The book we show at 2:54 is _Dixie's Daughters_ by Karen Cox, which features more about the UDC's efforts to preserve Confederate culture in the American South:
@William P. Roberts yup true, notice how much of this has been happening the last 5 years? amazing how people have all these new "facts" lately, fits perfect in the new Hate climate.
When we reached the civil way in American history my professor started off the unit with “people will tell you the civil the war was about states rights, they will tell you it was to repel over reaching government regulation and often southerners will paint it as a just and heroic fight to preserve states rights. But hear this, the civil war was about one thing: slavery. Slavery was at the root of the issue. Slavery was what the confederacy saw as an inalienable right. Slavery was why this war was fought and anyone who believes the lie of the lost cause is in for a rude awakening this unit”
SocomPlayerrrr didn’t the southern states, in their written declarations of independence, cite slavery as one of the primary causes of their separation
Charles Pruett What might be seen as prophecy in reality is just observation combine with intelligence. Saying he’s just an author is like saying Einstein was just a physicist.
Why is it the people who say Confederate monuments are about remembering history are the same people who are quick to say slavery ended a long time ago and blacks need to get over it?
OK SO WHY aren’t there more monuments commemorating >the slaves< who suffered for so long rather than people who fought to commit evil human right abuses? Black history is American history
Because Blacks didn't have power or influence to get there monuments built. While racist monuments were being built they were creating laws that made it impossible for Blacks to ever gain influence or prominence. It's all there IF you're interesting in truth.
@American Patriot! How can you be patriotic if you're so ignorant towards your compatriots and their plight? Rhetorical question. You're all american. You're all in it together.
It baffles me how southerners are so “proud to be American” and accuse others of not loving our country but will also glorify those who seceded from this country and play the victim by calling it “the War of Northern Aggression”…
Zack Macdowell … I live in South Carolina. Here, it’s way more than a “minute, trivial amount of boomers”. *Edit* I’d also like to point out that South Carolina is the state which first seceded from the Union. People with the above mindset are commonplace here, and they aren’t just boomers. They’re children, parents, grandparents, educators, and legislators, etc.
Well when the President orders all the States to produce 75,000 men. Equip them, train them, arm them. And then have those 75,000 American's take up arms against their families, neighbors, friend and fellow Americans, how can one not call that aggression?
Victoria Hicks I’m from the south and no one calls it that. And we are proud to be Americans. But we are also proud of our states. And when people try and tell us that we’re nothing but ignorant bigots based on only where we live we have a right to be irritated.
@@NovikNikolovic No, they are history. The statue of Augustus is history. We know what armor he wore and how he may have looked from that magnificent sculpting, not only is taking Down the statues a censorship and removal of history. It is also hurtful to those who took time to sculpt it and also those who learned from those statues, why take it down? Why not just put a disclaimer that says that the statue doesn’t represent modern Southerners? Because that isn’t as symbolic as tearing down a statue,
@@chitownzfinesthustla To remind a population of it's history prevents history from repeating itself. This has been common practice for CENTURIES. You people are simply snowflakes, that can not look in the mirror w/o melting.
@@noblechief4023 I guess that's why nobody knows anything about Adolph Hitler, there are no statues of him! Someone, please, make a statue for Adolph Hitler so we can remember his history, please! Otherwise we won't know what kind of armor he wore!
Was it a separatist school? I ask because a number of private Christian schools in Mississippi started because of integration during the 1960s. White students were removed from public schools on purpose and taught many of the stuff mentioned in the video. While it currently illegal many of these so called Christian schools are still segregated. This is because blacks Mississippians know their history and understandably will not enroll their children in them. I went to an integrated public school in the South. Our history books were straight forward.
Henry Drake That explains much. I’m sorry. I’ve known lots of people who went to them and the levels of racism or racist rhetoric is disturbing. I know that they grew from it, but still for children to experience that...I’m sorry.
I live in Louisiana and I can say that this is extremely true. We’d have ex-confederate generals as our “Person of the day.” And our history teacher taught us that slavery wasn’t the cause of the war. They said that “Political unrest” was. And they barely had a slavery chapter in the textbook. I’m a darkskin African-American myself, so it really bothered me.
I'm from the south, and I have friends who have actually tried to argue that slavery had nothing to do with the civil war. It's ridiculous and honestly sometimes I'm embarrassed to know someone is stupid enough to believe that.
And I can't believe anyone believes it was about slavery. How does that actually make sense? One day one half of the country just decides to kill the other half because they have slaves? The entire country had slaves, which includes the north. The rationale of slavery is used today because it's easier to justify one's actions if you paint the opposing party as the "bad guys." The winners write history.
I'm from the north and was still taught that slavery was not the root cause of the civil war. The seccesion of the south was the root cause, the abolition of slavery was a side cause.
Well, to be rather exact, the abolition of slavery was not the primary goal of the North. There was definitely large abolitionist groups in the North, and no one in the North was happy about things like the Fugitive Slave Law. More popular than abolition was something called the "Slave Power" conspiracy, that the slave owning states were trying to take over the North in a coup-like way by slowly corrupting the various branches of government. When southern states started to break off, the main concern was that this would allow Europe to pray on a weak US, that the South had been getting everything it wanted and as soon as Lincoln was President, suddenly they just couldn't take a candidate who explicitly said that he did not want to get rid of slavery where it already existed, only stop it from spreading to new places. ---- The main purpose for the South succeeding, and thus sparking the war however, was slavery. If I may quote South Carolina's declaration of Secession, the primarily reason is the "increasing hostility on the part of the non-slaveholding States to the Institution of Slavery." Nowhere in the document are tariffs or taxes mentioned. The south had a definite fear that the North wanted to take their slaves away, and thus they broke away. And for my personal opinion, I do think that the civil war may have been justifiable on the basis that ending chattel slavery literally freed millions of enslaved people. And of course, slavery was not happy. Slavery saw families broken up when young children around the age of 10 were sold to plantations away from their parents. Slavery saw many people whipped or worse for not performing labor. Slavery saw a very legal way to rape someone, because if they were considered your property well, you could do whatever you wanted with them. So well... yeah. I think the fact that slavery was ended was one of the best things to happen to the United States of America, and that should be celebrated. The defeat of the Confederacy allowed for the end of slavery, I think that much is not especially debatable. I am grateful.
@@vihaanmallela Republican's literally only want it in places with high amounts of minority populations, it's almost like they came up with the idea in a think tank on voter suppression or something
I live in the south, and lemme tell you.. If you ever make any sort of allusion to the civil war being caused by slavery, you get bombarded with shouts of, "It was to protect our WAY of life," or, "But MY FAMILY was too poor to have slaves!" Or some other kind of nonsense that hurdles over the fact that slavery was a thing here. Usually followed by some line of, "It was a battle of state rights," or, "The Africans used slavery, too, you know," so they can fill out their that's-not-remotely-the-point-here-sharron card.
Whites would not do that kind of work, both bc it was too physically hard, and bc it would have instantly lowered their *presumed* social status to the lowest rung -- that of a mere agricultural laborer. I'm reminded of the CA fruit grower who swore off the use of Mexican migrant labor back in the no-jobs days of 2009, and placed ads everywhere offering to fill all his harvesting teams with US citizens, paying room and board and a daily wage superior to what the Mexicans had been getting. After two weeks only a handful of Americans had shown up, and only ONE of those lasted more than the FIRST TWO DAYS. He had to recall the Mexicans or let his fruit rot in the field.
I still hear from so many people (even my own family) that slavery wasn't the root cause of the war. Slavery is literally cited as the reason for secession in the declaration of secession of the Confederate States. Even if you claim states rights (to own slaves) or preserving southern economies (which were built on slaves), it all comes back to slavery.
The war was not fought because of secession, but because the Union chose to invade the south. Their invasion was out of fear the US would never again be able to financially exploit slavery. So yes - slavery was the root cause of the war, but not for the reason nor logic you are attempting to present.
Nathaniel Otey I guess it depends on the way you look at it, the had seceded and thus those troops were invading. But then again did they ask nicely? Idk
Even if you believe that slavery was the root cause of secession, secession was not the cause of the war. The war, unlawfully started by Lincoln without the consent of Congress when he violated previously agreed armistices (which by definition are acts of war), was a war of choice. But we have many accounts by notable and informed writers of the time, including the northern abolitionist Lysander Spooner, and the English author Charles Dickens who had just returned from a tour in the United States before the war, who both stated in the strongest terms that the war had nothing to do with slavery. The revisionist history is that which teaches that slavery was the primary reason for the war.
"Hitler Youth" or Soviet "Young Pioneers"? You be the judge! They "Children of the Confederacy" have similarities to BOTH groups, WHICH ONE do you think is CLOSER? HARD TO TELL!
The overwhelming cause of the war was slavery. Why so many seemingly well-educated people continue to deny this fact, is beyond me. At the level of the individual soldier, they were mainly fighting out of a sense of obligation to their homes, their community, their society and state. But the southern politicians who pushed and ultimately ‘succeeded’ in pushing secession, overwhelmingly did so with the primary purpose of preserving the terrible institution of slavery.
Dale Paynter I thought the south seceded because they wanted to keep slaves but then the union started the war so they South would join back. Then signed the emancipation proclamation like halfway through the war to rally the northern troops to fight to free slaves. I honestly don't know anymore. There's like 500 different ways people say the war happened. I bet it was actually just a fight over whether cats or dogs were better.
I know there was gonna be a fight over control of slavery. I'm just saying I thought lincoln started the war wanting the south back not caring if they kept slaves or not at the time. Then changed and started to make the war more about freeing slaves than anything else. If that is true, than initially the war wouldn't have primarily been over slaves, which is what everyone keeps saying.
@Billy Bob , the first time the draft was used. During the Civil War, the U.S. Congress passes a conscription act that produces the first wartime draft of U.S. citizens in American history. The act called for registration of all males between the ages of 20 and 45, including aliens with the intention of becoming citizens, by April 1. Exemptions from the draft could be bought for $300 or by finding a substitute draftee. This clause led to bloody draft riots in New York City, where protesters were outraged that exemptions were effectively granted only to the wealthiest U.S. citizens.
@Matthew Chenault , what are your thoughts on the 1860 election? Especially the Republican convention. Lincoln was anti slavery but he was not for freeing the slaves at that point in time. I don't think he would have been nominated as the Republican candidate for president if he was for freeing the slaves. I think the general consensus of the average person at that time was against the spread of slavery. For most I don't think it was a moral issue but an economic issue. It meant having to compete against slave labor.
Fun Fact: Woodrow Wilson was an extreme racist and big supporter of segregation. WW1 General Pershing was also, when requested, he refused to provide white units to integrate with French and British forces on the Western Front but happily provided black American units. This however, backfired as the black soldiers found that they were treated very well by British and French soldiers and enjoed serving with them due to their lack of racism and segregation.
@@NONO-oy1cuDidn't the British have their colonial troops and were more racist? I'd say having a black historical figure helped the french more. Or I could be mistaken, of course.
Specifically, Wilson was born in my hometown Columbia. His father was a professor at the Columbia Seminary, which eventually relocated to Atlanta but still retains the Columbia name.
Better to be drowned in a lake, with a heavy weight around one's neck, than to be guilty of leading children astray, on one's judgment day. Credit: someone wiser than me. Revelation 4:3
I'm glad my Texan History teacher told us and I quote "If someone ever tells you the Civil War was about anything other than slavery, that is bull****" it was dope because we were in 6th grade
@@southernappalachianrecon Mlk would not have endorsed that. What his follo.. oh wait never mind those weren't his followers and I am sure he would not associate himself with them.
Your teacher lied to you. The war was fought because the Union chose to invade the south in response to the confederacy's announcement that Charleston and Savannah would become tariff free trade ports. The war was the southern states' resistance to this invasion. The slavery argument doesn't play on moral grounds since the Union needed as many blacks as possible working in the cotton and tobacco fields so they could profit off their export to Europe. Granted this (like every war that's ever been fought) was over money and geo-political economics - this might be a bit above a 6th grade teacher's comprehension.
The more I learn about history and power and the maintenance of it the more I realise PR (and all shades of it) is one of the most powerful tools of control.
I don't know why but it makes me even more intrigued and interested to learn history. Like I want to learn both sides of the coin - the winners and the losers.
"We need Confederate Monuments to remember our history" Uganda is emphatic about remembering history. Never not once have I seen a monument of Idi Amin
Native Americans were in this country first, and many tribes had beautiful cultures before us Europeans came and eradicated them and their history to the point that even their descendants can’t learn many Native American traditions because they have been wiped from history. But monuments for native Americans, are very sparse and usually use the racist word “Indian” instead of specific tribe’s names, although India is very far away from America, and Native American and Indians are not interchangeable. But the confederacy monuments and history are well preserved, celebrated and even studied to today.
We don’t need them to remember our history I just don’t like destroying monuments. especially when there’s an uncountable number of museums out there who would take them!
I live in Georgia, and I’m grateful for my history teacher telling my class that the civil war was about slavery and telling us the horrible truth about slavery. I’m glad I’m not one of those racist hillbillies
Slavery was the biggest factor dividing the country but the original purpose of the war was to preserve the Union, but Lincoln still wanted the free the slaves. After a large military victory Lincoln turned the war into a war against slavery. So while not though of as the reason for the war originally it was a major factor.
I'm originally from the northeast, there is recent TH-cam footage from my hometown that's just as racist as anything I experienced after I moved to the South when schools were still segregated. Time to accept you're dealing with something much more pervasive than a Southern thing. In many ways, seeing as how this is fifty years later, it's worse.
Harry Arches yep “fake news” goes way back. It amazes me as well how liberals are considered “sore losers” and in need of “safe spaces” and “participation trophies.”
