This is my 2nd comment. I was wondering if anyone could pray for my big sister? Her name is Mercedes and she is going through a hell of pretty much her own making. She just had a miscarriage and she is doing dr*gs and is in a horrible relationship. We also found out that she almost got trafficked and is being severely stalked. Please pray for her salvation and safety. Thank you very much and God bless each and every one of you.❤🙏
Sounds like she needs a big brother (even if she is the big sister) in her life to set her and whomever she's involved with straight. Unless she's actually married, in which case, it's not your business nor problem anymore.
Hello sister my name is Sabrina and I’d love to pray a prayer for Mercedes by the sounds of everything your sis is going through the lord is trying to get ahold of her but the enemy is a liar and he comes to Rob kill and destroy lives so we claim Mercedes father we claim her salvation lord Jesus we ask that you will do the impossible and turn this situation she is battling around father God turn this around and use this for her good lord just like you did me father God a drug addict of 7 yrs you used my addiction to reach others Lord I give you all of the honor and all of the glory Lord I ask that you will touch this whole family bring healing bring peace and bring restoration in your MIGHTY NAME HALLELUJAH THANK YOU JESUS . 🫶🏼
IP, thank you so much for these last few videos. It's not an overstatement to say they completely changed my faith (for the better). I grew up in an ultra-fundamentalist church and was terrified of the future. Even coming out of that I wasn't totally sure what to think about the end times. These last few videos have opened my eyes and I've been digging deeper into post-millennialism theology. Optimism about the future is far more edifying and makes me even more passionate about sharing the gospel. So again, thank you!
@@InspiringPhilosophy I have seen you over at Dan Mclellan. You were doing great. I was actually the guy who posted his video in your comment section. I found it great that you responded to that video. A few weeks ago I shared one of your videos in his comment section. That was your video on 2.Kings 3. Dr. McClellan had claimed that the text implies that Jahweh was defeated by Chemosh. I responded by sharing your video in his comment section. Prior to that I did not witness him responding to any of your videos. If there was any provocation I fully accept the blame for that.
@@InspiringPhilosophy You are 100% wrong. The apostle Paul taught and believed in a pre-Tribulation rapture of the Church it was NOT invented by Darby. I can't believe that you are so blind to this fact. If you were truly saved the Holy Spirit within you should be correcting you about such a thing, so it's either you don't have the Holy Spirit, or you are ignoring the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit has confirmed to me that the pre-Tribulation rapture of the Church is going to happen and the scriptures back that fact up even if you don't see it for yourself.
@@danielblair4413 So after watching the video and having all the scripture evidence you still insist on believing the pre tribulation rapture lie? Why is that?
I wasn't raised a believer but I've had this lifelong feeling that can't be explained away by science or technology. So I always looked for answers. Thank you for for what you do in giving me some of the answers!
Great video. I was a pre-trib rapture believer myself for 24 years until I decided to seriously study it. At the moment, I lean amillennial, but whatever the case, I do think the most accurate understanding of the rapture is as you explained: those who are dead will be resurrected, and, along those still alive, will welcome Christ in the air and escort him to the earth.
@@Brian_L_A I'm not sure exactly what you are asking. Are you referring to the 1,000 years specifically? There are many examples in the Bible where numbers were not meant literally.
The whole rapture thing always seemed like wishful thinking, but then so does the view that the whole world will be converted to Christianity. That’s even more far-fetched, especially in the current climate of more and more people abandoning any faith whatsoever.
@sandypeters How does that contradict anything in this video? Meeting Christ in the air still involves a “harpatzo” per 1 Thessalonians 4:17, his point is that this is not done leaving pilot-less planes and cars in their wake, but is at Jesus’ coming, they meet Him in the air and then come back with Him escorting Him to earth (“the Lord comes with thousands and thousands of His holy ones”).
Thank you IP for these videos, honestly they've helped us (wife and I) So much! we've been watching a video together most nights and they've blessed our lives greatly. They have helped us to focus less on ourselves and what we get out of Christianity, and into wanting to love Christ for who he is and because it's our the only true purpose in our lives. As well as reigniting our desire to let God use us however he sees fit to take part in the great commision! To sow the seeds and help expand his kindom! What an honor to be able to be part of that with Him.
Byzantine Catholic here(Eastern Christian) and I genuinely love you and you’re content bro. I will pray for you! I hope one day we can commune together and share the Eucharist! God bless you!
Look forward to listening this evening. I appreciate your work, it's been nice to relisten to some of your older videos and ruminate while rocking the newborn.
Amen " And therefore, when in the end the Church shall be SUDDENLY CAUGHT UP FROM THIS, it is said, “There shall be tribulation such as has not been since the beginning, neither shall be.”(2) For this is the last contest of the righteous, in which, when they overcome they are crowned with incorruption.” - Against Heresies, Book 5, 5. 29 ~Irenaeus (AD 130 - 202)
Yes, the Lord our God is coming and it is God alone who decides when he(God himself) will come. The Lord is coming, but not the un-biblical rapture and only God knows. ✝️🇻🇦
Thank you IP. I literally got worse panic attacks and severe depression and horror from all these teachings. I could never understand why a loving God made it all so scary. This really makes me feel better and less scared.
People often forget Revelation 1:3: "God blesses the one who reads the words of this prophecy to the church, and he blesses all who listen to its message and obey what it says, for the time is near." Revelation is a blessing. God wins. If you worship him, your on the winning team. If you don't worship God, then things really don't go well for you in Revelation.
@Christopher Herndon you are literally doubting my salvation for calling out what the doctrine of the rapture does. If you believe it I still consider you a brother and in no instance I have rejected the second coming of Christ. It is my hope that Christ comes again. But saying that people are going to disappear out of nowhere it does give anxiety and many Christians have experienced that but the Second Coming of Christ gives me hope.
Yes, like when has God ever taken His people out of tribulation? He has seen them through it to strengthen them & for them to be a witness to the world.
" And therefore, when in the end the Church shall be SUDDENLY CAUGHT UP FROM THIS, it is said, “There shall be tribulation such as has not been since the beginning, neither shall be.”(2) For this is the last contest of the righteous, in which, when they overcome they are crowned with incorruption.” - Against Heresies, Book 5, 5. 29 ~Irenaeus (AD 130 - 202) Well In his work, The Last Times - Two, Ephraim wrote: "See to it that this sentence be not fulfilled among you of the prophet who declares: “Woe to those who desire to see the day of the Lord!” For all the saints and elect of God are gathered, prior to the tribulation that is to come, and are taken to the Lord lest they see the confusion that is to overwhelm the world because of our sins. And so, brothers most dear to me, it is the eleventh hour, and the end of the world comes to the harvest, and angels, armed and prepared, hold sickles in their hands, awaiting the empire of the Lord." & In the works Treatise of Cyprian he wrote: "We who see that terrible things have begun, and know that still more terrible things are imminent, may regard it as the greatest advantage to depart from it as quickly as possible. Do you not give God thanks, do you not congratulate yourself, that by an early departure you are taken away, and delivered from the shipwrecks and disasters that are imminent? Let us greet the day which assigns each of us to his own home, which snatches us hence, and sets us free from the snares of the world and restores us to paradise and the kingdom."
WHAT IS GOING ON WITH YOU PEOPLE? The rapture is the resurrection of the dead in Christ, no matter where you place the timing of it. If you deny the rapture you deny your own resurrection. Yet that is word for word what many people here are saying..."I no longer believe in the rapture".....WHAT????? You just denied the entire faith and your own Resurrection. If there is no Resurrection then our faith is in vain and we have no hope!
@The Lion and his lamb they love the knowledge of man, that can't comprehend the things of the Spirit, in their minds it doesn't make since or they can't understand it therefore it isn't true. 1 Timothy 4:1 (KJV) Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;
No pre-tribulation in my bible. The temple of God has been established 3 days after Jesus died on the cross: Jesus the head of the body, which comprises of repented believers. Believers already reign on earth. Not a future event. Believers WILL go through the great tribulation, if they are still alive, obviously. And not only that, but we also glory IN TRIBULATIONS, knowing that tribulation produces perseverance; Romans 5:3 NKJV Do you not know that you are (ALREADY) the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you? I Corinthians 3:16 NKJV Or do you not KNOW that your BODY IS THE TEMPLE of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own? I Corinthians 6:19 NKJV And what agreement has the temple of God with idols? For YOU ARE the temple of the living God. As God has said: “I will dwell IN THEM And walk among them. I will be their God, And they shall be My people.” II Corinthians 6:16 NKJV Therefore they are (already) before the throne of God, and serve Him day and night in His temple. And He who sits on the throne will dwell among them. Revelation 7:15 NKJV Jesus' own words: For then there will be GREAT TRIBULATION, such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no, NOR EVER SHALL BE. And unless those days were shortened, no flesh would be saved; but for the ELECT’s sake those days will be shortened. “Then if anyone says to you, ‘Look, here is the Christ!’ or ‘There!’ DO NOT BELIEVE IT. For FALSE christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, EVEN THE ELECT. “Therefore if they say to you, ‘Look, He is in the desert!’ DO NOT go out; or ‘Look, He is in the inner rooms!’ DO NOT BELIEVE IT. Matthew 24:22-24, 26 NKJV
Thank you SO much! I have always been taught and always thought that the future was going to be so terrible and horrifying. This makes SO much more sense! My mom and I are very grateful for these videos! No one wants to change their mindset and think about all of the facts to make a better assessment of things. Thanks!
People often forget Revelation 1:3: "God blesses the one who reads the words of this prophecy to the church, and he blesses all who listen to its message and obey what it says, for the time is near." Revelation is a blessing. God wins. If you worship him, your on the winning team. If you don't worship God, then things really don't go well for you in Revelation.
Here's some quotes by the early church fathers for a pretrib rapture...compliments of Ken Johnson's book "Ancient Church Fathers.” These quotes come long before Darby. Irenaeus, AD 170 Against Heresies 5.29 - When in the end that church will suddenly be caught up from this, it is said, “There will be tribulation such as not been since the beginning, nor will be.” Tertullian, AD 207 Against Marcion 5.16 - He [Paul] says those who remain unto the coming of Christ, along with the dead in Christ, will rise first, being “caught up in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air.” ...By the mouth of Isaiah, it was said long ago “who are these who fly like clouds unto me, as doves with their young ones?” One quote from the author of the Shepherd of Hermas, two quotes by Cyprian, and one quote by Ephraim the Syrian reveal that at least some of the ancient church fathers were Pretribulationists. Shepherd of Hermas The Shepherd of Hermas was written about AD 150. It describes a dream and gives the interpretation of it. The church (bride clothed in white) escapes the Great Tribulation because of the promise of the Lord. This is not to be considered Scripture, but it does show that many second century Christians believed in a Pretribulational Rapture. Shepherd of Hermas, AD 150 Shepherd of Hermas 2.2-6 - Go therefore and declare to the Elect of the Lord His mighty deeds and say to them that this beast is a type of the Great Tribulation which is to come. If ye therefore prepare yourselves and with your whole heart turn to the Lord in repentance, then shall ye be able to escape it, if your heart is pure and blameless… the golden color stands for you who have escaped from this world… Now ye know the symbol of the Great Tribulation to come. But if ye are willing, it shall be nothing. Cyprian Cyprian was bishop of Carthage about AD 250. Notice he did not teach we must endure the time of the Antichrist, but we will be “delivered” from it. He tells his readers that the coming resurrection was the hope of the Christian, and points out that the Rapture should motivate us as we see the last days approaching. Cyprian, AD 250 Treatises of Cyprian 21-26 - We who see that terrible things have begun, and know that still more terrible things are imminent, may regard it as the greatest advantage to depart from it as quickly as possible. Do you not give God thanks, do you not congratulate yourself, that by an early departure you are taken away, and delivered from the shipwrecks and disasters that are imminent? Let us greet the day which assigns each of us to his own home, which snatches us hence, and sets us free from the snares of the world, and restores us to paradise and the kingdom. Epistle 55 - The Antichrist is coming, but above him comes Christ also. The enemy goes about and rages, but immediately the Lord follows to avenge our suffering and our wounds. The adversary is enraged and threatens, but there is One who can deliver us from his hands. Ephraim the Syrian This next quote is from a work entitled Pseudo-Ephraim. It has the title pseudo, not because anyone doubted the sermon, but because when quoted later, two historians said it was Ephraim the Syrian who wrote it, and one historian said it was Isadore of Seville. Whether this was written by Isadore or Ephraim, the sermon was always accepted as genuine. It clearly teaches a Rapture before the Tribulation occurs. Ephraim the Syrian, AD 373 On The Last Times 2- ...because all saints and the elect of the LORD are gathered together before the Tribulation which is about to come and be taken to the LORD...
@Justin Gary Justin, I just gave a whole host of examples of pre trib positions from the early church. Pre trib has undeniable been a well known view since the very beginning of the church yet you continue to falsely claim its a new position. No one is telling you you have to believe in it, but at least be honest about the fact that it is NOT a new position, its been there since the very beginning of the church age and multiple of the most famous church fathers wrote of it. The simple fact is the Roman Catholic church embraced Amillennialism and post trib and they dominated the narrative on this subject for almost 1500 years as they did nearly ALL church doctrines. When the reformation happened many of the early church doctrines began to re-emerge on a whole host of subjects lie salvation by faith alone, the trinity and others including pre millennial and pre trib. These positions are not new, they were well know and well documented by the earliest church fathers.
Angry commenter here, 👋😆 I’m not sure a solid distinction was made between what he was addressing as “Rapture” and what is clearly addressed in scripture as “the Second Coming.” It didn’t help that he said a fairly vivid description of the Lord’s return was just allusive imagery.
