My recommendation was to have a Prostatectomy. I got a second opinion and got the same recommendation. That was all I needed so I had a Prostatectomy, that was 20 years ago.
Hmmmm... what is the most concentrated mineral in the prostate. Zinc. The prostate is a gland that concentrates. Iodine. Vitamin D25 hydroxy is converted in the prostate to its active form hormone 1.25. Maybe supplementing with zinc, iodine and D3 will help. Additionally, maybe low carb will help since cancer cells feed on glucose. Just a thought.
your theory may have merit, but not the sugar part...a human bady make over 600 types of sugar, even if your starving...however limiting blood flow to tumors does work
@@lunam7249 maybe I wasn't clear. Although the body uses many glucose molecules, the carbs we over eat that turns into glucose is food for cancer. A PET scan is radioactive sugar that lights up cancer spots.
I have/had been doing that for 3-4 years before my PSA went crazy/rapidly up to 11 in one yr and then 22 in another 3 mths later. Ended up with gleason 4+3. Don't think the Vit D3, zinc etc helped.
1. Fruits with lycopene - tomatoes, grapefruit, papaya apricots, watermelon, etc. 2. Fish & fish oil (Omega 3) 3. Citrus fruit - oranges, lemons 4. Nuts containing Zinc - cashews, peanuts, almonds 5. Brazil nuts (Selenium), vitamin D (salmon) or supplements 6. Olive oil, avocados and its oil, pistachios, dark chocolate 7. Allium vegetables: garlic and onions
10 Great Foods For Prostate Health prostate health Maintaining a healthy prostate is crucial for men’s overall well-being. With an estimated 288,300 new cases of prostate cancer in 2023, it is essential to know how to care for your prostate. While regular check-ups and medical advice are essential, incorporating prostate-friendly foods into your diet can provide an additional boost to support prostate health. Foods For Optimal Prostate Health Research suggests a diet that is high in colorful vegetables, low in sugar and processed carbohydrates, and moderate in animal-based protein is key for optimal prostate health. Here at Alliance Urology, we have put together a list of great foods that can contribute to prostate health and overall wellness. 1. Tomatoes Not only are tomatoes versatile and delicious, but they also contain lycopene, which has been shown to help reduce the risk of prostate cancer and slow the growth of prostate tumors. To increase the absorption of this antioxidant, it is suggested to cook your tomatoes or pair them with a healthy fat, like olive oil. 2. Berries Nature’s candy has more benefits than just being sweet and delicious. Berries, including strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries, are all packed full of antioxidants that can help protect your cells from damage. Including berries in your diet can improve your prostate health while contributing to your overall health. 3. Cruciferous Vegetables Sulforaphane is a phytochemical found in many cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, kale, cabbage, bok choy, and more. Sulforaphane has been associated with a lower risk of prostate cancer. The NIH suggests sulforaphane can play a “protective role” in prostate cancer by preventing the development and progression of prostatic tumors. 4. Green Tea Green tea may not have been first to mind when it comes to prostate health. However, green tea is a rich source of antioxidants called catechins, which have anti-inflammatory and anticancer properties. Regular consumption of green tea has been associated with a reduced risk of prostate cancer. 5. Fatty Fish Fatty fish is considered a superfood and for good reason. Fatty fish such as salmon, mackerel, and sardines contain Omega-3s, which have a laundry list of benefits. Some of the most notable are preventing heart disease and stroke, helping control lupus, and can play protective roles in cancer and other life-threatening conditions. 6. Pumpkin Seeds Pumpkin seeds contain a phytochemical that can help prevent prostate problems. It is recommended to eat roughly 5 grams of pumpkin seeds daily when dealing with benign prostatic hyperplasia. If eating pumpkin seeds by the handful isn’t for you, try sprinkling them on top of your favorite salad. 7. Walnuts In the seed and nut family, walnuts also can have considerable benefits when it comes to your prostate health. Walnuts are rich in nutrients like zinc, selenium, and vitamin E, which have been linked to prostate health. Additionally, they provide healthy fats and protein. 8. Garlic Garlic has more of a purpose than leveling up a dish. Garlic is a part of the allium vegetable family, which contains sulfur compounds. These compounds are thought to help protect against prostate cancer and benign prostatic hyperplasia. Additionally, garlic may help decrease your blood pressure and prevent blood clots. 9. Turmeric Used in Asia for thousands of years, turmeric contains curcumin, which has powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Studies have shown that curcumin may inhibit the growth of prostate cancer cells. 10. Legumes Beans, lentils, and peas are all a part of the legume family and boast as an excellent source of fiber, protein, and other various nutrients. Not only are legumes great for your overall health, but they also may help suppress tumor growth. Eating a nutritious diet offers benefits well beyond the realm of prostate health, offering numerous advantages for overall well-being.
RESEARCH ARTICLE| VOLUME 134, ISSUE 12, P3486S-3492S, DECEMBER 2004 Tomato Phytochemicals and Prostate Cancer Risk Mounting evidence over the past decade suggests that the consumption of fresh and processed tomato products is associated with reduced risk of prostate cancer. The emerging hypothesis is that lycopene, the primary red carotenoid in tomatoes, may be the principle phytochemical responsible for this reduction in risk. A number of potential mechanisms by which lycopene may act have emerged, including serving as an important in vivo antioxidant, enhancing cell-to-cell communication via increasing gap junctions between cells, and modulating cell-cycle progression. Although the effect of lycopene is biologically relevant, the tomato is also an excellent source of nutrients, including folate, vitamin C, and various other carotenoids and phytochemicals, such as polyphenols, which also may be associated with lower cancer risk. Tomatoes also contain significant quantities of potassium, as well as some vitamin A and vitamin E. Our laboratory has been interested in identifying specific components or combination of components in tomatoes that are responsible for reducing prostate cancer risk. We carried out cell culture trials to evaluate the effects of tomato carotenoids and tomato polyphenols on growth of prostate cancer cells. We also evaluated the ability of freeze-dried whole-tomato powder or lycopene alone to reduce growth of prostate tumors in rats. This paper reviews the epidemiological evidence, evaluating the relationship between prostate cancer risk and tomato consumption, and presents experimental data from this and other laboratories that support the hypothesis that whole tomato and its phytochemical components reduce the risk of prostate cancer.
