Robtop levels seem unbalanced to me. They always have a ship part at the beginning that's much harder than the rest of the Level. This happens in Hexagon Force, Electroman Adventures, Geometrical Dominator, and X-step. I always found that the first non cube parts in the levels were the hardest
Yeah, when I was younger, I can recall dying to every one of these places at least 5 times. But the hardest part in Deadlocked imo is the wave at like 70, its trash :^)
I agree with all of these except: - Cycles' hardest part is the ship with repeated gravity changes - Hexagon Force's hardest part is the dual ball - Deadlocked's hardest part is the dual wave
I agree completely with your Hexagon Force and Deadlocked hardest parts, Cycles instead have a very balanced difficulty and I don't consider there is any specific hard part
Nah for me the ship part in cycles is actually one of the easiest parts. Don't get me wrong I hated it back in the day but now it's super easy for me anyway. Hardest parts in my opinion first cube and the ball he showed in the video
For electrodynamix, i think the last ship part is the hardest because the corridor is suitable for 2x or 1x speed, but you're flying in 3x speed and since the ship heavily relies on momentum, one wrong mistiming and you're done for. For deadlocked, i think the second wave part is the hardest because it is mostly spam and most players struggle to do the spam.
I have decided to remove this comment because people cant take a simple opinion in a game in my opinion the X3 ship is the hardest part of the level if you dont agree thats completely fine but it seems that my opinion isnt worth according to these comments so i will just ignore the rest of the comments that reply to me saying "nO tHe LaSt ShIp Is HaRdEr" its dumb and annoying pls dont reply to this comment anymore unless you will say something relevant instead of the same argument. (and also since ik a lot of people wont read this and say something about the length i have to say this to you: Wow you are so lazy you cant READ and one last thing for the people that WILL complain about my spelling maybe you should think that my native language isnt english and i dont translate anything i say) Well thanks for reading this if you did
Naaah, the ball in cycles was one of the easiest parts for me. I remember struggling with: - all the triple spikes at the start - the constant gravity changes in that ship
@@AshJake41ProGaming I can indeed confirm a skill issue bc i just completed the whole level and section in like 4 attempts (still it took more than 127 attempts) and I mean the section took me 4 att but the level took 123 attempts
@@noobyplayz2840Why don't you avoid every individual raindrop the next time it rains? You can clearly tell where they're coming from, it would be easy right?
After failing several times at the 84% clubstep ship i can say it is the ABSOLUTE HARDEST PART in the entire level and because its so far into the level its a huge chokepoint
@@osully459Yeah it took me a little while to get past the mini wave after I’d finally learned to do the regular size wave parts consistently, though the first wave was astronomically more brutal when I was still learning
Probably mobile players. Although, I beat it on mobile and that first wave was super hard since it required actual control, while the dual was just spam
@@Roboteer1 I know, but as a 12 year old kid at the time, I was really stupid to understand that Now that's one of my favorite levels since I realized that
Stereo Madness: Last ship Back on track: last cube Polargeist: last cube Dry out: upside down part Base after base: upside down part Can’t let go: last dark part Jumper: last upside down part Time Machine: last upside down cube Cycles: last ball XStep: last ball ClutterFunk: back to back size portals Theory Of Everything: last cube Electroman Adventures: last mini cube Clubstep: 2nd last ship Electrodynamix 2nd drop Hexagon force: last ship dual Blast Proccesing: Dual Wave Theory Of Everything 2: Last ship part (honestly it’s a meme) GD: memory: Deadlocked: Dual Wave FingerDash: last spider Dash: last robot Tower: feris wheel The Sewers: Bossfight Cellar: Elevators The secret hollow: bossfight The Challenge: Spider
Time machine is also very balanced.. triple spike isn’t the only one make it harder but even those single and tons of two spike has narrower paths than triple spike itself except for the last part.. it is perfectly sync.. ships is also hard on reverse and mirror part to get the coin..
My opinions on every hardest area: Stereo Madness😃:Triple spike/red area Back on Track↩️:At the blue area Polargeist🧲:The last green area Dry Out-Can't Let Go🌄🏘️🚦:Upside down area Jumper🦘:The last two gravity change area Time Machine⏳:Mirrored upside down area Cycles♻️:The gravity switch ship area Xstep❌:Fake floor&wall area Clutterfunk:Constant switching to mini and gravity switching with fake orbs area ToE💡:Mirrored ufo area Electroman Adventures🥾:ufo-ship-mirrored mini ufo-mini ship transition area Clubstep♣️:Last ship part area Electrodynamix⚡:Triple speed area ( like the whole way through) Hexagon Force👬:Dual ball area Blast Processing🌊:Dual wave area ToE2🧠:Last ship area Geometrical Dominator🤖:Memory area Deadlocked💀:Also the dual wave area Fingerdash🕷️:Last spider part I know, my opinion is cringe af-
I dont need to fluke that cuz its easy, cool would be if i would each run fluke 25% xD (i did 76 much on practice and each time i just did it with no problems. Maybe its just that im good at the ship?).
From memory, I agree on: Stereo Madness: Yes - That part requires the most jumps in the level and also includes the triple spike Back on Track: Idk - probably the most balanced main level Polargeist: Idk - Same with Back on Track, but it's just not too memorable Dry Out: Yes - Definitely Base After Base: YEs - Definitely (2) Can't Let Go: YES - Definitely (3) Jumper: No - I don't think so. The part after the 2nd ship is harder I think Time Machine: No - Nah bro the mirrored part after the dark part is much harder than that Cycles: Yes - By a little XStep: Idk - I'm not sure, the hard parts are pretty equal in difficulty Clutterfunk: No - Seriously? The part after the 2nd ship is so much harder. Even the 2nd ship alone is harder than that Theory of Everything: Yes - Uhh yeah I guess Electroman Adventures: No - The cube after that is harder I think Clubstep: Yes - The ≈55% ufo is hard but it has a consistent click pattern so not that one. Electrodynamix: Yes - Kinda.. only that 2nd ship part you showed is the hardest by itself Hexagon Force: No - Again, kinda. The dual ball is just as hard Blast Processing: No - A joke? The 65% ish ufo is the hardest part definitely Theory of Everything 2: Yes - Maybe.. the 32% ship might be as hard Geometrical Dominator: Yes - I mean.. yeah that part is easy but that's easily the hardest part Deadlocked: No - Bro are you kidding me? "I like this part" maybe even harder than that and it's not even the hardest part. It's the spam at 73% Fingerdash: Yes - I guess.