@Ethan Snyder I agree with that sentiment, but I don't think insisting their side was the good side or rather spreading misinformation or false truths about the past helps them in this case. I'd say this basically means they're supporting their ancestors or at the very least doing what their ancestors would've wanted. In hindsight, my comment unintentionally lumped the new generation with the old and that's wrong. Regardless, the Civil War and it's conflict should have ended there and what's in the past like regional tension between the north and south over this issue should stay in the past.
Welcome to the "But states rights" Comment Section! Make sure you keep your arms and legs inside the vehicle at all times, and enjoy the roller coaster ride of lies and ignorance!
Dragon_12dk it's only about economics for the former slave owners. About 32% of the population owned slaves, but about 10% owned nearly half of the slave population. So fighting for *your* state rights, is a way better rallying cry than, fighting for 1/3 of the population economic interest.
The version of history you teach to children can have a significant effect on how they grow up. Some will inevitably rebel or start smelling the bullshit when they grow older, but most simply accept it as the way things are. Combine this with an education approach which doesn't aim to teach young children to think for themselves or problem solve so much as remember "facts," and you have a poisonous education system breeding ignorance and arrogance.
I was criticising education systems in general. Most of them seem to focus around cramming facts in children's heads and slap them across the knuckles every time they show any degree of doubt. I teach university courses (not in the Americas) and pick up the tail end of it - Kids 20 and 21 who can't do research, problemsolving or discussion and just keep asking for blocks of text to memorise and regurgitate come exam time. That's not the sort of education which builds functioning adults, or at the very least very capable specialists.
Edohiguma So is the UK socialist? And is it working for them? So tell me about this evil. I'm not a socialist but only because I don't consider the UK socialist. And communism is extreme, super extreme socialism.
This makes a lot of sense now about why the south is so into “history” . But it’s also really sad that after all these years we still think of the south as south, as separate in a way from the United States. When we talk about the a south it kinda does feel like talking about another country, and it shouldn’t be that way. It’s all thanks to a bunch of Karen’s who were upset about losing. Geez, they really did a lot of damage.
I'm from Florida, south of the south but in Florida the more north you go in the state the more southern things become once you get north of the moss line you are in the south. Kinda been waiting for Florida to break off from the rest of the us and become an island
I remember being kicked out of class in the 5th grade in North Carolina because we were leaning about the "War of northern aggression"; i had no idea what the teacher was talking about. I asked if it was before or after the Civil war and she asked me to wait in the hallway. She would come out to tell me that i needed to go to the principals office and wait for my mom.
I know you're making a joke but I want to say, for the benefit of others seeing your comment: You should NEVER be glad you are too LAZY to read or to do your school assignments. Being a lazy thinker is not something for which to be glad or proud. It's better to read & use your critical thinking & reasoning skills to QUESTION what you read than it is to not read. Laziness is bad. Read your textbooks. Go to classes. Ask questions. LOTS of questions. And question everything internally. Think about what you read & see & hear. Just don't be lazy.
Unfortunately, the only way to get the Southern States to accept the Constitution was to allow slavery and provided a formula to determine the Southern States representation in Congress. If they would have not accepted the COnstitution and joinedthe Union, they would have probably formed their own nation amoungst the Southern States. The fact that the Federal government was telling new states that they could not have slaves and the constant dictation to the states, who according to the Constitution, only had the powers granted to the Federal government by the Constitution, all other powers residing with the states, felt threatened and they left a Union that they freely joined. The fact that Lincoln would not recognize their right to secede and raised an army to keep the Union together, WAS an act of aggression towards the South. And when the Northern troops would not leave Fort Sumpter, which was in South Carolina state waters, the Southern forces fired on the enemy, starting the Civil War. Legally, there is nothing in the Constitution that forbids a state to leave the Union. Plus all battles of the war, except those at Gettysburg, were fought in Southern territory. The North DID invade the South and were the aggressors, whether you want to accept that fact or not.
Warren Ash That still has nothing to do with the fact that every confederate state clearly had one thing in mind: slavery, and furthering it’s spread across the united states. Slavery is clearly printed in every confederate state’s constitution. It may not have started the war necessarily but it’s overall the reason the south seceded.
@@QBert904 Not only that the Confederacy was going to have their own form of manifest destiny were they took over mexico and such to help spread slavery.
@@warrenash5370 The Confederates were the first to commit aggression, before the war militias under the orders of their state governors seized guns from Union armories across the South and the Confederates were the first to raise an army to fight and lastly it is still the Rebels who shot first.
F Offenton You are being willfully ignorant and pedantic. If you you really cared about accurate naming you would not be deafening a name that takes blame away from the southern states. Who not only owned SLAVES and were seceding over SLAVERY and “War broke out in April 1861 when secessionist forces attacked Fort Sumter in South Carolina shortly after Abraham Lincoln had been inaugurated as the President of the United States.” - Wikipedia. (you also fail to bring up a better name)
The Vietnam Veterans Memorial is one of the least triumphalist and least trophy-like memorials that I can think of. It is less celebratory and more akin to a gravestone. It is a place of sombre remembrance, not something designed to be celebrated. At least not in the way monuments traditionally celebrate.
My experience with viewing Confederate memorials indicates a wide range of presentations, from gaudy, over-the-top marble extravaganzas dedicated to the glories of the Lost Cause all the way to somber lone soldiers with grim inscriptions about the war dead. There's quite a difference between the two, wouldn't you say? But, you seem to think they're all the same. And at least the South "won" the occupation, while Vietnam was just one giant failure during and afterwards.
Big brain, I go to a Texas school and the textbooks are very fair. Just read the sections on the civil war. Back then the Democrats thought it was a necessary evil.
J Austin that isn’t true. Now a days the books given to classrooms in Texas refer to actual history of the civil war and will state slavery was a big cause of the war.
@@darealpapajon but the reason for succession was slavery.. everything always came back to slavery. Without the northern opposition to it, there is no succession.
@@landonbass83 I can see if your ancestor died in the battle for the Confederacy. Can't hold that against you but those who believe it was for a good cause is outta their mind. Celebrate your Confederate ancestors with personal memorials NOT as public figures
”Those who control the present, control the past and those who control the past control the future.” George Orwell, in the book ”1984.” This is one instance that shows how that is a true statement.
Got my mom finally in her 70's to watch that film "1984" , she was shocked and amazed how much it related to the world, I explained to her when it was made it was more warning SCI-Fi type film but politicaans used it as playbook for power.....
Every southerner should read “The Cornerstone Speech” given by the VP of the confederacy in 1861. It states the slavery was the cause of the war and that the black man was not equal.
Abraham Lincoln also believed that black men were not equal, and was working on his plans to deport them all to either Central America or Africa when he was assassinated. The VP of the Confederacy - as is often the case with VPs - was not especially influential. The record of this particular speech was also constructed from notes taken by someone attending, and not from the speaker's own notes. It is less than reliable.
So a group of Karen’s are responsible for my high school history teacher getting mad at me and yelling at me saying that slavery had nothing to do with the war. Makes sense(I live in the south btw).
I had to go to peninsular Charleston in December 2010 for work purposes. This was on the sesquicentennial of the signing of the Articles of Secession. Unbelievably, there was a festive atmosphere that day, and it wasn't just because it was almost Christmas. You couldn't get past the number of people wearing period pieces, including the President Pro Tem of the South Carolina Senate. It was!! I don't know how else to describe it!!
You know, I'm from NJ and I had the distinct honor and privilege of serving with people from the South when I was in Afghanistan. I still keep in touch with many of them today, because they all know we fought there for ALL Americans, not just people from the North or the South. They are all proud of their heritage, but they all also believe that slavery was an unjust and barbaric practice, and agree that it's a shameful part of American history. None of them have a racist bone in there bodies, and they are all people whom I forever will be proud to have served with. I wish this country could move forward as ONE nation under God - a proud people who all share the same history. Even Robert E. Lee - who was against monuments commemorating the Confederacy, btw - would be rolling in his grave if he saw the division that the Civil War still causes in this country. Let's just be proud to be Americans and move forward.
Yes. Its ingrained already as schooled & educated by. Similarly, there's children of some hardcore Islam background in the middle east that have been schooled so as it is ingrained & easy for the extremists to tap into & manipulate. So sad, isn't it? Children are the most vulnerable that's why Jesus' words warn the adults who cause children to sin or keep them in darkness "woe unto you its better for you to put a millstone around your neck & throw yourself to the sea" coz adults can brainwash & steer the minds of the vulnerable young.
@@imperator692 that's an oversimplified answer. I'm not defending slavery, nor racism. I admit they are wrong. I'm just trying to deal with the realities as they were. The war was to resist and repel federal troops from the Southland. The South primarily fought against invasion, not to take over the Union or the north. There would have been no war if Lincoln had not resupplied Sumter nor invaded Southern territory. In fact, the other Southern states did not leave the Union until Lincoln raised an invading army.
The Confederate Constitution protected slavery as an institution and also called for allowing slavery expansion as well, in any new territory created by the CSA. The Confederate Constitution lost the war, therefore, slavery ended. A simple reading of said Constitution of the Confederacy makes it clear that slavery was at the heart of the conflict.
William C. Davis wrote an excellent book called "A Nation of our Own" about the writing of the Confederate Constitution. Southerners actually thought this document was so good that Northern states would want to join the Confederacy and what to do about it. In the second paragraph Davis (who is from Mississippi) states that all of the reasons for secession goes back to the root of slavery.
@F Offenton I noticed the reply thread stated as a comment an the confederate constitution, you copied the the letters of succession. You do know there is a difference?
I love how conservatives honestly think all these racists disappeared when the civil rights act was passed. This organization literally worked hard to PRESERVE racism.
@Matthew Chenault You don't erect a thousand statues of a man because you're worried he'll be forgotten. You do it to send a message to the townspeople who pass by it every day. And if you don't believe me, just ask the Poles and Ukrainians about the decades they spent beneath the towering effigies of Vladimir Lenin.
Matthew Chenault Matthew were their original founder's racist? Were slaveholders and soldiers in the confederate war racist? If yes, isn't their heritage racist, and isn't racism apart of the heritage they are fighting to protect? While racism became non- PC in the 70s and 80s and legally prosecutable, I don't believe it truly changed people's hearts, it just changed how they practiced their beliefs. What are your thoughts?
IRA Pepe Why does that history HAVE to be tied to the confederacy? There was NOTHING good about confederate culture but there is A LOT to celebrate about southern AMERICAN culture. The fact that southerners choose to represent their heritage via the confederacy only fuels the idea they are racist. Nothing good came from the confederacy literally in its founding document it said it existed to preserve slavery. So if you wanna remember the south do it as an American or and Alabamian or Georgian or Mississippian etc... not as a confederate
Matthew Chenault And no we use history and books to REMEMBER people and monuments to CELEBRATE people. No confederate should be celebrated period. Obviously there are southerners that deserve monuments but def not if they were part of the confederacy. Cause by celebrating them you are celebrating their views. We will nvr forget hitler and we nvr should forget hitler but we will nvr create a monument for him.
So much for the winner writing the history books. I can see why pride is the worst of the deadly sins, these folks poisoned generations with a divisive mentality that lives on to this day.
Exactly, People forget there were eight slave states in the Union on April 12, 1861 when Fort Sumter was bombarded. Virginia, Tennessee, Arkansas, North Carolina, Maryland, Delaware, Kentucky and Missouri. There were only seven slave states that first seceded and formed the Confederate States of America. South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi and Texas. If the War was about slavery, WHY did the North allow four slave states to fight the duration of the war for the North? Maryland, Delaware, Missouri and Kentucky? And remember West Virginia was added to the Union later as a slave state. No one is willing to explain why Congress passed on March 2, 1861 (notice the date)- The Corwin Amendment. This amendment would have Constitutionalized slavery. The Corwin Amendment won two-thirds support in both the House and the Senate in early 1861. Ohio was the first state to ratify the amendment, and Maryland and Illinois followed suit, but the onset of the Civil War interrupted the states’ ratification of the amendment. If the South was fighting for slavery, all it had to do was ratify the amendment. It’s still open and on the books with no time limit. “I understand a proposed amendment to the Constitution has passed Congress, to the effect that the Federal Government shall never interfere with the domestic institutions of the States, including that of persons held to service (slaves). Holding such a provision to now be implied constitutional law, I have no objection to its being made Express and Irrevocable.” ~Abraham Lincoln~ These issues must be addressed and explained before a Southerner(those that are not apologists) will accept the Yankee narrative of the war being about slavery. The hypocrisy is sickening.
winners do write history. that's why the people in this video are shown as the villains. otherwise they'd be running the country and we'd probably still see slavery
RedZeshinX. White supremacist did win the Civil War, the Northern ones. They fought to change the economic system not the social structure. Slaves were meant to be free, not equal.
