First of all I went to thank Solome and the discussion team to make this useful topic. I can see the effect of been not to heard the voice brought a negative impact, because most of the conversation was abstract and very much reserved. I completely agree with Dr Dawit the respond about social media. In my opinion, it is better to ignore if the person doesn't argue with appropriate manner. What he wrote is the reflection of him not mine. My sisters, I understand your frustration in the future but IF NOT WE WHO CAN DO IT let's fight to our right and be the voice of the thers. My opinion on Betlhem question about power and coruptiom. Thank Dr Dawit for your honest answer. We better work hard for building strong institution than strong individual. It cost us a lot This kind of discussion is a great way to give awareness on the society. Step by step we will be there where we went to be.
Thank you for this interesting discussion, but what I see is a break of all topics you have brought to the table without a conclusion or at least to endpoint because of interruption. Overall, it is a great and helpful discussion. God bless you all, and keep all your good job up!
An interesting topic. Brilliant keep the good work up. This kind of conversation, will change attitude and perceptions. You guys are changing our thought process for better. We Ethiopia need so badly this sort of platform. Am impressed God bless 👍
Meti "yefetari lij bilo sideb ale?" Afe kuret yibelilesh. This is an important issue that must be worked out. Selome, thank u for such an interactive and important discussion.
Instead of a discussion around a topic, It felt like it was a venting session. It maybe that the topic is too big and framing it was unclear and weak. Keep it simple. Keep it clear.
Ine Negne They did where you listening? They even gave an example such as if some one says some thing he/ she may not get an opportunity or a job. Status is also screened out among our community, meaning individuals are scrutinized based on their social status? Listen to the discussion again
Dear@@Eyerusalem_, I did. I am a huge fan of Solome show and it is always a treat when the ladies and Dr. Dawit sit together. Yes, they started out with what you have mentioned. But, listen to what the others are adding on and you may understand what I mean. It was all over the place. They weren't synched as their other shows. After listening to it, I asked myself what I got out of it and it was vague. I stand corrected if my ability to understand is the issue here. Thank you for commenting. Let me try and give you one example. ሲመስለኝ ሲጀመር በመቲ የተነሳው ሀሳብ ጥያቄ በመጠየቅ፣ ሀሳብን በመመጎት፣ ለየት ያለ አስተሳሰብ በመያዝ የተነሳ የሚደረስ ችግር ነው። ቤተልሔም በዚህ ሰፊ እና ጥልቅ ውይይት በሚያሻው አጀንዳ ላይ ሰዎች ሹመት ሲያገኙ የሚቀየሩት ለምንድነው? ብላ ግብዳ ሀሳብ አነሳች ፀደንያም " ሲሾም ያልበላን…" ጠቅሳ አጠናከረችው። በእኔ አመለካከት ይሄ ራሱን ችሎ ትልቅ የውይይት ርእስ መሆን ነበረበት። ይሄ የውይይቱን ጭብርር ማለት አንድ ማሳያ ነው። P.S just for the heck of it, check what others are commenting on. :)
To show that they can speak a bit here n there as we have seen few of them trying to hold a conversation in public in English n failed but here they are throwing words
Watched it for about 10 minutes and couldn’t figure out what the hale the topic of discussion is. Are they complaining about government or what? Why leave your viewers to assume? If you are discussing a topic make it clear. very vague. Plus add people with different opinion otherwise it looks like a group of people just venting about something.
If you guys are discussing about politics, well it has it's own schemes, agendas and complications. Our society is less educated, we all have egos, how can we reconcile these differences. I think the crucial point is on how to promote education (Not mainstream) but civic education to our ever growing 100 million populations. What mechanisms Mety used to overcome these challenges or attacks? How do we deal with these challenges every time we are persecuted? Mind you guys these socio-political issues are everywhere and social media is a platform a place where you are bound to be liked, disliked so here we Go. I think we are growing faster into these platforms as ever before. It's getting worse.