I think the hardest part in cycles is the ship part with the gravity portals. I’m pretty sure everyone has memories of thinking this part was impossible 😂
@@Gxhxhdh yes, but until now, the last ball still has moderately hard timings. For the ship part you just click once every time you enter a gravity portal. By "moderately hard timings" I'm talking about these 0:52
I somehow never had issues with that specific part in Hexagon Force, although I do remember dying countless times to that one transition in Electroman Adventures That was annoying lol
I always found cycles 74% to be pretty easy. The hardest parts for me were all the triple spikes before the beat drop and the stupid ship part too. Also I was rebeating some RobTop levels recently and found that Polargeist is harder than Blast Processing for me
I agree with everything except: Clutterfunk: hardest part is the blind triple and all the big - mini portals and blind jumps Electrodynamix: hardest part is the whole ending (60-100) Hexagon Force: hardest part is the dual ball Theory of Everything 2: hardest part is 67-94 Deadlocked: hardest part is the dual and mini wave after (I’m on mobile) Clubstep: hardest part is the first mini ufo after the first mini ball
Nooooooo, the ship in cycles was definitely the hardest part for me. The only other thing I struggled with was the mirror portal in electroman adventures, but the cycles ship was still way harder for me Edit: also hexagon force ball dual sucked for me, which you put the first dual instead
@@mcleafybranch3914 It's usually that people get confused by the click pattern of that dual part, not that its near impossible (it gets super consistent if you learn it properly), but yea
@@mcleafybranch3914skill issue skill issue. I dont even know why people say 40% hard, this easier than the triple spikes in stereo madness, easier than the easy level
I remember struggling with almost every one of these parts mentioned when I first beat each level. However, I think the dual wave spam in Deadlocked is the hardest part of the level cause I still mess up with it today.
It is easier if you actually dont spam, on the wirst wave i do like hold, 1, hold, release, hold 1, 2, release, hold. On the dual you just try long clicking (its still the hardest part cuz rest is memory part which is not hard)
The hardest part of deadlocked is without a doubt the 79-86% ship… those moving objects always kill me man I cannot control my ship properly, not only that, the fast wave before that…
i HUGELY agree with electrodynamix. You can entirely disregard the first ship from the clip, and the ball in the clip. that second ship is still challenging after beating several insane demons (and im probably good enough for extreme demons, i just dont like any of the easiest ones. i cant bring myself to put more than 1000 attempts or so into them because i just dont like the levels.)
That’s wild. I’ve never beaten anything harder than an easy demon and I can complete the mini ship in electrodynamix 95% of the time. Then again ship is definitely my strongest point.
I agree with Stereo Madness,Dry Out,Can’t let Go,Jumper,Time Machine,Cycles,Clutterfunk,Clubstep,Electrodynamix,Hexagon Force,Theory of Everything 2,Geometrical Dominator,Deadlocked
@@longofire236 I beg to differ Dual cube is as easy as 1-2-3 if you focus at the bottom and at the part where it inverses gravity, jump and hit the orb as late as possible and spam click and voila, easy 100% works lmfao I needed the music sync in dual ball to do it XD
Cycles: that one ship part where it goes ⬆️⬇️⬆️⬇️⬆️⬇️⬆️⬇️⬆️⬇️⬆️⬇️⬆️⬇️⬆️⬇️⬆️ in clutterfunk, the last part is easily the easiest, the hardest part is the first ship part.
In clutterfunk, anything between the beginning of that ship to the end of the purple mini cube part can be argued to be the hardest. The rest is pretty easy. I find the purple mini cube the hardest tho
I agree with most of these, except for the hexagon force part. By far the hardest part in my opinion is the duel ball closer to the end. I beat many demons but that part is still insanely difficult for me
I agree with all except: The first ship part was harder in jumper, especially first completing it because i was still just learning the gravity ship The ship in cycles was harder for this same reason The first ship in clutterfunk is harder for me, it's really easy to accidentally go too high or low but I can see why some ppl say the last part is harder A lot of people are saying the hexagon force dual ball is harder. It seems so at first, but really all you have to do is click twice while one of them is in the air. If you understand and practice, it becomes way easier. the dual cube is way more confusing for me the time machine and electroman adventures transitions are physically painful and I'm so glad im not the only one that STILL gets nervous on the stereo madness triple spikes lmao
I absolutly hated the first ship in Clutterfunk it was a nightmare for me like i was shocked about completing Cluttenfunk from like 57% i was like have i gotten better at the game ? and also i only have to work on beating the 3 demons because those are the only levels left for me
Fax for the first two, I honestly think clutterfunk is somehow unbalanced yet impossible to discern my hardest part, for hex force the mini ship at the end is stupidly hard. Also yes I get scared by triple spikes.
I think in finger it's the 2x speed wave and the spider right after it. For deadlocked, I think its the second wave because it's 3x and waaaay too tight for a robtop level and the third wave because it's a dual
I never understood the huge pain over the last 25% of Clutterfunk. I suffered through the first 75, then when I finally got to mini cube beat the level in 1 attempt.
I agree with all except: -0:50 cycles hrdest part is the gravity changing ship - 1:40 hexagon force hardest part is the daul ball but you struggle l with the normal daul because if you can do normal daul not simetrical pthan daul ball becomes nuch easier -2:02 deadlocked wave at 70 is the hardest
I’ve always thought that the hardest part of Jumper is the triple spike after the ship part around 75%. If it wasn’t for that I could easily beat the level first try every time.
