Yeah, I didn't add legends to my mono-Dark team in Showdown. So in this case, you could replace Yveltal with Hydreigon, and Darkrai with Honchkrow/Mandibuzz, depending on if you want a more offensive or defensive role with Tailwind support (also for coverage against Fighting and Bug types, which can be problematic for your Dark team). In my case, I have Trick/U-Turn Zoroark to deceive opponents and scramble their items (I've gotten lots of rage quits from the enemy with it, and it sets up for my other Pokemon to take it from there while Zoroark receives the enemy's item, which is usually beneficial). Hell, Zoroark's Special Attack is promising if it's ever backed into a corner, but its low defensive capabilities don't make it reliable for direct combat. Scrafty is also somewhat slept on; its Fighting-Type coverage fending off Bugs who seek to prey on the rest of Dark team, with Shed Skin as an ability and Rest/Dragon Dance as its moves, as well as Drain Punch and Leftovers for item, it's going to be hard to put down against Pokémon who utilize status conditions (like Toxapex and Grimmsnarl) and is a solid physical attacker. However, you shouldn't depend on Shed Skin to save you *everytime*, and its relatively low speed makes it a necessity to set up first. This is where Greninja likely comes in, because it doesn't need to set up.
@@randomdudeonyoutube3504 I think I see what you're getting at with tyranitar and it learning earthquake but it isn't stab and that's also no excuse to not use hydreigon which has dark pulse power comparable with hoopa unbound if used correctly
I would say Drapion would be an even better option if built and used correctly. If Fell Stinger is timed correctly, your physical attack will skyrocket (+3 stages to be accurate). So factor that with a move such as Night Slash or Cross Poison, and a Scope Lens to boot. Then I'd say you have a solid plan B if you are running out of tricks in your bag.
@@johnherrera5261 honestly I would've ran Oblivion Wing, Dark Pulse/Foul Play, Phantom Force, and Heat Wave/Psychic. Assault vest as the item and boom. Coverage, slight niche, and overall aggressive Yveltal
This team is fine, and I don’t really want to be rude, but what is that Yveltal move set?? 3 flying moves? That’s a little excessive. That’s kinda bad for a choice specs set. At least replace the hurricane for focus blast...
Scott Stapp Oblivion Wing is all you need. He should have given Yveltal coverage moves like Focus Blast or Psychic, or even Roost for maximum recovery combined with Obv. Wing
io Playz you would obviously have to change the item with Roost in the set, Life orb would maybe be the best. Also, all of the Smogon sets carry Taunt, but that’s a lot more competitive based
Best flying should easily include Paraflinch Togekiss, toxic heal Gliscor, Drizzle Pelliper, with either Thundurus or Tornadas(not both) Skarmory or Celesteela, then mega Charizard Y
Lemme...suggest a weavile set.... Give that thing a focus sash to live a hit. Then go with 1. Triple Axle, it's attack increases per turn and is amazing to knock out sashed pokemons. 2. Swords Dance, let them hit you pull up swords Dance and you live cause of focus sash then completely annihilate the opponents by the amazing speed it have 3. Ice shard, just throw this for good measure to counter priority moves that will try to deal with that remaining 1hp 4. Beat up, it hits exactly the amount of times according to how many Pokemon it have left + it's stab and have the potential to hit 6 times along with that massive attack with swords dance Use the other team for coverage but weavile 60% of the time can sweep teams without support. Fake out isn't a bad choice instead of ice shard either.
Mine was Incineroar, Malamar, Alolan Muk, Honchkrow, Zoroark, & Tyranitar(replacing Alolan Rattata) Edit: I would also later go on to use Drapion on my Bug Team (screw you Skorupi makes it count), Hydreigon on my Dragon team, & Sableye on my Ghost team...
The closest thing to a Dark Pokemon team is my Alpha Sapphire version. I have to look it up again. It wasn't hard especially I had Mightyana with 4 Fang moves Ice Thunder Fire and Crunch Absol Sharpedo that's all I can remember.
@@MdHossain-ve5kb No one suspects the Physical Greninja, plus the attack boost from Power Up Punch comes in handy. I know it isnt necessarily good but it isnt bad.
Buenos Dayes I personally know that specs gren ash gren is supremely better than scarf/life orb/groundium/poisinium/waterium z physical gren and is the biggest offensive threat in the Ou meta game the meta somehow still can't evolve to counter it properly but good set
Bisharp should be on the list. It is a powerful beast with a strong 125 base attack and defiant ability. It is also one of the few dark types that can check Fairy types thanks to its secondary steel typing.
I like your team, but me personally I don’t like using mythical/legendary pkm on my teams. So if you were to replace your mythical/legendary what would you use?
I really love this team the most! It really feels like a team for people (like me) who don’t play for the top number 1, and I really enjoy how it feels like if you don’t enjoy a Pokémon or two on the team you could just switch the out with someone else. I don’t know what really makes this so different with the other best teams but I really enjoyed this the most! Keep up your amazing work!!
This came out on my b-day and i love that it's for dark types and includes my fav darkrai! I'm so happy, excellent team! I should try this out sometime for my dark type gym.
That's my issue as well. He prioritized flinching and confusion when there are better moved in general for type coverage and dealing damage as a special sweeper
I have a very similar build for my Greninja and I think he's just incredible. I still use Protean, Expert Belt and max IVs in speed, but I actually divide the remainder between Attack and Special attack (2/3rd to Special, 1/3rd to Attack) to make him somewhat of a mixed attacker. Reason why for the investment in physical attack comes from one of the moves I picked for him, which are Surf, Dark Pulse, Aerial Ace and Hidden Power (Ground). Surf and Dark Pulse are self-explanatory, but I picked Aerial Ace for Fighting, Grass and Bug Types, all of whom Greninja is normally weak against without Protean, thereby serving as a useful trap against anyone who thinks they're smarter than you, while also being immune to Ground types (for a little trolling until you blast them with Surf). Plus, having a never-miss move can come in handy for more evasive foes or when you absolutely need to land a final hit. Similarly, Hidden Power (Ground) is a trap for Electric types, while also adding coverage against Poison and Steel. With this set up, Greninja is Super Effective against 11 out of 18 types (just like Mystic's Greninja) and has better coverage against all but Fairy in terms of Greninja's normal weaknesses that people will try to throw at you, and when facing Fairy types, you can just use any other move to remove the Dark typing.
I have nothing against Umbreon, even though Glaceon is my favorite eeveelution. While the moveset seems legitimate and competitive, what if you’re against a Steel type? You can’t poison it, so you either have to wait for someone to forfeit or use all the PP’s from each for your moves so you can use Struggle. (Then again, if it’s an Aegislash you’re facing, you’re probably dead).
