No matter what culture a girl is from. No matter how old the tradition of arranged marriage is. Every single girl should have the right to choose who she will kiss, choose who she will marry and choose who will touch and procreate with her. That choice should especially be based on the fact that we all have ONE life to live and enjoy. How can you truly enjoy your life when decisions have been made, even before a girl is born to marry a man who is twice her age, and then be made to sleep with and then raise children whether she wanted to or not? A girl should have a choice on whether she wants to carry a baby for NINE LONG months and should have the choice to bare the PAIN that comes on the day of childbirth and have the choice to sacrifice many hours of sleep carrying for a baby she wanted instead of being burdened by raising a baby that was created after satisfying the selfish needs of the "husband". It's simply unfair!
Yes it should be left up to god to decide who a girl marries and whether she has kids after all god decides who lives and who dies so therefore it should remain gods business and not ours
My grandmother was married when she was 13 to a man in his 30s and had her first child at 14. When I got married at 21 decades later, people told my mother I was too young!
John Keys LMAO that's hilarious. Pretty sure she put the comma in the wrong place "When I got married at 21, decades later ...." but you already know that :P
Roxyx Maybe her grandma didn't live in the US, where 18 is the depending on what country you live in. Like in Australia, 16 is the age of consent, Philippines age of consent is only 12, etc. There's a country with the age consent of 11. Crazy, I know.
This video almost brought me to tears, not because they are so young but because of the look of absolute defeat on that little girls face. I have a daughter and this video made me physically ill. I am sorry if I offend you in your country but this is wrong on every level of human decency.
The question is: why a religion or a cultural norm allows suffering as normal thing, and how does it help humanity? if it´s not helping humanity, then it´s naturally destined to dissapear.
Not necessarily. Reflecting upon my own culture in a developed country, we think we're progressive and have a similar ideal as you, however don't underestimate the stupidity in masses; it's infinite and timeless.
Nothing said about the fact that this is perverted child abuse, and called MARRIAGE? Nothing said about the emotional damage this age-inappropriate obligation is. There needs to be a word other than 'marriage' for this!
The most important thing was said by the pretty young woman at about 6:40 that the girls need to have the right to decide. That is the main thing, It is the pressure from parents and community that is bad. Young marriage is not really such a bad thing especially in a country where there is no food if they love the man they marry. The question is whether or not they found the man they want to marry and love. The same problem is with the genital mutilation. Nobody should be forcing young people. Parents and old rich men and clergy and such should not be the ones to choose for a young girl or put pressure young girls.
I hardly know of anyone well into their adulthood who are secure about love in a marriage, and I think many people die without really defining for themselves. I highly doubt these girls will be sure. Sometimes conditioning will make kids say things that they think they believe in, or have to believe in, so they will follow suit with what they are taught if given the choice. I think THIS is the difficult part; how to determine whether or not it is just as cruel to intervene if the child is most likely reiterating the customs they've grown up around, or if it is something they are confident, educated and fee safe enough to make a decision about.
I'm an American and I got married at 17 , captured into the unwanted relationship at 16 and had a baby every 15 months up to 3 children. I tried to leave my husband once after the first child and he threatened to pull the baby's arm out of his body. NOBODY wanted to help me. This is not as uncommon as you think and the more we tell our selves oh this is some other country that these things happen in the further away we get from any kind of solution. I want to help these girls also but until we solve our own issues with teenaged girls being bullied into relationships and child bearing we need to think. Are we really helping when we don't have a foundation to help our own citizens in our own culture? There is an old saying ... "Everything begins at home" Perhaps that is why these issues with women and girls are so prevalent even into the 21st century.
I dunno how old your daughter was when you made your daughter watch this but they're obviously a kid and this stuff may traumatise your kid, you shouldn't have done this, your kid probably don't even mean what they say because every kid matures at a different age, because you made her watch this she may get traumatised and grow up to LOVE these things and want to get married at an early age, its a risk and you shouldn't have taken it, you know nothing about parenting...yet you became a parent...
I once encountered a 14 year old Hindu girl who married just to keep her mother from going destitute (the father had passed away) and her brother a guaranteed education. The mother, because she had no husband, was being subjected to continued sexual harrassment at ther work. Eventually her (married) boss fired her simply because she rejected his advancements. She had several children to take care of. And what is irksome about this video is it repeatedly shows girls with veils, giving the false impression that it occurs mostly in poorer Islamic countries. Hindus often use child-marriage ask a solution for social ills, even though the government in India tries to fight against the tradition.
The problem is your prejudices. I'll just make a few arguments 1. Living in India I have not encountered anybody Hindu family with more than 3 children. 2. The average female fertility rate for Hindu women in India is 2.2. And same for Muslims women is 4.1 (Census figures) 3. Though I would not argue that all is perfect. But in India the Child marriage cases have dropped from 14% in 1991 to 3.7% as of 2011. But for Muslim women this figure remains much higher. 4. Any parent/person indulging in the act you just mentioned is subjected to 8 years jail time, and the child is reused from the offender. Its just very strange that most of foreigners see a part of India which Indians hardly see. I'll advise you not to write such rubbish henceforth, because by doing so you don't insult others. The only thing you prove is your how deep your head is inside your ass.
Aditya Sharma First of all, this is not rubbish: it is not just a story I heard, I was there and witnessed it; I knew the mother and the girl. . Obviously, you didn't take the time to read properly what I wrote. Secondly, I am not presenting this as the norm in India or any other Hindu country, but there are places where this kind of thing happens. You even said that 3.7% of marriages are child marriages. (I personally believe that's a lot lower). But if it is happening at all we should fight it. Whether in Africa, India, Europe or the Middle East. And yes, I said Europe too, because in certain parts, among Bohemian roaming communities, it is done even today. You WRONGLY assumed I was demonising India, but nothing could be further from the truth. I love India and return their regularly. I also practise Hinduism. the purpose of telling the story was to indicate that such things happen everywhere and I was disturbed by the fact that, in the video, it seemed biased against Muslims. Finally, are you not able to express yourself better than with crass, base language, referring to parts of the body?
Well I get your point, and I stand corrected. Sorry for misinterpreting you. But you had a veiled attack on the fact that the video focused on Muslims more than Hindus. Though I will not deny that these things do not exist at all. But all I want to focus on is that we have the ability and motivation to accept a wrong feudal practice still present in some parts of our society and we are working hard to make things better. But in many Islamic countries like Pakistan, Bangladesh, Afghanistan etc no real effort is being put in to irradiate the social evils, so the video is rightly focused on those societies. And well 3.7 % figure is accurate if you take all populations of India in consideration. We do not have uniform civil code, so Muslims have sharia applicable on there marriages. So our law keepers have littler to no authority to restrict child marriage in that society. That makes up a large chunk in 37% figure.