@@Season411 But the jump right after isn't... It's surely harder than that upside down part where you just look at which philars are taller than the one you are on
The deadlocked first wave became easy as frick all the sudden and I can still do it first try. However on mobile the first part with all the orbs is a bit bulky and I die a lot thanks to the inaccurate orb spam jumps
For Cycles, the hardest part is honestly the gravity portals in the ship section. I remember never being able to pass that section when I started the level. For Deadlocked, I would say the entire Dual Wave/Mini Wave/Memory Ship part is the hardest. That’s why I don’t feel like it’s nearly as unbalanced as people say.
Hardest part in time machine was literally the beginning Hardest part in cycles was also the beginning (before the ball got introduced) Hardest part in xstep is definitely the last ball part Hardest part in hexagon force is the dual ball part. That bit alone makes the level even harder for me than electrodynamix tbh 😭
Idk but i dont have problems with the toe 2 76% ship part, I have the most problem with the cursed 25% ufo where i click more than 3 times and after that is a little spam (all in 25%)
I’d argue the ship before that part in Clutterfunk to be harder with the control required, but I can understand saying that part’s harder too Also isnt the other wave in BP just outright harder or am I delusional not like it matters much lol Also the dual wave spam on Deadlocked is tighter than the first wave
Fixing or adding: Hexagon force: dual ball Blast processing: Dual wave Time machine: whole level Deadlocked: dual wave and memory ship Dash (doing for him): 2nd swing Polargeist: light blue cube part Clutterfunk: mini ship Electroman adventures: mini ball part at end
I think the hardest part in Hexagon Force is the dual ball part. It looks confusing at first but it's not that hard when you get it but you can still click too late or too early and still die. For Deadlocked is definitely is dual wave spam is a lot of spam and it's pain the first wave part wasn't that hard though
I wholeheartedly agree with the choice for Clubstep. I struggled way, WAY too many times on that part simply trying to rebeat the dang level. It is far and away the hardest part of the level in my opinion while everything else is completely free. However, I can not agree with the choice for Hexagon Force. That part is really easy if you bother learning it. I would say the ball dual part is the hardest part.
Stereo Madness 0:07 easy Back on Track 0:09 is that even hard? Polargeist 0:11 a bit hard Dry Out 0:15 a bit hard Base After Base 0:22 easy Cant Let Go 0:28 hard Jumper 0:38 a bit very hard Time Machine 0:44 very hard Cycles 0:51 easy Xstep 0:55 a bit hard Clutterfunk 0:59 very very hard Theory of Everything 1:13 easy Electroman Adventures 1:17 a bit hard Clubstep 1:19 very hard Electrodynamix 1:27 very very very hard Hexagon Force 1:39 impossible Blast Proccesing1:41 easiest thing that has ever existed Theory of everything 2 1:43 impossible Geometrical Dominator 1:48 a bit hard Deadlocked 2:01 very very very hard Fingerdash 2:04 a bit hard (im mobile player)
The Hexagon Force "hardest part" shown is just as easy as the other parts The trick is to just focus on the bottom and delay the jump and the orb jump as much as possible Then just spam click Always works The dual ball part is harder but is also easy because of sick music sync
The Clubstep UFO is so much harder for me. I think the 70 ship in Electrodynamix alone is the hardest part in the level. I disagree with Deadlocked, the hardest part (for me at least) is the dual wave
The transition in electroman adventures hurts my soul.
It took me so long to beat that level just because of that transition
@@sironell_xoxo sameee
I had to learn to immediately hold once that transition happened
Robtop levels seem unbalanced to me. They always have a ship part at the beginning that's much harder than the rest of the Level. This happens in Hexagon Force, Electroman Adventures, Geometrical Dominator, and X-step. I always found that the first non cube parts in the levels were the hardest
@@glidemusic1023 tf are you on about all those are easy
Yeah, when I was younger, I can recall dying to every one of these places at least 5 times. But the hardest part in Deadlocked imo is the wave at like 70, its trash :^)
70 wave is a lot harder.
@@Three706x64 i never found 70 wave hard
the dual spam
The 70 wave is ez
Im stuck on 90% on deadlocked ;(
Ship parts in Stereo Madness: 😊
Ship parts in Electrodynamix: 💀
Only one ship
Wrong two snip one. after first cube
One after triple spike evil things
First UFO in electrodynamix: 💀💀💀
Last UFO in toe 2 ☠️
@MsmProLovesDrummidaryEverything in blast processing is easy asf, even cant let go is harder💀
I agree with all of these except:
- Cycles' hardest part is the ship with repeated gravity changes
- Hexagon Force's hardest part is the dual ball
- Deadlocked's hardest part is the dual wave
Hexagon force and deadlocked are very true
I agree completely with your Hexagon Force and Deadlocked hardest parts, Cycles instead have a very balanced difficulty and I don't consider there is any specific hard part
Nah for me the ship part in cycles is actually one of the easiest parts. Don't get me wrong I hated it back in the day but now it's super easy for me anyway. Hardest parts in my opinion first cube and the ball he showed in the video
No Hexagon Force ball dual part is very simple. The hardest part is the cube dual
I think the deadlocked miniwave might be harder
The 80% of theory of everything 2 still scares me even today
same here. and i agree with his deadlocked cuz thats where i die at 99% of the time
79%* but it isn't that hard at all.
Deadlocked its the final wave
@@bvssmouq6gamingofficialytnah, IMO deadlocked is way easier
I have 94% in ToE 2...
@@tesseract-w4d i died at 96%. DO. NOT. DIE. WHERE. I. ONCE. DID. LOL
"Im close to beating clubstep"
The hardest part at the end😭
You mean the 98%
@@kaydenchan1212I’m at 95% 💀
Fr I died at 87
Same, but am stuck at the ship at 73, my highest is 86
Im 88%
1:58 was so hard he had to cut the clip to save himself from humiliation 💀
Bro boutta die
I was looking for this comment🤣
he was about to die, that may be why it's clipped lel
I didn't see it. Thanks LMAO
For electrodynamix, i think the last ship part is the hardest because the corridor is suitable for 2x or 1x speed, but you're flying in 3x speed and since the ship heavily relies on momentum, one wrong mistiming and you're done for.