Thank you man. I live in a city in South Africa that is overrun with mystical charismatics, the rapture is sacred doctrine to them, it seems on par with the Deity of Christ. Years ago someone challenged me to prove the rapture from the bible, I took the challenge and ended up abandoning that false, baseless doctrine completely, this caused many to accuse me of being "faithless" and "infected with theology" (whatever that means😅). This was a great treatment of this subject.
Yes there is a falling away prior to the rapture. I hope you do your own research more intentionally there is too much at stake to rely on one-sided opinions ❤
You don't seem to understand what you're saying yourself. So, I don't even know where to help correct you. However, I also stand with it that there's no rapture in the way it is generally portrayed, at least not very solid based on the scripture.
@@emmanuel8310 maybe read my comment again, but slowly? English is not my first language so if I make some grammatical or spelling mistakes that could be why....
Interesting stuff to ponder on. I’ve been dispensational all my life. This stuff is starting to make MUCH more sense in this gentleman’s context. Thank you.
We do not know the day or the hour for a reason…one looks forward to it, as in one rests in the fact that it will happen at the right time, not when we think it should. Sophie Scholl knew what this meant. “Many people think of our times as being the last before the end of the world. The evidence of horror all around us makes this seem possible. But isn't that an idea of only minor importance? Doesn't every human being, no matter which era he lives in, always have to reckon with being accountable to God at any moment? Can I know whether I'll be alive tomorrow morning? A bomb could destroy all of us tonight. And then my guilt would not be one bit less than if I perished together with the arth and the stars.”
he's refering to the kind of people who are complacent because they think Jesus is coming any minute. I've seen this attitude many times, where Christians will sya something about the woes of the world, followed by a dismissive comment about how it doesn't matter because Jesus will be here soon. IP is worried about this attitude turning into laziness rather than Christians seeking to win more souls
@@benjaminwatt2436 - Luke 19:13 Jesus said, occupy till I come" which means stay busy in the occupation that I have given you until I come back. Paul also taught in 2 Thessalonians 2 and gave the signs before Christ return.. So even if you believe Jesus can return at any second you are not going to sit on the sidelines and just wait.
@Orange6921 , yes, but at the same time, it's not something we should focus on. I would do this, and I was scared all the time. Being focused ok, it isn't good, denying it isn't good either. It's just something althat we need to keep in mind
@@ExperienceEric incorrect, as long as you have faith in Jesus and live by his love and his laws you will have eternal life and nothing can take away your salvation.
@@ghostrecon3834 Your twisting my words, I did not say you will miss the rapture I aid you are denying your won Resurrection by denying the existence of the Rapture. Denying and missing are 2 different things.
I don't agree with every single point you make, but I highly, highly appreciate how you make them, using phrases like "Some Christians believe. . . " and the like. It is extremely important when correcting or presenting alternative Christian views on non-fundamental items, that we stay humble in our own knowledge. Thank you very much!
I agree, peoples faith can be damaged on how Christina’s respond to new believers and their child like faith in anything that has Jesus’s name attached to it
Beautiful! As a catechist for over 16 years I have taught about this. I'm amazed that what you say in this video is the official catholic teaching on the subject. Most catholics are ignorant and just accept the popular rapture doctrine. I just want them to know that this video is particularly consistent with church teaching. Thanks.
@@Baboonfromdatoon Church teaching existed for 400 yrs before the canon of the bible was determined and it took many more centuries before those books could be printed by the newly invented Guttenberg Press in the 15th century. So for 15 centuries and more Church teaching was the sole authority on what Christian doctrine entails and that is why any interpretation of the the bible contrary to it is simply wrong. Martin Luther's doctrine of Sola Scriptura has lead to every man being his own ultimate authority. It's a doctrine that was totally impracticable before printing was invented. Hence the massive confusion. But our Blessed Lord gave authority to His apostles, not a book. I wouldn't believe the bible if it's claims had not already been substantiated by the Sacramental power of the Church.
@@Baboonfromdatoon Come on dude! That is an unreasonable question! Nothing in what I said suggests that. Rather your question is more of an accusation that reveals your unwillingness to understand the Catholic position on scripture. A position and teaching which existed long before the modern invention of protestantism and the new doctrine of Sola Scriptura. Every step of Catholic worship is biblical at its core. Most non-Catholics circulate amongst themselves what they 'think' the Catholic Church teaches and then label it 'pagan.' Trust me, they don't know the first thing! I don't care for accusative and confrontational questions, but if you truly want to know what the Catholic Church teaches I'll be glad to assist you. Particularly in the area of Scripture I'll bet some explanations will amaze you.
@@el-sig2249 My apologies. I appreciate I did not ask such a question with honourable intentions. I shall rephrase it thusly: What authority DOES scripture have, if the Church can over-rule it?
The authors of the Left Behind books say the books are fiction. The Church goes through the tribulation of the plagues until the last day of earths history at Jesus second coming.
Can I just say, I am so glad I found you. I don't recall how I exactly found you, but you are definatly a channel worth following. Your videos are jam packed with great information and sources, you are an inspiration for me to start back up and make my content once I settle into my new home. Thank you for all you do, God bless you indeed.
you know, I was actually trying to find a video on the rapture on your channel the other day and couldn't find it. thanks for making this great, informative content!
Revelation 22:15 Outside are the dogs, those who practice magic arts, the sexually immoral , the murderers , the idolaters and everyone who loves and practices falsehood. Lord Jesus Christ is coming soon🙏🏼❤️🕊REPENT, believe in the Gospel, Be Born Again
To Catholics and Orthodox, the Rapture concept is about as scripture based as the notion of "sola scriptura": it's made up by Protestants. If anything can be gleaned from the New Testament, is that trials and tribulations are to be endured, not escaped nor avoided. The notion is absurd and contrary to the example given by Jesus, the apostles, and Paul (all but John endured persecution and martyrdom).
I've recently been finding the idea of Christ coming back to the world completely broken as distasteful. I want to welcome him to a world made beautiful and whole with his Bride. Who knows what's actually going to take place but I'd like to see His Church begin to shape the world and work together to discover, invent, and bless.
I read the left behind books in college, when they first came out. Then I took apocalyptic lit my Junior year that changed my perspective real fast. Thanks for this video, I hope the color coded rapture chart folks see it too.
Oh the Rapture. One of the most contested views in the bible. The first question to ask is will the Rapture happen? The answer is Yes. 1 Thessalonians 4:16-18 16 "For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. 17 After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever. 18 Therefore encourage one another with these words" Now comes the hard part. The question of when is the Rapture going to happen? This is where you get all the disagreements and various viewpoints 1. Historical Premillenialism 2. Dispensational Premillenialism 3. Amillennialism 4. Post millennialism You have some that will say that it will take place before the 7 seven tribulation others say its Pre-wrath and finally the viewpoint of the Rapture and the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ being one and the same event.
I don't understand how anyone can have an alternate interpretation of 1 Thessalonians 4 than what you just described. Also, note that the video claims that once we rise in the air to meet Him, that "we will return to earth." But that isn't in the verses he reads.
NT Wright is great. Really connects early Christianity to Second Temple Judaism. And he was big in helping me understand that the story is about God redeeming THIS world, not scrapping it and sending people to “Heaven” when we die. Heaven comes down to THIS world and everything is made right again.
I just thank God there’s people like Pastor Andy Woods still alive that teach the pre-trib rapture demonstrating why folks who don’t understand it, like Michael Jones, would be better off learning it more thorough before releasing videos like this. It is absolutely insane to me that someone that is supposed to be so good at researching is still holding till the “Derby invented the rapture“ lie. You’re better than this , Michael. Here's some quotes by the early church fathers for a pretrib rapture...compliments of Ken Johnson's book "Ancient Church Fathers.” These quotes come long before Darby. Irenaeus, AD 170 Against Heresies 5.29 - When in the end that church will suddenly be caught up from this, it is said, “There will be tribulation such as not been since the beginning, nor will be.” Tertullian, AD 207 Against Marcion 5.16 - He [Paul] says those who remain unto the coming of Christ, along with the dead in Christ, will rise first, being “caught up in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air.” ...By the mouth of Isaiah, it was said long ago “who are these who fly like clouds unto me, as doves with their young ones?” One quote from the author of the Shepherd of Hermas, two quotes by Cyprian, and one quote by Ephraim the Syrian reveal that at least some of the ancient church fathers were Pretribulationists. Shepherd of Hermas The Shepherd of Hermas was written about AD 150. It describes a dream and gives the interpretation of it. The church (bride clothed in white) escapes the Great Tribulation because of the promise of the Lord. This is not to be considered Scripture, but it does show that many second century Christians believed in a Pretribulational Rapture. Shepherd of Hermas, AD 150 Shepherd of Hermas 2.2-6 - Go therefore and declare to the Elect of the Lord His mighty deeds and say to them that this beast is a type of the Great Tribulation which is to come. If ye therefore prepare yourselves and with your whole heart turn to the Lord in repentance, then shall ye be able to escape it, if your heart is pure and blameless… the golden color stands for you who have escaped from this world… Now ye know the symbol of the Great Tribulation to come. But if ye are willing, it shall be nothing. Cyprian Cyprian was bishop of Carthage about AD 250. Notice he did not teach we must endure the time of the Antichrist, but we will be “delivered” from it. He tells his readers that the coming resurrection was the hope of the Christian, and points out that the Rapture should motivate us as we see the last days approaching. Cyprian, AD 250 Treatises of Cyprian 21-26 - We who see that terrible things have begun, and know that still more terrible things are imminent, may regard it as the greatest advantage to depart from it as quickly as possible. Do you not give God thanks, do you not congratulate yourself, that by an early departure you are taken away, and delivered from the shipwrecks and disasters that are imminent? Let us greet the day which assigns each of us to his own home, which snatches us hence, and sets us free from the snares of the world, and restores us to paradise and the kingdom. Epistle 55 - The Antichrist is coming, but above him comes Christ also. The enemy goes about and rages, but immediately the Lord follows to avenge our suffering and our wounds. The adversary is enraged and threatens, but there is One who can deliver us from his hands. Ephraim the Syrian This next quote is from a work entitled Pseudo-Ephraim. It has the title pseudo, not because anyone doubted the sermon, but because when quoted later, two historians said it was Ephraim the Syrian who wrote it, and one historian said it was Isadore of Seville. Whether this was written by Isadore or Ephraim, the sermon was always accepted as genuine. It clearly teaches a Rapture before the Tribulation occurs. Ephraim the Syrian, AD 373 On The Last Times 2- ...because all saints and the elect of the LORD are gathered together before the Tribulation which is about to come and be taken to the LORD...
Agreed. Lee Brainard did a good job refuting the 'Pre-Trib was invented by Darby' argument 2 years ago ['Recent Pre-Trib Rapture Findings In The Early Church,' PTSG, 2021] stating, " is an easily verifiable historical fact that Darby came to believe in the pre-trib rapture in 1827 and that Margaret McDonald's rapture followed 3.5 years of tribulation." Lee used many of your quotes from the Fathers to show Pre-Trib was believed long before Darby. 👍
Thank you!! I was going to point some of these out, but hadn't had the chance. I guess Mike also forgot that Tertullian in the 2nd century also coined the term "Trinity" and kind of came up with that theological concept. It doesn't make it any less true though as scripture supports it. Also, the fact that Mike bases his summation of 1 Thess 4:16-17 on an assumption made by N.T. Wright is surprising. I expect better research in this area to be done by him. I don't understand how one could take a metaphorical approach to those verses and be "comforted" (as Paul writes) by them. While N.T. Wright is a great author, his theological and interpretive views of Pauline text are severely flawed (if not biased) for which N.T. makes many broad generalized assumptions. For example in N.T.'s work "New Prospective on Paul", he writes: "Jews like Saul of Tarsus were not interested in an abstract, timeless, ahistorical system of salvation. They were not even primarily interested in, as we say today, “going to heaven when they died.” Yet, there is no real evidence of this in the Bible or any other historical source. In fact we see the exact opposite in Hebrews 11 (which was written to the Jews). Mike also spoke about the lack of evil being in the world and the possibility of no anti-Christ when Christ returns, which Zechariah 14 and Revelation 19-20 thoroughly refutes. Hopefully Mike and others reconsider their position on this and actually research the scholars that he is using to make his points. While I love Mike and have really enjoyed many of his videos, this one was a flop for me due to the inaccurate portrayal of scripture and use of a singular (unbalanced) source to interpret scripture.
We will be caught up to meet Jesus in the air. This is biblical. Also one of the biggest signs of end times is abomination of desolation, which is the start of the tribulation.
@Galaxy Guy facts. Stay away from people who say theirs no rapture. Absolutely can’t believe this is being taught. Theirs literally a verse that directly says we will be caught up in the air.
Matthew 13 30 Let both grow together until the harvest, and at harvest time I will tell the reapers, “Gather the weeds first and bind them in bundles to be burned, but gather the wheat into my barn.” 41 The Son of Man will send his angels, and they will gather out of his kingdom all causes of sin and law-breakers, 42 and throw them into the fiery furnace. In that place tthere will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. 43 Then the righteous will shine like the sun in the kingdom of their Father. He who has ears, let him hear.
The abomination of desolation is when the Roman armies surrounded Jerusalem around 70 AD. Luke spells this out for us and it took place as prophesied. Jesus said “this generation will see it” and that equals 40 years, so 70 AD.
@@NickSandt Not being contrary. Just aligning Daniel and Matthew. Is there not a time “key” in Daniel 12 concerning the abomination of desolation ? When was the 1335 day ?
The Rapture as the left behind series describes it is concept that has been only taught for a little over a hundred years and has only become popular in the last fifty. Before the late 19th century no Christian in the world would have any idea what you were talking about.
Good video. That 3rd reason (1 Thes. 4) is a primary reason why I'm post-trib. Can't separate the rapture from the resurrection of the righteous and can't separate 5hag from His 2nd Coming. Well done, fellow Michael.