3.7% well... I was also trying to make the point that people are often forced into such actions or choices out of helplessness and desperation. I worked for many years as a voluntary worker in social aid projects and am a qualified social worker. I am now retired, and cannot do as much any more for personal reasons
It's amazing how fundamentalist people who write comments here evade the topic with stupid arguments. THINK about the suffering of those girls, whether similar things happen somewhere else (which is equally unacceptable), doesn't mean that we can minimize what those girls are going through.
The parents have this naive belief that by marrying their girls young that they are protecting their girls but theyre not because child marriage keeps the poverty cycle going it doesnt stop it,it encourages it
It wasn't long ago when western culture found young marriages a normal thing. Breakfast at Tiffany's lead character for example was a woman from a child marriage and that wasn't a cultural taboo. Let's not think Western Culture so highly and shun others just because we don't approve of cultural norms.
For sure, but that wasn't addressed specifically here. Here they are attacking cultures a wide scope of cultures and ages not too distant from western culture.
I was thinking the same thing, and was having conflicting opinions with myself. I was trying to figure out where to draw the line between Cultural Imperialism and what is right, and am I Biased in my decision of it
I was actually just reading through 20 different types earlier this month because of another conversation, and yea.. Marriage isnt always or necessarily "Suppose" to be any particular way, unless you're from a specific culture that expects a specific type. Marriage itself is a very diverse concept.
bloodydove5718 Human rights blanket all cultures and societies, and it is the biggest factor to consider here. I see you dilemma though, and I have to say I've thought long and hard about it myself. However, the one woman put it "it's not a disease; it is a social condition" and she is absolutely right. Marriage in its entirety is a social condition, and things only become a part of a culture or tradition if the children are conditioned to believe it, too. I considered how unmarried adults are treated in my society amongst other adults who have married and usually gone on to have families. I think about how poorly they are treated, as if they don't belong because they didn't follow a natural path, a rite of passage, and so they must be shamed and subsequently re-conditioned. I think THAT is where the line is drawn for me. This, this is different. These are children. This is cruelty.
Did that woman just say these countries are poor because of child marriages??? Ignoring the exploitation that these countries suffered at the hands of European colonialism.
Angel Majao by the way.. since were on the topic of evil.. watch the news video of how our troops are over there raping 14 year old girls and killing them just after executing their whole family right in front of them. yeah! our good ol christian boys are real hero's! you know?! the same ones who keep doin all the shooting rampages here in america killing american kids and people.. christianity!!! Also It Begins: Pedophiles Call for Same Rights as Homosexuals in the USA AND UK! « Pat Dollard In the west Pedophiles will get their right to marry 6 year olds in USA and UK...
I understand what you are saying but she is also right. These girls are not contributing to the development and growth of the economy due to the lack of education and "wifely" duties" and as such these countries are poor.
Who are you talking about ISIS are CIA.....? And why are you referring to them all as "Christians"? Is it because they are from the western world and that they are not of that Indian culture and world? Please don't use the word "Christians" so carelessly.
Psalm 23 The Lord Our Shepherd[a] 23 The Lord is my shepherd; I have everything I need. 2 He lets me rest in fields of green grass and leads me to quiet pools of fresh water. 3 He gives me new strength. He guides me in the right paths, as he has promised. 4 Even if I go through the deepest darkness, I will not be afraid, Lord, for you are with me. Your shepherd's rod and staff protect me. 5 You prepare a banquet for me, where all my enemies can see me; you welcome me as an honored guest and fill my cup to the brim. 6 I know that your goodness and love will be with me all my life; and your house will be my home as long as I live.
I feel if you truly loved your child. if you truly want the best for them, *you'd sacrifice yourself, not their life.. yours!*.. you would not sell them for the almighty dollar. it's like, you care about yourself more than your seed. you know the guy is a perv. . what grown man looks at a little girl sexually? oh man.. this is so.. duh moment.
+Solid B This is mainly due to lack of education. Most of these families are so poor that they can't feed themselves so basically they sell their girls as child brides so they can have a better lives. Its also a perpetual effect, a son or daughter from child bride won't likely find anything wrong marrying off or be married to a child bride themselves - you have to live in extreme poverty in the 3rd world to really know what these families go thru- can't judge them if you are rich or live in an advanced country
I’m not exactly sure, but I always thought that it happened to the young girls because they are young and they don’t really know who they are as a person. They still have a lot of growing up to do and they are still discovering themselves. Most young girls probably don’t know how to stand up for themselves so that makes it easier for the husband’s family to mold and turn the girl into the ideal woman they want her to become. That’s what I always thought, I’m not sure though.
Its so sad that this is happening,the parents of these poor girls arent able to go to school and so therefore all these girls parents dont get educated about the repercussions of child marriage and what the financial,emotional and physical and mental consequences of child marriage can be there needs to be global education and awareness of child marriage kids need to have a book in their hands not a wedding dress
Child marriage can reduced Making people literate Making women educated Eradication of poverty Traditional belief In educated society women get much respect but in opposite women are treated as nothing
In theory, the best thing would be to let these places evolve on their own and stop this. But these girls that this is happening to aren't theories. They're people. Children. And as an adult, it's our job to protect children. It doesn't matter if it's "our problem" or not. We need to make it our problem. And not by killing them with war until they conform to our ways, but by trying to provide resources to the families who are so poor they marry off their young girls because they cant afford them
I encourage everyone to watch a short film called "A walk to Beautiful". It is the story of women in Ethiopia, who were forced into marriage at a young age, even as young as 10. Because of their young age, plus malnutrition their vaginal structures are not strong enough to support child birth. Causing the babies to die in the wombs and even causing obstetric fistulas(tear in the vaginal structure). An obstetric fistula can result in a tear in the bladder or rectum causing urine, feces, or even both to seep into the uterus and come out of the vagina. The Stench is so intolerable that many of them are kicked out of their homes. There is a special clinic that treats these problems for free, but it is only in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia's capital. Which means many of the woman have to travel a long way to get their and taking a cramped bus from a rural village can be embarrassing because of the stench of excrement leaking out of their vaginas. The main issue here is child marriage. Malnutrition is a part of it too but if a women is older when she gives birth the damage is less severe and less likely to be permanent.
Of even the documentary, "It's a Girl" about overpopulation and gender preference in certain countries that causes things like child marriage, child trafficking, child abuse, selling of children on the black market and murder.
Childhood is supposed to be a time where girls are meant to be going to school and thinking about what they would like to do in the future while focusing on their education marriage is meant to be for the future as in down the track like later on in the future not now girls are supposed to be protected from the trauma of child marriage common sense tells us that sending girls to school and keeping them there so that they can focus on their own personal growth as well as their own education theyve got the right to choose their own future and theyve also got the right to say yes ill get married or no im gonna stay single for now nobody has the right to say you are going to be married tomorrow noone has the right to force a girl to go from 0 to 150 when its obvious that shes not ready
You're not putting things in context. These girls live in rural poverty regions. There's no schools. No extra curriculum to engage in. Their culture is created due to their environment. To compare them to young girls who live in Canada or New Zealand misses the point. Change the environment change the culture. 👍🏾
Pamela Meadows You're a dumb fucking bitch. Most of these places don't provide birth control to women - and if they do these women who are forced into marriage likely aren't allowed to have it and are forced to have a family. Get the fuck out.
