1:03 Basically, if you've been mewing without your retainer for a while and you feel like the teeth have expanded, then congrats you're teeth have positive feedback and you don't need your retainer. But if you feel like they've relapsed a bit, you have my condolences you have negative feedback. But are you willing to lose your straight teeth for a better developed face?
I got rid of my retainer and have been mewing for about a year. While my teeth are not perfectly straight as they were when my braces come off, my bite actually fits together a lot better now. The retainers were actually holding my teeth in an unnatural, and uncomfortable position despite the fact that they were superficially aligned straighter.
Dcn - that's basically what i've gone through too. I think future mewing will determine things, but i am glad i had it removed.. i also had teeth extracted but that seemed to work for me, since i was forced into positioning my tongur upwards because of the wire on that bottom retainer. I've had it gone for 5 years and my teeth are doing well, no spaces especially with correct swallowing and breathing lately..
If I have an Invisalign retainer that I usually wear all the time, do I have to not wear the retainer anymore in order to do mewing? Or can I just do mewing while wearing my Invisalign retainer?
@@angela_somanythings5670 Could you please specify which teeth were extracted?? Did you also remove bottom teeth retainers (which means you are wearing no retainers now)?? Please reply _Sorry for my user name, please ignore._
I'm 17 and it's been 5 months without a retainer and I've had 0 relapse. I've been practicing tongue posture for 6 months now and I started when I had braces on. My face looks much more full as if my skull has expanded. My breathing has improved as well. The only difference between my teeth now and my teeth 5 months ago is that they used to appear straight up and down | and now they are slightly looking more like >. I feel like I have more room in my mouth and it's much easier to talk, chew, and breath than it was 5 months ago. There's also been a significant difference in my facial appearance as well EDIT: I have had relapse but I don't regret it. I ended up getting arch expansion therapy and FastBraces. I replied to this comment with an update. See it in the replies below.
Hugh Kendall The best way to train the posterior third of your tongue to stay on the roof of your mouth from my experience is to strength your chewing muscles. I used to not be able to keep my mouth shut during sleep but overtime after chewing hard gum diligently I never wake up with an open mouth anymore. I can send you before and after mewing pics through FB and it's a major difference in my facial appearance
A long-term night retainer is the second most harmful thing I was ever advised to do orthodontically (first was removing 4 healthy teeth). Every night the retainer pushed teeth to where the dentist thought they should be; every day my teeth and soft tissues fought back, trying to create some kind of occlusion and mouth fit. Every 24 hours, back and forth, for years. Never comfortable at any point. The retainer also forced open-mouth breathing at night, gradually worsening everything - except for the alignment of the upper arch, which was isolated from, and in conflict with, all other working parts. Eventually the facial pain and dysfunction caused by this became extreme and intolerable. We need to be very careful about getting retention right. If an orthodontic result is *so unsustainable* that it needs to be held there by force long-term, then it's really not a good result for that patient, is it?!
This is what I’m experiencing right now!! I’ve been wearing a hawley night retainer for the last 20 years and recently got a new one that is super tight. During the day my teeth are in a different position and at night it’s pulled back a little. The inner part is so far down that I can’t mew at all. Not sure what to do about this retainer.
Currently I’m 15. I had braces for 2 and a half years and I’ve worn my retainer for 7 months so far. Recently I have figured out the correct tongue posture and have been exhibiting it during the day and wearing a retainer at night for about 2 weeks so far. I’ve decided to stop wearing retainer and go full mewing. My concern is that my teeth may revert back to their pre-braces state in which i had a tooth gap in my front 2 top teeth and that would be noticeable enough for my parents to notice I’ve stopped wearing my retainer. I will try to update you guys on my experience in the future. 1 month update: my teeth have had little to no relapse and no tooth gaps. My jawline has gotten noticeably better and when I flex my jaw muscles I can see small dimples/hollow cheeks(can’t tell which one it is). Please note I also train my jaw muscles. 2 month update: my jawline has still gotten more defined and my chin has noticeably moved forward. Also my cheekbones are beginning to really poke out. As for my teeth, my upper’s are still almost entirely straight and my lowers a little less straight. Before I decided to take my retainer off, I assumed that I wasn’t seeing my orthodontist anymore. But I had a visit like a week ago, and they could tell I hadn’t been wearing my retainer because the bottom part of my retainer did not fit all the way on. It was a bit tight on my top teeth but they still fit. Fast forward a week, I have been wearing my retainer most of the day by their instructions, and my teeth now more or less fit the retainer fully. I am not a 100% sure on this, but my theory is that since the tongue would physically prevent the top teeth from becoming more narrow, they stay the same or expand. But until the mandible fully moves up and forward, your lower teeth will to an extent be crowded, because as Mike said in one of his other vids “you only have so much face”. I have to see them again in 3 weeks, but after that I plan on only wearing the bottom retainers when I sleep until my mandible is fully/mostly up and forward. 4 month edit: I decided to not wear retainers again because it’s hard to mew when I do it. There is a very small tooth gap between my front teeth but I think it might be because my mouth hangs a bit open when I sleep. I am using mouth tape for sleeping now and I actually highly recommend it, so we’ll see what happens with the whole tooth gap thing. My mandible has definitely moved more and I can feel the more of my ramus bone now. I also noticed the other day when looking at my reflections that I’m starting to get hollow cheeks(without flexing) and they are definitely visible when I flex with ideal lighting. 6 month edit: My face is still getting more forward growth and I’m almost at the point where my chin is as forward as my lips. I’ve noticed that majority of the time when I look at my reflection I can see faint hollow cheeks and I can always see them when I flex my chewing muscles now. I would highly recommend from my experience that you get mouth tape. This allows your mouth to stay closed when you sleep which is important because unless you’re a mewer from the start your face will be too long for you lips to stay completely shut when your asleep. I also credit this with preventing my tooth gap as that faint black line in between my teeth in the beginning has essentially completely disappeared. You can get mouth tape at your local pharmacy. I also forgot to mention that using mouth tape will allow you to properly mew at night time which furthers your results. 9 month update: So last weekend I just had my dentist visit and I was contemplating whether to put my retainers back in for a week so that my teeth would be perfectly straight just in case the dentist realized I wasn’t using my retainer and alerted my parents. Long story short I decided not to use them at all because that would slow down my mewing results and would interfere with habits somewhat. It would also be annoying because I would have to wear them pretty much all day and deal with tooth ache pain as my teeth made the slight readjustment. Note that this was my first time seeing the dentist without wearing my retainer for several months. Turns out they didn’t even notice. The person doing my teeth asked if I was still using my retainer and I told her yes. She then took a look and said “yeah I can tell”. When the actual doctor went to check me out at the end he looked several times at my bite and smile and concluded that everything looked good. I can not stress enough the importance of mouth tape at night. I’m still seeing results as there is still much room for improvement before I have a jawline and facial structure like that of someone who has been mewing their whole life. Based on my results so far it seems it will take another year or so to get me to that top level. I have noticed that I look much better in pictures than I used to and I am no longer embarrassed whenever I see a picture of me at unflattering angles. I have also noticed that any time I try to remind myself for proper tongue posture I realize that I have been doing it and having the proper posture comes so naturally now. I don’t know if I said this earlier but for proper tongue posture you don’t want to continually push your tongue up but rather it should be held by a vacuum. To do this you should repeatedly swallow your saliva and you’ll find that your tongue is pretty much glued to the palate. I have also noticed that this isn’t necessary sometimes and the tongue just sticks there on its own. Keep pushing guys! 11 month update: I’m sill continuing to see change and find myself closing the gap to ideal facial form. I’ve just today come to the realization that chapstick actually hinders lip seal. If you think about chapstick makes your lips moisturized which is the job of the lip seal. In the absence of chapstick you tell whether your lips are in a proper seal based on whether they are dry or not but chapstick prevents this from happening. The also reduce the friction on your lips making it harder to lip seal. I decided not to use chapstick at all today and I’ve noticed significant improvements in lips chaps when sealed and it’s easier to lip seal(it also looks more attractive). 17 month update: I’m still seeing great results and I’ve gotten several compliments on my looks from both friends and strangers. I still don’t think I’ve fully maxed out the mewing gains but the results are promising. Stay the course guys and you will achieve great results with time. I’m still using mouth tape and still no pillow both of which have been great. Also for the chapstick! If you find your lips getting too chapped, it’s ok to use it as long as you only put it on the outer edges of your lips. You don’t want to put it where your lips touch because that will make lip seal worse.
I used to have an underbite (I wore braces when I was 17-20), when I was a teenager it turned out that I had an incorrect swallowing habit. I was constantly pushing my jaw forward with my tongue. The thing is, my orthodontist said that I swallowed like that because of my underbite, not the other way round. Now that I think about it, it didn't make much sense since no one in my family has underbite, so I couldn't have just inherited it. I found out about Dr Mew's theories very recently, and first thing I thought was "damn, did I mess up my chance at mewing by wearing braces?" xD I was very glad to have found this video, among others. I'm wearing permanent retainers, so I should still be able to get some effects with these. It's pretty hard for me right now, my palate is a bit too narrow for my tongue to fit in, but I'm going to do my best. Everybody, stay determined! :)
Kathy Laurel I had an underbite as well and got braces, which are now off. Do you have both top and bottom permanent retainers?? Also curious, did your ortho ever set you up with an expanded to correct the underbite? I had that as well, before braces
Caroline Saab yes, I do have both top and bottom retainers, but I didn't have anything to work on the expansion of my palate before I wore braces. My orthodontist simply removed two of my bottom teeth and closed the gap with braces, I think it's a common practice while dealing with under or overbite.
Kathy Laurel yeah I also had one tooth removed before braces. Since it’s been two months, how are your results so far? Have you noticed and differences with your teeth, jaw, or otherwise? My permanent retainer is only on the bottom front four sadly, coupled with the Invisalign style
Caroline Saab I'm afraid there's a long road ahead of me, I'm over 25 years old and dr Mew did say that the changes slow down significantly after this time :/ so no, so far there are no visible results. And I'm still working on making mewing a habit, I keep forgetting myself :P it's not easy. What really surprised me was the fact that it's harder for me to remember to keep the teeth together than to keep the tongue on the palate. I do forget both at times, but for some reason keeping the teeth together is harder for me. But hey, sometimes I even wake up in the morning with my tongue on the roof of the mouth, so if I'm doing it in my sleep then at least something's sinking in :P I'm aware that the changes in the facial structure might come after a really long time (if at all), but I'm doing it mainly to prevent the relapse. I guess it's always better to have a good posture than a bad one :P
@@winterfoxx6363 are you going to remove the bottom fixed retainer? i got it behind my teeth at the bottom. I don't know which one is worser the upper or bottom
I’ve been mewing for almost 8 months and had little to no progress, I just came across the thought that my retainers may be inhibiting my mewing progress and apparently many others too. Glad this vids out there!
I have been mewing for 1 year with retainers and I'm 29. Great results, a lot of forward growth. My face has also gotten a bit wider, but I feel like retainers hold back even more developement, especially overall face width
@-_Confessor-_ Because mewing and chewing gum every day has developed my maseter muscles and mandible. But my maxilla and cheek bones could be wider if I had no fixed retainer. My orthodontist told me retainers keep the face slimmer in the long run because the teeth stay in line
after looking into orthotropics ive really been inspired to fix my face + neck posture. i had braces between the ages of 12-16, and wore my retainer for two years up until this point, where ive decided to quit. after braces i began to suffer horrible tmj issues, increasingly bad neck posture (forward head) and i realize now that i was a slight mouthbreather when i wasnt paying attention. now i finally looked in the mirror and realized i have facial downswing, with a really weak jaw and no jaw definition on the sides, but i couldnt tell as i had been compensating with my forward head and tilting my head upwards. i know it will be hard and the results won't be so dramatic as i'm eighteen now and the growth will therefore be much slower, but im determined to fix these issues to the best of my ability so that i can have more confidence, and reap the health benefits. i'm so glad i found this channel before my problems get too severe that i may require surgery. thank you dr mew for sharing your research and making it available to the wider public.
Dear Dr. Mew(s)! My mouth had a slight overbite, large front teeth, a small pallet, (from childhood night mouth breathing?) and a large tongue when they pulled my 4 "wisdom teeth" and my upper k9's before giving me braces when i was 13 years old. I was also given head gear which i only wore a dozen times, and had horrible pain with rubberband fittings every time. After getting my braces off, when I was 16, i had a permanent bottom retainer put in and was given a removable top retainer to wear most of the time. I didn't wear it much but once every other week for "testing" until I went to college and ditched it entirely at 18. My tongue always had issues being too large, but the general look of my teeth was pretty straight yet always aligned slightly off. Luckily, i think because my tongue was so big (and perhaps because of a time i dream-induced choking on my tongue when i had a cold with terrible nasal congestion), i have not been a night mouth-breather since childhood. I also had my upper retainer Removed before having my son, and then my tongue finally had space not to get cut on the top. My opinion was that it wasn't helping and that i could have removed it earlier, but I am not sure. I have not had any problems with alignment since it was removed. I always have to use effort to keep my tongue from getting bit on the sides of my mouth, and this forced me to (over-time!!)discover the Tongue-on-roof swallowing technique, and realize that it was better than the tongue on bottom teeth breathing. Now i have discovered this channel, and Orthotropics and have been practicing the exact techniques and watching vids, and am already feeling a difference in mouth and jaw. Thanks for all the wonderful important information, I will teach my 5 year old son, and his father is already practicing too!! Thank you both!!
If you look closely, you could see that Mike Mew breathes through his mouth every time he talks. He also swallows and breaths so loudly... I don't get that.
It's ironic in that mouth breathing is a clear sign and causation of poor nasal passage due to bad jaw position. Yet due to him doing all his exercises his jaws are still mint LOL
Dr. Mew, you don't seem to be providing any clear or definitive answers when it comes to this question... People are simply asking you, will wearing retainers hinder the process of mewing? And if so, should one stop wearing retainers all together even if it means possible relapse and teeth going back to their original crowded position? I myself had braces for 3 years after having very crowded teeth and an overbite, after I was done with braces, I would wear my retainers all of the time except for when I went out or would eat something. Now, would it be fine for me to only wear my retainers at night since I can't really control my tongue to be at the roof of my mouth while I am asleep? I do want to continue mewing for its benefits, but if that means my teeth will go back to being crowded due to not wearing retainers anymore, I do not know what to do in this case. Do you suggest wearing retainers only at night in order to keep my teeth straight or will this give the "stake in the ground effect" where it will loosen my teeth or something along those lines? Please, I would greatly appreciate a response if you are not busy, or from anyone for that matter, thank you.
Michael zhelev He answers exactly what you are asking in this video, look at it again, he is not gonna tell you what to do, but he is giving you the options, but again and this is my personal opinion you shouldn´t mew and wear retainers at the same time, Watch since 2:50 to know why.
I'm a bit late, but what he's saying is you can try wearing your retainers less (say at the weekend nights only) but during weekdays really do well on oral posture. Over a bit of time you will feel discomfort from the retainer particularly at the back teeth, as in you will feel the retainer pushing your back teeth inwards. (if your oral posture is correct). This way you can test if you are doing it correctly. Now you can wear them less and less and eventually stop completely. Then you should be able to start progress.
@@cookster69 no he clearly says you shouldn't put them only on weekends at it's making the teeth jiggling which is clearly the worst move possible as you're damaging your teth and not expending anything.
