Really great talk, didn't know how big this field was becoming. Would be curious to know if there are any studies comparing outcomes in chemistry learning based on university course structure e.g. in the UK there isn't a 'gen-chem' or 'pre-med' course at uni we just start studying chemistry after high school and we learn organic, inorganic, physical alongside each other from the get go. If not I think it would make for some interesting studies.
Really great talk, didn't know how big this field was becoming. Would be curious to know if there are any studies comparing outcomes in chemistry learning based on university course structure e.g. in the UK there isn't a 'gen-chem' or 'pre-med' course at uni we just start studying chemistry after high school and we learn organic, inorganic, physical alongside each other from the get go. If not I think it would make for some interesting studies.
Molly is awesome! Chemical education research is a very exciting and fast-growing field, you’ll want to keep an eye-out on it!