Hello Dr. Dhand, I was recently watching a rather long panel discussion video (3hrs) regarding general economic conditions out there at the moment. One of the examples that was discussed was the recent collapse and bankruptcy of Red Lobster. There is an MSM narrative revolving around losses from their Endless Shrimp promotion, though it appears the actual cause was the acquisition of the company by private equity who then stripped and looted the company's asset portfolio and essentially walked away with about $1.5B while leaving only debt and uncertainty in their wake. My apologies for the long intro but it is pertinent to my question. One of the panelists mentioned a number of hearsay stories from friends and clients of his (Mid-Atlantic region) that are accomplished physicians of one sort or another. They report that the same style of corporate raids have been inflicted upon several hospital and healthcare holding companies that are now owned by private equity firms. The results, as reported secondhand, are that those physicians working within one of the afflicted hospital systems have far lower job satisfaction, increased hassles, fewer or suboptimal treatment options due to profit margin spreadsheets instead of patient outcomes dictating treatments, and just generally making an already difficult job even harder to do well despite the soaring costs and plummeting outcomes. Would you care to address any insights you might have on the impact of such corporate shenanigans on your experiences in the last decade or two? The video referenced was the most recent Tuesday night livestream on Sachs Realty y/t channel if you're interested. It's extremely solid info and analysis for the macro perspective. Best regards, Mike
We moved from the U.S. to central Mexico for a number of reasons including more accessible, affordable health care. While I'm not saying the system is perfect here (we do our own research when we have to take meds, etc.) but already I've had TWO house calls to our RV park (foodborne one time, subluxed hip, the other) and both times had a thorough checkup and the doc answered all my questions even telling me what to eat for the next week (in the case of the food illness). Cost for the housecall in both cases was around $30US and in the case of the hip issues included an injection of a corticosteroid (and that doc gave a painless shot, too)! I received Rx for all meds and they always give you a personal cell phone number in case you need them. Another time I had lab tests at a very modern laboratory here in Oaxaca. Two full blood panels and a urine panel. Cost in pesos was about $45US. AND I just walked in and requested the tests...no appointment. There are docs available at many of the pharmacies where you can walk in for minor issues and get diagnosed. That costs under 100 pesos, generally or about $6US. Sure, you can go to private clinics here and pay a bit more and get more english speaking staff but so far after going without med care for almost 2 decades in the U.S. (we ordered antibiotics from farm supply stores the rare times we needed them...how sad is that?) we're feeling pretty darn good about our decision to leave the U.S.
I’ve been a nurse for 13 years. I’m so burnt out and want to start a new career. Always short staffed and patients can’t ever get help or resources they need. Healthcare is a dumpster fire and just one big business. CEOs don’t care if their staff suffer mentally or if patients live or die. They just want to keep making millions to line their pockets.
Obama in concert with insurance companies did this/ACA. EVERYTHING changed with "Affordable Care Act" - my premiums almost doubled three times then & I got NOTHING in return, except higher co-pays and less coverage through my self pay private insurance. I looked in to ACA and it was almost just as expensive as private coverage because I don't qualify as "Poverty level" b/c "I own a home and a car" - I notice my non-citizen friends are driving Extremely Expensive & New cars to cash jobsites & the only persons who have affordable healthcare now because they do qualify as poverty by accepting cash not reported to irs and not paying taxes at all or just at poverty level irs income claims... & by making very good use of the ER. We must take OUR country and OUR CITIZEN finances back. I'm certainly glad Trump reversed the law MANDATing the purchase of medical insurance - I only wished they could have done more to fix the Insurance & healthcare matrix. I don't think it will ever be able to be fully reversed, now... but, MAYBE 2024!?! This is REALLY BAD FOR ALL THE LOW TO MIDDLE CLASS CITIZENS OF THE US. The wealthy and taxpayer funded income/healthcare recipients don't worry about it at all. No shade - just facts! The endgame is complete socialized medicine/authoritarian controlled, without decent caring professional eyes and ears on patients. Covid was the trial run.
Been mocked for going low/no processed food, turning down statin, vex, always some nasty dig in the after visit writeup so now I know better than to read them.
In 1972, I worked for a GP who was an old doctor. He knew his patients, cared for them individually, and charged $5. per patient, some less. He still made house-calls for his older home-bound patients. The charts were handwritten on 4 by 6 inch cards, and filed alphabetically by me. I sure wish we could bring back this kind of medical care.
That sounds like my childhood pediatrician, Dr. Fuchs. He worked out of his home. No staff except for a receptionist, the doctor did everything else himself.
As long as the human population continues to increase the more we will find ourselves in the rut of minions. No individualism. No singular support. We are pushing ourselves to the brink and yet keep on breeding out of control. I'm old and remember when the world was a different place where we actually cared about each other. Guess those days are gone forever.
Yes, the old doctors...put you on table..looked into eyes and ears...asked about rash....listened to body...felt for lumps...went to examen downstairs..both sides....tapped on your knie....so it was...today. tests...thats all.
@@chinookvalleyYou should brush up on population statistics, they’re falling off a cliff. I’m 39, half my friends never had kids. The ones who do only have 1 or 2 max.
I am a doctor of MEDICINE, not HEALTH. Once I realized that, I invested more time into learning health than I did into becoming a doctor. It’s now obvious that the focus of medical school is not health but instead pushing pharmaceuticals, procedures, and surgery that are essential and occasionally needed but hardly the backbone of health.
My girlfriends son is a Doctor. He learned a lot about Natural Healing and Alternative Medicines before traditional Med School. He tries to help his patients have a balance. I hope he can survive in this crazy profession.
Having had worked in a cardiologist office, I agree with you. He was not concerned about his patients, his concern was pushing the newest, most expensive drugs the pharma was putting out there. Glad he finally retired and took his 3 mil and went home to India.
The evil world we live in. Polititians, the Medical profession, Judges, Lawyers etc are all supposed to look after the common people but sadly they have become wolves in sheep's clothing. Disgusting hypocrites.
I’ve been a nurse for many year always working in the Operating Room. I’ve spent many hours listening to conversations between surgeons talking about the latest cars they bought (like Ferraris, hight ends cars really), the beach houses, Ivy League colleges for their graduating high school kids, European vacations, etc! Most of these doctors lived in mansions in Southern California. In order to keep up with all these expenses they have to produce immense income that comes from insurance companies with high premiums and deductibles paid by patients! So very obscene!
I have an orthopedic surgeon insisting I get surgery on my shoulder and I'm beside myself. I desperately don't want surgery and told him so. Maybe I need it, maybe I don't, but I've also heard he's quick to want people to have surgery. Probably for the paycheck. I wonder if he has my best interest in mind, or his.
@@beezneez2056 During long procedures I feel like screaming “shut up already”! My only salvation, some times is watching the anesthesiologist roll his/hers eyes in disgusts! 😂
@@TK.000 Try Rick Olderman first. He's a physio and he has a channel on youtube. He has several programs on his website and teaches other physios his method now. Bob & Brad here on yt have retrained with him. I was written off by physios here with my spine issues. No-one could help me. Only option was surgery which would be very risky. Found Rick by chance and within a week my pain level went from 45/70 to 27/70. He claims he has saved several people from surgery. And the cost of his programs are less than the price of a visit to a physio so worth a try in my opinion. I think he's amazing and when I say he changed my life, I really mean it. He completely transformed me. Good luck with it.
You're in for a rude awakening then. Things can go on like this and continue to get worse for longer than you can imagine. Everyone always feels like change it imminent, but it almost never actually is. thats how reality works. reality is, things are likely to go on like this, and if anything only get worse for years if not decades. Thats how reality works.
@@jeffhicks8428 yes I shudder when Trump says make country great again and all that. How’s he going to turn it around in 4 years? Although Bidon turned it around in 3 years and made a big mess . Maybe.
When the government runs health care, politics is inevitable! Politicians and bureaucrats take over from doctors and their patient-customers. It's always the same when you nationalize ANY product, service, or industry.
@@harrymills2770 Not really because of governments but corporate dominance and the worship of money. Big pharma makes more money when people are sick. Keep the patient alive, but still sick, and still in need of your drugs for life. Government involvement is needed to counteract this tendency. The American private system delivers worse health outcomes than countries with nationalised health, even though there are also problems with these but the US system takes the cake. For every problem there is always a simple explanation and that simple explanation is usually wrong. "The gaberment" is an example of one such simple, but wrong, explanation.
Indeed. I'm a nurse and every two years I renew my license. I need a certain amount of CEUs during this time. It sickens me when I read the required literature to get those CEUs. All backed by big pharma.
DPC (direct primary care) is a membership-based model of health care, eliminating the insurance companies and administrators from the equation. Our members pay a monthly fee, and in exchange I see them as often as needed. No co-pays, no office visit fees, no hassles. Look for one in you area!
Whenever I have had an urgent problem needing treated I have paid privately, even though I am eligible for 100% coverage without copays from the VA. Even so, my VA care has been surprisingly good, depending on which district I have lived in. Bay Pines region was excellent, but Gulf Coast region is mediocre.
Most people don't have Insurance. They are in some kind of government insurance. Tough to ask for a raise when on 1 in 20 patients who walk through the door pay any portion of their visit
@@pennywebb9546giving politicians money should be illegal not lobbying. Lobbying is like advertising, necessary but way over board and perverted in the modern day
I worked in healthcare for 25 years. Got laid off during the pandemic and decided I wasn’t going back. It wasn’t fun anymore. It was all based on insurance and not what the patient actually needs. Our small town hospital was integrated into a huge corporation, and then that corporation got even larger and things went downhill very quickly. Doctors never stay around for more than two or three years. Turnover is insane. And then came the pandemic and all the BS that came with it. I don’t trust the medical profession anymore. For humans or animals actually.
Agreed. Last year my elderly cat was "diagnosed" with cancer with no diagnostic tests. All the vet was interested in was putting him through chemotherapy. Fortunately my lovely cat died spontaneously a couple of weeks later so he didn't suffer. However I was appalled at how quickly my cat was "diagnosed" and felt pressure to put him on treatment that I know wouldn't have worked, only causing him more suffering. Animal medicine is also about making shed loads of money for vets.
@@mypointofview1111 vet clinics are being bought up by big corporations that sell pet food. And pharmaceuticals. Human medicine is full of huge conglomerates. It’s disgusting. I don’t know exactly what to do about it but I guess all you can do is take the best care of yourself and your pets that you can so that you don’t have to deal with these people anymore than absolutely necessary. and I’m sorry about your kitty cat. my friends dog has cancer and they’re really pushing to do all kinds of treatments. But with the $10,000 price tag at minimum she can’t afford it. And she doesn’t think it would do any good anyway. It’s very sad.
my dad advocated for socialized healthcare , and this is it , the goverment allows their buddies to take over our local systems, the change happens so fast and is done in secret , ppl dont even realize they have to boycott those and re create a new local medical care system!
Doctors who want to stay employed should not be hospital hopping. That's a MAJOR indication of a problem doctor. A hiring manager sees a year here, a year there, their automatic thought is that that physician has a high mortality and injury rate and has gotten their previous employers sued a lot.
Don't mean to be disrespectful but it has to be said doctor. Since we've taken charge of our own health without seeing any doctor, we are much healthier - no allopathics consumed & no doctor seen or consulted for 7 years & we are pensioners. We've never been healthier .
Same here. I'm 76 yrs old and can't remember the last time I saw a doctor other than an eye dr. and dentist for regular checkups and a dermatologist for a minor skin problem. I think it's been about ten years. I'd like to go in for a baseline checkup, but I know what I'll be in for: COVID shots or others I don't want and probably pills I don't want. I'm willing to live with my slightly high B/P (140/80) and borderline cholesterol (runs in the family.) I eat healthy and exercise daily. Unless I can find a doctor I trust, I'll continue to keep doing what I'm doing. So far it seems to be working.
tbh the arrogance and distain I get from my GP when I went carnivore or resist endless shots in the arm or refuse statins.. I dont have any sympathy for him at all... and from what I hear from others... it seems most are like this. I try to back up my opinions with names of studies or simple facts but he just has this hollier than thou attitude and will not listen to anything i say.. he instead choses to make me feel like I havet a clue. Its incredibly insulitng.
When my kids were younger I would take them to a Pediatric office in the Texas Children Hospital, I was not impressed by their pediatricians; I saw 5 different doctors during that time. Then, we stopped paying the insurance due to financial issues. I had to look for a pediatrician that accepted cash and was affordable; I found an office run by a nurse practitioner, I was so impressed by his ethics and medical care. In every appointment, he would take his time, talked to me about the mental health screens caused on children, the importance of playing with toys, healthy diet, sleeping schedules, he would even suggest traditional remedies in SOME cases along with medicine. Also he would ask about me, my mental health and emphasized I needed to take care of myself in order to take care of my family, he is a true caring healthcare professional. He has been our pediatrician for the past 10 years. And he is the best we have had.
Same. Non-retired mid-60’s RN. No prescription meds, non vaxxed, no “healthcare”, no doctor visits in almost 20 years. Mostly carnivore diet, basic supplements.
Ex hospice RN here. I assesed a new patient: 103 yo, never consumed drugs or alcohol, or prescribed pharmaceuticals. Aside from being confined to a wheelchair d/t weakness starting 2 weeks prior seemed perfection healthy. Patient was extremely livid that any medical staff was called. I performed an assessment nothing more. Patient said the last time she'd been to the doctor was when she was born. I drove home and on the way recieved a call on my cell that the patient had died roughly 10 min after i'd left. There wasnt anything abnormal about her heart rhythm or breathing that id heard. It was as if she willed herself to die rather than deal with modern medicine. I dont blame her.
It's amazing how healthy one can be, how informed and full of common sense, if one does not have medical insurance. Insurance does funny things to people's heads. They throw caution to the wind, thinking themselves almost divinely protected. Think of how carefully you would drive if you didn't have car insurance. And if you didn't have medical insurance, you would likely make sure that you were doing everything you could to remain healthy and vital.
My Mamaw was 99 when we finally had to place her in the nursing home that she had volunteered at until a few short months before. My dad was her main support for rides repairs and maintenance. He had a stroke at work and couldn't be there for her. No pharmaceutical drugs at all but she did have a pacemaker put in almost 3 decades before
My grandpa lived to about 96.. he was fairly healthy most his life, no serious health problems other than a little dementia. He always sopped up the bacon grease with his bread at breakfast..never on statins,,,they moved him into a nursing home for non assisted people.., he was able bodied and could feed, bathe, clothe himself, etc.. They insisted he have surgery for diverticulitis ( not cancer) and he died under surgery. One of his brothers lived to be 104..
My grandmother never went to hospital nor doctors. She birthed 10 children at home. She could identify every weed in the yard and how to use it. She died at 93 brokenhearted one of her children died.
Doctors today? Factory workers, punching in to work, sleepwalking through the day, then punching out. Best part of this downward slide? Patients are forced to rely on ourselves for our good health: exercise, nutrition, few meds.
While they are poisoning us throughout our food & water and much more! They want us all sick for profit, don’t care if we die, just 1 more ites the dust when it happens. They claim on news media September 9 that covid-2 is here, Round 2 , I really wonder what they will try to force down our necks this time. So now, most people with average IQ know more and have educated ourselves, and I know many many citizens will not comply forced Vaxxs! No way, I don’t believe a thing that the media or Government tells us the dump sheep, NO MORE BS! I just don’t care about much of anything anymore! You people, know who you are, I’m certain will never see this comment dont care about helping people get well, the new world says just do everything to keep patients alive to bill Medicare and other Agencies, as long as possible! It all adds up, they’re all after the moola $$$$$$
The way a DNR is pushed onto elderly patients sickens me to the stomach. They tried that on my old dad when he got really ill (picked up a bug in hospital, of course). Not on my watch. I was at the hospital every day, asking questions and monitoring equipment. I wasn't having any of their nonsense
I made that deduction immediately after my RN training. All that money spent... what a waste of my time and finances. I'm now a herbalist and hubby and I are healthier now in our 60's than ever before. I have incredible tinctures for pain management with absolutely no side effects. Who knew hey 😂
@@anerawewillneverforget thankfully I was just an LPN, although i worked med surge doing the same job as the RNs other than initiating blood. I'm glad now that I didn't waste even more time with nursing school.
I'm sick and tired of having a health concern, going to my doctor who spent a decade in school to get their degree, and the only medical knowledge she has is "go see this other doctor". I don't want to go to 15 doctors for "preventative care" when all I need is one good doctor to FIX THE PROBLEM!!!
Thank you for being so candid, my fellow physician! I agree with you 100%. The whole system needs to implode & be rebuilt. The focus should be on the patients, universal healthcare, preventive medicine, mental health, social services, and getting rid of all the insurance companies, bureaucracies, making new meds affordable for patients.
When my partner pased away 11 years ago I was treated like shit, I could hear nurses laughing, no compassion at all Now I follow a KETO way of life, never get sick The NHS will kill you off, like 150,000 last year
I am sorry for what happened. People who have never been at the mercy of the merciless have no idea what is out there. I have a horror story of being bullied by staff as my mother was being taken by old age. A bunch of thugs and loons enjoyed their power and working for a “church run” facility no less. If I die before them I let a few of them know, I will be waiting for them as they transition to the other side. Such evil lurks about. I was dirty carnivore but switched to Ozempic and a week in it has almost resolved a few conditions. They are lying about this peptide because it is going to put them out of business. And all the snack companies as well. I look at any desert with gobs of whipped cream or most processed frozen dinners and need to avert my eyes. Again, I believe you. ❤
As a retired nurse I too learned to be responsible for staying well and finding solutions to my physical complaints. TH-cam independent voices have helped me to loose weight and stay well. Once you buy into Western medicine you put yourself at risk. Don’t accept pharmaceuticals as a solution. It’s not that easy.
Same here I always had a good relationship with my doctor and trusted him Not anymore he changed his whole attitude towards me I then knew he sold his soul But thank I woke up in 2020 Absolutely no I do not trust the medical professionals anymore It's gone once the trust is gone that's it for me
I am a psych nurse and I’m putting everything in place to retire from nursing and begin a new career because I can’t deal with all the corruption and unethical practices. It has been irking me since before the pandemic and that just exacerbated my feelings. I still want to help people but in a new way! 🙏🏼
They absolutely destroyed my mum on all their psych meds !!!! They drove her crazy. I argued & argued with them and was even threatened to be taken to court. My poor beautiful mother died in absolute terror 🥲
GPs in UK don’t seem to be working. I have seen a doctor twice once in 5 years. I had a lump on my wrist which hurt. GP sat 5 feet away from me and said it was a ganglion and printed out an information sheet. A few weeks later it got worst but this time I saw a nurse practitioner- I explained I didn’t believe it was. She felt it and said wow, you are right. She grabbed the GP and he said (after feeling it) no it doesn’t seem to be a ganglion but there might be one underneath ?!?!?). I was sent to a consultant and was a problem with bones not alignment. I had a stroke and after being treated for it I had to go to my GP for a follow up ( I had to contact surgery as they had not contacted me). Appears no one read the release letter. GP saw me and took my blood pressure. I said yes I have had high blood pressure for 2 years - and he replied no, the last BP reading said you were fine. It was 5 years previously!!!! When I left the GP I asked reception who looked at my records and said yes we have readings but they are further down the page!?!?!? I was advised by my pharmacy that I needed to have a blood test so I phone surgery and the RECEPTIONIST asked me why I needed it. To which I replied ‘I have no idea’. She looked at my records and said maybe it’s because of the medication I was now on. SHE worked out what tests needed to be done. Recently I needed another blood test and again it was the receptionist who wrote out the bloods form. Not a GP in sight. To mind this makes me believe that GPs are no longer needed in UK. The receptionists and practitioner nurses seem to be doing all the doctors work.
As a cancer patient, what I finally noticed is that most doctors will take into account what the insurance company, hospital administrators, and pharmaceutical companies want before they even begin to consider what the patient needs. A friend who is a former oncology nurse told me that hematologists/oncologists don't look at your chart and decide how best to treat you. They look at your chart and decide how many dollar signs that can put beside your name. She left the field because she got tired of arguing with doctors about patient care. We need more people like that in healthcare, but those people generally fired or burnt out. Modern medicine rarely takes a "whole body" approach and in most states it's difficult to find or afford a functional medicine doctor, naturopath, or anyone else who might know what to do. I've done a lot of my "healthcare" completely on my own and have even found studies and medications that my hematologist didn't know about or hadn't considered. I've already outlived what my first hematologist told me I would, so I tell people to read everything you can get your hands on and be your own advocate. The medical industry isn't here to cure us. They are here to make sure they have reoccurring customers. If it collapses, I hope a lot of providers, hospitals, and companies realize they deserve to lose everything.
