Don't waste the most valuable thing of your body on lust.. Be yogi and preserve it.. No fap from last 30 days.. Feeling more energetic Lust is decreasing drastically
This is the most effective practice on youtube, I've been looking for something like this for 3 years now, watched every video on this subject. It works great, it helps to transmute the tension and frustration on the lower levels, awsomeme, thank you so much!
This is wonderful to hear, Remi! I'm so glad this practice is helping you 💖 I would also encourage you to check out another series I released called "Raise Your Vibration". It's a 10 day process to learn how to utilize the technique Uddiyana Bandha. I have received many beautiful testimonials from others that it has helped in this same way.
I woke up this morning (several weeks into retention) thinking "I'm going to break- there has to be a better way" and found this video. This helped immensely. Thank you so much.
After long streaks of retention, ive stumbled upon this.... tried it and its the single most effective ANYTHING ive ever come across in my whole life!. There was instant relief.... it was like valves were opened and all the energy was released into and around my system.
@Anish Nair Namaste brother! Yes... and no. If the purpose is to move the lower energies upwards (known as sublimation or transmutation) then yes, all Kundalini practices have this purpose - though some are more efficient than others! This is a great practice because it's working directly with Svadhistana Chakra. Some people have more trouble with this center - lack of se.xuality, playfulness and imagination - so then this practice is great for them. Frogs are working more with Muladhara Chakra - so they are much more efficient for building stamina, vitality and a strong primal energy. In my opinion the best practice for transmuting energy - at least for the beginner - is Uddiyana Bandha, because it's working most with Manipura Chakra. So not only is it moving the energy upwards through fire - which is faster than water and earth - it is also much more purifying and helping to develop confidence and self control. I actually made a full 10 day challenge to help people master this technique. If your interest is learning how to control and channel your inner energies, I highly recommend you check it out!
@@RefeelYoga can you tell me which is the best time to perform this kriya or when you get sexual urges ... literally worthy content for mind, body and spirit Thanks man
This looks scientific also, holding the breath after inhaling means he pressurised the system and hence fluid moves from high pressure zone to low pressure zone. Mechanically he is trying to move semen through some biological tube in to brain.Its impressive.
Ever since I started semenretention I’ve been improving in all aspect of myself. The beginning stages were wonderful. As month go by (maybe due to not transmuting) I’ve been getting constant nightfalls, sleep paralysis, and nightmares. A month ago I found your video and it was very effective. I’ve been doing Kriya everyday. Even though it helped me with nightfalls. I still feel like it’s having a hard time moving up to the manipura chakra. Which is causing nightfall but not as often.
I would highly encourage you to take up the practice of Uddiyana Bandha! It's a sublimation technique, like this one. But whereas this practice is focused more on Svadhistana Chakra, Uddiyana is activating Manipura much more strongly. This will help with you moving the energy upwards and also not having nightfall as often. If you are not familiar with Uddiyana Bandha, I suggest you check our this playlist, where I will teach you how to master it 10 minutes a day, over 10 days.
No words. Have been searching for something like this for 20 yrs now. Bandhas are too tough to be tried on without a guru. This one is simple and powerful. Thanks
Thank you so mutch tomorrow is a big day for me, you can say I started a new chapter of my life. ☺ I am currently on a 18 day semen retension streak after a big breakup for the first time in my life and I want to vibrate on a higher frequency tomorrow and this video really helps me to keep my mind clear and absorb the pent up sexual energy Thank you so mutch for this! ❤
That's amazing bro! Congratulations! I'm glad you're finding this practice beneficial in helping you control your energies. I would also recommend you check out my 10 day program Raise Your Vibration: It's an older series, the first 10 day live stream that I did. So the quality is not as good as more recent videos. However the practice is still one of the greatest every for learning to manage the urges and control your vital energy 🙏
Today I've tried this practice (I wanted to add it to my daily routine for a while.) and it llitteraly changed my mood and vibrations for good more than I could imagine. I think doing this daily can make wonders. Thank you for sharing this.
Certainly. I would be happy to help you on your journey :) Send me an e-mail and we can begin to discuss developing a personalised program for you.
Thank you brother! This practice is referred to as a "sublimation" or "transmutation" practice, which essentially means it's burning away, or purifying, the "lower energies", such as the vitality and the se.xual energy, and converting them into higher energies, such as charisma, confidence, love, insights, etc. This process is also similar to the awakening of Kundalini - sublimation is a stepping stone on the way to bigger movements of energy. To learn more about how this is working and the awakening of Kundalini, I highly recommend you check out our video "Is Kundalini Dangerous?"
Thanks a lot for motivating me and other people through the work you do. I've just started with channelizing my energies in the right direction. I've started with sarvang aasana and am able to do it for 45 seconds at a stretch. Please enlighten me on the path ahead. Thanks again :)
Great work brother! I'm happy you're taking these steps to work with your energy. I recommend you to work on Viaprita Karani Mudra. It is a bit more gentle than Sarvangasana, which will allow you to both hold it for longer and bring your awarenss to the subtle flow of the energy. I explained this technique in one of my older videos called Kriya #5: Give it a try and let me know how it goes 🙏🏼💕
Thanks not enough vids actually showing people how to transmute the energy through your body just them talking about it but thanks to u I now what to do because I feel like Ima explode soon😬🙏🏾
You're welcome brother! Good luck to you! I also strongly encourage you to do my 10 Day Challenge to Raise Your Vibration. Here I teach a super powerful practice for transmutation, that once you understand, will make all of your techniques that much more effective. Keep it up! It will get better
Day 34 of semen retention and daily meditation but I just found this and discovered the importance of actually doing physical transmutation.. after this my body allowed me to relax like super energized and all the energetic movement feelings for a few minutes then i got tired and relaxed. is this normal ?
Yes! this is so important, to move the energy that you are accumulating! Otherwise it can drive you crazy, and really why save so much energy if you're not going to put it to good use!? ;) But yes, this is normal. Just like saving your energy can built up so much pressure, opening the channels to transmute and move the energy though your body can cause a release that makes you more relaxed. It all takes time to integrate. But eventually we want to train the body and mind to familiarize with transmutation so it starts to happy naturally, automatically, This is when we can live and act to our maximum potential.
Thank you very much, I’ve been looking for this for a while. Transmuting sexual energy into ojas is important for higher life quality. I’ll try it for sure. Namaste 🙏
Wonderful Rio! Let me know how it goes! If you're really determined to develop you capacity to transmute se.xual energy, would highly encourage you to check out my 10 Day Challenge: Raise Your Vibration
@@RefeelYoga Wow, thank you. Your help comes when I’m really looking for a way to break the physical barriers through yoga. I believe that when you make a way for others, you will enlighten your own path. Many blessings 🙏
@@RefeelYoga I'm on semen retention almost a month now, I practiced these many times before. But after a month or two, I experience nightfall and I don't know how to make the semen flow upside.
