Congrats you've made the BEST cranial nerve examination on TH-cam. No one so far has been able to actually show CLEARLY the pupil constricting and demonstrated it so simply.
My father had a severe head injury in 2018 after falling off a roof head first. Luckily he survived but completely lost his sense of smell. Since watching your initial video on this test it all finally made sense. Thanks Dr Gill!
My dad also had a head injury after being knocked down by a car. Totally lost the sense of smell. He couldn't taste his food properly, didn't like it. He'd literally have a conversation whilst adding salt n pepper to his food. It would be a layer of salt n pepper you could barely see food underneath. Couldn't really identify sour. Hadn't liked spicy food but would add chilli flakes in a layer too. Said he could barely taste it with that much salt/pepper/chilli on there. I'd never quite understood how he'd lost the entire sense....but now I get it!!
Wait... so no one bothered to explain it to you? Even though you're his immediate family member, and that's a permanent consequence of his accident? Wow...
@@antusgabor Don't be that strict, wo/man. Soothing and smoothing. smooth verb (REMOVE PROBLEMS) [ T ] to remove difficulties and make something easier to do or achieve (Cambridge dictionary)
I actually get much from these videos. I'm not in the medical field, but I love learning. I've also noticed the manner in which I speak with people has started to sound reminiscent of Dr Gill. It puts people at ease when they know you are interested in their comfort and well being by your tone, mannerisms, and clear communication.
7:46 "Your hand stops you banging foreheads!" ^Funny, but also a super practical pro-tip! Attention to little details like that really makes this channel special. 😊
Every year , I must go to my personal doctor for a wellness examination . My doctor does a neurological examination but Dr . Gill explains in plain English why my doctor does this and what he is looking for .
I'm currently in my neurology rotation and I'll have the practical exam in less than 2 weeks so you couldn't be more precise with this video. Mulțumesc, dr. Gill! That means 'thank you' in my language! 😇
It's 1.15am I cannot sleep But Dr Gills vids Are like counting sheep Or back from one hundred With a face full of gas Soothing smooth voices Help one to relax..
I'm in engineering rather than the medical field, but I've always found these videos incredibly interesting, especially around neurological exams and the cranial nerves. My partner has recently been diagnosed with MS so it has been really useful to have watched such fantastic teaching over time, and at least had some awareness of what her neurologist was looking out for whilst examining my partner. Thank you!
@@DrJamesGill thank you, thankfully it's been caught quite early on (only early twenties!) and is relapsing-remitting, so we're hopeful that treatments can negate any future relapses. Just awaiting the next appointment to discuss and decide upon said treatments!
I’m a nurse studying clinical examination skills, all of Dr Gill’s videos give great understanding behind each system. Especially the cranial nerves. Thank you!
One of the best parts of this video is just how fun the both of you seem to have at examples such as “spin around your chair for a while”. It’s contagious smiling, really lmao
Dude gets millions of views per video and only has 166k subscribers. Just goes to show how many people don't care about actually "supporting" a channel they enjoy. Well I just subscribed good sir. Great content. I thoroughly enjoyed the video.
Med student here! I’m so thankful for your videos Dr Gill!!! You explain it wonderfully, oftentimes i Find myself searching for your videos to study for tests!! Thanks so much for this awesome work!
That’s a brilliant compliment- thank you If you have found it useful, if you could consider sharing it on one of the social platforms I’d really be grateful- plus it might help someone else 😊
Having watched many different CN examinations this is the most in-depth and best explained I’ve seen. With my dad having had 3 TIAs and people I know suffering MND it makes understanding how the medical professionals identify and diagnose. Also extremely relaxing viewing. Well done Dr James Gill. Thank you 🙏
honestly, I'm a high school student who is going into engineering, but this stuff is so interesting and I have learned so much I am very appreciative of Dr James.
Engineering and medicine are overlapping fields. Look into medical device engineering or Biomedical engineering. Good luck with your studies. - a med device engineer
@@snowyowl6892 There actually is a time limit. I don't know what it is for sure, but it's a good number of years, around 5 or 6 I think. In the past I've found comments that I made say 12 years ago, and when I try and edit it it doesn't let me.
