key strategy versus space marines will be plasma guns on special weapons squads, that and outranging them with heavy weapons squads with lascannons and supported by commisars, colnel etc... infantry are alright when supported well enough, then tanks to soak damage and deal it later on,
I like to spam Sentinels and decap the map. Run right up to his relic swarm it with 5 Sentinels blast the listening post off it, leave one walker to decap it & scatter the others to the critical locations. If you hot key them to a number you can summon them all to a concentrated attack on a stronger tank or something.
To beat a Space Marine as a Imperial Guard, never forget your basilisks, ogrynns, karskins + guardsmens with plasma guns on 'em. Edit : You can counter space marine tanks by buying rocket launchers, lascannon, just regular sentinel with lascannon, psyker's ability called "Curse of the Machine Spirit" something, really good CC. Don't forget to attach the Priests on Ogrynns and Kasrkins also, they give I think damage boost and have the ability that makes the troop invulnerable for a couple of seconds called "Fanatism", then use the Comissar's ability. Really good buff against the marines. Another Edit : Tip - You know that the Vindicator Assassin has long range, that could help your Kasrkins to fire enemies at longer range, but it's really not the end of the world if you don't use it. But it's a great add you know.
@@admiralmurphy1543 Oh, sorry about that. I meant an entire enemy/player/stronghold something. Plasma guns, really good against the marines armor. Ogrynn, good tank, Artillery... you know the drill.
The main problem with Guard is that they are heavily reliant on abilities and making units that have said abilities. They also *need* many of their upgrades whereas for every other faction upgrades are merely useful but not required unless the opponent is getting too far ahead.
Currently building a guard on the premise of having enough transports toccarry all of my infantry, keep up the great and earily relatable content Shack!
Best unit for imperial guard is the heavy weapons supression team. They're anti-tank and anti-infantry. Default heavy bolter is okay but autocannon kills everything. They're a bit fragile but the stacking firepower typically ends them unless they get some whirlwinds out which the AI rarely does. Edit: the actual name of the squad is Heavy Weapons Support Team. Which is a more advanced version of the tier 1 heavy weapons suppression team.
Completely agree with you, but it's kinda hard to use them when you don't unpack them... around 7:05 Shack just walks an unpacked heavy straight into the Tau field of fire
@@singerman7560 The heavy suppression team is a squad of that guy at 7:05 and they auto-unpack and fire. You can reinforce them with rocket launchers, mortars, autocannons and lascannons.
@@khoid Oh I see what you're saying - you're talking about the units in Tier 2 that he recruited in the episode before this against the Tau. Yeah, he was able to do some pretty good work with them, except that he reinforced too many of them with mortars instead of with the autocannons and lascannons, which I agree are the best upgrades. Of course, the heavy bolters that you can recruit are great, especially with the chimera exploit where you can recruit twice as many of them (not sure if this is still exploitable in the Crucible Mod). Sorry, I though you were talking about his regimental heavies!
The key tactic in Imperial Guard vs Space Marines is to surrender as soon as the 1st Space Marine is deployed. You will soon bog them down with your increasing demands for food and other other "necessities" to accommodate them in a fashion they are accustomed to. Shortly thereafter, you will have any Chapter Master ripping out his last service stud when you complain that the happy faces on their espressos seem "forced" and that it's smile seems fake.
For fighting Space marines best bet is to rush them. Just flood the field with mass infantry and the colonel for melee Also for anti building take melta and missile launchers. Flamers affect moral
So Elysian drop troops are STUPIDLY effective versus vehicles and buildings. A fully equipped squad with Lascutters two tap listening posts and most buildings. Supported by artillery, turrets, and vehicles they allowed me to easily toss the Space Marines around. They have a jump ability which they can use twice in a row and makes quick, decisive attacks possible.
You know, I REALLY hope the programmer of these bots pays attention. Don’t send the same message to the same person on the same video ten seconds apart. Make it more believable, give me SOMETHING. What did I win? Why did I win it? Come on, take some pride in your work. It makes it all the more entertaining when the FBI catches up. (If by some miracle this is actually Cap, I apologize. However I’m sure you can see my apprehension.)
@@ksfirewolf1530 we pay attention but videos on TH-cam are not always seen. We are very receptive to feedback but the place to guarantee our seeing your messages is to join our discord. With Elysians, we are aware and will fix in the next parch probably.
Went and got the Crucible mod after your suggestion (a couple of others had mentioned it in passing). Adoring the fact I somehow managed to Vraks the Tau, just bombarding them out of existence. Adoring this mod, gonna give the Sisters another try in a bit since I’m home sick and got the time.