How does tomatoes affect prostate cancer? In the Health Professionals Follow-up Study, a two-serving per week increase in tomato sauce intake was associated with a 20% reduction in risk of prostate cancer progression (mostly biochemical recurrence).
Thank you so much for one of the...... if not the best source of information. Your organization is appreciated by all of us that have been touched by this subject.
Tomatoes are the fourth most commonly consumed fresh vegetable and the most frequently consumed canned vegetable in the American diet. There is emerging epidemiology data supporting the connection between increased tomato consumption and reduced risk for both cardiovascular disease and prostate cancer. Here we will summarize the nutrient and the phytochemical content of tomatoes and tomato products, and how these bioactive components might act together to modulate disease development. Recent animal studies have investigated tomatoes, lycopene, and prostate cancer using the N-methyl-N-nitrosourea and Dunning rat models. These animal studies also suggest that diets containing tomatoes may decrease the risk or the progression of prostate cancer. Due to the frequency and the extent of tomato consumption, the supporting epidemiological and animal data, which connect increased intakes with decreased cancer and cardiovascular disease risk, tomato's role in the American diet is of undeniable importance as part of a healthy diet.
its simplifieing to analize mega-data...ok so say 100 million tons of tomatoes/year usa, then 99 tons leads to say a 2% increase in usa first, it the % increase /decrease the same or even linear... part 2, on the micro scale of 1 man these data ooints are meaningless, say like number people living next to a bridge vs suicides by "bridge" , the falacy would be to conclude "bridges cause suicide"...further..." we should enact bridge building preventio laws"
@@lunam7249 How does tomatoes affect prostate cancer? In the Health Professionals Follow-up Study, a two-serving per week increase in tomato sauce intake was associated with a 20% reduction in risk of prostate cancer progression (mostly biochemical recurrence). Which of the following compounds found in tomatoes may reduce the risk of prostate cancer? Lycopene is a red carotenoid consumed from plant-based foods including tomatoes. The consumption of lycopene-rich foods has been reported to be associated with a lower risk of prostate cancer and BPH. Lycopene or a diet high in lycopene can safely be recommended for prostate cancer prevention or as adjunctive treatment of prostate cancer. Currently, PSA testing is recommended for men over the age of 50 years who have a life expectancy greater than 10 years and for younger men at high risk of prostate cancer. Cooked tomatoes provide the body with more lycopene than uncooked tomatoes, a substance that can help reduce the chances of an enlarged prostate by up to 35%. What foods should be avoided with prostate cancer? Low in red and processed meat, saturated fat and salt Choose chicken or fish instead. Choose lean meat. Limit saturated fats found in foods such as fatty meat, biscuits, crisps, cheese, cream and butter. Use healthier unsaturated fats like vegetable, olive and sunflower oil and use small amounts. What is the best fruit for prostate? Berries, including strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries, are all packed full of antioxidants that can help protect your cells from damage. Including berries in your diet can improve your prostate health while contributing to your overall health.
@@lunam7249 10 Great Foods For Prostate Health prostate health Maintaining a healthy prostate is crucial for men’s overall well-being. With an estimated 288,300 new cases of prostate cancer in 2023, it is essential to know how to care for your prostate. While regular check-ups and medical advice are essential, incorporating prostate-friendly foods into your diet can provide an additional boost to support prostate health. Foods For Optimal Prostate Health Research suggests a diet that is high in colorful vegetables, low in sugar and processed carbohydrates, and moderate in animal-based protein is key for optimal prostate health. Here at Alliance Urology, we have put together a list of great foods that can contribute to prostate health and overall wellness. 1. Tomatoes Not only are tomatoes versatile and delicious, but they also contain lycopene, which has been shown to help reduce the risk of prostate cancer and slow the growth of prostate tumors. To increase the absorption of this antioxidant, it is suggested to cook your tomatoes or pair them with a healthy fat, like olive oil. 2. Berries Nature’s candy has more benefits than just being sweet and delicious. Berries, including strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries, are all packed full of antioxidants that can help protect your cells from damage. Including berries in your diet can improve your prostate health while contributing to your overall health. 3. Cruciferous Vegetables Sulforaphane is a phytochemical found in many cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, kale, cabbage, bok choy, and more. Sulforaphane has been associated with a lower risk of prostate cancer. The NIH suggests sulforaphane can play a “protective role” in prostate cancer by preventing the development and progression of prostatic tumors. 4. Green Tea Green tea may not have been first to mind when it comes to prostate health. However, green tea is a rich source of antioxidants called catechins, which have anti-inflammatory and anticancer properties. Regular consumption of green tea has been associated with a reduced risk of prostate cancer. 5. Fatty Fish Fatty fish is considered a superfood and for good reason. Fatty fish such as salmon, mackerel, and sardines contain Omega-3s, which have a laundry list of benefits. Some of the most notable are preventing heart disease and stroke, helping control lupus, and can play protective roles in cancer and other life-threatening conditions. 6. Pumpkin Seeds Pumpkin seeds contain a phytochemical that can help prevent prostate problems. It is recommended to eat roughly 5 grams of pumpkin seeds daily when dealing with benign prostatic hyperplasia. If eating pumpkin seeds by the handful isn’t for you, try sprinkling them on top of your favorite salad. 7. Walnuts In the seed and nut family, walnuts also can have considerable benefits when it comes to your prostate health. Walnuts are rich in nutrients like zinc, selenium, and vitamin E, which have been linked to prostate health. Additionally, they provide healthy fats and protein. 8. Garlic Garlic has more of a purpose than leveling up a dish. Garlic is a part of the allium vegetable family, which contains sulfur compounds. These compounds are thought to help protect against prostate cancer and benign prostatic hyperplasia. Additionally, garlic may help decrease your blood pressure and prevent blood clots. 9. Turmeric Used in Asia for thousands of years, turmeric contains curcumin, which has powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Studies have shown that curcumin may inhibit the growth of prostate cancer cells. 10. Legumes Beans, lentils, and peas are all a part of the legume family and boast as an excellent source of fiber, protein, and other various nutrients. Not only are legumes great for your overall health, but they also may help suppress tumor growth. Eating a nutritious diet offers benefits well beyond the realm of prostate health, offering numerous advantages for overall well-being.