I think sniper drapion with a razor claw and high crit moves like night slash and cross poison would have made a good addition, especially for the strength against fair types.
Zoroark, Tyrannitar, Krookodile, Greninja, Umbreon, Hydreigon. Pairing a Krookodile with maxed speed and attack with the moxie ability to Tyrannitar could make it a good revenge sweeper. Umbreon could be a stall tactic with toxic, moonlight, meanlook, and either protect or dark pulse. Zoroark is a fast hitting glass cannon that I can teach extrasensory in case of fighting types, and a special attack type covering tank of a hydreigon with acrobatics would also help along with earthpower in case I switch in during Tyrannitar’s sandstorm. Tailwind would also be a good help especially if I can max out his speed ev and use it to set up my slower team. And Greninja would be my bait hitter for Zoroark as well as another speedster setting up a toxic hit.
I prefer a different set for Umbreon to be used as a sweeper. The set I run is this: Umbreon @ Leftovers Ability: Synchronize Sassy Nature EVs: 252 Atk / 252 HP / 4 SpD - Curse - Heal Bell - Moonlight - Payback Curse is used to set up for later, as Umbreon won't be taking much damage anyways. Moonlight + Leftovers equals great healing. Heal Bell is used to get rid of annoying status moves and by having Synchronize on top of that, the opponent will get the same status condition and Umbreon will be able to heal itself of any status afterwards. And finally, Payback is its go-to move for damage. By having Curse and the spread of max Attack and HP EVs and Leftovers along with Moonlight, Umbreon will be bulky enough to take hits and deal out double the damage with Payback, which will do crazy damage thanks to Curse and the investment of EVs in Attack. It's a set that works wonders for me every time I use it and I never have trouble with it.
As with all of these videos, I'm going to make a few changes since I have a few problems. These may not be better or the best, but I really have some problems with this team, so here we go: While Mega Tyranitar isn't bad, not having regular Tyranitar on your team is a big detriment. Replace Mega Tyranitar with Mega Sableye, and since Sableye will be your bulk machine, replace Umbreon, who's kinda trash in Ubers, with regular Tyranitar, who's both bulky and an amazing Dragon Dance sweeper. You did this with Xerneas, too, you're putting one of a Pokemon's best stats, and putting it to waste, in this case Yveltal's attack. You are also put 3 Special Flying type moves on it, that's way too repetitive. Replace Air Slash and Hurricane with good physical coverage moves, like Zen Headbutt, Dragon Claw/Dragon Rush, Return, Rock Slide, or U-Turn. This is just a preference, but maybe using a Battle Bond Greninja or Protean would be better, but that's just personal preference. Protean Greninja's still good and as viable, but I think Battle Bond Greninja's better. Also, again, physical move on Greninja, Protean or Battle Bond. Gunk Shot, Return, Rock Slide, U-Turn all work. I know Dark Void is on Darkrai for fan service and theme, but please use Hypnosis over it, they're the exact same move but Hypnosis is 5% more accurate. Other than that, good job.
I was actually looking things over, and I was thinking Hidden Power Steel, Scald/Waterfall, Dark Pulse/Night Slash, & Aerial Ace on the Protean gives it 17 Resistances/Immunities, & only loses 1 Super Effective type coverage from Mystic's choices, >.> What do you think?
I'd prefer to use Synchronize on Umbreon to inflict status on opposing team. Could save you a turn since your opponent will likely try to cripple Umbreon as well. And a bit more physical bulk with Bold nature since majority of moves effective on Umbreon are physical (Bug and Fighting).
Umbreon is honestly such an amazing Pokémon. It’s an amazing special wall, but also decent physical wall as well, with decent HP as well. I’ve seen my Umbreon take out entire teams of UBERs almost single handedly. It’s moves are: Toxic, Moonlight, Curse, & Payback/Protect. I switch often between the last 2, because Payback works amazingly with Curse, plus it’s nice to have at least one attacking move, yet Protect is also great for stalling.
My umbreon (also my fav pokemon xD) is a tank set up with evs in def and spdef. Left overs. It uses moonlight, curse, payback, and heal bell. Works really well and when set up destroys most pokemon in 1 hit.
For a looooooong time. my favorite greninja set of all time is the hazard pivot: (bearing in mind that i dont play pokemon for a long time, i dont remember well the max numbers) Max hp evs, max speed evs, 4 spatk Timid Protean - Spikes -Toxic Spikes - Scald - nightslash; Strat: set up the hazards while playing with preditions. Poison resists grass and ground is imune to electric, so water weakness is covered. dark is imune to psychic, ground and poison resist bug and fighting, water resist water and so on. this way i could have 2 layers of toxic spikes, 2 or 3 of spikes, and greninja was able to survive. after all that, scald away!!!