Caught up in the clouds is quite clear. The rapture is not a recent invention as it’s in Thessalonians directly and early church teachings. The pre tribulation ‘secret’ rapture is the recent invention by John Nelson Darby, but this version is rejected by many who accept the rapture doctrine
I agree. Caught up in the clouds is not some kind of metaphor. The Rapture is a real event. I am not certain that there will be a tribulation. The Postmillennial view of the End Times could be correct. I think Rapture and the resurrection of the dead are the same thing.
Is anyone else here an Atheist that loves watching IP? I will likely necer convert but I love the history and theology behind the christian religion. I can never get enough of it.
Rev. 6:10 They called out in a loud voice, “How long, Sovereign Lord, holy and true, until you judge the inhabitants of the earth and avenge our blood?” 11Then each of them was given a white robe, and they were told to wait a little longer, until the full number of their fellow servants, their brothers and sisters, e were killed just as they had been.
9:29 There’s literally other passages talking about the same event referencing meeting him in the clouds. Then Jesus himself says his angels will gather the elect.
I find it so ironic that I was thinking a lot about this topic the day before you uploaded this and I kept looking around on your channel if you had uploaded anything pertaining to the rapture yet I found nothing! And now all of a sudden you upload something today! Wow!
Great video. I never read the "left behind" so always found this belief in a rapture rather strange. Thanks for including an explanation as well as a rebuttal.
I have been teaching that the Rapture and the Resurrection of the Dead in Christ are the same event since the late eighties. YAH BLESS THOSE who continue to search for the TRUTH
@@tribulationinstitute : Not quite complete nor accurate. The 1st Resurrection consists of THREE distinct phases: 1) The Old Testament overcomers who arose when Jesus was resurrected. 2) At The Rapture when the dead overcomers PRECEDE the living overcomers to meet Jesus in the air. 3) The Tribulation saints who gave their lives for the faith. They are all part of the FIRST resurrection. THAT is the complete "roll call" if you will for the FIRST resurrection.
@@tribulationinstitute : Thank you for telling me so quickly how intellectually dishonest you are. Also, it is very revealing that while you try to sound so holy and spiritual, the fact remains that you have never actually studied a Bible in your entire life. Otherwise you would never had acted so dismissive of a very clear explanation of the first resurrection. Enjoy the Great Tribulations you so richly deserve. You're given a fair chance. Goodbye.
1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 We are caught up in the air in the clouds at the second coming. In the air and in the clouds is exactly what it states but yes I agree that prior to this event, that there will be no rapture, but rather at the second coming only. There is so much in the air and clouds terminology to deny that is what will happen when Jesus returns. Also the fact that the dead have been raised and are up in the air, shows we will go up also in the following verses. It doesn’t say that they will be coming down to be with us, but rather, that we will be up with them after, as they are first to go up. Love your context btw
There is no such thing as the rapture! In the 1800s a man, completely on his own, with no authority at all except his own idea, wrote and sold a book in which he replaced a word in 1 Thess. 4:17, which correctly translated from the Greek, means a "carrying up" with the word "rapture". There must have been a market for such nonsense (as has been proven even today), because later another man wrote and sold a book on the same subject. (If in doubt, check it on Google!) People should read the scriptures for themselves instead of listening to what the Lord called "the doctrines of men."
Eagerly waiting for this video from the day when I saw the poster on TH-cam. Thank you IP for the video, your teachings are really inspiring and life-changing. Really love the way you explain. Keep on posting such eye opening videos. God bless you Man!!
I love the Left Behind series - great books. However, i think youve convinced me to be postmil now. Gotta do some of my own research, but seems convincing to me so far. I didnt know it was a "new" idea... great video!
Post-Trib, Historic Premillenialism was the view of the early church. You don't need to jump back into more twisting of sequences of Post Mil to reject this Dispensational and/or Pre/Mid Trib Rapture. Far too much baby being thrown out by ex-Dispensationals. Just be Historic!
Jesus said “If those days had not been cut short, no one would survive, but for the sake of the elect those days will be shortened . So in other words forget about the rapture were in it for the long hual . .
Thank you IP. Your wisdom and breaking down of scripture make things a little more clear to understand all while challenging 'the norm'. And the way you strike down heresy and insane conspiracies in your shorts... lol. Bless you.
@stephybabs what heresy is he promoting?He’s affirming the literal Second Coming of Jesus on the clouds, and us gathered together with Him per Matthew 24 and 1 Thessalonians 4. Now you may disagree with him, but not every disagreement is a heresy.
My mom has told me about preachers teaching this during the 90s in El Salvador and they told the people to stop studying and working because Christ was coming back so there was no reason to keep striving for something better. This is the fruit of a false doctrine.
Thanks for sharing your mom's story, too many people can't see the tangible negatives in this false teaching and think it represents Christianity when it started as a fringe strange idea not sccepted by wider christendom.
Thank you SO much for this. I first heard of the rapture when i was like twelve, and when i was told what it was, it was by far and away the most out there, ludicrous, and preposterous butchery that passes for theological exogesis I'd yet heard. Then after that point, it was as if every other self proclaimed Christian i met acted like you were insane if you DIDNT 100% Believe that the faithful get sucked up in Christ's Ye Olde vacuum cleaner instead of enduring great suffering before the end of days. Imagine a culture shock, except it spits at you and calls you a filthy Papist.
The Left Behind movies scared the HELL out of me, I was convinced that I’d come home from school and just see my families clothes laying on the floor. I wonder how bad misinterpreting the Bible and being taught about the rapture screwed up my mental process as a juvenile.
I'd like to know what in your mind Revelation is talking about when it says stars will fall from heaven, the water will be poisoned, a great battle will occur, a great earthquake that shakes every mountain and moves every island from its place.... I mean, this stuff didnt happen in 70 ad.
Postmillennial and amillennial views totally disregard what the Book of Revelation says. They turn that book into something so symbolic that it means nothing. People often start out with a set of beliefs and interpret the Bible to fit those beliefs. At the end of the day, everything is just your opinion.
Fun fact, Darby is not an example of Christian love or unity either. When he began propagating his Dispensational views even among long time friends like Benjamin Newton, Darby is responsible for disbanding the group known as the Plymouth Open Brethren and created the Exclusive Brethren, revolving around Darby’s Dispensationalism. I have met people willing to divide over Eschatology and I suppose this is a trait and attitude some people have. I believe division is inevitable over core primary doctrines, but where someone lands on Eschatology should not lead to division.
Do you believe in Jesus as your Savior? Good, you're "rapture ready". The ironic thing to me is that those who believe in a premillenialist form of rapture and end times don't realize that those who are "left behind" are the ones saved. Look to the texts where Jesus compares His coming to the days of Noah - He specifically says the flood "took away" the wicked, leaving Noah behind; and so it will be on the last day. I'm an amillennialist myself but I'll take any sort of push back against American dispensational theology.
@@stephybabs3233 "For the coming of the Son of Man will be just like the days of Noah. For as in those days before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, and they did not understand until *the flood came and took them all away;* so will the coming of the Son of Man be. Then there will be two men in the field; *one will be taken* and one will be left. Two women will be grinding at the mill; *one will be taken* and one will be left." (Matthew 24:37-41) "'There will be two women grinding at the same place; *one will be taken* and the other will be left. Two men will be in the field; *one will be taken* and the other will be left.' And answering they said to Him, 'Where, Lord?' And He said to them, 'Where the body is, there also the vultures will be gathered.'" (Luke 17:35-37) Yes, those who were taken in the flood were the ones who were destroyed; likewise those "taken" when Christ comes are the ones destroyed (see Luke's account which specifically uses the word 'destroyed'). When the disciples asked where they were taken, Jesus responded how vultures would eat the remains of said people (indicating those taken will perish).
@@stephybabs3233 To clarify, I do believe that all believers will be raised into the air with Jesus (with the destruction of the world following immediately after and then Judgement Day). My point is that, if we are to be consistent with the language Scripture uses, the "being taken" is the destruction of the world while "being left behind" is to be raised with Christ in the rapture.
@Galaxy Guy Matthew says the wicked are the ones "taken away" by the flood. Immediately after, Jesus uses the same language of being taken. Logic would follow if those taken in Noah's day were taken into punishment, so too would those taken in the Second Coming would be taken into punishment. In contrast to Matthew's language of "being taken", Luke opts for the wording of "being destroyed". The flood came and destroyed them (which Matthew calls "being taken"), the fire and brimstone destroyed Sodom (which Matthew, if he wrote about this analogy, would call "being taken"). Noah and his family are left behind on the earth as survivors, Lot is left behind outside of the city as a survivor. What your version of the Bible translates as thousands of "saints", elsewhere it is translated as thousands of "holy ones". The latter is the better translation as its referring to angels, not believers. This is more consistent of Scripture as Rev 5:11 refers to the angels around the throne as "myriads of myriads, thousands of thousands." In Daniel 7:10, "thousands upon thousands were attending Him, myriads of myriads." In Matthew 25:31, "When the Son of Man comes in His glory, and all the angels with Him, then He will sit on His glorious throne." The book of Zechariah is full of apocalyptic literature aka dramatic symbolism of the end times. I interpret Zech 14 as the Church being heavily persecuted until Jesus comes and provides salvific escape; not literally Jesus resting upon the Mount of Olives and it being split in two. Again, the "holy ones" here denote angels.
Your videos continue to help me see God more clearly and with more deeper understanding. May God continue to use you to help fulfill the great commission.
I always watch this videos a few hours after they're out,but I'll say that they've not been late to giving me more and broader perspective on these matters.
This is great. Good information. I came to the amillennial position after a friend who was really into teaching a premillennial and dispensational eschatology to people (he was really passionate about it) and was teaching me as a new believer. At first I was super excited and it seemed things were clicking and I was starting to see how it all fit together. But as I continued to read my bible I kept running into these holes in that teaching that couldn't be reconciled with what I was clearly seeing in the bible. So first the bible exposed the holes in that position and then over time as I kept studying, those holes started to be filled in and a proper framework started to form. The first hole that I saw was the seperation of a rapture and Christs return. I kept seeing in scripture that it seemed to happen at the same time. Not two different comings of Christ but one. 1 Thessalonians 4 and 1 Corinthians 15 were obviously the same event though they highlight different aspects of the retun. And over and over I would see the teaching that these things would happen on the last Day. And then how dispensational premillennials stress the litteral interpretation of the thousand years in Revelation 20. But even in the immediate context of that passage all the other symbols like the chain and key they were interpreting symbolically. But they stress the litteral 1000 years. But theres many passages in scripture elsewhere that use the number 1000 and every single one of them is meant to convey a large number or a long period ot time. Every one that I have fond at least. I find that the dispensational premillennial view, though it claims literal interpretation, actually compromises its own hermeneutic by having to interpret some very clear passages for the sake of trying to uphold its literal interpretation of a very clearly symbolic passage. Anyway I am now a very convinced amillennial. But I do go to a dispensational premillennial church and I love my pastor and I love my church. My pastor went to Master's Seminary and went to John MacArthurs church as a teen and young man and he is a very good preacher and teacher and I do not think these are areas that should divide believers. Im very grateful for the friendship between RC Sproul and John MacArthur that modeled this for me very well. They were very close and yet held to some differing positions. And yes some of these things can affect where we go to church but it should not affect our love and comradery with one another. It has definitely been a learning experience for me and stll have a lot of growing to do.
There's no rapture only the second coming of Jesus when Jesus comes for His church on the last day of earths history after the the tribulation of the plagues. Just like the Hebrews in Egypt were protected from the plagues. So also will it be for the church as they will go through the end time tribulation of the plagues. Jesus will protect His church from the plagues. The end time tribulation is all about the plagues dealing with the wicked it has nothing to do with harming the church. Jeremiah 25:33, "And the slain of the LORD shall be at that day from one end of the earth even unto the other end of the earth: they shall not be lamented, neither gathered, nor buried; they shall be dung upon the ground." 2 Thessalonians 1:7-9, "And to you who are troubled rest with us, when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels, In flaming fire taking 𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐆𝐨𝐝, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ: Who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of his power;" Chris, So when does this take place? In 2 Thessalonians is "when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels." Christ, this is Jesus second coming. It also says "And to you who are troubled rest with us, when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven." This tells us that the church is present at Jesus second coming. And the wicked "shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord."
This has been an incredibly interesting series, Mr. Jones. I hadn't been aware of the Emperor parallel Paul was making in regards to the Resurrection of the Dead, but it makes a lot more sense that the Rapture would be centered on the joy of Christ's return, and not the doom most people think... it's also worth noting that many people who use Daniel to affirm the events surrounding the doom and gloom Rapture don't realize that many of Daniel's prophecies at the end are referring to Christ's First Coming.
If you have not heard any alternate view till now, and I don't KNOW your age, that is still "interesting" for lack of a better word. The pre-tib position is found in numerous passages.
@@nostalgia_junkie From reading some of the comments below, several have stated that this guy POORLY represents the pre-trib position...props up a few straw men, & really misrepresents several things. The 'ole "DARBY" argument is as bogus as a $3 bill for one. All the best to you in your search for truth, *MARANATHA!*
You seem to believe that before the coming of Jesus there won't be an antichrist, THE ONE coming, but the Bible is quite clear on this, let no one deceive you by any mean. 2 Thessalonians 2 King James Version 2 Now we beseech you, brethren, * by the coming of our Lord Jesus* Christ, and by our gathering together unto him, 2 That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand. 3 *Let no man deceive you by any means*: for that day *shall not come*, except there come a falling away *first*, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; 4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God. 5 Remember ye not, that, when I was yet with you, I told you these things? 6 And now ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time. 7 For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way. 8 And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy *with the brightness of his coming:* It's quite clear, the antichrist comes first then the Lord at his coming destroy him. If he says concerning this " let no man deceive you by any means" it must be important.