10 Great Foods For Prostate Health prostate health Maintaining a healthy prostate is crucial for men’s overall well-being. With an estimated 288,300 new cases of prostate cancer in 2023, it is essential to know how to care for your prostate. While regular check-ups and medical advice are essential, incorporating prostate-friendly foods into your diet can provide an additional boost to support prostate health. Foods For Optimal Prostate Health Research suggests a diet that is high in colorful vegetables, low in sugar and processed carbohydrates, and moderate in animal-based protein is key for optimal prostate health. Here at Alliance Urology, we have put together a list of great foods that can contribute to prostate health and overall wellness. 1. Tomatoes Not only are tomatoes versatile and delicious, but they also contain lycopene, which has been shown to help reduce the risk of prostate cancer and slow the growth of prostate tumors. To increase the absorption of this antioxidant, it is suggested to cook your tomatoes or pair them with a healthy fat, like olive oil. 2. Berries Nature’s candy has more benefits than just being sweet and delicious. Berries, including strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries, are all packed full of antioxidants that can help protect your cells from damage. Including berries in your diet can improve your prostate health while contributing to your overall health. 3. Cruciferous Vegetables Sulforaphane is a phytochemical found in many cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, kale, cabbage, bok choy, and more. Sulforaphane has been associated with a lower risk of prostate cancer. The NIH suggests sulforaphane can play a “protective role” in prostate cancer by preventing the development and progression of prostatic tumors. 4. Green Tea Green tea may not have been first to mind when it comes to prostate health. However, green tea is a rich source of antioxidants called catechins, which have anti-inflammatory and anticancer properties. Regular consumption of green tea has been associated with a reduced risk of prostate cancer. 5. Fatty Fish Fatty fish is considered a superfood and for good reason. Fatty fish such as salmon, mackerel, and sardines contain Omega-3s, which have a laundry list of benefits. Some of the most notable are preventing heart disease and stroke, helping control lupus, and can play protective roles in cancer and other life-threatening conditions. 6. Pumpkin Seeds Pumpkin seeds contain a phytochemical that can help prevent prostate problems. It is recommended to eat roughly 5 grams of pumpkin seeds daily when dealing with benign prostatic hyperplasia. If eating pumpkin seeds by the handful isn’t for you, try sprinkling them on top of your favorite salad. 7. Walnuts In the seed and nut family, walnuts also can have considerable benefits when it comes to your prostate health. Walnuts are rich in nutrients like zinc, selenium, and vitamin E, which have been linked to prostate health. Additionally, they provide healthy fats and protein. 8. Garlic Garlic has more of a purpose than leveling up a dish. Garlic is a part of the allium vegetable family, which contains sulfur compounds. These compounds are thought to help protect against prostate cancer and benign prostatic hyperplasia. Additionally, garlic may help decrease your blood pressure and prevent blood clots. 9. Turmeric Used in Asia for thousands of years, turmeric contains curcumin, which has powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Studies have shown that curcumin may inhibit the growth of prostate cancer cells. 10. Legumes Beans, lentils, and peas are all a part of the legume family and boast as an excellent source of fiber, protein, and other various nutrients. Not only are legumes great for your overall health, but they also may help suppress tumor growth. Eating a nutritious diet offers benefits well beyond the realm of prostate health, offering numerous advantages for overall well-being.
RESEARCH ARTICLE| VOLUME 134, ISSUE 12, P3486S-3492S, DECEMBER 2004 Tomato Phytochemicals and Prostate Cancer RiskMounting evidence over the past decade suggests that the consumption of fresh and processed tomato products is associated with reduced risk of prostate cancer. The emerging hypothesis is that lycopene, the primary red carotenoid in tomatoes, may be the principle phytochemical responsible for this reduction in risk. A number of potential mechanisms by which lycopene may act have emerged, including serving as an important in vivo antioxidant, enhancing cell-to-cell communication via increasing gap junctions between cells, and modulating cell-cycle progression. Although the effect of lycopene is biologically relevant, the tomato is also an excellent source of nutrients, including folate, vitamin C, and various other carotenoids and phytochemicals, such as polyphenols, which also may be associated with lower cancer risk. Tomatoes also contain significant quantities of potassium, as well as some vitamin A and vitamin E. Our laboratory has been interested in identifying specific components or combination of components in tomatoes that are responsible for reducing prostate cancer risk. We carried out cell culture trials to evaluate the effects of tomato carotenoids and tomato polyphenols on growth of prostate cancer cells. We also evaluated the ability of freeze-dried whole-tomato powder or lycopene alone to reduce growth of prostate tumors in rats. This paper reviews the epidemiological evidence, evaluating the relationship between prostate cancer risk and tomato consumption, and presents experimental data from this and other laboratories that support the hypothesis that whole tomato and its phytochemical components reduce the risk of prostate cancer.
Prior surgical procedures for enlarged prostate is also important when considering surgery versus radiation. For example TURP procedure’s create greater risk for ED and incontinence after radical prostatectomy I believe. But check with your doctor. I am not sure about radiation treatments so check with your doctor but I don’t think there is as much risk for side effects.
Please doctor i have tested the PSA three times, because i have all the symptoms that tell i have cancer ,the results was over 6, im 56 y. All doctors won't tell me that i have cancer,please how can you help me that i have cancer ,i have emergency medical, and i live in Anaheim California.
Great info! Take your time to make the best decision that YOU feel comfortable with. After all, it’s your body. Also, UCLA is an excellent hospital for prostate care! Really top-notch!! Good luck!👍
Go for oral livecells therapy This is not yet in your country We are trying to reach you all there Understand that our body is made of stemcells and the only help is live cells Now there is oral livecells Get your therapy now before its too late +639175110518
I'm sorry to hear about your Father. I was just diagnosed, and cought it early. Last PSA was 8.2. MRI shows a 6mm x 7mm lesion on one side. MRI shows no spread. I wouldn't have a problem getting it yanked, but you hear all the stories about people who now pee or poop in a bag from side-effects of the operation.
With similar outcomes with the ProtecT trial why should anyone with intermediate disease choose surgery with need for a catheter, risk of immediate ED and incontinence. What about the recent Harvard study showing higher levels of regret with surgery. You are overstating risk with MRIdian SBRT. What about Decipher score and PET scan?
