Tēnā koe e te rangatira, e kimi ana au i tetehi karakia pure, tohi, tūā hoki, ko te tikanga kia whakaora anō i ēnei karakia ā-whanau, ā-hapū hoki. Tēnā awhina mai koa.
kia ora e te Rangatira. first of all ngaa mihi for your help with these useful tauparapara. very greatfull. i have a paatai regaurding the tauparapara that is used around the 3 minute 58 mark and down the list it says "Te kura i Monoa" now i am asking with respect am i able to change that line and add in my own line that fits the kaupapa that will be at hand on the day that i am delivering my whaikorero. which is for a waananga thats all about whaikorero me karanga..... nui te aroha
tēnei te mihi ki a koe Te Hira Moananui Wharenui kei te whakamahi ahau i tētahi o āu tauparapara he mihi nui tēnei ki a koe e hoa.. I really wanted to thank you so much that I wanted to thank you three times. ngā mihi ē hoa
My heart is filled with joy... I will teach my children all of these tauparapara and karakia thank you Matua
I learnt this Tauparapara & appreciate your posts. Kia ora Matua.
Thank you so much for posting these important lessons and words.
Tina means to be fastened in faith
Tēnā koe e te rangatira, e kimi ana au i tetehi karakia pure, tohi, tūā hoki, ko te tikanga kia whakaora anō i ēnei karakia ā-whanau, ā-hapū hoki. Tēnā awhina mai koa.
kia ora e te Rangatira. first of all ngaa mihi for your help with these useful tauparapara. very greatfull. i have a paatai regaurding the tauparapara that is used around the 3 minute 58 mark and down the list it says "Te kura i Monoa" now i am asking with respect am i able to change that line and add in my own line that fits the kaupapa that will be at hand on the day that i am delivering my whaikorero. which is for a waananga thats all about whaikorero me karanga..... nui te aroha
About time
tēnei te mihi ki a koe Te Hira Moananui Wharenui
kei te whakamahi ahau i tētahi o āu tauparapara
he mihi nui tēnei ki a koe e hoa..
I really wanted to thank you so much that I wanted to thank you three times.
ngā mihi ē hoa
Aku mihi nui e te pāpā 🙂
What is hold fast to Tina Tina?
Kia Ora Rahiri Cooper,
Great to see your comment here brother.
Kia Ora Rahiri Cooper
Tina Turner! lol
Kia Ora Rahiri Cooper
Tu Meke