I don't understand how girls this video and "ranting" feminists in the western world are not one same thing: the subjugation of women. These things were not foreign to westerners, at a time. I live in a Caribbean country, and the effects of children raising children are not alien to me, with absent or abusive fathers as head of household if not child's parents bearing the burden. Being a rape apologist/justiciero is insensitive. As if girls don't grow to be women. Would you tell Brazilians in a favela to suck it up because they don't have it as bad as a South African with MDR tuberculosis? I support the feminists that want the same things men get for granted. I don't see as many "kill men" feminists as much as I see phobic men claiming as such. I'm a man.
Girls have the right to say no to child marriage,to say no ill decide when and who i marry im gonna continue on with my education and when i feel like getting married at say 23 then ok
My great-aunt told me she snuck off to the community well pretending to fetch water but actually to meet and run away with her first the age of 13 (he was 16). I asked her if her parents were angry with her and she said they were very angry...because she took their only water bucket:>) They loved each other and were together until his death at 27. Those days were much like how things are in 3rd world countries today. Kids had no childhood because they were either helping to support their parents and siblings or married off and starting their own families. I understand the why's and how's of that...but find it hard to wrap my head around it being acceptable for a grown-ass man to have sex with a little girl. I just think that is wrong no matter how you look at it. Especially when the child's body is not even developed enough to carry a baby to term or, in some cases, survive childbirth. I understand why arranged marriages are the norm in some places...even see why it is seen as being a more beneficial union to some...but think a girl should be old enough for what comes with marriage before she leaves her parent's home. IMO, any grown man having sex with a girl before the age of 15 should be both kneecaps...then set on fire...stomped out...then fed to rabid dogs. Period.
The US should practice what it preaches. Before going offshore, The United States Supreme Court should Impose a Minimum age for Marriage in the United States. There are some states in America Where the minimum age is 13. On the other hand, You are imposing western Point of View on the world. Different cultures view this family as the main cell composing the body of the Society. while your views are based on the individual himself or herself...The US cannot force itself On the whole world as the role model for all humanity. Remember When the US did in Iraq and Afghanistan..or vietnam Please leave us alone
Its so sad that the parents of these children arent educated enough to realize that marrying their daughters off is wrong and that there are consquences like ongoing poverty, infant deaths, loss of innocence,loss of dreams,deprivation of a decent life and early death let these children grow up when theyre ready,let them learn,let them wonder,let them dream,let them soar on the wings of their dreams, let them be free,let them be kids,
Dont wreck your daughters life just because you want your circumstances to change child marriage wont change your circumstances,it will only make your circumstamces even more of a reality
How long does a child have to be a child to dream about who they want to be,to dream,to wonder,to learn,to enjoy their innocence,to enjoy their childhood,before they have to grow up and leave their childhood behind
and Maximo First of all I am a women MAN!!! and I get that you are disgusted by this but it's not ISLAM THAT DOES THIS!!!! GET THAT THROUGH YOU'RE THICK SKULL. IT'S ALL THE MIDDLE EAST!!!! I DON'T KNOW WHO STARTED THIS BUT DON'T BLAME EVERYTHING ON ISLAM. I am also disgusted about the fact that men marries younger girls because I am a girl. and I would hate if I got married at a young age. And I am not Islamic if you are wondering. I am something else. my family is from south America, so don't go and be saying that I am sticking up for them. Because I am not. I just hate it when people like YOU!!! Blame everything on Islam because of what is going on right now. I'm pretty sure not all Islamic people are like that. SO STOP BLAMING ISLAM FOR EVERYTHING! !!!
Parents who marry their daughters off think that theyre doing whats best for their daughters but child marriage deserves condemnation not celebration because child marriage is abuse
Im sure that everytime god sees a child being mutilated and married off he cries he probably gets so frustrated and angry about it cos he knows that its wrong and that his daughters dont need to go through this mental,physical and emotional hell i feel just as sorry for young girls who are forced to go through this abhorrent hell as i do for god
I don't know what to say. It is all so confusing. I think we need to take a hard look at the world, and define new laws. I see the hypocrites all the time, and they feel the rules don't apply to them. When it comes to the rich and powerful, the laws don't apply to them. So, that means only the poor are ruled by laws. That is unfair, but it has always been this way. We need to change the world, and that can't be done, not by people. God has to fix this. If he defines that child brides are fine, then who are we to say no. I really don't know. I wish he would come down and talk to everyone, but I get the feeling the people in power would kill the world before allowing God to take control away from them. We are in need of a higher power, and how.
I know that in NY state that every day abortions are performed on girls as young as 7. When I was doing an audit, I thought I found a massive case of fraud, only to be sat down by the head of the agency and told that this was not fraud, and that on average, statewide, over 100 abortions were carried out every day on girls from 7 to 12, with the bell curve being very sharp. A few at 7 and 8, most at 9 and 10, a few at 11 and 12, and then none from there on up. I was told this was because at 13 they keep the child. This is the same in every state. So, maybe I am wrong. Maybe this is the norm and I am just too prudish. I am willing to admit if that is the case, but we need the govt to come out and give clear cut rules and tell it like it is, and not pretend this is not happening every day.
Because we don't have a one world govt, we have all sorts of problems. 50 years ago, no one knew, or cared, about what happened in other countries. I watched home movies made by U.S. servicemen in Korea and Vietnam, and I was outraged at how they abused girls over there, and it was normal, and the U.S. Govt even subsidized the practice. Nothing has changed. I have seen digital footage of war crimes committed in Iraq and Pakistan and they rape and then kill everyone. Nothing has changed. Once in a while, when something leaks out, then they make a scape goat of one or two men, but otherwise, they know and they don't care. I have no faith in the human race. We are worse than animals. Animals don't seek out other animals to harm. We do, just for enjoyment. It is sick and terrifies me.
Gurls around the world have the right to say its my life,ill decide when the time is right to be married,ill decide whether i have kids or not,my life belongs to me i dont answer to tradition no to child marriage
I'd like to think that those girls are not really suffering and that they're enjoying child marriages. Anybody up to investigate and gather raw data and present it neutral-like?
omg get your stupid head out of the sand!!! Enjoying child marriage?? Yes, being forced to have sex(raped) cook, clean, taken out of school, abused at their husbands will with no recourse all this at age 13, 14 ,15 oh yeah sounds like a blast to me. What were u doing at 13??
This is equally as horrific and indigestible information as sexualizing children under 18 and also brainwashing them to change genders before even hitting puberty for political , cultural and idealogical reasons in West . Absolutely disgusting. How desensitized people have become to tolerate exposing children pre puberty towards sexualization ? 😑. Something huge is gonna happen soon , will be brutal and Gorey , if things kept moving in the same direction as of now .