Careful Captin' - If you give Tau time to dig in they outgun your entire IG regiment, purge them shooty xenox while they small (and nab their bigger dakka moon for ya squishy boyz!). As for opposing SM, you have Infantry command - build those and fill with conscripts. Place tanktraps in front to distract enemy fire. Then place rest behind bunkers. Kasrkin with plasma&stun grenade launchers(disrupt morale), Special weapon teams with sniper and stun grenade launchers. Heavy weapons teams with autocanons(lazcanons when enemy field tanks). And after that fill almost ALL (except Chimera/Taurox for transport) support cap with artillery. Griffons for infantry&buildings(after firebomb upgrade) and Medusa versus vehicles. Basilisk mostly good versus infantry but not enough for other purposes. Unless you build 8+ of them 😆
Also having a tech priest tag along with your forces planting down bolter turrets as they advance, as they detect cloked units as well as offer heavy fire support.
I don't know much about this mod but I do know the game/guardsmen well, and I find this a good strategy that II use and I've modified it to beat space marines without even using vehicles is 3 lines of attack: guardsmen up front with plasma rifles, then second is 2 or 3 heavy gunners 2 on auto cannon and 1 on lasgun and the 3rd line is optional where you have all or most your tech priests moving turrets, landmines and listening posts as a back-up. The way I use this is simple guardsmen attack, heavy gunners set up their line, guardsmen fall back to rebuy troops while the heavy gunners hold the line. Once healed guardsmen charge ahead while heavy gunners heal. Tech priests remain in the back so if the heavy gunners fail for a surprise push you've got a massive defence to fall back on. If the match lasts a few minutes before you've arrived at their base and you're done upgrading your guardsmen then add ogrynns and karskins. You can also add vehicles at any time but I tend to use them for a final push that my foes can't stop.
You need to rush space marines with heavy hitters, they spawn slower. You definitely need to chip away at the space marines otherwise it will become a war of attrition
Been playing a Tau run in this. One thing I found out with the space marines is that their deepstrike abilty from their stronghold allows them to start off with space marines squads and assault squads. Got rushed within 7 minutes. Also they have a huge honor guard in my playthrough, so they began the match with a sizable army.
Well, if, for whatever reason, you really want to play the Soulstorm campaign out of all the DoW I campaigns, then I would argue that the Unification mod is the best choice. Simply because it adds the most new units and many reworked unit models to the game. There are also many other mods for the campaigns. Like the Advanced Campaign Mod, the Improved Campaign Mod or the Updated Campaign Mod.
So best practices for spawning buildings with the SoB ability would be to only bring down 1-3 power generators. They are always placed away from your HQ and due to how generators improve research and production times you should keep some in reserve so you can manually build them next to your HQ.
Let's see. Space Marines are pretty much all about the heavy infantry, so you'll want a lot that counters that. Early game, that's going to be Kronus Pattern Chimeras and Hellhounds along with Heavy Weapon Teams (HWTs) with autocannons, and Special Weapon Teams with plasma. Some Artillery for disruption since grenades aren't going to cut it. (Griffon Mortar tanks are great against infantry, Basilisks are better when vehicles are on the field). Late-game, Karskins and Ogrynns are going to be great for taking care of the marine infantry, as well as Hydra Autocannon tanks, with a mix of the autocannon tank (Exterminator?) and lascannnon tank (Annihilator) backing them up. Plus whatever else fits your doctrine. Vultures for Aerial, more Griffons for artillery, etc. Also, don't forget the Infantry support vehicle from the Industry Command. (I forget what it's called) It has some upgrades that are super powerful. Also, transports have a special ability that allows them to double the size of an infantry squad. Long cooldown but can be insanely powerful.
This isn't specifically for Space Marines, but generators in Crucible will buff the production speed of any buildings they're adjacent to. You might want to consider lining them up against your headquarters for much faster tech instead of having them off to the side
Plasma guns and artillery are your friends. Also try to tie the heavy weapons down with conscripts and other melee stuff because heavy bolters will shred you if you let them.
Start with heavy weapon teams & turrets with mixture of Heavy Bolters for pinning and Missile launchers for knockaround. Dig in until you can tech up to Leman Russ Executioners for their many plasma canons. Plasma canons AOE, blast, and armour pen will make short work of spacemarines. Use Sentinels as fast response in the interim with Plasma Canons for prolonged fights or Lascannons for hit & fade. Destroyer Tank Hunters or a Shadowsword are really useful for quickly getting rid of hero units and vehicles. I also am building a Steel Legion force for TT. Fell in love with them after I saw the "Armageddon Stompa Hunters" formation in the old Apocalypse book. They also just have really good sculpts, albeit limited in variety.