H. D. RIder, *If the War was about slavery, WHY did the North allow four slave states to fight the duration of the war for the North? Maryland, Delaware, Missouri and Kentucky? And remember West Virginia was added to the Union later as a slave state.* Few reasons. First Lincoln was being very generous to Kentucky because he knew he needed the state to win the war. Kentucky was loyal until AFTER the war when they identified with the Confederacy because they viewed Lincoln in breach of his promise. He was doing everything he possibly could to quell the sentiments of disunion. If you guys want to paint Lincoln as so savvy as to bait the South's Ft. Sumter strike and think he wasn't savvy enough to pull a modus vivendi with a slave state then you ned to make up your mind about Lincoln. Missouri was a unique case because of the 1820 Compromise. I'm not too up on Missouri history to know how much conflict was in its borders but Lincoln's power to act against slavery was contingent upon there being a rebellion there. The same is true for West Virginia, which, while they abolished slavery 10 months or so after entry, how much slave sentiment was in that mountainous region anyway? They weren't confederate sympathizers, along with the folks in Western NC or East TN because of the mountains. Maryland had most of the slaves but they were also dependent upon internal improvements. This all gets into the stratification of the Secessionist movement. That is why they didn't all have an exodus at the same time. Some wanted to see what Lincoln was going to do, some wanted to stay because they were dependent upon internal improvements, and some wanted to leave immediately. This stratification illustrates why secession wasn't a democratic endeavor. To answer your question I think it doesn't necessarily undermine Lincoln's argument that he had no intention to interfere with slavery "where it existed" to let slave states fight for the Union. He was consistent that he didn't have the authority to abolish it where it already existed. *No one is willing to explain why Congress passed on March 2, 1861 (notice the date)- The Corwin Amendment.* The Corwin Amendment was moot. I already asserted that the immediate secessionists weren't going to wait to see what Lincoln was going to do. Most already seceded before that point anyway. They saw the writing on the wall. If you read the Lincoln Douglas debates, his letter to Greeley, his First Inaugural, you see that he was willing to try to capitulate. The first half of the war was conciliatory. And who cares about the Corwin Amendment anyway since the Constitution supposedly no longer applied? That is the explanation of the Corwin Amendment. The South didn't trust Lincoln, and slavery was already Constitutional. The Corwin Amendment wouldn't have changed the fact that the North still had more states and more population and that the South was losing its influence in the House and Senate. *These issues must be addressed and explained before a Southerner(those that are not apologists) will accept the Yankee narrative of the war being about slavery. The hypocrisy is sickening.* Now that I have addressed those issues you need to address the following if you want to prove to me or anyone else that the war wasn't about slavery: If one wants to try to argue that the war wasn't about slavery, but rather tariffs and stuff like that, then they have to show evidence which explains the following: 1.Bleeding Kansas, the Filibusters, The South's reaction to the North's Personal Liberty Laws from the perspective of popular sovereignty, the Caning of Sumner, the F-Street Mess and their Gag Rule, and Dred Scott and the stratification of the secessionist movement. 2. THEN you have to explain the Declarations of Immediate Causes(especially Texas' and Missisippi's), the Cornerstone Speech, and the Confederate Constitution.
The "Southern Belle" archetype never looked so menacing. I also want to add that there was a great effort in the 1950s and 60s from the south regarding beauty contests, there were a lot of southern beauty queens and it was mostly used to support a pro segregationist platform.
Oh, we do know about history! We don’t need confederate statues to know what confederates is all about! We don’t need it! Germany doesn’t have Hitlers statue anywhere in Germany, but yet we all know about hitler!
Jan Brady i don’t really see a problem with getting rid of american history for the most part, it was built off of slaughtering a whole civilization and enslaving another one... we don’t need to be reminded of that, especially when you can just read a book
@@derekrequiem4359 I'm a Conservative, Read history books enjoy the museum and also enjoy my bible. Bet you wont ever meet a liberal that will work a job for more than 40 hours a week, Bet you wont meet a liberal that has an identity crisis every day.
I'm from the south and my favorite arguments are with idiots who claim the civil war was not about slavery. And I point out the Articles of Secession where every southern state cites slavery as the cause for leaving the Union and South Carolina started the war by firing first.
theylied1776 I couldn't agree with you more. I don't know which state you live in, but I live in Kentucky. While the Southern historical revisionism of the Civil War isn't NEARLY as bad here, since we were a Union "border state", it's still annoying to argue with Confederate apologists, especially in the rural and southern parts. Interestingly, being a Union "border state" that still allowed slavery, we were taught a bit of a combination of the facts and historical revisionism. We were taught that the Civil War wasn't originally about slavery, that it was originally about preserving the Union. We were told that it wasn't until the Emancipation Proclamation that it was about ending slavery. It wasn't until high school that I found out the Civil War was fought over slavery all along.
Too bad the indoctrination is so widespread, that to even bring up solid facts easily provable by actual historical documents won’t convince the narrow minds of those who refuse to believe any other narrative of history that doesn’t fit some political agenda.
I like to let them figure themselves in torture by asking to list the reasons. Assuming they can list specific ones they tend to all be extensions of slavery.
The Reaction I found out by reading the Confederate States' declarations of secession, and finding out that each state had slavery as one of the main reasons (if not THE main reason) for secession. That's when I was certain that the Confederate apologists were wrong in their historical revisionism. I actually have known those things about Lincoln, and that he originally said that if he could've saved the Union without freeing a single slave, he would have. I do realize that, by today's standards, Lincoln would be a racist. While I admire him for eventually abolishing slavery, I don't act like he was this perfect person.
Being born and raised in the Deep South, I can attest to this. People around me, whether it be my grandparents, teachers, or pastors, all claim that confederate monuments are efforts to “remember our history”. I really hope this video is able to reach other people raised in the south as it did me. Thank you for making important educational content.
@@dylancoronel8053 Absolutely right. It's important to remember past injustices. However, a better model to follow is the way Germany has converted concentration camps into museums to remember their history and honor the victims. Germany did NOT put up statues of Hitler on every street corner. To do so would be an insult to his victims
I have always wondered if the history of the civil war and slavery was thought any differently anywhere else in United States? Unfortunately, this video proves my theory. However, it also explains why southerners become defensive when it comes to taking down confederate statues.
David Mitchell For something to be desecrated it has to first be worth something... honorable, or holy. The confederate movement was a ploy to head off the civil rights movement after the Confederate defeat. The statues were erected in defiance against people seeking equality. Those statues are likenesses of people who tried to burn down the US, slavers, torturers, TERRORIST to the United states way of life. That stars and stripes flag? It was about as valuable to the south as a cloth to carry animal feces. How hard is it to understand? The south was enemies to America, they fought a war, lost and surrendered. The statues' heads belong in a museum with a description of what they really stood for. Murder, mutilation, free labor, prejudice, slavery, white supremacy. THAT is what they fought for, that is what they stood for.
snatchadams69 Northern government didn’t hang them for treason because they couldn’t. You actually have the right to leave. West Virginia did and the north totally supported them leaving
Lord Kenyon there is none, history is largely just an interpretation of past events with just a few hard facts to guide it. Norths view: The civil war was between the North and South, it was caused when the South betrayed the union because of the abolishment of slavery Souths view: The civil war was between the union and the confederates, it was caused when the confederates exercised their right to secede and the tyrannical Union invaded the newly formed country. Both are correct! In a way. The war meant a lot of different things to many people. A slave owner wanted to keep their slaves, a (non-slave owner)southern farmer wanted to protect his land and way of life, a southern civilian just witnessed Union General Sherman burn down his city leaving him homeless and wanted to defend his newly formed country form this northern invasion. A Northern politician wants to make America whole again and sees the north and south as brothers who are fighting and it genuinely pains him to see this war. A northern sees the oppression and mistreatment of blacks as barbaric and will fight to stop the injustice. While another Northerner could care less about slavery but sees the south as traitors to the union and wants them to suffer men, women or children doesn’t matter. There are diary’s of confederate and union soldiers and they all show the many perspectives taken about the war. My only advice is try to see the many sides of the war from many different angles because as the saying goes “there’s two sides of every coin” but instead of a coin it’s more like a D20
+Completely Blank America and Haiti. Most modernized nations banned slavery without a civil war. Name a country who's independence movement took off due to taxes.
No, the moral narrative created to justify the illegal, tyrannical war (after it had started already, iirc) was about slavery. This monumental lie has corrupted our country ever since. Thank capitalism for internet and TH-cam:
Zack Macdowell Texas literally did that in parts. Also honestly I would rather they don’t teach it at all instead of warping and lying about it over all. That’s a lot more dangerous and leads to more racism. At least some of those kids would learn the truth at some point now you have these people who warped ideas of what actually happened which is scarier.
I have a law degree (constitutional law) and extensive historical study into geopolitics, with emphasis on American wars. Federal government overreach was the overarching theme. Slavery was not made central until 1863 (2 years into the war). 5 Union states had slavery through the entire war. I could go on but folks want to think what they have been told is correct, and not think for themselves. I’d be happy to provide ample evidence to support my position when I get time if anyone wants to pose a legitimate counter.
@@dr.lyleevans6915 Yes, the Federal government was "overreaching" as you put it, AND and South Carolina(1st state to exit) and Georgia states FROM THEIR MOUTH, the overreaching was slavery. Or is my reading comprehension off?
@ I can tell you are fiction...John Wick. Return from your fantasy world and use proper punctuation "simpleton." Anyone who thinks they need a history degree to comprehend a letter that tells you exactly the reason for secession is obtuse.
No body believes this stuff we had nothing to do with what are ansesters did but the civil war was about slavery and protecting the way of life for the south because the 1% of people that owned slaves were worried that they would go out of business if they had to hire people is was not about racism it was about business
@Jack Tompkins, but racism is more likely... people are already racist today on their own free-will, so why can't they be racist during civil war as well?
meh Gonna disagree. I did the same thing and I'm proud of my country's actions in the Civil War and my heritage. And I'm from America the Midwest to be more specific so you can call me an ignorant bubbler-sucking yankee if you want. Your choice
They were used for longer than you stated in rural communities. My wife was subjected (her words) to this poorly written textbook in her 8th grade class in 1987 at Colquitt County Junior High in South Georgia.
One might keep in mind that what is today the mainstream view on racism, racial equality, and discrimination would have been radical even among the abolitionists of 1858 -- never mind Lincoln who kept some distance between himself and abolitionists.
@dosdude The UDC weren't telling truth at all. The leaders own documents (articles of secession and the confederacy's own constitution) along with the cornerstone speech pretty much destroy all of the udc's claims
It now makes sense why the south/conservatives are so far behind the north/west/east as well as why they're so nasty and angry about everything. It's a geographical level of propaganda going on down there.
Politics Have you ever been or spent any amount of time in the “South”? It’s ironic that people are talking about propaganda in the past tense when it’s even more influential in today’s society. I doubt your opinion is that of experience, and everything of influence. And by the way, I live in the “North.”
Okay so note that West Virginia, one of the poorest states and probably the states where whites have the lowest median income, was not Confederate. Kentucky, also non-confederate, has extremely high poverty. So it's the south, not the ex-confederracy, which has historically been backwards. Also note that conservative=/= southern, and many quite conservative mountain-west states are quite prosperous (and even educated!) such as Alaska (3rd highest median income), Utah (13th), North Dakota (16th) and Wyoming (17th). Virginia-the capital of the confederacy is also 8th. Many many more complicated factors here, including climate. Until air conditioning became relatively cheap, industry was difficult in hot climates, note that the global south is only recently industrializing, and 20th century industry was concentrated in the upper mid-west, more Michigan than, say, Missouri or Arizona-this helped keep the South stuck in low productivity agriculture until recently. Now, the south is somewhat rapidly catching up: So I like the spirit of analysis... But be careful with your facts.
@@Tylerboyd2001 were all taught different history, I learnt that nothing major happened in China during japanese occupation in WW2 and how hitler was born evil and definitely wasn't put down that path
How can anyone be for rejecting a textbook that describes slaveholders as being cruel to their slaves? Unless they want to keep institutionalized slavery and that is in direct opposition to our American rights and values. Right to pursuit of happiness can never jive with human slavery. Absolutely disgusting that I feel the need to describe why slavery needs to be rejected.
Keith L. Do you forget that one of the largest slave trades in the US happened to be in Washington, D.C, before the civil war? The emancipation proclamation was nothing more than a war tactic to gain the advantage. Lincoln knew by shutting down the cotton industry, the south would go bankrupt. Lincoln never cared about slavery, he was only concerned with preserving a false union. This is very well documented, yet it's funny how you're In denial when the table's turned on you. Before the civil war, the United states were a collection of independent states holding a common union, not the federal union we have today. Lincoln destroyed the dreams of America's founding fathers when he sealed a union compact barring any state from leaving the union. The founding fathers strongly believed that secession is a right, to prevent a tyrannical government that no longer works for the people. Your virtue is misplaced, especially if you think the United States was an honest country in the 19th century. Corruption was running rampant all throughout Washington, no different from today. The civil war was fought mainly over tariffs and the threat of an increasingly overreaching government. The north had no problems with slavery in the south before the 1860s, they were mainly worried about the south's growing economy and power. Everything you think you know is a lie, whether you like or not. But whether you accept it and no longer be an idiot is up to you
Charlton Blake --- they wanted to justify and glorify the actions of their ancestors. They do don't want to face the truth about who they really were in the light of modern thinking so they invent a fake histroy
Edohiguma - -Actually what Vox said in the video can easily be verified as true. The DOC did invent a history trying to deny the civil was about slavery to make their grandfather not look like the fools they were for fighting to protect slavery. That is what is called a "what about this " argument hoping to reduce the truth by claiming some other point that does not really matter. The rebel flag is the National flag of racism and stupidity so fly it for one or both the reasons
Davis Mitchell - - Well I have read and continue to read many books about the civil war includes some series books of many volumes . One was the history book that I had many years ago in school that was a product of the Daughters of the Confederates text book oversight. This book was a lie from one end to the other starting with the pre-civil war chapters thought reconstruction. All in an attempt to glorify the rebels. . You said "happiness isn't at right: So are you saying the South was right to create and enforce a form government and social institution that forbid the blacks from the "pursuit" by enslaving them. If they escaped in "pursuit" of freedom and happiness then the law would return them to slave owners. I just don't get your point. Are you attempting to claim the South had the god given right as superior white men to stop the negro from this "pursuit of happiness" or are you saying that C. Blake was wrong because he read the wrong history book.. I don't get your point.. The war was over slavery.