Naturopaths are NOT doctors. In addition, if you think these alternative fools aren’t interested in themselves and THEIR bank accounts you’re delusional. Also NPs are also ONLY interested in their schedules and income.
This big profit business model is in every single facet of our lives and is stealing from us every single minute if every day with their systems. The systems are designed to make elite wealthier. NOT THE AVERAGE PERSON. WhY are we to think health “care” is any different? We need to redo everything we’ve been programmed to think is good or best for us. I think people around the world are finally getting it. It’s time for. Massive shift and push back. Wherever there is money it’s likely there is greed. Greed is a beast that is NEVER satiated. IF THEY TELL US ITS BEST FOR US, DO THE OPPOSITE.They are lying to all of us.
I am a doctor myself and it's been almost 10 years since I stopped working as one, I've always felt that something was wrong with my studies and my daily practice of medicine, and this was later confirmed by the pandemic. I was always scowled at when I explained to my colleagues that we were "trained" to cover up symptoms, not to actually cure our patients. Unconsciously for most of us, we became tools for making money, not doctors. Today, I'm convinced that each and every one of us should be an expert in our own health. A doctor can, perhaps, guide you but it's still our body. And we're supposed to understand and know it better than anyone else.
Back in 2007, my doctor grabbed some dry ice and burned a wart off in-office. Last year, I went to my doctor for a massive plantar wart that is quite painful, and my doctor sent me to a podiatrist??? Podiatrist just shaved it and gave me standard topical wart medicine. If that sh*t WORKED, I would not NEED to see a doctor, right? It MUST be surgically cut out. No topical med will get this deep thing gone. Or, whip out a lot of dry ice, ya know? So, still there, still causing pain.😢
The arrogance of many Dr’s scare the hell out of us! Two visits to the hospital in 2 years and they almost killed my spouse both times! It is absolutely necessary to have an advocate BY YOUR SIDE while in a hospital.
I recently saw a consultant and had to berate him for talking down to me and not making eye contact. He had to apologise and his demeanour and attitude changed. I won't tolerate arrogance from anyone.
@@terrapinflyer273 There's a tremendous need. But, you'll have to pay outta pocket is you can find one. What's a reasonable hourly fee? $150/hr from the time of departure, to the time back? Wanna know what I think? I don't think unless I'm being paid ; )
@MrSteelerboy1 LOL! Their fee for a malpractice claimsis $250k... the max allowable recovery, thanks to one of the Bush's. But, many doctors and lawyers aren't 'people'... they're books with legs and fat billfolds ; )
I have a friend who has been in intensive care for 3 days because she went in a month ago for a uti, which turned into a kidney infection, which turned into sepsis, even though she was prescribed antibiotics, was in constant daily contact with the doctor, and was being in up new symptoms and complaints almost daily. On the last visit before her septic shock, she went in for a new MRI and was told she “looked anemic” was given blood and sent home. She was completely fucking orange. Next day she was dying of septic shock and her liver was now also infected. Like a fucking joke. She was in septic shock when she arrived at the hospital. Almost died. Almost lost her leg. Her new doctor, a kidney specialist, was overheard talking to a nurse saying “how tf did this get this bad? Why did [other doctor] allow this to get this far? This is the worst case of this infection I have ever seen.” - and the crazy part: “I hate working with incompetent “COVID doctors” “ !!! We haven’t asked obviously, but we assume he meant doctors forced through the system with minimal training or ability due to COVID shutdowns! Literally insane. She almost fucking died. >:(
I developed a UTI which then turned into a kidney infection from…sitting in a jacuzzi. I didn’t know the jacuzzi wasn’t being cleaned. I was given the wrong antibiotic at the ER. The kidney pain didn’t get better. My doctor tested my urine and gave me the right antibiotic. I avoid getting into a jacuzzi or hot tub now. Not worth it.
@@plumeria66 holy eff i have been swimming in a month guess what happened i got a tonsillar abscess not sure if its linked to the swimming pools but those were painful asf doctors are important and the swimming pool was so cold definetely not well maintained but my sis and mom go in there too i wonder if i am having weaker immune system ? :/
@@JazzYachtrocker Well...actually, it was years before that. Actually, it was since the majority of doctors sold out, and became drug dealers along side of dirtyphrma.
I heard a healthcare provider say once that healthcare was never meant to be a business and the moment that the medical industry became about money, the profession was lost.
I am from a place with universal health care. As we graduated from medical school, our Dean gave us a speech on how to save and invest so that we would not have to worry about money, as any doctors who were preoccupied with money were not good doctors.
Oncologist pays $3,000 for a chemotherapy drug charges the patient 12,000 insurance pays 80% and then they are left with a 20% copay if they live or die the doctor still will get paid.Let that sink in.
Yeah. I had a friend whose cat got stomach cancer. The vet operated on the cat and he died. The poor girl who loved her cat had to pay $2600. That was 20 years ago. It is the same for us, now. No difference.
Psychedelics are just an exceptional mental health breakthrough. It's quite fascinating how effective they are against depression and anxiety. Saved my life.
Can you help with the reliable source I would really appreciate it. Many people talk about mushrooms and psychedelics but nobody talks about where to get them. Very hard to get a reliable source here in Australia. Really need!
Yes, dr.porassss. I have the same experience with anxiety, depression, PTSD and addiction and Mushrooms definitely made a huge huge difference to why am clean today.
I wish they were readily available in my place. Microdosing was my next plan of care for my husband. He is 59 & has so many mental health issues plus probable CTE & a TBI that left him in a coma 8 days. It's too late now I had to get a TPO as he's 6'6 300+ pound homicidal maniac. He's constantly talking about killing someone. He's violent. Anyone reading this Familiar w/ BPD know if it is common for an obsession with violence.
Hospitals used to be run by doctors. During the 80's, these doctors started selling out, accepting big bonuses and salaries from hedge funds to sell their hospital. Over time, majority of hospitals were bought out by these hedge funds and turned into networks like sutter, kaiser, etc. They made a monopoly over hospitals in different regions. Now, these hospitals are run by big corporations like a business, with the sole purpose of profits. No longer can we care about the well being of our patients. No longer do we do what we do to help patients. Its all about profits. As result, hospital staff including doctors, nurses, rts are all treated like factory workers, trying to maximize as much pts we can take as possible with no care to patient well being. All healthcare workers are spread out too thin to be able to do their job properly today. As result, things are missed. Things are not done. Or people are too tired to do them on a consistent basis as they are too burnt out from being overworked all the time. Healthcare is a sad world now, created by the failure of old doctors who sold out their future doctors for money.
It's the result of late Capitalism. Profit and growth above or else. Capitalism is self-serving. Capitalism operates according to the rules of selfishness.
@@gavinlew8273Again it’s Crony Capitalism not just Capitalism. Corporate power merging with government power is corporatism. Capitalism gave people a lot but these evil group of people seized power.
Our hospital had 2 doctors that were vocally anti covid vax, and they both got fired. They moved away. Those were the only doctors I trusted. I am bereft.
It's disgusting those good doctors got fired for standing against covid 19(84) and the tyrannical mandates. The Frontline Doctors were excellent when it came to all the the covid nonsense. They told the truth from the very beginning.
That is why I am glad to be a private off grid pcp. I only make enough to break even. I saw a chance to break out of the system w the pandemic and I took it. Good God those NP's and PA's take up good jobs. The urgent care place just takes people's money, run tests, and then send people home saying "follow up w your pcp". They discharged my patient with sky high blood pressure, no blood pressure meds.
I went to nursing school at a university in the 1970, BSRN program. We were taught fantastic clinical skills, unlike today. I have better clinical skills than the young doctors, evidence based. If they cannot test it, they cannot DX. the ailment, NO CLINICAL SKILLS. The doctors today do not care about the patient unlike in decades past. Health care in the USA is in the toilet. I am 79, the doctors do not care about patients, and only care about the bottom line. They have sold out. No respect from me for these poor medical doctors. They miss DX. all the time, have party lines that the big medical mills dictate. What you are saying is correct. These doctors are not caring, available or able to Dx. I know I have had enough and thank God, I know what needs to happen in my medical care. The doctors get pissed off that a nurse knows more than they do. But, I have to put my foot down and I don’t back down.
I'm 61 & I try to stick with older drs who still dr. Unfortunately, as I get older the drs I trust who are older are retiring & im soon going to be stuck with the younger ones who know nothing.
On another note, it's just insane to me how long it takes to become a doctor. You get an undergrad degree (likely entirely unrelated to your future profession) which takes 4 years, go to medical school, typically with a gap year or more in-between which takes another 4 years, then residency which takes 3-6 years. All this while being charged hundreds of thousands and not being paid or being paid very little. By the time you're a practicing doctor you're likely in your 30s. If you're a woman this is especially draining and you're sometimes robbed of your chance of having children.
I was away ahead off you. The medical stories lead me to believe that your ordinary gp just took the medication way out😢 as a result my sister went through 14 years of continuous face pain. But guess what, she still trusts them...... go figure 😢 Not me, I wont go near them 😂
I'm a 63yo horsewoman. In Sept 23 both my feet were stomped on by our 800 lb. filly. I was bedridden for almost 8 weeks while I healed myself with RICE, protolitic enzymes and PT. After that I shoved my feet into a pair of boots and carried on with life. During this time I didn't dare go to the doctor for fear of surgery and a ginormous medical bill. Not even an x ray. I'm a retired Veterinary Technician and I thank God for the knowledge he gave me to learn how to 'fix' myself. I feel for those who have to suffer with today's sick care system.
Nice to hear of someone else helped by proteolytic enzymes. Found one with Seaprose-s. General practitioner wanted to do several invasive tests & I mentioned the systemic enzymes. She exclaimed, "WHAT! You can't take those! They'll kill ya." Instead, they helped a lot.
What are protolitic enzymes? Are they easy to find? What’s the protocol to follow? I don’t go to doctors, a year ago I injured the ligaments of my foot I rubbed castor oil on it twice a day and wrapped it with an ace wrap. The pain way away in two weeks!
That's amazing. One of my horses kicked me in the face a few years ago. I didn't go to the doctor until a month later, because a family member was very concerned. Turns out my shattered zygomatic bone had already healed and was fine. They tried to talk me into plastic surgery! No way. It's already healed why the heck would I do that. They acted so shocked that I didn't call an ambulance right when it happened. The human body heals really well on its own
Same. I'm 61 and haven't had a check-up in over a decade. I know meat is healthy. I don't believe everyone must have the exact same blood pressure, cholesterol, etc. I'm a businessman and I know what making sales looks like.
70 yrs here. I've been lied to multiple times by doctors - I was told I had mitral valve prolapse and must take antibiotics every time I go to the dentist and I will need ultrasounds monthly to monitor the problem -- but a few years later another doctor sent me to a top hospital to confirm the condition and it was just not true; I was told I needed back surgery -- but a few chiropractic adjustments resolved the problem without surgery (this is when I was 30), I was hospitalized for a blocked bile duct and was told I needed a feeding port put into my neck -- one call to a friend who knew members of the Board of Directors and I was released from the hospital the next day. There is no trust whatsoever. Like you if I get sick, it is my time to go. Evil lives.
While I agree on many of your points Dr. Dhand, I think one huge point as to driving the greed is the huge amount of cost it takes to go to school (at least in the US). Some schools charge over $150K - $400k ( I myself had a $350k) debt that accrued interest while in residency training and in school so by the time you are poised to make payments it has ballooned even further. The average pediatrician makes $130k-$200k depending on the city with large costs of living before taxes. It makes sense why doctors are naturally filtering into specialties and the generalists are getting taken over. Other degrees cost way less and can afford that peace of mind from not having higher pay, which I think is a great thing. Still that doesn’t explain it all as many of these policies are coming from those physicians who have been in the field for ages. I agree with what others said that it’s a mix of many players, not just doctors. The system is terribly misbalanced and the burnout is so real as others have mentioned. I just want to give some of my fellow physicians some empathy from the audience. Give a perspective that it isn’t just greed for many doctors, it’s basic survival as you work long hours to train with a debt larger than houses that many average Americans can’t even afford. This is all when they are mostly in their late 20s getting training. It’s crazy to think what we are doing to many good willing people. The only ones with the peace of mind to think about anything other than grinding and working would be those who were able to afford or avoid the $250k medical school debt, so you’d have to think what kind of physician society that is screening for. Thanks for the content and thanks for reading fellow TH-cam enthusiasts. Stay well and thanks for a moment to receive a different perspective.❤
I used to work for a very large HMO (35 years) and saw firsthand the inferior care physicians were forced to provide patients. Then I got on Medicare and saw, once again, how physicians sold their souls in providing inferior, even downright dangerous, health care in Advantage and Accountable Care Organizations just for job security, excellent benefits and good pay...all to the detriment of patients. Us mere mortals (the patients) have no power over the insurance companies and governments but the physicians do. Where are they? Why aren't they standing up for us? If the physicians don't help us, who will?
Really...the Doctors have say in the Government and insurance, on how things should be?! I thought it was the other way around 🤔 It's all scary for sure, regardless 🤯
@@EC-yd9yv If they were unionized like the nurses are, they would have more power. They could put pressure on the AMA and State Medical Boards to advocate for us. They could initiate a nationwide letter campaign to Congress to protect patients. Personally, I have not heard of any united effort from physicians on the behalf of patients. What I have heard is mass exodus of doctors leaving the health care system.
Every human, right now, stands alone on a small island. It is up to us to survive as we evidently have become the new commodities for a system, intending to profit, no matter what. Humanity is gone ; compassion is gone ; we, the new sheep, are sorting it out.
I worked 20 years in hospitals and clinics. Vast majority of doctors would be fine if left alone. But they long ago stopped being professionals and became clock punchers following protocols determined by a vast faceless unaccountable health care bureaucracy. One MD told me he can't even write a prescription any more, except per protocol. So why even have the doctor in the first place? A touch screen kiosk could do better, faster, cheaper. I have no sympathy. Physicians allowed this to happen.
suggesting it's the doctors fault is pretty unenlightened. Do you know how powerful the insurance lobby is? Do you know how much the hospital makes compared to the doctors per dollar spent on healthcare? This statistics are out there if you give a shit. For every dollar spent on healthcare hospitals get close to 80% of it. The CEO of my local healthcare system makes over $1 million and the handful of people below him make 5 million collectively. But they can't pay the nurses very well because of course that would mean package would need to be adjusted. This guy makes it seem so simple - doctors are just gross money grubbers. The truth is is we've all lost our ability to practice because the hospital systems are trying to buy us up and force us to practice medicine one way. Where everybody gets the same protocol and nobody gets to be treated any differently. The reason doctors push for better pay is that they, like all other businesses, have to pay their overhead. So if insurance companies are paying us $.50 on the dollar, we are going to struggle to pay our staff, our electricity, our rent. This guy is just trying to get everybody angry towards doctors but as a physician I can tell you I had to leave the rat race because I couldn't make a living. I spent time with patients and that was not viable.
I’ve said that to doctors before. If there’s no individualized health care why can’t we just make a software where patients input their symptoms. Imo it’s going to come to that and that is why they’re doing this to doctors.
@@Recoveringred In truth, much of medicine boils down to highly trained technicians, AKA physicians, following a flowchart to diagnose and then prescribe treatment. Most have no idea what to do with a patient with symptoms or reactions outside the norm. AI would be a boon for these patients.
@@StopTheWorld65 I had both types of high risk hpv for almost a decade. Several biopsies and one mass removed; I also have PcOS, endo, and adenomyosis…and several doctors told me the guidelines dictated care. And guidelines were I had to have invasive cancer to get it all removed. Ridiculous. I used a product from Italy and finally healed it myself. Doing things they discouraged of course. Not only are doctors no longer giving individualized care but they’ll shame you out of trying anything other than waiting to get cancer. I have also had the worst experience with dentists. They caused a hole in my sinus that has had to be repaired. Paid for by me not the dentist who caused it.
I am 59, sober for 4 years, eat clean as possible, ride my bike 5k miles a year. No smoking and haven't been to a DR in 9 years. ON ZERO MEDS. Feel great.
Doctors used to get into the profession to help others. Now, due to the cost of education (amongst other things), they are essentially forced into chasing the money, often at the expense of patients.
As an integrative psychiatrist I slowly broke free of the system. I prescribe no drugs. I incorporated mental imagery, nutrition (amino acid therapy). Spirituality, and Polyvagal Theory years ago. Early on I decided to do what was best for my patients and to fly under the radar. I lectured and wrote a lot but I was aware that every holistic doctor will be investigated by their medical board. With COVID I knew within 3 weeks what the truth was, but I spent more than 500 hours studying the details. Medicine became big business in 1910 thanks to John D Rockefeller. What are the 3 taboo words in medical training? Nutrition, spirituality and sexuality. Under spirituality I include the words God, purpose, faith and love. The heart has been ripped out of medicine. I feel it is too late to transform medicine. It will crumble.
I was diagnosed with schizophrenia but I feel that like the eyes the mind the eyes and the ears can see and hear things differently on other levels than other people sometimes how do I know you aren't seeing and hearing real people that are bleeding in out of your vibration
"Costs are skyrocketing". I had the unique position of knowing how much items cost for a hospital to order. I was also aware of how much the mark up could be in that hospital in certain situations. It was obscene. My family traveled out of state and had to have on of our children treated at an emergency room. I kept track of all details, including personnel, times, time frames and medicine details. When the bill arrived, I was incensed! I demanded an itemized list of those expenses. And would you know... the markup for the medicine was astronomical! I knew how much it costs for a hospital to order it. So I made arrangements to speak to management at that hospital to make the point that such pricing was abusive, shameful and unnecessary. I also knew exact times, names and personnel who entered the room. No one was going to exploit this situation. Needless to say, the bill was significantly reduced. It's an outrage healthcare admin has done as they have to the people. And often blame insurance companies! I fear it is a well-deserved collapse. But the people do need quality care professionals to help. Not entitlement-minded individuals with self-centered, poor bedside manner. Corrupt and evil big pharma has done WAAAAY to much harm in programming modern day medical professionals to do their bidding. It's contradictory to the oath.
Hospitals charge whatever the insurance companies pay. They negotiate prices, probably aboard CEO's yachts in the Caribbean, on a regular basis and laugh all the way to the bank!
It’s a business now like any other. I heard there used to be mostly doctors and a few administrators. Today I understand a hospital could be close to 50% administrative. It’s a business otherwise why would there be so many managers.
I am grateful for your honesty. As a registered nurse working for 50 years I have seen the detrimental negative changes in healthcare. You are a gift to healthcare workers who are getting validation for their frustrations and they are even leaving the professions. I reminisce of the past where I worked with doctors, nurses, other healthcare professionals as amazing teams , supportive, respectful and mutual exchange of ideas and expertise to help patients regain their health . More time was spent with patients and families and miracles happened
If only doctors would admit this to themselves. Now we have hands-off physicals, patient questions/concerns are dismissed. Medical issues/complaints are not addressed. Expensive medical tests are ordered without explanation of results. The arrogance, superiority, and lack of knowledge is astounding! I feel forced to take care of my own medical issues the best I can. I order what medical tests I can and monitor my own health, but I also desire a doctor who is knowledgeable and who cares. There are good ones, but they are not taking new patients. I do need certain meds, but for the most part I research and use alternative practice and supplements. I am a retired RN and 15 year medical lab tech, retired. I wonder what people with absolutely no medical background do. We all suffer. Yes, my friends in the UK have some of the same complaints. I will try a D.O. Perhaps he will be open to alternatives therapies. He might even dare to touch me and palpate for enlarged lymph nodes, instead asking if I noticed any lumps as my oncologist did!
I'm also a retired RN, and likewise, order my own tests and use online pharmacy.The useless GP decided, suddenly, I didn't have HBP despite several small strokes, and refused to prescribe! I saw her for a few years and she never touched me, and to my shock, didn't know I had a mastectomy,so never read my chart or heard anything I said.