The orcs are busy with the space marines, the space marines are busy with the orcs. But the orbital cannon located in SPEZZ that can obliterate defense points is directly above you. And wiping out the entirety of T'au means you'll be able to jump down, take a point, then slam the orcs before rushing the space marines HQ as best as possible to prevent being grounded down by them. But also the dark eldar could potentially teleport over to you now, plus the t'au, so we'll have to see how that goes.
Definately go for the Tau fortress first. Having that railgun to bring the hammer down on the Orks and Adeptus Astartes prior to you invading would be a huge help.
For space marines I use chimeras and sentinels with the stock weapons. Lots of conscripts and guardsmen in front of the armor to take rocket and stuff. I use the air doctrine for maps I need to be quick air dropping tanks on their heads will keep a fight going. The constant armor dump is costly tho the pads that bring resources is a must. Sooner you get a bainblade out the better there is a bainblade that that has 4 main guns which is cool and fun
The mission had an interesting bug: The moment you've captured the point in the east where the T'au base was, you've gotten 2 points per second. But so did your enemy, too!
Hey Shack if you haven't already you should check out the unification campaign mod it's pretty good all vanilla races get unification additions and there is 3 new races for campaign you can play as inquisition deamon hunt,tyranids or you can swap out the sisters of battle for the witch hunters.
Unfortunately all new strongholds cause crash, so it still a work in (early) progress. Neat part is that after messing with mod files one can play campaign as Death Core of Krieg, so I hope they make that possible in future addon releases.
@@rmcgowa1987 yup took about 40 attempts (and 3 reinstalls of campaign addon mod) to make replacement(incomplete) of IG to Krieg work. Now i can send men of Krieg into the breach. Worth it!
Going on a massive limb because I haven't plyed Soulstorm in ages, but plasmas are your friends against Space Marines; anything that's effective against Heavy Infantry
I find that the most annoying and effective tool that the Guard has against me when I play as Space Marines is their use of artillery to constantly disrupt my formations and demoralize my units and then just sweep in with their pathetic little conscripts - really frustrating when Space Marines are practically gods in comparison
Simply put, artillery is just super-effective in general. I play Crucible in multiplayer sometimes and building a couple Whirlwinds is enough to make whoever I'm playing against tear their hair out.
I fought just know with the Space Marines, as Imperial Guard with this mod. The Map in this Mission is very large, so expand quickliy, otherwise will the marines build up Bases everywhere and answer every attack of yours with their own forces. The worst part is the fact, that you play against two foes at once. That means every Enemy hero will be doubled as well as their abilities and forces. I only mangaged to win, because I rusched one NPC Base with everything i had and distracted the other. One advasie I can give you is, play carful at the beginning save up resources to advance to teck two as sone as possible, for Basilisks and stronger Tanks. I used the Tank Commando Doktrin to make the Tanks cheaper and put all my eggs in that basket. Was Ruf as hell, but I won.
The Tau met the baneblade, but they didn't get to meet his siblings! The tau should be introduced to the entire baneblade family! *Imagines Tau battlesuits suffering critical existence failures from the Doomblade or Fellhammer*
idk about the mod but in vanilla grenade launchers are really good, alot of people think plasma is good against sm and they are but forget about grenade launchers, in pro matches and tournaments it seems like they are preferred
i struggle with sisters with guard ive tried rushing vehicles, Ive tried focusing on infantry but they hard counter me on both mass flamers and mass meltas
Nice looks I miss apocalypse units altho I expended more time with unification because the game was more polished and balanced, UA really has some big unbalanced issues. Btw is crucible more balanced than it's predecesor? I will like to hear your opinions compared to Unification and UA.
As Guard My biggest issue is le Eldar. Otherwise space marines are chumps. Having my points defended by mines, long range turrets, and heavy weapon team. Also, don't feel scared to settle down. Having a strong af defense that physically blocks movement gives you an advantage. As AI have to go through, while you can use air transports. Which BTW, can transport 2 vehicles per air, or 1 baneblade. Which is pog af
Does this mod change overall AI in campaign? Like in vanilla campaign AI doesn't leave their starting planet, AI doesn't eliminate each other (sometimes I saw Dark Eldar destroying Chaos stronghold)... In short AI is waiting for you to destroy them. In Dark Crusade AI played aggressively and they were killing each other and AI was trying to kill you too aka. AI was trying to win a game actually, AI was dynamic. Here in Soulstorm AI is fighting over one random territory for eternity and never moving or doing something to win a game against you.