@@mauricepat8650 you are right, that's why he says we have to ask our dentist to put a fixed retension (wire) on the upper teeth. This way mewing exercises will work and the teeth will stay in their position.
It’s been a few months without me wearing my retainers and the results are great actually! first of all my jaw pain stopped without my retainers and my face has gotten shorter/ mewing has worked!!
This is such a hard situation to be in. You either stop wearing retainers and start mewing where there is a chance of relapse, gaps between the teeth etc and spending money to restart the whole orthodontic process all over again. Or you start mewing and turn into a gigachad. I think the best solution, which is not easy for most, is to actually get an appointment with Mike Mew and let him figure out a solution because every person's teeth is different.
Yeah exact situation I am in. I have no idea what to do. Currently have fixed retainers behind bottom 4 or 6. I also have essex top and bottom I sleep with 3-4 times a week. I am gonna try to drop the essex retainers and see what happens but I am not sure its a waste of time or not. But yeah it is a annoying position to be in
If one is trying to expand the maxilla, I would think a fixed retainer bridging the maxilla suture line (behind top four teeth) would inhibit expansion. Would love a response from Mike.
Exactly, that's exactly what i've been wondering too. Now luckily, expansion is still possible since i've seemingly successfully expanded my palate overtime even with retainers, but i believe that results could come quicker without them.
@@Dylan-lq4xv Hello Dylan. I believe you need to remove all fixed appliance if you not only want expansion, but to allow your body to heal holistically, and your face to grow in the directions intended in your genetic blueprint.....wide and forward instead of narrow and long. Can you find an orthodontist who does ALF treatment in your area that is ALSO a part of the ALF study work groups? First, watch these videos about alf: th-cam.com/users/results?search_query=ljuba+alf, then visit this website to find a person who is going through ONGOING education by meeting with other professionals in the ALF study groups: alf.directory. Also, the following is a great place to learn more about ALF: alftherapy.com. and finally, here is a great blog post: impressionsofaholobiont.com/2018/09/07/do-you-carry-your-backpack-on-your-head-lifestyle-determines-the-shape-of-our-face-how-beautiful-and-healthy-we-are/. Best wishes for your health.
@@felicianocapicia I’m late and I’m going to research what you’re talking about but can you give a quick summary btw I am 15 which has nothing to do with the topic but it will probably be good to know.
My orthodontist had me on retainers and now my molars don't touch at rest when I align my incisors. Forcing me to have an underbite when I chew and when I talk if I do it unconsciously. I hate the type of retainers I got lol :( I used to have a beautiful jawline and my face was very defined. I had a long journey with braces and retainers for like 7 years. I new there was a very big problem when I started noticing developing nasolabial folds at the young age of 17 or 18??!!! I was so sad omg lol. Thank god I chewed them so much they broke ☺️👍
We are on the same boat :( If you wore your retainers for atleast a year i suggest you to ditch them and start doing hardcore mewing I too had a great jawline before but orthodontist fucked up my life extracting 4 pre molars thus receding my jaw
@@shawshank_1317 same unfortunate situation got my premolars and wisdom teeth extracted. Had hollow cheeks before the treatment and now I've ended up with loose skin and a concaved mouth
Guys, i have the same situation. My premolar was removed in high school more that 10 years ago... I developed really bad jaw condition. Has the mewing helped for you?
I’m glad I took the risk. Had crooked teeth, underbite, and gap on my teeth before braces. My upper teeth don’t even show when I talk. Even with braces my smile didn’t look right. After 4 yrs of braces I had retainers. THENNN I happened to know about mewing. I completely gave up on my upper retainers. Best decision I’ve ever made. In 3 weeks after removing my retainers for good I had a gap on my teeth which was the original position of my teeth. But slowly the gap on my front teeth closed and my maxilla expanded. My teeth are perfectly aligned even without retainers. My upper teeth are visible and I can smile confidently now. It’s been 5 months and I still have perfectly aligned teeth. Even better than what I looked like after braces and with retainers.
I'm mewing with braces rn idk what's ahead but screw it. Into my 2nd week rn and noticed my cheekbones have gotten slightly different, not sure if they're getting prominent or flat I just wish I knew about all of this sooner. At least I had no extractions I guess
Definitely feel more space on the roof of my mouth, I'm probably used to it now. But facial changes atm not too different I'll update in like 6 months when there is more time put into this lol
@@benyjl9180 definitely getting hollow cheeks I can see them under certain lighting but they're not super noticeable. But I definitely lost my Babyface I'll update more and maybe do a vid once results are actually more noticeable
4 years without retainers (always too lazy to wear them anyway), no relapse whatsoever. sure they don't fit anymore, but it's because my teeth become even straighter, my dental arch wider, and my bite fit even better. but the time between me starting braces and quitting retainers is about 10-11 years so i guess that's a factor too
How old were you when you had braces? Im thinking about quitting my retainer now after a year. Ever since i started having correct tongue posture i breath better, have a better bite etc and the retainers hurt even more at night and in the Morning my bite sucks and posture is shite again
The musculoskeletal system is mapped out on the majority of the brain! Our *awareness* plus *knowledge* like that which you give us equals *results* WITHOUT unforeseen problems that accompany an appliance
I had braces from 15-17 and had been wearing retainer at night for the past 5 years. Recently I started mewing and haven't worn my retainer for about 4-6 weeks now. When I tried my retainer on again the top felt some pressure so that indicate my teeth had shifted (the bottom remain the same). I feel it too during the day like my right side of the face got weaker especially when I try to bite. I wish there's an orthodontist familiar with mewing who can help me out cause now idk if i should continue not wearing my retainer or put it on again :/ Edit 1--Update 1: 2 months later. I decided to not put my retainers back on. My overbite did not come back even though I have sleep apnea and probably opened my mouth during sleep. But during the day I keep my mouth close. The only mewing method I'm able to practice so far is tounge position and this is actually going great for me. My teeth still nice and I feel "normal" like this is where they're supposed to be :)
@@farewelltome. yes. I stopped it and the mewing helped a lot. It's been officially a month now without retainer. My teeth still straight as I use my retainer.
Ayres I’m pretty sure retainers don’t straighten your teeth they just keep them in place after braces. But mewing will do your retainers job by exerting force which will prevent the teeth from going back to their prior position. Now mewing can also straighten teeth since your dental arch will expand and your teeth will have to move. But I would suggest going to a specialist if you have very crooked teeth. But things such as overbite could be fixed with mewing.
@@ayres6727 the lower teeth should be fine as long as no force is exerted on it. The bottom jaw will also develop according to the pull of the maxilla so as long as your tongue is not pushing on your bottom teeth and as long as there is no other force narrowing your bottom teeth they should theoretically be fine. You prevent that detrimental force by practicing good tongue posture and appropriate swallowing. :)
I have been practicing mewing but have also been wearing retainers, I will say I noticed a little difference in my left check bone while mewing with retainers, but I wouldn’t be surprised if the retainers are actually holding me back from getting full results from mewing. I am scared of my teeth going back to how they were if I don’t use my retainers (I had pretty bad teeth before). I also only live once though, and I will look back and regret and wonder “what if” I had stopped wearing my retainers and gave mewing my all? As of today I am going to stop wearing retainers and only mew and other practices for my face (mount tape when sleeping, chewing, chin tucks, etc). I will update every month. Please reply to this comment after a month has passed in case I forget to update. *Update After 1 Month* - So it has been 1 month since I have stopped wearing my retainers. My teeth are still pretty straight, 1 tooth has shifted a little but nothing crazy, teeth still look fine. In terms of my overall facial structure, not a crazy difference, yesterday though I did notice that my face might be getting leaner and my jaw muscles are getting bigger. I also am eating a lot better, eating fruit and food that I have to chew more. I think chin tucks help a lot though, I have been a bit inconsistent with the chin tucks but after this update I will get back to doing them. So overall for this update of Month 1, not a crazy difference, but am starting to notice jaw line getting a bit more defined, jaw muscles getting bigger, and overall facial structure seems to look a bit better than before, but again, not a big difference. Oh and also, I haven’t actually been actively mewing. I noticed during this month that if your neck posture sucks, mewing will be too hard to do consistently. So what I’ve actually been focusing on at the moment is practicing proper neck posture and chin tucks help a lot with this. So I haven’t actually been mewing for the past few weeks, BUT, I definitely will, but I feel it is very hard if your neck posture is not good. *Update 2, 3 months in* - So after 3 months of not wearing my retainers, I can say that my jawline has gotten better. Now what I will say is it’s not from mewing, but from having correct neck posture. Guys practice chin tucks the way they teach here, they definitely help. I will say a pillow cube helps as well, you can look them Up online, but I sleep with a pillow cube not a normal pillow and it helps for me to sleep with correct neck posture. The way I see it, if your neck posture sucks, forget about getting results mewing. Neck posture is good, my jawline definitely is more visible. In terms of my overall face, it honestly stills looks the same, but my jawline is definitely more visible. Now for my teeth, my teeth have definitely shifted, but nothing crazy, still looks pretty much the same, the only con is that I know have my wisdom teeth coming in, so with those coming in, it can shift my teeth around even more. I’m looking for those to get removed soon. So overall for update 3, jawline more defined/more visible, teeth haven’t really shifted, mewing I haven’t been really trying to do, but as I improve my neck posture I believe correct tongue posture will be much easier and I will naturally do it in my Sleep.
Thank you so much for these phenomenal videos! I am an opera singer and have had orthodontic treatment that succesfully corected a posterior unilateral crosbite in my mid twenties. No extractions, my maxila was widened but it had also been reduced in sagital length - positioning my jaw a touch further back and changing it’s opening axis. I’ve had both fixed and essix retainers and decided to stop wearing the essix retainers after 2 years of night wear a few days ago, after researching potential causes for tmj hypermobility and excessive masseter/ pterigoid /temporalis tension, and coming across your video. I’ve also seen a dentist yesterday to repair a fractured cusp, and he mentioned that the bite, at least on the crossbite side was very uneven in terms of where the pressure was applied (probably because of the asimetric left to right toothewear from the unilateral crosbite??!?) Do you think that not adjusting the bite/ cusp heights post orthodontic treatment could give me further tmj problems in the long run or worse, encourage relapse due to where the pressure is applied on the molars? I am a bit worried particularly because, as i’ve learned:-)))) due to the nature of my profession these ‘minor’ changes could have a profound impact/ unintended consequences . What do you think?
Could one possibly just cut out the top & bottom front pieces of their Essix (Invisiglign-like) retainer & just use those pieces as the nightly retainer & proceed with mewing to further widen arches?
I've had extensive orthodontic treatment (extractions, multiple sets of braces, contraptions, etc.) all of my childhood through early adulthood which attempted to correct my open bite. It all resulted in a double jaw surgery nearly 10 years ago. I am now a firm believer in alternative health and avoiding any surgery, as the body can heal itself. I still diligently wear my invisaligne retainers nightly as I worry about my bite or teeth shifting after going through so many years of treatment. I do think my tongue position corrected itself as a result of the surgery. My upper jaw was moved up and forward and a bilateral sagittal split on the lower jaw. I have screws and plates in my face. While my tongue position/swallowing is better, I wonder if it could be improved and I worry it might still be weak. I'm willing to start paying close attention to my tongue and swallowing and work on strengthening. Could any benefit be gained from this, even though I have undergone surgery? Can my upper arch still change and how so? Will it be misaligned with my lower jaw or will the lower adjust itself properly? I'm just wondering if any of this is advisable if one has already had corrective jaw surgery. Optimally I probably shouldn't have had such a surgery but we were unaware of the alternatives. I am always looking for more improvement but I wouldn't want to do anything that could negatively affect things or waste time reenforcing technique. Thanks for any input.
I think at this point you've gotten the maximum gain you can get since you had the surgery. that being said, Dr. Mew talks about high chance of relapse in patients so you should definitely continue mewing and keeping good diet and posture. good luck bro
sweetsweettart - all ‘mewing’ is is the correct tongue posture. It’s only good for you. Just don’t push too hard with your tongue (‘hard mewing’) which seems to shift things more drastically. Your tongue should rest on the roof of your mouth.
Orthodontics is the pseudoscience. Just reading their ‘research papers’ you can clearly deduce that they act more like a religion than a scientific community. They neglect using falsifiability which is an essential tool in all of science. Orthotropics is the correct science that is not that publicly known unfortunately.
Okay I’ve stopped my retainers for a few days and wow my teeth have moved into a comfortable position and now just my back teeth touch when I bite down!! Before it was really uncomfortable. Mewing is helping it and my retainers already don’t fit
COOLEST I had braces for 2 years and my retainers for about a year a half. And yeah after I stopped wearing them my jaw fits 100x better and my jaw has stopped having problems. If you have good tongue posture then you can try not wearing retainers, just make sure to keep mewing
Wow. I’ve been using my retainers for more than 6 years and I usually wear it every night. Now after knowing about mewing, it’s a big step and a big risk for me to not using retainers anymore. But I’m gonna try this soon. Also I have one question. Do you plan to not using retainers anymore at all?
p personally I won’t be wearing my retainers for the foreseeable future because 1 my teeth might eventually not fit and 2 when I had my retainers I would grind my teeth at night and my jaw hurt a lot but now it doesn’t. I probably wouldn’t recommend never wearing them again but you’re probably safer if you’ve been wearing retainers for a while. my teeth are straighter now and it’s working for me but if you want to be safe then keep wearing them
finally a video on that one question does resting you chin(with the weight of your head) on your plam or knuckle have any effect on the shape of the skull
stop your retainer unless you are severely downward grown and cannot mew and keep a correct neck posture without an airway obstruction. If you have sleep disordered breathing it may not be a good idea to chuck those retainers just because you probably don't have space to mew. For everyone else, stop the retainer man. He is being vague here because he doesn't want to lose his license and he doesn't want to give a one size fits all answer!! I stopped 4 months ago, ZERO relapse and jaw got wider.
3 years ago I got Invisalign in order to correct my really bad overbite as well as crowding. I finished my braces a while back and now I only wear my retainers all of the time in the house before I eat and take them off when I go out in order to keep my teeth straight. I know that I have to wear the retainer at night simply because my teeth slowly, over time, start shifting back to their original form and I can tell because when I put my retainer back in after a while, it's tighter than before. How would you suggest I go about mewing in this situation? Do I stop wearing my Invisalign retainers all together and just do mewing? Although I have heard bad relapse stories in this case. Can I do Mewing with the retainers on? Should I mew throughout the day without the retainers and then just put the retainers on at night? I would really appreciate advice on what would be best in this situation as I don't really seem to find any clear answers on this.
@@eduzaum99 You do understand that he also has a video on the channel titled "problems with upper fixed retainers" where he contradicts his advice in this video right...? In that video he says he suggests against fixed retainers to just do the work instead. So which one is it? Does Dr. Mike Mew just want us to go on blind faith that simply mewing alone without even a fixed retainer will not cause relapse? I am leaning more towards just getting a fixed/bonded permanent retainer behind my top 4 front teeth and 6 bottom teeth and mew to prevent possible relapse but also be able to mew.
I wear hawley retainers and want to start mewing but I’m afraid to take my retainers out in the fear of relapse happening. Will I see a difference if I mew while having the retainers on??