እናንተ ራሱ ደፍራችሁ የተናገራችሁ አልመሰለኝም! ያነሳችሁት ሀሳብ በደንብ መወያየት የምትችሉት ሀሳብ ነበር ግን ዳር ዳሩን ነው ያወራችሁት በተረፈ ሰሎሜ አንደበትሽ አይጠገብም በጣም አስተዋይ ሰው ነሽ
I didn’t know what you was talking about. You needed to introduce what the subject was.
The point of this topic is defeated as you failed to openly n honestly discuss the issues typical Habesha beating around the bush.
First of all I went to thank Solome and the discussion team to make this useful topic.
I can see the effect of been not to heard the voice brought a negative impact, because most of the conversation was abstract and very much reserved.
I completely agree with Dr Dawit the respond about social media. In my opinion, it is better to ignore if the person doesn't argue with appropriate manner. What he wrote is the reflection of him not mine.
My sisters, I understand your frustration in the future but IF NOT WE WHO CAN DO IT let's fight to our right and be the voice of the thers.
My opinion on Betlhem question about power and coruptiom. Thank Dr Dawit for your honest answer. We better work hard for building strong institution than strong individual. It cost us a lot
This kind of discussion is a great way to give awareness on the society. Step by step we will be there where we went to be.
Thank you for this interesting discussion, but what I see is a break of all topics you have brought to the table without a conclusion or at least to endpoint because of interruption. Overall, it is a great and helpful discussion. God bless you all, and keep all your good job up!
Excellent! 💋💋💋💋💋💋💚💛💖💚💛💖💚💛💖💚💛💖💚💛💖💚💛💖💚💛💖💚💛💖💚💛💖💚💛💖💚💛💖💚💛💖💚💛💖💚💛💖
ኣንዳንዴ የተሻለ መስሎ የታየን ነገር ያምረናል የ አገራችን የአኗኗር ዘይቤ የግድ ከሌላው ጋር ማመሳሰል እራስን ካለማወቅ የሚመጣ የስነልቦና መቃወስ ነው የሀገራችንን ችግሮች ወጥ ማስመሰል ስንት ዐይነት ባሕልና አብሮ የመኖር ከቅዱስ አሰከ እርኩስ ያለ እንደሆነ ያለማውቅ ነው የሌለውን ችግር ና መፍቴ መኮረጅና መገልበጥ እራሱ በራሰ ያለመተማመን ፈረዐ ኢግዚያብሔርነት ቀርቶ እራስን የአውሬ መፈንጫ ለማድረግ መሯሯጥ ነው “ሲሉ ሰምታ ዶሮ “ እንደሚባለው እንዳይሆን:: ለዝና ና ለገንዘብ የሚትገዛ አዕምሮ ::
እንደኔ፤ የመገናኛ ብዙሃኖቻችን እንኳን እንዲህ አይነት ውይይት የጀመሩት በቅርብ ነውና ለውጤቱ የተቸኮለ ይመስለኛል። በእኔ እድሜ እንኳን ( አሁን ፴፭ ን ተሻግሬአለሁ) ቴሌቪዥን ከመዝናኛና ቃለ መጠይቅ በቀር ውይይት ከፖለቲካ ውጪ የመመልከት እድሉም አልነበረኝ። ስለዚህ ውጤቱ የሚዘገይ ይመስለኛል፤ ስሜታዊነቱ (በጭፍን የሚወድ ወይ የሚጠላ) ከምክንያታዊነቱ ጋር የተዋደደለት ማህበረሰብ በእንዲህ ያለ ውይይት ይገነባል ብዬ አምናለሁ።
እንደአስተያየት :- የግል በደልንና መገፋትን ከማሳያነት በዘለለ የውውይታችሁ ሙሉ ትኩረት ሁሉን አቀፍ የሆነ መፍትሄ ወደማመላከት ቢያዘነብል ስል በትህትህና አመለክታለሁ። ትንሽ ሮሮ በርክቷል የዛሬው ላይ።
Intersting show. Thank you
An interesting topic. Brilliant keep the good work up. This kind of conversation, will change attitude and perceptions. You guys are changing our thought process for better. We Ethiopia need so badly this sort of platform. Am impressed God bless 👍
I love love love this type of conversation please tolo tolo nu atitfu thanks so much solomie ❤❤❤
Meti "yefetari lij bilo sideb ale?" Afe kuret yibelilesh. This is an important issue that must be worked out. Selome, thank u for such an interactive and important discussion.