Allen Carbon Its not about thinking highly of Western Culture. That couldn't be further from what the point of this is. This is about committing one person to another person, often for a lifetime, when they are at an age in which they can neither determine what they want for their lives or determine what they want in a person to share their life. Because it works sometimes is irrelevant. That's like saying: I can hit a ball traveling 70mph. Some major leaguers throw 70mph. Therefore I can be a major league baseball player. Fractional success is not success.
While I think this is wrong this was a common practice amongst Christians and the Western World not to long ago... My grandma was 14 and granddad 30 when they got married...
If a girl wants to get married when shes 30 ok,if she is very comfy with being single then ok and her parents need to respect her choice and leave her alone
very sad n disturbing, people needs to be educated child forced marriage not part of their religion but traditions, girls have the God given rights to education and work also they should be old enough to give consent for marriage & chose their own husband, these girls have to be mentally & physically grown up to know the difference and responsibility of marriage entails, its not a joke but serious business.
Yes child marriage is caused by poverty but not vice versa. Imperialism, i.e. the 1st world trampling those countries' sovereignty is what causes poverty. Furthermore, imperialism is not only responsible for poverty but also the rampant sexism of the 3rd world. Going there and deciding that they can't have progressive ideologies, movements and parties because those go hand in hand with progressive economic ideologies that threaten our invested capitals (i.e. colonialism). Thomas Sankara for instance, who did so much for Burkinabè women also did a lot for Burkina's economy, meaning booting the French capitals/companies out. Result : French assassination of the president and restoration of a sexist backwards pro imperialist regime. The same process should be applied to understand why the middle east once as progressive as the 1st world is today so sexist compared to countries suffering less imperialism. The imperialism of oil is the reason why Libya recently went decades backwards since Gaddafi's murder.
Yes they were, so were we, my point is that we in the 1st world we managed to alleviate the hell of oppression like 14h work days, children in mines, child marriage and the utter oppression of women among many other things. But none of those progressive things could be done by any progressive movements or parties in the 3rd world because unlike our oppression, they had an extra layer of oppression, much heavier, in the form of an entire other nation denying their people sovereignty and control over its resources. So no, the Iraqi for instance don't have much in terms of progressive movements because Saddam Hussein was put in power _precisely_ to suppress those, so while the 1st world saw many advances in social and economic areas throughout the decades, no such turmoil was tolerated in the 3rd world. This is true especially in the middle east which has oil, the imperialist nations being so dependent on oil can never loosen the noose that strangles Arab people's liberties. The Afghani are a perfect example of this. When the Russians reluctantly went there at the demand of their newly elected government that faced trouble from the Taliban, there was a booming progressive movement that helped women, that put girls in schools etc. But then came the US with a proxy war and funded the Taliban so much that the Russians had to leave, then you know what the Taliban did... what they are still doing today "despite" the US occupation. If the US were to never set a foot or a dollar in that country, you can bet that the Taliban would eventually be defeated and that the women's rights movement would resume after a while. So yes I know, they had child marriage long before the UK colonized the place in the early 19th, but that's besides the point because the UK also had it at that time. Don't be ignorant, it's very dangerous, because the imperialists, height of hypocrisy, are using this "backwardness" that they create and tout "rights of women and gays" as the excuse to further submit countries that were getting out from under their boot. And you do believe their excuses, so you are not only ignorant, but dangerous too.
you guys have no perspective humans recently started living past 30...marrying at 24 would have been fatal for any culture. Cultures are evolved combinations of good practices that were thought to be helped..only time told if they did or not...and marrying in early teen has been the longest tradition...if you can ejaculate you are a man ..... if you bleed you are a woman...there was no concept of preteen, teen, pre Just because in last few hundred some parts of the world has changed their culture don't expect the whole world to become like you get some education and get some perspective before judging others (cultures).
y do these ppl give birth to soo many children if they cant take care of thm they should be in control or if they want to be treated like animals they can be sterelised
His is what comes of ignorance,a lack of education as well as a lack of common sense and people who blindly follow tradition rather then stopping and going hang on this is wrong,no im not going to follow the sheep,im going to protect my daughter from child marriage i say no to child marriage i say no to wrecking my daughters life,her dreams and her childhood
No matter what culture a girl is from. No matter how old the tradition of arranged marriage is. Every single girl should have the right to choose who she will kiss, choose who she will marry and choose who will touch and procreate with her. That choice should especially be based on the fact that we all have ONE life to live and enjoy. How can you truly enjoy your life when decisions have been made, even before a girl is born to marry a man who is twice her age, and then be made to sleep with and then raise children whether she wanted to or not? A girl should have a choice on whether she wants to carry a baby for NINE LONG months and should have the choice to bare the PAIN that comes on the day of childbirth and have the choice to sacrifice many hours of sleep carrying for a baby she wanted instead of being burdened by raising a baby that was created after satisfying the selfish needs of the "husband". It's simply unfair!
Yes it should be left up to god to decide who a girl marries and whether she has kids after all god decides who lives and who dies so therefore it should remain gods business and not ours
@@bethhaines6340 not everyone believes in God, women should be able choose their own life and choices. IT ISN’T ANYONES BODY BUT THEIRS.
@@bethhaines6340 in which horrible God do you believe that forces children to be married?
My grandmother was married when she was 13 to a man in his 30s and had her first child at 14.
When I got married at 21 decades later, people told my mother I was too young!
You were married at 210 years of age?
John Keys LMAO that's hilarious. Pretty sure she put the comma in the wrong place "When I got married at 21, decades later ...." but you already know that :P
Lol, don't change it it's perfect that way.
John Keys she men’t she was married at 21, decades later.
Roxyx Maybe her grandma didn't live in the US, where 18 is the depending on what country you live in. Like in Australia, 16 is the age of consent, Philippines age of consent is only 12, etc. There's a country with the age consent of 11. Crazy, I know.
This video almost brought me to tears, not because they are so young but because of the look of absolute defeat on that little girls face. I have a daughter and this video made me physically ill. I am sorry if I offend you in your country but this is wrong on every level of human decency.
I couldn't agree more
The question is: why a religion or a cultural norm allows suffering as normal thing, and how does it help humanity? if it´s not helping humanity, then it´s naturally destined to dissapear.
Not necessarily. Reflecting upon my own culture in a developed country, we think we're progressive and have a similar ideal as you, however don't underestimate the stupidity in masses; it's infinite and timeless.
Man this breaks my heart completely...poverty shouldn't be the reason, nothing should be the reason to do such...💔😿😿
Nothing said about the fact that this is perverted child abuse, and called MARRIAGE? Nothing said about the emotional damage this age-inappropriate obligation is. There needs to be a word other than 'marriage' for this!