Dark types are my all-time favorite with Poison close behind, but I'm not big on using legendaries so Toxic Spikes Drapion and Spiritomb, with Weavile, Tyranitar, Greninja, and Umbreon are my staple team
If y'all are looking to use NON-LEGENDARIES for your Dark team, look no further. In this case, you could replace Yveltal with Hydreigon (for obvious reasons besides inducing Ghetsis PTSD into other players for a psychological edge), and Darkrai with Honchkrow/Mandibuzz, depending on if you want a more offensive or defensive role with Tailwind support (also for coverage against Fighting and Bug types, which can be problematic for your Dark team). I personally picked Mandibuzz due to its capability to withstand most attacks that would one-shot Honchkrow, especially if the opponent moves before your Dark/Flying-type when you're trying to utilize Tailwind. Roost is a MUST as it may take away your Flying-typing for that turn, but that would also temporarily lift super effectiveness from Rock-types while healing 50% of health. Keep in mind, it's ONE TURN, though. I'm not sure about you, but I have Trick/U-Turn Zoroark to deceive opponents and scramble their items (I've gotten lots of rage quits from the enemy with it, and it sets up for my other Pokemon to take it from there while Zoroark receives the enemy's item, which is usually beneficial) then retreat and switch out with another Pokémon. Hell, Zoroark's Special Attack is promising if it's ever backed into a corner, but its low defensive capabilities don't make it reliable for direct combat. If you're looking to use Trick with a Burn/Toxic Orb, Facade really comes in handy when the opponent you're facing has no item to switch with or if the Orb in your Zoroark's hand isn't crippling to the enemy (for example, Guts Obstagoon, in which case, don't use Trick.). Speaking of Obstagoon, that could actually prove to be a safe alternative to Zoroark; it still knows Trick, is relatively bulky, and once paired with Guts/Burn Orb/Bulk-Up, becomes a temporary tactically-offensive monster as long as it can withstand Burn damage, switching items with enemies to give them Burns while smacking aside those who Zoroark's Trick would have issues with. Scrafty is also somewhat slept on; I found success with this rather low-ranked Pokémon in OU due to its Fighting-Type coverage fending off Bugs who seek to prey on the rest of Dark team, with Shed Skin as an ability and Rest/Dragon Dance as its moves, as well as Drain Punch and Leftovers for item, it's going to be hard to put down against Pokémon who utilize status conditions (like Toxapex and Grimmsnarl) and is a solid physical attacker. However, you shouldn't depend on Shed Skin to save you *everytime*, and its relatively low speed makes it a necessity to set up first. This is where Greninja likely comes in, because it doesn't need to set up, especially if it has Battle Bond. With Greninja (especially one with Ice Beam) you wouldn't really need Weavile-- since Greninja is slightly more defensively capable in case you screw up, while being close enough in speed and power, so what do you need? Fairy-types are still going to be a HUGE problem, which is why I recommend Bisharp. STAB Iron Head ruins non-bulky Fairy-types and Sucker Punch ensures your relatively-slow Bisharp moves first to finish off or deal good damage to faster enemies in a pinch. Stone Edge removes the possibility of threats like Volcarona and Charizard, and if Fighting-types are a huge concern, Aerial Ace with Swords Dance is a safe route to go. Should a stat lower, ability Defiant evens it out by bolstering your Attack. Of course, just as safe is Drapion, the Poison/Dark-type with Sniper, Cross Poison and Night Slash ensures high critical hit ratio and little Fairies left alive. Toxic should wear down all others except Steel and Poison-types, which can be eliminated through Earthquake.
My first playthrough of Black 2 was a mono-Dark type run. My ace was Liepard (not the strongest I know, but my fav Unova pokemon), and I also had Scrafty, Mandibuzz, Bisharp, Zoroark and Hydreigon. Honestly, Liepard did a great job, and Scrafty anf Hydreigon truly were the MVPs. Zoroark’s ability didn’t really do a lot, because it always transforms into another Dark-type, so opponents will use the same type of moves. I really wanna do a Moon/Ultra Sun playthrough some time with only Ghost types!
I'm not sure about having a Sandstorm pokemon alongside 5 others that all suffer from Sandstorm. I don't know if it's Sableye or Houndoom you're saving for later, but there's both of those and also Absol that get Megas while still being Dark. Admittedly Absol isn't that great, but as a fast physical attacker with plenty of critical hits before Mega-Evolving for Magic Bounce. Alternatively you can have more of the team able to eat the sand - like Krookodile, Bisharp, giving Greninja a Ground/Rock/Steel move etc. I'm glad you included Weavile there, it's one of my all-time favourites throughout all the games, alongside Mawile, Rhydon and Floatzel.
Also weavile may be a glass canon but simply adding 'protect' on that set can make use of that pressure ability. Effectively functioning as a slightly worse variant of 'spite' but with the added bonus that weavile survives another round. (There are even more balls deep options for a pressure-stall set xD but I won't go there. dw) Personally I'm a bigger fan of 'night slash' on weavile than 'dark pulse' since weavile has highter attack stats and it crits. But that's up to preference :)
Dark can be offensive or stall. I think the fighting type weakness would be better taken care of by mega Sableye as a wall and magic bounce could prevent hazards set up as you have no defogger. The added bonus being it's only weakness is fairy. Mega Absol also has magic bounce and a mixed set takes out most starters and it can't be stalled with status. Mega Sharpedo could also be a mixed wall breaker. The latter two being important as I think this team would struggle with Clefable, Chansey, and Porygon 2. Also, Mandibuzz competes with Umbreon as a wall as it has less weaknesses and Mega Sableye can be a Sp. De. Wall. No need to make Sableye physically defensive after wil o wisp then Mandibuzz takes over as a physical wall. Also Bisharp or Honchcrow is needed for priority sucker punch. Defiant and moxie are great abilities respectively and Honchcrow has access to superpower which ruins Chansey's day. But Bisharp handles fairies and knock off + iron head can also screw up chansey. Gliscor is the issue for those two. Pair one with Sharpedo or Greninja.n
when talking about HP fightings strengths, you left out dark. Dark is weak to fighting so HP fighting also hits that, bringing the types you can hit supereffectively up to all but 5.
Tyranitar’s sand storm it is pretty dangerous so i would use it with a krookodile and maybe a bisharp (I don’t know, because even if his type is good against fairy and his ability is really usefull i have never seen one in singles). Another idea it would be use mega sableye (immune to fight moves and with magic bounce for enemy’s stealth rock or taunt) and not mega tyranitar. Also greninja really needs a poison move because there is no one who resists fairy (alolan muk is an option too)
Trying to use Hidden Power used to be a pain in the neck due to the random nature of how high it's power is going to be and what type it's going to be on each Pokemon you catch or breed. All of this is compounded by natures, IV's and abilities. Thankfully, this was toned down by now having a set power of 60 and IV's now being able to get raised by bottle caps. Now you only have to focus on the ability and nature of the Pokemon and not worry about stats. This means you'll usually need to hatch less than 15 Froakie eggs using a partner with the correct nature who is holding an everstone until you get one with the nature and hidden power type you want, and then transfer them up to Sun and Moon. This is still kind of tedious, but it's a lot better than it used to be. It's just kind of disappointing to know that GameFreak backslid by taking out so many game mechanics and possibly hundreds of Pokemon in Sword and Shield.
I came here because I was talking with a friend about what type would we have if we were Gym Leaders, she picked Fairy, but I love Dark type so I was thinking on a team and picked Weavile, Malamar, Shiftry, Crawdaunt, Grimmsnarl and Thievul or Honchcrow. They robably aren't the best Dark Types but I like them, do you know some type of strategy it could work with those 6? I'm just curious and I'm doing this for fun so I'm asking xd
Not a bad team, truth be told. That being said, though...just one question. Does Wish really work when switching out or does it have to be used with Baton Pass for that to work??? I'm still relatively new to competitive battling so...
Yveltal could’ve easily rocked out with the moves Oblivion Wing Psychic Dark Pulse Shadow Ball Focus Blast And Darkrai with Dream Eater instead of Psychic so once it makes an opponent sleep, it can heal up and up its stats with Nasty Plot and continue to use Dream Eater and Dark Pulse
Leaving legendary pokemon off these best teams would make this a lot more interesting.