Thank you Kelvin. I highly recommend you to check out my 10 Day Challenge, "Raise Your Vibration". This will teach you one of the most effective tools for sublimating and transmuting your se.xual energy into higher and more useful actions.
brother, thank you so much for this. i'm an asexual person who does not desire sex/dislikes the icky feeling of release, but i still have an occasional libido spike or awful sexual nightmare that annoys me to no end. i will put this into practice and hopefully it will help my creative energy flow better! namaste
Celibacy is a challenging path, but a valid one. It's not one that I have any experience with, so I can't, in good faith, offer you any advice. But I do hope that through using practices of sublimation, you will find the balance that you are looking for 🙏💞
Hello @Refeel Yoga, I am having enormous difficulties, I spoke about it to a dozen professionals who treat energies and yoga, they could not help me. I practiced nofap without interruption for 9 months, now I have too much sexual energy. Men are constantly attracted to me which creates huge problems when I am in public. I'm a man myself, I'm straight and so are they, but they often mean to me that it's stronger than them. I have stopped nofap for 2 years but the phenomenon does not diminish at all. I will try this exercise I hope it works.
Hello brother, more than this practice I would recommend you to try our "Raise Your Vibration" program. It sounds to me like you may have created a bit of an imbalance between Svadhistana and Manipura Chakras. By retaining your sexual energy for so long there can developed a very powerful charisma (Svadhistana Chakra), but not enough self confidence (Manipura Chakra) to hold the attention and energy that comes with that quality of magnetism. If Manipura is strong, self confidence and self centeredness are there, no amount of external attention will be too much for you. But Svadhistana Chakra is very influenced by the thoughts and energy of others. So you need to take this beautiful abundance of sexual energy you have and move it up to the higher Chakras. Especially Manipura! For this reason I recommend "Raise Your Vibration" over this practice. They are both techniques for moving the energy upwards, but this one focuses more on Svadhistana, which you don't need to develop any further. Uddiyana Bandha, which you will learn in RYV, focuses on Manipura and will develop a strong sense of Self. Give it a try and let me know if you experience any changes.
@@RefeelYoga Ok thank you for your answer, your analysis is correct, I had already diagnosed this. But it is not only a "feeling", males engage in car chases with me, it happens to me every day several times a day. I will practice these 2 exercises Thank You very much
Santos Bonnacci goes into a great deal of in-depth teachings on why it is essential to avoid ejaculation of semen. It all goes far beyond enhanced energy, increased immunity and presence of consciousness expansion, well worth the good time to research this along with a daily practice of this type of transformational movement. Yoga means union. Union with creation. Creation is within. Namaste, Peace, Love and joy
You're exactly right brother! There's so much profound clarity and understanding of the Self that comes through this transformational act of retention and transmutation. It's so beautiful that more and more people are waking up to these realizations that were previously reserved for those in monasteries and ashrams 🙏💞 Namaste
Hello there,Brother if you do it for 11 minutes on each side then how many times you do pump the legs and it can be split into two time frames that is evening 5 minutes and morning 6 minutes or all at once ? @RefeelYoga
As you like it brother. Go with what is comfortable for you, and make sure to build up the practice gradually,. Don't just jump from 3min to 11min. Take your time 🙏
Actually I'm thinking to practice yoga to help with nofap. In the comments people calls this semen retention. Strangely didn't anyone talking aboit nofap in the comments, maybe I'm the first. Already tried this during a nofap urge, helps a lot, incredible! Feels like my head is energized! I will try to do this everytime i have an urge on nofap. Thanks!
Dude u r not alone here I guess.🤣..lemme jst give u a clue ...the thing is u cannot do these asana or yoga without No fap ...the whole point of doing this Yogas is to convert ur stored semen into energy. ...nd make sure u practice no fap properly... What u can do is restrain urself frm Fapping frm as much time as possible.. Lets say 25 or 30 days ..if u hv capacity to go beyond tht thn go for u in tht 30 days period time u mst practise these asans ...nd these will help u to do as mentioned above :) Remember doin these exercises while Fapping almost everyday or evey week may not be gud for u ..
Some people refer to NoFap as a practice of celibacy, for some it means only being sexual with a partner (no self stimulation) and for others it means sexual continence or semen retention. All can be good practices, depending on the individuals needs. In the cases where one chooses to retain their semen, continence and celibacy, it is imperative that one does some sort of sublimation of the sexual energy. Otherwise the energy will overload Svadhistana Chakra and it can lead to all sorts of sexual dysphoia: obsession, fear, aversion, dysfunction of the sexual organs, paranoia, perversion, etc. These are the cases where one must do Yoga or some other form of sublimating the sexual energy.
I nearly had psychosis occur and pain pressure in my head after 3 weeks of no fap... what does this mean? I had an energency crank to get it out of me... so unsure. @@RefeelYoga
yes, I cannot wait to try this tomorrow. I have been practicing semen retention for a while now and have had some issues with transmuting my sexual energy into usable heart or brain energy. Kapalabhati has been super helpful and this looks equally efficacious. it says Kundalini Kriya. Where did you learn this? Where did you pick this up at? Thank you so much. 🙏
Hello Christopher, I found this practice is a book of Yogi Bhajan kriyas called "Sexuality and Spirituality": It's ridiculously expensive! But has many wonderful practices contained within. I agree with you that Kapalabhati is a great technique for developing your retention practice and working through the difficult moments that arise. What I would recommend the most for helping to transmute your excess energy is developing a strong Uddiyana Bandha practice. In my opinion, this is one of the most essential practices a man can develop on this path, and has so many functions for working with energy and combining into more advanced Kundalini practices. I think it's so valuable that I designed my first 10 day challenge around this practice alone. If you are having issues transmuting your energy, I highly recommend you to give it a try. You will receive a great gift in these 10 days. Raise Your Vibration:
@@RefeelYoga great. thank you for the reference. is it worth the money? * good to know. I will follow that in the future. * great, thank you for the resources. I serendipitously found out that Earthing helps with semen retention and disbursing the energy throughout the body. Like I was saying, when I get to day 14 of retaining, I sometimes have issues with my male organ feeling like it needs to expel my seed and it is a very uncomfortable sensation. This was happening Saturday (after 21 days of retention) and then I went to hang out with a friend at a park and I sat on my Yoga blanket in the grass and the stinging sensation in my member went away and has not been present since. I use Earthing blankets indoors; but, they are not the same as the Earth. (good substitutes though) so Earthing with my bare feet on the ground and grass is going to be part of my daily practice now. Thank you again.
Brother, thanks for starting me on this path. 3 days ago, I started sitting in Baddha Konasana (20+mins) 6-7 times a day throughout the day - working on laptop to watching tv. And incredibly maybe first time in my 30 years, I am able to stand strong on abstinence. Maybe this info will be useful to you.
@@RefeelYoga you are the guru. Just giving you inputs in case it helps your research. 1. On my 4th day of this practise, and no issues till now. I do 6 mins of Nabhi Kriya 4 to keep spine strong 2. Need to drink more water than usual days, as BK does seem to be increasing the heat in abdominal area (but only in small way).