ሶልዬ በጣም ድንቅ ውይይት ነበር። እውነትም trailblazer ብያችሁዋለሁ። አንቺ ያነሳሽው authenticity and scarcity ሀሳቦች እንደው ምን ላርግሽ አስብሎኛል። ግን ቤተልሄም "አቅዋምless" ሆኛለሁ (የሷን አባባል ልጠቀምና) ያለችው ነገር በጣም አሳዝኖኛል። በተለይ የዶ/ር አስተያየት ትክክለኛው መፍትሄ "አቅዋም አለመያዝ ነው " ማለት የበለጠ ያስደነግጦኛል። እነዚህ ጨቋኞች ያልናቸው (የናንተን አባባል ልጠቀምና) አቋም የሌላቸው አይደሉም ወይ?...በተመቸ ግዜ ወደነፈሰበት የሚያደሉ እና መቲ እንዳለችው በድብቅ ስም ደስ ያላቸውን ወይም ያልተስማማቸውን ተሳዳቢ/ጨቋኝ የሚሆኑት እነሱ አይደሉም ወይ? (ፅንፈኞች እንዳሉ ሆኖ)። ሶል እሄን ጥያቄዬን ለሁሉም እንድታደርሽልኝ እፈልጋለሁ (it's a demand) -ሁላችንም መተቸትን ፤ ስራ መነጠቅን ፈርተን አቋም አልባ ከሆንን ማን ትክክለኛውን ነገር ይጠቁም? ማን የተሻለ ሀሳብ ያንሳ?
ይሄን ያልኩት ቤተልሔም "እኔ ይህ ውይይታችን ለወደፊት ትውልድ ለውጥ ያመጣል ብዬ ስለማስብ ነው ምናገረው" ስትል ሰምቻታለሁ። እኔ የአዲሱ ትውልድ ሆኜ እናንተ እንዲህ ትችትን ስትሸሹ ሳይ ከልቤ አዝናለሁ። በመጨረሻ 2 ጥያቄዎችን ላንሳ...ለመቲና ለቤተልሔም
1. መቲዬ የቀረብሽ ስራ መኖር እንዳትችይ ማለቴ መብላት እና መጠጣት ወይ ማረፍያ እስክታጭ እንድትቸገሪ አድርጎሻል ወይ? ካላደረገሽስ ለምን why are you not authentic to your thoughts ለሀሳብሽ ለማንነትሽ መቆም ለምን አልበለጠብሽም? ማለቴ ቢበልጥብሽ ኖሮ ደስ ብሎሽ ስራውን ትተሽ ትሄጂ ነበረ ብዬ አስባለሁ። እሄን አይነት የተዛባ የቲፎዞ አስተሳሰብ ካለው ሰው ጋር ከምሰራ...ትይ ነበር ማለቴ ነው።
2. ቤቲ ደግሞ...በቢዝነስ ላይ የጠበኩዋቸውን ለውጦች አላገኘሁም በተለይ መልካም ጅማሮ አላቸው ካልኳቸው ባለስልጣኖች ወይም ተፅኖ ፈጣሪዎች ካልሽ... እሺ...አቋም የሌለውስ መሆን ምን ለውጥ ሲያመጣ አየሽው? ከምር መልስ እጠብቃለሁ።
እሺ ይሁን ሁሉም ነገር personal ተደርጎ የሚወሰድበት ግዜ ላይ እንደሆንን አምናለሁ። ሰውየውን ከአስተሳሰቡ ወይም ከአቅዋሙ ለይቶ ማየት ጭራሽ ኢትዮጽያ ውስጥ አይታሰብም እንበል። ግን ሀሳቡን ካነሳችሁት አይቀር ተስፋ የሚሰጥ (inspire) የሚያደርግ ፤ በሀሳብ ለመፅናት ፤ ተምሳሌት ለመሆን (ምን ግዜም ተመልካች አለና) የሚያነሳሳ ቢሆን ደስስስስ ይለኝ ነበር።
"ለትውልድ አንድ ነገር ለመተው ነው" የተባለው የእውነት ከሆነ እሄን ውይይት አልጨረሳችሁም። ብትቀጥሉት እና የተሻለ መዝጊያ ብትሰጡት ለተመልካች ደስ ይላል። ለኔ የሰጠኝ መልክት ሀሳብን በነፃነት አለመግለፅ ጥቅም እንዳይነካ ያረጋልና አቋም እና ሀሳብን መግለፅ በተመረጠ ቦታ ፤ ጉዳት ለማያደርስ ሰው ማድረግ ወይም መጀመሪያ ገምግሞ መግባት። ይህ ካልሆነ ደግሞ ሀሳብ እያለ አቅዋም አለመያዝ ይመረጣል የሚል ነው።
ስለ ምንድን ነው ደፍራችሁ የምታወሩት?ወንድየው ንገረን አነተ ከገባህ ...ወይይቱ ግልፅ አይደለም
where are you guyz?????