The most important thing was said by the pretty young woman at about 6:40 that the girls need to have the right to decide. That is the main thing, It is the pressure from parents and community that is bad. Young marriage is not really such a bad thing especially in a country where there is no food if they love the man they marry. The question is whether or not they found the man they want to marry and love. The same problem is with the genital mutilation. Nobody should be forcing young people. Parents and old rich men and clergy and such should not be the ones to choose for a young girl or put pressure young girls.
I hardly know of anyone well into their adulthood who are secure about love in a marriage, and I think many people die without really defining for themselves. I highly doubt these girls will be sure. Sometimes conditioning will make kids say things that they think they believe in, or have to believe in, so they will follow suit with what they are taught if given the choice. I think THIS is the difficult part; how to determine whether or not it is just as cruel to intervene if the child is most likely reiterating the customs they've grown up around, or if it is something they are confident, educated and fee safe enough to make a decision about.
I'm an American and I got married at 17 , captured into the unwanted relationship at 16 and had a baby every 15 months up to 3 children. I tried to leave my husband once after the first child and he threatened to pull the baby's arm out of his body. NOBODY wanted to help me. This is not as uncommon as you think and the more we tell our selves oh this is some other country that these things happen in the further away we get from any kind of solution. I want to help these girls also but until we solve our own issues with teenaged girls being bullied into relationships and child bearing we need to think. Are we really helping when we don't have a foundation to help our own citizens in our own culture? There is an old saying ... "Everything begins at home" Perhaps that is why these issues with women and girls are so prevalent even into the 21st century.
I'm so sorry😔
Are you and your babies ok?
This is so messed up!! I'm so sorry!!
cj m | dang gurl *shivers*
I'm showing this to my daughter's lol cause all they talk about is getting married and dating uhhh hard days
I dunno how old your daughter was when you made your daughter watch this but they're obviously a kid and this stuff may traumatise your kid, you shouldn't have done this, your kid probably don't even mean what they say because every kid matures at a different age, because you made her watch this she may get traumatised and grow up to LOVE these things and want to get married at an early age, its a risk and you shouldn't have taken it, you know nothing about parenting...yet you became a parent...
@@moonly999 its her choice hun.
@@HeatherxDanceMoms her choice is stupid, i hope people around her are constantly reminding her how bad of a "mother" she is
I once encountered a 14 year old Hindu girl who married just to keep her mother from going destitute (the father had passed away) and her brother a guaranteed education. The mother, because she had no husband, was being subjected to continued sexual harrassment at ther work. Eventually her (married) boss fired her simply because she rejected his advancements. She had several children to take care of. And what is irksome about this video is it repeatedly shows girls with veils, giving the false impression that it occurs mostly in poorer Islamic countries. Hindus often use child-marriage ask a solution for social ills, even though the government in India tries to fight against the tradition.
The problem is your prejudices. I'll just make a few arguments
1. Living in India I have not encountered anybody Hindu family with more than 3 children.
2. The average female fertility rate for Hindu women in India is 2.2. And same for Muslims women is 4.1 (Census figures)
3. Though I would not argue that all is perfect. But in India the Child marriage cases have dropped from 14% in 1991 to 3.7% as of 2011. But for Muslim women this figure remains much higher.
4. Any parent/person indulging in the act you just mentioned is subjected to 8 years jail time, and the child is reused from the offender.
Its just very strange that most of foreigners see a part of India which Indians hardly see.
I'll advise you not to write such rubbish henceforth, because by doing so you don't insult others. The only thing you prove is your how deep your head is inside your ass.
Aditya Sharma First of all, this is not rubbish: it is not just a story I heard, I was there and witnessed it; I knew the mother and the girl. . Obviously, you didn't take the time to read properly what I wrote.
Secondly, I am not presenting this as the norm in India or any other Hindu country, but there are places where this kind of thing happens. You even said that 3.7% of marriages are child marriages. (I personally believe that's a lot lower). But if it is happening at all we should fight it. Whether in Africa, India, Europe or the Middle East.
And yes, I said Europe too, because in certain parts, among Bohemian roaming communities, it is done even today.
You WRONGLY assumed I was demonising India, but nothing could be further from the truth. I love India and return their regularly. I also practise Hinduism.
the purpose of telling the story was to indicate that such things happen everywhere and I was disturbed by the fact that, in the video, it seemed biased against Muslims.
Finally, are you not able to express yourself better than with crass, base language, referring to parts of the body?
Well I get your point, and I stand corrected. Sorry for misinterpreting you.
But you had a veiled attack on the fact that the video focused on Muslims more than Hindus. Though I will not deny that these things do not exist at all. But all I want to focus on is that we have the ability and motivation to accept a wrong feudal practice still present in some parts of our society and we are working hard to make things better.
But in many Islamic countries like Pakistan, Bangladesh, Afghanistan etc no real effort is being put in to irradiate the social evils, so the video is rightly focused on those societies.
And well 3.7 % figure is accurate if you take all populations of India in consideration. We do not have uniform civil code, so Muslims have sharia applicable on there marriages. So our law keepers have littler to no authority to restrict child marriage in that society. That makes up a large chunk in 37% figure.
3.7% well... I was also trying to make the point that people are often forced into such actions or choices out of helplessness and desperation. I worked for many years as a voluntary worker in social aid projects and am a qualified social worker. I am now retired, and cannot do as much any more for personal reasons
having veils does not make them muslim- doesn't give that impression either
Forcing a girl into marriage isnt protecting her its exposing her to trauma
It's amazing how fundamentalist people who write comments here evade the topic with stupid arguments. THINK about the suffering of those girls, whether similar things happen somewhere else (which is equally unacceptable), doesn't mean that we can minimize what those girls are going through.
The parents have this naive belief that by marrying their girls young that they are protecting their girls but theyre not because child marriage keeps the poverty cycle going it doesnt stop it,it encourages it
It wasn't long ago when western culture found young marriages a normal thing. Breakfast at Tiffany's lead character for example was a woman from a child marriage and that wasn't a cultural taboo.
Let's not think Western Culture so highly and shun others just because we don't approve of cultural norms.
For sure, but that wasn't addressed specifically here. Here they are attacking cultures a wide scope of cultures and ages not too distant from western culture.
I was thinking the same thing, and was having conflicting opinions with myself. I was trying to figure out where to draw the line between Cultural Imperialism and what is right, and am I Biased in my decision of it
I was actually just reading through 20 different types earlier this month because of another conversation, and yea.. Marriage isnt always or necessarily "Suppose" to be any particular way, unless you're from a specific culture that expects a specific type. Marriage itself is a very diverse concept.
bloodydove5718 Human rights blanket all cultures and societies, and it is the biggest factor to consider here. I see you dilemma though, and I have to say I've thought long and hard about it myself. However, the one woman put it "it's not a disease; it is a social condition" and she is absolutely right. Marriage in its entirety is a social condition, and things only become a part of a culture or tradition if the children are conditioned to believe it, too. I considered how unmarried adults are treated in my society amongst other adults who have married and usually gone on to have families. I think about how poorly they are treated, as if they don't belong because they didn't follow a natural path, a rite of passage, and so they must be shamed and subsequently re-conditioned. I think THAT is where the line is drawn for me. This, this is different. These are children. This is cruelty.