Aside from sublimation techniques to move your sexual energy (I highly recommend you to do my 10 Day Challenge: Raise Your Vibration!), the most important thing to do is to USE your energy in a productive way. You know what Atharv.... You've just inspired me to make a new video explaining all of this. Stay tuned, in the next few days I will release a video with all of the information you are looking for 😉🙏💕
Unfortunately there is a lot of confusion on the internet about what is Kundalini and Kundalini Yoga. And in this confusion there is a rumor that Kundalini is exaggeratedly dangerous. It is definitely not dangerous. At least, physically, not any more so than any other form of exercise and, mentally, not more so than any other practices for working with emotions or expanding one's consciousness. If you would like to know more, we did a video where we discuss this idea about Kundalini being "dangerous"
Thanks Andrew. One of the most miraculous kriyas ever. Rather, for me, the single kriya I do even if I do nothing else. One small question: as it is helpful, but a taxing kriya. May I ask if we can do smaller sets. I.e. you taught 5 series of pumps on each leg. Can we do 2 series or 3 series on each leg? Will it benefit. Asking, given my lung capacity, this way I will be able to do more of this kriya.
I would definitely recommend adjusting all practices in a way that makes them accessible for you. Especially if you feel you are running out of breath 🙏💗
Essentially, yes. Any time we retain our semen we conserve a lot of energy and vital nutrients that are usually consumed during ejaculation. This conserved energy can then be used for healing, physical activity, mental energy, enhanced perception, and - with proper sublimation and meditation practices - can be used to expand consciousness and reach the divine 💖
@@RefeelYoga what if I have an obligation to have sex at least once in a while. I have personally observed the great effects of semen retention? Is having sex once in a while okay for spirtual progress? Please reply. @Refeel Yofga
This practice is done with breath retention. The breath is help in during the pumping of the leg. That is the important aspect. Aside from that, inhale through the nose and exhale however feels right
In general any sensations can be a sign that energy is moving. So I would say "yes". However, I would caution you to not be attached to these sensations, as the next time you practice it may be different. The practice will still be working, only the experience may change. Always be open to whatever the practice is creating for you in each moment. In this way you will go the furthest 🙏
This is a practice for transmutation, or sublimation, of the lower energies. With or without semen, everyone has vitality and sexual energy. This practice works to pressurize the lower two chakras and force the energy to move upwards to higher centers. (It actually does nothing to semen!) So this is beneficial to make your innate energy flow upwards and function for higher purposes. Using a practice like this we can make the sexual energy work for us. Instead of feelings of lust, pleasure seeking, distraction, emotional confusion, etc. We move the energy up to cultivate qulaities such as discipline, will power, compassion, empathy, creativity, insight and lucidity 💕
Yes, you can do it daily. The advantage is that it is training you to sublimate your sexual energy. Which means that you can use your most vital energy to become more motivated, more open and loving, more receptive, inspired and lucid. It's such a strong and effective tool when you learn how to move this energy through the body and will benefit you in a myriad of ways. If you want to go even deeper into this type of practice I highly recommend you to check out the 10 Day Challenge to Rasie Your Vibrarion
@@RefeelYoga Thank u so much for the reply I had seen your video and i had already started doing this Can u suggest me how many of sets and duration That will be very helpful Thanks in advance
I'm copying this answer from another comment: I wouldn't recommend more than once per day. What you can do is work up to a longer duration on each side. Insead of just 5 times on each side you can build to 5min on each side. Or all the way up to 11min on each side. But build slowly! There's no need to rush! What's much more important than the duration of the practice is the subtly of your mind. Try to really become aware of the subtle flow of energy from the lower Chakras upwards to the higher centres. Once you are tuned into that awareness it doesn't matter if you do 20min or 10seconds. The energy will move just the same
2 weeks into NoFap, my urges were getting out of hand, i was almost about to crack but then i came to this video. I feel a tingling sensation on my bacl, where my heart is. does that mean i am doing this right?
Wonderful brother! Yes, this is what we want. Especially when we are working with gaining control over this "lower" energy, anything that helps us bring awareness to the higher centers it perfect! When I was beginning I used to actually rub the center of my chest while self-pleasuring just to get the idea of spreading my awareness away from one area. This is what we want, ultimately, to be able to move that energy. Still use it and appreciate it, AND move it throughout the body for healing and expansion. So yes, these sensations in the heart area are a great sign that the energy has moved up. Try to focus more on them! Try to make it bigger. Let it consume you to the point where it becomes your entire point of focus, your entire body. This will help you greatly to understand your energy and learn how to use your awareness to move it
I heard practicing kundalini is a very potent form of yoga and should be avoided (unless prepared and under supervision) due to the rapid changes that can happen. Any comment on this?
Yes, it's true that it can be a very potent practice and bring up many difficult experiences. But these experiences are often used to help us grow, to shine light on our dark areas and to shed what no longer serves us. I do not think it should be avoided. Only respected. We actually did an entire video on this topic, called "Is Kundalini Dangerous?". I would encourage you to check it out:
@@RefeelYoga I appreatiate the video, I checked it out. A secion covered physical, are there any spiritual ramifacation though? Will this practice rapidly raise the Kundalini?
@@VasiliosKambouras This practice (Ojas to Semen) is not such a powerful technique. It is good for beginners to learn to feel the rising of energy - but I do not think it would be so potent to take one directly to an intense awakening. Unless of course there are Karmic influences. And in that case, the awakening is destined to happen. In the end, nothing can harm the spirit. We are all walking along the same path to wholeness. Some are running and some crawl. But in the end we will all make the same journey. The "issues" only arise to the Ego. And even these are but lessons for us to learn who we truly are. So in the rare event that someone experiences a very difficult moment from some Kundalini practice, I truly believe that it is meant to happen. there is always something to be learned from and no effort is ever wasted.
I'm sorry Nirvan but I do not consider myself qualified to answer this question. If you are uncertain I would recommend you to speak with a trained medical professional or someone who is teaching yoga focused on health and healing. I can highly recommend contacting @Samarasa Healing as they focus a lot of their efforts in this way
Good video. What do you think of caffeine and semen retention? Does it affect us our semen retention practice negatively? even if we are doing yoga and meditation?
It's hypocritical of me to suggest otherwise, because I drink coffee regularly, but I do not think that caffeine helps with the process of semen retention or any other Kundalini-type practices. When we take up these practices we are working to purify our system and cultivate as much energy as possible. Caffeine interrupts this process by putting a strain on the nervous system. When we retain our semen we build an intense amount of energy and any further stimulation on top of that risks to cause unnecessary irritation.
@@RefeelYoga Yep, I agree. I am currently at day 50 semen retention. If I have more than one coffee it ruins my whole day. I have hardly any sexual thoughts but excess caffeine makes it so hard to purify the mind. I really need to take up yoga. I currently only do meditation.