My dad is 86 years old his PSA was high so his doctor did a biopsy and we found out today my dad has prostate cancer. Now the doctor wants to give my dad a shot to slow the cancer then do radiation i don’t no if i should trust the doctor. I know if doctor sells the radiation to patients so he might get a trip to Hawaii.
worddunlap, I am the spouse in this case and I have had to do all the research since my husband has Bipolar Disorder and can't handle too much stress. I am very stressed also! Some doctors feel threatened if you know too much. Some don't. My husband's Urologist was impressed about how much I knew and said I should have gone to medical school. I took that as a compliment! Part of the reason I know how to do research is because I have a pancreatic cyst that also has the potential to turn cancerous in the future so I have done a lot of research on that topic for the past 4 years. My husband is now scheduled to have a prostate biopsy in Feb.
@@karimaogden3875 He needs to make the call himself and admit he is the one. You are walking into a minefield. I have it now but went to all the appts with my father 20 years ago. He asked me what to do and I advised him " It's your decision" people were telling him to do nothing and they knew nothing. He had a type that spreads and it had already spread. Later I said " If I had cancer I would want it gone" He had a painful recovery, it took 6 months for the incontinence to subside. He did live 20 more years and died of something else BUT he always blamed me and held it against me. No mam, don't you dare...Bi-polar or not it HAS to be him. Too much is going on and the stakes for him are high and variable. More things than I mentioned.
@@worddunlap , thank you for responding to my post. When you say that "He needs to make the call himself and admit he is the one", are you referring to doing all the research or making the final decisions as to whether or not to have a biopsy and what kind of treatment to have if and when he is told he has cancer? As I said, he will be having a biopsy in Feb and that was HIS decision based on what the Urologist said and all the research I had done. The biopsy comes with the risk of serious complications like bleeding and serious infection (sepsis). He is not too thrilled about it but is willing to take the risk. There is a good chance though that he doesn't have cancer based on a Multiparametric MRI he had done in December but the results were inconclusive and showed a small suspicious area possibly cancer but the radiologist couldn't say for sure so the only way to find out for sure is to do the biopsy. The radiologist did note that he had Mild Benign Prostate Hyperplasia (Enlarged Prostate) which we already suspected. As far as me having to do all the research, he prefers that I do it and then share the most relevant and concise articles and videos on the subject so that he doesn't get too overwhelmed. Like I said, he has a very severe case of Bipolar Disorder and has been hospitalized about 15 times in the past 26 years. His most recent hospitalization was in July 2018 and he is still not fully stable yet. That's why I worry that he could relapse again if I put too much pressure on him about doing research. This prostate thing came out of left field for us. It started with a Screening PSA done by his new PCP and is now evolved into biopsies and possible cancer. We have enough dealing with his Bipolar and his other issues of Hypertension and Diabetes which were caused by his psych meds. I am sorry to hear that you now have prostate cancer. What stage are you? I hope it was caught early.
@@karimaogden3875 I find out thurs. It does not look good. Already high PSA doubled in 3 weeks and a positive MRI (new machine very advanced), family history of aggressive form of the disease. No, not caught early.
Go for oral livecells therapy This is not yet in your country We are trying to reach you all there Understand that our body is made of stemcells and the only help is live cells Now there is oral livecells Get your therapy now before its too late +639175110518
My big question.. You make no provision in your risk category assessment for prostate gland volume / prostate density. Obviously, a very small gland will produce less PSA than a very large gland. So, why is the prostate density not considered in determining risk category????
Can i do kegel exercises while i am in erect state or almost erect state i have the impresion that i feel the kegels better, do you think is just my impression? Do you think i can hurt myself in any way(my prostate) if i am doing that?
The well-known writer Malcolm Gladwell has chosen not to have his PSA even measured! This type of cancer is either deadly or totally harmless, so what’s the point?
significant others should have NO SAY whatsoever. I can't tell them what to do with their bodies, they have no say about mine. If they don't like it then divorce/ leaving the relationship is an excellent choice for them.
My GP and Urologist decided for me after biopsy damaged my prostate. Anybody trust Doctors. Should I have known I was not going to do any PSA or biopsy
Thank you doctor for the Professionalism & Good herbs with which you do your work. You listen to your client and you always put their needs first, thank you Dr Igho for your generosity In Curing me naturally
I have a 3+3, and a 3+4 Gleason...2 out of six biops bad... My docs say taking my prostate might save me..What a fkn predicament. As if I don't have enough sht to worry about I guess I'm lucky. far...always more bad news possible... my cancer seems to have been caught early. I guess removing a prostate without cutting the nerves that make life a little extra special is common. GOD, I hope so. I'm scared for sure.
a Person I love very much has a 62 PSA is 61.1 with a % PSA of 9.1 Three years ago his PSA was 2.4 Does this not seem high and within a short time? Trying to get insurance to approve his Fusion guided Biopsy. His Dr. did a DRE and said it was Hard. Not large but Hard Should I be very concerned about him?
Go for oral livecells therapy This is not yet in your country We are trying to reach you all there Understand that our body is made of stemcells and the only help is live cells Now there is oral livecells Get your therapy now before its too late +639175110518
I am leaning towards doing nothing at age 64. I do not want to be tied to clinics in my forth quarter. looking for quality of life while I possess it. Do not want doctors poking 'rond my pecker.
It's good to see you still have a sense of humour! I tend to agree with you. I'm 71 and just want to live out my life without too much muss or fuss. All the best to you sir.
My recommendation was to have a Prostatectomy. I got a second opinion and got the same recommendation. That was all I needed so I had a Prostatectomy, that was 20 years ago.
Hmmmm... what is the most concentrated mineral in the prostate. Zinc. The prostate is a gland that concentrates. Iodine. Vitamin D25 hydroxy is converted in the prostate to its active form hormone 1.25. Maybe supplementing with zinc, iodine and D3 will help. Additionally, maybe low carb will help since cancer cells feed on glucose. Just a thought.
your theory may have merit, but not the sugar part...a human bady make over 600 types of sugar, even if your starving...however limiting blood flow to tumors does work
@@lunam7249 maybe I wasn't clear. Although the body uses many glucose molecules, the carbs we over eat that turns into glucose is food for cancer. A PET scan is radioactive sugar that lights up cancer spots.
I have/had been doing that for 3-4 years before my PSA went crazy/rapidly up to 11 in one yr and then 22 in another 3 mths later. Ended up with gleason 4+3. Don't think the Vit D3, zinc etc helped.