@Hope Bagel not really, theres a reason tiers exist
Yeah, I didn't add legends to my mono-Dark team in Showdown. So in this case, you could replace Yveltal with Hydreigon, and Darkrai with Honchkrow/Mandibuzz, depending on if you want a more offensive or defensive role with Tailwind support (also for coverage against Fighting and Bug types, which can be problematic for your Dark team).
In my case, I have Trick/U-Turn Zoroark to deceive opponents and scramble their items (I've gotten lots of rage quits from the enemy with it, and it sets up for my other Pokemon to take it from there while Zoroark receives the enemy's item, which is usually beneficial). Hell, Zoroark's Special Attack is promising if it's ever backed into a corner, but its low defensive capabilities don't make it reliable for direct combat.
Scrafty is also somewhat slept on; its Fighting-Type coverage fending off Bugs who seek to prey on the rest of Dark team, with Shed Skin as an ability and Rest/Dragon Dance as its moves, as well as Drain Punch and Leftovers for item, it's going to be hard to put down against Pokémon who utilize status conditions (like Toxapex and Grimmsnarl) and is a solid physical attacker. However, you shouldn't depend on Shed Skin to save you *everytime*, and its relatively low speed makes it a necessity to set up first. This is where Greninja likely comes in, because it doesn't need to set up.
I was a bit disappointed that Krookodile didnt make it. Hydreigon as well.
Sean Williams tyrantiar is in there so krokodile has no use being there
@@randomdudeonyoutube3504 I think I see what you're getting at with tyranitar and it learning earthquake but it isn't stab and that's also no excuse to not use hydreigon which has dark pulse power comparable with hoopa unbound if used correctly
I agree
Well ıll be dissapointed if gliscor doesnt makes in any team
@@cuddlefish7798 yeah it's pretty good
"There's nothing we can really do about Mega Tyranitar's speed-"
Dragon Dance: "Am I a joke to you?"
Dragon Dance is mandatory on Mega T-Tar. You want to set him up to be a sweeper
I thought the exact same thing, let's not forgot when he didn't put Aurora veil on his Alo Ninetails and made it specs
@@buliyen i mean specs ninetalis is still broken... it was a us um sweeper and 2 ehhh iton head or dd kinda hard
You've got fat defenses why would you waste a slot on Dragon Dance?
(Alola) Muk should be honorable mention in the dark addition team spreading poison & attacking those pink puff ball (fairy types)
69th like. Niiiiiiiiice. And yes I agree with you on that one. Good bulk, power (Gunk Shot and Knock Off), and REALLY good typing
I would say Drapion would be an even better option if built and used correctly. If Fell Stinger is timed correctly, your physical attack will skyrocket (+3 stages to be accurate). So factor that with a move such as Night Slash or Cross Poison, and a Scope Lens to boot. Then I'd say you have a solid plan B if you are running out of tricks in your bag.
I agree alola cum should be here
muk makes it on the poison team
I was chilling until Yveltal had 3 Flying type moves... what is the point of a special sweeper with coverage not use it's coverage?
Lmao fr wtf is that crap
@@johnherrera5261 honestly I would've ran Oblivion Wing, Dark Pulse/Foul Play, Phantom Force, and Heat Wave/Psychic. Assault vest as the item and boom. Coverage, slight niche, and overall aggressive Yveltal
Mystic always kinda screws up one moveset on a Pokemon
Still a good team tho
You mean Yavaltal (watch Pokémon talk 8 on MandJTV’s Channel)
@@generic_username27 floor tentacles
What do you have against Gen 5 to not put Hydreigon or Krookodile on this team
Or zoroark
Maybe saving them for other teams
Or at least Krookodile
I love KrooKodile, one of my favorite dark type pokemon.
They evolve at really high levels
I don’t really agree with legendaries being on these lists jmo
Hydregon:Am i a joke to you
@Jonintendo 2003 I agree. Hydreigon is my favourite Pokemon and deserves more love. Everyone just keeps on saying he's weak to Fairies.
This team is fine, and I don’t really want to be rude, but what is that Yveltal move set?? 3 flying moves? That’s a little excessive. That’s kinda bad for a choice specs set. At least replace the hurricane for focus blast...
The team has a weakness to fighting so it makes sense
Scott Stapp Oblivion Wing is all you need. He should have given Yveltal coverage moves like Focus Blast or Psychic, or even Roost for maximum recovery combined with Obv. Wing
I would give it focus blast and sucker punch and remove the choice specs and put a leftovers or a black glases on it
@@flatoutalliance dark pulse oblivipn wing or air slash healing or flinch ur choice psychic focus blast roost with specs ehhh bad idea
io Playz you would obviously have to change the item with Roost in the set, Life orb would maybe be the best. Also, all of the Smogon sets carry Taunt, but that’s a lot more competitive based
I understand if you dont but could the best flying team have a fast bulky paraflinching togekiss please
Best flying should easily include Paraflinch Togekiss, toxic heal Gliscor, Drizzle Pelliper, with either Thundurus or Tornadas(not both) Skarmory or Celesteela, then mega Charizard Y
not a fan of 2 legendary pokemon on the team, I find non legendary teams 100% more interesting and useful for reference
"Mega T-tar's special stats are basically useless" *has 120 sp. def and 95 sp. atk*
Sandstorm also boosts rock types spdef, smh
Dark is my favorite type.
Mine is ghost cause its spooky and scary
But i like dark a lot too its my 3rd fav type
What is you other fav type
@@giannispixel bug
Mine's psychic or water I can't decide
I love poison type, but dark and ghost are up there too
My fave types are steel and fire with electric being third
Lemme...suggest a weavile set....
Give that thing a focus sash to live a hit. Then go with
1. Triple Axle, it's attack increases per turn and is amazing to knock out sashed pokemons.
2. Swords Dance, let them hit you pull up swords Dance and you live cause of focus sash then completely annihilate the opponents by the amazing speed it have
3. Ice shard, just throw this for good measure to counter priority moves that will try to deal with that remaining 1hp
4. Beat up, it hits exactly the amount of times according to how many Pokemon it have left + it's stab and have the potential to hit 6 times along with that massive attack with swords dance
Use the other team for coverage but weavile 60% of the time can sweep teams without support.
Fake out isn't a bad choice instead of ice shard either.
My monoDark for sun/moon was Incineroar, Pangoro, Krookodile, Alolan Muk, Honchkrow, and a walling Umbreon
Mine was Incineroar, Malamar, Alolan Muk, Honchkrow, Zoroark, & Tyranitar(replacing Alolan Rattata)
Edit: I would also later go on to use Drapion on my Bug Team (screw you Skorupi makes it count), Hydreigon on my Dragon team, & Sableye on my Ghost team...