Orcs is pretty easy since they only have one way to come to attack your base. Initial 10 minutes is brutal but once you are set up you can use basilisks to bombard from afar. Will take a while to win. But with the killy spot you get baneblades and auto win since you can get more than one. Tau is pretty brutal with their doom of their reinforcements coming which you cannot win against. Stealth is a bitch. But the Ethereal is easy to kill at range since he will let you know where he is.
Crucible devs replied on mod's discord that bonus change number of building/units and increase AI honor guard. Also AI itself - i.e. on hard with "Enemy has two bases" you face 1 hard AI and 1 Harder AI players - in both attack and defense missions
Rushing down the tau? What a bold and death defying strategy, surely the astra militarum will be studying this victory for centuries to come. In all seriousness though the space marines are kind of busted in this mod. For one reason or another you have completely lore accurate space marines fighting game balanced other factions and pretty much just dunking on them for the entire game.
My god its like watching a 4 year old play video games... "Lasgun" its a fucking Lascannon. "We need more damage versus buildings" Queues more fucking flamers instead of the meltas... Has the attention span of a hamster. Fuck. Doesn't realize that you can see stealth units if you stand on top of them.
Watching you play this game is painfully. But you’re the only one posting this content and I can’t play the games myself so I’m stuck watching you. I’ve seen your other content which I enjoy, I just think you’re bad at this game.
key strategy versus space marines will be plasma guns on special weapons squads, that and outranging them with heavy weapons squads with lascannons and supported by commisars, colnel etc... infantry are alright when supported well enough, then tanks to soak damage and deal it later on,
I like to spam Sentinels and decap the map. Run right up to his relic swarm it with 5 Sentinels blast the listening post off it, leave one walker to decap it & scatter the others to the critical locations. If you hot key them to a number you can summon them all to a concentrated attack on a stronger tank or something.
My method was spamming basilisks 😅
To beat a Space Marine as a Imperial Guard, never forget your basilisks, ogrynns, karskins + guardsmens with plasma guns on 'em.
Edit : You can counter space marine tanks by buying rocket launchers, lascannon, just regular sentinel with lascannon, psyker's ability called "Curse of the Machine Spirit" something, really good CC.
Don't forget to attach the Priests on Ogrynns and Kasrkins also, they give I think damage boost and have the ability that makes the troop invulnerable for a couple of seconds called "Fanatism", then use the Comissar's ability. Really good buff against the marines.
Another Edit : Tip - You know that the Vindicator Assassin has long range, that could help your Kasrkins to fire enemies at longer range, but it's really not the end of the world if you don't use it. But it's a great add you know.
"A space marine"
@@admiralmurphy1543 Oh, sorry about that. I meant an entire enemy/player/stronghold something. Plasma guns, really good against the marines armor. Ogrynn, good tank, Artillery... you know the drill.
@@ezekielhavoc9659 Yeah, I know. Just being a pain in the arse.
The main problem with Guard is that they are heavily reliant on abilities and making units that have said abilities. They also *need* many of their upgrades whereas for every other faction upgrades are merely useful but not required unless the opponent is getting too far ahead.
how do you counter dark eldar with chaos space marines?
Currently building a guard on the premise of having enough transports toccarry all of my infantry, keep up the great and earily relatable content Shack!
Best unit for imperial guard is the heavy weapons supression team. They're anti-tank and anti-infantry. Default heavy bolter is okay but autocannon kills everything. They're a bit fragile but the stacking firepower typically ends them unless they get some whirlwinds out which the AI rarely does. Edit: the actual name of the squad is Heavy Weapons Support Team. Which is a more advanced version of the tier 1 heavy weapons suppression team.
Completely agree with you, but it's kinda hard to use them when you don't unpack them... around 7:05 Shack just walks an unpacked heavy straight into the Tau field of fire
@@singerman7560 The heavy suppression team is a squad of that guy at 7:05 and they auto-unpack and fire. You can reinforce them with rocket launchers, mortars, autocannons and lascannons.
@@khoid Oh I see what you're saying - you're talking about the units in Tier 2 that he recruited in the episode before this against the Tau. Yeah, he was able to do some pretty good work with them, except that he reinforced too many of them with mortars instead of with the autocannons and lascannons, which I agree are the best upgrades. Of course, the heavy bolters that you can recruit are great, especially with the chimera exploit where you can recruit twice as many of them (not sure if this is still exploitable in the Crucible Mod). Sorry, I though you were talking about his regimental heavies!