Thanks, IP, for addressing this often misunderstood topic. That N.T. Wright article that you cited - Farewell to the Rapture - as well as a few videos of him talking about what he refers to as, “life after life after death” (i.e. the new heaven and new earth) helped to elucidate my misconceptions about the end times, when I was doing thorough research on this subject, about seven years ago. I would recommend to anyone who reads this to watch the following videos: Rethinking Life After Death (NT Wright) N.T. Wright on Heaven & Rapture Theology
This was helpful, but I’m leaving a little confused. What you describe as the Second Coming _is_ what some people mean by the Rapture. Unless “Rapture” means only the living chosen are taken to heaven as the world descends in chaos without Jesus’s physical return to Earth, which wasn’t clearly stated, the idea of a ‘catching away’ as part of the larger unfolding eschatological timeline seems scriptural. There were lots of things that we focus on now that the early church wouldn’t have focused on; since the return of Christ was understood to be at hand, I doubt it would be at the center of any clarifying discussion, and probably faded in importance to the very imminent reality of Christian martyrdom.
I love this channel but this one is utter, complete garbage. A 'rapture' is cleary taught in scripture by the APOSTLE Paul. I Thessalonians 4:17. The reading is very, very plain. That's a rapture - for sure. What type and when is anyone's guess. I see nothing in scripture that precludes a pre-trib rapture, then a tribulation and then an earthly second coming. Certainly IP's guess doesn't seem any more or probable than that option. All of the 'expert' opinions, comments, and fluff around the Thessalonians section of the video is just meanderings with little evidence.
I agree. 1 Thessalonians 4:16-18 is definitely describing a Rapture event Caught up in the air is not some kind of metaphor. I think the Rapture is the same thing as the resurrection. I tend to believe in the soul sleep doctrine. If you combine soul sleep with Rapture, everybody experiences the Rapture just before they die. All Christians enter heaven at the same time. When is the Rapture? It is the moment just before you die.
As a cradle Catholic when I look at all these doctrines outside our Church I cannot fathom how people can be taken in and believe in stuff like ‘rapture doctrine’ I don’t understand why all these churches don’t stop for a second and ask themselves why they all make the claim to be lead by the Holy Spirit, yet are all pulling away from each other in different directions due to their doctrines… All I see is mass confusion and I know for definite that the Holy Spirit does not creat confusion.. the Father of confusion and lies is Satan.. Not the Holy Spirit of God. Their is a reason why The Father Son and Holy Spirit are one.. There is a reason why Jesus prayed for unity of Faith . One Church Lead and Guided by the Spirit of Truth.. we talk about God being One God with Three Natures.. Yet Unified in Purpose, Thought and Word.. all this splintering of belief goes against Gods purpose and intention for his Church and if it goes against God’s intention and purpose then we can be assured it is not caused by God which leads me then to believe it’s the Devils Work.. the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church is the Church that Jesus started.. it’s the only Church that’s been here from the beginning.. God is calling you to come home to his Church where you will find the Truth of God in his REAL Word.. where you will be taught Scripture in the way it was designed to be taught . As the Apostles Taught.. in the Oral tradition..
You mean like IP as well as the Catholic church believing in human evolution that man and apes shared a common ancestor? I'm 100% sure the early church didn't believe in and taught that. Also people takes the phase "God is not the author of confusion" out of context and failed to realize Paul's play on words. This phrase was in reference of speaking in tongues which was a temporary reversal of God CONFUSING man's language at the tower of Babel. At the tower of Babel God was the author of confusion .... thus Paul's play on words. In the church God is not the author of confusion as He reverse the confusion God created at Babel so the gospel could be spread quickly throughout the Roman Empire.
1 Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. 2 In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. 3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.
then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so shall we ever be with the Lord.
This is one of the main problems with so-called "Christianity" and why so many laugh at, make fun of, and don't take it seriously. Everyone has a thought / view / interpretation / understanding, and, everyone thinks that their thought / view / interpretation / understanding is the right & correct one. The even have their pet / select Scripture verses, many of which are taken out of context, they use in order to support their claims. One would think that, if 'God' were real & truly cared, He would have communicated everything in such a way that no one would be able to question it's authenticity, what was said, and what it meant - no matter how many people tried to discredit / disprove it.
The idea that the rapture is a late belief in Christianity is just not true. There are clear examples from the early church documenting a belief in a pre-tribulation rapture. For example From Pseudo-Ephraem, as early as the 4th century: “Why therefore do we not reject every care of earthly actions and prepare ourselves for the meeting of the Lord Christ, so that he may draw us from the confusion, which overwhelms the world?” “For all the saints and elect of God are gathered, prior to the tribulation that is to come, and are taken to the Lord lest they see the confusion that is to overwhelm the world because of our sins.”
But, But my pastor told me...!.!.!.😂 Great insight Ip. We were always taught that "We" were wanting to be one of the ones taken and not left behind lol. How Ironic the ones taken are being taken into Judgement 😂..
The rapture is not in the Bible. Get ready for some plagues. Revelation 22:18-19 I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: if anyone adds to them, God will add to him the plagues described in this book, Get - it.
Ok you make a very good arguments to deceive the uneducated non studying Christian. But you fail to take into account the prophet Elijah being taken up to heaven in a chariot of fire (2nd kings 2:2-4) as well as Enoch being so close to God during his journey with God that God took him (genesis 5:21-24). Though they both weren't in danger but that is a rapture. Let's move over to the book of John when Jesus states to his disciples that he had to go back to Heaven and while He is in Heaven He would prepare a place for us then he would return and receive us to himself.( John 14:1-3) the word place is means to dwell in the greek subtuigent. And word receive is the same action word to describe taken. So yes this too is another verse that teaches about the rapture. So now that we have concluded there will be a rapture. Let's dive in the timing of the rapture and we find the timing of the rapture to be found in the book of in Isaiah chapter 26 verses 20 and 21. We see the Lord tells his saints to go into your chambers and shut the door. This is during the judgement that God pours out His wrath upon the earth. Wrath is during the tribulation period. So BEFORE He would would pour out His wrath He gathers His saints to be kept safe from the wrath. So that would mean that the rapture would take place BEFORE the tribulation period. So in conclusion we all with a level headed understanding of what scripture actually teaches about the rapture is that the rapture will occur in the history of humanity at some point in time and if you still choose not to believe the truth that will save His saints from harm then. I suggest you sincerely sit down reevaluate what you truly believe about God. Cause remember God is still God, He can and will do anything he pleases and nothing we say or do with our imputent minds can ever conceive about will ever change God's plans and mind.
It will happen at Christ second coming at the end of the tribulation of the plagues, on the last day of earths history. No one gets left behind because the wicked and the earth is destroyed the same day. And yes, the church goes through the tribulation of the plagues.
@@virtualzhbl I mean the very fact I gave scripture you still have decided to throw scripture out the window. Which begs the question I have to ask, which side are you truly on, God or satan?
Thank you for speaking the truth of scripture I have often thought this way but didn’t know how to explain it… now I can just share this video and play it in service because I have a lot of people including family that want Jesus to rapture His church but after reading the scriptures in context I come to the same conclusion you did… not in a future rapture but a GLORIOUS COMING OF OUR GOD AND KING!!!! Praise our Holy God Jesus the Christ
Yooo this is hilarious, he allegorize everything to fit his interpretation. The Bible clearly talks about Daniels 70th week and the antichrist, Mark of the beast. But he said the future doesnt look that bad??? Lean not on your own understanding or scholars all the time.
@@TheDigitalMissionary ….while Panera Bread, Amazon One and JP Morgan roll out Face and Palm scanners for payment, at the same time the ‘Improving Digital Identity Act, was passed by the US Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee last week in a vote of 11-1. Keep your symbolism.
@TheDigitalMissionary hahahahaha You guys are hilarious 😂. That's why I don't trust this modern interpretation of the Bible these days. You guys make God dependent on us to get prophecy fulfilled, last time i checked he doesn't depend on anyone. Trying to fit God's words to the acceptance of man. quoting and parroting these scholars like their God. Ridiculous and shameful 😒 1 Corinthians 2:13-14 (KJV) Which things also we speak, not in the words which man's wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost teacheth; comparing spiritual things with spiritual. But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.
I’ve been watching your videos for the past week. Thank you for defending our Christian faith so well (even though you’re not Catholic 😇) I highly recommend reading the Early Church Fathers & documents if you haven’t done so, Ignatius of Antioch, the Didache, Clement of Rome, St. Polycarp, Irenaeus of Lyon, Justin Martyr, et al. These among other things convinced me of the truth of Catholicism. In any case, God bless you & your work.🙏❤️
When Jesus is talking about the “Two in the Bed, one will be taken, one left” in Matthew 24:40 he is obviously referring to a time when it’s relatively normal on earth and “then” sudden destruction comes. It will just be like Lot in sodom and Noah in the flood. Both were total destruction. Both Lot and Noah with their families were saved. He is obviously comparing to this moment as a taking away of the righteous before this event happens. Not the wicked. Any Christian that reads Revelation should understand that when Christ comes back at his second coming, billions of people have already died. Gods 7 bowls, thunders, seals, and vials have all poured out. Mark of the beast has happened. The anti-christ is reigning in Jerusalem wagging war. The world is turned literally upside down. Barely holding on. Christ has to cut time short because “no flesh will be left alive” But sure. Yeah. People are eating and drinking. Marrying. And working the fields at his second coming. Sadly. I think not. Logically again this is wrong. This is referring to a time before great tribulation, and destruction. Which could only be “Jakobs” trouble. The 70th week. The time dedicated to Israel by God because they rejected Christ. The rapture isn’t some loose, goose fantasy idea that came from Darby. Early church fathers spoke of this and we have sound biblical typologies of people being taken away already with out dying. Enoch, Elijah were taken. Paul and John went to the third heaven. Lot was taken out of Sodom. Noah in the ark. God never changes. He stays the same. What has been done will be done again. Please, do your research. Don’t just assume. It does a great disservice to the body of Christ. Please be a wise virgin. The Lord is coming quickly. Don’t be caught asleep thinking we will go through the great tribulation. He will be coming for a spotless Bride. God bless.
This is my 2nd comment. I was wondering if anyone could pray for my big sister? Her name is Mercedes and she is going through a hell of pretty much her own making. She just had a miscarriage and she is doing dr*gs and is in a horrible relationship. We also found out that she almost got trafficked and is being severely stalked. Please pray for her salvation and safety. Thank you very much and God bless each and every one of you.❤🙏
Sounds like she needs a big brother (even if she is the big sister) in her life to set her and whomever she's involved with straight.
Unless she's actually married, in which case, it's not your business nor problem anymore.
Will pray.
Hello sister my name is Sabrina and I’d love to pray a prayer for Mercedes by the sounds of everything your sis is going through the lord is trying to get ahold of her but the enemy is a liar and he comes to Rob kill and destroy lives so we claim Mercedes father we claim her salvation lord Jesus we ask that you will do the impossible and turn this situation she is battling around father God turn this around and use this for her good lord just like you did me father God a drug addict of 7 yrs you used my addiction to reach others Lord I give you all of the honor and all of the glory Lord I ask that you will touch this whole family bring healing bring peace and bring restoration in your MIGHTY NAME HALLELUJAH THANK YOU JESUS . 🫶🏼
IP, thank you so much for these last few videos. It's not an overstatement to say they completely changed my faith (for the better). I grew up in an ultra-fundamentalist church and was terrified of the future. Even coming out of that I wasn't totally sure what to think about the end times. These last few videos have opened my eyes and I've been digging deeper into post-millennialism theology. Optimism about the future is far more edifying and makes me even more passionate about sharing the gospel. So again, thank you!
That is great to hear, thank you.
New World Order would come eventually and I think the worst would happen.
Just prepare for the worst, just in case.
@@InspiringPhilosophy I have seen you over at Dan Mclellan. You were doing great. I was actually the guy who posted his video in your comment section. I found it great that you responded to that video. A few weeks ago I shared one of your videos in his comment section. That was your video on 2.Kings 3. Dr. McClellan had claimed that the text implies that Jahweh was defeated by Chemosh. I responded by sharing your video in his comment section. Prior to that I did not witness him responding to any of your videos. If there was any provocation I fully accept the blame for that.
@@InspiringPhilosophy You are 100% wrong.
The apostle Paul taught and believed in a pre-Tribulation rapture of the Church it was NOT invented by Darby.
I can't believe that you are so blind to this fact.
If you were truly saved the Holy Spirit within you should be correcting you about such a thing, so it's either you don't have the Holy Spirit, or you are ignoring the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit has confirmed to me that the pre-Tribulation rapture of the Church is going to happen and the scriptures back that fact up even if you don't see it for yourself.
@@danielblair4413 So after watching the video and having all the scripture evidence you still insist on believing the pre tribulation rapture lie? Why is that?
I wasn't raised a believer but I've had this lifelong feeling that can't be explained away by science or technology. So I always looked for answers. Thank you for for what you do in giving me some of the answers!
That’s amazing, God is calling to you!!! Praying for you ❤❤
I am sorry to annoy you, but what feeling exactly? I am making a compilation of those miraculous events so it could be useful. Thanks
Hope that you have realized and accepted God calling you. Jesus standing your door and knocking. I hope you have opened the door and invited him in.
What feeling?
Great video. I was a pre-trib rapture believer myself for 24 years until I decided to seriously study it. At the moment, I lean amillennial, but whatever the case, I do think the most accurate understanding of the rapture is as you explained: those who are dead will be resurrected, and, along those still alive, will welcome Christ in the air and escort him to the earth.
All prophesies of Christ's first coming were fulfilled literally. How do you figure He will fulfill His second coming prophesies?
@@Brian_L_A I'm not sure exactly what you are asking. Are you referring to the 1,000 years specifically? There are many examples in the Bible where numbers were not meant literally.