@@Travis-guy-247 thanks for the info … Btw … in numerology, the name Travis is 44. This is huge. This 3D space we inhabit has two master numbers attributed to it. (11 & 22… k & v) 33 is more “evolved” … and 44, even more so. “Travis” has an embedded “22” (v) Do you know numerology ? If not -check it out your DOB is even more indicative … 🤗
Dr Gill to the rescue 🎉 i have my exam tomorrow. But a quick correction if required in the table of rinne and weber combined interpretations. When Both ears have BC> AC and if weber lateralizes to the left then its probably right ear has both problems and left ear has only conductive and similar correction when weber lateralizes to the rightear then combined loss in the left and conductive loss in the left. Thanks a lot for this video Loved it.
@@DrJamesGill Right. Ive done that. As I got older I learned to just give a first to mind honest reactions. Trying to be helpful I can see leading to confusion for the doctor.
As someone just watching with no real medical drive I find these quite meditative. If you did a few LONGER videos, pending need of course, I would be greateful.
I went to a neurologist for facial issues and they did not even do 10% of what you tested. So many doctors are rip offs & and it is so hard to find someone like Dr Gill.
It’s possible they focused on the specific issue. And to be fair, I don’t know many medics who routinely carry three different tuning forks in their bag!! I’m just a bit odd like that!
Could you do an examination/explanation for myasthenia gravis. My father had this and not a lot of Doctors knew or understood what it is. It is a question that is always asked at our local hospital because of my dad.
Maybe you are happy to hear that I have reached 2 years of being clean from opiates today! Maybe you remember that I told you about my addiction under one of your older videos!
Hi Kazuhira I remember is well. As I’m sure do many other people who saw and responded to the original comments 2 years is such a huge achievement! You should be so proud What has worked for you? Any suggestions you’d give to others in a similar place?
@@DrJamesGill Fight through the bad days, embrace the good ones. And don't set your goals to high. What really works for me, is not to think in huge terms like forever, never or always. I wake up in the morning with the mindset, that I will stay clean for the day and at the end of the day be proud of what you have achieved. And this is what I do for every new day.
38:19 "She's not been able to push our hand away, we got good strength of the muscles there" The patient, however, is a weakling who I've put in her place with this amazing show of dominance.
An interesting presentation, as always. I couldn't stop myself from laughing when he asked the patient to make faces. I would hate that part of the exam; I'd be too self-conscious. Then again, I'd have problems with many parts of the exam. I dislike being touched. Fortunately, I've never had and cannot believe that I'd never need to take this type of test.
And yes, also this time it was very good to follow what you were explaining. And because the way of talking about handling and points to look for it's, even for someone with little Englisch background, a great video to watch. And no, not to long.
*Question:* At ~7:30 during the eye check, why is it important to look with opposite eyes? And what work-arounds does Dr. Gill use for this type of exam since he has the issues with his right eye?
By looking directly in the patients opposite eye - so RIGHT eye to RIGHT eye - if means your face does not overlap with the patients, so you can encroach less on their personal space As for myself, I merely highlight it to the patient that I’ll have to come in very closely, but briefly
Not really. It depends on the problem, for example a pituitary tumour will cause loss of the visual fields, whip it out, and in many causes will resolve once pressure is removed
Neurologic field defects respect the vertical meridian dont they? For instance a chiasmal compressive lesion will cause a bitemporal defect that will first be detected by checking the visual field on either side of the vertical , and will be missed by checking way out in the periphery. Similarly with an early hemianopia , the first defect will be noted by checking the visual fields next to the vertical meridian . Sparing of the temporal crescent also complicates visual field testing, the way you do it. Also, small hemianopic defects caused by small infarcts in the ooccipital lobe will be missed if you test the visual fields the way you do. Therefore visual field testing should begin by checking on either side of the vertical meridian. rather than testing far out in the periphery.
have wondered about those colour plates - the ishi haras are really cool. but i know there are a lot of others ones doctors have used through the years - are those ones now standard use by medical professionals? great video
Hi Dr. Gill, thank you for, as always, a fabulous video. You make the best "deep dive" videos, and have the best examination techniques. Just a question- would you test the gag reflex and taste during the glossopharyngeal nerve exam?
