Living in America it's always great to see everyday things in your part of the world. The drone tour of the creek was especially interesting. Such variety in fish and plants! 👍
The reason they use vegemite in bait traps up north is because it doesn't attract crocodiles. If you use fish food or something that smells like meat or fish, the crocodiles come and eat the traps.
Been setting up a new aquarium, and was researching rainbowfish, as I kept some store bought ones last time around (near 14 years ago).... You have inspired me to go "fishing" again... I used to go out to the creeks around Brisbane some 25 years ago, mostly just after Platty's, and whatever else I could find. ....Time to go fishing again, with new advice. Thank you, you're a gem :)
Love the outdoor video. Keep them coming. Always interesting to see other sceneries from around the world. Now with the drone, the videos are limitless! Thanks,
Hello Kaity, that was nice to see, I would like to live as near to the forest as you do. I think having nature so close is my favorite part of Australia. Thanks for sharing it with us. Have a nice and blessed weekend!!!
So jealous of u guys in Qld being able to catch rainbows in your local creeks! Nothing to catch here in SA except murry rainbows and they have no colour. I swapped back with my husband😂 i took the rainbows back and he took my African peacocks, they just wernt my thing. I love Rainbows and planted tanks. U just know when it feels right!💜🐟
Might also be worth bringing a tub/tray that can fit the bottom part of the trap nets with you in the future. That way you can fill them with water and keep the trap in the water when inspecting fish without having to go back and forth from the river. Obviously I know they're fine, as you know as long as they stay damp fish can be out of the water for a surprising amount of time. But visually it looks better for people who are new to fish, plus I'm sure it's more comfortable for the fish too 😅
Yes I totally agree!! It's funny how you just get desensitised to things overtime, so it's always a good reminder to think see it from other peoples' perspectives. I think I'll definitely do that next time!
You've given me a good idea the go pro and dropping the trap in front of it for my own videos, accidentally helping other fish youtubers haha your one of my favourite aussie fish keepers
Love taking my dogs walking along little creeks like that and watching them have fun. One loved swimming and one just like to lay down and cool off in the shallow water. Never thought to put a net in before.. Not much of a hunter but love dirt bikes and amazing views from mountains u cant get to with out walking for 8 hours to get there.
That was fun, Kaity! Than for sharing. It's really a pretty area. Your drone footage going up the creel was awesome. Looking forward to your next one. Happy Monday! ~Ron
Hi from the U.S. I love rainbowfish and they can be very hard to come by and expensive in stores here. I'm so jealous you can just walk into a creek and find them 🙂
Gday Kaity love your videos your adorable keep up the great work, love the info you give out, I'm a promite man myself, look forward to many more videos.
cool video. I use to have a brown trap the same and use to catch everything from red platies to 12 inch eels. this was about 20 years ago at kedron brook. very surprising how quick big eels would get in the trap. 😊
Awesome. Well done with the drone. I have an older Mavic Mini which needs a phone attached to see anything. The app needs to be updated before I use it again though. Who knows when that will be though, I just had a total hip replacement so it will possibly be up to 3 months before I can throw on a backpack and go hiking again. Car camping could be sooner though. I still haven't built the above ground pond I wanted but I have the pump and filter for it. Anyway, great video as usual, love your work. 😃
Thank you so much :) I think that older Mavic Mini is the one I used to have too - still a really good drone! I hope that you have a strong recovery and can get moving again soon! And hopefully not too long until you'll be able to get your pond built too
Thanks for sharing! Have recently discovered your channel and we're looking to step up into the 6ft tank range. Not sure if you've covered it already but would you be able to share where you got your tanks from? they look great!
Thank you!! My tanks are Waterbox tanks, I've got the Clearpro 7225 with the black cabinet, and the Peninsula 7225 with the white cabinet. I got the Clearpro from Arcy Aquariums on the Gold Coast (who ordered it from the US), and then the other one I was lucky enough to find secondhand on Gumtree :)
Did you ever do Kedron Brook? It used to always be loaded with platys and swordtails and plenty of natives too. Could be a fun video to do to highlight invasive species.... always nice to stumble across other Australian fish folk....