What about the non-christians and those who specifically rejected the gospel?
well in my opinion, A-Millenial is worse than Pre-millenial view.
Man, this caused some sleepless nights when the left behind books first came out 😂
That sounds a lot like trauma to me…sorry you had to go through that!
You’re lucky you didn’t have to the grind house rapture movies in the late 70s lol
The whole rapture thing always seemed like wishful thinking, but then so does the view that the whole world will be converted to Christianity. That’s even more far-fetched, especially in the current climate of more and more people abandoning any faith whatsoever.
@@scottylamm9673 I remember watching A thief in the night movie as a kid back in the day.
Ask yourself, are Christians appointed to wrath?
I grew up with rapture teachings, it's alway sat oddly with me. Hearing you put it into context makes more sense to me.
NO. That Greek word literally means body suddenly taken. This video is incorrect
@@sandypeters2257 really?
@sandypeters How does that contradict anything in this video?
Meeting Christ in the air still involves a “harpatzo” per 1 Thessalonians 4:17, his point is that this is not done leaving pilot-less planes and cars in their wake, but is at Jesus’ coming, they meet Him in the air and then come back with Him escorting Him to earth (“the Lord comes with thousands and thousands of His holy ones”).
Thank you IP for these videos, honestly they've helped us (wife and I) So much! we've been watching a video together most nights and they've blessed our lives greatly. They have helped us to focus less on ourselves and what we get out of Christianity, and into wanting to love Christ for who he is and because it's our the only true purpose in our lives. As well as reigniting our desire to let God use us however he sees fit to take part in the great commision! To sow the seeds and help expand his kindom! What an honor to be able to be part of that with Him.
Byzantine Catholic here(Eastern Christian) and I genuinely love you and you’re content bro. I will pray for you! I hope one day we can commune together and share the Eucharist! God bless you!
Yes, let's let God take care of the end. He's got it covered. Whether there is a rapture or not is none of our concern. Ours is to spread the Gospel.
Yes. And don't force it on people.
Absolutely Correct. It has no bearing or affect on a person's salvation & eternal destiny.
Look forward to listening this evening. I appreciate your work, it's been nice to relisten to some of your older videos and ruminate while rocking the newborn.
Thank you
Be ready the LORD is coming
" And therefore, when in the end the Church shall be SUDDENLY CAUGHT UP FROM THIS, it is said, “There shall be tribulation such as has not been since the beginning, neither shall be.”(2) For this is the last contest of the righteous, in which, when they overcome they are crowned with incorruption.”
- Against Heresies, Book 5, 5. 29
~Irenaeus (AD 130 - 202)
@justingary5322The rapture is un-Biblical.
Yes, the Lord our God is coming and it is God alone who decides when he(God himself) will come. The Lord is coming, but not the un-biblical rapture and only God knows. ✝️🇻🇦
Thank you IP. I literally got worse panic attacks and severe depression and horror from all these teachings. I could never understand why a loving God made it all so scary. This really makes me feel better and less scared.
People often forget Revelation 1:3: "God blesses the one who reads the words of this prophecy to the church, and he blesses all who listen to its message and obey what it says, for the time is near." Revelation is a blessing. God wins. If you worship him, your on the winning team. If you don't worship God, then things really don't go well for you in Revelation.
@@jeremybeavon4476 , Amen!
That’s basically what this teaching does, it fills you with fear and no assurance, truly anti biblical.
@Christopher Herndon you are literally doubting my salvation for calling out what the doctrine of the rapture does. If you believe it I still consider you a brother and in no instance I have rejected the second coming of Christ. It is my hope that Christ comes again. But saying that people are going to disappear out of nowhere it does give anxiety and many Christians have experienced that but the Second Coming of Christ gives me hope.
@Christopher Herndon the Church in all its confessions believe in the Second Coming not a secret rapture.
I never fully believed in the rapture because something about it always seemed off. Thanks for the clarification.
Yes, like when has God ever taken His people out of tribulation? He has seen them through it to strengthen them & for them to be a witness to the world.
Because* not “but”
" And therefore, when in the end the Church shall be SUDDENLY CAUGHT UP FROM THIS, it is said, “There shall be tribulation such as has not been since the beginning, neither shall be.”(2) For this is the last contest of the righteous, in which, when they overcome they are crowned with incorruption.”
- Against Heresies, Book 5, 5. 29
~Irenaeus (AD 130 - 202)
In his work, The Last Times - Two, Ephraim wrote:
"See to it that this sentence be not fulfilled among you of the prophet who declares: “Woe to those who desire to see the day of the Lord!” For all the saints and elect of God are gathered, prior to the tribulation that is to come, and are taken to the Lord lest they see the confusion that is to overwhelm the world because of our sins. And so, brothers most dear to me, it is the eleventh hour, and the end of the world comes to the harvest, and angels, armed and prepared, hold sickles in their hands, awaiting the empire of the Lord."
In the works Treatise of Cyprian he wrote:
"We who see that terrible things have begun, and know that still more terrible things are imminent, may regard it as the greatest advantage to depart from it as quickly as possible. Do you not give God thanks, do you not congratulate yourself, that by an early departure you are taken away, and delivered from the shipwrecks and disasters that are imminent? Let us greet the day which assigns each of us to his own home, which snatches us hence, and sets us free from the snares of the world and restores us to paradise and the kingdom."
WHAT IS GOING ON WITH YOU PEOPLE? The rapture is the resurrection of the dead in Christ, no matter where you place the timing of it. If you deny the rapture you deny your own resurrection. Yet that is word for word what many people here are saying..."I no longer believe in the rapture".....WHAT????? You just denied the entire faith and your own Resurrection. If there is no Resurrection then our faith is in vain and we have no hope!
@The Lion and his lamb they love the knowledge of man, that can't comprehend the things of the Spirit, in their minds it doesn't make since or they can't understand it therefore it isn't true.
1 Timothy 4:1 (KJV) Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;
"Let's put this distraction behind us and get back to what is important".❤ Thank you for this.
It's not a distraction it's the Blessed hope
No pre-tribulation in my bible. The temple of God has been established 3 days after Jesus died on the cross: Jesus the head of the body, which comprises of repented believers.
Believers already reign on earth. Not a future event. Believers WILL go through the great tribulation, if they are still alive, obviously.
And not only that, but we also glory IN TRIBULATIONS, knowing that tribulation produces perseverance;
Romans 5:3 NKJV
Do you not know that you are (ALREADY) the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?
I Corinthians 3:16 NKJV
Or do you not KNOW that your BODY IS THE TEMPLE of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own?
I Corinthians 6:19 NKJV
And what agreement has the temple of God with idols? For YOU ARE the temple of the living God. As God has said: “I will dwell IN THEM And walk among them. I will be their God, And they shall be My people.”
II Corinthians 6:16 NKJV
Therefore they are (already) before the throne of God, and serve Him day and night in His temple. And He who sits on the throne will dwell among them.
Revelation 7:15 NKJV
Jesus' own words:
For then there will be GREAT TRIBULATION, such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no, NOR EVER SHALL BE.
And unless those days were shortened, no flesh would be saved; but for the ELECT’s sake those days will be shortened. “Then if anyone says to you, ‘Look, here is the Christ!’ or ‘There!’ DO NOT BELIEVE IT. For FALSE christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, EVEN THE ELECT. “Therefore if they say to you, ‘Look, He is in the desert!’ DO NOT go out; or ‘Look, He is in the inner rooms!’ DO NOT BELIEVE IT.
Matthew 24:22-24, 26 NKJV
Absolutely Correct. It has no bearing or affect on a person's salvation & eternal destiny.
Thank you SO much! I have always been taught and always thought that the future was going to be so terrible and horrifying. This makes SO much more sense! My mom and I are very grateful for these videos! No one wants to change their mindset and think about all of the facts to make a better assessment of things. Thanks!
People often forget Revelation 1:3: "God blesses the one who reads the words of this prophecy to the church, and he blesses all who listen to its message and obey what it says, for the time is near." Revelation is a blessing. God wins. If you worship him, your on the winning team. If you don't worship God, then things really don't go well for you in Revelation.
i still believe things are getting worse and will continue doing so until Christ returns
Here's some quotes by the early church fathers for a pretrib rapture...compliments of Ken Johnson's book "Ancient Church Fathers.” These quotes come long before Darby.
Irenaeus, AD 170
Against Heresies 5.29 -
When in the end that church will suddenly be caught up from this, it is said, “There will be tribulation such as not been since the beginning, nor will be.”
Tertullian, AD 207
Against Marcion 5.16 -
He [Paul] says those who remain unto the coming of Christ, along with the dead in Christ, will rise first, being “caught up in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air.” ...By the mouth of Isaiah, it was said long ago “who are these who fly like clouds unto me, as doves with their young ones?”
One quote from the author of the Shepherd of Hermas, two quotes by Cyprian, and one quote by Ephraim the Syrian reveal that at least some of the ancient church fathers were Pretribulationists.
Shepherd of Hermas The Shepherd of Hermas was written about AD 150. It describes a dream and gives the interpretation of it. The church (bride clothed in white) escapes the Great Tribulation because of the promise of the Lord. This is not to be considered Scripture, but it does show that many second century Christians believed in a Pretribulational Rapture.
Shepherd of Hermas, AD 150 Shepherd of Hermas 2.2-6 -
Go therefore and declare to the Elect of the Lord His mighty deeds and say to them that this beast is a type of the Great Tribulation which is to come. If ye therefore prepare yourselves and with your whole heart turn to the Lord in repentance, then shall ye be able to escape it, if your heart is pure and blameless… the golden color stands for you who have escaped from this world… Now ye know the symbol of the Great Tribulation to come. But if ye are willing, it shall be nothing.
Cyprian Cyprian was bishop of Carthage about AD 250. Notice he did not teach we must endure the time of the Antichrist, but we will be “delivered” from it. He tells his readers that the coming resurrection was the hope of the Christian, and points out that the Rapture should motivate us as we see the last days approaching.
Cyprian, AD 250 Treatises of Cyprian 21-26 -
We who see that terrible things have begun, and know that still more terrible things are imminent, may regard it as the greatest advantage to depart from it as quickly as possible. Do you not give God thanks, do you not congratulate yourself, that by an early departure you are taken away, and delivered from the shipwrecks and disasters that are imminent? Let us greet the day which assigns each of us to his own home, which snatches us hence, and sets us free from the snares of the world, and restores us to paradise and the kingdom. Epistle 55 - The Antichrist is coming, but above him comes Christ also. The enemy goes about and rages, but immediately the Lord follows to avenge our suffering and our wounds. The adversary is enraged and threatens, but there is One who can deliver us from his hands. Ephraim the Syrian This next quote is from a work entitled Pseudo-Ephraim. It has the title pseudo, not because anyone doubted the sermon, but because when quoted later, two historians said it was Ephraim the Syrian who wrote it, and one historian said it was Isadore of Seville. Whether this was written by Isadore or Ephraim, the sermon was always accepted as genuine. It clearly teaches a Rapture before the Tribulation occurs.
Ephraim the Syrian, AD 373
On The Last Times 2-
...because all saints and the elect of the LORD are gathered together before the Tribulation which is about to come and be taken to the LORD...
@Justin Gary Justin, I just gave a whole host of examples of pre trib positions from the early church. Pre trib has undeniable been a well known view since the very beginning of the church yet you continue to falsely claim its a new position.
No one is telling you you have to believe in it, but at least be honest about the fact that it is NOT a new position, its been there since the very beginning of the church age and multiple of the most famous church fathers wrote of it.
The simple fact is the Roman Catholic church embraced Amillennialism and post trib and they dominated the narrative on this subject for almost 1500 years as they did nearly ALL church doctrines. When the reformation happened many of the early church doctrines began to re-emerge on a whole host of subjects lie salvation by faith alone, the trinity and others including pre millennial and pre trib.
These positions are not new, they were well know and well documented by the earliest church fathers.
Oh, there's gonna be a lot of angry comments when you drop this one, IP! xD
God bless.
Angry commenter here, 👋😆
I’m not sure a solid distinction was made between what he was addressing as “Rapture” and what is clearly addressed in scripture as “the Second Coming.” It didn’t help that he said a fairly vivid description of the Lord’s return was just allusive imagery.
Thank you man. I live in a city in South Africa that is overrun with mystical charismatics, the rapture is sacred doctrine to them, it seems on par with the Deity of Christ. Years ago someone challenged me to prove the rapture from the bible, I took the challenge and ended up abandoning that false, baseless doctrine completely, this caused many to accuse me of being "faithless" and "infected with theology" (whatever that means😅). This was a great treatment of this subject.
Yes there is a falling away prior to the rapture. I hope you do your own research more intentionally there is too much at stake to rely on one-sided opinions ❤
You don't seem to understand what you're saying yourself.
So, I don't even know where to help correct you.
However, I also stand with it that there's no rapture in the way it is generally portrayed, at least not very solid based on the scripture.
@@emmanuel8310 maybe read my comment again, but slowly? English is not my first language so if I make some grammatical or spelling mistakes that could be why....
The rapture is real and is going to happen, pray to be made worthy….
@@taniadenise5145 you have the right to believe what you want to. God bless you!
Interesting stuff to ponder on. I’ve been dispensational all my life. This stuff is starting to make MUCH more sense in this gentleman’s context. Thank you.
I read one book that showed how un-Biblical Dispensationalism is, called End Times Fiction by Gary DeMar. Changed my perspective.
Looking for our Lord’s return is not a distraction it is a command!
We do not know the day or the hour for a reason…one looks forward to it, as in one rests in the fact that it will happen at the right time, not when we think it should. Sophie Scholl knew what this meant.