Mine was incineroar,zoroark,absol,umbreon,tyranitar&weavile
13:35 umbreon so sick that mystic umbreons voice changes
Was just gonna comment that
The closest thing to a Dark Pokemon team is my Alpha Sapphire version. I have to look it up again. It wasn't hard especially I had Mightyana with 4 Fang moves Ice Thunder Fire and Crunch Absol Sharpedo that's all I can remember.
My mightyana also has poison fang
@@williamstark6162 definitely more useful than the Generation 3. Not that much of a great move pool for it.
Let’s just hope that Karen or Grimsley doesn’t see this video!!
The Xtranciever is ringing.
Why me?!
Weavile’s trash over Absol? It could’ve been Mega Absol & been picked over Mega Tyranitar then swap Tyranitar for Weavile
Weavile and Tyranitar are way better than absol
@@eigorson your dumb tyranitar mega is bad absol mega is better tho
@@shadows5499 you probably don't know about competitive battling
C. Wvyne but in the smogon battling wevile is banned from a teir that MEGA Absol is not do reasearch stop chatting shit
Weavile is not trash
Dark types are my favorite. If I was a trainer in the anime, I love to be a Dark type trainer.
Personally for Yveltal I use a power herb and switched out hurricane for sky attack. This video was awesome! Can't wait for the next one.
Umbreon: ...Wanna have a bad time
Game Theory- Why Umbreon is Sans
I personally think the physical version of Greninja is better.
Power Up Punch, Night Slash, Waterfall and either Ice Punch, Gunk Shot or U turn.
Buenos Dayes I like the mixed greninja
Buenos Dayes
I’d rather use Greninja’s better 103 special attack max 305 then its maximum 258 attack stat
@@MdHossain-ve5kb No one suspects the Physical Greninja, plus the attack boost from Power Up Punch comes in handy. I know it isnt necessarily good but it isnt bad.
Gunk shot will make it not weak to neither fairy nor fighting, so it is a really decent option for greninja :)
Buenos Dayes I personally know that specs gren ash gren is supremely better than scarf/life orb/groundium/poisinium/waterium z physical gren and is the biggest offensive threat in the Ou meta game the meta somehow still can't evolve to counter it properly but good set
Bisharp should be on the list. It is a powerful beast with a strong 125 base attack and defiant ability. It is also one of the few dark types that can check Fairy types thanks to its secondary steel typing.
I wasn’t on the steel list either 😣
I like your team, but me personally I don’t like using mythical/legendary pkm on my teams. So if you were to replace your mythical/legendary what would you use?
I really love this team the most! It really feels like a team for people (like me) who don’t play for the top number 1, and I really enjoy how it feels like if you don’t enjoy a Pokémon or two on the team you could just switch the out with someone else. I don’t know what really makes this so different with the other best teams but I really enjoyed this the most! Keep up your amazing work!!
If I don't see Hawlucha on the Fighting or Flying list, I'm gonna be enraged.
Holly Compton it’s good but not that great
My friend had a Hawlucha on his Ultra Moon and Y teams, and when we battled, it either got OH-KOed or barely did any damage
Instead of a legit team with Hydreigon and zoroark you put 2 legendaries in there
shame on you
This came out on my b-day and i love that it's for dark types and includes my fav darkrai! I'm so happy, excellent team! I should try this out sometime for my dark type gym.
did you watch the video? Darkrai's not on the actual team.
*Tyranitar used stealth rock*
@@tyra-carlos7716 Galvantula used sticky web
@@tyra-carlos7716 Vikavolt used Bug Buzz
@@tyra-carlos7716 *Golosipod used liquidation*
@@sarahross975 *FULL RESTORE*
I think that set for Gredinja is really cool and unique. Props dude!
Hey Mystic!
I love fire types, but I can't find them that usefull in most situations while playing, so can you do a team best with fire types? 🔥 🔥
I enjoy your opinion videos as you come across as super passionate, and makes watching these videos so much more exciting
Im down with it man. That moveset for umbreon is absolutely wild and would be frustrating as hell to deal with!
I'm glad you used umbreon because it's your channel's mascot, and that boi is a TANK ☺
Which are the replacements for the legendaries? Maybe Hydreigon, Sableye, Spiritomb, Pangoro idk
Incineroar would have been good due to intimidate, but I giess it's gets outclassed Tho. Good team I'll use soon thanks.
Yeah, you're darn right he gets outclassed. Incineroar's overrated
Um... the yveltal... dark pulse ow fb and mabye roost and make it lifeorb
Why would u have 3 different flying type moves on yveltal? Instead give him something like shadow ball or psychic!
That's my issue as well. He prioritized flinching and confusion when there are better moved in general for type coverage and dealing damage as a special sweeper
@@Amelia4111 calm dow ffs
I have a very similar build for my Greninja and I think he's just incredible. I still use Protean, Expert Belt and max IVs in speed, but I actually divide the remainder between Attack and Special attack (2/3rd to Special, 1/3rd to Attack) to make him somewhat of a mixed attacker. Reason why for the investment in physical attack comes from one of the moves I picked for him, which are Surf, Dark Pulse, Aerial Ace and Hidden Power (Ground). Surf and Dark Pulse are self-explanatory, but I picked Aerial Ace for Fighting, Grass and Bug Types, all of whom Greninja is normally weak against without Protean, thereby serving as a useful trap against anyone who thinks they're smarter than you, while also being immune to Ground types (for a little trolling until you blast them with Surf). Plus, having a never-miss move can come in handy for more evasive foes or when you absolutely need to land a final hit. Similarly, Hidden Power (Ground) is a trap for Electric types, while also adding coverage against Poison and Steel.
With this set up, Greninja is Super Effective against 11 out of 18 types (just like Mystic's Greninja) and has better coverage against all but Fairy in terms of Greninja's normal weaknesses that people will try to throw at you, and when facing Fairy types, you can just use any other move to remove the Dark typing.
3 views 4 likes THIS IS NOT A DRIL!!
I have nothing against Umbreon, even though Glaceon is my favorite eeveelution. While the moveset seems legitimate and competitive, what if you’re against a Steel type? You can’t poison it, so you either have to wait for someone to forfeit or use all the PP’s from each for your moves so you can use Struggle. (Then again, if it’s an Aegislash you’re facing, you’re probably dead).
I think sniper drapion with a razor claw and high crit moves like night slash and cross poison would have made a good addition, especially for the strength against fair types.