I’m also a BSN who stopped working in 2000 with 3 decades of experience. My husband was diagnosed with melanoma back in 2017 and during his course of treatment (at a very prestigious medical system) was admitted to determine an effective pain control regimen. At the time, he had undergone 3 rounds of immunotherapy with 2 different agents. During the testing to figure out the best combo to control his pain, he had a reaction to something and was put on massive doses of steroids; he remained on this high dosage for 3 weeks post discharge. The down side is that steroids act in direct opposition to the action of immunotherapy and so he was “fast tracked” off them in order to continue his immunotherapy. This led to the predictable shut down of his adrenals. He was readmitted for evaluation and put on IV steroid support (huge dose 3x/day). When it appeared he was stable, they withdrew the IV steroids without any tapering. Within 12 hours he totally crashed and ended up in ICU. I was asked for directives should he need further life support. I went home, gathered the family and in the morning, we all went to see him for what we expected to be the last time. Surprise! He was awake, up and about, essentially his usual self! I couldn’t believe it! While I was going over his MAR with the RN, a parade of medical students/interns from literally 5 different “specialties” came in with their respective attending MD’s. Meanwhile, the light bulb went off for me and I made the connection between the high dose steroid and the abrupt withdrawal of said steroids. Shockingly, not one single student/intern/attending even glanced at his MAR or asked about his drug therapy. I couldn’t believe it. This prestigious healthcare system, which is a leader in training the next generation of healthcare professionals, failed miserably to properly diagnose the TRUE underlying etiology of my husbands crisis. In fact, I literally had to threaten his hospitalist to perform the diagnostics to confirm or rule out my suspicions. Turns out, I was correct. Me. A RN; who hadn’t practiced in over 15 years at the time; in the midst of a sea of medical educators and their students; in a world-renowned facility. And not a single one of the myriads who poked, prodded, and assessed him showed the slightest bit of initiative outside their own little niche medical specialty to try to “solve the puzzle” so to speak. Sadly, not even his ICU caregiver of the day. He was in hospital for 10 days that time and a major problem is that he had a different staff member assigned to him every day. There was no continuity of care and so the RN staff had no firsthand, “eyes on” baseline assessment to compare to. They were uninterested in any objective data I had to share. In the end, even I was wrong. Well, I was right to a degree. It wasn’t ONLY his adrenals that had shut down. Because of my persistence, he was administered the adrenal challenge diagnostics; his adrenals were effectively dead. This led to consultation with an endocrinologist. The results of those diagnostics were that his entire endocrine system was dead. The endocrinologist said, and I quote, “we killed your pituitary gland, but the good news is we have pharmaceutical replacements for that. You can take thyroid replacements and steroid replacement, and at your age (he was 64) you don’t really need the testosterone anymore (what?!) The bad news is, it will take 3 weeks to reach therapeutic levels. After that you’ll feel as good as new.” He did not survive for 3 more weeks. Couple this shocking experience with the events of the 2020 worldwide healthcare “crisis” and I no longer am a proponent of the so-called western model of healthcare. Or any model of healthcare. I have researched alternative therapies and practice self-care. Happily, I did not contract that man made disease and haven’t been ill since before that. I’ll never trust our healthcare system again. MD’s are interested only in their own little niche of the market. People cannot be divided up like that. Humans are integrated wholes and a disruption in one area affects the entire system. MD’s have lost sight of this fact. Hospital staff in general seem to be there only for the paycheck. You must be your own advocate.
@@christinegeary4877 People are worried about taking Covid vaccine, they had better worry about having to be hospitalized! I am so sorry for your loss. I generally refrain from letting doctors know I am a nurse unless they ask my background, as I want them to share what they know/think, and I don't want them to think I am critiquing them. Of course they tell me nothing. I don't know if it is fear of being wrong, they don't know or just don't care. Whatever it is, we're in trouble when we need medical intervention. My friend in the UK was taken to the hospital because he was weak and fell. He had cellulitis. He never saw a physician over the weekend and he was finally seen on Monday he died from sepsis. They may not be as bad as the US, but they are a close second. It wasn't always this way.
I’m an RN. There is no “health” in most modern healthcare. Docs can be wonderful in life saving emergencies, in reality docs are not educated on maintaining health. They are educated on how to treat sickness. We absolutely have to be our own authority on our personal health and one size does not fit all.
But we shouldnt have to. We should have authorities that we can trust, institutions we can rely on for accurate information on how to stay healthy. It's no wonder we're all getting so sick it's because we can't do all the research ourselves.
@@AGILISFPV I agree. It’s very sad to see how things are. It’s also really beautiful to hear this doctor speaking out. Gives me hope that we can turn this around.
Well said. I’m also a RN, health visitor, and have an MSc in Public Health. I retired after 37 years, due to the nonsense of the pandemic. The NHS has nothing to do with health. It’s a disease management service.
We hold on to ONE doctor that has been wonderful for the past 15 years. Even though we have moved out of state we continue to ‘see’ her via zoom calls. She does not take insurance, limits her practice to the number of patients she can handle, listens and respected our decision not to vax, can be reached via email and phone between 6mo to 1 year check ups-no additional cost, does thorough blood work, is always researching alternatives to traditional Rx. We pay her about $300 per check up visit, period. It’s the way medicine should be practiced. She KEEPS us healthy with her guidance and counseling. I have been sick once in the past 5 years and had to go to our local clinic- 2 hour wait, saw 4 different doctors over 4 months and they all gave me a routine antibiotic and prednisone. Kicking myself in the rear end for not just calling her in the first place. But this has given me a whole new respect for doctors that care and will dig a little deeper for their patients.
I understand the rest but not taking insurance? There's a reason I got a job that had good health insurance was so I could see my good doctor and not have to pay $300 every time. That's crazy..
Paying hundreds of dollars for a check up is not the way healthcare should be, and is not the case in any other developed nation. That you find this acceptable is indicative of how indoctrinated your country is
This will work until u get sick for real. These consierge doctors can't help you when a real specialist is needed or expensive procedure (such as surgery to remove gallstones) is needed. It's a false sense of security they provide
My dad is a retired MD urgent care and he directed me to naturopathic medicine because his quality of life with 12 hour shifts made him obese, miserable, riddled with cancer and he felt like a drug pusher .. . I get so much SHAME for not going for the money. But my understanding of the body and biochemistry has been so empowering!
I love my car... it gets the job done. But, I'm kinda missing the reciprocal affection. Like the old Tina Turner son... "What's love got to do with it?"
falliblewonder, Thank you for sharing. Your dad sounds like a doctor I used to see. He retired and I really miss him - he was a good man and a very good doctor.
kayakeraltamaha5720, You crave negative attention that you get by nasty trolling. While you attack people who prefer positive relationships. We win. Your negativity is inside you and you cannot escape. You are a loser because you make yourself a loser. And we just walk away.
A PA almost gave me sepsis after knee replacement. Blamed the infection on me, and wouldnt treat me when I was following directives. A friend who was a former RN, drove me. An ER doc fired the PA. He was medical director of the hospital. I dont trust many medical professionals. That ER doc saved me twice. Once after surgery, once before that when I had bronchitis.
I am so glad you are exposing our broken medical system. I’m a retired Hospital/ ICU RN for 30 years. To see someone with your credentials exposing America’s medical system problems. I am so happy to see you on youtube. Thank you, Debora Morris, RN, BSN
My husband is a PA. He left medicine because he wasn’t able to “practice medicine” due to Ins. Companies and policies. He returned to medicine when he discovered direct pay. He has his own membership practice. 60.00 a month, no insurance. You can call for same day appointments. Physicals, blood work, follow ups are all included. He has taken it upon himself to learn nutrition, (which they do not teach in medical school) herbal medicine and is registered to show you how to use gym equipment. And he will meet you at the gym to get you going in the right direction. He is about getting you healthy. He has hired a female NP to fill that gap and she is a gem. There are ways to meet the needs of patients, but, you have to care. That is the number one rule. He prays with his patients and makes home visits when necessary. There are still medical providers that are in it for the right reason, but, insurance companies have played a huge role in this dismemberment.
This is wonderful to hear! Where does he practice? Is there a network of people like him that we can reach out to for similar care if we don’t live nearby? Thx
As a child, I still remember our doctor coming to our house when I was Ill! He drove a top tier Mercedes, so he wasn't scraping by in a rural town. Fast forward, and we wait months to get an appointment, then are given 5 minutes and some pills shoved at you. The Dr. Patient relationship, I believe, is 90% of the cure. The mind body connection. What happened? One illness can bankrupt a person or family. I respect Dr.s, of course. But I agree, medicine is only another big business. Bring on AI, please. Trauma, urgent treatment is another matter. Self knowledge and healthy life choices are paramount now more than ever.
As a child, we had a German doctor who did many a house visit. My children & grandchildren can't believe our doctor came to our house. He would enter our door and yell, "your not wearing your slippers?! No wonder you are sick." LoL
Dr. Dhand: Yes, thank you from an RN (ret). At 70 yo, I am now needing a bit of healthcare myself. I chose an FNP (actually she has her DNP) who follows my “auntie” and well-older woman needs expertly. My FNP refers me to a specialist when needed. Her patients are all retired nurses! I recently had a PA follow me post total knee replacement expertly. Why are your colleagues not bending and letting very competent NPs and PAs do routine chronic and routine post-op care? Thanks for your great teaching.
I’m a victim of medical malpractice. I was 17yrs old. Went in for a “simple” surgery for my Crohn’s disease. Ended up with necrotic bowel & sepsis. I flatlined & almost died. Ultimately lost my ability to have kids. & ended up with massive scar tissue & adhesions. I was constantly blamed for what happened. Because the medical industry chose to protect themselves over actually helping me. It would be one thing if it was just one hospital. Or one doctor. But no matter what doctor I go to. After they hear my story, they’d rather believe I’m lying or at fault than consider there’s a huge problem with the industry they make their livelihoods from. It’s been absolutely exhausting & traumatizing. So the last three years I got off all meds (because they were causing heart failure & no Dr was willing to admit the meds they were prescribing were the problem) & started holistic healing & I’ve never felt better. I certainly feel saner.
I am sorry for your suffering. I also can relate: I was sickly from birth, due to an experimental drug being used on my pregnant mother, and I nearly died twice later: after a compulsory school vaccine injection in 3rd Grade, and at 32 years from lifelong malnutrition resulting in a complete collapse. After a three-year convalescence, I began to study holistic, natural modalities. I began to anticipate wholesale medical tyranny exploiting vaccines as a bioweapon in 1993, and stopped going to "medical doctors" entirely by 1995. I will leave you with a few suggestions to investigate on your own: Highly-fibrinolytic systemic enzymes, especially Lumbrokinase, for potential dissolving of scar tissue; Castor Oil packs, for possible improved liver, kidney, and bowel health; Turpentine Spirits, and/or Methyl Blue, for possible increased detoxification; Earthing/Grounding, for potential healthier blood-cell circulation. (Hippocrates could never get a license to practice medicine in modern America; see "The Lethal Dose" by former medical doctor Jennifer Daniels.)
I came out of a short Coma and suffered a Pituitary Tumor. The symptoms can be alarming. So they lost any record of me being in a Coma and decided to Commit me to Psychiatric for 4yrs being Gaslit and told my Coma was a figment of my imagination and a part of my delusions. The medications they put me on made my Tumor symptoms worse. I ultimately won a case against the State for my freedom, did not seek financial compensation but I should have. 28yrs on and you may as well say I'm Blacklisted and can't get any help fkr my Tumor
Thank you for the acknowledgment @fastgurrrl. It’s very much appreciated! 🙏🏼🤍 And thank you for the suggestions Daniel. I’ll keep them in mind! I am very sorry to hear that others have suffered from medical malpractice as well. It’s so traumatizing & debilitating & not many people understand. I don’t even have much family support because when I was in the hospital (for six months straight after getting sepsis, flatlining, needing blood transfusions. Unable to eat so I was on IV nutrition aka TPN. Also ended up w a blood clot & pancreatitis. & ultimately needed six additional surgeries including a total hysterectomy due to the malpractice.) the doctors & nurses would whisper to my family members that came to see me that I was a hypochondriac or had munchausens. Or that my mother had munchausens. It created doubt that really never went away. I took a lot of that on. Thought something was mentally wrong w me. That I was “bad”. It’s taken me years to realize that it was the way the hospital & the drs I came across protected themselves. The last straw for me was going to see a dr while constantly having a heart rate of 130+ & palpitations. He said I might have a tumor on my adrenal gland. I looked up the side effects of the meds he was prescribing me & realized it wasn’t a tumor. It was the medicine. I stopped every med & never looked back. I finally found peace. I do not believe the way the medical industry is set up currently there is any peace or healing to be found. It’s very unfortunate. Thanks for sharing your stories & advocating because I truly believe that’s the only way we’ll get change ✊🏼🙏🏼✌🏼
I worked in clinical laboratory medicine for 30+ years. When I recently finally left I was making $5 over minimum wage and it's not a big secret where all the money was going.
@@laveraparato258 ya. most people think medical professionals are well paid. Some of them are but in a clinic it's really haves and have nots. Dr's have been very good about bidding up their wages but everyone else has to suffer for it, and most of the actual work in clinics is done by medical assistants who are making very low wages.
I'm a RN and work at a hospital in Missouri. My pt I discharged was 96, first time being in the hospital in decades. I asked her what her secret was, she said, "I don't go to the doctor." 😮 there's your answer!
My mother was like that. Got bronchitis and was hospitalised in her mid 90s. When I visited her in the hospital I asked her if it was a boy or a girl, because that was the only reason she had ever gone to the hospital before.
I had a pt like that once. The daughter called 911, dispatcher told us 100 yr old w/ chest pain. When my partner and I arrived, there were 2 ladies waiting on us at the door. One with a walker, which I assumed was the 100 yr old pt. I was wrong, She was the 79yr old daughter,lol. The daughter called and was frantic and the pt was calm and even walked to my ambulance,she refused the stretcher,lol. In fact, she didn't even want to go,it was the daughter who wanted her seen. I told the pt she had the right to refuse transport as her vitals for her age were excellent. She said she'd go as she'll never get any sleep and be nagged endlessly. Nothing I could do as she no longer had any discomfort and her ekg was even normal, no shortness of breath, nothing, just annoyed at her daughter,lol. That day was her 100th bday, and yes, she still walked,still had her witts about her and quite funny actually. She even looked like SHE was in her 70s. I asked her what her secret was, this is what she told me, " I've never seen a Dr, I stay away from those evil people (lol),I eat bacon and eggs every morning, I make my own meals-never processed or frozen except 1, I have a peppermint patty after dinner and I do what I want and when I want",lol. Her daughter, former RN was very heavyweight, aged beyond her years, needed a walker, had countless surgeries and on countless meds, diebetic and hypertension. She eats mostly processed foods,quick foods, lots of sandwiches and icecream,lol. There was a stark difference between the two. My pt was within her weight, no b/p or diabetes issues, still had all her feminine organs and still had most of her bottom teeth. When her teeth would go bad and she had infections, she'd drink whiskey to help with the pain and grab a pair of needle nose pliers and removed them. The woman was tough and I was extremely impressed. I hated to leave her at the hospital on her bday for someone who probably just had indigestion, but she taught me a very valuable lesson that day and I'll never forget her.
PA and new subscriber here! Thank you SO MUCH for this video! I have been a Washington DC-based PA for almost 25 years and have seen the drastic changes in healthcare. I think it's going to get worse as our population ages, less young people go into medicine, in lieu of computer-based sources of income, and a desire to eschew overwhelming debt. MOST of MY patients suffer from diseases related to lifestyle. And, don't require specialist. I look forward to watching more of your videos! 🙂👋🏽👨🏽⚕️
As a RN, I am so disappointed in what has become of America's healthcare system. The corporations that decide how it runs have destroyed the professions like ours by piling on more and more to do in shorter time frames. Drs to see patients every 15 min(face to face, charting, etc) and nurses to care for too many ill patients at once(short staffed making it dangerous when one person can only be in one room at a time, etc.) The corporations don't care about quality or health, only money. So many caring medical professionals are leaving hospitals,etc. so AI and robots may be taking over. Human touch and care used to be paramount. God help us all to create a solution.
It's not just corporations. Here in Canada, where the private sector is banned from medical system administration and management, the whole system is collapsing. At least in the US you guys have a great ER system (per Dr. Dhand). In Canada people regularly die in ERs due to administrative incompetence and lack of medical resources. (Also note, Canada has one of the most expensive and wasteful medical systems in the world. It may be free but taxes are high and so is the debt load.)
The Corporations are mandated by the Feds who control all the money which comes into the organization. The future is 100% government run where the Nurse will have 10-20 patient loads with no help
I cried twice on my shift last night. I'm so emotionally unstable it's ridiculous. I absolutely can't stand being a nurse, but I just go into autopilot when I clock in. When was the last time I had a fucking lunch? Fuck if I know. I pee'd for the first time last night at 3 this morning....
@@kiaharper7172please take care of you😭😭😭your family needs you and you need you too. These hospitals will spit you out faster than you would be able to ask why
Cofraud 19 allowed us to see what the mainstream medical community is made of. Fear, greed and love of power brought out the worst in people. What would help to bring back some degree of trust is the prosecution of those in leadership positions who pushed those worthless mandates on us. So far there's been no accountability. God bless the brave doctors and nurses who had the integrity to stand for the truth!
@@Ashtarot77 Thank you. A TH-cam content creator named Brylan Riggs called it cofraud 19 in one of his videos. The virus was real, but the mandates, worldwide, were an absolute sham and a failure.
You are right. Doctors need to be able to prescribe, diagnose, and treat their patients without health insurance companies or the government taking charge.
Best evidence-based commentary🥇. It’s called corporative-medicine. No patients medical record … account #. No Drs, RNs … healthcare providers. No patients … customers. Blame the real problem.
@@angelnunez9245lol so when are you breaking ground on your non corporate funded hospital or urgent care center?? Blame the real problem?? That’s what the gentleman in the video is doing. People want to sit around and blame the “CEOs and Shareholders” but those are just titles given to human beings that fall victim to greed and power just like most would if given the chance lol. If you haven’t, start your own business and then see how quick you yourself will focus on profits and losses. Can’t speak for all but people that get into healthcare do so to attain what society values most, ie money and prestige, material items. You’re delusional if you think that DRs are just “good people getting used” by the evil corporate fat cats lmao.
❤❤❤ Good for you! My elderly uncle was diagnosed with cancer and given 1 year to live, 2-3 with chemo and radiation. He decided to just live the rest of his life without treatment and die peacefully in his home. He lived 15 years after his diagnosis! He made it to 96 yrs old. No meds except for a cholesterol pill.
I also healed my cancer holistically about 2 years ago. I have hope that I may be able to stay here long enough to see a grandchild. If you have cancer you can heal yourself no matter how terminal it is, no matter how old you are. You don't need doctors to heal your body.
I will never go to a GP again. I had two of them try and push the jab on me with one even giving me a handout on the dangers of Ivermectin. They belong in jail in my opinion.
Ivermectin and Hydroxychloraquin were removed from UK hospitals Ihave read, because they were known to be a success. Replaced by Ivermectin,Respirators, Madazalam and Morphine the 'Liverpool Pathway'.
I totally understand you!! My cardiologist who knew the dangers of the jab lectured me for 15 minutes on why I should get it. He even had the nerve to say he and his whole family were getting it even his 6 year old. PLEASE I'M NOT STUPID!!! I do my research and these doctors hate an informed patient.
I switched my primary care doctor for the same reason. He was pushing the jab, and I said I didn’t want to take it because I’d heard about side effects. He said it was “all lies.” I walked out of his office and never went back.
I’m an x ray tech in interventional radiology. I work at one of the larger hospitals in the country. And even still out turnover is horrible. Our wages are trash. Our pager pay for on call hasn’t gone up in 20 years. And the best part is last year all administration roles got a 30% raise
I'm in desperate need of surgery, due to a rare defect on both sides of the iliac. My cardiologist found ONE surgeon in the county that can help me, but low and behold, he doesn't take my insurance. After calling the insurance company to request an override, I found out that they no longer do overrides. They said the doctor will need to sign up with my insurance company and agree to the payment. However, the insurance company can then decide if they want to pay the doctor, or not. If they decide not to make the agreed payment, I'm then held financially responsible for the bill. What's the point of having insurance?! If I don't have the surgery, it will ultimately be my demise. The healthcare system is no longer about helping the patients, it's about wealth and greed, period!