It can be a sign that you have moved some energy to your heart centre or it can be the result of holding your breath and expanding your lungs. Both are good! 🙏🏼
Hello Sir, First of all, thank you very much for this practice. It has been 5 days since I started nofap by watching TH-cam videos about benefits of the same. But I wanted to learn the technique of converting the semen(Viraj) into ojas and you were there to the rescue. Secondly, I am 21 and I am a newbie to practicing the mudras and asanas for the nourishment of the body and brain. So, can you please provide a roadmap to going through the same? I was highly impressed by your knowledge about Ayurveda and yoga. Keep it up 👍
Great work brother! It's not an easy path you are choosing but it will bring you many benefits! I highly recommend you to do one of my 10 Day Challenges! They are both working a lot to teach you how to move your s3xual energy and will be great for you to start. The Raise Your Vibration challenge was amazing and quite easy (only 10min/day). But the new challenge starts tomorrow morning. So you could actually follow along with me as we do it together. It's a bit more (20min/day) but it's also a more complete practice. I promise you if you go through one of these 10 day challenges you will gain much greater control and understanding of your energy
The benefits of sublimation are numerous. The biggest being using the excess sexual energy to achieve higher states of consciousness, higher functioning, more energy, greater sense of purpose, etc. The other most important thing about sublimation during retention is it prevents the perversion and other mental disturbances that arise from too much energy staying in Svadhistana, the sexual center.
According to Yogic teachings we want to avoid ejaculation completely, unless it is for the intention of creating a child (or some other form of magic), because it is the most dense form of vital energy we produce. And the more often we are spilling it, the more we are wasting our vitality and youth. However, any time to start retaining is a good time! You're never too late, until you're dead. At any age you will see benefits from retention. If you are younger you will feel a change in as little as a few days to a week. If you are older it may take up to a month. But it is not too late! Especially when we have a moment of the life where there is constant emission (daily or multiple times per day) it can be very draining and lead to lethargy, insecurity and depression. But even coming out of an intense loss like this, your hormonal system will start to re-regulate itself in around 10 days.
Yes you can repeat this 3 times, if it feels good for you an your energy. The benefits are that this practice helps with sublimating the lower energies towards the upper centers. This can help to relieve tensions causes by emotions, sexuality, frustrations, etc. I would however, not consider this a complete technique on its own. To get the most out of this practice it should be followed by a few minutes of meditation (5-20min depending on your capacity)
Don't waste the most valuable thing of your body on lust..
Be yogi and preserve it..
No fap from last 30 days..
Feeling more energetic
Lust is decreasing drastically
Great job! Make sure to sublimate and use that extra energy for good
Can you please tell me if you are performing any yoga along with no fap
@@akashkulkarni5410 Yes, I practice yoga every day brother ;)
Very Helpfully
Great, all the best of luck 👍
This is the most effective practice on youtube, I've been looking for something like this for 3 years now, watched every video on this subject. It works great, it helps to transmute the tension and frustration on the lower levels, awsomeme, thank you so much!
This is wonderful to hear, Remi! I'm so glad this practice is helping you 💖
I would also encourage you to check out another series I released called "Raise Your Vibration". It's a 10 day process to learn how to utilize the technique Uddiyana Bandha. I have received many beautiful testimonials from others that it has helped in this same way.
Do you still practice this and did you feel certain effects when on SR?
Something like this is part of shambhavi Mahamudra a kriya yoga taught by sadhguru to uncoil kundalini
I woke up this morning (several weeks into retention) thinking "I'm going to break- there has to be a better way" and found this video. This helped immensely. Thank you so much.
Awesome work Bob! I know some days can be super challenging - but those are the days when we grow the most 🥰🙏
Have you broken yet ?
@@saclients201-sj1pk 100%. Keep forgetting this video exists- thanks for the reminder.
After long streaks of retention, ive stumbled upon this.... tried it and its the single most effective ANYTHING ive ever come across in my whole life!. There was instant relief.... it was like valves were opened and all the energy was released into and around my system.
I think everyone should do it at least 2-3 times; it's really effective when you sweat a lot !!
😂🔥🔥 Glad you like it brother
@Anish Nair Namaste brother! Yes... and no. If the purpose is to move the lower energies upwards (known as sublimation or transmutation) then yes, all Kundalini practices have this purpose - though some are more efficient than others!
This is a great practice because it's working directly with Svadhistana Chakra. Some people have more trouble with this center - lack of se.xuality, playfulness and imagination - so then this practice is great for them. Frogs are working more with Muladhara Chakra - so they are much more efficient for building stamina, vitality and a strong primal energy.
In my opinion the best practice for transmuting energy - at least for the beginner - is Uddiyana Bandha, because it's working most with Manipura Chakra. So not only is it moving the energy upwards through fire - which is faster than water and earth - it is also much more purifying and helping to develop confidence and self control.
I actually made a full 10 day challenge to help people master this technique. If your interest is learning how to control and channel your inner energies, I highly recommend you check it out!
Please refresh
A day ?
@@RefeelYoga can you tell me which is the best time to perform this kriya or when you get sexual urges ... literally worthy content for mind, body and spirit Thanks man
Thank you so much Nicky! 💞
I'm on day 14 No Fap. This is my first attempt. And this practice makes me relax and more energy. Cheers...
Awesome work brother! Keep it up 🙏💕
This is life changing, better late than never, am on it💪
Awesome brother!
This looks scientific also, holding the breath after inhaling means he pressurised the system and hence fluid moves from high pressure zone to low pressure zone. Mechanically he is trying to move semen through some biological tube in to brain.Its impressive.
Lol :-D
The Everyday Man 👁
🙏💗 🙏
🙏💗 🙏
Semen into the brain? That sounds fucking disgusting
This is amazing thank you. It actually worked. I now know why Yoga is important thanks to you.
Awesome! I'm so happy to help you come to this realization. thank you so much for sharing 🙏💞
Ever since I started semenretention I’ve been improving in all aspect of myself. The beginning stages were wonderful. As month go by (maybe due to not transmuting) I’ve been getting constant nightfalls, sleep paralysis, and nightmares. A month ago I found your video and it was very effective. I’ve been doing Kriya everyday. Even though it helped me with nightfalls. I still feel like it’s having a hard time moving up to the manipura chakra. Which is causing nightfall but not as often.
I would highly encourage you to take up the practice of Uddiyana Bandha! It's a sublimation technique, like this one. But whereas this practice is focused more on Svadhistana Chakra, Uddiyana is activating Manipura much more strongly.
This will help with you moving the energy upwards and also not having nightfall as often.
If you are not familiar with Uddiyana Bandha, I suggest you check our this playlist, where I will teach you how to master it 10 minutes a day, over 10 days.