***** i agree.
This is rape and slavery, not marriage.
Did that woman just say these countries are poor because of child marriages??? Ignoring the exploitation that these countries suffered at the hands of European colonialism.
Nah I think she said that child marriage is caused by poverty rather than vice versa which makes sense
Angel Majao by the way.. since were on the topic of evil.. watch the news video of how our troops are over there raping 14 year old girls and killing them just after executing their whole family right in front of them. yeah! our good ol christian boys are real hero's! you know?! the same ones who keep doin all the shooting rampages here in america killing american kids and people.. christianity!!! Also It Begins: Pedophiles Call for Same Rights as Homosexuals in the USA AND UK! « Pat Dollard In the west Pedophiles will get their right to marry 6 year olds in USA and UK...
I understand what you are saying but she is also right. These girls are not contributing to the development and growth of the economy due to the lack of education and "wifely" duties" and as such these countries are poor.
Who are you talking about ISIS are CIA.....? And why are you referring to them all as "Christians"? Is it because they are from the western world and that they are not of that Indian culture and world? Please don't use the word "Christians" so carelessly.
This happens, and as a male, I don't wanna get married for at least 5 to 10 years. I'm 22.
Leave them alone let them be educated,let them be schooled,let their dreams come true
Psalm 23
The Lord Our Shepherd[a]
23 The Lord is my shepherd;
I have everything I need.
2 He lets me rest in fields of green grass
and leads me to quiet pools of fresh water.
3 He gives me new strength.
He guides me in the right paths,
as he has promised.
4 Even if I go through the deepest darkness,
I will not be afraid, Lord,
for you are with me.
Your shepherd's rod and staff protect me.
5 You prepare a banquet for me,
where all my enemies can see me;
you welcome me as an honored guest
and fill my cup to the brim.
6 I know that your goodness and love will be with me all my life;
and your house will be my home as long as I live.
I agree with you mate . They Really need to read the bible
Yeah better tell your god he can intervine whenever he wants to
Give girls a book not a life of misery and heartache
Man I can't stop crying...💔💔
I feel if you truly loved your child. if you truly want the best for them, *you'd sacrifice yourself, not their life.. yours!*..
you would not sell them for the almighty dollar.
it's like, you care about yourself more than your seed.
you know the guy is a perv. .
what grown man looks at a little girl sexually?
oh man.. this is so.. duh moment.
+Solid B This is mainly due to lack of education. Most of these families are so poor that they can't feed themselves so basically they sell their girls as child brides so they can have a better lives. Its also a perpetual effect, a son or daughter from child bride won't likely find anything wrong marrying off or be married to a child bride themselves - you have to live in extreme poverty in the 3rd world to really know what these families go thru- can't judge them if you are rich or live in an advanced country
Bene Volent
Bene Volent you are so right
ednan9 and your child wont have a better life
Bene Volent v
Devastating in so many ways.
I wonder; why is it always young girls?
Elina Olegovna Obeh hlo
Elina Olegovna Obeh
Elina Olegovna Obeh...
Malin 👸 of vvbj
I’m not exactly sure, but I always thought that it happened to the young girls because they are young and they don’t really know who they are as a person. They still have a lot of growing up to do and they are still discovering themselves. Most young girls probably don’t know how to stand up for themselves so that makes it easier for the husband’s family to mold and turn the girl into the ideal woman they want her to become. That’s what I always thought, I’m not sure though.
It is really a big problem of over country ...
this is terrifying...
It really is
Its so sad that this is happening,the parents of these poor girls arent able to go to school and so therefore all these girls parents dont get educated about the repercussions of child marriage and what the financial,emotional and physical and mental consequences of child marriage can be there needs to be global education and awareness of child marriage kids need to have a book in their hands not a wedding dress
Child marriage can reduced
Making people literate
Making women educated
Eradication of poverty
Traditional belief
In educated society women get much respect but in opposite women are treated as nothing
In theory, the best thing would be to let these places evolve on their own and stop this. But these girls that this is happening to aren't theories. They're people. Children. And as an adult, it's our job to protect children. It doesn't matter if it's "our problem" or not. We need to make it our problem. And not by killing them with war until they conform to our ways, but by trying to provide resources to the families who are so poor they marry off their young girls because they cant afford them
I encourage everyone to watch a short film called "A walk to Beautiful". It is the story of women in Ethiopia, who were forced into marriage at a young age, even as young as 10. Because of their young age, plus malnutrition their vaginal structures are not strong enough to support child birth. Causing the babies to die in the wombs and even causing obstetric fistulas(tear in the vaginal structure). An obstetric fistula can result in a tear in the bladder or rectum causing urine, feces, or even both to seep into the uterus and come out of the vagina. The Stench is so intolerable that many of them are kicked out of their homes. There is a special clinic that treats these problems for free, but it is only in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia's capital. Which means many of the woman have to travel a long way to get their and taking a cramped bus from a rural village can be embarrassing because of the stench of excrement leaking out of their vaginas. The main issue here is child marriage. Malnutrition is a part of it too but if a women is older when she gives birth the damage is less severe and less likely to be permanent.
Of even the documentary, "It's a Girl" about overpopulation and gender preference in certain countries that causes things like child marriage, child trafficking, child abuse, selling of children on the black market and murder.
May god just help us all.
l'm in my heart is in pain because of this young girls out there
Childhood is supposed to be a time where girls are meant to be going to school and thinking about what they would like to do in the future while focusing on their education marriage is meant to be for the future as in down the track like later on in the future not now girls are supposed to be protected from the trauma of child marriage common sense tells us that sending girls to school and keeping them there so that they can focus on their own personal growth as well as their own education theyve got the right to choose their own future and theyve also got the right to say yes ill get married or no im gonna stay single for now nobody has the right to say you are going to be married tomorrow noone has the right to force a girl to go from 0 to 150 when its obvious that shes not ready
You're not putting things in context. These girls live in rural poverty regions. There's no schools. No extra curriculum to engage in. Their culture is created due to their environment. To compare them to young girls who live in Canada or New Zealand misses the point. Change the environment change the culture. 👍🏾
Don't have children if you can't feed them. There are places that help with birth control
Pamela Meadows You're a dumb fucking bitch. Most of these places don't provide birth control to women - and if they do these women who are forced into marriage likely aren't allowed to have it and are forced to have a family. Get the fuck out.
I'm glad people are waking up and that the world gets to know nonsense bs practices that happen in all parts of the world. SPEAK UP!!!
I don't understand how girls this video and "ranting" feminists in the western world are not one same thing: the subjugation of women. These things were not foreign to westerners, at a time. I live in a Caribbean country, and the effects of children raising children are not alien to me, with absent or abusive fathers as head of household if not child's parents bearing the burden. Being a rape apologist/justiciero is insensitive. As if girls don't grow to be women. Would you tell Brazilians in a favela to suck it up because they don't have it as bad as a South African with MDR tuberculosis? I support the feminists that want the same things men get for granted. I don't see as many "kill men" feminists as much as I see phobic men claiming as such. I'm a man.