The key tactic in Imperial Guard vs Space Marines is to surrender as soon as the 1st Space Marine is deployed. You will soon bog them down with your increasing demands for food and other other "necessities" to accommodate them in a fashion they are accustomed to. Shortly thereafter, you will have any Chapter Master ripping out his last service stud when you complain that the happy faces on their espressos seem "forced" and that it's smile seems fake.
For fighting Space marines best bet is to rush them. Just flood the field with mass infantry and the colonel for melee
Also for anti building take melta and missile launchers.
Flamers affect moral
That’s how I beat that battle rush one of the base kill it. And give myself breathing room
You do know that giving the commander bionics gives him the ability to see "sneaky shenanigans"?
This is always the first battlegear upgrade I do!
@@vanders4198 Yes, indeed.
If possible with evey commander that can.
Amen to that. Sneaky shinneanigans are a pain to deal with
*Targeting Optics
So Elysian drop troops are STUPIDLY effective versus vehicles and buildings. A fully equipped squad with Lascutters two tap listening posts and most buildings. Supported by artillery, turrets, and vehicles they allowed me to easily toss the Space Marines around. They have a jump ability which they can use twice in a row and makes quick, decisive attacks possible.
You know, I REALLY hope the programmer of these bots pays attention. Don’t send the same message to the same person on the same video ten seconds apart. Make it more believable, give me SOMETHING. What did I win? Why did I win it? Come on, take some pride in your work. It makes it all the more entertaining when the FBI catches up. (If by some miracle this is actually Cap, I apologize. However I’m sure you can see my apprehension.)
@@ksfirewolf1530 we pay attention but videos on TH-cam are not always seen. We are very receptive to feedback but the place to guarantee our seeing your messages is to join our discord.
With Elysians, we are aware and will fix in the next parch probably.
@@eskalia2315 oh no you misunderstand. I ADORE Elysians
Take Psykers to attach to squads, that gifts the squad the ability to see invisable units. You can pretty much ignore the Psykers powers
I remember playing on hard as the IG in just vanilla Soulstorm, and man, I fought for every inch of ground through grenade launchers and artillery lol
Went and got the Crucible mod after your suggestion (a couple of others had mentioned it in passing). Adoring the fact I somehow managed to Vraks the Tau, just bombarding them out of existence. Adoring this mod, gonna give the Sisters another try in a bit since I’m home sick and got the time.
Careful Captin' - If you give Tau time to dig in they outgun your entire IG regiment, purge them shooty xenox while they small (and nab their bigger dakka moon for ya squishy boyz!).
As for opposing SM, you have Infantry command - build those and fill with conscripts. Place tanktraps in front to distract enemy fire. Then place rest behind bunkers. Kasrkin with plasma&stun grenade launchers(disrupt morale), Special weapon teams with sniper and stun grenade launchers. Heavy weapons teams with autocanons(lazcanons when enemy field tanks). And after that fill almost ALL (except Chimera/Taurox for transport) support cap with artillery.
Griffons for infantry&buildings(after firebomb upgrade) and Medusa versus vehicles.
Basilisk mostly good versus infantry but not enough for other purposes. Unless you build 8+ of them 😆
I’ve just binged 3 episodes painting a heavy weapon team, love this series!
First of all, I recommend capturing the base of the battle sisters, because they have a very useful skill that facilitates further play.
Also having a tech priest tag along with your forces planting down bolter turrets as they advance, as they detect cloked units as well as offer heavy fire support.
Fighting space marines? Plasma and tanks. Guard armor is best armor, accept no substitutes. Approved by the Uplifting Primer.
I don't know much about this mod but I do know the game/guardsmen well, and I find this a good strategy that II use and I've modified it to beat space marines without even using vehicles is 3 lines of attack:
guardsmen up front with plasma rifles, then second is 2 or 3 heavy gunners 2 on auto cannon and 1 on lasgun and the 3rd line is optional where you have all or most your tech priests moving turrets, landmines and listening posts as a back-up.
The way I use this is simple guardsmen attack, heavy gunners set up their line, guardsmen fall back to rebuy troops while the heavy gunners hold the line. Once healed guardsmen charge ahead while heavy gunners heal. Tech priests remain in the back so if the heavy gunners fail for a surprise push you've got a massive defence to fall back on.