Please can you tell me the transmutation is taking place in physical aspects of the body or mental aspects of the body
Also i would suggest to not to eat onion and garlic in foods ,also not to overeat at nights and don't watch porn too avaid nightfalls
No words. Have been searching for something like this for 20 yrs now. Bandhas are too tough to be tried on without a guru. This one is simple and powerful. Thanks
You're very welcome brother 🙏💕
what would happen if you tried that without a guru. This is my first time hearing about bandhas
This helped so much as I was thinking of relapsing, gave me the energy to keep going. Thank you
That's awesome brother! You got this! 🙏💞
Soon this channel is gonna have millions of followers i guarantee, just wait and watch
Thank you brother! It would be a dream come true 😍🙏
I m 2.5 years completely celibate. I tried this exercise and felt a boom in my head. Very good 🙏
Amazing! I'm glad you enjoyed 🙏
Thank you so mutch tomorrow is a big day for me, you can say I started a new chapter of my life. ☺
I am currently on a 18 day semen retension streak after a big breakup for the first time in my life and I want to vibrate on a higher frequency tomorrow and this video really helps me to keep my mind clear and absorb the pent up sexual energy
Thank you so mutch for this! ❤
That's amazing bro! Congratulations! I'm glad you're finding this practice beneficial in helping you control your energies. I would also recommend you check out my 10 day program Raise Your Vibration:
It's an older series, the first 10 day live stream that I did. So the quality is not as good as more recent videos. However the practice is still one of the greatest every for learning to manage the urges and control your vital energy 🙏
It's so effective ..... Thanks a lot I feel energized and less frustrated
You are welcome 🙏😊
Thank you so much for this!
You're so welcome!
What daaaaaaa. I'm on day 85 and this helped me a lot to release that insane energy. OMG thanks a lot
Great job! 💝🙏
Today I've tried this practice (I wanted to add it to my daily routine for a while.) and it llitteraly changed my mood and vibrations for good more than I could imagine. I think doing this daily can make wonders. Thank you for sharing this.
You're most welcome brother! I'm glad to know you have experienced a positive shift from this practice 🙏💞
Continue Making Such Great Videos You'll Change The World!!
Thank you so much 🙏🏼❤
@@RefeelYoga hey bro
@@RefeelYoga could you mentor me from basics to advanced meditation , I'm from India and I want you to be my GURU PLEASE
Certainly. I would be happy to help you on your journey :)
Send me an e-mail and we can begin to discuss developing a personalised program for you.
@@RefeelYoga I've sent you an email check it out
One of the best content out there, you help millions!
Can you please explain about kundalini rising and effect of this practice on the rising?
Thank you brother!
This practice is referred to as a "sublimation" or "transmutation" practice, which essentially means it's burning away, or purifying, the "lower energies", such as the vitality and the se.xual energy, and converting them into higher energies, such as charisma, confidence, love, insights, etc.
This process is also similar to the awakening of Kundalini - sublimation is a stepping stone on the way to bigger movements of energy.
To learn more about how this is working and the awakening of Kundalini, I highly recommend you check out our video "Is Kundalini Dangerous?"
@@RefeelYoga Thanks a lot for guiding brother!
Thank you for this technique. I felt a large energy build up move into my solar plexus
Beautiful! I'm glad you felt the energy rising! ✨
This is the type of content I love! I'm gonna try the Raise your vibration challenge, suscribed! Keep up the good work, cheers from Argentina 💚
Awesome brother! Let me know how your experiences is with Uddiyana Bandha 🥰🙏
I really love your content, please keep up the good work. Your videos are a good guide to the higher self connection. 🙏
Thank you brother! I'm very happy that you are appreciating the practices 🙏🏼💕
Thanks a lot for motivating me and other people through the work you do. I've just started with channelizing my energies in the right direction. I've started with sarvang aasana and am able to do it for 45 seconds at a stretch. Please enlighten me on the path ahead. Thanks again :)
Great work brother! I'm happy you're taking these steps to work with your energy.
I recommend you to work on Viaprita Karani Mudra. It is a bit more gentle than Sarvangasana, which will allow you to both hold it for longer and bring your awarenss to the subtle flow of the energy.
I explained this technique in one of my older videos called Kriya #5:
Give it a try and let me know how it goes 🙏🏼💕
Thanks a ton, friend! :)
Happy to help brother
Brother you deserve millions of subs & likes
Keep it up
Thank you so much Prateek 😀
You're welcome!
Thanks not enough vids actually showing people how to transmute the energy through your body just them talking about it but thanks to u I now what to do because I feel like Ima explode soon😬🙏🏾
You're welcome brother! Good luck to you!
I also strongly encourage you to do my 10 Day Challenge to Raise Your Vibration. Here I teach a super powerful practice for transmutation, that once you understand, will make all of your techniques that much more effective.
Keep it up! It will get better
This is a great new world, my spiritual teacher told me about this video and kundalini energy
That's awesome Alejandro! Where are you studying, or who was it that suggested this video to you?
Totally alleviates blue balls as well instant relief great technique
AHahha that is an excellent use for this technique! I'm really glad it helped to alleviate some discomfort for you 🙏💞
Thanks for sharing your experience freely 🙏
Thank you for receiving 🙏💞
Day 34 of semen retention and daily meditation but I just found this and discovered the importance of actually doing physical transmutation.. after this my body allowed me to relax like super energized and all the energetic movement feelings for a few minutes then i got tired and relaxed. is this normal ?
Yes! this is so important, to move the energy that you are accumulating! Otherwise it can drive you crazy, and really why save so much energy if you're not going to put it to good use!? ;)
But yes, this is normal. Just like saving your energy can built up so much pressure, opening the channels to transmute and move the energy though your body can cause a release that makes you more relaxed. It all takes time to integrate. But eventually we want to train the body and mind to familiarize with transmutation so it starts to happy naturally, automatically, This is when we can live and act to our maximum potential.
@@RefeelYoga much Thanks and appreciation 🙏
Thank u sir ,it will really help me out❤️
this technique is simply awesome
Great! I'm glad you enjoy it 🙏💞
I love you bro
I love you too brother 💖🙏
*Appreciate this video brotha; god bless you 🙏🏼✨*
And God bless you brother! 💗
Thank you very much, I’ve been looking for this for a while. Transmuting sexual energy into ojas is important for higher life quality. I’ll try it for sure. Namaste 🙏
Wonderful Rio! Let me know how it goes!
If you're really determined to develop you capacity to transmute se.xual energy, would highly encourage you to check out my 10 Day Challenge: Raise Your Vibration
@@RefeelYoga Wow, thank you. Your help comes when I’m really looking for a way to break the physical barriers through yoga. I believe that when you make a way for others, you will enlighten your own path. Many blessings 🙏
@@rioseno Thank you brother! I wish you great success in your endeavors
@@RefeelYoga Thank you! Cheers 🙌
Great Indian thing done by you
Thank you brother 🙏💞
Good content keep up nice video
Thank you brother 🙏💞
Very very powerful kriya this is really helpful
Thank you brother! I'm glad you're enjoying the practice 🙏🏼💕
You Replied To Everyone 💗
I try to 😅
@@RefeelYoga I'm on semen retention almost a month now, I practiced these many times before. But after a month or two, I experience nightfall and I don't know how to make the semen flow upside.
Thnks for the tips.... Going strong on #nonutnov
I thot i had to do headstand n all which i cant
Good luck brother! I wish you much strength and determination through this endeavor 🙏
Hey , dear lovingsir I was literally finding this type of video . And I got this thankyou so much 🌸😄
You're very welcome brother! Happy to help!
Thank you sister! I'm so glad you are appreciating the teachings 🥰 Big hugs!