Girls have the right to say no to child marriage,to say no ill decide when and who i marry im gonna continue on with my education and when i feel like getting married at say 23 then ok
No to child marriage,let girls be kids
My great-aunt told me she snuck off to the community well pretending to fetch water but actually to meet and run away with her first the age of 13 (he was 16). I asked her if her parents were angry with her and she said they were very angry...because she took their only water bucket:>) They loved each other and were together until his death at 27.
Those days were much like how things are in 3rd world countries today. Kids had no childhood because they were either helping to support their parents and siblings or married off and starting their own families.
I understand the why's and how's of that...but find it hard to wrap my head around it being acceptable for a grown-ass man to have sex with a little girl. I just think that is wrong no matter how you look at it. Especially when the child's body is not even developed enough to carry a baby to term or, in some cases, survive childbirth. I understand why arranged marriages are the norm in some places...even see why it is seen as being a more beneficial union to some...but think a girl should be old enough for what comes with marriage before she leaves her parent's home.
IMO, any grown man having sex with a girl before the age of 15 should be both kneecaps...then set on fire...stomped out...then fed to rabid dogs. Period.
***** I very much agree that there is a difference between the two situations and that forced marriages should be stopped.
The US should practice what it preaches. Before going offshore, The United States Supreme Court should Impose a Minimum age for Marriage in the United States. There are some states in America Where the minimum age is 13.
On the other hand, You are imposing western Point of View on the world. Different cultures view this family as the main cell composing the body of the Society. while your views are based on the individual himself or herself...The US cannot force itself On the whole world as the role model for all humanity. Remember When the US did in Iraq and Afghanistan..or vietnam
Please leave us alone
Child maraige should not be legal
Brenda Hoff i agree
If you are not concerned about these things in the world, then you are not paying attention people.
Anyone who looks at a child that way is disgusting
Its so sad that the parents of these children arent educated enough to realize that marrying their daughters off is wrong and that there are consquences like ongoing poverty, infant deaths, loss of innocence,loss of dreams,deprivation of a decent life and early death let these children grow up when theyre ready,let them learn,let them wonder,let them dream,let them soar on the wings of their dreams, let them be free,let them be kids,
Dont wreck your daughters life just because you want your circumstances to change child marriage wont change your circumstances,it will only make your circumstamces even more of a reality
Kids belong in school,not on some old guys lap
How long does a child have to be a child to dream about who they want to be,to dream,to wonder,to learn,to enjoy their innocence,to enjoy their childhood,before they have to grow up and leave their childhood behind
and Maximo First of all I am a women MAN!!! and I get that you are disgusted by this but it's not ISLAM THAT DOES THIS!!!! GET THAT THROUGH YOU'RE THICK SKULL. IT'S ALL THE MIDDLE EAST!!!! I DON'T KNOW WHO STARTED THIS BUT DON'T BLAME EVERYTHING ON ISLAM. I am also disgusted about the fact that men marries younger girls because I am a girl. and I would hate if I got married at a young age. And I am not Islamic if you are wondering. I am something else. my family is from south America, so don't go and be saying that I am sticking up for them. Because I am not. I just hate it when people like YOU!!! Blame everything on Islam because of what is going on right now. I'm pretty sure not all Islamic people are like that. SO STOP BLAMING ISLAM FOR EVERYTHING! !!!
Marriage of girl upon puberty is very valid in sharia. Early marriage is way better than pre marital sex
very wize 😁
+rani elahouane Thank you☺. that maxino whatever guy is the stupid one. And he was getting on my nerves.
+hippie for life101 😂😊
Give a girl a book and you give her a future,give her a wedding ring and youre throwing her in hell
Child marriage is wrong on soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo many levels
In the Middle East a 4 year old girl got married A 4 YEAR OLD ARE YOU CRAZY this makes me so mad why do they do this!? This should be banned!
"Across religions" uhuh,.FAR more prevalent among Muslim communities and not just in developing countries.
As of June 2024, child marriage is legal in 37 states in the USA.
Parents who marry their daughters off think that theyre doing whats best for their daughters but child marriage deserves condemnation not celebration because child marriage is abuse
Seriously, this is so sad, the world is so cruel.
Im sure that everytime god sees a child being mutilated and married off he cries he probably gets so frustrated and angry about it cos he knows that its wrong and that his daughters dont need to go through this mental,physical and emotional hell i feel just as sorry for young girls who are forced to go through this abhorrent hell as i do for god
Continuing the depreciation of women by men. And shame on those older women who continue this barbaric practice.
Exists all over the world, but not across religions, only in Islam
Speak the truth
I don't know what to say. It is all so confusing. I think we need to take a hard look at the world, and define new laws. I see the hypocrites all the time, and they feel the rules don't apply to them. When it comes to the rich and powerful, the laws don't apply to them. So, that means only the poor are ruled by laws. That is unfair, but it has always been this way. We need to change the world, and that can't be done, not by people. God has to fix this. If he defines that child brides are fine, then who are we to say no. I really don't know. I wish he would come down and talk to everyone, but I get the feeling the people in power would kill the world before allowing God to take control away from them. We are in need of a higher power, and how.
So, what are you saying ? Are you saying that child marriage is OK ?
I know that in NY state that every day abortions are performed on girls as young as 7. When I was doing an audit, I thought I found a massive case of fraud, only to be sat down by the head of the agency and told that this was not fraud, and that on average, statewide, over 100 abortions were carried out every day on girls from 7 to 12, with the bell curve being very sharp. A few at 7 and 8, most at 9 and 10, a few at 11 and 12, and then none from there on up. I was told this was because at 13 they keep the child. This is the same in every state. So, maybe I am wrong. Maybe this is the norm and I am just too prudish. I am willing to admit if that is the case, but we need the govt to come out and give clear cut rules and tell it like it is, and not pretend this is not happening every day.
Because we don't have a one world govt, we have all sorts of problems. 50 years ago, no one knew, or cared, about what happened in other countries. I watched home movies made by U.S. servicemen in Korea and Vietnam, and I was outraged at how they abused girls over there, and it was normal, and the U.S. Govt even subsidized the practice. Nothing has changed. I have seen digital footage of war crimes committed in Iraq and Pakistan and they rape and then kill everyone. Nothing has changed. Once in a while, when something leaks out, then they make a scape goat of one or two men, but otherwise, they know and they don't care. I have no faith in the human race. We are worse than animals. Animals don't seek out other animals to harm. We do, just for enjoyment. It is sick and terrifies me.
Gurls around the world have the right to say its my life,ill decide when the time is right to be married,ill decide whether i have kids or not,my life belongs to me i dont answer to tradition no to child marriage
Let them be kids for goodness sake and let them be and leave them alone
Look I have a point the beginning of this start once again in the United States with the bride visa.