Not routinely no - in as OSCE you’d offer it. But we’ve asked if that patient has an issue with taste, and no issues swallowing Don’t forget the examination is the confirm our suspicions from the history. So we’d know if we needed to test gag reflex - and as it is an unpleasant test, we don’t routinely
Huh, I always thought thay wiggling the finger was INTENTIONALLY to draw the pacients gaze once said finger entered the pacients peripheral vison. Learn sometjing new every day, especially around Dr. Gill.
About "nasal patency", what would the physician do in the case of the patient having nasal cycling (like I do)? Would you be splitting the test only testing each individual nostril as it becomes patent and then collectively assess given the information from both nostril tests?
During the eye exam, am I hearing him correctly when he says that he's s looking for copper wires, is that short hand for a condition or is he joking that she may be a robot?
Copper wiring is a visual change seen to vessels in the eye associated with hypertension The arterioles appear yellowy/orange instead of the normal red If they become blocked, then turn white - which we refer to as “silver wiring”
Dr James Gill is such a legend that his videos get likes and comments before they've even been watched
@@DrJamesGill en donde donde se está está escribiendo
James gill is to medicine as what James bissinette is to history
Im Guilty as charged 😂
Congrats you've made the BEST cranial nerve examination on TH-cam. No one so far has been able to actually show CLEARLY the pupil constricting and demonstrated it so simply.
Honestly I wasn’t too happy with that demo, but perfection can be the enemy of completion at times.
@@DrJamesGill 9kmkkkkkkkkkkkkmkkmkkkmkkmkmmkmkmkkkkkkmkkkkkkkmkkmkkmkmkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkmkkmkmkkmkkkkkmkkkkkkkkkkkmkmkkkkmkkkkkkkkmmkkmkkmkkkmkmkmikmkkkkkkmmkmkmkkkkkmmmmkkmkkmkkkmmimmmkmkkmmimmmikmmkkmkkkmkmkmmiimkkkkkmiijkimmmkmmmkmmimkkmmiiimikikkkkkmmmkkkkmkmikmkm8imkkmkm8jmimkmkmk8mmm8mmiiimimkmimmmmjkkmimim88iimmkmmmimmmm mmm kmkmiimmmii.muimiiimkiikmimiimmkkmikmii kk mm8immm8jikkiim8umikmikmimiiimmmikmmiiimmmmimikiiimikiki8mkmmkikmkiimi8m
@@DrJamesGillwell said. Almost always true
he didn't apologise for his sandwich breath
@DrJamesGill Don't let perfect be the enemy of Good.
My father had a severe head injury in 2018 after falling off a roof head first. Luckily he survived but completely lost his sense of smell. Since watching your initial video on this test it all finally made sense. Thanks Dr Gill!
Is your father Clark Griswold?
@greglinski2208it can be, yes..
But he can still differentiate taste between sweet, salt, bitter...?
My dad also had a head injury after being knocked down by a car. Totally lost the sense of smell.
He couldn't taste his food properly, didn't like it. He'd literally have a conversation whilst adding salt n pepper to his food. It would be a layer of salt n pepper you could barely see food underneath. Couldn't really identify sour. Hadn't liked spicy food but would add chilli flakes in a layer too. Said he could barely taste it with that much salt/pepper/chilli on there.
I'd never quite understood how he'd lost the entire sense....but now I get it!!
Wait... so no one bothered to explain it to you? Even though you're his immediate family member, and that's a permanent consequence of his accident? Wow...
I'm not a med student, but I can just listen him all day😊 what a smoothing sound😊
i use him for asmr to go to sleep sometimes
Ce faci 11:00 bună 100 1
@@antusgabor Don't be that strict, wo/man.