Zoroark, Tyrannitar, Krookodile, Greninja, Umbreon, Hydreigon.
Pairing a Krookodile with maxed speed and attack with the moxie ability to Tyrannitar could make it a good revenge sweeper. Umbreon could be a stall tactic with toxic, moonlight, meanlook, and either protect or dark pulse. Zoroark is a fast hitting glass cannon that I can teach extrasensory in case of fighting types, and a special attack type covering tank of a hydreigon with acrobatics would also help along with earthpower in case I switch in during Tyrannitar’s sandstorm. Tailwind would also be a good help especially if I can max out his speed ev and use it to set up my slower team. And Greninja would be my bait hitter for Zoroark as well as another speedster setting up a toxic hit.
I prefer a different set for Umbreon to be used as a sweeper. The set I run is this:
Umbreon @ Leftovers
Ability: Synchronize
Sassy Nature
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 HP / 4 SpD
- Curse
- Heal Bell
- Moonlight
- Payback
Curse is used to set up for later, as Umbreon won't be taking much damage anyways. Moonlight + Leftovers equals great healing. Heal Bell is used to get rid of annoying status moves and by having Synchronize on top of that, the opponent will get the same status condition and Umbreon will be able to heal itself of any status afterwards. And finally, Payback is its go-to move for damage. By having Curse and the spread of max Attack and HP EVs and Leftovers along with Moonlight, Umbreon will be bulky enough to take hits and deal out double the damage with Payback, which will do crazy damage thanks to Curse and the investment of EVs in Attack. It's a set that works wonders for me every time I use it and I never have trouble with it.
As with all of these videos, I'm going to make a few changes since I have a few problems. These may not be better or the best, but I really have some problems with this team, so here we go:
While Mega Tyranitar isn't bad, not having regular Tyranitar on your team is a big detriment. Replace Mega Tyranitar with Mega Sableye, and since Sableye will be your bulk machine, replace Umbreon, who's kinda trash in Ubers, with regular Tyranitar, who's both bulky and an amazing Dragon Dance sweeper.
You did this with Xerneas, too, you're putting one of a Pokemon's best stats, and putting it to waste, in this case Yveltal's attack. You are also put 3 Special Flying type moves on it, that's way too repetitive. Replace Air Slash and Hurricane with good physical coverage moves, like Zen Headbutt, Dragon Claw/Dragon Rush, Return, Rock Slide, or U-Turn.
This is just a preference, but maybe using a Battle Bond Greninja or Protean would be better, but that's just personal preference. Protean Greninja's still good and as viable, but I think Battle Bond Greninja's better. Also, again, physical move on Greninja, Protean or Battle Bond. Gunk Shot, Return, Rock Slide, U-Turn all work.
I know Dark Void is on Darkrai for fan service and theme, but please use Hypnosis over it, they're the exact same move but Hypnosis is 5% more accurate.
Other than that, good job.
I was actually looking things over, and I was thinking Hidden Power Steel, Scald/Waterfall, Dark Pulse/Night Slash, & Aerial Ace on the Protean gives it 17 Resistances/Immunities, & only loses 1 Super Effective type coverage from Mystic's choices, >.> What do you think?
Daisy Rose that's honestly a really good set, that works really well.
Thanks ^-^
Amy Moreau , dark void can effect all opponents in a battle, while hypnosis can only effect one
Why not extra sensory for greninja. It’s stronger than hidden power and can flinch
I'd prefer to use Synchronize on Umbreon to inflict status on opposing team. Could save you a turn since your opponent will likely try to cripple Umbreon as well. And a bit more physical bulk with Bold nature since majority of moves effective on Umbreon are physical (Bug and Fighting).
Umbreon is honestly such an amazing Pokémon. It’s an amazing special wall, but also decent physical wall as well, with decent HP as well. I’ve seen my Umbreon take out entire teams of UBERs almost single handedly. It’s moves are: Toxic, Moonlight, Curse, & Payback/Protect. I switch often between the last 2, because Payback works amazingly with Curse, plus it’s nice to have at least one attacking move, yet Protect is also great for stalling.
Do Steel next!
Hydreigon: Am I a joke to you?
5:53 Please explain? 😅 Did it happen in a video? Which one? Would love to see it. XD
3 of my favorite pokemon are here
Surprizingly dark isnt my fav type
Plzzz do bug
My umbreon (also my fav pokemon xD) is a tank set up with evs in def and spdef. Left overs. It uses moonlight, curse, payback, and heal bell. Works really well and when set up destroys most pokemon in 1 hit.
For a looooooong time. my favorite greninja set of all time is the hazard pivot:
(bearing in mind that i dont play pokemon for a long time, i dont remember well the max numbers)
Max hp evs, max speed evs, 4 spatk
- Spikes
-Toxic Spikes
- Scald
- nightslash;
Strat: set up the hazards while playing with preditions. Poison resists grass and ground is imune to electric, so water weakness is covered. dark is imune to psychic, ground and poison resist bug and fighting, water resist water and so on. this way i could have 2 layers of toxic spikes, 2 or 3 of spikes, and greninja was able to survive. after all that, scald away!!!
Thanks for listening to me, Mystic! And thanks again for including T-Tar there.
Incineroar's overrated trash
Dark types are my all-time favorite with Poison close behind, but I'm not big on using legendaries so Toxic Spikes Drapion and Spiritomb, with Weavile, Tyranitar, Greninja, and Umbreon are my staple team
dark type gym leaders:its a free real estate
Thanks so much, dark is my fav type and I will uses this team
If y'all are looking to use NON-LEGENDARIES for your Dark team, look no further.
In this case, you could replace Yveltal with Hydreigon (for obvious reasons besides inducing Ghetsis PTSD into other players for a psychological edge), and Darkrai with Honchkrow/Mandibuzz, depending on if you want a more offensive or defensive role with Tailwind support (also for coverage against Fighting and Bug types, which can be problematic for your Dark team). I personally picked Mandibuzz due to its capability to withstand most attacks that would one-shot Honchkrow, especially if the opponent moves before your Dark/Flying-type when you're trying to utilize Tailwind. Roost is a MUST as it may take away your Flying-typing for that turn, but that would also temporarily lift super effectiveness from Rock-types while healing 50% of health. Keep in mind, it's ONE TURN, though.