Marriage of girl upon puberty is logical and valid
+Tennyson Connor and you're not??
No it's not
Kids only have one childhood let kids be innocent let them go to school so that they can learn life skills to help them in the future girls not brides
Yes to education,no to child marriage
This is evil, it needs to end!
I'd like to think that those girls are not really suffering and that they're enjoying child marriages. Anybody up to investigate and gather raw data and present it neutral-like?
omg get your stupid head out of the sand!!! Enjoying child marriage?? Yes, being forced to have sex(raped) cook, clean, taken out of school, abused at their husbands will with no recourse all this at age 13, 14 ,15 oh yeah sounds like a blast to me. What were u doing at 13??
This is equally as horrific and indigestible information as sexualizing children under 18 and also brainwashing them to change genders before even hitting puberty for political , cultural and idealogical reasons in West . Absolutely disgusting. How desensitized people have become to tolerate exposing children pre puberty towards sexualization ? 😑. Something huge is gonna happen soon , will be brutal and Gorey , if things kept moving in the same direction as of now .
most of these photos are from national geography
I think they need money and the man must pay for the girl to marry and it has nothing to do with the muslim.
Give a girl a book not a living nightmare
Allen Carbon Its not about thinking highly of Western Culture. That couldn't be further from what the point of this is. This is about committing one person to another person, often for a lifetime, when they are at an age in which they can neither determine what they want for their lives or determine what they want in a person to share their life. Because it works sometimes is irrelevant. That's like saying: I can hit a ball traveling 70mph. Some major leaguers throw 70mph. Therefore I can be a major league baseball player. Fractional success is not success.
While I think this is wrong this was a common practice amongst Christians and the Western World not to long ago... My grandma was 14 and granddad 30 when they got married...
“It’s across religions” ??🤨🤨
so sad
That is freaking abusive right there! :-/
Guy Mercier mo
Guy Mercier can
Desmond tutu is so right it is a vicious custom such a vicious custom
What happened in India
So many people spoil the
Daughters life
Girls should be left in peace to realize their dreams leave them alone so that they can be themselves let them soar on the wings of their dreams
Give a young girl a book and a pencil,not a husband.
If a girl wants to get married when shes 30 ok,if she is very comfy with being single then ok and her parents need to respect her choice and leave her alone
Right ok daughters married,ok burden gone responsibility gone now i can focus on me stupid mindset
what is the world we live in
very sad n disturbing, people needs to be educated child forced marriage not part of their religion but traditions, girls have the God given rights to education and work also they should be old enough to give consent for marriage & chose their own husband, these girls have to be mentally & physically grown up to know the difference and responsibility of marriage entails, its not a joke but serious business.
This is so sad and unfair
Girls belong at school not at the altar
Shame on u. What do u do by a 13/15 year old girl??? What????
Empower your daughter don't enslave her
A girl must sacrifice her innocence for the sake of family honour what about the girls honour
This is so upsetting
And certainly not in his bed
Yes child marriage is caused by poverty but not vice versa. Imperialism, i.e. the 1st world trampling those countries' sovereignty is what causes poverty.
Furthermore, imperialism is not only responsible for poverty but also the rampant sexism of the 3rd world. Going there and deciding that they can't have progressive ideologies, movements and parties because those go hand in hand with progressive economic ideologies that threaten our invested capitals (i.e. colonialism).
Thomas Sankara for instance, who did so much for Burkinabè women also did a lot for Burkina's economy, meaning booting the French capitals/companies out. Result : French assassination of the president and restoration of a sexist backwards pro imperialist regime. The same process should be applied to understand why the middle east once as progressive as the 1st world is today so sexist compared to countries suffering less imperialism. The imperialism of oil is the reason why Libya recently went decades backwards since Gaddafi's murder.
they were before the 1st world showed up, dont be dense
Yes they were, so were we, my point is that we in the 1st world we managed to alleviate the hell of oppression like 14h work days, children in mines, child marriage and the utter oppression of women among many other things. But none of those progressive things could be done by any progressive movements or parties in the 3rd world because unlike our oppression, they had an extra layer of oppression, much heavier, in the form of an entire other nation denying their people sovereignty and control over its resources.
So no, the Iraqi for instance don't have much in terms of progressive movements because Saddam Hussein was put in power _precisely_ to suppress those, so while the 1st world saw many advances in social and economic areas throughout the decades, no such turmoil was tolerated in the 3rd world. This is true especially in the middle east which has oil, the imperialist nations being so dependent on oil can never loosen the noose that strangles Arab people's liberties.
The Afghani are a perfect example of this. When the Russians reluctantly went there at the demand of their newly elected government that faced trouble from the Taliban, there was a booming progressive movement that helped women, that put girls in schools etc. But then came the US with a proxy war and funded the Taliban so much that the Russians had to leave, then you know what the Taliban did... what they are still doing today "despite" the US occupation. If the US were to never set a foot or a dollar in that country, you can bet that the Taliban would eventually be defeated and that the women's rights movement would resume after a while.
So yes I know, they had child marriage long before the UK colonized the place in the early 19th, but that's besides the point because the UK also had it at that time.
Don't be ignorant, it's very dangerous, because the imperialists, height of hypocrisy, are using this "backwardness" that they create and tout "rights of women and gays" as the excuse to further submit countries that were getting out from under their boot. And you do believe their excuses, so you are not only ignorant, but dangerous too.
Why can't kids be kids, let girls be girls,girls not brides,send girls to school not to the altar,
Give girls a book not a life sentence
you guys have no perspective humans recently started living past 30...marrying at 24 would have been fatal for any culture. Cultures are evolved combinations of good practices that were thought to be helped..only time told if they did or not...and marrying in early teen has been the longest tradition...if you can ejaculate you are a man ..... if you bleed you are a woman...there was no concept of preteen, teen, pre Just because in last few hundred some parts of the world has changed their culture don't expect the whole world to become like you get some education and get some perspective before judging others (cultures).
yes that is fact in some cultural there is unspoken rule that you gotta treat your wife like garbage...
...but these girls are marrying old men in many cases. I think that is a large part of the issue.
y do these ppl give birth to soo many children if they cant take care of thm
they should be in control
or if they want to be treated like animals they can be sterelised
His is what comes of ignorance,a lack of education as well as a lack of common sense and people who blindly follow tradition rather then stopping and going hang on this is wrong,no im not going to follow the sheep,im going to protect my daughter from child marriage i say no to child marriage i say no to wrecking my daughters life,her dreams and her childhood
why not lend them money a 0 % interest that's what i get from my bank anyways
not in my country Ghana
Agnes Perry Jodie fybibj he
Agnes Perry
Kousik Tewary yea
Agnes Perry
golu gold
" their fruits you shall know them". Translation: If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck... it's a *&$#!! duck.
Give girls a future,not a living hell
***** why u not showing ur Indian patrioticism here in this column?