I think I started with 8 in block 2 (sets up a 5 & 8 pair in box 1), followed by the 2 and 4 as the video. I went wrong on this one no less than 3 times which made it really frustrating, and I couldn't see what the errors were, so what did I learn from it? The 4th attempt was successful, but by then I had to write in pairs and bi-value cells for a painstaking methodical approach. Being unable to sleep during the night I picked up a book of Killers, and did two of the 'tricky' ones notation free, so evidently I was more wide awake then than a few hours earlier!
I think I started with 8 in block 2 (sets up a 5 & 8 pair in box 1), followed by the 2 and 4 as the video. I went wrong on this one no less than 3 times which made it really frustrating, and I couldn't see what the errors were, so what did I learn from it? The 4th attempt was successful, but by then I had to write in pairs and bi-value cells for a painstaking methodical approach. Being unable to sleep during the night I picked up a book of Killers, and did two of the 'tricky' ones notation free, so evidently I was more wide awake then than a few hours earlier!
You scared yourself into doing it right? 🙂