  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 9 ก.ย. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 104

  • @asghoststpd
    @asghoststpd ปีที่แล้ว +661

    "you probably learned how to use chopsticks by eating his wife's leftovers" she had that ready,,, I know in my heart she practiced that one in the mirror LMAO

    • @bunsealu
      @bunsealu ปีที่แล้ว +71


    • @kgs2280
      @kgs2280 ปีที่แล้ว +23

      Yeah, that was 🔥!

    • @riel4553
      @riel4553 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      Sometimes the Muse Calliope blesses you on the spot.

    • @SunnyBurnsAll
      @SunnyBurnsAll ปีที่แล้ว +4

      The gasp that I gasped at that!😂

    • @lunarialoonatic
      @lunarialoonatic ปีที่แล้ว +3

      It’s the kind of comeback you think about three months later 💀 🤚 you do not want to get on that girls bad side. Love her

  • @arcticxabyss
    @arcticxabyss ปีที่แล้ว +359

    i honestly don't think op is in the wrong for what she said to her cousin, since the immature cousin was the one that started it FIRST. also, it was unnecessary of the crappy cousin to be rude to op like that smh

    • @catblue4690
      @catblue4690 ปีที่แล้ว +13

      If she’s gunna blow out of proportion that she can’t use chopsticks to she’s an embarrassment, well two can play at that game and up the stakes even more.

  • @RedBlue554
    @RedBlue554 ปีที่แล้ว +226

    Exposing someone for cheating is never wrong especially if their side piece is insulting you

    • @queerdeificeeli985
      @queerdeificeeli985 ปีที่แล้ว +29

      EXACTLY! I hope OP told the wife who sounds like she has no clue of 'Sarah' and her 'husband', it's not fair on her to be kept in the dark about the fact she's with an unfaithful man, she should get the choice on whether she stays or not.
      And I hope Sarah remembers the phrase
      "If they'll cheat with you, they'll cheat on you" as I highly doubt she's the only side piece.

    • @princessqueen6881
      @princessqueen6881 ปีที่แล้ว

      ​@@queerdeificeeli985 fr poor wife hope somebody tells her but in the end husband is just using Sarah it's obvious he doesn't want her and is keeping her around for "one thing" and Sarah is a pure hoe for doing this.

  • @shadowboxer1
    @shadowboxer1 ปีที่แล้ว +93

    0:05: Sarah is a piece of work. She has two unruly kids and then has another kid with a married man (who already had a baby with his wife). And on top of that, Sarah expects her cousin to babysit for free? Needless to say, Sarah has issues. I hope MJ's wife finds out about the baby with Sarah and what a two-timer her husband is.
    5:34: Stephen was told not to do a public proposal (and at a bar no less), but he went through with it anyway. Kudos to Dina for rejecting him. Stephen's lack of respect for Dina's wishes showed he isn't ready for marriage yet.
    7:46: This dad may have been a dad for his two younger kids, but he was never a dad to his oldest one. Absolutely pathetic. It would have been one thing if the dad admitted he was wrong for leaving his first family and apologized, but he never made the effort to do that.

  • @blaiaa
    @blaiaa ปีที่แล้ว +113

    For story 2, Stephan should be glad she didn’t want a huge ring or expensive venue to propose, she just wanted to have it in private lmao

    • @chrissigrigsby871
      @chrissigrigsby871 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      If he doesn't listen to her feelings now--won't once a ring is on it

    • @chloeeng6811
      @chloeeng6811 10 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @TeacherTonya74
    @TeacherTonya74 ปีที่แล้ว +16

    I just love how it's ok to call someone an embarrassment in a restaurant, but when they react, it's not ok. Such gaslighting. Definitely sounds like someone is unhappy with their own life so they need to attack someone else to feel better about themselves.

  • @xXSweetsMelodyXx
    @xXSweetsMelodyXx ปีที่แล้ว +196

    S1: Sarah sounds like she is putting OP down to feel a sense of superiority because her situation isn't that great.
    S2: Stephen sounds like "Oh she says she doesn't want this, which must mean that's what she really wants."
    S3: Not surprised that the people who aren't in OP's position tell them to get over it because it's easy to just tell someone that instead of dealing with the drama.