If the match lasts a few minutes before you've arrived at their base and you're done upgrading your guardsmen then add ogrynns and karskins.
You can also add vehicles at any time but I tend to use them for a final push that my foes can't stop.
Dakka solves all the warhammer problems
You need to rush space marines with heavy hitters, they spawn slower. You definitely need to chip away at the space marines otherwise it will become a war of attrition
I generally go for cannon fodder infantry in front and a lot of tanks, although I generally try to seek and destroy their production buildings
Been playing a Tau run in this. One thing I found out with the space marines is that their deepstrike abilty from their stronghold allows them to start off with space marines squads and assault squads. Got rushed within 7 minutes. Also they have a huge honor guard in my playthrough, so they began the match with a sizable army.
Space Marines are intergalactic space hooligans
"space marine are real scary and tough" as I'm reading lore about feudal knight who've killed space marines with primitive steel swords.
whats the story?
@@ryandrost9589 lore not story though I am trying track down if there is one right now.
@@dakotaburnside994 i mean even lore. It just doesnt seem to be a simple google search
@@ryandrost9589 sadly true when it comes to Warhammer.
@@dakotaburnside994 no chance of the link you read it from 10 hours ago?😅
Well, if, for whatever reason, you really want to play the Soulstorm campaign out of all the DoW I campaigns, then I would argue that the Unification mod is the best choice. Simply because it adds the most new units and many reworked unit models to the game.
There are also many other mods for the campaigns. Like the Advanced Campaign Mod, the Improved Campaign Mod or the Updated Campaign Mod.
So best practices for spawning buildings with the SoB ability would be to only bring down 1-3 power generators. They are always placed away from your HQ and due to how generators improve research and production times you should keep some in reserve so you can manually build them next to your HQ.
Let's see. Space Marines are pretty much all about the heavy infantry, so you'll want a lot that counters that. Early game, that's going to be Kronus Pattern Chimeras and Hellhounds along with Heavy Weapon Teams (HWTs) with autocannons, and Special Weapon Teams with plasma. Some Artillery for disruption since grenades aren't going to cut it. (Griffon Mortar tanks are great against infantry, Basilisks are better when vehicles are on the field). Late-game, Karskins and Ogrynns are going to be great for taking care of the marine infantry, as well as Hydra Autocannon tanks, with a mix of the autocannon tank (Exterminator?) and lascannnon tank (Annihilator) backing them up. Plus whatever else fits your doctrine. Vultures for Aerial, more Griffons for artillery, etc.
Also, don't forget the Infantry support vehicle from the Industry Command. (I forget what it's called) It has some upgrades that are super powerful. Also, transports have a special ability that allows them to double the size of an infantry squad. Long cooldown but can be insanely powerful.
This isn't specifically for Space Marines, but generators in Crucible will buff the production speed of any buildings they're adjacent to. You might want to consider lining them up against your headquarters for much faster tech instead of having them off to the side
the engineers must know that their Shackrifice is not in vain.
Whats the best weapons and start to use against the Space Marines?
Those elite infantry are going to be a problem.
plasma and once you unlock it plasma turrets
Yeah plasma and rockets, maybe more of a krieg mentality of siege warfare and just push up using your turrets and control points as anchors
tanks and plasma
Plasma guns and artillery are your friends. Also try to tie the heavy weapons down with conscripts and other melee stuff because heavy bolters will shred you if you let them.
Start with heavy weapon teams & turrets with mixture of Heavy Bolters for pinning and Missile launchers for knockaround. Dig in until you can tech up to Leman Russ Executioners for their many plasma canons. Plasma canons AOE, blast, and armour pen will
make short work of spacemarines. Use Sentinels as fast response in the interim with Plasma Canons for prolonged fights or Lascannons for hit & fade.
Destroyer Tank Hunters or a Shadowsword are really useful for quickly getting rid of hero units and vehicles.
I also am building a Steel Legion force for TT. Fell in love with them after I saw the "Armageddon Stompa
Hunters" formation in the old Apocalypse book. They also just have really good sculpts, albeit limited in variety.
Cadets with power fists seem like a good space marine killing unit.
Psyker unit is your stealth detecter!
Always seemed strange for Imperial guard to be fighting space Marines. Aren't they supposed to be on same side?
How to beat Space Marines?
Heavy Weapon Teams. Lots of em.
The orcs are busy with the space marines, the space marines are busy with the orcs.
But the orbital cannon located in SPEZZ that can obliterate defense points is directly above you. And wiping out the entirety of T'au means you'll be able to jump down, take a point, then slam the orcs before rushing the space marines HQ as best as possible to prevent being grounded down by them.