Definitely like this type of catch and release. If you could find another way the fish weren’t out of the water or getting stressed as long it would be better though, maybe keep the net in the water and lift it in and out as you take fish out it. Just a thought 👌🏻
Yes for sure! They do great in outdoor ponds here in South-East QLD. I think if it's too far South though like in Melbourne it's probably too cold for them
I have one lens cover that is polarised which I put on the camera for this, but I find the particular one I have doesn't seem to make a huge difference. I might need to try a different type I'm thinking
Very nice video. Also the drone footage was nice. I have always heard the word vegimite (spelling probably wrong). Just what is it made of and used for?
Thank you!! Vegemite is a type of spread here that we put on bread. It's very, very salty tasting and a lot of people don't like it when they first try it. It's quite popular here though lol
Hey..."Vegemite!" That reminds me of the song lyric..."He Just Smiled And Gave Me A Vegemite Sandwich." I used to think that a "Vegemite Sandwich" was some thick sandwich, filled with vegetables, that a weight lifter would eat. But you showed it in a little jar. 🤔
@@Kaityscichlids Okay, well thanks for that info. Would you happen to know what Colin Hay is singing about when he sings..."Travelling In A Fried Out Combi?" What exactly is "a fried out combi?"
@@gregsolomon haha no worries! It's referring to those old Volkswagen Combi vans, and by "fried out" my best interpretation would be either really hot or old and overused
@@Kaityscichlids Ahh okay, thank you. I can remember when VW vans were around, but I'd never heard the word "combi" attached to them must be an Australian thing. That explains their beat-up VW van at the beginning of the video ("a fried out combi"). A great band, they were Really big in the U.S. when they first appeared. Colin Hay is a great songwriter. Watch the video "Down Under" and notice the huge "Vegemite Sandwich" the big guy tosses to Colin Hay...which is why I thought it must be a large "mighty" vegetable sandwich for weightlifters. And then you pulled that little jar of "Vegemite" out of your fridge...and it took away the image I had of a large mighty "Vegemite Sandwich."
Great video Kaity. Question. I know you have many dangerous snakes in the area. Do you worry about that when in areas like this? Keep them coming please.
Thank you! In an area like this the most dangerous snakes would be things like brown snakes or black snakes, but they will generally avoid you and leave, so they're not much of a problem. You would just want to make sure you take precautions, like don't stick your hand in holes/logs or under ledges without checking
Kaity! I'm in the USA and it's 25F degrees here! (-3c?) with little bits of old snow in the shade. I am so over it! THANK YOU for the happy little Australian adventure with you! So do you think it was someone with good intentions to re stock the rare fish or someone putting them there to come back later and gather them up to sell?
OMG that's sooo cold!! I don't think I've ever been in weather that cold. Luckily you guys will be warming up soon :) And I think what happened was they hadn't been found this far South, so then when someone first found them there was controversy about whether they had been placed there or existed there naturally
Hi Katty i think you can try do favour for environment by setting up fish trap for swordtail as they are non native. You can put them in your live bearer pond
That's actually a great idea :O I couldn't believe I only caught 1 swordtail this time! Seems like the creek is doing better now, there's a lot more natives and less invasive fish which is great to see :)
I love these catching rare fish in their natural habitat videos. I hope you do more of these.
Thank you :) I most definitely will since so many people enjoyed it!
@@Kaityscichlids Awesome! I look forward to seeing more of it. Such videos are very calming.
Living in America it's always great to see everyday things in your part of the world. The drone tour of the creek was especially interesting. Such variety in fish and plants! 👍
Thank you!! I'm so glad to hear you enjoyed it 😄
Today I learned that Vegemite is so popular in Australia that even the native fish love it too...
Hahaha, it's so true!
The reason they use vegemite in bait traps up north is because it doesn't attract crocodiles. If you use fish food or something that smells like meat or fish, the crocodiles come and eat the traps.
marmites better lol
I think it's great that you have so much knowledge about the native fish. It's good information to share, especially on the invasive fish.