    • @catblue4690
      @catblue4690 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I despise people who never want the “drama” when and would rather just let you be disrespected and violated.

    • @chrissigrigsby871
      @chrissigrigsby871 ปีที่แล้ว

      The past is the past--it's never too late to change--be a father to your first child (seems you love being a father to the other children)

  • @Amberlily9207
    @Amberlily9207 ปีที่แล้ว +170

    How come it’s alway the person who finishes it that gets blamed and never the person who starts it

    • @Amberlily9207
      @Amberlily9207 ปีที่แล้ว +23

      @I am me • 25y ago I’ve always been the “don’t throw punches if you can’t take them” kinda person but if corse this situation is just weird and confusing

    • @Kayenne54
      @Kayenne54 ปีที่แล้ว +14

      I know what you mean. I give them fair warning though. "Keep it up and I'll finish it, and you won't like what I have to say." Most will stop mouthing off, quick smart. Just give one warning when they're harassing in public like that. If dumb enough to continue, they'll realize that the tongue is sharper than the sword. Also I don't know OP's situation, but if I were her, (and knew they won't change) I'd dump, block, delete and leave them to handle cousin's mess. It would be "peace, out". By saying "Keep it up" I'm drawing attention to verbal harassment going on. Putting the responsibility to the perpetrator where it belongs. After that, it's gloves off.

    • @Kayenne54
      @Kayenne54 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @I am me • 25y ago It's that centuries old, very famous "line in the sand". Step over that, and you take on the might of Rome (historical reference, not literally today lol).

    • @Maya_hee
      @Maya_hee ปีที่แล้ว +2

      ​@I am me • 25y ago All of that stoic mindset bs doesn't matter here. Its more about accountability, why blame the person who rightfully defended themselves instead of the person who instigated the fight and was constantly throwing punches with no signs of stopping?

    • @Maya_hee
      @Maya_hee ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @I am me • 25y ago You are speaking from the perspective of the defender, I get that but that's not what I am talking about.
      Whether I do or don't defend myself is another thing. I am talking about why when it comes to accountability, we don't hold the perpetrator accountable and blame the victim?

  • @richardcao8195
    @richardcao8195 ปีที่แล้ว +46

    1. Sarah should've thought about it before belittling her cousin (OP). The whole family are an AH. The fact that Sarah is pregnant with someone who already has a wife is shocking.
    2. If she doesn't want a public proposal, then don't or just have a private proposal.
    3. The dad has never been in OP's life, and he wantx to make OP up for lost time? No, OP deserves a better father.

  • @riel4553
    @riel4553 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    First story: Narcisism.
    Tells the waiter "sorry about her, she constantly embarrasses herself and us" Yep, narc. Doesn't let go and tells boyfriend about OP using training wheels as if that's the most important news of the evening: 100% narc.

  • @athena6227
    @athena6227 ปีที่แล้ว +38

    I’m biased because my dad has a new kid too, and I haven’t seen him since I was around 4… but SCREW THE FAMILY MEMBERS WHO SAID THAT. If he’s never addressed the past, and genuinely shown he felt sorry then he doesn’t deserve to have a relationship with her. He was a crappy dad so he deserved it. Also how could he get mad for that? It’s true. If he really wanted to “move on” then he would apologize and make an effort to build a relationship with his kid instead of dismissing the past.

  • @Amberlily9207
    @Amberlily9207 ปีที่แล้ว +24

    The last story.. yes you can’t change the past but you can fix the future. You could mend the relationship but he chose to ignore it. Also it’s not like they made a scene either, they said one comment that’s it.

  • @Musicalsfangirl
    @Musicalsfangirl ปีที่แล้ว +9

    Being with someone who is in another relationship with another person is not a flex. Having an affair is not a flex. Cheating period is not a flex. Also, the proposal itself should be a surprise. The answer shouldn’t be a surprise. Little nuggets of wisdom there for you lovely people 😊

  • @champagnej5998
    @champagnej5998 ปีที่แล้ว +20

    Sarah was mad and jealous because she had all those kids and is tied down while you’re free. Nobody could tell me different and I wouldn’t have apologized for that😂.