My mom told me that my teeth were getting spaced out and ugly after having my retainers off for a while and mewing, and I can’t help but think that if I didn’t have my teeth removed in the first place none of this would have happened .. and can’t help but feel resentment at my dentist and myself for being a mouth breather at a young age. I just thought I was fked up every time I went to the dentist and the only option was braces
I’ve seen many before and after images of children who have done mewing without needing braces after being a mouth breather and have gotten a beautiful jawline.. from looking fked up to a beauty I wish I could have
I had mild cross bite before using braces. When I was born my incisors touched tip to tip when biting directly over each other. After years of chewing with my front teeth my bottom teeth were pushed forward so that they were in front of my top teeth. I had braces for around 17 months (it should have been 12 but I didn’t wear my rubber bands - although a faster fix would last less I guess). However I had a clear plastic retainer. It took up a lot of tongue room in my experience and it made my mouth feel too open so I decided to not wear it. It’s been over 6.5 months since I got off my braces and I haven’t worn my retainers a single night but my teeth haven’t at all relapsed (maybe a millimeter or so of forward lower tooth movement towards the old position but my teeth fit very comfortably). I’ve always felt that simply by keeping my teeth in contact when my mouth is closed (I breathe through the nose even at night, which I know because my lips are sometimes sealed shut by dried moisture in the morning and my nose isn’t stuffy) I could prevent my upper and lower teeth from moving past each other (which would be necessary for my bite to relapse into cross bite as my rear teeth never had any problems, only my front 4-6) and since they can’t go through each other my mouth would need to be open with my teeth apart for that to happen. My retainers don’t fit perfectly anymore but I can still force them on by biting (I’ve worn it at most an hour at a time and now only on either my upper or lower teeth at a time to alleviate the mouth discomfort- I produce a lot of saliva and it was annoying to swallow with the retainer trapping some) despite the long period. My teeth have always been very straight and my dental arch width is over 50 mm based on my measurement. I seem to have exceptionally good oral posture and it’s like that for our whole family (I’m Indian and we eat traditional homemade food) with my tongue firmly against the roof of my mouth and my teeth in contact with my lips firmly closed and proper (“Mona Lisa “as you put it) swallowing form. As a result I have a very defined square jawline and have a significant amount of forward growth (dividing line at around 30-35 degrees) and high pronounces cheekbones (but no bulge because I don’t swallow with my buccinators). I was born in India (I’m a 14 year old male) but have lived in the US since I was 5, but despite a fairly soft diet my jaw resting tone doesn’t seem to be at all low, in fact I look a lot like some of the images you display of indigenous facial structures. Simply by maintaining my oral habits is it possible for my teeth to permanently stabilize in this position with at most a couple millimeters of deviation from the original? The reason they relapse is from the slow forces from the displaced tissues and bone right (I only had to move my teeth and not my jaw because of how mild the cross bite was)? So couldn’t counteract that by lightly biting my teeth together when closed all the time until my tissues settle in this position? I still have a lot of growing due to my age so my jaws are more susceptible to my efforts and are less likely to relapse due to the decreased amount of time it was in the pre-orthodontic position correct?
@@hairmatters7039 Is it impossible for you to _mew_ now? Can you please specify _which teeth were extracted_ if any? I still have a full set of teeth (all 32 healthy and well erupted), but i have protrusion (overbite&overjet) which makes my face looks like a horse from either side and affects my confidence badly. I plan to have all my 2nd premolars/bicuspids extracted to fix my protrusion and crooked lower front teeth fixed. Since i still have all my wisdom teeth i think i will not have face deformation if have 4 2nd bicuspids extracted. Kindly reply
@@hairmatters7039 Thanks for replying, sorry to hear the outcome you have got. You mentioned that your facial profile has been ruined, what was the cause? what did the orthodontist do to your teeth? Sorry for asking but I am anxiius as well as I want to have my protrusion fixed.
@@hairmatters7039 You arent alone dude. I am older than you (27) and I mouthbreathed my whole life until I found orthotropics on youtube like a month ago and as a result my face looks like a horse due to my protrusion. I have been an introverted, serious and quiet type and I think my facial profile has contributed to this personality. But guess what girls stil liked me in high school and university lol. I dont what they saw in me when there were better looking guys with better body and brains maybe it was my personality. Being good looking is a blessing but it's not everything so chil up.
hey man grow a beard no need for surgery if you can't ,try minox and if you can afford go for a beard transplant.And don't think about suicide.@@hairmatters7039
When you mew doesn't the whole maxilla get pulled forward? wouldn't it make sense that even with removable retainers on, mewing is still effective? since you are pushing forward the whole maxilla and not only just the teeth?
He doesn't recommend because the opposing forces of the tongue and the retainer could wiggle the teeth back and forth like a stake in the ground causing damage to the teeth and then to fall out. A fixed retainer on just the front teeth was one example of something that may work. I would watch the video again and do a lot of your own research. Don't fuck up your teeth.
are there any discussions of inappropriate orthodontics relative to facial development. At 12, i had upper 1st bicuspids removed to allow incisors to be pulled back. From age 12-18, my lower jaw continued to grow, creating an underbite. Left alone, i would have had a healthy bite and pleasing facial formation. Instead, a dentist i worked for periodically called me to meet a patient as an example of an “overdeveloped German jaw.” Ever since orthodontia, i have had extreme maloclusion and wobbly teeth.
@@omedfazly3890 yes, I didn't understand either. I have a retainer in my first 4 teeth, but also have a retainer in my lower 4 teeth. is this a problem
So fixed retainers do not block the expansion of the mandible ? I had a recessed jaw line when I was 16. Stupidly I accepted the decision by the dentist to remove two teeth from the upper mandible in order to tighten the gaps and level the upper teeth with the lower eliminating the recessed jawline. That made my mouth smaller and my face smaller. I didn’t like the result. I stopped using the variable retainer since 4 years ago( I’m 24 now). I still have the fixed ones. Fortunately I stopped treatment when I was 19 so that the holes didn’t close completely. I was hoping to widen my teeth structure and face through mewing. Wouldn’t the fixed retainer be a liability ?
Ash I have a bottom fixed retainer in my 6 front teeth, and from my experience I don’t think it has any effect on mewing as mewing is expanding your upper palate, which brings your face forward. I don’t think the bottom retainer gets in the way
If I have an Invisalign retainer that I usually wear all the time, do I have to not wear the retainer anymore in order to do mewing? Or can I just do mewing while wearing my Invisalign retainer?
I’ve been mewing a month without retainers and now my bottom teeth are starting to relapse and I’m scared it will get worse I don’t know what to do getting braces again is out of the question it’s too expensive I don’t want to ruin my teeth but my face is really messed up and I’m 15 so I feel like I can actual make a change if I start now and I don’t want to regret not starting I don’t know what to do😩😩
That just means there’s crowding because there’s not enough palatal space for your teeth to exist on their own. Proper tongue posture will push up against your maxilla and along with it, your mandible. Your upper palate will expand due to the force your tongue applies allowing your teeth to straighten overtime without the use of any external appliances. For the mandible, when it’s positioned correctly, your face will shorten and widen, allowing more space on the bottom row as well; therefore ceasing the growing and letting your top and bottom teeth to grow out into the natural and straight position they were supposed to in the first place.
Its still not clear u said i would either relapse or improve but u didnt explain what thats dependent on, im assuming u r referring to ones ability to maintain good oral posture but its not clear. Personally i have no problems maintaining good oral posture 24/7 so will i relapse even while maintaining perfect oral posture? Also its not quite clear as to the type of fixed retainer u referring too, my retainer is kinda like the second retainer u showed but it doesnt have any of the notches that connect to each individual tooth it just has the wire and piece of wax that connects to the top of the mouth, is that compatible with mewing? The only problem with it is ever since my wisdom teeth started growing in the back portion has been raised and is now taking up more tongue space. *nevermind my retainer does have little notches for the teeth in the wax part and grooves in the wire part
I relapsed from taking off my retainer and not keeping good oral pisture. The skin under my throat hangs, my cheeks are flatter and less defined and my face looks worse overall. Idk if i should try going hard on mewing or go back to the retainer. Its a dilemna. But when i put my retainer back on i cant breathe through my nose as well
I stopped wearing it after a few months and after ten years my teeth are still perfect but i tried the retainer some time ago and it doesnt align like it used to at all
@@ayres6727 It means they moved, not that they aren't straight. His teeth probably moved somehow, but not in a way that would cause them to not be straight.
Got it ok. So fixed retainer won’t stop us from increasing the arches.. but what about expanding our maxilla? I’m 1.5 years in with bracess, extracted premolars top and bottom, noticed a flatter side profile... not enough room to chew my food, so I’m hoping to be able to practice mewing now and forever.. in order to expand my maxilla as well as increasing my pallet arches.
I had braces as a kid, and my ortho told me after a year of wearing my retainer that I no longer had to wear it. Even though I was a nose breather, and pretty sure my tongue was resting on the roof of my mouth that whole time, my teeth did shift. The front teeth weren’t too bad, but the bottom teeth got crowded. I ended up in Invisalign again. :/
I have a retainer on my front upper and bottom teeth and I believe that it holds my front teeth in the back, while my jaw and maxilla went forward due to mewing, causing me to develop a sunken in mouth area.
Mr Mew, you talk about the tongue and upper arch a lot, but what about the lower arch? What force straightens that out? Is there any, or are you screwed once your jaw grew a bit downward, your arch narrowed and your teeth crowded?
@@maygeemo8357 I dont know the mechanics or the science behind it I just know that it does. Why do you think people that dont have their tongue to the roof of the mouth as they grow up have weak jaws?
@@maygeemo8357 I think the expansion of the lower jaw (and upper jaw to a lesser extent) is caused by chewing which stimulates bone growth. However the lower jaw will also “swing up” and follow the maxilla as it moves up and forwards. Kinda like a door if one side of the frame is missing. Causing it to “over close”
hi sir i have been doing mewing just the day after i had braces on my teeth and i think mewing is some how helping me change my face... but it is risk mewing while Putting braces or not???🤧🤧 Edit.. its been near 3 month seens i have mewed though
I have 4 upper and 6 lower fixed retainers under my essix retainers. If I stopped wearing my essix and only depended on my fixed, would it my teeth still be alright and straight? I don’t wanna just throw my hard work and money down the drain :/
Do y'all think it would be a good idea to continue wearing the lower retainers I understand that the upper retainer restricts palatal expansion, but it seems to me that the lower retainers would not have an effect. Any advice?
There’s no need. I have seen very very very mild misalignment of my teeth since I started mewing and all of it has been in my upper teeth. My lower teeth haven’t moved. The misalignment is not because my teeth have receded, it is because one side has expanded more than the other. So don’t wear a bottom retainer. But tape your mouth shut at night so you don’t open your mouth and you keep the tongue suctioned to the roof of the mouth
Im 19 and have had fixed retaniers on both my upper and lower front teeth for 3 years. Ive been practicing toung posture for around a month now and can feel my teeth moving. thought my fixed retainers might negatively impact the growth . Thank you for the videos
I stopped retainers for a couple weeks then put them back on after my mum screamed at me, now a year later mewing with retainers in at night I think has actually partly damaged my enamel ? I really want to stop again
I'm literally having the same problem. I am extremely scared and apathetic at the same time because it's like no matter the pictures I show my parents of how my face has changed, no matter how I explain it, they won't listen! Also why do you think it's damaged your enamel?
@@toplobster1040 mewing is expanding the palate but the retainer keeps holding the teeth back so the front teeth are almost grinding so i think that may play a part but i have also stopped eating so much sugary stuff, yesterday i stopped wearing them again cause i'm 18 so im going to stick with it regardless now, sucks your parents don't listen
thanks a lot for this informative video. i have a fixed retainer anyway, and I have veen wondering for a while now wether or not I should start mewing. I'll start working on my oral posture now :) Thank you Dr. Mew
Mewing widens the palate so a invisalign retainer would be contraproductive, but thats only for the upper teeth or am i wrong? Because i have invisalign and i want the Benefits from mewing after im done with the treatment. My Main issue is the lower teeth not the upper teeth, so could i still wear lower teeth retainer later on and ditch the upper teeth retainer?
I think I will try not wearing retainers for a while. I am only getting older (20) so my facial structure is only getting less malleable. I have a bit of a jaw click and I want to see if it improves with mewing. If my teeth start getting too messed up I can just start wearing the retainers again. But it's worth a try I think.
I'm 19 and have been out of braces for 4 years. I have basically stopped wearing my removable top retainer since beginning proper posture a couple months ago. I have noticed a gap appearing between my two front teeth. Has anyone else had this problem?
I have this first plastic retainer in which you discussed . I still use the bottom half , but have removed the top half about 8 months ago -- I use the bottom one plus I tape my mouth -- this stops me from chomping down on my teeth -while I sleep at night - I dont understand however why this teeth chomping while sleeping never happened befor having braces but does now should I remove both retainers.... I do the myofunctional therapy but I need to get back into my mewing .. my jaws doing far better at the time I was doing it relentlessly .. my maxillaa is a lot more comfortable now that I have removed the top half of my retainer , and it seems as if the bottom retainer may stop my teeth from shifting -- rather I feel as it may be helping my maxilla grow to fit over it .. my bite seems to be getting better every day and no teeth are shifting in a way that is either noticeable or problematic . it's only my experience -- but it may be worth your time in accessing those facts and seeing if this may be a good start for retainer removal --- in theory ..
I have a important question. Im almost at the end of my Invisalign journey (~2years) and i‘ve been mewing since the beginning. My main problems are the lower front teeth. Will a fixed retainer at the lower front teeth stop any expansion or forward growth? It’s very import that I expand since my mandible is a bit to small for my teeth especially at the front.
So I'm 20, have been wearing a retainer every night since I was 16. The dentist misaligned my jaw so it was lopsided, I started mewing in Feb but thought that my retainer was stopping progress. Took it off Wednesday night, it's now Monday. My jaw is much more in line, I can put a straight line relatively down my nose lips and chin. But my front bottom teeth are overcrowding and crooked already. (Just the front 3/4 teeth, rest are fine). I don't like how my bottom teeth look so I'm wearing my retainer again watching this but I don't want to let my jaw go lopsided again either, what do I do? Thinking about changing dentists to one to help correct my jaw, other one just said tough shit when I was 16.
Izzy I do not know if having retainers on lower teeth can be bad for progress, I had permanent retainers on upper teeth that created a big asymmetry on my face while mewing. Retainers on upper teeth are the worst and you should avoid them
I have a fixed retainer behind 6 of my front teeth. I've been mewing for 2 months and I've already achieved some palatal expansion. But still, I have no clue what are the consequences of having this fixed retainer on the maxilla going up and forward.
@@michaelalbert7888 I think I do but if there are any differences they are really minor at this point. I'm really not sure. But my palate got wider, that's for sure.
I’m currently wearing braces and mewing, I’ve seen giant improvements to my face. I’ve gained significant facial upswing. This has caused my braces to move my teeth faster. My orthodontist was shocked at how fast my teeth aligned. However I didn’t get extractions (I didn’t want to whatsoever) my braces are not retractive and they are expanding my dental arch. Therefore correct oral posture will be beneficial for these niche cases. So I’m pretty sure a fixed retainer will not interfere with your facial upswing whatsoever. Since I gained it with braces which are more fixed. However I did also have a good facial form before braces. Therefore mewing will affect me better than other more downswing people. But I plan to get fixed retainers after braces as well.