For deadlocked, i think the second wave part is the hardest because it is mostly spam and most players struggle to do the spam.
I have decided to remove this comment because people cant take a simple opinion in a game in my opinion the X3 ship is the hardest part of the level if you dont agree thats completely fine but it seems that my opinion isnt worth according to these comments so i will just ignore the rest of the comments that reply to me saying "nO tHe LaSt ShIp Is HaRdEr" its dumb and annoying pls dont reply to this comment anymore unless you will say something relevant instead of the same argument. (and also since ik a lot of people wont read this and say something about the length i have to say this to you: Wow you are so lazy you cant READ and one last thing for the people that WILL complain about my spelling maybe you should think that my native language isnt english and i dont translate anything i say) Well thanks for reading this if you did
@@dante4.- yeah he's good
@@dante4.- you're not tho
Nah the 2nd 3x ship is the hardest
That part alone in Clubstep is why I beat Deadlocked before I beat Clubstep.
What's funny is that i got that part first try and for some reason the ufo part was the hardest for me idk why the random big spikes always get me
@@PotatoMan67890 yes, I can't get a new best just because of that part, I passed it, but half of the times I still die there
i beat deadlocked before toe2 and clubstep
86%-88% always kills me
@@PotatoMan67890That ufo is the hardest part after playing the level for years now XD
I remember doing the upside down part in Can’t Let Go perfectly every time and then dying to 95% 6 times lmao
sameee bro
Rhythm heaven perfect runs be like
oof, my first time past 90% i got the completion
Naaah, the ball in cycles was one of the easiest parts for me. I remember struggling with:
- all the triple spikes at the start
- the constant gravity changes in that ship
I disagree on the triples but the gravity changes was the hardest stuff ever back in the days
Cycles is surprisingly difficult
It's easy asf
@@AshJake41ProGaming that's just a skill issue tbh I mean electroman adventures is piss easy
@@AshJake41ProGaming I can indeed confirm a skill issue bc i just completed the whole level and section in like 4 attempts (still it took more than 127 attempts) and I mean the section took me 4 att but the level took 123 attempts
1:17 that kills me almost every time
@@Vanillastrwqr its more the change in gravity its semi hard to react to
I am one of few who doesn't struggle at that part
@@insperrr.a Bro stupid
Pov Me Sees Toe 2 last UFO
Sees Acheron
And Bloodbath
And Sakupen Circles
I think the hardest part in Deadlocked is dual spam wave almost at the end of the level.
P.S Sorry if i did some mistakes, i’m russian
i died like 10 times there before i beat it
It is ok to Russian. I am Korean
Всё правильно, только перед dual надо the поставить
I love how 5 levels in a row are just upside-down parts
Rob had no business making the last ship part in toe2 that hard
U need a good timings
Its easy lol
@@cursedkeene in relation to the rest of the level. Do you seriously think normal people can't easily beat main levels
@@tynibbs5759 all I did was said " it's easy lol"
Since when I say normal people can't beat main levels.
@@cursedkeene you don't need to brag about how easily you can beat a main level
For Hexagon Force, it syncs perfectly with the music so just tap to the music, the ball dual is the hardest part imo
or maybe
@@noobyplayz2840 chill, you don't have to scream
at least for the dual ball I just shift my focus from the top and bottom and it's pretty easy as long as you can change your focus really quickly
You're trippin dual ball it's easy to do just double tap 2 times while the cube you gotta look for both lanes
@@noobyplayz2840Why don't you avoid every individual raindrop the next time it rains? You can clearly tell where they're coming from, it would be easy right?
After failing several times at the 84% clubstep ship i can say it is the ABSOLUTE HARDEST PART in the entire level and because its so far into the level its a huge chokepoint
But personally im more consistent on ship gameplay than wave so i have to say deadlocked wave is harder
0:06 i had a heart attack
0:41 1:17 1:40
@@Watermeloncat3342Triple heart attack
I had on 0:07
I never do
Apparently I'm the only one that sucked at the Geometrical Dominator blind part. rip me lol
Nope, I sucked at it a lot too
Wrong, i'm also sucks at that part too, since i have to pause inbetween jumps to process wtf is where to land/jump into next
yes you are.
it took me a while to learn too
yes lol
everyone says the dual wave in deadlocked is harder, but i 100% agree with you putting the first wave as the hardest
Am I the only one that keeps dying on the mini wave
@@osully459Yeah it took me a little while to get past the mini wave after I’d finally learned to do the regular size wave parts consistently, though the first wave was astronomically more brutal when I was still learning
Probably mobile players. Although, I beat it on mobile and that first wave was super hard since it required actual control, while the dual was just spam
1:27 gives me flash backs to where I died at 97% on electrodynamix
same i bweat it but die at 95 once the last ship is brutak
Same lol
I also died on 97 percent the day before I completed electrodynamix
True. Bc of bug.