Soothing and smoothing.
smooth verb (REMOVE PROBLEMS)
[ T ]
to remove difficulties and make something easier to do or achieve
(Cambridge dictionary)
@@antusgabor You forgot to correct 'listen TO' 😉😝
I actually get much from these videos. I'm not in the medical field, but I love learning. I've also noticed the manner in which I speak with people has started to sound reminiscent of Dr Gill. It puts people at ease when they know you are interested in their comfort and well being by your tone, mannerisms, and clear communication.
Indeed, as a person with Anxiety Disorders I instantly trust in him. Postive energy, pleasant example of a lovely human being, and a skilled Doctor :)
She is so lucky. I wish I could get a cranial nerve exam done by Dr. Gill. I think I would fall asleep during the test though. His voice is heaven.
Doctor Gill drops a 40min long cranial nerve examination and I'm excited because my amsr addicted brain will be able to sleep easy tonight 😚
His powers are STRONG
7:46 "Your hand stops you banging foreheads!"
^Funny, but also a super practical pro-tip! Attention to little details like that really makes this channel special. 😊
@@DrJamesGillyou forgot to apologies fr your sandwich breath lol.
Every year , I must go to my personal doctor for a wellness examination . My doctor does a neurological examination but Dr . Gill explains in plain English why my doctor does this and what he is looking for .
I'm currently in my neurology rotation and I'll have the practical exam in less than 2 weeks so you couldn't be more precise with this video.
Mulțumesc, dr. Gill! That means 'thank you' in my language! 😇
Good luck! Please drop back and tell us how it goes after 😊
So wholesome 😭
@@DrJamesGill Thank you so much! I will! 😇
Good luck Dr Jones
@@DJCoachCookie68 thank you!
It's 1.15am
I cannot sleep
But Dr Gills vids
Are like counting sheep
Or back from one hundred
With a face full of gas
Soothing smooth voices
Help one to relax..
I'm in engineering rather than the medical field, but I've always found these videos incredibly interesting, especially around neurological exams and the cranial nerves.
My partner has recently been diagnosed with MS so it has been really useful to have watched such fantastic teaching over time, and at least had some awareness of what her neurologist was looking out for whilst examining my partner. Thank you!
I’m sorry to hear that. Hopefully they will be able to give some good news about the type
@@DrJamesGill thank you, thankfully it's been caught quite early on (only early twenties!) and is relapsing-remitting, so we're hopeful that treatments can negate any future relapses. Just awaiting the next appointment to discuss and decide upon said treatments!
An absolute LEGEND! …for those of us with insomnia & need good quality ASMR 😂🙌
With all these different videos that Dr. Gil is putting out, I’m set to graduate with a full doctorate degree in the Spring of 2023
I’m a nurse studying clinical examination skills, all of Dr Gill’s videos give great understanding behind each system. Especially the cranial nerves. Thank you!
One of the best parts of this video is just how fun the both of you seem to have at examples such as “spin around your chair for a while”. It’s contagious smiling, really lmao
Dude gets millions of views per video and only has 166k subscribers.
Just goes to show how many people don't care about actually "supporting" a channel they enjoy.
Well I just subscribed good sir.
Great content. I thoroughly enjoyed the video.
Thank you for joining us 😊
Woah, you made me realize the same, thank you! Subscribed 🙌
Dr Gill is like my fav Indian place… I just can’t stop coming back for the GOAT
I love when these videos have open comment sections! I cannot tell you how many times I have fallen to sleep listening to this one.
Return of the King
Med student here! I’m so thankful for your videos Dr Gill!!! You explain it wonderfully, oftentimes i Find myself searching for your videos to study for tests!! Thanks so much for this awesome work!
That’s a brilliant compliment- thank you
If you have found it useful, if you could consider sharing it on one of the social platforms I’d really be grateful- plus it might help someone else 😊
i love how the edit doesnt take away from the video or bother the viewer, its quite natural
Came for the ASMR but I have to say every video I watch I learn something new as a result. Keep it up Doc your voice is divine!