ጥሩ ውይይት ነው ነገር ግን በእናንተ ውስጥ የሀሳብ ልዩነት አለመኖሩ ትንሽ ውበት ያሳጣዋል።
ሀሳብን በነፃነት በመግለፅ አምናለው ነገር ግን አንዳንዴ በነፃነት እናገራለው ብለን የሌላ ግለሰብን ስብዕና የሚነካ ነገር ወይም የማህበረሰብ እሴቶቻችንን የሚያበላሽ ሀሳብ ስናፈልቅ ሀሳብሽ ትክክል አይሆንም።
የአስተዳደጋችን እሴትስ ምን ያመለክታል?
Don't forget guys we are developing country
collectivism to individulism
Instead of a discussion around a topic, It felt like it was a venting session.
It maybe that the topic is too big and framing it was unclear and weak.
Keep it simple. Keep it clear.
Ine Negne They did where you listening? They even gave an example such as if some one says some thing he/ she may not get an opportunity or a job. Status is also screened out among our community, meaning individuals are scrutinized based on their social status? Listen to the discussion again
Dear@@Eyerusalem_, I did. I am a huge fan of Solome show and it is always a treat when the ladies and Dr. Dawit sit together.
Yes, they started out with what you have mentioned. But, listen to what the others are adding on and you may understand what I mean. It was all over the place. They weren't synched as their other shows.
After listening to it, I asked myself what I got out of it and it was vague.
I stand corrected if my ability to understand is the issue here.
Thank you for commenting.
Let me try and give you one example.
ሲመስለኝ ሲጀመር በመቲ የተነሳው ሀሳብ ጥያቄ በመጠየቅ፣ ሀሳብን በመመጎት፣ ለየት ያለ አስተሳሰብ በመያዝ የተነሳ የሚደረስ ችግር ነው። ቤተልሔም በዚህ ሰፊ እና ጥልቅ ውይይት በሚያሻው አጀንዳ ላይ ሰዎች ሹመት ሲያገኙ የሚቀየሩት ለምንድነው? ብላ ግብዳ ሀሳብ አነሳች ፀደንያም " ሲሾም ያልበላን…" ጠቅሳ አጠናከረችው። በእኔ አመለካከት ይሄ ራሱን ችሎ ትልቅ የውይይት ርእስ መሆን ነበረበት።
ይሄ የውይይቱን ጭብርር ማለት አንድ ማሳያ ነው።
P.S just for the heck of it, check what others are commenting on. :)
ሴቶቹ አማርኛ ነው እንግሊዝኛ የምታወሩት?
ከእንግሊዝኛ ጠበኛ ናችሁ ?መፈተሉን ትተሽ ተርጉሚው!!!!!!