  • @kryshunter
    @kryshunter ปีที่แล้ว +10

    Public proposals are hostage situations with unexpected accomplices. NTA.

  • @Amberlily9207
    @Amberlily9207 ปีที่แล้ว +38

    Also for the first story.. I don’t get who willingly wants to be the side piece (I mean I get that people don’t tell their affairs that they are married all the time) I also don’t get that her entire family is okay with it.. like he’s not going to leave his wife for you, even if he did a cheater is always a cheater… also how tf does not wanting to babysit for free mean you hate kids, that actually made me laugh

    • @ricebeansrockroll882
      @ricebeansrockroll882 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      I kinda get it if she thought they where separated, and it seems she really did (still stupid, but I'm reserving judgment a bit), but having a _child_ with the dude before it's even finalised!?
      A lot of people start dating before it's finalised, so I kinda get that, you just need to be extra suspicious.
      But like, a divorce usually takes like a year at the most in most countries I have heard of? That's to damn soon to have a baby with a dude!
      And if the divorce dragged out longer... in the middle of a messy divorce is not the time to throw in a baby.
      Also just assuming now, but I'm guessing they did not live togheter?
      Post partum or not, Sarah is stupid to the point of nearly being brain dead.

    • @Kayenne54
      @Kayenne54 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      @@ricebeansrockroll882 Yes, not too bright. Also seems to think the pinnacle of Female Success is to have children.

    • @Amberlily9207
      @Amberlily9207 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      But the wife and girlfriend both got pregnant the same week.. if they were going through a divorce I don’t think that happen, I mean they maybe now but I don’t think you usually pop out babies with a person you’re in the middle of divorcing.. pretty sure he’s just cheating but I do agree it’s not cheating if you are separated for you partner and just waiting for the process to end

    • @ricebeansrockroll882
      @ricebeansrockroll882 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      ​@@Amberlily9207 oh, no he was _definitely_ cheating.
      I was mainly ranting about how stupid it would have been even if he wasn't.
      Sorry it got confusing. 😅
      Like if you date a separated man you need to be looking for the redflags to be sure he's not just cheating. Do the due diligence.

  • @T_Cup
    @T_Cup ปีที่แล้ว +15

    S1: I’m always concerned when a parent makes fun of an adult for something their own child/children would struggle with. If you’re making fun of an adult for not immediately picking up a new skill, you likely bully your kids even more when they’re learning that skill
    S2: How did this guy think doing the one thing his partner asked him not to do would be the perfect way to mark their future together? I don’t get it, my brain isn’t built that way
    S3: Anyone who insists you need to accept abuse because your abuser is under the “family” umbrella needs to be told off or removed from your life. How is it even possible for a kid to get over something that’s still currently being done to them? Their dad isn’t dead and neither are they, yet the dad’s still neglecting his child and acting like he can’t parent him because he has new kids

  • @samgnz3n530
    @samgnz3n530 ปีที่แล้ว +21

    1st - i'd tell Op to go nuclear since they keep blaming OP for the cheating drama they gossiped about and find out if the wife of cousin's boyfriend knows her newborn has a week apart sibling from a mistress and if not tell her cause she and Op don't need to deal with these cheaters and their enablers morals gymnastics.
    edit: story 3- the extended family can suck it with "the grow up and get over the past" cause OP saying "glad you can be a dad" was Op being an adult and not being jealous and realizing " yes i have a "father" but i will never have a dad like their half-siblings" in which they also realized no contact or the current very low contact they have going forward will probably be healthier for themselves, also father needs therapy if he can't not have anger issues/ blame shifting over the true fact that he was a deadbeat father to one of his children whenever anyone will alluded to that truth.
    like dude seriously choose that path he needs to own it and stop trying to whitewash his past else if those half-siblings turn out better than the father's moral compass, they aren't going to take kindly to discovering this coldhearted side of him towards the eldest later on probably.

  • @amateurflor13
    @amateurflor13 ปีที่แล้ว +11

    honestly.. the first one is HILARIOUS. like op went tf in🤣

  • @riel4553
    @riel4553 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    Third story, OP is still a minor and gets told to 'get over' not having a dad? "Get over it" is something you tell full adults, not someone that has 'teen' in their age!