@@justastranger782 Why do you ask? Is it because a fixed retainer is the only acceptable one that can also give mewing results? Or can you still get mewing results with a clear retainer that you wear at night as well?
I’ve been having good tongue posture for just one day and came here because I put my retainers on and my teeth felt uncomfortable. Does this mean my teeth have moved and I shouldn’t use retainers??
One snag I've found with my upper fixed retainer is that it prevents what I think would be optimal closure between my upper and lower front teeth, and thus my jaws, as my lower front teeth encounter retainer-wire and bonding-posts on the interior side of my upper front teeth, stopping further closure. Originally the retainer held 6 teeth together, 3 on each side; but about half the wiring has given out (due to wear and tear), unequally at the sides, and taken some of the hardened bonding material with it. I wait adventurously to discover what will happen if chomping forces eventually prove too strong for the remaining wires and posts...will it be freedom or anarchy...?8-/
Yes, but then oral posture is more important even once they're been taken out. If you've had your wisdom teeth removed my advice is don't worry about it.
@Mr Spy Mr Spy,once they're gone they're gone and it doesn't offer anything of any value to anyone to worry about it. The rest of the teeth and the structure of the jaws can still improve to an excellent level from oral posture improvements even with only 28 teeth to work with, so I'd definitely argue in favor or oral posture being more important to focus on than pulled wisdoms.
I'm mewing with my plastic retainer and there's a invisible on the back of my lower teeth. I'll keep at least for a few months to train the technique more and to not jiggle them I guess
@@marshaarbi hii I'll update as many times as I get the notification! So let me say that sometimes I don't wear the plastic retainer, I wear about 18 hours a day? and I think I'm not susceptible to a lot of moving because I wore braces for too long and it has looked like it does for months. I don't mew vigorously, Mike said between having proper tongue posture and hard mewing is not that proven that it will do a lot for you, so it's better to just train yourself. I did notice small changes in my profile that improved my cheek area, how my face projects. The thing about mewing is that the posture itself already locks the jaw in a great position, and that cleans the look of your face, I think it has become more appearant but at the same time, I have this fat pocket on my mouth and cheek area that is not going without aging, procedures or working out. I'm 57 kilos btw, which is underweight but still, it's just how my features are inherented from my parents, and still I have one of the most defined faces. I'm ok with how I look, perhaps if I do mewing more naturally and not forcefully, constantly I'll archive better results when I stop wearing the plastic retainers. I wouldn't recommend for you to stop wearing them because if you're young, you can benefit from the teeth straightening first and then you could go with the other methods, which you don't know now if you're be doing it right for long, even how you're going to keep the tongue in the front of your teeth could ruin the alignment. But I've read from one here that their teeth went just slightly forward naturally with mewing, and I'd say mine went too but I like the volume of the slight teeth projection on my face. As said, I've not went as hard with mewing and I would consider you to check how your body posture behaves because in theory, it all impacts your look. And with all that, there are times that I commit, sometimes I don't, and I'll just keep training myself for the better, but it takes some strength and attention that I couldn't give every single time, which is whatever for me tbh. For most people, the results are minimal because we all aren't walking with our mouth open with extremely bad posture, so don't get caught by those timelapses some people has achieved great results. We can only try our best. :)
@@rogerklk thank u for the advice!! yh i guess I'm a lil young (15) and I've only been wearing retainers for 2 months now. I just hate the way I look thats why I want to start mewing. I guess I should wear the retainers longer.
Would be good to have a video specifically highlighting that issue, though granted he's already got 2 (as far as I can remember anyway,) that mention it quite a lot. The key point is that to get good results with oral posture changes the tongue will need to sit in the airway at least a little bit to expand that part of the maxilla to increase the airway space. This is uncomfortable no matter how you approach it, and we all have to find our own balance between getting the tongue up and still being comfortable enough to allow it to stay there all day.
Dr. Mew, I really need your answers on this as I cannot find any answers on this online and would like your opinion on this as you seem to give rather vague answers in this video and no actual clear or definitive answers or consensus on the matter. Does wearing an Invisalign Clear/Plastic Retainer at night when you are not mewing prevent the results from Mewing? Do you think that I am safe to stop wearing my Invisalign plastic/clear retainers forever and not even put them on at night? Because I hear some claim that retainers at night can prevent results from mewing but then others saying that it is fine. My main concern with this is that I do not want my teeth to revert back to their original crowded and overbite form that I had before my Invisalign braces, but I also want to get results from mewing the best that I can. Do you think stopping this Invisalign Clear retainer use at night can cause retention or my teeth to go back to being crowded? It's a catch 22 basically because wearing the retainers at night can potentially revert any type of progress that I have made in the day from pushing my tongue on the roof of my mouth to expand my maxilla, but at the same time, not wearing the retainers at night could make my teeth crowded again and there is no 100% certain way of me knowing which way things are going to go. Do you think that getting a permanent or bonded/fixed braces in the back of my teeth and having proper tongue posture or pushing my tongue on the roof of my mouth would be another viable option or would this prevent mewing results as well? Bottom line, is wearing the retainer at night harmful or not? Should people risk ditching retainers forever with the risk of retention? Should they just get fixed retainers behind their teeth instead?. I understand this is a pretty lengthy comment, but I really wanted your opinion on this. If you could answer my questions and/or give any advice on this, I would greatly appreciate it, thank you.
@@kusalseven3563 no i totally forgot about it but I came to the conclusion that mewing will not have as much as an effect if you wear a retainer but I have seen a little progress when I was mewing
@@ruminate773 we are what we eat. We need to feed the body to make us strong, that goes for teeth too. Eat the most nutrient dense food there is and less toxins as much as possible, and that is the raw primal diet.
@@Kingbilly11 Thanks for the reply. I would imagine a diet primarily consisting of animal products would fit this description, and I can see how that could eventually be beneficial for dental development as well.
@@ruminate773 yeah raw animal products. And then avoiding toxins like vaccines and seed oils ect. Humans today are kinda deformed lol. We could be so much better.
I had 4 pre-molars extracted and now i pretend to take off the braces. Should i use retainers to prevent open the spaces between the teeth or just the proper oral posture and tongue placement is enough to avoid it? I 've been doing mewing for about 1 year and a half. Obs: i am currently 2 years and 3 months in the orthodontic treatment with braces, it was necessary the extractions cause it was a open bite case. Age :21
Since the tongue is supposedly pushing upwards and forwards on the roof of the mouth, what effect would this have on the bottom teeth? Would the teeth crowd since there's no force that drives them outwards?
I don't have a scientific answer, but I can speak of my experience ... I started mewing a year ago with a fixed bottom retainer and it has messed my mouth up pretty badly. I had a perfect bite already after braces, but I wanted forward maxilla growth. I didn't research enough, so I didn't realize a fixed retainer would work against any gains. My molars now slant inwards and my bottom teeth where the retainer is located, started shifting slightly and became crowded. The pressure was pretty uncomfortable. Now I'm the not-so-proud owner of mandibular tori (bony growths that look like small grapes). I have two growths, one on each side, underneath each bottom canine. They are the teeth that hold the retainer together with bonded cement. Tori are hereditary and it was probably inevitable that I got them, b/c all the women on my mom's side of the family have them. However, mewing with the retainer probably sped up the process, because I never had them before. Basically though, my dental arch seems to be collapsing. I have an appointment to get Invisalign next month, but I may try removing my retainer first and resume proper tongue posture to see if it fixes the issue before I fork out the money for Invisalign. So yeah, mewing with a fixed retainer is a terrible idea. Definitely have it removed first. I could kick myself for not doing the proper research and it's probably going to cost me thousands of dollars to correct. But if I can stop someone else from making the same mistake, at least that is a silver lining. :-)
@@JamieBarrington i am using invisalging at the moment but i stopped using them when I started to new a few months ago and I noticed how my bottom teeth have started to get crooked even tho I don’t have any type of habit that crooks it. Do you know if mewing with invisalign is safe?
So the ideal is getting braces late, and then leaving them on for as long as possible so the teeth can continue to adjust while the jaw is developing and adjusting. I got mine on at 20 and have had them for about a year now. I’m going to leave them on for as long as possible so I can keep having them expand evenly as I mew.
@@flower7939 it doesn’t do anything other than hold the pallet up so that you don’t develope a collapsed maxilla and tower gums. What’s important is to chew while you have them on so that the force puts force into the bones and structure of your face and nurtures it into developing more strongly. There’s a balance to it all, you can go overboard, but chewing and keeping support on the pallet still work. As long as you haven’t gotten a bunch of extractions.
I've come across Dr Mews oral posture videos prior to having braces and have been practicing my oral posture. It's now been 14 months now, with braces and I am still practicing my oral posture. When my braces are off, my orthodontist has told me he will be putting a fixed retainer on both the upper and lower teeth. I am hoping by continuing my oral posture and tongue positioning, over time it will become natural and my teeth will be fine. I am ok if they lapse a little bit...if there is a large lapse, I will get very concerned.
I have invisilign currently do I wear them while mewing or just ditch the invisilign and focus on mewing (keep in mind the reason I got invisilign was cause I had a overbite). #mikemewpersonalresponce
I recently started mewing. I have a hawley retainer and I still can mew with conscious effort when I’m awake. I will see if I can sustain this at night.
do not wear it at night while mewing. it's one or the other. a retainer will only hinder expansion of the maxillary arch and hinder forward development. simply practice perfect tongue posture and ditch the retainer.
the million dollar question.
1:03 Basically, if you've been mewing without your retainer for a while and you feel like the teeth have expanded, then congrats you're teeth have positive feedback and you don't need your retainer.
But if you feel like they've relapsed a bit, you have my condolences you have negative feedback. But are you willing to lose your straight teeth for a better developed face?
I got rid of my retainer and have been mewing for about a year. While my teeth are not perfectly straight as they were when my braces come off, my bite actually fits together a lot better now. The retainers were actually holding my teeth in an unnatural, and uncomfortable position despite the fact that they were superficially aligned straighter.
Duncan did you get any extractions? if you're wearing retainers now then are the spaces opening up between your teeth ?
Did you got any extraction??
Dcn - that's basically what i've gone through too. I think future mewing will determine things, but i am glad i had it removed.. i also had teeth extracted but that seemed to work for me, since i was forced into positioning my tongur upwards because of the wire on that bottom retainer. I've had it gone for 5 years and my teeth are doing well, no spaces especially with correct swallowing and breathing lately..
If I have an Invisalign retainer that I usually wear all the time, do I have to not wear the retainer anymore in order to do mewing? Or can I just do mewing while wearing my Invisalign retainer?
@@angela_somanythings5670 Could you please specify which teeth were extracted?? Did you also remove bottom teeth retainers (which means you are wearing no retainers now)?? Please reply
_Sorry for my user name, please ignore._
I'm 17 and it's been 5 months without a retainer and I've had 0 relapse. I've been practicing tongue posture for 6 months now and I started when I had braces on. My face looks much more full as if my skull has expanded. My breathing has improved as well. The only difference between my teeth now and my teeth 5 months ago is that they used to appear straight up and down | and now they are slightly looking more like >. I feel like I have more room in my mouth and it's much easier to talk, chew, and breath than it was 5 months ago. There's also been a significant difference in my facial appearance as well
EDIT: I have had relapse but I don't regret it. I ended up getting arch expansion therapy and FastBraces. I replied to this comment with an update. See it in the replies below.
Jonny Ho did you get any extractions??
mannal murtaza I've had no extractions
Hugh Kendall Sure how can I contact you through FB?
Hugh Kendall The best way to train the posterior third of your tongue to stay on the roof of your mouth from my experience is to strength your chewing muscles. I used to not be able to keep my mouth shut during sleep but overtime after chewing hard gum diligently I never wake up with an open mouth anymore. I can send you before and after mewing pics through FB and it's a major difference in my facial appearance
Elle Ceexo Absolutely, do u have a facebook or email?
A long-term night retainer is the second most harmful thing I was ever advised to do orthodontically (first was removing 4 healthy teeth). Every night the retainer pushed teeth to where the dentist thought they should be; every day my teeth and soft tissues fought back, trying to create some kind of occlusion and mouth fit. Every 24 hours, back and forth, for years. Never comfortable at any point.
The retainer also forced open-mouth breathing at night, gradually worsening everything - except for the alignment of the upper arch, which was isolated from, and in conflict with, all other working parts. Eventually the facial pain and dysfunction caused by this became extreme and intolerable.
We need to be very careful about getting retention right. If an orthodontic result is *so unsustainable* that it needs to be held there by force long-term, then it's really not a good result for that patient, is it?!
This is what I’m experiencing right now!! I’ve been wearing a hawley night retainer for the last 20 years and recently got a new one that is super tight. During the day my teeth are in a different position and at night it’s pulled back a little. The inner part is so far down that I can’t mew at all. Not sure what to do about this retainer.
Currently I’m 15. I had braces for 2 and a half years and I’ve worn my retainer for 7 months so far. Recently I have figured out the correct tongue posture and have been exhibiting it during the day and wearing a retainer at night for about 2 weeks so far. I’ve decided to stop wearing retainer and go full mewing. My concern is that my teeth may revert back to their pre-braces state in which i had a tooth gap in my front 2 top teeth and that would be noticeable enough for my parents to notice I’ve stopped wearing my retainer. I will try to update you guys on my experience in the future.
1 month update: my teeth have had little to no relapse and no tooth gaps. My jawline has gotten noticeably better and when I flex my jaw muscles I can see small dimples/hollow cheeks(can’t tell which one it is). Please note I also train my jaw muscles.
2 month update: my jawline has still gotten more defined and my chin has noticeably moved forward. Also my cheekbones are beginning to really poke out. As for my teeth, my upper’s are still almost entirely straight and my lowers a little less straight. Before I decided to take my retainer off, I assumed that I wasn’t seeing my orthodontist anymore. But I had a visit like a week ago, and they could tell I hadn’t been wearing my retainer because the bottom part of my retainer did not fit all the way on. It was a bit tight on my top teeth but they still fit. Fast forward a week, I have been wearing my retainer most of the day by their instructions, and my teeth now more or less fit the retainer fully. I am not a 100% sure on this, but my theory is that since the tongue would physically prevent the top teeth from becoming more narrow, they stay the same or expand. But until the mandible fully moves up and forward, your lower teeth will to an extent be crowded, because as Mike said in one of his other vids “you only have so much face”. I have to see them again in 3 weeks, but after that I plan on only wearing the bottom retainers when I sleep until my mandible is fully/mostly up and forward.
4 month edit: I decided to not wear retainers again because it’s hard to mew when I do it. There is a very small tooth gap between my front teeth but I think it might be because my mouth hangs a bit open when I sleep. I am using mouth tape for sleeping now and I actually highly recommend it, so we’ll see what happens with the whole tooth gap thing. My mandible has definitely moved more and I can feel the more of my ramus bone now. I also noticed the other day when looking at my reflections that I’m starting to get hollow cheeks(without flexing) and they are definitely visible when I flex with ideal lighting.
6 month edit: My face is still getting more forward growth and I’m almost at the point where my chin is as forward as my lips. I’ve noticed that majority of the time when I look at my reflection I can see faint hollow cheeks and I can always see them when I flex my chewing muscles now. I would highly recommend from my experience that you get mouth tape. This allows your mouth to stay closed when you sleep which is important because unless you’re a mewer from the start your face will be too long for you lips to stay completely shut when your asleep. I also credit this with preventing my tooth gap as that faint black line in between my teeth in the beginning has essentially completely disappeared. You can get mouth tape at your local pharmacy. I also forgot to mention that using mouth tape will allow you to properly mew at night time which furthers your results.