To show that they can speak a bit here n there as we have seen few of them trying to hold a conversation in public in English n failed but here they are throwing words
Fascinating idea! Thank you
Virtuousness vs empathy
ከቓንቓው ጀምሮ ኢትዮጵያዊ ለዛ የለውም አስተካክሉ
Bereket, can u please explain what you mean? Thx
ምን ብሎ ያስረዳ ቅናት ምን ሊባል ይችላል!!!!!!!
rita a yegna ferenj
አር ግልጽ እይደለም ...ፍርታችሁ አስፍራችሁን
ይሄ ኘሮግራም እያደር እንጨት እንጨት ማለት ጀምሮዋል። አንድ ልብስብስ ያለ ውይይት ነበር። ምንም ግልፅ ነገር አላየሁም። ሲቀጥል 100 ግዜ የሰማነውን ና የምናውቀውን ነገር የደጋገማችሁብን።
Enategaim eko yetelebabes wuyiyit newu...yemayewu...negerin firit adrgo newu meweyayet....aindsewu berasu yemitemamein ena qena amelekaket kalewu yetigawuim bota weyim yetigawuim silitain aylewutewuim! Ersinhono megegeit tiliq tibebi newu beyetegawuim sifralay....yewunet telatoch tiqit bayhonuim ewunetega mehoin gin talaqinet newu!
Watched it for about 10 minutes and couldn’t figure out what the hale the topic of discussion is. Are they complaining about government or what? Why leave your viewers to assume?
If you are discussing a topic make it clear. very vague. Plus add people with different opinion otherwise it looks like a group of people just venting about something.
አራታቹም ሴቶቹ ከኢትዬጵያ ውጪ የኖራቹ ይመስላል ዶክተሩ በመጨረሻ ያነሳው መዳምደሚያ ብትሰሙት መልካም ነው ሀይማኖት ባህሉን ሁሉ ግንዛቤ ውስጥ ጨምሩት ብዥታቹ እንዲጠራ ደሞ መለስተኛ ጥናት ብታደርጉ ለኔ እንደ ኢትዬጵያ ህዝብ የተማላ ስነ ልቦና ያለው ህዝብ አላውቅም የቦንቦሊዎን ቀዳዳ ሳይሆን ቦንቦሊዎን ለማየት ሞክሩ ወጣ ወጣ በሉ እውነተኛው ባህላችን እምነታችን በዌስተርን ክፉኝ መበከሉ ይገባቻል እግዚአብሔር ቢፈቅድልኝ በዚህ ዙሪያ ብዙ ብሰራ ደስ ይለኛል ኢትዬጵያን ከዌስተርን ክፍኝ ይፈውሳት አሜን !ደሞ ይህችን አለ ብላቹ እንዳትወቅጡኝ አደራ
እንግሊዘኛ መቀላቀል አይቀርባችሁም። አዋቂ አያሰኝም እንደውም አድማጭ ተመልካቹ ሀሳብን ሙሉ ለሙሉ እንዳይረዳው ያደርግና የውይይት ግቡን መምታት አይችልም ባይ ነኝ with all due respect :)
With all due respect is English right? Lol
@@senaityemanne422 Good job Senait ... u got the message
If you guys are discussing about politics, well it has it's own schemes, agendas and complications. Our society is less educated, we all have egos, how can we reconcile these differences. I think the crucial point is on how to promote education (Not mainstream) but civic education to our ever growing 100 million populations. What mechanisms Mety used to overcome these challenges or attacks? How do we deal with these challenges every time we are persecuted? Mind you guys these socio-political issues are everywhere and social media is a platform a place where you are bound to be liked, disliked so here we Go. I think we are growing faster into these platforms as ever before. It's getting worse.
እግሊዝኛ ፡ የኢትዮጵያ ፡ ቋንቋ ፡ አይደለም ፡ ሴቶቹ ፡ ብታስተካክሉ ፡ ጥሩ ፡ ነበር ፡
የዌስተርን ምይንድ ሴት ነው ሊያግቱን ሚፈልጉት ከንቱዎች አይሳካላቹም