When my father was in the neurological ICU, the person I relied on the most was the nurse practitioner. She had a more holistic view of what was going on with my father, versus all the other doctors who were focused on pieces of the puzzle. I’m 55 so I’m old enough to remember what medicine was like before doctors specialized so much that it became hard for each of them to see the big picture. Sidenote… I was flabbergasted about how every single thing that happened led to medicine. His heart raced one time and they said: He had an a fib incident… we’re going to put him on a fib medication. I was like: No, his heart was racing because he had a stroke which is a normal physiological response. Same with “preventative seizure medication.”The answer to every question was a drug. It’s truly disgraceful what has happened to the medical establishment. Let me be clear that I liked all of his doctors and they were all caring people but the system is definitely broken.
And then the drugs fight with each other, and the solution is more drugs to control the side effects. My mom had a scary period of poor health last year; her doctors wanted to add more medication to her “usuals” and blame her weakness and I’ll health on age. It turned out, when she started turning down and eliminating medications, that a chemo drug for a “precancerous” skin condition had lasting side effects exacerbated by a new BP drug and elderly kidneys, and once she was free of nearly her entire panel of prescriptions, she got her life back. Not a solution for everyone, but too little attention is paid to side effects and drug interactions, especially in women and the elderly.
i hear that. i still see local clinics and hospitals with those covid questions on the intake, and the warnings about needing to warn staff and wear a mask if you have covid symptoms. then, they want to know if you got your latest booster! i have to now bite my tongue and not start yelling that the reason i'm sick is because i took one of those!
I have to tell you, when my daughter was very young, she somehow got a wart on bottom of her foot. First time ever I ever encountered anything like it cause never happened to me. she used medicine on my daughter and put too much over the right amount and it blistered and my daughter's foot became big and got ever worse, so next appointment she said she had to do slight operation, which she did, but then it got worse too. In short, I stopped making appointment with her and on my own got rid of it and helped my daughter heal. Eversince then, I looked at the Pediatrician with a very condescending eye.
I was a nurse for 40 years and have watched it all crumble. When I started, it was all about total patient care. By the time I left, my job consisted of passing pills, changing dressings, and charting , only, to please the insurance companies. No time for actual one on one patient care or comfort. People can wait hours before seeing their nurse. I never let a family member go in hospital without staying and watching. Please nurses, at least WASH your hands and stop using the f***ing hand sanitizer. That’s the least you can do. And if you can’t Care for people you have no business being in the profession!
It isn't just the medical field that's changed. Patients have as well. Everyone is frustrated with the health care system but visit any ED in a large city and sit in the waiting room. Most of the cases aren't emergent. Few patients understand the concept of triage. And dont get me started on cell phone use in the hospital. Pro tip: If you go to a hospital it is NOT OK to video tape your entire experience and post it on social media. And if you feel the need to run down your phones battery then bring your phone charger. And contrary to popular belief the ED is not a free hotel for friends and family with warm blankets, cooked meals, snacks and cable television. It is for patients.
Ditto! I never used that alcohol crap. Always washed my hands. Also didn't agree to the poison jab. Quit my job that I loved of 40 yrs because medical exemption not accepted. I thank God for his guidance to get out. Haven't looked back.
You are so right! I went into nursing to serve the holistic needs of my patients. Through the years the familial atmosphere of the hospital changed into nothing more than a money grubbing entity that no longer cared for patient needs. Staffing was continually being cut as the workload was continually increasing. In the end the profession I loved became one I hated.
We haven’t been seeing changes? Well I have. Problem is greed and ego/pride. I’ve been saying don’t go to doctors anymore, stop wasting your time. God gave us food and herbs to naturally heal our bodies. Also fasting is really good for your body, if done right. Hardest thing is eliminating sugar
Sugar is absolutely necessary for mental wellbeing & healthy weight. Don't believe the nonsense, all the miserable, & ill people I know are sugar deficient, have high fat diets, are on pharma cocktails, or are dead. Without sugar you will have anxiety issues, & a general down. Meats promote lethargy & the fats stick to your ribs. Eggs are far far higher in protein, if you want to build muscle, & contain a lot of selenium. If its about weight, think about it, sugar = fast energy release, carbohydrates = slow energy release, fats = long term storage. The fats you eat are the fats you wear. You're already in the right frame of mind regarding food & herbs just expand on that & eat for max nutrition. I'm 71, 6ft, 65 kgs. I'm an athlete, & often find myself blowing away 30ish year olds. I don't drink, take any form of drugs, no processed food, I don't eat meat, just real wholefoods, raw & cooked vegetables, loads of fruits, loads of starches, rice, whole rolled oats, herbs, minerals etc. I just eat for max nutrition, as mush as I want, no diets, no supplements. You cannot now buy bread that is not toxic, if you like it, get wholegrain flour & bake your own. As a fast cyclist, I take with me in water, & consume approx 100 gms of ordinary cane sugar for every hour of high effort. If I'm out for 5 or 6 hours hard flat, or if I'm climbing hard. I will also take brown bananas, dates, cold rolled oat porridge with raisins & sugar in it. etc. None of those commercially prepared foods cut it. I know an 84 year old woman & her 91 year old husband, both lifelong high level cyclists & they'll both tell you the same things. They live on & ride The Munda Bidi Track, 1,000+ kms through the south Western Australian National Parks. She is very fast, both have the endurance. Don't listen to people who look miserable, are overweight, or are selling something. Instead observe the contrary, do likewise, & think on why it is so.
@@returnofthenative These are bad suggestions and sugar is poison. But hey...enjoy. The general population has been irrevocably damaged by sugar. You've been lucky. Meat is health, fat is health, and what you're suggesting is what's causing all of the obesity problems we are living with currently.
@@tarantula6743 There are good sugars(honey) and bad sugars(white processed sugar). Good fats(Omega-3) and bad fats (Trans-fats in fried foods) You have to eat more of the good and less of the bad.
Haven’t been to a doctor since I broke a leg at the very beginning of 2020. An acquaintance/friend screamed at me the other day, when she learned that I don’t care to do regular checkups or screenings anymore. She sounded and looked so agitated and fearful as she told me that I “have to” do those. Why? At my age, regular checkups seem to function as a pipeline to more and more medicalization, with less and less fundamental improvements in actual health. I’ve always been healthy. Much to my own chagrin at times. As a kid, I would’ve liked more sick days off from school, and more sympathy occasionally. Lol. As an adult, I knew something fundamental was “wrong” with me, but it (so far) hasn’t shown up as anything conventional medicine knows how to diagnose or heal. Luckily, I’ve found my way to other, genuinely effective modes of healing what ails me (early developmental trauma, chronic trauma and stress). I’m not the least bit interested in presenting myself at a doctor’s office to be screened for diseases they do not understand the root causes of, cannot heal, but are determined to detect and push drugs at. No thank you. I’m not trying to live forever or to avoid death when it comes. Would like to die as little encumbered by the medicalization of aging, as I possibly can. Am doing my best to live in support of a healthy mind and body. There are things I’m aware I can do better at, in that arena. I will, as I become able to. In the meanwhile, stressing about them is counterproductive. The medical pipeline seems to be geared towards getting people to stress about their possible future illnesses. Again, no thanks.
Just make sure don't cook with veggies oil such as olive oil. It's a main causes of cancer, diabetes, stroke, heart attack, Alzheimer, etc. Eat only animal, grassfed butter or beef fat are the best. Also eat lots of salt and potassium it's a miracle drug that doctors don't want you to eat. You wont get sick if salt level is high.
@@pnp8849 I 100 %agree. I am on meat only diet and I only use real butter and heavy cream. I am pretty much no sugar or carbs. I also only eat one meal a day and sometimes skip a day eating to do intermittent fasting. I do season with salt and keep my electrolytes balanced by taking magnesium. So you are correct salt is actually good for you.
My 17yo was struggling with school and went to his pedestrian for anxiety. His pediatrician, just wrote him an anti-anxiety med. Not a hit on pedestrians but they are not psychiatrists. And to immediately give him, an adolescent, a psyche med on the spot was shocking. Thank heavens he told me. We gave him other coping mechanism and time management skills and he was able to adjust and lower his stress. I am still livid at this. I myself am sick. I point out to people that all the anatomy posters in offices have been replaced by rx ads.
My daughter had issues with anxiety so I wanted to get her assistance with learning relaxation techniques, what I got was a pediatrician who handed me an Rx for SSRI's. My child was nine. Outrageous!
I rarely go to the doctors but when asked if your taking any drugs, supplements, I said I take various vitamins and BCAA ( Brance Chain Amino Acids), they asked, What is BCAA ? I was thinking to myself, they are building blocks of life how would you not know what that is. Doctors playing the covid game (jacking up the number of cases) and refusing to acknowledge adverse effects from the "vaccine" is what caused to people loose trust and respect for them. "Muh boss told me to" doesn't relieve them from being accountable for immoral disgraceful behavior.
Yes, I was diagnosed with diabetes, and of course my doctor prescribed meds for me. I went on a low carb/keto diet, and lost 40 pounds, which "cured" my diabetes problem. My doctor was AMAZED, and asked how I did it, and acted like she did not even know you could eat keto desserts and still lose weight and get rid of your high blood sugar problems. I was telling her that I could have cream cheese and heavy cream, etc., and that I use natural sweeteners, like Stevia and Monkfruit. She said she didn't even realize you could do that!!!!! OMG! She is a freaking doctor, and I know more than she does???!! It is really unbelievable. Doctors are taught to keep you sick, so that you will keep relying on medicines, not heal yourself through diet. That is harmful to their business, I guess. Unbelievable!
@@sassyherbgardener7154 Yep holistic medicine first, like they say holistic medicine is to keep yourself healthy and prevent illnesses so you don't have to go looking for a cure, which you don't find with pharma medicine anyways, just maybe a relief of symptoms. Keep ya comin back for more.
Yes. So disappointed in my dr. He was trying to scare me with numbers of hospital admissions to take the jab. I refused. Then. When I caught covid, he said don't be afraid you're not in a vulnerable group!! You'll be fine. Which I was.
During a stressful period, I had difficulty with sleep, some 8 years ago. My GP immediately suggested sleeping pills! My response was, "No, Thank you, I have no wish to develop an addiction"! He suddenly got totally quiet! People must realise that a healthy body requires, healthy homemade foods, daily movement, and sleep. A rowing machine is a great tool to use in the comfort of one's home if going to the gym is not possible. A slow cooker is a great tool to use to cook homemade meals. IF THERE IS A GENUINE WILL, THERE IS DEFINITELY A WAY TO ACHIEVE OBJECTIVES! And STAY AWAY FROM ALL FUTURE plandemic VACCINES!
There it is in a nutshell. A Good Doctor should recommend the items you described in your second paragraph FIRST, yet almost all "Doctors" will "prescribe" a pharmaceutical FIRST.
You're taking this way too far. I'm type 1 diabetic. Things wouldn't go well for me relying on nature or my own will, and pushing away pharmaceuticals. I'd die and millions of others would as well from many different diseases. Look at the world not even 100 years ago and the diseases countless numbers of humans had to suffer from for millennia. Nature is horrific in a lot of ways and we're lucky to live now with the ability to counter a lot of natural things. The Covid debacle isn't the entire world and it's history.
You know what always helps me fall asleep? Exercise. I just exercise until my body is tired even if it is in the middle of the night. It does the trick and makes you healthier. Plus it relieves stress, anxiety, and anger. No pills needed.
@@la6136 I go for long walks daily and do strengthening exercises 4 times a week. Unfortunately, one of the side effects of menopause is less sleep! Thank you for your kind response.
Nurse for 12 years. After Co***d I have lost faith in corporate medicine. I take natural supplements, stopped taking most of my prescribed medicines and have never felt better. Never going back.
I replaced my family doctor with Google and my automatic CVS BP monitor. I got my more honest and concise information by doing my own research. And I was able to get off of BP, cholesterol, and GERD meds on my own. I realized early-on that my doctors were working for the pharmaceutical companies and not the patients. They can go broke as far as I'm concerned.
I started taking a 45 minute walk everyday; added a TBSP of Olive or Avocado Oil to my food 2X a day (either in a soup or salad); and a Magnesium pill before I go to bed (it helps me to sleep through the night too).
@@aidabarreto9299 Most importantly if you are stressed all the time this will raise your blood pressure Cut out all carbs and processed foods Lose weight These all help with your blood pressure It does for me
We grew up (73 now) learning to “respect the professionals” - teachers, doctors, presidents etc- we turned over our personal responsibility to “others” . Now it’s up US! What we eat, exercise, shopping and spending, reaching out to help others- back to basics. No pill or doctor has the answer. You have to find your answer.
If you have HIV you need medicine to be undetectable. Medicine isn't inevitably all bad to take when needed. But leaders in society also have to coordinate an environment for people to have better health outcomes on a mass scale. People that live in impoverished areas - by merit of their circumstances - where companies were allowed to throw toxic dump where they inevitably have greater instances of diseases/cancers can only have so much personal responsibility.
I have become my own doctor as a result of the state of modern medicine. With my own education in medicine and my own opinions about diagnosis and treatment. That seems like the most rational way forward. Stop surrendering your individual thought and responsibility to these bs institutions and poor professionals
I love my nurse practionner!!!!!!! She is so humble and helpful, I schedule appointments with her instead of my primary doctor. PA's and NP's are wonderful ❤
Years ago (I think it was probably about 15 years ago, at least), I had a wonderful nurse practitioner. I just loved her! She was so kind and compassionate, and she really took the time to sit down with you and talk about whatever was going on. Unfortunately, that was the last time I ever had a truly good healthcare practitioner. Those days are gone...
Thanks Everyone for Watching! Stay Strong
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Hello Dr. Dhand,
I was recently watching a rather long panel discussion video (3hrs) regarding general economic conditions out there at the moment. One of the examples that was discussed was the recent collapse and bankruptcy of Red Lobster. There is an MSM narrative revolving around losses from their Endless Shrimp promotion, though it appears the actual cause was the acquisition of the company by private equity who then stripped and looted the company's asset portfolio and essentially walked away with about $1.5B while leaving only debt and uncertainty in their wake.
My apologies for the long intro but it is pertinent to my question. One of the panelists mentioned a number of hearsay stories from friends and clients of his (Mid-Atlantic region) that are accomplished physicians of one sort or another. They report that the same style of corporate raids have been inflicted upon several hospital and healthcare holding companies that are now owned by private equity firms. The results, as reported secondhand, are that those physicians working within one of the afflicted hospital systems have far lower job satisfaction, increased hassles, fewer or suboptimal treatment options due to profit margin spreadsheets instead of patient outcomes dictating treatments, and just generally making an already difficult job even harder to do well despite the soaring costs and plummeting outcomes. Would you care to address any insights you might have on the impact of such corporate shenanigans on your experiences in the last decade or two?
The video referenced was the most recent Tuesday night livestream on Sachs Realty y/t channel if you're interested. It's extremely solid info and analysis for the macro perspective.
Best regards,
We moved from the U.S. to central Mexico for a number of reasons including more accessible, affordable health care. While I'm not saying the system is perfect here (we do our own research when we have to take meds, etc.) but already I've had TWO house calls to our RV park (foodborne one time, subluxed hip, the other) and both times had a thorough checkup and the doc answered all my questions even telling me what to eat for the next week (in the case of the food illness). Cost for the housecall in both cases was around $30US and in the case of the hip issues included an injection of a corticosteroid (and that doc gave a painless shot, too)! I received Rx for all meds and they always give you a personal cell phone number in case you need them.
Another time I had lab tests at a very modern laboratory here in Oaxaca. Two full blood panels and a urine panel. Cost in pesos was about $45US. AND I just walked in and requested the tests...no appointment.
There are docs available at many of the pharmacies where you can walk in for minor issues and get diagnosed. That costs under 100 pesos, generally or about $6US.
Sure, you can go to private clinics here and pay a bit more and get more english speaking staff but so far after going without med care for almost 2 decades in the U.S. (we ordered antibiotics from farm supply stores the rare times we needed them...how sad is that?) we're feeling pretty darn good about our decision to leave the U.S.
I am done with them medical system in general. I will take my chances elsewhere.
#Love is really all there is
Heaven on our fellow dearly beloved Earth #Bodhisattva ever in evolution
This was very good.
I’ve been a nurse for 13 years. I’m so burnt out and want to start a new career. Always short staffed and patients can’t ever get help or resources they need. Healthcare is a dumpster fire and just one big business. CEOs don’t care if their staff suffer mentally or if patients live or die. They just want to keep making millions to line their pockets.
And get enormous year end profitability bonuses.
Me too. I want to go back to school for another degree. But I don’t want more school debt lol
Obama in concert with insurance companies did this/ACA. EVERYTHING changed with "Affordable Care Act" - my premiums almost doubled three times then & I got NOTHING in return, except higher co-pays and less coverage through my self pay private insurance. I looked in to ACA and it was almost just as expensive as private coverage because I don't qualify as "Poverty level" b/c "I own a home and a car" - I notice my non-citizen friends are driving Extremely Expensive & New cars to cash jobsites & the only persons who have affordable healthcare now because they do qualify as poverty by accepting cash not reported to irs and not paying taxes at all or just at poverty level irs income claims... & by making very good use of the ER. We must take OUR country and OUR CITIZEN finances back. I'm certainly glad Trump reversed the law MANDATing the purchase of medical insurance - I only wished they could have done more to fix the Insurance & healthcare matrix. I don't think it will ever be able to be fully reversed, now... but, MAYBE 2024!?! This is REALLY BAD FOR ALL THE LOW TO MIDDLE CLASS CITIZENS OF THE US. The wealthy and taxpayer funded income/healthcare recipients don't worry about it at all. No shade - just facts! The endgame is complete socialized medicine/authoritarian controlled, without decent caring professional eyes and ears on patients. Covid was the trial run.
My niece is a nurse and feels the same way. She hates what she sees in the industry and badly wants out.
Same goes for Physical Therapists
I’m done with doctors. If I didn’t have common sense and the ability to self advocate, I’d probably be dead now.
Same, it is very darwinian.
Same! Low carbs, low sugar, low processed foods, lost 50 lbs. 54yr. Old M... no meds
@@JohnnyBravo-zu9oe Whatever works for you, but regular exercise and organic wholefood plant based works for me. 👊💚
Been mocked for going low/no processed food, turning down statin, vex, always some nasty dig in the after visit writeup so now I know better than to read them.
In 1972, I worked for a GP who was an old doctor. He knew his patients, cared for them individually, and charged $5. per patient, some less. He still made house-calls for his older home-bound patients. The charts were handwritten on 4 by 6 inch cards, and filed alphabetically by me. I sure wish we could bring back this kind of medical care.
That sounds like my childhood pediatrician, Dr. Fuchs. He worked out of his home. No staff except for a receptionist, the doctor did everything else himself.
As long as the human population continues to increase the more we will find ourselves in the rut of minions. No individualism. No singular support. We are pushing ourselves to the brink and yet keep on breeding out of control. I'm old and remember when the world was a different place where we actually cared about each other. Guess those days are gone forever.
Yes, the old doctors...put you on table..looked into eyes and ears...asked about rash....listened to body...felt for lumps...went to examen downstairs..both sides....tapped on your knie....so it was...today. tests...thats all.
It’s all greed now
@@chinookvalleyYou should brush up on population statistics, they’re falling off a cliff. I’m 39, half my friends never had kids. The ones who do only have 1 or 2 max.
I am a doctor of MEDICINE, not HEALTH. Once I realized that, I invested more time into learning health than I did into becoming a doctor. It’s now obvious that the focus of medical school is not health but instead pushing pharmaceuticals, procedures, and surgery that are essential and occasionally needed but hardly the backbone of health.
Thankyou for your honesty!
My girlfriends son is a Doctor. He learned a lot about Natural Healing and Alternative Medicines before traditional Med School. He tries to help his patients have a balance. I hope he can survive in this crazy profession.
@@kevinpezzi6777 You can loose your license by promoting health!
A healthy patient is lost revenue.
Lose not loose.
Having had worked in a cardiologist office, I agree with you. He was not concerned about his patients, his concern was pushing the newest, most expensive drugs the pharma was putting out there. Glad he finally retired and took his 3 mil and went home to India.
The evil world we live in. Polititians, the Medical profession, Judges, Lawyers etc are all supposed to look after the common people but sadly they have become wolves in sheep's clothing. Disgusting hypocrites.
