kechizu creativity to literally be able to extend his arm (which caught EVEN KENJAKU OFF GUARD) so he can grab the enemie on a long distance, or making multiple piercing bloods that if the opponet somehow dodges he can also send multiple supernovas using piercing blood as a way to make supernova travel faster to the opponents location and turn them into cheese " WHICH ALSO CAUGHT KENJAKU OFF GUARD AND MADE HIM USE OTHER CT BESIDES CURSE MANIPULATION) so i see choso winning like 7 out of 10 battles minimum
I don't think Megumi is resistant to choso's poison. Kenjaku in his fight against Choso suggests it's because they're related so Megumi cannot afford to get hit at all
Yeah Choso takes this the most Megumi can do is make it a draw by summoning Mahoraga
“With this treasure, I summon”
If megumi had poison resistance, Gojo or someone would have known and of course told megumi. Way more likely it’s a translation nuance. Choso mid difs
Saying that Megumi demonstarted physical stats that would allow him to replicate what Yuji did in his fight with Choso when it was explicitely stated, that Megumi found it hard to keep up with Yuji during Awasaka fight, was fighting Hanami who was holding back, just standing there and did not even use his second hand is NUTS to me.
I get that you are a Megumi fan, but this level of wank defies all logic and feats displayed.
Also, Yuji being resisitant to poison does not have to do anything with Sukuna, who's title as a king of lethal poison was a mistrtanslation.
He is indeed naturally immune due to his special body, relation to Choso and being made by Kenjaku.
Not only that, he is the only one who is able to actively supress Sukuna. Moreover, Sukuna's fingers, which are special grade objects, are poisonos not because they are Sukuna's fingers, but because they ARE special grade objects.
Every SG object is a lethal poison, so it requires ANY human ingesting it to have some level of tolerance for it, and Sukuna is the only one, who can chose or reject his vessel.
Now, on top of that, Yuji is physically stronger, can overpower Sukuna's soul, AND is related to Choso, which makes him, like Kenny, immune to Choso's poison and .... still lost against Choso.
Megumi does not survive piercing blood, nor is he capable to dodging it if Yuji and Uraume could not. And unlike Yuji or Uraume, he does not have any RCT and he is not built as the tank that Yuji is.
His best bet is open DE in a building, and die after multiple piercing bloods or supernova make him a sieve or he succumbs to poison.
Megumi can’t do shit to choso he says uncle
I've been asking myself how would Megumi fight against Mahito or Higoruma
Bruh, he would die in either of those two
With this sacred treasure~~~I summon
against higoruma he actually just gonna battle him in court because his IQ is high enough to potentially win the case. Against mahito he might just summon mahoraga and idk if it would work or not but i think using the deer he could use the positive energy to kill him like yuta did against the cockroach, but thats speculation
@@logan-vq3dmMegumi doesn't have Tranquil deer in his arsenal it was Sukuna who tamed it
I take choso winning 6 out of 10 fight just because of his showing with kenjaku. Also at best megumi got resistance to poison but hes not immune to it.
Nothing said or implied Megumi has resistance to any sort of poison
@@blast2811 good point, that give more of a advantage to choso
ronin i thought you love megumi why do my boy like this?
Glad to see a video where it isn't just a complete stomp. Most jjk vs videos are like, "Why Gojo, the disaster curses, Geto, Sukuna, Yuji, Toji, Kenjaku, And Yuta vs a fly head isnt close