May God bless you.
Thank you brother 🥰🙏
Its great dear , love from India
Thank you brother! Love from Canada
You in that path nice yog is awesome
Thank you so much Ji 🙏
Thanks very much! 🙏🏻
Thank you Simon 🙏
Keep up the good work sir
Thank you brother
From now on I am your follower. Such beautiful content and guidance ❤ Subscribing for life
Thank you brother! I will be happy to share this path with you 🙏
@@RefeelYoga 🙏🏻🫂
Thank you so much!🙏🙏🙏
You're most welcome! 🙏💖
Thank you for your great sharing. Please share more of these exercises to transform semen energy into other positive and useful one.
Thank you Kelvin. I highly recommend you to check out my 10 Day Challenge, "Raise Your Vibration". This will teach you one of the most effective tools for sublimating and transmuting your se.xual energy into higher and more useful actions.
Lovely content good work
Thank you 🙏💕
brother, thank you so much for this. i'm an asexual person who does not desire sex/dislikes the icky feeling of release, but i still have an occasional libido spike or awful sexual nightmare that annoys me to no end. i will put this into practice and hopefully it will help my creative energy flow better! namaste
Celibacy is a challenging path, but a valid one. It's not one that I have any experience with, so I can't, in good faith, offer you any advice. But I do hope that through using practices of sublimation, you will find the balance that you are looking for 🙏💞
Tengo 21 dias de retencion y meditando tanto como puedo en el día es un camino que no detendré ya no es meta sino camino, namaste
Beautiful brother! Keep up the great work 🙏
Thanks sir❤
Most welcome 💞
Hello @Refeel Yoga, I am having enormous difficulties, I spoke about it to a dozen professionals who treat energies and yoga, they could not help me. I practiced nofap without interruption for 9 months, now I have too much sexual energy. Men are constantly attracted to me which creates huge problems when I am in public. I'm a man myself, I'm straight and so are they, but they often mean to me that it's stronger than them. I have stopped nofap for 2 years but the phenomenon does not diminish at all. I will try this exercise I hope it works.
Hello brother, more than this practice I would recommend you to try our "Raise Your Vibration" program.
It sounds to me like you may have created a bit of an imbalance between Svadhistana and Manipura Chakras.
By retaining your sexual energy for so long there can developed a very powerful charisma (Svadhistana Chakra), but not enough self confidence (Manipura Chakra) to hold the attention and energy that comes with that quality of magnetism.
If Manipura is strong, self confidence and self centeredness are there, no amount of external attention will be too much for you. But Svadhistana Chakra is very influenced by the thoughts and energy of others. So you need to take this beautiful abundance of sexual energy you have and move it up to the higher Chakras. Especially Manipura!
For this reason I recommend "Raise Your Vibration" over this practice. They are both techniques for moving the energy upwards, but this one focuses more on Svadhistana, which you don't need to develop any further. Uddiyana Bandha, which you will learn in RYV, focuses on Manipura and will develop a strong sense of Self.
Give it a try and let me know if you experience any changes.
@@RefeelYoga Ok thank you for your answer, your analysis is correct, I had already diagnosed this. But it is not only a "feeling", males engage in car chases with me, it happens to me every day several times a day. I will practice these 2 exercises Thank You very much
no women attraction.??
give me tips bro to get women attraction and get their number
I can advice you try 20mins cardio morning/evening.
Just found your channel, thank you so much! 🙏
You are so welcome Sahil! I hope you enjoy the rest of our content 🙏
Thank u
You're welcome 💝
Just did this after a workout and I feel like a Greek god thanks
Yes! Amazing bro! You are a God 🙏💝
We w that s just amazing 😍😍
Thank you 🙏🏼💕
Santos Bonnacci goes into a great deal of in-depth teachings on why it is essential to avoid ejaculation of semen. It all goes far beyond enhanced energy, increased immunity and presence of consciousness expansion, well worth the good time to research this along with a daily practice of this type of transformational movement. Yoga means union. Union with creation. Creation is within. Namaste, Peace, Love and joy
You're exactly right brother! There's so much profound clarity and understanding of the Self that comes through this transformational act of retention and transmutation. It's so beautiful that more and more people are waking up to these realizations that were previously reserved for those in monasteries and ashrams 🙏💞 Namaste
This helped me in my nofab
Awesome! I'm glad to hear it 🙏
You're welcome brother 🙏
A nofapper here, exactly what I need. Namaste, Master
Awesome! Great work brother 🥰🙏
You're welcome
Hello there,Brother if you do it for 11 minutes on each side then how many times you do pump the legs and it can be split into two time frames that is evening 5 minutes and morning 6 minutes or all at once ? @RefeelYoga
As you like it brother. Go with what is comfortable for you, and make sure to build up the practice gradually,. Don't just jump from 3min to 11min. Take your time 🙏
Actually I'm thinking to practice yoga to help with nofap. In the comments people calls this semen retention. Strangely didn't anyone talking aboit nofap in the comments, maybe I'm the first. Already tried this during a nofap urge, helps a lot, incredible! Feels like my head is energized! I will try to do this everytime i have an urge on nofap. Thanks!
Dude u r not alone here I guess.🤣..lemme jst give u a clue ...the thing is u cannot do these asana or yoga without No fap ...the whole point of doing this Yogas is to convert ur stored semen into energy. ...nd make sure u practice no fap properly... What u can do is restrain urself frm Fapping frm as much time as possible.. Lets say 25 or 30 days ..if u hv capacity to go beyond tht thn go for u in tht 30 days period time u mst practise these asans ...nd these will help u to do as mentioned above :)
Remember doin these exercises while Fapping almost everyday or evey week may not be gud for u ..
Some people refer to NoFap as a practice of celibacy, for some it means only being sexual with a partner (no self stimulation) and for others it means sexual continence or semen retention. All can be good practices, depending on the individuals needs.
In the cases where one chooses to retain their semen, continence and celibacy, it is imperative that one does some sort of sublimation of the sexual energy. Otherwise the energy will overload Svadhistana Chakra and it can lead to all sorts of sexual dysphoia: obsession, fear, aversion, dysfunction of the sexual organs, paranoia, perversion, etc. These are the cases where one must do Yoga or some other form of sublimating the sexual energy.
I nearly had psychosis occur and pain pressure in my head after 3 weeks of no fap... what does this mean? I had an energency crank to get it out of me... so unsure. @@RefeelYoga
yes, I cannot wait to try this tomorrow. I have been practicing semen retention for a while now and have had some issues with transmuting my sexual energy into usable heart or brain energy. Kapalabhati has been super helpful and this looks equally efficacious. it says Kundalini Kriya. Where did you learn this? Where did you pick this up at? Thank you so much. 🙏
Hello Christopher, I found this practice is a book of Yogi Bhajan kriyas called "Sexuality and Spirituality":
It's ridiculously expensive! But has many wonderful practices contained within.