9 month update: So last weekend I just had my dentist visit and I was contemplating whether to put my retainers back in for a week so that my teeth would be perfectly straight just in case the dentist realized I wasn’t using my retainer and alerted my parents. Long story short I decided not to use them at all because that would slow down my mewing results and would interfere with habits somewhat. It would also be annoying because I would have to wear them pretty much all day and deal with tooth ache pain as my teeth made the slight readjustment. Note that this was my first time seeing the dentist without wearing my retainer for several months. Turns out they didn’t even notice. The person doing my teeth asked if I was still using my retainer and I told her yes. She then took a look and said “yeah I can tell”. When the actual doctor went to check me out at the end he looked several times at my bite and smile and concluded that everything looked good. I can not stress enough the importance of mouth tape at night. I’m still seeing results as there is still much room for improvement before I have a jawline and facial structure like that of someone who has been mewing their whole life. Based on my results so far it seems it will take another year or so to get me to that top level. I have noticed that I look much better in pictures than I used to and I am no longer embarrassed whenever I see a picture of me at unflattering angles. I have also noticed that any time I try to remind myself for proper tongue posture I realize that I have been doing it and having the proper posture comes so naturally now. I don’t know if I said this earlier but for proper tongue posture you don’t want to continually push your tongue up but rather it should be held by a vacuum. To do this you should repeatedly swallow your saliva and you’ll find that your tongue is pretty much glued to the palate. I have also noticed that this isn’t necessary sometimes and the tongue just sticks there on its own. Keep pushing guys!
11 month update: I’m sill continuing to see change and find myself closing the gap to ideal facial form. I’ve just today come to the realization that chapstick actually hinders lip seal. If you think about chapstick makes your lips moisturized which is the job of the lip seal. In the absence of chapstick you tell whether your lips are in a proper seal based on whether they are dry or not but chapstick prevents this from happening. The also reduce the friction on your lips making it harder to lip seal. I decided not to use chapstick at all today and I’ve noticed significant improvements in lips chaps when sealed and it’s easier to lip seal(it also looks more attractive).
17 month update: I’m still seeing great results and I’ve gotten several compliments on my looks from both friends and strangers. I still don’t think I’ve fully maxed out the mewing gains but the results are promising. Stay the course guys and you will achieve great results with time. I’m still using mouth tape and still no pillow both of which have been great. Also for the chapstick! If you find your lips getting too chapped, it’s ok to use it as long as you only put it on the outer edges of your lips. You don’t want to put it where your lips touch because that will make lip seal worse.
keep me posted, i'm in a similar situation. I'm going to continue using my retainers for now, i want to research this a little more
@@mistadude sure thing
Same exact situation here!
@@fotrnite9fortnight635 lol
@@mistadude check original comment for update
5:29 *I N H A L E*
Sounds like he was about to beat box
He gives me such mad scientist vibes, but I love him.
He appears like a mix of Mr. Bean and the queen xD
@@schneewinter3679 accurate! I love em both lmao
Omg I never saw that he looked like mr bean
I used to have an underbite (I wore braces when I was 17-20), when I was a teenager it turned out that I had an incorrect swallowing habit. I was constantly pushing my jaw forward with my tongue. The thing is, my orthodontist said that I swallowed like that because of my underbite, not the other way round. Now that I think about it, it didn't make much sense since no one in my family has underbite, so I couldn't have just inherited it.
I found out about Dr Mew's theories very recently, and first thing I thought was "damn, did I mess up my chance at mewing by wearing braces?" xD I was very glad to have found this video, among others. I'm wearing permanent retainers, so I should still be able to get some effects with these. It's pretty hard for me right now, my palate is a bit too narrow for my tongue to fit in, but I'm going to do my best.
Everybody, stay determined! :)
Kathy Laurel I had an underbite as well and got braces, which are now off. Do you have both top and bottom permanent retainers?? Also curious, did your ortho ever set you up with an expanded to correct the underbite? I had that as well, before braces
Caroline Saab yes, I do have both top and bottom retainers, but I didn't have anything to work on the expansion of my palate before I wore braces. My orthodontist simply removed two of my bottom teeth and closed the gap with braces, I think it's a common practice while dealing with under or overbite.
Kathy Laurel yeah I also had one tooth removed before braces. Since it’s been two months, how are your results so far? Have you noticed and differences with your teeth, jaw, or otherwise? My permanent retainer is only on the bottom front four sadly, coupled with the Invisalign style
Caroline Saab I'm afraid there's a long road ahead of me, I'm over 25 years old and dr Mew did say that the changes slow down significantly after this time :/ so no, so far there are no visible results. And I'm still working on making mewing a habit, I keep forgetting myself :P it's not easy. What really surprised me was the fact that it's harder for me to remember to keep the teeth together than to keep the tongue on the palate. I do forget both at times, but for some reason keeping the teeth together is harder for me. But hey, sometimes I even wake up in the morning with my tongue on the roof of the mouth, so if I'm doing it in my sleep then at least something's sinking in :P
I'm aware that the changes in the facial structure might come after a really long time (if at all), but I'm doing it mainly to prevent the relapse. I guess it's always better to have a good posture than a bad one :P
@@winterfoxx6363 are you going to remove the bottom fixed retainer? i got it behind my teeth at the bottom. I don't know which one is worser the upper or bottom
this video is 8 minutes of breathing ASMR
It's disgusting
I’ve been mewing for almost 8 months and had little to no progress, I just came across the thought that my retainers may be inhibiting my mewing progress and apparently many others too. Glad this vids out there!
I have been mewing for 1 year with retainers and I'm 29. Great results, a lot of forward growth. My face has also gotten a bit wider, but I feel like retainers hold back even more developement, especially overall face width
@@tokorothhh but how your face become more wider if you're using retainers?
@-_Confessor-_ Because mewing and chewing gum every day has developed my maseter muscles and mandible. But my maxilla and cheek bones could be wider if I had no fixed retainer. My orthodontist told me retainers keep the face slimmer in the long run because the teeth stay in line
after looking into orthotropics ive really been inspired to fix my face + neck posture. i had braces between the ages of 12-16, and wore my retainer for two years up until this point, where ive decided to quit. after braces i began to suffer horrible tmj issues, increasingly bad neck posture (forward head) and i realize now that i was a slight mouthbreather when i wasnt paying attention. now i finally looked in the mirror and realized i have facial downswing, with a really weak jaw and no jaw definition on the sides, but i couldnt tell as i had been compensating with my forward head and tilting my head upwards.
i know it will be hard and the results won't be so dramatic as i'm eighteen now and the growth will therefore be much slower, but im determined to fix these issues to the best of my ability so that i can have more confidence, and reap the health benefits. i'm so glad i found this channel before my problems get too severe that i may require surgery. thank you dr mew for sharing your research and making it available to the wider public.
Did ur teeth shirt since u stopped wearing retainer?
any updates?
Update please???
Dear Dr. Mew(s)! My mouth had a slight overbite, large front teeth, a small pallet, (from childhood night mouth breathing?) and a large tongue when they pulled my 4 "wisdom teeth" and my upper k9's before giving me braces when i was 13 years old. I was also given head gear which i only wore a dozen times, and had horrible pain with rubberband fittings every time. After getting my braces off, when I was 16, i had a permanent bottom retainer put in and was given a removable top retainer to wear most of the time. I didn't wear it much but once every other week for "testing" until I went to college and ditched it entirely at 18. My tongue always had issues being too large, but the general look of my teeth was pretty straight yet always aligned slightly off. Luckily, i think because my tongue was so big (and perhaps because of a time i dream-induced choking on my tongue when i had a cold with terrible nasal congestion), i have not been a night mouth-breather since childhood. I also had my upper retainer Removed before having my son, and then my tongue finally had space not to get cut on the top. My opinion was that it wasn't helping and that i could have removed it earlier, but I am not sure. I have not had any problems with alignment since it was removed.
I always have to use effort to keep my tongue from getting bit on the sides of my mouth, and this forced me to (over-time!!)discover the Tongue-on-roof swallowing technique, and realize that it was better than the tongue on bottom teeth breathing. Now i have discovered this channel, and Orthotropics and have been practicing the exact techniques and watching vids, and am already feeling a difference in mouth and jaw. Thanks for all the wonderful important information, I will teach my 5 year old son, and his father is already practicing too!! Thank you both!!
If you look closely, you could see that Mike Mew breathes through his mouth every time he talks. He also swallows and breaths so loudly... I don't get that.
EIDnext Week yeah its wierd
It's weird because it's not proper form, you're supposed to breath through your nose
EIDnext Week I mentioned this in another video and he said it's due to his asthma and he's working on it. I found it strange too
I hope his asthma goes away
It's ironic in that mouth breathing is a clear sign and causation of poor nasal passage due to bad jaw position. Yet due to him doing all his exercises his jaws are still mint LOL
Dr. Mew, you don't seem to be providing any clear or definitive answers when it comes to this question... People are simply asking you, will wearing retainers hinder the process of mewing? And if so, should one stop wearing retainers all together even if it means possible relapse and teeth going back to their original crowded position? I myself had braces for 3 years after having very crowded teeth and an overbite, after I was done with braces, I would wear my retainers all of the time except for when I went out or would eat something. Now, would it be fine for me to only wear my retainers at night since I can't really control my tongue to be at the roof of my mouth while I am asleep? I do want to continue mewing for its benefits, but if that means my teeth will go back to being crowded due to not wearing retainers anymore, I do not know what to do in this case. Do you suggest wearing retainers only at night in order to keep my teeth straight or will this give the "stake in the ground effect" where it will loosen my teeth or something along those lines? Please, I would greatly appreciate a response if you are not busy, or from anyone for that matter, thank you.
Michael zhelev He answers exactly what you are asking in this video, look at it again, he is not gonna tell you what to do, but he is giving you the options, but again and this is my personal opinion you shouldn´t mew and wear retainers at the same time, Watch since 2:50 to know why.
I'm a bit late, but what he's saying is you can try wearing your retainers less (say at the weekend nights only) but during weekdays really do well on oral posture. Over a bit of time you will feel discomfort from the retainer particularly at the back teeth, as in you will feel the retainer pushing your back teeth inwards. (if your oral posture is correct). This way you can test if you are doing it correctly. Now you can wear them less and less and eventually stop completely. Then you should be able to start progress.
@@cookster69 no he clearly says you shouldn't put them only on weekends at it's making the teeth jiggling which is clearly the worst move possible as you're damaging your teth and not expending anything.
@@mauricepat8650 you are right, that's why he says we have to ask our dentist to put a fixed retension (wire) on the upper teeth. This way mewing exercises will work and the teeth will stay in their position.
@@cookster69 but if you stop wearing retainers, don't you think teeth will not get straighten?
It’s been a few months without me wearing my retainers and the results are great actually! first of all my jaw pain stopped without my retainers and my face has gotten shorter/ mewing has worked!!
you stopped wearing your retainer
tae loves kook are your teeth misalligned now?
please update
@t kHave your teeth taken a turn for the better or for worse?
Im gonna start doing the same today
This is such a hard situation to be in.
You either stop wearing retainers and start mewing where there is a chance of relapse, gaps between the teeth etc and spending money to restart the whole orthodontic process all over again. Or you start mewing and turn into a gigachad.
I think the best solution, which is not easy for most, is to actually get an appointment with Mike Mew and let him figure out a solution because every person's teeth is different.
Yeah exact situation I am in. I have no idea what to do. Currently have fixed retainers behind bottom 4 or 6. I also have essex top and bottom I sleep with 3-4 times a week. I am gonna try to drop the essex retainers and see what happens but I am not sure its a waste of time or not. But yeah it is a annoying position to be in
I can’t get an appointment sadly, I’m so stuck between these two decisions
😭 what about mewing during the day and retainers at night? Is that the messed up part?
@@yasamancohen yeah I don’t think it does anything if you have retainers
If one is trying to expand the maxilla, I would think a fixed retainer bridging the maxilla suture line (behind top four teeth) would inhibit expansion. Would love a response from Mike.
always spinnin i m wondering about this, too
he said front teeth?
Exactly, that's exactly what i've been wondering too. Now luckily, expansion is still possible since i've seemingly successfully expanded my palate overtime even with retainers, but i believe that results could come quicker without them.
@@Dylan-lq4xv Hello Dylan. I believe you need to remove all fixed appliance if you not only want expansion, but to allow your body to heal holistically, and your face to grow in the directions intended in your genetic blueprint.....wide and forward instead of narrow and long. Can you find an orthodontist who does ALF treatment in your area that is ALSO a part of the ALF study work groups? First, watch these videos about alf: th-cam.com/users/results?search_query=ljuba+alf, then visit this website to find a person who is going through ONGOING education by meeting with other professionals in the ALF study groups: alf.directory. Also, the following is a great place to learn more about ALF: alftherapy.com. and finally, here is a great blog post: impressionsofaholobiont.com/2018/09/07/do-you-carry-your-backpack-on-your-head-lifestyle-determines-the-shape-of-our-face-how-beautiful-and-healthy-we-are/. Best wishes for your health.
@@felicianocapicia I’m late and I’m going to research what you’re talking about but can you give a quick summary btw I am 15 which has nothing to do with the topic but it will probably be good to know.
My orthodontist had me on retainers and now my molars don't touch at rest when I align my incisors. Forcing me to have an underbite when I chew and when I talk if I do it unconsciously. I hate the type of retainers I got lol :( I used to have a beautiful jawline and my face was very defined. I had a long journey with braces and retainers for like 7 years. I new there was a very big problem when I started noticing developing nasolabial folds at the young age of 17 or 18??!!! I was so sad omg lol. Thank god I chewed them so much they broke ☺️👍
We are on the same boat :(
If you wore your retainers for atleast a year i suggest you to ditch them and start doing hardcore mewing
I too had a great jawline before but orthodontist fucked up my life extracting 4 pre molars thus receding my jaw
Same I got lines as well and I'm 18
@@shawshank_1317 same unfortunate situation got my premolars and wisdom teeth extracted. Had hollow cheeks before the treatment and now I've ended up with loose skin and a concaved mouth
@@shawshank_1317 Hey i had extraction in my lower jaw will mewing open up the gap of extraction i got for my lower jaw ?
Guys, i have the same situation. My premolar was removed in high school more that 10 years ago... I developed really bad jaw condition. Has the mewing helped for you?
I’m glad I took the risk. Had crooked teeth, underbite, and gap on my teeth before braces. My upper teeth don’t even show when I talk. Even with braces my smile didn’t look right. After 4 yrs of braces I had retainers. THENNN I happened to know about mewing. I completely gave up on my upper retainers. Best decision I’ve ever made. In 3 weeks after removing my retainers for good I had a gap on my teeth which was the original position of my teeth. But slowly the gap on my front teeth closed and my maxilla expanded. My teeth are perfectly aligned even without retainers. My upper teeth are visible and I can smile confidently now. It’s been 5 months and I still have perfectly aligned teeth. Even better than what I looked like after braces and with retainers.
How old were you when you got braces off, how long did you have retainers, and how old when took off the top retainers?