  • @-.-4
    @-.-4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Toxic family! Just distant yourself. You don’t need that stress. I’ve got lots of experience. I’ve learned not to say anything, 6 brothers and sisters all got together and attacked. They had to wait for my dad to die first. Nobody challenged my dad. I went no contact after my mom’s funeral in 2001. My husband’s family is wonderful. Hang in there.

  • @gazoontight
    @gazoontight ปีที่แล้ว +7

    First story: perfect comeback remark! That secret was going to come out sooner or later. MJ is a real prize, isn’t he? Father’s Day is going to be very interesting. Second story: Stephen is tone deaf when it comes to Dina’s feelings. He should have proposed differently. Third story: great comeback here, too. No, the past cannot be changed but it shouldn’t be forgotten. Father was absent for 12 years and now expects things to be all lovey?

  • @hiddenskyy8894
    @hiddenskyy8894 ปีที่แล้ว +54

    I frequently rewatch your videos, you're basically my comfort TH-camr 😂

    • @jaymorgan231
      @jaymorgan231 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      Fr she carried my 2017ish era and I just be rewatching😭

    • @louisejohnson6057
      @louisejohnson6057 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Yes, it's definitely relaxing to watch. My favourite safe space TH-cam channel is definitely Mia Maples. I can be crying my eyes out, put any Mia video on, my favourite is her wedding video, and I'll start to calm down. I hope these content creators know how much they help people feel better during difficult times. Take care all! Bye 🍁🇨🇦🍁

  • @TheArnaa
    @TheArnaa ปีที่แล้ว +10

    Sarah should grow a spine and tell MJ’s wife the truth.
    Stephen’s girlfriend needs break up with him. If she marries him he will continue to disregard her expressed wishes just like he did with the proposal.
    Dad’s just salty that OP wouldn’t let him pretend he had never parented her the same as his do over kids and then abandoned her when he left.

  • @elfenlied_girl1238
    @elfenlied_girl1238 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    9:25 I would’ve said “ yeah I respect him as a stranger but not as a dad, given because I haven’t had one since he left at around the same age as his kids now “

  • @flawfuljinx
    @flawfuljinx ปีที่แล้ว +3

    tldr. I'm going to lose faith in a part of humanity seeing how disrespectful some people are.
    S1. No matter what condition people are going through, it's never a pass to act like a prick to everyone else when she clearly needs help. She's clinging onto a man who got her pregnant, lied to her about separating from his wife, and gave her an ultimatum for her to "get over it or he'll leave". Although she deserved OP calling her out for being petty (over chopsticks tf), it seems like OP only apologized to her because she was pressured to and not because she was actually sorry.
    S2. Hope Stephen apologizes sincerely to the gf. OP saying they make a great couple makes it only sadder that Stephen ignored the one thing she told him not to do and couldn't take OP's honest criticism. This is a good lesson to him that not everything revolves around him and he needs to actually respect other people more.
    S3. What tf. OP's dad gets a pass for getting mad at his kid who he basically abandoned but OP gets told to grow up when right to feel upset? OP can for sure move on and live life but that's not going to erase the YEARS of abandonment after what the dad did. And the dad getting mad after OP congratulated him only makes it seem like he knows he messed up but he still didn't want to make an effort to apologize. Just, wtf.

  • @eh8551
    @eh8551 ปีที่แล้ว +17

    HOLY the thumbnail story is soooo ooffff

    • @dylancastellanos87
      @dylancastellanos87 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      The thumbnail is the first story.
      Or was it a different thumbnail before?

    • @eh8551
      @eh8551 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @I am me • 25y ago lmao I am talking about the first story lol. It left me speechless

    • @sj211
      @sj211 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      ​@I am me • 25y ago bro. chill out.