Thank you so much :)
Awesome video Kaity! Love seeing Rainbowfish and other species in their natural habitat
Thank you so much 😄 I'm glad you enjoyed it 😊
Been setting up a new aquarium, and was researching rainbowfish, as I kept some store bought ones last time around (near 14 years ago)....
You have inspired me to go "fishing" again... I used to go out to the creeks around Brisbane some 25 years ago, mostly just after Platty's, and whatever else I could find.
....Time to go fishing again, with new advice.
Thank you, you're a gem :)
Awww, that is awesome to hear!! It's definitely a great pastime :) I hope you enjoy getting out there again and find some nice fish
Love the outdoor video. Keep them coming. Always interesting to see other sceneries from around the world. Now with the drone, the videos are limitless! Thanks,
Hahaha I totally agree!! Thank you so much :)
It's a good video, better than some I seen. I like the under water shots. It showed me the environment that these fish come from.
Your videos are so happy and fun, loving the outdoor video. Love the channel from Brad in Ohio, USA
Thank you so much Brad!!
thanks Kaity, I enjoy your vids
Thank you 😊
I loved the drone footage Kaity! Pretty lil fishes too, & what a wonderful place you visited!
Thank you so much :) I'm glad you enjoyed it :D
Hello Kaity, that was nice to see, I would like to live as near to the forest as you do. I think having nature so close is my favorite part of Australia. Thanks for sharing it with us. Have a nice and blessed weekend!!!
Thank you so much :) I'm so glad to hear you enjoyed it!
I'm jealous of the warm weather it's cold in Texas right now. Enjoying the vids.
try below freezing weather. Texas is warm
@@andrewramero4560 I've been in Texas when we were in the negatives... What's your point? I've also dealt with 112° here too.
Thank you :) Luckily you guys will be warming up soon!
Great day, thanks for taking us along Kaity.
I'm glad you enjoyed it!
Finally. Exactly what we do for fish for the outdoor ponds. Many varieties around seq and you have done this before with Jason
Great to see the natural beauty of where to live. The drone footage was a welcome addition.
I'm glad you enjoyed it!
So jealous of u guys in Qld being able to catch rainbows in your local creeks! Nothing to catch here in SA except murry rainbows and they have no colour. I swapped back with my husband😂 i took the rainbows back and he took my African peacocks, they just wernt my thing. I love Rainbows and planted tanks. U just know when it feels right!💜🐟
Might also be worth bringing a tub/tray that can fit the bottom part of the trap nets with you in the future.
That way you can fill them with water and keep the trap in the water when inspecting fish without having to go back and forth from the river.
Obviously I know they're fine, as you know as long as they stay damp fish can be out of the water for a surprising amount of time.
But visually it looks better for people who are new to fish, plus I'm sure it's more comfortable for the fish too 😅
Yes I totally agree!! It's funny how you just get desensitised to things overtime, so it's always a good reminder to think see it from other peoples' perspectives. I think I'll definitely do that next time!
You've given me a good idea the go pro and dropping the trap in front of it for my own videos, accidentally helping other fish youtubers haha your one of my favourite aussie fish keepers
Hahaha, that's awesome! I'm always doing the same when I watch others videos 🤣
@Kaityscichlids haha yeah, it's a good way to learn more, I just redid my animal corner in my room today, it's looking good as (atleast I hope so lol)
Great video Kaity 🤩❗️That creek looks amazing and fun to explore🐠🐟🪷 ‼️ Awesome drone footage too 🚁👏
Thank you so much Joey :D
Hahaha Vegemite on bread to catch Australian fish. What a classic!!!
Love taking my dogs walking along little creeks like that and watching them have fun. One loved swimming and one just like to lay down and cool off in the shallow water.
Never thought to put a net in before.. Not much of a hunter but love dirt bikes and amazing views from mountains u cant get to with out walking for 8 hours to get there.
That sounds lovely :) Getting out in nature is always so nice, I love it
I really like the outdoor videos. The drone footage was great too.
Thank you heaps, I'm glad you enjoyed it!