The man, The Legend! Hope you never stop uploading these videos.
I’m actually thinking of changing some of my working week when the baby arrives, which might mean more
Not just another banger. A wonderfully long one.
Maybe Aidan Blunt will bring Dr Hollie Berry out of hiding to respond with an EVEN LONGER exam video.
I second this
I hope so!
And maybe we can all get red in the face with a good old sandwich breath
It's been 10 years since Hollie Berry (alias?) did those vids, time flies
Very professional, educational, and very calming. A medical professional should always be calming and friendly towards his/her patients.
Dr Gill, I'm in love with you! Your charisma, gentleness, and the most calming voice of all are out-of-this-world!
I had my practical exam a few days ago and your video helped me a lot! Thank u so much doc, greetings from Mexico ❤️
I appreciate the work you put into making this video Dr Gill. I can imagine how long it took to edit
Having watched many different CN examinations this is the most in-depth and best explained I’ve seen.
With my dad having had 3 TIAs and people I know suffering MND it makes understanding how the medical professionals identify and diagnose.
Also extremely relaxing viewing. Well done Dr James Gill. Thank you 🙏
honestly, I'm a high school student who is going into engineering, but this stuff is so interesting and I have learned so much I am very appreciative of Dr James.
Engineering and medicine are overlapping fields. Look into medical device engineering or Biomedical engineering. Good luck with your studies.
- a med device engineer
Great video as usual, and also, please do not ever worry about the videos being too long lol... this is what we want !
I agree 😊
I’m not a doctor or anything, but I always finds these video very interesting - Excellent 😊
Learning is always good ! 👍
I really enjoy his channel. Relaxing yet educational.
Dr Gill once again teaching us all and I’ve never been more intrigued until now
Now every time I get a runny nose I'll be convinced it's CSF because I'm weird like that
Cranial nerve examination AND it is featuring Megan?
yaaaaasssssss 😍
Dr Gill, you are such an exceptional educator
I love it when in this videos something funny happens and both the doctor and the patient break out of character for a second and have a giggle
Without having seen it yet, brilliant video as always
Edit: And indeed it was, thank you Dr. Gill!
Fyi Josh - you can edit by tapping the 3 dots.
You can even edit this way *after* you have sent it -
no time limit that I have experienced …
@@snowyowl6892 There actually is a time limit. I don't know what it is for sure, but it's a good number of years, around 5 or 6 I think. In the past I've found comments that I made say 12 years ago, and when I try and edit it it doesn't let me.
@@Travis-guy-247 thanks for the info …
Btw … in numerology, the name Travis is 44. This is huge. This 3D space we inhabit has two master numbers attributed to it.
(11 & 22… k & v)
33 is more “evolved” … and 44, even more so.
“Travis” has an embedded “22” (v)
Do you know numerology ?
If not -check it out
your DOB is even more indicative …
Always makes my day when a new vid from the doc comes out. Happy monday everybody ❤
Dr Gill to the rescue 🎉 i have my exam tomorrow. But a quick correction if required in the table of rinne and weber combined interpretations.
When Both ears have BC> AC and if weber lateralizes to the left then its probably right ear has both problems and left ear has only conductive and similar correction when weber lateralizes to the rightear then combined loss in the left and conductive loss in the left.
Thanks a lot for this video Loved it.
And thanks to the lovely lady acting as the patient. Super interesting video!
top work as always doc. you do your field justice with your passion, like so many of your fellow colleagues around the UK and the world.
I like how he address that someone can fake the reactions and all. Some thing others dont mention much. Things Ive thought about when being tested.
It’s less that patients fake things, but more that patients want to try and help, and can lead to false positive positives
@@DrJamesGill Right. Ive done that. As I got older I learned to just give a first to mind honest reactions. Trying to be helpful I can see leading to confusion for the doctor.
As someone just watching with no real medical drive I find these quite meditative. If you did a few LONGER videos, pending need of course, I would be greateful.