Bro same i got soo mad
1:16 : if my mom doesn't wake me at 8:00AM
This transition is equally annoying to that transition in deadlocked at 79%
0:59 Purple part is WAY harder than ending
nah the blue orb at 91 is the hardest part
If that parts hard then go get the coin that’s under it
3rd Coin Route In Clutterfunk Is Easier Than Normal Route (86-97%)
First Ship is so tight died 31% then 34% now 91%
I died a painful amount of times there on Hexagon Force, _I literally thought that part was harder than the whole level_
Nah you could memorise the clicks which made it really easy for me cuz i just went through it 20+ times till it was consistent
@@Roboteer1 I know, but as a 12 year old kid at the time, I was really stupid to understand that
Now that's one of my favorite levels since I realized that
If you ask, I'm 16 now, 17 next week
@@Real_Igor044 You could just search it on youtube, but there was a chance that everyone was also stupid
@@fan0 I remember doing that and STILL failing
_Looking back, that's hilarious_
Stereo Madness: Last ship
Back on track: last cube
Polargeist: last cube
Dry out: upside down part
Base after base: upside down part
Can’t let go: last dark part
Jumper: last upside down part
Time Machine: last upside down cube
Cycles: last ball
XStep: last ball
ClutterFunk: back to back size portals
Theory Of Everything: last cube
Electroman Adventures: last mini cube
Clubstep: 2nd last ship
Electrodynamix 2nd drop
Hexagon force: last ship dual
Blast Proccesing: Dual Wave
Theory Of Everything 2: Last ship part (honestly it’s a meme)
GD: memory:
Deadlocked: Dual Wave
FingerDash: last spider
Dash: last robot
Tower: feris wheel
The Sewers: Bossfight
Cellar: Elevators
The secret hollow: bossfight
The Challenge: Spider
For me the dual ball in hexagon force is harder than the dual cubes
Oh yeah I forgot about that, it took me so long to get past it
Both are pretty easy once you figure out the trick tbh
@@alexh1483 yeah
Just tap to the rhythm
They are both easy but I think the ball is harder imo
I actually agreed with all of them, but i don’t really know about xStep because I just find it very balanced
I don't agree with 30% levels
i'd say the hardest part of xstep is actually the first ship part, i don't know why but i struggle with it
@@beanslinger2 i struggled when i was a new player
Time machine is also very balanced.. triple spike isn’t the only one make it harder but even those single and tons of two spike has narrower paths than triple spike itself except for the last part.. it is perfectly sync.. ships is also hard on reverse and mirror part to get the coin..
I like how Electroman adventure doesn't have a hardest section, it has a hardest percentage.
The 3X mini ship in Electrodynamix almost made me suicide
400+ attempts in 60% - 75%
Someone feels my pain… and the electrodynamics ufo is easy
Fr same here
The first x ship is easy
Second x ship is challenging
And 3x ship is the hardest part in electrodynamix
IKR like how could you NOT mess up at that part
@@nottobias482 just click on where the arrows points,it's easy
Easy af
@jamyr7449 No, it isn't. Just look at the arrows
My opinions on every hardest area:
Stereo Madness😃:Triple spike/red area
Back on Track↩️:At the blue area
Polargeist🧲:The last green area
Dry Out-Can't Let Go🌄🏘️🚦:Upside down area
Jumper🦘:The last two gravity change area
Time Machine⏳:Mirrored upside down area
Cycles♻️:The gravity switch ship area
Xstep❌:Fake floor&wall area
Clutterfunk:Constant switching to mini and gravity switching with fake orbs area
ToE💡:Mirrored ufo area
Electroman Adventures🥾:ufo-ship-mirrored mini ufo-mini ship transition area
Clubstep♣️:Last ship part area
Electrodynamix⚡:Triple speed area ( like the whole way through)
Hexagon Force👬:Dual ball area
Blast Processing🌊:Dual wave area
ToE2🧠:Last ship area
Geometrical Dominator🤖:Memory area
Deadlocked💀:Also the dual wave area
Fingerdash🕷️:Last spider part
I know, my opinion is cringe af-
1:44 I actually fluked this on my very first time playing this from zero. And on that same attempt, I beat TOE II.
You saved yourself from lots of pain...
I also fluked that somehow
i also fluked that somehow
I dont need to fluke that cuz its easy, cool would be if i would each run fluke 25% xD (i did 76 much on practice and each time i just did it with no problems. Maybe its just that im good at the ship?).
@@Lajtering Maybe
From memory, I agree on:
Stereo Madness: Yes - That part requires the most jumps in the level and also includes the triple spike
Back on Track: Idk - probably the most balanced main level
Polargeist: Idk - Same with Back on Track, but it's just not too memorable
Dry Out: Yes - Definitely
Base After Base: YEs - Definitely (2)
Can't Let Go: YES - Definitely (3)
Jumper: No - I don't think so. The part after the 2nd ship is harder I think
Time Machine: No - Nah bro the mirrored part after the dark part is much harder than that
Cycles: Yes - By a little
XStep: Idk - I'm not sure, the hard parts are pretty equal in difficulty
Clutterfunk: No - Seriously? The part after the 2nd ship is so much harder. Even the 2nd ship alone is harder than that
Theory of Everything: Yes - Uhh yeah I guess
Electroman Adventures: No - The cube after that is harder I think
Clubstep: Yes - The ≈55% ufo is hard but it has a consistent click pattern so not that one.
Electrodynamix: Yes - Kinda.. only that 2nd ship part you showed is the hardest by itself
Hexagon Force: No - Again, kinda. The dual ball is just as hard
Blast Processing: No - A joke? The 65% ish ufo is the hardest part definitely
Theory of Everything 2: Yes - Maybe.. the 32% ship might be as hard
Geometrical Dominator: Yes - I mean.. yeah that part is easy but that's easily the hardest part
Deadlocked: No - Bro are you kidding me? "I like this part" maybe even harder than that and it's not even the hardest part. It's the spam at 73%
Fingerdash: Yes - I guess.
Deadlocked's I like this part is way easier than the first wave.
I agree the dual wave at the end is the hardest part but they're almost the same.
Actually, that deadlocked part is debatable, I died more times there than at 73
I think the hardest part in cycles is the ship part with the gravity portals. I’m pretty sure everyone has memories of thinking this part was impossible 😂
@@Gxhxhdh *super easy XD
@@Gxhxhdh yes, but until now, the last ball still has moderately hard timings. For the ship part you just click once every time you enter a gravity portal.