Thanks for sharing. Always like this type of video. Reminds me of my trips to the creeks back in the home to get fish.
That's awesome to hear :) I'm glad you enjoyed it!
You see proper aussie fish lovesss vegemite, oh and don't forget the bird making it's grand entrance 1:07 😊 thank you for the great video. 🤙
Hahaha, Laila always has to be apart of it! Thank you 😊🙏🏼
That was fun, Kaity! Than for sharing. It's really a pretty area. Your drone footage going up the creel was awesome. Looking forward to your next one. Happy Monday! ~Ron
Thank you so much Ron :) I appreciate it!
Schönes Video mit tollen Biotopaufnahmen, sowohl Unterwasser als auch mit der Drohne! 👍
Man that drone footage is incredible
Wonderful. Love the outdoor, nature videos. Drone footage is great
Thank you so much :)
Yes mate, I'd like to see more of these fascinating videos.
Thank you :)
Great outdoor video Kaity l liked the drone video keep them videos coming Kaity ❤
Thank you so much :)
Hi from the U.S. I love rainbowfish and they can be very hard to come by and expensive in stores here. I'm so jealous you can just walk into a creek and find them 🙂
We are certainly very lucky here!
Love the Video, Great to see what's about the area your in, and what types of fish there are. ❤
Thank you so much! I'm glad you enjoyed it :)
We also collect ornamental fish in Brazil, congratulations on the video
That's awesome to hear :) Thank you heaps!
Hi KC. Unique upload. Only suggestion for the next one would be the use of a specimen container for better viewing of each species. Great work!
Thank you!! I'm definitely going to do that next time :)
That's great, catching aquarium fish in nature is just a dream here in middle Europe 😊
Thank you so much :)
just stumbled on this channel, I think Kaity learned a valuable lesson, Home point should have no obstructions above as well as next too.
Most definitely!!
Great video Kaity, I wish had creeks around here that I could go out and catch your fish for free. Let’s go 100 K 🎉
We are certainly very lucky here! And we are slowly getting there :O
Love these videos :D keen for more
Thank you! They'll definitely be more on the way 😄
Gday Kaity love your videos your adorable keep up the great work, love the info you give out, I'm a promite man myself, look forward to many more videos.
cool video. I use to have a brown trap the same and use to catch everything from red platies to 12 inch eels. this was about 20 years ago at kedron brook. very surprising how quick big eels would get in the trap. 😊
Love the content!
Thank you 😊🙏🏻🙏🏻
Good video. Catching native fish sounds exciting.
some great footage. i like your content very much!!
Thank you so much :)
I love what you do I'm a big fan and fish keeper ❤
Awww, thank you ❤️ I appreciate it!
Hi Kaity thank you for this awesome video you brought back some childhood memories for me watching you from 🇦🇺(Australia)❤.
That's so awesome to hear :) Thank you heaps
Great video! You’ll hit that 100k in no time :)
Thank you so much Travis!!
Great vid! I love it when you go recon! keep it up girl! you rock!
Thank you heaps! :D
😊😊very beautiful scenery amazing place. Nice video amazing and beautiful fishes kaity
Always launch your drone in an open space so it can return to home if need be.
Cool video !
There’s still K-mart in Australia? You could put those sword tails in your pond.
Yes we do! Kmart is super popular here :) And I could definitely put those guys in my pond
Is that the crossing near KSHS? Pretty sure my biology class would head down there to gather data for assignments and such
Hi Perth. Love your video looks like you had a great day
Great video Kaity!
Thank you :)
Great video
If you take a really small glass or acrylic tank it will making.viewing and videoing the stuff you catch way better.
Thank you!! That is an excellent idea - I'm definitely going to do that next time
Yes, more like this. Fun.
There will definitely be more to come!!
Years ago I used to go wild catching at JC Slaughter Falls. All we ever got was swordtails.
Loved the video! Was waiting for the upload ❤
Thank you! I'm so glad you enjoyed it :)
Those Blue-eyed Rainbow fish are beautiful!
They are seriously so gorgeous!! I couldn't believe how many of them were there :O
Vegemite looks so unappealing. LOL. Great video. Nice photography.
