I have two cub cadets lt 1018 and 1045 both have rear ends locked up, clutch release pulled out , if I jack it up rear both wheels move in opposite direction both had been sitting for a year or more. any ideas
by looking at the wiring diagram the brake pedal must be up and some one sitting in the seat that allows 12 volts thru pto switch thru the contacts on thru the coil in the pto on thru contact in seat switch back to gd on a2 lead on key switch simple enough. check for 12v on red wire on pto coil going to tiny relay thats operated by seat being occupied that conn to gd to operate pto magnet --------i think
Any reason to to "hot wire" to the on board battery with the same switch?
How can I tell which wire is hot because my plug is different so I was going to splice it but both wires are black
I have two cub cadets lt 1018 and 1045 both have rear ends locked up, clutch release pulled out , if I jack it up rear both wheels move in opposite direction both had been sitting for a year or more. any ideas
by looking at the wiring diagram the brake pedal must be up and some one sitting in the seat that allows 12 volts thru pto switch thru the contacts on thru the coil in the pto on thru contact in seat switch back to gd on a2 lead on key switch simple enough. check for 12v on red wire on pto coil going to tiny relay thats operated by seat being occupied that conn to gd to operate pto magnet --------i think
If pto switch burned up
Wait to replace it until you check pto clutch
Hot wire it with 20 amp fuse