By "moderately hard timings" I'm talking about these 0:52
Stereo Madness: 63-79
Back On Track: 12-18
Polargiest: 80-100
Dry Out: 36-51
Base After Base: 71-85
Cant Let Go: 72-86
Jumper: 87-100
Time Machine: 86-100
Cycles: 74-91
Xstep: 66-87
Clutterfunk: 82-96
Theory Of Everything: 73-77
Electroman Adventures: 52-66
Clubstep: 79-91
Electrodynamix: 60-76
Hexagon Force: 36-49
Blast Processing: 94-100
Theory Of Everything 2: 78-82
Geometrical Dominator: 68-80
Deadlocked: 72-87
Fingerdash: 68-85
I somehow never had issues with that specific part in Hexagon Force, although I do remember dying countless times to that one transition in Electroman Adventures
That was annoying lol
cause that part in hexagon force has been and will always be easy
@@eawragsgagaewg2731ok good for you
@@eawragsgagaewg2731hardest part in any insane
Yeah that hexagon force part is in easy, you just click in time with the song
Unpopular opinion, the geometrical dominator part on the video is an absolute banger part
yeah that’s my favorite part of the level lmao
If it didn't require you to memorize it
@@IceYetiWinsit's not memory, there are sparkles that show where the block is
@@gede1x2c50 yeah but most people aren't going to be able to react to that fast enough, it's easier to just memorize it
0:58 This part of clutterfunk is AMAZING🤩
Dry Out, Base After Base, Can’t Let Go, Jumper and Time Machine : *”It’s always the upside down part”*
I always found cycles 74% to be pretty easy. The hardest parts for me were all the triple spikes before the beat drop and the stupid ship part too.
Also I was rebeating some RobTop levels recently and found that Polargeist is harder than Blast Processing for me
huh, to me blast processing is way harder.
@@robocatssj3theofficial Maybe it was because of that really hard coin in Polargeist
@@Endermax187 eh, maybe.
@@Endermax187 i never really go for the coins usually when replaying a level.
@@robocatssj3theofficial Oh I see
I agree with everything except:
Clutterfunk: hardest part is the blind triple and all the big - mini portals and blind jumps
Electrodynamix: hardest part is the whole ending (60-100)
Hexagon Force: hardest part is the dual ball
Theory of Everything 2: hardest part is 67-94
Deadlocked: hardest part is the dual and mini wave after (I’m on mobile)
Clubstep: hardest part is the first mini ufo after the first mini ball
what about xstep? I think the ship segments are much harder than that cube, lol
@@IVaV1the ship segments have spikes except you can straight fly and it’s not that tight the cube has fake bounce pads + spikes and hard timings
@@IVaV1also the ship is easier to master
@@HodMyst Straight flying is not easy tho, especially for newer players
0:41 Me: (max volume) OUCH
Also me: *turns volume down*
Nooooooo, the ship in cycles was definitely the hardest part for me. The only other thing I struggled with was the mirror portal in electroman adventures, but the cycles ship was still way harder for me
Edit: also hexagon force ball dual sucked for me, which you put the first dual instead
well the last two clicks of the cube dual are near impossible, but I agree with you on the cycles ship
@@mcleafybranch3914 It's usually that people get confused by the click pattern of that dual part, not that its near impossible (it gets super consistent if you learn it properly), but yea
@@mcleafybranch3914 i never fail at the hexagon force part lmao
@@mcleafybranch3914skill issue skill issue. I dont even know why people say 40% hard, this easier than the triple spikes in stereo madness, easier than the easy level
The hardest part of Clutterfunk should be the entire level
Straight up the biggest memory check up to that point and the difficulty spike is crazy.
I remember struggling with almost every one of these parts mentioned when I first beat each level. However, I think the dual wave spam in Deadlocked is the hardest part of the level cause I still mess up with it today.
It is easier if you actually dont spam, on the wirst wave i do like hold, 1, hold, release, hold 1, 2, release, hold.
On the dual you just try long clicking (its still the hardest part cuz rest is memory part which is not hard)
imo the dual part is fine it’s the mini gravity switch that always gets me
Noobs: Can't let go upside down block
Pros: ToE 2 70% ship
Chads: Stereo Madness old 3rd coin path
0:00 1) Stereo Madness (Easy)
0:08 2) Back on Track (Easy)
0:11 3) Polargeist (Normal)
0:15 4) Dry Out (Normal)
0:21 5) Base After Base (Hard)
0:26 6) Can't Let Go (Hard)
0:38 7) Jumper (Harder)
0:43 8) Time Machine (Harder)
0:50 9) Cycles (Harder)
0:54 10) xStep (Insane)
0:59 11) Clutterfunk (Insane)
1:12 12) Theory of Everything (Insane)
1:16 13) Electroman Adventures (Insane)
1:19 14) Clubstep (Demon)
1:26 15) Electrodynamix (Insane)
1:38 16) Hexagon Force (Insane)
1:41 17) Blast Processing (Harder)
1:42 18) Theory of Everything 2 (Demon)
1:47 19) Geometrical Dominator (Harder)
2:00 20) Deadlocked (Demon)
2:04 21) Fingerdash (Insane)
Replace clutterfunk with epic ez
Thought you were rating the parts' difficulty not the levels'
nice but why
The hardest part of deadlocked is without a doubt the 79-86% ship… those moving objects always kill me man I cannot control my ship properly, not only that, the fast wave before that…
Yeah I find that last ship to be the hardest part without a doubt not because of memory but because how precise the flying is
What's funny is that part in Geomtrical Doninator was super easy for me, yet I can't beat clubstep
i HUGELY agree with electrodynamix. You can entirely disregard the first ship from the clip, and the ball in the clip. that second ship is still challenging after beating several insane demons (and im probably good enough for extreme demons, i just dont like any of the easiest ones. i cant bring myself to put more than 1000 attempts or so into them because i just dont like the levels.)
That’s wild. I’ve never beaten anything harder than an easy demon and I can complete the mini ship in electrodynamix 95% of the time. Then again ship is definitely my strongest point.
@@medogerty6013 yea i kinda suck at ship, also i left this comment over a year ago lol
what insane demons are you playing ☠️
@@borgnut7243 my skill was extremely unbalanced at the time of the comment, im better at ship now
The transition from xstep to clutterfunk was near perfect
The audio spikes and zoom ins are amazing
The cant let go upside down part is a demon on its own
Nah its easy
It's easy if you practice enough
I rate it hard
I would rate the hard part as insane, but the rest is fairly rated imo.
Video idea: you should beat a level of each star star rating but you can’t use practice mode.