“Many people think of our times as being the last before the end of the world. The evidence of horror all around us makes this seem possible. But isn't that an idea of only minor importance? Doesn't every human being, no matter which era he lives in, always have to reckon with being accountable to God at any moment? Can I know whether I'll be alive tomorrow morning? A bomb could destroy all of us tonight. And then my guilt would not be one bit less than if I perished together with the arth and the stars.”
he's refering to the kind of people who are complacent because they think Jesus is coming any minute. I've seen this attitude many times, where Christians will sya something about the woes of the world, followed by a dismissive comment about how it doesn't matter because Jesus will be here soon. IP is worried about this attitude turning into laziness rather than Christians seeking to win more souls
@@benjaminwatt2436 - Luke 19:13 Jesus said, occupy till I come" which means stay busy in the occupation that I have given you until I come back. Paul also taught in 2 Thessalonians 2 and gave the signs before Christ return.. So even if you believe Jesus can return at any second you are not going to sit on the sidelines and just wait.
Great video IP! The rapture was something I didn't really focus on, so this really helps contextualize the end times!
The rapture is the resurrection of the saints in Christ, no matter when you place the timing. If you deny the rapture you deny your own resurrection.
@Orange6921 , yes, but at the same time, it's not something we should focus on. I would do this, and I was scared all the time. Being focused ok, it isn't good, denying it isn't good either. It's just something althat we need to keep in mind
@@ExperienceEric incorrect, as long as you have faith in Jesus and live by his love and his laws you will have eternal life and nothing can take away your salvation.
@@ghostrecon3834 Your twisting my words, I did not say you will miss the rapture I aid you are denying your won Resurrection by denying the existence of the Rapture.
Denying and missing are 2 different things.
I don't agree with every single point you make, but I highly, highly appreciate how you make them, using phrases like "Some Christians believe. . . " and the like. It is extremely important when correcting or presenting alternative Christian views on non-fundamental items, that we stay humble in our own knowledge. Thank you very much!
I agree, peoples faith can be damaged on how Christina’s respond to new believers and their child like faith in anything that has Jesus’s name attached to it
It would take a miracle from God for Christianity to spread so fast in my life time.
Early church history
Beautiful! As a catechist for over 16 years I have taught about this. I'm amazed that what you say in this video is the official catholic teaching on the subject. Most catholics are ignorant and just accept the popular rapture doctrine. I just want them to know that this video is particularly consistent with church teaching.
Church teaching? Or do you mean what scripture says?
@@Baboonfromdatoon Church teaching existed for 400 yrs before the canon of the bible was determined and it took many more centuries before those books could be printed by the newly invented Guttenberg Press in the 15th century. So for 15 centuries and more Church teaching was the sole authority on what Christian doctrine entails and that is why any interpretation of the the bible contrary to it is simply wrong.
Martin Luther's doctrine of Sola Scriptura has lead to every man being his own ultimate authority. It's a doctrine that was totally impracticable before printing was invented. Hence the massive confusion. But our Blessed Lord gave authority to His apostles, not a book. I wouldn't believe the bible if it's claims had not already been substantiated by the Sacramental power of the Church.
@@el-sig2249 So the Bible should be ignored?
@@Baboonfromdatoon Come on dude! That is an unreasonable question! Nothing in what I said suggests that. Rather your question is more of an accusation that reveals your unwillingness to understand the Catholic position on scripture. A position and teaching which existed long before the modern invention of protestantism and the new doctrine of Sola Scriptura.
Every step of Catholic worship is biblical at its core.
Most non-Catholics circulate amongst themselves what they 'think' the Catholic Church teaches and then label it 'pagan.' Trust me, they don't know the first thing!
I don't care for accusative and confrontational questions, but if you truly want to know what the Catholic Church teaches I'll be glad to assist you. Particularly in the area of Scripture I'll bet some explanations will amaze you.
@@el-sig2249 My apologies. I appreciate I did not ask such a question with honourable intentions. I shall rephrase it thusly:
What authority DOES scripture have, if the Church can over-rule it?
As someone from the UK, I never even heard of the rapture until Left Behind came out.
The authors of the Left Behind books say the books are fiction. The Church goes through the tribulation of the plagues until the last day of earths history at Jesus second coming.
Can I just say, I am so glad I found you. I don't recall how I exactly found you, but you are definatly a channel worth following. Your videos are jam packed with great information and sources, you are an inspiration for me to start back up and make my content once I settle into my new home. Thank you for all you do, God bless you indeed.
you know, I was actually trying to find a video on the rapture on your channel the other day and couldn't find it. thanks for making this great, informative content!
Revelation 22:15 Outside are the dogs, those who practice magic arts, the sexually immoral , the murderers , the idolaters and everyone who loves and practices falsehood. Lord Jesus Christ is coming soon🙏🏼❤️🕊REPENT, believe in the Gospel, Be Born Again
Between John Nelson Darby, William Miller, Charles Taze Russell, and a few others, the 1800s were a wild time in Christianity/bible beliefs
To Catholics and Orthodox, the Rapture concept is about as scripture based as the notion of "sola scriptura": it's made up by Protestants.
If anything can be gleaned from the New Testament, is that trials and tribulations are to be endured, not escaped nor avoided.
The notion is absurd and contrary to the example given by Jesus, the apostles, and Paul (all but John endured persecution and martyrdom).
I've recently been finding the idea of Christ coming back to the world completely broken as distasteful. I want to welcome him to a world made beautiful and whole with his Bride. Who knows what's actually going to take place but I'd like to see His Church begin to shape the world and work together to discover, invent, and bless.
I read the left behind books in college, when they first came out. Then I took apocalyptic lit my Junior year that changed my perspective real fast. Thanks for this video, I hope the color coded rapture chart folks see it too.
Oh the Rapture. One of the most contested views in the bible.
The first question to ask is will the Rapture happen? The answer is Yes.
1 Thessalonians 4:16-18 16 "For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first.
17 After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever.
18 Therefore encourage one another with these words"
Now comes the hard part. The question of when is the Rapture going to happen? This is where you get all the disagreements and various viewpoints
1. Historical Premillenialism
2. Dispensational Premillenialism
3. Amillennialism
4. Post millennialism
You have some that will say that it will take place before the 7 seven tribulation others say its Pre-wrath and finally the viewpoint of the Rapture and the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ being one and the same event.
I don't understand how anyone can have an alternate interpretation of 1 Thessalonians 4 than what you just described. Also, note that the video claims that once we rise in the air to meet Him, that "we will return to earth." But that isn't in the verses he reads.
@Jason R That is pre Wrath
@@Zaphod771 He explained the illustration Paul was likely using in the video. And if that’s true, it’s not in the text but rather, implied.
NT Wright is great. Really connects early Christianity to Second Temple Judaism. And he was big in helping me understand that the story is about God redeeming THIS world, not scrapping it and sending people to “Heaven” when we die. Heaven comes down to THIS world and everything is made right again.
I just thank God there’s people like Pastor Andy Woods still alive that teach the pre-trib rapture demonstrating why folks who don’t understand it, like Michael Jones, would be better off learning it more thorough before releasing videos like this.
It is absolutely insane to me that someone that is supposed to be so good at researching is still holding till the “Derby invented the rapture“ lie.
You’re better than this , Michael.
Here's some quotes by the early church fathers for a pretrib rapture...compliments of Ken Johnson's book "Ancient Church Fathers.” These quotes come long before Darby.
Irenaeus, AD 170
Against Heresies 5.29 -
When in the end that church will suddenly be caught up from this, it is said, “There will be tribulation such as not been since the beginning, nor will be.”
Tertullian, AD 207
Against Marcion 5.16 -
He [Paul] says those who remain unto the coming of Christ, along with the dead in Christ, will rise first, being “caught up in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air.” ...By the mouth of Isaiah, it was said long ago “who are these who fly like clouds unto me, as doves with their young ones?”
One quote from the author of the Shepherd of Hermas, two quotes by Cyprian, and one quote by Ephraim the Syrian reveal that at least some of the ancient church fathers were Pretribulationists.
Shepherd of Hermas The Shepherd of Hermas was written about AD 150. It describes a dream and gives the interpretation of it. The church (bride clothed in white) escapes the Great Tribulation because of the promise of the Lord. This is not to be considered Scripture, but it does show that many second century Christians believed in a Pretribulational Rapture.
Shepherd of Hermas, AD 150 Shepherd of Hermas 2.2-6 -
Go therefore and declare to the Elect of the Lord His mighty deeds and say to them that this beast is a type of the Great Tribulation which is to come. If ye therefore prepare yourselves and with your whole heart turn to the Lord in repentance, then shall ye be able to escape it, if your heart is pure and blameless… the golden color stands for you who have escaped from this world… Now ye know the symbol of the Great Tribulation to come. But if ye are willing, it shall be nothing.
Cyprian Cyprian was bishop of Carthage about AD 250. Notice he did not teach we must endure the time of the Antichrist, but we will be “delivered” from it. He tells his readers that the coming resurrection was the hope of the Christian, and points out that the Rapture should motivate us as we see the last days approaching.
Cyprian, AD 250 Treatises of Cyprian 21-26 -
We who see that terrible things have begun, and know that still more terrible things are imminent, may regard it as the greatest advantage to depart from it as quickly as possible. Do you not give God thanks, do you not congratulate yourself, that by an early departure you are taken away, and delivered from the shipwrecks and disasters that are imminent? Let us greet the day which assigns each of us to his own home, which snatches us hence, and sets us free from the snares of the world, and restores us to paradise and the kingdom. Epistle 55 - The Antichrist is coming, but above him comes Christ also. The enemy goes about and rages, but immediately the Lord follows to avenge our suffering and our wounds. The adversary is enraged and threatens, but there is One who can deliver us from his hands. Ephraim the Syrian This next quote is from a work entitled Pseudo-Ephraim. It has the title pseudo, not because anyone doubted the sermon, but because when quoted later, two historians said it was Ephraim the Syrian who wrote it, and one historian said it was Isadore of Seville. Whether this was written by Isadore or Ephraim, the sermon was always accepted as genuine. It clearly teaches a Rapture before the Tribulation occurs.
Ephraim the Syrian, AD 373
On The Last Times 2-
...because all saints and the elect of the LORD are gathered together before the Tribulation which is about to come and be taken to the LORD...
Agreed. Lee Brainard did a good job refuting the 'Pre-Trib was invented by Darby' argument 2 years ago ['Recent Pre-Trib Rapture Findings In The Early Church,' PTSG, 2021] stating, " is an easily verifiable historical fact that Darby came to believe in the pre-trib rapture in 1827 and that Margaret McDonald's rapture followed 3.5 years of tribulation." Lee used many of your quotes from the Fathers to show Pre-Trib was believed long before Darby. 👍
Thank you!! I was going to point some of these out, but hadn't had the chance. I guess Mike also forgot that Tertullian in the 2nd century also coined the term "Trinity" and kind of came up with that theological concept. It doesn't make it any less true though as scripture supports it.
Also, the fact that Mike bases his summation of 1 Thess 4:16-17 on an assumption made by N.T. Wright is surprising. I expect better research in this area to be done by him. I don't understand how one could take a metaphorical approach to those verses and be "comforted" (as Paul writes) by them.
While N.T. Wright is a great author, his theological and interpretive views of Pauline text are severely flawed (if not biased) for which N.T. makes many broad generalized assumptions. For example in N.T.'s work "New Prospective on Paul", he writes:
"Jews like Saul of Tarsus were not interested in an abstract, timeless, ahistorical system of salvation. They were not even primarily interested in, as we say today, “going to heaven when they died.”
Yet, there is no real evidence of this in the Bible or any other historical source. In fact we see the exact opposite in Hebrews 11 (which was written to the Jews).
Mike also spoke about the lack of evil being in the world and the possibility of no anti-Christ when Christ returns, which Zechariah 14 and Revelation 19-20 thoroughly refutes.
Hopefully Mike and others reconsider their position on this and actually research the scholars that he is using to make his points. While I love Mike and have really enjoyed many of his videos, this one was a flop for me due to the inaccurate portrayal of scripture and use of a singular (unbalanced) source to interpret scripture.
@@bereanthinking 💯
Andy woods is a great Bible teacher Amen!
@@BrotherDave80 Dr. Woods PPOVs (Pastors Point of View) each Friday with Dr. Jim McGowan are great too. 👍
We will be caught up to meet Jesus in the air. This is biblical. Also one of the biggest signs of end times is abomination of desolation, which is the start of the tribulation.
@mysotiras 018 instead of watching the video, go read your Bible, how’s that sound?
@Galaxy Guy facts. Stay away from people who say theirs no rapture. Absolutely can’t believe this is being taught. Theirs literally a verse that directly says we will be caught up in the air.
Matthew 13
30 Let both grow together until the harvest, and at harvest time I will tell the reapers, “Gather the weeds first and bind them in bundles to be burned, but gather the wheat into my barn.”
41 The Son of Man will send his angels, and they will gather out of his kingdom all causes of sin and law-breakers, 42 and throw them into the fiery furnace. In that place tthere will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. 43 Then the righteous will shine like the sun in the kingdom of their Father. He who has ears, let him hear.
The abomination of desolation is when the Roman armies surrounded Jerusalem around 70 AD. Luke spells this out for us and it took place as prophesied. Jesus said “this generation will see it” and that equals 40 years, so 70 AD.
Not being contrary. Just aligning Daniel and Matthew.
Is there not a time “key” in Daniel 12 concerning the abomination of desolation ?
When was the 1335 day ?
The Rapture as the left behind series describes it is concept that has been only taught for a little over a hundred years and has only become popular in the last fifty. Before the late 19th century no Christian in the world would have any idea what you were talking about.
Good video. That 3rd reason (1 Thes. 4) is a primary reason why I'm post-trib. Can't separate the rapture from the resurrection of the righteous and can't separate 5hag from His 2nd Coming. Well done, fellow Michael.