1. Fruits with lycopene - tomatoes, grapefruit, papaya apricots, watermelon, etc.
2. Fish & fish oil (Omega 3)
3. Citrus fruit - oranges, lemons
4. Nuts containing Zinc - cashews, peanuts, almonds
5. Brazil nuts (Selenium), vitamin D (salmon) or supplements
6. Olive oil, avocados and its oil, pistachios, dark chocolate
7. Allium vegetables: garlic and onions
U R WHAT U EAT...🍅🍓🍉🥜🥑🧅🍎
its prostate wayyy more complicated than food, however it can help overall health
10 Great Foods For Prostate Health
prostate health
Maintaining a healthy prostate is crucial for men’s overall well-being. With an estimated 288,300 new cases of prostate cancer in 2023, it is essential to know how to care for your prostate. While regular check-ups and medical advice are essential, incorporating prostate-friendly foods into your diet can provide an additional boost to support prostate health.
Foods For Optimal Prostate Health
Research suggests a diet that is high in colorful vegetables, low in sugar and processed carbohydrates, and moderate in animal-based protein is key for optimal prostate health. Here at Alliance Urology, we have put together a list of great foods that can contribute to prostate health and overall wellness.
1. Tomatoes
Not only are tomatoes versatile and delicious, but they also contain lycopene, which has been shown to help reduce the risk of prostate cancer and slow the growth of prostate tumors. To increase the absorption of this antioxidant, it is suggested to cook your tomatoes or pair them with a healthy fat, like olive oil.
2. Berries
Nature’s candy has more benefits than just being sweet and delicious. Berries, including strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries, are all packed full of antioxidants that can help protect your cells from damage. Including berries in your diet can improve your prostate health while contributing to your overall health.
3. Cruciferous Vegetables
Sulforaphane is a phytochemical found in many cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, kale, cabbage, bok choy, and more. Sulforaphane has been associated with a lower risk of prostate cancer. The NIH suggests sulforaphane can play a “protective role” in prostate cancer by preventing the development and progression of prostatic tumors.
4. Green Tea
Green tea may not have been first to mind when it comes to prostate health. However, green tea is a rich source of antioxidants called catechins, which have anti-inflammatory and anticancer properties. Regular consumption of green tea has been associated with a reduced risk of prostate cancer.
5. Fatty Fish
Fatty fish is considered a superfood and for good reason. Fatty fish such as salmon, mackerel, and sardines contain Omega-3s, which have a laundry list of benefits. Some of the most notable are preventing heart disease and stroke, helping control lupus, and can play protective roles in cancer and other life-threatening conditions.
6. Pumpkin Seeds
Pumpkin seeds contain a phytochemical that can help prevent prostate problems. It is recommended to eat roughly 5 grams of pumpkin seeds daily when dealing with benign prostatic hyperplasia. If eating pumpkin seeds by the handful isn’t for you, try sprinkling them on top of your favorite salad.
7. Walnuts
In the seed and nut family, walnuts also can have considerable benefits when it comes to your prostate health. Walnuts are rich in nutrients like zinc, selenium, and vitamin E, which have been linked to prostate health. Additionally, they provide healthy fats and protein.
8. Garlic
Garlic has more of a purpose than leveling up a dish. Garlic is a part of the allium vegetable family, which contains sulfur compounds. These compounds are thought to help protect against prostate cancer and benign prostatic hyperplasia. Additionally, garlic may help decrease your blood pressure and prevent blood clots.
9. Turmeric
Used in Asia for thousands of years, turmeric contains curcumin, which has powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Studies have shown that curcumin may inhibit the growth of prostate cancer cells.
10. Legumes
Beans, lentils, and peas are all a part of the legume family and boast as an excellent source of fiber, protein, and other various nutrients. Not only are legumes great for your overall health, but they also may help suppress tumor growth.
Eating a nutritious diet offers benefits well beyond the realm of prostate health, offering numerous advantages for overall well-being.
Tomato Phytochemicals and Prostate Cancer Risk
Mounting evidence over the past decade suggests that the consumption of fresh and processed tomato products is associated with reduced risk of prostate cancer. The emerging hypothesis is that lycopene, the primary red carotenoid in tomatoes, may be the principle phytochemical responsible for this reduction in risk. A number of potential mechanisms by which lycopene may act have emerged, including serving as an important in vivo antioxidant, enhancing cell-to-cell communication via increasing gap junctions between cells, and modulating cell-cycle progression. Although the effect of lycopene is biologically relevant, the tomato is also an excellent source of nutrients, including folate, vitamin C, and various other carotenoids and phytochemicals, such as polyphenols, which also may be associated with lower cancer risk. Tomatoes also contain significant quantities of potassium, as well as some vitamin A and vitamin E. Our laboratory has been interested in identifying specific components or combination of components in tomatoes that are responsible for reducing prostate cancer risk. We carried out cell culture trials to evaluate the effects of tomato carotenoids and tomato polyphenols on growth of prostate cancer cells. We also evaluated the ability of freeze-dried whole-tomato powder or lycopene alone to reduce growth of prostate tumors in rats. This paper reviews the epidemiological evidence, evaluating the relationship between prostate cancer risk and tomato consumption, and presents experimental data from this and other laboratories that support the hypothesis that whole tomato and its phytochemical components reduce the risk of prostate cancer.
How does tomatoes affect prostate cancer?
In the Health Professionals Follow-up Study, a two-serving per week increase in tomato sauce intake was associated with a 20% reduction in risk of prostate cancer progression (mostly biochemical recurrence).
Great presentation Doctor. Thank you for the information.
Thank you so much for one of the...... if not the best source of information. Your organization is appreciated by all of us that have been touched by this subject.
Tomatoes are the fourth most commonly consumed fresh vegetable and the most frequently consumed canned vegetable in the American diet. There is emerging epidemiology data supporting the connection between increased tomato consumption and reduced risk for both cardiovascular disease and prostate cancer.
Here we will summarize the nutrient and the phytochemical content of tomatoes and tomato products, and how these bioactive components might act together to modulate disease development.
Recent animal studies have investigated tomatoes, lycopene, and prostate cancer using the N-methyl-N-nitrosourea and Dunning rat models.