I'm not sure about you, but I have Trick/U-Turn Zoroark to deceive opponents and scramble their items (I've gotten lots of rage quits from the enemy with it, and it sets up for my other Pokemon to take it from there while Zoroark receives the enemy's item, which is usually beneficial) then retreat and switch out with another Pokémon. Hell, Zoroark's Special Attack is promising if it's ever backed into a corner, but its low defensive capabilities don't make it reliable for direct combat. If you're looking to use Trick with a Burn/Toxic Orb, Facade really comes in handy when the opponent you're facing has no item to switch with or if the Orb in your Zoroark's hand isn't crippling to the enemy (for example, Guts Obstagoon, in which case, don't use Trick.).
Speaking of Obstagoon, that could actually prove to be a safe alternative to Zoroark; it still knows Trick, is relatively bulky, and once paired with Guts/Burn Orb/Bulk-Up, becomes a temporary tactically-offensive monster as long as it can withstand Burn damage, switching items with enemies to give them Burns while smacking aside those who Zoroark's Trick would have issues with.
Scrafty is also somewhat slept on; I found success with this rather low-ranked Pokémon in OU due to its Fighting-Type coverage fending off Bugs who seek to prey on the rest of Dark team, with Shed Skin as an ability and Rest/Dragon Dance as its moves, as well as Drain Punch and Leftovers for item, it's going to be hard to put down against Pokémon who utilize status conditions (like Toxapex and Grimmsnarl) and is a solid physical attacker. However, you shouldn't depend on Shed Skin to save you *everytime*, and its relatively low speed makes it a necessity to set up first. This is where Greninja likely comes in, because it doesn't need to set up, especially if it has Battle Bond.
With Greninja (especially one with Ice Beam) you wouldn't really need Weavile-- since Greninja is slightly more defensively capable in case you screw up, while being close enough in speed and power, so what do you need? Fairy-types are still going to be a HUGE problem, which is why I recommend Bisharp. STAB Iron Head ruins non-bulky Fairy-types and Sucker Punch ensures your relatively-slow Bisharp moves first to finish off or deal good damage to faster enemies in a pinch. Stone Edge removes the possibility of threats like Volcarona and Charizard, and if Fighting-types are a huge concern, Aerial Ace with Swords Dance is a safe route to go. Should a stat lower, ability Defiant evens it out by bolstering your Attack.
Of course, just as safe is Drapion, the Poison/Dark-type with Sniper, Cross Poison and Night Slash ensures high critical hit ratio and little Fairies left alive. Toxic should wear down all others except Steel and Poison-types, which can be eliminated through Earthquake.
I love gengar that sucker punch is so fast and the hypnosis and dream eater combo Is amazing
I wanted to replicate the team for a playthrough but seeing how many legendary's are involved I couldn't do it
Wait, where's zoroark
I'll tell where it is. Not on this team.
My first playthrough of Black 2 was a mono-Dark type run. My ace was Liepard (not the strongest I know, but my fav Unova pokemon), and I also had Scrafty, Mandibuzz, Bisharp, Zoroark and Hydreigon. Honestly, Liepard did a great job, and Scrafty anf Hydreigon truly were the MVPs. Zoroark’s ability didn’t really do a lot, because it always transforms into another Dark-type, so opponents will use the same type of moves. I really wanna do a Moon/Ultra Sun playthrough some time with only Ghost types!
Very nice team
This team has very few type coverge like if you fight a fairy type you will lose
I'm not sure about having a Sandstorm pokemon alongside 5 others that all suffer from Sandstorm. I don't know if it's Sableye or Houndoom you're saving for later, but there's both of those and also Absol that get Megas while still being Dark. Admittedly Absol isn't that great, but as a fast physical attacker with plenty of critical hits before Mega-Evolving for Magic Bounce. Alternatively you can have more of the team able to eat the sand - like Krookodile, Bisharp, giving Greninja a Ground/Rock/Steel move etc.
I'm glad you included Weavile there, it's one of my all-time favourites throughout all the games, alongside Mawile, Rhydon and Floatzel.
Fairies are gonna have a field day my guy
Battling Umbreon in the Battle Factory in the Battle Frontier in Gen 3 and Gen 4 really made me livid.
Mystic Umbreon learns racism at his local library
I was hoping for Krookidile; it has great abilities in intimidate and moxie and can serve as a stealth rock setter or a brutal physical attacker
Also weavile may be a glass canon but simply adding 'protect' on that set can make use of that pressure ability. Effectively functioning as a slightly worse variant of 'spite' but with the added bonus that weavile survives another round.
(There are even more balls deep options for a pressure-stall set xD but I won't go there. dw)
Personally I'm a bigger fan of 'night slash' on weavile than 'dark pulse' since weavile has highter attack stats and it crits. But that's up to preference :)
You have totally forgotten zoroak
I know mystic added darkrai with psychic but I'm surprised he didn't add malamar for his weakness of fighting
Why not psychic and/or heat wave for Yveltal? For more type coverage...