This will actually help me handle bodily injury claims at work.
I used to live in a hoise of med students when i was at university. I used to love it when they practiced cranial nerve exams on me.
Dr Gill should do more examinations and TH-cam videos
I went to a neurologist for facial issues and they did not even do 10% of what you tested. So many doctors are rip offs & and it is so hard to find someone like Dr Gill.
It’s possible they focused on the specific issue. And to be fair, I don’t know many medics who routinely carry three different tuning forks in their bag!! I’m just a bit odd like that!
Thank you! I am on placement in the stroke unit and this is very useful!
Haven't been to the docs since 1998, don't even know if they realise I'm still alive but when I go I hope he/she is like you mate.
You’ll still be active on their system 😊
You’re always immaculately dressed Dr Gil, I’m surprised you haven’t made a guest appearance on the Gentleman’s Gazette channel.
hahaha - whilst I'm not sure I'd agree, I'm not familiar with that channel
loe how informativev these deep dives are its so great knowing the why and not just the routine
Incredible work. Wonderfully explained and executed! I've learned a lot!
Glad it was helpful!
Could you do an examination/explanation for myasthenia gravis. My father had this and not a lot of Doctors knew or understood what it is. It is a question that is always asked at our local hospital because of my dad.
I slept on asmr and now have 8 hours of medicine study information from multiple videos in the subconcious of my brain
Been watching your videos for years now. I don't really know what to say..except thanks.
Maybe you are happy to hear that I have reached 2 years of being clean from opiates today!
Maybe you remember that I told you about my addiction under one of your older videos!
Hi Kazuhira
I remember is well. As I’m sure do many other people who saw and responded to the original comments
2 years is such a huge achievement! You should be so proud
What has worked for you? Any suggestions you’d give to others in a similar place?
@@DrJamesGill Fight through the bad days, embrace the good ones. And don't set your goals to high. What really works for me, is not to think in huge terms like forever, never or always. I wake up in the morning with the mindset, that I will stay clean for the day and at the end of the day be proud of what you have achieved. And this is what I do for every new day.
@@kazuhiramiller1996 cold sweats and restless leg syndrome is terrible, asmr always helped me to try and sleep
congratulations, stay strong
38:19 "She's not been able to push our hand away, we got good strength of the muscles there"
The patient, however, is a weakling who I've put in her place with this amazing show of dominance.
I always want this kind of video from you. Showing and explain why. Thank you ❤❤❤
I love how informative your videos are.
Thank you. I always needed to know WHY before I could understand things. - still do
Amazingly in-depth! Great video 🙏🏻
If it’s been useful, I’d be grateful if you would consider sharing it 😊
An interesting presentation, as always. I couldn't stop myself from laughing when he asked the patient to make faces. I would hate that part of the exam; I'd be too self-conscious. Then again, I'd have problems with many parts of the exam. I dislike being touched. Fortunately, I've never had and cannot believe that I'd never need to take this type of test.
Thank you Dr.Gill. I would be very interested in continuing these BP series.Also what now is considered a normal blood pressure? Thank you
Love the title, the hand stops banging heads- such a simple reason when you think about it
Some parts of clinical skills are lovely simplicity 😊
This is very interesting, i am fascinated by clinical examinations, especially the ones from your channel
Great video! Excellent delve. Great job with editing and visuals. Also, love the vest! Very slick. 🖤
Slowly getting better with the edit !
me here for asmr when everyone else is actually a med student 😂🧍🏼♀️
Missing the sandwich breath 😅
Haaaaaa me too!!!!
Intentional asmr is so contrived, I can'tstand it. It's nails on a chalk board for me.
These comments are so annoying. Nobody cares why you are here.
And yes, also this time it was very good to follow what you were explaining. And because the way of talking about handling and points to look for it's, even for someone with little Englisch background, a great video to watch. And no, not to long.
My favourite deep dive yet good job dr gill
dr gill you are the gift that keeps on giving to us. never stop making videos especially these educational videos 😁😁
Always important to make sure, during the neurological exam, that the patient is not an android by checking for any copper wiring inside their eye.