Caught up in the clouds is quite clear. The rapture is not a recent invention as it’s in Thessalonians directly and early church teachings. The pre tribulation ‘secret’ rapture is the recent invention by John Nelson Darby, but this version is rejected by many who accept the rapture doctrine
I agree. Caught up in the clouds is not some kind of metaphor. The Rapture is a real event. I am not certain that there will be a tribulation. The Postmillennial view of the End Times could be correct. I think Rapture and the resurrection of the dead are the same thing.
No Raptures,There's Only THE Struggle
Great job brother, I'm with you on this one. God bless you and your ministry!
Is anyone else here an Atheist that loves watching IP?
I will likely necer convert but I love the history and theology behind the christian religion. I can never get enough of it.
Great to have you here mate and we really appreciate your open mind. 👍
Rev. 6:10 They called out in a loud voice, “How long, Sovereign Lord, holy and true, until you judge the inhabitants of the earth and avenge our blood?” 11Then each of them was given a white robe, and they were told to wait a little longer, until the full number of their fellow servants, their brothers and sisters, e were killed just as they had been.
Makes you wonder what other novelties only developed in the last hundreds of years we should be skeptical of.
@@johnthr33 No, no it hasn't. Like I said in another comment, your interpretation of certain verses as the rapture depends on your eschatology
this is crazy i just had 2 bible classes about revelation and preterism, idealist, historicist, and futurism, this really perfect timing 🤝
9:29 There’s literally other passages talking about the same event referencing meeting him in the clouds. Then Jesus himself says his angels will gather the elect.
I find it so ironic that I was thinking a lot about this topic the day before you uploaded this and I kept looking around on your channel if you had uploaded anything pertaining to the rapture yet I found nothing! And now all of a sudden you upload something today! Wow!
Great video. I never read the "left behind" so always found this belief in a rapture rather strange. Thanks for including an explanation as well as a rebuttal.
I have been teaching that the Rapture and the Resurrection of the Dead in Christ are the same event since the late eighties. YAH BLESS THOSE who continue to search for the TRUTH
The FIRST resurrection. There is more than one.
@@wrongfullyaccused7139 Yahshua resurrected those in Abraham's Bosom when he.himself rose.
1si Resurrection
2nd when he returns
So yes 2
@@tribulationinstitute : Not quite complete nor accurate.
The 1st Resurrection consists of THREE distinct phases:
1) The Old Testament overcomers who arose when Jesus was resurrected.
2) At The Rapture when the dead overcomers PRECEDE the living overcomers to meet Jesus in the air.
3) The Tribulation saints who gave their lives for the faith.
They are all part of the FIRST resurrection.
THAT is the complete "roll call" if you will for the FIRST resurrection.
@@wrongfullyaccused7139 whatever
@@tribulationinstitute : Thank you for telling me so quickly how intellectually dishonest you are.
Also, it is very revealing that while you try to sound so holy and spiritual, the fact remains that you have never actually studied a Bible in your entire life.
Otherwise you would never had acted so dismissive of a very clear explanation of the first resurrection.
Enjoy the Great Tribulations you so richly deserve.
You're given a fair chance.
Can't get enough of your videos.. your videos have made a difference in my Walk and my understanding. Thank you
1 Thessalonians 4:16-17
We are caught up in the air in the clouds at the second coming.
In the air and in the clouds is exactly what it states but yes I agree that prior to this event, that there will be no rapture, but rather at the second coming only.
There is so much in the air and clouds terminology to deny that is what will happen when Jesus returns.
Also the fact that the dead have been raised and are up in the air, shows we will go up also in the following verses. It doesn’t say that they will be coming down to be with us, but rather, that we will be up with them after, as they are first to go up.
Love your context btw
There is no such thing as the rapture! In the 1800s a man, completely on his own, with no authority at all except his own idea, wrote and sold a book in which he replaced a word in 1 Thess. 4:17, which correctly translated from the Greek, means a "carrying up" with the word "rapture". There must have been a market for such nonsense (as has been proven even today), because later another man wrote and sold a book on the same subject. (If in doubt, check it on Google!) People should read the scriptures for themselves instead of listening to what the Lord called "the doctrines of men."
Eagerly waiting for this video from the day when I saw the poster on TH-cam. Thank you IP for the video, your teachings are really inspiring and life-changing. Really love the way you explain. Keep on posting such eye opening videos. God bless you Man!!
No one goes to heaven CHRISTS own words.
Earth was the space intended for humanity and CHRIST brings his kindom here.
I love the Left Behind series - great books. However, i think youve convinced me to be postmil now. Gotta do some of my own research, but seems convincing to me so far.
I didnt know it was a "new" idea... great video!
Post-Trib, Historic Premillenialism was the view of the early church. You don't need to jump back into more twisting of sequences of Post Mil to reject this Dispensational and/or Pre/Mid Trib Rapture. Far too much baby being thrown out by ex-Dispensationals. Just be Historic!
This video series does the research and shows all the verses: Follow The Lamb Today Crossing Over
Jesus said “If those days had not been cut short, no one would survive, but for the sake of the elect those days will be shortened .
So in other words forget about the rapture were in it for the long hual . .
Thank you IP. Your wisdom and breaking down of scripture make things a little more clear to understand all while challenging 'the norm'. And the way you strike down heresy and insane conspiracies in your shorts... lol. Bless you.
Wisdom? He is speaking heresy! Be careful who you follow.
@stephybabs what heresy is he promoting?He’s affirming the literal Second Coming of Jesus on the clouds, and us gathered together with Him per Matthew 24 and 1 Thessalonians 4. Now you may disagree with him, but not every disagreement is a heresy.
My mom has told me about preachers teaching this during the 90s in El Salvador and they told the people to stop studying and working because Christ was coming back so there was no reason to keep striving for something better. This is the fruit of a false doctrine.
Thanks for sharing your mom's story, too many people can't see the tangible negatives in this false teaching and think it represents Christianity when it started as a fringe strange idea not sccepted by wider christendom.
@@jameswitt108 exactly
Thank you SO much for this. I first heard of the rapture when i was like twelve, and when i was told what it was, it was by far and away the most out there, ludicrous, and preposterous butchery that passes for theological exogesis I'd yet heard. Then after that point, it was as if every other self proclaimed Christian i met acted like you were insane if you DIDNT 100% Believe that the faithful get sucked up in Christ's Ye Olde vacuum cleaner instead of enduring great suffering before the end of days. Imagine a culture shock, except it spits at you and calls you a filthy Papist.
The Left Behind movies scared the HELL out of me, I was convinced that I’d come home from school and just see my families clothes laying on the floor.
I wonder how bad misinterpreting the Bible and being taught about the rapture screwed up my mental process as a juvenile.
I agree with the closing statement, let's get back to what's important which is spreading the gospel to the lost.
I'd like to know what in your mind Revelation is talking about when it says stars will fall from heaven, the water will be poisoned, a great battle will occur, a great earthquake that shakes every mountain and moves every island from its place.... I mean, this stuff didnt happen in 70 ad.
Postmillennial and amillennial views totally disregard what the Book of Revelation says. They turn that book into something so symbolic that it means nothing. People often start out with a set of beliefs and interpret the Bible to fit those beliefs. At the end of the day, everything is just your opinion.
@@cherrydoctorpepper7 hey I don’t think IP has this figured out as well as he thinks he does
Fun fact, Darby is not an example of Christian love or unity either. When he began propagating his Dispensational views even among long time friends like Benjamin Newton, Darby is responsible for disbanding the group known as the Plymouth Open Brethren and created the Exclusive Brethren, revolving around Darby’s Dispensationalism. I have met people willing to divide over Eschatology and I suppose this is a trait and attitude some people have. I believe division is inevitable over core primary doctrines, but where someone lands on Eschatology should not lead to division.
Do you believe in Jesus as your Savior? Good, you're "rapture ready". The ironic thing to me is that those who believe in a premillenialist form of rapture and end times don't realize that those who are "left behind" are the ones saved. Look to the texts where Jesus compares His coming to the days of Noah - He specifically says the flood "took away" the wicked, leaving Noah behind; and so it will be on the last day. I'm an amillennialist myself but I'll take any sort of push back against American dispensational theology.
Oh no, You couldn't be further from the truth. I pray that God reveals the truth to you.
@@stephybabs3233 "For the coming of the Son of Man will be just like the days of Noah. For as in those days before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, and they did not understand until *the flood came and took them all away;* so will the coming of the Son of Man be. Then there will be two men in the field; *one will be taken* and one will be left. Two women will be grinding at the mill; *one will be taken* and one will be left." (Matthew 24:37-41)
"'There will be two women grinding at the same place; *one will be taken* and the other will be left. Two men will be in the field; *one will be taken* and the other will be left.' And answering they said to Him, 'Where, Lord?' And He said to them, 'Where the body is, there also the vultures will be gathered.'" (Luke 17:35-37)
Yes, those who were taken in the flood were the ones who were destroyed; likewise those "taken" when Christ comes are the ones destroyed (see Luke's account which specifically uses the word 'destroyed'). When the disciples asked where they were taken, Jesus responded how vultures would eat the remains of said people (indicating those taken will perish).
@@restedassurance What a strange interpretation to have. We'll just have to agree to disagree.
@@stephybabs3233 To clarify, I do believe that all believers will be raised into the air with Jesus (with the destruction of the world following immediately after and then Judgement Day). My point is that, if we are to be consistent with the language Scripture uses, the "being taken" is the destruction of the world while "being left behind" is to be raised with Christ in the rapture.
@Galaxy Guy Matthew says the wicked are the ones "taken away" by the flood. Immediately after, Jesus uses the same language of being taken. Logic would follow if those taken in Noah's day were taken into punishment, so too would those taken in the Second Coming would be taken into punishment. In contrast to Matthew's language of "being taken", Luke opts for the wording of "being destroyed". The flood came and destroyed them (which Matthew calls "being taken"), the fire and brimstone destroyed Sodom (which Matthew, if he wrote about this analogy, would call "being taken"). Noah and his family are left behind on the earth as survivors, Lot is left behind outside of the city as a survivor.
What your version of the Bible translates as thousands of "saints", elsewhere it is translated as thousands of "holy ones". The latter is the better translation as its referring to angels, not believers. This is more consistent of Scripture as Rev 5:11 refers to the angels around the throne as "myriads of myriads, thousands of thousands." In Daniel 7:10, "thousands upon thousands were attending Him, myriads of myriads." In Matthew 25:31, "When the Son of Man comes in His glory, and all the angels with Him, then He will sit on His glorious throne."
The book of Zechariah is full of apocalyptic literature aka dramatic symbolism of the end times. I interpret Zech 14 as the Church being heavily persecuted until Jesus comes and provides salvific escape; not literally Jesus resting upon the Mount of Olives and it being split in two. Again, the "holy ones" here denote angels.
Your videos continue to help me see God more clearly and with more deeper understanding. May God continue to use you to help fulfill the great commission.
I always watch this videos a few hours after they're out,but I'll say that they've not been late to giving me more and broader perspective on these matters.
Get your instructions from the Spirit and dont allow your mind to get in the way. Remember we are near the end. God bless.
This is great. Good information. I came to the amillennial position after a friend who was really into teaching a premillennial and dispensational eschatology to people (he was really passionate about it) and was teaching me as a new believer. At first I was super excited and it seemed things were clicking and I was starting to see how it all fit together. But as I continued to read my bible I kept running into these holes in that teaching that couldn't be reconciled with what I was clearly seeing in the bible. So first the bible exposed the holes in that position and then over time as I kept studying, those holes started to be filled in and a proper framework started to form. The first hole that I saw was the seperation of a rapture and Christs return. I kept seeing in scripture that it seemed to happen at the same time. Not two different comings of Christ but one. 1 Thessalonians 4 and 1 Corinthians 15 were obviously the same event though they highlight different aspects of the retun. And over and over I would see the teaching that these things would happen on the last Day. And then how dispensational premillennials stress the litteral interpretation of the thousand years in Revelation 20. But even in the immediate context of that passage all the other symbols like the chain and key they were interpreting symbolically. But they stress the litteral 1000 years. But theres many passages in scripture elsewhere that use the number 1000 and every single one of them is meant to convey a large number or a long period ot time. Every one that I have fond at least. I find that the dispensational premillennial view, though it claims literal interpretation, actually compromises its own hermeneutic by having to interpret some very clear passages for the sake of trying to uphold its literal interpretation of a very clearly symbolic passage.
Anyway I am now a very convinced amillennial. But I do go to a dispensational premillennial church and I love my pastor and I love my church. My pastor went to Master's Seminary and went to John MacArthurs church as a teen and young man and he is a very good preacher and teacher and I do not think these are areas that should divide believers. Im very grateful for the friendship between RC Sproul and John MacArthur that modeled this for me very well. They were very close and yet held to some differing positions. And yes some of these things can affect where we go to church but it should not affect our love and comradery with one another. It has definitely been a learning experience for me and stll have a lot of growing to do.
There's no rapture only the second coming of Jesus when Jesus comes for His church on the last day of earths history after the the tribulation of the plagues.
Just like the Hebrews in Egypt were protected from the plagues. So also will it be for the church as they will go through the end time tribulation of the plagues. Jesus will protect His church from the plagues. The end time tribulation is all about the plagues dealing with the wicked it has nothing to do with harming the church.
Jeremiah 25:33, "And the slain of the LORD shall be at that day from one end of the earth even unto the other end of the earth: they shall not be lamented, neither gathered, nor buried; they shall be dung upon the ground."
2 Thessalonians 1:7-9, "And to you who are troubled rest with us, when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels, In flaming fire taking 𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐆𝐨𝐝, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ: Who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of his power;"
Chris, So when does this take place? In 2 Thessalonians is "when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels." Christ, this is Jesus second coming. It also says "And to you who are troubled rest with us, when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven." This tells us that the church is present at Jesus second coming. And the wicked "shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord."