David - - So 30, 40, 100 more years of slavery would be ok as long as the slave owners themselves decided to end slavery. yeah right. More Lost cause b/s
It was about states rights to secede, Lincoln wasn’t gonna free the slaves in Southern States he just made it prohibited in new states. He made the emancipation proclamation in 1863 AFTER the war started
I'm a korean american kid born and raised in georgia and even I bought into the "well the Civil War wasn't really about slavery" BS i was taught by my grade school history class.
The war really wasn't JUST about slavery. Some people think it has to be either state's rights or slavery, but it was a mixture of both. For one it was about the states' rights to have slaves, but it was also about state law trumping federal. Either way it is inaccurate to say the war wasn't about slavery just as much as it is to say it was JUST about slavery.
lamadic kola if you do your research, its obvious the civil war was just purely about slavery. The economic outcomes from slavery the north was racist the south was racist. The only difference was the north was slightly less racist and didnt like the idea of free and cheap labor. So slavery had to go or this whole country would’ve never had a consistent consumer income.
Haha yea! We can learn other things too it probably surprises everyone Especially when someone learns a new language. Since we are known for being a relatively poor state here in alabama
@@evinchester7820 The last three peace conferences were NOT started by the union, one was personally held by the chief of the Confederates, in which he sobbed at the pain he caused his men.
@@FishwicksREAL too bad he couldn't cry for some other people too, the rich and powerful will always drag the less fortunate in to fight their battles of oppression
@@tvttrg I don't think that's where the teacher is going with that statement; it might be an acknowledgement of their work to successfully misguide future generations on the intentions of the secession states during the war.
Another probably more important component of the establishment of Lost cause revisionism is its creation and promotion by academia itself. Prominent historians were espousing the rhetoric long before the UDC, and the worst of them (historians in prominent positions of power, especially Woodrow Wilson) perpetuated it in far stronger ways that allowed for such textbooks and popular media (like The Birth of a Nation) to be created. It is one of the greatest blemishes on the history profession.
Sorry, but the AHA was only founded in 1884. And these women didn't need the Dunning School to help them out. They did just fine without the prominent historians and those historians actually served the UDC as judges for their essay prizes--esp. the one they est. at Columbia University.
So, the South seceding from the North wasn't an act of treason and/or aggression? So all the documentation regarding enslaved people being torn from their families, being beaten, force to work unholy hours, raped, assaulted, murdered and treated as inferior isn't strong enough evidence for a "treacherous existence" in your opinion?
The book we show at 2:54 is _Dixie's Daughters_ by Karen Cox, which features more about the UDC's efforts to preserve Confederate culture in the American South:
It's an excellent work for those who are skeptical about the claims made in this video.
@Johnny Casteel Not possible that anything in the book is possible? A mind is like an umbrella, works best when open.
Biology is real
@William P. Roberts The 33% that did rented slaves to many of the non-slaveholding side. Everyone wanted to be a planter.
@William P. Roberts yup true, notice how much of this has been happening the last 5 years? amazing how people have all these new "facts" lately, fits perfect in the new Hate climate.
Even today I’m still taught in Texas that the war wasn’t about slavery, it was about “states rights”. Yes. The states’ rights to own slaves.
When we reached the civil way in American history my professor started off the unit with “people will tell you the civil the war was about states rights, they will tell you it was to repel over reaching government regulation and often southerners will paint it as a just and heroic fight to preserve states rights. But hear this, the civil war was about one thing: slavery. Slavery was at the root of the issue. Slavery was what the confederacy saw as an inalienable right. Slavery was why this war was fought and anyone who believes the lie of the lost cause is in for a rude awakening this unit”
SocomPlayerrrr didn’t the southern states, in their written declarations of independence, cite slavery as one of the primary causes of their separation
Michael Pomales yes, and as a right
Yes states rights to steal a black man's freedom. To continue in gaining wealth..
One theory is that the north was pressuring the south to charge a tax when a ship docked at their ports and the south refused!
“He who controls the past controls the future. He who controls the present controls the past.”
― George Orwell, 1984
Also Rage Against the Machine 😉 NOW TESTIFY!
George Orwell was not some sort of prophet. He was just an author.
He who controls the media, controls the media - Me
@@mindspinn311 Dang it! You beat me to it
Charles Pruett What might be seen as prophecy in reality is just observation combine with intelligence. Saying he’s just an author is like saying Einstein was just a physicist.
Why is it the people who say Confederate monuments are about remembering history are the same people who are quick to say slavery ended a long time ago and blacks need to get over it?
CCJJ160Channels we will never get over it god will take care of them
@@lameechcurry1675 god let it happen😒
Seems weird they usually want us to fight amongst ourselves right
@@tonybyrd7969 Nope. Humans let it happen. God can't help people if you don't let him. 🙄
@@helloguytie8375 tell that to someone with cancer so God can heal them.
Slaves: *running away from their masters in order to gain freedom*
"They were having a fun, lighthearted game of hide and seek!"
@God of the Eternal light. uh
i beg your pardon
You know, now I wouldn't be surprised if it said that
@God of the Eternal light.
Go away loser
@Lee Kenyon
Give me liberty or give me death...
OK SO WHY aren’t there more monuments commemorating >the slaves< who suffered for so long rather than people who fought to commit evil human right abuses? Black history is American history
A few have popped up in recent years, but even those are extremely minute compared to the Confederate Leaders' statues...
Wow that’s a really good point. A lot of people were treated as or worse than animals.
Because Blacks didn't have power or influence to get there monuments built. While racist monuments were being built they were creating laws that made it impossible for Blacks to ever gain influence or prominence. It's all there IF you're interesting in truth.
@American Patriot! you don't seem very patriotic
@American Patriot! How can you be patriotic if you're so ignorant towards your compatriots and their plight?
Rhetorical question.
You're all american. You're all in it together.
It baffles me how southerners are so “proud to be American” and accuse others of not loving our country but will also glorify those who seceded from this country and play the victim by calling it “the War of Northern Aggression”…
That part!
Happy Confederate History Month!!!
Zack Macdowell … I live in South Carolina. Here, it’s way more than a “minute, trivial amount of boomers”.
*Edit* I’d also like to point out that South Carolina is the state which first seceded from the Union. People with the above mindset are commonplace here, and they aren’t just boomers. They’re children, parents, grandparents, educators, and legislators, etc.
Well when the President orders all the States to produce 75,000 men. Equip them, train them, arm them. And then have those 75,000 American's take up arms against their families, neighbors, friend and fellow Americans, how can one not call that aggression?
Victoria Hicks I’m from the south and no one calls it that. And we are proud to be Americans. But we are also proud of our states. And when people try and tell us that we’re nothing but ignorant bigots based on only where we live we have a right to be irritated.
Just when you didn’t think American history could be more messed up here comes the original Karen squad.
I hate that word
Blake Schamber : ...Karen 👁👅👁
@@GarfieldEnjoyer1878 Your not alone,
scrub adubdub Anyone who uses it I hate almost instantly. Also I don’t like Vox.
Texas: "Removing confederate monuments is erasing history!"
Also Texas: *publishes a textbook that calls slaves 'workers'*
Reminder that statues aren't history. They are just celebrating that history! If you wanna learn about someone, you do it in a book.
@@NovikNikolovic No, they are history. The statue of Augustus is history. We know what armor he wore and how he may have looked from that magnificent sculpting, not only is taking Down the statues a censorship and removal of history. It is also hurtful to those who took time to sculpt it and also those who learned from those statues, why take it down? Why not just put a disclaimer that says that the statue doesn’t represent modern Southerners? Because that isn’t as symbolic as tearing down a statue,
@@noblechief4023 Except these statues are mad decades after the war and are not historical
@@chitownzfinesthustla To remind a population of it's history prevents history from repeating itself. This has been common practice for CENTURIES. You people are simply snowflakes, that can not look in the mirror w/o melting.
@@noblechief4023 I guess that's why nobody knows anything about Adolph Hitler, there are no statues of him! Someone, please, make a statue for Adolph Hitler so we can remember his history, please! Otherwise we won't know what kind of armor he wore!
I grew up in Mississippi and went to a private Christian school. This is spot on. I grew up hearing all of this.
Was it a separatist school? I ask because a number of private Christian schools in Mississippi started because of integration during the 1960s. White students were removed from public schools on purpose and taught many of the stuff mentioned in the video. While it currently illegal many of these so called Christian schools are still segregated. This is because blacks Mississippians know their history and understandably will not enroll their children in them.
I went to an integrated public school in the South. Our history books were straight forward.
deltaflute03 - it was a separatist school.
Henry Drake That explains much. I’m sorry. I’ve known lots of people who went to them and the levels of racism or racist rhetoric is disturbing. I know that they grew from it, but still for children to experience that...I’m sorry.
Texas here, public school. This is also familiar to me.
GA public education also try’s to glorify the confederacy. seriously i didn’t really know the truth about the confederacy until college
I live in Louisiana and I can say that this is extremely true. We’d have ex-confederate generals as our “Person of the day.” And our history teacher taught us that slavery wasn’t the cause of the war. They said that “Political unrest” was. And they barely had a slavery chapter in the textbook. I’m a darkskin African-American myself, so it really bothered me.
In Texas we only have the civil war cause of state rights
Political unrest was the cause also God promotes and allowed slavery. Barry any whites owned slaves this is all but a lie.
Wow, the racists are fighting
Yeah I've never say this in Texas, still im shocked
@F Offenton Didn't the south still own slaves ?
I'm from the south, and I have friends who have actually tried to argue that slavery had nothing to do with the civil war. It's ridiculous and honestly sometimes I'm embarrassed to know someone is stupid enough to believe that.
And I can't believe anyone believes it was about slavery. How does that actually make sense? One day one half of the country just decides to kill the other half because they have slaves? The entire country had slaves, which includes the north.
The rationale of slavery is used today because it's easier to justify one's actions if you paint the opposing party as the "bad guys." The winners write history.
closetgaming803 you are actually stupid
I'm from the north and was still taught that slavery was not the root cause of the civil war. The seccesion of the south was the root cause, the abolition of slavery was a side cause.
Well, to be rather exact, the abolition of slavery was not the primary goal of the North. There was definitely large abolitionist groups in the North, and no one in the North was happy about things like the Fugitive Slave Law. More popular than abolition was something called the "Slave Power" conspiracy, that the slave owning states were trying to take over the North in a coup-like way by slowly corrupting the various branches of government.
When southern states started to break off, the main concern was that this would allow Europe to pray on a weak US, that the South had been getting everything it wanted and as soon as Lincoln was President, suddenly they just couldn't take a candidate who explicitly said that he did not want to get rid of slavery where it already existed, only stop it from spreading to new places.
The main purpose for the South succeeding, and thus sparking the war however, was slavery. If I may quote South Carolina's declaration of Secession, the primarily reason is the "increasing hostility on the part of the non-slaveholding States to the Institution of Slavery." Nowhere in the document are tariffs or taxes mentioned. The south had a definite fear that the North wanted to take their slaves away, and thus they broke away.
And for my personal opinion, I do think that the civil war may have been justifiable on the basis that ending chattel slavery literally freed millions of enslaved people. And of course, slavery was not happy. Slavery saw families broken up when young children around the age of 10 were sold to plantations away from their parents. Slavery saw many people whipped or worse for not performing labor. Slavery saw a very legal way to rape someone, because if they were considered your property well, you could do whatever you wanted with them.
So well... yeah. I think the fact that slavery was ended was one of the best things to happen to the United States of America, and that should be celebrated. The defeat of the Confederacy allowed for the end of slavery, I think that much is not especially debatable. I am grateful.
They've been brainwashed. Try to see the humanity in them and help them understand.
They tried so hard to divert attention away from the fact that they just wanted to keep human beings in chains
And still are by voter suppression
@@FunFitandWell what’s wrong with having voter id?
@огромная эрекция is the concept of a party shift too complicated for you?
@@vihaanmallela Republican's literally only want it in places with high amounts of minority populations, it's almost like they came up with the idea in a think tank on voter suppression or something
@@GuacJohnson wait they really trying to pull that kind of a stunt and no one called them out.
I wonder if those who are pro slavery would still be so if they were slaves.
Alan Heath The funny thing is that these women were consider second class citizens SMH
Farhan Slicker That's probably why they did that, to pick on the third rate citicenz
The Nicer lol
Farhan Slicker to be clear thats bot my beliefs, but how it was back then
The Nicer You are correct when it comes to this.
so the UDC is just a bunch of Karens
Pretty much, yeah they go way back.
HAHAHAHahaahh yes
🤣😭😂Karens and Beckys
I live in the south, and lemme tell you.. If you ever make any sort of allusion to the civil war being caused by slavery, you get bombarded with shouts of, "It was to protect our WAY of life," or, "But MY FAMILY was too poor to have slaves!" Or some other kind of nonsense that hurdles over the fact that slavery was a thing here. Usually followed by some line of, "It was a battle of state rights," or, "The Africans used slavery, too, you know," so they can fill out their that's-not-remotely-the-point-here-sharron card.
Engage the community if you live in a city where a lynching occurred. You will still encounter fear.
Whites would not do that kind of work, both bc it was too physically hard, and bc it would have instantly lowered their *presumed* social status to the lowest rung -- that of a mere agricultural laborer. I'm reminded of the CA fruit grower who swore off the use of Mexican migrant labor back in the no-jobs days of 2009, and placed ads everywhere offering to fill all his harvesting teams with US citizens, paying room and board and a daily wage superior to what the Mexicans had been getting. After two weeks only a handful of Americans had shown up, and only ONE of those lasted more than the FIRST TWO DAYS. He had to recall the Mexicans or let his fruit rot in the field.