“Any double vision?”
“No, Doctors. Not that I’ve noticed.”
*Question:* At ~7:30 during the eye check, why is it important to look with opposite eyes? And what work-arounds does Dr. Gill use for this type of exam since he has the issues with his right eye?
By looking directly in the patients opposite eye - so RIGHT eye to RIGHT eye - if means your face does not overlap with the patients, so you can encroach less on their personal space
As for myself, I merely highlight it to the patient that I’ll have to come in very closely, but briefly
@@DrJamesGill OH! That makes sense! Thank you for explaining 😊
There's something so interesting and calming about James 😌💓
Dr Gill: *asks a question*
Patient: *answers the question*
Dr Gill: SUPER
It's all very well performing these neurological tests and establishing abnormalities but I would imagine treatment options are somewhat limited.
Not really. It depends on the problem, for example a pituitary tumour will cause loss of the visual fields, whip it out, and in many causes will resolve once pressure is removed
Who knew that cranial nerve examinations would become somewhat common knowledge through ASMR videos.
Dr Gill is great but Megan is absolutely fabulous too x
This helped me lots for exams
Her eyes are bloody amazing 🤗
The Doctor has a new companion! The lovely Megan 🎉
Neurologic field defects respect the vertical meridian dont they? For instance a chiasmal compressive lesion will cause a bitemporal defect that will first be detected by checking the visual field on either side of the vertical , and will be missed by checking way out in the periphery. Similarly with an early hemianopia , the first defect will be noted by checking the visual fields next to the vertical meridian .
Sparing of the temporal crescent also complicates visual field testing, the way you do it. Also, small hemianopic defects caused by small infarcts in the ooccipital lobe will be missed if you test the visual fields the way you do. Therefore visual field testing should begin by checking on either side of the vertical meridian. rather than testing far out in the periphery.
That is very interesting. I’ll take this back for discussion with regard to when we review the approach to clinical skills
This is fantastic!
have wondered about those colour plates - the ishi haras are really cool. but i know there are a lot of others ones doctors have used through the years - are those ones now standard use by medical professionals? great video
Pretty much. Ophthalmology clinics will have even more Specialized bits though
Hi Dr. Gill, thank you for, as always, a fabulous video. You make the best "deep dive" videos, and have the best examination techniques. Just a question- would you test the gag reflex and taste during the glossopharyngeal nerve exam?
Not routinely no - in as OSCE you’d offer it. But we’ve asked if that patient has an issue with taste, and no issues swallowing
Don’t forget the examination is the confirm our suspicions from the history. So we’d know if we needed to test gag reflex - and as it is an unpleasant test, we don’t routinely
@@DrJamesGill fantastic. Thanks for clarifying! (Osces tomorrow) thank you so much for your amazing videos!
Very helpful information, thanks for sharing.
She has the cutest smile ever! ☺️
Amazing ,looking inside someone's eye with your own eye
Great video Dr Gill...if someone has nerve damage that causes lose of smell, do those nerves ever regenerate?
Dr Gill 🤩
Huh, I always thought thay wiggling the finger was INTENTIONALLY to draw the pacients gaze once said finger entered the pacients peripheral vison.
Learn sometjing new every day, especially around Dr. Gill.
About "nasal patency", what would the physician do in the case of the patient having nasal cycling (like I do)? Would you be splitting the test only testing each individual nostril as it becomes patent and then collectively assess given the information from both nostril tests?
I dont know why but the red reflex "scene" evoked something in me
Loving the Jurassic Park font!
missed oppertunity to be a marine biologist.
Thank you for this Doctor House
Big ups to Dr. Gill
During the eye exam, am I hearing him correctly when he says that he's s looking for copper wires, is that short hand for a condition or is he joking that she may be a robot?
Copper wiring is a visual change seen to vessels in the eye associated with hypertension
The arterioles appear yellowy/orange instead of the normal red
If they become blocked, then turn white - which we refer to as “silver wiring”