I agree with you that Kapalabhati is a great technique for developing your retention practice and working through the difficult moments that arise. What I would recommend the most for helping to transmute your excess energy is developing a strong Uddiyana Bandha practice. In my opinion, this is one of the most essential practices a man can develop on this path, and has so many functions for working with energy and combining into more advanced Kundalini practices.
I think it's so valuable that I designed my first 10 day challenge around this practice alone. If you are having issues transmuting your energy, I highly recommend you to give it a try. You will receive a great gift in these 10 days.
Raise Your Vibration:
@@RefeelYoga great. thank you for the reference. is it worth the money? * good to know. I will follow that in the future. * great, thank you for the resources. I serendipitously found out that Earthing helps with semen retention and disbursing the energy throughout the body. Like I was saying, when I get to day 14 of retaining, I sometimes have issues with my male organ feeling like it needs to expel my seed and it is a very uncomfortable sensation. This was happening Saturday (after 21 days of retention) and then I went to hang out with a friend at a park and I sat on my Yoga blanket in the grass and the stinging sensation in my member went away and has not been present since. I use Earthing blankets indoors; but, they are not the same as the Earth. (good substitutes though) so Earthing with my bare feet on the ground and grass is going to be part of my daily practice now. Thank you again.
This also provides effective relief from 'blue balls'.
Awesome! I'm glad it's helping you brother 🙏💞
Thank you for the video.. Nofap from last 21 days.. Feeling great..
21 days is a big milestone! Congratulations brother
@@RefeelYoga thanks again, I will keep updating my days to motivate others..
Great! Thank you brother 🙏🏼
How about now Bro ?
I have stop wasting semen its been
6 months now and I feel like I will win world in upcoming days for sure
Amazing! Great effort brother
Brother, thanks for starting me on this path. 3 days ago, I started sitting in Baddha Konasana (20+mins) 6-7 times a day throughout the day - working on laptop to watching tv. And incredibly maybe first time in my 30 years, I am able to stand strong on abstinence.
Maybe this info will be useful to you.
Wow that is a lot of Baddha Konasana 💪 But yes, a great pose for grounding and controlling your energy!
@@RefeelYoga you are the guru. Just giving you inputs in case it helps your research.
1. On my 4th day of this practise, and no issues till now. I do 6 mins of Nabhi Kriya 4 to keep spine strong
2. Need to drink more water than usual days, as BK does seem to be increasing the heat in abdominal area (but only in small way).
@@kashyap1kumar12 I really appreciate it brother! Thank you for sharing your journey and your experiences 🙏💞
I'm here for the Great Alejandro Peterson
I'm not sure who that is. But thanks for coming ;)
How to control urges
Aside from sublimation techniques to move your sexual energy (I highly recommend you to do my 10 Day Challenge: Raise Your Vibration!), the most important thing to do is to USE your energy in a productive way.
You know what Atharv.... You've just inspired me to make a new video explaining all of this.
Stay tuned, in the next few days I will release a video with all of the information you are looking for 😉🙏💕
Isn't Kundalini Yoga dangerous to perform as stated in some videos?
Unfortunately there is a lot of confusion on the internet about what is Kundalini and Kundalini Yoga. And in this confusion there is a rumor that Kundalini is exaggeratedly dangerous. It is definitely not dangerous. At least, physically, not any more so than any other form of exercise and, mentally, not more so than any other practices for working with emotions or expanding one's consciousness.
If you would like to know more, we did a video where we discuss this idea about Kundalini being "dangerous"
Can women do this as well?
Thanks Andrew. One of the most miraculous kriyas ever. Rather, for me, the single kriya I do even if I do nothing else.
One small question: as it is helpful, but a taxing kriya. May I ask if we can do smaller sets. I.e. you taught 5 series of pumps on each leg. Can we do 2 series or 3 series on each leg? Will it benefit.
Asking, given my lung capacity, this way I will be able to do more of this kriya.
I would definitely recommend adjusting all practices in a way that makes them accessible for you. Especially if you feel you are running out of breath 🙏💗
When semen is converted to ojas. It will increase our immunity,muscle growth, brain power etc plzz reoly sir
Essentially, yes. Any time we retain our semen we conserve a lot of energy and vital nutrients that are usually consumed during ejaculation. This conserved energy can then be used for healing, physical activity, mental energy, enhanced perception, and - with proper sublimation and meditation practices - can be used to expand consciousness and reach the divine 💖
@@RefeelYoga thanku so much sir ❤️❤️
Thank you for asking 🙏🏼
@@RefeelYoga what if I have an obligation to have sex at least once in a while. I have personally observed the great effects of semen retention? Is having sex once in a while okay for spirtual progress? Please reply. @Refeel Yofga
@@Frustered I'm not too sure but If you look up Mantak Chia, He has a lot of great information and insight around that area.
How do you breath for this? What is the effective breathing technique for this exercise?
This practice is done with breath retention. The breath is help in during the pumping of the leg. That is the important aspect. Aside from that, inhale through the nose and exhale however feels right
Man i feel like a little warm and little electricity in My back when i done that, is indicator that is working??
In general any sensations can be a sign that energy is moving. So I would say "yes". However, I would caution you to not be attached to these sensations, as the next time you practice it may be different. The practice will still be working, only the experience may change. Always be open to whatever the practice is creating for you in each moment. In this way you will go the furthest 🙏
Nice bhai
How to develope a greater awareness of mind🤔🙄
Thanks brother 🙏
How this is beneficial for women. Plz explain
This is a practice for transmutation, or sublimation, of the lower energies. With or without semen, everyone has vitality and sexual energy. This practice works to pressurize the lower two chakras and force the energy to move upwards to higher centers. (It actually does nothing to semen!) So this is beneficial to make your innate energy flow upwards and function for higher purposes.
Using a practice like this we can make the sexual energy work for us. Instead of feelings of lust, pleasure seeking, distraction, emotional confusion, etc. We move the energy up to cultivate qulaities such as discipline, will power, compassion, empathy, creativity, insight and lucidity 💕
@@RefeelYoga thank you so much
Hey can u tell the processes of semen retention and post more videos on it please.......
🙏💗 🙏
Hey Refeel.I want you to make Video on Brahmacharya.
Okay! I will be happy to make this video for you 😄
Sir please recommend some Kriya like this for Manipura chakra
Yes sir! Do this practice:
You will not be disappointed
This is an excellent practice
Just have some questions
Can we do it daily and what are the advantages
Yes, you can do it daily. The advantage is that it is training you to sublimate your sexual energy. Which means that you can use your most vital energy to become more motivated, more open and loving, more receptive, inspired and lucid. It's such a strong and effective tool when you learn how to move this energy through the body and will benefit you in a myriad of ways.
If you want to go even deeper into this type of practice I highly recommend you to check out the 10 Day Challenge to Rasie Your Vibrarion
@@RefeelYoga Thank u so much for the reply
I had seen your video and i had already started doing this
Can u suggest me how many of sets and duration
That will be very helpful
Thanks in advance
I'm copying this answer from another comment:
I wouldn't recommend more than once per day. What you can do is work up to a longer duration on each side. Insead of just 5 times on each side you can build to 5min on each side. Or all the way up to 11min on each side. But build slowly! There's no need to rush!