Нова I got my braces removed at the end of my tenth grade and wore retainers for 1 year.
Did you get any extractions
so you continued with your bottom retainer? is that ok?
Charlize Nfor yes:( It ruined my face.
I'm mewing with braces rn idk what's ahead but screw it. Into my 2nd week rn and noticed my cheekbones have gotten slightly different, not sure if they're getting prominent or flat I just wish I knew about all of this sooner. At least I had no extractions I guess
Same here,can you give us updates on what happened?
Definitely feel more space on the roof of my mouth, I'm probably used to it now. But facial changes atm not too different I'll update in like 6 months when there is more time put into this lol
@@Tgrey808 please update us lol
@@benyjl9180 definitely getting hollow cheeks I can see them under certain lighting but they're not super noticeable. But I definitely lost my Babyface I'll update more and maybe do a vid once results are actually more noticeable
808 Vice thanks! Please keep updating us. Even if you see relapse, this is very important information for many of us. Thanks again!
4 years without retainers (always too lazy to wear them anyway), no relapse whatsoever. sure they don't fit anymore, but it's because my teeth become even straighter, my dental arch wider, and my bite fit even better. but the time between me starting braces and quitting retainers is about 10-11 years so i guess that's a factor too
How old were you when you had braces?
Im thinking about quitting my retainer now after a year. Ever since i started having correct tongue posture i breath better, have a better bite etc and the retainers hurt even more at night and in the Morning my bite sucks and posture is shite again
@@plantaan26bro any update? Any release?
The musculoskeletal system is mapped out on the majority of the brain! Our *awareness* plus *knowledge* like that which you give us equals *results* WITHOUT unforeseen problems that accompany an appliance
I had braces from 15-17 and had been wearing retainer at night for the past 5 years. Recently I started mewing and haven't worn my retainer for about 4-6 weeks now. When I tried my retainer on again the top felt some pressure so that indicate my teeth had shifted (the bottom remain the same). I feel it too during the day like my right side of the face got weaker especially when I try to bite. I wish there's an orthodontist familiar with mewing who can help me out cause now idk if i should continue not wearing my retainer or put it on again :/
Edit 1--Update 1: 2 months later. I decided to not put my retainers back on. My overbite did not come back even though I have sleep apnea and probably opened my mouth during sleep. But during the day I keep my mouth close. The only mewing method I'm able to practice so far is tounge position and this is actually going great for me. My teeth still nice and I feel "normal" like this is where they're supposed to be :)
Don't! Keep mewing. And keep your mouth closed. I do wear retainer. But I stopped like 3 weeks ago. I'm glad I did this now than later.
@@imogenPsychic just recently stopped wearing my retainers and practice mewing, should i keep the retainer off?
@@farewelltome. yes. I stopped it and the mewing helped a lot. It's been officially a month now without retainer. My teeth still straight as I use my retainer.
@@imogenPsychic Did you get any extractions before?
@@14lrmg yea. Tbh my bottom teeth moved. It's moving in a perfect way. But not the same as I used my retainer anymore
Hypothetically, how long should I wear the retainer after getting braces off to stabilize the teeth before I try ditching them?
Priscilla Yoon if you perfected tongue posture then ditch them as soon as possible
@@Morbid-mma if you remove your retainers, then how can one straighten their teeth with mewing?
Ayres I’m pretty sure retainers don’t straighten your teeth they just keep them in place after braces. But mewing will do your retainers job by exerting force which will prevent the teeth from going back to their prior position. Now mewing can also straighten teeth since your dental arch will expand and your teeth will have to move. But I would suggest going to a specialist if you have very crooked teeth. But things such as overbite could be fixed with mewing.
@@Morbid-mma but it can only straighten your upper teeth, because of the tongue suction. What about lower teeth?
@@ayres6727 the lower teeth should be fine as long as no force is exerted on it. The bottom jaw will also develop according to the pull of the maxilla so as long as your tongue is not pushing on your bottom teeth and as long as there is no other force narrowing your bottom teeth they should theoretically be fine. You prevent that detrimental force by practicing good tongue posture and appropriate swallowing. :)
I have been practicing mewing but have also been wearing retainers, I will say I noticed a little difference in my left check bone while mewing with retainers, but I wouldn’t be surprised if the retainers are actually holding me back from getting full results from mewing. I am scared of my teeth going back to how they were if I don’t use my retainers (I had pretty bad teeth before). I also only live once though, and I will look back and regret and wonder “what if” I had stopped wearing my retainers and gave mewing my all? As of today I am going to stop wearing retainers and only mew and other practices for my face (mount tape when sleeping, chewing, chin tucks, etc). I will update every month. Please reply to this comment after a month has passed in case I forget to update.
*Update After 1 Month*
So it has been 1 month since I have stopped wearing my retainers. My teeth are still pretty straight, 1 tooth has shifted a little but nothing crazy, teeth still look fine. In terms of my overall facial structure, not a crazy difference, yesterday though I did notice that my face might be getting leaner and my jaw muscles are getting bigger. I also am eating a lot better, eating fruit and food that I have to chew more. I think chin tucks help a lot though, I have been a bit inconsistent with the chin tucks but after this update I will get back to doing them. So overall for this update of Month 1, not a crazy difference, but am starting to notice jaw line getting a bit more defined, jaw muscles getting bigger, and overall facial structure seems to look a bit better than before, but again, not a big difference. Oh and also, I haven’t actually been actively mewing. I noticed during this month that if your neck posture sucks, mewing will be too hard to do consistently. So what I’ve actually been focusing on at the moment is practicing proper neck posture and chin tucks help a lot with this. So I haven’t actually been mewing for the past few weeks, BUT, I definitely will, but I feel it is very hard if your neck posture is not good.
*Update 2, 3 months in*
So after 3 months of not wearing my retainers, I can say that my jawline has gotten better. Now what I will say is it’s not from mewing, but from having correct neck posture. Guys practice chin tucks the way they teach here, they definitely help. I will say a pillow cube helps as well, you can look them
Up online, but I sleep with a pillow cube not a normal pillow and it helps for me to sleep with correct neck posture. The way I see it, if your neck posture sucks, forget about getting results mewing. Neck posture is good, my jawline definitely is more visible. In terms of my overall face, it honestly stills looks the same, but my jawline is definitely more visible. Now for my teeth, my teeth have definitely shifted, but nothing crazy, still looks pretty much the same, the only con is that I know have my wisdom teeth coming in, so with those coming in, it can shift my teeth around even more. I’m looking for those to get removed soon. So overall for update 3, jawline more defined/more visible, teeth haven’t really shifted, mewing I haven’t been really trying to do, but as I improve my neck posture I believe correct tongue posture will be much easier and I will naturally do it in my
Wear them and practice mewing at night wear your retainers
@@ohgoditshuw2450 Updated with my first comment just now 👍🏿
@@itsobito4110 updated
Frederick Rosete You should mew no matter what, braces are so much different so it depends on what these braces doing to your face
Thank you so much for these phenomenal videos! I am an opera singer and have had orthodontic treatment that succesfully corected a posterior unilateral crosbite in my mid twenties. No extractions, my maxila was widened but it had also been reduced in sagital length - positioning my jaw a touch further back and changing it’s opening axis. I’ve had both fixed and essix retainers and decided to stop wearing the essix retainers after 2 years of night wear a few days ago, after researching potential causes for tmj hypermobility and excessive masseter/ pterigoid /temporalis tension, and coming across your video. I’ve also seen a dentist yesterday to repair a fractured cusp, and he mentioned that the bite, at least on the crossbite side was very uneven in terms of where the pressure was applied (probably because of the asimetric left to right toothewear from the unilateral crosbite??!?) Do you think that not adjusting the bite/ cusp heights post orthodontic treatment could give me further tmj problems in the long run or worse, encourage relapse due to where the pressure is applied on the molars? I am a bit worried particularly because, as i’ve learned:-)))) due to the nature of my profession these ‘minor’ changes could have a profound impact/ unintended consequences . What do you think?
Hey could you please give an update?
Could one possibly just cut out the top & bottom front pieces of their Essix (Invisiglign-like) retainer & just use those pieces as the nightly retainer & proceed with mewing to further widen arches?
though I suppose they could come loose during sleep & one could potentially choke on them :/
Without retainers my 3 years wearing braces were a waste... after a new orthodontic treatment i now wear it... don't want to risk...
I've had extensive orthodontic treatment (extractions, multiple sets of braces, contraptions, etc.) all of my childhood through early adulthood which attempted to correct my open bite. It all resulted in a double jaw surgery nearly 10 years ago. I am now a firm believer in alternative health and avoiding any surgery, as the body can heal itself. I still diligently wear my invisaligne retainers nightly as I worry about my bite or teeth shifting after going through so many years of treatment. I do think my tongue position corrected itself as a result of the surgery. My upper jaw was moved up and forward and a bilateral sagittal split on the lower jaw. I have screws and plates in my face. While my tongue position/swallowing is better, I wonder if it could be improved and I worry it might still be weak. I'm willing to start paying close attention to my tongue and swallowing and work on strengthening. Could any benefit be gained from this, even though I have undergone surgery? Can my upper arch still change and how so? Will it be misaligned with my lower jaw or will the lower adjust itself properly? I'm just wondering if any of this is advisable if one has already had corrective jaw surgery. Optimally I probably shouldn't have had such a surgery but we were unaware of the alternatives. I am always looking for more improvement but I wouldn't want to do anything that could negatively affect things or waste time reenforcing technique. Thanks for any input.
I think at this point you've gotten the maximum gain you can get since you had the surgery. that being said, Dr. Mew talks about high chance of relapse in patients so you should definitely continue mewing and keeping good diet and posture. good luck bro
sweetsweettart - all ‘mewing’ is is the correct tongue posture. It’s only good for you. Just don’t push too hard with your tongue (‘hard mewing’) which seems to shift things more drastically. Your tongue should rest on the roof of your mouth.
Orthodontics is the pseudoscience. Just reading their ‘research papers’ you can clearly deduce that they act more like a religion than a scientific community. They neglect using falsifiability which is an essential tool in all of science.
Orthotropics is the correct science that is not that publicly known unfortunately.
Okay I’ve stopped my retainers for a few days and wow my teeth have moved into a comfortable position and now just my back teeth touch when I bite down!! Before it was really uncomfortable. Mewing is helping it and my retainers already don’t fit
COOLEST I had braces for 2 years and my retainers for about a year a half. And yeah after I stopped wearing them my jaw fits 100x better and my jaw has stopped having problems. If you have good tongue posture then you can try not wearing retainers, just make sure to keep mewing
COOLEST yeah that’s probably a good idea 👍🏻
Wow. I’ve been using my retainers for more than 6 years and I usually wear it every night. Now after knowing about mewing, it’s a big step and a big risk for me to not using retainers anymore. But I’m gonna try this soon. Also I have one question. Do you plan to not using retainers anymore at all?
p personally I won’t be wearing my retainers for the foreseeable future because 1 my teeth might eventually not fit and 2 when I had my retainers I would grind my teeth at night and my jaw hurt a lot but now it doesn’t. I probably wouldn’t recommend never wearing them again but you’re probably safer if you’ve been wearing retainers for a while. my teeth are straighter now and it’s working for me but if you want to be safe then keep wearing them
@@tk-ky4ni retainer essix is flexible retainer .. can I do mewing with this retainer and get results?
finally a video on that
one question
does resting you chin(with the weight of your head) on your plam or knuckle have any effect on the shape of the skull
dumbass haha i do that always
I read this comment in this position lol
Yes, will result in facial asymmetries
@@markjens9046 well fuck. That explain quite a bit
stop your retainer unless you are severely downward grown and cannot mew and keep a correct neck posture without an airway obstruction. If you have sleep disordered breathing it may not be a good idea to chuck those retainers just because you probably don't have space to mew. For everyone else, stop the retainer man. He is being vague here because he doesn't want to lose his license and he doesn't want to give a one size fits all answer!! I stopped 4 months ago, ZERO relapse and jaw got wider.
Which type of retainer you used to have? Fixed ones Upper/lower? Or removable?
@@razestar I had an essex retainer. my teeth are straight after 7 months
not wearing it
+1. Mike often says that he self-censor himself because he doesn't want his license taken
@@rainashroff11 what was wrong with your teeth before braces, I had an overbite and am looking for similar experiences
3 years ago I got Invisalign in order to correct my really bad overbite as well as crowding. I finished my braces a while back and now I only wear my retainers all of the time in the house before I eat and take them off when I go out in order to keep my teeth straight. I know that I have to wear the retainer at night simply because my teeth slowly, over time, start shifting back to their original form and I can tell because when I put my retainer back in after a while, it's tighter than before. How would you suggest I go about mewing in this situation? Do I stop wearing my Invisalign retainers all together and just do mewing? Although I have heard bad relapse stories in this case. Can I do Mewing with the retainers on? Should I mew throughout the day without the retainers and then just put the retainers on at night? I would really appreciate advice on what would be best in this situation as I don't really seem to find any clear answers on this.
A good face with slight crowding or a fucked up face with good smile?
@@markjens9046 Thats what i needed to hear
As the doctor said, try putting fixed retainers on your four front teeth and try mewing
@@eduzaum99 You do understand that he also has a video on the channel titled "problems with upper fixed retainers" where he contradicts his advice in this video right...? In that video he says he suggests against fixed retainers to just do the work instead. So which one is it? Does Dr. Mike Mew just want us to go on blind faith that simply mewing alone without even a fixed retainer will not cause relapse? I am leaning more towards just getting a fixed/bonded permanent retainer behind my top 4 front teeth and 6 bottom teeth and mew to prevent possible relapse but also be able to mew.
I wear hawley retainers and want to start mewing but I’m afraid to take my retainers out in the fear of relapse happening. Will I see a difference if I mew while having the retainers on??
I took them off and no relapse since my tongue is the retainer
@@zulusulu4956 its been 2 months since i stopped wearing them and i didnt get relapses
My mom told me that my teeth were getting spaced out and ugly after having my retainers off for a while and mewing, and I can’t help but think that if I didn’t have my teeth removed in the first place none of this would have happened .. and can’t help but feel resentment at my dentist and myself for being a mouth breather at a young age. I just thought I was fked up every time I went to the dentist and the only option was braces
I’ve seen many before and after images of children who have done mewing without needing braces after being a mouth breather and have gotten a beautiful jawline.. from looking fked up to a beauty I wish I could have
@@zulusulu4956 what about bottom
I had mild cross bite before using braces. When I was born my incisors touched tip to tip when biting directly over each other. After years of chewing with my front teeth my bottom teeth were pushed forward so that they were in front of my top teeth. I had braces for around 17 months (it should have been 12 but I didn’t wear my rubber bands - although a faster fix would last less I guess). However I had a clear plastic retainer. It took up a lot of tongue room in my experience and it made my mouth feel too open so I decided to not wear it. It’s been over 6.5 months since I got off my braces and I haven’t worn my retainers a single night but my teeth haven’t at all relapsed (maybe a millimeter or so of forward lower tooth movement towards the old position but my teeth fit very comfortably). I’ve always felt that simply by keeping my teeth in contact when my mouth is closed (I breathe through the nose even at night, which I know because my lips are sometimes sealed shut by dried moisture in the morning and my nose isn’t stuffy) I could prevent my upper and lower teeth from moving past each other (which would be necessary for my bite to relapse into cross bite as my rear teeth never had any problems, only my front 4-6) and since they can’t go through each other my mouth would need to be open with my teeth apart for that to happen. My retainers don’t fit perfectly anymore but I can still force them on by biting (I’ve worn it at most an hour at a time and now only on either my upper or lower teeth at a time to alleviate the mouth discomfort- I produce a lot of saliva and it was annoying to swallow with the retainer trapping some) despite the long period.