These animal studies also suggest that diets containing tomatoes may decrease the risk or the progression of prostate cancer. Due to the frequency and the extent of tomato consumption, the supporting epidemiological and animal data, which connect increased intakes with decreased cancer and cardiovascular disease risk, tomato's role in the American diet is of undeniable importance as part of a healthy diet.
its simplifieing to analize mega-data...ok so say 100 million tons of tomatoes/year usa, then 99 tons leads to say a 2% increase in usa first, it the % increase /decrease the same or even linear... part 2, on the micro scale of 1 man these data ooints are meaningless, say like number people living next to a bridge vs suicides by "bridge" , the falacy would be to conclude "bridges cause suicide"...further..." we should enact bridge building preventio laws"
How does tomatoes affect prostate cancer?
In the Health Professionals Follow-up Study, a two-serving per week increase in tomato sauce intake was associated with a 20% reduction in risk of prostate cancer progression (mostly biochemical recurrence).
Which of the following compounds found in tomatoes may reduce the risk of prostate cancer?
Lycopene is a red carotenoid consumed from plant-based foods including tomatoes. The consumption of lycopene-rich foods has been reported to be associated with a lower risk of prostate cancer and BPH.
Lycopene or a diet high in lycopene can safely be recommended for prostate cancer prevention or as adjunctive treatment of prostate cancer. Currently, PSA testing is recommended for men over the age of 50 years who have a life expectancy greater than 10 years and for younger men at high risk of prostate cancer.
Cooked tomatoes provide the body with more lycopene than uncooked tomatoes, a substance that can help reduce the chances of an enlarged prostate by up to 35%.
What foods should be avoided with prostate cancer?
Low in red and processed meat, saturated fat and salt
Choose chicken or fish instead. Choose lean meat. Limit saturated fats found in foods such as fatty meat, biscuits, crisps, cheese, cream and butter. Use healthier unsaturated fats like vegetable, olive and sunflower oil and use small amounts.
What is the best fruit for prostate?
Berries, including strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries, are all packed full of antioxidants that can help protect your cells from damage. Including berries in your diet can improve your prostate health while contributing to your overall health.
10 Great Foods For Prostate Health
prostate health
Maintaining a healthy prostate is crucial for men’s overall well-being. With an estimated 288,300 new cases of prostate cancer in 2023, it is essential to know how to care for your prostate. While regular check-ups and medical advice are essential, incorporating prostate-friendly foods into your diet can provide an additional boost to support prostate health.
Foods For Optimal Prostate Health
Research suggests a diet that is high in colorful vegetables, low in sugar and processed carbohydrates, and moderate in animal-based protein is key for optimal prostate health. Here at Alliance Urology, we have put together a list of great foods that can contribute to prostate health and overall wellness.
1. Tomatoes
Not only are tomatoes versatile and delicious, but they also contain lycopene, which has been shown to help reduce the risk of prostate cancer and slow the growth of prostate tumors. To increase the absorption of this antioxidant, it is suggested to cook your tomatoes or pair them with a healthy fat, like olive oil.
2. Berries
Nature’s candy has more benefits than just being sweet and delicious. Berries, including strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries, are all packed full of antioxidants that can help protect your cells from damage. Including berries in your diet can improve your prostate health while contributing to your overall health.
3. Cruciferous Vegetables
Sulforaphane is a phytochemical found in many cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, kale, cabbage, bok choy, and more. Sulforaphane has been associated with a lower risk of prostate cancer. The NIH suggests sulforaphane can play a “protective role” in prostate cancer by preventing the development and progression of prostatic tumors.
4. Green Tea
Green tea may not have been first to mind when it comes to prostate health. However, green tea is a rich source of antioxidants called catechins, which have anti-inflammatory and anticancer properties. Regular consumption of green tea has been associated with a reduced risk of prostate cancer.
5. Fatty Fish
Fatty fish is considered a superfood and for good reason. Fatty fish such as salmon, mackerel, and sardines contain Omega-3s, which have a laundry list of benefits. Some of the most notable are preventing heart disease and stroke, helping control lupus, and can play protective roles in cancer and other life-threatening conditions.
6. Pumpkin Seeds
Pumpkin seeds contain a phytochemical that can help prevent prostate problems. It is recommended to eat roughly 5 grams of pumpkin seeds daily when dealing with benign prostatic hyperplasia. If eating pumpkin seeds by the handful isn’t for you, try sprinkling them on top of your favorite salad.
7. Walnuts
In the seed and nut family, walnuts also can have considerable benefits when it comes to your prostate health. Walnuts are rich in nutrients like zinc, selenium, and vitamin E, which have been linked to prostate health. Additionally, they provide healthy fats and protein.
8. Garlic
Garlic has more of a purpose than leveling up a dish. Garlic is a part of the allium vegetable family, which contains sulfur compounds. These compounds are thought to help protect against prostate cancer and benign prostatic hyperplasia. Additionally, garlic may help decrease your blood pressure and prevent blood clots.
9. Turmeric
Used in Asia for thousands of years, turmeric contains curcumin, which has powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Studies have shown that curcumin may inhibit the growth of prostate cancer cells.
10. Legumes
Beans, lentils, and peas are all a part of the legume family and boast as an excellent source of fiber, protein, and other various nutrients. Not only are legumes great for your overall health, but they also may help suppress tumor growth.
Eating a nutritious diet offers benefits well beyond the realm of prostate health, offering numerous advantages for overall well-being.
10 Great Foods For Prostate Health
prostate health
Maintaining a healthy prostate is crucial for men’s overall well-being. With an estimated 288,300 new cases of prostate cancer in 2023, it is essential to know how to care for your prostate. While regular check-ups and medical advice are essential, incorporating prostate-friendly foods into your diet can provide an additional boost to support prostate health.
Foods For Optimal Prostate Health
Research suggests a diet that is high in colorful vegetables, low in sugar and processed carbohydrates, and moderate in animal-based protein is key for optimal prostate health. Here at Alliance Urology, we have put together a list of great foods that can contribute to prostate health and overall wellness.
1. Tomatoes
Not only are tomatoes versatile and delicious, but they also contain lycopene, which has been shown to help reduce the risk of prostate cancer and slow the growth of prostate tumors. To increase the absorption of this antioxidant, it is suggested to cook your tomatoes or pair them with a healthy fat, like olive oil.
2. Berries
Nature’s candy has more benefits than just being sweet and delicious. Berries, including strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries, are all packed full of antioxidants that can help protect your cells from damage. Including berries in your diet can improve your prostate health while contributing to your overall health.