@@50zcarsman Racists are always hating on others, but loves using their labor for their own benefit.
Man you forgot about the Irish were treated worse.
@Bullets in Bacon Grease Why are you lying
Ironically enough, these are the SAME people that say “we shouldn’t teach critical race theory because people tell lies…”
And now they're flipping out over the removal Robert E. Lee monument in Charlottesville.
@@tek2095 exactly
And teach the confederate soldiers to be heroes...ironic
It’s not ironic, it’s sad
"CRT IS RACIST!!!!!!!"
Meanwhile they glorify literal white supremcists
I still hear from so many people (even my own family) that slavery wasn't the root cause of the war. Slavery is literally cited as the reason for secession in the declaration of secession of the Confederate States. Even if you claim states rights (to own slaves) or preserving southern economies (which were built on slaves), it all comes back to slavery.
Exactly! They were just playing a game of semantics
The war was not fought because of secession, but because the Union chose to invade the south. Their invasion was out of fear the US would never again be able to financially exploit slavery. So yes - slavery was the root cause of the war, but not for the reason nor logic you are attempting to present.
GreenRiver72 but didn’t the South strike first at Ft. Sumter?
Nathaniel Otey I guess it depends on the way you look at it, the had seceded and thus those troops were invading. But then again did they ask nicely? Idk
Even if you believe that slavery was the root cause of secession, secession was not the cause of the war. The war, unlawfully started by Lincoln without the consent of Congress when he violated previously agreed armistices (which by definition are acts of war), was a war of choice.
But we have many accounts by notable and informed writers of the time, including the northern abolitionist Lysander Spooner, and the English author Charles Dickens who had just returned from a tour in the United States before the war, who both stated in the strongest terms that the war had nothing to do with slavery.
The revisionist history is that which teaches that slavery was the primary reason for the war.
Children of the Confederacy sounds an awful lot like Hitler's Youth
That is so accurate
Lol no it doesnt. What a childish remark
yup operation paperclip
"Hitler Youth" or Soviet "Young Pioneers"? You be the judge! They "Children of the Confederacy" have similarities to BOTH groups, WHICH ONE do you think is CLOSER? HARD TO TELL!
@Lord Kenyon The National Socialists were Socialist the same way the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea is democratic.
The overwhelming cause of the war was slavery. Why so many seemingly well-educated people continue to deny this fact, is beyond me.
At the level of the individual soldier, they were mainly fighting out of a sense of obligation to their homes, their community, their society and state. But the southern politicians who pushed and ultimately ‘succeeded’ in pushing secession, overwhelmingly did so with the primary purpose of preserving the terrible institution of slavery.
Dale Paynter I thought the south seceded because they wanted to keep slaves but then the union started the war so they South would join back. Then signed the emancipation proclamation like halfway through the war to rally the northern troops to fight to free slaves. I honestly don't know anymore. There's like 500 different ways people say the war happened. I bet it was actually just a fight over whether cats or dogs were better.
I know there was gonna be a fight over control of slavery. I'm just saying I thought lincoln started the war wanting the south back not caring if they kept slaves or not at the time. Then changed and started to make the war more about freeing slaves than anything else. If that is true, than initially the war wouldn't have primarily been over slaves, which is what everyone keeps saying.
I don't think the North would gone to war if the Civil War was about slavery.
@Billy Bob , the first time the draft was used. During the Civil War, the U.S. Congress passes a conscription act that produces the first wartime draft of U.S. citizens in American history. The act called for registration of all males between the ages of 20 and 45, including aliens with the intention of becoming citizens, by April 1. Exemptions from the draft could be bought for $300 or by finding a substitute draftee. This clause led to bloody draft riots in New York City, where protesters were outraged that exemptions were effectively granted only to the wealthiest U.S. citizens.
@Matthew Chenault , what are your thoughts on the 1860 election? Especially the Republican convention. Lincoln was anti slavery but he was not for freeing the slaves at that point in time. I don't think he would have been nominated as the Republican candidate for president if he was for freeing the slaves. I think the general consensus of the average person at that time was against the spread of slavery. For most I don't think it was a moral issue but an economic issue. It meant having to compete against slave labor.
Fun Fact: Woodrow Wilson was an extreme racist and big supporter of segregation. WW1 General Pershing was also, when requested, he refused to provide white units to integrate with French and British forces on the Western Front but happily provided black American units. This however, backfired as the black soldiers found that they were treated very well by British and French soldiers and enjoed serving with them due to their lack of racism and segregation.
"Black Jack" Pershing led Buffalo Soldiers.
The French because of Black soldiers like General Thomas-Alexandre Dumas (yes, he was related to the author of the three Musketeers).
@@charliefarmer4365 not just that but the french also had their colonial troops
@@NONO-oy1cuDidn't the British have their colonial troops and were more racist? I'd say having a black historical figure helped the french more. Or I could be mistaken, of course.
Of course Woodrow Wilson supported the UDC.
Wilson was born in South Carolina in 1856! His dad was Presbyterian ( southern side ) it broke up over the issues.
Specifically, Wilson was born in my hometown Columbia. His father was a professor at the Columbia Seminary, which eventually relocated to Atlanta but still retains the Columbia name.
Pretty much the worst u.s president
Kaleb Welhouse terrible president
Purposely poisoning the minds of children is one the most despicable acts since slavery itself.
Better to be drowned in a lake, with a heavy weight around one's neck, than to be guilty of leading children astray, on one's judgment day.
Credit: someone wiser than me.
Revelation 4:3
What's to dispute?
Auto-correct? Suppose you meant despicable.
Thats pretty much what our schools do in general.
@@jnananinja7436 you mean, like Math and Biology?
I'm glad my Texan History teacher told us and I quote "If someone ever tells you the Civil War was about anything other than slavery, that is bull****" it was dope because we were in 6th grade
Even Texan independence came from slavery as well
I think we should tear down MLK statues and memorials because of what his followers did to our country during the summer of 2020
@@southernappalachianrecon Mlk would not have endorsed that. What his follo.. oh wait never mind those weren't his followers and I am sure he would not associate himself with them.
I don't think adults should be actually swearing at children... what teachers do y'all have?
Your teacher lied to you. The war was fought because the Union chose to invade the south in response to the confederacy's announcement that Charleston and Savannah would become tariff free trade ports. The war was the southern states' resistance to this invasion. The slavery argument doesn't play on moral grounds since the Union needed as many blacks as possible working in the cotton and tobacco fields so they could profit off their export to Europe. Granted this (like every war that's ever been fought) was over money and geo-political economics - this might be a bit above a 6th grade teacher's comprehension.
The more I learn about history and power and the maintenance of it the more I realise PR (and all shades of it) is one of the most powerful tools of control.
PR is the difference between a terrorist and a freedom fighter
I don't know why but it makes me even more intrigued and interested to learn history. Like I want to learn both sides of the coin - the winners and the losers.
GabrielKnightz Have you ever read about Edward Bernays?
The stuff he did was just plain spooky.
That's why Fox created the 24/7 "news" network.
WlatPziupp Lol. Don't forget freedom fries instead of French fries because France didn't want to invade Iraq.
"One thing about the men that's controlling the pen to write history they always seem to white out their sins."
- Jermaine Lamarr Cole
That would be the Yankees
Now I understand why some adults are so adamant on protected there “southern heritage” because as young kids they were being taught something false
A lot of it is pushback also.
Nawl they were taught real history the war Wasn't about slavery
@@AllStarboy105 Crawl back under your rock.
@@fullmontycarlo dude you are a sad Case
@@AllStarboy105 Are you serious?
"We need Confederate Monuments to remember our history"
Uganda is emphatic about remembering history. Never not once have I seen a monument of Idi Amin
based Uganda
Germany also
@Thermo Beats We run the problem of racist using a museum to honour the status
Native Americans were in this country first, and many tribes had beautiful cultures before us Europeans came and eradicated them and their history to the point that even their descendants can’t learn many Native American traditions because they have been wiped from history. But monuments for native Americans, are very sparse and usually use the racist word “Indian” instead of specific tribe’s names, although India is very far away from America, and Native American and Indians are not interchangeable. But the confederacy monuments and history are well preserved, celebrated and even studied to today.
We don’t need them to remember our history I just don’t like destroying monuments. especially when there’s an uncountable number of museums out there who would take them!
I live in Georgia, and I’m grateful for my history teacher telling my class that the civil war was about slavery and telling us the horrible truth about slavery. I’m glad I’m not one of those racist hillbillies
Yeah cause calling someone a hillbilly isn't is it?
@American Patriot! It was mostly about slavery
@@SensaiRyu it's a lifestyle
@@chrisv_mexicangringo also about states rights that's why it is called the confederacy and one of the reasons they lost.
Slavery was the biggest factor dividing the country but the original purpose of the war was to preserve the Union, but Lincoln still wanted the free the slaves. After a large military victory Lincoln turned the war into a war against slavery. So while not though of as the reason for the war originally it was a major factor.
“The bubonic plague was a major event in history, but we don’t go around putting up statues of rats.” Trevor Noah
shifa yeah, we sure did...Mt Rushmore 🤷♂️
I beg to differ, the Confederate monuments ARE statues of rats!
We don't even put up statues of the plague doctors in their primitive biohazard suits.
Would be cool though
This actually explains why so many in the south can easily reject the reality in front of them.
I'm originally from the northeast, there is recent TH-cam footage from my hometown that's just as racist as anything I experienced after I moved to the South when schools were still segregated. Time to accept you're dealing with something much more pervasive than a Southern thing. In many ways, seeing as how this is fifty years later, it's worse.
that and fundamentalist religion
@@terr777 This is the death throes of the white South. They aren't going down without a fight. But they are going down.
Harry Arches yep “fake news” goes way back.
It amazes me as well how liberals are considered “sore losers” and in need of “safe spaces” and “participation trophies.”
@@MasterOfSparks I'm a white man from the south (who is very non-racist) and I LOVE hearing you say that! The white racist South WILL go down.
So, they still refuse to own up to their mistakes, even generations later.
sadly, yes
Makes one wish the Hartford Concention was more fruitful.
@Ethan Snyder I agree with that sentiment, but I don't think insisting their side was the good side or rather spreading misinformation or false truths about the past helps them in this case. I'd say this basically means they're supporting their ancestors or at the very least doing what their ancestors would've wanted. In hindsight, my comment unintentionally lumped the new generation with the old and that's wrong. Regardless, the Civil War and it's conflict should have ended there and what's in the past like regional tension between the north and south over this issue should stay in the past.
@@ValGOPLock you're just losers. Get over it.
@@Axza00 get over it yeah no I don't give f I will always be hurt but this but noo the people of csa don't so why should we dumba**
Welcome to the "But states rights" Comment Section!
Make sure you keep your arms and legs inside the vehicle at all times, and enjoy the roller coaster ride of lies and ignorance!
10,000 Subscribers without Videos
Sooo, its not the states right? I am very confused on your stance.
Dragon_12dk it's only about economics for the former slave owners. About 32% of the population owned slaves, but about 10% owned nearly half of the slave population.
So fighting for *your* state rights, is a way better rallying cry than, fighting for 1/3 of the population economic interest.
I mean it was about states allow slavery.
It's just a cute way to beat around the bush.
The version of history you teach to children can have a significant effect on how they grow up. Some will inevitably rebel or start smelling the bullshit when they grow older, but most simply accept it as the way things are. Combine this with an education approach which doesn't aim to teach young children to think for themselves or problem solve so much as remember "facts," and you have a poisonous education system breeding ignorance and arrogance.
I was criticising education systems in general. Most of them seem to focus around cramming facts in children's heads and slap them across the knuckles every time they show any degree of doubt. I teach university courses (not in the Americas) and pick up the tail end of it - Kids 20 and 21 who can't do research, problemsolving or discussion and just keep asking for blocks of text to memorise and regurgitate come exam time. That's not the sort of education which builds functioning adults, or at the very least very capable specialists.
Edohiguma So is the UK socialist? And is it working for them? So tell me about this evil. I'm not a socialist but only because I don't consider the UK socialist. And communism is extreme, super extreme socialism.
This makes a lot of sense now about why the south is so into “history” . But it’s also really sad that after all these years we still think of the south as south, as separate in a way from the United States. When we talk about the a south it kinda does feel like talking about another country, and it shouldn’t be that way. It’s all thanks to a bunch of Karen’s who were upset about losing. Geez, they really did a lot of damage.
I'm from Florida, south of the south but in Florida the more north you go in the state the more southern things become once you get north of the moss line you are in the south. Kinda been waiting for Florida to break off from the rest of the us and become an island
@MrCloudseeker ok white supremacist
MrCloudseeker that is true, but it would be criminal to not acknowledge the damage that the war and jim crow did to our society.
Where does it say in the Constitution that a state cannot leave the Union?
They tell blacks "oh just forget about slavery it's over get over it" then tell there children the opposite ...SMH
Purposely poisoning the minds of children is one of the most despicable acts since slavery itself.
I remember being kicked out of class in the 5th grade in North Carolina because we were leaning about the "War of northern aggression"; i had no idea what the teacher was talking about. I asked if it was before or after the Civil war and she asked me to wait in the hallway. She would come out to tell me that i needed to go to the principals office and wait for my mom.
The war of southern treason
I hope your mom was proud of you for that!
Confederacy = Christian ISIS
Andre Williams what did your mom say when she got there? I hope she laid into how wrong the teacher was!
Not sure if this was in NC’s public schools or not, but it’s gotten a lot better. My school experience was very different.
“I’m bored Julia... wanna go rewrite history?” Now that’s a privilege.