My teeth have always been very straight and my dental arch width is over 50 mm based on my measurement. I seem to have exceptionally good oral posture and it’s like that for our whole family (I’m Indian and we eat traditional homemade food) with my tongue firmly against the roof of my mouth and my teeth in contact with my lips firmly closed and proper (“Mona Lisa “as you put it) swallowing form. As a result I have a very defined square jawline and have a significant amount of forward growth (dividing line at around 30-35 degrees) and high pronounces cheekbones (but no bulge because I don’t swallow with my buccinators). I was born in India (I’m a 14 year old male) but have lived in the US since I was 5, but despite a fairly soft diet my jaw resting tone doesn’t seem to be at all low, in fact I look a lot like some of the images you display of indigenous facial structures.
Simply by maintaining my oral habits is it possible for my teeth to permanently stabilize in this position with at most a couple millimeters of deviation from the original? The reason they relapse is from the slow forces from the displaced tissues and bone right (I only had to move my teeth and not my jaw because of how mild the cross bite was)? So couldn’t counteract that by lightly biting my teeth together when closed all the time until my tissues settle in this position? I still have a lot of growing due to my age so my jaws are more susceptible to my efforts and are less likely to relapse due to the decreased amount of time it was in the pre-orthodontic position correct?
Bhai ye btao agar retainer lagana chodh du aur mewing kru sirf to kya relapse hoga ? Teeth
bottom relapse ho jayenge tongue sirf oopar ke dant pe pressure lagata hai@@itsobito4110
Anybody made good results while wearing permanent retainers?
@@hairmatters7039 Is it impossible for you to _mew_ now? Can you please specify _which teeth were extracted_ if any? I still have a full set of teeth (all 32 healthy and well erupted), but i have protrusion (overbite&overjet) which makes my face looks like a horse from either side and affects my confidence badly. I plan to have all my 2nd premolars/bicuspids extracted to fix my protrusion and crooked lower front teeth fixed. Since i still have all my wisdom teeth i think i will not have face deformation if have 4 2nd bicuspids extracted. Kindly reply
@@hairmatters7039 Thanks for replying, sorry to hear the outcome you have got. You mentioned that your facial profile has been ruined, what was the cause? what did the orthodontist do to your teeth?
Sorry for asking but I am anxiius as well as I want to have my protrusion fixed.
@@hairmatters7039 You arent alone dude. I am older than you (27) and I mouthbreathed my whole life until I found orthotropics on youtube like a month ago and as a result my face looks like a horse due to my protrusion. I have been an introverted, serious and quiet type and I think my facial profile has contributed to this personality. But guess what girls stil liked me in high school and university lol. I dont what they saw in me when there were better looking guys with better body and brains maybe it was my personality. Being good looking is a blessing but it's not everything so chil up.
hey man grow a beard no need for surgery if you can't ,try minox and if you can afford go for a beard transplant.And don't think about suicide.@@hairmatters7039
@@hairmatters7039 man, appearance isn't everything. Please, don't think about suicide. You still have a life to live. God bless you ^_^
When you mew doesn't the whole maxilla get pulled forward? wouldn't it make sense that even with removable retainers on, mewing is still effective? since you are pushing forward the whole maxilla and not only just the teeth?
He doesn't recommend because the opposing forces of the tongue and the retainer could wiggle the teeth back and forth like a stake in the ground causing damage to the teeth and then to fall out. A fixed retainer on just the front teeth was one example of something that may work. I would watch the video again and do a lot of your own research. Don't fuck up your teeth.
are there any discussions of inappropriate orthodontics relative to facial development. At 12, i had upper 1st bicuspids removed to allow incisors to be pulled back.
From age 12-18, my lower jaw continued to grow, creating an underbite. Left alone, i would have had a healthy bite and pleasing facial formation. Instead, a dentist i worked for periodically called me to meet a patient as an example of an “overdeveloped German jaw.” Ever since orthodontia, i have had extreme maloclusion and wobbly teeth.
So, permanent retainers behind the first 4 teeth are not bad at all. Great!
he said front teeth?
Undersection of your teeth or top teeth? Or both?
@@omedfazly3890 yes, I didn't understand either. I have a retainer in my first 4 teeth, but also have a retainer in my lower 4 teeth. is this a problem
So fixed retainers do not block the expansion of the mandible ?
I had a recessed jaw line when I was 16. Stupidly I accepted the decision by the dentist to remove two teeth from the upper mandible in order to tighten the gaps and level the upper teeth with the lower eliminating the recessed jawline. That made my mouth smaller and my face smaller. I didn’t like the result. I stopped using the variable retainer since 4 years ago( I’m 24 now). I still have the fixed ones. Fortunately I stopped treatment when I was 19 so that the holes didn’t close completely. I was hoping to widen my teeth structure and face through mewing. Wouldn’t the fixed retainer be a liability ?
If the fixed retainer is the top 4 teeth I believe no it won't affect it
And the bottom retainer does not matter
Are fixed retainers on the lower teeth bad for expansion as well?
Svenner personally I don’t think so no.
Does fixed retainers hinder facial growth progress compared to no retainers?
Ash I have a bottom fixed retainer in my 6 front teeth, and from my experience I don’t think it has any effect on mewing as mewing is expanding your upper palate, which brings your face forward. I don’t think the bottom retainer gets in the way
If I have an Invisalign retainer that I usually wear all the time, do I have to not wear the retainer anymore in order to do mewing? Or can I just do mewing while wearing my Invisalign retainer?
I’ve been mewing a month without retainers and now my bottom teeth are starting to relapse and I’m scared it will get worse I don’t know what to do getting braces again is out of the question it’s too expensive I don’t want to ruin my teeth but my face is really messed up and I’m 15 so I feel like I can actual make a change if I start now and I don’t want to regret not starting I don’t know what to do😩😩
That just means there’s crowding because there’s not enough palatal space for your teeth to exist on their own. Proper tongue posture will push up against your maxilla and along with it, your mandible. Your upper palate will expand due to the force your tongue applies allowing your teeth to straighten overtime without the use of any external appliances. For the mandible, when it’s positioned correctly, your face will shorten and widen, allowing more space on the bottom row as well; therefore ceasing the growing and letting your top and bottom teeth to grow out into the natural and straight position they were supposed to in the first place.
get an orthodontist to expand your palate
Any updates?
@Alexei lmao I love the attitude
@@andrew_hunt same bruh but fr that dude needs to expand palate
So the best way is to wear the fixed retainer?
Its still not clear u said i would either relapse or improve but u didnt explain what thats dependent on, im assuming u r referring to ones ability to maintain good oral posture but its not clear. Personally i have no problems maintaining good oral posture 24/7 so will i relapse even while maintaining perfect oral posture?
Also its not quite clear as to the type of fixed retainer u referring too, my retainer is kinda like the second retainer u showed but it doesnt have any of the notches that connect to each individual tooth it just has the wire and piece of wax that connects to the top of the mouth, is that compatible with mewing?
The only problem with it is ever since my wisdom teeth started growing in the back portion has been raised and is now taking up more tongue space.
*nevermind my retainer does have little notches for the teeth in the wax part and grooves in the wire part
I relapsed from taking off my retainer and not keeping good oral pisture. The skin under my throat hangs, my cheeks are flatter and less defined and my face looks worse overall. Idk if i should try going hard on mewing or go back to the retainer. Its a dilemna. But when i put my retainer back on i cant breathe through my nose as well
I love your honesty Mike
I stopped wearing it after a few months and after ten years my teeth are still perfect but i tried the retainer some time ago and it doesnt align like it used to at all
Same I havent worn it for a year. I hope it doesnt it hurt becuase my palate shrank.
Can you specify which teeth were extracted if any?
so your teeth must not be straight then?
@@ayres6727 It means they moved, not that they aren't straight. His teeth probably moved somehow, but not in a way that would cause them to not be straight.
MrCarl27 what do you mean your palate shrank?
I've been mewing for 4 years and had no change on my face, all because of my orthodontic retairner I guess
What kind of retainer do you have ? Fixed metal or plastic ?
@@MotivaLife8 plastic
@@porquinhodaindia6516 get the metallic one
Retainers hinder the movement of the jaws and can cause tmd issues.beware
How can you reverse premolar extraction retraction safely? How can you fix the maxilla after the damage that were done?
Got it ok. So fixed retainer won’t stop us from increasing the arches.. but what about expanding our maxilla? I’m 1.5 years in with bracess, extracted premolars top and bottom, noticed a flatter side profile... not enough room to chew my food, so I’m hoping to be able to practice mewing now and forever.. in order to expand my maxilla as well as increasing my pallet arches.
Same case as you how did it go?
How old are you,do you think one can expand his maxila at the age of 19?
Wouldn’t widening the dental arch also by nature the maxilla by definition? The soft and hard palate are the bottom of your maxilla.
I had braces as a kid, and my ortho told me after a year of wearing my retainer that I no longer had to wear it. Even though I was a nose breather, and pretty sure my tongue was resting on the roof of my mouth that whole time, my teeth did shift. The front teeth weren’t too bad, but the bottom teeth got crowded. I ended up in Invisalign again. :/
How can it sometimes be just one teeth (cuspid, upper arch) that's rotated? Naturally kept my tongue at the roof of my mouth.
I have a retainer on my front upper and bottom teeth and I believe that it holds my front teeth in the back, while my jaw and maxilla went forward due to mewing, causing me to develop a sunken in mouth area.
Mr Mew, you talk about the tongue and upper arch a lot, but what about the lower arch? What force straightens that out? Is there any, or are you screwed once your jaw grew a bit downward, your arch narrowed and your teeth crowded?
The lower jaw follows the upper jaw no matter what. Upper jaw expands and so does lower.
@@fuzuzafitness8354 can you elaborate on this? I struggle to understand how the lower will follow the expansion of the upper jaw.
@@maygeemo8357 I dont know the mechanics or the science behind it I just know that it does. Why do you think people that dont have their tongue to the roof of the mouth as they grow up have weak jaws?
Maygee Mo - the lower jaw (mandible) has a lot less growth as an adult than the upper jaw (maxilla). Apparently the bone in the mandible does fuse.
@@maygeemo8357 I think the expansion of the lower jaw (and upper jaw to a lesser extent) is caused by chewing which stimulates bone growth. However the lower jaw will also “swing up” and follow the maxilla as it moves up and forwards. Kinda like a door if one side of the frame is missing. Causing it to “over close”
hi sir i have been doing mewing just the day after i had braces on my teeth and i think mewing is some how helping me change my face... but it is risk mewing while Putting braces or not???🤧🤧
Edit.. its been near 3 month seens i have mewed though
I have 4 upper and 6 lower fixed retainers under my essix retainers. If I stopped wearing my essix and only depended on my fixed, would it my teeth still be alright and straight? I don’t wanna just throw my hard work and money down the drain :/
Do y'all think it would be a good idea to continue wearing the lower retainers I understand that the upper retainer restricts palatal expansion, but it seems to me that the lower retainers would not have an effect. Any advice?
There’s no need. I have seen very very very mild misalignment of my teeth since I started mewing and all of it has been in my upper teeth. My lower teeth haven’t moved. The misalignment is not because my teeth have receded, it is because one side has expanded more than the other. So don’t wear a bottom retainer. But tape your mouth shut at night so you don’t open your mouth and you keep the tongue suctioned to the roof of the mouth
i didnt know youtube comments had so many teeth experts
Month 1 edit as an 18 year old:
I am going to experiment and stop wearing my retainer for a couple weeks and see how it gors
thanks for your experience, can you do a update ? I am wondering if i should take the risk or not
Im 19 and have had fixed retaniers on both my upper and lower front teeth for 3 years. Ive been practicing toung posture for around a month now and can feel my teeth moving. thought my fixed retainers might negatively impact the growth . Thank you for the videos
Do you still wear retainers or you have stopped wearing it?
@@user-wv1rd4he4e They are fixed so Its like a somewhat flexible bar glued to the back of my teeth. I have a few more years with them.
@@DyingDarkLight do you have fixed retainers behind your teeth?
@@ayres6727 Yes.
@@DyingDarkLight i think fixed retainers on lower teeth is ok.
I stopped retainers for a couple weeks then put them back on after my mum screamed at me, now a year later mewing with retainers in at night I think has actually partly damaged my enamel ? I really want to stop again
I'm literally having the same problem. I am extremely scared and apathetic at the same time because it's like no matter the pictures I show my parents of how my face has changed, no matter how I explain it, they won't listen! Also why do you think it's damaged your enamel?
@@toplobster1040 mewing is expanding the palate but the retainer keeps holding the teeth back so the front teeth are almost grinding so i think that may play a part but i have also stopped eating so much sugary stuff, yesterday i stopped wearing them again cause i'm 18 so im going to stick with it regardless now, sucks your parents don't listen
Can anybody tell me if the same applies with a permanent retainer?
thanks a lot for this informative video. i have a fixed retainer anyway, and I have veen wondering for a while now wether or not I should start mewing. I'll start working on my oral posture now :) Thank you Dr. Mew
Mewing widens the palate so a invisalign retainer would be contraproductive, but thats only for the upper teeth or am i wrong? Because i have invisalign and i want the Benefits from mewing after im done with the treatment. My Main issue is the lower teeth not the upper teeth, so could i still wear lower teeth retainer later on and ditch the upper teeth retainer?
please let me know what you did I have the same issue.
I think I will try not wearing retainers for a while. I am only getting older (20) so my facial structure is only getting less malleable. I have a bit of a jaw click and I want to see if it improves with mewing. If my teeth start getting too messed up I can just start wearing the retainers again. But it's worth a try I think.
any updates? did your teeth keep straight later on
I'm 19 and have been out of braces for 4 years. I have basically stopped wearing my removable top retainer since beginning proper posture a couple months ago. I have noticed a gap appearing between my two front teeth. Has anyone else had this problem?
MCRNightwish98 damn u messed up
MCRNightwish98 I'm in your same situation except I developed an overbite after 4 years of using no retainers :/
It might be because you're not mewing properly.. Your tongue might be touching your teeth while mewing resulting in teeth gap
@@princessrobotbubblegum721 did you have an overbite before braces?
Keep your lips closed when your not eating drinking or talking. Tape your mouth shut when u sleep
I have this first plastic retainer in which you discussed . I still use the bottom half , but have removed the top half about 8 months ago -- I use the bottom one plus I tape my mouth -- this stops me from chomping down on my teeth -while I sleep at night - I dont understand however why this teeth chomping while sleeping never happened befor having braces but does now should I remove both retainers.... I do the myofunctional therapy but I need to get back into my mewing .. my jaws doing far better at the time I was doing it relentlessly .. my maxillaa is a lot more comfortable now that I have removed the top half of my retainer , and it seems as if the bottom retainer may stop my teeth from shifting -- rather I feel as it may be helping my maxilla grow to fit over it .. my bite seems to be getting better every day and no teeth are shifting in a way that is either noticeable or problematic . it's only my experience -- but it may be worth your time in accessing those facts and seeing if this may be a good start for retainer removal --- in theory ..