Ya especially the demon
Evw did this
@@jacobestgaming yeah but evw used practice mode
AdamBomb true
@@adambomb3619 but hebeated ut in norma;l
I agree with Stereo Madness,Dry Out,Can’t let Go,Jumper,Time Machine,Cycles,Clutterfunk,Clubstep,Electrodynamix,Hexagon Force,Theory of Everything 2,Geometrical Dominator,Deadlocked
1:34 I don’t think I have any criticism for this part that hasn’t already been said…
I love how you put in earrape at the moments where players would die the most at
0:46 I’d say this is the easiest part of the whole level since the game sets up the triple jumps for you with the falls.
Yeah, but the part right before that throws off your balance and raises stress a lot, making it easier to die due to stress
The first ship part is easier
0:07 scared me
Me too
R.I.P ears
The hardest part in Hexagon Force is not the first dual cube, but the dual ball.
Yes exactly
Dual ball is free wdym. Dual cube is just annoying timing
@@longofire236 I beg to differ
Dual cube is as easy as 1-2-3 if you focus at the bottom and at the part where it inverses gravity, jump and hit the orb as late as possible and spam click and voila, easy
100% works lmfao
I needed the music sync in dual ball to do it XD
The click pattern for the dual ball is so easy tho
Bruh, the cube used to kill me alot, but pattern to learn for easy, the ball isn't, it's way too fast & wonky, hear me?
0:08 omg that triple spike jump is so iconic.
In deadlocked, the wave dual is harder than the first wave
For those who don’t know why it gets loud:
The loudness means it is really tight and hard right there
It's not even tight lol
@@WojtekXD-bx7jb well the tightest part I guess
You know what else is tight and hard?
Cycles: that one ship part where it goes ⬆️⬇️⬆️⬇️⬆️⬇️⬆️⬇️⬆️⬇️⬆️⬇️⬆️⬇️⬆️⬇️⬆️
in clutterfunk, the last part is easily the easiest, the hardest part is the first ship part.
Clutterfunk for me is the first mini ball part
That one ship part is the bane of my existence
In clutterfunk, anything between the beginning of that ship to the end of the purple mini cube part can be argued to be the hardest. The rest is pretty easy.
I find the purple mini cube the hardest tho
@@mmhhgabe4599 nah it's ez there are no hard timings
The ship parts are the hardest, the first mini ball part is also kinda hard
@@ImNotMrNooby Idk, I really struggled with the second half of that cube. The other parts are also really hard, but that one stuck out to me
I agree with most of these, except for the hexagon force part. By far the hardest part in my opinion is the duel ball closer to the end. I beat many demons but that part is still insanely difficult for me
There is a patern to that, that makes it ultra easy
@@LajteringI don't even pay attention to what the balls are doing, It's just automatic at some point
@@LajteringI mean yeah but it's still the hardest part
@@kidneywormgaming4659 the hardest part is the slow flying section tho hexagon force itself is easy
@@Lajtering can see where your coming from due to stress
I agree with all except:
The first ship part was harder in jumper, especially first completing it because i was still just learning the gravity ship
The ship in cycles was harder for this same reason
The first ship in clutterfunk is harder for me, it's really easy to accidentally go too high or low but I can see why some ppl say the last part is harder
A lot of people are saying the hexagon force dual ball is harder. It seems so at first, but really all you have to do is click twice while one of them is in the air. If you understand and practice, it becomes way easier. the dual cube is way more confusing for me
the time machine and electroman adventures transitions are physically painful
and I'm so glad im not the only one that STILL gets nervous on the stereo madness triple spikes lmao
I absolutly hated the first ship in Clutterfunk it was a nightmare for me like i was shocked about completing Cluttenfunk from like 57% i was like have i gotten better at the game ? and also i only have to work on beating the 3 demons because those are the only levels left for me
Fax for the first two, I honestly think clutterfunk is somehow unbalanced yet impossible to discern my hardest part, for hex force the mini ship at the end is stupidly hard.
Also yes I get scared by triple spikes.
U forgot the deadlocked memory ship or deadlocked dual wave
the hexagon force dual cube part is ez af. just tap when the arrow meets/touches your icon
I think in finger it's the 2x speed wave and the spider right after it.
For deadlocked, I think its the second wave because it's 3x and waaaay too tight for a robtop level and the third wave because it's a dual
1:58 you died
@@ETMGames :o
I never understood the huge pain over the last 25% of Clutterfunk. I suffered through the first 75, then when I finally got to mini cube beat the level in 1 attempt.
Specially the ship before the ball lol
I agree with all except:
-0:50 cycles hrdest part is the gravity changing ship
- 1:40 hexagon force hardest part is the daul ball but you struggle l with the normal daul because if you can do normal daul not simetrical pthan daul ball becomes nuch easier
-2:02 deadlocked wave at 70 is the hardest
I dont agree with the deadlocked one that wave is so much easier i think i never died there
Godzilla had a stroke while reading this.
I’ve always thought that the hardest part of Jumper is the triple spike after the ship part around 75%. If it wasn’t for that I could easily beat the level first try every time.
I died to that triple twice and i yelled oh that STUPID JUMP !
His opinion on Jumper is completly unbased, the first 2 coins are the entire difficulty of the level lol
@@WojtekXD-bx7jb Imo the second coin is one of the easiest parts of the whole level lmao
@@Season411 But the jump right after isn't... It's surely harder than that upside down part where you just look at which philars are taller than the one you are on
@@WojtekXD-bx7jb I disagree, I've never died there before
The deadlocked first wave became easy as frick all the sudden and I can still do it first try.
However on mobile the first part with all the orbs is a bit bulky and I die a lot thanks to the inaccurate orb spam jumps
Skill issue bro I never die at the first orb bits on mobile
For Cycles, the hardest part is honestly the gravity portals in the ship section. I remember never being able to pass that section when I started the level. For Deadlocked, I would say the entire Dual Wave/Mini Wave/Memory Ship part is the hardest. That’s why I don’t feel like it’s nearly as unbalanced as people say.