Amazing and timely summation!
😂😂 but also 😭😭
"OK Karen"
You mean like what Vox is trying to do?
Boy I’m glad I was too lazy to read assigned texted books when I was a kid in the 70s.
Why So Serious Confederate C’s get Union Degrees
Jan Brady Revisionist history is not “another point of view.”
Nice! Me too!
I know you're making a joke but I want to say, for the benefit of others seeing your comment: You should NEVER be glad you are too LAZY to read or to do your school assignments. Being a lazy thinker is not something for which to be glad or proud. It's better to read & use your critical thinking & reasoning skills to QUESTION what you read than it is to not read. Laziness is bad. Read your textbooks. Go to classes. Ask questions. LOTS of questions. And question everything internally. Think about what you read & see & hear. Just don't be lazy.
If someone is thinking about manipulating an entire generation, you can learn a lot from the original Karen squad.
@@Remember-Death 🤣🤣🤣
Nothing about whitesupremacists surprise me anymore...
The entire union electorate were white supremacists
Ikr, just look at how upset they get when you call out their bigotry and hate.
Mory Mory
What bigotry?
Should have never suprised you in the first place.
Who's upset?
Oh I see, you just made that one up
iT’s StAtEs RiGhTs
*yeah states rights to have slavery*
Unfortunately, the only way to get the Southern States to accept the Constitution was to allow slavery and provided a formula to determine the Southern States representation in Congress. If they would have not accepted the COnstitution and joinedthe Union, they would have probably formed their own nation amoungst the Southern States. The fact that the Federal government was telling new states that they could not have slaves and the constant dictation to the states, who according to the Constitution, only had the powers granted to the Federal government by the Constitution, all other powers residing with the states, felt threatened and they left a Union that they freely joined. The fact that Lincoln would not recognize their right to secede and raised an army to keep the Union together, WAS an act of aggression towards the South. And when the Northern troops would not leave Fort Sumpter, which was in South Carolina state waters, the Southern forces fired on the enemy, starting the Civil War. Legally, there is nothing in the Constitution that forbids a state to leave the Union. Plus all battles of the war, except those at Gettysburg, were fought in Southern territory. The North DID invade the South and were the aggressors, whether you want to accept that fact or not.
Warren Ash That still has nothing to do with the fact that every confederate state clearly had one thing in mind: slavery, and furthering it’s spread across the united states. Slavery is clearly printed in every confederate state’s constitution. It may not have started the war necessarily but it’s overall the reason the south seceded.
@@QBert904 Not only that the Confederacy was going to have their own form of manifest destiny were they took over mexico and such to help spread slavery.
@@warrenash5370 The Confederates were the first to commit aggression, before the war militias under the orders of their state governors seized guns from Union armories across the South and the Confederates were the first to raise an army to fight and lastly it is still the Rebels who shot first.
Whilryke if the south was so bad why did you fight a war over them, I just don’t see the point.
I worked with a man who referred to the Civil War as the "War of Northern Agression."
F Offenton the civil war
F Offenton You are being willfully ignorant and pedantic. If you you really cared about accurate naming you would not be deafening a name that takes blame away from the southern states. Who not only owned SLAVES and were seceding over SLAVERY and “War broke out in April 1861 when secessionist forces attacked Fort Sumter in South Carolina shortly after Abraham Lincoln had been inaugurated as the President of the United States.” - Wikipedia. (you also fail to bring up a better name)
Which is funny because the South fired the first shot.
F Offenton ???
there was nothing Cival in the war of northern agression
I am a Texan, and it scares me that some of this was taught in my school.
I know, I was just shocked how this was a norm at schools
The confederate flag is the ultimate participation trophy
Like the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in D.C.?
The Vietnam Veterans Memorial is one of the least triumphalist and least trophy-like memorials that I can think of. It is less celebratory and more akin to a gravestone. It is a place of sombre remembrance, not something designed to be celebrated. At least not in the way monuments traditionally celebrate.
My experience with viewing Confederate memorials indicates a wide range of presentations, from gaudy, over-the-top marble extravaganzas dedicated to the glories of the Lost Cause all the way to somber lone soldiers with grim inscriptions about the war dead. There's quite a difference between the two, wouldn't you say? But, you seem to think they're all the same.
And at least the South "won" the occupation, while Vietnam was just one giant failure during and afterwards.
The more I read this comment the more I see how it's true. Here, take my like mate
The confederate flag is a flag. Stop calling it what it isn't. It's history, stop trying to erase it.
Modern Texas school books refer to slaves as "workers" to THIS day.
That sounds like a great way to not say the word! Like death and pass away
Actually let's take it a step further:indentured servants for life
RonPaulHatesBlacks Only after the civil war
Big brain, I go to a Texas school and the textbooks are very fair. Just read the sections on the civil war. Back then the Democrats thought it was a necessary evil.
J Austin that isn’t true. Now a days the books given to classrooms in Texas refer to actual history of the civil war and will state slavery was a big cause of the war.
@@Bob-hv6dy many still do. I live in Texas
The amount of "free thinking intellectuals" believe the war wasn't about slavery would shock most.
Johnny Gat the south seceded because of slavery they wanted to protect their way of life. It was about slavery.
Johnny Gat yes the north didn’t fight the war to end slavery but the south fought it to keep slavery alive and so it spread westward to new states.
@@darealpapajon but the reason for succession was slavery.. everything always came back to slavery. Without the northern opposition to it, there is no succession.
@@tuber420 Afraid not
Confederate monuments are the OG participation trophies
Insulam Archipelago some of them honor the dead, but as a southern a lot of the statues are over glorifying the confederacy
Insulam Archipelago yeah, and they need to get them off courthouse grounds and into museums or confederate graveyards
@@landonbass83 I can see if your ancestor died in the battle for the Confederacy. Can't hold that against you but those who believe it was for a good cause is outta their mind.
Celebrate your Confederate ancestors with personal memorials NOT as public figures
@@evinchester7820 seems angry about something.
So much for history being written by the victors.
But the North lost the battle over slavery when Jim Crow laws prevailed in the South. Sad but true, history is still written by the victorious side.
Yeah, I always figured that platitude was over-simplified.
To be honest, history should neither be written by the victors, nor the defeated
The south are the victors, have you looked at our government lately?
This was the first time it was written by the losers.
”Those who control the present, control the past and those who control the past control the future.” George Orwell, in the book ”1984.” This is one instance that shows how that is a true statement.
Got my mom finally in her 70's to watch that film "1984" , she was shocked and amazed how much it related to the world, I explained to her when it was made it was more warning SCI-Fi type film but politicaans used it as playbook for power.....
Better that the white supremacists aren't in control then.
Thays why free, open and objective discussion of history is essential.
Every southerner should read “The Cornerstone Speech” given by the VP of the confederacy in 1861. It states the slavery was the cause of the war and that the black man was not equal.
Even if they read it, they’ll still find a way to defend it.
Abraham Lincoln also believed that black men were not equal, and was working on his plans to deport them all to either Central America or Africa when he was assassinated.
The VP of the Confederacy - as is often the case with VPs - was not especially influential. The record of this particular speech was also constructed from notes taken by someone attending, and not from the speaker's own notes. It is less than reliable.
Lol they did find a way to defend
Colebob The gamer yes, they did lol and there were no replies to my comment on showing how the confederacy did support and wanted to preserve slavery.
Alan Light Yup, it’s literally just the VP who said those things, look at what Davis and Lee were saying
So a group of Karen’s are responsible for my high school history teacher getting mad at me and yelling at me saying that slavery had nothing to do with the war. Makes sense(I live in the south btw).
The south is the worst place to live in America. Move to New England or Cascadia!
@@oppenheimerfaaaaaan5547 south is alright you just have to avoid the few overly racist areas.
@@povotaknight2063 All southern areas are overly racist.
@@oppenheimerfaaaaaan5547 that's incorrect. There are more racists per capita, but it's not as condensed as northern states.
Hard to believe the teacher yelling at you. I live in Louisiana we didn’t teach anything about the civil war. Just WW2 and above
No wonder we are having a hard time understanding each other.
People were taught this till the late '70ies! Now i know why millennials are used to dealing with ignorant people.
People are STILL being taught this. School board meetings have gone off the rails with textbook issues.
They had whitewashed the history of this nation so clean, some white students didn't know that there was slavery in America.
Millennials are the ignorant people. They have not been taught how to think but rather what to think.
yup smh
Well maybe because it was the truth? Ya’ll millennials are trying to rewrite history
As someone who is from the south, I find very strange that many people here worship a lost cause
I had to go to peninsular Charleston in December 2010 for work purposes. This was on the sesquicentennial of the signing of the Articles of Secession. Unbelievably, there was a festive atmosphere that day, and it wasn't just because it was almost Christmas. You couldn't get past the number of people wearing period pieces, including the President Pro Tem of the South Carolina Senate. It was!! I don't know how else to describe it!!
You know, I'm from NJ and I had the distinct honor and privilege of serving with people from the South when I was in Afghanistan. I still keep in touch with many of them today, because they all know we fought there for ALL Americans, not just people from the North or the South. They are all proud of their heritage, but they all also believe that slavery was an unjust and barbaric practice, and agree that it's a shameful part of American history. None of them have a racist bone in there bodies, and they are all people whom I forever will be proud to have served with.
I wish this country could move forward as ONE nation under God - a proud people who all share the same history. Even Robert E. Lee - who was against monuments commemorating the Confederacy, btw - would be rolling in his grave if he saw the division that the Civil War still causes in this country. Let's just be proud to be Americans and move forward.
Yes. Its ingrained already as schooled & educated by. Similarly, there's children of some hardcore Islam background in the middle east that have been schooled so as it is ingrained & easy for the extremists to tap into & manipulate. So sad, isn't it? Children are the most vulnerable that's why Jesus' words warn the adults who cause children to sin or keep them in darkness "woe unto you its better for you to put a millstone around your neck & throw yourself to the sea" coz adults can brainwash & steer the minds of the vulnerable young.
Do they know that part of their heritage is the KKK? Lynchings of American citizens , church bombings?
Remember if youre older than 5/6 years old you lasted longer than the confederacy and thats a good thing
As further research, I recommend the Texas declaration of secession - Slavery is mentioned 18 times as their main reason for seceding.
Secession, yes. War, no. That is a crucial distinction.
Christopher M Hart but they did fight and declared war on each other
@@ChrisHart78 The war was over the sucession, the sucession was over slavery, ergo the war was over slavery.
@@imperator692 that's an oversimplified answer. I'm not defending slavery, nor racism. I admit they are wrong. I'm just trying to deal with the realities as they were.
The war was to resist and repel federal troops from the Southland. The South primarily fought against invasion, not to take over the Union or the north. There would have been no war if Lincoln had not resupplied Sumter nor invaded Southern territory. In fact, the other Southern states did not leave the Union until Lincoln raised an invading army.
@@ChrisHart78 it doesn't matter when they seceded, whats matters is the stated reason why the left the Union, because of slavery.
This explains SO MUCH about America.
Sooo much!
the south sure. america is a big place
Not surprising most countries in the world rewrite history. Take soviet Russia or even Hitler towards the end
If you need a little more explanation/context on America, look up protestantism in America
The Confederate Constitution protected slavery as an institution and also called for allowing slavery expansion as well, in any new territory created by the CSA. The Confederate Constitution lost the war, therefore, slavery ended. A simple reading of said Constitution of the Confederacy makes it clear that slavery was at the heart of the conflict.
How dare you bring primary sources into this?
@F Offenton so Basically stop bringing in native Africans to america but domestically continue slavery.
William C. Davis wrote an excellent book called "A Nation of our Own" about the writing of the Confederate Constitution. Southerners actually thought this document was so good that Northern states would want to join the Confederacy and what to do about it. In the second paragraph Davis (who is from Mississippi) states that all of the reasons for secession goes back to the root of slavery.
@Ebony Panther I know that
@F Offenton I noticed the reply thread stated as a comment an the confederate constitution, you copied the the letters of succession. You do know there is a difference?
Perfect example of how kids are not born racism but taught racism
I love how conservatives honestly think all these racists disappeared when the civil rights act was passed. This organization literally worked hard to PRESERVE racism.
@Matthew Chenault You don't erect a thousand statues of a man because you're worried he'll be forgotten. You do it to send a message to the townspeople who pass by it every day. And if you don't believe me, just ask the Poles and Ukrainians about the decades they spent beneath the towering effigies of Vladimir Lenin.
Matthew Chenault Matthew were their original founder's racist? Were slaveholders and soldiers in the confederate war racist? If yes, isn't their heritage racist, and isn't racism apart of the heritage they are fighting to protect?
While racism became non- PC in the 70s and 80s and legally prosecutable, I don't believe it truly changed people's hearts, it just changed how they practiced their beliefs. What are your thoughts?
IRA Pepe Why does that history HAVE to be tied to the confederacy? There was NOTHING good about confederate culture but there is A LOT to celebrate about southern AMERICAN culture. The fact that southerners choose to represent their heritage via the confederacy only fuels the idea they are racist. Nothing good came from the confederacy literally in its founding document it said it existed to preserve slavery. So if you wanna remember the south do it as an American or and Alabamian or Georgian or Mississippian etc... not as a confederate
Matthew Chenault And no we use history and books to REMEMBER people and monuments to CELEBRATE people. No confederate should be celebrated period. Obviously there are southerners that deserve monuments but def not if they were part of the confederacy. Cause by celebrating them you are celebrating their views. We will nvr forget hitler and we nvr should forget hitler but we will nvr create a monument for him.
+Matthew Chenault Ironic how they somehow dont remember to teach about other parts of southern history.