Tyranitar-Mega (F) @ Tyranitarite
Ability: Sand Stream
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Stone Edge
- Crunch
- Earthquake
- Iron Head
Greninja (M) @ Expert Belt
Ability: Protean
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Scald
- Ice Beam
- Dark Pulse
- Hidden Power [Fighting]
Yveltal @ Choice Specs
Ability: Dark Aura
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Oblivion Wing
- Dark Pulse
- Focus Blast
- Psychic
Weavile (M) @ Life Orb
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Knock Off
- Icicle Crash
- Fake Out
- Poison Jab
Darkrai @ Wide Lens
Ability: Bad Dreams
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Dark Void
- Dark Pulse
- Dream Eater
- Nasty Plot
Umbreon (F) @ Leftovers
Ability: Synchronize
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD
Calm Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Toxic
- Protect
- Substitute
- Wish
Scawy (Xerneas) @ Power Herb
Ability: Fairy Aura
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 SpD
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Geomancy
- Moonblast
- Thunderbolt
- Focus Blast
WOOF coverage (Gardevoir) (F) @ Choice Specs
Ability: Trace
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Moonblast
- Psyshock
- Hidden Power [Fire]
- Shadow Ball
WOOF coverage (Diancie) @ Rocky Helmet
Ability: Clear Body
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 SpD
Quiet Nature
- Diamond Storm
- Earth Power
- Stealth Rock
- Moonblast
WOOF coverage (Clefable) (F) @ Life Orb
Ability: Unaware
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 SpD
Modest Nature
- Moonblast
- Psychic
- Drain Punch
- Flamethrower
Shell Less (Tapu Fini) @ Leftovers
Ability: Misty Surge
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD
Calm Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Haze
- Protect
- Nature's Madness
- Toxic
The Forfeiter (Altaria-Mega) (F) @ Altarianite
Ability: Pixilate
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 126 SpD / 126 Spe
Careful Nature
- Cotton Guard
- Return
- Dragon Dance
- Roost
Rayquaza-Mega @ Choice Band
Ability: Delta Stream
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Outrage
- Extreme Speed
- Iron Head
- Dragon Ascent
Garchomp (M) @ Rocky Helmet
Ability: Rough Skin
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Toxic
- Roar
- Earthquake
Kommo-o (F) @ Kommonium Z
Ability: Soundproof
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpA / 252 Spe
Naive Nature
- Clanging Scales
- Drain Punch
- Close Combat
- Poison Jab
Dragonite (F) @ Lum Berry
Ability: Multiscale
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Dragon Dance
- Iron Head
- Roost
- Outrage
Kyurem-White @ Life Orb
Ability: Turboblaze
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Draco Meteor
- Ice Beam
- Fusion Flare
- Roost
Dialga @ Choice Specs
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Flash Cannon
- Thunderbolt
- Earth Power
- Draco Meteor
Necrozma-Dusk-Mane @ Ultranecrozium Z
Ability: Prism Armor
EVs: 4 Atk / 252 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Photon Geyser
- Outrage
- Stealth Rock
- Thunder Wave
Volcanion @ Assault Vest
Ability: Water Absorb
EVs: 248 HP / 8 Def / 252 SpA
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Scald
- Flamethrower
- Steam Eruption
- Earth Power
Genesect @ Choice Band
Ability: Download
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Hasty Nature
- Iron Head
- X-Scissor
- Extreme Speed
- Blaze Kick
Darkrai @ Wide Lens
Ability: Bad Dreams
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Hypnosis
- Dark Pulse
- Sludge Bomb
- Spacial Rend
Rayquaza-Mega @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Delta Stream
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Dragon Ascent
- Waterfall
- V-create
- Iron Head
Mewtwo @ Life Orb
Ability: Unnerve
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Psychic
- Energy Ball
- Aura Sphere
- Tri Attack
I’ve been playing x and y for a couple years now and had no idea that greninja had such an ability
Dark can be offensive or stall. I think the fighting type weakness would be better taken care of by mega Sableye as a wall and magic bounce could prevent hazards set up as you have no defogger. The added bonus being it's only weakness is fairy. Mega Absol also has magic bounce and a mixed set takes out most starters and it can't be stalled with status. Mega Sharpedo could also be a mixed wall breaker. The latter two being important as I think this team would struggle with Clefable, Chansey, and Porygon 2. Also, Mandibuzz competes with Umbreon as a wall as it has less weaknesses and Mega Sableye can be a Sp. De. Wall. No need to make Sableye physically defensive after wil o wisp then Mandibuzz takes over as a physical wall. Also Bisharp or Honchcrow is needed for priority sucker punch. Defiant and moxie are great abilities respectively and Honchcrow has access to superpower which ruins Chansey's day. But Bisharp handles fairies and knock off + iron head can also screw up chansey. Gliscor is the issue for those two. Pair one with Sharpedo or Greninja.n
when talking about HP fightings strengths, you left out dark. Dark is weak to fighting so HP fighting also hits that, bringing the types you can hit supereffectively up to all but 5.
id love to see a bug type team. especially with forretress on it
I am looking forward to the normal team video.
Come out with some more opinion videos always love seeing those
Since I just read the Festival of Champions Manga. I can't see a Dark type team without Murkrow, Umbreon and Houndoom T.T
Hmm what if all the evee evolution were in one pokemon ?
@elite13 however you want to see it
Tyranitar’s sand storm it is pretty dangerous so i would use it with a krookodile and maybe a bisharp
(I don’t know, because even if his type is good against fairy and his ability is really usefull i have never seen one in singles).
Another idea it would be use mega sableye (immune to fight moves and with magic bounce for enemy’s stealth rock or taunt) and not mega tyranitar.
Also greninja really needs a poison move because there is no one who resists fairy (alolan muk is an option too)
Great work I think Alolan Persian should added it was on my team in Pokemon Moon.
Trying to use Hidden Power used to be a pain in the neck due to the random nature of how high it's power is going to be and what type it's going to be on each Pokemon you catch or breed. All of this is compounded by natures, IV's and abilities. Thankfully, this was toned down by now having a set power of 60 and IV's now being able to get raised by bottle caps. Now you only have to focus on the ability and nature of the Pokemon and not worry about stats. This means you'll usually need to hatch less than 15 Froakie eggs using a partner with the correct nature who is holding an everstone until you get one with the nature and hidden power type you want, and then transfer them up to Sun and Moon. This is still kind of tedious, but it's a lot better than it used to be. It's just kind of disappointing to know that GameFreak backslid by taking out so many game mechanics and possibly hundreds of Pokemon in Sword and Shield.
Do fire next plz
Like fore fire
Comments for other type
Plz give me my baby galvantula
So I assume you’re gonna use Mega Gyarados for your “best water team”? He’s the only one that turns into a dark type after mega evolving.
Can you use these teams
Without even watching the video or seeing the thumbnail ima guess a certain Eeveelution is on this list
13:32 mystic voice change and I thought a new person was talking.
Krookodile: Am i a joke to you?
I came here because I was talking with a friend about what type would we have if we were Gym Leaders, she picked Fairy, but I love Dark type so I was thinking on a team and picked Weavile, Malamar, Shiftry, Crawdaunt, Grimmsnarl and Thievul or Honchcrow. They robably aren't the best Dark Types but I like them, do you know some type of strategy it could work with those 6? I'm just curious and I'm doing this for fun so I'm asking xd
Not a bad team, truth be told. That being said, though...just one question. Does Wish really work when switching out or does it have to be used with Baton Pass for that to work??? I'm still relatively new to competitive battling so...
My Dark Monotype Team(Without legendaries):
Which app to use to know the states and the pokemon entries and about gym leaders
Yveltal could’ve easily rocked out with the moves
Oblivion Wing
Dark Pulse
Shadow Ball
Focus Blast
And Darkrai with Dream Eater instead of Psychic so once it makes an opponent sleep, it can heal up and up its stats with Nasty Plot and continue to use Dream Eater and Dark Pulse
My Umberon I usually teach it Dig, Shadow Ball, Hyper Beam, and between a dark move and swift
No Krookodile:
"Lightly disappointed"
Krook King you should have put: Reality is often disappointed.
My mono Dark team for X was- Greninja, Houndoom, Umbreon, Hydreigon, Bisharp, and Malamar. This was a fun team.
That’s a good team
Gallade (mega prob) for psychic or fighting that thing is amazing imo