I have a important question. Im almost at the end of my Invisalign journey (~2years) and i‘ve been mewing since the beginning. My main problems are the lower front teeth. Will a fixed retainer at the lower front teeth stop any expansion or forward growth? It’s very import that I expand since my mandible is a bit to small for my teeth especially at the front.
No not at all.
So I'm 20, have been wearing a retainer every night since I was 16. The dentist misaligned my jaw so it was lopsided, I started mewing in Feb but thought that my retainer was stopping progress. Took it off Wednesday night, it's now Monday. My jaw is much more in line, I can put a straight line relatively down my nose lips and chin. But my front bottom teeth are overcrowding and crooked already. (Just the front 3/4 teeth, rest are fine). I don't like how my bottom teeth look so I'm wearing my retainer again watching this but I don't want to let my jaw go lopsided again either, what do I do? Thinking about changing dentists to one to help correct my jaw, other one just said tough shit when I was 16.
Izzy I do not know if having retainers on lower teeth can be bad for progress, I had permanent retainers on upper teeth that created a big asymmetry on my face while mewing. Retainers on upper teeth are the worst and you should avoid them
Update me. Do you still wear any retainers?
I have a fixed retainer behind 6 of my front teeth. I've been mewing for 2 months and I've already achieved some palatal expansion. But still, I have no clue what are the consequences of having this fixed retainer on the maxilla going up and forward.
Do you see results with fixed retainers also in your face?
@@michaelalbert7888 I think I do but if there are any differences they are really minor at this point. I'm really not sure.
But my palate got wider, that's for sure.
@@asimhussain2344 27
I’m currently wearing braces and mewing, I’ve seen giant improvements to my face. I’ve gained significant facial upswing. This has caused my braces to move my teeth faster. My orthodontist was shocked at how fast my teeth aligned. However I didn’t get extractions (I didn’t want to whatsoever) my braces are not retractive and they are expanding my dental arch. Therefore correct oral posture will be beneficial for these niche cases.
So I’m pretty sure a fixed retainer will not interfere with your facial upswing whatsoever. Since I gained it with braces which are more fixed. However I did also have a good facial form before braces. Therefore mewing will affect me better than other more downswing people. But I plan to get fixed retainers after braces as well.
Does anyone know if I could wear the bottom retainer ?
I have a narrow palate and still wear retainers ( 20 years old) should I just ditch them or not?
What kind of retainer? Fixed retainer, clear retainer or Hawley retainer?
@@justastranger782 Why do you ask? Is it because a fixed retainer is the only acceptable one that can also give mewing results? Or can you still get mewing results with a clear retainer that you wear at night as well?
@@Rick_Sanchez_Jr. according to dr mew's video that i have watched, u cannot get mewing result with a clear retainer and hawley retainer
I’m a bit worried that my teeth will disalign if I stop wearing my retainers
As you should. Margot Robbie has been wearing braces since she was a kid. Google her smile.
@Mike S. Are you saying Matheus should stop wearing his retainer?
@@possibilityyz3351 no
Hey can you tell me summary of this video should I wear retainers or start mewing.
I’ve been having good tongue posture for just one day and came here because I put my retainers on and my teeth felt uncomfortable. Does this mean my teeth have moved and I shouldn’t use retainers??
Hii, so- what happened?
One snag I've found with my upper fixed retainer is that it prevents what I think would be optimal closure between my upper and lower front teeth, and thus my jaws, as my lower front teeth encounter retainer-wire and bonding-posts on the interior side of my upper front teeth, stopping further closure. Originally the retainer held 6 teeth together, 3 on each side; but about half the wiring has given out (due to wear and tear), unequally at the sides, and taken some of the hardened bonding material with it. I wait adventurously to discover what will happen if chomping forces eventually prove too strong for the remaining wires and posts...will it be freedom or anarchy...?8-/
Is having your wisdom teeth removed bad for bone structure?
Yes, but then oral posture is more important even once they're been taken out. If you've had your wisdom teeth removed my advice is don't worry about it.
I had my molars extracted and my windsom teeth will replace them, so I feel like fucked up.
@@Grays_Plays is there any bad effect if a fixed retainer behind the teeth?
@@Grays_Plays No, it isn't.
@Mr Spy Mr Spy,once they're gone they're gone and it doesn't offer anything of any value to anyone to worry about it. The rest of the teeth and the structure of the jaws can still improve to an excellent level from oral posture improvements even with only 28 teeth to work with, so I'd definitely argue in favor or oral posture being more important to focus on than pulled wisdoms.
So perm retainers on 4 teeth on top, and 6 on bottom, and get rid of them completely once all posture is good
I really want to start mewing, But i wear retainers. What should i do?
Wear retainers for 1 year to stabilize your teeth as the bone develops in the new place and then ditch them to start doing hardcore mewing
@John Wick wait for 3 more months
shawshank _ that's good to know
I'm mewing with my plastic retainer and there's a invisible on the back of my lower teeth. I'll keep at least for a few months to train the technique more and to not jiggle them I guess
update plss
@@marshaarbi hii I'll update as many times as I get the notification!
So let me say that sometimes I don't wear the plastic retainer, I wear about 18 hours a day? and I think I'm not susceptible to a lot of moving because I wore braces for too long and it has looked like it does for months.
I don't mew vigorously, Mike said between having proper tongue posture and hard mewing is not that proven that it will do a lot for you, so it's better to just train yourself.
I did notice small changes in my profile that improved my cheek area, how my face projects. The thing about mewing is that the posture itself already locks the jaw in a great position, and that cleans the look of your face, I think it has become more appearant but at the same time, I have this fat pocket on my mouth and cheek area that is not going without aging, procedures or working out.
I'm 57 kilos btw, which is underweight but still, it's just how my features are inherented from my parents, and still I have one of the most defined faces.
I'm ok with how I look, perhaps if I do mewing more naturally and not forcefully, constantly I'll archive better results when I stop wearing the plastic retainers.
I wouldn't recommend for you to stop wearing them because if you're young, you can benefit from the teeth straightening first and then you could go with the other methods, which you don't know now if you're be doing it right for long, even how you're going to keep the tongue in the front of your teeth could ruin the alignment.
But I've read from one here that their teeth went just slightly forward naturally with mewing, and I'd say mine went too but I like the volume of the slight teeth projection on my face.
As said, I've not went as hard with mewing and I would consider you to check how your body posture behaves because in theory, it all impacts your look. And with all that, there are times that I commit, sometimes I don't, and I'll just keep training myself for the better, but it takes some strength and attention that I couldn't give every single time, which is whatever for me tbh.
For most people, the results are minimal because we all aren't walking with our mouth open with extremely bad posture, so don't get caught by those timelapses some people has achieved great results. We can only try our best. :)
@@rogerklk thank u for the advice!! yh i guess I'm a lil young (15) and I've only been wearing retainers for 2 months now. I just hate the way I look thats why I want to start mewing. I guess I should wear the retainers longer.
6:41 short period of time what does it mean
Dr mike mew , could you please make a video on airway blockage when performing correct tongue posture? i find it a very important and concerning topic
Would be good to have a video specifically highlighting that issue, though granted he's already got 2 (as far as I can remember anyway,) that mention it quite a lot.
The key point is that to get good results with oral posture changes the tongue will need to sit in the airway at least a little bit to expand that part of the maxilla to increase the airway space. This is uncomfortable no matter how you approach it, and we all have to find our own balance between getting the tongue up and still being comfortable enough to allow it to stay there all day.
i love how mike keeps mouth breathing in this video
Well, he’s speaking. Can’t really consistently nasal breathe while talking.
So what’s the verdict on Invisalign? All the dental terminologies made what you were saying a bit difficult to understand.
Dr. Mew, I really need your answers on this as I cannot find any answers on this online and would like your opinion on this as you seem to give rather vague answers in this video and no actual clear or definitive answers or consensus on the matter. Does wearing an Invisalign Clear/Plastic Retainer at night when you are not mewing prevent the results from Mewing? Do you think that I am safe to stop wearing my Invisalign plastic/clear retainers forever and not even put them on at night? Because I hear some claim that retainers at night can prevent results from mewing but then others saying that it is fine. My main concern with this is that I do not want my teeth to revert back to their original crowded and overbite form that I had before my Invisalign braces, but I also want to get results from mewing the best that I can. Do you think stopping this Invisalign Clear retainer use at night can cause retention or my teeth to go back to being crowded? It's a catch 22 basically because wearing the retainers at night can potentially revert any type of progress that I have made in the day from pushing my tongue on the roof of my mouth to expand my maxilla, but at the same time, not wearing the retainers at night could make my teeth crowded again and there is no 100% certain way of me knowing which way things are going to go. Do you think that getting a permanent or bonded/fixed braces in the back of my teeth and having proper tongue posture or pushing my tongue on the roof of my mouth would be another viable option or would this prevent mewing results as well? Bottom line, is wearing the retainer at night harmful or not? Should people risk ditching retainers forever with the risk of retention? Should they just get fixed retainers behind their teeth instead?. I understand this is a pretty lengthy comment, but I really wanted your opinion on this. If you could answer my questions and/or give any advice on this, I would greatly appreciate it, thank you.
I'd like to know as well I am going to try to email this comment to him
@@marcp8953 have you emailed him what did he say
@@kusalseven3563 no i totally forgot about it but I came to the conclusion that mewing will not have as much as an effect if you wear a retainer but I have seen a little progress when I was mewing
But what if I had gap between teeth before orthodonthic treatment, will mewing cause teeth to form gap like it was before orthodonthic treatment?
All i want to know is can you get forwards movement without palate expansion.
?? you don't want to expand your palate?
Yes you can with a jaw surgery. They’ll cut your maxilla and move it upwards / forwards. Horrid.
@@crossroads670 does paladar expander moves ur maxilla forward or just gets wider from the sides?
Diet is a big factor too in strengthening teeth too.
How so?
@@ruminate773 we are what we eat. We need to feed the body to make us strong, that goes for teeth too. Eat the most nutrient dense food there is and less toxins as much as possible, and that is the raw primal diet.
@@Kingbilly11 Thanks for the reply. I would imagine a diet primarily consisting of animal products would fit this description, and I can see how that could eventually be beneficial for dental development as well.
@@ruminate773 yeah raw animal products. And then avoiding toxins like vaccines and seed oils ect. Humans today are kinda deformed lol. We could be so much better.
I had 4 pre-molars extracted and now i pretend to take off the braces. Should i use retainers to prevent open the spaces between the teeth or just the proper oral posture and tongue placement is enough to avoid it? I 've been doing mewing for about 1 year and a half. Obs: i am currently 2 years and 3 months in the orthodontic treatment with braces, it was necessary the extractions cause it was a open bite case. Age :21
Would love to know where you are now !
update us bro🙂
What did you do? Man i don't know, they had to take out 4 teeth, dang it now my face looks ugly and flat
Since the tongue is supposedly pushing upwards and forwards on the roof of the mouth, what effect would this have on the bottom teeth? Would the teeth crowd since there's no force that drives them outwards?
I don't have a scientific answer, but I can speak of my experience
... I started mewing a year ago with a fixed bottom retainer and it has messed my mouth up pretty badly. I had a perfect bite already after braces, but I wanted forward maxilla growth. I didn't research enough, so I didn't realize a fixed retainer would work against any gains.
My molars now slant inwards and my bottom teeth where the retainer is located, started shifting slightly and became crowded. The pressure was pretty uncomfortable. Now I'm the not-so-proud owner of mandibular tori (bony growths that look like small grapes). I have two growths, one on each side, underneath each bottom canine. They are the teeth that hold the retainer together with bonded cement. Tori are hereditary and it was probably inevitable that I got them, b/c all the women on my mom's side of the family have them. However, mewing with the retainer probably sped up the process, because I never had them before. Basically though, my dental arch seems to be collapsing. I have an appointment to get Invisalign next month, but I may try removing my retainer first and resume proper tongue posture to see if it fixes the issue before I fork out the money for Invisalign.
So yeah, mewing with a fixed retainer is a terrible idea. Definitely have it removed first. I could kick myself for not doing the proper research and it's probably going to cost me thousands of dollars to correct. But if I can stop someone else from making the same mistake, at least that is a silver lining. :-)
@@JamieBarrington i am using invisalging at the moment but i stopped using them when I started to new a few months ago and I noticed how my bottom teeth have started to get crooked even tho I don’t have any type of habit that crooks it. Do you know if mewing with invisalign is safe?
@@JamieBarringtoninteresting I have fixed retainer and have had palate expansion without any teeth crowing problems so far in 9 months.
will only wearing bottom essix retainers affect mewing progress?
I want to know that too
I’m going to stop wearing my retainer today, mewing ftw
Hows it going
@@userde3511 Mewing is a lot easier and seeing more progression. Haven’t noticed my teeth move back at all yet either. So far so good
How’s it going now
@@Cyrusn updates?
@@AJ-zo4pr teeth haven’t moved back a single bit. My face looks so much better after dedicating this time to mewing. Highly recommend
It’s kind of sad how I want to stop but I live with my strict mum who is a dentist 😢
Move out
Nathan I’ve moved out now but my mum has cameras all around the house monitoring me
NICKPE Nigga please
Nathan I also have a bedtime of 8 o’clock
NICKPE you’ve got to be joking...
So the ideal is getting braces late, and then leaving them on for as long as possible so the teeth can continue to adjust while the jaw is developing and adjusting. I got mine on at 20 and have had them for about a year now. I’m going to leave them on for as long as possible so I can keep having them expand evenly as I mew.
so you mew while having braces? how's the result
@@flower7939 it doesn’t do anything other than hold the pallet up so that you don’t develope a collapsed maxilla and tower gums. What’s important is to chew while you have them on so that the force puts force into the bones and structure of your face and nurtures it into developing more strongly. There’s a balance to it all, you can go overboard, but chewing and keeping support on the pallet still work. As long as you haven’t gotten a bunch of extractions.
I've come across Dr Mews oral posture videos prior to having braces and have been practicing my oral posture. It's now been 14 months now, with braces and I am still practicing my oral posture. When my braces are off, my orthodontist has told me he will be putting a fixed retainer on both the upper and lower teeth. I am hoping by continuing my oral posture and tongue positioning, over time it will become natural and my teeth will be fine. I am ok if they lapse a little bit...if there is a large lapse, I will get very concerned.
I'm in same situation as you,hope our plan works ;)
Are there any news from you guys? Any relapse?
What happened?
I have invisilign currently do I wear them while mewing or just ditch the invisilign and focus on mewing (keep in mind the reason I got invisilign was cause I had a overbite). #mikemewpersonalresponce
I recently started mewing. I have a hawley retainer and I still can mew with conscious effort when I’m awake. I will see if I can sustain this at night.
do not wear it at night while mewing. it's one or the other. a retainer will only hinder expansion of the maxillary arch and hinder forward development. simply practice perfect tongue posture and ditch the retainer.
Gus' T I stopped using them soon after I wrote this comment but thank you, I definitely agree.
@@Sabrina-rw3zq Progress Update? Are you a chad yet?
@@gust3626 but fixed retainers wont
@@abouchaka8230 consult your ortho/dentist. I'm no expert, but Dr. Mew says this shouldn't effect development. He made a video on this.
Am I cooked from using a hawley for 10 years throughout puberty
Nah ur good