So very true ! Can't trust anyone ,anymore. Put your trust in God !! ❤
Politicians are owned by the wealthy much like everyone else.
@@MR..181 unaccountable
Give them responsibility and they abuse it. Very common human failing.
I'm 75 and I've had a couple of good docs but so many are jerks and burnouts. I do everything I can to stay away from these people.
75? You must be doing something right. All the best.
Live long and prosper, undoctored.
Agreed. The good ones are usually booked out or unaffordable
Same here. At 81
I’ve been a nurse for many year always working in the Operating Room. I’ve spent many hours listening to conversations between surgeons talking about the latest cars they bought (like Ferraris, hight ends cars really), the beach houses, Ivy League colleges for their graduating high school kids, European vacations, etc! Most of these doctors lived in mansions in Southern California.
In order to keep up with all these expenses they have to produce immense income that comes from insurance companies with high premiums and deductibles paid by patients!
So very obscene!
I have an orthopedic surgeon insisting I get surgery on my shoulder and I'm beside myself. I desperately don't want surgery and told him so. Maybe I need it, maybe I don't, but I've also heard he's quick to want people to have surgery. Probably for the paycheck. I wonder if he has my best interest in mind, or his.
I’m an OR nurse too. I hear similar conversations. I go home feeling pretty badly about myself some days.
@@beezneez2056 During long procedures I feel like screaming “shut up already”! My only salvation, some times is watching the anesthesiologist roll his/hers eyes in disgusts! 😂
I’d recommend getting a second (or even third) opinion from another surgeon!! Wishing you the best
@@TK.000 Try Rick Olderman first. He's a physio and he has a channel on youtube. He has several programs on his website and teaches other physios his method now. Bob & Brad here on yt have retrained with him. I was written off by physios here with my spine issues. No-one could help me. Only option was surgery which would be very risky. Found Rick by chance and within a week my pain level went from 45/70 to 27/70. He claims he has saved several people from surgery. And the cost of his programs are less than the price of a visit to a physio so worth a try in my opinion. I think he's amazing and when I say he changed my life, I really mean it. He completely transformed me. Good luck with it.
THIS!!! I've been a nurse for 38 years & our healthcare system has been "circling the drain" for quite awhile...I can't see it lasting much longer.
What's the answer
@@karenkelly8086the next life
i’m so burnt out as a nurse. After Covid, it’s a disaster! I just work agency. paying off debt so i can leave
You're in for a rude awakening then. Things can go on like this and continue to get worse for longer than you can imagine. Everyone always feels like change it imminent, but it almost never actually is. thats how reality works. reality is, things are likely to go on like this, and if anything only get worse for years if not decades. Thats how reality works.
@@jeffhicks8428 yes I shudder when Trump says make country great again and all that. How’s he going to turn it around in 4 years? Although Bidon turned it around in 3 years and made a big mess . Maybe.
This is what happens to any industry when it’s taken over by ideologues. Politics doesn’t belong in medicine.
When the government runs health care, politics is inevitable! Politicians and bureaucrats take over from doctors and their patient-customers. It's always the same when you nationalize ANY product, service, or industry.
Same thing for the American auto industry. Because of the government interference in that industry.
Or big ass Insurance it has helped ruin our health system
It's not politics it's money. Wherever there's money there's greed
@@harrymills2770 Not really because of governments but corporate dominance and the worship of money. Big pharma makes more money when people are sick. Keep the patient alive, but still sick, and still in need of your drugs for life. Government involvement is needed to counteract this tendency. The American private system delivers worse health outcomes than countries with nationalised health, even though there are also problems with these but the US system takes the cake.
For every problem there is always a simple explanation and that simple explanation is usually wrong. "The gaberment" is an example of one such simple, but wrong, explanation.
Pharma runs and educates medicine/doctors
Indeed. I'm a nurse and every two years I renew my license. I need a certain amount of CEUs during this time. It sickens me when I read the required literature to get those CEUs. All backed by big pharma.
@@AuraDawn_Healthisn’t that so sad.. there’s no health care anymore.. it’s more like.. an ill health insurance!!..
Their business model is incentivized to keep patients unhealthy.
Nailed it but I think you meant Brainwashed by Pharma
Yes! And medical insurance companies as well. They seem to run the FDA and CDC also.
Insurance companies need to be abolished. We need to start over.
It will be a huge domino effect...worry not
DPC (direct primary care) is a membership-based model of health care, eliminating the insurance companies and administrators from the equation. Our members pay a monthly fee, and in exchange I see them as often as needed. No co-pays, no office visit fees, no hassles. Look for one in you area!
Whenever I have had an urgent problem needing treated I have paid privately, even though I am eligible for 100% coverage without copays from the VA. Even so, my VA care has been surprisingly good, depending on which district I have lived in. Bay Pines region was excellent, but Gulf Coast region is mediocre.
Most people don't have Insurance. They are in some kind of government insurance. Tough to ask for a raise when on 1 in 20 patients who walk through the door pay any portion of their visit
They are nothing but banks taking in money and when its time to collect they give little compared to what they have taken. You are absolutely right.
Sounds like the medical profession, universities, and politicians are in the same boat. Selfishness for years.
Lobbying should be illegal!
@@pennywebb9546giving politicians money should be illegal not lobbying. Lobbying is like advertising, necessary but way over board and perverted in the modern day
I worked in healthcare for 25 years. Got laid off during the pandemic and decided I wasn’t going back. It wasn’t fun anymore. It was all based on insurance and not what the patient actually needs. Our small town hospital was integrated into a huge corporation, and then that corporation got even larger and things went downhill very quickly. Doctors never stay around for more than two or three years. Turnover is insane. And then came the pandemic and all the BS that came with it. I don’t trust the medical profession anymore. For humans or animals actually.
Agreed. Last year my elderly cat was "diagnosed" with cancer with no diagnostic tests. All the vet was interested in was putting him through chemotherapy. Fortunately my lovely cat died spontaneously a couple of weeks later so he didn't suffer. However I was appalled at how quickly my cat was "diagnosed" and felt pressure to put him on treatment that I know wouldn't have worked, only causing him more suffering. Animal medicine is also about making shed loads of money for vets.
This is happening right now in my hometown
@@mypointofview1111 vet clinics are being bought up by big corporations that sell pet food. And pharmaceuticals. Human medicine is full of huge conglomerates. It’s disgusting. I don’t know exactly what to do about it but I guess all you can do is take the best care of yourself and your pets that you can so that you don’t have to deal with these people anymore than absolutely necessary. and I’m sorry about your kitty cat. my friends dog has cancer and they’re really pushing to do all kinds of treatments. But with the $10,000 price tag at minimum she can’t afford it. And she doesn’t think it would do any good anyway. It’s very sad.
my dad advocated for socialized healthcare , and this is it , the goverment allows their buddies to take over our local systems, the change happens so fast and is done in secret , ppl dont even realize they have to boycott those and re create a new local medical care system!
Doctors who want to stay employed should not be hospital hopping.
That's a MAJOR indication of a problem doctor. A hiring manager sees a year here, a year there, their automatic thought is that that physician has a high mortality and injury rate and has gotten their previous employers sued a lot.
Doctors with integrity have walked away from the industry.
The ones that spoke out against the Plandemic have the MOST integrity to found anywhere.
An industry owned by big pharma. It is not about healing it is about medicating.
Too few. They are complicit.
Not all.
Don't mean to be disrespectful but it has to be said doctor.
Since we've taken charge of our own health without seeing any doctor, we are much healthier - no allopathics consumed & no doctor seen or consulted for 7 years & we are pensioners. We've never been healthier .
I’m so happy to hear this!
Same here. I'm 76 yrs old and can't remember the last time I saw a doctor other than an eye dr. and dentist for regular checkups and a dermatologist for a minor skin problem. I think it's been about ten years. I'd like to go in for a baseline checkup, but I know what I'll be in for: COVID shots or others I don't want and probably pills I don't want. I'm willing to live with my slightly high B/P (140/80) and borderline cholesterol (runs in the family.) I eat healthy and exercise daily. Unless I can find a doctor I trust, I'll continue to keep doing what I'm doing. So far it seems to be working.
@@onmyown3169 At age 76, your BP of 140/80 is not high. It is normal.
Motherwort tincture fixes high and low blood pressure. Mine was crazy high and it's normal now. Just need a jug of vodka and fresh plant material.
tbh the arrogance and distain I get from my GP when I went carnivore or resist endless shots in the arm or refuse statins.. I dont have any sympathy for him at all... and from what I hear from others... it seems most are like this. I try to back up my opinions with names of studies or simple facts but he just has this hollier than thou attitude and will not listen to anything i say.. he instead choses to make me feel like I havet a clue. Its incredibly insulitng.
When my kids were younger I would take them to a Pediatric office in the Texas Children Hospital, I was not impressed by their pediatricians; I saw 5 different doctors during that time. Then, we stopped paying the insurance due to financial issues. I had to look for a pediatrician that accepted cash and was affordable; I found an office run by a nurse practitioner, I was so impressed by his ethics and medical care. In every appointment, he would take his time, talked to me about the mental health screens caused on children, the importance of playing with toys, healthy diet, sleeping schedules, he would even suggest traditional remedies in SOME cases along with medicine. Also he would ask about me, my mental health and emphasized I needed to take care of myself in order to take care of my family, he is a true caring healthcare professional. He has been our pediatrician for the past 10 years. And he is the best we have had.
Wow, so glad for your family!
I don’t trust anyone in the healthcare field.
Never really have, but during/after COVID, 1000% times more so!!
I'm a nurse, and I feel the same!!
But... muh NHS!
What are we supposed to do with the videos that say we are supposed to consult our doctor. When we can’t trust them?
Me either!
Retired RN here. I intend to eat low carb/carnivore and stay off meds and as far away from the “healthcare system” as possible.
Smart move
Same here.
Same. Non-retired mid-60’s RN. No prescription meds, non vaxxed, no “healthcare”, no doctor visits in almost 20 years. Mostly carnivore diet, basic supplements.
I am healthier since eating this way as well.
High protein low carb here.
Ex hospice RN here. I assesed a new patient: 103 yo, never consumed drugs or alcohol, or prescribed pharmaceuticals. Aside from being confined to a wheelchair d/t weakness starting 2 weeks prior seemed perfection healthy. Patient was extremely livid that any medical staff was called. I performed an assessment nothing more. Patient said the last time she'd been to the doctor was when she was born. I drove home and on the way recieved a call on my cell that the patient had died roughly 10 min after i'd left. There wasnt anything abnormal about her heart rhythm or breathing that id heard. It was as if she willed herself to die rather than deal with modern medicine. I dont blame her.
It's amazing how healthy one can be, how informed and full of common sense, if one does not have medical insurance.
Insurance does funny things to people's heads. They throw caution to the wind, thinking themselves almost divinely protected. Think of how carefully you would drive if you didn't have car insurance. And if you didn't have medical insurance, you would likely make sure that you were doing everything you could to remain healthy and vital.
My Mamaw was 99 when we finally had to place her in the nursing home that she had volunteered at until a few short months before. My dad was her main support for rides repairs and maintenance. He had a stroke at work and couldn't be there for her. No pharmaceutical drugs at all but she did have a pacemaker put in almost 3 decades before
My grandpa lived to about 96.. he was fairly healthy most his life, no serious health problems other than a little dementia. He always sopped up the bacon grease with his bread at breakfast..never on statins,,,they moved him into a nursing home for non assisted people.., he was able bodied and could feed, bathe, clothe himself, etc..
They insisted he have surgery for diverticulitis ( not cancer) and he died under surgery. One of his brothers lived to be 104..
My grandmother never went to hospital nor doctors. She birthed 10 children at home. She could identify every weed in the yard and how to use it. She died at 93 brokenhearted one of her children died.
I don't blame her either.
Doctors today? Factory workers, punching in to work, sleepwalking through the day, then punching out. Best part of this downward slide? Patients are forced to rely on ourselves for our good health: exercise, nutrition, few meds.
While they are poisoning us throughout our food & water and much more!
They want us all sick for profit, don’t care if we die, just 1 more ites the dust when it happens. They claim on news media September 9 that covid-2 is here, Round 2 , I really wonder what they will try to force down our necks this time. So now, most people with average IQ know more and have educated ourselves, and I know many many citizens will not comply forced Vaxxs! No way, I don’t believe a thing that the media or Government tells us the dump sheep, NO MORE BS! I just don’t care about much of anything anymore!
You people, know who you are, I’m certain will never see this comment dont care about helping people get well, the new world says just do everything to keep patients alive to bill Medicare and other Agencies, as long as possible! It all adds up, they’re all after the moola $$$$$$
It only took 7 years of working as a nurse to know exactly how I don't want to live and how I don't want to die
The way a DNR is pushed onto elderly patients sickens me to the stomach. They tried that on my old dad when he got really ill (picked up a bug in hospital, of course). Not on my watch. I was at the hospital every day, asking questions and monitoring equipment. I wasn't having any of their nonsense
I made that deduction immediately after my RN training. All that money spent... what a waste of my time and finances. I'm now a herbalist and hubby and I are healthier now in our 60's than ever before. I have incredible tinctures for pain management with absolutely no side effects. Who knew hey 😂
@@anerawewillneverforget well done!!!
@@anerawewillneverforget thankfully I was just an LPN, although i worked med surge doing the same job as the RNs other than initiating blood. I'm glad now that I didn't waste even more time with nursing school.
@@anerawewillneverforgethey, how long does it take to train to be a herbalist ❤
I am ecstatic to hear a doctor speaking so bluntly about a true fact.
I'm sick and tired of having a health concern, going to my doctor who spent a decade in school to get their degree, and the only medical knowledge she has is "go see this other doctor".
I don't want to go to 15 doctors for "preventative care" when all I need is one good doctor to FIX THE PROBLEM!!!
It didn't used to be that way!
I blame it on the combined cahoots of the doctors and insurance companies.
Since the "plandemic", I don't trust any doctors as far as I could throw them.
@@aisforapple2494 That's right. Years ago the family doctor took care of almost everything, unless it was something very serious.
They'd keel over dead themselves to make a house call anymore! 🤣
Thank you for being so candid, my fellow physician! I agree with you 100%. The whole system needs to implode & be rebuilt. The focus should be on the patients, universal healthcare, preventive medicine, mental health, social services, and getting rid of all the insurance companies, bureaucracies, making new meds affordable for patients.
well said!
When my partner pased away 11 years ago
I was treated like shit, I could hear nurses laughing, no compassion at all
Now I follow a KETO way of life, never get sick
The NHS will kill you off, like 150,000 last year
Safe and effective treatments work as designed.
The national hearse service.
I guess you were obese. Congrats for the change !
I am sorry for what happened. People who have never been at the mercy of the merciless have no idea what is out there. I have a horror story of being bullied by staff as my mother was being taken by old age. A bunch of thugs and loons enjoyed their power and working for a “church run” facility no less. If I die before them I let a few of them know, I will be waiting for them as they transition to the other side. Such evil lurks about. I was dirty carnivore but switched to Ozempic and a week in it has almost resolved a few conditions. They are lying about this peptide because it is going to put them out of business. And all the snack companies as well. I look at any desert with gobs of whipped cream or most processed frozen dinners and need to avert my eyes.
Again, I believe you. ❤
As a retired nurse I too learned to be responsible for staying well and finding solutions to my physical complaints.
TH-cam independent voices have helped me to loose weight and stay well.
Once you buy into Western medicine you put yourself at risk. Don’t accept pharmaceuticals as a solution. It’s not that easy.
I have completely lost trust in the medical establishment since the plandemic…now I avoid it like the plague.
Me too.
Exactly “ Do No Harm “ they sure did a lot of harm.
Same here
I always had a good relationship with my doctor and trusted him
Not anymore he changed his whole attitude towards me
I then knew he sold his soul
But thank I woke up in 2020
Absolutely no I do not trust the medical professionals anymore
It's gone once the trust is gone that's it for me
Me too.
I like that, "Plandemic"
I am a psych nurse and I’m putting everything in place to retire from nursing and begin a new career because I can’t deal with all the corruption and unethical practices. It has been irking me since before the pandemic and that just exacerbated my feelings. I still want to help people but in a new way! 🙏🏼
In UK , have a look at The Peoples Health Alliance.
Read any book by Dr Peter Breggin.
They absolutely destroyed my mum on all their psych meds !!!! They drove her crazy. I argued & argued with them and was even threatened to be taken to court. My poor beautiful mother died in absolute terror 🥲
@@Rosesraspberries72 So sorry for your loss ❤️🙏 xx
@@Rosesraspberries72So sorry. They ruined my mother also with dangerous psych meds.
GPs in UK don’t seem to be working. I have seen a doctor twice once in 5 years. I had a lump on my wrist which hurt. GP sat 5 feet away from me and said it was a ganglion and printed out an information sheet. A few weeks later it got worst but this time I saw a nurse practitioner- I explained I didn’t believe it was. She felt it and said wow, you are right. She grabbed the GP and he said (after feeling it) no it doesn’t seem to be a ganglion but there might be one underneath ?!?!?). I was sent to a consultant and was a problem with bones not alignment.
I had a stroke and after being treated for it I had to go to my GP for a follow up ( I had to contact surgery as they had not contacted me). Appears no one read the release letter. GP saw me and took my blood pressure. I said yes I have had high blood pressure for 2 years - and he replied no, the last BP reading said you were fine. It was 5 years previously!!!! When I left the GP I asked reception who looked at my records and said yes we have readings but they are further down the page!?!?!? I was advised by my pharmacy that I needed to have a blood test so I phone surgery and the RECEPTIONIST asked me why I needed it. To which I replied ‘I have no idea’. She looked at my records and said maybe it’s because of the medication I was now on. SHE worked out what tests needed to be done. Recently I needed another blood test and again it was the receptionist who wrote out the bloods form. Not a GP in sight. To mind this makes me believe that GPs are no longer needed in UK. The receptionists and practitioner nurses seem to be doing all the doctors work.
As a cancer patient, what I finally noticed is that most doctors will take into account what the insurance company, hospital administrators, and pharmaceutical companies want before they even begin to consider what the patient needs. A friend who is a former oncology nurse told me that hematologists/oncologists don't look at your chart and decide how best to treat you. They look at your chart and decide how many dollar signs that can put beside your name. She left the field because she got tired of arguing with doctors about patient care. We need more people like that in healthcare, but those people generally fired or burnt out. Modern medicine rarely takes a "whole body" approach and in most states it's difficult to find or afford a functional medicine doctor, naturopath, or anyone else who might know what to do. I've done a lot of my "healthcare" completely on my own and have even found studies and medications that my hematologist didn't know about or hadn't considered. I've already outlived what my first hematologist told me I would, so I tell people to read everything you can get your hands on and be your own advocate. The medical industry isn't here to cure us. They are here to make sure they have reoccurring customers. If it collapses, I hope a lot of providers, hospitals, and companies realize they deserve to lose everything.
Awesome thanku
Thanku!Awesome info!
Naturopaths are NOT doctors. In addition, if you think these alternative fools aren’t interested in themselves and THEIR bank accounts you’re delusional. Also NPs are also ONLY interested in their schedules and income.
That might have more to do with your insurance or lack of good insurance.
This big profit business model is in every single facet of our lives and is stealing from us every single minute if every day with their systems. The systems are designed to make elite wealthier. NOT THE AVERAGE PERSON. WhY are we to think health “care” is any different? We need to redo everything we’ve been programmed to think is good or best for us. I think people around the world are finally getting it. It’s time for. Massive shift and push back. Wherever there is money it’s likely there is greed. Greed is a beast that is NEVER satiated. IF THEY TELL US ITS BEST FOR US, DO THE OPPOSITE.They are lying to all of us.
I am a doctor myself and it's been almost 10 years since I stopped working as one, I've always felt that something was wrong with my studies and my daily practice of medicine, and this was later confirmed by the pandemic. I was always scowled at when I explained to my colleagues that we were "trained" to cover up symptoms, not to actually cure our patients. Unconsciously for most of us, we became tools for making money, not doctors. Today, I'm convinced that each and every one of us should be an expert in our own health. A doctor can, perhaps, guide you but it's still our body. And we're supposed to understand and know it better than anyone else.
A great great doctor ENT older fellow once said “YOU know your child better than anyone else”. He was remarkable…..that was in the past
Big pharma doesn’t make money if illnesses are cured.