  • @danyinn
    @danyinn ปีที่แล้ว +4


  • @karissa-tkacz
    @karissa-tkacz ปีที่แล้ว +4

    being the sidepiece is more embarrassing than not knowing how to use chopsticks

    • @chloeeng6811
      @chloeeng6811 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      Yeah totally

  • @carameldrizzl3
    @carameldrizzl3 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    These are for each story:
    1. It was funny when OP was an “embarrassment” but now that Sarah is an ACTUAL embarrassment it’s not funny anymore?? who willingly becomes a side chick? That embarrassing and childish😭
    2. Stephen is ignorant. She said she didn’t want a public proposal and he gave her one. Now u wonder why she said no bcs u didn’t listen.
    3. Be happy for the dad?? Nah no one who’s ever been in that situation can be happy for the dad. Myself included. I can be happy and hopeful for the kids but not him because he doesn’t deserve that. Passive feelings are natural and okay. You can’t reprimand someone for losing a big part of their upbringing and having passive feelings towards that person that made them lose it.

  • @LisaTigressHardy
    @LisaTigressHardy ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Sarah got what she deserved! OP is not in the wrong at all. Sarah is a bully as is the rest of the family who thought her behavior was okay. She got shut down and put in her place and everyone knows it. If MJ's wife doesn't know about Sarah and her baby, OP should go and tell her! Then watch as Sarah is put further in her place by her, and in turn MJ being put in his place as well. That post partum thing she claimed is BS! She knows she isn't going through that. She is just stupid and naieve as she didn't see any signs he already was married let alone had a partner and she is just his side chick and is mad at herself and MJ really but will never admit it.

  • @andrewvega5567
    @andrewvega5567 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    First story is iconic🤣🤣

  • @chaosspy6723
    @chaosspy6723 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    My ex was a cheater who used me to cheat on his fiancé (now wife, i didnt know at the time) i tried messaging her about it but no reply. i did however let all of our mutual friends hear the condescending voice-mail he sent me. They arent his friends anymore. I probably would've shown mercy had he not ghosted me when a family member died but now he suffers waiting for what I might do next.

  • @whatisthisalgorithm
    @whatisthisalgorithm ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Proposing at the bar they met sounds cute tin theory, but if she didn't want a public proposal, than he should have respected it.

    • @chloeeng6811
      @chloeeng6811 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Yeah all she said is no public proposal

    • @ezura4760
      @ezura4760 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      His intention was good because it was where it all began but he could’ve taken her elsewhere afterwards and proposed privately.

  • @Lunashadow-qn3ms
    @Lunashadow-qn3ms ปีที่แล้ว +2

    First story , op shouldn't apologised. If i was op i would cut family off , tell them to pound sand and contact the wife with evidence and wish her a speedy divorce

  • @xx_yungbeener_xx
    @xx_yungbeener_xx ปีที่แล้ว +1

    i'm the same as the last slide and my dad is deadass like that lmao and i do feel bad because im only 16 and my half brother is 5, and my dad is always talking to me about how good his kid is when he never talked to me that way before

  • @catblue4690
    @catblue4690 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    It’s the being immature but having 3 whole ass kids yourself.

  • @kristalparsons5473
    @kristalparsons5473 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    When you 'borrow' someone's 'leftovers' (husband), you get what you pay for. Sarah's poor, poor baby; she will carry that shame for the rest of her life. Don't cheat, people--and don't get with cheaters; even IF he leaves her for you, never forget--he'll do it again.

  • @FriskKimura
    @FriskKimura ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Naw because that cousin had it coming

  • @kat-ke9hb
    @kat-ke9hb ปีที่แล้ว +5

    The cousin is so immature

  • @nikkistarr8
    @nikkistarr8 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Really felt the missing dad one 😢 💔

  • @ManiiDee
    @ManiiDee ปีที่แล้ว +2

    So disrespect is only considered when some possible has post-party’s depression? 👀

  • @dotdotdot...176
    @dotdotdot...176 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Also, why was no one on MJ's ass for cheating on his wife and still getting her pregnant at the same time as he knocked up the side piece? Idk what tf Sarah is doing with her life and how she feels entitled to embarrass someone in public, pregnant with a cheater or not. Like why are they crapping on OP for saying the truth? Post partum depression is real but how can you be so rude to someone who didn't even do anything to you in public? But then when they retaliate in kind, suddenly they're the one in the wrong? MJ is also a bad person for not only deciding to cheat on his wife but still getting her and another woman pregnant. Then still going back and forth between wife and side piece. And Sarah had the nerve to say OP was jealous of _that_ situation? I'm glad OP showed her flames ngl. Sarah needs to sort her life out and stop worrying about whether other people want kids or not and just take care of her own.