Just this year I had a teacher argue that the confederate flag and civil war were fought for "sTaTEs rIgHtS"
Damn, that sucks. You're going to have to work harder to teach the subject to yourself to compensate for having a dumbass teacher.
It was the state's right to hold slaves.
@@nicholasturner1439 Nope. No one ever has the right to violate another person's human rights.
@LeBlanco MOB Dixie Democrats......who turned Republican and started the Jim Crow laws.....Nice try though.
@LeBlanco MOB were the first conservatives
So much for the winner writing the history books. I can see why pride is the worst of the deadly sins, these folks poisoned generations with a divisive mentality that lives on to this day.
Exactly, People forget there were eight slave states in the Union on April 12, 1861 when Fort Sumter was bombarded. Virginia, Tennessee, Arkansas, North Carolina, Maryland, Delaware, Kentucky and Missouri. There were only seven slave states that first seceded and formed the Confederate States of America. South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi and Texas.
If the War was about slavery, WHY did the North allow four slave states to fight the duration of the war for the North? Maryland, Delaware, Missouri and Kentucky? And remember West Virginia was added to the Union later as a slave state.
No one is willing to explain why Congress passed on March 2, 1861 (notice the date)- The Corwin Amendment. This amendment would have Constitutionalized slavery. The Corwin Amendment won two-thirds support in both the House and the Senate in early 1861. Ohio was the first state to ratify the amendment, and Maryland and Illinois followed suit, but the onset of the Civil War interrupted the states’ ratification of the amendment. If the South was fighting for slavery, all it had to do was ratify the amendment. It’s still open and on the books with no time limit.
“I understand a proposed amendment to the Constitution has passed Congress, to the effect that the Federal Government shall never interfere with the domestic institutions of the States, including that of persons held to service (slaves). Holding such a provision to now be implied constitutional law, I have no objection to its being made Express and Irrevocable.”
~Abraham Lincoln~
These issues must be addressed and explained before a Southerner(those that are not apologists) will accept the Yankee narrative of the war being about slavery. The hypocrisy is sickening.
winners do write history. that's why the people in this video are shown as the villains. otherwise they'd be running the country and we'd probably still see slavery
RedZeshinX. White supremacist did win the Civil War, the Northern ones. They fought to change the economic system not the social structure. Slaves were meant to be free, not equal.
H. D. RIder, *If the War was about slavery, WHY did the North allow four slave states to fight the duration of the war for the North? Maryland, Delaware, Missouri and Kentucky? And remember West Virginia was added to the Union later as a slave state.*
Few reasons. First Lincoln was being very generous to Kentucky because he knew he needed the state to win the war. Kentucky was loyal until AFTER the war when they identified with the Confederacy because they viewed Lincoln in breach of his promise. He was doing everything he possibly could to quell the sentiments of disunion.
If you guys want to paint Lincoln as so savvy as to bait the South's Ft. Sumter strike and think he wasn't savvy enough to pull a modus vivendi with a slave state then you ned to make up your mind about Lincoln.
Missouri was a unique case because of the 1820 Compromise. I'm not too up on Missouri history to know how much conflict was in its borders but Lincoln's power to act against slavery was contingent upon there being a rebellion there. The same is true for West Virginia, which, while they abolished slavery 10 months or so after entry, how much slave sentiment was in that mountainous region anyway? They weren't confederate sympathizers, along with the folks in Western NC or East TN because of the mountains. Maryland had most of the slaves but they were also dependent upon internal improvements.
This all gets into the stratification of the Secessionist movement. That is why they didn't all have an exodus at the same time. Some wanted to see what Lincoln was going to do, some wanted to stay because they were dependent upon internal improvements, and some wanted to leave immediately. This stratification illustrates why secession wasn't a democratic endeavor.
To answer your question I think it doesn't necessarily undermine Lincoln's argument that he had no intention to interfere with slavery "where it existed" to let slave states fight for the Union. He was consistent that he didn't have the authority to abolish it where it already existed.
*No one is willing to explain why Congress passed on March 2, 1861 (notice the date)- The Corwin Amendment.*
The Corwin Amendment was moot. I already asserted that the immediate secessionists weren't going to wait to see what Lincoln was going to do. Most already seceded before that point anyway. They saw the writing on the wall. If you read the Lincoln Douglas debates, his letter to Greeley, his First Inaugural, you see that he was willing to try to capitulate. The first half of the war was conciliatory. And who cares about the Corwin Amendment anyway since the Constitution supposedly no longer applied? That is the explanation of the Corwin Amendment. The South didn't trust Lincoln, and slavery was already Constitutional. The Corwin Amendment wouldn't have changed the fact that the North still had more states and more population and that the South was losing its influence in the House and Senate.
*These issues must be addressed and explained before a Southerner(those that are not apologists) will accept the Yankee narrative of the war being about slavery. The hypocrisy is sickening.*
Now that I have addressed those issues you need to address the following if you want to prove to me or anyone else that the war wasn't about slavery:
If one wants to try to argue that the war wasn't about slavery, but rather tariffs and stuff like that, then they have to show evidence which explains the following:
1.Bleeding Kansas, the Filibusters, The South's reaction to the North's Personal Liberty Laws from the perspective of popular sovereignty, the Caning of Sumner, the F-Street Mess and their Gag Rule, and Dred Scott and the stratification of the secessionist movement.
2. THEN you have to explain the Declarations of Immediate Causes(especially Texas' and Missisippi's), the Cornerstone Speech, and the Confederate Constitution.
80386 meantime, slavery is still allowed via the 13th Amendment and lo and behold we have by far the most prisoners
ARE FREAKING KIDDING ME!?? No wonder they don’t want CRT taught in schools. Take that Confederate HERO WORSHIP STUFF out of school books.
Thats not the reasons but whatever you seem immature
"CRT" implicates conservatives.
The "Southern Belle" archetype never looked so menacing.
I also want to add that there was a great effort in the 1950s and 60s from the south regarding beauty contests, there were a lot of southern beauty queens and it was mostly used to support a pro segregationist platform.
I think you can probably connect that to race and hygiene in places like the Philippines and elsewhere ca. 1900.
@@Rhythmicons I'm Filipino, could you clarify? I'm interested.
Oh, we do know about history! We don’t need confederate statues to know what confederates is all about! We don’t need it! Germany doesn’t have Hitlers statue anywhere in Germany, but yet we all know about hitler!
@F Offenton because the confederates shot first.
@F Offenton yes considering it was my house to begin with and you decided to hole yourself up in the mancave.
“we’re destroying history”... literally just go a museum or read a book
Jan Brady i don’t really see a problem with getting rid of american history for the most part, it was built off of slaughtering a whole civilization and enslaving another one... we don’t need to be reminded of that, especially when you can just read a book
@Jan Brady
Do you see Hitler statues in Germany?
Are the Germans erasing history by not honoring Hitler with statues?
its not teaching anyone anything it's just glamorising violence.
Bold of you to assume that conservatives would ever step foot in a museum or read a book that's not the bible.
@@derekrequiem4359 I'm a Conservative, Read history books enjoy the museum and also enjoy my bible.
Bet you wont ever meet a liberal that will work a job for more than 40 hours a week, Bet you wont meet a liberal that has an identity crisis every day.
As a Georgian, I never was taught this but there are a lot of people I know who were.
Same here.
@@curtbrockhaus6131 and what exactly do cars have to do with this? And no, we dont get taught about cars.
I'm from the south and my favorite arguments are with idiots who claim the civil war was not about slavery. And I point out the Articles of Secession where every southern state cites slavery as the cause for leaving the Union and South Carolina started the war by firing first.
theylied1776 Thank you. Too much bullshit in this world. The truths need to get out.
I couldn't agree with you more. I don't know which state you live in, but I live in Kentucky. While the Southern historical revisionism of the Civil War isn't NEARLY as bad here, since we were a Union "border state", it's still annoying to argue with Confederate apologists, especially in the rural and southern parts.
Interestingly, being a Union "border state" that still allowed slavery, we were taught a bit of a combination of the facts and historical revisionism. We were taught that the Civil War wasn't originally about slavery, that it was originally about preserving the Union. We were told that it wasn't until the Emancipation Proclamation that it was about ending slavery. It wasn't until high school that I found out the Civil War was fought over slavery all along.
Too bad the indoctrination is so widespread, that to even bring up solid facts easily provable by actual historical documents won’t convince the narrow minds of those who refuse to believe any other narrative of history that doesn’t fit some political agenda.
I like to let them figure themselves in torture by asking to list the reasons. Assuming they can list specific ones they tend to all be extensions of slavery.
The Reaction
I found out by reading the Confederate States' declarations of secession, and finding out that each state had slavery as one of the main reasons (if not THE main reason) for secession. That's when I was certain that the Confederate apologists were wrong in their historical revisionism.
I actually have known those things about Lincoln, and that he originally said that if he could've saved the Union without freeing a single slave, he would have. I do realize that, by today's standards, Lincoln would be a racist. While I admire him for eventually abolishing slavery, I don't act like he was this perfect person.
Being born and raised in the Deep South, I can attest to this. People around me, whether it be my grandparents, teachers, or pastors, all claim that confederate monuments are efforts to “remember our history”. I really hope this video is able to reach other people raised in the south as it did me. Thank you for making important educational content.
I'm from Alabama and I'm white. The Confederate statues are a reminder or symbol to all non whites. Its disgusting and I'll be glad when all are gone
Dylan Coronel that’s the point of museums.
Dylan Coronel ya ever heard of paper?
@@dylancoronel8053 Absolutely right. It's important to remember past injustices. However, a better model to follow is the way Germany has converted concentration camps into museums to remember their history and honor the victims. Germany did NOT put up statues of Hitler on every street corner. To do so would be an insult to his victims
@@dylancoronel8053 put em in a museum so we can point and laugh
I have always wondered if the history of the civil war and slavery was thought any differently anywhere else in United States? Unfortunately, this video proves my theory. However, it also explains why southerners become defensive when it comes to taking down confederate statues.
Weren't people hung for treason back then?...
David Mitchell For something to be desecrated it has to first be worth something... honorable, or holy. The confederate movement was a ploy to head off the civil rights movement after the Confederate defeat. The statues were erected in defiance against people seeking equality. Those statues are likenesses of people who tried to burn down the US, slavers, torturers, TERRORIST to the United states way of life. That stars and stripes flag? It was about as valuable to the south as a cloth to carry animal feces. How hard is it to understand? The south was enemies to America, they fought a war, lost and surrendered. The statues' heads belong in a museum with a description of what they really stood for. Murder, mutilation, free labor, prejudice, slavery, white supremacy. THAT is what they fought for, that is what they stood for.
snatchadams69 Northern government didn’t hang them for treason because they couldn’t. You actually have the right to leave. West Virginia did and the north totally supported them leaving
David Mitchell y’all are the ones who decided we shouldn’t hang people anymore bro
Lord Kenyon there is none, history is largely just an interpretation of past events with just a few hard facts to guide it.
Norths view: The civil war was between the North and South, it was caused when the South betrayed the union because of the abolishment of slavery
Souths view: The civil war was between the union and the confederates, it was caused when the confederates exercised their right to secede and the tyrannical Union invaded the newly formed country.
Both are correct! In a way. The war meant a lot of different things to many people. A slave owner wanted to keep their slaves, a (non-slave owner)southern farmer wanted to protect his land and way of life, a southern civilian just witnessed Union General Sherman burn down his city leaving him homeless and wanted to defend his newly formed country form this northern invasion. A Northern politician wants to make America whole again and sees the north and south as brothers who are fighting and it genuinely pains him to see this war. A northern sees the oppression and mistreatment of blacks as barbaric and will fight to stop the injustice. While another Northerner could care less about slavery but sees the south as traitors to the union and wants them to suffer men, women or children doesn’t matter.
There are diary’s of confederate and union soldiers and they all show the many perspectives taken about the war. My only advice is try to see the many sides of the war from many different angles because as the saying goes “there’s two sides of every coin” but instead of a coin it’s more like a D20
“We didn’t lose, we merely failed to win”
They actually won in a sense, because we still have slavery but it is called many different names. Example: Jim Crow, prison labor, and etc.
...for black people.
@@RuralmoneyOfficial Yes we still lost, no matter what team we were own.
I always lol when I hear a white guy from the south say the confederacy wasn't about slaves.
acreppinstp people conflate the north’s disinterest in the freedom of slaves with the south’s
It's about s T a t E s r I g HTs
It wasnt tho, Name a single country that had a civil war over slavery?
+Completely Blank America and Haiti. Most modernized nations banned slavery without a civil war. Name a country who's independence movement took off due to taxes.
Chiang Kai-Shek Ireland,Netherlands,russia(debatable) Roc,Proc,Rhodesia,and literally France like you ever heard of the French Revolution ecks dee
Historical revisionism is horrifying
Ana Wieder yeah, the South fought for slavery. End of discussion.
also there are idiots who do not believe the Moon landing happend
joey8062 Don't even get me started with that 😂😂😂
+Gregory Smith How is this even relevant?
Kinda like how the Democrats supported slavery and segregation but now all of sudden the Republicans are the racist?
Fun facts: the south lost, and yes, the war was about slavery.
letsomethingshine : still, without slavery, there would not have been a civil war
@@letsomethingshine states rights....... to have slaves.
Head Kicker its that simple!
No, the moral narrative created to justify the illegal, tyrannical war (after it had started already, iirc) was about slavery. This monumental lie has corrupted our country ever since. Thank capitalism for internet and TH-cam:
"They say history is written by the winners but I can't help noticing him writing"
There are text books out RIGHT NOW that conform to the UDC standards. In 2019. Right now.
"Migrant workers?"