But also the dark eldar could potentially teleport over to you now, plus the t'au, so we'll have to see how that goes.
Definately go for the Tau fortress first. Having that railgun to bring the hammer down on the Orks and Adeptus Astartes prior to you invading would be a huge help.
Special weapons squads with plasma and ogrens too keep them busy in close combat letting the plasma guns pick them off.
Early game, troopers with launchers supported by heavy gun emplacement. Later Tanks. That's your best bet. N not Chimera, I mean Leman Russ.
For space marines I use chimeras and sentinels with the stock weapons. Lots of conscripts and guardsmen in front of the armor to take rocket and stuff.
I use the air doctrine for maps I need to be quick air dropping tanks on their heads will keep a fight going.
The constant armor dump is costly tho the pads that bring resources is a must.
Sooner you get a bainblade out the better there is a bainblade that that has 4 main guns which is cool and fun
The mission had an interesting bug: The moment you've captured the point in the east where the T'au base was, you've gotten 2 points per second. But so did your enemy, too!
Hit the Space Marines. You can do it.
Hey Shack if you haven't already you should check out the unification campaign mod it's pretty good all vanilla races get unification additions and there is 3 new races for campaign you can play as inquisition deamon hunt,tyranids or you can swap out the sisters of battle for the witch hunters.
Unfortunately all new strongholds cause crash, so it still a work in (early) progress. Neat part is that after messing with mod files one can play campaign as Death Core of Krieg, so I hope they make that possible in future addon releases.
@@Fatueable I wouldn't add any races that aren't supported at the moment you are going to have issues
@@rmcgowa1987 yup took about 40 attempts (and 3 reinstalls of campaign addon mod) to make replacement(incomplete) of IG to Krieg work. Now i can send men of Krieg into the breach. Worth it!
Always take out eldar first but nr, you should take out dark eldar asap just to get an easier time picking planets
plasma guns and lots of em for space marines
Going on a massive limb because I haven't plyed Soulstorm in ages, but plasmas are your friends against Space Marines; anything that's effective against Heavy Infantry
I find that the most annoying and effective tool that the Guard has against me when I play as Space Marines is their use of artillery to constantly disrupt my formations and demoralize my units and then just sweep in with their pathetic little conscripts - really frustrating when Space Marines are practically gods in comparison
Simply put, artillery is just super-effective in general. I play Crucible in multiplayer sometimes and building a couple Whirlwinds is enough to make whoever I'm playing against tear their hair out.
I fought just know with the Space Marines, as Imperial Guard with this mod. The Map in this Mission is very large, so expand quickliy, otherwise will the marines build up Bases everywhere and answer every attack of yours with their own forces. The worst part is the fact, that you play against two foes at once. That means every Enemy hero will be doubled as well as their abilities and forces. I only mangaged to win, because I rusched one NPC Base with everything i had and distracted the other. One advasie I can give you is, play carful at the beginning save up resources to advance to teck two as sone as possible, for Basilisks and stronger Tanks. I used the Tank Commando Doktrin to make the Tanks cheaper and put all my eggs in that basket. Was Ruf as hell, but I won.
If you're sending scouts out you should really watch your minimap so you can see when they find things. :P
The Tau met the baneblade, but they didn't get to meet his siblings! The tau should be introduced to the entire baneblade family!
*Imagines Tau battlesuits suffering critical existence failures from the Doomblade or Fellhammer*
Either variant still gets pulped by railguns or missile pods
@@calebbarnhouse496 On tabletop, sure. But in DoW, its much more balanced thankfully.
@@michaelfriede7693 I'm talking lore wise
@@calebbarnhouse496 ah, yea. Railguns and missile pods definitely break tanks.
idk about the mod but in vanilla grenade launchers are really good, alot of people think plasma is good against sm and they are but forget about grenade launchers, in pro matches and tournaments it seems like they are preferred
Against SM is heavy weapons squads are good they have long range and good damage.
Have they updated the campaign where the buildings on the provinces u conquer actually don't reset?
Legitimately just finished the last video
Space Marines vs guard? Plasma weapons and artillery until you can spam heavy armor
My strategy against space marines is very simple…..
Artillery…… en masse
Is Crucible mod part of Unification mod?
the space marine is havey armor so focus more on plasma guns or things are good against
Heavy. Weapon. Teams.
Hey Shack can you make a video on how to download/install UA and do you have ro have To "Buy" Dawn of War to install UA???
build up your defenses on that map and farm defenses. That way, it is easy to get the wargear. faction HQs don't get harder over time so don't worry.