Vegemite is so good. Best toast spread in the morning.Or evening. Or any time between. Also great in sauces and other cooking.
Thank you! And LOL, it definitely isn't the nicest colour haha. It's also definitely an acquired taste
Sooooo cooool! Awesome video❤
Thank you :D
Awesome. Well done with the drone. I have an older Mavic Mini which needs a phone attached to see anything. The app needs to be updated before I use it again though. Who knows when that will be though, I just had a total hip replacement so it will possibly be up to 3 months before I can throw on a backpack and go hiking again. Car camping could be sooner though. I still haven't built the above ground pond I wanted but I have the pump and filter for it.
Anyway, great video as usual, love your work. 😃
Thank you so much :) I think that older Mavic Mini is the one I used to have too - still a really good drone! I hope that you have a strong recovery and can get moving again soon! And hopefully not too long until you'll be able to get your pond built too
Catching fish with a Vegemite sandwich is the most Australian thing I have ever seen😂
Hahaha, it sure is 🤣
Thanks for sharing! Have recently discovered your channel and we're looking to step up into the 6ft tank range. Not sure if you've covered it already but would you be able to share where you got your tanks from? they look great!
Thank you!! My tanks are Waterbox tanks, I've got the Clearpro 7225 with the black cabinet, and the Peninsula 7225 with the white cabinet. I got the Clearpro from Arcy Aquariums on the Gold Coast (who ordered it from the US), and then the other one I was lucky enough to find secondhand on Gumtree :)
Thanks for that, Gives me a good start on where to look!@@Kaityscichlids
@@Burn377 no worries!! Good luck with your fish tank hunt 😄
Ohh very cool Australia river!
Cool video, thanks for sharing. Can you share what drone you bought? It seems easy to use and I am interested in getting one.
Thank you! It's the DJI Mini 4 Pro :)
I also have an African cichlid tank but I'm having problems with brown algae? How can I get rid of it and is it harmful?
Did you ever do Kedron Brook? It used to always be loaded with platys and swordtails and plenty of natives too. Could be a fun video to do to highlight invasive species.... always nice to stumble across other Australian fish folk....
I don't believe I've been there! I'll have to check it out 😊
cool video Kaity thanks
Thank you :)
Kaity the go pro is awesome. Did you see how fantastic the blue eyes look.
Hey Kaity, where abouts in bris is this? Very keen to give this a go as im setting up a new tank tomorrow.
This is at Moggill Creek in Brisbane!
Hey kaity where was this creek it's so good to see a healthy population of natives❤
It's in Moggill Creek in Brisbane! I was so happy to see so many of them there too :) There was more compared to a year ago when I last went
In love with your accent
Great content. How long have you been in the hobby?
Thank you!! Pretty much my whole life! I got my first fish tank when I was 10 and have had fish tanks since then
thank you for your hard work!
Thank you so much :)
Where is this please? Looks nice for a walk. Does it have a path you can walk around? 😊
This is Moggill Creek in Brisbane :) It does have a nice little path for walking on nearby
@@Kaityscichlids nice and close. Thank you! 😊
Muito legal o vídeo , Parabéns . Brazil 🇧🇷
Truly outstanding video.
Thank you
So fun - thank you!
A good idea for this video would be to bring the old rectangle tank (from the pond) to display the fish better
That is actually an excellent idea!!
Definitely like this type of catch and release. If you could find another way the fish weren’t out of the water or getting stressed as long it would be better though, maybe keep the net in the water and lift it in and out as you take fish out it. Just a thought 👌🏻
Thank you!! I'll definitely keep that in mind for next time 😊🙏🏼
Great video. Thank you! 👍👍🙏
Thank you
How long have you been in the hobby?
So cool!
I like to know what I can catch in Perth WA and where? If any good, I know it's not as good as the eastern states. But love to give it a try.
That's an excellent question! You should have a look at Australian Biotopes, he travels to a lot of places in Australia in search of rainbow fish
Very interesting - thank you!
Can these sorts of fishes go okay in an outdoor pond?