As well they don’t show the southern secession documents that literally state one of their reasons to secede is the restrictions on slavery.
exactly. i've educated myself but so many high schoolers take what textbooks say as gospel.
Zack Macdowell Texas literally did that in parts. Also honestly I would rather they don’t teach it at all instead of warping and lying about it over all. That’s a lot more dangerous and leads to more racism. At least some of those kids would learn the truth at some point now you have these people who warped ideas of what actually happened which is scarier.
The original conspiracy theory
The civil war was not about slavery
I have a law degree (constitutional law) and extensive historical study into geopolitics, with emphasis on American wars. Federal government overreach was the overarching theme. Slavery was not made central until 1863 (2 years into the war). 5 Union states had slavery through the entire war. I could go on but folks want to think what they have been told is correct, and not think for themselves.
I’d be happy to provide ample evidence to support my position when I get time if anyone wants to pose a legitimate counter.
A Good Man what about the fact that in many of the states that left they mentioned slavery as a reason?
@@dr.lyleevans6915 Yes, the Federal government was "overreaching" as you put it, AND and South Carolina(1st state to exit) and Georgia states FROM THEIR MOUTH, the overreaching was slavery. Or is my reading comprehension off?
@ I can tell you are fiction...John Wick. Return from your fantasy world and use proper punctuation "simpleton." Anyone who thinks they need a history degree to comprehend a letter that tells you exactly the reason for secession is obtuse.
@ You also sound like a foreigner or a bot. Either way, I'm not even sure why I responded to your fiction. Go back to worshipping a movie character...
These women couldn't even vote in this country and probably not even the Confederacy and they "loved" them that much, wow
Whats your point?
L5940 it's just they did all this in a system they weren't even really in or had an actual voice, it's amazing and sad
Ferdinand II "surprisingly"? I'm pretty sure they do today as well
Stockholme syndrome maybe?
most women just vote for whoever their spouse votes for, so it's irrelevant to the conversation
80% of Comments "Yea but democrats did it"
Yeah but all those Democrats sooner or later switched Republican.
Those textbooks were taught in classrooms until the late 70s?? Oh my lord 🤦🏾♀️🤦🏾♀️
Is that before or primo baby boomer generations?
No body believes this stuff we had nothing to do with what are ansesters did but the civil war was about slavery and protecting the way of life for the south because the 1% of people that owned slaves were worried that they would go out of business if they had to hire people is was not about racism it was about business
@Jack Tompkins, but racism is more likely... people are already racist today on their own free-will, so why can't they be racist during civil war as well?
You know what else gave rise form the 70's?
Modern conservatism
Exactly the damage was done. Those generations now have children and are teaching them the same garbage.
Came to see butthurt Confederates getting emotional
Was not disappointed
+meh butthurt confederate detected
oliverwilson11 came to see crying lefties
Not disappointed
meh Gonna disagree. I did the same thing and I'm proud of my country's actions in the Civil War and my heritage. And I'm from America the Midwest to be more specific so you can call me an ignorant bubbler-sucking yankee if you want. Your choice
dude WTF? so you support slavery?
@@meh240 so are you saying being anti slavery= being anti white? that's a bit of a leap are you sure about that?
They were used for longer than you stated in rural communities. My wife was subjected (her words) to this poorly written textbook in her 8th grade class in 1987 at Colquitt County Junior High in South Georgia.
kcthewanderer lol i was as well in 8th grade at Chapel Hill Middle in Decatur, GA in 2002
Robert Blue holy moly, are you serious?
Leo1239150 yeah
kcthewanderer ըհը բյուեջի
One might keep in mind that what is today the mainstream view on racism, racial equality, and discrimination would have been radical even among the abolitionists of 1858 -- never mind Lincoln who kept some distance between himself and abolitionists.
The United Daughters of the Confederation real name shoud be: Karens United for racism
@dosdude Racism is the truth?
@dosdude yeah right. Their truth not the real truth. UDC Are just old hags spreading false claims 24/7 like a broken record player
Don't know whether to laugh or cry. Perhaps both. Very accurate though.
@dosdude The UDC weren't telling truth at all. The leaders own documents (articles of secession and the confederacy's own constitution) along with the cornerstone speech pretty much destroy all of the udc's claims
They were phenomenal women who did phenomenal works.
God... this is so harmful it's depressing. I can't believed people were allowed to do this!
It now makes sense why the south/conservatives are so far behind the north/west/east as well as why they're so nasty and angry about everything. It's a geographical level of propaganda going on down there.
Politics Have you ever been or spent any amount of time in the “South”? It’s ironic that people are talking about propaganda in the past tense when it’s even more influential in today’s society. I doubt your opinion is that of experience, and everything of influence. And by the way, I live in the “North.”
Are you even from the south
Okay so note that West Virginia, one of the poorest states and probably the states where whites have the lowest median income, was not Confederate. Kentucky, also non-confederate, has extremely high poverty. So it's the south, not the ex-confederracy, which has historically been backwards. Also note that conservative=/= southern, and many quite conservative mountain-west states are quite prosperous (and even educated!) such as Alaska (3rd highest median income), Utah (13th), North Dakota (16th) and Wyoming (17th). Virginia-the capital of the confederacy is also 8th. Many many more complicated factors here, including climate. Until air conditioning became relatively cheap, industry was difficult in hot climates, note that the global south is only recently industrializing, and 20th century industry was concentrated in the upper mid-west, more Michigan than, say, Missouri or Arizona-this helped keep the South stuck in low productivity agriculture until recently. Now, the south is somewhat rapidly catching up:
So I like the spirit of analysis... But be careful with your facts.
Shai Guyz ERACISM round 1
Uncle Ruckus wrote those books.
No relations
100% agree Uncle Ruckus was behind it all.
"aARRra Kelly!"
I am a proud author dear sir.
This is a prime example of indoctrination.
Santiago Ferrari No, the daughters of the Confederacy. They mastered the art of polishing turds.
Santiage Ferrari both are good examples
thisisntme Vox is definitely a biased source regardless
That Specific Gentleman But is Vox lying about it?
thisisntme Lying about what?
This must be why there are so many confederate supporters, they must have been taught a different history.
Pretty sad, isn’t it?
@@Tylerboyd2001 were all taught different history, I learnt that nothing major happened in China during japanese occupation in WW2 and how hitler was born evil and definitely wasn't put down that path
How can anyone be for rejecting a textbook that describes slaveholders as being cruel to their slaves? Unless they want to keep institutionalized slavery and that is in direct opposition to our American rights and values. Right to pursuit of happiness can never jive with human slavery. Absolutely disgusting that I feel the need to describe why slavery needs to be rejected.
Keith L. Do you forget that one of the largest slave trades in the US happened to be in Washington, D.C, before the civil war? The emancipation proclamation was nothing more than a war tactic to gain the advantage. Lincoln knew by shutting down the cotton industry, the south would go bankrupt. Lincoln never cared about slavery, he was only concerned with preserving a false union. This is very well documented, yet it's funny how you're In denial when the table's turned on you. Before the civil war, the United states were a collection of independent states holding a common union, not the federal union we have today. Lincoln destroyed the dreams of America's founding fathers when he sealed a union compact barring any state from leaving the union. The founding fathers strongly believed that secession is a right, to prevent a tyrannical government that no longer works for the people. Your virtue is misplaced, especially if you think the United States was an honest country in the 19th century. Corruption was running rampant all throughout Washington, no different from today. The civil war was fought mainly over tariffs and the threat of an increasingly overreaching government. The north had no problems with slavery in the south before the 1860s, they were mainly worried about the south's growing economy and power. Everything you think you know is a lie, whether you like or not. But whether you accept it and no longer be an idiot is up to you
Charlton Blake --- they wanted to justify and glorify the actions of their ancestors. They do don't want to face the truth about who they really were in the light of modern thinking so they invent a fake histroy
Edohiguma - -Actually what Vox said in the video can easily be verified as true. The DOC did invent a history trying to deny the civil was about slavery to make their grandfather not look like the fools they were for fighting to protect slavery.
That is what is called a "what about this " argument hoping to reduce the truth by claiming some other point that does not really matter.
The rebel flag is the National flag of racism and stupidity so fly it for one or both the reasons
Davis Mitchell - - Well I have read and continue to read many books about the civil war includes some series books of many volumes . One was the history book that I had many years ago in school that was a product of the Daughters of the Confederates text book oversight. This book was a lie from one end to the other starting with the pre-civil war chapters thought reconstruction. All in an attempt to glorify the rebels. .
You said "happiness isn't at right: So are you saying the South was right to create and enforce a form government and social institution that forbid the blacks from the "pursuit" by enslaving them. If they escaped in "pursuit" of freedom and happiness then the law would return them to slave owners.
I just don't get your point.
Are you attempting to claim the South had the god given right as superior white men to stop the negro from this "pursuit of happiness" or are you saying that C. Blake was wrong because he read the wrong history book.. I don't get your point..
The war was over slavery.
David - - So 30, 40, 100 more years of slavery would be ok as long as the slave owners themselves decided to end slavery. yeah right.
More Lost cause b/s
I think I read that Margaret Mitchell, author of Gone with the Wind, didn't even know the South lost the Civil War when she was a child.
I heard age 10 though I may be wrong.
There was an episode of The Beverly Hillbillies where Granny insisted the South won and would react angrily to anyone who anyone who disagreed.
Do you mean the War of Southern Treason?
Whatever you say, Jethro.
SJ Cohen yeah because every kid should be fed with politics since their birth
History is written by the winners
Or is it
History is written by the Whiners
Well people in higher financial standings often get to do that.
nah, the winners write it. the whiners just whine about it. peace! 😏
In his History Of Britain, Samuel Johnson said that the losers write history, since the winners are too busy ruling.
In the case of the video above, Michael is exactly right.
Michael Aleksovski if true our history of the present will be written by SJWs... ugh
OK! I got it! “The United Daughters of Southern Confederacy” aka the the early 1900s “Karens of America” lol 😂
Sadly Karens are now a bad thing
“iT wAs AbOuT sTaTe RiGhTs” ....states right to what tho.....
Plenty of reading material is available.
Try authors Bruce Catton and Edwin Bearss.
Mike Ray You spelled slaves wrong 🤭
It was about states rights to secede, Lincoln wasn’t gonna free the slaves in Southern States he just made it prohibited in new states. He made the emancipation proclamation in 1863 AFTER the war started
States rights to continue to profit from slavery.
The oporession of blacks... What di you think?🙄😒
raised in the south for the most part. this is beyond true.
I'm a korean american kid born and raised in georgia and even I bought into the "well the Civil War wasn't really about slavery" BS i was taught by my grade school history class.
You scallywag!! Look up the word the one that refers to the civil war.
I was raised in the south for my entire life yet I never believed the "Lost Cause of the Confederacy" BS. I guess that I'm somewhat lucky.
The war really wasn't JUST about slavery. Some people think it has to be either state's rights or slavery, but it was a mixture of both. For one it was about the states' rights to have slaves, but it was also about state law trumping federal. Either way it is inaccurate to say the war wasn't about slavery just as much as it is to say it was JUST about slavery.
lamadic kola if you do your research, its obvious the civil war was just purely about slavery. The economic outcomes from slavery the north was racist the south was racist. The only difference was the north was slightly less racist and didnt like the idea of free and cheap labor. So slavery had to go or this whole country would’ve never had a consistent consumer income.
How does this happen? It is remarkably similar to Hitler Youth.
Wonder if anyone that goes to his rallies know any of that
If you teach kids in their youth, they're on your side "permanently".
Southerners can read?? Jesus... blew my mind
Haha yea! We can learn other things too it probably surprises everyone
Especially when someone learns a new language. Since we are known for being a relatively poor state here in alabama
United Daughters of the Confederacy?
Nah son,
Union Dunked on the Confederacy
Evin Chester But the south lost anyway ha ha ha
@@evinchester7820 The last three peace conferences were NOT started by the union, one was personally held by the chief of the Confederates, in which he sobbed at the pain he caused his men.
@@FishwicksREAL too bad he couldn't cry for some other people too, the rich and powerful will always drag the less fortunate in to fight their battles of oppression
@@GuacJohnson ok
My teacher said that “The North won the war but The South won reconstruction”
Your teacher is right, but this was during reconstruction.
Ness Is best I bet your teacher is the type to say "The South shall rise again"
@@tvttrg I don't think that's where the teacher is going with that statement; it might be an acknowledgement of their work to successfully misguide future generations on the intentions of the secession states during the war.
@@tvttrg Except we actually lost Reconstruction. The Civil Rights Movement wouldn't be necessary otherwise.
The south was ALLOWED to win reconstruction
Another probably more important component of the establishment of Lost cause revisionism is its creation and promotion by academia itself. Prominent historians were espousing the rhetoric long before the UDC, and the worst of them (historians in prominent positions of power, especially Woodrow Wilson) perpetuated it in far stronger ways that allowed for such textbooks and popular media (like The Birth of a Nation) to be created. It is one of the greatest blemishes on the history profession.
That's a good point. Peter Novick talks a little about that.
Sorry, but the AHA was only founded in 1884. And these women didn't need the Dunning School to help them out. They did just fine without the prominent historians and those historians actually served the UDC as judges for their essay prizes--esp. the one they est. at Columbia University.
So, the South seceding from the North wasn't an act of treason and/or aggression? So all the documentation regarding enslaved people being torn from their families, being beaten, force to work unholy hours, raped, assaulted, murdered and treated as inferior isn't strong enough evidence for a "treacherous existence" in your opinion?
Academia is perfect.
spek english bru
"Who controls the past controls the future: who controls the present controls the past." -George Orwell (Eric Blair).