Hardest part in time machine was literally the beginning
Hardest part in cycles was also the beginning (before the ball got introduced)
Hardest part in xstep is definitely the last ball part
Hardest part in hexagon force is the dual ball part. That bit alone makes the level even harder for me than electrodynamix tbh 😭
The hardest part of time machine was everything
@@Gabbygrrl nah i think it got easier by the time u go through the mirror portal
Electrodynamix is actually so hard it should be easy demon
@@I_4M_MONK3Y nahhh it’s not that hard lol
@@chibk the final transitions fr just blindly throw you into 2 triple spikes.
I agree with so many of these! I remember that ship part in toe 2 ALWAYS killed me.
TOE 2 ship is the hardest part in official levels
@@WojtekXD-bx7jb the 3rd coin route from stereo madness (1.6) is also the hardest since there is also straight fly
Idk but i dont have problems with the toe 2 76% ship part, I have the most problem with the cursed 25% ufo where i click more than 3 times and after that is a little spam (all in 25%)
0:44 So your saying i have to do that??? Im done
Bro gave up😂
No worries its easy asf
It’s easy to
@@sweatymichael6988It’s easy even on mobile 💀
I’d argue the ship before that part in Clutterfunk to be harder with the control required, but I can understand saying that part’s harder too
Also isnt the other wave in BP just outright harder or am I delusional
not like it matters much lol
Also the dual wave spam on Deadlocked is tighter than the first wave
Same the last mini cube in clutterfunk wasn’t that bad for me, I thought the tight dodgeing of the spikes in ship before the ball was harder🤣
@@theoneandonlycj78 true and also if you get the 3rd coin it’s easier
Yup same i agree on clitterfunk i kept dyibg at 2 small saws up and down
For hexagon force, it’s not hard. Just synchronize the music with your clicks
Fixing or adding:
Hexagon force: dual ball
Blast processing: Dual wave
Time machine: whole level
Deadlocked: dual wave and memory ship
Dash (doing for him): 2nd swing
Polargeist: light blue cube part
Clutterfunk: mini ship
Electroman adventures: mini ball part at end
I think the hardest part in Hexagon Force is the dual ball part. It looks confusing at first but it's not that hard when you get it but you can still click too late or too early and still die.
For Deadlocked is definitely is dual wave spam is a lot of spam and it's pain the first wave part wasn't that hard though
i used to watch your old vids all the time lol, u were my idol
I wholeheartedly agree with the choice for Clubstep. I struggled way, WAY too many times on that part simply trying to rebeat the dang level. It is far and away the hardest part of the level in my opinion while everything else is completely free.
However, I can not agree with the choice for Hexagon Force. That part is really easy if you bother learning it. I would say the ball dual part is the hardest part.
I thought I was the only one who had trouble with the 13% wave in Deadlocked
me too
you have to practice upside down wave and 3x spam then you would get it , ive beaten deadlocked once with fluke from 54
Lol yea, the 1st time I beat it in normal mode I fluked to like 40%.
The time machine one you showed is one of the easiest parts in the level. It’s just a pattern
in time machine the most difficult part is the second coin with a nearly pixel perfect 1second straight flying lol
@@doIbaeb True also the last coin is the hardest part I think
The most hardest part is mirror mode with 3 spikes
2:00 nah dual wave + mini wave + puzzle ship are much harder parts imo
Bro deadlocked 72% is way harder than 13%
ikr bro the mini after is just.. AUGHHHHH....
Bro is the most relatable gd player on the internet
Some of these I disagreed with but I think that 80% ship in TOE 2 is completely uncontested lmao
I’m gonna be honest, that one part of Hexagon Force isn’t even hard, I’ve died like maybe 3 times to it
0:28 Imagine if we found coin: mey be a blind jump
1:16 I Love How It Zoomed In It was hilarious
Stereo Madness 0:07 easy
Back on Track 0:09 is that even hard?
Polargeist 0:11 a bit hard
Dry Out 0:15 a bit hard
Base After Base 0:22 easy
Cant Let Go 0:28 hard
Jumper 0:38 a bit very hard
Time Machine 0:44 very hard
Cycles 0:51 easy
Xstep 0:55 a bit hard
Clutterfunk 0:59 very very hard
Theory of Everything 1:13 easy
Electroman Adventures 1:17 a bit hard
Clubstep 1:19 very hard
Electrodynamix 1:27 very very very hard
Hexagon Force 1:39 impossible
Blast Proccesing1:41 easiest thing that has ever existed
Theory of everything 2 1:43 impossible
Geometrical Dominator 1:48 a bit hard
Deadlocked 2:01 very very very hard
Fingerdash 2:04 a bit hard
(im mobile player)
The Hexagon Force "hardest part" shown is just as easy as the other parts
The trick is to just focus on the bottom and delay the jump and the orb jump as much as possible
Then just spam click
Always works
The dual ball part is harder but is also easy because of sick music sync
Clubstep should be very very very very very *hard*
Aside from that, your list is pretty accurate
Nah man I used to have nightmares about the Electroman Adventures transition.
@@creamythecat8258 I nailed it randomly but died because of the ship part
I have 100 apts on dry Out and 0:21 killed me 50 times
anything past 36% I somehow got first try and I beat the level in that attempt
(and no I did not flip the screen that is dumb)
1:41 In my opinion, the hardest part in Blast Processing is either the duel wave part, or the last cube part.
For me, the hardest part in deadlocked is the ship with the lava and stuff. The teleportal transitions are awful so I always mess up there
yeah the first teleportation is literal trash because of the INVISIBLE platforms you can land on messing up your flying
I personally never understood how the ship part was hard, just fly straight
I find ball part harder than the tunnel in Xstep
Stereo madness, can't let go, time machine and electroman adventures are so real
The Clubstep UFO is so much harder for me.
I think the 70 ship in Electrodynamix alone is the hardest part in the level.
I disagree with Deadlocked, the hardest part (for me at least) is the dual wave
True well except for the ufo
@@horror3250 depends on how consistent you are with it, at the time I posted this comment I was super inconsistent with it