  • @Nevertoleave
    @Nevertoleave ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Post baby stress is not insulting other people for how they use their chop sticks

  • @Nameless82284
    @Nameless82284 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Let me tell you something. My older brother and I are the opposite. He is tall, I'm average, he is handsome, I'm not, he is fit, I am chubby, he has short neat hair, I have long messy hair, he dresses up in fancy clothes, I wear T-shirts and sweatpants, he has a good pay job, I'm a student. So one day we were jogging in the mountains after we finished and headed to his car to go home my brother asked me "Do you want a girlfriend?" I said "No." then he said, "Well you are too fat to have one!" I said "No." but he still said that. It turns out that he wanted to tell me that I was too fat to have a girlfriend even though I said no. He was expecting me to say "Yes." he had no idea what to say when I said "No." so he just said that. Then I said, "Then where is your girlfriend, Mr. Muscles?" My brother may be fit but he is single. Girls don't want to date him. I may be single but I'm single by choice. My brother is not. Also, my obese cousin Manny is over 300 pounds and is getting fatter every day, and he is married to a nice-looking woman, and they have a daughter.

  • @catssocute
    @catssocute ปีที่แล้ว +2


  • @nanajaemin6696
    @nanajaemin6696 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Hii! I’m lowkey early:0🤭

  • @ventibonkbonk6610
    @ventibonkbonk6610 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I'm too early for the comments I'll be back later

  • @ilincababa
    @ilincababa ปีที่แล้ว +2


  • @chrissyluvsuu5712
    @chrissyluvsuu5712 ปีที่แล้ว +2


    • @shadowboxer1
      @shadowboxer1 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Here's your silver medal! ====> 🥈

  • @Namjoon889
    @Namjoon889 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Hiiii I’m so earlyyyy

  • @peyton426
    @peyton426 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Early!! Ilysm

  • @yourmom-ni4ct
    @yourmom-ni4ct ปีที่แล้ว +2


  • @blobbythepotato7062
    @blobbythepotato7062 ปีที่แล้ว +2

  • @Nicholaspimpinsohard
    @Nicholaspimpinsohard ปีที่แล้ว +3

    How are you doing sweetie? How are you feeling? In the very first story, Sarah just sounds so stuck up and full of herself and I just can't stand to be around people like that. She definitely didn't go to far and Sarah 100% deserved to get disrespected and put in her place like that. Sarah is just the sidepiece because her man MJ is already married. The sister has got some nerve for blaming Sarah's actions on postpartum depression. The main reason as to why Sarah is going through postpartum depression is because MJ can't make up his on which woman he really wants to be with. She shouldn't speak to her entire family for a few months. She was probably the only one who actually told Sarah the truth about her kids "that their bad" and now she just can't take it. She apologized to Sarah for embarrassing her, but Sarah chose to act stank anyway by hanging up the phone like that. In the second story, to me a bar isn't the right place to propose because there are a whole of people inside of a bar and you want to always choose a place that's more calmer and more fancier too. It's like those people who propose to their girlfriends in a mall, or at a basketball game; she got people around her whom she doesn't even know telling her to say yes, they pulling out their phones, and that all is just really to much pressure and anxiety to handle. These stories were great!! I love you my friend!! Have a great day!! Stay safe!!

  • @TheUsualGenious
    @TheUsualGenious ปีที่แล้ว +3

    As a representative of the council of MJs, I’m here to say that that man has brought shame and dishonour to our name. We do not stand for such behaviour and assure that he will be dealt with. 🫡🙂

  • @Darkstalker1012
    @Darkstalker1012 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Hey 🌸

    • @shadowboxer1
      @shadowboxer1 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Here's your bronze medal! ====> 🥉

    • @Darkstalker1012
      @Darkstalker1012 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@shadowboxer1 Okay….?