What's much more important than the duration of the practice is the subtly of your mind. Try to really become aware of the subtle flow of energy from the lower Chakras upwards to the higher centres. Once you are tuned into that awareness it doesn't matter if you do 20min or 10seconds. The energy will move just the same
@@RefeelYoga Thank u for the rply
2 weeks into NoFap, my urges were getting out of hand, i was almost about to crack but then i came to this video. I feel a tingling sensation on my bacl, where my heart is. does that mean i am doing this right?
Wonderful brother! Yes, this is what we want. Especially when we are working with gaining control over this "lower" energy, anything that helps us bring awareness to the higher centers it perfect!
When I was beginning I used to actually rub the center of my chest while self-pleasuring just to get the idea of spreading my awareness away from one area. This is what we want, ultimately, to be able to move that energy. Still use it and appreciate it, AND move it throughout the body for healing and expansion.
So yes, these sensations in the heart area are a great sign that the energy has moved up. Try to focus more on them! Try to make it bigger. Let it consume you to the point where it becomes your entire point of focus, your entire body. This will help you greatly to understand your energy and learn how to use your awareness to move it
@@RefeelYoga Thank you bro, you have really helped me out.
@@AnirudhMurali9999 hello! How about now ?
@@SangNguyen-uz4pb still a work in progress I've relapsed before the end of 3 months
@@AnirudhMurali9999 Hello bhai, can I get your Instagram or Facebook? I wanted to ask something related to this.
🙏💗 🙏
I felt a rush of energy in my head which i guess means energy moved upwards.
A beautiful sign of energetic sublimation :)
I heard practicing kundalini is a very potent form of yoga and should be avoided (unless prepared and under supervision) due to the rapid changes that can happen. Any comment on this?
Yes, it's true that it can be a very potent practice and bring up many difficult experiences. But these experiences are often used to help us grow, to shine light on our dark areas and to shed what no longer serves us.
I do not think it should be avoided. Only respected.
We actually did an entire video on this topic, called "Is Kundalini Dangerous?". I would encourage you to check it out:
@@RefeelYoga I appreatiate the video, I checked it out. A secion covered physical, are there any spiritual ramifacation though? Will this practice rapidly raise the Kundalini?
@@VasiliosKambouras This practice (Ojas to Semen) is not such a powerful technique. It is good for beginners to learn to feel the rising of energy - but I do not think it would be so potent to take one directly to an intense awakening. Unless of course there are Karmic influences. And in that case, the awakening is destined to happen.
In the end, nothing can harm the spirit. We are all walking along the same path to wholeness. Some are running and some crawl. But in the end we will all make the same journey. The "issues" only arise to the Ego. And even these are but lessons for us to learn who we truly are. So in the rare event that someone experiences a very difficult moment from some Kundalini practice, I truly believe that it is meant to happen. there is always something to be learned from and no effort is ever wasted.
@@RefeelYoga I appreciate your thoughtful reply and for sharing the practice. Thank you,
Namaskaram 🙏🏽
Hello is this yoga suitable for heart patient
I'm sorry Nirvan but I do not consider myself qualified to answer this question. If you are uncertain I would recommend you to speak with a trained medical professional or someone who is teaching yoga focused on health and healing.
I can highly recommend contacting @Samarasa Healing as they focus a lot of their efforts in this way
@@RefeelYoga Thank you for your response and reference I really appreciate it 😊
Good video. What do you think of caffeine and semen retention? Does it affect us our semen retention practice negatively? even if we are doing yoga and meditation?
It's hypocritical of me to suggest otherwise, because I drink coffee regularly, but I do not think that caffeine helps with the process of semen retention or any other Kundalini-type practices. When we take up these practices we are working to purify our system and cultivate as much energy as possible. Caffeine interrupts this process by putting a strain on the nervous system.
When we retain our semen we build an intense amount of energy and any further stimulation on top of that risks to cause unnecessary irritation.
@@RefeelYoga Yep, I agree. I am currently at day 50 semen retention. If I have more than one coffee it ruins my whole day. I have hardly any sexual thoughts but excess caffeine makes it so hard to purify the mind. I really need to take up yoga. I currently only do meditation.
After doing this i am feeling something warmth in my chest, what does it mean.
It can be a sign that you have moved some energy to your heart centre or it can be the result of holding your breath and expanding your lungs. Both are good! 🙏🏼
Hello Sir,
First of all, thank you very much for this practice. It has been 5 days since I started nofap by watching TH-cam videos about benefits of the same. But I wanted to learn the technique of converting the semen(Viraj) into ojas and you were there to the rescue.
Secondly, I am 21 and I am a newbie to practicing the mudras and asanas for the nourishment of the body and brain.
So, can you please provide a roadmap to going through the same?
I was highly impressed by your knowledge about Ayurveda and yoga.
Keep it up 👍
Great work brother! It's not an easy path you are choosing but it will bring you many benefits!
I highly recommend you to do one of my 10 Day Challenges! They are both working a lot to teach you how to move your s3xual energy and will be great for you to start.
The Raise Your Vibration challenge was amazing and quite easy (only 10min/day). But the new challenge starts tomorrow morning. So you could actually follow along with me as we do it together. It's a bit more (20min/day) but it's also a more complete practice.
I promise you if you go through one of these 10 day challenges you will gain much greater control and understanding of your energy
I am having semen retention, how would this help me? benefits would you get?
The benefits of sublimation are numerous. The biggest being using the excess sexual energy to achieve higher states of consciousness, higher functioning, more energy, greater sense of purpose, etc. The other most important thing about sublimation during retention is it prevents the perversion and other mental disturbances that arise from too much energy staying in Svadhistana, the sexual center.
I would like to ask, how do I know whether I have ejaculated too much? I feel that i have expelled too much of this energy from ejaculation
According to Yogic teachings we want to avoid ejaculation completely, unless it is for the intention of creating a child (or some other form of magic), because it is the most dense form of vital energy we produce. And the more often we are spilling it, the more we are wasting our vitality and youth.
However, any time to start retaining is a good time! You're never too late, until you're dead. At any age you will see benefits from retention. If you are younger you will feel a change in as little as a few days to a week. If you are older it may take up to a month. But it is not too late!
Especially when we have a moment of the life where there is constant emission (daily or multiple times per day) it can be very draining and lead to lethargy, insecurity and depression. But even coming out of an intense loss like this, your hormonal system will start to re-regulate itself in around 10 days.
@@RefeelYoga Ah thank you for this, it gives me a bit of hope, I will continue semen retention practice
Hello friend, I want to ask you if it is okay to repeat the entire procedure 3 times a day and also what are the benefits of practicing this daily?
Yes you can repeat this 3 times, if it feels good for you an your energy. The benefits are that this practice helps with sublimating the lower energies towards the upper centers. This can help to relieve tensions causes by emotions, sexuality, frustrations, etc.
I would however, not consider this a complete technique on its own. To get the most out of this practice it should be followed by a few minutes of meditation (5-20min depending on your capacity)