3. Cruciferous Vegetables
Sulforaphane is a phytochemical found in many cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, kale, cabbage, bok choy, and more. Sulforaphane has been associated with a lower risk of prostate cancer. The NIH suggests sulforaphane can play a “protective role” in prostate cancer by preventing the development and progression of prostatic tumors.
4. Green Tea
Green tea may not have been first to mind when it comes to prostate health. However, green tea is a rich source of antioxidants called catechins, which have anti-inflammatory and anticancer properties. Regular consumption of green tea has been associated with a reduced risk of prostate cancer.
5. Fatty Fish
Fatty fish is considered a superfood and for good reason. Fatty fish such as salmon, mackerel, and sardines contain Omega-3s, which have a laundry list of benefits. Some of the most notable are preventing heart disease and stroke, helping control lupus, and can play protective roles in cancer and other life-threatening conditions.
6. Pumpkin Seeds
Pumpkin seeds contain a phytochemical that can help prevent prostate problems. It is recommended to eat roughly 5 grams of pumpkin seeds daily when dealing with benign prostatic hyperplasia. If eating pumpkin seeds by the handful isn’t for you, try sprinkling them on top of your favorite salad.
7. Walnuts
In the seed and nut family, walnuts also can have considerable benefits when it comes to your prostate health. Walnuts are rich in nutrients like zinc, selenium, and vitamin E, which have been linked to prostate health. Additionally, they provide healthy fats and protein.
8. Garlic
Garlic has more of a purpose than leveling up a dish. Garlic is a part of the allium vegetable family, which contains sulfur compounds. These compounds are thought to help protect against prostate cancer and benign prostatic hyperplasia. Additionally, garlic may help decrease your blood pressure and prevent blood clots.
9. Turmeric
Used in Asia for thousands of years, turmeric contains curcumin, which has powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Studies have shown that curcumin may inhibit the growth of prostate cancer cells.
10. Legumes
Beans, lentils, and peas are all a part of the legume family and boast as an excellent source of fiber, protein, and other various nutrients. Not only are legumes great for your overall health, but they also may help suppress tumor growth.
Eating a nutritious diet offers benefits well beyond the realm of prostate health, offering numerous advantages for overall well-being.
Tomato Phytochemicals and Prostate Cancer RiskMounting evidence over the past decade suggests that the consumption of fresh and processed tomato products is associated with reduced risk of prostate cancer. The emerging hypothesis is that lycopene, the primary red carotenoid in tomatoes, may be the principle phytochemical responsible for this reduction in risk. A number of potential mechanisms by which lycopene may act have emerged, including serving as an important in vivo antioxidant, enhancing cell-to-cell communication via increasing gap junctions between cells, and modulating cell-cycle progression. Although the effect of lycopene is biologically relevant, the tomato is also an excellent source of nutrients, including folate, vitamin C, and various other carotenoids and phytochemicals, such as polyphenols, which also may be associated with lower cancer risk. Tomatoes also contain significant quantities of potassium, as well as some vitamin A and vitamin E. Our laboratory has been interested in identifying specific components or combination of components in tomatoes that are responsible for reducing prostate cancer risk. We carried out cell culture trials to evaluate the effects of tomato carotenoids and tomato polyphenols on growth of prostate cancer cells. We also evaluated the ability of freeze-dried whole-tomato powder or lycopene alone to reduce growth of prostate tumors in rats. This paper reviews the epidemiological evidence, evaluating the relationship between prostate cancer risk and tomato consumption, and presents experimental data from this and other laboratories that support the hypothesis that whole tomato and its phytochemical components reduce the risk of prostate cancer.
Dr.. Saigal, Thank you so much for this simplified explanation, it is so helpful.
Prior surgical procedures for enlarged prostate is also important when considering surgery versus radiation. For example TURP procedure’s create greater risk for ED and incontinence after radical prostatectomy I believe. But check with your doctor. I am not sure about radiation treatments so check with your doctor but I don’t think there is as much risk for side effects.
Great efforts , extremely appreciated.
TY! Best video I’ve seen to date on this.
I am assuming the pathologist will still evaluate the two worst core samples when arriving at the final Gleason score under the new numbering scheme.
Please doctor i have tested the PSA three times, because i have all the symptoms that tell i have cancer ,the results was over 6, im 56 y. All doctors won't tell me that i have cancer,please how can you help me that i have cancer ,i have emergency medical, and i live in Anaheim California.
Sir could you tell me that when prognosis is calculated, is it calculated with treatment or without treatment???
Great info! Take your time to make the best decision that YOU feel comfortable with. After all, it’s your body. Also, UCLA is an excellent hospital for prostate care! Really top-notch!! Good luck!👍
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Thanks for posting this informative helpful video.
ok, i say i have prostate cancer, dont use any kind of treatment, what simptyms will i go through?
Very clear. Thanks.
Thank you. Just a suggestion, when you do this again, have your video editor cut to the screen, your visuals were so small I couldn't read them.
Thanks for the information. You've helped me.
Muy buenos consejos
Very concise and informative
Watched my father die with prostate cancer. Horrible !!!
That's why when I got it, I had it yanked.....
I'm sorry to hear about your Father. I was just diagnosed, and cought it early. Last PSA was 8.2. MRI shows a 6mm x 7mm lesion on one side. MRI shows no spread.
I wouldn't have a problem getting it yanked, but you hear all the stories about people who now pee or poop in a bag from side-effects of the operation.
With similar outcomes with the ProtecT trial why should anyone with intermediate disease choose surgery with need for a catheter, risk of immediate ED and incontinence. What about the recent Harvard study showing higher levels of regret with surgery. You are overstating risk with MRIdian SBRT. What about Decipher score and PET scan?
My friend had radiation. Doing OK 👍
My dad is 86 years old his PSA was high so his doctor did a biopsy and we found out today my dad has prostate cancer. Now the doctor wants to give my dad a shot to slow the cancer then do radiation i don’t no if i should trust the doctor. I know if doctor sells the radiation to patients so he might get a trip to Hawaii.
Make sure it is your fathers decision.
My son in law just had biopsies because of a high PSA level..The Dr. has stated if there is cancer he will be treated with Radiation
I am on my second biopsy at the md office.