I've tried downloading the patch 2.07 3x and it keeps saying its a trojan virus.
i struggle with sisters with guard ive tried rushing vehicles, Ive tried focusing on infantry but they hard counter me on both mass flamers and mass meltas
Nice looks I miss apocalypse units altho I expended more time with unification because the game was more polished and balanced, UA really has some big unbalanced issues. Btw is crucible more balanced than it's predecesor? I will like to hear your opinions compared to Unification and UA.
As Guard
My biggest issue is le Eldar.
Otherwise space marines are chumps.
Having my points defended by mines, long range turrets, and heavy weapon team.
Also, don't feel scared to settle down.
Having a strong af defense that physically blocks movement gives you an advantage.
As AI have to go through, while you can use air transports.
Which BTW, can transport 2 vehicles per air, or 1 baneblade.
Which is pog af
chimera reinforce boost guardsmen squad = win
When more EaW ? (Also first)
Coming soon :D
@@CaptainShack Wooo lets goo!
What does the crucible to campaign so much better? i installed latest unification mod then wnted to play campaign und then i found this video^^
Go for the Tau for ultimate artillery!
Can you play the campaign as other SM factions, and not the blood ravens?
Better than Unification or Titanium for the Campaign?
How come you don't have the fog when you zoom out?
Does the Crucible mod have persistent bases ?
Does this mod change overall AI in campaign? Like in vanilla campaign AI doesn't leave their starting planet, AI doesn't eliminate each other (sometimes I saw Dark Eldar destroying Chaos stronghold)... In short AI is waiting for you to destroy them. In Dark Crusade AI played aggressively and they were killing each other and AI was trying to kill you too aka. AI was trying to win a game actually, AI was dynamic. Here in Soulstorm AI is fighting over one random territory for eternity and never moving or doing something to win a game against you.
We are starting to do work on the Campaign AI. It is still early days but we have someone dedicated to AI now which is a huge bonus.
I want you to do a tau campaign in this mod
how do you manage to zoom out like that
Hey what do you need to download this mod?
Still waiting for fotr. IF it’s still a thing.
Crush the Tau then the Orks!
Orcs is pretty easy since they only have one way to come to attack your base. Initial 10 minutes is brutal but once you are set up you can use basilisks to bombard from afar. Will take a while to win. But with the killy spot you get baneblades and auto win since you can get more than one.
Tau is pretty brutal with their doom of their reinforcements coming which you cannot win against. Stealth is a bitch. But the Ethereal is easy to kill at range since he will let you know where he is.
I do rockets and grenade launchers. can take all the time in the world that way. space marines can't fire if they getting bounced all over the map
Plasma, lots of plasma guns.
How do I download the crucible mod
Does it change stupid AI bonuses for health depending on a difficulty level?
Crucible devs replied on mod's discord that bonus change number of building/units and increase AI honor guard. Also AI itself - i.e. on hard with "Enemy has two bases" you face 1 hard AI and 1 Harder AI players - in both attack and defense missions
We got rid of that as far as I remember (I don't work on campaign). Eskalia23
Fall of the republic 1.3
how can i install this mod?
Rushing down the tau? What a bold and death defying strategy, surely the astra militarum will be studying this victory for centuries to come.
In all seriousness though the space marines are kind of busted in this mod. For one reason or another you have completely lore accurate space marines fighting game balanced other factions and pretty much just dunking on them for the entire game.
Should have locked down a Relic
The guard needs more firepower get the other moon anyone want on or off that planet you have a say in it
Does anyone know of smaller mods that change just a little bit? I'm tired of every mod just being copy and pastes of each other.
the bug in the scripted missions is a wee bit annoying but not critically so
lockdowwn points then spam turets
For the Empror!!!!!!!
Heavy seige
Pls upload Dawn of War content more often :)
Love it ❤️
I don't really see any difference between this and Ultimate Apocalypse from this video, the Imperial Guard units all look the same
The thumbnail look like a Ukraine soldier with the javelin ! xD
My god its like watching a 4 year old play video games... "Lasgun" its a fucking Lascannon. "We need more damage versus buildings" Queues more fucking flamers instead of the meltas... Has the attention span of a hamster. Fuck. Doesn't realize that you can see stealth units if you stand on top of them.
Watching you play this game is painfully. But you’re the only one posting this content and I can’t play the games myself so I’m stuck watching you. I’ve seen your other content which I enjoy, I just think you’re bad at this game.