This has been an incredibly interesting series, Mr. Jones. I hadn't been aware of the Emperor parallel Paul was making in regards to the Resurrection of the Dead, but it makes a lot more sense that the Rapture would be centered on the joy of Christ's return, and not the doom most people think... it's also worth noting that many people who use Daniel to affirm the events surrounding the doom and gloom Rapture don't realize that many of Daniel's prophecies at the end are referring to Christ's First Coming.
Which view of the rapture do you prefer?
@@Tzimiskes3506 To be honest, I prefer this more uplifting version, where we're escorting our Lord and Master back to the world!
tough pill to swallow after hearing otherwise my entire life. thank you for the challenge.
If you have not heard any alternate view till now, and I don't KNOW your age, that is still "interesting" for lack of a better word. The pre-tib position is found in numerous passages.
@@Kman. grew up in word of faith/t.v. preacher/baptist circles. truly learning and taking my faith seriously in the last 2 or 3 years. i'm 22.
@@nostalgia_junkie From reading some of the comments below, several have stated that this guy POORLY represents the pre-trib position...props up a few straw men, & really misrepresents several things. The 'ole "DARBY" argument is as bogus as a $3 bill for one. All the best to you in your search for truth, *MARANATHA!*
You seem to believe that before the coming of Jesus there won't be an antichrist, THE ONE coming, but the Bible is quite clear on this, let no one deceive you by any mean.
2 Thessalonians 2
King James Version
2 Now we beseech you, brethren, * by the coming of our Lord Jesus* Christ, and by our gathering together unto him,
2 That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand.
3 *Let no man deceive you by any means*: for that day *shall not come*, except there come a falling away *first*, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;
4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.
5 Remember ye not, that, when I was yet with you, I told you these things?
6 And now ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time.
7 For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way.
8 And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy *with the brightness of his coming:*
It's quite clear, the antichrist comes first then the Lord at his coming destroy him.
If he says concerning this " let no man deceive you by any means" it must be important.
The so-called antichrist was Nero Caesar. This cannot be debunked
Thanks, IP, for addressing this often misunderstood topic. That N.T. Wright article that you cited - Farewell to the Rapture - as well as a few videos of him talking about what he refers to as, “life after life after death” (i.e. the new heaven and new earth) helped to elucidate my misconceptions about the end times, when I was doing thorough research on this subject, about seven years ago.
I would recommend to anyone who reads this to watch the following videos:
Rethinking Life After Death (NT Wright)
N.T. Wright on Heaven & Rapture Theology
This was helpful, but I’m leaving a little confused. What you describe as the Second Coming _is_ what some people mean by the Rapture. Unless “Rapture” means only the living chosen are taken to heaven as the world descends in chaos without Jesus’s physical return to Earth, which wasn’t clearly stated, the idea of a ‘catching away’ as part of the larger unfolding eschatological timeline seems scriptural. There were lots of things that we focus on now that the early church wouldn’t have focused on; since the return of Christ was understood to be at hand, I doubt it would be at the center of any clarifying discussion, and probably faded in importance to the very imminent reality of Christian martyrdom.
thanks bro this calmed me down, especially about the rumors of Christ's return at April 8th.
Thank you. People always look at me like I'm crazy when they are fighting over pre or post trib rapture and I bring up the idea of no rapture
I love this channel but this one is utter, complete garbage. A 'rapture' is cleary taught in scripture by the APOSTLE Paul. I Thessalonians 4:17. The reading is very, very plain. That's a rapture - for sure. What type and when is anyone's guess. I see nothing in scripture that precludes a pre-trib rapture, then a tribulation and then an earthly second coming. Certainly IP's guess doesn't seem any more or probable than that option. All of the 'expert' opinions, comments, and fluff around the Thessalonians section of the video is just meanderings with little evidence.
I agree. 1 Thessalonians 4:16-18 is definitely describing a Rapture event Caught up in the air is not some kind of metaphor. I think the Rapture is the same thing as the resurrection. I tend to believe in the soul sleep doctrine. If you combine soul sleep with Rapture, everybody experiences the Rapture just before they die. All Christians enter heaven at the same time. When is the Rapture? It is the moment just before you die.
As a cradle Catholic when I look at all these doctrines outside our Church I cannot fathom how people can be taken in and believe in stuff like ‘rapture doctrine’
I don’t understand why all these churches don’t stop for a second and ask themselves why they all make the claim to be lead by the Holy Spirit, yet are all pulling away from each other in different directions due to their doctrines…
All I see is mass confusion and I know for definite that the Holy Spirit does not creat confusion..
the Father of confusion and lies is Satan.. Not the Holy Spirit of God.
Their is a reason why The Father Son and Holy Spirit are one..
There is a reason why Jesus prayed for unity of Faith . One Church Lead and Guided by the Spirit of Truth..
we talk about God being One God with Three Natures..
Yet Unified in Purpose, Thought and Word..
all this splintering of belief goes against Gods purpose and intention for his Church and if it goes against God’s intention and purpose then we can be assured it is not caused by God which leads me then to believe it’s the Devils Work..
the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church is the Church that Jesus started..
it’s the only Church that’s been here from the beginning.. God is calling you to come home to his Church where you will find the Truth of God in his REAL Word..
where you will be taught Scripture in the way it was designed to be taught . As the Apostles Taught..
in the Oral tradition..
You mean like IP as well as the Catholic church believing in human evolution that man and apes shared a common ancestor? I'm 100% sure the early church didn't believe in and taught that.
Also people takes the phase "God is not the author of confusion" out of context and failed to realize Paul's play on words. This phrase was in reference of speaking in tongues which was a temporary reversal of God CONFUSING man's language at the tower of Babel. At the tower of Babel God was the author of confusion .... thus Paul's play on words. In the church God is not the author of confusion as He reverse the confusion God created at Babel so the gospel could be spread quickly throughout the Roman Empire.
Well said! I always find this "rapture" thing so odd. Beer bump!
Thank you! People spin for hours arguing their wishes! A clear and concise argument!
Love the content! Keep up the good work!
Rapture part 1
Thank you for the donation!
Romans 4:5
1 Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me.
2 In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.
3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.
john 14
thank you so much!! love your work
I love how unbiased IP is. Although he is a brother in Christ, he isn’t blinded by biased circumstances/arguments. Keeping it real🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Things have only been getting worse.
Yeah but there is no reason to think that is going to be case ongoing. We don't have a scope of what the future will be like.
It is literally the churches teaching
@@resvero8342 Just because the church teaches it doesn't automatically make it true.
yes it does
then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so shall we ever be with the Lord.
This is by far the weakest video of IP’s with very basic arguments that have been contested by various individuals
This is one of the main problems with so-called "Christianity" and why so many laugh at, make fun of, and don't take it seriously. Everyone has a thought / view / interpretation / understanding, and, everyone thinks that their thought / view / interpretation / understanding is the right & correct one. The even have their pet / select Scripture verses, many of which are taken out of context, they use in order to support their claims. One would think that, if 'God' were real & truly cared, He would have communicated everything in such a way that no one would be able to question it's authenticity, what was said, and what it meant - no matter how many people tried to discredit / disprove it.
The idea that the rapture is a late belief in Christianity is just not true. There are clear examples from the early church documenting a belief in a pre-tribulation rapture. For example From Pseudo-Ephraem, as early as the 4th century:
“Why therefore do we not reject every care of earthly actions and prepare ourselves for the meeting of the Lord Christ, so that he may draw us from the confusion, which overwhelms the world?”
“For all the saints and elect of God are gathered, prior to the tribulation that is to come, and are taken to the Lord lest they see the confusion that is to overwhelm the world because of our sins.”
That's not a biblical teaching but an opinion from a saint from the 4th century.
@@animalcart4128they're just saying it's not a recent conjecture. Agreed?
It finally came!! How long did I waited for this subject, sending to all my friends now!!
But 90's Kirk Cameron cant be wrong....😅
But, But my pastor told me...!.!.!.😂 Great insight Ip. We were always taught that "We" were wanting to be one of the ones taken and not left behind lol. How Ironic the ones taken are being taken into Judgement 😂..
hey ip, could you make a video about what it means to "seek first the kingdom"?
The rapture is not in the Bible. Get ready for some plagues.
Revelation 22:18-19
I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: if anyone adds to them, God will add to him the plagues described in this book,
Get - it.
Ok you make a very good arguments to deceive the uneducated non studying Christian. But you fail to take into account the prophet Elijah being taken up to heaven in a chariot of fire (2nd kings 2:2-4) as well as Enoch being so close to God during his journey with God that God took him (genesis 5:21-24). Though they both weren't in danger but that is a rapture. Let's move over to the book of John when Jesus states to his disciples that he had to go back to Heaven and while He is in Heaven He would prepare a place for us then he would return and receive us to himself.( John 14:1-3) the word place is means to dwell in the greek subtuigent. And word receive is the same action word to describe taken. So yes this too is another verse that teaches about the rapture. So now that we have concluded there will be a rapture. Let's dive in the timing of the rapture and we find the timing of the rapture to be found in the book of in Isaiah chapter 26 verses 20 and 21. We see the Lord tells his saints to go into your chambers and shut the door. This is during the judgement that God pours out His wrath upon the earth. Wrath is during the tribulation period. So BEFORE He would would pour out His wrath He gathers His saints to be kept safe from the wrath. So that would mean that the rapture would take place BEFORE the tribulation period. So in conclusion we all with a level headed understanding of what scripture actually teaches about the rapture is that the rapture will occur in the history of humanity at some point in time and if you still choose not to believe the truth that will save His saints from harm then. I suggest you sincerely sit down reevaluate what you truly believe about God. Cause remember God is still God, He can and will do anything he pleases and nothing we say or do with our imputent minds can ever conceive about will ever change God's plans and mind.
It will happen at Christ second coming at the end of the tribulation of the plagues, on the last day of earths history. No one gets left behind because the wicked and the earth is destroyed the same day. And yes, the church goes through the tribulation of the plagues.
@@virtualzhbl I mean the very fact I gave scripture you still have decided to throw scripture out the window. Which begs the question I have to ask, which side are you truly on, God or satan?
@@terrencemcnally3453 What I said is scriptural.
@@virtualzhbl actually it was taken out of context so no it wasn't.
Thank you for speaking the truth of scripture I have often thought this way but didn’t know how to explain it… now I can just share this video and play it in service because I have a lot of people including family that want Jesus to rapture His church but after reading the scriptures in context I come to the same conclusion you did… not in a future rapture but a GLORIOUS COMING OF OUR GOD AND KING!!!! Praise our Holy God Jesus the Christ
Yooo this is hilarious, he allegorize everything to fit his interpretation. The Bible clearly talks about Daniels 70th week and the antichrist, Mark of the beast. But he said the future doesnt look that bad??? Lean not on your own understanding or scholars all the time.
The mark of the beast is symbolic, the Book of Revelation is apocalyptic literature deal with it.
@@TheDigitalMissionary ….while Panera Bread, Amazon One and JP Morgan roll out Face and Palm scanners for payment, at the same time the ‘Improving Digital Identity Act, was passed by the US Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee last week in a vote of 11-1. Keep your symbolism.
The antichrist was Nero Caesar and Daniel’s 70th week already happened in 70 AD
@TheDigitalMissionary hahahahaha You guys are hilarious 😂. That's why I don't trust this modern interpretation of the Bible these days. You guys make God dependent on us to get prophecy fulfilled, last time i checked he doesn't depend on anyone. Trying to fit God's words to the acceptance of man. quoting and parroting these scholars like their God. Ridiculous and shameful 😒
1 Corinthians 2:13-14 (KJV) Which things also we speak, not in the words which man's wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost teacheth; comparing spiritual things with spiritual.
But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.
Palm Sunday essentially captures "the rapture" - the Church meeting Jesus Christ and leading Him into the city.
I’ve been watching your videos for the past week. Thank you for defending our Christian faith so well (even though you’re not Catholic 😇) I highly recommend reading the Early Church Fathers & documents if you haven’t done so, Ignatius of Antioch, the Didache, Clement of Rome, St. Polycarp, Irenaeus of Lyon, Justin Martyr, et al. These among other things convinced me of the truth of Catholicism. In any case, God bless you & your work.🙏❤️
When Jesus is talking about the “Two in the Bed, one will be taken, one left” in Matthew 24:40 he is obviously referring to a time when it’s relatively normal on earth and “then” sudden destruction comes. It will just be like Lot in sodom and Noah in the flood. Both were total destruction. Both Lot and Noah with their families were saved. He is obviously comparing to this moment as a taking away of the righteous before this event happens. Not the wicked. Any Christian that reads Revelation should understand that when Christ comes back at his second coming, billions of people have already died. Gods 7 bowls, thunders, seals, and vials have all poured out. Mark of the beast has happened. The anti-christ is reigning in Jerusalem wagging war. The world is turned literally upside down. Barely holding on. Christ has to cut time short because “no flesh will be left alive” But sure. Yeah. People are eating and drinking. Marrying. And working the fields at his second coming. Sadly. I think not. Logically again this is wrong. This is referring to a time before great tribulation, and destruction. Which could only be “Jakobs” trouble. The 70th week. The time dedicated to Israel by God because they rejected Christ. The rapture isn’t some loose, goose fantasy idea that came from Darby. Early church fathers spoke of this and we have sound biblical typologies of people being taken away already with out dying. Enoch, Elijah were taken. Paul and John went to the third heaven. Lot was taken out of Sodom. Noah in the ark. God never changes. He stays the same. What has been done will be done again. Please, do your research. Don’t just assume. It does a great disservice to the body of Christ. Please be a wise virgin. The Lord is coming quickly. Don’t be caught asleep thinking we will go through the great tribulation. He will be coming for a spotless Bride. God bless.