Speak to your spouse also. It's important they feel included and informed.
worddunlap, I am the spouse in this case and I have had to do all the research since my husband has Bipolar Disorder and can't handle too much stress. I am very stressed also! Some doctors feel threatened if you know too much. Some don't. My husband's Urologist was impressed about how much I knew and said I should have gone to medical school. I took that as a compliment! Part of the reason I know how to do research is because I have a pancreatic cyst that also has the potential to turn cancerous in the future so I have done a lot of research on that topic for the past 4 years. My husband is now scheduled to have a prostate biopsy in Feb.
@@karimaogden3875 He needs to make the call himself and admit he is the one. You are walking into a minefield. I have it now but went to all the appts with my father 20 years ago. He asked me what to do and I advised him " It's your decision" people were telling him to do nothing and they knew nothing. He had a type that spreads and it had already spread. Later I said " If I had cancer I would want it gone" He had a painful recovery, it took 6 months for the incontinence to subside. He did live 20 more years and died of something else BUT he always blamed me and held it against me. No mam, don't you dare...Bi-polar or not it HAS to be him. Too much is going on and the stakes for him are high and variable. More things than I mentioned.
@@worddunlap , thank you for responding to my post. When you say that "He needs to make the call himself and admit he is the one", are you referring to doing all the research or making the final decisions as to whether or not to have a biopsy and what kind of treatment to have if and when he is told he has cancer? As I said, he will be having a biopsy in Feb and that was HIS decision based on what the Urologist said and all the research I had done. The biopsy comes with the risk of serious complications like bleeding and serious infection (sepsis). He is not too thrilled about it but is willing to take the risk. There is a good chance though that he doesn't have cancer based on a Multiparametric MRI he had done in December but the results were inconclusive and showed a small suspicious area possibly cancer but the radiologist couldn't say for sure so the only way to find out for sure is to do the biopsy. The radiologist did note that he had Mild Benign Prostate Hyperplasia (Enlarged Prostate) which we already suspected. As far as me having to do all the research, he prefers that I do it and then share the most relevant and concise articles and videos on the subject so that he doesn't get too overwhelmed. Like I said, he has a very severe case of Bipolar Disorder and has been hospitalized about 15 times in the past 26 years. His most recent hospitalization was in July 2018 and he is still not fully stable yet. That's why I worry that he could relapse again if I put too much pressure on him about doing research. This prostate thing came out of left field for us. It started with a Screening PSA done by his new PCP and is now evolved into biopsies and possible cancer. We have enough dealing with his Bipolar and his other issues of Hypertension and Diabetes which were caused by his psych meds. I am sorry to hear that you now have prostate cancer. What stage are you? I hope it was caught early.
@@karimaogden3875 I find out thurs. It does not look good. Already high PSA doubled in 3 weeks and a positive MRI (new machine very advanced), family history of aggressive form of the disease. No, not caught early.
Go for oral livecells therapy
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My big question..
You make no provision in your risk category assessment for prostate gland volume
/ prostate density.
Obviously, a very small gland will produce less PSA than a very large gland.
So, why is the prostate density not considered in determining risk category????
Thank you 🙏🩺
Can i do kegel exercises while i am in erect state or almost erect state i have the impresion that i feel the kegels better, do you think is just my impression?
Do you think i can hurt myself in any way(my prostate) if i am doing that?
Good explanation. Tq
Excellent presentation good information but looking at a 6 year old video things have changed I would think.
There are those who have studied the stats who hold that the statement “the PSA test saved my life” is rarely true, if it ever is.
The well-known writer Malcolm Gladwell has chosen not to have his PSA even measured! This type of cancer is either deadly or totally harmless, so what’s the point?
significant others should have NO SAY whatsoever. I can't tell them what to do with their bodies, they have no say about mine. If they don't like it then divorce/ leaving the relationship is an excellent choice for them.
My GP doesn't do DRE's anymore. I don't like them but I think they should still be done.
1 am 68 years old my psa is 25 is it dangerous is it curable
My GP and Urologist decided for me after biopsy damaged my prostate. Anybody trust Doctors. Should I have known I was not going to do any PSA or biopsy
Helo ser what is your psa score ..??
My father has prostat cancer ..but im doing treatmnt from on doctr he mad some special medecin for cancer and he is recovering ..
Thank you doctor for the Professionalism & Good herbs with which you do your work. You listen to your client and you always put their needs first, thank you Dr Igho for your generosity In Curing me naturally
I have a 3+3, and a 3+4 Gleason...2 out of six biops bad... My docs say taking my prostate might save me..What a fkn predicament. As if I don't have enough sht to worry about I guess I'm lucky. far...always more bad news possible... my cancer seems to have been caught early. I guess removing a prostate without cutting the nerves that make life a little extra special is common. GOD, I hope so. I'm scared for sure.
Contact me ..00923459192985
I have some special news for you ser
I have same diag - what was the special information, helpful?
@@shahhasthussain what he can do
what has happened since your post?
a Person I love very much has a 62 PSA is 61.1 with a % PSA of 9.1 Three years ago his PSA was 2.4 Does this not seem high and within a short time? Trying to get insurance to approve his Fusion guided Biopsy. His Dr. did a DRE and said it was Hard. Not large but Hard Should I be very concerned about him?
what is a DRE and update us
More excellent information. Thank you.
Go for Ayurveda India. Better and best than any . Drink daily bottle ground juice early in morning with tusli/ basil
Sir ayurvedic medicine inda cure aagidaaraa?
Don't be so silly.
I'd rather just die then go through an operation. Going to die anyway.
Go for oral livecells therapy
This is not yet in your country
We are trying to reach you all there
Understand that our body is made of stemcells and the only help is live cells
Now there is oral livecells
Get your therapy now before its too late
These live stems oral sounds like a big scam fuckin xunts everywhere.
I am leaning towards doing nothing at age 64. I do not want to be tied to clinics in my forth quarter. looking for quality of life while I possess it. Do not want doctors poking 'rond my pecker.
jim Fish good luck to ya brother
It's good to see you still have a sense of humour! I tend to agree with you. I'm 71 and just want to live out my life without too much muss or fuss. All the best to you sir.
are you till here what has happened since last post?
@@blakeposter7496may have died as a result of no pecker poking
Getting a prostatectomy was best decision I’ve ever made . No more catheters and UTIs . Got my life back .