I've told people the same thing and have been ignored as well
Good point most illnesses we can heal ourselves
Back in 2007, my doctor grabbed some dry ice and burned a wart off in-office. Last year, I went to my doctor for a massive plantar wart that is quite painful, and my doctor sent me to a podiatrist??? Podiatrist just shaved it and gave me standard topical wart medicine. If that sh*t WORKED, I would not NEED to see a doctor, right? It MUST be surgically cut out. No topical med will get this deep thing gone. Or, whip out a lot of dry ice, ya know? So, still there, still causing pain.😢
The arrogance of many Dr’s scare the hell out of us! Two visits to the hospital in 2 years and they almost killed my spouse both times! It is absolutely necessary to have an advocate BY YOUR SIDE while in a hospital.
I recently saw a consultant and had to berate him for talking down to me and not making eye contact. He had to apologise and his demeanour and attitude changed. I won't tolerate arrogance from anyone.
I agree completely. I'm surprised there haven't been patient advocacy groups set up yet with how terrible things are now.
@@terrapinflyer273 There's a tremendous need. But, you'll have to pay outta pocket is you can find one. What's a reasonable hourly fee? $150/hr from the time of departure, to the time back? Wanna know what I think? I don't think unless I'm being paid ; )
@MrSteelerboy1 LOL! Their fee for a malpractice claimsis $250k... the max allowable recovery, thanks to one of the Bush's. But, many doctors and lawyers aren't 'people'... they're books with legs and fat billfolds ; )
I have a friend who has been in intensive care for 3 days because she went in a month ago for a uti, which turned into a kidney infection, which turned into sepsis, even though she was prescribed antibiotics, was in constant daily contact with the doctor, and was being in up new symptoms and complaints almost daily.
On the last visit before her septic shock, she went in for a new MRI and was told she “looked anemic” was given blood and sent home. She was completely fucking orange.
Next day she was dying of septic shock and her liver was now also infected. Like a fucking joke.
She was in septic shock when she arrived at the hospital. Almost died. Almost lost her leg. Her new doctor, a kidney specialist, was overheard talking to a nurse saying “how tf did this get this bad? Why did [other doctor] allow this to get this far? This is the worst case of this infection I have ever seen.” - and the crazy part: “I hate working with incompetent “COVID doctors” “ !!! We haven’t asked obviously, but we assume he meant doctors forced through the system with minimal training or ability due to COVID shutdowns!
Literally insane. She almost fucking died. >:(
You have to get 2 opinions. You can't rely on ONE doctor.
I developed a UTI which then turned into a kidney infection from…sitting in a jacuzzi. I didn’t know the jacuzzi wasn’t being cleaned. I was given the wrong antibiotic at the ER. The kidney pain didn’t get better. My doctor tested my urine and gave me the right antibiotic. I avoid getting into a jacuzzi or hot tub now. Not worth it.
All she needed was a vitamin c iv.
@@plumeria66 holy eff i have been swimming in a month guess what happened i got a tonsillar abscess not sure if its linked to the swimming pools but those were painful asf doctors are important and the swimming pool was so cold definetely not well maintained but my sis and mom go in there too i wonder if i am having weaker immune system ? :/
I don't think saying the f word so much does anything to add to this story.
I worked in healthcare for 40 years. I lost a lot of respect during the covid fiasco.
Bingo. Doctors and their practices sure enjoyed that covid money alot more than the truth. And the lies.
Unfortunately, medicine is now a business...
Well...actually, it was years before that. Actually, it was since the majority of doctors sold out, and became drug dealers along side of dirtyphrma.
And way before!
I heard a healthcare provider say once that healthcare was never meant to be a business and the moment that the medical industry became about money, the profession was lost.
Of course, like EVERYTHING ELSE
So true
About 1910 then
I am from a place with universal health care. As we graduated from medical school, our Dean gave us a speech on how to save and invest so that we would not have to worry about money, as any doctors who were preoccupied with money were not good doctors.
Ok name one industry which works without money
Oncologist pays $3,000 for a chemotherapy drug charges the patient 12,000 insurance pays 80% and then they are left with a 20% copay if they live or die the doctor still will get paid.Let that sink in.
Ivermectin for cancer. Much cheaper than chemo and
No side effects
you forgot the deductible.
Yeah. I had a friend whose cat got stomach cancer. The vet operated on the cat and he died. The poor girl who loved her cat had to pay $2600. That was 20 years ago. It is the same for us, now. No difference.
Cancer industry is quite a profit making scheme while they ruin people’s health with poisins, oops I mean cancer drugs
Chemo is poison.
Psychedelics are just an exceptional mental health breakthrough. It's quite fascinating how effective they are against depression and anxiety. Saved my life.
Can you help with the reliable source I would really appreciate it. Many people talk about mushrooms and psychedelics but nobody talks about where to get them. Very hard to get a reliable source here in Australia. Really need!
Yes, dr.porassss. I have the same experience with anxiety, depression, PTSD and addiction and Mushrooms definitely made a huge huge difference to why am clean today.
I wish they were readily available in my place.
Microdosing was my next plan of care for my husband. He is 59 & has so many mental health issues plus probable CTE & a TBI that left him in a coma 8 days. It's too late now I had to get a TPO as he's 6'6 300+ pound homicidal maniac.
He's constantly talking about killing someone.
He's violent. Anyone reading this
Familiar w/ BPD know if it is common for an obsession with violence.
Is he on instagram?
Yes he is dr.porassss_.
Hospitals used to be run by doctors. During the 80's, these doctors started selling out, accepting big bonuses and salaries from hedge funds to sell their hospital. Over time, majority of hospitals were bought out by these hedge funds and turned into networks like sutter, kaiser, etc. They made a monopoly over hospitals in different regions. Now, these hospitals are run by big corporations like a business, with the sole purpose of profits. No longer can we care about the well being of our patients. No longer do we do what we do to help patients. Its all about profits. As result, hospital staff including doctors, nurses, rts are all treated like factory workers, trying to maximize as much pts we can take as possible with no care to patient well being. All healthcare workers are spread out too thin to be able to do their job properly today. As result, things are missed. Things are not done. Or people are too tired to do them on a consistent basis as they are too burnt out from being overworked all the time. Healthcare is a sad world now, created by the failure of old doctors who sold out their future doctors for money.
It's the result of late Capitalism. Profit and growth above or else. Capitalism is self-serving. Capitalism operates according to the rules of selfishness.
Well said and accurate.
Well said, couldn't have summed it up better! Precisely my experience working in hospital. I did enjoy a fulfilling career in home health however
Capitalism has been taken over by Corporations. Corporations are ruining business. Corporations only care about profits.
@@gavinlew8273Again it’s Crony Capitalism not just Capitalism. Corporate power merging with government power is corporatism. Capitalism gave people a lot but these evil group of people seized power.
Our hospital had 2 doctors that were vocally anti covid vax, and they both got fired. They moved away. Those were the only doctors I trusted. I am bereft.
So sorry for your sorrow and I feel for those 2 doctors as well!
It's disgusting those good doctors got fired for standing against covid 19(84) and the tyrannical mandates.
The Frontline Doctors were excellent when it came to all the the covid nonsense. They told the truth from the very beginning.
That is why I am glad to be a private off grid pcp. I only make enough to break even. I saw a chance to break out of the system w the pandemic and I took it.
Good God those NP's and PA's take up good jobs. The urgent care place just takes people's money, run tests, and then send people home saying "follow up w your pcp". They discharged my patient with sky high blood pressure, no blood pressure meds.
Yes, that was going on. We cannot forget that, ever.
RX VODKA/CHEESE/rum!? What is our plan f9ürWa553r?h30?H20(big
I went to nursing school at a university in the 1970, BSRN program. We were taught fantastic clinical skills, unlike today. I have better clinical skills than the young doctors, evidence based. If they cannot test it, they cannot DX. the ailment, NO CLINICAL SKILLS. The doctors today do not care about the patient unlike in decades past. Health care in the USA is in the toilet. I am 79, the doctors do not care about patients, and only care about the bottom line. They have sold out. No respect from me for these poor medical doctors. They miss DX. all the time, have party lines that the big medical mills dictate.
What you are saying is correct. These doctors are not caring, available or able to Dx. I know I have had enough and thank God, I know what needs to happen in my medical care. The doctors get pissed off that a nurse knows more than they do. But, I have to put my foot down and I don’t back down.
You are so right. I graduated 1975 and I never see doctors do a hands on physical exam anymore. Just expensive scans and blood work are ordered.
I'm 61 & I try to stick with older drs who still dr. Unfortunately, as I get older the drs I trust who are older are retiring & im soon going to be stuck with the younger ones who know nothing.
We are customers not patients
Good for you!!
& God bless you for it. 👍
How many patients have had their life ruined by their lack of knowledge or dedication? Shameful!
On another note, it's just insane to me how long it takes to become a doctor. You get an undergrad degree (likely entirely unrelated to your future profession) which takes 4 years, go to medical school, typically with a gap year or more in-between which takes another 4 years, then residency which takes 3-6 years. All this while being charged hundreds of thousands and not being paid or being paid very little. By the time you're a practicing doctor you're likely in your 30s. If you're a woman this is especially draining and you're sometimes robbed of your chance of having children.
And if you’re a man you’re robbed of getting laid by any chick who isn’t morbidly obese
After the pandemic, I’ve completed lost my faith in the medical profession. There were hardly any doctors that stood up against the tyranny
There were none from My Health plan. So I have none left for them
I agree.
I was away ahead off you. The medical stories lead me to believe that your ordinary gp just took the medication way out😢 as a result my sister went through 14 years of continuous face pain. But guess what, she still trusts them...... go figure 😢 Not me, I wont go near them 😂
am a podiatric surgeon
I'm a 63yo horsewoman. In Sept 23 both my feet were stomped on by our 800 lb. filly. I was bedridden for almost 8 weeks while I healed myself with RICE, protolitic enzymes and PT. After that I shoved my feet into a pair of boots and carried on with life.
During this time I didn't dare go to the doctor for fear of surgery and a ginormous medical bill. Not even an x ray. I'm a retired Veterinary Technician and I thank God for the knowledge he gave me to learn how to 'fix' myself.
I feel for those who have to suffer with today's sick care system.
Nice to hear of someone else helped by proteolytic enzymes. Found one with Seaprose-s. General practitioner wanted to do several invasive tests & I mentioned the systemic enzymes. She exclaimed, "WHAT! You can't take those! They'll kill ya." Instead, they helped a lot.
What are protolitic enzymes? Are they easy to find? What’s the protocol to follow?
I don’t go to doctors, a year ago I injured the ligaments of my foot I rubbed castor oil on it twice a day and wrapped it with an ace wrap. The pain way away in two weeks!
What's PT? Where can I get pro. enzymes?
@@KatherynInc. Physical Therapy
That's amazing. One of my horses kicked me in the face a few years ago. I didn't go to the doctor until a month later, because a family member was very concerned. Turns out my shattered zygomatic bone had already healed and was fine. They tried to talk me into plastic surgery! No way. It's already healed why the heck would I do that. They acted so shocked that I didn't call an ambulance right when it happened. The human body heals really well on its own
Im 62 and i dont go to any doctors. If i get sick, its my time to go.
Same. I'm 61 and haven't had a check-up in over a decade. I know meat is healthy. I don't believe everyone must have the exact same blood pressure, cholesterol, etc. I'm a businessman and I know what making sales looks like.
Same here at 63
I feel the same way. Most people miss their time to go and suffer as a result.
70 yrs here. I've been lied to multiple times by doctors - I was told I had mitral valve prolapse and must take antibiotics every time I go to the dentist and I will need ultrasounds monthly to monitor the problem -- but a few years later another doctor sent me to a top hospital to confirm the condition and it was just not true; I was told I needed back surgery -- but a few chiropractic adjustments resolved the problem without surgery (this is when I was 30), I was hospitalized for a blocked bile duct and was told I needed a feeding port put into my neck -- one call to a friend who knew members of the Board of Directors and I was released from the hospital the next day. There is no trust whatsoever. Like you if I get sick, it is my time to go. Evil lives.
a bit younger, soon 50, but i hold the same sentiment.
While I agree on many of your points Dr. Dhand, I think one huge point as to driving the greed is the huge amount of cost it takes to go to school (at least in the US). Some schools charge over $150K - $400k ( I myself had a $350k) debt that accrued interest while in residency training and in school so by the time you are poised to make payments it has ballooned even further. The average pediatrician makes $130k-$200k depending on the city with large costs of living before taxes. It makes sense why doctors are naturally filtering into specialties and the generalists are getting taken over. Other degrees cost way less and can afford that peace of mind from not having higher pay, which I think is a great thing.
Still that doesn’t explain it all as many of these policies are coming from those physicians who have been in the field for ages. I agree with what others said that it’s a mix of many players, not just doctors. The system is terribly misbalanced and the burnout is so real as others have mentioned.
I just want to give some of my fellow physicians some empathy from the audience. Give a perspective that it isn’t just greed for many doctors, it’s basic survival as you work long hours to train with a debt larger than houses that many average Americans can’t even afford. This is all when they are mostly in their late 20s getting training. It’s crazy to think what we are doing to many good willing people. The only ones with the peace of mind to think about anything other than grinding and working would be those who were able to afford or avoid the $250k medical school debt, so you’d have to think what kind of physician society that is screening for.
Thanks for the content and thanks for reading fellow TH-cam enthusiasts. Stay well and thanks for a moment to receive a different perspective.❤
I used to work for a very large HMO (35 years) and saw firsthand the inferior care physicians were forced to provide patients. Then I got on Medicare and saw, once again, how physicians sold their souls in providing inferior, even downright dangerous, health care in Advantage and Accountable Care Organizations just for job security, excellent benefits and good pay...all to the detriment of patients. Us mere mortals (the patients) have no power over the insurance companies and governments but the physicians do. Where are they? Why aren't they standing up for us? If the physicians don't help us, who will?
Really...the Doctors have say in the Government and insurance, on how things should be?! I thought it was the other way around 🤔
It's all scary for sure, regardless 🤯
@@EC-yd9yv If they were unionized like the nurses are, they would have more power. They could put pressure on the AMA and State Medical Boards to advocate for us. They could initiate a nationwide letter campaign to Congress to protect patients. Personally, I have not heard of any united effort from physicians on the behalf of patients. What I have heard is mass exodus of doctors leaving the health care system.
Healthcare people only care about the money.
Every human, right now, stands alone on a small island. It is up to us to survive as we evidently have become the new commodities for a system, intending to profit, no matter what. Humanity is gone ; compassion is gone ; we, the new sheep, are sorting it out.
Physicians will only stand up for physicians and their income. Don't expect anything different.
I worked 20 years in hospitals and clinics. Vast majority of doctors would be fine if left alone. But they long ago stopped being professionals and became clock punchers following protocols determined by a vast faceless unaccountable health care bureaucracy. One MD told me he can't even write a prescription any more, except per protocol. So why even have the doctor in the first place? A touch screen kiosk could do better, faster, cheaper. I have no sympathy. Physicians allowed this to happen.
suggesting it's the doctors fault is pretty unenlightened. Do you know how powerful the insurance lobby is? Do you know how much the hospital makes compared to the doctors per dollar spent on healthcare? This statistics are out there if you give a shit. For every dollar spent on healthcare hospitals get close to 80% of it. The CEO of my local healthcare system makes over $1 million and the handful of people below him make 5 million collectively. But they can't pay the nurses very well because of course that would mean package would need to be adjusted. This guy makes it seem so simple - doctors are just gross money grubbers. The truth is is we've all lost our ability to practice because the hospital systems are trying to buy us up and force us to practice medicine one way. Where everybody gets the same protocol and nobody gets to be treated any differently. The reason doctors push for better pay is that they, like all other businesses, have to pay their overhead. So if insurance companies are paying us $.50 on the dollar, we are going to struggle to pay our staff, our electricity, our rent. This guy is just trying to get everybody angry towards doctors but as a physician I can tell you I had to leave the rat race because I couldn't make a living. I spent time with patients and that was not viable.
I’ve said that to doctors before. If there’s no individualized health care why can’t we just make a software where patients input their symptoms. Imo it’s going to come to that and that is why they’re doing this to doctors.
Scrubbs had it all sussed out years ago. It wasn't a comedy It was telling you the truth and what was coming and now it has arrived.😢
@@Recoveringred In truth, much of medicine boils down to highly trained technicians, AKA physicians, following a flowchart to diagnose and then prescribe treatment. Most have no idea what to do with a patient with symptoms or reactions outside the norm. AI would be a boon for these patients.
@@StopTheWorld65 I had both types of high risk hpv for almost a decade. Several biopsies and one mass removed; I also have PcOS, endo, and adenomyosis…and several doctors told me the guidelines dictated care. And guidelines were I had to have invasive cancer to get it all removed. Ridiculous. I used a product from Italy and finally healed it myself. Doing things they discouraged of course.
Not only are doctors no longer giving individualized care but they’ll shame you out of trying anything other than waiting to get cancer.
I have also had the worst experience with dentists. They caused a hole in my sinus that has had to be repaired. Paid for by me not the dentist who caused it.
I am 59, sober for 4 years, eat clean as possible, ride my bike 5k miles a year. No smoking and haven't been to a DR in 9 years. ON ZERO MEDS. Feel great.
Sounds like you take great care of yourself. Way to go!
@@americafirst9144 I may drop dead at any minute
Similar here, its obvious really but people are too brainwa£hed and hung up on their conviniences and " m£gic b£llets."
@@garysbraccia4980 Your funny 😂
Doctors used to get into the profession to help others. Now, due to the cost of education (amongst other things), they are essentially forced into chasing the money, often at the expense of patients.
A doctor with courage to speak truth. How rare.
As an integrative psychiatrist I slowly broke free of the system. I prescribe no drugs. I incorporated mental imagery, nutrition (amino acid therapy). Spirituality, and Polyvagal Theory years ago. Early on I decided to do what was best for my patients and to fly under the radar. I lectured and wrote a lot but I was aware that every holistic doctor will be investigated by their medical board. With COVID I knew within 3 weeks what the truth was, but I spent more than 500 hours studying the details. Medicine became big business in 1910 thanks to John D Rockefeller. What are the 3 taboo words in medical training? Nutrition, spirituality and sexuality. Under spirituality I include the words God, purpose, faith and love. The heart has been ripped out of medicine. I feel it is too late to transform medicine. It will crumble.
Awesome. Keep up your amazing work. You and those like you are needed.
That’s def awesome IMO
Drugs are bad, especially man made drugs
There were books on this about 1910 and Rockefeller.
Do you recommend some reading.
Please, this subject greatly interests me.
I was diagnosed with schizophrenia but I feel that like the eyes the mind the eyes and the ears can see and hear things differently on other levels than other people sometimes how do I know you aren't seeing and hearing real people that are bleeding in out of your vibration
@@Fnord23Gnosis Lots of info on the internet.
"Costs are skyrocketing". I had the unique position of knowing how much items cost for a hospital to order. I was also aware of how much the mark up could be in that hospital in certain situations. It was obscene. My family traveled out of state and had to have on of our children treated at an emergency room. I kept track of all details, including personnel, times, time frames and medicine details. When the bill arrived, I was incensed! I demanded an itemized list of those expenses. And would you know... the markup for the medicine was astronomical! I knew how much it costs for a hospital to order it. So I made arrangements to speak to management at that hospital to make the point that such pricing was abusive, shameful and unnecessary. I also knew exact times, names and personnel who entered the room. No one was going to exploit this situation. Needless to say, the bill was significantly reduced. It's an outrage healthcare admin has done as they have to the people. And often blame insurance companies! I fear it is a well-deserved collapse. But the people do need quality care professionals to help. Not entitlement-minded individuals with self-centered, poor bedside manner. Corrupt and evil big pharma has done WAAAAY to much harm in programming modern day medical professionals to do their bidding. It's contradictory to the oath.
I got saline 20 years ago at $1,000 a bag 🤮
It won't be long before we start referring to witch doctors, witches and get wychhazel as a remedy
Hospitals charge whatever the insurance companies pay. They negotiate prices, probably aboard CEO's yachts in the Caribbean, on a regular basis and laugh all the way to the bank!
@@AwosAtis same with doctors who use certain surgical instruments, prosthesis and equipment! I know first hand how the Operating Room works!
