How to handle fatigue in pregnancy

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 19 พ.ค. 2024
  • In today's video, we're diving into the world of pregnancy again, focusing on fatigue and sleep changes. If you're feeling more tired than usual or struggling to get a good night's sleep, you are not alone! Many moms experience this during pregnancy. But fear not, because we've got some tips and tricks to help you feel more relaxed, rested, and rejuvenated.
    First things first, let's talk about establishing a bedtime routine. It may sound funny and difficult at first, but with consistency, it is achievable. Creating a calming environment as it gets dark outside can really make a difference. Get cozy in bed wearing something comfortable, try reading a book or watching a movie before bed. You can also practice gentle exercises like yoga or deep breathing to help relax your body and mind.
    Now let's address the major culprit of sleep disruption in pregnancy: frequent urination! It can be so annoying having to get up multiple times during the night just to use the bathroom. We understand how frustrating it can be when you haven't even had enough water intake yet still have to go so frequently. Our advice would be to drink more fluids earlier in the day rather than closer to bedtime.
    Join us in this video as we delve deeper into these topics and provide even more helpful insights for managing fatigue and sleep changes during pregnancy. Don't forget to leave any questions or comments down below!
    #PregnancyTips #SleepChanges

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