Yes for sure! They do great in outdoor ponds here in South-East QLD. I think if it's too far South though like in Melbourne it's probably too cold for them
You come from the land down under and gave the fish a vegemite sandwich. LOL
You need a CPL filter to remove any water reflections and you can see inside the water.
I have one lens cover that is polarised which I put on the camera for this, but I find the particular one I have doesn't seem to make a huge difference. I might need to try a different type I'm thinking
@@Kaityscichlids I was talking about putting a CPL and ND filter on your drone. It will make a huge difference in the image quality.
@@JhonatanLopezProductions ohhhh, I didn't even think of that! That's a great idea
Great content over all
Thank you heaps :)
Very nice video. Also the drone footage was nice. I have always heard the word vegimite (spelling probably wrong). Just what is it made of and used for?
Thank you!! Vegemite is a type of spread here that we put on bread. It's very, very salty tasting and a lot of people don't like it when they first try it. It's quite popular here though lol
Cool video from Philadelphia thanks for sharing
Thank you heaps Cooper!!
@@Kaityscichlids love your work
Love these collecting videos
Hey..."Vegemite!" That reminds me of the song lyric..."He Just Smiled And Gave Me A Vegemite Sandwich." I used to think that a "Vegemite Sandwich" was some thick sandwich, filled with vegetables, that a weight lifter would eat. But you showed it in a little jar. 🤔
Hahaha, so funny 🤣🤣 no Vegemite is just the spread lol
@@Kaityscichlids Okay, well thanks for that info. Would you happen to know what Colin Hay is singing about when he sings..."Travelling In A Fried Out Combi?" What exactly is "a fried out combi?"
@@gregsolomon haha no worries! It's referring to those old Volkswagen Combi vans, and by "fried out" my best interpretation would be either really hot or old and overused
@@Kaityscichlids Ahh okay, thank you. I can remember when VW vans were around, but I'd never heard the word "combi" attached to them must be an Australian thing. That explains their beat-up VW van at the beginning of the video ("a fried out combi").
A great band, they were Really big in the U.S. when they first appeared. Colin Hay is a great songwriter.
Watch the video "Down Under" and notice the huge "Vegemite Sandwich" the big guy tosses to Colin Hay...which is why I thought it must be a large "mighty" vegetable sandwich for weightlifters.
And then you pulled that little jar of "Vegemite" out of your fridge...and it took away the image I had of a large mighty "Vegemite Sandwich."
Great video Kaity. Question. I know you have many dangerous snakes in the area. Do you worry about that when in areas like this? Keep them coming please.
Thank you! In an area like this the most dangerous snakes would be things like brown snakes or black snakes, but they will generally avoid you and leave, so they're not much of a problem. You would just want to make sure you take precautions, like don't stick your hand in holes/logs or under ledges without checking
Kaity! I'm in the USA and it's 25F degrees here! (-3c?) with little bits of old snow in the shade. I am so over it! THANK YOU for the happy little Australian adventure with you!
So do you think it was someone with good intentions to re stock the rare fish or someone putting them there to come back later and gather them up to sell?
OMG that's sooo cold!! I don't think I've ever been in weather that cold. Luckily you guys will be warming up soon :) And I think what happened was they hadn't been found this far South, so then when someone first found them there was controversy about whether they had been placed there or existed there naturally
So cool 👏💯✌️🔥
Thank you :D
Is that at the wier on moggil Creek 😊
It's Moggill Creek! I'm not sure if it's at the wier though, it's just the river and a small bridge :)
@Kaityscichlids ok, I'll have to go for a look ,I'm in wynnum and just getting back into fish keeping
Hi Katty i think you can try do favour for environment by setting up fish trap for swordtail as they are non native. You can put them in your live bearer pond
That's actually a great idea :O I couldn't believe I only caught 1 swordtail this time! Seems like the creek is doing better now, there's a lot more natives and less invasive fish which is great to see :)
@@Kaityscichlids maybe need to find other creek or canal that have more invasive species i believe there is somewhere
This is helping the environment and at the same time it allowed us to have free swordtail we know how expensive they are in the petshop