It’s a business now like any other. I heard there used to be mostly doctors and a few administrators. Today I understand a hospital could be close to 50% administrative. It’s a business otherwise why would there be so many managers.
This is greatly needed. This profession is a great ripoff today … poor care for huge salaries! You do reap what you have sown!
I am grateful for your honesty. As a registered nurse working for 50 years I have seen the detrimental negative changes in healthcare. You are a gift to healthcare workers who are getting validation for their frustrations and they are even leaving the professions. I reminisce of the past where I worked with doctors, nurses, other healthcare professionals as amazing teams , supportive, respectful and mutual exchange of ideas and expertise to help patients regain their health . More time was spent with patients and families and miracles happened
That's beautiful ❤.
If only doctors would admit this to themselves. Now we have hands-off physicals, patient questions/concerns are dismissed. Medical issues/complaints are not addressed. Expensive medical tests are ordered without explanation of results. The arrogance, superiority, and lack of knowledge is astounding! I feel forced to take care of my own medical issues the best I can. I order what medical tests I can and monitor my own health, but I also desire a doctor who is knowledgeable and who cares. There are good ones, but they are not taking new patients. I do need certain meds, but for the most part I research and use alternative practice and supplements. I am a retired RN and 15 year medical lab tech, retired. I wonder what people with absolutely no medical background do. We all suffer. Yes, my friends in the UK have some of the same complaints. I will try a D.O. Perhaps he will be open to alternatives therapies. He might even dare to touch me and palpate for enlarged lymph nodes, instead asking if I noticed any lumps as my oncologist did!
I'm also a retired RN, and likewise, order my own tests and use online pharmacy.The useless GP decided, suddenly, I didn't have HBP despite several small strokes, and refused to prescribe! I saw her for a few years and she never touched me, and to my shock, didn't know I had a mastectomy,so never read my chart or heard anything I said.
@@roxanpierson9541 Incredibly sad. How does the online pharmacy work, I wouldn't even go to a doctor if I didn't need prescriptions filled?
I’m also a BSN who stopped working in 2000 with 3 decades of experience. My husband was diagnosed with melanoma back in 2017 and during his course of treatment (at a very prestigious medical system) was admitted to determine an effective pain control regimen. At the time, he had undergone 3 rounds of immunotherapy with 2 different agents. During the testing to figure out the best combo to control his pain, he had a reaction to something and was put on massive doses of steroids; he remained on this high dosage for 3 weeks post discharge. The down side is that steroids act in direct opposition to the action of immunotherapy and so he was “fast tracked” off them in order to continue his immunotherapy. This led to the predictable shut down of his adrenals. He was readmitted for evaluation and put on IV steroid support (huge dose 3x/day). When it appeared he was stable, they withdrew the IV steroids without any tapering. Within 12 hours he totally crashed and ended up in ICU. I was asked for directives should he need further life support. I went home, gathered the family and in the morning, we all went to see him for what we expected to be the last time. Surprise! He was awake, up and about, essentially his usual self! I couldn’t believe it! While I was going over his MAR with the RN, a parade of medical students/interns from literally 5 different “specialties” came in with their respective attending MD’s. Meanwhile, the light bulb went off for me and I made the connection between the high dose steroid and the abrupt withdrawal of said steroids. Shockingly, not one single student/intern/attending even glanced at his MAR or asked about his drug therapy. I couldn’t believe it. This prestigious healthcare system, which is a leader in training the next generation of healthcare professionals, failed miserably to properly diagnose the TRUE underlying etiology of my husbands crisis. In fact, I literally had to threaten his hospitalist to perform the diagnostics to confirm or rule out my suspicions. Turns out, I was correct. Me. A RN; who hadn’t practiced in over 15 years at the time; in the midst of a sea of medical educators and their students; in a world-renowned facility. And not a single one of the myriads who poked, prodded, and assessed him showed the slightest bit of initiative outside their own little niche medical specialty to try to “solve the puzzle” so to speak. Sadly, not even his ICU caregiver of the day. He was in hospital for 10 days that time and a major problem is that he had a different staff member assigned to him every day. There was no continuity of care and so the RN staff had no firsthand, “eyes on” baseline assessment to compare to. They were uninterested in any objective data I had to share. In the end, even I was wrong. Well, I was right to a degree. It wasn’t ONLY his adrenals that had shut down. Because of my persistence, he was administered the adrenal challenge diagnostics; his adrenals were effectively dead. This led to consultation with an endocrinologist. The results of those diagnostics were that his entire endocrine system was dead. The endocrinologist said, and I quote, “we killed your pituitary gland, but the good news is we have pharmaceutical replacements for that. You can take thyroid replacements and steroid replacement, and at your age (he was 64) you don’t really need the testosterone anymore (what?!) The bad news is, it will take 3 weeks to reach therapeutic levels. After that you’ll feel as good as new.” He did not survive for 3 more weeks. Couple this shocking experience with the events of the 2020 worldwide healthcare “crisis” and I no longer am a proponent of the so-called western model of healthcare. Or any model of healthcare. I have researched alternative therapies and practice self-care. Happily, I did not contract that man made disease and haven’t been ill since before that. I’ll never trust our healthcare system again. MD’s are interested only in their own little niche of the market. People cannot be divided up like that. Humans are integrated wholes and a disruption in one area affects the entire system. MD’s have lost sight of this fact. Hospital staff in general seem to be there only for the paycheck. You must be your own advocate.
@@roxanpierson9541 Didn't know you had a mastectomy after years, that's pathetic and frightening!
@@christinegeary4877 People are worried about taking Covid vaccine, they had better worry about having to be hospitalized! I am so sorry for your loss.
I generally refrain from letting doctors know I am a nurse unless they ask my background, as I want them to share what they know/think, and I don't want them to think I am critiquing them. Of course they tell me nothing. I don't know if it is fear of being wrong, they don't know or just don't care. Whatever it is, we're in trouble when we need medical intervention. My friend in the UK was taken to the hospital because he was weak and fell. He had cellulitis. He never saw a physician over the weekend and he was finally seen on Monday he died from sepsis. They may not be as bad as the US, but they are a close second. It wasn't always this way.
I’m an RN. There is no “health” in most modern healthcare. Docs can be wonderful in life saving emergencies, in reality docs are not educated on maintaining health. They are educated on how to treat sickness. We absolutely have to be our own authority on our personal health and one size does not fit all.
Yes 👏🏻
But we shouldnt have to.
We should have authorities that we can trust, institutions we can rely on for accurate information on how to stay healthy. It's no wonder we're all getting so sick it's because we can't do all the research ourselves.
@@AGILISFPV I agree. It’s very sad to see how things are. It’s also really beautiful to hear this doctor speaking out. Gives me hope that we can turn this around.
Well said. I’m also a RN, health visitor, and have an MSc in Public Health. I retired after 37 years, due to the nonsense of the pandemic. The NHS has nothing to do with health. It’s a disease management service.
It's not collapsing, it's being systematically made to collapse to make way for drastic changes
The whole world is collapsing, corporate greed is to blame for most
Greed is not good lol
Sort of agree with this extreme and blunt statement.
Corporations are not sentient. It is greed on the personal level.
Inherent selfishlessness actually. Everyone wants their betterment and interests are conflicting.
Don’t talk about Big Brother that way.
We hold on to ONE doctor that has been wonderful for the past 15 years. Even though we have moved out of state we continue to ‘see’ her via zoom calls. She does not take insurance, limits her practice to the number of patients she can handle, listens and respected our decision not to vax, can be reached via email and phone between 6mo to 1 year check ups-no additional cost, does thorough blood work, is always researching alternatives to traditional Rx. We pay her about $300 per check up visit, period. It’s the way medicine should be practiced. She KEEPS us healthy with her guidance and counseling. I have been sick once in the past 5 years and had to go to our local clinic- 2 hour wait, saw 4 different doctors over 4 months and they all gave me a routine antibiotic and prednisone. Kicking myself in the rear end for not just calling her in the first place. But this has given me a whole new respect for doctors that care and will dig a little deeper for their patients.
I understand the rest but not taking insurance? There's a reason I got a job that had good health insurance was so I could see my good doctor and not have to pay $300 every time. That's crazy..
Paying hundreds of dollars for a check up is not the way healthcare should be, and is not the case in any other developed nation. That you find this acceptable is indicative of how indoctrinated your country is
This is true. The Doctor Welby of yesterday are gone!!!!
@@lucien4980 insurance is central to the whole problem. Once doctors accept it, their hands are tied
This will work until u get sick for real. These consierge doctors can't help you when a real specialist is needed or expensive procedure (such as surgery to remove gallstones) is needed. It's a false sense of security they provide
My dad is a retired MD urgent care and he directed me to naturopathic medicine because his quality of life with 12 hour shifts made him obese, miserable, riddled with cancer and he felt like a drug pusher .. . I get so much SHAME for not going for the money. But my understanding of the body and biochemistry has been so empowering!
I worked with a naturopath and she was the smartest, kindest, most caring and best doctor I’ve ever known.
I love my car... it gets the job done. But, I'm kinda missing the reciprocal affection. Like the old Tina Turner son... "What's love got to do with it?"
@@kayakeraltamaha5720 What does your comment mean?
Thank you for sharing.
Your dad sounds like a doctor I used to see. He retired and I really miss him - he was a good man and a very good doctor.
You crave negative attention that you get by nasty trolling. While you attack people who prefer positive relationships.
We win. Your negativity is inside you and you cannot escape. You are a loser because you make yourself a loser.
And we just walk away.
A PA almost gave me sepsis after knee replacement. Blamed the infection on me, and wouldnt treat me when I was following directives. A friend who was a former RN, drove me. An ER doc fired the PA. He was medical director of the hospital. I dont trust many medical professionals. That ER doc saved me twice. Once after surgery, once before that when I had bronchitis.
I am so glad you are exposing our broken medical system. I’m a retired Hospital/ ICU RN for 30 years. To see someone with your credentials exposing America’s medical system problems. I am so happy to see you on youtube. Thank you, Debora Morris, RN, BSN
Yes but he suggests replacing it with something worse
Yes, I’m glad you pointed it out..
so very glad yo be retired from medical professional
My husband is a PA. He left medicine because he wasn’t able to “practice medicine” due to Ins. Companies and policies.
He returned to medicine when he discovered direct pay. He has his own membership practice. 60.00 a month, no insurance. You can call for same day appointments. Physicals, blood work, follow ups are all included.
He has taken it upon himself to learn nutrition, (which they do not teach in medical school) herbal medicine and is registered to show you how to use gym equipment. And he will meet you at the gym to get you going in the right direction. He is about getting you healthy.
He has hired a female NP to fill that gap and she is a gem.
There are ways to meet the needs of patients, but, you have to care. That is the number one rule. He prays with his patients and makes home visits when necessary. There are still medical providers that are in it for the right reason, but, insurance companies have played a huge role in this dismemberment.
Nobody in healthcare cares, they don’t even pretend to care.
May God richly bless your husband! Thank you for all he does! ♥️
This is wonderful to hear! Where does he practice? Is there a network of people like him that we can reach out to for similar care if we don’t live nearby? Thx
How wonderfully amazing! Thank you.
This is exactly what we need from good doctors ❤️❤️
As a child, I still remember our doctor coming to our house when I was Ill! He drove a top tier Mercedes, so he wasn't scraping by in a rural town. Fast forward, and we wait months to get an appointment, then are given 5 minutes and some pills shoved at you. The Dr. Patient relationship, I believe, is 90% of the cure. The mind body connection. What happened? One illness can bankrupt a person or family. I respect Dr.s, of course. But I agree, medicine is only another big business. Bring on AI, please. Trauma, urgent treatment is another matter. Self knowledge and healthy life choices are paramount now more than ever.
AI? We already have ARTIFICIAL intelligence. We DONT NEED AI..
I want the doctor on star Trek voyager. He is smart, and kind. He is a hologram.
As a child, we had a German doctor who did many a house visit. My children & grandchildren can't believe our doctor came to our house. He would enter our door and yell, "your not wearing your slippers?! No wonder you are sick." LoL
Its this way in folk herbalism. You don't match x herb to y ailment. You treat the whole person.
AI??? Why?
We're too dependent on others to do for us. We all need to go back to what were placed on the earth for us to use.
Dr. Dhand: Yes, thank you from an RN (ret). At 70 yo, I am now needing a bit of healthcare myself. I chose an FNP (actually she has her DNP) who follows my “auntie” and well-older woman needs expertly. My FNP refers me to a specialist when needed. Her patients are all retired nurses! I recently had a PA follow me post total knee replacement expertly. Why are your colleagues not bending and letting very competent NPs and PAs do routine chronic and routine post-op care? Thanks for your great teaching.
I’m a victim of medical malpractice. I was 17yrs old. Went in for a “simple” surgery for my Crohn’s disease. Ended up with necrotic bowel & sepsis. I flatlined & almost died. Ultimately lost my ability to have kids. & ended up with massive scar tissue & adhesions.
I was constantly blamed for what happened. Because the medical industry chose to protect themselves over actually helping me. It would be one thing if it was just one hospital. Or one doctor. But no matter what doctor I go to. After they hear my story, they’d rather believe I’m lying or at fault than consider there’s a huge problem with the industry they make their livelihoods from.
It’s been absolutely exhausting & traumatizing. So the last three years I got off all meds (because they were causing heart failure & no Dr was willing to admit the meds they were prescribing were the problem) & started holistic healing & I’ve never felt better. I certainly feel saner.
Dang! Just wanted to acknowledge you and your story and say, you GO. 💥💥👊
I am sorry for your suffering. I also can relate: I was sickly from birth, due to an experimental drug being used on my pregnant mother, and I nearly died twice later: after a compulsory school vaccine injection in 3rd Grade, and at 32 years from lifelong malnutrition resulting in a complete collapse. After a three-year convalescence, I began to study holistic, natural modalities. I began to anticipate wholesale medical tyranny exploiting vaccines as a bioweapon in 1993, and stopped going to "medical doctors" entirely by 1995.
I will leave you with a few suggestions to investigate on your own: Highly-fibrinolytic systemic enzymes, especially Lumbrokinase, for potential dissolving of scar tissue; Castor Oil packs, for possible improved liver, kidney, and bowel health; Turpentine Spirits, and/or Methyl Blue, for possible increased detoxification; Earthing/Grounding, for potential healthier blood-cell circulation. (Hippocrates could never get a license to practice medicine in modern America; see "The Lethal Dose" by former medical doctor Jennifer Daniels.)
I came out of a short Coma and suffered a Pituitary Tumor. The symptoms can be alarming. So they lost any record of me being in a Coma and decided to Commit me to Psychiatric for 4yrs being Gaslit and told my Coma was a figment of my imagination and a part of my delusions. The medications they put me on made my Tumor symptoms worse. I ultimately won a case against the State for my freedom, did not seek financial compensation but I should have. 28yrs on and you may as well say I'm Blacklisted and can't get any help fkr my Tumor
So you had to return to the hospital after discharge??
Thank you for the acknowledgment @fastgurrrl. It’s very much appreciated! 🙏🏼🤍 And thank you for the suggestions Daniel. I’ll keep them in mind! I am very sorry to hear that others have suffered from medical malpractice as well. It’s so traumatizing & debilitating & not many people understand. I don’t even have much family support because when I was in the hospital (for six months straight after getting sepsis, flatlining, needing blood transfusions. Unable to eat so I was on IV nutrition aka TPN. Also ended up w a blood clot & pancreatitis. & ultimately needed six additional surgeries including a total hysterectomy due to the malpractice.) the doctors & nurses would whisper to my family members that came to see me that I was a hypochondriac or had munchausens. Or that my mother had munchausens.
It created doubt that really never went away. I took a lot of that on. Thought something was mentally wrong w me. That I was “bad”. It’s taken me years to realize that it was the way the hospital & the drs I came across protected themselves. The last straw for me was going to see a dr while constantly having a heart rate of 130+ & palpitations. He said I might have a tumor on my adrenal gland. I looked up the side effects of the meds he was prescribing me & realized it wasn’t a tumor. It was the medicine. I stopped every med & never looked back. I finally found peace. I do not believe the way the medical industry is set up currently there is any peace or healing to be found. It’s very unfortunate. Thanks for sharing your stories & advocating because I truly believe that’s the only way we’ll get change ✊🏼🙏🏼✌🏼
I worked in clinical laboratory medicine for 30+ years. When I recently finally left I was making $5 over minimum wage and it's not a big secret where all the money was going.
That's terrible.
@@laveraparato258 ya. most people think medical professionals are well paid. Some of them are but in a clinic it's really haves and have nots. Dr's have been very good about bidding up their wages but everyone else has to suffer for it, and most of the actual work in clinics is done by medical assistants who are making very low wages.
I'm a RN and work at a hospital in Missouri. My pt I discharged was 96, first time being in the hospital in decades. I asked her what her secret was, she said, "I don't go to the doctor." 😮 there's your answer!
My mother was like that. Got bronchitis and was hospitalised in her mid 90s. When I visited her in the hospital I asked her if it was a boy or a girl, because that was the only reason she had ever gone to the hospital before.
@@kalburgy2114 That's a great story. I imagine your mom laughed when you asked her that question!
@@kalburgy2114 😂
I had a pt like that once. The daughter called 911, dispatcher told us 100 yr old w/ chest pain. When my partner and I arrived, there were 2 ladies waiting on us at the door. One with a walker, which I assumed was the 100 yr old pt. I was wrong, She was the 79yr old daughter,lol. The daughter called and was frantic and the pt was calm and even walked to my ambulance,she refused the stretcher,lol. In fact, she didn't even want to go,it was the daughter who wanted her seen. I told the pt she had the right to refuse transport as her vitals for her age were excellent. She said she'd go as she'll never get any sleep and be nagged endlessly. Nothing I could do as she no longer had any discomfort and her ekg was even normal, no shortness of breath, nothing, just annoyed at her daughter,lol. That day was her 100th bday, and yes, she still walked,still had her witts about her and quite funny actually. She even looked like SHE was in her 70s. I asked her what her secret was, this is what she told me, " I've never seen a Dr, I stay away from those evil people (lol),I eat bacon and eggs every morning, I make my own meals-never processed or frozen except 1, I have a peppermint patty after dinner and I do what I want and when I want",lol. Her daughter, former RN was very heavyweight, aged beyond her years, needed a walker, had countless surgeries and on countless meds, diebetic and hypertension. She eats mostly processed foods,quick foods, lots of sandwiches and icecream,lol. There was a stark difference between the two. My pt was within her weight, no b/p or diabetes issues, still had all her feminine organs and still had most of her bottom teeth. When her teeth would go bad and she had infections, she'd drink whiskey to help with the pain and grab a pair of needle nose pliers and removed them. The woman was tough and I was extremely impressed. I hated to leave her at the hospital on her bday for someone who probably just had indigestion, but she taught me a very valuable lesson that day and I'll never forget her.
How did she go to the hospital without seeing a doctor?
PA and new subscriber here! Thank you SO MUCH for this video! I have been a Washington DC-based PA for almost 25 years and have seen the drastic changes in healthcare. I think it's going to get worse as our population ages, less young people go into medicine, in lieu of computer-based sources of income, and a desire to eschew overwhelming debt. MOST of MY patients suffer from diseases related to lifestyle. And, don't require specialist. I look forward to watching more of your videos! 🙂👋🏽👨🏽⚕️
As a RN, I am so disappointed in what has become of America's healthcare system. The corporations that decide how it runs have destroyed the professions like ours by piling on more and more to do in shorter time frames. Drs to see patients every 15 min(face to face, charting, etc) and nurses to care for too many ill patients at once(short staffed making it dangerous when one person can only be in one room at a time, etc.) The corporations don't care about quality or health, only money. So many caring medical professionals are leaving hospitals,etc. so AI and robots may be taking over. Human touch and care used to be paramount. God help us all to create a solution.
I used to call health care "livestock care," but in reality, it is worse. Actually, livestock get better care because they have value, humans do not.
It's not just corporations. Here in Canada, where the private sector is banned from medical system administration and management, the whole system is collapsing. At least in the US you guys have a great ER system (per Dr. Dhand). In Canada people regularly die in ERs due to administrative incompetence and lack of medical resources.
(Also note, Canada has one of the most expensive and wasteful medical systems in the world. It may be free but taxes are high and so is the debt load.)
Agree. Retired RN here.
The Corporations are mandated by the Feds who control all the money which comes into the organization. The future is 100% government run where the Nurse will have 10-20 patient loads with no help
Did you get the vax?
As an RN myself, I don’t even trust the medical establishment.
Lol I don't either
I cried twice on my shift last night. I'm so emotionally unstable it's ridiculous. I absolutely can't stand being a nurse, but I just go into autopilot when I clock in. When was the last time I had a fucking lunch? Fuck if I know. I pee'd for the first time last night at 3 this morning....
RN here, me neither.
Real nigga here too
@@kiaharper7172please take care of you😭😭😭your family needs you and you need you too. These hospitals will spit you out faster than you would be able to ask why
I'm old enough to remember when doctors did house calls. Enough said.
I only do housecalls.
Doctors in Mexico do housecalls
How is that "enough said" even relevant?
They still do though is called home health.
Healthcare is getting more expensive and lower quality, and you blame the individual doctors themselves? Are you a hospital owner by chance?
Cofraud 19 allowed us to see what the mainstream medical community is made of. Fear, greed and love of power brought out the worst in people.
What would help to bring back some degree of trust is the prosecution of those in leadership positions who pushed those worthless mandates on us. So far there's been no accountability.
God bless the brave doctors and nurses who had the integrity to stand for the truth!
Oh that's new! Cofraud 🤣
Agree 💯
Love the name Cofraud. I will refer to it is that from now on.
They got 20 per stab
@@Ashtarot77 Thank you. A TH-cam content creator named Brylan Riggs called it cofraud 19 in one of his videos. The virus was real, but the mandates, worldwide, were an absolute sham and a failure.
We need to talk about the hospital CEO’s making 5 million a year…
That's with most corporations!
Only 5 million? Some earn over 20-30.
I'm more concerned with the money incentives given for every death labeled as the vid. No incentives for people to get well.
You are right. Doctors need to be able to prescribe, diagnose, and treat their patients without health insurance companies or the government taking charge.
So, who keeps them honest?
I’ve been a nurse for 24 years. CEOs and shareholders have been the death of medicine.
Best evidence-based commentary🥇.
It’s called corporative-medicine.
No patients medical record … account #.
No Drs, RNs … healthcare providers.
No patients … customers.
Blame the real problem.
@@angelnunez9245lol so when are you breaking ground on your non corporate funded hospital or urgent care center??
Blame the real problem?? That’s what the gentleman in the video is doing. People want to sit around and blame the “CEOs and Shareholders” but those are just titles given to human beings that fall victim to greed and power just like most would if given the chance lol.
If you haven’t, start your own business and then see how quick you yourself will focus on profits and losses.
Can’t speak for all but people that get into healthcare do so to attain what society values most, ie money and prestige, material items. You’re delusional if you think that DRs are just “good people getting used” by the evil corporate fat cats lmao.
I've completely lost faith in what's become a corporate for-profit industry. $$$ health insurance+greed+open federal coffers.
Only wellness matters! Coming to you from a person who cured cancer without chemo and radiation 23 yrs ago.
That is wonderful!! ❤
❤❤❤ Good for you! My elderly uncle was diagnosed with cancer and given 1 year to live, 2-3 with chemo and radiation. He decided to just live the rest of his life without treatment and die peacefully in his home. He lived 15 years after his diagnosis! He made it to 96 yrs old. No meds except for a cholesterol pill.
Wow that is wonderful!! What did you do to cure it!?
Would you mind sharing your protocol?
I also healed my cancer holistically about 2 years ago. I have hope that I may be able to stay here long enough to see a grandchild.
If you have cancer you can heal yourself no matter how terminal it is, no matter how old you are. You don't need doctors to heal your body.
I will never go to a GP again. I had two of them try and push the jab on me with one even giving me a handout on the dangers of Ivermectin. They belong in jail in my opinion.
Agreed. Ivermectin saved a lot of lives. But there's no money in it for big pharma.
Ivermectin and Hydroxychloraquin were removed from UK hospitals Ihave read, because they were known to be a success. Replaced by Ivermectin,Respirators, Madazalam and Morphine the 'Liverpool Pathway'.
I totally understand you!! My cardiologist who knew the dangers of the jab lectured me for 15 minutes on why I should get it. He even had the nerve to say he and his whole family were getting it even his 6 year old. PLEASE I'M NOT STUPID!!! I do my research and these doctors hate an informed patient.
I switched my primary care doctor for the same reason. He was pushing the jab, and I said I didn’t want to take it because I’d heard about side effects. He said it was “all lies.” I walked out of his office and never went back.
I’m an x ray tech in interventional radiology. I work at one of the larger hospitals in the country. And even still out turnover is horrible. Our wages are trash. Our pager pay for on call hasn’t gone up in 20 years. And the best part is last year all administration roles got a 30% raise
I'm in desperate need of surgery, due to a rare defect on both sides of the iliac. My cardiologist found ONE surgeon in the county that can help me, but low and behold, he doesn't take my insurance. After calling the insurance company to request an override, I found out that they no longer do overrides. They said the doctor will need to sign up with my insurance company and agree to the payment. However, the insurance company can then decide if they want to pay the doctor, or not. If they decide not to make the agreed payment, I'm then held financially responsible for the bill. What's the point of having insurance?! If I don't have the surgery, it will ultimately be my demise. The healthcare system is no longer about helping the patients, it's about wealth and greed, period!
Good god this shit is a literal nightmare
I'd sue the insurance company
OH I am so sorry Good luck hope they change their mind
Go abroad for your operation, if you can. So many countries offer better, much much more affordable medical care.
That's so stinky
When my father was in the neurological ICU, the person I relied on the most was the nurse practitioner. She had a more holistic view of what was going on with my father, versus all the other doctors who were focused on pieces of the puzzle. I’m 55 so I’m old enough to remember what medicine was like before doctors specialized so much that it became hard for each of them to see the big picture.
Sidenote… I was flabbergasted about how every single thing that happened led to medicine. His heart raced one time and they said: He had an a fib incident… we’re going to put him on a fib medication. I was like: No, his heart was racing because he had a stroke which is a normal physiological response. Same with “preventative seizure medication.”The answer to every question was a drug. It’s truly disgraceful what has happened to the medical establishment. Let me be clear that I liked all of his doctors and they were all caring people but the system is definitely broken.
And then the drugs fight with each other, and the solution is more drugs to control the side effects. My mom had a scary period of poor health last year; her doctors wanted to add more medication to her “usuals” and blame her weakness and I’ll health on age. It turned out, when she started turning down and eliminating medications, that a chemo drug for a “precancerous” skin condition had lasting side effects exacerbated by a new BP drug and elderly kidneys, and once she was free of nearly her entire panel of prescriptions, she got her life back. Not a solution for everyone, but too little attention is paid to side effects and drug interactions, especially in women and the elderly.
Went to my pcp today, she was wearing a mask!
Receptionist still asking covid related questions....I am over it!
i hear that. i still see local clinics and hospitals with those covid questions on the intake, and the warnings about needing to warn staff and wear a mask if you have covid symptoms. then, they want to know if you got your latest booster! i have to now bite my tongue and not start yelling that the reason i'm sick is because i took one of those!
Where is this?
@@coastaldiva,I have seen it here in the U.S.
@@aidabarreto9299 so ridiculous at this point
i'm in kansas. where most people still act like it's 2021, and mock "horse paste" and deny injuries from ykw.
I have to tell you, when my daughter was very young, she somehow got a wart on bottom of her foot. First time ever I ever encountered anything like it cause never happened to me. she used medicine on my daughter and put too much over the right amount and it blistered and my daughter's foot became big and got ever worse, so next appointment she said she had to do slight operation, which she did, but then it got worse too. In short, I stopped making appointment with her and on my own got rid of it and helped my daughter heal. Eversince then, I looked at the Pediatrician with a very condescending eye.
I was a nurse for 40 years and have watched it all crumble. When I started, it was all about total patient care. By the time I left, my job consisted of passing pills, changing dressings, and charting , only, to please the insurance companies.
No time for actual one on one patient care or comfort. People can wait hours before seeing their nurse. I never let a family member go in hospital without staying and watching. Please nurses, at least WASH your hands and stop using the f***ing hand sanitizer. That’s the least you can do. And if you can’t Care for people you have no business being in the profession!
Absolutely 😥
It isn't just the medical field that's changed. Patients have as well. Everyone is frustrated with the health care system but visit any ED in a large city and sit in the waiting room. Most of the cases aren't emergent. Few patients understand the concept of triage. And dont get me started on cell phone use in the hospital. Pro tip: If you go to a hospital it is NOT OK to video tape your entire experience and post it on social media. And if you feel the need to run down your phones battery then bring your phone charger. And contrary to popular belief the ED is not a free hotel for friends and family with warm blankets, cooked meals, snacks and cable television. It is for patients.
Ditto! I never used that alcohol crap. Always washed my hands. Also didn't agree to the poison jab. Quit my job that I loved of 40 yrs because medical exemption not accepted. I thank God for his guidance to get out. Haven't looked back.
You are so right! I went into nursing to serve the holistic needs of my patients. Through the years the familial atmosphere of the hospital changed into nothing more than a money grubbing entity that no longer cared for patient needs. Staffing was continually being cut as the workload was continually increasing. In the end the profession I loved became one I hated.
paying off debt so i can get out of nursing. It’s all unreal. Patients are sicker, and we have no time. productivity, productivity, productivity
We haven’t been seeing changes? Well I have. Problem is greed and ego/pride. I’ve been saying don’t go to doctors anymore, stop wasting your time. God gave us food and herbs to naturally heal our bodies. Also fasting is really good for your body, if done right. Hardest thing is eliminating sugar
Sugar is absolutely necessary for mental wellbeing & healthy weight. Don't believe the nonsense, all the miserable, & ill people I know are sugar deficient, have high fat diets, are on pharma cocktails, or are dead. Without sugar you will have anxiety issues, & a general down. Meats promote lethargy & the fats stick to your ribs. Eggs are far far higher in protein, if you want to build muscle, & contain a lot of selenium.
If its about weight, think about it, sugar = fast energy release, carbohydrates = slow energy release, fats = long term storage. The fats you eat are the fats you wear. You're already in the right frame of mind regarding food & herbs just expand on that & eat for max nutrition. I'm 71, 6ft, 65 kgs. I'm an athlete, & often find myself blowing away 30ish year olds. I don't drink, take any form of drugs, no processed food, I don't eat meat, just real wholefoods, raw & cooked vegetables, loads of fruits, loads of starches, rice, whole rolled oats, herbs, minerals etc. I just eat for max nutrition, as mush as I want, no diets, no supplements. You cannot now buy bread that is not toxic, if you like it, get wholegrain flour & bake your own.
As a fast cyclist, I take with me in water, & consume approx 100 gms of ordinary cane sugar for every hour of high effort. If I'm out for 5 or 6 hours hard flat, or if I'm climbing hard. I will also take brown bananas, dates, cold rolled oat porridge with raisins & sugar in it. etc. None of those commercially prepared foods cut it.
I know an 84 year old woman & her 91 year old husband, both lifelong high level cyclists & they'll both tell you the same things. They live on & ride The Munda Bidi Track, 1,000+ kms through the south Western Australian National Parks. She is very fast, both have the endurance.
Don't listen to people who look miserable, are overweight, or are selling something. Instead observe the contrary, do likewise, & think on why it is so.
@@returnofthenative These are bad suggestions and sugar is poison. But hey...enjoy. The general population has been irrevocably damaged by sugar. You've been lucky. Meat is health, fat is health, and what you're suggesting is what's causing all of the obesity problems we are living with currently.
@@tarantula6743 There are good sugars(honey) and bad sugars(white processed sugar). Good fats(Omega-3) and bad fats (Trans-fats in fried foods) You have to eat more of the good and less of the bad.
Omega 3 is a PUFA. Avoid, avoid, avoid. Good fats are what we've eaten for tens of thousands of years. Not seed oils. Worse than sugar.
Haven’t been to a doctor since I broke a leg at the very beginning of 2020. An acquaintance/friend screamed at me the other day, when she learned that I don’t care to do regular checkups or screenings anymore. She sounded and looked so agitated and fearful as she told me that I “have to” do those. Why? At my age, regular checkups seem to function as a pipeline to more and more medicalization, with less and less fundamental improvements in actual health. I’ve always been healthy. Much to my own chagrin at times. As a kid, I would’ve liked more sick days off from school, and more sympathy occasionally. Lol. As an adult, I knew something fundamental was “wrong” with me, but it (so far) hasn’t shown up as anything conventional medicine knows how to diagnose or heal. Luckily, I’ve found my way to other, genuinely effective modes of healing what ails me (early developmental trauma, chronic trauma and stress). I’m not the least bit interested in presenting myself at a doctor’s office to be screened for diseases they do not understand the root causes of, cannot heal, but are determined to detect and push drugs at. No thank you.
I’m not trying to live forever or to avoid death when it comes. Would like to die as little encumbered by the medicalization of aging, as I possibly can. Am doing my best to live in support of a healthy mind and body. There are things I’m aware I can do better at, in that arena. I will, as I become able to. In the meanwhile, stressing about them is counterproductive. The medical pipeline seems to be geared towards getting people to stress about their possible future illnesses. Again, no thanks.
Well said
I hate hospitals and doctors. The care isn't there. The costs are overinflated and people are more sick. Thanks for honesty.
I agree, I'm 60 years old. I've been health care free for the last 20 years and I'm healthier than ever.
Just make sure don't cook with veggies oil such as olive oil. It's a main causes of cancer, diabetes, stroke, heart attack, Alzheimer, etc. Eat only animal, grassfed butter or beef fat are the best. Also eat lots of salt and potassium it's a miracle drug that doctors don't want you to eat. You wont get sick if salt level is high.
@@pnp8849 I 100 %agree. I am on meat only diet and I only use real butter and heavy cream. I am pretty much no sugar or carbs. I also only eat one meal a day and sometimes skip a day eating to do intermittent fasting. I do season with salt and keep my electrolytes balanced by taking magnesium. So you are correct salt is actually good for you.
My 17yo was struggling with school and went to his pedestrian for anxiety. His pediatrician, just wrote him an anti-anxiety med. Not a hit on pedestrians but they are not psychiatrists. And to immediately give him, an adolescent, a psyche med on the spot was shocking. Thank heavens he told me. We gave him other coping mechanism and time management skills and he was able to adjust and lower his stress. I am still livid at this.
I myself am sick. I point out to people that all the anatomy posters in offices have been replaced by rx ads.
My daughter had issues with anxiety so I wanted to get her assistance with learning relaxation techniques, what I got was a pediatrician who handed me an Rx for SSRI's. My child was nine. Outrageous!
I rarely go to the doctors but when asked if your taking any drugs, supplements, I said I take various vitamins and BCAA ( Brance Chain Amino Acids), they asked, What is BCAA ? I was thinking to myself, they are building blocks of life how would you not know what that is. Doctors playing the covid game (jacking up the number of cases) and refusing to acknowledge adverse effects from the "vaccine" is what caused to people loose trust and respect for them. "Muh boss told me to" doesn't relieve them from being accountable for immoral disgraceful behavior.
Yes, I was diagnosed with diabetes, and of course my doctor prescribed meds for me. I went on a low carb/keto diet, and lost 40 pounds, which "cured" my diabetes problem. My doctor was AMAZED, and asked how I did it, and acted like she did not even know you could eat keto desserts and still lose weight and get rid of your high blood sugar problems. I was telling her that I could have cream cheese and heavy cream, etc., and that I use natural sweeteners, like Stevia and Monkfruit. She said she didn't even realize you could do that!!!!! OMG! She is a freaking doctor, and I know more than she does???!! It is really unbelievable. Doctors are taught to keep you sick, so that you will keep relying on medicines, not heal yourself through diet. That is harmful to their business, I guess. Unbelievable!
Good for you !!!!!
@@sassyherbgardener7154 Yep holistic medicine first, like they say holistic medicine is to keep yourself healthy and prevent illnesses so you don't have to go looking for a cure, which you don't find with pharma medicine anyways, just maybe a relief of symptoms. Keep ya comin back for more.
Worse still is nearly none of them demanded proof the "thing" even exists which we now know did not. Scary times.
Yes. So disappointed in my dr. He was trying to scare me with numbers of hospital admissions to take the jab. I refused. Then. When I caught covid, he said don't be afraid you're not in a vulnerable group!! You'll be fine. Which I was.
The problem is 1. High cost of medical education 2. Too much specialization
Sam Vaknin did a talk on his YT channel titled "The most dangerous narcissist". It's about a large portion of the medical cabal.
During a stressful period, I had difficulty with sleep, some 8 years ago. My GP immediately suggested sleeping pills! My response was, "No, Thank you, I have no wish to develop an addiction"! He suddenly got totally quiet!
People must realise that a healthy body requires, healthy homemade foods, daily movement, and sleep.
A rowing machine is a great tool to use in the comfort of one's home if going to the gym is not possible.
A slow cooker is a great tool to use to cook homemade meals.
There it is in a nutshell.
A Good Doctor should recommend the items you described in your second paragraph FIRST, yet almost all "Doctors" will "prescribe" a pharmaceutical FIRST.
You're taking this way too far. I'm type 1 diabetic. Things wouldn't go well for me relying on nature or my own will, and pushing away pharmaceuticals. I'd die and millions of others would as well from many different diseases. Look at the world not even 100 years ago and the diseases countless numbers of humans had to suffer from for millennia. Nature is horrific in a lot of ways and we're lucky to live now with the ability to counter a lot of natural things. The Covid debacle isn't the entire world and it's history.
You know what always helps me fall asleep? Exercise. I just exercise until my body is tired even if it is in the middle of the night. It does the trick and makes you healthier. Plus it relieves stress, anxiety, and anger. No pills needed.
@@la6136 I go for long walks daily and do strengthening exercises 4 times a week. Unfortunately, one of the side effects of menopause is less sleep! Thank you for your kind response.
Nurse for 12 years. After Co***d I have lost faith in corporate medicine. I take natural supplements, stopped taking most of my prescribed medicines and have never felt better. Never going back.
I've been a victim of misdiagnosis. I can understand why a hit sound clip is "seems like it's hard to find a dr ypu can trust these days."
I replaced my family doctor with Google and my automatic CVS BP monitor. I got my more honest and concise information by doing my own research. And I was able to get off of BP, cholesterol, and GERD meds on my own. I realized early-on that my doctors were working for the pharmaceutical companies and not the patients. They can go broke as far as I'm concerned.
I guess it wokrs unless emergency comes.
Wow, so happy for you; care to share any quick tip for BP?
@@aidabarreto9299 The same as it’s always been, maintain a healthy weight through proper nutrition, exercise, and sleep.
I started taking a 45 minute walk everyday; added a TBSP of Olive or Avocado Oil to my food 2X a day (either in a soup or salad); and a Magnesium pill before I go to bed (it helps me to sleep through the night too).
Most importantly if you are stressed all the time this will raise your blood pressure
Cut out all carbs and processed foods
Lose weight
These all help with your blood pressure
It does for me
We grew up (73 now) learning to “respect the professionals” - teachers, doctors, presidents etc- we turned over our personal responsibility to “others” . Now it’s up
US! What we eat, exercise, shopping and spending, reaching out to help others- back to basics. No pill or doctor has the answer. You have to find your answer.
The answer is our there
Learn all you can about foods
If you have HIV you need medicine to be undetectable. Medicine isn't inevitably all bad to take when needed. But leaders in society also have to coordinate an environment for people to have better health outcomes on a mass scale. People that live in impoverished areas - by merit of their circumstances - where companies were allowed to throw toxic dump where they inevitably have greater instances of diseases/cancers can only have so much personal responsibility.
You look fabulous at 73. Congrats!!
@@toughnut31 thanks!
I have become my own doctor as a result of the state of modern medicine. With my own education in medicine and my own opinions about diagnosis and treatment. That seems like the most rational way forward. Stop surrendering your individual thought and responsibility to these bs institutions and poor professionals
I love my nurse practionner!!!!!!! She is so humble and helpful, I schedule appointments with her instead of my primary doctor. PA's and NP's are wonderful ❤
Years ago (I think it was probably about 15 years ago, at least), I had a wonderful nurse practitioner. I just loved her! She was so kind and compassionate, and she really took the time to sit down with you and talk about whatever was going on.
Unfortunately, that was the last time I ever had a truly good healthcare practitioner. Those days are gone...